#[ charlotte is not a happy camper right now ]
the-firebird69 · 1 year
There's a whole bunch of stuff going on one of them is we're discovering that our son is suffering from the phone it's not so bad when the shield the screen has that glass on it but still not that great he can feel it a little and it's not very pleasant it's been for a long time so we have to help him get the computer up pain in the ass they're going to be a pain probably end up riding all the way up to Comcast and we see it but okay there's some other things happening right now in Charlotte county
-and there are a few people who are trouble and they're expressing it in front of us every day really I mean we have to take care of it but the sky is going to flow in it's going to be an issue this guy Trump is going to be a pain and think he can grab our son again and be president and all that stuff and it's just one way but and they're going to fill in do you see it down to Virginia and the max will start moving on them and it might be over quicker than they think and this could be a few waves probably four or five and that'll be it and it won't come from overseas cuz they're not going to be really there. Other things are happening there's a huge number of people jeez who are working on trying to harass or something and try and get stuff and all stupid s*** and similar stuff is going to happen here the three are getting a s*** kicked out of them right now they're losing their fleet to the warlock and to Mac proper and it is going fast Stan has 100 million left and he has 65% of his big stuff if I didn't have 250 million left he has 85% of his big stuff and Mac has 300 million left and 65% of his big stuff Mac had about 900 million ships it's going down that way and that was just today it's like another 100 million each in between the two and then the empire will come and take them all and tonight they're going to lose more they're not happy campers it's going to be a problem here and they're going to have a lot of suffering and the more likely to fight them down here and they're going to be running into the max they're going to move down to Georgia they need more territory and they're calling theirs back they're going to start moving shortly they have a huge group and it is going to be a massive massive invasion of Georgia and it will push more idiots here it's actually not very good. They plan on taking Virginia holding areas with Force. And the warlock will mostly attack them and they're trying to attack them in the desert again and they are building up around them and they're going down slowly and but it's really quite fast percent over the last day is a lot one more day would not be good at percent each day. There are certain changes coming here in Florida that will make that not as good and it is not going to be by the three and miscellaneous it'll be by foreigners and it's because the max proper trying to move the shield and then try to move to Georgia and it's already over a lot of area and then they'll try and move to Florida that's going to happen pretty quick Georgia is going to fall and they're going to keep them out of there they're getting ready to take it over part of it right now about 25% of it
-the whole place is going to bust open meaning that it is going to be a huge huge deal pretty soon and it will cause problems.
Thor Freya
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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My goodness was today hot. But it was also a really good day. I did see a few councilers cry. But it was a little easier for me. Because James was here! 
I was frustrated as soon as I woke up this morning because I had messages I was supposed to go to a meeting at 10pm last night. Not cool or fun. I was asleep and also I didn't have service so I missed it and felt upset. But it's fine. I will go to the one tonight. Even though I do not want too. Whatever. 
I got ready for the day. Tried not to be all over the place. Failed. But I was up and ready really early and I got to just. Be still. And that was nice. 
I took theme stuff down to the office. And set up my things here. I went and had breakfast. It was waffles. They were fine. And then I was off. 
I worked on some more prep. An then got called down to the office to help take temperatures. But I had a class at 930. And James was on their way to me. 
I was so happy to have them here. To have the help and to just be with them. I love my time here. I love my alone time and being in nature. But I miss their presence a lot. 
James helped me with cardboard cutting. I told people they were my intern for the day. The group that came was super nice. Honestly all the groups were really good. Even if this isn't my favorite project, everyone is having a good time I think. 
After the first program me and James went to the office to actually get them in then visitor list. People were excited they were here. That made me feel good. 
We visited a few people. And then my next group came. More cutting. And then Lauren came to hang out and help put cardboard things together. I love how willing people are to help me. It makes me feel appreciated. 
James went to help tipis and work in the council ring and drum. I had my group but I was really glad they got to go off and be helpful. And have fun. 
Lunch was fine. The sandwich was kind of sad. They gave me a veggie burger again. I didn't like it. I won't eat them anymore I think.i hi t had the bread. Which they put a weird sauce on. 
I felt bad rushing James. But I got called to the office and we had to get a reverse tye dye project started for the YLP kids. So James, because they love me and want me to be happy, handled the bleach. And we got everything ready. 
Next group was the very youngest campers. Very cute.. Very cry. But most of them had fun I think. 
The teens came and they really liked the project I think. They were very silly but I had a good time doing it. The bleach worked a lot better with them. So I'm pretty pleased. 
We took a hammock  break after that until the last group came. We were all kind of dying. But laying together in the hammocks was really nice. Our own hammocks because the idea of touching with this heat was bad. But it was nice to be togetger. Separatly. 
After the last group we decided to go swim. 
We made a pit stop at the office. Found out that theme needed more paper so went to get that and then swam for an hour. James ended up helping with pool canoes. It was so cute see them be a lifeguard if only a little. I love them. 
I ended up getting another Charlie horse in my leg. In the pool. Worst place for it. I was sitting in the shallows so it wasn't so bad. But it hurt! Not as bad as the other day but still. 
We got out and rinsed off in the showers. And then back to arts so I could get dressed. This is where I discovered the art key was gone. I think a kid might have taken it. I hope it comes back but I don't have high hopes. Sucks. 
Dinner was good. I liked it. But right before dinner at the flag a counselor fell down the hill and got hurt and James ran to her I help get her to the nurse. And ended up having dinner with their group and James's sister Charlotte. To help. Fine with me. But then they got ripped into serving and cleaning and I could see how happy,, but exhausted they were.
After I ate I went and worked on styling. Watched James run around. Talked down a crying coworker. Styled 5 people. And said goodbye to James. They will be back to me on Friday. I miss them already. 
Things calmed down around me. And I was as focused as I could be on my other job. I did as much as I needed. And then I went to shower. 
I feel a lot better now. But I'm tired and sore. And I want to just chill. I'm gonna lay here and sip this strawberry water until the sun sets. And then hang out inside until that late night meeting. And then it is sleep. 
Tomorrow is supposed to be over100 all day. Wish me luck. Because honestly I'm a little scared. 
Goodnight everyone. Take care of yourselves. 
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arrancarscenarios · 4 years
Hi! can I plz get headcanons 4 how the arranca boys of ur choice would react to having a human f s/o who goes through a really traumatic event & becomes really ill because of the stress & strain on her body; she survives, but the severity of her sickness took her voice. Like it started off as just a really bad sore throat & then escalated from there. Or, the event was just so traumatic that they could no longer talk? Like ever again; or at least, not for a long, long time. Ty in advance 💛
yw honey!! I did some reactions instead of headcanons bc they’re a little faster for me to get out, but I hope it still gets the point across!
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Forone thing, he does feel a little guilty if her trauma happened whilein Hueco Mundo, or after she met him. Rather than waste time feelingtoo bad about it, though, he focuses any energy he doesn’t alreadyuse to serve his king into taking care of his S/O. He doesn’t knowwhat might be best for a human in this situation, so he starts withthings he thinks he might appreciate if he were in her position —lots of attention and affection, bringing things she likes, and beingwith her as often as possible. It’s okay that she can’t speakright now. First of all, he can do enough talking for both of them,and second, there are other ways to communicate. He knows she’sgoing to recover from it, as well she can, and no matter whathappens, he’s going to be there for her. Oh, and she gets somany throat kisses, both as if he thinks it’s going to help andalso as just one more sweet, romantic gesture.
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Whetherthis happened before or after they met, whether she’s beenvoiceless since he’s known her or if this is new, he’s angry anddisappointed that he couldn’t keep it from happening. Protectinghis S/O is just one more thing he’s useless at. Especially if hertrauma happened before they met, this comes off as self-centered, soD-Roy does his best to swallow it down and concentrate on her. Ofcourse, he’s… at a huge loss here. He doesn’t really know whatto do to make her feel better and sometimes will get frustrated withhimself if he can’t understand what she wants or needs when heasks. Until he can comprehend how to read, the two of them will haveto communicate through gestures. Oftentimes, he just cuddles with herand purrs, in the hope that it might comfort her. He purrs toself-soothe when he’s upset or in pain, so it’s worth a shot,right?
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Ifthere’s one thing Findorr Calius is up for, it’s a challenge. Andthis situation is… very challenging indeed. It’s difficult tospeak to her, but thankfully, he’s very intent about learning toread so that she can write out for him when she wants to talk, orabout learning sign language so she can sign to him. Either way, hespends zero time feeling bad about any of this, and more time doinghis best to understand possible solutions to make their lives easier.Sometimes he can seem distant or indifferent; however, he’s smartenough to realize that neither of them needsto be talking to have a fulfilling relationship, even if they enjoyconversing with each other. Sometimes just sitting together in thequietis enough. Estoyaquí,mi corazón,his silence whispers, estoyaquí.
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Morethan anything, it just kind of pisses him off, regardless of how orwhen whatever happened went down. How dare something or someone thinkthey can just hurtherlike that, bad enough to make her stop talking?! It makes him feelpowerless,particularly if it happened before they met, and if that’s thecase, he’s incredibly bitter about the fact that he’s never beenable to hear her voice. That said,even though he can’t help being angry, he wants to be there for herinstead of just seething about something neither of them can change.He gets easily frustrated by trying to understand what she needs orwants, and sometimes just guesses. He might even swallow his prideenough to approach Szayel, attempting to learn how to read, so thathe can better take care of his S/O.
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It’sunfortunate, but he’s a bit cruel about it initially. He’s upsetenough to tell her mean things like “Wouldyou stop being so silly and just speak?”and “Idon’t know why it’s so hard for you to just talk to me.”It comes off as insanely insensitive, and probably even hurtful as ifhe’s trying to downplay her trauma, act as though it’s no bigdeal, make her feel guilty for being unable to speak. After sometime, it becomes clear that even though that’s the result, it comesfrom a place of intense fear. Something happened to her, somethingbad enough to take away her willingness to talk despite the fact thatshe’s still physically capable of it. That’s terrifying.It scares him. Over time he learns to read her without words, knowingwhat she might want or need, and reacts accordingly… huffing if shegets overly grateful, though. Sometimes at night, when he clings toher, he’ll murmur that he’s sorry for being such a jerk before.
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Justthinking about how much she must be hurting and how much she’s beenthrough, enough to do this to her, makes him feel even moreprotective of her. This is sadto him, more than anything. Every kind word or gentle touch she’sever given him suddenly hurts worse; someone denied her those thingsand here she is giving them to him when she knows that Hollows areill-equipped to reciprocate. He’s even more driven to keep her safenow, doubly determined to prevent anything bad from happening to herever again. Learning to decipher her body language and any otherclues she might give him as to what she wants comes naturally to himbecause he knows he needsto learn.He just… hasto show her that he’s here, he always will be, even when it’s noteasy.
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He’stired, he’s too fucking tired to want to deal with one morehorrible thing happening. And this? Is… pretty horrible. Even if ithappened before he knew her, it still makes him angry in this awful,exhausted way. If it happened after they met, well, he just blameshimself for not being able to stop it, regardless of the fact thatshe certainly doesn’t think it’s his fault. Once in a while he’lljust feel so unbelievably frustrated that he does things like punchwalls before stalking off, or going out to hunt things in the mostbrutal manner he possibly can. He can’t doanything about this.It’s hard for him to be soft at all, he’s all sharp edges anddoesn’t ever really fitwith her. But if that’s what she needs, he can learn how to be justthat little bit less terrible.Not often, and just for her. Even so, he thinks she should leave him,because he is so, so sure he’s never going to know what to do forher… despite the fact that he does just fine. Fuck,it’s complicated.
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Takehow much fun you think he would be about this, and divide it by ten.His S/O is not going to be a very happy camper unless she enjoysbeing prodded at and made to be her boyfriend’s newest scienceproject. He asks entirely too many questions about what happened —whether he’s oblivious to the fact that he’s dredging uptraumatic memories, or just too tunnel-visioned to care at themoment. Especially if it happened after they met, it’s hisextremely inappropriate way of trying to exert some control over thesituation.Otherwise, he just feels helpless, and that is notan option for him. If she doesn’t want him trying out all manner ofexperimental ‘treatments’ to try and get her voice back, severalof which may be rather unpleasant, she’s going to have to draw ahardline in the sand. All that in mind, however, he’s quick at learningthe best ways to communicate with her, sothat part at least is rarely an issue.
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Hetries very, very hard not to dwell on what happened, no matterwhether it was before or after they met. What is he going to do bythinking about it? That isn’t going to change what happened andit’s not going to bring her voice back. When he does think aboutit, about how much pain she went through, thekind of thing that’s maybe a fraction of the trauma Hollows gothrough,all he gets in response is the feeling of his throat tightening. Shedeserves so much better than that. He’s angry that things lined upin a way that allowed this to happen to her. It’s important,though, that he keeps a lid on those feelings so he doesn’tfrighten her with their intensity. Instead, he does his best to becalm around her, to not get frustrated, even though it’s difficult.He pours every ounce of his existence into being softfor her; a barely perceptible smile, a subtle squeeze of her fingersthat he hopes is reassuring, a hand carding through her hair. Everymoment he can, he studies her, so that he might be able to learn howto understand what she needs.
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Hetries to cover it up acting like it doesn’t matter in theslightest, but just thinking about whatever she’s been through…it makes him angry. Angrier than he’s ever been, he thinks…angrier than he even knows how to express. More than anything hewishes he could hunt down whoever, whatever,affected her so badly and just make them cease to exist. Much as hethinks he’s hiding his true feelings, he doesn’t have thecapacity to be really believable about it, and as a result, his S/Ocan definitely tell what he’s feeling. She knows he’s angry, andshe is too, and if she can convince him of this, he might accept thatsometimes all they can do is be angry together. It’s easy for himto get distressed about communication, because he’s not greatat it in the first place, and this makes it harder, so he’s proneto minor blowups about being unable to figure out what she wants. Afew rude things will probably slip out, things that he doesn’tactually mean that he was just too late to stop. Forget swallowinghis pride —he’ll choke it the fuck down and ask Szayel to help him out, evenknowing he’ll have to put up with that smug look on his brother’sface. Being able to do something for his S/O is, strangely, worth itto him.
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seriouslyhooked · 4 years
Feels Like This (Part 3)
Emma Swan is a once lost girl who is now making good. She has made a way in the world for her and her young son, Henry, and after years of hard work, Emma is in her last stretch of schooling for the career she’s always wanted. Unexpectedly, she finds herself in a tiny nation no one’s ever heard of for her last year of study. She knows nothing about the place except that it’s beautiful, has a world-renowned child life program, and is filled with possibility. Meanwhile, Prince Killian is hardly happy with the title he received at birth. As the second in line for the crown, Killian has long tried shaking his royal duties. He built a career in the royal navy, and has stayed out of the limelight, but his ship has been called to port indefinitely at the request of his brother, the King. Fate (in her many forms) brings Emma and Killian together and the resulting fic is a cute, fluffy, trope filled romp featuring heart felt moments, a healthy dose of insta-love and an assured happily ever after. Story rated M and will have 12 parts. Part 1 Here, Part 2 Here. Available on FF Here and AO3 Here.
A/N: Hey everyone! So thank you so much first and foremost for the love you guys have shown this fic. I have been so excited to write this and have been waiting ages to share it all with you. This is the kind of fluff and cuteness I personally need in my life right now, and I know a lot of you probably feel the same. Strap in for my usual dose of CS feels, and yes, for those of you asking, this is the moment CS will meet. Hope you all enjoy and thank you all so much for reading!
“And you’re sure you’ve got everything?” Emma asked, looking at Henry and knowing that he was ready to head into camp. They’d been over this numerous times, and at this point they were already out of the house and in front of the hall where campers congregated every morning. Still, Emma couldn’t help trying to soak up the moment with her kid just a little bit longer, and if that meant running through their list once more, so be it. “You have your lunch?”
“They give us lunch there, Mom.”
“Oh right,” she said, still shocked at how much was provided seeing as this program was free through the University. The children of all faculty and students were allowed to come, and it completely eradicated a need for her to find alternative childcare. Back in the States they had nothing like this built in anywhere. Getting Henry to camp previously either took a funding miracle, an insane amount of luck, or extra shifts at a second job. Usually he stayed with Mrs. H and Emma tried desperately to make it up to their neighbor. But now community sponsored help was becoming a given way of life, and every kid in Montenarro, no matter their background, seemed to have at least one path to a bright and happy summer.
“You’ve got your bag? How about water?”
“Yes and yes. We ran through this already, remember? I told you everything I had while you made breakfast.”
Emma smiled, knowing he was right, as crazy as it sounded. It was wild to her that on a weekday she would have the time, the patience, and the extra bit of cash to afford the spread they ate together today.  They had eggs, fruit, bacon, oatmeal and there were fresh pastries if they wanted. It was like their special holiday brunch, which happened on Christmas or on one of their birthdays, but they’d had this or something similar every day for nearly two weeks. It might seem over the top, but between the later starting hours here in Montenarro, her reduced work schedule with a generous stipend, and the fairer prices at the markets, Emma finally felt like she could give her son what he deserved. For years they’d chowed down on discount cereal, and now, in an attempt to enjoy themselves and resemble their new neighbors, they were taking a slower, and far and away more luxurious approach.
