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estxkios · 2 years ago
SWEET ੈ✩‧₊˚
billkaulitz x gn!reader
summary: bill kaulitz as ur bf hcs (hes the type of guy to..), tbh u can imagine this as any band member u want tho. ps: this is rlly short and rushed like what 🧍🏻‍♀️
warnings: fluff
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you cannot tell me this dude isnt the type of guy to have tons of teddy bears.
wether they are from fans or he bought them he definitely has teddys.
definitely the type of guy to get matching jewelry with you.
or like friendship bracelets!! expensive silver or gold ones though depending on what you like, and expensive because this man wants to treat u 😜
on the topic of friendship bracelets, if you made him one he would NEVER take it off
say you made him a friendship bracelet when you guys were very very young
like 8 or 9 young
and years later obviously his wrists have gotten bigger so hes randomly one day like "y/n can you make this bracelet bigger?? its getting rlly small.."
ofc u make the bracelet bigger for him but like
hes that dedicated
and lets say your are in the band, he would definitely hold your arm or hand on stage.
or start singing / playing an instrument with his back against yours
but if you werent in the band he would look at you in the crowd, looking at you like every 10 seconds
sometimes he stares at you and messes up lyrics LOL
hes def the type of guy to look at you the entire movie
so when you ask him how he likes it he answers based on the facial expressions you made while watching it 😭
like if you seemed bored he would be like "oh yeah it wasnt that good.."
but if you seemed like you were enjoying the movie he would say he loved it
hes the type of guy to be like "my legs hurttt" "im tired of walkingg" just so he can see you struggle to pick him up
he thinks its so funny LOL
he is a trillion precent the type of guy that needs a shoulder rub or your hand running through his hair to fall asleep
its like melatonin to him
scratch his head or back while you guys are cuddling? hes out like a light no matter the circumstances.
he would definitely send you sad selfies of him laying in bed pouting when you two are away
because i swear bro cannot fall asleep without at least a back massage
and he would definitely pout and look at tou when you stopped playing with his hair
so you have to make sure hes asleep before you stop 😐.. like
OKAY THIS IS ALL PRETTY RANDOM BYE. also pls send requests i need them even tho i have 17 drafts
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blankcest · 21 days ago
Stancest does become real (because of course im not a monster) but Billfordstan does not 💔
Mainly for the same reason it’s hard to write Ford going back to Bill after the events in cannon, and especially after knowing what happens in TBOB. After all the shit Bill put Him and Stanley through in this AU, it would be INCREDIBLY hard for them to ever trust Bill to properly care for them as equals. Either through friendship or a romantic pairing.
As well as my interpretation of Bill has him having a hard time conceptualizing Romance in a general sense. Like he knows its real, and he plays along with it, knows the words to say and the emotions they’re suppose to convey. But to say he himself actually understands those feelings is extremely up in the air for me.
Bill is really interesting. He was interesting and fun before TBOB, but TBOB really breathes a depth into his character that we never really saw before.
He’s someone who is extremely well… delusional is the best word I can think of. He’s convinced himself that he “liberated” his dimension, and that he wants to “liberate” more. He’s convinced himself that he knows more then he actually does, and that he enjoys being the Bad guy. That isnt to say he DOESNT enjoy it, just little moments. Small moments when he lets himself break, lead me to believe hes more aware of his purposeful insanity then he really allows himself to acknowledge.
I think about calling himself a monster, I think about him keeping the spec of his dimension under his hat. I think about the fact he was, in his own twisted way, deeply attached to Ford as a person. His offer to ford being genuine and then giddiness of Ford supposedly accepting distracting him.
To me, Bill uses his twisted perception of reality and morality to deal with his Sadism as well as cope with the extreme lost and guilt of his home. Not to mention being alive for literal trillions of years can also make you a bit coocoo. As well as allow you to see how relative a lot of concepts SUCH AS morality, taboo, pain, etc actually are.
THE POINT, of this little rant is that Bill would need to go through EXTREME recovery before he would even be ready to even look at the Stan twins as equals. And the Stan twins would need to be EXTREMELY FORGIVING, which lets be real they are both stubborn old men who love holding grudges, before any type of relationship (platonic or otherwise) could form or develop between the three.
This isnt to say it’s impossible? Bill is in the theraprism. As well as I think AUs such as Handyman Bill AU + more tackle the idea of Bill’s recovery well and keep him in character.
Forcing him to confront his actual feelings, grow attachments to actual people as equals, and even the internal conflict that would create cause of his attachment to his pervious persona are all good and interesting things that feel well, right for his character!
So like! It could be possible that somehow during the Sea Grunks era they find bill and all 3 are forced to unpack their complicated feelings about one another, but I will tentatively say that this AU doesn’t really have that as end game. It’s a major maybe though cause rotating it in my brain is getting the juices flowing…
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leefi · 1 year ago
The Flower That Bloomed Nowhere Read-through | Part 1: Chapters 1-14
Part 1: 1-14 | Part 2: 14-22 | Part 3: 22-34 | Part 4: 34-64 | Part 5: 64-80 | Part 6: 81-90 | Part 7: 90-100 | Part 8: 100-127 (caught up here)
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Hi!!!! I've been reading through this webnovel after seeing @ot3's pitch for it and started writing down some thoughts on the characters and worldbuilding and imminent murdering. This story is very, very long and I only reacted up to about chapter 33, so most of my thoughts will involve the worldbuilding and less the murder mystery aspect -- so if you're looking for theorizing you won't find much of that here. Since I'll be continuing eventually, I wanted to post what I did make note of to revisit later!
Most of these are not marked by chapter/section because I was lazy and I'm not sure how easy it will be to follow as a result, but everything is chronological.
everyone here is hijabi mashallah
The visual I'm getting of the solar system/local system/dimension they inhabit is kind of a blend of steampunk and fantasy and uhh some secret third thing. With the walls of their "universe" painted in that puella dollhouse witch lair style. Does the sun bounce around like a screensaver. Does it orbit their earth or is it on a fixed axis flung out into “space”? Does “space” even exist anymore? I’m assuming they’re in an enclosed area that they've created. Do they actively use arcane resources to keep objects (ie star and planets) sustaining themselves, or have they made them self sufficient?
everyone is so mean to Ptolema leave her alone what the fuckk let a bimbo live i want to kill you all you’re so annoying. Ptolema I WOULD be your friend and not ask all these weird ass questions. and we would hold hands and skip and giggle
Yes shes an airhead nepo baby but you guys could try doing anything other than snickering and rolling your eyes whenever she says stupid shit. If she starts arguing back about government war crimes during the Revolution or something then you have my blessing to beat her ass!
I HATE kamsurepa i HATE her i HAYE Her and her stupid ass name
Ran and Su have no chemistry its insane that theyre always hanging out every conversation is like uhhh (awkward silence) (rude comment from Ran) *Su voice* wow she gets me so well. every time they talk im like what the fuck just happened.
Su’s internal narration is too self aware for me. it’s like she talks like she knows she’s a character? or something. it's self-deprecating in a very bizarre way
im sorry i don’t know if i can continue with this. i know too many med students irl and these characters are literally pissing me off. compliments to the author for realism you knocked it out of the park
Oh, thank you very much!" Kam said, reverting back to her smiley-diplomatic form for a moment before stepping away from the counter and continuing as she handed us the cards. "...as far as it seems to me, the desire to reproduce is essentially an immature form of pursuing life-extension - this idea that you'll 'live on through your children' that's patently pseudo-mysticism justifying what is ultimately an animal instinct." ⬇️ I’m going to grab her ginger head and swing her around like bowser in mario 64. SHUT UPPPPP SHUT UP please tell me shes the one that dies
You know," I mused idly, my eyes wandering. "I think this is actually the fourth glass ceiling I've seen today." "Mm, it's true that you don't see a lot of women working in Aetheromancy," ⬇️ I know this is a small nitpick but aren’t we really far into the future why do they keep using terms like this 😭 gendered stuff like this still exists billions? trillions? of years into the future?
Why has the disco elysium skill tree randomly started talking to su. Is this her future self nagging her. Is she pulling a han sooyoung. when do we get to the various utsushikome ego deaths
"prosognostic overlap"…do ppl repeat faces? Are most people cloned at this point? What triggered the need for cloning surely medicine is advanced enough that childbirth or test tube babies are feasible? Can bodies be cloned and reinhabited to inhibit aging? Is there some disturbing psychological element to seeing someone with the same face as you? Does it make your brain short circuit? Kam mentioned having children earlier which I assume means people still give birth or have test tube babies, so i don’t know if it’s the result of cloning…but it does sound like a sameface sort of thing. What else would it be if not that though?
Actually, if they’ve figured out teleportation (whatever it was called when they went up the aetherbridge) - let's say they can atomize a body and reforming it elsewhere (though we don't know for sure yet, could also be a fold in spacetime) - transferring consciousness to an empty clone of yourself (and therefore effectively doing away with aging or death wholesale) sounds a lot more efficient and technologically practical than maintaining an organic system that naturally decays. Why keep on finding ways to push the human body past its limits when you could simply transfer a person to a new, identical vessel?
I feel like the key to immortality isn’t maintaining an organic body, which naturally tends towards systems of entropy (being a biological thing, entropy=decay), but rather delineating and separating human consciousness from its host and replicating its original environment perfectly. I’m not talking about making a copy of consciousness, which is just glorified cloning - I’m talking about *transferring* a consciousness.
You could almost call dementia itself the mind's tendency towards its own kind of entropy?
Though if you transfer a consciousness to a younger body, the dementia issue could still potentially remain. Depends on if it the author sees it as a solely physical phenomena (atrophy/buildup of inhibitors of the brain) or there's some metaphysical anomaly about amassing too many memories/"existing" too long in general
The way spellwork is described is really cool and feels super believable. Optimizing multiple concurrent spells into one “function” is intricate and sophisticated, and you have to dedicate a lot of brainpower to doing the math in your head. It’s like they’re coding the real world. I love the way lurina describes this it's awesome.
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brilliantfantasticgeronimo · 10 months ago
wild blue yonder
the tardis can regenerate itself...... !!! I mean, wait we knew that already kjhkjh but I just connected the dots now that... that means The Time Lords mined and mauled the child just to make their cars better, as well. Damn...
in classic who u used to have to use ur imagination to pretend everything wasn’t a wobbly set... now u have to use ur imagination to pretend everything isn’t a greenscreen :/
"is that who i am now?" the shocking thing isn’t that he is gay (that’s what donna interprets) the shock to himself is voicing how horny he is lol
Someone is gonna say gravity and that's gonna be fucking weird
"it would take trillion years to get that far” chills!
"no one is ever been this far. till us. and this ship" colonialism fiction dna shining thru
“you little streak” <3
"she'll move on" "not shaun, he'll go to that alleyway every year..." \ten at the alleyway to see rose parallel....
Ghost aroma!!!
blue and orange motif....…………… 13 aesthetic moments.... [13 and Swarm coded? / aka entropy/life coded?/donna and the doc...]
“maybe there's a tribe and they worship it… (…) time passes and the city falls... and there's the tardis" beautiful!! I'm could do somth w/ re: w/ the doctor and their companions. (eyes emoji)
"it got complicated" UNDERSTATEMENT OF A CENTURY #2
"The notion of shape is strange." "it limits" literally current architecture theory
This is so nofna solar system-core
love a classic “anti matter hates matter” story
[the no-bodies…?....cousins to the the could have been king ... with his army of never wheres…?]
This feels very [doctor trying to figure out their body in each regeneration] [intentionally?] this is so end of evangelion poster-core
"it’s strange enough my face coming back, but not this big" / [metaphor for reboots?]
This episode is like the clamoring for us to get a castrovalva 2 escher-like world again next season
"that's not gonna work either" i love these idiots
"why does it have to be one last trip?" rtd ringing moffat / gatiss / gardner / etc and being like like -
ok but follow this reasoning: if the doctor is the same person bc they keep their memories (as the show makes a point of.... constantly) ... and if the memories make the person ... then indeed an entity that copies the memories is the same person, is it not? Where do we draw the line between who’s “real” and who isn’t, in this scenario?
A CREATION I DEVASTATED / literally watched WoM two seconds before this w/ ten all "everything i do just makes it happen" sdjsdkf this is what i mean when i say the doctor has never Processed anythingggg since that Bottom Pit moment
"it wasn't your fault" "i know! (but it stil sucks!!!)" me at therapy like
"WHY DOES HE NEED YOU?" me, Pavlovian tone: because he is lonely...
