#[ I will be getting to drafts in just a bit]
cierraonline · 2 days
They’ve been dating for a while pookie I’m sorry
Did You Miss US?
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chapter two: did you miss us?
warning: none
masterlist | previous chapter | next chapter
University of Connecticut  
Storrs, Connecticut
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Okay guys, we’re back…. Did you miss us? ‘Cause we missed you!
Whistle blows
“Listen up,” Geno Auriemma, the man with the plan—the man who built stars and legends—UCONN’s women’s basketball head coach with nearly 1,000 wins under his belt, announced. “This season, I will not be your head coach—” The older man was interrupted by gasps that filled the room. Thirty young women stared at him, mouths agape in shock, while his staff stood behind him in support. “Now calm down. I’m not going anywhere, nor am I retiring. This year, your head coach will be one of our own…. Sasha James.” With that introduction, the brown-skinned girl walked into the stadium and stood next to her mentor, essentially a father figure to her.
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“Aahh,” all the returning girls jumped up, rushing to Sasha and pulling her into a tight embrace in congratulations.
“That’s my wife!” Paige pointed to her partner with a wide smile, knowing how much this meant to Sasha.
“Okay, get off me,” Sasha laughed as she tried to push away the arms and hands. “Sit down, y’all are embarrassing me,” she added, mainly addressing her best friends. Once everyone returned to their original spots on the bleachers, her expression turned serious. “So, this year we’ll be following my coaching plan for the women’s basketball team, which was approved by the athletic director, David Benedict,” Sasha said, pointing to the white man who raised his hand in greeting, as it was the first time some players had met him. “First on the list is our Europe tour, a team bonding and learning experience.”
“Shut up!” The girls jumped up in excitement, thrilled at the prospect of traveling abroad for team bonding.
“Now, we have a problem,” Sasha began, watching the players’ faces grow worried. “There are 30 of us, half of whom are red-shirts due to either prior injuries or eligibility situations. A portion of those who aren’t red-shirts don’t get time on the court because skills aren’t being picked up quick enough. With that, we’re just wasting space and resources. At the end of last season, an email was sent out stating that although the season is over, we want you all to be prepared and in top condition. Freshmen, you got the same email after confirming your commitment to the team. So, before we leave for our trip, we’ll be cutting off the dead weight. Today, you’ll be doing multiple drills and rounds, and if we believe you’re performing well, you’ll stay. If not, I’m sorry, but this will be your last day on the team, regardless of scholarship status.”
Internally, the players felt a bit of panic, but overall they believed they were the best—after all, they’d made it this far.
“You will also have to play according to my standards,” Sasha declared, making the tension rise further. “The goal this season is to win like it has been for the past five years that got us to win Big East Conference and the Final Four. I don’t like losing and I won’t start this season. I like no-score games—it brings in publicity, which brings in money for the department and us as players. I need to know I can trust you all to win without relying on our heavy hitters to play a full game with no breaks. Last season, we recycled the same five players. This year will be different. We have five  players planning to enter the draft, and we need to put them in the best position to be seen and recognized.”
“Are you guys scared?” Geno asked from beside Sasha, observing his players’ reactions. “You should be. We’re still falling behind on basic skills that should come naturally to us. We’re not rebounding properly, not making fast plays, and not thinking smart on the court. There’s no more depending on the starting five or your status to save you.”
“Everything will be tested and calculated, and by the end of the day, the staff and I will be left with the best 14 players to continue with the athletic department. That means 16 of you will be ending your college basketball careers today,” Sasha nodded, watching her teammates exchange glances, wondering who would stay and who would be shamefully dismissed. “Let’s start with suicides—15 on each side, meeting in the middle. Let’s go,” she clapped her hands and took a seat on the bleachers.
Giving them a moment to get into position, Geno blew the whistle, and the running began. “Ramirez is lagging behind; her speed hasn’t improved since her freshman year,” Sasha noted to Geno, who nodded in agreement, jotting down the player’s name.
“Ayanna’s speed seems to have improved since her injury,” Chris Dailey commented, pointing at the sophomore.
“Alright!” Geno blew the whistle. “Line up!” The players stood in a straight line as the staff observed them. The goal of this elimination round was to test speed but also endurance—who looked tired and exhausted? This would show who had taken the offseason seriously and who hadn’t.
“Ramirez, your speed hasn’t improved. Anderson, you look tired, and you’ve only ran for 10 minutes. Bennett, your speed is inconsistent. Davis, Geno feels you’re not giving us your best because you’re overconfident, thinking we can’t replace you. Lastly, Jones, Coach Dailey feels your maturity hasn’t shown any growth. I’m sorry, girls, but you’re off the team. Tomorrow, you’ll have a meeting with David to go over the next steps.” 
Sasha moved on to the next drill. “Alright, let’s do dribbling drills. I want a relay race with 12 on each side, from the left side of the court to the right. The winning side is safe from elimination.” Sasha didn’t have time to watch the eliminated players cry over their lost positions. She needed a winning team—budget-friendly, hardworking, and serious about the chance they are given.
“Flores’ handles are sloppy,” Geno shook his head in disapproval as the player lost control of the ball twice before reaching the other side of the court. “Ines is doing better than last season. Keep a close eye on her.”
“Garcia is looking down too much,” Chris Dailey noted.
“What do we think about the freshmen?” Sasha pointed out Kamorea Arnold, who seemed to have a strong grip on the ball.
“With freshmen, we don’t need perfect; we need to see that there is room for improvement and how fast they can implement corrections,” Geno advised, advising for  Sasha to not expect perfection from the freshmen class. “We want people to see that we create stars, but we also nurture growth and progression.”
“Flores, Garcia, Harris, Johnson, and King, you’re dismissed,” Geno announced, prompting one of the girls to sob and plead for another chance. “You’re seniors, but we have yet to see evidence that shows the progress you made since you’ve been in this program for three years.”
“I plan on entering the draft this year!” Harris cried out.
“You shouldn’t have entered the draft when you’ve haven’t been getting much playing time for the past two years and had no playing time in your freshman year,” Sasha said, moving on to the next test. “Freshmen, you’re safe. Please grab your uniforms, practice schedules, and packing lists.”
“Thank you!” they squealed with big smiles, running to where Chris stood at a foldable table.
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“Let’s make this interesting,” Sasha continued. “Geno, Chris, David, and I will each choose a player to save.”
“Paige,” Geno nodded at the blonde, who exhaled in relief before running to the table where Chris stood.
“Nika,” David selected the Croatian player.
“Azzi,” Chris smiled at the league’s best shooter next to Sasha.
“Aaliyah,” Sasha chose.
“Thank you,” Aaliyah whispered as she passed by her friend and teammate, heading to Chris for a congratulatory hug.
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“Alright, let’s do rounds. I want to see smart plays… choose your teams,” Sasha directed the remaining players, who were more nervous than ever. With a whistle, a game on each side of the court began, and the returning players played harder than ever. Some stood out for the right reasons, while others didn’t.
“Caroline is thinking smarter; she’s stepping into that leadership role we’ve been waiting for her to take,” Geno commented, watching as she quickly passed the ball to another player instead of holding it and risking a blocked shot.
“Amari’s passes are getting faster,” Sasha noted as the player did a no-look pass to her teammate.
“Aubrey’s defense is improving, especially in blocking and holding screens,” Geno added.
“Alright, line up!” Sasha blew her whistle. “Lewis, Mitchell, Nelson, Parker, Rodriguez—thank you for the time you put into this team, but you’re eliminated,” she announced, watching as the remaining players huddled together, sharing tears and congratulations. “The rest of you, let’s start making corrections faster and implementing them. You’ve been here; you know the standards. It shouldn’t take the last round of eliminations for things to start clicking. We need it to click the minute you step onto the court. Got it?”
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“Yes,” they answered, nodding.
“Well, go get your stuff. We’ve got a trip to pack for,” Sasha smiled, clapping her hands.
“Don’t ever put us through that again,” Aubrey jokingly pointed at Sasha as she and Amari pproached her.
“I had to try to get rid of you somehow. Isn’t this your fifth year?” Sasha laughed, nudging the girl’s shoulder.
“Don’t get jumped!” Aubrey laughed.
“Go get your stuff before I have Geno kick you out too,” Sasha rolled her eyes, showing off her playfully sassy side.
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3am-dumbassery · 2 days
MC goes to hospital but it's for a specialist appointment
I had a specialist appointment today. Just thinking about how they would react to MC going to the hospital
Tw: GN!MC (no pronouns), hospital mention, healthcare,
this has been in my drafts for like a year
Probably took you to the appointment tbh
You would've had to explain that you needed to go if you were in the devildom at the time
Gets you a treat after. The longer/more invasive the appointment, the bigger the treat lol
Will take you to the chemist after if you need something there
10/10 the most gentlest man
Probably being harassed by his brothers about you the whole time
If you ask, he will probably let you touch his wings. He might wrap you in them if you're nervous and that helps
Freaks out when you tell him you need to go to the hospital
Probably runs before you can explain. Goes to Satan or Lucifer to tell them you're dying and to help you
Once you explain, they call him an idiot and he gets very embarrassed, but relieved you aren't dying
Takes you in one of his cars "for comfort"
More anxious than you. Paces about outside and texts every few minutes to check up on you
Sends his crows to look through the windows
Make sure to tell him when you're going into the appointment so he doesn't breakdown when he doesn't get an answer
Buys you a piece of jewellery "for good luck" afterwards (he most likely enchanted it) as well as any medical supplies needed
He got spooked, so he doesn't leave your side for a while after getting home (please cuddle him. It's for your sake, he swears)
Doesn't know what to do with the information
He'll offer to help you talk to Lucifer, but unless you specifically ask him to come with you, he probably wont
If he does come with you, he's got one of those nappy bags but full of entertainment devices
Game consoles, novels, manga, chargers, headphones, everything! He's ready. There are even drawing supplies
No matter how long you wait you won't be bored
Takes you to buy a new game/manga afterwards and offers to hang out and/or have a sleepover when you get home
Asks one of his brothers to get you any medical supplies you need so you can chill
Constantly checking in on you if you decide to go to your room instead
Pretty standard. Similar to Lucifer
He offers to "talk" to Lucifer about you going to the human realm
Steals Borrows Lucifer's car
Has brought books and headphones for music/audiobooks
Waits patiently. Checks up every half hour on the dot unless you ask him not to
Takes you to your choice of (cat) cafe/bookstore/library after if you feel up to it
If not, he might buy you a book
Makes you tea of your choice when you get home and offers to read to you
Also sends someone else to get medical supplies
This man knows comfort. He will set you up in the comfiest little nest with blankets and books and snacks. And maybe himself if you ask nicely
The most dramatic reaction ever
I'm talking draped over the furniture like one of those renaissance paintings
Honestly a little bit annoying, but kind of funny and endearing that he cares so much
You will probably have to get Satan or Lucifer to help calm him down and explain
He might also need to go to the hospital after the heart attack you gave him!
Makes you a little care package to take with you. sanitizers, hand cream, wipes, he even tried to give you an overnight pack with a soft dressing gown and slippers
He will come with you if you ask, but he might be a bit clingy and try to come in to the appointment with you (also hospitals are gross)
Makes Mammon or Lucifer chauffeur you
Treats you to one of his famous spa days afterwards
Fluffy cozy movie night in one of your rooms. Can't let that over night bag go to waste!
Gets a little bit sad that he didn't realise his human was sick
Please explain the situation quickly, he might cry
Once he understands, he asks if you need anything. Very sensible about it all
Gets Belphie to protect/cuddle you while he helps organise things
Makes you some healthy snacks to munch on if you get nervous (makes himself a large amount too, he's very nervous)
Wants to come with you, to protect you
The bestest boi. You have to stop him from carrying you. Even so, he's always just barely touching you in one way or another.
Waits patiently like a puppy for the appointment to be finished
Once you're home, gets Belphie to keep you comfortable while he gets anything else you might need. (Snacks, medicine, etc.)
You're not leaving his side tonight. Prepare to be smothered in cuddles
Was only half awake beforehand, but not anymore. He's never felt more awake
Once he understands the situation, he calms down a bit and gets beel to help him help you
Curls around you like a cat. Tries to get you to take a nap before you go
Will only go if you really want him too. He doesn't want to accidentally fall asleep and become a burden.
Definitely gets Satan to help him "borrow" Lucifer's car
Sends other people to get things while he stays with you like a guard dog.
