syncopein3d · 3 months
Cheap Shot: A Friendly Review
Introduction and Format Explanation:
I've just finished reading Cheap Shot by @snaillamp. In the communities where I spend most of my time here on Tumblr, I see occasional recommendations but nothing I would call a review, so I thought I'd go into a little more detail about why I enjoy stories I read. This is my second friendly review after Smoke, Salt and Asbestos, and this story is in a very different genre from that one.
The reason I think a positive review might be useful to my audience is that, when people praise a story, they seldom give enough detail for me to know as a reader if I will also want to read it. These are stories I liked personally, and this means that reviews will mostly be of hurt/comfort stories with happy or at least ambiguous endings.
Ambiguous here means characters may part, or may have dangling plot threads for later, but they have survived and are in some way better or recovering.
This doesn't mean I disliked everything I didn't review; I read a lot of stories and can't review them all. This is just for stories that are completed according to the author (something of a rare category already) and that I thought deserved special mention.
Another reason is that the Tumblr writing format is more akin to the magazine serials of yesteryear than a novel. That's less applicable in the present case, because this is more of a traditional short story format and is reasonably complete in itself, even if there are other stories with these characters. I could imagine this as a Netflix or Amazon show. It would be inexpensive to produce and it has good characters, strong atmosphere, and intense emotions, and those are all good things from the point of view of producing a streaming show.
I'll attempt some light analysis, but I won't ask authors if I'm right about their intent first, so you only get my reader impressions on it. As such, I might be wrong about some or all of how I describe a story and its lore. I don't insist on death of the author once a review is up, so authors are welcome and encouraged to comment!
Cody, a doctor in a small Canadian town, is injured in a way that kicks off a downward spiral in his physical and mental health.
Whump Vibes:
The reason I chose to review this story is that the vibes are simply immaculate. The author is so fantastic at building mood that I read the whole thing, even though real world stories aren’t usually my cup of tea.
If you want to wallow in that feeling of knowing you're making yourself worse but feeling helpless to change it, of well-meaning friends who don’t get it, of not quite fitting wherever you are, this is perfect for that. Cody knows on some level that he's doing it to himself, but he still can't help it. He's even alienated from chemical solutions to the problem - weed makes him nauseated, he doesn't really seem to like drinking, and a lot of anesthetics also make him sick. On a personal note, I liked seeing a fictional character with problems similar to mine about recreationals, since that's very rare to see in print.
If you’re also a loss of consciousness fan, as I am, there’s a fair amount of that scattered throughout, too, not just the inciting incident. There's a vomiting scene near the end that's fairly graphic, so emetophobes may want to skip this one, since it's an important part of the story's climax.
There are rotating caretakers as different people in this small close-knit community circulate in and out of Cody's life, helping where they can before they go back to their own friends, relationships, and lives. There are moments of comfort, but no catharsis. There are moments of connection, but nothing lasting. This is not just a way to introduce us to more of the cast, it's also a way to emphasize Cody's isolation.
Characters and Setting:
Here we come to the other reason for this review. I grew up in a dry town in Eastern Washington, not a damp and temperate Canadian town, but the feeling of rural inertia, of gradual slow degeneration, is the same: the one storefront that's always empty, the ancient public art fading on walls, the community's gradual drain of youth and talent as people who can get out, do.
This is a fantastic example of an author not using a modern setting to avoid worldbuilding, but instead using that base to build a rich, detailed world. There's nothing supernatural here, but everything feels haunted in a very rural gothic way.
Theme (Mild Spoilers):
I would say the principal theme here is decay. Cody's town decays, his hygiene decays, his physical condition decays as he fails to take care of himself and his injury. His relationships remain, but they are stagnant, the same as they've always been. The accident that opens the story is an example of Cody's attempt to find connection with other people causing him real and lasting pain. Connections form around him, even with his help and approval, but they don't include him.