“I remember, kid. So I’ll be back here at four, and if I’m a little late -,”
“I just hang out a while longer, I know,” Henry said, looking to the doorway. A grin appeared at his face as he spotted one of his new friends. The other young boy waved in their direction and Henry waved back, causing Emma’s heart to melt. Her son not only had friends here, he was thriving. He was so happy, and seeing him this way made her happy too. “You don’t have to rush, Mom. I know your work ends early now, but maybe you could do something just for yourself.”
“Are you trying to tell me you’d rather stay later?” Emma asked, and Henry looked embarrassed for a moment before nodding.
“Not too much later, but Michael and Talia stay until five, and we’ve got this cool game going that we made up yesterday. It’s kind of hard to explain. But I can come home at four still. It’s okay, I’ll just -,”
“No, no, Henry, I am thrilled that you’re having a good time. I’ll be here at five.”
“Cool! Thanks, Mom!” Henry exclaimed, giving her a quick hug before heading for the door. “See you at five!”
She watched him get in safely, and the director of the camp who she’d met last week wished her a fond hello as she checked in Henry. Her greeting was pleasant and polite, and Emma knew if she had time the woman would talk her ear off about what it was like to be from America or the upcoming summer festivals. As it was though, Emma had to get going. She wasn’t late for work or anything, but she was eager to get there. Her work at the JR foundation was shaping up to be amazing. She was learning a lot, but she already felt like one of the team. Everyone who was there appreciated her, not just for working and helping out, but for her ideas. They were so responsive to suggestions, and always willing to try out any new concepts Emma had only really read about in books.
Their director, Marco, wasn’t like a normal boss. He didn’t hover or micromanage or come across as inaccessible. In fact, despite all the other calls on his time, Marco was with them all helping the kids and participating in their activities as much as he could. That leadership was so amazing in a space like this, and from everything Emma had experienced, the precedent he set was entirely reflective of the culture at large. Every person at the institute was determined to do right by these kids, and the children, despite the sad circumstances surrounding most of their lives, were doing so well and seemed so happy despite it all.
It was only a few city blocks from Henry’s camp to the center, but Emma let herself linger in the walk. She moved more slowly, matching the pace of the people around her, who never seemed to rush, and instead just enjoyed each day as it came. People were always smiling and laughing, and even the fighting was good natured. The streets were bustling but not full. They were cleaned regularly, maintaining the gorgeous cobblestone walks and the beautiful vintage architecture. It was warm here – a quintessential coastal retreat in the Mediterranean that she’d only ever imagined in her dreams or seen on travel TV. Everything considered, it was the opposite of New York, and despite having lived in the city she and Henry called home for more than ten years, Emma had to admit she didn’t miss it… at least not as much as she thought she would.
Don’t get too attached, Emma. This is temporary. Enjoy it while you can, but your real life is nothing like this.
The voice in her head was negative, but had a point, and Emma had no choice but to heed the advice. She would enjoy every bit of this she could, but she couldn’t get too comfortable, otherwise she’d miss this when they left. Even thinking of the heartbreak that may come if Henry continued to love it here so much left her reeling, but Emma carried on, pushing down that worry as she made her way past the institute’s front gates. It was important that she be in the right headspace when walking through these doors. The kids deserved her at 100%, and that was what she planned to be for them. Shaking off the worry from moments ago she moved inside, and as soon as she arrived, she was greeted by the sound of children running and laughing.
Some people might look at this place right now, apparently filled to the brim with kids who were wired and excitable now that it was officially summer and the school term was over, and think that this was chaos, but Emma knew better by now. Every child here ranging in age from six months to sixteen was attended to and accounted for. They had a large brood of kids, with sixty-seven at last count, and this was the biggest home under the JR foundation, though there were half a dozen more around the small country. Many children who were here would eventually be adopted, or would merge into part of a nationally funded fostering program, known for being one of the best systems in the world. In their last two years of school, older children went to special homes or foster placements designed just for them, to give them the attention and time they needed (instead of leaving them to the wayside for the sake of younger, needier children), and to prepare them for life outside of the system. Emma would eventually shadow a center that worked with those young adults, but for now, she was enjoying the hustle and bustle of the general group.
“Look, Char, it’s Emma!” one young boy named Thomas proclaimed to his little sister Charlotte from across the room, and in seconds every child had turned and was excitedly greeting her. Some of them came right up to hug her or give her a high five, but at the very least they all nodded in her direction and chirped out a fond hello.
“Good morning everyone,” Emma said, noticing the bags along the doorway and how the older kids were dressed in a uniform of navy colored shorts and florescent green shirts. “Did I miss something?” Emma asked aloud, not really to anyone in particular, but an answer came from one of the institute’s most trusted sources.
“Flora is taking the older children to the seaside today for a science lesson.”
The woman who filled Emma in was named Elsa, and despite the humidity in the air and the exuberance of the children all around them, she was totally put together and looked completely unstressed. Her hair was tied back in her usual braid, and her turquoise colored summer dress flowed in a way that looked poised for a summer catalogue. Elsa was effortless in an enviable way, but she was so kind and eager to be of help that Emma couldn’t begin to muster jealousy. In a short time Emma had begun to consider Elsa a friend, but though the two of them were roughly the same age, Emma was still a student and Elsa was a fully-fledged child psychologist who lived at the institute full time. She, and her sister Anna, who also worked at the institute, but as an activity’s coordinator, were two peas in a pod, but they’d done everything they could to include Emma and help her get her bearings in this new world.
“Lessons? In the summer?” Emma asked, not surprised that the institute was providing supplementary schooling year-round. She’d seen as much since starting here, but she was more taken aback at how excited these kids looked. Every child aged ten and older was gathered down here, no doubt waiting to fill the two institute vans out back. Still, how fun could a science lesson be?
“We use the term lessons lightly. For the rest of the morning the children will explore the tide pools at the national endowment’s shoreline about an hour north. There are some very unique ecosystems there, and so there is a whole lot to learn. But Flora will have them break for lunch and Anna takes over in the afternoon.”
“What’s she got in store for them?” Emma asked and Elsa shook her head.
“Well I can’t exactly say, as I’ve been sworn to secrecy.” Her smile grew at how silly that sounded, and she looked over her shoulder to check for Anna, but gave a little more when she saw that the coast was clear. “Let’s just say it’s going to be a jam-packed day that will go out with a blaze of glory.”
The emphasis Elsa used on the word ‘blaze’ made Emma think that there would likely be a beachside bonfire included, but before she could get confirmation, things started moving quickly. The older kids were summoned to the shuttles to go out for their day, and Emma meanwhile saw the clock and realized it was time for her to report to Marco’s office to get her assignment for the day. Moving through the playroom and the sunroom, which had the younger children and the babies respectively, she finally found her way and after knocking she walked into the brightly lit hub of all things here at the institute.
“Ah, good morning, Emma,” Marco said with a big smile, waving her in and gesturing that she should take a seat beside one of the other workers at the institute, Marie. Marie was Marco’s second in command, and though she never used the phase herself, the children had taken to calling her Nana. She had a maternal way about her, and every child seemed to love her as they might a favorite grandmother. “You’re here just in time. I’ve been talking with Marie and we think that today would be a perfect opportunity to try one of your intervention measures.”
“Really?” Emma asked, surprised, but excited at the thought. This would be the third that they had tried, and the last two had gone off without a hitch. “Which one?”
“The ‘Music Makes Me…’ one seems like a good choice. We have a few children who, to now, have been less responsive to our normal socializing measures. Their either shy or hurting, and we’re hoping to help them open up. Elsa’s our counselor on shift today and she’s eager to help oversee this. You’ll take the lead, but she’ll be there for any help you might need. We realize it’s a long-term project,” Marco said, looking down at a piece of paper to check his facts. “You wrote here three times a week for eight weeks. Is that right?”
“Yes, sir. Ideally. Positive identity work can start yielding results as soon as three weeks, but the Princeton Psychology Review did a study this winter that showed children’s habit forming reaches its peak effectiveness after the eight-week mark.”
“And this is one of the projects you modeled off of your own parenting experience, correct?” Marco asked as Emma nodded. Her throat grew tight at the genuine emotion behind this tactic, but this was a place with people she trusted not to judge her. As such, she shared what sparked the idea.
“When Henry first started school, he was one of the only kids that wasn’t in a two-parent household. Even the other single parents had some sort of family behind them, like grandparents, aunts and uncles, or other kids. I’m not exactly sure how long he struggled with being different in that way, he’s an independent kid and he kept his pain over that closed in, probably to spare me from being worried. But when his teachers gave me their assessment and told me what they thought was happening, I set something not dissimilar to this up. We tried painting and crafting to express his emotions, but the music seemed to help so much more.”
“It’s really remarkable, the way you’ve melded your experience with your son and your own past in with all of this cutting-edge research. It’s one of the many reasons we’re so thrilled you’re with us this year,” Marie said cheerfully and Emma warmed at the comment. Telling the story of her son’s pain at not having a father, however vague she had kept it, was hard, especially because Emma lay awake many nights wondering if he was missing something fundamental by not having a father. She wondered if it may hurt him in the long run. But she was reassured by the fact that she always did her best for Henry, and that her experience could help not just her son, but the children here who had no present parents at all.  
“Given that it’s rather late notice, do you think you can manage? We’ve got a window right now for a few hours. Elsa’s already selected the children who may need the intervention most. She kept it in the 5-8 age range as you suggested.”
Emma immediately assured them that she could pull this together, as the concept was not hard. Basically what this practice/exercise included was playing music that was grounded in emotion. Some that were happy, some more subdued, some fast, and some slow, and encouraging kids to do what they wanted when they heard that. For Henry he’d always loved to run around and dance at the fast-paced songs. Then the slower ones were always more interesting. Sometimes he picked up a favorite toy, drew a picture on the supplies she left out, or created his own little imaginary game. All the while, however, Emma’s job was to engage, support, and ask questions.
The questions always started mildly. What’s your favorite color today? (she’d learned early not to box her son into ultimate favorites). If you could have any snack in the world what would you choose? What animal makes the funniest sound? Then the questions would evolve. Her son, like many kids, was a vivid dreamer and Emma often asked about those night time visions. Sometimes they meant nothing but sometimes they told her a lot. She wanted to include that with these kids, but also include more focused questions to them about how they felt here at the institute, what they felt like when they told people from the outside about living here, and what they dreamed of for the future. She’d always ended each session with Henry in two parts. The first was to ask Henry what his biggest wish was for someone else, and the second was to ask his biggest wish for himself. Kids at his age were filled with wishes and wants, but Emma knew from personal experience, that that may already be flickering away in kids without parents. She’d been seven years old when her hope truly started to fade away, and she believed if she’d had these kind of positive affirmations and people who were working to see her happy and well situated, her relationship with the world and herself would have been much easier.
In the end, Marco, Marie, and Elsa decided that there were five best candidates for today’s intervention. Stella and Timothy were a biological brother and sister who had been at the institute for about a year. They were eight and six, and both of them were doing pretty well despite their parents losing custody of them from continued problems with substance abuse. They were likely moving into a fostering situation by the end of the summer, but they had been here a bit longer than normal because they were bonded together and making that accommodation took patience and the right placement. According to Elsa, Stella’s teachers a few times had mentioned her shyness, especially when people brought up her home life. Malek was a seven-year-old boy from a similar situation, though his father was in the process of getting clean for his son. The institute was always cautious for replacement with parents who struggled, but if his father could demonstrate stability and stay clean a full year, the legal system would grant him custody again. Malek, understandably, had mixed feelings about going back, and Emma wanted to try and help him with those through this process. Carlos, meanwhile, was a rambunctious six-year-old who had been given up at birth. He was shaped by his status as an orphan, and had a few close adoption calls that ultimately fell through. Luckily, though, a new family with sincere interest and the means to take care of him was stepping up, and they had exactly eight weeks before the system would process their filing for adoption, a perfect amount of time to help Carlos with some of these image issues before he settled into his new home.
The final child in Emma’s care today, however, was Cecilia, or as the other children called her, ‘CeeCee.’ Cecelia was a newcomer to the institute, and at just barely five years old, she was the youngest in Emma’s group today. She was quiet and withdrawn, but given her background that was all to be expected. At such a young age Cecelia had already been through so much. When she was two her parents had tragically passed in a car accident, and she’d moved in with her grandmother. Her grandmother was loving and did everything she could for her, but she was in poor health, and was now in need of care herself. Emma wasn’t here on the day that Cecelia came to the foundation, but Elsa had mentioned it with tears in her eyes a few days prior.
“I’ve seen so much heartbreak in this job, but watching that little girl realize she was being left behind… It was awful. She cried so quietly and for so long. It took us weeks to get her to say anything at all.”
Even now Cecelia was always quiet. She’d blended in a bit more with the other children, but she wasn’t particularly bonded to any of them. She had grown to be more trusting of the adults, but not in a really promising way. With Emma she’d always been sweet and well-tempered, but Emma hoped that this process might help her, and might get her to a place where she could be better socialized and cared for.  The next few hours proved to be even more promising than Emma dared to hope. All five children not only had fun, but made good steps towards progress. They all confided a little bit in Emma and Elsa, and they all responded well to the method. When Emma asked them if they’d like to do this again in a few days, all five of them were thrilled, and little Cecelia, who was normally so shy, was the biggest shock of all. Over the course of the few hours she’d opened up so much to Emma, and by the end of the session she was holding Emma’s hand tightly, intent on going with her through her day. Emma was so happy to see this little girl doing so much better, and she had to admit she was invested in this child, perhaps more than any other she’d met so far at the institute.
“Do you think it’s all right?” Emma asked, motioning downwards, but not saying everything aloud. The last thing she wanted was for Cecelia to not feel wanted when she’d made such tremendous progress, but she was worried about what might happen if she grew too attached.
“This happens sometimes. Kids have a sense for safe spaces. She was already responding really well to you before,” Elsa said, crouching down and waving at Cecelia, sharing a soft compliment for the toy rabbit she was carrying with her today, which made the little girl smile and chirp out a gentle ‘Thank You.’ Even that little show of gratitude and the genuine smile was an improvement, and Emma felt a burst of pride seeing this young girl come out of her shell. “We’ll keep an eye on it, but I think it’s best to see where it goes. She’s showing no signs of dependency, and hopefully you’ll be the perfect gateway for her to let the rest of us in.”
Emma hoped that Elsa was right, and as everyone in the center gathered for lunch, Cecelia stayed close by. Emma did her best to stay attentive to all of the kids who choose to eat with her today, but she also wanted to lead this lost little girl towards others who may be her friends. She was making good progress with another five-year-old named Ava, who was eager to be friendlier with Cecelia, when Marie approached, appearing frazzled and a little shaken.
“Is everything all right?” Emma asked, careful to keep her words calm and her tone even so as not to scare the kids. Her instincts were that something bad must be happening, but Marie shook her head, quickly dispelling her of that notion.
“Everything is wonderful, dear. We just have an unexpected visitor – actually I guess visitor is the wrong word. He’ll be staying on here for a while to work with us all. It’s a bit unexpected, but I dare say it’ll prove a delight in the end, for us and for the children.”
“Who is it that’s coming?” Emma asked, and Marie looked poised to blurt something out, but then caught herself and weighed her words carefully.
“One of the members of the family who run the foundation.”
Emma now began to understand the sudden rise in stress. Whatever JR stood for, and whichever family it was that could afford to spend so much on these resources, they must be both terribly rich and powerful. Being so new here, Emma didn’t know any background about the endowment, but she hoped that whoever was coming would be a help and not a hindrance. Surely they’d come here and see how much good work was being accomplished. She hated to think they’d be coming to make cuts or roll back funding.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Emma asked and Marie shook her head.
“Oh no dear. You’re doing a wonderful job. This isn’t an assessment of any kind. I believe it’s a genuine act of charity. You see he’s been in the military, and now he’s come home. His family’s no doubt pushing him towards some kind of occupation, and he’s chosen this as his pursuit.”
Emma wanted to ask more, about if this mystery man had any experience with kids or why, even if he was so very rich, Marie displayed school-girlish enthusiasm at his coming, but the older woman moved on to handle something else. Instead Emma waved Elsa over and asked her if she knew the man who was coming.
“Of course I do, everyone knows him,” Elsa said, thoroughly adamant that this stranger was of some notoriety. Then her features softened and she took on a thoughtful expression. “Well I suppose we know of him. We’ve never met, you see. But it’s impossible not to know him.”