He stayed awake for a long time, so now you owe him (just thank him and give him cuddles)
Will make the most comfortable little nest for you (and him. And probably Beel too) to sleep in tonight
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count-on-mi · 12 hours
Mommy's little boy Part 3(Jeongyeon)
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A/N: I am really sorry that I am suffering from the heavy workload for my job so I don't even have any mood or time to write, so just upload an draft that was ready for so long, and my first Jeongyeon smut.
My mum, Jeongyeon usually looks noble and elegant, like a lady, I accidentally discovered a little secret she hides - she is particularly interested in using handcuffs during sex.
One time I went to her bedroom to look for something and found a brand-new pair of leather handcuffs hidden in a box under the bed. At the time, I thought it was Jeongyeon’s collection. After all, she is the kind of girl who likes to collect small objects. Later, I discovered several pieces of sexy underwear and stockings in the handcuffs' packaging bag, and then I realized that these might not be just "collectables."
Sure enough, I eavesdropped on several phone conversations between her and her friends, and I heard Jeongyeon complaining that my dad had never tried to discipline her with handcuffs, saying how much she longed to be tied up and ravaged, to experience that sense of futility, helpful and stimulating feeling.
It turns out that Jeongyeon, who looks noble on the outside, also has perverted desires in her heart, which gave me a new understanding of her and an interest in her. Whenever I see such a twisted mind hidden under her noble and elegant appearance, I get so excited that I want to immediately hold her down and punish her so that she can know what true happiness is.
One evening, I walked in while Jeongyeon was practicing pole dancing in her exclusive practice room. At that time, Jeongyeon was only wearing a tight dance suit, with her slender legs exposed and her breasts swaying slightly due to the intense exercise. I deliberately interrupted her practice and went up to chat with her.
"Mom, your pole dancing is getting better and better! I really want to know what would happen if you were tied up there?" I said with a smirk.
"Oh! Don't make such a joke!" Jeongyeon scolded me with a red face. I knew this little stimulation was enough to arouse her arousal.
"If Mom really likes handcuffs so much, why not try it today?" I took out the handcuffs I had prepared and waved them in front of her.
"My son…what do you want to do…" Jeongyeon's voice was trembling, and I knew she was already a little emotional.
"I want to give Mom a little surprise." I approached her, easily wrapped my arms around her waist, and pressed her against the steel pipe.
"Ah…My son…don't…" Jeongyeon's tone has softened, and I know that she has completely surrendered to her desires.
I clasped her hands together behind her back, and then slowly took off her dance clothes until she was completely naked before my eyes.
Jeongyeon's body was flawless, and her snow-white skin reflected a soft light in the dim training room. I stretched out the tip of my tongue to lick the two bright red spots on her chest. I kneaded her elastic buttocks with one hand and probed into her private parts with the other hand. I easily found the hidden flower core and drew circles around it to tease.
"Um… My son… no…" Jeongyeon's body trembled slightly, and the corners of her eyes were filled with confusion. She tried hard not to scream, but every time my fingers brushed the sensitive flesh The core caused her to let out a low moan.
I held the cock that was already ready for battle, rubbed it against the entrance of her flower hole, and then pushed forward with all my strength. "Ah…it's too big…My son…" Jeongyeon finally couldn't help but scream out. She arched her back to bear my fierce attack, and honey juice continued to flow out from the place where the two of them met.
"Mom, you're so tight down there. I've long wanted to fuck you until you lose consciousness." I leaned down and bit her ear, gasping while thrusting vigorously.
"Ah… My son… slow down… I want to be fucked by you…" Jeongyeon's reason has been swallowed up by desire. She twisted her waist to meet my movements, craving like a complete bitch. More.
I hit the deepest part of her hard, each stroke bringing us huge pleasure. Jeongyeon was moaning loudly after being fucked by me. Her whole body was covered with a thin layer of sweat, making her look extremely sexy and sultry.
"Scream louder! I just love hearing my mother scream!" I grabbed her hair and pulled it back, forcing her to look up at me.
Jeongyeon's expression is both painful and happy, and her wet eyes make me feel pity for her, but I can't help but want to destroy her last shred of self-esteem.
"Mom, do you think this is too perverted? You are my mother, but you are doing this kind of thing with me…" I deliberately slowed down and changed to slow friction. Every time I pressed against the most sensitive part, on one point.
"Ah…don't…stop…My son…continue…" Jeongyeon's mind was already in confusion. She shook her head randomly, unable to understand what I was saying.
I quickened the pace again and took all of her wildly. "Mom, do you know who you are having sex with? It's me, your son!" I laughed maliciously, and every time I penetrated her deeper, she moaned louder.
"Oh…My son…I can't stand it anymore…I'm almost there…" Jeongyeon's eyes turned white and she was foaming at the mouth. I knew she was about to climax.
I pushed hard to the end, then leaned on her, sealing her mouth with my lips. Our tongue tips chased and sucked each other, sharing each other's saliva. Jeongyeon's orgasm was so intense that she clutched my back, her nails leaving deep scratches on my skin. I also reached the extreme at the same time and ejaculated a large amount of hot cum in the deepest part of Jeongyeon.
We held each other tightly, enjoying the afterglow of orgasm. Two lines of tears fell from the corners of Jeongyeon's eyes. I don't know whether it was because of pleasure or shame, maybe both. I kissed the corners of her eyes gently, kissing away those tears one by one.
I've been waiting for this day for so long - finally being able to fuck Jeongyeon in my fantasies. Jeongyeon was trembling slightly under me, her lips were slightly open, her eyes were out of focus, and her expression was like that of a girl who had just gone through puberty. This gave me an indescribable sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.
I know that Jeongyeon must be ashamed at this moment, but the more she shows this reaction, the more my desire to conquer is aroused. I raised Jeongyeon's legs again and wrapped them around my waist, and then buried myself deeply inside her again.
"Oh…My son…slow down…I can't bear it…" Jeongyeon begged me to slow down, but I remained unmoved. Instead, I thrust into her deepest parts even more fiercely. "Mom, you're so hot inside, it's like you were tailor-made for me." I smiled proudly, while increasing my speed, thrusting to the bottom every time, feeling the pleasure of her tight muscles wrapping around me.
"Ah… My son… you are too… too big…" Jeongyeon was so fucked that she lost her voice. She tried to raise her neck to escape from my attack but to no avail.
I looked at Jeongyeon's painful expression under me, and I felt an evil fire rising in my heart. She is supposed to be my mother, but now she is like a doll, letting me do whatever I want. This feels so wonderful!
I increased my speed a little more, hitting her G-spot hard every time, causing her to scream again and again. Jeongyeon was fucked so hard by me that she became incontinent, and a warm current surged out of her body, but I continued to fuck her, trying to force out more of her body fluids.
Jeongyeon looked at her hands that were handcuffed to the steel pipe, and then at her son who was raping her, feeling a sense of shame and guilt. But what followed was an unprecedented pleasure - which was completely different from what her husband had given her. Her son's thick, long and powerful flesh blade was raging inside her body, bringing intense pleasure with every blow.
She recalled her married life with my father, a weak man who could not meet her needs no matter what. As time passed, her interest in sex became less and less. It wasn't until my appearance that she rekindled the flame of desire.
Now, she was lying here, being raped by her son, and she was still enjoying the pleasure! This made Jeongyeon feel extremely ashamed, but she couldn't control her body and instead actively catered to her son's attack.
I roughly took possession of every part of her, from her breasts to her thighs, to the center of her body below. There was no part that I missed. Jeongyeon never thought that she would be so addicted to sex, especially when she was possessed by her biological son. I suddenly quickened my pace, and each thrust violently opened her door, reaching the deepest part of her soft flesh. Jeongyeon's reason completely disappeared at this time, leaving only endless desire dominating her. She yelled for her son to push harder and push it all in, not caring what a ridiculous request it was.
"My son…you are so powerful…you are going to break me…" Jeongyeon screamed incoherently. She had lost the ability to think and could only follow her instincts to pursue the greatest pleasure.
I heard her words and was obviously encouraged. I growled and accelerated the rhythm. Each stroke was more ferocious than the previous one, driving straight into the deepest part of Jeongyeon, as if I wanted to fuck the entire body.
"Mom, do you know how much I long for you? I have been imagining the scene now - occupying every inch of your skin, doing whatever I want inside you… Now I finally did it!" I shouted, like It violently fucked Jeongyeon’s pussy like a wild animal.
"Ah…My son…you are so big…I won't be able to do it…" Jeongyeon was so stunned by me that she raised her head, her eyes were blurred, and she was completely lost in the whirlpool of lust.
I looked at Jeongyeon underneath me. This was the image I had been dreaming about for many years - my mother was naked, being held down and fucked wildly by me. The place where she once gave birth to me has now become mine. plaything. This taboo stimulation makes my blood boil. I just want to violate her more fiercely and turn her into my private property.
I picked up Jeongyeon's thighs, folded her into a very aggressive position, and then thrust inside her hard. "Ah——!" Jeongyeon exclaimed, her lower body was completely filled by me, and the deepest part was completely occupied by me.
"Mom, you see clearly, I am inside you now, and we are finally truly one." I showed a proud smile and began to thrust vigorously.
"Oh…My son…you are going to…break me…" Jeongyeon cried. She twisted around desperately to escape my attack, but I held her firmly and refused to let her go. "No, Mom, you are mine now and will never leave." I gasped and sped up, each stroke bringing out more body fluids from Jeongyeon's body, making my pubic hair wet.
"Hmm… My son… you are much stronger than your dad… fuck me… harder…" Jeongyeon was immersed in my offensive. She forgot all shame and just wanted to pursue a bigger one. pleasure.
"Mom, it turns out that you have always wanted me to treat you like this, so let go of everything now, and I will give you an orgasm you have never had before." I smiled proudly, grabbed Jeongyeon's wrist and pulled her up, letting her lean against her. My body takes my fucks.
"Ah… My son… I really can't do it anymore… Where are you going to cum…" Jeongyeon felt my flesh blade expand more and more inside her body, and knew that I was almost there. "Of course, I will cum directly inside you, Mom, I want to fill you with my seed." I accelerated my thrusting, and finally buried it deeply into her bottom, shooting out wave after wave of hot semen on the center of the flower.
"Oh——!" Jeongyeon screamed, completely filled with my heat, and her reason completely collapsed.
I looked at Jeongyeon who was fucked into a daze by me, and the desire to conquer in my heart was satisfied to the greatest extent. From now on, Jeongyeon is no longer my mother, but a woman who belongs to me. I can possess her, manipulate her at any time, and turn her into a sex-chasing machine.
I leaned down and kissed Jeongyeon's lips. Her tongue immediately intertwined with mine, and their fluids exchanged. I slowly pulled out but remained inside her, ready for the next round of fighting.
"Mom, are you ready? We have a whole day ahead," I murmured in her ear as I pushed forward and penetrated her again.
"Ah…My son…don't…" Jeongyeon's body has been toyed with by me until her whole body aches, but I still have no intention of stopping. She didn't know how many times I had cum inside her, and her body was filled with my sticky semen, which even continued to overflow from our joint and wet the sheets underneath her.
"My son… I can't stand it anymore… let's stop, please…" Jeongyeon begged me, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes, but more of them were the remnants of pleasure. "It's impossible, Mom, I'm going to fuck you to the core, and I won't stop until you completely belong to me." I smiled evilly and increased my speed as if I wanted to stuff my whole body into Jeongyeon's body.
"Ah…oh my god…" Jeongyeon shouted in a daze. She desperately grabbed my shoulders to use her strength, for fear that I would knock her apart.
I picked up Jeongyeon's body and turned her over to kneel on the bed. This position raised her buttocks high, making it easier for me to penetrate further. I held Jeongyeon's waist, entered her body again, and then started thrusting hard.
"Mom, do you feel it? I have reached the deepest part of you. I want to take it completely, including your most private part." I growled, pushing against Jeongyeon's heart with every stroke, like As if to open it completely.
"Ah…My son…you are going to fuck me to death…" Jeongyeon cried, she was completely under my control and could only let me do whatever I wanted inside her.
In this way, I continued to fuck Jeongyeon for several hours, until the sunset and shone into the room through the window, I reluctantly withdrew from Jeongyeon's body and unlocked her from the handcuff.
At dinner time, Jeongyeon and I sat down to eat together. On the surface, it looked like normal. But I know that Jeongyeon has not completely let go of the shame and guilt of my raping her. She just doesn't want me to see her weak side.
