#[ ans. dream of the endless — what power would hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream of heaven? ]
melpcmene-arch · 1 year
He’s here to ask Dream if he can please, please, please kindly see his nightmare boyfriend Corinthian.
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"I'll permit him to visit your dreams. That is all I can offer. Do be aware who you're courting, and what his duties are."
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korinthsobs · 1 year
"What?" He hasn't missed the way they're looking at him, and it's setting his teeth on edge. The Corinthian isn't smiling for once: just looking warily back at his creator, like he's surprised they've even noticed him.
[ corinth vc: i know you know im pretty. we don't have to be weird about it.]
Isn't it ironic? For a creation that is based around what humanity cannot acknowledge that Dream fails to acknowledge him at times. But sometimes there are moments where the Dream notices. Stepping from the shadows, The Dream stops before their own creation - a prideful thing. The silence fills his lungs for a short moment. Their gaze sweeps over him, a silence observant. They reach out - elongated pale fingers stretching towards skin. So close to the cheekbone.
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Then they stop. Pause. The action was soon forgotten, purposely pushed to the side. Their arm dropped. They knew the Corinthian was pretty. No. He was more than pretty. Pretty is an understatement. The nightmare was captivating, with a beauteous ( beautiful, but just a little bit different. ) deceptive face - an invitation for those who fall for it. The Dream's eyebrows furrowed. "Nothing..." The oneiromancer was close to muttering it, but chose to make themselves be heard than to mutter. It was unwise of them to think more of what the Corinthian is. It was unprofessional on their end. "I have chosen to see your progress of things."
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
❛ i could never be the one to love you. i can only be the one that kills you. ❜ [ for dream :) ]
darker vibes. ( accepting !! )
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"I have not made you into a jester, and yet here you are, sprouting out your unentertaining antics. I do not require your love, and I have told you before that your dreams will only be that: dreams. You are below me. But it is almost ... cute that you've considered that you're capable of killing someone like me. A creature - one that wholes the entire unconscious collective up against the very thing that such a personification created. Do you think I don't know what makes you crack? Be careful, Corinthian."
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
@griefbringers has sent this in: 💋 graves is going to fucking DIE if he doesn't get a kissy from dream RIGHT NOW. don't ask me why or how. | everyone sending ‘💋’ in my inbox gets a kiss from my muse. ( accepting !! )
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"Is that what you ask, Little Griefbringer?" It's unusual, so thought the Dream. To be asked of something like that. Something that feels so mundane. Their voice echoes. A chilling tone that would run down your spine. ( Unless you happened to be a subject that is used to their disembodied voice - how it travels through your skull. ) The Dream lets out a thoughtful hum before beckoning the Griefbringer to step closer. "So be it." The Dream then leans forward. "But do be careful what you ask for. Okay? I do not expect you to depend on such mundane affections."
And then their lips are pressed firm to Graves' skull. It was a simple one. It could be a blessing. It could be the opposite. But it was something soft nonetheless.
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
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@folkaeir has sent in this: " never guessed you were pretty under all of that. " For Dream | 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑺𝑬𝑹𝑷𝑬𝑵𝑻 & 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑾𝑰𝑵𝑮𝑺 𝑶𝑭 𝑵𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻. ( accepting !! )
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The Dream stood there. Their presence known to the Fae Queen. The compliment does not move them nor deter them from the matter at hand. Compliments were nothing but exchanges of validation, and the Dream did not need such. They do not care of what their appearance is. Whether it is appealing or not. But the oneiromancer was not the type to be rude to a queen.
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Their face does not change. "I do not care whether I am pretty or not. My appearance is none of my concern. I am simply here. Though I do not wish to speak rudely. It is simply my preference at the matter. Pretty or not. Here I stand in front of you, Fae Queen."
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
Dream reaches for the second Corinthian just as they would have with the first, and the Corinthian's hand snaps tight around their wrist to stop them before he can think better of it.
They look at each other. The Corinthian swallows, its throats clicking. It doesn't let go of Dream's wrist. Stupidly, he's glad that he'd grabbed them over the sleeve and not under it. He doesn't know what touching Dream's actual skin would lead to.
"Forgive me, my lord, but--what are you... doing?"
The vestige of confusion was no longer available on the Dreamlord's face. It had come and went. Like a dream fading away from memory. They did not expect something like this. No. The Dream had expected obedience. The silent submission of the other angling its head. They looked at him, studied the Corinthian. The oneiromancer was not expecting this. Actually. They should've expected something like this.
Was the Corinthian not a creature of their own design? A nightmare?
But it was almost an insult. It felt like an insult. It felt like a dog not trusting its owner and therefore going for a bite. However, The Dream can see that this might have been a mistake on Corinthian's behalf. A terrified hound.
Their gaze remains on the Corinthian, but their mind is mentally focused on the grip. How hard it felt. How the fingers snapped around their wrist. Like a cuff.
"All is forgiven if you unhand me, Little Dream. I just noticed something and I only wish to fix it. Would you allow me to do such a thing?"
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
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@peacereflected has sent this in: 🙌 [ for dream , from corinthian ] | send 🙌 to grab my muse by the throat. ( accepting !! )
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They do not move nor flinch - their stance unyielding; a powerful being that had seen what was to come. Yet their face was close to expressionless - a cold front. Corinthian had crossed the line. His hand closing in on their pale neck. Despite such actions. Despite the well-crafted fingers, sculpted by precision and the utmost care, wrapping around their throat. No movement from them.