“when something is gone, it keeps existing” → highlight this!!!! this is gonna be the new thesis statement about Grief!!! this is gonna be The Point for the next 4 years lol
It's very fun to watch this after marath6ning all of ten's era bc it's like... that boy never processed any of that shit. did 11 process shit? did 12? 12 maybe a little but really i think they just got even more trauma (bill ): ) dkdksks and don't get me started on 13. basically what im saying is the doctor Never did get a break on between waters of mars up until now... [and i guess to go further never did get a break after since like....... freaking ghost light skskskskkjkj seven is still There. we don't think about that enough.]
Donna being a clone fucker is not a headcanon ever thought i had but im glad its been confirmed now "donma doesn't think she"s stupid" im sure rtd has launched this exact same rant on so some unwilling family members while browsing ao3 "stop copying and make up your own minds" social commentary / commentary on reboots again / core "individualism > society" dr. who 101 messaging
The not things are kinda.... cute? skdksk if they weren't murderous they look like ppl to hang out w/ and play videogames......
"what do you want?" "you tell us" fundamental doctor-companion dialogue....
"love letters don't travel very far" put a pin on that...
ok.... ARGHGHGHH LET ME THINK THINK THINK skskks me failing at CBT be like
What if the doctor is from our universe. what then the doctor being like we have to mill ourselves immediately feels very 13
this is like "what if turn left and midnight but they go through it together this time <3" fic "where the walls are thin and anything is possible" eyes emoji
"that copy was 99% donna" so maybe re:earlier... what the show is saying between copy vs real is that it's all about the x factor, the 1%....
CONCLUSIONS! lived up to the hype! i think it's a bit 13-era vibe in that it's clearly influenced by all the prestige space-base-isolation scifi we see in the ~cinema now every year. the aesthetic is hitting that vibe (and going to the root, there's also a very clear Alien influence). kinda wish we had more one offs just like this one :( bc i feel the other 2 specials have too much Work to do, so there's not enough time to do.Fun like lore and character stuff. Execution wise is very successful. the switcheroos work. the callbacks work. there's a lot of character stuff happening ("I just realized I'm still working through that!") but it doesn't interfere w/ the adventure itself. My one grip is there's a couple shots that do feel too green-screen-y, but overall the ep is visually amazing. def only a story you could do now. also I love that the NMDs were like "rtd is gonna retcon the timeless child!!! everyone hated it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and he was like "cool. now watch this" lollll king moments. rare moments where it feels like we live in the best timeline.
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survivingofffanfics · 3 months ago
Sergio Chapter two, pt 1
It’s 2022. Han Seok has been in Italy for ten years. And today… today he finally gets to go back to Korea. He never thought he’d miss his homeland like this. But ten years of Italian food really made him want something from home. Now, Han Seok hadn’t been in Italy by choice. Well, at first he had. He’d come to Italy to collect his brother. His brother had gone on a scheduled week long meeting for their company, and ended up staying a month. Of course he went to collect him! He was worried. Well… not really. Angry was a better word. His brother wasn’t allowed to take vacations without him! It wasn’t fair!
Anyways. He’d come to Italy to collect his brother. And he’d gone to the car assigned to him. It was obviously his, because it had said “Jang Han Seok.” In Korean. Who else would have gone through the troubles of handwriting his name in Korean than the driver he’d ordered? Welp. His kidnappers, that’s who. Being kidnapped was an odd experience. That’s for sure. He hadn’t realized he was being kidnapped. Not at first. The driver was so cordial. There was two other men in the car but Han Seok just assumed those were bodyguards. He’d ordered three but two was fine! He’d played on his ds because he didn’t really know the scenery all that well anyways. It was only as they got into the rural countryside that he knew something was up. He had asked the driver if he was lost and the driver had laughed. He’d checked the door but the childlock was on. Kicking the door out was not an option because as soon as he’d started really struggling he was jabbed in the neck with a needle.
He had woken up in a pretty nice queen sized bed. It wasn’t as big as his bed at home but he hadn’t been in a basement, or in a bathroom having his organs harvested. His ds was gone, which was a bummer. He sat staring out the window for hours before the door unlocked. A Korean man stepped in, which instantly made him relieved. Han Seok had gone to the man, asking about negotiations, but the man had shook his head. Han Seok had tried again, in Italian and the man had laughed. “You’re never leaving, Sergio.” The man had answered him in Korean but the last word was spat in Italian.
Han Seok had tried to fight the man then. But the man wasn’t afraid of kid that had anger issues. This man had real power and real strategy. He took him down. That day. And everyday after that, that Han Seok tried to fight. Eventually Han Seok learned what Sergio meant. Servant. Han Seok was a servant to this man. And nothing more.
But… that’s in the past. Han Seok was going to Korea! They were going to find the Consigliere’s missing gold. The man had more than 1 trillion won hidden. Han Seok’s main mission while here would of course be the food. He didn’t care much for anything else. “Sergio! Bring my bags.”
“Y-yes, Sir.” Han Seok kept his head down as he grabbed several bags and brought them to the taxi. He had made eye contact with him only one time and now had twin scars running through both of his eyes to remind him to never do it again. He heard him snap his fingers and rushed to get the rest of the bags. Of the thirteen bags he loaded into the large car, only one was his. Servants like him didn’t need much after all. He ran to the front of the car then, holding open the passenger side door. The man stepped in the car, ruffling his hair. Han Seok went into the back seat and stared out of the window.
“What’s wrong with ‘im?” The cab driver asked the Consigliere gruffly.
“Hmm?” The man turned to face him curiously.
“Is he emo or somethin’?” The man gestured to his neck and his eyes.
“Ah! Yes. Sergio loves wearing jewelry and does his eye makeup like that for dramatic effect.” He laughed to the man.
“Ah, Sergio? That a Korean name?”
“No, Sergio and I are Korean-Italian.”
“Cool.” The conversation was stifled after that but Han Seok scowled at the floor, twisting his collar in his hand. The consigliere had gotten him a spiked collar before leaving Italy. So he could remember his “place.”
They soon pulled up to a beat up building and Mr. Cho ran to meet them. Together, Han Seok and Mr. Cho brought the bags to their room. “How have you been?” Mr. Cho whispered to him when his back was turned. Han Seok smiled at him before signing ok in KSL. The man smiled and they finished unpacking. After the bags were put away, Mr. Cho lead them through the building. “Right now, we are trying to keep the building from being bought by Babel.” Han Seok froze momentarily but one look from the Consigliere was enough to keep his feet moving. “And this is it!” The man lead them to a temple and Han Seok had to keep himself from laughing at the Consigliere’s facial expression.
“Mr. Cho, you rented out this room?!”
“Ahh, yes. They’re very good tenants.” The man began to explain and Han Seok zoned out.
“Sergio.” Han Seok stood at attention. “You are dismissed. Find me in an hour. I need to talk with Mr. Cho.”
“Yes, Sir.” He bowed and turned to walk away when he felt a painful shock from his collar. 
“Don’t make me find you.”
“Y-yes, Sir…” He wheezed.
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thefourpointedstar · 10 months ago
bored so im going to write some randomish idea's of TheFourPointedStar ok so basicly The Four Pointed Star can travel to any multiverse-timeline-universe Because its all stacked ontop of eachother???? It can basicly go everywhere ever???? Oh but its difficult to traverse the spaces inbetween universes--- Or the gaps if you were, because you cant just go nowhere. also alot of Stardust™ (Tiny fragments of the FourPointedStar because it was shattered, keep up) is in the void so whomever is looking for the shards has to jump off the edge of a multiverse and or universe (imo multiversal gaps are allot bigger than universal gaps bth) Also due to the nature of the fragments of the FourPointedStar they are always... er- the light from them travels instantly to anyone, no matter the distance. Moving on TheFourPointedStar can take idea's and mechanics from worlds, and impose those idea's onto other's. oh and like inside TheFourPointedStar the floor is endless-- You've heard this before have you not? There are trillions of people inside TheFourPointedStar at any given time, They are basicly livestock, Passively generating WIllpower and other sparks-- Have i explain willpower and sparks? I dont think so! Ok so willpower Powers the FourPointedStar, Giving it drive and other stuff, The sparks instill emotions and change the perception of others. And perception is everything to TheFourPointedStar. All of my oc's have a connection to TheFourPointedStar and have some amount of it inside of them-- Its like radiation or microplastics, Get nearby and you are already... infected? Its basicly a parasite draining the willpower of anyone its connected to-- OH AND!!!! It stops any mind altering "attacks" Like booze, And other drugs-- AND prevents mindcontrol of anykind-- Basicly it protects your mind no matter what... no matter what. (this is a opt in feature, You are still allowed to get absolutely sloshed if you so desire... but No matter what you will be immune to mindcontrol... Unless you disable it directly BECAUSE) TheFourPointedStar has so MANY FUCKIJG AI's IN IT- And a built in computer--- and browser (you have to manually connect it to a universe's internet but outside of that theres the entirety of 2030's internet preserved inside of it... But you'll get bored of reading and watching slop after the 7 billionth ai cooking with gorgon brandy show. so just connect it to some random world and watch some anime-- Or better yet go to those worlds and fuck shit up like the horrible trickster god you are.) oh and have i mentioned that you can reset everything ever with it???? Back to zero-- Or one as it were???? one universe one timeline???? and its never ever been used???? (outside of the time where Bob got sad that his husband Alousko died [but not really] and nearly reset everything???? but was stopped and shattered???? and that happened like uh... lets go with 47 years before Eshuary was born from his three dads {They broke themselves into three pieces and did not do the sex because selfcest... ew to a that extent and also one of them is asexual |It was Kertzweil and the selfcesters not to be were Alousko and... T... t.. um...oh! Terminus[Terminus was alousko for a couple weeks before his personality drifted too far-- he was basicly a copy without his shadow, so basicly without his soul-- and he was drifting away from what he once was due to him developing a soul- er i mean Shadow. its basicly the same shut up!!!!]}) (got that was long winded) um... i have nothing else bye!!!! this was written at 4:am!!!!!!!!!!
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years ago
Sneak Peek (Series Return!)
From the conclusion of Dignity of His Choice: a Steve Rogers x wife!Reader story where Steve fakes his own death.
Excerpt of Part 18: Reflection (see previous or series)
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While this snippet does not include any 18+ content, the story as a whole is not acceptable for minors. Please see my Light Masterlist for all-ages-friendly fic. WC 419
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You’re not expecting a bear hug, something tight and possessive, clinging desperation in his broad hands. He buries his head to breathe in all of you he can.
“I’ll spend forever making it up to you,” he whispers into your neck, “just let me stay. Please. Please let me stay, love.”
In the returned quiet, he hears your whispered, “you don’t understand,” and lets go to tick up a brow in question.
“We both win,” you explain, cupping his face and running thumbs over his soft beard. “You’re back. You’re really home. It’s like I won the lottery again because, Steve, meeting you changed my life. Marrying you was a one-in-a-trillion stroke of pure luck. I forgot. I forgot how every time you come home is a win. Under any circumstance. No matter how long it’s been.” Your arms drape over his shoulders to keep him looking into your eyes.
“Not alone.” He kisses your forehead, voice thick with emotion. “Not the only lucky one.” He pulls you closer to press his lips to yours so gently, so sweetly it hurts. “I’ll show you from now on.”
From now on, you promise yourself, it’s new. From now on this is you and him. From now on you’ll remember this feeling. From now on you know what it is to live without. From now on you won’t take it for granted. And no, you can’t help but fall in love with this man. Again. And again. And again.
From now until forever ever after…
“How about our wedding mix?” he asks as if he’ll break a thin veil surrounding you.
Your bond was never fragile before, and you think it still isn’t. You’ve tested a limit, taken the strain as far as it can go, and you must offer care while the healing forges you into a pair stronger than ever.
The music is more poetic than it’s ever been; lyrics capture both your dire hopes to grow beyond the past and the playful spirit of your future. That still exists because he does. The world still turns because Steve Rogers still twirls you deftly in the comfort and safety of your living room.  The tunes mean more now while you don his sweatpants than when you wore a custom red, white, and blue lace gown.
Two years ago, it didn’t seem possible he could look at you with any more adoration than that very moment, yet there Steve stands, drowning you in the beloved blue of his eyes.
