#[ DAESUNG | intro. ]
doomdvys · 25 days
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[ yim siwan, demi-man, he/they ] Look who just landed! DAESUNG SHIN (SH-1N V4.5), I sure hope you packed all you need. Perhaps you’re not worried as SCIENTIST of X ACADEMY. The city has plenty of spots for a 32 year old ANDROID like you. You’ll be known in the city soon enough as THE DOUBLE EDGED SWORD, being AFFABLE and ABSENTMINDED. ( anna, 26, gmt+7, removed for discretion )
FULL NAME: daesung shin. NICKNAME: dae, sh-1n v4.5. DATE OF BIRTH: x 2405. GENDER: demi man. PRONOUNS: he / they. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: demisexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: panromantic. CURRENT AGE: thirty two. MODIFICATION: android ( unaware ). AFFILIATION: x academy. BIRTHPLACE: new jakarta, mars. CURRENT NEIGHBOURHOOD: mawar district. OCCUPATION: scientist of x academy. KNOWN LANGUAGES: english ( native ), korean ( fluent ), japanese ( conversational ), indonesian ( conversational ).
FACECLAIM: yim siwan HEIGHT: 5'6" EYE COLOUR: dark brown. HAIR COLOUR: black. CLOTHING STYLE: their style tends to lean towards dark academia. you'd often find him with in layers with dark and/or muted earth colors. JEWELLERY: daesung tends to stay away from jewellery, though they're rarely seen without their stainless steel watch. TATTOOS: daesung doesn't have any tattoos. MARKS/SCARS: daesung has no scars on their body, mostly thanks to the artificial skin. there is a small panel on their left shoulder blade, perfectly and seamlessly hidden unless you're purposefully look for it. access to it will allow you to review and modify his programming. MODIFICATIONS: daesung suffered from an artificial skin grafted due to burns he suffered in their youth. the artificial skin is thicker for constitution, their eyes glows yellow when certain protocol is of their programming is engaged. SCENT/FRAGANCE: daesung smells of amber wood, with a hint of spice.
STR - 12 | DEX - 11 | CON - 13 | WIS - 9 | INT - 14 | CHA - 14
POSITIVE TRAITS: affable, intelligent, focused, professional. NEUTRAL TRAITS: enigmatic, reserved, idiosyncratic, structured. NEGATIVE TRAITS: absentminded, naive, malleable, erratic. PEEVES: messy surroundings, not being able to solve a problem. FEARS: fire, finding his memory retention worsening. SKILLS: an expert in biochemistry, decently knowledgeable in engineering, approachable and rather dependable. when hyde protocol is activated, they have greater strength and reflexes. GOALS: working his way up x academy and exacting his creator's revenge continue making innovative tech, hopefully finding something to help him restore his memory of his past.
QUOTE: the moral of this story is: don't trust people. trust the circumstances. LABEL/ARCHETYPE: the double-edged sword. TROPES: ditzy genius, jekyll & hyde, transferable memory, was it all a lie? MEDIA PARALLELS: bucky barnes ( marvel cinematic universe ), orion hong ( secret shanghai series ), rachael ( blade runner ). THEME SONG: young and menace - fall out boy.
to be expanded.
graphic credit: character template by enchanthings
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dusksimulacre · 4 months
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The Llamas won the Junior Soccer championship, this year and every year.
Imran Watson/ Karishma Parikh/ Wren Grove/ Daesung Lee/ Leila Wainscott/ Abbey Keye/ Parker Rockwell/ Carina Piper
I divided the Maxis children intro friendship groups:
The Llamas/ The Outsiders/ The Butterflies/ The Pterodactyls/ The Picassos/ Matisse/ The Brainiacs/ The Whiz Kids
Pose by Allie
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j-a-nuary · 1 year
Date Roulette: Jiyong
Intro Week Start
Seungri Week Start
Daesung Week Start
Taeyang Week Start
Seunghyun Week Start
Jiyong Week Start
Warning level: suggestive (higher end of suggestive)
I woke up with my head smushed against Jiyong's shirt, and his arms wrapped tightly around my body. Which is to say: I woke up confused. I remembered everything, but I couldn't really make sense of it.
I was not the type to back down from a building argument. At least, I tried not to be. And kissing him again? I knew how I had gotten there, but in the light of day I just couldn't make the logic work out the same as it had last night.
But I could work that stuff out later. Right now, I had to peel a human banana clip off of myself and track down a production… assistant? Director? It occurred to me that I didn't actually know what Chul's job title actually was.
Again, not a priority at the moment.
I shook my head, trying to knock loose the cobwebs that had accumulated in there overnight. I immediately regretted the action as an invisible band tightened itself around my temples.
Muffling a groan, I rolled towards the edge of the bed, finding my escape from his clutches easier than I had expected.
Jiyong only let out a soft whine, but stayed asleep. I grabbed one of the pillows and pushed it towards his arms. He readily accepted it, pulling it into his body in a stranglehold.
Once I was above deck, I located a staff person that I vaguely recognized. I had seen her around a few times, typically with an assortment of cords in her hands.
This morning however, she was leaning against a railing. In one hand she had some sort of snack bar, in the other she seemed to be scrolling through sns.
As I approached, she gave me an apologetic look - covering her somewhat full mouth and bowing. I waved a hand and shook my head, hoping I was coming off as nonchalant and not grimacing too much from the growing dizziness between my eyes.
"Sorry for interrupting," I started, "I just wanted to know if Chul is around."
"Mm," she paused, finishing chewing before continuing, "he's still downstairs. I guess he's got motion sickness pretty bad."
"Ah," I frowned, "I was hoping to talk to him before everything really got started today."
"Hmm…" she looked a little unsure.
After a second, she nodded. "I'll show you," she offered.
I followed her back below deck.
The room was smaller. Substantially so. Obviously meant as staff quarters.
It annoyed me, but I figured I'd gone on enough anti-capitalist tangents before. Besides, if Chul wasn't feeling well there was no reason for me to bring more negativity to him.
I also had something more urgent to address.
Chul looked like shit. He was rumpled. Hair stuck out at odd angles, wrinkled clothes, and that wince of illness. He was busy shaking some tablets onto his hand.
"Hey," I took a seat on an empty bunk, "anything I can do to help?"
He shook his head, wincing again.
"I've got dramamine and pain killers," he huffed, "I'll live. What's up?"
I sunk into myself slightly, feeling a little guilty that I was - once again - coming to him for a favor.
"I…" I paused as another staffer came in for a moment. They grabbed a bag and left without a word. Wordlessly, Chul handed me the bottle of pills. Taksen. I took two, nodding in thanks as he handed over a bottle of water as well.
I waited an extra second after swallowing the pills before starting again.
"I'm worried about this week."
Chul nodded, silently urging me to continue.
"I woke up and…" I blinked, brows dipping as I thought it over again, "I can't make sense of last night."
"Yeah," he agreed, "I didn't expect you two to get over things so quickly."
"Exactly!" I nodded - ignoring the headache, "it's like Ji… he just knows how to get past my guard somehow."
Chul hummed, a thoughtful look taking over his features.
"But… what does this have to do with me?" He asked.
"I… I don't know. I just wanted…" I frowned. What did I want? Someone to keep an eye on me? Someone to talk to?
"I just wanted to know if I was crazy or not for thinking it was strange."
He laughed. Not at me. More of a what can I say sort of laugh.
"The whole thing is strange. Has anything happened to you this last month that isn't strange?"
I rolled my eyes, huffing at him and crossing my arms.
"Okay," I conceded, "but this is extra strange. I couldn't stand his jealousy, but one conversation later I let him sleep in my bed?"
Chul lifted an eyebrow, teasing me.
"Shut up," I snapped, "nothing happened. Just sleep."
He shook his head, raising his hands as if showing his innocence.
"But it's still weird!" I pushed. "I remember the conversation. That one bit shouldn't have been enough."
He sighed, shrugging.
"This whole thing between you two has been a roller coaster. Maybe this is just another up."
I groaned, but didn't speak. He had something close to a point.
"You just have to survive a few days. Tomorrow is a group day, then Sunday as well."
"You know that this won't just end on Sunday," I grumbled.
"True," he leaned forward, patting my knee reassuringly, "but we can worry about that next week. For now, let's just focus on today."
"Fine," I agreed, "but just…"
I stumbled over my words again.
Luckily, Chul knew what I was getting at.
"Hey, I can always make up some technical interruption if you need me to. Not forever, but for five minutes at least."
I nodded. Standing up, I placed a hopefully not overly familiar hand on his shoulder.
"Thank you Chul," I squeezed his shoulder slightly, "seriously."
He nodded.
I had hoped that Jiyong would be gone by the time I returned to my cabin. Or at least still dead asleep. Instead he sat up when I entered, pouting over my pillow at me.
I froze, just for a second. Thankfully, he seemed sleepy enough to have missed it.
"You left me alone," he croak-whined.
"I figured you could use the sleep," I shrugged. I sat on the edge of the bed and hauled my backpack from where I had stashed it on the little armchair yesterday.
His pout stayed in place as he shoved the pillow behind himself and lifted his arms towards me.
"Come back to me, my love."
I cringed at the endearment. It sounded hollow somehow.
I looked up, meeting his gaze. His eyebrows were drawn together, and he appeared to be giving me a thorough looking over.
He didn't immediately answer. Instead, he sat up and leaned forward. Supporting himself on his knees and one hand, he reached forward and pushed the hair out of my face.
"Are you not feeling well? I'm sure I have medicine or something with me."
I shook my head, pulling away from his hand.
"No," I turned my attention back to my bag, "I already got something from Chul."
Jiyong crawled forward, invading the space next to me.
'What did he give you?"
I shrugged, still searching through my bag. "Just something for my headache. You know how it i- Ah there it is!"
I held my toothbrush aloft in triumph.
Jiyong smiled, presumably at my antics, but continued his questioning.
"But what specifically?"
"Why does it matter?" I retorted, moving towards the ensuite so I could finally brush my teeth. I laughed at Jiyong's expression, now looking extra concerned. "I doubt he'd try to drug me or something."
"Of course," he nodded slowly, "he'd have to be a psycho to do something like that."
He moved awkwardly, getting himself untangled from the bed so he could follow me.
"Still," he took up residence behind me now, sneaking a hand around my stomach as I brushed my teeth, "it might react poorly with that tea."
I rolled my eyes at him through the mirror. I felt crowded, but resisted the urge to push him away. Maybe it was the… was this a hangover? PMS? Regardless, there was an uncomfortable feeling lingering through my body that I couldn't help interpreting as danger.
Jiyong took my lack of rejection as encouragement. He hooked his chin on my shoulder and lifted his free hand to brush my hair back from my face.
"I want to make sure that you're safe, my love."
That was going to get real old, real fast.
I shrugged myself from his clutches, spitting and rinsing my mouth before speaking.
"It was just Taksen," I turned to face, fixing what I felt was the fakest smile I had ever worn onto my face, "I'm sure I'll be fine Ji."
We had lunch on the boat, a vegetarian take on naengmyeon.
"You know," I broke a not quite awkward silence as we ate, "I used to hate soup."
Jiyong looked up from his dish, frowning slightly.
"I'm sure they could make something else."
"No," I shook my head, "this is fine. I just was against soup on principle."
Jiyong blinked, squinted, and finally placed his elbow onto the tabletop and his chin into his palm.
"On principle."
It wasn't exactly a question, but it was clear he wanted further information.
"Well," I lifted my spoon, observing its contents closely. After a moment, I downed the liquid before continuing. "Soup is different back home." I held the spoon up, now watching the way the sunlight reflected off its surface.
Jiyong patiently watched my antics.
"Mostly it just seemed like someone made a meal and then," I shrugged, "decided to put it in water."
Jiyong looked down at his own bowl, brows drawing together as he considered the food before him.
"How is that different than this?"
I shrugged again. "Soup here seems to be done on purpose."
His frown deepened for a moment. Then, after shaking his head, he burst out laughing.
"What?" I asked, unable to remain serious in the face of his outburst, "what's so funny?"
"I just," he shook his head again before leaning forward and resting his chin in his palm, "never know what you're going to say next."
A month ago - hell even a week ago - I would have expected that sentiment to be accompanied by a frown. Disapproval of what and how I choose to be. Now however…
He seemed to have forgotten his food, simply gazing at me with something like wonder writ across his face.
"Eat," I nodded towards his bowl.
His smile deepened. Shaking his head, his lips parted to speak.
"Don't tell me you're full by watching me," I cut him off. "You need to eat."
He let out an abrupt laugh, but lifted his spoon regardless.
I wasn't sure if it was exactly typical for yachts to pull up on Sindo. From what I could see, the boat that we were on was the only non-ferry visible. There was some discussion between pier staff, show staff, and even Jiyong himself at one point, before we were able to fully… park? I made a mental note to look up proper boating terminology.
Something about the way that Jiyong returned from the conversation sent a flag up in my mind. He looked sheepish, but happy - victorious, but a little shy. He had a bounce in his step that translated to his silly straw sun hat flopping slightly as he approached.