Emma nodded, but she was still somewhat surprised. To this point she hadn’t gathered a sense that the family who ran the endowment was exceedingly involved in the day to day of the center. But then again, Elsa had been here far longer than her, and so she probably needed to keep track of the important players who were their most generous donors. Emma could have remained hung up on the strangeness of it all, but instead her mind wandered to the few details she did know. He was a military man, newly home, and he was coming here to make a difference. She thought about that and what that meant, and she found that she already liked him, or at least his attitude. Serving in the armed forces meant a life of service – to come home from that and still want to help others was admirable, and she hoped it would provide a good role model for the children, no matter what his actual child life background might be.
From the window in the great hall where all of the children and staff took their meals, they could all see down the back drive where a second entrance to the center was located. At that moment three black SUVs began their ascent, and the children’s attention immediately perked up as they ran to the windows. Emma felt the growing anticipation at the new arrival, and she wondered why there would need to be three SUVs. It reminded her of the protective details that sometimes came in the city, when big time politicians made their way to city hall where she worked for some sort of meeting or photo op. But what would be the reason for such a display today? Why would anyone need one of those when coming to a children’s center? It was hard to grasp, but then she questioned her instinct. The men who exited from the vehicles weren’t in high profile suits. They were more casually dressed, just like any workers here at the center. She wasn’t able to see all of them, but soon enough there were voices in the hall. Marco and Marie greeted the newcomer, and Emma only caught a snippet of the conversation.
“We’re thrilled to have you here, Sir.”
“Killian, please.”
“Killian. Right, sorry. That may take getting used to.”
“Not a problem. We have time.”
Emma was caught up in the sound of the new voice. It was distant, but even from here she felt an impact at the gravel in the tone and the lilt of the accent. It washed over her, sparking a sizzling sensation that was foreign to her, and after weeks in this country she’d always found the accent pleasing, but never responded like this. She found herself wanting to know what this man looked like, to see what kind of appearance could go with a voice that enticing, but she was getting ahead of herself. What did it matter what he looked like? He was going to be a coworker, right? This was hardly the time or place to be interested in someone. Still her stomach swooped with the tell-tale flutter of butterflies and she shifted in her seat. The action, along with the new voice in the hall, sparked something in Cecelia to change from comfortable to tense. The young girl grabbed at Emma’s shirt, latching on for a sense of perceived safety. Emma’s heart reached out to this poor, sweet girl, and she took her hand gently, trying to assure her as swiftly as she could.
“It’s all right, honey. You’re safe here. I promise.”
“I don’t like strangers,” Cecelia said and Emma tried not to get misty eyed at the sense of uncertainty this little girl held so tight.
“I was a stranger once, wasn’t I?” Emma asked and Cecelia considered that before nodding. 
“But you’re nice to me. You read us stories and play us music. You’re my most favorite friend.”
“And you are my friend too, honey. So let’s wait and see what kind of person he is before we decide if we like him, okay? You never know – he could be your favorite too.”
Cecelia looked skeptical but ultimately agreed, and Emma was glad to have that sorted. She had been so focused on curtailing Cecelia’s worry that she forgot where they were. Now she noticed everyone else was standing, children and staff alike, so she helped Cecelia down from her seat and stood up herself. The sounds of people walking in played out around her, but Emma took a moment to make sure her young charge was settled before looking back up. She patted Cecelia’s hair and brushed her full brown curls from her face, with care. Only then did she look up. But when she did, she never could have expected what would happen. 
As her eyes took in the stranger, their gazes met, and she was struck by a sense of recognition and realization that she’d never felt before. Something clicked for her in that moment, in the first few seconds of their seeing each other, and her awareness grew stronger and stronger. So much bubbled up to the surface, emotions and feelings and desire and interest. It was like something was opened within her, and she felt drawn into this man and unable to resist. This stranger had blue eyes, intense but warm all at once, piercing in a way that they seemed like she knew them and they knew her. Instinctively she looked to the rest of him - Killian he said his name was - but it didn’t help her sense of disorientation. His face was remarkable, strong and sure. His hair was dark, and his figure was no doubt honed for the expectations of his years of military service. She felt herself taking him all in, and then caught herself and thought about what a scene she was making. This wasn’t appropriate. Oggling this man just because he was hot – okay more than hot, he was… god was it lame to say perfect – oh Christ she was doing it again. She needed to stop, but when she looked up at him, she caught him doing the same thing to her. It was incredible to feel his interest, and for a moment it was like the world stopped spinning so the two of them could find each other. 
Find each other? Jesus, Emma, get a grip. The thought ran through her head as Marco began to address them all.
“Everyone, this is our newest friend here at the institute, Killian.”
“You’re big,” a boy named Seamus called out, unceremoniously and for a beat Marco and Marie looked concerned, but Killian only laughed.
“You should see my brother.”
“Is he coming too?” Marie asked, looking like she might actually be done in by the news.
“No, ma’am,” Killian said with a small smile and Marie let out a sigh of relief. What was that about?
“Why do you stand so straight?” another boy asked and Killian explained.
“I was in the royal navy.” This was met by a chorus of oohs and aahs, from the girls and boys alike.
“Are you a good person?” someone asked, and only after a moment did Emma realize it was Cecelia. She was shocked at the display of bravery from her little companion, but then that was compounded by Killian’s movement towards them. He split his looks between Cecelia and her, but when he approached he crouched down so as to be eye level with the little girl.
“What’s your name, little one?”
“Cecelia. That’s a beautiful name,” he said honestly and Cecelia swayed side to side a bit with the compliment. “Now as for your question, I certainly try to be good.”
“But you’re a stranger,” Cecelia said, looking at him with a furrowed brow, as if this was some kind of simple math he should understand.
“For now I am. But not forever, I hope.”
“My Emma was a stranger too. She’s a good person. Are you like my Emma?”
Now Killian rose to full height and he addressed Emma as much as he did Cecelia. “I do like her.” Emma’s heart skipped and then she watched his face shift in embarrassment as he realized what he said. “I mean I hope I’m like her, lass. But only time will tell.”
“Miss Emma, does time talk?” Cecelia asked and Emma bit her lip to keep from laughing as her eyes caught Killian’s again.
“No, honey. It’s an expression. It means that with a little bit of time you will know if he’s a good person. You just have to be patient.”
The look Killian gave her in that moment was packed with so much. Gratitude, interest, and something more. There was a charge between them that she just couldn’t deny, and she could tell he felt it too. But before he could say anymore, Marco called everyone’s attention again.
“Anyone have any ideas as to how we should welcome Killian?” he asked and a chorus of answers came flooding in.
“I know! I know! We should show him our giving tree.”
“No! We should show him our playground!”
“I want to show him my pirate ship!”
“We should feed him the turnovers Cook makes. She hides them in a secret spot but I know where they are!”
“Well that all sounds brilliant, especially the turnovers. Why don’t we do all of it?” Killian asked, before looking to Marco who nodded readily. The kids looked excited, and were eager to go, but before things got too crazy, Killian looked back at Emma and grinned.
“It was a pleasure meeting you, Emma.”
And with that, and with so much swag and sexiness it made her a little dizzy, this mysterious new man set off, throwing himself into the deep end with these kids, and showing them all that he could hold as own, just as surely as he could hold her attention.
Post-Note: So there we have it! I know, I know, you’re probably mad I kept their meeting so short and waited until the very end, but next chapter I am planning to include this first meeting from Killian’s POV. This story, as much as any of my stories can, has a bit of a slower build, because there are a lot of elements I really want to include, but I promise there’s plenty of fluff in store and a lot of cuteness that yet to come. Thank you all so much for reading, and I really hope you’ll leave a comment or a review. I’d love to see what you all think and what you’d like to see going forward in this new fic. Anyway, I will do my best to update soon (probably next weekend), but in the meantime I hope you’re all well, safe, and happy in this uncertain time!
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jungle321jungle · 5 years
Sleeping In The Woods: One
It was never in Virgil’s plan to be a camp counselor, he had never been a fan of kids.
It was never in his plan to learn to enjoy each of the boy’s company, he had never wanted to learn the truths behind their fake smiles.
It was never in his plan to get wrapped up in things he didn’t understand, he had always preferred to keep to himself.
None of it was ever his plan, but he’d do whatever he’d have to save everyone- even if it means risking himself.
General taglist: @ashensanity @angels-and-dreams @ollyollyoxinfree @gattonero17
Virgil had never been a fan of children.
They were loud, annoying, needy, and tried his patience to the point that driving off a cliff would be better than babysitting.
But when his mother had demanded that he get a job for the summer instead of: “becoming the newest piece of furniture in their home”, his father had unfortunately overheard. And of course because of truly cinematic timing, one of his coworkers had a son, Thomas, who would be working at Camp Storytime which was short a counselor.
Virgil already hated it at the sound of its name.
But upon research he had learned that due to being a camp for rich kids, the pay was very nice. So he had put on his best fake smile for that Skype interview where he had essentially lied to every question.
“Let's start easy, do you like kids?”
“Of course. Why would I be applying if I didn’t?”
The camp director had given a laugh, “So what age do you prefer?”
“I don’t really have a preference, but given I just graduated high school I’m not sure some of the older kids would really respect me.”
“Do you enjoy fairy tales? And all that goes with them? The younger kids are really into all of our themes. We have Pirate Days, and Royalty Days, and last summer we even had a Monster Day. Does that sound like something you’d be interested in?”
“Yeah, it sounds fun. What’s not to like about being a pirate? Well, other than scurvy.”
Despite getting the job, Virgil was not one hundred percent he could pull off the facade necessary to get through the summer.
But with training ending and campers arriving in a couple days, he didn’t really have a choice.
“Alright now that general training rules and protocol have been drilled into your head, it’s time to find out which cabin you’ve got and get your rosters. So you’ve got the rest of the day to move in and start prepping.”
Virgil gave a heavy swallow as the papers were passed around. For the last few nights they had all shared one cabin while the others were being prepared for campers, but now he was going to have to move elsewhere and truly begin to prepare for responsibility.
He just hoped he was paired with one of the more competent counselors.
“Oh I got the Prince Cabin with Jon,” Thomas commented handing the stack of papers to Virgil.
Virgil glanced over Thomas’s shoulder, “Nineteen of them, you enjoy that.”
Thomas shrugged, “What do you have?”
Virgil gave a breath and finally flipped through and pulled out the assignment sheet with his name in confusion.
While it clearly said which grade and cabin was his, 4th and Wizard Cabin, it only listed five names under campers.
“Only five?” Thomas asked in surprise. “There’s really not that many Wizards this year, huh?”
“I’m by myself,” Virgil realized after a short pause as he passed the papers on.
“Well yeah, the ratio is ten to one. So you lucked out with half that.”
Virgil blinked before looking Thomas in the eye, “But I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Fake it till you make it? But hey, if you really need help I’m in the Cabin next door.”
Virgil mumbled a thank you in reply.
Another thing Virgil had never been amazing at was decorations. And yet he had been tasked with decorating the cabin in a “wizard theme”. He wasn’t even sure he knew what that meant. So for now he guessed, and decided he was going to over use glitter, make some wands out of something, and maybe throw some glow in the dark stars up- was that too young for fourth graders?
Oh well, they would have to deal with it.
“Your stars are in the wrong places.”
Virgil’s mouth had opened and closed as the kid walked past him to sit on a bottom bunk bed. He looked at Virgil with a bored expression from behind his glasses, “This one says Dante but I want to sleep here.”
“Logan Ackroyd,” his mother chided before he held out a hand. “I apologize, you said it was Virgil, right? I’m Patricia Ackroyd, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Virgil nodded slowly before he pulled off the “Dante” sign and moved to the Logan one to switch them, silently wondering why the name sounded familiar.
“Oh you don’t have to,” his mother tried. “I’m sorry he’s being difficult.” She then sent her son a look which he stiffened at. “Usually he holds himself with a better demeanor.”
“It’s fine,” Virgil told her switching the signs. “I figured that I might get a complaint if I labeled things anyway.”
“I notice there’s only five names?”
“Only five kids apparently.”
“Interesting. Well Logan, let's get you unpacked.”
Virgil made awkward small talk as they did so before the next campers voices could be heard as they approached.
“But why can’t we be in the Prince Cabin,” groaned a small voice before an exasperated voice replied,
“That one’s for fifth graders.”
“But I don’t want to be a wizard!”
“Me neither!”
“Doesn’t matter what you want!”
The voices turned out to belong to the two twins which had been on his list. Roman and Remus Regis. Along with them were their parents- who did not look happy to be there. But then again the movie stars that they were, he guessed they didn’t really love the idea of being in a dirty forest.
“Sentor!” Their mother, Daniela Regis he recalled, cried suddenly excited going over to where Logan’s mother had been kneeling by a very small dresser (Virgil silently wondered the point of having dressers at all when each looked like they held four shirts at once). “It’s so good to meet you again.”
Well, these were supposed to be rich kids.
Logan’s mother stood and gave a well practiced smile as she dusted off her skirt. “Hello Daniela.”
“You the counselor?”
Virgil turned away from the women to the man who had entered, movie star Michael Regis. Virgil hoped he was good at poker faces, “Yes. I’m Virgil.”
He nodded and set down the two suitcases beside the beds, “Keep them in check.”
“Got it...”
With that the man moved beside his wife to chat up senator Ackroyd.
“I’m Remus,” one the twins stated looking over to Logan. Virgil made a mental note that Remus was the one with a light patch in his hair. “This is my brother Roman. I’m gonna guess you’re Logan?”
Logan looked away from the conversation in front of him and gave a stiff nod, “Yes.” The boy said it with such finality that made it clear that he didn’t want to be spoken to, but that sentiment was apparently ignored.
“Have you ever been to a camp like this before?” Roman asked him.
“Do you like pranks?” Remus added.
“I’m gonna unpack,” was Logan’s reply as he moved to do so.
“Logan,” Mrs. Ackroyd tried, but the Regis’ were not letting up.
“Really? You know the director?”
For an actress Mrs. Regis was not very good at sounding as if she hadn’t rehearsed.
“Did you make the wands?” Roman asked appearing at Virgil's side.
“Uh yeah... I did. Why?”
The wands weren’t anything too special. He had simply taken a few cool looking sticks and cut them down with a pocket knife. And then Thomas had thought they were plain and had doodled on some mainly out of boredom.
“Ollivander said the wand chooses the person. And you chose for us.”
Virgil blinked, before he came up with a quick response, “You're not eleven yet. These are trainer wands.”
The boy seemed surprised by the response, but with that he backed off. Unfortunately Logan didn’t.
“Do we have to wear robes?”
“It’s summer so I think we can make an exception. Plus, we’re not British.”
Whatever was going to be his response was cut off by the sound of loud laughter from outside. And then moments later two women and a little boy entered. The first woman Virgil recognized as the head counselor as Delia, but the other woman looked like she should be anywhere but the middle of the woods.
She was tall, skinny, wearing a tube top and a very short skirt with tall heels. Her long dark hair was done in a fancy way and her make up was perfect too.
It just didn’t make sense. At all.
“I was coming to check in and I bumped into another one of yours,” Delia smiled. “This is Charlotte Ekans and her son Dante.”
Beside the super out of place looking woman Dante gave a smile and wave and Virgil forced himself not to stare at the boy’s half scarred face.  
“I’m Virgil,” Virgil introduced. He then motioned to an empty bunk bed, “That spot over there is yours. Since there’s only five of you guys each get a top and bottom bunk to yourselves.”
“So you’re missing one?” Delia observed. “That’s not bad. Alright I’m heading to the next Cabin.”
“Michael! How are you?” Virgil’s attention was redirected as Mrs. Ekans walked up to Mr. Regis and pulled him into a tight hug. “How long has it been?”
“Hello Charlotte,” Mrs. Regis said as she gave a tight lipped smile. “I didn’t know your son went to this camp?”
“This is his second summer,” she replied letting go of Mr. Regis to hug his wife.
She pushed away near instantly, “We should be going Michael.”
The two left then with a few parting words to the Senator- and yet none to their sons.
“How are you Patricia?” Mrs. Ekans asked heading back to Dante to help him unpack.
“I’m fine,” Mrs. Ackroyd replied. “I do thank you for clearing my space to breathe.”
“You can always count on me for anything ... you know that.”
“Can I change my sign?” Dante asked Virgil. “I like to go by Dee.”
Dammit he should’ve thought about what the kids preferred.
“We have arts and crafts tomorrow,” Virgil started. “You could make a new one?”
Dee nodded satisfied as he pulled out his bedding, “That works.” He then looked to the other three boys in the room, “I’m Dee. What’s your names?”
“I’m Roman!” Remus answered eagerly. Wait. That was Remus wasn’t it? “What happened to your face?”
Virgil sucked in a breath quickly as he took a step forward, “Roman- Remus, either lets not ask people personal questions like that, okay?”
But apparently it hadn’t bothered Dee as he leaned forward on his bed, “Take a guess.”
Remus(?) gave a large smile, “You were abducted by aliens?”
“Attacked by a shark!”
“Wouldn’t something like a car crash make more sense?” Logan interrupted. “Or just being born with it?”
“But that’s boring,” Remus complained. “Ooo! What about jumping out of a speeding car?”
“Logan we mind our own business,” his mother stated sternly.
