#[ and it turned into a dual promo
house-of-lovin · 1 year
legally binded - drabble (1)
Jenna Ortega x F!Reader
masterlist | series mast. |
Drabble #1: The Week in Coachella
Summary: After getting caught in some hot waters with the press, you are forced into an unexpected agreement with America's sweetheart, Jenna Ortega to save your career.
Warnings/Tags: dual!pov, famous!reader, actress!reader, mentions of substances, intoxication, mature language, real people. (do not read if any of these make you uncomfortable)
(this is all fiction!)
Note: a little insight as to the ‘domestic bliss’ J was referring to 👀 this takes place during chapter 4, the week leading up to R’s peformance. the first of many drabbles (hopefully)
Word Count: 3.8k+
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“Turn it off… Jenna, turn it off!”
You whined, aimlessly swiping your hand on the covers in hopes it hits the other actress. 
The alarm blaring rudely in the dark, quiet air interrupted the solitude of the early morning.
You hear her groans but it sounded muffled under the lump of covers and pillows. “You turn it off…”
“Jenna…” You groaned but she still refused to move from her seemingly comfortable position. With a huff, you throw the covers off your head, squinting in the unlit room. The sun hasn’t even risen yet, what the fuck?
Reaching over Jenna’s body, you grabbed your phone on her bedside table. You must have fallen asleep with it in your hand again and Jenna must have placed it there for you. 
“It’s not even mine.” You muttered, reaching for her phone instead and snoozing the alarm. Then you flung yourself back into your side of the bed, sighing in satisfaction because the annoying alarm wasn’t blaring in your eardrums anymore.
“Was it my phone?” Jenna lifted the cover off her head but remained under. Her hair is a mess after a night of tossing and turning and yet she still looked… pretty. You’re not blind, she’s gorgeous but there’s something about her, being the first thing you wake up to that makes your heart palpitate uncomfortably.
Probably heartburn from last night’s dinner. Yeah. That’s it.
“Mhmm.” You hummed. It’s too early for words.
She groaned dropping the covers to hide again. “I have pick up at 5.”
“You’re working?” You questioned.
“Yeah, I forgot to tell you.” You hear and feel the shuffles of Jenna climbing out of the covers. “Are you going to be okay being alone with my family today?”
Cracking a single eye open and even through the darkness in the room, you see her brows knitted worriedly. “I’ll be fine, Jenna. I’ve been here for two days now, I’m settled in.”
“Are you sure? You can come with me to set if you want. I think I’m only filming some promo videos of Dior.” She urged. When you hear the concern in her voice, you opened your eyes fully, sitting up. 
“Jen, I’ll be okay. I promise. It’ll be nice to just chill today too ‘cause I’m not needed for soundcheck again until Thursday.” You reassured, blindly placing your hand on her bare thigh.
You feel her tense under your touch and you were about to pull away and apologize, not meaning to place your hand there but she placed her palm atop yours. “Okay… but if you need me to come back–”
“I won’t need to, but I will text you if anything happens, stop worrying.” You rolled your eyes, pulling your burning hand away. “Now go get ready before you’re late. I will be going to bed.”
“How can you go back to sleep so easily?” She questioned, climbing out of the covers. 
“Mhmm… magic.” You slur, already on the verge of sleeping.
You miss Jenna watching you for a few, long seconds with a fond smile after you’ve fallen asleep. You also miss her panic once she realized what she was doing, promptly turning on her heel to walk into the bathroom.
It was around 8:30 when you woke up again and like last time, it wasn’t on your own accord.
“Dad says wake up.” You spring up from the bed, eyes still closed.
You weren’t even sure if you were still dreaming but you swore you heard a voice.
“Over here.” Blinking your eyes open, you see Aliyah leaning against the doorframe with a smug smile. “Nice hair, is this what Jenna’s been waking up to every morning?”
“I see you and her share the same need to make fun of me.” You grumbled, wiping your eyes as they adjusted to the sunlight peering into the room.
“Mhmm. That’s how the family shows we care, we tease.” The younger girl shrugged, “Now come on, there’s breakfast downstairs and then chores.”
“Chores?” You asked but she already left.
Fucking chores? What the hell did you sign up for?
Swiftly, you threw on a presentable sweatsuit and brushed your teeth before hopping down the steps. From the moment you opened the door, you could already smell savoury waft of the morning meal awaiting you in the kitchen.
When you round the corner, entering the dining room everyone was already there, “Good morning.”
“Good morning, sweetheart.” Natalie smiled when she saw you. “Sorry Aliyah woke you up like that,”
You see her send her daughter a warning glance but you just laughed, waving it off. “No, it’s alright. Worked like a charm.”
“Come sit and eat.” She ushered, and you noted her uniform. 
“I assume you’re working today?” 
“Yes, it’s just going to be you kids in the house today.”
With Coachella weekend coming up, you had forgotten you were currently staying in a house with people who worked regular, 9-5 jobs.
“Oh, alright.” You smiled gratefully when the matriarch placed a plate of food in front of you.
“Dad and I have to go, you guys be safe okay? Call if you need anything.” She called out to the rest of her kids.
“You guys are carpooling?” Mia asked.
“Yup, the car’s not starting again.” The man grumbled, rising from his seat.
You perk up at that comment. “I can take a look at it for you if you want?”
All heads turn to you.
“You know cars?” Jenna’s dad asked, skeptical. This is the first time you’ve talked directly to the man.
“Yes sir.” You clear your throat, sitting up straighter. There was something about the man, maybe it was his constant silence or just Dads in general that made you a bit tense and feel out of your depth. “Used to work on them with my best friend, just a hobby but I learned a thing or two.”
He raised a brow but didn’t say anything. Natalie spoke up for him. “You don’t have to do that Y/N, but we would appreciate it regardless.”
You nodded, sending them a small smile. Aware that the man still hasn’t given you an answer but hey, you’ll take what you can get.
“We gotta go.” The parents bid goodbye and when the door shut, an awkward silence hung in the hair.
You keep your head down and pretend your breakfast was the most interesting thing on Earth.
“So, you got plans today?” Mia asked.
Lifting your head, you pointed to yourself, “Me?”
“Who else?” She raised a brow, and suddenly you’re made aware that sarcasm runs in the family.
Rolling your eyes playfully, you drop your spoon. “I don’t have plans.”
“Perfect. We’re all doing something.” Mia grinned.
You looked at Aliyah and Markus sending them apprehensive looks. “I… don’t like the way you said that.”
“Relax, superstar… when was the last time you let loose?” Mia grinned leaning on her elbows.
You glanced at the three siblings warily, “Fine… but if Jenna asks, it wasn’t my idea.”
“We’ll deal with her.” Aliyah matched her sister’s grin.
“This was your idea of letting loose?” You heaved exasperatedly, leaning against the leather headrest of the driver’s seat. 
The three siblings’ laugh resounds around you, agitating you further. Is this what it was like to have siblings? Maybe you’re not missing out on much.