I gently caressed Jeongyeon's belly, which still contained the bodily cum I had just injected. The blood of the mother and son mixed, forming a twisted connection. "Mom, what do you want to do tonight?" I asked knowingly, but actually I wanted to guide Jeongyeon to give up resistance and obey my wishes.
"…I want to sleep, My son." Jeongyeon replied coldly as if telling me that this is the end of tonight.
I'm a little disappointed, but I also understand that Jeongyeon needs some time to adjust to this new relationship. So I had to let her go and let her go back to her room to rest. At night, while my dad was away at work, Jeongyeon suddenly came to my room with a pair of handcuffs in her hand. I was a little surprised and didn't know what she meant.
"Mom, what are you…" I tried to persuade her to give up this stupid behavior.
"I haven't settled the accounts with you for what happened during the day." Jeongyeon's tone was cold. She grabbed me by the collar and threw me hard on the bed. "Mom, what are you talking about…" I tried to stand up, but saw that Jeongyeon had already handcuffed my wrists.
"Since you raped me during the day, it's my turn to take revenge on you." Jeongyeon looked at me condescendingly, with a trace of madness in her eyes.
I was a little panicked, but I also knew that I couldn't stop Jeongyeon. She quickly took off my clothes, exposing my whole body, then climbed onto the bed, spread my lips with her fingers, and penetrated me unceremoniously.
I tried to resist, but once I was subdued by Jeongyeon, all my efforts were in vain. Her fingers were domineering inside my mouth, roughly exploring every corner, forcing me to serve her. "Well… you learn so fast… good boy." Jeongyeon took out her fingers, which were stained with my saliva. She stuck out her tongue and licked the water on them, her expression showing great enjoyment.
I knew Jeongyeon was trying to humiliate me, but my physiological reaction was out of control. Under Jeongyeon's stimulation, my lower body gradually began to react, and the flesh blade set up a small tent under my shorts.
"Humph, you reacted so quickly? It turns out that you are also looking forward to being violated by me." Jeongyeon looked at me contemptuously, stretched out her hand to touch my cock, and kneaded it through the fabric.
"Um…Mom…don't be like this…" I twisted around in embarrassment, but was pinned down by Jeongyeon on the bed, unable to move.
"Don't worry, I will love you well." Jeongyeon smiled and took off her clothes, revealing her beautiful body.
I stared at Jeongyeon's body closely. She was like a sexy goddess, approaching me step by step, but I was trapped in place, unable to do anything.
Jeongyeon sat astride my thighs, holding my flesh blade with her hands, and slowly sat down after finding the correct position. I only felt a sultry heat wrapping around my front end, and Jeongyeon's body cavity was extremely soft as if my flesh blade had been swallowed alive. "Oh…Mom…it's so deep…" I moaned unconsciously, the pleasure of being completely possessed by Jeongyeon almost overwhelming my reason. "Moan louder, don't hold back, My son." Jeongyeon looked down at me, with the pride of a conqueror in her eyes.
She began to move her waist up and down, allowing my meat blade to move in and out of her body. My cock was lubricated by her nectar, and the movements became smoother. The walls of Jeongyeon's body cavity squeezed my crown, causing a numbing sensation. I couldn't help but gasp loudly.
"Oh…Mom…slow down…" I begged Jeongyeon to slow down. Her fierce attack made me unable to resist.
"No, I want to penetrate you and take all of you." Jeongyeon's voice became hoarse and sexy. She sped up the swing of her waist, and at the same time, she used more force on my cock.
There was a dizziness in front of my eyes, and the pleasure brought by Jeongyeon came in waves like a tide. I couldn't think at all and could only follow my instinctive reaction. My breathing became rapid, my chest heaved up and down, Jeongyeon's fingers twisted my nipples, and the double stimulation of the sensitive parts made me crazy.
"Mom…I'm almost there…" I realized that I was about to cum inside Jeongyeon, but I couldn't control my emotions. "Cum for me, spread all your seeds inside me." Jeongyeon shouted without restraint, and she increased her speed, as if she wanted to drain my whole body.
At the last moment, my sanity was disconnected, I pushed forward with all my strength, and ejaculated inside Jeongyeon. Wave after wave of hot water spurted out, and I felt unprecedented relief, and my whole body was trembling with orgasm.
"Ahh…" Even though I had reached my climax, Jeongyeon had no intention of letting it go. She was still swinging her waist, letting my cock rub and pump inside her. My already extremely sensitive area was stimulated again, and I couldn't help but cry out.
"Mom…that's enough…let me take a rest…" I looked at Jeongyeon helplessly, only to see her eyes were blurred, and the corners of her mouth raised a coquettish arc.
"Look, you're hard again. Didn't you beg for mercy just now?" Jeongyeon held my cock, feeling its hardness and pulse.
I did have feelings again. How could I resist the hot squirming in Jeongyeon's body? But my rationality tells me that if I continue, I will be tortured by Jeongyeon until I become dehydrated.
"I really…can't do it anymore…Mom…" I almost burst into tears. This sex was really beyond my ability to bear.
"Oh? Are you afraid that I'll hurt you?" Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow. She sped up her lower body movements, and my cock rubbed red inside her body.
"No…I'm afraid that I can't bear it…" I confessed frankly that Jeongyeon's skills were so good, she seemed to know how to stimulate me to the maximum extent.
"Don't worry, I will make you so happy." Jeongyeon smiled charmingly, and she increased her speed and intensity, as if she really wanted to torture me to the point of insanity.
My consciousness became increasingly blurred, and all the senses in my body seemed to be focused on my lower body. Every time Jeongyeon fucked me, I was intoxicated. My penis swelled more and more inside her, and the pleasure doubled. I no longer knew what I was shouting, I just kept shaking my head and buttocks in time with Jeongyeon's rhythm.
"Ahhh…I'm going…Mom…" I whimpered, my lower body reached climax again, and a thick white sticky substance spurted out from the cock, and all of it was injected into Jeongyeon's body.
However, Jeongyeon didn't stop, she was still bobbing up and down, and my cock continued to move in and out of her body. My reason has long been far away from me, leaving only the most primitive lust dominating my thinking.
"Mom…let me rest…I really can't do it anymore…" I struggled to get up, but Jeongyeon pushed me back to the bed.
"It doesn't matter, we still have a long time to play." Jeongyeon said with a smile. She increased the pressure of her weight, allowing my cock to go deeper into her body. I felt as if my body was about to be swallowed up by Jeongyeon. The wall of her body cavity was like a huge black hole, sucking in all my energy. My physical strength is draining away, and my mind is drifting away. I am like a toy in Jeongyeon's hands, letting her take whatever she wants.
Jeongyeon's speed is getting faster and faster, and I have feelings again. During this cycle, I didn't know how many times I had ejaculated, nor how much energy I still had. All I knew was that I was becoming addicted to this endless sexual affair and could no longer extricate myself.
"Mom…" I moaned, and another turbulence erupted from my lower body. "So good, You a lot more." Jeongyeon smiled frivolously, lowered her head, stuck out her tongue and swirled it around my nipples. My whole body was shaken, and the pleasure instantly spread to all my limbs. My cock also became erect again, as if it would never tire. "Mom…I'm really going to die…" I cried, but couldn't help but follow Jeongyeon's movements.
"Then you die under me." Jeongyeon said viciously. She sped up her lower body and sucked my nipples harder.
I was completely immersed in this infinite pleasure, as if I was in heaven. I no longer know where I am, and I don't care if I am still alive. I just want more, I want Jeongyeon to bring me endless orgasms.
"Ah…Mom…I'm coming again…" I growled, my body beating fiercely inside Jeongyeon. "Then cum for me, cum all for me!" Jeongyeon shouted wildly. She clasped her legs tightly on my hips and slammed her lower body against my cock.
My sanity finally broke completely, I roared loudly, and once again released a large amount of turbid hot liquid inside Jeongyeon's body. I feel like my cock has become numb. It only knows how to keep twitching and gushing, sacrificing everything it has to Jeongyeon.
In these rounds of sex, I seemed to have lost myself and became Jeongyeon’s exclusive plaything. The only thing I can do is surrender to her and give everything I have…
A whole night passed, and I was tortured by Jeongyeon until I became inhuman. I don't remember how many times I ejaculated, I just felt like my cock was about to explode. Jeongyeon's body was also covered with my seed, and there was thick white fluid inside and outside her body. But she didn't seem tired at all and was even more energetic than before. I was lying on the bed, my eyes were distracted and my consciousness was in a trance. My penis was hanging there limply, covered with traces of our intercourse. "How are you, my good son, are you feeling comfortable?" Jeongyeon climbed on top of me, and she stroked my body with her hands, her tone a bit teasing. I couldn't answer, so I just snorted softly.
"I thought you were going to be drained by me, but it turns out that you look like you are enjoying it." Jeongyeon sneered, and she used her fingers to rub circles on the cock, as if to wake it up again.
I tried my best to turn my head away from her touch. Although the cock has a tendency to rise its head again, I really can't bear it anymore. "Don't…Mom…I really don't have a drop left…" I begged weakly, tears flowing down uncontrollably.
"Oh? Really?" Jeongyeon stared at me playfully, and then suddenly kissed my lips. Her nimble tongue entered my mouth and intertwined with mine. My mind fell into chaos again, and my lower body became erect again uncontrollably.
"You see, you are just a greedy child," Jeongyeon said easily. She stood up, supported my cock and pointed it at her already-soaked pussy. I closed my eyes and waited for the arrival of a new round of violent storms…
From then on, whenever my father went out to work, Jeongyeon and I would have a lot of sex in bed, as if this had become our daily compulsory routine. Jeongyeon became more and more aggressive, trying various ways to possess me, whether it was a normal position or some unspeakable posture, she would try them one by one.
And I have been completely conquered by Jeongyeon. I am addicted to her sex and have become her toy that is ready for use at any time. I catered to her every request without shame and even made some perverted requests to please her.
Our lives seemed to consist only of sex. Except for going to school, we almost stayed in bed and had sex. My grades plummeted, but I didn't care. All I care about is her, my beloved mommy.
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cripplecharacters · 2 days
Hello! Thanks for all your hard work.
I have a character who lives through a war and experiences a traumatic head/facial injury that leaves him with asymmetrical features. Before discovering this blog, I wrote him as being a little insecure about it even years later (the main story takes place long after that), but have since retconned that as I realized writing it that way was the result of ingrained disfiguresmia, which I don’t want to perpetuate. As it currently stands, he does not have any particular feelings about his appearance itself/the visible remnants of the injury, nor is he treated differently for it. It’s just a thing, and not the focus of his character. Recently, however, as I was working on more of his background, I realized he ended up bearing a strong resemblance to one of his parents, who harmed him quite badly as a child.
So, my question is this: While nobody would be happy to experience a traumatic injury, would it be in bad taste for him to eventually end up being pleased that he no longer looks so much like his parent? Not that the genetic resemblance has somehow disappeared as a result of an injury, but rather that when he looks in the mirror, he sees himself instead of someone who hurt him?
I want to be careful to portray facial difference respectfully. I thought that maybe associating the visible result of something traumatic (cranio-facial injury) with gaining a stronger sense of identity (in a positive way) might be alright. But I wanted to check, because I don’t want to go too far the opposite direction and romanticize it.
(I’m using this emoji combination so I can find my ask later:🪞💙💥)
My original note when drafting this was "This is genuinely a rare and interesting take on a character's feelings after getting a facial difference and it goes hard as fuck", which is a Way to say that I like it.
I don't think it's in bad taste at all, it's more of a breath of fresh air with interesting characterization mixed in. Has the character's backstory influencing his feelings on a current event. I get to mildly see myself in this kind of experience as I'm also glad to no longer be told I look really similar to a family member since my partial paralysis got more obvious. Cool as hell.
I really love that you figured out something positive that makes sense for your character to take out of an acquired facial difference. I mean, this is what people do in real life; try to find positives. It looks like your character managed to do that and that's awesome.
I wouldn't consider this romanticization at all, but even if it slightly was then I think we can have a bit of it as a treat after decades of hearing how looking different makes us fundamentally worse. It's not like you're doing some inspiration porn shtick about how an acquired disability suddenly made him into a saint who no longer has a single mean thought in his head.
If this worries you though, try to keep in mind the negative symptoms that he almost surely has - does he have nerve damage, migraines, problems with speaking, fear of loud noises? These things don't go away if you feel positive about something, though it might make it easier to mentally deal with. Show the parts he's more glad about, and the ones that make his life more difficult, days that are better and days that kinda suck. Make him struggle in areas of life unrelated to his disability, and have joys that are unrelated to it too. The usual advice.