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Since this story has languished in my own personal emotional hell for quite a few months, I'm going to add the FRI tag folks just to let you know progress is hopping along finally! Thank you for reading and especially thank you for supporting Sketch and Keeps as a series--they have my whole heart 💜
@im-a-slut-for-fluff @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @fangirl-swagg @georgeweaslysgirl @austynparksandpizza @bucky-fricking-barnes-reads @fallinallinmendes @claireelizabeth85 @patzammit @supraveng @1950schick
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gojology · 4 years ago
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𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 |  omg this is my first request. ilysm anon, im now feelin super cool. also, i just realized i put recc (as in recommended) instead of requests. i’m super stupid LOL. anyways, im touch starved too dw bby, i’m servin u up a long one since i rlly like this request and after all u r my first! 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | Gojo x Wife! Reader 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 2307 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | None! 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | Coming home from a long mission in America, precisely 1 year, you’re excited to catch up on Gojo’s students, Nanami, and just Gojo in general.   Leaning out of the car window, resting your arm against your purse, you sighed. A humid wind brushed against your skin, tickling you. It had been quite a while since you had been in Japan, spending almost a year on a huge mission in America. You had killed a battalion worthy amount of special grades.   You spent most of your time in America in mostly horribly rundown places, equally as infested with curses. Although you found yourself enjoying America’s natural beauty, further away from the city life that many of the Americans found themselves enjoying, you much preferred Japan. after all, it was your home, and where you met Gojo Satoru. It would be another day until you could return, and you had gone through hundreds of scenarios of finally being in his arms again, but nonetheless, you were ecstatic at the thought of your husband’s touch.   Your phone’s notification chimed loudly, you threw your phone onto the other seat, heart jumping up to a high rate. It was a recording of Satoru loudly yelling, “OPEN YOUR FUCKING PHONE!” with a flurry of giggles afterwards.    Ijichi jumped, turning left and right. Whispering under his breath, he let out an exasperated sigh, switching the music channel.    The recording was mostly because of the time you had to ghost him due to work. Gojo had snuck on and recorded it, doing some magical tech stuff and giving you the custom notification sound. You had kept it that way ever since, since secretly, you enjoyed that you were so badly wanted by Gojo, that, and you had no idea how to change it back.    But the custom notification was sweet as well.   You smiled to yourself every time you heard it, a familiar twinge of pain flashing inside of you whenever you realized you wouldn’t be able to see him for a while.   Well, today, and the days after that would be different. You’d be able to finally see Gojo again, and his new students that he always frantically texted you about. Nanami, an old friend of Gojo, and also an old friend of yours, would also be there to welcome you back, you found yourself reminiscing about them.   You had heard so much about them, one of the kids being Sukuna’s vessel, you wondered how Gojo could contain such a fear, being around the kid at all times, he always told you about how the kid was actually energetic and happy and an overall great kid, you had heard about Nanami, finally coming back into the jujutsu sorcerer field of work, even though you always found that he still had a thing for finances.   You shook your head, “Save that shit for later, (Y/N).” muttering to yourself, you didn’t want to think of anything but Gojo, after all, it had been one fucking year of being deprived of the man you loved most. You were practically starving for the guy, in more ways than one.   Ijichi gulped, facing towards you, one hand on his steering wheel, “Forgive me Mrs. Satoru, but um.. Forgive me if I misheard, but I think I heard your phones notification go off.. Due to the ah- incredibly loud profanity.”   Now just realizing that you had completely forgotten about the phone notification, you nodded your thanks to Ijichi, a warmth rushing to your cheeks before opening up your phone.    In the small, rounded box containing Gojo’s message, he wrote in all caps, “SUGAR, MY BELOVED, MY QUEEN, HOW CLOSE ARE YOU? I CAN’T FUCKING WAIT I’M LITERALLY BOUNCING UP AND DOWN IN OUR BED.”   Smiling to yourself, you furiously texted back, “Calm down honeybun, I’ll be there in like, 24 hours, I’m not even fucking close.”   You almost instantly got a DM back, making you jump a bit in your seat. Even with the 5 years of friendship, and the 3 years of relationship, and the 2 years of marriage, he still almost always texted you back as quickly as possible.   “God I can’t fucking wait for you to meet the kids! We’ll keep it a surprise, yeah? We have a bunch of treats, and we also got the kids to get some gifts for you! How thoughtful aren’t they? They’re MY offspring by the way, so like, you know, whenever you want a kid, it’s your call ;)”   You snorted to yourself, smiling. He genuinely seemed so excited, and it was all shining through even though it was from a screen.    “Maybe in a few years, I don’t even wanna imagine a little you.”   Despite the excited, bubbling feeling brewing bigger and bigger in your stomach, you figured it’d be best to sleep before the chaos. Happily sighing, you laid down, using your purse as a pillow, drifting into a blissful sleep.  ‧₊˚✩彡.   You awoke to a sudden halt, Looking around your surroundings, you figured you were home. Ijichi looked like he was damn near about to fall asleep on the steering wheel.   Well, maybe that’s what 24 hours of constant driving did to you. You fished around in your purse, silently cursing looking for a water bottle.   “Here, Ijichi, looks like you ran a marathon.” you grinned, handing the slightly crumped water bottle to him.   He beamed as if a guardian angel had descended down and gave him a trillion dollars.   “Mrs. Satoru! You really mean it? The ride was nothing, I was merely instructed to do so and I would’ve done it happily regardless.”   You waved your hand, as a dismissal of the conversation. “You overwork yourself Ijichi, go catch a break, on me. If Gojo tears you apart, tell him he won’t be getting any pussy from me for another year.”   Ichiji nodded vigorously, before dashing off, probably towards a massage center, God that guy needed it. ‧₊˚✩彡.    Gojo frantically hopped up and down, it had been a day, now he was just waiting for you to bust through the door in your wild hair, his legs sprawled onto the whole of a couch, he stared at the ceiling, a dopey smile spread across his face.     “Satoru. (Y/N) will not even want to be associated with you, looking at your current state.” he remarked, staring at the sorcerer with his strikingly dead eyes.     “Nanami, how the fuck am I supposed to act calm?! I’ve waited for this moment for ONE YEAR! Does my hair look normal?!”    “Your hair looks just like an albino porcupine, just as usual.” Flipping the page of his newspaper, he sighed, rubbing his temples. “I will never understand how someone like (Y/N) would be.. Interested in you, Satoru.”     Gojo paid no attention to the insult Nanami had so clearly made, his ears were perked up, eavesdropping on a distant conversation coming closer and closer.     “Gojo-Senpai was telling me about this movie while training my cursed energy! He basically spoiled the whole thing but he told me that the main character was super annoying but apparently she dies in the end in the most gruesome way possible! It’s worth the watch, your soul will feel cleansed as soon as you see her lifeless body!”     “Yuuji, you literally spoiled the whole thing to me just now.” Fushiguro calmly stated, looking bored out of his mind.     “Oh, oops.” Yuuji rubbed the back of his neck. He smiled coyly, tightly hugging his present.    “What’s with the decorations, Gojo-Sensei?” inquired Nobara, stroking her warm toned brown hair. She had figured it was something about the presents that Gojo had forced the trio to get, but he never told them who it was for.    The room had been decorated with various balloons and confetti, scattered about, on the table and the ground. A cake box wrapped with a gigantic bow limply guarded whoever was brave enough to get their hands on something that Gojo seemed to be protecting with his life.    A pink table cover with a crudely drawn Gojo and what would seem to be a girl, a heart in the middle of the pair. In a horrible font with an even awfuller text, the text on top and at the bottom of the drawing proudly stated:    “WELCOME BACK QT”    “-YOU’RE HUSBAND AND THE CREW”    Nobara stood in distaste, trying to disguise the face she made. The drawing, the misused you’re, and the overall poor design choice was enough to almost make her vomit.     Nobara, about to make her distasteful statements about the whole mess, was suddenly shut up as Gojo started hopping up and down, looking directly at his phone.   “SHE’S COMING! SHE’S COMING! EVERYONE IN YOUR PLACES!”    Now, seeing Gojo freak out wasn’t outside of the ordinary, but it was to see him freak out to this extent. He was hopping up and down, blabbering about a certain woman named (Y/N). Nobara was pretty sure that if a curse attacked right now, even a special grade comparable to the one with the uncomplete domain could completely crush Gojo, the guy seemed completely unaware of the example he was setting to the kids. Even Yuuji stood in disbelief, and he had seen multiple tantrums by Gojo.   Nanami, however, licked his finger and flipped the newspaper page. A face of boredom obviously displayed.     Nobara, preparing herself to chew Gojo out about how utterly stupid and embarrassing he made the whole class of jujutsu sorcerers look like, stopped wide eyed as she looked at the doors slide wide open. ‧₊˚✩彡.    You stood, shyly, looking at the ground. Gojo dove headfirst into your arms, laughing like a maniac and digging his face into your shoulder. You breathed in his scent, scanning the room.     Three teens, sat wide-eyed, backs straight as they looked at you with eyes you couldn’t quite read. All three of them held presents.     The one with eyelids underneath his eyes (which you assumed was Yuuji, the vessel of Sukuna) eyed you curiously, his eye twitched.     The other boy, one with wild black-blue hair, sat mouth agape, before closing it. He looked like he was about to say something, before stopping entirely and hugging his present closer to his chest.    The warm haired girl darted her eyes between you two, seemingly trying to put the puzzle together.     Nanami put the newspaper down, glancing over to you two.    “This is obviously Gojo-Senpai’s wife. He hasn’t seen her in many months, and as you can see, really really misses her.” he paused, a small smile spreading on his face, a rare sight.     “I don’t even know why myself, but what can you do with lovebirds?” he thought aloud, his attention now focused to the two of you furiously making out, hands in places Yuuji and the crew didn’t need to see.    “Satoru, (Y/N), leave the kissing for later. Don’t you see the kids?”     You detached yourself from his mouth, panting for breath. The air being exhaled out of his nose fanned over your face, you had just now realized the kids again.     “Satoru, lets sit down. I bet the kids are surprised. “ you motioned to the couch. Gojo whined.     “What? They’re not that dumb, they can tell you’re my wife or at least, you’re my girlfriend, just by the way we kiss right? Isn’t this telling enough?”     “You didn’t tell them about me, ever did you?”     He sighed in defeat, holding tightly onto your arm as you dragged him over and sat down on the comfortable couch, opposite of Yuuji and the crew. Nanami scooched over, before finally getting up to pull another chair from somewhere else. Grunting, he excused himself from the room.     “YOU HAD A GIRLFRIEND, GOJO-SENPAI? AND DIDN’T TELL US?” Yuuji questioned, looking like he was about to faint.    Gojo laughed, snuggling deeper onto you, almost like a koala.     “She’s my wife, aren’t you, sugar? Did you even pay attention to anything Nanami said? He literally said she was my wife.”     Megumi made an obvious gagging sound, but even he didn’t seem as bored as he was usually. He actually looked intrigued.     “Why didn’t you tell us, Gojo-Senpai?” the girl nagged, slamming her fist down on the table.     Gojo smiled, “Uh, well, I wanted it to be a surprise when she came back.”     “Couldn’t you have told us that you had a wife or something?” Megumi butt in.    The door slid open, Nanami coming in with a wooden stool.     “Knowing Gojo-Senpai, that probably went over his head.” grunting as he placed the wooden stool down and sat, he opened his newspaper again.     “Where do you guys know eachother?”    “Was Gojo-Senpai handsome back in highschool too?”    “Do you know what lipgloss Gojo-Senpai wears?”    “Gojo-Senpai, how did you know you loved her?”     “Gojo-Senpai, can we eat now?”     “Do you know why Gojo has such a horrible sweet tooth?”      Before you could even respond, Nanami put his hand up.     “Now, now, lets let the happy couple settle down.” he cleard his throat, not even making eye contact with anyone but the newspaper.     An audible chorus of groans sounded, “What do you expect us to do? We literally just met her!” moaned Yuuji.    “Weren’t you the one that literally asked if we could eat yet?”    Yuuji immediately shut up afterwards.     “Yuuji, she just came back from a 1 day trip. She should be laying down comfortably with Gojo-Senpai and they should be catching up. You’ll have the opportunity to talk to her and learn about her later. Right now she needs space.”    “But-” Nobara whined, clasping her hands together.    Nanami turned to Fushiguro, but even he had his mind set. “I didn’t even begin to think that Gojo had a wife. I really want to know more about her, if you think about it, this is all Gojo-Sensei’s fault.”    Nanami rubbed his temples, staring at the two of you for backup, realizing that you two were making out again.    Nanami sighed, 10 years later and you two were still the same.    