The ending doesn't bring cleansing and relief. It hints at those things, but we leave Cody worse off than we found him. I sat with this for a while before I came to that conclusion, wondering why I felt disturbed when the characters' tone was always light and practical. This story is actually very dark. The characters just don't necessarily find that surprising or unusual. They live in the same world Cody lives in, and this is a mundane awfulness that doesn't really even provoke horror for them, just mild concern and practical action. They get the thing done and move on. Will Cody actually get better? Maybe. It's definitely not certain.
Final Comments and Recommendation:
I enjoyed this story, but I enjoyed it as horror, a new experience for me with whump content. It's not the horror of blood and gore, which you can easily find around here, including in what I write myself. Nobody dies or even gets permanently maimed. It's a horror of emotional detachment, spiraling inward, creeping dread. It held my attention because of the sheer strength of atmosphere, even though it's a very different approach from other whump stories I've read.
If you're ready for something deeper and darker, for some meaty personal drama and character study with your whump tropes, this is absolutely for you! Go read it right now!
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snaillamp · 3 months
"You won't need an enemy to knock you out if you keep like this."
If you're still up to :D And so sorry that this doesn't fit with your ocs.
Ayye Squishy!!! Dont worry about it not being my ocs, this is a perfect excuse for leader whump which ive been wanting to do for a while :D
five second fic
Dead Man Walking
Leader watched the document in front of them blur and sighed. They rubbed their eyes, trying to rid them of the double vision, their head spinning, and body heavy. Their team had been assigned a difficult mission, and they had to make sure everything was ready.
They were so tired, but still had so much to do... But they needed sleep.
They eased out of their chair with a soft grunt, yawning as the world swayed slightly, shuffling to their room. They stiffly pulled off their clothes, getting into their soft pajamas and lying down in their cold, but soft bed.
They instantly felt the aching in their bones ease, their muscles relaxing as they began to shut their eyes, only for a loud, grating alarm to snap them out of their dozing.
With a closed fist, the hit the button to make it shut up, hearing their team begin their morning. Leader groaned as the sat back up, getting to their feet and going out to join them. They could have a nap later.
As they walked into the kitchen, they heard Second in Command say something.
"Hmm?" Leader responded, looking around with bleary eyes.
"I said good morning." Second chuckled. "You look like you slept well."
Leader shrugged, making themself a large coffee, and sitting down at the table. They felt like death warmed up.
"Hey so, what's on the books for today? I know you have that meeting today too. Maybe I should take the others on a drill exercise or something while you do that?"
"Yeah, do whatever you want." Leader mumbled into their coffee, sitting up straighter to avoid their head colliding with the table.
Second narrowed their eyes, looking at Leader.
"Leader..." They whispered, so that no one else could hear. "You okay? You look like shit."
"Just haven't slept much this week... Preparing for the mission." Leader mumbled back, taking another sip of their coffee.
"How much have you slept?" They asked.
"Uhhhh....." Leader frowned as they thought, their brain slow.
"7 hours..."
Second grimaced. "Leader, 7 hours a night isn't enough, especially with the mission coming up."
"No, I mean this week. I've slept for 7 hours."
"You're telling me you've slept an hour a night every night this week?" Second said a little louder, causing everyone to look at Leader.
"It's fine. I was going to catch up on sleep today." Leader lied.
Second nodded, playing along to cover for their friend.
Leader got up, finishing their coffee and stalking away, to their office. Second followed them, watching them sit at their desk and sigh.
Leader stared at the words, but they didn't even make sense anymore. They could barely read the words, let alone make sense of what they were trying to say.
"Leader. You need to rest."
"No, I have too much to do. Don't worry about me, Second, I've managed on less sleep than this."
"I know you were up all last night. You didn't sleep at all." Second accused them. "I heard you walk to your room."
Leader grimaced, their room was next to Second's, and the only one on that end of the compound. of course Second would've known it was them.
