#[ 🎁 oh a gift for me! inbox answer ]
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
[ COAT ] ― Wally offers Julie his coat sweater. It's a little oversized for him, so it ought to be nice and warm for her too. (heythereneighbor)
Weather Action Prompts || Accepting! ( @heythereneighbor )
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Oh Blast! If only Julie hadn't forgotten her most favorite Red sweater today for being in such a rush to meet up with Frank, she wouldn't have gotten this cold already. Luckily, Wally was here to help her out as she gently took the oversized sweater from his hand and hastily put it on for immediate warmth.
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" Golly Gee, Thanks alot Wally! You got Such a Warm sweater here, I promise I'll give it back to you real soon, okay? And you know me, I always keep my promises for my friends! "
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hobbitwrangler · 3 months ago
Thank you for decorating my Christmas Tree! :)
Here are 12 Christmas Questions for you! 
No pressure: feel free to answer some, all, or even none. :) 
Favorite Christmas season activity?
Favorite Traditional Christmas song?
Favorite Modern Christmas song?
Favorite Christmas movie(s)?
Favorite Christmas episode (any tv show)?
Favorite food to eat or serve for the Christmas meal?
Favorite Christmas beverage or dessert? 
Most memorable Christmas gift you received as a child?
Best Christmas gift you ever gave to anyone?
If you have a Christmas tree, what’s your tree topper?
What’s your favorite version of Santa in a movie?
Which fictional character would you like to be caught under the mistletoe with?
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This is so unexpected but also so lovely to find in my inbox!! <3
Favorite Christmas season activity?
Early Christmas morning, me and my siblings swathe ourselves in blankets and congregate in the lounge. There we put on Christmas music, turn on the Christmas lights (and only the Christmas lights) and chat for a few hours until my Mum wakes up and we open presents. It dates back to us all being small and too excited to stay in bed but not dumb enough to try to wake our parents up early, but we keep doing it because it's our favourite part of Christmas without fail. We're at the point that I go to bed early on Christmas Eve, not so that Christmas will come more quickly, but so I'll be well-rested enough to get up extra earlier and this time can last longer.
4. Favorite Christmas movie(s)?
Klaus wins by a landslide. The animation style. The story. The characters. The humour. The insane violence of the townsfolk. The sexiest Santa Claus ever (who said that?). A woman with a massive knife. Nothing but wins at every turn.
However, I do also enjoy Arthur Christmas and Last Christmas is a charming fist in the face.
8. Most memorable Christmas gift you received as a child?
A history book on the kings and queens of England. This makes me sound like a monarchist (which is inaccurate), someone in possession of a British passport (absolutely not) and a nerd (which is accurate). I was so unbelievably happy, it was a wonderful day.
12. Which fictional character would you like to be caught under the mistletoe with?
[zones out for like five minutes trying to work out an in-character way for me to snog Laura Roslin] Okay yeah, that's not gonna pan out.
I'll go for Finrod, since I've been having a lot of feelings about him recently. Finrod in the Christmas spirit would just be such a joy, I just know he'd be an absolute delight. He's not going to get awkward and I feel like he's going to commit to the bit of the tradition. And even if he doesn't go for a traditional kiss, getting a kiss on the cheek or a hug (oh wow a hug, now I want that instead) from Finrod would make my year.
Thank you for sending me this ask, it was really fun! Merry Christmas!🎄🎅🎁
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goforth-ladymidnight · 6 months ago
❄️ Hello!! It’s me again! ❄️
Very excited to tell you that I officially have a clear idea for your gift 🎁. It may end up more fluffy and romantic than angsty but I looked through your works and it seems like you enjoy that vibe so I hope it’s ok!!
I’ll be popping into your inbox every now and then to update you and ask you some silly questions because I really enjoy reading your replies 🤭.
Fun questions of the day:
-What are some of your favorite books?
-What do you think tamcien’s love languages would be?
Have a good weekend!!
Oh!! Hi Santa! I am so excited!!! 🤩
I know I went on and on about angst, but fluffy romance is right up my alley! I can't wait. 🥰
I am so glad to hear from you so often, and I'm so pleased that you like hearing my answers! ❤️ I don't often get the chance to ramble that often, so thanks for letting me! 😙
Fun answers of the day:
Favorite books? This is one of my favorite topics. GAH! Are you ready for this? Buckle up, Buttercup!
I discovered both A Wrinkle in Time and The Chronicles of Narnia when I was a pre-teen, and they are still my go-to classics when I need to read something cozy in bed. ("It was a dark and stormy night", my beloved.)