“I thought you were an action star? Don’t you guys get paid to work out for Marvel?” Aliyah asked from the backseat. 
“I’m out of commission.” You glared through the rearview mirror. “And I hate hiking… why did we pick that?”
You started the ignition, cranking the AC to full blast and sighing in relief as the cool air relieves your sticky-red skin. 
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed. But there isn’t much to do around here.” Markus piqued up from beside his sister. “So when we all get together, we like to go hiking. Jen can’t make it most of the time, but I guess you’re the next best thing.”
He joked prompting his sisters to laugh but you flushed under the suggestion. You chose not to comment, instead pulling out of the parking spot. Clearing your thickening throat, you asked, “Where to?”
When you get back to the house, you're instantly met with an unimpressed look from the actress.
“You guys hung out without me?” Jenna crossed her arms as she stood in the foyer of her home, watching her siblings plus you trickle into the house. It’s fair to say that the younger actress was quite confused when she came back to an empty house. 
“Yup…” Mia responded, sipping on her drink as she walked passed the shorter actress. 
One by one, she glared at each of her siblings as they walked passed her until only you remained. You smiled sheepishly, holding out a drink. “They said you always get this smoothie… don’t be mad?”
Jenna stared at the drink in your hands. Her heart fluttered wildly in her chest. “Thanks…”
You send a large, goofy smile, pleased with yourself, “No worries.”
The jury’s still up for debate if you’re enjoying yourself.
See you thought you were. Sure sharing a single queen bed with Jenna is… less than ideal, the home-cooked dinners have been delicious, and her family has been nothing but hospitable. You should be having a good time, right? Except, right now you’re seriously debating changing your answer cause you’re stuck.
Tied down, would be a better description.
“Jenna, please. Help!” You managed to pull out a free arm from one of her cousin’s firm grip.
Why do these kids have such strong hands?
Jenna turned at the sound of your desperation, cutting her conversation with her sisters short then she laughed, taking her phone out to record.
“No, please.” You nearly cried out, flailing your free hand.
“Show us your superpowers, Spider-Woman!” Another child yelled, jumping in front of you.
“Ow..” Your footing stumbles with the added weight, trying to hold the kid up in your arms.
“I count… one, two, three… oh and there's a fourth one hiding behind your legs, how cute.” Jenna circles you, recording all the children clinging onto you for dear life.
“Jenna, please. I’m gonna drop this child…” You begged again, arms burning uncomfortably.
You’re one kid away from toppling over if she doesn’t help you. If you do, you’re taking her down with you.
“I thought you do action movies? Use that action star training…” Jenna teased just like her sister, in turn, you glared menacingly.
“If I do go down, I’m taking you with me…”
She rolled her eyes, put her phone away then walked over to grab the kid in your arms. “Come on, guys… let’s give her some space.” She shooed off.
They groaned, echoing ‘you’re no fun’ at Jenna,  and you’d laugh at her offended face if you weren’t thankful that you feel 100 pounds lighter.
“You sure took your time,” You scoffed at her, watching as Jenna lets the toddler down on the ground after she got too fussy in her arms.
“Mmm… it was just too adorable.” She pulled out her phone to show you the multiple pictures of your panicked face, flailing hand and the small army of kids sticking to your side.
“Delete that…” You attempted to swipe her phone, but she stuck her arm out of reach, too quick for you.
“No!” She laughed, leaning back. You leaned forward, trying to swipe at the phone again but she pressed her hips against yours — pushing you back.
“Delete it!” You grabbed the dip in her waist with one hand; the phone now just at the tip of your fingers.
Jenna curled into a ball, clutching the phone to her chest making you wrap your arms around her body – practically embracing her.
“Seriously?” You laughed at the childish antics.
“Let me keep it!” She snickered, body shaking as she laughed and you couldn’t help but join in, forgetting about the embarrassing photos.
“Fine.” Rolling your eyes, you dropped your arms to your side, stepping back. “But if you post that, you’re dead.”
Jenna uncurled, standing straight with a lop-sided smile, “Who’s gonna stop me?”
You stare back challengingly but once you saw the up flick of her brow, you knew it was a done deal. With a sigh and a drop of a head, you muttered. “Whatever…”
Then you walked back to your seat beside her sisters.
Reaching down on the grass to grab your drink, you pretend not to hear Aliyah and Mia telling Jenna that you two are cute.
Pulling out your phone, you ignore everything going on around you. You feel Jenna take her seat beside you. 
“Hey Y/N,” Aliyah spoke up, phone in hand.
You flick a brow up, “What’s up?”
“You know this song?” She tapped her phone, connecting it to the speaker and playing a song that sounded faintly familiar.
Furrowing your brows, you shake your head, glancing at Jenna who had a confused look as well. “No? Did I write it?”
“You don’t know what songs you wrote?” Jenna asked, turning to you.
“No? There’s too many and sometimes if it doesn’t fit me, I just take writing credit or I produce it for someone else.” You shrugged.
Aaliyah shook her head, gaining your attention. “No, listen.” She smirked.
When the singer started singing, you froze, the tips of your ears reddening.
“I don’t get it?” Jenna asked.
“This is Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter,” Aaliyah commented.
“Okay?” Jenna was lost. “Am I missing something?”
“Nope. I don’t think so— you wanna go for a walk?” You stood up swiftly, nearly giving Jenna whiplash as her eyes followed your movements.
You wiggle your fingers for her to take, but Jenna stayed put. 
“Later —“ She dismissed you, turning to her sisters who wore smug smiles on their faces, “What’s so special about this song?”
“Ask her…” Aliyah nodded toward you, currently pretending like you couldn’t hear the conversation around you.
She raised her brow, noting your weird demeanour. “What’s so special about this song?”
“Nothing.” Jenna raised a brow. You sighed, sitting back down beside her with a slump, ignoring the three others piercing stares. “Except it’s about…. me, or so I’ve heard, I don’t know.”
Jenna’s brows raised in surprise, her cheeks reddening when the next line plays. “It feels so good I had to jump the octave?”
You flushed, covering your face in embarrassment. “God, this is my worst nightmare.”
Her sisters’ watched with satisfied smiles as you continued to be embarrassed, actively avoiding everyone’s eyes and Jenna, who was stunned in silence but honestly looked more bothered the longer the song played.
You’ve never actually heard the song in its entirety, too embarrassed when someone said it was about you. You only saw the other singer one, two, three maybe even four times — so you were shocked.
“How fast can you take your clothes off, pop quiz?” Jenna reiterated as the song ended.
“Please, stop!” You groaned into your palms.
If Jenna wasn’t so satisfied with your embarrassment already, she might even admit that she’s a bit… irritated, for reasons unknown.
“Okay, Aliyah enough.” Jenna glared when the song replayed by accident.
Her sisters tried to chuckle lowly, but Jenna glared until they took the hint and scurried away, leaving just you and her.
“Are they gone?” You peeked through the opening in your fingers. 
“They're gone.” She chuckled, but the silence that followed was slightly awkward. “So… you and Sabrina? Didn’t know that.”