“It’s fine,” Dee told her with a smile. “And no to the speeding car.”
“Bear attack?”
“Lochness monster- no Bigfoot!”
“Still no.”
“I’m going to figure it out,” Roman(?) replied.
“You won’t,” he smiled back before he pointed to the twin who hadn’t been speaking. “So he's Roman. What’s your name again?”
“Remus, I’m the one going gray from having the stress of a younger twin.”
Roman hit his brother with a pillow in reply.
Virgil blinked as he ran the encounter over in his head. How did he know that wasn’t Roman when Remus has introduced himself as his brother?
“Alright Lo, I think you’re all set,” Mrs. Ackroyd was saying as she pulled her son into a hug. “Remember the rules?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“All of them?”
“Good,” she pressed a kiss to his hair. “Love you.” She went to leave, but she hesitated at the door. “Charlotte are you perhaps free this evening?”
The other mother gave her a smile, “I have plans. But I can walk out with you? And if you’re feeling generous enough, could you give me a ride back? We were dropped off.”
“Then how were you planning to get back in the first place?”
“Who knows.”
The two women left then leaving Virgil alone with four kids.
The living nightmare was beginning.
He gave a sigh as he sat on one one of the unused beds.
The pay is great. The pay is great. The pay is great.
“So what do we do now?” Roman asked him.
Virgil cringed, “Well the plan is just for us to hang out here for the rest of the afternoon until dinner. After that is a campfire then bed. Then tomorrow we have a full day with swimming, arts and crafts, games and other things.”
“Can we go explore?” Remus asked.
Virgil shook his head, “Sorry, but no. There’s only one of me and I need to stay here in case our last camper shows up. But we can all play a game in here?”
“What kind of game?”
“Um... that depends on what you guys like.”
“Let’s play mafia!” Dee cheered after a moment.
“We need more people for that,” Logan disagreed. “Are there any board games?”
“No,” Virgil answered. “They’re in a different building.”
“Let’s play quack-a-dilly-oh-my,” Roman suggested.
With that they had gathered in a circle on the floor and begun to play- until an argument about the lyrics had arose.  
“It’s eat a marshmallow,” Logan said crossing his arms.
Remus shook his head, “No it’s your face is turning yellow!”
“It’s yellow,” Dee agreed while Roman nodded. “Right Virgil?”
Virgil shrugged, “I grew up with both.”
“See? He’s on our side.”
“That's not what he said,” Logan disagreed.
“Either way you’re outnumbered,” Roman announced. “So what does your opinion matter?”
“Everyone’s opinion matters,” Virgil tried but he didn’t think he was heard.
As the argument escalated Virgil gave a groan, thankfully he was saved by the door opening and a boy walking in beside Thomas.
“This one got a bit lost,” Thomas explained setting down the kid’s bag. “This is Patton.”
Patton gave a wide smile, “Hi! What are your names?”
While the other boys stood up to introduce themselves Virgil moved over to Thomas. “Where’s his parents?” He asked quietly.
Thomas gave a shrug, “He was just left at the entrance.”
Virgil gave an awkward nod and looked back to the boys.
“Patton, are the lyrics to quack-a-dilly-oh-my ‘eat a marshmallow’ or ‘your face is turning yellow’?” Logan asked.
Patton seemed confused by the question but he answered anyway as he put his small backpack on his bed, “It’s marshmallow- oh cool a wand!”
“You’re still outnumbered,” Roman reminded him.
Logan gave a frown before he turned to Thomas. But Thomas was faster, “Well I need to get back to my own cabin.”
Someway, somehow, Virgil managed to survive the afternoon. He had helped Patton set up his bed (before the twins because they hadn’t actually done more then dump stuff out) and then it had been time to take a small tour.
He showed them places around the camp, from the fields to the bathrooms, to the dining hall for dinner and a few others in between. And for a little while Virgil thought he could actually do this.
And then a scream woke him in the middle of the night.
Virgil shot up from his bed and promptly fell to the floor. He hurried out his room and into the next one hitting the light as he did. When he did he found Remus and Dee laying on the floor cackling beside Roman who was comforting a crying Patton. Meanwhile Logan gave the world a glare from where he had sat up in his bed.
“He’s fine,” Dee laughed.
“The spider is fake Patton!” Roman was trying.
“Can we reenact that?” Remus asked between gasps of laughter. “Virgil can take a video!”
“You’re all stupid,” Logan mumbled flopping back down and pulling a blanket over his head.
Virgil gave a deep breath calm down his now quick beating heart, but his fear as he did his worry was replaced by anger. “All of you, go to bed!”
“Some of us are trying!” Logan shouted back.
“It's the first night of camp,” Dee frowned. “Did you expect us to sleep?”
Virgil gave the child an annoyed glare, “I expect you to be quiet enough that I can sleep.”
“Have you ever been to camp before?”
“Get in your bed. I don't give a-” He forced himself to take a breath. “Just get in your bed and be quiet. All of you... Patton do you want water or something?”
Patton had calmed slightly and shook his head as he wiped at his eyes, “‘M okay.”
Virgil nodded and headed back to his room. “Just be quiet. No. Be silent. Understood?”
“Yes Mr. Virgil!” Remus mocked climbing into his bed.
It was going to be a long summer.
One - Two
Welcome to yet another AU!
As with all my aus the original idea was to have happy fluff throughout because I realize I’ve done all the sides as kids except Dee. But if you can read the description that’s not where we will end up.
But welcome to the ride!
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skippyv20 · 4 years
For the Anon who just lost her Mom..
Hi Skippy & Friends-In response to the Anon who asked if others feel their loved ones presence after they are gone…well…I wanted to let her know I sure do!  It started happening early for me (in my 20’s) but over the years I got used to it and understanding it-if possible.  Last March 2019-my mother passed away at 96.  She was tuckered out from a  full life but she loved sharing & caring for all of her “children” and didn’t want to miss one celebration, so she was not a happy camper about this.  Lucid and sharp as a tack to the very end.
I found Skippy right about then-thank heaven!  We were relived Mom’s struggle was over but what a hole to mend.  So, shortly after her death, while trying to cut pizza, clear as a bell, Mom whispered to me, “Use the scissors, dear."  And I did!  By the way try it out-she had so many great ideas.  Every now and then I smell cookies-she was the pro of pros there so I smile and say hi.  When I see young Charlotte with HRHDOC, I know my Mom was there like that for me, even taking great photos along the way.  
Whether their memories are so deeply embedded that we can conjure up these life like happenings…experts can debate that.  I think it is Mom staying close to her children, checking in.  There is a marvelous mystery we don’t know about yet!   Here is the little poem I wrote for my Mom’s Memorial service program last May 4th.  She wanted us to have a Spring Picnic so we waited and it was lovely.  
Her Love
She didn’t want to leave!
She fought so hard to stay
To share in our lives and happiness
And cheer us on each day. 
Over & out on sunny Cape Cod-Pilgrim
PS-Skippy, a friend said he found shells many times in his authentic colonial home!!!  
This is wonderful!  Thank you so much for sharing...no doubt she is with you....personally I look forward everyday for some sign..from someone....😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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broadwaybaggins · 4 years
I don't think this is on the list, but can I get a "Oh no, the script made us do it" kiss for the Summer Camp AU? (Bonus points for lots of wildly entertained campers who didn't realize the student chaplain and the arts and crafts counselor were A Thing.)
“I don’t know about this, Anne,” Emma said, adjusting her mob cap so that she could see her friend properly. The addition of the counselors to the Fourth of July showcase had been an extraordinarily last minute decision, one that was prompted by a minor mutiny among the campers who didn’t want to participate in any “mushy stuff” in their play. Anne, playwright extraordinaire and never one to back down from a challenge, had taken the news in stride and recruited her coworkers, and now Emma somehow found herself playing, of all people, Martha Washington in a brief cameo.
“What’s the problem? If you’d rather play Eliza Hamilton, I’m sure Charlotte would be more than happy to switch.”
“We’re already risking a cease-and-desist letter from the Hamilton people. Let’s not push our luck,” Charlotte deadpanned from across the stage, where she was doing some hasty repair work to one of the costumes, her needle moving in and out of the fabric at almost warp speed.
“No, I mean, us being in it at all. It’s supposed to be the kids’ show, and they’ve worked so hard. I don’t want to steal the spotlight from them.”
“You’re not. They’re still onstage for the bulk of the time. You just have the goodbye scene with George Washington and then you’re back on stage manager duty. And not a moment too soon,” she added, lowering her voice, “I trust your sister with that job about as far as I can throw her.”
“The parents are expecting their kids onstage, not us.”
“Emma. It’s going to be fine. Now can we please get this scene done? Then we can segue into the big battle scene before we take a break.”
“Hey. You okay?” Henry appeared from nowhere, wearing a ruffled linen shirt and a tricorn hat that looked a size or two too small. Somehow, he even managed to look good in this getup, and Emma blushed as Henry reached out and put a reassuring hand on her arm. She thought of their trip down the zipline, their kiss on the dock, and her blush only deepened.
“I’m fine. I’m just a little nervous about...all of this,” she waved her hand to indicate the stage, the production, the rest of the summer in general.
“Come on, I’m sure you’ll be great,” he said, lowering his voice. “I was really excited when Anne picked you to be my Martha.”
“It’s not that--not stage fright or anything. I’ve been in way too many dance team competitions and high school musicals for that. I’m worried about the show. I’m worried Anne might have...taken things too far.”
“It is ambitious, but I think that’s just Anne’s MO,” Henry agreed.
“Yeah, but the parents have certain...expectations, and seeing us onstage, for however brief, doesn’t really fit that. We had enough angry parents last year when the show decided to focus on the battle of Gettysburg. I don’t want to risk anyone getting so pissed that they...pull their kids out before the end of the session or anything.”
Emma had been growing steadily more worried about the camp as the June days passed and July beckoned. Certain things were beginning to add up in her mind--Anne and Charlotte and Byron’s late paychecks (though they had eventually been paid), Jed mentioning that the air conditioning in the health lodge was on the fritz, the endless list of repairs that never seemed to actually get fixed and the way her father kept telling Emma to try to get Anne to do things cheaply for the pageant. The way her parents were definitely arguing more than usual, and how they’d stop whenever Emma walked in...
“Well, you definitely have to tell me the rest of that Gettysburg story later,” Henry said, rubbing Emma’s arm gently. He left a trail of goosebumps in his wake, but  not in a bad way. Emma leaned into his touch instinctively. “But I think it’s all going to be fine. Anne knows what she’s doing, and most of those parents are going to be so thrilled seeing their little ones up onstage, they won’t even notice what we do.”
“I hope you’re right,” Emma whispered as Anne called for quiet on set and started the scene.
Emma had to hand it to Anne--her writing was good. She and one of the most studious campers, Molly, had even spent a day braving the temperamental camp wifi in order to find actual quotes from historical figures to use as dialogue. And yet Anne had modified the dialogue somehow so it didn’t feel stilted or old-fashioned--it felt natural as Emma, as Martha Washington, said goodbye to her husband on the eve of battle. Anne’s work might not get a ton of points for historical accuracy, but it made up for it in heart.
“Be safe, my love,” Emma Green as Martha Washington whispered. Henry looked at her with eyes shining with determination and passion--he should have been a theatre major, with the look on his face...
The stage directions said that George gives Martha a quick and gentle kiss. Emma leaned up, intending to do just that, but the moment her lips touched Henry’s, she was transported back to the other night on the dock, the way he had kissed her as if he had nothing to lose. When she’d kissed him back with everything that she had been trying to keep inside since the first day she’d met him up in the loft and he’d helped her look for costumes.
Emma’s arms came around Henry’s neck. He pulled her closer, and Emma forgot about the rehearsal entirely. He tasted sweet and he smelled like sunscreen and she never, never wanted to let go.
“Cut! Cut! Enough!”
Anne’s voice startled Emma enough that she pulled away, although she kept her arms around Henry’s neck. The rehearsal was in an uproar--campers were cheering and laughing (Emma saw a few looking at them in disgust or horror, dismayed that the “mushy stuff” had made it into the show after all). Jed gave a wolf whistle, one that prompted Mary to elbow him so sharply that he almost dropped the pool-noodle sword he was holding. Byron was yelling at Samuel over some bet or another that had been made between them, Alice was standing in a corner of the stage with her arms crossed over her chest, glaring daggers at Emma, Charlotte was applauding and trying to corral a small group of campers who were currently bubbling over with questions about Emma and Henry and how long they’d liked each other and were they going to get married?
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” Emma whispered, resting her forehead against Henry’s for a moment. He pulled her close, kissing her hair and allowing her to hide her bright-red face from view for a moment.
“I’m not,” Henry said, and Emma could tell that he was smiling.
“Take five!” Anne called out exasperatedly, throwing her hands into the air. 
“Come on. It’ll take them way longer than five minutes to settle everybody down. I’ll buy you a glacier.”
Emma took Henry’s hand and strode out of the barn.
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bossnhugfirequeen · 5 years
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#SMACKDOWNLIVE RECAP 5/21/19: -#carmella was talking to #rtruth as he was trying to hide. Mella then took him to get a disguise. -#mandyrose and #sonyadeville came out for Mandy’s match vs. #carmella who came out with an incognito truth. Because of truth being 24/7 Champion, many of the guys from backstage came out and caused a DQ. -#bayley had a backstage interview where she said she had left the hugs behind and that she wants everyone to bring their A game! -Before #bayley and #beckylynch took on #charlotteflair and #laceyevans they had a backstage interview where Lynch said if anyone should walk around with her blue belt for a little while it should be Bayley and she said that she will focus on Bayley next after the beat those two out in the ring. -Bayley and Becky Lynch defeated Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch via pin(Bayley Roll-Up on Charlotte) MY THOUGHTS: -I have wanted Becky and Bayley to team for so long and it finally happened 😭! And they are both champs so you can say I am a happy camper right now! Also the match was fun and I loved them running their mouths, but one thing I didn’t expect was for Bayley to pin Charlotte 👀 #wwe #wwewomensdivision #womenswrestling #sdlive (at Providence, Rhode Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxxlLrend-r/?igshid=1ex6qcimiyn9t
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sanoiro · 7 years
I watched the episode again and there are a few things that had me thinking. The tables have turned yet again and this episode felt, twist-wise, a bit like the ones in S2. 
For that reason, I need some time to think about all the new information given in 3x16. 
Some of my random thoughts at the moment include: 
1) Lucifer is able to carry souls which makes me wonder if this was a rehearsal for something bigger. He knew Amenadiel could do it (Mum, Chloe & Malcolm) but now he knows how and how perilous it may be. Imagine if Chloe’s soul ends up in another body for a while... Or switches bodies for some reason. I know random, improbable but as a fan of Freaky Friday, I had to mention it. 
2) The fact that an Apocalypse is mentioned. You know me. Since S2 I’m waiting for that Apocalypse and I believe that the Writers will deliver in S4. 
3) Lucifer was too cheeky. He basically took Abel’s soul from Hell and Dad probably played with patterns and a firetruck basically pancaked Bree with Abel’s soul in it... Yeah, sometimes you just cannot win I guess.
4) The above makes us wonder if Dad has indeed a plan or is amused when making Lucifer work for what he wants the hard way. 
5) Maze is descending to darkness. She may not have a soul but that does not mean she cannot love. I believe that in a weird way she does love (perhaps even romantically to a degree) both Linda and Amenadiel. Perhaps Linda a bit more... We all have seen how far Maze has gone for Lucifer, the first person who accepted her wholeheartedly for who she was and not caring from where she was coming from. 
6) If you have seen the episode Marcus has noted for the first time how deep Lucifer’s feelings run for Chloe. Twice now as well he was shown a bit taken by Chloe in 3x16 as well as a bit afraid of her, especially at the precinct. I mean if the devil is wary of her mood he did the right thing to give her some space. 
Therefore if you see Marcus trying to woo Chloe in the next episode after seeing how far Lucifer will go to save her do not be surprised... He might fall for her in the process of trying to use her but something was planted in 3x16 yet we still do not know what exactly for sure. 
7) Charlotte. Charlotte is experiencing Hell in her sleep and as we know from Malcolm that place can have some nasty aftereffects on you so how wise is for her to actually remember? Obviously, the writers are planning something nefarious which will include Marcus as well but whether Tricia Helfer will make it to the still not confirmed Season 4, it remains to be seen...
8) Chloe in this episode is indeed possessive over Lucifer and also shows that she has a physical attraction over Marcus. She does not list any of Marcus’ attributes aside from his body and eyes and nothing else. So can we rule her attraction and crash as a sexually based one and not an emotional one?
Now Lucifer again. 
9) Lucifer in 3x16 realised what Linda was telling him for so long. Dad can take you so many things and in this episode, he almost lost Chloe. In the next one the same pattern will almost happen and perhaps Lucifer will panic and dive to save her. 