He looked like a dad on vacation that had just gotten a bargain.
"Is everything okay?" I asked as soon as he was close enough to talk to.
"Yes," he quickly answered. "I just have to, ah…" that slightly embarrassed look replaced his smile for a second.
"You didn't bribe them, did you?"
He laughed, but didn't answer. Not directly anyway.
"The manager's wife is a fan," he explained. "I just offered to sign a picture."
I squinted at him, trying to play up my disapproval.
"Jagi~," he stepped closer and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, "I got us a spot, right?"
I pursed my lips, letting out a "hmmph" noise.
"I did well," he wiggled my shoulders back and forth, teasing, "right jagiya?"
"I guess it's okay," I gave him a sidelong look, "as long as we're not breaking a law or anything."
A slightly confused look took over his features for a moment as he tilted his head.
"I don't think so," he murmured, "even if there is one, it will only be a fine."
I sighed deeply, remembering a phrase that my friends back home and I used to say pretty often: 'Punishable by a fine' just means 'legal for rich people.'
We navigated renting some scooters, including two bigger ones that were more like golf carts for the staff and their gear, and headed out. It was already near noon when we had arrived, so we stopped in a small cafe for something to eat before heading towards Modo.
It was something like a break, but not really. Jiyong had suggested we share a scooter, but I had wanted a little bit of extra freedom.
"Think of the show," Jiyong pouted.
"I am," I countered. "Just imagine how fun it will be for the audience when I inevitably run off on my own and you have to chase me down."
I heard Chul snort out a laugh somewhere off camera at that.
"My love," Jiyong's pout deepened, "think of the way their hearts will flutter when you put your hands around my waist."
I shook my head, rolling my eyes for good measure.
"That's actually dangerous. If anything I'd have to grab your hips or shoulders," I shrugged. "Holding your waist messes with your center of balance."
The pout was gone. In its place was a blank stare, seasoned by a few blinks.
In the end, I allowed him to "convince" me. Truth be told, I was beginning to have a headache again, and I figured I might be better off if I let him "drive". I also begged another painkiller off Chul, who made a point of holding the back of his hand to my forehead and squinting at my eyes and hands.
"Do I pass the inspection?"
Chul's eyes narrowed, "for now. Here."
With that, I was handed a tablet, a bottle of water, and a helmet before settling in behind Jiyong on the little moped.
The air on my face felt nice, doing a little bit to clear the ache in the center of my forehead. It also helped that most of what I could smell was salt, mud, and algae. I breathed deep, shutting my eyes to block any potential motion sickness from compounding the horrendously loud pounding of blood in my ears.
I was a little disappointed at missing most of the view while we rode. I had searched the island online when the plan was initially proposed and knew that I was surrounded by greenery and farms. I hoped I'd be able to see them on the way back.
At first, I was a little bitter about going to Modo with Jiyong. It was on my list, buried in my liked photos on my private Instagram. Somehow, I doubted Jiyong knew that though. Much more likely was the chance that he simply looked up day trips on the islands and things to do.
Not that that was a bad approach. I had simply been spoiled by Seunghyun and Daesung's attentiveness.
I allowed myself a moment of malcontent before convincing myself not to let petty details ruin Baemikkumi for me.
Getting an afternoon snack also helped. I excused myself to the bathroom after ordering, taking an extra moment to pat some cool water over my face and neck. The day was hot, extra humid due to being on the series of islets.
It also gave me a moment to respond to messages that I had been ignoring.
From: Hugeboy Any clarity on that mysterious situation you were in? σ(^_^;)? From: Hugeboy Ah… I know you're probably just busy but still it feels a bit… From: Hugeboy I want to call you From: Hugeboy But I don't want to be a bother From: Hugeboy I miss you 。・(つд`。)・。 From: Hugeboy Maybe I should be embarrassed about saying that From: Hugeboy No! I don't care if it's embarrassing! From: Hugeboy I! Miss! You! ♡♡♡♡♡ (*T^T)
I couldn't help but to half smile, half pout, at his messages. Reading back over them I couldn't help but feel a little bad about not having responded. Still, I supposed I had a pretty good reason. At least on Sunday.
To: Hugeboy Would you believe me if I said I miss you too? To: Hugeboy I had a sort of… medical issue?? To: Hugeboy Nothing serious. Just stress. To: Hugeboy Honestly, I think I'm still recovering.
For perhaps the second time ever, he didn't instantly respond. Well, that's only fair. I checked my other messages.
From: Zico You know what I'm going to say, right? ㅋㅋㅋ From: Zico I think he's really lost it this time From: Zico Seriously… are you a witch or something? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
That last message had been accompanied by a blurry video of what appeared to be Mino. He sat with his phone in his hands, staring at it with an obvious pout on his lips. I couldn't truly make out what he was saying, but I could tell it was something like:
"... doesn't… nothing…"
A few seconds before the video ended, a new message came in from Zico.
From: Zico
I would ask why Mino just texted me asking for advice on playing it cool, but I think I already know the answer.
I snorted a laugh and quickly typed a reply.
To: Zico Why should he start now?
To: Hugeboy I like that you're embarrassing~~ ♡ To: Hugeboy Better to be embarrassing and real than to be cold and uncaring From: Hugeboy Fine! I miss you more than makes sense (*T^T) From: Hugeboy When can I see you? To: Hugeboy I don't know. I'm sorry. From: Hugeboy It's not your fault \(_ _) To: Hugeboy Still… To: Hugeboy I have to go. I'll message you again soon I promise.
With that, I clicked my phone back to locked, and headed back outside.
Jiyong insisted we rehydrate, a set of iced teas mixed with fruit juice already on the table when I returned.
"Making sure to take care of me?" I teased him.
"I always take care of you."
At Jiyong's suggestion, plenty of photographs were taken. Primarily of me. I did offer a few times to take pictures of him, but he'd simply shake his head and say he had enough photos of him to last a lifetime.
That seemed both reasonable and a little unfair. Not to him. He was right. Nobody needed more photos of him. But it was unfair to put me in the spotlight with so little warning.
Once we were in the park, it was every few minutes with him. He'd point at something and ask me to pose next to it. As if I knew the first thing about posing.
I tried to push the negativity out of my mind. For years I had been the photographer for my friends. Ninety percent of the photos that existed of me were mirror selfies, or taken using a makeshift tripod and the timer function. I took a moment to be grateful for the influx of proof of life provided over the last few weeks.
Besides, the picture of me being held in giant metal hands did come out nicely.
Just a short while later, Jiyong was sulking.
Well, not actually. He was playing it up for sympathy, scowling as the yacht pulled closer to the dock on the mainland. I pretended that I hadn't noticed.
"It's a shame," I said as casually as I could.
I was rewarded with shining puppy eyes from Jiyong.
"We didn't even get a chance to go into the ocean water this whole time."
Jiyong grimaced. Obviously, this was not what he had been hoping to hear. No doubt he would have liked for me to say I wished we could spend another night on the boat. Or perhaps that I didn't want to return to the house.
Truth be told, I was itching to get into the giant tub in my room. I couldn't wait to stretch out in a familiar bed again.
But the summer sun was still well above the horizon, so I was willing to bet that the approaching dock was not the end of the day.
We ended our day at a bar masquerading as a barbecue restaurant. Nothing fancy, thank god. Just a little meat, a few vegetables, and a small gas fire to cook them over.
And soju.
Of course soju.
I contemplated the mushroom tipped shaft before me, pretending to ignore the shot that Jiyong had placed beside my plate.
"Come on," he whined slightly, meat tongs now back in hand. "Don't make me drink alone."
I sighed, biting the earthy brown cap off the skewer in my hand before turning to down the drink.
"That's my girl."
I made a point of rolling my eyes at his words. He just laughed and tossed back his own drink.
He's in a good mood. We had been in that weird confrontation for so long that I had forgotten about this version of him. Relaxed, happy, not mistaking jokes for attacks - this was the version of him I had fallen for in those early days.
I blinked, shaking my head slightly as I came back into the moment. The cup next to my plate was full again. I reached out to take it, but two fingers fell across the top to stop me. Looking up, I saw Jiyong watching me with that soft look he had been wearing for the last two days.
"Where'd you go?"
The seat I was in didn't really have a back to it, otherwise I would have leaned back. As it was, I supported myself with an elbow on the edge of the table.
"I was just thinking. About the beginning."
A moment of silence passed between us then. For me, it was reflective. For him… well…
He shook himself out of it and set the food aside so it didn't burn. After making sure everything was safely set, he sat down facing me. He shuffled to the edge of his seat and reached forward to grab the legs of mine to pull me closer.
"What?" It felt like a reasonable enough question.
"It can be like that again, jagiya."
He picked up my hand from the table, winding it into his own. His thumb brushed over my fingers for a moment before he pulled my palm to his cheek. Quickly, he pressed a kiss against my hand before securely holding it against his skin.
"I can make it like that again," he stared, an intensity that made my skin flush but also crawl.
"Ji," I tried to pull my hand away.
"No," he renewed his grip, pressing another kiss against my fingers before continuing, "I'll do whatever I need to do to make you realize that it should be me."
I experience an odd mix of reactions to that. My neck tensed, hairs prickling up off my skin as if his words had sent a cold breeze across my back. I felt goosebumps raise over my arms.
On the other hand, my stomach swooped and fluttered. A warmth spread down from my gut, part of my body clearly reacting well to the earnestness of his words.
"Just let me prove it to you this week."
I silently wished that we had taken one of the company cars to the pier yesterday. Not necessarily one of the giant vans, but just something with another driver. A chaperone.
As we hadn't, I was stuck in Jiyong's car with him. Not that I thought he'd do anything too scandalous. There were still cameras in his car after all.
No, it was a more internal issue than that. With an external cause. That I was internally incapable of solving.
Jiyong's hand was on my thigh.
Which was fine. It was fine. It was a respectful enough distance between my knee and my hip. It was simply resting there, largely inactive save for a few swipes of his thumb over my skin. It was fine. I could deal with this.
Except for that gut churning warmth from before that was still sitting behind my waistband. Except for the tell-tale sensation of my body preparing itself for something that it was not going to get.
But it was nice. In a way.
I glanced at Jiyong, which may have been a mistake. I don't like to think of myself as being shallow but good lord the budding tension would be easier to prune back if he wasn't so fucking pretty.
Finally we were back home, as much as that word meant anything anymore.
I was glad to be back in the house. I tried to remember where I was in my cycle. Had I last had my period during Seungri's week? Maybe it had been Daesung's? It wasn't totally out of the question that my hormones were simply amped up.
It usually wasn't this noticeable though. I was overtly aware of the wetness between my legs. Every step I took was accompanied by a naggingly persistent glide of self-lubricated flesh.
In a number of different situations, it would be titillating. In this one it was almost concerning.
"I'm going to head to bed," I was perhaps a bit curt with my words, but I was aching to get into the bathroom and clean myself up.
"Are you feeling okay?" Genuine concern filtered through Jiyong's words.
Maybe I wasn't doing as good of a job covering as I had thought.
"I'm fine," I cleared my throat. Doing my best not to meet his eye, I came up with a weak excuse. "I'm just tired from traveling and everything."
In the periphery of my vision, I was aware that he was nodding. I pretended to focus on putting my shoes away neatly.
"Jagi," his hand found my wrist, "I…"
I forced myself to meet his eye. He really was so fucking pretty.
I wasn't aware that my mouth had opened until I felt his thumb brush over my bottom lip. When had his hand reached my face?
Against my better judgment, my tongue dipped out - primarily to wet my lips, but incidentally lapping at his skin.
He even tasted pretty.
This close, I could see the blemishes underneath his makeup.
"Oh you guys are back."
Jiyong pulled away from me, scalded by embarrassment or annoyance.
Taeyang stood in the openway, in all the glory of what I was sure was one half of a matching couple's pajama set, holding a glass of water. His eyes shifted between the two of us. There may as well have been chemical formulas flying around his head with how hard he was staring at us.
Good lord I was glad to see him. His presence had been exactly the shock I needed to escape whatever was going on with me. Hormones, alcohol… whatever it was, I was glad for the distraction.
"I'll go first," I mumbled, carefully avoiding touching either of them as I moved.
My body bounced with the force I had thrown myself at the mattress. The inspection I had given myself in the shower had confirmed what I already knew. I debated texting Daesung, weighing the chances of us somehow getting caught. Typically I'd have no problem staying quiet, but with how amped up I was… there was really no telling.
Though I had teased him about tying him to the bed. What better time to try it than ri-
My thoughts were cut off by a tapping at the glass doors. Scrambling for decency's sake, I retracted my hand that had been making its way between my legs of its own accord. I tightened my robe around myself before pulling the curtain aside just enough to see who was there.
I was greeted by raised eyebrows paired with one hand holding a bottle, and the other holding a pair of wine glasses. The eyebrows jumped comically. Laughing, I took a step back and unlocked the door to pull it open.
"I thought you might need to debrief."
I shrugged, making my way to the seat by the vanity.