You cleared your throat, dropping your hands. “Yeah—uh. It wasn’t really anything.”
“Sounds like it was something…I mean she wrote a whole song about you.” Jenna questioned and for a second you wondered if she was jealous.
No, no way.
“That’s just fan theories and shit. I actually don’t know if it’s about me.” You felt the need to clear up. “It didn’t mean anything to me, at least.”
Jenna scanned you for a few seconds, feeling slightly uncomfortable under the intense gaze. “Mhmm. Cool.”
You blinked, unsure what that meant. But before you could say anything she’s standing, holding her hand out for you to take.
“Wanna go on that walk now?”
You nodded, slipping your fingers in between hers.
“Have you seen Y/N?” Jenna peeked her head inside her brother’s room.
“Not recently…” Markus responded, not looking away from his computer screen. “I think I saw her an hour ago though.”
“Where?” She huffed, leaning against the door frame.
“Don’t remember…” He replied distractedly. Jenna sighed, knowing she wasn’t gonna get a straight answer from him. 
Making her way down the stairs, she rounded the corner, entering the living room. “Has anybody seen Y/N?” 
She was met with silence. “Hello?” Jenna spoke up agitated.
“She’s with Dad, relax,” Aliyah answered and the actress couldn't even hide her shock. “She’s checking the car or something.”
“They’re together? Alone?”
Her sister nodded, confused.
“Yes? Why?’
“No reason…” Jenna lied.
“Is she scared of Dad?” Aliyah asked, a smirk on her lips.
Jenna rolled her eyes, not answering. Turning on her heel, she walked swiftly to the garage. You never admitted it out loud but she could see how tense you are around her Dad. It amused her more than anything.
Upon opening the door, she’s expecting to be met with silence as you worked on the car. Instead, her Dad’s laughter filled the room. 
“That’ll teach you to make a bet with her…” Her dad continued to joke. 
Stepping closer, she can make out your muffled chuckles from under the car. “Yeah… that one was on me, honestly. Robbed me clean of a thousand dollars.”
“Oh hey, honey. What are you doing here?” Her dad asked, noticing her standing by the door with a dumbfounded look on her face.
“Is that Jenna?” You asked.
“Yeah…” He responded.
Jenna blinked out of her stupor, walking to the hood of the car where her Dad waited patiently as you lay underneath the vehicle. “What’s going on here?”
You slid out from under the engine, using an old skateboard as a mechanic creeper; some oil splotched on your cheek. “Your Dad said the car wasn’t starting, so I offered to have a look at it.”
Jenna watches on as her Dad extended a hand out to haul you up. Exchanging the wrench in your hand for a wet rag to wipe the dirt off. She flicked a brow up in surprise. “I didn’t know you knew cars like that…”
You match her raised brow, “what, you think my cars are just for show?”
She rolled her eyes, not answering while you grinned, taking it as a win. She allowed her gaze to drop, noting your engine oil-stained white shirt hugging your arms tight and dark washed-out denim jeans. Looking like a real mechanic. 
“I think it was the transmission, try turning it on.” You said to her Dad. 
He follows your instructions, pushing the key into the ignition and turning it. Sputtered sounds of the engine roughly kicked back until eventually, it settled into a low, even rumble. You send her Dad a gratified smile. “What’d I say?”
“Impressive…” He scratched his chin, “I went to three different mechanics and none of them could tell me what was wrong.”
“Those guys are useless. You call me anytime there’s something wrong with her.” You popped off the hood struts, putting it back in its place before dropping the car hood closed with a loud slam, tapping on the top contently.
“You actually fixed that old junk?” Jenna crossed her arms, a little impressed but she’d never say it out loud.
You spin, flicking an unamused brow. “You doubting my skills, Ortega?”
Jenna tried shrugging impassively, walking closer to observe the running car. “Every single one of my siblings learned how to drive in this car, including me. Dad refuses to get rid of it.”
You run a hand over the hood again. What the younger actress said must’ve added to your satisfaction. “Just makes it more special then…”
“See, she gets it.” Her Dad peeks his head out from the driver's seat. 
“We’re not starting this…” Jenna spun in her heels, walking back into the house. She ignored her thudding chest.
“Hey, how was Soundcheck?” Jenna looked up from her book, watching as you trudge into her childhood bedroom in slow steps.
“S’okay…” You mumbled,  lazily dropping your shoulder bag on the foot of the bed. With a heavy sigh, you sat down and let gravity do all the work as you fell onto your back. Sighing in relief when it connects with the soft mattress. 
“What’s wrong?” Jenna crawled to the foot of the bed, rubbing your shoulder. She watched as your eyes fluttered closed in fatigue.
“Long day… too hot.” You muttered causing Jenna to chuckle.
“Well, we are in the desert.”
“Should have thought about that when I agreed to perform…” By now, Jenna’s fingers worked their way through your hair. Softly scratching your scalp. 
“Speaking of performing…” Jenna tried not to pay attention to the way you practically purred under her touch. “Who are you going on with?”
You grinned adorably, like when a baby smiled in their sleep. “Nice try…”
She tugged on your roots a bit, “Tease…”
“You’re the one tugging on my hair…” You cracked an eye open, staring up at her. Jenna flushed, choosing to ignore your words. 
“Why don’t you take a shower and we can finish watching Breaking Bad? Relax before your performance tomorrow?”
“That sounds perfect.” You scrambled up to grab some clothes from your suitcase before running to the adjoining bathroom. 
Jenna shook her head in amusement, ignoring the butterflies thrashing in her stomach. She moved up the bed, getting your side ready, and propping up the pillows to your preferred angle. Then she grabbed the remote, exiting out of the trashy reality show that she wasn’t really paying attention to. Only choosing the program to pass the time as she waited for you to come… home. But only because she’s honourable and chooses to uphold her side of the agreement; not to watch Breaking Bad without the other. 
20 minutes pass when the bathroom door creaked open and you stepped out, looking far more relaxed than when you first came in. 
Sliding into your side, you wiggled around, trying to get comfortable. “You kept your promise and didn’t watch the next episode.”
“Surprised?” She raised a brow.
“Mmm… a little.” You shrug, shooting her a chaffing smile. 
She elbowed your side, “idiot.”
“Okay, okay, just play the episode. I’ve been looking forward to watching it with you all day.” You covered a blanket over your lap, not realizing what you just said. Jenna stares at you, not speaking.
You turn, pulling a face before it contorts to an amused smile. You grab the remote out of her hands, not calling her out on her silence. “Come on, get down here.”
Still unspeaking, Jenna’s body moves automatically, sliding in close beside you; shoulders pressed together. The younger actress doesn’t have it in her to admit that she’s been waiting for you to come back because recently, she finds she can’t sleep without you.
Jenna chooses not to comment when she feels your head lean comfortably against hers.