He is finally aware that his actions might target the one person he cares and that will not make him a happy camper meaning a possible Marclo might not just ignite jealousy but a deep anguish over how to protect Chloe when she seems so open to the idea of a relationship with an immortal. Not that she will find that out but still. 
And lastly Marcus. 
10) Marcus seems like a good guy so far but his desperation to lift the curse might make him rush and unpredictable like he was in LUX with Amenadiel in 3x12. He never really cared about the people there nor for the man his brother killed. Yes, that guy was part of the Bolivian cartel but there was no remorse, no worry. That alone makes me worried... How long can you live and die over and over again until the balance of moral and whatever means possible is titled dangerously in your favour I wonder? 
Finally some last words. I was disappointed that the writers were not faithful to the comic version of Abel and Cain but then again glad as this episode reminded me how happy I am to watch a new episode. As I’ve said some speculations evaporated last night but new ones are pouring down on me right now. Something lost, something gained. 
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davebuckleslefthand · 3 years
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8   X’s for Eyes - Big Fat Zero - Big Fat Zero  1992 9   X’s for Eyes  - Bombadier - You Never Take Me Dancing   1991 10 X’s for Eyes - Break Song - Big Fat Zero  1992 11 X’s for Eyes - Choketone - You Never Take Me Dancing  1991 12 X’s for Eyes - Church And State - Big Fat Zero  1992 13 X’s for Eyes - For What It’s Worth - Big Fat Zero  1992 14 X’s for Eyes - Imposter - You Never Take Me Dancing  1991 15 X’s for Eyes - John's Really Smelly Song - Big Fat Zero  1992 16 X’s for Eyes - Mr FAT cat - You Never Take Me Dancing  1991 17 X’s for Eyes - Pitch White - You Never Take Me Dancing  1991 18 X’s For Eyes - Queen Bee - You Never Take Me Dancing  1991 19 X’s for Eyes - Religious Experience - You Never Take Me  1991 20 X’s for Eyes - Rhythm Trance -You Never Take Me Dancing  1991 21 X’s for Eyes - Rootska - You Never Take Me Dancing  1991  (our gato ‘90-92) 22 X’s for Eyes - Shiny Penny - Big Fat Zero  1992 23 X’s for Eyes - Stickup Artist - You Never Take Me Dancing  1991 24 X’s for Eyes - These Sorrows Wont Drown - Big Fat Zero  1992 25 X’s for Eyes - Treasure Chest -  1992
1 X’s for Eyes - Undermine Big Fat Zero1992 2 X’s for Eyes - Valley Before The Mount - Big Fat Zero1992 3 X’s for Eyes - X's for Eyes!See All
X’s for Eyes
October 9, 2014
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X’s for Eyes
October 9, 2014
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X’s for Eyes
October 3, 2014
undersrtand people: i felt it is was the best thing to do, waya
part from becoming a Marine, to “get the word out; to exorcize 
such stuff at my destined position. doubt i created any homepage’s attracted a large "fanbase"which had bee n the intent; since creating this conglomeration of talent (musical) in 1990-1 (i just can’t recall) which was my 1985-1989 trumpet instucter’s alma-mater, and things did a working out to provide this 24 year old intent. As teenager; wasn' t very happy about the way things were headed political wise, bu had no voice to express my views. Then the IUMA: Int3rnetUndergroundMusicArchive arrived in my life. Todd Rundgren 
just might have a thin sort of memory, database, spread thingy where 26            years old mind and idea did emote "only from the mind of Dave’s shouts with an initial ability: OUR www Thought to myself: “Well… i had this idea my junior year to create a magazine, or "zine”... much like my friend Dean and Joe from their music act, THE DEAD MILKMEN. Who were at PowerToolsLive off of Buffolo Bayou, downtown Houston. 
So, the hope to "make a band” in SHSU as to make my 1989 hope of being on a stage... just like them; at the very stage as a matter of fact, so it was: only on the direct opposite half of PTL and that was a neat thing, by age 21, to actually do something like that. BUT as the years came and went the 'business’ side of “being in a band” had a bad taste; to me. Feeling blessed to direct you all to where my ideas about music did form from: THE POINTER SISTERS Ruth -Venice, THE DEAD KENNEDYS, THE DEAD MILKMEN, MAYNARD FERGSON, THE THE, THE GO-GO’s, SPRAWL, THE BANGLES, CAMPER VAN BEETHOVEN- CRACKER, HERB ALPERT, CHUCK MAGIONE,   A               1995-7 WEB-CONTACT, TODD RUNDGREN.
ON THAT TRUTH. Barring talent that jumped
onto COMMERCIAL radio pre 90′s...
laterX’s for Eyes see; i told you, Tiffany, you’d brush it off…
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X’s for Eyes
October 2, 2014
there are not enough troops in the USA to implement 
Martial law all over AMERICA.
June 30, 2013 at 4:06am
So many of you have been fed disinformation that the cabal 
are waiting for us to act so they can declare Martial Law. This
then becomes the reason you use to permit ourselves  to be in 
bondage now. Its like a slave who says “ I cannot rise …
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X’s for Eyes what does this tell U.S.A.?
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  X’s for Eyes
September 30, 2014
frogboyworld sold out, yo no se’ attempting, with my pal, JohnB being fine replacement for my non-useful right hand present.
dig - WELL… let us say dug.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We're going to take that guy's stuff and that one all of it and cheese when you can watch cuz he wanted to take it but you're pushing him to take it so we're going to take it from you you can say also other stuff you gibbering f****** weirdo you know what happens every day and you can't figure it out. So leave a residuals and be happy we have to take those from you too. Now there's a ton of stuff that we have to take huge piles of it he says the faster we do it the better cuz it gets rid of them nobody cares if we take it no nobody's stopping us you should jump all over it every single square inch of it today and I'm on it I do hear what you're saying it's going slow as hell in every area and this is important one and people of ours are suffocating I'm putting the alert out and I'm also going to send out orders after approved then we go and rip all their time s*** out
Savage oppress
There's a giant number of apartments we can rip out and replace and I'm going to get on it we need to be here this is terrible these people suck so damn bad I hate them so badly the season crapping and doing stupid s*** all over the place I'm going to pull their stupid face off this is please do so I agree I'm going to go in there to back in the meeting and I can say all these can be torn out and replaced with new because they are available you know half of them have like no owner and they're abandoned and I'll mark those different color now cuz that's like a green light right away and I'll make them green that's a good idea, green orange yellow red in that order some places to do it it's because at Green they're abandoned and the county can absorb it and do what they want orange the owner is still there but wants to replace it yellow the orders there but doesn't want to replace it but Mike and red's the owner said no but it needs to be replaced all them need to be replaced the ones that say no have said no after storms in the past and it kept them up and after a year or two they were healthier but we don't want to risk it it's stupid stuff always comes back and they end up six themselves understand that very sick from one of his apartments and they won't let him tear it down so we're going to go ahead with this and we're going to start this up now by preparing for tomorrow's meeting and we're setting it up now. There's a lot of other apartments but we're going to focus on this to actually get something happening and he appreciates it he says and it's good work and there are other things here that are an issue and their houses and trailer parks a lot of them have sick trailers they get sick very fast because they don't breathe. And a lot of them are being condemned and he hates double wides they're a waste of time. So he wants me to set up a second diagram oh I'm plan of campgrounds that are available now I need just a little bit of work to bring them to working order and trailer parks that are condemned or should be cuz that's what a lot of idiots are and to pull them out and pull out the double wide trailers and crush them and put it in campers FEMA has a whole bunch of them out there it will use them for construction housing and or other but really I want to propose for construction housing you're about 10 campgrounds in Charlotte county that can be used for that and there are 20 trailer parks that are condemned and are empty at this time and there are 10 more that should be for them but they don't want to and they're trying to trade out trailers and stuff it works but the stuff does spring now we are in the state of emergency in this state and we can go in there and do this stuff without their permission they don't need to ask these cowards what to do good morning tell them and I want to make sure this stuff gets done so I'm going to take on these two projects and father and mother approve it and we're going forward tomorrow
Darth maul darth talon
I want to see you have today and he says give me an hour he's going to get approved and send it over and I do understand something he's going to make it simple with a plan and pictures of each one he says he can take the real like a picture on one page says he has that it just says how much is the status and there's some notes if they're going to be difficult and how much could fit there not like that I'm going to see that and I'm going to be able to do my work cuz we can go ahead and get the county rolling if you don't want to who cares they can follow us around yapping and get arrested I'd like to see that that's a great idea and it says his sun came up with it. Is it terrific idea and he helped work through it a little but not much he's just going to put which ones we can go on but really he wants to exactly how it is and it probably was going to do that he says yes but okay pretty in-house but we're going to go ahead and do this and send it over and so that's great and it's a dream and he said this other stuff to go over but this is available to do right away and I like the idea of the kids doing nothing the FEMA campers they're doing nothing any of the airport said the place we have to get down there you need to get down there and look at the ones that are condemned and he says we should do a survey of the apartments and the condos and the campgrounds and the double line parks in Charlotte county and apartments that should be condemned and we're going to do that we can do it today it doesn't take long and we have that report ready too for Monday and we will bring people to arrest people bothering us trying to sit on the side who's going to do what in a few minutes and get it done it makes a lot easier so he says yes all these projects to the assholes are doing and they take him years and they're not done some of them are contaminated and ruined nothing will provide that report like the allegiant Air let me see it needs to be torn down and we can build on those two but they need to be condemned and some of them are and they're not out of he said this is like a way to stop them here from harassing us to death and you have to do it I'm going to go ahead with it
Mac daddy
This is making my day much better that's going to work and it's actually doing something and he's right this sit there squawking and the acting you just pick them up then they threatened and the ascended specialist you have them with you it's not really that hard we're going to get going on this it's a great idea by Darth maul darth talon. And Savage oppress too that's a great idea and between them both it's going to work. He's going to go in and rip them out of these apartments and both of them together and we're going to get it done and we need Max support and approval and we will take care of it this is horrible
Thor Freya
We're watching these people talking and spewing and a lot of people don't know exactly what's going on so we're going to get a ton of stuff out there so you can take this guy down
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Im really overheated all of a sudden and so I feel really upset and angry about that. And Im mad that Im mad because I had such a nice day and there is no reason for this. I just want to cool down. 
Today was good though. Just very rainy. But at least I wasnt hot, which I think is some of the reason I am upset right now. It will be okay but still. Im a little focused on that and Im trying not to be. 
I slept okay last night and I woke up feeling good. We left on time and I was looking forward to having James be at work with me. We drove out to camp and it was already a little rainy. I leave my raincoat at work so that its there when I need it. But then I had to walk in a drizzle to get there. But that was okay. I was really happy to be with James. 
We stopped at the art shed. I got my coat and got the doors open. But soon enough we went down to the office. Lots of hi's and hello's for James. I left him to talk to some people and went down to talk to others. Because of the drizzle there wasnt a lot of just hanging out and stuff though. Once Alexi finished with her announcements off we went to get set up. 
It was quiet. I liked the rain. We got everything out and on the tables. I had James cutting fabric and I was prepping plates for next week. We had some quiet time before the kids came. So we laid in the hammock together. Which was silly because we got squished. But still really nice. 
I ran down to the bathroom before the group came. And when I got back they were washing their hands. I was a little winded from the walk up the hill but it was still a good class. I dont have to give a lot of instruction for this project to the big kids,  so they had lots of time to work. 
This group was Quinn's group and I am so sad it was her last day and I didnt get to give her a proper goodbye. But at least we got to that that class together. She was James's camper back in the day! So that was a trip for him Im sure. 
I gave her a friendship bracelet I made. And sent her and her kids off once everything was cleaned up.
It was fun today because I was with Charlotte and James. They have such different but still similar energy. It was fun to hear their banter. Especially when Charlotte kept pretending to "cause a scene" and gently knock the chairs and bottles over on the tables.  Very silly. 
We also got to see a leafbug right on my chair! Which only seems to happen when it rains. I held it for a little and put it on a tree so it would be safe. I like to think it was good luck. 
I spent a lot of today making bracelets. And had James cut new cardboard circles so for the second half of the day I had kids asking to make bracelets and that was fun. I am going to treat the bracelets as a secondary project. We are doing printmaking again though so well see how that goes the second time around and who wants to spend more time with it. It was a hit last time so well have to wait and see. 
After that first class we had 3 hours to do prep work and hang out and have lunch. Camp bought staff tacos today but it was the weirdest taco. It had broccoli on it! Me and James both got in the separate hammocks and I asked him random questions like do they make edible staples? And we talked about camping in september. I bought us a 3rd hammock (so one can be used to put our stuff in and keep it off the ground). And eventually I closed my eyes for a half hour. 
Apparently James went for a walk during that time and it started raining a little. I woke up when it started making its way through the trees and getting on my cold legs. I was a little delirious but I shook it off and got ready for the 3 classes I had in a row. 
Soon we walk to the office to heat up James's lunch though and said some more hi's and I teased baby Kenny with rain water. He's such a cute baby. 
And the rest of the day went really well. The kids were good and we all had fun I think. I just had a nice day and we made bracelets and had fun. A good time. 
But I was also glad to be done with the day. The week. I love camp, I really do. But man was I tired. More emotionally than physically. But we left and I ordered wawa for us (which was a while ordeal because it wanted a 2 step verification finger print to log in??? to order a sandwich?????) and we got dinner and gas and were home by 6. 
We had our dinner. I was excited to see the romper I ordered came. Its slightly shorter then I would normally like. But it kind of looks like a retro swimsuit on me and I enjoy that. I played animal crossing and James helped me work on my quilt. I tried not to be annoyed that it wasnt exactly pinned correctly but also I was just overheated and my sewing machine upsets me still (though I did seem to fix the tension). I have cool off a lot now that I have finished packing for tomorrow and Im sitting in front of the AC. 
 I think for now though I will just wash my face and go to sleep. Ill take a shower in the morning. I hope you all have a great night tonight. Take care of yourselves. And wish me luck. Im driving to social distance hang out with Jess tomorrow. 
Goodnight everyone.  
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stories-for-all · 7 years
Constellations: Chapter Two
A/N: Hello, and thank you for being so patient for the second chapter of this novel! I hit several bumps in the road, but I’m back and ready to release this into the world!
Triggers: Police, car chases, hospitals
Charlie unpacked quickly, eager to find some answers as to the reason why she was sent here by her parents, why the nurse told her she couldn’t be with her friends anymore, and most importantly, at that moment, when lunch would be.
Her sister had come here a year ago, and Charlie only got to visit her for an hour in the evenings for two whole months. She hoped she wouldn’t be here that long.
The second she walked out she saw two kids running down the hall, yelling excitedly about...something. She followed where they were going to discover that at the end of the hall was a classroom with a projector, and it was playing the title menu of a movie.
Not finding that very interesting, she walked back down the hallway until she saw a girl waving at her, blonde hair bouncing with her as she did, trying to get Charlie’s attention. And, intrigued, Charlie walked over.
“Hello! I’m Cindy! What’s your name?” the girl asked.
“Oh...I’m Charlie. It’s nice to meet you,” Charlie said, suddenly feeling very shy.
When Charlie woke up with a start in the bathroom, she briefly panicked, thinking that she had been caught and was in a hospital’s facilities. It was only when she saw the graffiti on the stall door that she felt able to calm down. She wasn’t in a hospital, she was just somewhere she happened to not recognize. “London?” she called into headspace. “Where did your stupid testosterone-fueled ideas land us now?”
There was a groan close to her and she could almost sense London rousing next to her. “I don’t know, darling, I was rather tired when I got here, I must have been half-asleep.”
The pitch in London’s voice was higher than yesterday, and Charlie thought this was as good a time as any to ask, “She day today?”
London hummed her agreement and Charlie rolled her eyes good naturedly, standing up and unlocking the stall. “Not that I don’t love you, London, but I never understood how you could just move from guy to girl and back again whenever.”
“It’s not like I can choose when it happens,” London huffed. “I’m just as bemused as you when it comes to the reason this happens.”
“It’s a mystery,” Charlie agreed with a laugh. “But it’s whatever, I suppose. I don’t think I had the time to snatch any hair dye before I left the house. Do you remember if I did?”
“I don’t believe we managed to even get in the house, this time. You saw the van out front of our place and bolted.”
Charlie groaned, running a hand through her hair. “Right. So we’re going to have to go to our stash anyway. Normally I wouldn’t mind that, but with the city as alert as it has been, it’s risky to get our emergency supplies.”
“Just be glad we learned to put it in the next town over, darling,” London sighed. “Otherwise we’d have nothing to go on at all.”
That was true. Charlie couldn’t risk going back to the city for anything. But the next city over would have heard there was a system in the area, not a description of said system. And by the time they got out, Charlie would have her hair dyed, a new pair of clothes on, and enough cash in her name to hitch a ride anywhere she wanted.
She walked out of the bathroom and squinted, looking around. It was mid-morning, if the position of the sun was anything to go on. On one hand, this complicated things. It was harder to hide from hunters in broad daylight. On the other, they probably were spread out enough by this point that if one of them found her, it would take a while for the others to come to help subdue her, giving her a window of escape.