Because I liked to collect "Accelerated Reading points" for my reading classes in school, I discovered some classics that I might not have otherwise read. (I'm not sure where you're from, but essentially A.R. is a program where books with a higher reading level were given more points that you could cash in for prizes like stickers, pencils, or even T-shirts. I rocked those T-shirts as a pre-teen. Just sayin'.)
I read things like A Scarlet Letter, Animal Farm, and Moby Dick, all without being assigned by a teacher! Some I liked better than others (Moby Dick's Whiteness of the Whale, my beloathed), but I was a voracious reader, just the same.
While I never did fall in love with Pride and Prejudice like my friends did, I adored The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy! It basically laid the groundwork for such popular heroes like Zorro and Batman, and no, I'm not kidding.
Accelerated Reading was not emphasized as much by the time I reached high school, so I started reading more fantasy novels. I still prefer The Hobbit to The Lord of the Rings, for example, but the inverse is true of the movies, haha.
I tend to prefer fairy tale retellings over original fantasy, just because I like to know what I'm getting into. That's one reason I picked up ACOTAR! Well, the first reason is I discovered the Adult Coloring Book in a local bookstore, but I was intrigued by the artwork and the excerpts I read.
One such retelling that I recently fell in love with is "Heart's Blood" by Juliet Marillier, which is Beauty and the Beast set in ancient Ireland. I don't normally go for Historical Fantasy (since I prefer fantastical settings), but I was intrigued by the mystery of ✨The Enchantment✨. And the way the author wove it into the magic of the mirrors around the castle just blew my mind when I first read it. It felt like such a fresh take on the classic fairy tale, even though I've read at least five different retellings of the story so far.
One of those that I still dearly love is "Beauty: A Retelling of Beauty and the Beast" by Robin McKinley. It's definitely a slower read than some of the more modern retellings, as it came out in the 1970s, but I am convinced that Disney took notes from this work, since McKinley's Beauty is an avid reader, and so is Belle. I don't recall any prior adaptation that made her interested in books.
That being said, one of my absolute favorite Robin McKinley books is "Sunshine", which I'm reading now, in fact. I try to reread it every October. It's got Vampires, Cinnamon Rolls the size of your head, and a character who's trying her hardest to be normal after being kidnapped by said Vampires. What's not to love?
I could go on, but I think that's a pretty good start. However, my list of Honorable Mentions includes: the short stories of Peter S. Beagle (who wrote "The Last Unicorn"), Sherwood Smith's "Crown Duel" duology, and Garth Nix's "Sabriel". The worldbuilding in all of these is just top-tier. I love them all.
Now, finally, onto your second question. 😅 Tamcien's love languages, an exploration:
First, Tamlin:
Words of Affirmation: Yes, he struggles with compliments (Exhibit A: "Your hair is... clean"), but he seems to do better with the written word when composing limericks. When he whispers an "I love you, thorns and all" late at night, you know he means it. Still, this is probably not his number one love language. It's supposed to be something that comes naturally, after all.
Acts of Service: He gave Feyre a fully furnished painting studio, and he enlisted Nuan's help to fix Lucien's eye, but I can't think of that many examples, to be honest. He does hunt down creatures like The Bogge to make sure they don't terrorize his people or his lands, but these acts could also be boiled down to his duty as High Lord.
Gifts: Again we have the painting studio as evidence, but traditionally, it's the smaller just-because-I-was-thinking-of-you gifts that indicate the strength of this particular love language. I'm not convinced.
Quality Time: Now we're getting somewhere. The glen, the pool of starlight, the meadow with the singing willow, all of these special locations are places where Tamlin can just let his hair down and relax. He doesn't need to talk, and neither does his companion. He's just content to lie back and bask in their company.
Physical Touch: This one is tricky, because my first thought is that this one would be it. However. I think he gets "touched out" more often than not and needs to recharge. His main power is shapeshifting, which already takes a toll, but he's also expected to participate in the Great Rite every year, so it's less about intimacy and more about duty. That being said, I think he is definitely touch-starved at this point in the story, and it will take a lot of time and trust to let anyone get close to him again.
Final answer: Quality Time.
Next up, Lucien:
Words of Affirmation: At least in Book 1, Lucien is sassy and snarky, but when he gets called on it, he has been known to resort to overt flattery (Exhibit A: "Your eyes are like stars, and your hair like burnished gold"). Later on in the novel, Lucien admires Feyre's Solstice attire and says she looks "positively Fae", while Tamlin's comment is more sincere: "You look beautiful". I would therefore say that this is not Lucien's first love language.