(a little treat before ch 7🫢 )
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@alexkolax @ladey @jjsmaybank20 @werewoofrobinbuckley @chealsib @fanboy7794 @la-douleur-ne-finit-jamais @zelload @natashadeservedmore @orang3-ish @friedryes @nahnahnahwhat @be-missed @jjuncidio @oksana-moods @theirishmanronan @r-ude @wokethefuxkup @skate-to-breathee @user173781 @frasersgf @justafoolinlove @bring-mecoffee @haughtsauce21 @wheesunsangel @zaza11sblog @omega-horus @selluequestrian @justalittledissociation @imaloserbby @catswag22 @smjmgko @acutenobody @raven-ss @canceldevvi @sweetaimu @rockwyn @rwndsana @cheesybacon123 @cvluswnt @secretbackrooms @vixen1006 @zhasmindoesntknow @ulicebld @rozmrazaradelfinow @icarly23 @cartierdreamx @thenextdawn @annalestern @noooodlessstuff @vstblrblog @godsfavouritelesbiann @vixensvoid @cowxpoke
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sqewed0722 · 2 months
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I think the ratings leap from episode 15 to the finale just proved that, although the viewers consistently tuned in to the drama because of its exciting plot twists and turns, they stayed with it primarily because of the romance between Prosecutor Gye Ji-ung and Lee Mi-jin. The fluff between them was quite few and far between in earlier episodes as they focused more on the main plot, which was the dual life of Mi-jin. Hence, the sweet romance was only given focus in the last half of the finale.
Choi Jinhyuk and Jeong Eunji were just electrifying together and it was clear from the chemistry between their respective characters that they genuinely liked each other and had a great relationship offcam. Same goes for their chemistry with other main lead Lee Jungeun as well as the rest of the cast.
Just too bad that details and photos from their finale watch party are very few and there’s almost none of the two leads together. Jinhyuk didn’t even appear in the photos of the core cast members that Eunji posted on her socmed account. It almost seems like everyone is deliberately avoiding posting anything that would further fan the flames of their dating rumor. It was quite strong all throughout the drama’s run, primarily because Lee Jungeun was very vocal about her shipping of them and even the hosts of the variety shows they guested in for their promos were of the same mind as well. Fortunately and Unfortunately for them, their chemistry was just very natural and organic and it showed every time they were together onscreen, whether as their characters or as themselves.
I hope CJH and JEJ get cast in another project soon, maybe a more serious one this time. They have the acting chops to pull it off anyway. And a reunion project with Lee Jungeun as well. 😊
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lizzie-bennetdarcy · 1 year
Fic Rec Friday Fun 🥰
Tagged by @hippolotamus @jesuisici33 and @a-noble-dragon thank you, loves 🥰
The task: So wanted to get some hiatus rec lists going and encourage some self promo in my friends so how about sharing your top fics no matter how big or small - give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks /Most words/Least words
Most hits: What happened to the coffee table?
Art inspired by the prompt, "why did Patrick need a new coffee table?" (Also I LOVE that this has the most hits. I love you, you horny motherfuckers 😂😘)
Most kudos: Lock it up
A Marcy POV fic about what might have happened if Patrick had gone to visit his parents a little earlier in his relationship with Davud.
Most bookmarks: also Lock it up! Closely followed by How long till we reach the door?, a dual walk-of-shame turned meet-cute fic.
Most words: One day you'll understand how much I love you
A smutty and sweet post-canon, husbands in love and on vacation fic 🥰
Least words: 24 hour photo
The short and sweet follow-up to Lock it up!
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fellwar-finch · 1 year
I'm here, I'm queer, and I'm finally Dimir!
The new fae precon has sucked me in utterly to the guild that's been haunting my life for years now (I have another post about that).
From the moment I sat down at the table the first time. Opened the deck. Unsleeved, no playmat, across the table from four strangers. I opened the pack of two promo cards that come with it.
Full-art Talion.
Dimir has always been good to me! And with the fae lord at my side and Tegwyll leading my deck, I scored a hard-fought win against 3 players who actively use mana crypt and proxied dual lands. Just one game of three, but I truly think there's nothing more thrilling than having Obyra and Oona on board together, and leaving the fate of the game up to the top cards of the opponent's deck. I had enough mana left over to check three cards, both opponents at 1 life. Got one fairy out of it and won! And then I switched the commander to Alela, and beat my friend's aristocrat combo Elenda deck *handily* in a 1v1. Turns out goad isn't bad even then, you can turn sacrifice outlets or utility creatures into attackers and then just block them. And if a mechanic built for multiplayer still performs this well in just a 1v1... Maybe I was underestimating her. So now I've messed with the deck a lil. Putting in more counterspells and instant-speed interaction, more ways to mess up my opponents' days!
And it's *fun*. It's fun to play mindgames, it's fun to not seem like a threat until it's too late, it's fun to play on the opponent's turn, it's fun to counter important spells, it's fun to make a tiny little army of creatures just for playing on someone else's turn! Just all in all a blast to play!
So here's me, returning to my little magic the gathering corner of tumblr and saying that finally, *finally*.
I am Dimir.
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laura-de-milf · 2 years
I'm SO fascinated by the completely antithetical readings I've been seeing of Laura de Mille across posts, reviews, promo, comments etc. Is she foundationally inclined to evil? Is she a self-loathing little meow meow overcompensating for her guilt over actions which go against her otherwise-decent morals? Is she the ex-villain, not to be trusted, or has she never done anything wrong in her life? Is she power-hungry and ruthless? Was she coerced, exploited, forced into an oppressive system from which she was't able to or didn't know how to escape? Does she thrive in a position of leadership or is she longing to be an equal part of a team? Is she confident in herself and does she have a strong sense of what she wants? Or is she self-flagellating and repressing aspects of her true personality? Is she forced to do so for external reasons or does she repress those parts of herself out of shame?
The funny thing is, all of these perceptions are valid at the same time because there's evidence to support all of it. She has done really horrific things in the decades she spent sending innocent people off to war, and the only explanation she's given so far has been to defend those actions as "making useful agents" of them all. But she was employed to do so by an institution which would similarly exploit her and her friends if she didn't take utmost care to hide her meta-nature and comply to some extent. She clearly takes some degree of pride in her position of power--and yet we only see her genuinely smile when she's included in a group dynamic; she expresses fear of a future in which she's completely alone. She openly and regularly takes responsibility for her sins, even making a self-deprecating drinking game of it, and is quick to fuel Rita's ire as penance--while also asserting, "No, I am not evil!" when faced with this direct accusation. Yes, she ended up turning her found-family in to the Bureau, but the anguish on her face and the tears in her eyes and the desperation in her voice as she pled with the agents not to use force signal that, despite whatever circumstances led to the raid, she truly cares about the Sisterhood, and at that point she was beyond the ability to hide her feelings from every agent in the room.
What she personally believes and wants for herself seems to be fundamentally at odds with the reality of her living situation (and given that 4x01 comment about her war-profiteering family, her upbringing); in order to cope with this, she has had to create a heavy binary between herself and her work: between the Sisterhood, her meta ability, a sense of belonging, self-expression, an endless joy--Laura de Mille; versus the Bureau (and later Brotherhood of Evil), the pursuit of power as a means of security, straight-laced compliance, fulfilment of duty and responsibility, an impenetrable hatred--Madame Rouge.