Dimly recalling which way London came from to get to the bathrooms, Charlie intended to continue walking down the road until she got to the next town over, where her stash would be hidden, and her ticket to safety would be. That is, until she heard someone call, “Hey!” from across the parking lot.
Charlie tried to hide her jump as she looked over and saw a blonde, lanky man putting a tent in the back of his pickup truck. “Have you been hiking nearby? There were police out here earlier trying to get everyone out of the woods, word is that there’s a system hiding out here!”
A knot loosened in her chest. This man was just your average camper, someone who didn’t know who she was, or what she was. “Really?” she asked, pretending to sound intrigued. “I hadn’t heard; I’ve been on and off the trails all morning, I got a bit turned around.”
“Oh, that’s not good. Hey, do you need a ride? It’s not safe to be out here on your own with a system nearby, I’d be happy to give you a lift, if you’re heading toward Waxton?”
Of all the dumb luck...well, she supposed the universe did owe her one or two good things...“That’s where I parked my car! Do you really not mind a stranger in your car? After all, if there’s a system around...”
“We’d be much safer together than apart,” the man said. “Hop in, I’ll give you a lift into town. What’s your name, by the way?”
“Holly. Holly Carron,” Charlie said, without missing a beat. That was an old alias, the only trace that she ever existed in anywhere other than Section Forty Two. She rarely ever went to the gym she was planning on going to once she got into town; the only thing of use there being a duffle bag in a locker where she held her stash.
“Well, then, Miss Holly, let’s ride,” the man said with a carefree grin.
Charlie smiled and walked over to the truck, getting in the passenger’s side and leaning back in the seat. She was relieved that things seemed to be going her way for once.
The man got in the driver’s side and started his truck. “Name’s Charles, by the way, but everyone calls me Chuck. Just in case, you know, you want to call me by my name.”
Charlie laughed. “Funny. I knew a Charlie when I was a kid, she was sweet.”
“Oh?” Chuck asked. “What was she like?”
Charlie looked out the front window, seeing a faint reflection and meeting her own blue-eyed gaze. “Really soft-spoken, but every word she said was kind. Wouldn’t hurt a fly. We grew up together,” she was sad at this point; not because of the story but because this was her childhood, and it was ripped away from her all too soon when she was eighteen.
“Something happen to her?” Chuck asked.
“Her Integration failed, senior year,” Charlie said, shaking her head. “She broke apart and they had to take her away. I still miss her, some days.”
“Oh,” Chuck went quiet and the truck filled with an awkward, somber silence. “...I’m sorry.”
Charlie looked up the road and paled when she saw a police checkpoint. Stupid, stupid, you should have thought of that! Of course they would keep track of the main roads!
Chuck looked at her when she shrank in her seat, then looked further up the road. He cursed. “I really didn’t need this today,” he muttered.
Charlie looked over at him. “Why are you upset?”
“I’m running on a tight schedule,” he said, scratching the back of his neck.
“You’re lying,” Charlie said, squinting at him.
Chuck glanced at her, and pulled off the road to get a good look at her. “Well, why are you upset?” he fired back.
“I asked first!” Charlie scoffed.
“I’m the one who gave you a ride from the goodness of my heart!” Chuck said.
“Doesn’t mean you have an excuse to question my private life!” Charlie said, crossing her arms.
Chuck squinted at her, and Charlie felt her heart thud in her chest once, twice, three times. “You’re the system they’re looking for,” he said softly.
“You don’t seem like the kind of person who’d be on the wrong side of the law,” Charlie noted.
“You’re not denying it.”
“No,” Charlie huffed. “I’m not.”
“Not denying it or not the system?” Chuck pressed. “Because before I charge through that police checkpoint with you and get all my BOLOs updated, I need to know who I’m doing it for.”
Charlie stared long and hard at Chuck. Then, she said, “Charlie. Charlie, London, Ross, and Charlotte.”
He nodded once with a, “That’s good enough for me.” Then he got back on the road, and floored the gas.
Charlie reached up for the grab handle as the truck sped faster and faster towards the checkpoint, until officers were waving their hands and trying to get Chuck to stop. Chuck paid them no mind and sped straight through the checkpoint, not even slowing down for the immediate left turn after the stop. Charlie squeaked in surprise and Chuck continued to speed. “I don’t suppose slowing down just a little bit is possible?” she asked, voice rising in pitch with every word.
“After going through a checkpoint like that? We’ll be lucky if they don’t immediately come after us in those patrol cars, we need every advantage we can get,” Chuck said.
Charlie screamed in alarm as he weaved onto the wrong side of the double-yellow lines to go around a car in their way. “You’re insane!” she screeched.
“Have you never run from the police in a car before?” Chuck asked, looking over at her.
“I always make sure they can’t find me unless they’re on foot, I only pay in cash, I can’t afford to take a car with me wherever I go!” Charlie yelled.
Chuck shook his head and pressed the accelerator harder. “Well, I suppose you’re in for a treat, then. Because I know how to get cars on the cheap wherever I go, and I can show you how.”
Charlie felt like she was going to hyperventilate, and was wondering why, exactly, London hadn’t intervened by this point.
Chuck made a sharp turn and they drifted into a parking lot on the edge of the woods. “Come on, out of the car!” he exclaimed, jumping out and taking off.
This man is insane, Charlie thought to herself, jumping out and following him all the same.
They ran the rest of the way into town, at which point Charlie took the lead. “With me,” she gasped, grabbing his hand and leading him to the local gym.
She flashed a smile at the man up front and with a quick explanation of how she “forgot” her membership card in her locker the last time she was here, she was let into the back. Chuck followed soon after, shaking his head. “You’re so lucky I happen to have a membership here,” he said, sighing.
“Yeah?” Charlie asked, still slightly out of breath. “Go get whatever you have here, and sneak into the women’s section, I’ll be able to help you hide from the authorities.”
“You want me. To sneak into the women’s locker room. I’m not some Peeping Tom!” Chuck exclaimed.
“Fine, then I’ll get everything from my locker and sneak into the men’s room. I know how to pass as a trans guy anyway,” Charlie said, making her way to the women’s locker room.
She grabbed her duffel bag inside, featuring everything from half a week’s worth of clothes to hair bleaching and dyeing solutions, to face putty. Then she walked to the back of the locker room to where a door was, picked the lock on it courtesy of a bobby pin she found in the duffel bag, and waltzed into the men’s section.
Chuck was in the back, changing his shirt, and he jumped when he saw her. “Don’t do that!” he exclaimed.
Charlie shrugged unsympathetically and closed the door behind her. “Come on, we’ve got to disguise ourselves, and quickly.”
“How are we gonna do that?” Chuck asked.
Charlie put down the duffel bag and opened it up, pulling out two packs of hair dye, an entire container of face putty, some fake piercings and a pair of glasses. “With a makeover, of course,” she said. “Give me two minutes to put on a binder I have in there and I’ll be right with you.”
Chuck shook his head. “This is crazy.”
“No crazier than speeding through a police checkpoint,” Charlie said sweetly as she grabbed said binder and walked away. “Now don’t go anywhere, you’re my ticket out of here.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Chuck called after her with great sarcasm.
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thesportssoundoff · 7 years
Attempting to Play Matchmaker: The 2018 schedule opening
November 13th
I started this like two weeks ago so forgive me if I'm off on any of the news. Just bein' real on it. I got up to the main event for the Belem show and then took a long break.
What you see above is the UFC's schedule for 2018. The start of the year  has been laid out and it features 9 events through March. For comparative measures we had 8 in 2016 and 2017. It's worth noting that this could be the last year they're on Fox so there's a lot riding on these events to do some numbers. According to Forbes (https://www.forbes.com/sites/trentreinsmith/2017/11/05/ufc-announces-nine-events-for-first-quarter-of-2018/#583e5ca8df1c) there's TWO Fox cards scheduled for the early portion of the year which to my knowledge is normally NOT how they do things. Even if you want to account for NFL numbers being down, playoff NFL numbers are always higher than anything else going on for the year so right off the jump, the UFC will have two big FOX events and then two Fight Nights which literally will suckle of the teet of the NFL/Fox relationship. The first being the Sunday January event which will likely follow an NFL Divisional Round game and the OTHER being a game the week of the Super Bowl. I don't know if Fox has the super bowl this year but either way, that's a BIG night regardless. It's been successful for them in the past.
So you got 3 PPVs, 2 Fox cards and then 4 Fight Nights, the last of which potentially being a Fight Pass card. Maybe in the perfect world for the UFC, that FP card is the first show a digital provider is getting so a Netflix or an Amazon deal is in play. What I'm going to attempt, quite possibly in a rather poor fashion, is to JUST do the main and co-main events with perhaps a name or two sprinkled on top of that who may appear on the card. I'll also try to be as realistic as humanly possible, avoiding anything that's simply not gonna happen like McGregor on free TV or Jon Jones vs Brock or whatever. I'm also going to try NOT to steal any ideas discussed on the Dojo Talk Podcast where much was discussed to the tune of much radio silence. Just gonna try to fill this early schedule out.
UFC Fight Night From St. Louis, Missouri Jan 14th (Sunday on FS1)
Main Event: Amanda Nunes vs Holly Holm
It's been said that Nunes vs Rocky Pennington was in talks around UFC 219 before Pennington got hurt. It seems like Holm is looking for a bigger deal (or Cyborg is or somebody is) for that Cyborg/Holm fight so let's do Cyborg/Cat Zingano eventually and just roll with Nunes vs Holm in a fight that would garner a rather large heavy audience in Missouri. St. Louis seems like the sort of town Holly Holm could really pop numbers wise and Woodley isn't fighting on free TV (OR IS HE?!?!?!??!) so just gotta take your losses there. You would probably prefer this as an underneath title fight on a PPV but beggars can't always be choosers AND I'd argue a big ratings # to talk Fox into a few extra green bills might top the 50K more buys Nunes could generate if she generates any revenue at all at this point.
Co-Main Event: Jeremy Stephens vs Yair Rodriguez
So I've been toying around a bit for some potential ideas for a co-main and one idea was Darren Till vs somebody but I don't see an immediate fight that makes sense. Till could use a big, big spotlight night but this one doesn't feel too perfect for me. Till vs Wonderboy would be great but I really think the UFC is hot for Perry/Ponz vs Till winner at some point. Yair Rodriguez has been gone for a while but I can't think of a fighter at 145 lbs I'd like to see bounce back with a vengeance more than Yair. Jeremy Stephens is coming off a win and he's a pretty damn popular fighter so I think that's a fair matchup for free TV as a co-main under a big title fight.
We know that Vitor Belfort vs Uriah Hall is apparently a done deal here. I don't think that's a main event and I think that while it would work as a co-main event, giving a co-main spot to Vitor Belfort given his potential leaving of the UFC would be like giving Mitrione a co-main spot on that show in 2016 where they had concerns that HE was leaving. They didn't----and so Hall vs Vitor seems like a fine third fight. Put an action guy as the 4th spot or two big HWs to get the masses excited and move on.
Click inside for more of me trying to play God and failing miserably. 
UFC 220 Boston, Massachusetts Jan 20th (Saturday on PPV)
Main Event: Daniel Cormier vs Volkan Oezdemir
There's been some internet scuttlebutt that this is actually the co-main event and the REAL main event is going to be McGregor vs Ferguson. That's cute and all but I'm not exactly sold. You get the feeling Conor's not fighting anywhere other than LA, Nevada or New York these days so I'm not buying that. Volkan vs DC might not sell 1,000,000 PPVs on its own BUT it's a really credible title fight and I don't see anything that immediately jumps out and makes me thing they're going to find an event that can top it.
Co-Main Event: Stipe Miocic vs Cain Velasquez
Look I can dream, ya know? Sipe vs Cain would be a fantastic co-main event and PROBABLY a top flight main event of its own. I just don't think that the UFC can trust Cain to step up and do something.
I guess a really solid third fight to back up those two would be something like Kevin Lee vs Beneil Dariush or Evan Dunham. Plus you gotta have a capable HW backing up any fight where Cain is on. Gotta protect yourself on a show like this. Plus Joe Lauzon because it's Boston.
UFC on Fox Charlotte, North Carolina Jan 27th (Saturday on Fox)
Main Event: Derek Brunson vs Luke Rockhold
Brunson has already suggested that this fight might be in the works. Either Rockhold or Weidman. There's basically 6-8 middleweights just hanging around looking to fight one another in Jacare, Weidman, Brunson, Rockhold, Boetsch and Yoel Romero. Brunson/Rockhold is a rare fresh fight at 185 lbs so if I'm forced to pitch a fight, this would be the one I'd go for.  Besides Brunson is FROM North Carolina so yeah, perfect fit. No complaints I can't imagine.
Co-Main Event: Yoel Romero vs Jacare Souza II
I had previously thought Jacare could bet he headliner for a week from now in Belem BUT I have another idea for the spot. Jacare vs Romero is the PERFECT rematch and given Romero's insistence that his next fight be three rounds, I like this one as a fantab co-main event for a Fox card. If Brunson/Rockhold and Jacare/Romero don't get you excited then you can just miss me right here right now.
As for the rest of the card? Well we've seen some fights filter out recently but nothing I'd consider to be main card worthy. Randa Markos vs Julianna Lima could be on a main card as an opener I guess? What if you do Siyar Bahadurzada vs Brad Tavares since I believe Siyar is 100% focused on middleweight as of this time.
UFC Fight Night Belem, Brazil February 3rd
Main Event: Fabricio Werdum vs Alexander Volkov
I mean I don't see why not? I originally thought of Curtis Blaydes here but the more I think about it, the more I think that's rushing things. Plus I did an entire ramble on the DTP about how the UFC shouldn't rush Blaydes. Volkov instead makes good sense given his stock in the division and the streak he's on. Wins over Tim Johnson, Stefan Struve and Roy Nelson sets him up well for a run UP the rankings and Werdum is the best available scenario plus it's a main event in Brazil.
Co-Main Event: Rashad Evans vs Lyoto Machida II
Let's accept that both Rashad and Lyoto aren't going anywhere. Once you've done that, let's take it a step further and argue that neither guy deserves a real competitive matchup to this point. Rashad hasn't won in 100 years and Lyoto is on a similar minded slide. Both guys are big names who can bolster a card so put them on against one another as a co-main event on free TV and see who can rebuild their name value a teensy bit in the process.
As for the rest of the card? Thiago Marreta vs CB Dollaway seems like a fine fight assuming CB is coming back down to 185 lbs. I spent about a week thinking of what to do with Paulo Costa and I've decided that him vs Sam Alvey or Tim Boetsch seems like a fine fight for his progression. Francisco Trinaldo vs Lando Vannata can find a spot on this show and the same goes a fight like Antonio Carlos Junior vs  Anthony Smith and Pedro Munhoz vs Marlon Moraes.
UFC 220 Perth, Australia February 10th (Saturday on PPV)
Main Event: GSP vs Robert Whittaker
It would SUCK if the UFC decided they wanted to do a big event in Perth and the healthiest/best Aussie in the company wasn't headlining. Especially givent he money spent lobbying to get an event in Perth. So how about we just abandon all pretenses and do this fight up? Unify the belts and we're all happy campers.
Co-Main Event: Tyron Woodley vs Robbie Lawler/RDA winner
I was torn between Joanna/Rose II and the Woodley fight but the best way to hype up GSP vs Woodley (because it's coming y'all) might be to just put this fight as the co-main event. I think when you bundle it all together, it's a pretty appealing 1-2 punch. Lawler in general likes to stay busy and RDA fought in June and was the back up plan if Maia turned down the fight with Woodley in July SO you're talking about a relatively quick-ish turnaround for both BUT I think they can handle it. Lawler fought in March then in May then in July one year. If not then just give Woodley one of the Till, Covington, Wonderboy trio to figure it out.
The rest of the card is what it is really. Expect plenty of Aussie filler with a pretty solid third fight to help put the whole puzzle together. If you REALLY wanna get nuts then maybe you do Rawlings vs the winner of the 125 title tournament. Also if they're smart Meagan Anderson will be on this show against some 145er they find in the mountains somewhere. Ediane Gomes FTW. Also I swear to god you can bet on them giving Dan Kelly someone who hits really hard because they like to be mean.
UFC Fight Night Erwin, Texas February 18th, 2017 (Live on FS1)
Main Event: Ovince St. Preux vs Patrick Cummins
I'm sort of stuck here. When the UFC goes to Texas they tend to bring big shows relative to the quality of free TV. The problem is this far ahead I can't really find a fight worthy of a main event slot. My first though in all honesty was Cody Garbrandt vs John Lineker but that may be too soon given that Garbrandt just had surgery. I was tempted to go Val Shevchenko vs the loser of the 125 lb tournament but eh....bleeegghh. I even consdiered James Vick vs Kevin Lee but I think I booked Lee already. As such, OSP vs Cummins makes sense. Two big dudes being big dudes. Plus we can just make this a good undercard.
