despairforme · 1 year
What do you mean by being toxic in relationships?
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❝ Well SHIT, where do I even start? ❞ Did it really come as a SHOCK to people that he was a toxic person to get into a relationship with? He was a BAD person in the first place, and that didn't change when he was in a relationship. The absolute biggest proof of how terrible a boyfriend he was... He didn't want to TALK about that at all.
When Nnoitra had dated Grimmjow, Grimmjow had tried to kill himself.
It had been Nnoitra's fault.
He knew that. There was no getting around the fact that it was his behaviour that had led Grimmjow to feel like he'd be fucking better off dead. Nnoitra thought about this from time to time, when he thought about how their relationship had turned so loveless after a while, but Grimmjow hadn't broken up with him. He wondered if he'd been afraid to do so. It had been the same with Kyota, his other ex. He had just straight out LEFT without a fucking word, rather than break up with him.
Driving your boyfriend into a suicide attempt... Was there ANYTHING WORSE you could do as a partner? Nnoitra had put himself first, and been so SO FUCKING SELFISH. The worst part was that he hadn't even seen it. It had been such a natural thing for him that he hadn't stopped to think that maybe he was doing something wrong.
He wished he could go back in time and fix things. Stop himself from being such a fucking asshole. But there was no going back, and he KNEW he would repeat the same mistakes again. It was just who he was, right? A bad person.
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