She is so fundamentally full of conflict and it's tearing her apart.
It's almost like she has two distinct sides to her personality, each wrestling for full control and constantly forcing her to choose between one or the other. Is she good or evil? Hero or villain? Leader or follower? Laura de Mille or Madame Rouge?
If this is the very intentional way that the show has adapted Comic!Rouge's dual personality--by giving Show!Rouge the subtler but very realistic challenge of being a single person forced to reckon with a fierce dichotomy between her own morals, desires, relationships, guilt, trauma, and society's expectations of her--it's damn fucking brilliant.
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x5red · 9 months
More Super Klenk details come to light
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Does Super Klenk still exist? Did Super Klenk ever exist? The tv show is so famously obscure that one could be forgiven for believing it was just a hoax. Running for 13 episodes at the turn of the millenium, Super Klenk followed the antics of a school teacher who has a secret life as a superhero. Broadcast on primetime Sunday evenings on GMA-7, each episode lasted 90 minutes, blending action, romance, and comedy. For a primetime show running on a major network there's precious little evidence online of it ever having existed. Only one very brief video clip is available, taken from a station promo, plus a tiny number of low resolution promotional photos.
It is, very likely, one of the most obscure and undocumented superhero tv shows ever. The series appeared to have not been reshown since its original broadcast, and for all anyone knows the master tapes may have been junked. But that doesn't mean that with a bit of digital sleuthing we cannot unearth some interesting details about the series. For example, a while back a study of television listings in newspapers revealed the original broadcast details, and the tantalising possibility that there may have been far more than just 13 episodes.
In this post we outline further sources of contemporaneous information.
The Manila Bulletin
We start with a low resolution scan of an article from the Manila Bulletin (see above.) The article is conveniently written in English, yet parts of the text are hard to decipher given the low quality of the image. The following is a transcript as best can be made out. Note: passages marked in colour denote text that is unclear or missing from the image.
Tired of your usual Sunday night viewing habits? Then look up in the sky. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's Super Klenk to the rescue!
Although you won't really see Super Klenk in the sky once you channel surf to GMA-7 tonight at 8 p.m., their newest situational comedy entitled "Super Klenk" premieres.
Produced by Philippine-broadcasting leader GMA Network Inc., the comical super series "Super Klenk" stars sexy Ara Mina, who plays a dual role. As a normal human being she is a grade school teacher and volunteer rescuer Charito for Rescue 711, while she turns into the high flying but still fumbling heroine whenever she's needed to save people in distress.
In her new role as a super heroine, silver screen goddess Ara Mina defies the stigma of a "TF" [titillating films] actress. According to her, she doesn't care if people including the press would criticize her the way they did when she took on a singing career. What is important to her is that she remains focused on entertaining the children who will watch her show. She also emphasized that her decision to do children's show is not an indication that she will veer away from doing sexy roles. Her latest film that is slated for a January, 2000 release entitled "Laro sa Baga" will still feature her in some steamy love scenes.
According to its director Mac Alejandre, the unusual title of the sit-com was spawned after its head writer Isko Salvador, aka Brod Pete, who also plays Doctor Cortal in the TV series, took a break from their brainstorming. The creative team formed solely for this show were thinking of the show's title at Amigos Restaraunt when Isko came back with the "Super Klenk" apparently is also the middle name of Ara Mina (it is pronounced in Germany the same way as the word clench is pronounced.)
"Super Klenk" is also unusual in its length. It is a one and a half-hour sit-com, which is not the norm for television. Director Mac has no reason for this except that it was the time given them by GMA 7's programming department. He find this challenging since he knows that he has to jeep this one and a half-hour show interesting all the way.
"It is really hard to do a sit-com that's one and a half hour that's why we have to make this as interesting as possible visually, acting wise and gag wise. The truth is the pilot episode was done in more than two days because we have a big cast and it was really hard doing the special effect," Explains Director Mac.
Insiders from the show said that the "Super Klenk's" special effects budget was really financially stressful but GMA-7 shelled out just the project's success. The special effects have also been at the helm of two creative [unreadable] behind "Super Klenk" five days to decide on which special effects to develop and utilize.
"Super Klenk" was developed with children's Sunday night viewing bits in mind according to GMA's VP for Programming Wilma Galvante. [Unreadable] is a wholesome entertainment but with Ara Mina as the star. "The show [unreadable] promises young televiewers bit only fantastic special effects but also moral lessons that are interjected in every episode.
The launching of "Super Klenk" is in line with the new shows GMA 7 has [unreadable] for its viewing public for the year 2000. The culmination of all their [unreadable] released and offered this year is "Millenium Broadcast."
So how does Ara Mina become Super Klenk?
The unassuming Charito lives an ordinary life as a teacher who has to contend with mischievous students like copycat Xerox and the narcoleptic [unreadable]. As a rescue volunteer, she works with an obnoxious publicity hungry [unreadable: police?] chief, Hope Pimentel.
Her daily routine suddenly shifts to a new gear one day in some dark [unreadable: alley?] when she sees an old lady whom she thought was waylaid by street thugs. Charito tries to revive the seemingly old ago-go dancer, Tondang Xorax (Flora Gasser), who [unreadable] against the wall during a chase with her archenemy Oblada (Sandra Gomez.) Charito's attempt to breathe life back into [unreadable] Xorax proves futile but he superpowers of the aging heroine is accidentally transferred to the young volunteer rescuer. Tondang Xorax [unreadable: magically?] fades into a celestial star right before the unbelieving eyes of the [unreadable: unsuspecting?] Charito. Soon Tondang Xorax visits Charito to inform her the [unreadable: henceforth?], she will be known as Super Klenk.
Also starring Pilita Corrales, Isko Salvador, Paolo Fabregas and James Fabregas.
Philippine Headline News Online
This next piece was posted to the Philippine Headline News Online mailing list on 11th December 1999, and seems to be a standard press release announcing the upcoming show. Translations of the non-English parts, courtesy of Google, are presented in colour.
Quezon City, Dec.11, 1999 - GMA-7 is changing the image of bold star Ara Mina via a wholesome role in the network’s newest fantasy-action comedy series entitled Super Klenk!
“Tamang-tama nga dahil ngayong naghihigpit sa bold, heto’t nabigyan naman ako ng chance to do this kind of wholesome show na puwede sa bata and for the whole family,” Ara says. ["It's right because now that the bold is being restricted, I was given the chance to do this kind of wholesome show that can be done by children and for the whole family."]
Ara plays Charito, a dedicated grade school teacher and rescue worker. One night, she witnesses the original Super Klenk meet an serious accident. While trying to give the accident victim some mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, Ara received the special powers of Super Klenk, played by Flora Gasser.