This was probably my favorite synopsis of a character with a facial difference I read in a long time, so thank you for sending this. I'd love to see more characters as carefully thought out as this one.
mod Sasza
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ipleadbritney · 3 days
lovers to enemies, the play
osctober day 20: lovers to enemies
landoscar, vaguely high school au
Oscar's about to say some very bad things any moment now.
“Where the fuck did George get this from?”
Okay, so Oscar might have worded that out a little bit differently. But the sentiment is the same, because yeah, where the fuck?
It's telling that no one berates Lando for his comment. Everyone's fatigued from George's latest script read. The team has separated into little cliques across the auditorium, poring over the new script.
Lando untangles himself from the curtains. Logan hasn't repurposed the curtains yet, but he says they're supposed to be the night sky. All Oscar sees is a lump of blue fabrics. “In the last scene, I'm proposing to Oscar, then in this one, I'm— I'm killing him?”
“Maiming him, actually,” Alex drawls, flipping through the script. “Oscar's getting killed by Carlos in scene 14.”
“So I don't even get to kill Oscar!”
Alex shrugs. “Take it with George.”
Lando huffs, returns to his pile of would-be night sky curtains. He looks like he will take it with George. Luckily, George was called by his student council peers to supervise a fight. Or something. Oscar wasn't really listening; he was preoccupied with understanding how his character turned from engaged to half-dead in between scenes. 
He stares at the tiny scrawls his sisters left in the margins of his old script— the one George called “too raw to be performed” and completely rewrote over the weekend. Heart eyes for Harry! Don't forget! Based on George's pace, Oscar will have to forget everything and restart.
Even Lando's character's name got changed. Logan says it was first Stephenson, but Lando demanded something different and it turned into a whole fight. Oscar wouldn't know. He hadn't been casted yet. Then it was Harry, up until 30 minutes ago. Now it's Orlando.
At least Oscar kept his name. Oscar, played by Oscar Piastri. 
“Do you get it?” 
Oscar considers bailing out. He's only doing this as a favor to Logan, who's only doing set design as a favor to Alex. Mr. Stella would be disappointed, but that might be better than whatever George's thinking of.
“Hey, Oscar!” 
Oscar looks up. Lando's moved closer to him, dragging his island of curtains with him.
“Been trying to talk to you,” Lando pouts. 
Oscar flushes. “Sorry, was just… trying to understand the edits.”
“Yeah, that's what I'm trying to talk to you about.” Lando fully sits in front of Oscar. “Do you get it? The edits?”
He's not entirely sure he got the previous draft. “To be honest?”
“No, not at all.”
Lando's face brightens up. “Great, because I don't either.”
It's comforting to know Lando, who's much more experienced than him, is just as confused as Oscar. 
“George's my mate,” Lando says, “and he's brilliant, but this is— what's the word? Convulsion?"
“That one, yeah. Convoluted. He went to this workshop with Nico Rosberg and Jenson Button— the actors —and suddenly he thinks he's Shakesy P reborn."
Oscar nods, unable to form a proper answer.
Lando doesn't seem to mind. He continues, “Why do you get to keep your name, anyway? Orlando's horrible. And I know George's into this whole lovers-to-enemies trope, but where's the development? Where's the tension?”
Over Lando's head, Alex gives Oscar a thumbs up, mouthing, now's your chance. Oscar ignores him. 
“What's the point of being—” Lando pauses, checking the script, “—of being fated enemies if I'm not gonna kill you? Orlando and Oscar don't end up together, but they deserve to at least kill each other, right?”
Oscar tries to process the dozen plot points Lando discussed. He fails. Instead, he says, “I see you're excited to kill me.”
“Totally not the point, Osc.”
“If I keep saying ‘Oscar’, it sounds like I'm asking for your hand in marriage. So, you're Osc.”
“Let's have dinner first before all this marriage talk. I'm free tomorrow. We can also go over the script again. Sounds good to you, Osc?”
That can be arranged, Oscar thinks deliriously.
Wait, what? 
Lando laughs, fond. “You're cute when you blush, Osc. I'll text you the details, okay?”
“Uh, okay.”
Oscar feels like they've skipped a couple steps, a couple scenes— but when Lando Norris is looking at you like that, who would ever say no? 
The moment breaks. George storms inside the auditorium and stalks towards the stage. “I have a new idea!”
Everyone groans. 
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court-jobi · 1 day
Tired Eyes
Tumblr media
((Banner by me! I don't own Horikoshi's work/characters))
Pairing: Todoroki x reader (UAteacher!reader x Pro-Hero Shoto)
Rating: T+ (smol insinuated spice between lovers)
Words: 2k
Warnings: GN!reader, Behold the FLUFF, est. relationship, stress relief, Shoto is a good partner, just comfort hours, yall, tender kissing, *light suggestive pining* Shouto is a petname king
An overworked hero and his under-rested lover are both due for a vacation. You are certainly dreaming of such a time where you can get away, and pose the idea one night when the dreams become just a bit too real and appealing to all your senses to ignore.
A/N: Ok, I super love writing Shoto now. Y'all's love of my first fic convinced me... more love for our half-and-half beau awaits~
For my My Hero Academia Masterlist, check it out here!
Read on Ao3
Night sky. No clouds in sight. There is only a sky of deepest blue, a sea of deepest green, and sparkling gems of reflected starlight in between. Music rises from the sandy beach band beneath you, but out of sight from the serenity of this island paradise. 
There’s light, despite the lateness of the hour. Streams from the moon above you: so brightly that it casts shadows through those teetering, cascading palms over the entire balcony.
Just slightly too cold, this wind. A perfect midnight breeze, but you’re hardly chilly. There’s a perfect set of arms holding you around the waist– paired by a warm cheek pressed against your right side: his left.
You don’t get views like this living in such a thriving city. Those skylines hold their own beauty, but it’s hardly a candle to this unspoiled beach. Distant rolls of waves crashing at low tide act as the perfect background noise. Your better half is humming the familiar song that’s playing downstairs there by your ear; a relaxed state emanating from him that you rarely see– 
Todoroki slips into your study, on the hunt for where his darling lover could be. Catching you catnapping at your desk, he runs a hand through your hair to test how deeply you sleep.
‘What’s gotten into you, huh? You never dance!’
‘We’re on island time, aren’t we? What’s the saying.. ‘there’s a first time for everything’.’
‘Breaking news: Japan’s number four hero, SHOTO, dancing his life away with the love of his life’- that’ll make headlines! I gotta make a call-’
‘They’ll never believe you…’
‘Where’s my phone- I gotta get proof-OOPHM!’
‘Stop talking. Come dance~’
A cool hand swipes a finger up your neck, another test.
Kisses outline your cheek in a curve, coupled by dreamy, airy hums. Lips that sear with their ‘want’ of you, laden with heat and obsessed with covering you in their wake. Making you weak for someone who proves his strength with utter softness– and his power with gentleness. 
The man atop you -who worships you- has held your hand for years, but your heart for much longer. Friendship turned to something dearer once you both tested the waters together, which led to seeking out new shores in whatever spare time you could afford– time away being a precious treasure. You’re set on committing these kisses to memory, making the most of this respite that resets his busy mind and serious outlook.
He’s making sure you let go of every ounce of worry, now that he’s feeling better. Making you sing his praises without a care for who might hear over the billow and sway of hala trees.
Making you his.
‘M’love… My love….’
‘-My love?”
You stir suddenly and wake like nothing’s happened. That work email draft still sits idle on your browser and as you turn, the discovery that your boyfriend’s returned from the streets of Esuha comes to life as well.
You breeze past your bleary-eyed stare at the man who was just carrying you to bed, distracting you with his mouth, looking fondly up at you unbound by responsibility…- you were sure it was real, just moments ago..
“Oh Sho– sorry about that, I was just um– heh.."
A teasing eye studies your masking. "Long day?"
A curriculum planning session with Aizawa and Cementoss you’d thought was wrapped up yesterday continued in the main office today. Both heroes had flanked your desk with recommendations for your third year students, as well as the intern assignments for the first years. There also lay plenty of midterm e-filing on the administrative end you’ve been putting off, in favor of helping each of the department heads with their assignments so as to not stop their momentum.
Yet where has that left you? Stretched too thinly, as usual. 
Not only has the Principal wagged a cautious tail at you for this level of stacked taskload, but in your carrying it home, you’ve received disapproving looks from your life partner as well.
Luckily, Todoroki appears more docile than normal– likely the result of his own weariness coming into play and softening his reaction to finding you this way yet again.
Long day yesterday. Long day today, and a long day most likely to face you tomorrow. 
"Yeah.. they do tend that way now.”
"You haven't touched your tea, it's cold." He eyes the way the cup beside you doesn’t steam anymore, with a raised brow. All you can do is rub your eyes and stretch for a little added cuteness.
"I like cold tea- just add a little lemon and some ice~" 
While charming, it sadly does little to sway your Pro-Hero. 
"You're working too late again, sweetheart. We talked about this."
"Look, it was my bad forgetting the deadline. I got carried away with other stuff,” you explain your shortcomings, “But I don't want to be more stressed out later; I just… thought I could tackle it now?..."
“You ‘tackle’ too much during the day. Surely something can be left for tomorrow?”
“There is plenty for tomorrow– but there’s still some tonight.”
Without much expression, Todoroki sinks from his authoritative stance. A blur of mussed red and white hair knelt beside you to allegedly listen… only to swivel your chair for you, and hold his hands out to you. 
You reached out, knowing you needed one of his award-winning hugs. Anything to settle the jolt of waking from such a pleasant dream.
…only Todoroki doesn’t offer you such a solace. Instead he pulls you up the rest of the way, and tosses you up over the shoulder and carries you by your pinned thighs. Paying no mind to your exclamations along the way to the bedroom,  you can’t even look back at him from this angle he carries you in .
"Sh-Shoto! C'mon, I can do this! I just need another hour or two - like two-and-a-half, tops."
He set you down on your feet by the bed, though you plop down onto the edge under his intensive -yet loving- stare. Todoroki lightly bridges over you, a hand atop each thigh to keep close to you.
"After… you take a shower, change out of these clothes, and eat something, then we can discuss your work schedule. But I won't let you run yourself into the ground." 
He cupped your face and tenderly ran both hands down your hair and back to cup your entire face. His hands finding their comfortable home on your cheeks, you melt at the soothing touch of Todoroki’s thumbs brushing tender skin that’s graced by your shut lashes- where some semi-dark puffiness lies from interrupted rest. 
"You have tired eyes, love.” your sweetheart whispers to you, “You're not listening to your body. Let's take care of it."
It’s the same argument you’ve coached him through sometimes. Though as a Pro-Hero, he’s taken the hint of self-care that you selectively ignore when it’s turned to you.
You sighed, but opened up to a well-meaning gaze; Shoto really was the most beautiful human you’d ever seen. 
"Okay, honey. You win."
He smiled- wrenching your heart again, “I'll warm up our dinner."
“What do we even have?” you fight for the memory of what’s in the fridge.
“Don’t worry about that,” Todoroki settles you with a kiss on your forehead, “I’ve taken care of all of it.”
You hop in and out of the shower in record time and dress down in a curated set of pajamas, courtesy of Todoroki himself. Prepped and pre-heated in the towel warmer right beside the shower door, the gesture was just one of the many expressions of his love for you. 
He timed his reentry perfectly, changed into lounge clothes as well and armed with a small tray complete with an assortment of some of your favorite poppables you can make a meal out of: crisp veggies, some rice balls, a touch of fruit for sweetness– all expertly topped with a green onion finish. 
It’s a taste of something you’d maybe find on vacation. Even the way Todoroki plates this late-night snack meant to share… you’re spoiled by the presentation, without any special occasion sparking it at all. He makes ordinary Tuesdays feel like more. Sunday evening scaries aren’t something to dread anymore. Small moments in the daily -that hearken to the indulgent moments you work hard for- make the biggest difference in your weekly grind.  
“You’re not off the patrol rotation around Golden Week, are you?” you ask wistfully, armed with a lightly sauced onigiri.
Todoroki stills from putting away some clothes; midthought, in puzzling fashion.
“Actually, I think so,” he gives a soft little smirk that’s more sleepy than pleased. “Iida and I worked out that he wanted some family time off the week after, so I offered to team up our agencies for that month to ensure smooth coverage while we’re both gone. The school is closed too, right?”
