#[ π–Žπ–’π–•π–—π–Žπ–˜π–”π–“π–Šπ–‰ . ] | | | answered .
biskael Β· 1 year
Do you use any poisons in your torture sessions? Not enough to kill, but enough to cause harm and pain.
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" THERE ARE TIMES , YES . something truly vile to chill the blood can work wonders . of course , i am not too knowledgeable in ... alchemical pursuits . the sciences , things of that manner . even in my years , it was never my expertise nor my desire .
there are others in our ranks far more suited to that than i could ever be . my dear sister , qistina , always has had such a talent with the more profane arts . why , she is capable of miracles . and she is not the only one , but i believe her to be the very best in our empire .
i truly am blessed to have her vital assistance in my workings . "
anon questions / accepting . mentioning : @deathleads
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biskael Β· 2 years
❝ Brother, please - Please, please, tell me that you love me. Tell me I can be loved. Tell me I'm not a monster. ❞
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THE MAN SAID , the clean , blackened leather of his grip reaching for the girl's chin . had made her meet his steely gaze ( to ground her somewhat ) . and quilge's smile , slight as it was , was truly for her . he had felt a kinship with the girl ever since they'd met . and he'd taken a liking to her instantly . a protective bond he hadn't known in years ------ CENTURIES , EVEN .
" of course i love you . you're not a monster , silly . why , i think you're a very pleasant young woman ! it's not surprising why you get so much attention . " an adoring , chaste kiss is pressed to her forehead , leaving a distinct black print on her pallid skin . " and trust me when i say , dear girl , I KNOW MONSTERS . "
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biskael Β· 1 year
❝ As someone with a mood disorder, I think you should get a doctor to check you out, mentally. ❞
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" WHAT INTERESTING ADVICE coming from a mortal , little rabbit-girl . if i wanted a proper diagnosis , i would've sought out doctors long ago .
------ whyever is it such a concern , anyhow ? "
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biskael Β· 2 years
i hope you know how many people want you dead, quilge.
a faceless prisoner's audience with the jailer . / / anonymously send me something your muse is secretly thinking about mine . / / accepting .
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" I KNOW , GESICHTSLOS . I know . Who's to kills the executioner when it's his time , eh ? Not that any of that keeps me from losing any sleep , of course . It isn't something I tend to worry about . "
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biskael Β· 2 years
Did you kill someone with a pencil?
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SHE SEEMED TO BE JUST THROWING random questions at him now . not that it was any more amusing , but something he could surely occupy the empty space with . at least she was more well-behaved than anything else , anyway . the jailer hadn't much of a complaint , if he had any say .
" there's no need to be so crude , " and he speaks it as almost an afterthought , so nonchalant to truly be answered . the idea was gruesome enough , but quilge was never above using anything to kill anyone , should a situation call for such . directly in the eye , beneath the lid , or jammed through the throat . apply enough pressure and anything could be punctured through quite easily . " I PREFER my weapons to use in a kill , as opposed to any sort of improvisation , if possible . no doubt you've heard rumors about me . the lower-ranked love to gossip instead of honing their craft . even some of the higher-ranked here , as well .
it doesn't really matter what I used in the end , doesn't it ? what only matters is the death . the act of the kill , and its harshened motions . that is all that truly matters . "
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biskael Β· 2 years
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❝ You went too far. You know that. ❞
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" ON THE CONTRARY ! I DISAGREE ! I could've done far worse to her , should I have taken more of my time . Time that such an insufferable insect like her isn't worth , really . And still , she's standing . She's speaking . I wanted to cut her wretched tongue out of her head , too , alas ... "
the jailer shook his head slightly , and made a disappointed tsk . then , he snapped back into his practiced , harsh rigidity .
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" by my HOLY DUTY appointed to me BY GOD ABOVE , I SWORE that I shall TORMENT THE WICKED . and she is a very wicked girl , indeed .
I ordered her to swear fealty , to be commanded as a blessed soldier . And she refused . Then , as if her beating hadn't worked its way into her head enough , she had the AUDACITY to anger MY BELOVED MONSTER .
there is nothing more deserving a pain than what I took from her . "
@fenixias ( ft. @lolyanon )
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biskael Β· 2 years
"Permission to decorate the halls for the human holiday?"
By "decorate", he means putting mistletoe EVERYWHERE. He has nothing else. Starting with the comical amount in his arms. It's so much mistletoe. He's dropping some. Why can't he hold all these plants--
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" JUST LOOK AT ALL OF THIS ------ you're putting far too many of them everywhere , schweinchen ! " he'd have to call over some of his soldat to clean up . the entire hall was a mess , and here he'd have to clean his quarters . " only a few boughs above doorways & halls should suffice . it's meant as a surprise as to who you'll share a kiss beneath its branches. delightful . however , mistletoe is known to kill , as well ... now that's a surprise , indeed !
anyway , i'll send some of my men over to assist you . " the man sighs , and brushes a leaf away with his hand .
" just get rid of the rest , or else it's back into the cage with you , schweinchen . "
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biskael Β· 2 years
❝ Happy Valentine's Day, brother! ❞
She presents a rather large box of chocolates - some are missing, she was a bit curious, admittedly - along with a soft, black bear. It wears the uniform they do, with a replica of his hat and glasses.