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mystic-sky · 4 years ago
unexpected geto angst that my brain just up and conjured because I like pain 🧚🏾‍♀️✨(I’m okay I swear😭)
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summary: where you regret not confessing your love to Geto Suguru properly, realizing that if you did speak up about your feelings he might’ve stayed.
Warnings: mild manga spoilers? I just wrote off of a moment spun off on events in chapter 76 and 90 (correct me if im wrong)
Word count: 517
You’re wondering if you should’ve spoken up, if it would’ve been enough to make him stay. Feelings are so hard to talk about sometimes. And once you can’t say them, there’s this everlasting lump in your throat. If you were able to tell Suguru everything, how you felt about him— could you handle rejection and him leaving you and everyone all at once?
The one chance you had to say something, you quickly forfeited and regretted forever. He looked so tired in front of you, hair down in his face as he slouched in his seat. You sit beside him, trying to find words to console him. He glances at you quietly, before staring right back at the floor. How insensitive would it be for you to confess right now— to tell him that you love him when he looks so torn up and distraught about the current events? He looks exhausted, unkempt, and his eyes are conflicted but so dead all at once. And you? You’re just stupid sometimes, you can’t say what you’re feeling properly.
“I like you...” you say after the deepest silence, and it’s so sad that you don’t notice the spark in his eyes.
“You what?” His response is so open, but your fear conveys it into otherwise. 
“... with your hair down. It suits you.”
He’s so disappointed, and amongst his grief he can’t really decipher if that means you could have feelings for him. And he knows he could just ask you that, but he doesn’t.
“Oh... thanks.” It’s the saddest response for him, he truly wishes you said something else.
You had the ability to change his mind, but that’s never going to happen now.
A year later, you remember his last day as himself, hovering over his weak body, and his eyes are soft on you while Satoru watches just a few feet away. 
He’s going on about Satoru taking care of you after he’s gone and something extra, but you’ve phased it all out. His dying moments are a blur as you randomly— selfishly scream out at him.
“Were we not enough for you? Were we not enough to make you stay?” The tears are spilling from your eyes, wrenching his spirit. He hated making you cry. You’re so angry that he can somehow still smile all the while, like absolutely nothing was wrong.
Satoru stands across from you, not saying anything but agreeing with what you were trying to say. 
Suguru’s eyes drop, and you think he’s already done for. He raises his lids again, but his gaze is even weaker.
“It seems I didn’t understand you back then,” he smiles softly. “I’m so sorry.”
His last words echo a trillion times in your subconscious. It was you who should’ve been sorry— you who should’ve been clearer— you who should’ve instead said to him that you loved him, and that you loved him with his hair down and so much more.
You bring your lips to his lifeless corpse, planting a broken and grieving kiss as his last breath paints your face.
“I love you,” and you hope he hears it.
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xwing-baby · 4 years ago
The Guide: Chapter 1/? (Ezra x f!Reader)
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gif from @spectroscopes
word count: 5.2k
chapter warnings: reluctant saviour to lovers, injury to reader, one mention of rape, little angst, world building :)
summary: The Guide to Everything Ever is expanding, you are sent out to the furthest reaches of Nowhere to catalogue the planets there. What should have been a quick research mission quickly turns to disaster when you crash on a small forest moon. Injured, with no means of communication, you have to rely on the good will of a mysterious stranger...
a/n: first ever Ezra fic lets gooo!! i am super hyped for this i hope you all enjoy it as much as i do <3
masterlist // asks are always open :)
While The Guide to Everything Ever did cover everything ever, it was a little misleading in the boundaries of everything. History was no issue, there was even a large section of the book on prophecy, millions of consequences mapped out on a fold out flow chart. No, the issue was with physical boundaries of everything.
A long time ago the boundaries of the civilised universe were drawn up. From Eden to Xion-5, trillions of stars and quadrillions of planets all included inside the red line separating us from the somehow even more vast expanse of Nothing. There was nothing in Nothing, that much was well known. That was until a group of explorers did what explorers do and found Something. Something in Nothing makes Nothing impossible so the leaders of this great universe came together and decided The Guide to Everything Ever had to include this new Something in their Everything.
That is where you come in.
The Guide to Everything Ever has always relied on first-hand experience. The first edition was a disaster. It only contained the things everybody knew: how to fold a bedsheet and how to get your dog to not hump the postman. The only vaguely interesting part of the Guide was the planetary comments. Even those could send the most interested scientist to sleep! They tried using robots for the first edition, a mere collection of data from far away planets. This was not successful and The Guide only sold four copies.
The next edition was more ambitious. The editors worked out people were a lot more interested in different planets than they were in barbarian fortifications but they did not want to read reams of boring data from a robot called Steve. They wanted a real Steve to give his experience on these new planets. Honest, often humorous, and yet entirely educational extracts of missions across the stars. It didn’t matter that space travel was accessible to everyone. It saved everyone a lot of time waiting in those cold and boring shuttles to get from one side of the universe to another. They could sit in the comfort of their own homes and learn about the man-sized carnivorous plants of Ereta, the beautiful fabrics created on Lii, or which drinks to avoid if you ever find yourself in a Beetjing bar.
The Guide was a success from that point onwards and expanded each year. Soon the job of researcher became a coveted occupation. You were lucky to get into the academy. Only ten new researchers were added each century. You worked your entire life to get in and it paid off, you were off on your first mission into the furthest reaches of Nothing to report back on the wild ‘verse that filled it.
A long time ago space travel was thought of as the most exciting thing anyone could ever do. It was for a few decades but two centuries later it was commonplace. A lot like the London Underground, you just stuck your headphones on and let that distract you until you reached your far more interesting destination.
For your trip you had chosen to watch Anzarch Hospital. A rather cheesy Martian holovid show, it had been going for years. You were on season 85, with only ten episodes left until you were entirely caught up ready for the season finale which was due to air when you returned from this trip. You would rather be at home watching the episodes but this trip to the end of the line was necessary. It wouldn’t take long, a few rotations at least and then you could go to Annie’s party and watch everyone’s favourite doctor finally find out who killed her robot nurse wife.
Nobody ever said Martian holovids were high class, but they were fun.
The computer interrupted your binge, alerting you with a ding that you were within range of your destination and would be stepping out of hyperspace. You pressed a few buttons, accepted the action, and went back to the episode.
It wasn’t until a few moments later when the lower pitch dong did not sound to let you know you had dropped out. Confused, you switched off the holovid and moved back to the cockpit. It was a new ship, it shouldn't have hyperdrive issues yet. But well versed as you were with glitchy hyperdrives you knew what to do. You pressed some buttons, pulled a lever, dragged the ship out of autopilot and twisted one final knob to drop out safely and without panic.
Your routine was correct. The ship dropped out of hyperspace but as the darkness cleared so did any sense of calm. You were already in the thermosphere, hurtling down to the forest covered grounds at electric speeds. Alarms blared as soon as the devices registered the new atmosphere and severe lack of control.
“Please slow down, your destination is ahead at 750 km,” The computer said cheerfully.
“Stupid thing! You’re going to kill me!” You yelled over the alarms.
“That’s not very nice,” The computer replied, “It’s not my fault the hyperdrive isn’t working,”
“You knew?” You shouted. The sides of the ship rumbled and rattled as the change in air density dragged along the surface. The holoprojector vibrated off the table, crashing to the ground and smashing into pieces. There goes all your holovid downloads, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Destination in 400km,” Every minute of your training was coming back as you worked through every combination of buttons and levers on your dash. Nothing was working.
“Computer? Is there still a parachute in this model?” It was archaic but you prayed that your ship was old enough to still be fitted with one. If it, wasn’t you were never going to slow down fast enough?
“Yes, would you like me to deploy it?” The computer asked.
“Yes!” You shouted at the machine.
“Deploying parachute,”
The parachute erupted from the back of the ship with a loud hiss and pop as it opened into the air. The sudden draw backward lurched you forward, smacking your head onto the metal dash in front of you.
You groaned, holding your hand to the injury immediately. A good splattering of blood now set across the screen and was dripping down your face into your eyes.
“Destiable approach im one minu,” The computer said. You frowned, trying to concrete over the throbbing pain in your head. “Systeeee affectabed,”
“Please tell me I’m not having a stroke,” You pleaded. You were not. You could speak and understand language perfectly. The computer, however, was not okay.
Computers are all well and good, very helpful things to have around that is until their processors are catapulted out by a poorly fitted fabric parachute.
You didn’t have time to worry about the broken computer as the trees below were coming closer and closer.
“Fourteenth millennia remaaaa,” The computer slurred. You ignored it. You didn’t need a reminder of how closer to being impaled by a huge tree you were. Instead of panicking you did the only thing you could, strap in and hope that it was all over quickly.
You pulled the straps of the pilot’s seat down tight over your arms, gripped the armrest tight and shut your eyes. The ship whistled through the air, the drag of the parachute doing very little to slow it down. You screwed your eyes shut, cursing every god you have ever known at your terrible luck. You would never see your family again, never see your friends again, and even more importantly you would never find out who killed the nurse in Anzarch Hospital!
The first contact with forest sent the ship off its course, spinning wildly out of control as the craft hit branch after branch. You screamed as the ship tumbled to the ground.
Finally, you came to a stop. Upside down, hanging from a tree, your ship rocked from side to side. You groaned, aching all over from the rough treatment of your descent. You spat out the blood that had pooled in your mouth and tried to think of a plan. Much like the now dead computer you couldn’t really think in words. More drawled sentences drowned out by pain.
The smell of fuel was the thing to get you moving. You gently unbuckled yourself from the seat, careful to not drop yourself on the ceiling and injure yourself anymore. You climbed around the small circular pod to reach the door.
Inhospitable atmosphere. Air unfit for external respiration, respirator advised.
You grumbled and cursed as that warning meant you’d have to climb up the wall of the still swaying pod to reach your kit. It was heavy and difficult to put on at the best of times, this was quite possibly the worst of times.
With a sharp tug the suit and helmet fell out of the cupboard above your head, narrowly missing you as it fell. Carefully, so as not to trip on the steel beams of the ceiling at your feet or cause the ship to swing and fall any further, you pulled the suit on. It was soft, having never been worn before, lightweight and fit you well. The helmet was heavy, a seal at the bottom to prevent any toxins leaking in and the filter was attached to the back of the dome. It was not ideal but you hoped you could find civilization quickly and would be able to take it off fast.
Helmet on. Bag on. Boots tied. Out the door.
In the small amount of luck, you still held, the ship was only six feet above the ground. You sat on the top of the door and jumped out, landing gracefully on your feet in a large patch of unusual plants. The air filter quietly hummed as it set to work cleaning the air around you and you inspected your surroundings. That was where your luck ran out, as you gathered yourself together you looked to your wrist, to the screen of your watch to look at a map to discover the direction you should go, only to find it smashed beyond repair. You had no guidance.
Dark forest was all you could see in any direction. The canopy was so dense only a small sprinkle of light made its way to the floor. Bouncing off the particles in the air, the space around you glittered in the light. It was silent, only the wind rustling through the grass and twigs under your boots made any noise. You picked a direction and walked, hoping you would come across someone soon.
You found a single well-trodden path after an hour of walking through waist high grass, the pollen of which had now covered your suit in a green blue film that made your hands itch terribly when you touched it, bringing up red rashes almost immediately.
The path made its way through the trees, more light coming through as you made it to the edge of the forest. You couldn’t make out much beyond the break in the trees as the contrast between the darker interior showed the outside in white light. You smiled; open space probably meant civilisation!
As you approached the light your eyes began to strain. Sharp pain cut into your eyes, you groaned and squinted bringing your hands to your helmet to cover them automatically. It was no use as a migraine was quickly taking hold. You continued forward, finally breaking the tree line, feeling the heat of the sun through the thin fabric of your suit.
Then everything went black
“What a curious creature,” A low voice woke you. Slowly you gained consciousness, immediately aware of the throbbing pain throughout your body, you pushed to sit up only to feel a heavy weight on your shoulder, “Careful now,” The stranger warned you. You peeled your eyes open and looked up at the creature that spoke. Dome headed in a yellowed fabric suit, Light reflecting off his head obscured his face. The creature spoke kindly and you would have believed the tone too if it weren’t for the pressure of his foot on your forearm and gun in your face. “What’s a thing like you doing in these parts?”
“I-I’m injured,” You tried to speak confidently but your pain overtook your tone as you opened your mouth, “My ship crashed not far from here,”
“Curiouser and curiouser,” The creature mused.