"It's legitimately strange how well you know me sometimes."
Seunghyun just smiled as he toed off his shoes and slid the door shut behind him. After being prompted by a pointed nod from me, he made sure the curtains were back in place as well - a shield for our private conversations.
"I heard he took you on a boat," Seunghyun stated it like a fact, but I could tell he wanted confirmation.
I hummed, watching him uncork the bottle and pour us both a glass. His fingers were deft and swift. They moved with confidence through the series of motions.
"-by? Yah…"
I shook my head, pulling myself back to the moment.
"Sorry," I frowned, "what were you saying?"
He chuckled, holding a glass out towards me. I stood to take it, standing perhaps a little closer to him than was absolutely necessary.
He held his glass towards me. Raising my own, I lightly tapped it against his.
He gave me a pointed look.
"No," I said, "you should drink first oppa."
He raised an eyebrow at that, but he also raised his glass. After allowing him to take his time to taste the wine and swallow, I spoke up again.
"How is it?"
"Jammy," he said after considering his words carefully, "a little tart. Not bad."
I hummed.
He had to have known what I was doing. No way was I subtle about it.
He didn't stop me though.
I couldn't really make out such details that would lead to the descriptor of "jammy", but I could taste the remnants of sweetness and sourness well enough on his tongue.
After a moment I pulled away. Lifting my hand, I thumbed away an invisible droplet from his lips. The thumb was then placed against my own, my tongue coming out to taste it in a much more acceptable adaptation of the earlier moment with Jiyong.
Trained as they were on his face, it didn't escape my eyes the way Seunghyun's attention was locked onto the movement.
"Put that away before you cause trouble," his voice sounded strained when he spoke.
"Hmm…" I smiled up at him, "don't want to."
He took a moment to carefully place both of our glasses further back on the vanity. Straightening up afterwards, he took another moment to look me over. One of his arms looped around my back, pulling me close as his eyes ran over my face, neck, and assorted other spots of exposed skin.
Eventually, his eyes landed back on mine.
"How are you feeling?"
What a loaded question. I had already been fighting a losing battle against an unexpected wave of arousal when he showed up. I was a little embarrassed that all thoughts of Daesung had been pushed from my mind until this exact moment. That of course led to a brief detour into shame. That particular spiral was then cut short by how good Seunghyun's fingers felt on my skin when he reached up to brush my hair from my face.
His stern features were soft. It was a look that I kept seeing from him more and more often. A look I could see myself getting used to.
A look that simplified my answer.
He nodded, serious as ever.
"A little more…" I tilted my head, thinking of how to describe it, "awake than I expected," I admitted.
There was a moment then. We both seemed to be waiting for something, but I didn't know what that might be.
It turned out to be my tongue. Once again, I slid it over my lips. More from nerves than anything else.
Seunghyun dropped his head slightly to press his lips against mine.
I hoped he wouldn't hold the sound I made against me. It was embarrassing enough just to have such a strong reaction to him. My head spun, thinking about the ups and downs of our dynamic over the last month. Or maybe it was from the kiss itself.
We had kissed before. Obviously. But this was different. This was a fight against a riptide, and I was more than willing to drown.
"Baby," Seunghyun was mumbling against my lips.
I groaned, annoyed at the attempted interruption.
He forced us apart this time. It was like he was determined to ruin the vibe.
"What?" I couldn't help the annoyed tone that slipped into my voice.
Confusion flashed over his face for a moment before he hardened his gaze.
"What happened?"
I blinked. I was not following his train of thought at all.
"What… you mean with Jiyong?"
He nodded, solemnly watching me.
"Nothing," I shrugged. "We went on a boat, we went to a sculpture park, we…"
I cut myself off. Did it really matter? A momentary lapse in judgment in a yacht hot tub with a man who was functionally my ex?
"Baby," softer this time, "you don't have to hide anything from me."
"We…" I huffed, then started again, "I…"
Seunghyun maneuvered the both of us, moving so he could sit at the vanity and pull me onto his lap.
"Take your time."
I let him pull me into him. Resting my head against his shoulder, reveling in the feeling of his hands soothing down my back. Breathing deeply, I could smell some faint cologne struggling to cover up that ever present tobacco scent that clung to him.
"It's stupid." I was pouting again, but trying not to let it color my voice too much. I'd much rather go back to the kissing than talk about how Jiyong could seemingly climb inside my skull at will.
"What is?"
"Me," I moved against him, getting my head into a more comfortable position. If that position also put me in closer reach of teasing his neck and ear… he didn't seem to notice, "probably."
"We both know that's not true," he laughed.
I didn't protest, but I didn't agree either. Instead, I simply sighed heavily, trying to sneak my lips onto where I could feel his pulse in his neck.
"Baby," he gently admonished me. His hands pulled me upright to meet his eyes again. "You know I'd love to keep going, but you also know this is a coping mechanism."
I rolled my eyes, "don't pretend you know me better than I know myself."
That got a reaction out of him.
His hand raised, tightly gripping my chin so there was no way I could look away again.
"Listen to me baby," his voice had gone deep with the intensity of his message, "I would have no issue fucking you until you couldn't walk, if that's what you truly wanted."
Another embarrassing sound eked its way up my throat and out from between my lips.
Seunghyun paused his lecture to kiss me, rougher than I had expected. He bit my lower lip, pulling a groan from me as he pulled back.
"However," he shook my chin slightly, demanding my attention raise from his lips to his eyes again, "I will only do so when I am one hundred percent certain that it is what you want and not just a distraction."
What was there for me to do besides blink? And after that, what option did I have but to start crying?
"Baby," he dropped his grip from my chin and tugged me against his body in a tight hug. "Oh, sweetheart, don't cry. I'm sorry baby. Please don't cry."
"I… I just don't understand…" I sobbed, embarrassment no longer a concern. "How…. He… Ji…"
"Deep breath baby," he crooned into my ear. He started rocking slightly, obviously going all out in his attempt to comfort me. "Breathe for me. You have all night to tell me what happened."
I'm sure all eloquence was lost as I tried to explain through unintelligible sobs and the deep breaths that Seunghyun would occasionally remind me to take, but eventually I was able to explain my concerns. At least to the point that Seunghyun eventually started telling me that I didn't need to explain anymore.
"It's okay, baby," his voice was low, quietly reassuring me, "I understand."
"The worst part is I don't even know why I care," I whined, "I just want him out of my head."
By now, we had made our way onto my bed. Seunghyun laid on his side, arms pulling me protectively into his chest while I had rambled out my complaints.
"Just being around him is like getting drunk," I mumbled. "I feel defenseless."
A knock on the glass doors interrupted him. He frowned, looking down at me questioningly.
"Did you invite Daesung down?"
I shook my head, nerves twisting my gut.
"Maybe he want-"
My text tone interrupted me. Shuffling to free my hand from between Seunghyun's and my bodies, I turned to grab it from where I had dropped it on the mattress earlier.
From: Llyong Boho Awake?
I shut my eyes, holding my phone up for Seunghyun to see. I felt the soft vibration of another message coming in while he looked at the screen.
Seunghyun's jaw tightened. He took the phone from my hand and sat up.
He leaned down to press a kiss against my forehead.
"I'm not going to message him. Just wait here for a moment, okay? I'll tell him you're sleeping."
I nodded, wondering why he looked so tense.
He stood up and ran his hands through his hair a few times. Back and forth, messing it up and then smoothing it back. After a second he undid the buttons of his shirt, all of them undone before he misbuttoned one near the middle. He paused for half a second. Nodding to himself, he then took his belt off. He let the leather strap land on my floor before he turned his attention back to me.
"Unlock your phone."
I pressed my thumb against the fingerprint reader and handed it over to him.
"Thank you baby. Pull the blanket over yourself, okay?"
I did as he asked, going as far as turning to face away from the sliding doors so Jiyong wouldn't see my face.
I heard the plastic rattling sound of the curtain runners, followed by the whooshing noise of the sliding door opening.
"What do you need?"
"What are you doing here?"
The crunching of gravel, followed by the whoosh of the door. I assumed Seunghyun had stepped outside.
It was a little disappointing to not be able to hear the conversation. However, I could appreciate not being drawn into it at all.
After maybe fifteen minutes, there was that whoosh yet again. I felt my body tense up.
I relaxed, turning over to look up at Seunghyun. He gave me a small smile.
"He went back upstairs."
I nodded, "you didn't have to do that."
He placed my phone on the bedside table before unbuttoning his shirt again.
"I know, but I'd rather I deal with him than make you do it."
He moved as he spoke, draping his shirt over the seat by the vanity before turning back towards me. He nodded at the space next to me on the bed.
"Can I?"
Rather than answer, I simply opened my arms towards him.
His smile was wider this time, as he bent down to crawl up the mattress and over my body.
Supporting himself on his knees and forearms, he brushed his nose along my neck. It was followed by his lips pressing against my jaw.
"Hyun…" I sighed out his name as what had started as me baring more of my neck towards him turned into a stretch.
"Yes?" He asked, pulling away to watch me.
I traced my fingertips over his ribs and onto his back, pouting slightly. "Don't stop."
He moved, working one of his knees between mine and coming in for a kiss.
Just shy of my lips, he spoke again.
"I'm still not going to fuck you tonight."
I whined, digging my nails into his back to further express my annoyance.
He laughed, leaning onto his side slightly so he could run a hand down the side of my body.
"If you need me that badly," he paused to kiss my cheek lightly, "there are other things I can do."
His fingers paused, dipped just slightly under the waistband of my pajama shorts.
"Would you like that baby?"
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btsqualityy · 2 years
For drabble day, can we get Brooklyn and Daesung doing something similar to your truth or drink. I know Brooklyn’s answers will be off the chains!
Brooklyn is 21 in this and Dae is 22!
“Hello, I’m Pulse’s Daesung,” Daesung introduced himself. 
“And I’m Kim Brooklyn,” Brooklyn waved to the camera. 
“And we are doing truth or drink for Buzzfeed.”
“Let’s go,” Brooklyn smiled. 
*Cue Buzzfeed Intro Song*
“Ok, so the way the game goes is we take turns asking each other questions and if we don’t want to answer truthfully, we take a drink,” Brooklyn explained. 
“And we have a wide array of drinks here so let’s do this,” Daesung said as he picked up a card. “Do you hate my job?”
“I don’t hate your job, I just don’t like what comes along with it at times,” she replied honestly. “It’s hard to have a typical family structure with him always working.”
“She’s not wrong,” he shrugged.
“What were your true thoughts when you found out that I was pregnant?” she read from the card and Daesung instantly reached out and grabbed the bottle of soju, opening it up and pouring it into a shot glass. “Yeah, you better keep that shit to yourself.”
“I’d like to keep my relationship in tact,” he chuckled after taking the shot. “Alright, if you weren’t in a relationship with me, which member of Pulse would you want to have sex with?”
“Bruh,” Brooklyn laughed, grabbing the soju bottle and taking a drink herself. “I am not about to set myself up for that one. Heartbeats talk enough shit about me as is.”
“I can probably guess though,” Daesung said. “Jaewon?”
“Jaewon’s like my best friend.”
“Exactly, you already love him.”
“Shut up,” she laughed. “Next question. Where do you see us in the next 5 years?”
“Hopefully living together, engaged if not married, maybe another baby,” Daesung said. “Honestly, as long as I have you in my life, I’ll be happy.”
“Yeah, you know that,” he chuckled. “I tell you how crazy I am about you all the time.”
“I’m crazy about you too,” Brooklyn smiled, leaning over the table and kissing him softly. 