Acts of Service: Lucien helped Feyre multiple times during her stay Under the Mountain, but it was, as he said "for Tamlin's sake". We do learn that he truly does care for Feyre later on, but this does not seem to be his primary love language, either.
Gifts: Like Tamlin, gifts from a faerie seem to come from a sense of obligation, rather than "thinking of you". The ruby dagger was something he gave up to reward Feyre for freeing the Suriel when she didn't have to. So I would say that Gifts isn't it, either.
Quality Time: He tags along with Tamlin and Feyre on many of their outings, but more than once he makes excuses to let them be alone. He seems too impatient to just sit and linger.
Physical Touch: I think this might be it, actually. Although it's never shown in the text, it is implied that he enjoys dalliances with other faeries while out on patrol. When Feyre has a nightmare in Book 3 (or pretends to), his method of comfort is to embrace her. Interestingly enough, I think he is more self-conscious about his scar and his eye than he would like to admit, and so he uses snark to keep people at arm's length until he decides they're allowed to approach. While Tamlin seems to be afraid of hurting people because of how strong he is, I think Lucien is more afraid of being hurt, like he was by Amarantha. Is there any correlation to your love language being used to wound you? I think so. For Tamlin, who seems to value Quality Time, his worst nightmare is to be left alone, even if he thinks that's what he wants. And for Lucien, it would be physical abuse, since a pat on the shoulder or a fond embrace seems to come so naturally to him.
Final Answer: Physical Touch.
Now I know that I relied a lot on canon to come up with these answers, and Tamcien's relationship is nothing but platonic in the series, but I can't help but think the same answers apply to their fanon pairing.
Imagine Lucien braiding Tamlin's hair while he lies back and relaxes (I think @/lucychanart has a piece depicting this, actually). Or Tamlin brushing a kiss against Lucien's scar, to remind him that it doesn't change how he feels about him. Or the two of them putting their heads together as they pore over a map in Tamlin's office. Lucien putting a hand over Tamlin's when his claws threaten to come out, and reminding him to take a deep breath.
That's not to say that they wouldn't also express their love in other ways, like the aforementioned "I love you"s or giving one another gifts once in a while, but for the common, everyday expressions of love, it's got to be Quality Time and Physical Touch. ❤️
Thank you for letting me ramble! This was a wonderful exercise. 😊
I hope you have a good weekend, too, Santa! I look forward to hearing from you again, whenever that may be. 🥰
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
"Julie!" Forgive the excitement through Wally loudly knocking the front door. "I was cleaning Home and discovered a small pot of outside chalk in a closet. Do you want to play hopscotch with me?" (heythereneighbor :D)
Wally Comes Over for a Visit! ( Unprompted ) || Always Accepting!
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Well, This was a Pleasant Surprise, One Julie was all the more Happy about! With a preppy Spring in her step, Julie quickly opened the door and smiled towards Wally with a Gleeful Tone in her Voice, excited for today's Adventure.
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" Ooooh, That sounds like a Wonderful Idea Wally!!! OOOH I KNOW, We should Invite the Others! It'll be more Fun this way! The More the Merrier, They Say! "
『 @heythereneighbor 』
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
‘ SMOOCHES! ‘ // friendship kissies !
Give Julie All the Kisses ( Platonically ) || Accepting
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" Aww, Wally! Aren't you being such a Sweetheart today? You definitely deserve a soft kiss on the cheek! " Julie Giggled out softly as she began to place quick, tender kisses on Wally's face, both pink hands neatly placed on both yellow cheeks in a rapid pace before letting go with a smile on her face.
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
‘ can i hold your hand? ’ [ Vallie ]
Love Based Prompts || Accepting [ @tearsofstarsdrops ]
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" • • • • "
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" Well...I Mean...I-I-If you want to...S-Sure Thing, Vallie ♥️ "
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
❝  trespassers  don’t  GET  cookies.  ❞ from @jonesful !
Haunted Manison Starters! || Accepting [ @jonesful ]
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" Uhhhhhhhhhhh, I wasn't gonna Trespass in the First Place, anyways??? Come on, Jonesy! You're Killing me here! " Julie Whined Teasingly as she looked up towards Her Green Haired Older Brother with a mocking Huff from her nose, crossing her pink arms in the process while still eyeing the cookies a little bit. She'll just have to come up with a better plan to get to the cookies...