“Please,” You choked out as darkness threatened your vision once more, “Help me,”
The creature frowned, contemplating his decision as if he were choosing a candy bar at a corner store. You tried to move from under him but the effort was too much and you fell into unconsciousness again.
As your eyes closed and breathing softened, the stranger released his foot from your shoulder. His boot left a muddy footprint on the white material that covered your arm. He watched you for a few more seconds, then presuming you were dead he stepped over your body to the blue rucksack that had fallen just behind you. He was in desperate need of medical supplies and clean clothes wouldn’t hurt either.
The stranger rooted through the rucksack, pulling all kinds of things out. Clothes and food, writing equipment and a flip up device that he did not recognise as anything useful. There were no weapons, and no survival equipment of any kind. You were packed for a Sunday stroll, not a trip to the Green. Whoever you were, you were not like the usual people who came here.
The stranger’s cool demeanour changed when he saw your identification card. A gold card, approximately the size of his palm fell out of the bag and into his lap with a soft tap. He picked it up and inspected it, instantly knowing he was screwed. The Guide’s golden emblem was easy to recognise, while he couldn’t read the language that inscribed the card, he could make assumptions. You were a researcher. It was a well-known fact that Guide researchers were protected. If anyone found out you were dead, he would be convicted no matter what he said. There would be no planet in the entire universe he could hide on from the Guide.
Begrudgingly, he had to save you.
Without any other option, he shoved the contents of your bag back inside its original case and threw it over his shoulder. Then came the difficult task of moving you. It wasn’t for lack of strength that the stranger had difficulty with this task, more to do with the fact he had only one arm. He knew it wasn’t far to his camp, he had only been walking for five minutes before you fell into his path.
He couldn’t carry you. With only one arm it didn’t matter how strong the man was he could never hold you up well enough. He tried to wake you first, it would be far more helpful to him if you could walk. He shook your shoulders to try and rouse you but you were out cold. He had no choice but to drag you.
A quick assessment of your body told him you were not injured too badly, apart from the sores developing on your hands from exposure to pollen and a wound on your forehead inside your helmet. He checked your pulse again, feeling it strong through his gloves he was happy that you were not dead and would not be wasting his time. He grabbed the fabric around your shoulders and pulled you back to his camp.
It took a while but he made it there safely without cracking your helmet or injuring you anymore. He set you down on the floor of his tent, pulled his helmet off for comfort, then got to setting up a recovery bed for you.
The stranger pulled a rolled-up mat from under his cot and placed it on the ground and finally rolled your body in its final place on top and he waited for you to wake up again. It wouldn’t take long, he heard you mutter something as he carried you back and even in the low light of his tent, he could see your eyes moving behind your eyelids. The stranger sat on the edge of his cot, watching you carefully with his weapon in hand in case you woke up violent.
After a few moments, you began to stir. The first thing you noticed as you gained consciousness was the pain in your body. Every inch of your body throbbed but nothing more than your head. You felt hard ground beneath you, but no leaves or dirt, it was cold to touch. You peeled your eyes open, met with a low orange light bouncing off dark tent like material.
“Do not be alarmed,” A man said from across the room. You immediately turned your head to see but saw nothing more than a dark blob, “You are safe,”
You found it very hard not to be alarmed. The last thing you remembered was getting out of your ship into a forest, now you were in a small dark tent lit by one single golden lightbulb with a strange blob sat across from you.
Carefully, you pushed yourself up to sit up from your position on the floor. Noticing the blob was more of a man, and without a helmet, you figured it was probably safe to remove yours. With a sharp tug and a hiss from the oxygen tank you were open to the air and you set the helmet down next you. You rubbed your hand across the back of your neck, screwing your eyes shut as a headache shot through your skull.
You studied the man in the soft light. You could not guess his age, simultaneously old and young, you guessed he was a little older than you. He had tanned skin and dark hair with a curious white, blonde streak in the front. A surprisingly well-kept moustache and a spattered beard covered his lower face and a white scar on his left cheek all together created an intriguing character.
“Are you comfortable?” He asked. You nodded. His kindness was unsettling. There was a gentle tone to his voice and a kindness in his eyes but everything outside of that was the complete opposite. You could not remember how you got here; all you knew was the pain your body was in. Had he attacked you? Had he saved you from something else? He could have killed you, but he didn’t. Something must have enticed him to save you and bring you here. Then you saw it.
In the stranger’s hand, he held a gold card. Your identification card. The golden emblem projecting from the card flickered in the poor light, showing your name and number and rank.
“Should I be asking for an autograph?” The stranger looked back up at you, a smirk on his lips, “I’ve always wanted to meet an author,”
“I-I am not an author,” You coughed, clearing your throat before speaking, “I’m a researcher,”
“You pen those books though, don't you? The Guide?” He asked, “There’s not that much literature being produced this day and age,”
“Technically, but we like to think it’s a team effort,” You shrugged, “I just collect the data and write preliminary reports,”
“Does your team know you’re lost here?” The stranger asked.
“No, I… I don’t know,” You said sadly. The computer had broken before you could send a distress call. With no way to get a message to them from the outer ‘verse it would take weeks for anyone to realise anything was wrong, “I would have to find a signal strong enough to send a distress message but the only way I could do that was with my ship,” You thought aloud. You paused for a moment, trying to remember what actually happened when you fell from the sky, “Where is my ship? Where are we?”
“I never saw your transport I’m afraid,” The stranger said, “You must have walked a considerable distance before crossing paths with me,” You frowned, without your ship you were stuck, “I brought your backpack, if that's of any aid to you,”
You immediately lit up. Taking that as a yes, the stranger reached over the cot and pulled up your rucksack. It was caked in mud and a lot less full than you know it should have been, but you ignored his looting and grabbed the bag from his hands.
The only things left inside were your underwear and a hygiene kit. Your stomach twisted at the thought that you had lost the most important item in the bag. Dumping the contents on the floor you searched through every pocket. The Stranger watched you, one brow raised, wondering what you were looking for.
“Did you take it?” You asked, “It won’t work for anyone but me, you might as well give it back,”
“I do not understand,” The stranger looked puzzled, looking down at the things on the floor to see what had upset you.
“My Guide, where is it? I don’t care about the other things, I need that back,”
“There were no books in there,”
“That is Federation property,”
“You’re going to have to explain what it is you’re so agitated about; I do not know what your Guide is,”
“You do, because you stole it!” You exclaimed. Raising your voice made your head hurt more, you flinched and screwed your eyes shut again.
“I am many things but I am not a thief,” The Stranger was offended by your accusation. You scowled at him. He was a liar and a thief, “I took the food from your bag as payment for my saving you,”
“The Guide uses my biometrics, it won’t be of any use to you or anyone you could sell it to,”
“Hold on, do you mean the flip device?”
“That thing’s important?” He seemed genuinely surprised, “You can have it, it’s no use to me,”
The stranger stood up and walked the two steps to the other side of the small space. From a cluttered table he picked up the black computer. You sighed in relief, there could be some hope for you yet. He passed you the gadget which to your amazement was still in working order. It had got a little scratched in the crash but you pressed your thumb to the lock and it opened it instantly.
Every researcher had their own personal guide. Similar to an ancient flip phone, used commonly on Earth in the early 2000’s, each Guide was a little bigger than your palm. Though small, it was very mighty. Not only did it store every piece of information a researcher collected, but it also allowed communication through text, audio and holo. Through the System there was unlimited access to other researchers' files, yet unpublished information and access to the ‘verse's existing records. There were maps and history of every planet, and more importantly to you at that moment, census records.
As you had expected, you had no signal on the surface of the moon to send a message to headquarters for a rescue. Instead you focused on what you could find out.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed the man’s suit. Though a little hard to read in the dim light you could make out what looked to be an ID number. You had to know who your captor (or saviour) really was. 875-162.
You typed in the worn black ink digits and waited. Nothing was notorious for its poor reception. The stranger was no longer interested in you know you were engrossed in the computer and not trying to attack him, he got up and was rustling around out of view.
Finally, the page loaded. A photo matching the stranger, though a little younger looking, flashed up in holo. You quickly covered the beam with your finger so as not to alert the man with you. You swiped down to read the information.
“Ezra,” You said under your breath as you read the page.
“I don’t remember giving you my name,” Ezra spoke, making you jump. You looked up, cheeks growing hot as you realised you had said it out loud.
“I searched your ID number,” you said, embarrassed you’d been caught, you told the truth. Ezra frowned, looking around him to see where you had seen it. You pointed to the suit piled up on the floor. The numbers were faded and hard to make out from the distance but you had worked it out. Ezra followed your finger and chuckled lightly.
“I forgot such identification exists,” He said, “You have good eyes to make it out from there,” He added.
You hummed in agreement. You were in perfect condition, had to be for the work. Perfect condition except for the concussion and various bruises on your body.
“Well now you know my name, can I enquire as to yours? I doubt that everyone calls you Researcher 42,” Ezra read your name from the ID card beforehand. Leant against the shelves next to him, he looked down at you.
“Some do,” You said plainly.
“That ‘some’ includes me, does it,” He raised an eyebrow, not expecting you to become so cold.
“Seems like it,”
“42 seems a little impersonal considering I just saved your life,”
“I’m meant to stay separated from my subjects. Anonymity helps with objectivity,” You explained. That wasn’t entirely true. You had always made friends with at least one person in every planet or city you researched. It was how you got the inside scoop, the local knowledge that made your articles so popular. Guide Guidance said that researchers stay anonymous for objectivity, but your popularity said otherwise. You just didn’t want to get any closer to Ezra, even just a quick glance at his record told you that he was not someone you wanted to be friends with.
As he had already shown you, he was a thief. He had been convicted of fraud, arson and two counts of murder. No wonder he was here. Most of the places in Nothing were hot beds for criminals like him. Nowhere in Everywhere would hire him, you expected that he had been hired by a contractor to come here and work for his freedom. There wasn’t much freedom stuck on the green though.
“Whether you give me your name or not, you’ve not got much choice in staying separated. A helpless thing like you will need protection here,”
“And you’ll offer that for free, will you?” You asked sarcastically, immediately knowing he would want something from you in return. You were already indebted to him for saving your life.
“There are a few things I desire,” He looked over your body, smirk twitching on his lips. You curled your lip and moved away from him.
“If you’re going to rape me, I’d rather try my luck out there by myself,”
“Oh no! No, little mouse I would never. I have done some felonious acts but I am not a savage!” He exclaimed quickly covering for himself. You regarded him sceptically. He had supposedly killed two people; he’d already crossed a line most people would not. You didn’t believe he wouldn’t step over that line too. “No, The Guide will want you back, I imagine anyone who returned you would be well rewarded,”
“Here’s my offer. I provide protection and shelter whilst you are here, and come that fateful day your deliverance arrives, you will negotiate considerable compensation for me,”
“What compensation would you want?”
“Enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my days free of obligation, a ship to get me off this rock and a clear record,”
“And if I say no?”
“Then you can see how well you fare in the forest alone. Food is pretty scarce this time of year and I wouldn’t put it past a few of them to push some more… basic human morals,” Ezra smirked as your eyes double in size. In all your travels you had never encountered cannibals, not human cannibals anyway.
“I- I can’t promise anything,” You stumbled over your worlds as you accepted faster than you should have. You didn’t know there was anyone other than Ezra on this planet, but you were not in the mood to find out.
“We will discuss details when the time comes,” He said. You nodded. “Now we have all that out the way,” He stood up from the floor, “I have to get to work,”
“What about me?”
“You aren’t coming with me,” He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“But you just said-,” you started to protest until Ezra pulled a gun from seemingly nowhere, you immediately shut your mouth and flinched, “What is that?”
“Protection,” He held the gun out, waiting for you to take it.
“No, no, no! You said-“
“Until your people come to your aid, and give me my money, I’ve got to keep working. Any time wasted is money lost out here,” He explained impatiently. He stepped back closer to you and dropped the gun in your lap, “I assume you do know how to use that even if you don’t carry one yourself?”
You looked at the gun, assessing it properly. It wasn’t complicated, a barrel you assumed was already full of bullets and a trigger. Nothing you hadn’t seen before, apart from the electrical tape that was holding it together. With no more protest from you, Ezra assumed it was fine and stepped away, resuming his routine.
“I will be back at sundown. Help yourself to some food,” He told you.
“My food,” You corrected him.
“Remember who is dependent on who here, 42,” He said scornfully. With that he put his helmet back on to his head and left the tent leaving you all alone.