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lastwallflower · 7 years
taeyang dropped the shit and i am at work trying not to fuckign sCREAM
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catsblob · 7 years
finally after so long, i recreated my kang daesung sim, who is my ult and v special to me ♥
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kpopulr · 7 years
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taewoongfmd · 4 years
hello! this is peyton (mun of impulse’s hwang daesung) with my second character — unity’s lead vocal, moon taewoong. like this if you’re interested in plotting & i’ll hit you up asap! (btw, i have a discord now; i didn’t drop the tag in dae’s intro bc i hadn’t made it yet, but it’s peyton#2067! feel free to add me there w/o asking).
private profile  /  idol profile  /  pinterest
woong is from seoul, which is where he spent the first seven (7) years of his life. but then his parents divorced super suddenly & his dad ~kept the house~ so woong, his mom and his four siblings had to find somewhere else to go. they ended up moving to handong-ri on jeju island and settling in with the mom’s parents on their tangerine farm. so....... yeah he moved from seoul to a fuckin village 😭
really spacious house, really spacious property, really pretty property, but woong was not happy at all. he missed seoul & missed his dad, who made no effort to continue being a father figure after the divorce which was also Really Shocking because he was a great dad before that.
but, life goes on. woong was still really young anyway, so he adjusted to the farm life + to jeju. he ended up finding an activity that got him off the farm and that he actually really, really liked, too  —  soccer!!! he was a fast learner, naturally athletic so he did well and his coach had a LOT of faith in him. eventually he formed the plan to return to seoul as an athlete / to train in a big sports center there but y’know... life can’t be that easy.
aka he got badly injured during a match in 2013 / when he was 16. managed to tear BOTH his acl and pcl, so his leg was Fucked. had to get surgery and the whole recovery process (including physical therapy) took a year and some change. very bad time. i would even call it a Horrible time. he didn’t feel like he was good at anything other than soccer so he was like damn... how am i gonna get out of here now?
but he had his height and his subjective good looks going for him 🤪 in 2014, he had more or less recovered as well as he was going to, was kinda tentative about trying soccer again but Wanted to. before he could work up the courage, he was street casted by a dimensions rep. his family clowned him hard for thinking it was real so he kinda went to the audition to prove that he’s not THAT dumb, kinda went bc he needed an excuse to get tf back into a city, man. handong was NOT cutting it for him.
long story short he became a trainee from pure luck (and some natural talent ig), moved to seoul which fucked up his family relationships to some extent bc him leaving was VERY sudden, no one except his oldest sister even knew that he had been planning to leave for sports. assumed he’d stay there forever, thought it was fucked up that he was so quick to run away.
i’m gonna jump ahead to 2021... i wouldn’t really say that he hates unity, but he definitely feels like an outsider looking in. doesn’t have a background in music, so being an idol at all still feels really weird, but especially with unity’s ~experimental~ music.
he’s distant. when he was younger (and even in his earlier idol days), he was nice enough. not loud, but would laugh and play along with others if they spoke to him first, would reach out to others first on occasion. but his company-assigned image is a mix between tsundere & the “assa” / outsider type; detached, fine on his own, a bit cold/mean/aggressive. like vixx’s leo earlier on but a little more toned-down. going with the outsider portion, he also has the clueless/living under a rock vibe going for him, so fans call him caveman woong 💀 it used to be JUST an image but ultimately fucked up his ability to connect with other people so now he’s rly like that most of the time (and really doesn’t keep up with the world LOL) you can talk to him but his social skills are so bad now that he’ll ignore you but not on purpose.... mf just doesn’t know what to say ever bc he’s been told Not To Talk so much.
he isn’t.... necessarily... mean. he can be, but i’d personally say that he’s more of a self-focused, no bullshit type. really lonely guy who doesn’t know how to interact with others anymore. i guess he wants to relearn people skills, but he’s not trying at the moment. content to just float around in his bubble.
known for being really strong/athletic, which has become one of his very few defining characteristics as an idol. he cannot count the times that he’s shown off his strength by holding a note while splitting fruit on variety shows or dribbled soccer balls for extended periods of time. He’s Tired.
a lesser-known skill he shows off sometimes is his ability to identify plants. if you don’t know him as the athletic guy or the cold guy, you probably know him as the nature guy. he has most korea-native plants memorized and he’s currently working on learning exotic plants. one unspoken goal he has is to show off on a show like law of the jungle.
he raises a bunch of different fish / water-dwelling creatures. has three different tanks.
talks to his fish like they’re babies. if you ever catch him doing this, no you didn’t <3
he used to be REALLY secretive about his family, only ever said that he used to live in jeju but never shared details or clarified any speculations. his privacy disappeared when his family started promoting the tangerine farm as “a place full of unity’s woong’s charms” and allowing visitors, which pissed him off SO BAD because they were making money off of HIS labor... and then they realized he has a lot of fans & they couldn’t handle it, so they closed off the farm to the public again. somehow, this made him even more angry.
he doesn’t really do any solo activities and idk if i’m ever going to push him as an individual? idk i might but he’s honestly not that interesting/appealing to anyone other than his stans so i don’t see the company pushing him and he doesn’t have much of a desire to do anything on his own in the public eye, either. lowkey so tired that he kinda wishes he’d just stayed in jeju but at the same time..... knows if he had, he’d still be looking for a way out??? idk he’s just here to promote unity’s ~experimental~ songs and pretend like he has a sense of identity.
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doomdvys · 25 days
Tumblr media
𝔻𝕆𝕆𝕄𝔻𝕍𝕐𝕊 — a closed roleplay blog for ignitedfms,
penned by anna, she/they.
AG, PURNAMA ANJANI [ she/they, thirty, reporter for the unn ]
intro ✧ threads ✧ musings ✧ visage ✧ connections ✧ wanted ✧ pinterest ✧ playlist
SHIN, DAESUNG [ he/they, thirty two, scientist for x academy ]
intro ✧ threads ✧ musings ✧ visage ✧ connections ✧ wanted ✧ pinterest ✧ playlist
graphic credit:
revelations by unholymilf
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jinpanman · 4 years
my slow emo bops.
nobody asked for this but i want it so. here are all the songs that i love. doesn’t matter if its slow love songs or sad af or heartfelt or a reverent, peaceful type of slow or a chill slow. all my faves <3
if you would like to add to my little treasure trove, please... by all means send them my way 🥺👉👈💕🌱
If -Sam Kim
Control -Zoe Wees 
So Close -Jon McLaughlin
Peev Xwm (cover) -Keeneng
Stone Cold (cover) -Kevin Vasquez
Mirror -Madison Ryann Ward
Creep (cover) -VINCINT
Here’s Your Perfect -Jamie Miller
I Can’t Make You Love Me (cover) -Teddy Swims
Use Somebody (cover) -Conor Maynard
Road (cover) -IU, Henry, Jo Hyunah, Yang Da Il
Wait For You -Elliott Yamin
Maybe -Lee Hae Ri
Feel Like Shit -Tate Mcrae
Good Riddance -Ashley Barrett & Darren Korb
End Of The Road (cover) -Dwight Dissels
Forgetting You -DAVICHI
So This Is Love -Ilene Woods
Fate (cover) -Shin Yong Jae, Yoon Min Soo
Wild Flower -Park Hyo Shin
Pulling Away -Sinead Harnett feat. Gallant
If You -Big Bang
Still Have Me -Demi Lovato
Mob Txaus Lawm (cover) -Txhaij Lauj
Standing With You -Guy Sebastian
Blue Side -JHope
Lips on Lips -Tiffany
Still In Love -Thirdstory feat. Eryn Allen Kane
Last First Kiss -Lee Min Woo
Sober -Taps
My Future -Billie Eilish
Mi Nyuam Yaus - Nrees Hands
If By Chance (cover) -Kim Yeon Woo
I Do -Rain
This City Remix -Sam Fischer feat. Anne-Marie
Girls Don’t Know -FT Island
Paper Hearts -Tori Kelly
How Can I Love the Heartbreak, You’re the One I Love -AKMU
I Lost Myself -Munn
Paper Hearts (cover) -Jungkook
You In My Arms (cover) -Im Se Jun
Like My Father -Jax
Don’t Go -Henry Lau
I.L.Y -The Rose
Goodbye My Love -Ailee
Only My Heart Knows -So Hyang
My Everything (sad version) -Ariana Grande
The Letter -Chevel Shepherd
I’ll Protect You -Kim Jae Joong
You Broke Me First (cover) -Conor Maynard
Evermore -Dan Stevens
Seattle -Sam Kim
Cheap Red Wine -AJ Mitchell
Last Dance -Big Bang
Tsuas Yog Koj Tseem Muaj Txoj Sia Nyob -Nrees Hands
Thank You -Pentatonix
Eleven -Khalid feat. Summer Walker
Anti-Romantic -TXT
Talking To The Moon -Bruno Mars
High And Dry (cover)  -Rett Madison
Under The Tree -Sam Palladio
I’ll Be -Ben
Intro -Shawn Mendes
Blue & Grey -BTS
Noche De Paz -Danny Gokey, David Archuleta
Lover, Please Stay -Nothing But Thieves
Drivers License -Olivia Rodrigo
When Night Falls -Eddy Kim
Grow As We Go -Ben Platt
Rainy Days -Sam Kim
Les yeux de la mama -Kendji Girac
See You There -Gracie Ranan feat. ARMY
Care For You -Mario
I Don't Wanna Know -James Smith
Try Smiling -Daesung
Someone Like You -EXO CBX
Cruel -Jeff Bernat
Over The Rainbow -Todrick Hall
The Lighthouse Keeper -Sam Smith
Missä muruseni on -Jenni Vartiainen
What Kind of Future -Woozi
Water Fountain (cover) -Alec Benjamin & Zhao Lusi
Bleeding Love -Leona Lewis 
Universe -EXO
Bleeding Love (cover) -Ni/Co
People -Agust D
Jealous -Labrinth 
Jealous (cover) -Taps
Empty Eyes -Munn
Lost -Ahn Jiyeon
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daesungfmd · 4 years
30 days of character development : 1 - 6. headcanon  /  wc: 1322
day one  /  introduce your muse.   hwang daesung is the lead vocalist  &  rapper of impulse; a 7-member boy group that debuted on january 16th, 2014. despite being labeled as a rapper, there’s only one song that daesung has significant rap lines in:  king, which is a duet between himself and one of impulse’s other rappers. on a similar note, daesung is not officially part of the dance line, but gets (arguably) more than his fair share of center time. so, what does this mean for daesung? it means that he’s an idol who believes he could 100% be seen as a triple threat if gold star would promote him as such, but instead, he’s pushed for his voice and has to read comments saying “why’s he a rapper if he never even raps?” and “why’s the lead vocal in the center?” on the daily. </3
day two  /  talk about your muse’s childhood and when they decided they wanted to be an idol.   daesung was born and raised in seoul, but to be more exact, it was in the neighborhood of samcheong. it’s a lovely place (as daesung himself will claim), but his childhood hardly reflected the color of his hometown. he initially had both parents, but after losing his father in 2008, he and his mother were left on their own. the loss greatly affected both daesung  &  his mother; ignoring the emotional impact, their financial situation was on a fast decline. you could argue that they couldn’t even afford for daesung to have big dreams  ―  that’s certainly what his mother tried to tell him, but he was a stubborn kid. the only “dream job” he ever had was becoming a rockstar, which is a dream that he never fully let go of. he stressed his mom out a lot during these years because instead of studying hard and aiming to go to a good university/get a good job, he spent most of his “study time” playing his guitar and/or trying to weasel his way into divebar shows. he ultimately became an idol trainee at age fifteen, but it wasn’t because he suddenly decided that he wanted to be an idol instead; he just didn’t realize what he was auditioning for, and who the hell was he to say “oops, nevermind” when he had a reality check? up until he debuted, he didn’t have any interest in being an idol. seven years in, he still doesn’t. he’s a rockstar in his heart and that’s what matters!!!
day three  /  talk about your muse’s audition.   part of daesung’s ~charm~ is that he’s blindly optimistic. he has a lot of faith in himself, his talent  &  his abilities. by the time that he auditioned for gold star, he was more confident and hopeful than ever because he had already gone through hundreds of other companies and he’s the type to think that after lots of failure, you’re bound to succeed. in retrospect, perhaps the reason why so many companies turned him down was because they were looking for idols and he was a boy so clearly inspired by grunge and rock ‘n’ roll. regardless, by the time he reached gold star he had gone through enough auditions to realize what companies wanted to see in their auditionees, even had a dance memorized as well as he could with his lack of actual training in case they asked to see it. looking back on it, he wouldn’t give any advice to his former self except to do more research into what the auditions were for. he’s happy enough with where he’s at in life, but becoming an idol was never the end goal; he just went with the flow because he didn’t want to face pressure to do well in school. (ofc he realized that idols face pressure way worse than that every day but </3 mf realized too late)
day four  /  talk about your muse’s trainee years.   daesung trained for eight months before being selected for who’s next?: origin story, having joined gold star in april of 2012. now... eight months is a decent enough amount of time, but keep in mind that he had no prior experience in idol music, nor did he even know much about idols; to put it simply, he felt (and was) underprepared. still, he figured that he wouldn’t be put in a team and thrown onto a survival show if the company didn’t have some kind of faith in him, so the show also made him more confident (even though his team lost)!!! he had another 10-ish months of training after the show ended, so if you ignore the three-month period of the survival show, he had a collective 18 months / 1 year and 6 months as a trainee. as for his training experience........ it was tough for daesung. he wasn’t as serious about becoming an idol as most of the other trainees were considering it wasn’t his “dream”, so he was more concerned about just making the experience fun and making friends than improving quickly (or even following the rules). he got scolded a lot, even at times when he hadn’t actually done anything to be scolded for because of course it was easy to assume that daesung was the culprit if something went wrong. a lot of other trainees at the time didn’t like his lack of professionalism/lack of care or the fact that he didn’t even really want to be an idol and was still taking up space. he struggled to make friends even with his grand efforts, so he felt really, really lonely more often than not. started to struggle with body image and general insecurities during this time as well which i won’t go into detail about here because that’s ~a story for another time~ but overall....... training was the loneliest part of this mf’s life. he tried to have fun and every now and then he did, but he really just wanted to go home most of the time.