Co-Main Event: Paige Van Zant vs Rachael Ostovich
Oh-kay. PVZ turned down Jessica Eye and Val Schevchenko. Rachael Ostovich vs PVZ makes some sense given that Ostovich will probably be a fighter who gets bounced from the TUF tournament but has the ability to generate some buzz given her looks (it matters y'all. We're trying to sell an event here). PVZ vs Ostovich would also be a pretty fun wild wacky kind of fight and if you're putting Paige on a main card, I can't imagine her not being really high up on a show---especially for FS1.
Bonus Fight: Sage Northcutt vs BJ Penn
WHAT?! WHAT?! Look that's THE fucking fight to make. I ain't even about to hear shit from y'all. Gimme this fight and fuck all exceptions. This is the main event unfortunately for most folks. Throw in James Vick vs Beneil Dariush and Alexa Grasso vs Danielle Taylor. Leggo.
UFC on Fox Orlando, Florida February 25th, 2017
Main Event: Rose Namajunas vs Joanna Former Champion II
I would prefer if they just moved Joanna up a weight class. To me that'd make the MOST sense. I don't make the rules here though so might as well just do a rematch, right? To me this is the perfect co-main event for a big PPV but instead let's just make it a title fight on Fox. Max publicity, easy to tell story, big "name" fight to bump a number and get yourself a juicy rating in late February.
Co-Main Event: Colby Covington vs Kamaru Usman
Don't tell me you don't want to see this even if it's for selfish purposes.
As for the rest of the show? Welp there's plenty of top flight fighters from top flight gyms in Florida who can be relied to turn a solid gate. Thiago Alves maybe? Nina Ansaroff on the strength of two straight wins could take on Jessica Andrade or Karolina K. Ben Saunders vs Cowboy Cerrone is a weird fight that sort of appeals to me as a main card opener. Jorge Masvidal vs Gunnar Nelson would be fun too.
UFC 222 Las Vegas, Nevada March 5th (Saturday on PPV)
Main Event: Conor McGregor vs Tony Ferguson
How about we unfiy these fucking titles and move on with our lives?
Co-Main Event: Demetrious "Mighty Mouse" Johnson vs TJ Dillashaw
I mean it's what they're doing. This seems like the path they want to take and I guess I can be sold on it. Big weird super fights for all.
As for the rest of the show?  Dominick Cruz should be better by then so maybe you can rebook Cruz/Rivera. Francis Ngannou can get a filler fight vs a somebody if you need to keep him busy assuming he beats Overeem. Dustin Poirier vs the Gaethje/Alvarez winner por favor.  The winner of Pettis/Cejudo, assuming they're asked to fight again, could take on Deiveison Figuerido or Tim Elliott.
UFC Fight Night ???, England (It's listed as London and it seems like London is where it'll be but the UFC wants to go to Liverpool as well) March 18th, 2018 (Fox or FS1?)
Main Event: Darren Till vs the winner of Mike Perry/Santiago Ponzinnibio
If Perry beats Ponz, I think we'll all be sold on his legit-ness. Besides he brings excitement and a touch of fun to this WW in rebuild. That and there are goofs who seem to really like the idea of these two jawing and fighting eventually. Having said that, I expect Ponz to beat Perry pretty decisively which would give us a fantastic clash of really good striking WWs with developing ground games.
Co-Main Event: Michael Bisping vs Dan Kelly/Sam Alvey/Jack Hermansson/Brad Scott/Anybody outside of the top 15
If Bisping is seriously retiring in London as he's stated then this feels like a perfect chance for him to take a nice step back in competition. Bisping has fought in FIVE straight five round fights so how about we give him somebody who isn't going to make him go five rounds. Pick a name out of a hat basically and let Bisping go out with a high probability for a win.
As for the rest of the show? I mean where the fuck has Arnold Allen been recently? Give Arnold Allen somebody a main card fight. Joanne Calderwood can fight a TUF castmate at 125 lbs. Oskar Piechota can get a fight too.
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rainsoakedsmiles · 7 years
Bechloe Week Day 2: Summer Camp
Summary: Beca’s a junior counselor for her first time at summer camp this year and she happens to be in love with the senior counselor of their cabin.
“Come on Beca, you have to be a junior counselor this year!” Stacie begged her best friend. “We’re too old to be campers.”
“But we’re not even gonna be in the same cabin,” Beca sighed.
“I know, but I’ve been wanting to do this since I was a little kid,” Stacie replied. “Beca it’ll be fun, come on.”
“Fine,” the shorter brunette said with a sigh.
Week 1
That’s how Beca Mitchell ended up on a bus to Camp Dixie next to her best friend who wouldn’t stop talking about the hot guys she hoped to hook up with there.
“Which counselor are you hoping for?” Stacie wondered.
“Anyone but Aubrey Posen,” Beca shuddered. “That girl gives me nightmares.”
“Isn’t she best friends with Chloe? The redhead one,” the taller girl clarified.
“Oh yeah,” Beca remembered. “She’s really pretty.”
“Oh my god I hope you get Chloe! Then you two will be spending lots of time together,” Stacie winked. “Didn’t you used to have a crush on her too?”
“Yeah when I was like 8,” Beca laughed. “I didn’t see her last year. I wonder if she’ll be back this time.”
“I really hope she is,” Stacie said, wiggling her eyebrows at the shorter girl. “You like her don’t you?”
“No, not anymore, and I really hope I don’t get her because you’re gonna be like this all summer,” Beca said, shaking her head at the taller girl.
“You know I will,” Stacie winked as she put her earbuds in. “Wake me up when we get there.”
An hour and a half later, Beca elbowed Stacie in the arm. “We’re here,” she said as she grabbed her drawstring bag from under the seat.
“Help me up,” Stacie whined tiredly as she held her hand out for Beca.
“You and your damn giraffe legs,” Beca laughed as she pulled her friend up. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” Stacie smiled as they got off the bus and got their duffle bags from the trunk.
They went to the sign in table and checked off their names before seeing which group they were in. “Ha ha you got Aubrey,” Beca whispered with a laugh. “Fuck I got Chloe,” she sighed, shaking her head.
Stacie smirked as she picked up her bag. “You know where you’re going?”
“Yep,” Beca said. “I hate that we’re on opposite ends of the cabins.”
“I know,” Stacie sighed. “Aubrey and Chloe are best friends though, they’re bound to want to sick together.”
“I guess you’re right,” Beca replied. “See you later.” She headed over to Cabin 5 and walked inside.
“Beca!” Chloe said excitedly as she walked inside.
“Hey,” Beca smiled shyly as she set her bags down. Damn, she forgot how pretty Chloe was. “It’s good to see you,” she said.
“You too,” Chloe smiled as she gave the shorter girl a hug.
“I didn’t see you around last year,” the shorter girl said.
“I know, I was preoccupied with…other stuff,” Chloe replied with a shrug. “Top bunk okay?”
“That’s great,” Beca replied as she tossed her bags up there, making a mental note to ask Chloe about it later. “So when do the campers get here?”
“In about 2 hours,” Chloe said. “Do you want to set up your stuff later and go take a walk down by the lake?”
“Sure,” Beca replied as she hopped down from the ladder.
“You’re going into your sophomore year right?” Chloe wondered.
Beca nodded. “You’re going into your freshman year of college?”
“Yep!” Chloe smiled. “Barden University.”
“Nice,” the brunette replied. “Are you excited?”
“Nervous,” Chloe laughed. “How’s high school going?”
“Good,” Beca said.
“You got a boyfriend?” Chloe wondered with a smirk.
“I’m not exactly into guys,” Beca laughed. “But I’m single.”
“Me either,” Chloe laughed. “My ex girlfriend broke up with me last spring.”
“Aw I’m sorry,” Beca said sympathetically.
“She was really awful to me at the end of our relationship,” Chloe said disappointedly as she dipped her feet into the water. “I never realized how manipulative and horrible girls could be. It was so unexpected.”
“That’s really shitty dude,” the brunette said genuinely. “Why weren’t you here last summer?”
“It’s a long story,” Chloe sighed. “I hope you don’t mind but I’m really not ready to talk about it yet.”
“Take your time,” Beca said reassuringly. “I’ll be ready to listen when you feel comfortable.”
“Thanks,” Chloe smiled. “Come in the water,” she laughed.
Beca kicked her Birkenstocks off and stepped in a little bit. “It’s cold.”
“You’re ridiculous,” the redhead laughed at Beca as she splashed a little bit on her upper legs.
“Fuck, stop!” Beca laughed as she kicked some at Chloe.
“We’re so immature, I’m surprised they even let us be counselors,” Chloe said with a laugh. “Wanna go get something to drink in the cafeteria?”
“Sure,” Beca smiled.
And they were off, already adventuring within 5 minutes of really knowing each other.
Week 2
“Are you awake?” Beca asked from the top bunk with a sigh.
“Yeah, come down here,” Chloe replied. “Bring your pillows too, I’m not sharing.”
Beca tossed her pillows under the bunk and climbed down the ladder. “I can’t sleep during storms.”
“Me either,” Chloe replied as she sat up, propping her pillows against the wall and motioning for Beca to do the same. “You okay?”
“I’m great,” Beca said seriously. “This is what I look forward to every year.”
“That’s cute,” Chloe smiled. “I love it every year but being back this year makes everything so much better.”
“Why?” Beca wondered.
“Okay so remember last week I told you my ex girlfriend was really awful to me before we broke up?”
The younger girl nodded.
“Before we broke up she told people that I was too fat to be with and then a week later when she was breaking up with me she told me had I just wasn’t her type. I wasn’t her fucking type after 3 years of dating.”
“That’s horrible,” Beca said sadly, wrapping her arms around the older girl. “I think you’re beautiful and perfect just the way you are.”
“Thank you,” Chloe said genuinely. “But anyway, that really killed my confidence and I ended up in the hospital for treatment for depression and anorexia last summer. That’s why I wasn’t here.”
“Oh my god Chloe, that’s terrible,” Beca said sadly.
“I gained a lot of weight in the last year I was with her because my grandma passed away and I was really stressed for a long time, but she was always supportive. It just messed me up so much.”
“I was gonna say it looked like you lost some weight, I’m really sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” Chloe replied. “You’re the first person besides Aubrey that I’ve told.”
“I won’t say a word to anyone,” Beca said seriously. “I understand what it’s like to keep a part of yourself closed off. My dad left me and my mom when I was 10 and she passed away a few years later so I had to move in with him even though he’s an alcoholic.”
“I’m sorry life has been so shitty to you,” Chloe said sadly. “It’s been rough on both of us.”
“You’re the happiest person I’ve ever met,” Beca said seriously.
“I always am here,” Chloe smiled. “Hey Beca? You think you can stay here tonight? We have to wake up before the kids anyway.”
“Yeah,” Beca nodded, resting her head on Chloe’s shoulder. “You know when we were kids I had a huge crush on you.”
“Really?” Chloe asked with a smile. “When?”
“You were like 11 and I was 8. It was my first year at camp and I was so scared so you let me lay in your bed with you, just like we are now,” Beca said softly. “It was the first and last time we were ever in a cabin together until now.”
“I remember that,” Chloe smiled. “Here, lay down,” she said softly, putting Beca’s pillows next to hers. “You seem really tense. Do you need a back rub?”
“I’m fine,” Beca replied. “Storms make me anxious.”
“I got you,” Chloe said, softly stroking the brunette’s back. “I’m right here.”
“I know, I’ll be fine,” Beca smiled. “Night Chlo.”
“Night Becs,” Chloe replied with a smile.
Week 3
“Beca why are you in Chloe’s bed?” An 11 year old camper named Charlotte asked when she woke the brunette up.
“We were just talking and we fell asleep, what’s up,” Beca wondered.
“There’s a spider,” Charlotte said anxiously as she clung to Beca’s arm.
“Oh god,” Beca said in fear. “Chloe wake up, there’s a spider.”
“Where?” Chloe asked as she rubbed her eyes.
“On the wall by the door,” Charlotte said.
“Oh that little thing,” Chloe laughed, smacking the spider with her shoe.
“Beca said you guys were talking and you fell asleep in your bed,” Charlotte said.
“Yeah we do that a lot,” Chloe admitted with a laugh. “Plus it was storming and Beca’s-”
“I’m not afraid of storms,” Beca said quickly. “Just go to bed Charlotte, its late.”
“Okay, thanks Chloe,” the girl said before walking across the cabin to her bed.
Beca began to climb up the ladder when Chloe grabbed her hand. “Just stay here, I’m cold.”
Beca smiled and crawled back into Chloe’s bed. “My little spider killing hero,” she laughed.
“That’s what I am,” Chloe smirked. “We have to be up in an hour to go help with breakfast,” she sighed.
“I’ll go get us coffee and we can just stay up,” Beca suggested.
“That sounds amazing,” Chloe smiled. “I’ll be on the porch.”
Beca went off to the cafeteria to get coffee for them and found Aubrey in there with the same idea. “Hey Bree,” she smiled as she got two mugs out.
“Hi Beca,” Aubrey smiled. “Can’t sleep either?”
“No, we were awoken because there was a spider,” Beca said with a laugh. “We figured it’d be best not to fall asleep again.”
Aubrey nodded. “You guys got breakfast duty?”
“Yeah,” the brunette replied.
“This isn’t my place to say anything but Chloe’s my best friend and her happiness is so important to me, especially after all that’s happened to her since last year,” Aubrey began. “She’s gotten really close to you, and she doesn’t want to make the first move because she’s older and she doesn’t want anything to be weird, but she likes you and it sounds like you like her so I strongly suggest you tell her while you have the chance.”
“She does?” Beca smiled excitedly.
“Yes,” Aubrey said, softening her expression at the smile on Beca’s face. “She’s gonna be scared though, considering what her ex did to her, but she trusts you so much, probably just as much as she trusts me.”
“I don’t mean to threaten you,” the younger girl said quickly. “You’re her best friend and I know that.”
“I just want her to be happy,” the blonde replied. “You make her so happy, Beca. This place always makes her happy but she’s just on cloud 9 this year.”
“I’ll talk to her,” Beca smiled. “Want me to let you know how it goes?”
“I’m sure she will,” Aubrey winked. “See you at breakfast.”
“Bye,” Beca smiled as she walked away with the mugs of coffee.
She walked back to the cabin and handed Chloe the mug before sitting down on the porch swing next to her. “So I had a thought,” she said with an awkward laugh.
“Oh no,” Chloe smirked. “Don’t hurt yourself.”
“Shut up,” Beca laughed, playfully smacking Chloe on the arm. “It’s about us.”
“There’s an us?” Chloe wondered.
“I’d like there to be,” Beca shrugged. “Chloe I really like you, I have since we were kids. And I know I’m a lot younger than you but I just want to make you happy. You deserve it so much.”
“I like you too,” Chloe smiled, wrapping her arm around Beca. “Does your dad know you’re…”
“Gay,” Beca clarified. “He does and he doesn’t care. He doesn’t care what I do.”
“My parents know about me too,” Chloe said. “They’re so supportive but they’re just really overbearing, especially my mom. I was glad to get away this summer.”
“Me too,” Beca smiled. “Will you go out with me?” She asked hesitantly.
Chloe nodded with a smile. “I’d love to. Just a fair warning though, I’m letting you take the reins on this because you’re younger and I want to take things at your pace.”
“That means a lot, Chlo,” Beca said softly.
“And I’m sorry if I’m really hesitant about things,” the redhead said genuinely. “I’m terrified to be honest.”
“I’m never going to hurt you like that,” Beca said seriously. “You don’t have to be scared with me. You deserve to be happy.”
Chloe nodded. “It’s gonna take time, but I want to be with you.”
“I know you’re going to college at Barden in the fall but where do you live now?” Beca asked.
“Savannah,” Chloe replied. “How about you?”
“Atlanta,” Beca sighed. “That’s so far dude.”
“Well in the fall I’ll be in Atlanta,” Chloe smiled. “It’ll only be about a month without seeing each other.”
“I guess you’re right,” Beca said disappointedly. “We still have another 3 weeks together too.”
“We’re gonna make the most of it,” Chloe smiled, kissing Beca on the cheek. “Can we just keep it on the down low? I don’t think it’d go over too well.”
“Yeah,” Beca nodded in understanding. “Sneaking around will be fun,” she smirked. “I’m gonna go get dressed. You good here?”
“Yeah,” Chloe smiled as her girlfriend stood up. “Let me braid your hair though.”
“Just like when we were kids,” Beca laughed as she walked inside. It felt so good to finally be with her childhood crush. She just hoped they would last.
Week 4
“I hate swimming,” Chloe sighed. “And I hate that I have to get in this time.”
“Why?” Beca wondered with a laugh. “It’s just us and Stacie and Bree’s group.”
“I really don’t want to wear a swimsuit,” Chloe admitted with a sigh.
“You’ll look amazing,” Beca whispered in her ear, glancing around before pressing a quick kiss to the side of her head. “Let’s go get changed.”
“Do you have a bikini?” Chloe wondered.