You waited a few moments to make sure he was gone before making your move. You couldn’t stay with a murderer. You were safer in your ship, wherever it was. You could make a distress call and be rescued. Ezra would never know.
You pushed the gun from your lap onto the floor and tried to stand up. Sat down you could feel how sore your limbs were, your back ached from just sitting up for a few minutes and you were pretty sure you could feel every bone in your feet. A light touch to the forehead told you there was a sizable egg growing on top.
Standing up the pain was worse. You immediately became dizzy, gripping onto the metal shelf quickly to stop yourself from falling. You cursed under your breath and took a deep breath. You could do it.
Or maybe you couldn’t.
You took one step towards the table of things Ezra kept, and fell back on your ass. You were lucky not to pull the shelves down with you as it rocked forward slightly. A few items fell off, narrowly missing you. You dodged the heavy items, cringing as the metal thumped to the ground.
Listening to your screaming body, you gave up. You shuffled back to your previously comfortable position against the wall of the tent and looked around you for something to keep yourself occupied.
There at your feet lay a small book. Ezra wasn’t lying when he said he wanted to meet an author, he apparently was a bibliophile. You picked the paper up, stretching to reach it over your bruised and aching legs. It was well worn, obviously water damaged as the pages curled and the image on the front as warped beyond recognition. The title: “Welcome to the Green”.
You were not going anywhere.
sooo what do you think? i had so much fun writing this fic, i hope you guys enjoyed it too. let me know if you want to be tagged in the next part :D
TAGGING usuals and interested people :): @hunters-heathen @peterssweetpea @beskarbabs @wille-zarr @fandom-blackhole @writeforfandoms @dindja @amneris21 @yespolkadotkitty
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sherry-l · 4 years ago
Why YGO Vrains is such an immeasurable disappointment: a list
First of all, I need to make it abundantly clear that Im a big fan of Vrains – I love Yusaku, Ryoken, Ai, Kusanagi... you see them very often on my dash. I fantasize about the ideal version of Vrains that’s written well, the Vrains that’s fully exploited its potentials, every night in my sleep. I wrote this list PRECISELY because I love Vrains. That’s why I got so frustrated with its cardinal writing issues (and production issues). It physically pains me to hear people calling Vrains the worst and most boring series of YGO – but the fact that I couldn’t argue against that because it’s true pains me more.
And now, an incomprehensive list of the faults of Yugioh Vrains.  
1.      What the fuck is wrong with the character designs (beside that of Yusaku and Ryoken???) Everyone looks aesthetically displeasing – characters in real life look incredibly boring they could easily drown in a crowd of background characters, but their avatars are OSTENTATIOUS. Seems like the character designer had no clue what “less is more” means – blue angel, soulburner, and Bohemann for example, look like they were immersed in a bucket of glue and then dumped into another bucket filled with random accessories.
(from a fan artist’s perspective…Im especially salty about takeru, akira, Kusanagi, and the Knights of Hanois’ designs…like, their designs don’t inspire me to draw. Their personalities might be interesting, but their looks lack the vibrant, enthusiastic energy that the 5Ds, Zexal, and Arc-V characters possess)
(imagine how many fanfics and fanarts of Kusanagi x Yusaku there would be had Kusanagi looked HALF as hot as Ryoken)
And don’t even get me started on the colour palette – whoever decided on the colours just cant make up their goddamn mind! Colour saturation is way off the charts, the range of colour is too wide the audience simply dont know where to focus.
2.      Forgotten plotlines. Yusaku’s link sense? Hanoi’s spy in SOL? The Queen and the rest of the chess pieces? Yusaku’s forgotten memories? The rest of the victims of the Lost Incident? Just to name a few. 
3.      Character relationships are weak to minimal to none. Bonds and friendships – the vital element in all previous YGO series – is practically non-existent in Vrains. Where’s the camaraderie between our main casts (Yusaku, Aoi, Soulburner, Ema, Onizuka, etc…)? They don’t feel like a team fighting the evil together. They’re completely separate individuals who don’t give a single fuck if one of their…acquaintance…dies in a battle. We don’t have heartwarming moments of friendship blossoming and consolidating. It’s honestly such a let down.
4.      Interesting and debatable topics thrown away. The conflict between artificial intelligence and humans could spark so many in-depth discussions, but then the writer just decided its all Lightening’s fault. No morally gray situations, no ambiguity between the line of good and evil. It’s just all Lightening and his petty jealousy… yeah.
Oh and if Ai lives on the world will blow up. Why? Do we have a concrete reason to back that statement? eh...
5.      Overall quality of the animation. I don’t know if its because the animation staff was short on time or low on budget, but for a megacorporation (konami cough cough) that makes billions every year, they certainly are capable of investing more in this anime series. I can count the number of episodes in which the characters don’t look wacky with a single hand.
6.      Character development, wasted potentials. Ryoken is the only character who received decent treatment. The rest of the Vrains cast are all disappointments. Original concepts are cool and promising – Yusaku, a victim of child abuse with PTSD, embarking on a journey to overcome his reclusiveness and learn to open up to people around him? HELL YEAH. Aoi, a teenage idol with depression developing into a more mature and responsible heroine who saves Link Vrains? IM ALL FOR IT.  Soulburner’s character arc is fine overall but personally I don’t feel like it’s expanded enough. Also, there’s the mistreatment of side characters like Onizuka, Ema, Akira, the list goes on. I got so furious just looking at these characters and remembering that they’re all wasted and sidelined.
7.      Incoherent/ random plotlines. IDK all episodes in season 1 (Hanoi’s arc) felt pretty consistent, focusing on a linear theme – Yusaku’s revenge on the Knights of Hanoi. But after that it felt like the writers gave up writing outlines and just wrote whatever he pleased/ considered more convenient for the sake of…a plot…that he had no idea which direction it was headed for. This is reflected in the amount of forgotten plotlines we listed previously.
8.      Weak villains. Kinda related to point 4. Bohemann, Lightening, Windy, and Haru are all one-dimensional, flat, predictable villains with the cliché goal of “destroying humanity cuz humans are dumb and Ais are superior”. Not likeable, not fun to watch, not morally gray (something I expect from well-written antagonists), they are just there to serve as symbol of evil for the protags to defeat.
Honourable mentions - what I personally want to see in Vrains, really. Very biased.
-        The familial interaction between Yusaku and Kusanagi? Brotherhood, perhaps? Without any mention of Yusaku’s parents, Kusanagi is the closest Yusaku has to a brother figure. I crave for some wholesome brotherly moments between these two.
-        More slice of life episodes please.
-        The friendship between Yusaku and Takeru. Please. Please. PLEASE. From the second opening we can see the animation staff CLEARLY intended for there to be a strong bond between Yusaku and Takeru – Takeru probably was written to serve as a Jounouchi/ Johan/ Crow sort of character. Yusaku and Takeru could bond over their trauma and overcome their PTSD together. AND IT WAS SO HEAVILY HINTED AT IN THE 2ND OP!!! fam what the fuck happened to that friendship, Im so robbed.
-        Yusaku and Ryoken’s duel or tag duel. These two haven’t duelled AT ALL since the first season ended. Isn’t Ryoken Yusaku’s official rival? Isn’t it Yugioh tradition for the protag and the rival to duel like, a trillion times? AND ISNT IT ALSO A YUGIOH TRADITION FOR THE PROTAG AND THE RIVAL TO TAG DUEL?????? The fact that Yusaku and Ryoken never had a tag duel haunts me every night in my worst nightmares afjw4ot9wgrk
-        Topologina Nabee
Thanks for coming to my ted talk, this marks the end of my rant on YGO VRAINS DISAPPOINTMENTS. Again, I harboured no malicious intent when I compiled the list – its more like a vent of frustration than actual criticism. I would pay billions to see a Vrains reboot or, if there exists an alternate universe where none of the writing/production issues above are present in Vrains, I would do a Kaiba and build a dimension travelling machine and immigrate there.
TLDR: wasted potentials. wAsTED PoTEntialS. WASTED POTENTIALS!!!!!!
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dreaminginthedeepsouth · 4 years ago
December 26, 2020
Heather Cox Richardson
On December 21, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, a $2.3 trillion bill that pulled together a number of different pieces of legislation, including a $900 billion coronavirus relief bill and a $1.4 trillion appropriations bill (which included 12 separate annual appropriations bills). Today’s news is that Trump is refusing to sign the bill into law.
Here’s what’s at stake: the bill provides $300 a week in federal unemployment benefits on top of state benefits, and without it, expanded unemployment benefits ran out today for millions of Americans. The bill increases the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) food support program by $13 billion, and allocates $25 billion in assistance to help pay past-due rent. It also provides $20 billion to buy more vaccines and about $8 billion distribute them. The bill also calls for a one-time $600 direct payment to individuals.
That’s the coronavirus relief piece of the measure. Another piece is the regular appropriations bill for the 2021 federal fiscal year, which ends on September 30, 2021. This includes military spending, aid to foreign countries, and the money that keeps federal programs afloat. It has $1.4 billion allocated to the wall on our southern border. Congress should have passed this appropriations bill in time for the start of the 2021 fiscal year on October 1, 2020, but it didn’t, so it has kept the government funded through continuing resolutions. The one under which we are currently operating expires at midnight on Monday, December 28.
Here’s the third piece of the measure. More than 3000 of the 5593 pages of this massive bill are additional measures that have nothing to do with the first two. They extend tax breaks from previous laws, amounting to tax cuts of about $200 billion. They include money for flood control and coastal protection. They fund community health centers and historically Black colleges and universities. They reauthorize intelligence programs for 2021. They establish the Women’s History Museum and the National Museum of the American Latino on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. (although it appears they do not allocate money for them, but simply authorize their establishment, as required by law).
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 passed Congress by large bipartisan majorities. Trump has not called congressional Democratic leaders in more than a year, but Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was part of the negotiations, and spoke for the White House. Everyone expected that, after Congress had passed the bill, Trump would sign it into law.
But he left for Mar-a-Lago on December 23 without signing it, and is threatening not to. In a surprise video on Tuesday, December 22, he called the legislation “a disgrace.” He complained about the $600 stimulus checks—it was Mnuchin who insisted on that amount—and demanded the amount be raised to $2000. He also complained about “wasteful spending and much more,” although some of the things he called out, including funds for Egypt and the Egyptian military and money for the Kennedy Center, were his own requests. Republicans were stunned by his sudden hostility. Democrats, who had wanted higher stimulus payments all along, promptly tried to pass a stand-alone $2000 payment measure through the House, but were stopped by Republicans.  
Trump’s sudden hostility to a bill that took months to hammer out is disastrous for millions of Americans whose expanded unemployment benefits ran out today and whose state benefits are long gone. It also threatens to force a government shutdown.
So, what’s Trump up to?
A couple of things. First, he is furious with Senate Republicans, especially Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senate Majority Whip (the second most powerful Republican in the Senate, who enforces party discipline) John Thune (R-SD), both of whom have acknowledged that Joe Biden won the 2020 election. Trump continues to insist that he won “by a landslide” and that the election was stolen. He is incensed by any Republican who has not signed on to his crusade, yet as he relies more and more on marginal figures like his lawyers Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell and Biden’s victory becomes more and more secure, party leaders are distancing themselves from him. Tonight, he tweeted that it is “[t]ime for Republican Senators to step up and fight for the Presidency….”
Now, though, Republican leadership needs him to sign this bill to help Republican Senate candidates in Georgia. Democrats in the House passed coronavirus relief back in May, but McConnell objected to anything of the sort until after the election, when it became clear that control of the Senate was going to depend on the outcome of a runoff for both Senate seats from Georgia. In that state, the two Republican candidates are having a hard time because voters are disgusted that there has been so little help coming from the Republicans for people hurt by the economic crisis that came in on the heels of the pandemic. If those Senate seats go the Democratic candidates, Jon Ossoff and the Reverend Raphael Warnock, the Senate will be balanced 50-50 between Republicans and Democrats. In the case of such a tie, the position of the Senate Majority Leader goes to the top member of the party of the U.S. President, meaning that a Democrat would replace McConnell.
McConnell assured the Georgia Republican Senate candidates that there would be a coronavirus relief package before Christmas, and they ran on that promise. Now Trump has them over a barrel.
That’s one reason he’s suddenly stalling.