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" OH ! " THE CHOCOLATES WERE EXPECTED . commonly given to those who were cherished on this day , even from some of his own soldiers . but not so much the gift .
his hands went right to the little plush , gripping it closely . quilge smiles , noting the attention to detail . from the little buttons to the shiny belt , and the heeled boots and the small , round glasses . he , as one might expect , never had anything quite like it . " look at this little fellow . he's so ... cute !
this is wonderful . thank you , gigichen . "
@zombiigrl | valentine's day πŸ’–
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biskael Β· 2 years
Tooth bitten fingers, bloodied mouth, curved into a smile. No matter her ailment, no matter her despair, he was a sight for sore eyes. Arms wrap tight around him, and she nuzzles into his midsection. Of course, she has an ask. A request. ❝ That sad looking shinigami ... Can I play with him? I'll return him to his cage! But, I want to play ... ❞
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NORMALLY , THE JAILER'S HAND was rough , a touch that could scathe and bruise . but on the little zombie girl's head , the man was oddly gently . caring , one might say . careful of her hat , quilge patted her silken hair beneath his leather seize . something was ... wrong . again . but , as he'd said to her before , no one was more familiar with pain than he was .
" you may play with him , gigichen , " He says softly , reaching into his pocket . " that one might seem pathetic and sniveling , but he's certainly troublesome to break . He doesn't scream very often . so It isn't very ... fun for me .
he looked a bit lonely , and you know I always have an eye for you , schwesterlein . go on , then , " and a silver , gleaming key is produced , marked by a number to izuru's cell . " have your fun . "
@zombiigrl ( featuring @owabisuru )
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biskael Β· 2 years
"Please excuse me for intruding, but...what are lederhosen?"
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HE GAVE A CLEARING OF HIS THROAT . " well , they're traditionally workpants made out of leather . usually stopping at just above the knee . decorated & embroidered , with suspenders , too . but nowadays , they're mostly worn for fun . festivals & the like . "
there was a little sketch in his journal that looked fairly accurate .
" nnoitra has never seen me in them yet ... and neither has anyone else , really . i keep my traditional clothing at home , in the realm of the living . "
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biskael Β· 2 years
well, well, well. if it isn't the consequences of your own actions.
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" IS THAT SUPPOSED TO SERVE AS SOME SORT OF ... DETERRANT ? these consequences mean nothing to me . mildly annoying , earlier , but now , i've other things to concern myself with . more important things ! these atrocities simply won't commit themselves . "
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" that's all , really ! "
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biskael Β· 2 years
❝ If anyone is going to kill you, it will be me. ❞
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A LAUGH CRAWLS PAST HIS PAINTED LIPS . A SOLEMN , EMPTY SOUND . not the boisterous , rich tremor that many were accustomed to . quilge had found such a threat so hollow , devoid of any weight . its redundancy no longer brought him dread nor worry . the threat of his life lost all meaning . " why , that's awfully funny , mΓ€dchen . do you have any idea how many people want to kill me ? personally ? "
not that he hadn't witnessed her power ------ hadn't known that she could kill with a single motion . perhaps , daiten finally could put an end to him . rend him to just an unpleasant memory . no body left to revive , the hunter now nothing but a pile of crimson . maybe ... not even that .
he shrugs his shoulders casually , and his mouth splits into another sharpened grin . " so many people , you couldn't even count ! of course , your bravery for such a bold admittance has to be admired , certainly . i'll give you that , at least , daichen ! "
random in-character asks / always accepting !
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biskael Β· 2 years
stares at him but really uwu like
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" OH HO ! GOODNESS , GREMMCHEN . you are very creative with your powers , I see ...
silly boy . just don't let your face stay like that , now . "
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biskael Β· 2 years
"You won't be so talkative when I store you in a jar."
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" NOT INTERESTED IN MY KIND ANYMORE , as you claim , and yet , you've the AUDACITY to say this , eh ? whatever would you need me stored away in a jar for ? to wholly be silenced ?
and they call me barbaric . heh . "
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biskael Β· 2 years
Quincy-san 🎢~!
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" OH , HERR SHINIGAMI ~ ! are you ready for another bout of target practice with me ? "
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" i wouldn't want my aim to be off . A LITTLE TO THE LEFT , NOW , IF YOU PLEASE ! "
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biskael Β· 2 years
"I don’t like you. Actually, that’s too mild a statement. I feel an innate resentment toward you."
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HER WORDS RANG THROUGHOUT THE PRISON , a distinct call amongst the other's screams & cries . not many ever spoke to him once they'd descended down those stairs , and were tossed through the cell door . they were his prisoners , then . and until they'd been freed . but even that seemed a figment far from reach .
the jailer turned towards her , his rigid face just barely illuminated by the cage's fickle light . " so , you finally feel like speaking , eh ? not that what you feel truly means anything to me , personally . you aren't the only one who feels a stinging resentment towards me . there are many that do . you're just a number , then ------ one in a very long line of others .
i was not given such duties to be liked , mΓ€dchen . "
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