It’s perfect timing, you think. How you want to make your dreams a reality…
“We are. Got me thinking…”
Settling your finished tray aside to join you, Todoroki listens in.
“D’you think maybe if I get back in your good graces -not doing so much after-hours work-” you make a few bats of the eye to him, “...maybe we could get away for a bit? Take a little holiday?”
“A trip?” Todoroki asks. 
You hum your request, hoping he’ll be open to it.
It’s hardly a fight; by the way his brows lift in amusement, it’s only obvious he’s never been asked about such a thing before, but loves the idea.
“Where did you have in mind, darling?”
Only the subject of your dreams: a beach hidden from the rest of the world, where cell reception is next to none (you pray) and where good food and good music are all you need to focus on while you spoil each other rotten with a selfish streak of alone time. 
You shouldn’t feel so possessive of him -he’s a Pro-Hero who’s responsible for keeping this corner of the world safe… but you have to say, the idea of taking a break at his side has been seeping into your dreams long before tonight. 
You can’t stay silent on it anymore. 
“Somewhere there’s water.. And at least a six hour time difference. And a comfy bed.. N’ you.”
An amused huff leaves his nose again, transfixed on how soft your face looks at this moment. 
“Big end of the bargain you’d have to hold up,” Todoroki teases, his voice worn by a day on duty and tenderized to sleepy perfection, “I know you can’t always escape it.. Can you promise no more after 9PM? Would that be fair?”
You accept the challenge, “That’s a good window. I could do that.”
Todoroki trails a warmed hand up your arm to ultimately cup your cheek.
“Promise no more lukewarm tea?”
“Is that so bad an offense to you?”
“Nearly unforgivable. Grounds for disowning, if you’re Nana Yaoyorozu.”
You giggle in your delirium, “Well, certainly can’t have that! No more, pinky promise.”
Leaning in, Todoroki seeks out a last condition, 
“Promise I get my kisses in the doorway again?”
“Missed them tonight, huh?” you sigh guiltily.
Todoroki teased your partly open mouth, “Terribly.”
Nudging his nose, you beam at your sweetest reason to get up in the morning, 
“I promise, my prince. Whatever you want. So please, can we?”
Matching the nuzzle and never one to refuse your wants or needs, Torodoki dives back in to kiss you, 
“How can I say ‘no’ to my angel. Of course we can. A little break in paradise might just be what we need~”
You know no one works as hard as he does. Carrying the legacy of Endeavor is a hefty enough charge, forget that he’s set to forge his own path past what the reputation has already afforded him. Shoto has become a household name to many; though yours is where he is most content to come rest his head and heart.
With the dangling treat of a getaway with him on your horizon, you set the intention to finish your work after this aside for the morning, entirely. Shoto has already made his plea to hold you for the rest of the night, and you could never refuse his tender asks. When he treats you like royalty, how could you not in return? 
With your shared kisses and brainstorming of vacation destinations now on the mind, you’re hardly focused on student affairs; you have dreams to fulfill. 
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winterisol · 2 days
Once again @ray935sworld has inspired me with her talking abt David Alonso as a child caught in the middle of a rosquez divorce.
So... This little idea has kinda sat in my drafts for a while, and Ray has given me the creative juices to actually yap about this. (its long so I'll put a cut)
So, I'm thinking, Marc and Vale are being their typical flirty selves 2013-2014. I'm thinking after Mugello 2014, Marc is on a high winning that race, while Valentino is enjoying the thrill of Marc winning as well as his half-decent 3rd place. Both of them drink a little too much, and maybe Marc is feeling brave, and drags Valentino to an alley nearby, hoping for a sloppy makeout.
But as they get lost in each other, they suddenly hear a weak cry. Thinking it's some sort of cat, Marc's soft side gets the best of him, and he's immediately investigating the sound. At the far end of the alley he sees a box, and he slowly creeps up to it, only to be greeted with two little kids, huddled together, faces covered with dirt and horribly thin.
I think Kimi has a small piece of paper with him with his name and surname written as well as his birthdate, while with David there is absolutely nothing.
Him and Vale panic, then quickly sober up, gentle speaking with the kids (who are very quiet and scared), and then deciding it would be best to take them to the hospital. They get a hospital, and pray that the kids are fine.
I think Marc gets really attached to these kids from the second he seems them. Maybe its Kimi's curls, or David's blue eyes but he feels like they resemble Vale, or maybe that's just the alcohol and his love sick brain talking.
Anyway, they are soon cleared, being nothing more than dirty and malnourished. The doctors also inform them that the two boys are in fact not related, and Kimi is in their system, but both parents are dead, while the other kid (David) is not in the system and could not tell them a name.
After a few minutes of back and forth with Vale trying to be a voice of reason (shocking I know) Valentino and Marc offer to adopt them. Valentino is Valentino so I'd like to think with some connections and using his name, he's able to expedite the process of adoption and soon both Kimi and David are under their custody.
In my head, Marc is the one to get emotionally attached quickly, being the one to name David, David, and legally giving his mother's last name to David, Marquez Atlena.
It's kinda like a co-parenting situtation legally, but yeah Marc and Vale at this point 100% well past being friends, and clearly fucking (nothing more tho). However, this and the kids are hidden from the media. Often times either being watched by their parents or friends when there is a race weekend.
Kimi falls in love with go-karts while David seems to always watch Marc or Vale at the races. And Marc is their biggest supporter, Valentino as well, but I think he'd be a little bit more protective and worried for the two boys.
Then of course 2015 happens, and the kids are kinda caught in the middle. Both Marc and Vale try hard to shield them from their clearly deteriorating relationship, but once Sepang happens, Marc is so ready to never see Vale again. He wants to take the kids with him, but he's then attacked at his home, and quickly realizes its not safe with him.
Valentino, then realizes he isn't very well equipped to raise two 8 year old boys on his own. He first makes them stay with his mom, who raises eyebrows and isn't happy with Vale, but does it for the sake of David and Kimi. And then with David wanting to pursue a career in Motocycling, Valentino decides its best for David to be in Spain with Marc where there are more opportunities.
Vale becomes kinda distant, half raising Kimi, while barely maintaining a relationship with David after shipping him off to Spain.
This all then jumps to 2026, Kimi Antonelli is fighting for the Championship in F1, while David Alonso is nervous star of the future debuting in MotoGP.
They meet at a sponsorship event and people are quick to notice how close the two boys are. It slips from David's mind that it isn't public knowledge, and he casually mentions they are brothers. The media goes wild, 'cause both of them have never public been with their family (some nasty people calling them orphans because they've never been at a race with their mother or father) and are curious on why they use different last names.
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novlr · 3 days
I want to write poetry but I have no idea where to start. Any tips?
Poetry is experiencing a massive resurgence. With the rise of social media, poets are becoming the literary heroes of the Instagram feed as more and more people recognise the therapeutic value of poetry and turning their own thoughts to the page.
Maybe you’ve thought about writing poetry but haven’t been sure where to begin. Not to worry —  we’ll guide you through everything you need to know, so that you’ll be writing great poetry in no time. 
Before writing
Learning the art of writing poetry starts before you even pick up the pen. Here are some preliminary steps to take before you write a great poem. 
Read widely
The best thing you can do as a new poet is read the kind of poetry you want to write. Not only will this give you a sense of what other poets are doing well, but it will also help train your inner ear for the sounds and cadences of poetry. It’s a bit like learning a new language; you’ll absorb it best by immersion. 
Learn the basic poetic terms
You don’t need an MFA to write poetry, but it will help if you learn some basic terminology like stanza, line break, enjambment, caesura, metre, and so forth. Being able to put a name to these moving parts will help you make more conscious decisions as you write and heighten your awareness of these choices.  
Study rhyme, rhythm, and metre
Likewise, it will help if you develop an awareness of the way a line of poetry is put together. You don’t necessarily need to worry about technical terms like trimeter and trochee just yet, but try to focus on where the voice rises and falls throughout a poem. 
One of the most popular metres of poetry is called iambic, which is a pattern of unstressed syllables and stressed syllables: “’Tis now the very witching time of night”. This undulation makes the poem soothing to the ear. 
Once you see patterns in the way writers structure their poems, you can choose how to bring these patterns into the way you structure your own poetry. 
During writing
Ready to start writing? Let’s dive in.
Choose a subject to write about
Now it’s time to choose what you want your poem to explore. It can be something minuscule — a drop of dew on a blade of grass that looks a bit like a tiny globe — or something grand, like the corrosion of free education, for example. You might find it helpful to do some journaling on the topic first to explore how you feel about it and get your creative wheels turning. 
Find a format that works for you
Because poetry is so intimate and emotionally driven, it can be beneficial to give it a tactile element by writing with a pen or pencil and paper as well as drafting on a digital platform. Different forms look and feel different depending on where and how they’re composed, so explore what works best for you.
Don’t worry too much about getting it “right” — that’s what revision is for! Just begin structuring your thoughts into some kind of order and practice, practice, practice. 
Overwrite first, trim later
When you’re writing a rough draft, put down lots of material that you can shape into a polished poem later. Many poets find that their poems become a lot shorter as they revise. That’s because they write out a lot of lines and phrases that help them uncover what the heart of the poem is and then cut away the parts they don’t need.
Find your poem’s turning point
Great poems are characterised by what’s called “the turn”, or a shift in the poem’s tone or focus. Often these poems begin by talking about something small and innocent, and then shift into something more emphatic part way through.
For example, maybe a poem starts by talking about a drop of dew on a blade of grass that looks a bit like a tiny globe, but soon the reader realises that what the poet’s really talking about is climate change. Or you could start by writing about a dress you haven’t worn in years, then shift to talking about the person you last saw the night you were wearing that dress. This “turn” gives your poem emotional layers. 
After writing
You wrote a poem! Congratulations!! Now it’s time to make it the very best it can be. 
Read your work out loud 
Great poetry is all about rhythm. The best poets know that reading a finished poem aloud is the key to picking out any snags in the musicality of the piece. Pay attention to any moments in which you get stuck on a hard consonant or trip over any hidden tongue twisters. 
Hearing the way it sounds out loud can help you catch issues that you wouldn’t have noticed on the page and make the language as smooth as it can be. 
Revise, revise, revise
Poets (in fact, any writers) rarely get it just right on the first draft. Once you’ve completed a poem, set it aside for a little while and come back to it with fresh eyes. Then, you can examine how to give each line the maximum impact and how the overall narrative comes together. 
Also, look at the way you’ve shaped your poem and if the line breaks and stanza breaks are pulling their weight. Cut out any material that isn’t necessary — it’s not uncommon for poets to delete the first few lines of a poem because they were just their way of warming up their voice. These superfluous lines are sometimes called “throat clearing” lines. 
Get your poems out into the world
Once your poem is as perfect as you can make it, and you’ve revised each punctuation mark and line break until you’ve gone cross-eyed, you’re ready to send it out. There are thousands (thousands!) of literary journals in the big, wide world that welcome submissions of poems from new writers. Somewhere out there is an editor who is going to love your poem and want to share it with their audience. 
Next stop: worldwide acclaim. Good luck!
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sunhee27 · 2 days
Criminal Love -L.HS
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SYNOPSIS: Heeseung is a criminal (kinda) but his heart is warm and will welcome Y/n who he just met, but is already falling in love with.
WORD COUNT: 1,879 (Kinda short and rushed)
PAIRING: Criminal!Heeseung x reader
GENRE: Happy ending, whipped reader and Hee, FLUFF, angst, Criminals???
WARNINGS: Kissing, guns, cussing, pet names, don’t know if it’s suggestive
Author’s note: Damn I had this in my drafts for months. I didn’t really like it and wrote it in one sitting. It was rushed because I wanted it to be short. Turns out that was a bad idea. I just read it again and think it okay so now I am posting it.🫶I don’t really like dark themes so that’s why it is kinda bad. I also have a hard time making Heeseung very bad ass, that’s why he is not even that cold.
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Another day, another meeting, another tiring day at work. 
You were on your way home, completely unaware of your surroundings, all you wanted to do was to get home immediately. 
You walked past a little alleyway after crossing the road. You would walked by this alleyway everyday and it scared the shit out of you because alleyways tend to be scary with drug dealers, homeless people, or criminals…
You heard loud footsteps running towards you from the alley and before you knew it, a man came crashing into you. You kinda caught him but it was mostly him holding himself up while clutching your shirt. 