Beca shook her head. It’s a 1 piece from Pink. Is yours a bikini?“
"Yeah,” the redhead sighed again. “I hate my body, I just-”
“You’re beautiful,” the shorter girl said seriously. “You’re so amazing, I love you.”
“I love you too,” Chloe smiled. “Can you come with me to tie it?”
“Yeah,” Beca replied as she walked off to the bathroom with Chloe. “Calm down babe, you’re gonna beautiful.”
Chloe nodded as she turned towards the corner of the stall to take her shirt off. “Sorry I’m just really self conscious and I-”
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me, I understand,” Beca said softly.
Chloe clipped the bikini in the back and lifted her hair up so Beca could tie it. “Thanks babe.”
Beca smiled as she turned around. “You’re beautiful,” she breathed out, running her fingers along Chloe’s ribs. They weren’t that noticeable, but you could definitely see them. Chloe winced at the touch but instantly relaxed when she saw Beca’s loving smile. “Have you been eating enough?” the brunette asked gently.
“Yeah,” Chloe nodded. “It’s hard to gain weight.”
“I just want to make sure you’re doing okay, I’m not gonna force you to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
“I need to eat Becs,” Chloe said seriously. “I’ve been doing okay but if I ever start relapsing, don’t be afraid to tell me to eat.”
“Okay,” Beca nodded.
“My Mom is constantly forcing it on me and if makes me upset but I understand why,” Chloe said sadly.
“Can we go now?” An 8 year old named Katie asked impatiently.
“Yeah,” Chloe said, squeezing Beca’s hand before letting go of it. “Let’s go girls!” She said. “Becs can you grab our towels?”
“Yeah,” Beca said as she stopped by their bunk to get the towels. They walked down to the lake and met Stacie and Aubrey at the shore.
“Hey lovebirds,” Stacie smirked.
“How are you guys?” Aubrey asked.
“I feel disgusting in this swimsuit,” Chloe said, lowering her voice.
“Relax Chlo, you look great,” Aubrey said reassuringly.
“We’re friends, you don’t need to worry about that with us,” Stacie said seriously.
“I know,” Chloe said, shaking her head. “Bree will you guys keep an eye on the giant blob and we’ll watch the dock for now?”
“Yeah,” Aubrey said as she and Stacie walked off.
Beca and Chloe waded through the water for a bit until they climbed the ladder to the dock. “I need a nap,” Chloe yawned as she pulled Beca up.
“I know what could wake you up,” Beca smirked.
Chloe didn’t catch onto what she was doing and wrapped her arms around Beca’s waist. “What?”
“This!” Beca laughed as she lifted Chloe up and threw her into the water.
“You little bitch,” Chloe whispered with a laugh as she climbed back up on the dock.
“Beca throw me in!” A girl named Hailey said as she approached the brunette.
“Oh my god I have an idea!” Beca said excitedly as Chloe stood back up. “Chlo, grab her legs, I’ll take her arms.”
“You’re swinging me?” Hailey asked excitedly.
Beca nodded as they lifted the girl up. “Ready?”
Hailey nodded and pretty soon they swung her into the water. Beca beamed at Chloe as the girl came up from underwater. “Maybe I can go this whole day without getting my hair wet.”
“Oh I don’t think so,” Chloe laughed as she lunged at Beca and pushed her in.
“You’re unbelievable,” Beca shrieked before her head went underwater. “Can you touch the bottom?”
“Barely,” Chloe shrugged. “Which means you can’t.”
“No shit,” Beca laughed as she swam over to the side. “I love you even though you’re insane,” she grinned as she embraced Chloe in her arms.
“I love you too,” Chloe smiled.
They were really gonna miss this when it was over.
Week 5
“I’ve got sunburn,” Beca whined at her girlfriend from the bathroom.
“Did you put anything on it?” Chloe asked as she appeared at the door. “And where is it?”
“On my shoulders and face,” Beca sighed. “Chloeee it hurts,” she complained. “Fix it.”
“I’ll go get my aloe, hang on,” the redhead said sympathetically. She returned a minute later with a bottle of green gel and squeezed some onto her hand. “It might hurt a little, turn around.”
Beca flinched as the cool gel touched her skin but it instantly felt better. “Thanks,” she said in relief.
“Do you want me to get your face too?”
“Yeah,” Beca said as she turned around. “You’re cute,” she said nonchalantly.
Chloe giggled as she dabbed some aloe on Beca’s face. “So are you.”
“How did you get away with no sunburn?” Beca wondered.
“Because I reapplied my sunscreen,” Chloe laughed. “Plus I mostly tan.”
“All I do is burn,” Beca laughed, shaking her head. “We have to go get the girls from the gymnasium.”
“Well put a shirt on first,” Chloe laughed, pecking Beca on the lips before she walked out of the bathroom.
Beca emerged from the bathroom a minute later and wrapped her arms around Chloe’s waist. “Ready?”
“Yeah,” Chloe replied, linking hands with the brunette. “I want to run around here telling everyone I’m dating the prettiest girl here,” she sighed.
“Come to Atlanta,” Beca said excitedly. “In like 2 weeks, just drive there and I’ll show you around and take you to all the best restaurants.”
“I have a better idea,” Chloe said. “Come to Savannah and then we can leave for Atlanta a couple of days before my orientation so you can show me around then.”
“I’ll ask my dad and my grandma,” Beca said.
“Do you live with your grandma?” Chloe wondered.
“No, but if I don’t ask her, she gets worried about me,” Beca said. “My Dad doesn’t care.”
Chloe nodded. “I’m really sorry babe, you deserve so much better than him.”
“It’s okay,” Beca shrugged. “I’ll definitely come up to see you though.”
Chloe smiled as she kissed Beca on the cheek. “How’d I get lucky enough to meet a girl from Atlanta the same summer I’m moving there?”
“How’d I get lucky enough to date my childhood crush?” Beca wondered with a laugh. “You were the reason I realized I was gay.”
“Well I knew I liked girls from the time you and I first met but then when I got a little older I put a label on it,” Beca shrugged. “How about you?”
“I’ve known from the time I was probably 7 or 8,” Chloe shrugged. “My parents are really supportive and I was never pressured to put a label on my feelings, but technically speaking, I’m gay,” she laughed.
“Hey Chlo, our age difference isn’t gonna matter to your family right?” Beca asked hesitantly.
“Of course not,” the redhead said reassuringly. “My parents met when they were our age and they’re 5 years apart.”
“Okay,” Beca said in relief. “I didn’t really think of what a big deal it was until now.”
“It’s not,” Chloe said. “When do you turn 16?”
“And I just turned 18 last month,” Chloe said. “We’ll be fine.”
Beca smiled and let go of Chloe’s hand as they walked into the gymnasium. “Good,” she said sweetly. She couldn’t wait to meet Chloe’s family.
Week 6
“Are you all packed?” Chloe asked as Beca climbed down from the top bunk.
Beca nodded. “How long until I see you?”
“2 weeks,” Chloe replied. “I’ll pay your bus fare for you.”
“You don’t have to do that,” Beca laughed.
“You’re gonna be on a nasty coach bus for 6 hours, it’s the least I can do,” Chloe shrugged with a laugh.
“I’ll be fine,” the brunette smiled, wrapping Chloe in a hug. “Stacie’s Mom is picking us up and we usually stop to eat pretty close by so if you want to come, I’ll text you.”
“You know how happy my mom would be if I ate in front of her?” Chloe asked with a smile. “Of course I’ll come.”
“Well then we’ll say our goodbyes there,” Beca said.
“You have to come meet my mom,” Chloe said as she pulled down Beca’s bags from the top bunk. They walked outside and signed out before Chloe led her out to a car.
“Hey Mom,” she smiled as the woman unrolled the window. “I have someone I want you to meet,” she said excitedly.
“Is this the girlfriend?” The woman asked with a smile.
Chloe nodded. “This is Beca.”
“Hi,” Beca said shyly as she held onto Chloe’s hand.
“It’s so great to meet you honey! I’m Kate,” the woman said with a smile.
“You too,” the brunette smiled.
“Oh Mom, Beca and her friend are probably gonna go out to eat around here. Can we go?”
“Of course!” Kate said happily.
“I’ll see you soon,” Chloe smiled, wrapping the brunette in a hug.
Beca blew her a kiss as she walked to Stacie’s car. “We’re going to the Chick Fil A like 10 minutes away,” Stacie said as Beca climbed into the backseat.
“Mrs. Conrad, is it okay if my girlfriend and her mom join us?” Beca asked.
“You got a girlfriend?” Stacie’s Mom Candace asked excitedly. “Of course they can come!” She smiled.
“Thank you,” a Beca said genuinely as she pulled out her phone to text Chloe.
An hour later, they had all finished up their lunch and were getting ready to leave. “See you in 2 weeks,” Chloe said, wrapping her arms around Beca.
“I’m gonna miss you,” Beca said softly.
“We’ll talk every day,” Chloe said reassuringly. “It’ll fly by.”
“I love you,” Beca said. “It’s a long drive for you, make sure you eat something when you get home.”
“I will,” Chloe smiled. “I love you too.”
Beca gave her a kiss. “See you soon,” she said before walking away. Saying goodbye was hard, but she’d seen Chloe soon enough. This was the best summer ever.
34 notes · View notes
redroseworks · 7 years
Song of Lacy
Lacy looked at the battle in front of her. Another war. It was amazing how long she had lived. She looked down at the picture of her siblings in her hand before stuffing it back into her pocket. Another war indeed.
But Lacy was going to survive. She had to. She wanted a life. She wanted to live on. She wanted… she wanted to live happily ever after.
Lacy woke up in the camp infirmary. She was alive. Thank the gods. She was alive. She sat up. And then she realized. She was missing both of her calves. No. No. She tried to climb out of the bed but fell to the ground. Someone helped her back up into the cot. She felt a bit glad when she saw it was her friend, Kayla.
“It’s okay, it’s okay Lacy. Just remember, you’re alive.” Kayla said.
“My siblings? Piper, Drew, Mitchell, Valentina-
“Those four are injured but alive. Two of your sisters are dead. Charlotte and Lizzie. I’m so sorry.” Kayla frowned.
“How many of yours?”
“Seven. Kinda funny, right? Seven Apollo kids dead.” Kayla said as she teared up.
“Sorry. How many demigods in total?”
“Too many to fully count. Some might just be missing but hey we won the war. And we’re alive.”
“Yeah, we’re alive. It’s about a year and a half until you qualify for the Olympics.” Lacy forced a smile.
Lacy knocked on the door of her home. Her dad opened it. His eyes went straight to her legs. Her fake legs.
“Thank goodness you’re alive.” He hugged her tightly.
“Yeah. I’m alive. I missed you.” She choked out.
“I missed you too, my little dove.”
Lacy stared at the mirror. Sure she was alive. But she was ruined. Her face now had scars all across it and her legs were gone. Her body was scarred and burnt. How funny for a daughter of Aphrodite to look so ugly. Especially one who could barely change her hair color at will.
She was only thirteen and yet her eyes looked older. War aged people no matter what. Three wars had weathered her down. Made her even feel old.
Lacy sat down on a bench. It was the first day of the school year.
“Ew. What happened to you?” A nasty voice snarled at her. She looked up to see Drew’s so called friends but no Drew. Even Drew wouldn’t make fun of Lacy’s looks.
“Did the rats in your bed get hungry?”
“It was a car crash.” Lacy muttered.
“Speak up or did you fuck up your throat too. Well good riddance, your voice was annoying, you freaky loser.”
Lacy drugged her nails into her bag.
“What did you say?” A familiar voice said. Drew.
“Oh Drew! Good to see you! Look at what happened to her! She looks like roadkill now.”
Lacy looked down at the ground. Was even her own sister going to make fun of her?
“Say that again and I will break you, Amber.”
“Excuse me?”
“Leave Lacy alone.” Drew hissed at Amber. Lacy looked at her.
“What the fuck, Drew?” Amber jabbed at Drew’s chest.
“Leave her the fuck alone!” Drew pushed Amber.
“Why? Are you fucking the ugly gremlin?”
“SHE’S MY FUCKING SISTER!” Drew yelled. Lacy’s eyes widened. She and Drew never told anyone that they were sister. Like come one? A Japanese girl and a black girl, sisters? It was crazy. And it was hard to explain.
“Please. Drew stop it. Who cares if we pick on her? Don’t lie to save us from getting in trouble.”
Lacy watched in silence as Drew punched Amber in the face. “Lacy and I are sisters. Half-sisters but sisters all the same. And if you ever make fun of her or her friends again, you will have to deal with me. And remember I know so many of your secrets.” Drew said.
Lacy looked at the ground when she saw Sadie. Her best friend.
“Lacy?” She heard the British girl call out.
Soon she saw combat boots next to her pink flats.
“Lacy, what happened? Are you okay?”
“Car crash.”
Lacy felt Sadie’s fingers on her arm. Right on a scar. “Gods, Lacy. Are you doing okay?”
“No.” Lacy whispered.
“Has Tanaka been bugging you about it? Because I will kick her arse if she is.” Sadie said as she took her hand off of Lacy.
“No. Actually she defended me.” Lacy laughed.
“Really? Damn didn’t know the bleeding ice queen could be kind at all.”
“She’s my sister.” Lacy rolled her eyes.
“What? Really? I would have never guess. Though you guys do have the same nose. And you both have this weird look when someone says the names Silena and Piper. Are they other siblings?” Sadie asked.
“Yes… Silena died two years ago. And Piper is our sister who’s the daughter of a movie star. We all have the same mom.” Lacy said.
“Shit. I’m sorry. Which movie star?”
“Tristan McLean.”
“Damn. Your sister’s dad is hot. And I heard she’s a criminal or something. Also hot. Is she single?”
“Sadie!” Lacy looked up at her friend, “Piper has a girlfriend.”
“Oh well. Anyway if I see anyone picking on you for your legs and scars I will kick their arses.”
“Don’t worry about it. Trust me no words can hurt me, I’ve been through some shit and yet I’m still alive. I can take a few nasty words here and there.” That was a lie but she didn’t need Sadie or Drew defending her all the time.
A year past. No war. No battles. Drew had stopped covering up her scars to help Lacy feel better. The war with the Roman emperors had no name for no one wanted to think about it. It was the worse war. Campers who came after called all three wars the Triple War. It made sense since after all they were fighting the three emperors all along. It wasn’t like the Giant Were was a real war, Piper had stopped Gaea at the beginning of the war. Before it when became a war.
So Lacy guessed Triple War fitted.
Another year past. Lacy had learned there was Egyptian gods running around.  And that Sadie was a magician which Lacy noticed was a lot like being a demigod except you could leave if you really wanted to and if you weren’t like Sadie and well known.
There still was no wars. Lacy was glad for that fact. No more wars meant way less deaths and with Annabeth Chase planning New Athens already, life seemed to be getting better for demigods.
Three years. Three years and Lacy was the same age Percy Jackson had been at the Battle of Manhattan.
Gods. Before she didn’t realize how young she was during the wars. So fucking young and yet she had to fight. No wonder Luke rebelled against.
No. Lacy almost slapped herself. Luke made children kill each other. Luke made Silena spy for him. Luke was a monster.
She would never think like Luke Castellan. Even though the gods were bad, they were better than other options.
Four years. Another year she would be an adult. Most demigods barely made it past eighteen. Yet it was possible now for her to live on much longer than that. It was possible for them all to grow old and have families. Thanks to the Romans. Thanks to Annabeth Chase.
Five years. New Athens was finish. Little Olympus and Delphi City were almost done. Annabeth Chase had plans for more cities around the world. It was incredible. Lacy was felt safe. Like she could have a future.
Lacy looked at her face. She was damaged but she was still alive. She was still standing. After war and death and loss. She was still standing.
Lacy looked down at her diploma. She was going to NYU after summer was over. She had her whole life to live.
“Lacy!” A pair of arms wrapped around her. Sadie.
“Hey. Can’t believe we made it.” Lacy smiled.
“Yeah. So I heard you’re going to New York Uni.” Sadie said.
“Yup. And you?”
“Berkeley. I plan on majoring in chemical engineering. I’m going to miss you but I’ll visit often with the help of magic.”
“And I can visit you too. There’s a demigod city near San Francisco. New Rome. Piper and her girlfriend live there.”
“Great. And we have the summer to spend with each other.” Sadie smiled.
“Sadie…” Lacy looked Sadie in the eye.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Please do.”
And with that Lacy kissed Sadie. Lacy kissed her best friend. And Sadie kissed her back.
“I love you.” Lacy said when the pair pulled apart.
“I love you too.” Sadie said as she cupped Lacy’s face in her hands. Lacy smiled.
Lacy woke up. She was sweating and Sadie was shaking her awake.
“Lacy, are ya okay?” Sadie asked her.
“It’s over now.” Sadie wrapper her arms around Lacy and held her tightly. Lacy was safe. Lacy would be safe. She may have lost her legs and had lots of scars but she was safe and happy.
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