#she will be stuck with his gay lil lipstick print for HOURS .
biskael ยท 2 years
โ Brother, please - Please, please, tell me that you love me. Tell me I can be loved. Tell me I'm not a monster. โž
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THE MAN SAID , the clean , blackened leather of his grip reaching for the girl's chin . had made her meet his steely gaze ( to ground her somewhat ) . and quilge's smile , slight as it was , was truly for her . he had felt a kinship with the girl ever since they'd met . and he'd taken a liking to her instantly . a protective bond he hadn't known in years ------ CENTURIES , EVEN .
" of course i love you . you're not a monster , silly . why , i think you're a very pleasant young woman ! it's not surprising why you get so much attention . " an adoring , chaste kiss is pressed to her forehead , leaving a distinct black print on her pallid skin . " and trust me when i say , dear girl , I KNOW MONSTERS . "
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