“WE GOT HIM! Leave him there until we know he is dead.” Some men were shouting from a distance, you couldn’t see them but you could hear them and you knew that they were talking about the person who stumbled into you. 
You look down at him, he is bruised up and has been shot by his shoulder. 
But out of everything you should’ve been doing right now, you are only focusing on his face, he was very handsome even when his face expressed pain. 
He clutched on your shirt before whispering something to you. 
“Get me away from here, please.” He said with uneven breaths. 
Shit yeah right, you needed to do something about this. You slung his not damaged arm over your shoulder, getting him away from the alley. 
You walked him over to the back of a convenient store setting him down. 
“Thanks.” He said in pain pulling off a piece of his shirt to tightly wrap around his shoulder. 
“You should get away from here, you don’t wanna be seen with me.” He said, fishing out a gun from his pocket. 
He looks up at your frightened face. 
“I said get away, for your own safety.” He groans. 
“But my you are hurt, uhm” You say. 
“Heeseung, Heeseung is my name.” He says. 
“My name is Y/n.” You say. 
He attempts to stand u before falling down again, but his own reflexes grasp onto you without hesitation and thinking, and you fall right onto him on the ground. 
He chuckles, before sitting back up. 
You look up at him  and nervously laughs. 
“Shit, you’re pretty.” He breathes when you make eye contact, catching you off guard. 
“Huh?” You tilt your head, still half laying on him. 
“Nothing.” He smiles, before realizing how ridiculous he is right now, where is his usual coldness. 
He slightly push you off him so that you sit beside him instead. 
You look up at him while he fidgets with his gun. 
“Uhm, why were you running away from those people and why do you have gun?” You ask. 
He sighs “Yeah well , you see, I am not the typical kinda guy, I am a criminal.” He sighs, looking down into his lap. 
“Oh, wait what?!” You scoot backwards a bit.
“No no no, I won’t do anything to you, I promise.” He looks sad. Why did he have to be like this, why did he have to give you this first impression. 
You look up at him, he clearly seems like a warm guy even if he maybe isn’t. 
You look closer at his features, every blemish, every perfections in his face. Cuts and bruises, he is sighing heavily. 
He notices the way you are staring at him, so he looks at you quickly. 
“What are you looking at.” He scoffs, adjusting his posture and position. You don’t seem to answer, making his blush under your gaze. 
“Stop looking at me!” He says in an embarrassed and awkward tone. 
Before he could say more, you both heard the people from before, probably two police officers. 
He grabbed your wrist and sprinted out of the scene, to any nearby place where you both could hide, he didn’t intend to take you with him, even if he did, but like, he didn’t want to get you hurt. But he had to take you with him or else he would possibly be seen. 
“Where are we going.” You ask while running  with him. 
“I don’t know, just somewhere.” He says out of breath. 
“Go to my house.” You say genuinely. 
“What!? No I can’t do that.” He looks back. 
“it’s okay, I will lead the way.” You say. 
He stops in his tracks looking at you. 
“No, Y/n, I can’t do that l, do you know how dangerous I am, I shouldn’t even be here with you right now.” He puts both hands on each side of your body. 
“Heeseung you are hurt and I don’t think you are dangerous.” You say. 
“You don’t know what dangerous is do you.” His eyes turn sharp and before you know it he puts a gun against your head. You freak out, trying not to panic. 
“I know you won’t do it Heeseung, you just said that you promise you won’t hurt me. Stop trying to scare me away.” You breathe trying to stand tall. 
“No I won’t, take me to your place. Also I would never put a loaded gun to your head.” He whispers the last part before shooting, but to no one’s surprise, it wasn’t loaded. 
“Thanks for letting me help.” You knew this was so wrong, to help out a criminal, but your whole body and mind and heart was telling you to, you don’t even know most of his story. 
And both of you went to your apartment. 
“I know it is small but I hope it is okay.” You say and lay down all your stuff. 
“That’s fine.” He says. 
“Sit down. Let me see what I can do about your shoulder.” He does as you say and sits down by the side leaning against it. 
You come back with all the necessities. And begin to treat his wound. It was deep since he had been shot. 
“I don’t know how to treat this further than this.” You sigh. 
“That’s okay, it’s better than what I do.” He smiles.” He leans against the sofa. Almost falling asleep. 
“I should probably tell you about myself, if I can trust you.” He says. 
“You can, I promise. As long as it isn’t too bad.” You say and he lets out a deep chuckle. 
“I don’t think it is. I steal from people, but like not from real innocent people, more like, from people who has done bad things, like some have killed innocent children and raped and abused, all sorts of things. I do this to just ruin their lives, I guess” He smirks. 
“Oh okay, have you ever killed somebody?” You ask out of nowhere. 
“I mean, I hate to admit it but yeah, one person once, for self defense. He was not innocent though.” He shrugged, clearly not happy with saying it. 
“I don’t think that you are the bad guy then.” You say. 
“Maybe not but I am still a criminal.” He gulps. 
“So?” You ask smiling in a silly way. 
He can’t help but feel all giddy and bobbly inside. He giggles at you. 
“I don’t know” he smiles like an idiot at you. 
After you heard his story, it all made more sense, he wasn’t at all the villain, he was just a little lost.
“But why do you do it.” You ask. 
“It feels good, I don’t know why but seeing someone who doesn’t deserve living suffer really makes me happy. And while it may seem wrong to do so, I still can’t but help feel satisfied with doing what I do.” He says sighing slightly. 
“I mean I kinda understand, but is this really what you wanna do, run away from the police like this, sometimes you gotta just leave it as it is, it’s not your job to do this even if it’s crazy behavior what they do. Maybe there’s a better way to stop it.” You say genuinely.
He thinks for a while, letting the thoughts get to him, thinking about them. And he starts to realize. 
“Maybe you are right.” He says. 
“But people know my reputation now, I don’t know if I will be able to change.” He says. 
“I think you can.” You say. 
His hopes went up and down at the moment. 
“No I can’t. Fuck I need to leave Y/n.” He says standing up going towards the door. 
“Heeseung wait.” You say and pull him into a hug before he could leave. 
He melts into you, he is too weak for you, he is too weak to do anything else than just fall into you. 
He hugs back lowering himself into you, going impossibly closer to you. 
You can feel him breathing, how his chest heaves. 
“Shit, you are amazing, aren’t you?” He shuts his eye’s tightly. 
“But I need to go for real now.” He talks into you.
He slips out of your embrace and out of the door. 
Were you ever going to see him again, thought fill your brain. You wanted to see him again, but how. 
You lay yourself down on the couch. 
Your cat who is pretty distant came into the room, when it heard that Heeseung left it was probably here for food. 
“Hi Chico” you try your best with the baby voice. 
Chico meows you in the face. 
“Yeah yeah I know, you want food.” You sigh sitting back up. 
“But let mommy rest, I think mommy is falling in love” you say grabbing her in your arms, laying down again, hugging your fluffy friend tightly. 
Heeseung keeps looking back at where you are, deciding whether or not he should go back to you. 
The next day came faster than what you would’ve thought. It was around 7 pm, and you were just getting home, as you walked to your apartment, you saw Heeseung standing outside. 
It came as a shock when you saw him. 
You walked up to him patting his shoulder.
“Heeseung?” You say and he turns around. 
He smiles when he sees you. 
“Hi Y/n, sorry I really needed to see you again. I have thought about what you said yesterday…and I think I wanna try, for you.” He nervously says. 
“For me? Heeseung do you wanna do it if it wasn’t for me then.” You ask. 
“Yeah, I wanna do it for me, I am gonna do it for you.” He says. 
“I am a little too straightforward right? I only just met you yesterday, but like I can’t seem to get you off my min-” before he can finish, you attach your lips to his. 
He gets so surprised by it, his doe eyes widens before kissing you back. 
He closes his eyes, melting into the moment. 
“Heeseung I have never been more sure with my choice, and I choose you.” You say against his lips. 
“Even if I met you yesterday.” You say. 
“Don’t expect me to be warm to everyone though, I will only ever have this soft spot for you I think.” He says. 
“That’s kinda hot though.” You say making his eyes light up. 
“Oh yeah?” He chuckles. 
You lean against him while he leans against his car which is parked behind him. 
But suddenly you hear the sounds of sirens in the distance, making you and him eyes widen while looking at each other. You get off him in worry. 
“Did you-“ he says clearly frightened by if you were the ones to get the police there. 
“No Heeseung I could never, trust me I would never do this to you, I didn’t even know you were here to start with.” You clutch his shirt trying to make him believe in you. 
“No I trust you.” He nods. He turns you around. 
And whispers in your ear. 
“Remember what I said.” He says and grabs around you. 
The police show up. And you immediately realize something that could really help in the situation. 
“Let her go!!! You are under arrest.” The police officers steps closer to you and Heeseung. 
He carefully takes a gun out of his pocket putting it against your head. 
His personality instantly changes his eyes turn sharp and icy. His eyebrows turn making him look scary. And you feel his breath against your neck. 
“Step back or I will kill her.” Heeseung shouts. 
“Give me a chance to explain or I will kill her.” He says almost in a scared tone. 
“Boy we do not have time for this, let the girl go or we will kill you right here right now!” On of the officers says. 
You squirm in Heeseungs grip. 
“Don’t, give him a chance dad!” You shout, Heeseung is in shock by what you said. Letting go of you. 
“Dad?” he whispers slightly. 
“My dad is a police officer.” You say turning around. 
“You, boy! Don’t come near my daughter understood, I WILL kill you!” Your dad says stepping in closer. 
He grabs you pulling you away from Heeseung. While pointing a gun at him. 
You squirm around. “YOU ARE NOT KILLING MY BOYFRIEND, YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HIM LIKE I DO!” You push your dad off you. 
“Boyfriend?” He asks. 
“You are dating a criminal? I thought I taught you better than that. He was about to fucking shoot you.” He scolds. 
“You don’t understand do you? He has done nothing wrong. And he would never put a loaded gun to my head.” You argue taking the gun from Heeseung’s hand placing it against your head and shooting. And just as you had expected, nothing happened. Heeeeung feels guilty for doing this to you. He feels guilty that he is putting you in this situation. 
“Oh yes he has, he has does something wrong. he steals and he has killed a person.” Your dad replies. 
“Yeah people who are the real criminals that you and your colleagues are too dumb to even catch. People who kill kids, don’t you think they deserve to be punished.” You ask. 
Your dad sighs. 
“Is this how it all is.” Your dad scratches his head is frustration. 
“I won’t let you arrest him, I don’t care what you say.” You cross your arms. 
“Y/n you don’t need to do this, it’s okay.” Heeseung lowers his head. 
“Shut up, I want to do it.” You say. 
“Fine, but your boyfriend here is giving back every penny and every single thing he has stolen. Plus a big fine on top.” Your dad scoffs. 
Heeseung eyes widen in pure surprise. Looking over at you, the joy building up in him. 
“Thank you so much dad.” You say excitedly. 
Heeseung bows to your dad a hundred million times. 
“Thank you for giving me a chance sir” He bows again. 
“Don’t make me change my mind. Okay everybody we are out of here.” Your dad yells raising his brow at you before leaving. 
You turn around to Heeseung looking at you with the most genuine and loving smile on his lips. 
“Boyfriend?” He chuckles. You run into his arms. 
“Are you not?” You ask. Heeseung connects your foreheads. 
“I don’t know. Maybe I am.” He laughs. 
“Do you wanna be?” You laugh like a child. 
“Oh yes I do.” He says before smashing your lips together leaning against his car. 
“And I want you to be.” You mumble into the kiss. 
“Shit, you’re perfect.” He pulls you closer by the waist. 
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instantdoodlez · 1 day
Jashtober days 1-20
Alright, it's a while later than I was hoping to post it, but here it is. Same deal as the warmups, moving my art and commentary over from Twitter, because that site sucks ass <3
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Day 1: Single. Didn't realize it meant like.. a music single until the day of, so it's pretty basic. Got a Mr Jash Like ™️ though, so that was a strong start to the project.
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Day 2, Astral. Space themed Soul drawing. Soul is the Stars in my hc (the way that Mind is the sun and Heart is the moon in canon), so I figured it would fit well enough.
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Day 4, Light. Nothing to really say on this one. (skipped day 3 since it was a duplicate prompt, 'power hour')
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Day 5, Angel. My best try at what the angel at the gates in Chonny's inferno looks like. Biblically accurate because it's just cooler. Meant to add a normal-ass clipboard in their hand for the funny, but I forgot.