The other is quite likely that he is angry and frustrated at his impending loss of power, and is lashing out to hurt people. It seems of a piece with the fact that he and then-Attorney General William Barr resumed federal executions in July 2019, and that he has sped up the executions of federal prisoners since his November defeat. During his administration, the federal government has executed ten prisoners, more than any president since Grover Cleveland in 1896. This includes executions during the transition to the next administration. Traditionally, presidents stop executions during this period, leaving life-and-death decisions to their successors. One person in conversation with White House officials talked with Jeff Stein of the Washington Post about Trump’s scuttling of the bill and said, “He’s just angry at everybody and wants to inflict as much pain on Congress as possible.”
Trump’s supporters are urging him to “pocket veto” the Consolidated Appropriations Act, taking advantage of a weird option at the end of a congressional session. Normally, a president has ten days, not including Sunday, to review and sign a bill. During a congressional session, if the president doesn’t sign a bill within ten days, it becomes a law. But if the congressional session ends within ten days, the bill does not become a law. This is known as a pocket veto. The 116th Congress—this one—officially ends at noon on January 3. If Trump got the bill on December 24, and all indications are that he did, the ten-day window ends on January 4. So, he could, in fact, run out the clock in such a way that Congress could not override his veto.
For his part, President-Elect Joe Biden is scathing of the machinations that could leave him inheriting an epic disaster. “[M]illions of families don’t know if they’ll be able to make ends meet because of… Trump’s refusal to sign an economic relief bill approved by Congress with an overwhelming and bipartisan majority,” his transition team wrote today. “This abdication of responsibility has devastating consequences.” Biden pointed out that about 10 million Americans will lose their unemployment insurance benefits, paychecks for military personnel will be at risk, a moratorium on evictions expires, small businesses will fail, and distribution of vaccines will falter. “This bill is critical,” he wrote. It needs to be signed into law now. But it is also a first step and down payment on more action that we’ll need to take early in the new year to revive the economy and contain the pandemic….”
Biden noted that “In November, the American people spoke clearly that now is a time for bipartisan action and compromise.” Congress has stepped up to the plate with this appropriations bill, Biden said, and added that “Trump should join them, and make sure millions of American can put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads in this holiday season.”
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nooraavaizjyp · 5 years ago
Yen - Jaebum Got7
meaning ; Longing or Yearning
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Charlotte's face drenched with tears, entered the apartment which her husband and she lived in, her heart tore into pieces when she wasn't greeted with her husband's fluttering and heartwarming smile. He was away on tour with the rest of Got7 . It was really cruel for both of them to stay away from each other for so long, but they understood that it was his dream and it was his life. Just as she used to tell him : "Live the life you love and love the life you live."
Charlotte has had a long and hectic day. Firstly in the morning she slept in that's why she decided it was the best if she skipped breakfast. While on the way to her workplace she had a minor accident which made her get even more late and on top of that her car got a huge dent which ruined it's look. She reached an hour late and her manager scolded her, even though she tried to stay strong and face the reality but she felt ashamed and embarrassed because he was insulting her in front of the employees.. Her manager made her do double chores in her original time range and it resulted in Y/N being tired and exhausted.
Also it's been a week since she last talked with her hubby, and 3 months since she last saw him, felt his warmth, touched him, hugged him, held him. Being it that times of the month she was extremely upset and gloomy. When she sat in her now ruined car her tears flew like a waterfall. She couldn't keep herself together now. She wanted him, she needed him not in a sexual way, she wanted him to hold her, comfort her. She wanted him to take her fragile face in her hands, wipe her tears with the pads of his thumbs. She wanted him to hug her. To take her small frame in his built up one.
On the other hand, Im Jaebum had boarded in Seoul National Airport, just by thinking of surprising his wife makes his heart flutter causing his vermilion border to rise up cheekily. Passing by strangers might think that he's a psycho or something to smile like that but he knows that this is the power of love that has made him go insane inside out. Little did he know that the precious wife of his, missed him dreadingly and had been crying like a maniac.
His feet were light weight and rushed, he was dying to see her glowly face. He knew that his wife missed him as much he missed her but the ride home seemed to be so long, it felt like it had been years since he'd been trying to reach his apartment. The turns and signals seemed to be never-ending.
He rolled the windows down letting the soft wind gush through his hair making him feel Charlotte's fingers dancing through his hair just as they always did when he couldn't sleep and Charlotte babied him til he was out like a light. The wind kissed his face, closing his eyes he imagined Charlotte's soft and plump lips on his, kissing him ever so gently. She was a drug that he had been addicted to, his one and only drug. Just by thinking of her made his eyes feel heavy and he drifted off to dreamland having a false hope to hold her in his dreams.
Charlotte dragged herself to make it towards the sofa, her feet cramping up at every step she took. After what felt like an eternity she got to the sofa and dropped her limp body on the leathery softness. A sigh left her lips and tears seemed to unstoppably fall on her beautiful face. Her sobs were inconsistent as she buried her face in the cushions and thought of it as her husband's torso, his arms wrapped around her stiff and sore back, kneading them to lessen the knots. Imagining his lips placing a chaste kiss on her head and whispering soft nothings to make her feel better, but the sad reality was that it was nothing similar to his significant other's, it was just a lifeless sofa yet she tried not to believe that.
The lock clicked and the door dragged open, Jaebum stepped in to be met with complete darkness. He took off his earphones, his lips drooping in a frown when he heard soft sniffles and sobs flying through the house. He looked down, Charlotte's bag thrown beside the door, her shoes sprawled out and her coat laying on the floor instead of the hanging place. He set his belongings down and closed the door ever so lightly, the thought of surprising his sprouse long forgotten. The only thought that lingered in his mind was to make sure she was okay, that his love was fine.
He took off his shoes, placed them on the rack and changed in his home-shoes as he followed the sound of her wifey's soft cries. He entered the living room to find her lying on her stomach on top of the leather sofa, her back shaking as her face was buried deep in the cushions. Her brown wavy hair covering her whole face and her hands clutching the leathery material in small fists.
His heart shattered as he approached her, millions and trillions of thoughts crossing through his mind in an instant making him more confused and worried as to why was his wife, his love crying so heartbreakingly? What happened while he was away? Was she hurt somewhere? Did he do something wrong? Nevertheless he pushed those thoughts deep inside his heart.
He strolled towards the sofa and slowly picked her up, settled her in his lap so that her legs were on each side of his thighs and rested her head against his own chest. She looked up at him, not knowing whether her imagination was that strong or whether he actually was there holding her like she wanted him to. She pinched her cheek to see if it hurt, it did, it was the reality. He really was here. After all this time, he was here. He was alive, healthy and back.
That only made her tears fall as fast as a bunny. She grasped his navy blue hoodie in her hands and hid her face in the joint between his neck and shoulder, inhaling his scent which was mostly the mint and watermelon shampoo he uses.One of Jaebum's rougher and bigger hands stroked her back, easing the soreness a bit. The other one rested lightly on her waist keeping her close.His lips uttered the words "It's okay," and "I'm here now." as she kept on crying and crying, holding him tightly, making up for the past few months they stayed apart from each other's touch and warmth.
After a while when her sobs ceased and her breathing stabilized, Jaebum held her now loosened fists, and led them to his lips, pressing a sweet kiss on her knuckles. He then stroked her hair and asked her about the cause of her sorrow.
She told him, A-Z everything she went through and how she missed his presence, how much she wanted to just hide in a closet until he came. He paid special attention to every word she said, he admired her eyes that were glistening with tears making his own eyes fill up too, her nose, cute little button nose which was now red from crying. Her lips that quivered at every word she said, making his own heart shatter once again. She looked so vulnerable to him that he just wanted to protect her from every single thing that could ever make her cry. He wanted to hide her forever in his heart so that he could be the only one to see her like this.
Y/N looked him in the eyes after explaining her hectic day to her. His eyes were filled with love and the need of protectiveness from the harsh world. She cupped his face and stared longingly at him. Her gaze followed his which rested on her lips. They both leaned in at the same time only to stop when their lips touched slightly. Jaebum held her waist and pulled her closer, Y/N's legs wrapping around his waist as Jaebum got up and carried her to their shared bedroom and laid her softly and carefully on the bed as if she were a glass princess, his princess.
He climbed on top of her and held himself up with the help of his arms resting on each side of her head. He gazed inside her eyes, a deep gaze that engraved the three words on her soul 'I. Love. You'. He stared at her lovingly as she did too. Engraving the exact same words on his soul. He leaned downwards and placed an innocent kiss on her forehead, then her nose, her eyes, both of her cheeks, her chin and lastly her lips, only then they lingered a little longer than before.
The time seemed to stop right then and there. Locking both of them, entangled with each other's body. They didn't mind though, not at all. Jaebum's lips moved in sync with Y/N's and his hands roved over her waist down to her hips, gripping them tightly, keeping her from moving. Y/N's hands roamed over his torso and down his shoulders resting on his waist, pulling him even more closer than he already was. They both broke apart to catch their breaths. Jaebum got off of her, laid on his side and pulled her closer so that her head would rest on his chest and one of his arms were under her and over her shoulder and the other one resting on her waist from the top, keeping her close to his heart. She blushed.
Y/N hid her face in her hands beside his chest, her cheeks lighting up bright pink and Jaebum's eyes crinkled and his teeth were on full display as he smiled while looking at her. He pressed another kiss, on her head this time, he brushed her soft locks of hair. Taking them off of her face and her hair engulfing his digits in them.
           "I didn't take a bath.." Y/N said.
           "Neither did I." He replied.
           "I don't want to either." She said again.
          "Neither do I.."
Jaebum told her about the tour while they both stayed in each other's embraces. The way he felt proud when he saw thousands of fans chanting for them. How hard was the practice days and how they were worth it too. Soon when Jaebum didn't hear her humming or nodding her head as she always did to make him know that she was listening, he looked towards her to find her sleeping peacefully, he stroked her cheek with his thumb and shifted a little to settle a bit and drifted off to his peaceful slumber knowing that he was where he wanted to be at.
A post from my instagram account https://www.instagram.com/writingismyright/?hl=en
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manchestereyes · 6 years ago
stop being so damn pretty
summary: Dan makes a Dailybooth account.
rating: G
word count: 1387
for @yiffandquiff - happy (very late) birthday, alexis!!! i wish this had been ready in time but well, you know how busy my life has been since school started lol.  regardless, i’m so happy we’ve gotten to know each other so well over these last couple years! i can honestly say you’re one of my favorite internet friends and i can’t wait until we can (hopefully) have meme wars in person next year!! (don’t ask me how that would work, i really don’t know lmao) i hope you enjoy this cute little snapshot of dnp just beginning to fall for each other, as it really is such an iconic moment in time :D
and happy 10 years of this iconic comment!
Read on ao3
There it was. In black and white. Just staring at Dan from his chunky laptop screen.
Phil commented on this picture:
stop being so damn pretty dan howell
It couldn’t be real. It wasn’t--there was no way.
But it was.  
Of course, Dan couldn’t pretend he hadn’t been hoping for this. Their tweets and DMs and texts had been straying further and further from the realm of innocence recently and Dan had been working up the courage to add Phil on Skype for a solid week now…
But still. Phil wasn’t only calling him pretty, which would be a whole thing just by itself. Phil said he was so damn pretty. And he needed to stop because it was actually causing Phil pain.  
Not to mention, Dan hadn’t even given Phil the link to his Dailybooth. Which meant that Phil had gone searching for Dan himself. As in, Dan was that important to Phil. Already.
It was enough to knock him off his feet--even though he was stretched out rather catlike on his bed.
He barely had the chance to let it wash over him, though, as something was propelling him back to Twitter. Of course, there was an @ reply waiting for him already.
And. well...looks like Phil had answered his own question. So, with his bottom lip trapped tightly under his teeth and fingers still shaking, he typed out a short “haha you found mee”.
If Phil wanted to DM him after that, then that was up to him. Dan wasn’t going to ask him what he really thought of that photo. He was--
Oh fuck that.  
Something deeper than mere curiosity sent Dan digging around on the bed for his phone, a giant goofy smile fighting its way onto his face the whole time. This was bigger than a DM. He couldn’t say why, but Dan had to text Phil about this.
Phil had only just thought about opening his DMs when his phone buzzed. He knew right away who it was.
Which was exactly why he couldn’t read that text.
He hadn’t just typed out those words. That comment that would absolutely change everything.
No, it was some demon that entered his brain and made him a trillion times braver in those few seconds. But it left as soon as it had come, and the terror that replaced it forced Phil to close out of Dailybooth and curl up in a ball on his tiny uni bed with burning cheeks and a head full of uncertainties.