day five  /  recall your muse’s debut.   girls, girls, girls is the bane of daesung’s existence. even though he didn’t really want to be an idol, by the time he finally got the news that he was going to debut, he was excited!!! he hates routine, so at least he would be escaping the repetitive days, right? right? no. his excitement dulled once he listened to the demo for their debut song and disappeared completely when he tried to express his displeasure but was ignored. at the time, he was seventeen and i think we all know that 17 years olds have fragile egos. everything about girls x3 embarrassed him:  the lyrics, the outfits, the choreography, the mv intro, the mv setting, the promotions. the first time he performed on stage ~should have~ been exciting, but daesung just wanted to hide. granted.... seven years have passed and he’s begrudgingly fond of girls x3 now. he won’t admit it, but he listens to it when he’s going through breakups and/or rejections for an extra little boost of confidence. but it’s humiliating if anyone else brings it up.
day six  /  talk about your muse in relation to concepts.   daesung pulls off fun and/or high-energy concepts the best. his stage presence is a fickle thing — even this far into his career, he struggles to not look bored when performing mellow songs (or songs that he just doesn’t vibe with), but he shines when he’s having a good time. he has fun performing upbeat songs and it shows. to date, he’s gotten the best feedback during the eras of just right, lullaby & look, but has also gotten decent feedback during ~manly~ concepts like if you do and you calling my name. his ideal concept would have to be something dark, like mars’ older concepts, but he’s 99.9% sure that impulse will never go in that direction. something that doesn’t feel so out of reach but he knows he could pull off would be something like alien’s jealousy  or charm’s clap — masculine like if you do and ycmn, but high-energy like look and lullaby. any time impulse has done songs that combine those aspects, it’s resulted in a huge headache because of unnecessary beat drops </3 please gold star let him have one (1) concept like this that doesn’t hurt to listen to, he’s begging </3
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j-a-nuary · 1 year
Date Roulette: Jiyong
Intro Week Start
Seungri Week Start
Daesung Week Start
Taeyang Week Start
Seunghyun Week Start
Most likely due to spending most of the previous day napping, I found myself waking up before dawn. I felt better. Somewhat. I wasn't about to hit the gym or run a marathon, but my headache had downgraded from migraine to vague annoyance, and my stomach was feeling just normal enough for me to feel like I was starving.
I shambled into the kitchen and started opening cabinets blindly.
"Go sit, I'll make breakfast."
I turned towards the sleep-roughened voice to see Jiyong making his way to the kitchen from the living room.
It was a version of him that I hadn't seen in weeks. Hair sticking up at odd angles, pajama pants wrinkled from sleep, and a smattering of tattoos on display under an unbuttoned matching top.
I had wondered before what the assorted letters stood for. Initials from exes? Family members? Artists? I was sure there were interviews somewhere that would answer the question, but I didn't particularly care enough to look them up. Or to ask about them.
"Did you sleep in the living room?"
He hummed his answer, nodding as he sleepily joined me in the kitchen.
Both of us having bare feet reminded me exactly how much taller I was than him.
He took advantage of it. Having reached my side, he looped his arms around my waist, shuffling to stand behind me. He laid his head against my neck, just barely tall enough to hook his chin on top of my shoulder.
"I wanted to be nearby if you needed anything."
I nodded, stretching my hand upwards to pull down "my" mug. The movement elongated my torso just enough that his chin slipped from its position.
"Let me help," he mumble-whined. His voice was muffled, and I felt his lips moving against the cloth of my own sleep shirt. "Go sit. I'll do this."
"I'm not crippled," I protested.
He seemed content, for the moment, to simply cling onto my back as I turned the kettle on and waited.
He hummed again, causing a vibration to run from my back to my chest.
"You're being clingy."
His hum this time was closer to another whine. Clearly, he didn't want to move. His hands dropped anyway, and he took a few steps backward to lean against the countertop opposite from where my tea was steeping.
"You should use the medicine one," he said, eyeing my mug.
I shrugged, "I'm okay now." Turning to mirror his own position, I lifted my mug and let the steam soothe over my face. "Besides, it tastes really fucking bad."
Jiyong watched me sip my tea. If not for the last month spent with the boys - and the assorted cameras - I would have been tempted to look away. But I was getting used to constant observation now.
I wasn't particularly aware of my expression at that moment, focusing more on not burning my tongue than governing my features. Whatever it was must have seemed bad to Jiyong though.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled looking down.
I felt my brows dip as I considered this.
"What for?"
"I shouldn't touch you that much yet," he kept his eyes cast down as he spoke. "I should have asked first."
He wasn't wrong. But I had just enough of that disoriented feeling from yesterday lingering that I couldn't find it in myself to care.
I opened my mouth, unsure of what to say. Should I forgive him? Tell him to do better in the future? I was so tired of the strange circles we kept drawing around each other. Why did we do that? We both kept to the edges of each other's personalities, as if the other would explode at any sudden movement.
I decided to light a fuse.
"Do you love me?"
I had expected him to jolt. To choke on air. To get nervous in some way because obviously he couldn't just admit it yet.
Jiyong jettisoned himself from the counter and stepped closer. The smile on his face was calm, almost serene. For some reason it unnerved me.
He lifted a hand to cup my cheek.
"I thought you had forgotten," he spoke in a voice that reminded me that the sun still hadn't risen. Not just quiet, but soft. Conspiratorial.
"Forgotten what?"
"All the blessings you could have," he leaned closer, head tilting to run his nose against my neck. "You just need to let me make everything perfect."
"Ji," I shivered, not knowing how to feel about the sensation of his skin on mine being so familiar.
"I love you more than any other."
His thumb slid upwards, running softly over my bottom lip. Anyone with an ounce of sense could tell where this was going.
I wedged my hand between us, pushing him away and out of my space.
"It's just a question Ji," I turned away from him, pretending to go through the cupboards again, "not a confession."
I heard a small huff behind me, but when he spoke up again he didn't sound angry or upset.
"Go sit," he was using that soft voice again, "I'll make breakfast."
Seunghyun joined us just as Jiyong was placing a plate in front of me. It was a rolled omelet style thing, cut into bite sized circles somewhat reminiscent of gimbap.
"Oh, excuse me," Seunghyun's fingers dipped towards the plate, only to be met with a flat whack of the spatula that Jiyong still held.
"I didn't make that for you," Jiyong chided him. "Give me a couple minutes and I'll make you some too."
Seunghyun rolled his eyes, but retracted his hand. Taking a seat next to me, he pulled out his phone and started scrolling through what looked like emails. Every once in a while he'd swipe his way to another app to read some headline or other.
It was all very typical, down to the way his free hand seemed to oh so naturally find itself tucked over the curve of my leg. It rested just above where my knee bent outwards, forced into an odd angle by the fact that I was using my foot as a cushion. Every once in a while, his thumb would twitch and then smooth over the exposed skin.
Naturally. Normally. Without ado.
Jiyong cleared his throat.
Seunghyun and I both raised our heads - him from his screen, me from my plate.
Jiyong's eyes were trained on the angle of Seunghyun's arm, his hand itself hidden from Jiyong's sight by the edge of the breakfast bar.
"Ah," Seunghyun laughed, "that's right." He turned to face me, lifting his hand from my leg. It left a cold spot in its place - the absence of his body heat feeling stranger than its presence had.
"You're no longer mine."
He said it with that conniving smile that I was now so used to. I couldn't quite tell if he was teasing me or Jiyong.
"I never was," I responded with my own dry smile.
Jiyong barely muffled a laugh as he placed a plate in front of Seunghyun.
"You wound me, baby," Seunghyun whined, giving a dramatic show of pressing his hand to his chest.
I shook my head, returning my attention to my breakfast.
In my periphery, I saw Seunghyun lift the plate that Jiyong had set out for him. I felt, more than I saw, him stand up next to me.
Mouth full of egg, I couldn't speak when I felt his hand rest on the back of my neck. I let him tilt me towards him as he pressed his lips against my temple.
"I'll see you later," he took an extra moment to fix my hair, "my baby."
I didn't need to look up to know that Jiyong was frowning. I looked up anyway.
Jiyong glared daggers at Seunghyun as he left the room.
"Ji-yah," I called his attention back to me.
His sour expression remained when he looked back towards me. I decided that, for now at least, I didn't want to argue.
"What are we going to do today?"
His expression changed to one of surprise, before settling into a vague smile.
"Do you like boats?"
Back in America, I had friends. Obviously. But I had a specific subset of friends who did a specific job that had specific… rules.
Sex workers. OF girlies. Discord Kittens. Sugar babies. Escorts. Whatever you wanted to call them, I had known a few.
Thus, I knew that one of the major rules was this: Do Not Get On The Boat.
Chul looked a little green around the gills. I put a hand on his shoulder, patting it softly. I hoped it would be a comforting gesture, rather than making his seasickness worse.
He offered me a queasy smile, but didn't seem to trust his mouth to open without incident.
With all the staff around, I felt safe enough. Even if my biggest cheerleader so far was being betrayed by his own inner ear, I knew that Jiyong wasn't stupid. Not completely, anyway.
"What do you think?" Jiyong handed me a glass filled with ice, bubbles, and mint leaves.
Accepting the drink, I tried a sip while trying to think of what to say.
"Oh…" I grimaced at the bitterness, no doubt from the club soda.
"The boat is nice," I wiggled my glass slightly, "the mojito could use some more… something."
"I'll fix it."
He took the glass back and circled back around to the on deck bar. He poked around a bit, lifting bottles and smelling stoppers.
"So," I leaned on the bar like a patron in an actual establishment, "are we going somewhere specific? Or are we just having a day on a boat?"
"Well," Jiyong poured a bit of something into my drink and stirred it, "that's up to you."
He handed the glass over with a smile.
"Really?" I took it but held off on trying it again for now, "how so?"
"I had this big thing planned," Jiyong ducked under the bar, once again digging through bottles. "I was going to take you down to Jeju, rent a house for a few days."
He stood back up and started mixing a drink much darker than my own.
"But then we had our disagreement," he frowned, pausing his explanation to shake his drink vigorously. After a few seconds, he whacked the shaker against his palm to loosen it.
"It made me realize that I was perhaps being a bit much."
I hummed in agreement. He had been a bit much. More than a bit. He had dove in head first, without even checking what depth the water was.
"How does that lead us to today?"
He strained his drink into a rocks glass, and lifted it with a small smile.
"Well," he paused to taste the beverage he had just put so much effort into. Nodding with satisfaction, he joined me on the outside of the bar table.
He settled his glass on the table, and leaned into my space just a bit more than usual.
"I figured that the sea might still be relaxing for you. Clear air, no distractions," he gestured vaguely towards the water, "it's peaceful."
I scoffed slightly. He wasn't wrong, but he still had that self-congratulatory air about him.
Still… I had forgotten how fun our flirtations had been.
"You're losing the thread Ji."
I lifted my glass and tried it again. It was slightly better, though still noticeably bitter. The bitterness was somewhat hidden under the chlorophyll hints of mint now. I decided I could live with it.
"Right. Okay," Jiyong moved minutely closer, "here are the three options I've thought of - though feel free to add your own ideas."
I raised a brow, nodding for him to continue.
"We return to the house tonight."
"A safe option."
"Of course," he nodded, "and I'd understand completely if that's what you want to do."
"What else?" I pushed.
"We could stay on the boat tonight."
I tilted my head, not missing the way his eyes fell to my neck briefly.
"Could we really?"
That cock-sure smile fell back into place on his features.
"Of course we could. I can show you around the different quarters in a bit if you like."
"I'll take it into consideration," I nodded, "what's the third option?"
"We could spend the night in Jangbongdo."
I had a vague awareness of the island. At the very least, I recognized the name as being one of the islands near Incheon. Beyond that, I didn't know much else.
"Let's stay on the boat."
Jiyong smiled brightly. For a moment I thought he was going to lean in even closer, but instead he took a step back. Spinning on his heel, he did a full 360 until he was facing me again. He held a hand out towards me, waiting for me to take it.
He waggled his hand, playfully egging me on.
"What?" I asked again. Lifting my glass to bring it with me, I stepped towards him. He took a half step back.
"I said I'd show you the quarters," his smile widened, his cheeks nearly swallowing his eyes now, "didn't I?"
Part of the tour included the on-deck hot tub, which naturally led to the both of us lounging in the water with the jets on and the heat set just high enough that the water wasn't chilled.
"You've been on boats before."
I let my head tilt to look at Jiyong, "hmm?"
"You do that thing," he seemed to be focusing on trying to create a miniature fountain using his hands as a tube, "one hand for yourself, one hand for the boat."
"Mm," I settled my head back again, closing my eyes against the rays of the sub. "One of my closest friends in high school was a fishing boy."
"Are you still friends?"
It sounded like a genuine question, for once. A question about a man that wasn't laced with jealousy.
I still prickled for a moment. Taking an extra second to relax, I reminded myself that - in this case - Jiyong truly didn't know the sore spot he was poking at.
"Ah," I felt his hand land on my knee under the water, "forget I asked."
I opened my eyes and sat up, tilting my head to give him a quizzical look.
"What do you mean?"
"You had that voice…" Jiyong shrugged, looking a little sheepish as he trailed off.