“I become the new Super Klenk, a crimebuster who is the mortal enemy of the main villain in the show, si Oblada, played by Sandra Gomez,” Ara adds. “I enjoy doing this show because para akong si Wonder Woman and I get to do a lot of action scenes while fighting criminals. Nakakalipad din ako rito at ginastusan nila ang special effects sa flying scenes to make it look really convincing on screen.” [I enjoy doing this show because I'm like Wonder Woman and I get to do a lot of action scenes while fighting criminals. I was also able to fly here and they paid for the special effects in the flying scenes to make it look really convincing on screen.]
Playing the love interests of Ara in the show are newcomer Paolo Fabregas (son of actor-musical director Jaime Fabregas) and Isko Salvador (more popularly known as Brod Pete of Ang Dating Doon.)
This does not mean, though, that Ara is turning her back on sexy movies. As a matter of fact, she has just finished Laro sa Baga.
Philstar Global
The third piece was published on 18th March 2000 on Philstar Global, marking the premature cancellation of the show. Again, translations in colour.
Ara: Win Some, Lose Some
The sad news is true, after all. Yes, Ara Mina's Super Klenk will have its final telecast (GMA 7) this Sunday. After that, her flying character will be grounded (never to fly again?).
But the good news is that Ara will topbill a new GMA sitcom, untitled just yet, which starts telecast very soon.
"Super Klenk was very hard to shoot because palagi kaming outdoors," [Super Klenk was very hard to shoot because we were always outdoors] said Ara when Funfare talked to her on the set of FPJ Productions' Ayos Na Ang Kasunod (to be released by Millennium Cinema), her first team-up with FPJ. "Our minimum shooting time was two days. I wore a tight costume which could sometimes be very uncomfortable. I'm looking forward to doing the new sitcom which is light and easier to do. Like Super Klenk, pambata din 'yung bago kong sitcom." [Like Super Klenk, my new sitcom is also for children.]
Ara is leaving for Las Vegas third week of April to perform in a concert with Martin and Bert Nievera.
Cast and crew
Finally, through various sources (the IMDB, actor's profiles, etc.) we are able to pull together a list of the main actors and their characters, as well as some of the key production crew.
Ara Mina as Charito and her alter ego Super Klenk.
Isko Salvador (aka Brod Pete) as Doctor Cortal, the love interest, and also one of the show's writers.
Paolo Fabregas as another doctor and possible love interest.
Flora Gasser as Tondang Xorax, the superhero whose powers are accidentally transferred to the Charito.
Sandra Gomez as Oblada, the show's main villain.
Pilita Corrales as Aunt Baby, the relative Charito lives with.
James (Jaime) Fabregas as Hepe Pimente, the police commissioner and Charito's boss at the rescue team (also the real life father of actor Paolo Fabregas.)
Dingdong Dantes, possible guest actor.
Mark Anthony Fernandez, possible guest actor.
Elizabeth Ramsey as Tiya Kirara, guest actor.
Roxanne Barcelo, possible guest actor.
Yoyong Martirez, possible guest actor.
Mac Alejandre, the showrunner and director.
Wilma Valle Galvante, GMA's VP for Programming.
Over the last couple of years a lot of classic pinoy television has been uploaded, legitimately, to YouTube. The good news is therefore that it is possible that one day Super Klenk may be available for the public to watch once again. The bad news is that, given the obscurity of the show, it could be a very very long wait. Worse still, assuming the episodes do still exist in an archive somewhere, the chances are any uploads will be chopped up into small YouTube friendly chunks, rather than presented in their original 90 minute format. There's always the possibility that the show in its original form may be included on a streaming platform, or re-screened on a golden hits style cable channel, but so far neither of these things have happened.
And so, in the absence of any episodes to watch, the details above are currently all we know about what is possibly tv's most obscure superheroine show (unless you know more?!?) Maybe that will change in future -- here's hoping.
(A quick thank you to DrMuttonChops for tracking down a scan of the Manila Bulletin article, posted years ago on Ara Mina's social media.)
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bravelyloves · 1 year
random appreciation for my bff @patientlyloves bc not only did she make all the gorgeous graphics for my blog + our dual promo, but now she’s also making icons for me and just LOOK at how perfect this turned out!!!
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seriously she’s always so generous and is talented af to boot, always got my back including now with my broken laptop that’s prevented me from doing anything for this blog, best best friend ever fr <333
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icarusignite · 1 year
Hey yall. Ik I've been Hella inactive on here. I still got requests to complete 😭😭rest assured they'll be done soon....eventually.
In the meantime I started a professor Tom Riddle fic and I'd love it if u checked it out <33 (shameless self promo ik 💀🤡😅)
"You would become the wretchedest of women."
"Then let it be."
- Euripides
They say that witches should steer clear of muggle affairs, for the passage of decades is but a whisper to them, while mortals age and wither. Yet, Elizabeth Fitzroy is inextricably entangled in the very fabric of a battle long past its inception. Decades ago, the Muggle world witnessed a monumental change with the passing of new laws that finally granted some women the right to vote. However, the struggle endures, and it has become evident that the language of violence and death is the only one men listen to. The Daughters of Cain are on the rise again and Elizabeth, faced with the promise she made once long ago, must now fight in a war that isn't hers
Amidst it all, Elizabeth is forced to return to her alma mater as the new Arithmancy instructor at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A master of deception, she navigates a treacherous dual existence that straddles both the magical and non-magical realms. Deeply embroiled in deadly schemes that would condemn her to a lifetime in Azkaban, to secure her freedom Elizabeth must become the perfect spy for Dumbledore and infiltrate the inner circle of the enigmatic Tom Riddle. Every piece of information she collects is a lifeline, but for how long exactly will Dumbledore continue to turn a blind eye to her unspeakable misdeeds? Blood does not betray blood and she was a Lestrange once after all.
Pairing: Prof Tom Riddle x Prof Lestrange OC
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cinderella-gurei · 1 year
I'LL BE EDITING THIS BLOG TO TURN IT INTO A DUAL MUSE WITH A [SPOILER] CHARACTER FROM FF SIX TEEN! I will tag spoilers, but I may change my profile pic to show them and ALSO put a promo eventually (tagged too.) Be careful!
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jworthingtonreview · 7 months
Unwrapping Laughter: The Strategic Humor of Vehicle Wraps
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In the bustling arena of marketing, the quest for visibility can often lead to a rather serious and, dare we say, mundane approach. But what if I told you there’s a mobile canvas out there—vast, uncharted, and frequently glanced at—that could transform your brand message into an instant ear-to-ear grin? Welcome to the whimsical world of vehicle wraps, where design meets comedy to produce a marketing campaign that turns heads and tickles the funny bones. Here's how you could be rolling out laughter all over town.
The Power of Playful Design
Imagine you're idling in traffic, and in the next lane, a car catches your eye with a design that's not just visually stunning, but downright hilarious. You might chuckle, or maybe even have a good belly laugh. It's moments like these that create a powerful association with a brand—a nudge that says, “We don’t just do business; we have fun too.” Whether it’s a silly pun, a clever visual joke, or a meme-inspired graphic, the power of humor in design cannot be overstated. It humanizes the brand and provides an emotional hook that traditional, stiffer designs might lack.