And now his phone was calling out to him too.
Well, patience never had been one of his strong suits. Screwing his eyes tight, he pulled his phone out from under his leg and sucked in a long, deep breath before opening his eyes.
At least Dan knew now, right? Maybe things could finally calm down in Phil’s brain once he had a clear indication of Dan’s feelings.
Or, mostly clear anyway. Damn the hundreds of kilometres between them.
Dan: sooo.. was that a good first dailybooth then?
Fuck. It was a billion times better than good, but Phil couldn’t just say that.
Could he?
Phil: Good? Dan have u seen some of my first booths?
Dan: ...maybe O.o
Fuck fuck fuck. Dan wasn’t gonna make this easy for him, was he?
Phil: Well don’t let this go to ur head or anything but that photo is actually godlike
(Did he, Phil Lester, really just say that? And send it?? What was in him tonight?)
Dan: :o :00
Dan: so u rly think im pretty?
Phil hid his face in his pillow at that last message.
What the hell? Here he was, 22 going on 23 in a few months, feeling like he was back in secondary school. Was this how his friends felt when they’d started dating? Was this what Phil had been missing out on all those years?
He felt a distant pang for those missed opportunities, and for all the shitty experiences in uni that couldn’t hold a candle to everything he’s ever felt with Dan.
But maybe it was alright, if all those wasted moments could lead to this.
Phil: ...maybe O.o
Dan: maybe??
Phil: FINE howll yes!! U r actually prettier than anyone I’ve ever met. By like, a lot. Happy now?
Dan: well fuck
Dan: extremely xDD  
Dan: i’m sure i said this already but the feeling is mutual. if u were like wondering or whatever >__<
And there it was.
In retrospect, it shouldn’t have come as quite a surprise (his cheeks still burned at the memory of Dan’s “pics or it didn’t happen” tweet from a few days ago), and yet…
Cliche as it was, he couldn’t help feeling like this wasn’t something that happened to him. Sure, there was Charlie and all those people who’d found him through YouTube, guys Phil flirted shamelessly with because god, he was lonely.
But he never wanted any of them as much as he wanted Dan. As much as he—oh fuck—needed Dan.
And then of course, his dumb brain had to ruin it all by letting off a chorus of alarm bells.
He has a girlfriend! What the hell are you doing, you can’t be that arsehole!
Yeah, but...she’s going off to uni. And Dan said he couldn’t see them lasting much longer.
Yeah, but that’s not because of me!  
Or was it?
With a start, he sat up straight and snatched his phone up again. Shitting fuckballs, he couldn’t leave Dan hanging, not after that last text!
But then, how the hell was he supposed to answer that?
Phil: O_____o
Dan couldn’t look at his phone. What was even happening tonight? Was he…
He couldn’t believe it. After years and years of pushing this down, telling himself he couldn’t be… this.
Good things didn’t happen to Dan. He didn’t deserve someone as wonderful as Phil. Any second now, something was going to pop up, ruin this all for the two of them.
Maybe even Dan himself.
Then his phone vibrated again, sending his heart skyrocketing and every cell in his body freezing in terror.
The burning curiosity won out though, as it always does when it comes to Phil, and he reached out a shaking hand to check the message anyway.
Phil: this would be that point in the movie where I’d kiss you… if there weren’t hundreds of kilometres between us and I didn’t have a whole life to pack up by next wk :///
The force of his longing sent Dan crashing backwards into his pillows all over again.
So that was the catch.
Oddly enough, with all the talking they’d been doing recently, it was hard to believe Phil was all the way in Manchester and not just down the road. Dan’s talked to some pretty great people online before… but Phil was so much more than great.
In some ways, he felt like an extension of Dan himself. And they hadn’t even met in person.
Clearly, that had to change.
Dan: :((( what r the train prices for reading to manchester next wk? i could help u unpack?
Phil: Omg <33
Phil: Don’t get me wrong I’d rly <33 tht but I also don’t wanna make things akward with my parents u know?
Dan: oh i kno big time
Phil: But they take holidays all the time! I’m sure we can find a time soonish plus we’d have the whole house to ourselves O.o
The whole house… and followed by that emoticon?
Was Phil really implying…?
Well, Dan certainly wouldn’t refuse!
Dan: soonish?
Phil: I mean as long as we can get things to work out? I can help pay for the train tix since ur coming up to me and all
Phil: Unless u want me to come down to reading?
Dan: oh u dont wanna be here trust me
Dan: and ty! but u dont have to i mean i can save some from asda its fine
Phil: Ok if ur sure! But I swear on my life we’re gonna make this happen one way or another howll
They were.
Dan couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this strongly about something. But god, was it good.
Clearly, making a Dailybooth was the best decision he’d ever made.
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tomhollandish · 6 years ago
actually, while we’re on the subject of endgame
spoilers/rant under the cut
okay. im stringing this together like .2 seconds after seeing endgame and i’ve seen a couple of posts about this but
natasha’s death is bullshit
I don’t even particularly like her character, I think she had an important arc set up, and while I understand the concepts behind her death and lack of resurrection, there’s an issue I have.
Nat’s death is framed as a sacrifice; she decides that in order to bring back the trillions of people lost in the snap, she would bargain her own life; that’s the reason it had to be Clint and Nat that went for the soul stone, although, it seems more like luck (if any other pairing had gone for the stone, no sacrifice could have been made, and Nat and Clint had no idea about the sacrifice, I’m pretty sure). And for some people this works as a character arc; Nat went from looking out for herself, from only existing to wipe out the red in her ledger, to making a selfless bargain in order to bring happiness to another. 
Some people are saying this is similar to Tony’s arc, but it really, really is not. Here’s the difference: Tony is never known to quit while he’s ahead; he drives himself to make the world a better place out of guilt, never altruism (which, is actually never quite resolved). In endgame Tony makes the ultimate sacrifice by snapping Thanos and his army away, saving the universe from the threat of annihilation ever again. It parallels the ending of the last film, where Thanos “rests” after snapping away the population. But because Tony is mortal and fallible, it kills him. It’s humbling. Pepper says, “We’re safe, you can rest now,” but the only rest capable of stopping Tony Stark is death. This makes sense: this is the end of an arc. Natasha’s death is nothing like this.    
Now, you know what would have been amazing?
If Nat and Clint, who survived the snap, looked Red Skull in the face and said “fuck that” and instead explained that they were going a soul for soul; if they reminded Red Skull that they had already lose dozens of loved ones to the snap, loved ones whose deaths and souls they carried after five agonizing years. And that those deaths, while not present, mattered, and that they had each gone through enough sacrifices to gain a thousand soul stones (because it’s highly unlikely that Thanos has ever given up anything he loved, ever.) 
Because no matter what reason is given, the fact that Nat and Gamora, two women who had found solace after years of abuse, loneliness, exile and sadness both died, even though Nat was “willing” says something about the mind of the writers. The fact that Clint, who also had red in his ledger at this point, was going to give up his life because he deemed himself a “bad person” (because all people who take lives are evil, even if they are carrying out justice) gives us a glimpse of the ideology behind their deaths. 
The death of women are never coincidences. They’re always male tragedies. They’re meant to give men purpose, to give them hope, a choice, a way out; whatever. Nat’s death isn’t really about her. And that’s not how to end an arc.
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karenfordonte · 3 years ago
Tumblr media
well i think all i need is probiotic yogurt lmfao
Still editing this post/Rough Draft:
heavenly mother's idea wording it like donte some cause she knows him too well too: with trillions of good bacteria  in one drinkable yogurt bottle :) drink them for breafast when i heart crave it and i love yogurt so yum lol  probiotics  kill the bad ones lol and keeps the good ones sounds better than antibiotics which kill both lol unless resistant to those pills lol i swear people shouldnt underestimate probiotic yogurt for infections lol
what robot donte did: im not worried though cause when i was in the imd i couldnt go for a month number 2 and all i did was feast there lol so i ate a piece of gum to track how much shit i had in me it only took one day to poop it out with only pooping one small turd lol cause i saw that gum and i went damn no need to worry gods taking it out of me lol  tracking the poop with gum lol probably so my intestines dont explode and i the guy  harry potter is based on is immortal:
heavenly elante mommas: at christas her and dee andre youd hear them late every night in the beggining cause she moans so loud then she told me she been faking it for a whole 2 years since she'd been with him then a week after justin got there i never heard them again but what if i was their 'new' hobby id rather not know but dee andre used to ask her in front of me if he's too small later im like uhm.....this is mine not yours leave us alone now:
donte responds innocently like my baby: "why whats it say in there (the lyrics)" cause it wasnt him talking till he asked that
heavenly mother elantes again:
its like that thing of "this is what happens when we let the evil closest people out , and we're never doing that again for the next soul god kid batches and etc" cause true them can get possessed by righteous god to confess for me etc lol i  just needed to used them back for dante to just 'pass out' to not feel or be aware of body pain of his curse thats the only reason elante momma gods let fate  happen like that cause how to stop the unbreakable curse was always loopholes but that guy takes   way too long to let us win all the way so yeah he'll be a tool forever if the kids choose him as their god dad instead of their righteous real godly parents etc real family choose righteous deserve heaven too please asap
ps: robot donte = read the where has donte been post for some but we add its how he catches up like a faded version of an alternate clone him in parallel timelines the first one was in forbidden forest inside the faded ones soul body sealed in that nightmare till the super computer number crunches and tricks the heck out of volderdumb guy to get him to intend to be an indian giver of certain things where hes tricked like he can take it back but he's breaking the curse away more and more as a long time went on already so yeah that voldermort hes evilest so it is very hard for him to understand certain things lol like alt reality hims lol with certain fates in place just to unlock more and more for donte to not be as cursed life for donte till itts all gone forever  he's welcome to come out now that we saved him  out of that forrest and more still on going  the real donte is shy he likes being really  quiet and us helping him laugh alot with us like to get to know us more lol k
donte: im very thankful for my elantes helping me so much hope you all try to get to heaven life as soon as you can please
elantes: you wont regret it ps donte laughs at very tiny small simple real momma parenting style jokes about how dumb evil is in general too but yeah he doesnt laugh with us like in a hes bad like us elantes way but lol he needs our gentle point of view for him to know were legit so our laughing style is still not evil cause we dont join that crowd its like donte can laugh with just our funny vibes alone no words but yeah he admires our way to see and parent is not like his own but without us we wouldnt be perfect with our balance so we need counterpart twin flames to be righteous speaking to our god kids lol that think too grinch like:
harry potter room in a closet slang  but hes still not evil   lol
well i got about 4 hours of sleep this morning but none last night but counting the yesterday nap it was about 7 hours total
ive been sleeping enough hours daily i already caught up on the previous all nighter the last night at christas house yeah on the second day i got here yeah then like i wrote when i slept alot the other day this week so ive been getting enough sleep lol  i take an hour nap once a day i think 2 days here i forget which ones but yeah lots of body rest when needed
morning nausea is weird lol cause its like only around 7-11 am lol like usually only lasts about an hour a day
added a bit more details i forgot in this post: Adrianna Appointment and the undercover FBi = past 'cop' i 'dated' ? lol ( i never been to that urgent care those staff were strangers)
ok yeah that ones updated now i cried today cause i thought i could trust christa but then my heavenly mothers elantes they comfort me very nice and cheer me up im so glad im safe here
btw theres a reason ive been preaching since year 2013 on my first wonderlanderz site ive been trying to figure out peace and real god info my own way lol i said dont need drugs to hallucinate spirit guides just get it for free with faith and listening techniques i included back then lol
but since i got my pc back after homeless etc bs lol the board and care on ive probably made around 50 at the most i think websites trying to make the old wonderlanderunite site upgraded cause i was trying to tune the radio head to not lie to me but then i learned its just cause i was the first god of love and i was cursed still am by the god of evil but the lies from him are way less by now and real heavenly mothers + do a fantastic job at saving me and us
i dont trust my old gmails (see my hacked blog post)  so i only saved one site url the old wix site linked on the sidebar of this blog = my most recent previous site not done but my new site i want it really pretty and to teach all to not be evil at all no matter what thats the whole point of all my old sites and projects like character related too yes to inspire all to be real love and peace heaven joy family etc bonds respect etc etc lol real love is unconditional not conditional
for the record: theres some shady things that i was what if thoughts about mom and dad but id rather not know truth if its bad about them but i love unconditionally
i told my sister to share this site and my new cell number with my family she's doing great she said im like thank god!
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