I squinted, shaking my head slightly to emphasize the questioning angle.
He took a deep breath, holding the tip of his tongue between his teeth.
"The voice that you use when you talk about something awful."
I hummed again. What was there to say to that? He was probably right.
I felt his hand again, this time on my arm.
"Unless talking about it helps," his eyes flicked between mine, "I just don't want to force you to talk about something that might be painful."
"It's not…" I cut myself off, thinking if it would true to say it wasn't painful. After a second, I knew the perfect qualifier. "It's not painful anymore."
Jiyong hummed, an understanding sort of noise, and slipped to a seat closer to my own.
"Would it help?"
Once again, some quiet part of my brain marveled at how naturally he closed the space between us.
"Would what help?"
I caught him. I clearly saw his eyes dip down to my lips once… twice…
He licked his own lips before speaking.
"I don't want to force you to talk…"
Fource? Is that anything? A fourth time.
"But I don't want to force you to not talk either."
The word floated through my brain, but I didn't pay attention to it.
Instead I leaned just slightly forward.
The instant my lips touched his, he let himself go. For a moment, it was clear he didn't know what to do with himself. One hand circled around my wrist, the other started up towards my face but seemed to get lost.
I made the decision for him.
Pushing myself off of my seat, I planted myself in his lap. Taking his still lost hand, I pulled it to my waist.
Somehow, the most annoying thing was how quickly his hesitation disappeared. As if he had never doubted that we would end up back like this. Fucker.
His fingers danced up my back, gently pulling me closer to him. It had the, most likely unintentional, side effect of making me straighten up.
To say that he smiled up at me would not be incorrect, but there was something else. He was relaxed, in a way I hadn't seen for a while.
"My love," the words came out in a breathy sound, "I've missed you."
I blinked, feeling the telltale sting of tears prickling my waterline. This wasn't right. I knew that I didn't really like Jiyong, he just… knew how to get under my skin.
"I shouldn't have kissed you."
He frowned, looking hurt and confused. His hold on me tightened for a moment before he let his hands fall back down, into the water and down to just rest on my thighs.
I started glancing around, self conscious.
"Jagi," he groaned, "why are you crying? Who are you looking for?"
I pulled away from him, sliding back into my previous seat. I was so thankful that he didn't resist my retreat.
"Where's Chul?"
Jiyong's expression hardened for a split second before he shrugged, "I'm not sure."
I started pushing myself up, out of the water.
He moved towards me, obvious and slow.
"Do you really feel nothing for me, jagi?"
I froze, water lapping around my thighs.
"I can't talk about this right now."
Someone had packed me an overnight bag. Obviously, the idea of sleeping away from the house hadn't been a complete surprise to the staff. It sat on the queen sized mattress of the quarters I had picked, right where I left it after fishing out my swimming suit just a few hours earlier.
If not for the vague sense of being off-balance and constantly shifting, the room was indiscernible from a mid-range room at a hotel. Well, save for the bed not being a king. I made my way to the shower, eager to rinse the scent of chlorine off of my skin and out of my hair.
I showered quickly, feeling some sort of embarrassment at using fresh water like this while on a boat. I knew the concern didn't really make sense, but it was there nonetheless.
Once finished, I dug through the little bag to find something to wear.
Thankfully, whoever had packed it knew a bit about being on the water. The sun was setting as I tugged a sweatshirt on.
Returning above deck revealed Jiyong to be lounging on the water resistant cushions that lined an area I had mentally dubbed "the living room".
He wasn't exactly sprawled, but he was somehow taking up more space than seemed logical. He grinned easily when he spotted me, picking up an ashtray that I suspected was made of actual crystal so that I could sit down.
I took the offered seat, glad that - at least for now - the wind was sweeping the wisp of smoke away from me.
"You're like a cat with nicotine addiction."
Jiyong laid his cigarette to rest in the flashy ashtray. Turning his full attention towards me, he pulled both of my legs across his lap.
"Does it bother you?" His hands started carefully pressing into the flesh of my calves in an absent minded massage.
"No, you're okay."
One hand lifted, retrieving the tobacco from its perch. After a deep drag, he returned it to the tray so he could use both hands on my legs again.
"I'd quit if you asked me to," he murmured.
I watched him, propping my head up on one hand as I sat sideways on the couch-like structure.
"I wouldn't ask," I admitted, "I don't think quitting because of someone else works as well."
"Why's that?" He kept his attention on my legs as he spoke.
"Because it makes you feel bitter. 'I have to do this thing because of you' doesn't feel the same as 'I am doing this because I want to', you know?"
He hummed, hands slowly working their way from ankle to knee before switching to the other leg.
"You sound like you're speaking from experience."
My turn to hum.
His hands felt nice. Warm and smooth, applying a pleasant pressure. I slid back, letting myself stretch out on the slightly plastic feeling cushions to relax.
His hands paused, and I managed to catch a slight sound in his throat.
I pushed myself up, propping myself on my elbows to look at him.
He shook his head, hands starting their work again.
"Tell me, Jiya," I pressed.
"Jagi…" he sighed, sounding like I was putting him through some sort of torture, "don't make me say it. I am only a man."
I tilted my head, brain working for a moment before it hit me.
"Gosh," I decided to tease him, "your hair must grow pretty fast."
Jiyong flashed a smile, his hands not so subtly moving higher on my legs.
"It grows faster when I spend time with you."
Dinner was a thankfully simple affair. I had sort of grown accustomed to the background radiation of wealth with the boys around, but if the meal had been extravagant I knew I would have likely been forced into another surreal fugue state.
The meal was interrupted only when Jiyong asked if I felt alright. I admitted that a slight headache was building behind my eyes, so I asked if he happened to have any ibuprofen or anything with him. He nodded, and quickly slipped below-deck. 
When he returned, he handed me two small pills.
After the food had been finished and cleared away, Jiyong and I found ourselves back in the open air lounging area. He disappeared once again. On his return, he greeted me with a steaming cup of deep red tea. It smelled spicy and sweet. Homey. I accepted it easily.
"I thought you'd be making cocktails again," I teased Jiyong lightly.
"You shouldn't drink if you're taking medications."
I nodded before tasting the tea. It tasted like masala chai, but lacked any sort of milk. It wasn't bad.
"I forget how much you look out for me." I placed the tea cup on the back ledge of the seat. Turning to face Jiyong a bit more directly, I tucked my legs underneath myself. "Am I fun to watch?"
Jiyong smiled into his cup, glancing up to meet my eye for a second before looking back down. He was being more shy than I had seen him before.
"I could watch you all day," he quietly answered. He fiddled with the cup in his hands, switching which fingers gripped the handle. "You're my favorite thing to watch."
A chuckle pushed itself out of me, causing a not at all flattering nasal sound to escape. I slapped a hand over my face.
I lowered my hand enough to glare at Jiyong.
"You sound like a stalker," I mumbled through my hand.
He laughed, shaking his head and leaning back.
"It's not like that," he protested, "it's not like I follow you. But if you are around, then I like watching you."
After composing myself, including retucking my legs and retrieving my tea, I decided to stay on topic.
"Is that why you always ask where I am?" I lifted the cup but paused before drinking to tack on, "it seems like that's always the first thing you ask me when you text or call."
Jiyong sighed, but didn't seem actually bothered by the conversation. If I had to guess, I'd say he might have been relieved to get a chance to explain himself.
"I just want to know if you're around," he started, "if you're in the house then I can just talk to you in person."
"What about when you call? When you know I'm out?" I pressed.
He licked his lips, tilting his head slightly before answering.
"I guess I'm just curious. I want to know everything about you all the time," he shrugged, as if that was enough of an excuse.
"But that's controlling, isn't it?"
"How so?" He put his coffee down, hands activating as he spoke, "I'm not telling you 'don't go there' or 'don't see that person', right? I just want to know that you're safe and happy," he shrugged, "no matter where you are."
That sounded awfully�� reasonable. At least in comparison with what I had thought Jiyong's opinions were.
"There's still pressure though. If I…" I pursed my lips, trying to come up with a good example, "go out to lunch with Zico, right? You've told me you don't like him, so I have this feeling over me of 'Ah, this is going to be an argument later,' you know?"
"No no no no no," he shook his head and waved his hands, protesting with his whole body. "That's just how I feel about Zico. If it's someone else, I don't mind. And I already know that you don't care what I think. I couldn't be controlling with you even if I tried."
I squinted at him. The way he said "tried" instead of "wanted" rubbed me the wrong way, but I didn't think pointing that out would actually be productive at all.
"Okay, what if I was the type of person who would say, 'oh, oppa doesn't like you so I can't be friends with you'?" The discussion was beginning to feel silly to me, but I still pressed on. "Would you tell me to make up my own mind? Or would you be happy that I was just doing what you wanted?"
Jiyong blinked, mouth slightly agape. His brow dipped, then softened, then dipped again. I thought for sure he would start protesting, or at least pointing out that that wasn't how I am, so what did it matter?
"Is that why you pulled away?" His voice was smaller than I expected, "because you think I want to control you?"
A stone weight of guilt landed in my stomach, at the same time that a wave of softness came over me. Was I really sitting here projecting my fears on him? Had I been feeling so self righteous about it too?
"I…" I paused to think this out. I was pretty sure I had been onto something, but I didn't want to sound too accusatory. "I just want to know what sort of person you are."
He leaned forward, sliding closer. As smoothly as he always did, he managed to get both his and my cups placed out of the way so that he could take my hands into his. Earnesty was writ across his features.
"Jagiya," he shuffled forward a bit more, his knee now pressing up against my leg, "I like that I can't control you. I like that you make friends with everyone, even if I don't like them. I would never tell you to stop meeting with someone."
I was a little surprised by how swiftly the fire of argument had left me. Maybe it was the way he was looking at me, like an abandoned puppy that had followed its owner when they moved to another town. He was so cute. It was getting hard to feel anything but a sort of goofy happiness towards this somewhat sad mess of a man.
"But," I frowned, leaning back against the back of the sofa, "you get so jealous."
"I know jagi," he pouted. He moved to relax next to me, head in hand and elbow on the backrest so he could keep looking at me. "I really do. But that's for me to deal with. Seeing you live a life that makes you happy is the most important thing to me."
I tilted my head as I looked up at him. His eye dropped to my neck, then bobbed back upwards to my jaw, lips, and then eyes. Once our eyes met again I knew that he knew I had seen where his attention had been, but he didn't seem embarrassed at being caught.
"What if I'm happy with someone else?"
Against any possible prediction I could have made, he smiled before tilting in a bit closer.
"Then they've tricked you my love."
Something about that made me giggle. Maybe the magnitude of his self-assuredness. Perhaps the switch to English, as if that would make his point clearer. I didn't know. All I knew was that he was smiling at me as I fought through a fit of laughter.
"Jagiya," he softly called me back into the present.
I hummed, letting him know I was listening.
"Can I touch you?"
I pushed myself to sit up, no longer slouched under his gaze.
"What do you mean?"
He let himself fall deeper into the cushions, holding both arms out in the universal gesture of asking for a hug.
I laughed, only once this time, and situated myself into his arms.
Maybe I was being weak willed. Maybe I was giving in too easily. Maybe a lot of things. But I did like cuddling with Jiyong. I knew that he and I had similar styles in that way. The sort of just… existing while touching style. It was nice.
We laid there, on the thing that was somehow both sofa and structural support for the boat, for a while. I watched clouds slip over the stars and slice of moon above us. Jiyong seemed content with playing with the strings of my sweatshirt.
I felt good. Relaxed. In almost no time, I was drifting to sleep.
"Come on jagiya."
I was pulled somewhat upright. I fought the tiredness that had settled over me, winning just enough to be able to stand.
I wobbled, suddenly remembering that I was on a boat.
"Here we go."
Jiyong looped an arm around my back, taking my hand in his to direct me below decks. Eventually the passage was too narrow, so he moved in front of me. He directed both of my hands onto his shoulders as he led me down the stairs.
My mouth felt gross. Dry and sticky. I let him lead me without answering his bits of direction.
"In here, right?"
He led me into the room I had chosen.
Directing me to sit on my bed, he nipped into the tiny bathroom for a moment. He returned with a cup of water. He placed it into my hands before kneeling down in front of me.
"Drink that for me, jagi."
I obeyed easily enough. My mouth did feel awful, and arguing for argument's sake wasn't really on my radar at that moment.
Jiyong was untying my shoes, loosening them up enough to slip them off. I couldn't help but be reminded of him doing the opposite.
"What are you going to do about Seungri?"
Jiyong froze, my second shoe half off of my foot.
After a second, he resumed his work. Once the shoe was off he sat back on his heels and looked up at me.
"What do you want me to do?"
He was gazing up at me with an intensity that I maybe should have been used to by now. I shrugged, casting my eyes down to where his fists were clenching onto the bedspread to either side of my legs. His knuckles shone white. I reached down and picked up one of his hands, carefully peeling his fingers away from his palm.
"I don't know," I admitted. "It can't be nothing. He'll hurt someone else."