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
so julie what's your relationship with sally?
Ur Honor, they are Best Friends ( Unprompted ) || Always Accepting
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( a bit of a Mini HC moment here but: I can see them being the absolute Best of Friends! [ besides Frank ofc ] they're just so Sweet & Chaotic that you can bet your silly little mind that they're down to do the Craziest of Things [ Much to Frank's Dismay lol ] )
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
Being British isn't a choice..........
Puppet Pals Server Prompts || Accepting
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" uhhh...I didn't even think it was a choice in the first place? Wait, Is it actually an thing folks do? Or am I just being an bit silly thinking about that... " Julie Replied softly, stunned and confused by the statement that seems to be causing some cogs to turn in her Brain, trying her best to understand the words correctly.
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
you're brave to interact with the fandom, but a few are to scared of being rejected by them, you're very inspiring
You Really think I'm Brave? I'M HONORED ( Unprompted ) || Always Accepting!
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( Oh, Don't get me wrong. I'm still Very Much afraid of being rejected myself or Not doing my Sunshine Child Justice, but someone's gotta make the first step into the unknown& I had a friend that dragged Convinced me to do this so I'll always be grateful for them! )
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
you meet a eddie blog a wally blog and now a sally blog
Wait, You know where they are? TELL ME!!! ( Unprompted ) || Always Accepting!
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" Oh Golly Gee! You have no idea just how happy I am to see so many of my Friends all the time now! If only I could find out where Poppy & Howdy are hiding, hmm? I'm so Good at Hide-and-Seek, I bet I'll find them before you can answer me, Tehe~! "
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
“ I’ve found these charming little hair clips. May I try to braid your hair, Julie?” he shows off the collection of colorful hair clips. some were dazzling stars, && other vibrant pink hearts. - lovesdelivery
Good Ol' Spontaneous Hairstyle Time!!! ( Unprompted ) || Always Accepting! ( @lovesdelivery )
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" AAAh! That's a Absolutely Wonderful Idea, Eddie! Of Course You Can Braid my Hair, I would be more than Happy for it! Try not to get your Tangled during the whole process, Though! Wouldn't want to have your poor fingers stuck, now would we? " Julie Teased Cheekly towards the Kind Mailman as Her body practically Stimmed in pure happiness at the sight of the wonderful array of Hair Clips from the Mailman's Hands.
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
❝ i.... didn't think that through. ❞
Five Words Starters ( Prompt ) || No Longer Accepting
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" OH! Well It's okay there, Little One! You know, Not everyone can understand Hopscotch right away. Some folks need an helping hand to get it right! No Worries, I'll teach you! " Julie Beamed Happily towards the Yellow Child with an gleeful smile on her face, gently patting the child on the back as she softly walked up to the Hopscotch pattern on the ground to demonstrate how the game works for him.
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
❝  with a smile like that,  i can’t help but want to know your secret.  what’s got you so cheery today?  ❞ - foreverneighbor :]
CONVERSATIONAL SENTENCE STARTERS || Accepting! ( @foreverneighbor )
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" Gosh, Wally! Don'tcha ya Know by now that I always have a bright, warm smile this wide for all my friends? Buuuuuuut, if you Must Know, Frank and I are gonna to make an Beautiful Bouquet of Pretty Flowers for Sally's Play Today at her home! "
Julie Beamed Brightly towards the Blue Haired Neighbor with a big smile on her face, Stimming her arms excitedly for the performance later on. Whatever Play Sally decides to put on, Julie is always ready to give her the standing ovation that Sally Deserves.
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
"It's okay, sweetheart." Vallie pats her shoulder. He couldn't blame her. Bugs had weird names sometimes.
Her Knight in Rainbow Armor! ( Unprompted ) || Always Accepting [ @tearsofstarsdrops ]
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" VALLLLLLIEEEEEEEEE!!! " Julie Wailed Loudly as she Immediately clunged onto Vallie in a tight embrace, hot tears pouring continuously from her eyes from the confusion that was surrounding her mind.
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julie-jcyful · 2 years ago
Sally just hugged Julie not saying much.
Julie.exe is unresponsive, rebooting still ( Unprompted ) || Always Accepting
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Julie, without so much of a Word, just clinged onto Sally into the embrace. Her head burrowing softly into the Starlight's Shoulder with a muffled sigh letting out. This is gonna be a Loooooong day...
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