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The Dream allowed it. The warmness vs the coldness between the Maker and the Made. But it was not like the Dream accepted such behaviour. Corinthian was taller than them, and yet The Dream still looked down on him through cold glacial hues, followed with the small burning stars in the upper corner of their eyes. Their eyes narrow slightly - a fraction of emotion. "What... do you think you're doing?"
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
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@princguard has sent this in: where you go, i follow. @ Dream | PROMPTS FOR YEARNING, LOTS OF YEARNING... ( accepting !! )
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"I highly advise you not to follow me, if you're speaking in a literal manner. As I walk down certain paths that may be considered dangerous for you."
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Then they stopped - a pause came to mind, and their eyebrows briefly burrowed; contemplating on her words. "Though I appreciate it." The Dream had turned - a dark cloak softly rustling with their movements. "As I know that you're loyal. Your bold words have proven that."
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
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@princguard has sent this in: [ storm ] sender sees the awful weather conditions outside and insists receiver stay the night and ride it out For dream? Maybe they're stuck in the human world. | PROMPTS FOR SPENDING THE NIGHT TOGETHER. ( accepting !! )
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The Dream stood there; a tall figure, pale as the moon. His mood was sullen by the rain and her words. "Do not think of me as an individual who is averse to this ... outrageous storm here. I do not care if I get wet. I will not get washed away by such as I am an impermeable thing. Why do you insist anyway?"
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
“I would like to see The Corinthian.” He’s being so brave about wanting to see his boyfriend.
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The Dream perceived the other. A dreamer who had demands. "And why would you like to see The Corinthian? It is a busy nightmare. If your explanation is suffice enough, then I might consider it." The Dream counters, tone cold. This Dreamer is an interesting one. He seems more aware.
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
@peacereflected has sent this in: ❝  it is my personal favourite but i cannot expect everyone to share in my passions.  ❞ [ from corinthian, for your dream ? ] | goodnight moon  🐋  quite a strange.  ( accepting !! )
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There's an unapproachable air surrounding the Dream, and yet the Corinthian had gained their audience, and still manages to be near. "Do I hint pride in your voice? That your personal favourites involve undoing what you were made to do?" The Dream spoke; their voice equivalent of a chilly gust of wind. The same coldness that matched their visage of an unmoved presence. "Are you, Corinthian?"
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
@princguard has sent this in: ❝  how many doors do you have in this place, anyway?  ❞ for Dream | goodnight moon  🐋  quite a strange.  ( accepting !! )
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How many doors? "Oh, you do not wish for me to count. It is the Dreaming. There are many doors here. You might have noticed that some do not appear in their original location. As doors are no insignificant structures here. Some will disappear eventually. Some remain forever. And there are perhaps some who won't let you advance unless you were the creator itself. Doors are unlimited. Like Dreams."
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
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@princguard has sent this in: " Do Endless sleep at all or eat? " Lark asked Death as they settled on a park bench. " I have so many questions and I feel more comfortable asking you versus Dream."
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They smile warmly at that, and couldn't help but chuckle. Of course, she would choose asking Death than their younger brother.
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"We can do those things. I know we're the embodiments of something. I am the embodiment of Death; personification and such. All that jazz. But I can surely indulge on things. I could sleep if I want too. But I never bother with that. I do not have the time. However, I can indulge my appetite now and again, and I enjoy it. I enjoy certain crunches and flavours. It can never bore me. Dream, on the other hand, is a bit more prickly at the idea. Then again, you met him; he's Dream after all."
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
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@princguard has sent this in: " what did you do ? " @ Dream | blood, blood, gallons of the stuff ! ( accepting !! )
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His pale fingers were coated in blood - slick with the stuff. His expression downright cold; centuries of sculpting his own emotions to be nothing but unapproachable. Avoiding the likelihood of vulnerability. There's a pause, and the oneiromancer turned to look at Lark.
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The blood drips from his fingers. It seems like the blood goes up to his elbows, like the Dream had plunged his hand into something. ( Or someone. ) "I prefer not to speak about it." The Dream spoke with a commanding tone. "Though I do not appreciate your tone, Lark. I've done what I needed to do - that is all I will say and that is final. Do you understand?" He asks, cold, before looking away. His eyes are more sunken - shadows forming underneath. He was tired.
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
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@nightmarecountry has sent this in: ❛ the only one who gets to kill you, is me. ❜ [ corinth is being unhinged at dream again i'm sorry. probably while clinging and biting. ] | &. 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. ( accepting !! )
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"I suppose you must dream big then, little nightmare." The Dream spoke in a measured tone as their fingers threads through Corinthian's hair before seizing it in a tight grip. "Do you think you of all people could achieve something great? It will forever be a dream. But I admire your boldness, Corinthian. But this will be my only warning to you. You could try and kill me but I'll make sure your dreams are nothing but that.... A dream."
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melpcmene-arch · 1 year
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@wildscratch has sent this in: ❛ everything you touch, you ruin. ❜ [ my dream @ your dream :) ] | &. 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. ( accepting !! )
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His eyes widen slightly. "You... dare?" He steps forward, his black cloak curling around like liquid shadow. "You who share the same face and fate as me dares speak to me in that tone? You have some nerve... What is your purpose here." He demands. "Or do you only wish to do harm than good? If so, I recommend you pick your next words wisely."
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