I laced my fingers between his and tugged at him.
Jiyong knelt up, proximity propelling him to press his body between my legs. I pulled his arm around my waist.
It was, at least partially, the memory of what happened. I wanted to be comforted, and he was there.
Luckily, he took the hint and wrapped his free arm around me as well. He slouched, pressing his cheek against my chest and nodded.
"I'll make sure."
I combed my fingers through his hair, both of us silent for a moment.
"I'm sorry," I whispered.
Jiyong moved back slightly, looking up at me again.
"What?" His brow creased, and his eyes were wide. "Why should you be sorry?"
I shrugged, "for bringing it up."
His hands lifted from my body to cup my face. Thumbs smoothed over my cheeks as he shook his head.
"Jagiya, you should never be sorry for talking to me. Don't hide the things that trouble you from me," he stretched upwards, slightly pulling me to meet him. He pressed his lips against my forehead, before meeting my gaze again. "Okay?"
I nodded.
"As for Seungri… you'll neve-"
"Let's not talk about him now," I interrupted him.
Jiyong nodded, silently acquiescing as he would sometimes do.
I found that one of my hands had traveled from his hair to the collar of his shirt. Convenient.
Slipping forward on the mattress edge, I was aware of just how much he was aware of how close we were. I wasn't planning on exactly doing anything about that, but I still leaned closer and kissed him.
It felt nice. It usually did feel nice to kiss Jiyong. Just like it felt nice when he gently lifted my sweatshirt off of me. When he tucked his hands under my knees. When he lifted me and pushed me back further onto the bed. When he supported himself on his elbows over me. The press of his lips against my neck and shoulder was nice.
He hummed, not pausing from kissing me.
"Let's try not to argue this week."
He shifted, moving to lay next to me instead of on me. Propping his head on his hand, he looked down at me.
"Is this your way of asking me to leave?"
I shook my head.
"You can stay," I lifted a hand to tap against his chest, "but this is about as far as this will go."
He smiled, tension that was barely noticeable before leaving his features. He worked one arm under me and layed fully on his back. Pulling me towards himself, his free arm tugged my own to lay across his body.
"That's fine jagi. I'm satisfied as long as you're satisfied."
5 notes · View notes
chimtaesty · 5 years
BH8 | episode one
pairing: bts ot7 x reader | 3.5k words
warnings: none
plot: You're big hits first ever artist and only solo artist. And since bts are your only label mates (we are not including txt yet pls) bighit decided to built up a reality show called “BH8”
The happenings will be written normally but the commentary and the editing on the episodes will be written in cursive
A/N: hi there bbys! I've been so busy even though I have thousand requests and unfinished work. I hope you can wait for me. This thing will be a series I can update whenever I want to just spear me the consistent uploading. I hope you like it!
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(a collab song between Y/N and BTS plays for the intro while the artists laugh and have fun)
BigHit’s 7+1 makes BH8 slides across the screen as you sit there with the MC’s and the boys next to you.
A show combining the most successful artists of this century. A legendary solo artist who debut 12 years ago and the superstars bts combined in one show. Does that make you as happy as it does us?
You smile slightly as the clip of you fighting with them in front of the pool where they tried to push you into the water is played. The first to start is your day. Your alarm goes off and a groan is able to be heard. Uh? Who has to get up this early? the camera focuses on your bed and in the same moment you kick the blanket off to reveal you and your cats. You are dressed in some shorter, not hot pants-short, pants and a hoodie. “Mh, mocca. We have to get up” You shake your cat softly and your other two cats are quick to save themselves under your blanket.
You sit yourself up and stretch your limbs. Within a second Jangmi is in your lab just to rub his head against your tummy. “So you have three cats Y/N?” Jo Kwon asks you with a kind smile and you nod. “Yes, I originally had two last year but since I won a grammy last year I got Jaehee as a present. She’s the youngest” Jo Kwon nods and you all concentrate on the show again.
You take your cat and start to kiss Jangmi enthusiastically on her face. She dislikes it and starts to try pushing you away with her paws Eomma, stop. I don’t want kisses this early hovers over Jangmi’s head in a pink bubble. You laugh and put her down. The slippers find your feet fast and you take your leave to the kitchen where you open the blinds mechanically Everything works on its own in this home. You open the fridge and take out some leftover pizza from yesterday. Huh? Pizza for breakfast? What kind of life are you living Y/N? You smile at the pizza and grab the remote for your stereo system. Immediately BTS’s Fake Love fills the room. At least she has taste in music. Then you start to dance with the pizza in your hand. On the side you’re making yourself a cup of coffee. Suddenly Jaehee jumps up onto the kitchen isle and snatches a piece of pizza. You stop dancing and shout loudly. “Jaehee! No! Come back, that’s my pizza!” she jumps off and runs as fast as she is able to.
Then a different frame is shown, a frame where Jangmi runs across the hall Look, i stole my mom's pizza. You stand in kitchen sighing with fake love in the background
The boys laugh loudly as Jangmi snatches the pizza and you yell cutely. How your face frowns looking after your cat like she just ripped a piece of your life out of your hands. The MCs laughing as well, Jaesuk almost falls down on the floor. “Jesus, you eat pizza this early?” You giggle and nod. “Since i don't really have a sleep rhythm anymore i eat anything at any time” Namjoon leans against your shoulder trying to contain his laughter.
Let’s see how Y/N's labelmates morning is going The camera focuses on the kitchen isle where Jin and Taehyung are placed. “Hyung, we have to get going” Jin smiles and agrees. They leave to the hallway over to the rooms of each member. “Namjoon-ah! Wake up” he knocks on the door and within minutes a sleep-crushed Namjoon stands in the hallway. You have to laugh as you see his slightly closed eyes. Suddenly the phone rings and a loud crash is able to be heard. The door to Jungkook's room swings open and he sprints down the hallway to the kitchen “I want to answer! Y/N-noona promised to call by breakfast-time.” Jin laughs and you as well. You can’t hold it in and reach over to Jungkook and pet his shoulder.
A second of waiting and he’s on it to answer the house-phone. “Jeon Jungkook, who’s there?” you giggle and he smiles “Noona!” The others gather around him, partly still asleep. A frame of you two on the phone takes place on the tv “I just wanted to ask if breakfast in an hour is alright” he nods, not taking in that you can’t see it “Of course, where should we meet?” you smile as well. “You wanna come over? We can leave to the company together then” he nods and you smile “Yes, we’ll be over in an hour” you turn around and leave to the bathroom. Then it changes to the boys again. The boys leave to their rooms in a hassle to dress themselves and get themselves presentable.
Then you are shown again as you brush your teeth and your hair. Then you continue with your make-up and that’s something everyone comments on normally. You put on your eye make-up first, a nice pink eyeshadow and a big eyeliner with some lashes. Your base comes as the last step and then you straighten your hair. Mocca peaks her head into the bathroom. Mh, what is mommy doing in the bathroom? She jumps up onto the sink and rubs her head on your tummy while you put your hair into a high ponytail. You smile “Mocca! You want cuddles?” she purrs and you take her into your arms as soon as your are finished.
With the cat in your arms you leave to your dressing room to put on some clothes you can leave the apartment with. Jangmi and Jaehee follow you Why is mommy walking so fast? you open the door and let mocca hop down on the floor.
A high waisted jeans, a crop top and a jeans jacket should be it. A pair of black sunglasses and white sneakers finish the look off and you leave to the door to get something to eat. Jangmi meows loudly as you approach the door Mommy! Don’t leave us alone you smile and give her a kiss on the head before you leave the apartment with a small goodbye.
Your apartment complex normally doesn’t get mobbed so you leave the apartment without security. The sunglasses sit on your nose as the sun kisses it gently and the fresh spring wind brushes through your tied up hair. Cars and buses are able to be heard, people talking and the silent wind in the trees and bushes make you smile. You gotta appreciate the small things.
The cameraman follows you silently and you just bow at him politely. Even here Y/N is showing her best side, where is she going? you take a left turn to the main street and immediately three girls wave at you and you smile. Not to be recognised is nice, yes, but a cameraman following you isn’t the most inconspicuous thing. The bakery is to your right and you open the door as far as for the camera man to step inside first Such a polite move, take notes kids!
The girl behind the counter smiles brightly as you take off your sunglasses. “Good morning, Y/N-Unnie” her sweet smile makes you smile as well and you tell her what you would like to have. She packs it up for you and you pay. “Do you want anything?” you ask the camera man and he rejects nicely. You nod and you leave again. On your way back you stop at the closest bookshop because Namjoon has made you a list with books that are good in his opinion and since you're already outside you will go out of your way and buy them. “Namjoon made me a list with good books so I am going to look if they are available right now” you smile into the camera.
As you take a look at Namjoon he actually looks kinda proud. “Do you often take advices from your juniors?” you nod. “Of course, especially Namjoon. He knows a lot and he helps me willingly with everything.” “We Like helping each other out, Y/N-noona is very good with producing and singing so she spends a lot of time with Yoongi and Jungkook in the studios but she's very very good at dancing as well so she sometimes helps us choreograph our songs” Namjoon praises you. You smile and thank him.
As you step into the bookshop you hold the door for your cameraman open again. The book shop actually isn't as crowded as you expected it to be so you take your sunglasses off. With steady eyes you search for the books Look how concentrated Y/N is! You already have almost all books as a big crash is able to be heard and the camera loses you from the frame and the cameraman falls to the floor.
Huh? Where did we go? You immediately whip around. Suddenly you're in the frame again as you hover over the camera man to help him up. The knight in shining armor Next to the cameraman are three girls with album's in their hands. “Are you okay?” you ask the poor man and he nods “Girls, you have to be more careful.” You softly scold them. “Y/N, OH MY GOD. Could you please sign my album?” you smile slightly and nod after you helped the camera man stand up and flee behind you.
You sign their stuff and take some pictures before you pay your books and leave.
On your way back you stop by a automat and buy a coffee. You stop and hand it to the camera man “I hope you're okay” you smile and he thankfully takes the coffee.
“Wow that was something, you even gifted him a coffee?” Jo Kwon asks in a way of wanting to know the reason. “I felt so bad for him. He ran into the girls who waited for me to finish looking for the books and he fell quite harshly. So I thought a coffee would make it a little bit better” you explain yourself.
The next frame is the boys. “Jungkook! Where is the perfume Y/N bought me last week?” Namjoon shouts through the apartment and you can't contain yourself so you laugh slightly. “I don't know Hyung. Look in the bathroom” he shouts back. Then Taehyung is being shown. He holds a blue jeans jacket with a tiger on the back. “Y/N-noona gifted this to me when we won our first daesung” he smiles into the camera and it warms your heart. He puts it on and grabs a pair of gucci sunglasses. Jimin still stands in front of his big closest not being able to decide what to wear. “I want Y/N-noona to compliment me today” he whispers more to himself than to the camera. He grabs a big colorful sweater and and pair of darker blue jeans.
“Are you all ready? We have half an hour left!” Yoongi shouts from the kitchen just to get some Ois back.
“Did Y/N gift you a lot of things?” Jae Suk asks and they nod unitary. You laugh loudly. “Y/N-noona spoils us whenever she is able to” Hoseok smiles brightly. “But it's not always pricey gifts, she often takes us on vacations or we just spend time together” Jin ads with a big smile.
The next thing is you opening the door to your apartment. Your cameraman stays outside ready to film your leave with the boys. Mocca meows loudly at your arrival Mommy! Welcome back flies across the screen. You're quick to pick her up and kiss her head as you leave to your dressing room. You sit her down on the couch placed inside the room before you take your jacket off and put a big black hoodie on. Then you leave to the kitchen and place plates and cutlery on the big dining table. Then you place some mugs and glasses on the table and the bought food. After that you take out your books. You place them on the kitchen isle as the doorbell rings.
With fast steps you open the door to seven smiling men “Y/N-noona!” Jungkook cheers as he embraces you in a bone crushing hug. “Jungkook-ah!” you smile as you hug him back. You give them some space as you take mocca into your arms. “Jungkook! Would you please go to the table, make sure that Jaehee doesn't snatch something off it?” he nods and leaves immediately. You help the rest after you hand Jimin Mocca with the jackets and stuff. "Jimin-ah, you look handsome today!" you smile and he thanks you with a shy thank you
Then you leave to the kitchen with them. “Coffee?” Jin, Yoongi and Jungkook shoot their hands up. “Really Jungkook? I have some banana milk left” you say smirking as you pour the coffee into the mugs. He smiles sheepishly “Really?” you nod and pour the banana milk into his mug. As you take your seat Namjoon pours you some juice and Hoseok gives you a roll. “Did you hear that we are practicing together today?” Namjoon asks and you nod “We are practicing the mama award performance today. I already spoke with the company and we are going to link our performances together to make it as iconic as possible” you smile. “With a dance break and stuff?” you nod “I thought about singing each others song, a epic dance break and some next level combined show” They smile happily.