Making Your Mark with Mobile Comedy
Vehicle wraps are, quite literally, a moving target for the audience. They offer a unique opportunity to tell a complete story or deliver a punchy message in the brief window of attention you'd expect in car-to-car engagement. By infusing comedy into your mobile branding, you invite viewers to a split-second theater where you hold the cards. Will they smile, chuckle, or marvel at the cleverness of your design? The element of surprise keeps the audience engaged, and a well-placed chuckle is often more memorable than plain text and logos.
Local Laughs: Tailoring Your Humor
The golden ticket for a successful mobile comedy campaign is locality. Tailoring your humor to local events, landmarks, or even inside jokes specific to the community can skyrocket relatability. Local businesses and event organizers can especially benefit from this approach. It conveys an understanding of the target audience that is not only geographically aware but also culturally attuned. This localized fine-tuning transforms the vehicle wrap from a spectacle to a scene-stealer, making it a highlight in the urban theater you’ve chosen to stage your brand’s performance.
Stick to Stickers
Although vehicle wraps may seem like permanent tattoos for your company's fleet, the utilization of removable stickers Elkhart as a campaign tool offers flexibility. Specialized stickers Elkhart can be swapped out for different promos, seasons, or events, allowing your fleet to participate in the seasonal humor or tailored event marketing. This versatility offers the dual benefit of cost-effectiveness and novelty, ensuring that your brand’s vehicles don't just blend into the background, but remain a joyous fixture in the community’s visual landscape.
The Last Laugh
If laughter is the best medicine, then a well-designed, humor-laden vehicle wrap might just be the cure for your marketing woes. It’s not just about capturing attention; it’s about creating an indelible impression that makes people smile. In a world filled with static, why not be the brand that keeps it dynamic? By mastering the art of mobile comedy, you're not only set to create great campaigns but a joyful community. Just remember, the best joke is the one that keeps on rolling.
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ofauroradreams · 7 months
anyway, so I don't clog up your dash with a bunch of random posts, here's a quick rundown of how things have been since we last properly spoke (I've been here on and off for the last two years or so, I think)
I reached affiliate on twitch
I got a job. it's 16 hours a week but I work anywhere between 20 and 30 with overtime. it's retail but it's money in my pocket, which is nice.
I got stuck in a rut with my writing. the less I did it, the more I felt bad about it, so the harder it got to do any of it, so the less I did it. rinse and repeat.
I stopped playing Overwatch 2. that game is dead to me.
I saved up my pennies and did a full transition from console gamer to dual-monitor PC gamer. shit's good.
I played the first Ace Attorney game again, was struck by inspiration and wrote my first fanfiction in years. broke through the wall I had run into. back on my Teen Wolf fanfic shit.
I turned 26. now I need to go update my bio to say 25+. the last time I was here properly, I wasn't even 25. it's strangely melancholic. am I officially "old" in the RPCn now?
I GOT MY FIRST TATTOO!!! it's Sea of Thieves, in honour of how much that game has impacted me and my life.
I shaved half my hair off and also got it dyed! Liana is proud of me. I also look super cute now.
this is a list of things I should probably work on around here, to see if I can feel the buzz to properly come back. this part is mostly for me.
redo my promo (aka just make a new post. my promo is still v good after all these years lbr)
update my carrd. need to edit my rules, my about, some of Liana's verses. some will never be used, some need to be edited and maybe I'll add/update a couple.
if I remove my single-parent verse, I won't have any use for Jessica Alba as a face claim anymore?
see if I can make more/new icons
edit my tags maybe? that'd be a pain and a half but I also think my current tags are clunky and could be neater
go through my likes. try to clean up some of the clutter around here.
send memes. reblog memes. there are a couple of people I'd like to re-establish a rapport with; and hopefully some more people I'd like to establish something new with
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✨Enter discount code SCORE50 upon checkout at adamandeve.com to enjoy 50% OFF on almost any single item + Free Discreet Shipping + Free 3 Hot DVDs & a Mystery Gift! ✨
Vibrating penis rings at 50% off almost any single item + free discreet shipping + free 3 hot DVDs & a mystery gift when you enter promo code SCORE50 at checkout at adameve.com/.
🌟 Overall 4.8 I gave this dual cock ring a 4.8 rating because it’s a very high quality vibrating cock ring. This stretchy cock ring is a silicone penis ring which means the material is durable and fits like a glove. For best results, use this dual pleasure ring with a little water-based lubricant to help slip it on. If you’re looking for the best vibrating penis ring, look no further than the Roco Rechargeable Dual C-Ring. You can’t beat the quality and craftsmanship of this pleasure ring for men.
Roco Rechargeable Dual C-Ring Item number👉C793
🌟Quality 4.8 As I said, you won’t find a better built dual cock ring vibrator. No matter how many times you play with this sex toy for men, it’ll never wear out. You’re going to love solo play with this penis ring because there’s so much added stimulation in the shaft, balls, and taint. Like, that’s a lot of vibration all around your most sensitive spots. Using this sex toy for couples with a friend is even better because he/she is going to get so much vibe action too. The Roco C-Ring essentially turns your penis into a vibrator.
🌟 Features 5.0 Wow! The features of this vibrating cock ring will blow your mind. For starters, it’s a rechargeable vibrator, so no more batteries! This is also a waterproof vibrator! Yes, this vibrating cock ring can accompany you in the shower or bath for even more pleasure! This penis ring loops around your shaft and balls to offer 2 separate & powerful motors, each with 10 vibration modes. That’s so much vibration! This cock ring is also super easy to clean and control.
🌟 Price 4.8 The price of this pleasure ring is already nice, but when you use the SCORE50 promo code, you’ll quickly see why it’s an absolute steal! You’re going to love how little this penis ring costs for all the benefits it will bring: harder erections, lasting longer in bed, added stimulation, more intense orgasms, better sex, and more! Get one of the best vibrating cock rings from Adam & Eve today for 50% off!
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EP 45 - Bodyslams and public policy with David Morales
Pro wrestler by day state representative for the working class by night, that's the story of this episode's guest David Morales. David is Rhode Island's youngest state legislator and one of the youngest legislators in the country, he's also simultaneously the villainous Hype Champion of the Renegade Wrestling Alliance. Now if you're wondering what does wrestling have to do with local politics or vice versa, it turns out quite a bit! In this episode I speak to David about what sparked his interest in local government, how he graduated both high school and college early, how he got involved in pro-wrestling, how cutting wrestling promos helps him in debates with fellow state legislators, and is Rhode Island a good state to start a business? But this is not a story about a person managing dual identities, it's much more than that. It's a story about drive, about transferring skills between seemingly disparate occupations, and then using those skills to create positive change for both yourself and the people around you. And this all started from a high-school debate.