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Day 6, Forest. Dear god, the background on this one killed me. Took many layers and overuse of the blend tool. On another note Mr Jash liked the post on twitter and that, yet again, jumpscared me (This is a pattern /lh)
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Day 7, Moss. The little mushrooms were my favorite part to do. Didn't know I would ever call fungi cute, but the little mushrooms were my favorite part to do. Proud of this one overall. And it got Jash liked as well, so! 🎉
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Day 8, Tidal. Jesus, did all my ship of theseus drawings do relatively bad in the algorithm. Anyways, this one was based on the fifth ship of theseus. Very pretty color pallete, cool colors.
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Day 9, Cruisin'. This one was posted late because I couldn't get the shading right and just left it for the next day. Looks much better now.
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Day 11, 8-bit. Dug out my old pixilart account to make this one. (Skipped day 10 because "apathy, haha funny". Also to help stave off burnout)
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Day 12, Haiku. Heart coming up with his magnum opus (that line from Haiku/lh). This one's background took forever. Many different layers.
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Day 13, Encore. Drew The Announcer, everyone's favorite eldritch horror story narrator. Props to GW for making me actually like Monster Mash, I don't even mind the original one now. Mr Jash liked this one too, so that's nice :]
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Day 14, Reflection. Whole with a scribbled out face… cool design, and pretty visually interesting. Happy with this one. It also got jash liked.
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Day 15, Momento. Had a hard time drafting this one before I realized "oh.. momento.. like.. momento mori.. I am very dumb". Regardless, very happy with this one. It's probably my favorite out of all the jashtober drawings I've done.
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Day 17, Theseus. Based on the first Ship of Theseus song, a drawing of the shipmaker. (Skipped day 16 because it was another repeat prompt, Hindsight)
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Day 18, Sunset. Based on the lines "When I woke it was daylight, and the clouds were pink / The sun was coming up or going down, I think" from Drink to Death.
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Day 19, Savages. The crowd sure does love an upset.
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Day 20, Crowned. Mind. Wanted to add a nightlight in the shape of the sun but the composition got too crowded, so I compromised with the lamp chain.
And, that's it! All 17 prompts I've done so far. I'll continue posting the rest of the Jashtober prompts one by one on here. Have a good day/night, and thank you for reading this far if you have!
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So you've wrote a book, what's next?
So I recently started uni and naturally immediately joined my universities writing and book societies, last week I was sat editing my book when a couple of people approached me. Apparently through some light instagram stalking they had found out I published books and was wondering how on earth do you even do it.
Upon being on tumblr this week it turns out that this is a question that a lot of people are interested in, this being probably my most requested post ever?
ANYWAY. You've wrote a book, either you're two drafts in or fifty drafts in it doesn't entirely matter. I am going to give you the bad news that the work has only just begun.
The first choice you really need to make is whether or not you want to pursue traditional publishing or self/indie publishing. I believe the common misconception of the difference between the two is that one is 'Easier' than the other. Both are hard, just in different ways.
Traditional publishing is hard to break into, you need to convince enough of people that your book is worth selling which can be incredibly difficult and results in a lot of heartbreaking emails. However once you have that publishing deal you have those people in your corner to help with editing, cover design, and distribution among other things.
Self publishing, much like the name suggests, means that you have to do everything yourself, edit (or source an editor), design (or source a designer), marketing, the works. However the plus side of self publishing which I like is that you have a lot more creative control and freedom.
Now to be fully transparent, I am an indie author, naturally I am going to know a lot more about a process I have actually gone through rather than one I havent. However I do believe I can provide at least a rough guideline of the process so that people can get an idea of what going into it.
So starting with traditional publishing, assuming that you have a full draft that you've at least done some self editing on, your first step is finding an agent. You'll need a couple of things for this. First is make a document of the first 30 pages of your manuscript (a 'sample' if you will), and a query letter which is almost like a cover letter for your book, this is what potential agents will look at to judge whether they want to represent your manuscript.
I dont think I need to say it but your query letter is VITAL, please take time with it, some agents may not even look at your sample if your query letter is bad.
Now, searching for agents is relatively easy, there are a lot of databases online that will give you a list of agents and whether or not they are accepting submissions. Most agents will also have a kind of 'wishlist' of manuscripts they're looking to represent (e.g. sci-fi, philosophy, high fantasy), look for agents with a wishlist that includes your kind of book.
Once you have an agent they will be able to go to different publishing houses with your manuscript, hopefully leading to a book deal at some point. From there the publishers will help with editing, design, and distribution.
With self publishing the process is a bit more complicated. First is the editing process. Either you can edit your own manuscript if you feel up to it or you can source an editor. There are three different editors you can hire: Developmental editor, Line editor, and Proof reader. Almost every editor charges per word of your manuscript.
I would also recommend looking for Beta readers, these are readers who will read through an early copy of your manuscript for feedback (These are NOT editors, more reviewers). There are also ARC readers who you send an early copy to about 2-3 months before release to build interest in your book.
When it comes to the actual publishing itself, there are two main publishing platforms: kdp and ingram spark. Both of these are three besides the fact that you will need to buy an ISPN for your book to use ingram spark.
I think i'll leave it there because this is LONG, but i may turn this into a series, what do y'all want to know about?
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nextstopwonderland · 15 hours
Wheeler Yuta, last month: If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Bryan Danielson, you don’t change who you are just because other people around you are changing
Wheeler Yuta, this month: When you get drafted to go to war, whether you agree or not, you go to war. If the work’s a bit dirty I gotta come to grips with that, I guess
The brainwashing of Wheeler Yuta by Mox and Claudio
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sugoi-writes · 1 day
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Lips of an Angel - RadioApple (Alastor x Lucifer)
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Kinktober - Day XXII - Face Fuck (RadioApple)
⚠️Warnings⚠️- Choking (inflicted on self), MLM, face fuckery, mentions and imagery of tongues, sacrilegious speech, Alastor and Lucifer fucking each other with their eyes, semen landing where it shouldn't, cursing, old men bickering STILL, hickies mention, Lucifer should def have a collar and not a bowtie, Alastor uses 'cher', Alastor is greedy so most of this is from his maddening POV, and just general debauchery
A/N: Ahaha-- hah-- SORRY. IM A BUSY ENBY, HERE IS THIS. IM GONNA TRY TO POST MY MISSED PROMPT BEFORE MIDNIGHT. TLDR; Tumblr fucking ate my final draft. Haunted House life, and 3 jobs got me FUCKED. UP. Ugh. Anyways-- ENJOY. PLEASE READ MY WIVES STORIES OR ILL CUT YOU Kinktober Masterlist
@hazelfoureyes @macabr3-barbi3 @minkdelovely @synamartia @fraugwinska I missed y'all dhdhdjdjd
"Easy, Bambi... I want to try something different," Lucifer rasped, having to practically grapple with his partner to get him to slow down. Alastor, in all of his disheveled glory, gawks at Lucifer's 'pause'. He angrily huffs, shoving his sweat-slicked hair out of his face. If he had it his way, Lucifer’s neck would be adorned with more affection, as it called it. 
"Darling, you wait until NOW to tell me?" He says through gritted teeth, though his protest soon morphs into a startled gasp. Lucifer, the sweet talker with an even sweeter touch, has an onyx hand wrapped around his shaft. The fallen angel relishes the sound Alastor chokes on, his fingertip gliding over his sensitive, weeping slit. 
"Well, aren't some of the best ideas spontaneous~?" Lucifer coos, kissing the Radio Demon on the cheek," Like the one you just jumped into?" 
It was rare to have 'contact' of this nature without some sort of build up. It usually took days of teasing, acting coy, and riling up Alastor before the buck finally chased the doe (metaphorically and literally). Admittedly, Lucifer’s libido never really slowed down post divorce, and he would do his best to acclimate to Alastor’s tendencies. But today, well... Today was much different. With a ravenous appetite after successfully thwarting a certain, pesky Tv Star... Alastor was riding more than just an ego high, to say the least. 
And so, here they were: riling each other up and chasing a blaze that had been kindled with gasoline. Alastor was heated and ready--more than ready– until this sudden change of pace. 
In some ways, it frustrated Alastor. But Lucifer was right; a song could grow stale without a tempo change or two. He's even said it himself aloud before– more than likely in front of Lucifer himself. 
Maybe a higher octave for his lover would be a pleasurable change... if the sinner were only so lucky. To make Lucifer wail his name, while practically sobbing against him– ahh, old habits never die, after all.
Alastor sighs, relaxing under Lucifer's teasing," Hah-- ahhn, fine... What do you have in mind, cher?" 
The Radio Demon bit his lip– a nervous habit– as his manhood stood bare and proud before the ruler of Hell. All the while, the King was sprawled onto his back sensually. Lucifer couldn't help but chuckle as he shifted, allowing his head to fall over the edge of the bed. From his perspective, Alastor seemed apprehensive, the adorable flush of his weeping tip mirrored across the bridge of his nose.
"I'm failing to see where this is going..." Alastor admits," That doesn't look very comfortable," he finishes matter-of-factly, not missing the way Lucifer’s nose scrunched up in amusement.
His partner tries not to snort at his earnest remark, before opening his mouth widely. Alastor could only watch as Lucifer ran his tongue across his bottom lip invitingly, as if to suggest something. Like a deer in the headlights, Alastor froze, still not realizing what Lucifer implied.
Like a good patient in the doctor's office, he lays his tongue flat and proudly declares," Ahhhh~"
When Alastor still didn't comprehend the hint, he started firmly pointing between his face and his partner’s cock. Alastor's cheeks soon mimicked the hellscape outside, a deeper red washing over his entire face. There we go, Lucifer thought.
He smiles, brows wiggling as he waves Alastor over with two, nimble fingers.
"I promise, baby, I'll be fine... Like I said, it's something new. We don't have to, if you don't want to. But, I figured it was time to be more spontaneous~ 'like you mentioned before." 
Drat. He was right, Alastor thought. Lucifer had been taking notes.
Alastor coughs to hide his meekness, not missing the way that Lucifer's eyes darted to watch his cock kick reflexively. He can't help but bite his lip more harshly, unable to suppress his chuckle in turn. Shameless as he was, Lucifer was irrationally attractive... maybe even more so now. Despite the smaller man's nonchalant demeanor, his body... Well, his body sold a dazzling picture. 
The peak of human– err, angelic– physique. Skin that appeared to be hardened marble, but gave under the lightest tough. The elegant gradient from the iridescent white to the deepest pitch on his extremities, hand painted by the Lord above. His torso and abdominals rose and fell steadily, as a thin sheen of sweat clinged to it. Alastor glanced towards his face, a sight never meant for his sinful gaze... And yet, there he was, gazing lovingly at the smile that graces him. He marveled at the golden locks that dangled around the devil's head effortlessly. The pale, normally well-maintained hair mimicked the halo that he once lost. Even so, this couldn't hold a candle to the soft, gold and red eyes that met his own, simmering with a heat that begged him to get closer. 
Ethereal. Lucifer was absolutely ethereal. 
And here he was, about to shove his cock into that deliriously handsome face. Could he do such a thing? A vulgar, carnal act on something so purposely divine?
The angel in question knew that Alastor was bewitched; absolutely devastated by him. He's right: how could Alastor resist such curated, unashamed temptation? The devil grinned wider as his eyes lidded dangerously–he wanted to make Alastor worse. 
"Then I suppose you'd like me to take the lead? Set the tempo?" Alastor drawls, interrupting the sexually charged silence. He strides over to Lucifer slowly, as if he would change his mind and lunge away. But he never looked away, even as a single, clawed digit ran up the length of his neck. Lucifer sighed wantonly and trembled, goose flesh flaring in the claw’s wake. Perhaps Alastor wasn't the only one who was in a trance… 
Alastor could feel the sigh just below his digit, Lucifer's 'apple' bobbing in his throat in a way that tempted him to bite down.
"Yes please~" the turned angel cooed, placing a hand on both of Alastor's thighs to pull him closer. Alastor stammered as his length fell against Lucifer's cheek, the warmth welcome against his feverish prick. He rolled his eyes when a wink was thrown his way, lining himself up to the heated, damp cavern just past the devil's lips. He asked for this, Alastor thought... And weren't holy sites just itching to be desecrated? 
The moment that Alastor allowed himself to ease into Lucifer's pliant mouth, he groaned. Alastor felt a jolt travel from his core through his spine before slamming back down into his loins. A full body shudder settled over him as he gave in to the warmth that surrounded him.