“So do you plan the shows yourself now?” Jo Kwon asks curiously. “No not on my own but I put my ideas in a lot. It took very long for my mind to pass their will!” he nods and the show continues.
“Let's get going” They agree and you all get going. Mocca protests with continuous meowing “Mocca, baby. Stop” you hug her tightly as you give her pecks. Don't leave me mommy hovers over her head. Jungkook holds you while you put your shoes on because, what's balance. Jaehee jumps onto your back but Taehyung snatches her off and puts her onto the floor after petting her. “Let's gogo” you smile.
You leave to the parking lot. There you have three cars you regularly use, the others are at your parents place. “Chose” you smile. Jungkook is fast to chose the pretty BMW bus you use to take big things such as dresses and stuff to events but taking friends with you is easier in this one too. You smile and jump into the car. You start the car and drive out of the parking spot without a problem. Before you started the car you linked the car with your spotify. “Play Playlist number 2” you speak to your car and Jungkook looks surprised next to you. She talks with the car! “Playlist number 2 will be played” the car responds and suddenly your favourite bts song magic shop plays. Namjoon groans almost. “Oh come on Joonie it's a great song” you laugh.
You hit the high notes effortlessly as you drive the car elegantly. A real life princess stays written underneath your face as there hovers a animated crown above your head.
You drive into the parking lot of the company. There you park your car and leave with the boys to the practice room. “Good Morning Y/N. Can we start with you today?” Lucas, the choreographer asks and you nod with a smile. “Sure” you put your stuff down as the boys place themselves on the further part of the room to watch. Lucas gives you a mic and you get ready with some stretching. Your limbs crack and you're ready to start. Your character switches and your gaze changes completely. Within seconds you're dancing and singing. Then you're managing the dance break on your own, without backup dancers and the boys are stunned.
“That was great Y/N” you smile A true performer The boys take over with stunned looks. They perform their part with you cheering like a crazy fan. The choreographer shows you some things you would be able to do together.
“For the dance break I thought about some acrobatic elements. Jimin could start off with some Ballet like dance joined by Y/N” you nod with Jimin happily throwing an arm over your shoulder.
Jo Kwon looks at you with wide eyes “You can do Ballet?” you laugh as you nod “I learned it as a kid but I've never perfected it like I did with my current dance style” Jo Kwon nods “I'm so excited!” Jaesuk smiles brightly “I've always liked your dancing”
Lucas takes you and Jimin to the front of the room and shows you what he was thinking of. “So, Y/N, you're going to come up here and Jimin, you from there. When the music starts I want you two to jump at each other and intertwine your arms. Y/N you'll stay on Jimin like this” He shows you the figure he means. You try your best to not hurt Jimin in the process. He looks at you concentrated as you try your best to stay on your foot which is still connected to the floor to take your weight off of Jimin. “You can lean on me” he whispers, without the mics it wouldn't have been able to be heard.
You smile and do as he says. “That's it” Lucas cheers and you clap. “That looks so pretty” Jae Suk smiles and you pat his shoulder smiling.
Two pretty people doing pretty stuff.
“Let's go get lunch!” a staff-unnie announces and you're fast to run off to the door but you don't see the bag laying right in your way so you fall to the floor with a loud thumb. “Y/N!” Lucas rushes to your small form. “Are you okay, noona?” Taehyung asks as he tries to help you up. “I hit my knee” you whisper as Lucas picks you up. And suddenly tears emerge from your eyes. The dam breaks A habit you were never able to get rid off. You cry like..always. Any inconvenience or bit of pain gets you to cry.
You cry in Lucas arms as he carries you to the couch located in the room. “Ah, Y/N. It's fine, you're not hurt badly” Lucas tries his best to calm you. Jungkook makes his way to you, kneeling in front of you. “Noona, look!” he catches your attention and the painful feeling in your chest stills for a moment. drawing the attentions helps! There on his phone is a dog. Just a plain picture of a dog and you love it.
It breaks the crying and you're able to think straight again.
“God, Y/N. You cry so easily” Jae Suk says making you nod mildly embarrassed. “I don't know why, but I cry really easily. When someone yells at me it doesn't even take me a minute to break into tears.” You sigh but Namjoon is fast to wrap his arms around you. “Everybody reacts differently in certain situations. Jimin cries really easily as well, as for Yoongi, he cries rarely. That's diversity” He defends you. You give him a small smile and pat his arm.
The show continues with a small laugh from you. “Feel better yet?” Kook smiles and you nod. Jimin pats your head and you lean into him “Let's get lunch” you nod and get up after Jin hands you a tissue. A staff member offers you a glass of water and you take it with a small thank you. With slow steps you and the boys leave to the cafeteria. Food for the hurt baby sounds good followed by a pacifier edited to your mouth.
“Does it still hurt?” asks the cameraman and you shake your head laughing. “I'm okay, thank you for asking”
As you arrive at the cafeteria, you take a seat next to Jimin and Jin. “What do you want, Y/N-noona?” Jungkook asks waiting for the orders of everyone. “Chicken and a glass of orange juice, please” you answer him and he nods. “So, everything's okay again?” Namjoon asks, sitting across of you. You nod smiling a little “Everything's okay”
“It's so embarrassing to be honest. ugh” you almost laugh. Jae Suk smiles understanding.
“It's not such a big deal, we understand you” Jo Kwon laughs.
Jungkook comes back with the plate and nods at you encouraging you to eat. With a stuffy nose you take a bite of a nugget and the others start talking. You phone vibrates and you take a look trying to sip from your drink at the same time.
Your manager-unnie texted you just now Grab the boys, the try ons for the mama stage outfits is ready up in the second dance practice room!
“We need to go to check our stage outfits” you announce and catch their attention. You grab two more chicken nuggets and leave with them.
Let's have a fashion show started.
And suddenly the end of the episode emerges. Check out bts & y/n trying on their stage outfits and new stuff surrounding their lives. Until then Army & Y/F/N!
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kpopreviewcafe · 5 years
BIGBANG 'MADE' Album Review
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BIGBANG is the ultimate Kpop group and MADE was their crowning glory. VIP or not, this album is a MUST listen for anyone who’s even remotely interested in Korean music. What more can I say? Let’s get into the review.
There are no words that accurately sum up how tragically beautiful the first song on the album, called Loser, is - you just have to listen for yourself. The lyrics are introspective & self-deprecating, yet the angelic vocal flourishes and catchy raps make this song somewhat hopeful. This song was made for Taeyang’s voice to shine especially - his vocalisations in the ending chorus are to die for. This is really one of BIGBANG’s finest songs, reminiscent of their older hits like Lies and Haru Haru which propelled them to stardom. I could listen to this song forever.
Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world, I was always alone It’s been a long time since I’ve forgotten about love
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Bae Bae is one of the craziest, sexiest & weirdest songs I have ever heard. It is extremely catchy and addictive, with a funky beat that is strange and dream-like. This song will have you jumping out of bed and rocking out even when you’re too tired to move. The vocalists belt out amazing tunes whilst the rappers give the verses their all. The best part of the song is definitely T.O.P’s rap, which is honestly one of his BEST verses of all time. Bingu Tabi is BACK and he’s weirder than ever! (Check the live performance for the full experience). Also, this whole song is just one large ongoing innuendo tbh.
Pretty eyes like a deer, you’re my princess… My body wraps around yours so perfectly, You’re forever 25 to me
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Bang Bang Bang is the title track to end ALL title tracks. It is the ultimate party song, one that is good enough to compete with Fantastic Baby for the most iconic BIGBANG song. I generally dislike the use of the word “epic” to describe things that aren’t literally epics, but to be honest, this song deserves it. I mean, it was so good that it was even played in North Korea as an example of the pinnacle of South Korean pop culture. BBB has a legendary beat, an iconic dance and a stunning music video to match. Each member had their time to shine, both vocally and visually. Music video highlights include: a T.O.P skit featuring an altercation between a sexy cowboy and an astronaut (him playing both roles, of course), Daesung’s iconic hair-covering-his-eyes look and G-DRAGON on a leash. What more could you ask for?
B.I.G Yea we bang like this, everyone together! Like you’ve been shot, BANG! BANG! BANG!
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BIGBANG like to party, and We Like 2 Party with them too. This song is laid-back and fun - the perfect song to jam out to. The strong rhythm and catchy chorus just gets you moving. This is exactly the type of song to blast out on some nice speakers and just kick back with a beer. Take it easy, and enjoy some quality music while you do!
Let’s play with fire for the first time in a while... Being sober is against the rules WE LIKE 2 PARTY till the sun rises above our heads
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If You is very different from anything BIGBANG has made before. The instrumental consists mainly of a simple acoustic guitar. VIPs get the pleasure of hearing BIGBANG’s voices in what almost feels like a cappella. G-DRAGON’s voice in the chorus is emotional, unmistakable and so crazily unique - he really is one of a kind. However, the person who truly owned this song was Daesung, who’s voice came powering through in the second verse, and was definitely the highlight of the song. This is a wonderful ballad - both sincere and warm.
If it’s not too late, can’t we get back together?… I should’ve treated you better when I had you
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Next we have the cool and swag-filled Zutter from BIGBANG’s resident playboy rap duo GD&TOP. I’m honestly so glad this iconic pair came back with another song, because their subunit album from way back in 2010 was just so phenomenal. This song is sexy and arrogant, just like a good hip-hop song should be. Both rappers had unique and enjoyable verses, but I have to say that T.O.P came out on top (ha. ha. ha.). He switched up his flow in almost every line, and you can tell that each word was so carefully placed. T.O.P even referenced his legendary character from his movie Tazza The Hidden Card. (Whether you’re a VIP or not, PLEASE watch this movie - you won’t regret it). The intro and outro section of this song originally appeared on G-DRAGON’s Niliria… even HE thought that it was so good that we needed to hear it again!
Tonight we’re getting freaky freaky yea Baby give me some, give me give me some yea
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Let’s Not Fall In Love starts off with T.O.P’s rarely showcased and unexpectedly beautiful singing voice. This song takes you on an emotional journey, and the music video allows you choose a BIGBANG member to fall for. Let’s Not Fall In Love perfectly showcases the members’ impressive vocal abilities and emotive rapping skills. In my opinion, the bridge and ending chorus are the best parts of the song, due to the heartwarming acoustic guitar and the wonderful harmony between T.O.P’s deep singing voice and Taeyang’s vocalisations a few octaves higher.  
Let’s not fall in love, we don’t know each other very well yet Actually, I’m a little scared
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I don’t really know why Sober struck such a deep chord in me, but from the moment I first heard it, I knew I would never hear another song with such a unique colour. It’s probably my favourite song on the album. BIGBANG really outdid themselves with this track - they reached a level of craziness, pathos and talent that I didn’t even know they had… and they’re BIGBANG! Sober is the perfect rock ballad, with a twist. The lyrics are heartbreaking and painfully relatable. Party away the pain with BIGBANG, that’s what they’re here for.
It’s hard for me to be sober, I can’t fall asleep without you… I have so many damn things to do, but I have nothing that I want to do
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In my opinion, FXXK IT was the climax song to the masterpiece that was the MADE album. This track propelled the album from outstanding to literal legend. I absolutely cannot get enough of this song, it perfectly displays BIGBANG in all their glory, from Taeyang’s angelic voice to T.O.P’s unforgettable rap. The wise words of Taeyang come to mind “ain’t no party like a BIGBANG party”. After hearing this song, you will realise that is true. This song manages to simultaneously be cool, sassy, reflective, cheeky and swag. I really don’t know how BIGBANG keep coming back with such gold.  
Haven’t felt this nervous in a while, I can’t do anything Before the night is over, I want you in my arms
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Last Dance is so unbelievably sad that honestly sometimes I have to skip it when I put on this album. Its release marked the countdown to T.O.P’s mandatory military enlistment, and was therefore the last time that BIGBANG would perform as a whole team. Even though it’s painful to listen to, I am glad this song exists, because VIPs will always have this last dance.
I will listen to this song with you... Remember this moment. Until always, just one last dance
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Girlfriend was an unexpected gift that came with the full MADE album. When this track was released, I was so overwhelmed with FXXK IT and Last Dance that I almost overlooked it! But with time, I have grown to love Girlfriend so much - it captures that cool, happy and care-free BIGBANG that I crave. I really liked the cool electric guitar, sexy raps and playful vibe.
When my heart is sad... Girl you always pick me up You know that I love you ma baby
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The MADE album has such incredible musical diversity - it’s impossible to believe that all these songs came out as part of one album. Literally every track is good enough to be another group’s best song - yet BIGBANG owns them all. They truly are the kings of Kpop. If you’ve read any of my other BIGBANG reviews, then you will know that I always say this… but I stand by it. VIP until whenever. Peace.
Kpop Review Café's Overall Ranking: 10/10 (this scale was literally created with MADE in mind as the gold standard)
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thankyoukds · 8 years
D-DAY ALBUM PREVIEW [2017] 01 Intro (君へ) 02 D-Day 03 VENUS 04 The sign 05 ハルカゼメロディ 06 近未来 07 Anymore - x / soundcloud
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