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emoji-pro-wrestling · 2 years
Cassiopeia Grekko
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Emojis: ♠️ 🚳
Name: Cassiopeia Grekko
Pronouns: She/Her
Nationality: Greek
Slogan: “The bi-sickle champion.”
Character Profile: Like her brother Hál, Cassiopeia was encouraged to pursue sports from a young age. Although she practised wrestling alongside Hál, Cassiopeia turned her focus onto professional cycling. Competing around the world (including multiple top-ten finishes at the Tour de France), Cassiopeia proved herself a fierce competitor and outspoken champion of the peddles. However fast she peddled, however, the Grekko Curse soon caught up to the cycling prodigy. Succumbing to a knee injury (widely misreported as an ankle injury identical to her brother’s) cut Cassiopeia’s cycling career short, and any sympathy she might have received from the sport’s overseers was quickly shot when her virulently pro-socialist and anti-capitalist views came to light. Where the sporting community fell short though, family came through. Hál secured his sister a professional wrestling tryout and she took to it like a fish to water. Basing herself in her brother’s Greco-Roman techniques, Cassiopeia has made great strides in her newfound career and its different requirements from cycling. Despite an undeniable inexperience giving promos (cycling never required her to call her fellow cyclists a bunch of jabronis), Cassiopeia has nevertheless developed  a very striking image for herself: Tall and toned, her entrance incorporates two sickles (a reference to her political views) which she holds above her head to form the shape of her and Hál’s “Ace of Spades” logo.
Finisher: Lariat (called the Peloton Crash), Achilles’ Lock (called the Grekko Curse), Arm-Triangle Choke
Tag Team: Pantheon (with Hál “The Ace” Grekko)
Tag Team Finisher: Lariat followed by Olympic Slam followed by an Arm Triangle Choke (called the Triathlon, performed alongside her brother Hál “The Ace” Grekko)
Design: I wasn’t sure what to do at first with the rerolled Spade Emoji, and so without any fixed idea of tying her to Hál “The Ace” Grekko, I began drawing Cassiopeia with the idea of putting her in a cyclists singlet. As her muscular frame began to form the idea of framing her and Hál as Sports Siblings took shape, and once that idea took hold the additional connection of an injury forcing them out of their chosen sport and into wrestling snapped into place. As for the dual farming implements (or bi-sickles) forming the spade? Well that was just a stroke of genius.
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nerdoographics · 2 years
could you do a dual promo for me and nadia? her oc nat and my oc Atticus! his fc is bruno from burn the witch. they are pokemon ocs.afjkad if not that's okay!
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◸⠀⠀⠀’ ⠀⠀੭  NERDO.  sure could be fun to see DUAL promo will turn out I"LL SEE WHAT I CAN DO <3
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greysheaven · 2 years
Soulstice swim
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Soulstice swim how to#
Soulstice swim full#
Soulstice swim free#
Explore a dark world brimming with hidden mysteries, master a diverse combat system, and inhabit the dual forces of two sisters in a coming-of-age fantasy story with fast-paced action, vicious enemies and breathtaking boss fights. Voiced by Stefanie Joosten ( Metal Gear Solid 5), Briar and Lute are sent on a mission to reclaim a city in ruins that has been ravaged by the Wraiths, only to discover that the Order they belong to has a far more complex plan in mind. The transformation has granted Briar superhuman strength and resilience, while Lute, who was sacrificed in order to bind her soul to her sister's, has become a ghost with mystical powers. Briar and Lute are two sisters who have been reborn as a Chimera. The "Chimeras", hybrid warriors born of the union of two souls, are the only ones who can protect humankind. Wraiths corrupt their victims and can even possess their bodies, turning into unstoppable monsters that prey upon the common folk. The balance of the Holy Kingdom of Keidas is compromised when powerful, feral creatures known as "Wraiths" invade from the other side of the Veil, threatening to consume the living. Promo art for Soulstice, courtesy of Modus Games. You can check out an extended look at the game in the latest video down below as the game is currently slated to come out on September 30th, 2022. That last one is filled with several powerful consumables and currency, which you'll be able to equip on Briar and Lute with valuable resources. Those looking to get the latter will be getting a few bonuses including an extensive digital artbook, the digital soundtrack, and the Ashen Blade Item Pack. Skip to search filter criterias Skip to sort by. Home / Sale / Womens Sale / Swim refined by.
Soulstice swim free#
Todays top Soulstice Swim promotion: Save Up to 25 on Soulstice Swim products + Free P&P. Developed by Reply Game Studios, the game has officially gone up for pre-order as players can choose between a standard edition as well as a Deluxe Edition. Soulstice Seaside Getaway Pop Surf Inspiration The Sustainable Shop. 50 Soulstice Swim Promo Codes & Coupons now on HotDeals. “I was blown away! The location, the swag bags, the awesome people I met, all the friendships I made.Modus Games revealed this week they'll be releasing their upcoming action-adventure title Soulstice this fall onto PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. “One of the most amazing weekends of my life! I can’t wait to come back next year.” Wondering what a Soulstice experience looks like? Here’s what past participants have said: Registration for Soulstice 2022 is open now! Whether you want to try some new things, meet some new people, or just come relax with someone you love, Soulstice has just what you need. Soulstice is all about giving your mind, body, and soul a well-deserved refresh. Inspirational speakers that are some of our favorite humans Single or double occupancy rooms at the gorgeous Snowpine LodgeĪll meals and snacks provided by an award-winning chefĪrtistic workshops to stretch your creativity
Soulstice swim full#
We are so excited to bring Soulstice “home” to the Albion Basin-it is the inspiration behind our name, after all! August 8-11 at Snowpine Lodge will be full of all the things we love best. A chance to make some new connections, renew friendships, and just relax while we shared things we loved. We wanted to spend a few days in a beautiful place with inspiring speakers, activities, and plenty of good food. Years ago, we came up with the idea of hosting a retreat.
Soulstice swim how to#
The band is comprised of experienced professional musicians that know how to make a. The fifth annual Winter Solstice Nude Charity Swim has seen a record 245. The band includes keyboards, saxaphone, drums, percussion, guitars, bass, harmonica, and amazing vocal harmonies. 2021 Summer Solstice Swim & BBQ - Tuesday 21st Dec 2021 Summer Solstice Swim at. You deserve to be supported in every crazy thing you do-and we aren’t just talking about swimsuits and yoga pants! Soooul Good Soulstice, a new live-music band based in Bel Air, Maryland, performing the classic songs of soul, r&b, motown, rock, pop and more. We promise to have an option for everyone. This year we have a perfect range of tops from minimalistic to sporty. For all of the girls who don’t want to change their suits to get things done. We want to keep everything in place, without being restricting. We are so amazed by all of the things that you’re doing! Solstice Canyon: trail description, photos, GPS map, and hike directions to the ruins of a burned down ranch and a small waterfall in Los Angeles County. These tops are meant to stay on regardless of your cup size. We are constantly looking for ways to help you look, feel, and do amazing things. Our Albion community is so important to us. Have we mentioned that we really adore you?
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