Though he typically found the sensation of a blow job odd... It felt different this way. From this angle, he also made a startling discovery: he could descend MUCH deeper now. 
Alastor looked down when he heard a moan, shuddering again as he felt it pass through his cock. His own breath caught when he saw how much Lucifer began twitching beneath him, legs pressing together to seek some sort of friction. Alastor's resolve to be gentle loosened, brow setting harshly. He thrust his cock down to the hilt, listening and watching Lucifer took him eagerly. Again, Alastor found little to no resistance... What an interesting little position his love cooked up for them~ He'd have to thank him again for the marvelous idea. But now wasn't a time for words; he’d show it much more earnestly with his body. 
Alastor experimentally rolled his hips, gasping when he felt that familiar, serpentine tongue writhing about his cock. The moment it brushed the patch of sensitive flesh below his cock head, it was over. 
As if a switch was flicked, Alastor began to move, his hips settling on a steady, needy rhythm. Lucifer, receptive to the treatment, moaned around the dick in his mouth lewdly. Alastor was rewarded with two hands grasping his hips, pulling him even closer and lodging him impossibly deeper inside. Even in his predicament, Lucifer kept his hands busy, kneading what little flesh blanketed the deer demon's hips.
"G-Good Lord" Alastor groaned, a hand holding his bouncing fringe out of his face while the other braced against Lucifer's shoulder. The ripple that traveled through Lucifer's cheeks with every impact made him lose his train of thought, his mouth gaping and shutting. Like a fish out of water, he was practically gasping for air. And soon enough, Alastor's mouth could only hang open, completely in awe at the sensations and sights below him.
" H-How... Hells, how are you-- so?? So-- Haaah!" Alastor’s mind became soft and plush, like the sheets that decorated his King's bed. He sighed when he felt Lucifer smiling and hallowing his cheeks, deepening the suction of his maw. Much to his own delight, Alastor's back arched, the change doing wonders to his flushed, aching member.
The Radio Demon cursed lowly, biting his bottom lip as his hips met Lucifer's face harshly. He was completely enthralled, watching the way his cock kicked and bobbed in Lucifer's throat with every pass. His member was going well past the point that any mortal could handle-- not that the size of his prick was helping with that, either… This marvel had soon become his obsession; he needed, no– he demanded more.
He felt himself growing hotter all over, the temptation to wrap his hands around Lucifer’s throat and squeeze driving him mad. Lucifer would look quite nice with a collar around his neck too, wouldn't he... Imagining it straining around his neck as his cock plunged deeper and deeper made Alastor keen in a shrill, helpless tone. A mental note for another time, for another heated encounter...
As if reading his mind, Lucifer snaked a hand up to his own throat, hand splayed across it provocatively. Touch me, grasp me, it almost screamed... God be damned. Alastor felt like he was already in the warm embrace of Heaven. 
The sinner's eyes fluttered for a moment, imagining the drool and spend already dripping out of the Morningstar's mouth, running up and into his closed eyes and along his forehead. The imagery alone made him moan again, nearly stumbling forward as he felt pressure increasing around his cock. 
In a feat he didn't believe possible, Lucifer had started to squeeze his own throat. He decidedly made the descent of his cock even tighter– a feat that had Alastor whining. Alastor felt his manhood flinch, his balls tightening and drawing up– he was on the brink of going absolutely feral. 
Lucifer's name was forced through Alastor's swollen lips, a fang soon puncturing the plush flesh and drawing the first rivulets of blood that night. The metallic taste could only sate him so much as his hips became erratic.
"Fuck, close... Lucifer, I'm– Ahh, take it… Pl-Please, take it!!!" 
Alastor held onto Lucifer by his hair, tugging harshly as his hips snapped against him urgently. A needy moan matched the whine vibrating through his cock, sending Alastor's eyes rolling back. Lucifer was ready, more than ready to make Alastor cum. 
It wouldn't take much more, energetic, uneven thrusts overwhelming the both of them. The nimble, wriggling tongue lapping at Alastor's tip is what finally made him spill his long awaited seed.
"Haaah, ahnn! Cumming! Cumming, Lucif-ahhhn!!! Fuck!” 
Alastor hardly registered the gag from below, mind lost in the haze of his climax. His antlers splintered and expanded as he growled, head thrown back in complete, blinding rapture. Bliss and carnal desire rose over everything else, his mind filled only with thoughts of staying in the warm heat as long as he could. 
Then: two harsh smacks to the Radio Demon's ass brought him back to reality, his red and white tail flagging upward. A warning of danger; danger he's causing to his lover. 
"Ohh, shit– of course–" 
Despite the demands of his cock, Alastor pulled out swiftly, allowing Luci to breathe. His hand replaced Lucifer's parted lips as he rode the rest of his high, trying and failing to catch his breath. Alastor watched as the last few ropes of semen landed on Lucifer's face: one against his chin, the other just across one of his eyes. Alastor was quick to wipe away the mess with his thumb, an apologetic laugh bubbling in his chest. 
"Apologies, sorry... That was--" 
"Fantastic~" Lucifer said in a sing-song cadence, looking up to the Radio Demon with glossy, wide eyes. Even with a neglected, ruined voice, Lucifer's excitement could hardly be missed. 
"Now that was fun~" Lucifer rolled onto his stomach, lolling his head to and fro until he felt the muscles in his neck relax. This distraction worked perfectly for Alastor, who rounded the bed until he was at foot of it. 
"Fun~?" Alastor chimed, a dark chuckle filling the room with a familiar static and a wanton promise. Though based on the tone, Lucifer assumed it was more of a threat.
"Oh dear, did you think we were done? I haven't forgotten about you... And in turn, I plan to make you see stars–" Alastor admonishes, a cool pair of tendrils snaking up Lucifer's thighs. The devil trembles beneath their touch, his pleased sigh suddenly turning into a squawk as his erection was cupped hastily.
"Ahh–! Well, I guess I did make you s-sahhh~ s-see stars just now, hah~?” The tender touch grew keener as the tendrils danced about his body, making Lucifer shiver,” Mmm…It would be nice to see stars in tURN--?" 
Lucifer is thrown onto his back, righted on the bed as his head lands in the embrace of too-many pillows. Bewildered and horny, Lucifer marvels at the sight of Alastor's enlarged frame crawling up his bed, head lowering between his shaking legs. 
"O-Oh fuck– haha, eager to please, Bambi?" 
Lucifer's smirk suddenly melts into a surprised 'o', Alastor's tongue running up the length of his twitching member in a heated, passionate line. Solid, dark scleras gaze back up at him, unending and vast as Limbo itself. Lucifer had only realized how long and filthy his night would be when a pair of radio dials flickered back at him. 
"Revenge, more like~ For not letting me have a taste sooner... But I'm sure you'll be more than 'pleased' when I'm done with you.”
Lucifer swallowed hard, but couldn't help the shrill shout as Alastor wrapped his tongue around him, coddling and caressing his cock. He let his head fall back, a sarcastic comment melting away as he allowed Alastor to take the lead once more.
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quietbluejay · 3 days
I found out False Gods was published literally TWO MONTHS after Horus Rising which is an absolutely unhinged schedule, BL what the heck
which explains SO MUCH, much of it had to be written concurrently with Horus Rising, it explains the lack of editing and all the small issues and why a chunk of it reads like first draft
made me feel bad for dunking on it
but like McNeill not having a theory of mind for women is not something that can be explained by this, that is not a problem you have with rushed novel writing, so I do not feel bad for dunking on him about this. I do feel bad for dunking on him re continuity errors though, the first book wasn't even done when he started writing False Gods!!!
(hilariously, the reasons this book is better prose wise in some ways than Fulgrim and A Thousand Sons is because it was rushed. No time for McNeill to consult the thesaurus. I mean don't get me wrong there are bits that are terrible because they read like "first draft just gotta get the idea down and I'll fix up the wording later", see abbadon's sweaty sweat, but the descriptive passages are much better than in, forex, Fulgrim)
BL explain why you felt the need to rush it out.
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goldenshrikecomic · 2 days
Hello, this is the anon with the loaded question on how to start my comic. I figured it would take a while to answer that one, but let me tell you I am so, so thankful that you did. I took up some of your time with that one for sure and just know, that I appreciate it deeply that you gifted it to me. Thank you so so much. My mind is still processing what you gave me and I will reread this probably a couple of times but it is very helpful! Like.. I cannot express how much. And I am aware of that tip with "start a small story" but .. that just is not for me (mostly because when I write anything and even when I try to hold myself to "small" the characters will explode to life and the stories grow on their own, I just add some water, the garden will grow wild either way and while I love that, it certainly does not lend itself well for staying "small" (lord knows I tried)) that's why I came to you too, because you have this behemoth on your hands and I figured, man, if anyone can tell me how to get over that what I consider my biggest hurdle for now, it would hopefully be you. And you did. You very much did. The beginning has been sitting in my head vividly like a movie intro for mh.. a year now. I just could not.. start. But the tip with just.. messing about with the first page and drop it for a bit and just go on from there. Brilliant. I will do just that. Like I said, i will reread your answer a couple of times and also thank you for the link, I will check out the tag for a bit too. Again, i cannot thank you enough for the time and consideration, it is very appreciated.
I'm glad you got something out of my reply! I'm pretty bad at explaining anything in-depth so it's always a gamble if I'm making any sense. After my longwinged reply about first drafts I came across this post which sums up perfectly what I was trying to say:
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So go tackle that beast! This is also a nudge to everyone who's wondering if today's the day you start your story. IT IS. Go bullet point! Go doodle! Go put things from your brain on a canvas or a document.
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britcision · 1 day
So I’ve been having a lot of the Organizing AuDHD lately, where I sit and obsessively sort things for just, a zillion hours
Things like 8 years worth of photos on my hard drive, all of my leather-working and sewing supplies into tackle boxes, grouping and organizing all of the paints and all of our craft closets, and sorting 2 years of CSP materials
(Aaaaand fully resorting and folding 3/10 fabric bins instead of just grabbing the fabric I needed to get started on a thing this is not remotely happening at convenient times)
And yesterday
Yesterday, I got my Granny’s old sewing cart
This thing had stuff in it older than my Granny herself
(Also a good 30% of grandma smell is sheep’s wool guess how I know now)
I’m talking packets of “hook and eye attachments” older than the brand for Velcro
Genuine lambswool threads from Scotland
British military surplus linen thread
This pic is actually after I already spent about 2 hours just separating and bagging things it was worse than this but here she is
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So, yeah. Perfect timing. Organizing AuDHD paradise
Dragged all my sewing stuff back to the main room to redo it all again (but y’see I was smart the first time I just sorted my threads and left a space cuz I knew this lil cutie was coming)
I promised my partner I’d clear the floors in between every time, and he has kindly offered to sort buttons for me cuz he’s also got Button Sorting ‘Tisms
(The BAGS of old buttons you guys. So. Many. Buttons.)
But. Uh. Here’s what it looked like while I was going
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Featuring: my sewing box, Granny’s sewing caddy, both craft dressers, and the noble residents of Box Hell, aka every reasonably well conditioned box I have emptied for 7 years now doing duty sorting objects
(Also the paper patterns I was drafting onto broadcloth for cosplay but shhhh those are nearly done and super neat and out of the way)
And! And!
Four hours later, look!
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All tidied away (for now)
I have officially sorted and rolled all of the ribbons (hers and mine)
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I also discovered that that fucking massive cone of elastic does not in fact have a single fucking post in the middle there’s a tiny cardboard one that ends half way up and then it’s just a roll of PAPER
(That slid out while I unspooled about half of it to fix where the loops had been slipping off to coil it neatly again. It’s also at least two lengths of elastic but fuck it it’s in a cup now)
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And! That little front drawer has been fully sorted and now holds the elastic, velcro, and zippers 😁
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Most of the stuff from the main body of the caddy is at least sorted by types now, so the threads are all together and the snaps and hook and eyes all have baggies, but I haven’t touched the top two bits yet and I still gotta sort them baggies
But! I think I’ve found all the elastics and velcro and zippers! And ribbons!
And all the proper actual wool and nylons have their own bag because some of that shit feels like historical artefacts or something and I shouldn’t actually use it and just preserve it or something
It’s in really good condition and I’m a lil scared I’ll ruin it somehow and most of the ribbons are real silk and it’s just. Holy shit.
It’s so old
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