"Go to bed for a few days. Rest, I'll handle this, its what I'm here for."
Leader shook their head. "I can't force you to take on this workload. The High Command has been giving me so much to prepare for before the misson and I'm already behind."
"So, tell them you're sick, and let me help you. Please, Leader."
"I'm fine." Leader said firmly. They glanced at their watch. "I have a meeting to get to."
Second watched hopelessly as Leader wandered off towards the front door, disappearing.
"Leader." Everyone greeted the tired looking Leader. They had neatened themself up in the bathroom before they went into the meeting, and at least looked presentable, even if the shadows under their eyes were practically getting their own shadows.
Leader zoned out for most of the meeting, it was a pointless one anyway, talking about meeting quotas and making thing cheaper. Leader nodded along to the pointless graphs and data points, before they got up to leave.
The world swayed, and everything went blurry as they sat back down in the seat. Getting up again, Leader steeled themself, setting their jaw and just focusing on putting one foot in front of the other. They felt like a zombie.
They were almost home when their legs almost dropped out from under them, only for a strong arm to catch them as they fell.
"Idiot." Second grunted, heaving Leader's almost unconscious body up, and steadying them. "I was thinking," They began as they practically dragged Leader towards home. "We should take you on a training mission, get an enemy to knock you out so you get some sleep."
They jostled Leader, who had began slipping from Second's grip, grunting as they hauled Leader's arm over their shoulders.
"You won't need an enemy to knock you out if you keep going like this."
Leader smirked slightly. "You always have creative ideas." They mumbled, as Second got them inside.
The next thing they knew, they were waking up, snuggled in their bed with Medic standing over them, not looking impressed.
"Hey Leader." They started softly. "How you feeling?"
Leader's body felt drained, and heavy, like their bones were made of lead. They couldn't muster the energy to reply.
"Figures, you've been asleep for two days."
Leader's eyes widened, as they tried to sit up. They had so much to catch up on.
"No, stay down. You need sleep, we're handling everything else. Second says all your work is good, and that they'll just finish up the filler paper work while you rest."
Leader lay back, half relieved that they didn't have to move.
"Get some rest, the mission is coming up and we need you at your best."
Leader nodded, their eyes already sliding shut again.
It felt amazing.
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s0upycat · 10 months
I really looked at your pfp for the first time today and I can’t look away. I *need* to know where it came from.
Idk I found it on the internet. The story of my name (I’m soupy cat on every social media) is long. In 2018 my brother and I were playing stardew valley and we got a cat. The suggested name was miso, and I made a joke about a soupy cat. The joke sorta stuck.
Anyway about a year later I’m in meme land and found this image
Tumblr media
Now, I was over the moon, because the cat was saying soup time. So I stole it and now it’s my pfp for every social media. However my banner is a photo I took myself in Cathedral Grove, British Columbia in Canada. :) the profile picture and banner for @snaillamp are also my photos too, street lamps literally from my street. <3 thanks for the question!
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i-eat-worlds · 5 months
Worlds’s Whumpy Recomendations
[Large Text: World’s Whumpy Recomendations /End ID] Sorted by genre for convenience. If you feel your story fits better in a different category, or would like to add a note let me know and I’ll do that!
BBU/Pet Whump
Do No Harm: Jamie and Sebastian by @peachy-panic (+ Medical/Lab whump)
The Fighter by @hold-him-down
Charles and Ollie by @cupcakes-and-pain
Unintentional by @distinctlywhumpthing (+ Medical/Lab whump)
Guard Dog David and Guard Dog Riley by @redwingedwhump
The Palette by @squishablesunbeam
The Safehouse by @itsawhumpsideblog
Linden and Colton by @whumpzone
Max & Carlo by @deluxewhump
What We Can’t Make Right: Chris by @ashintheairlikesnow
Medical/Lab Whump
Edurance by @whither-wander-whump
Peter and Joy by @alittlewhump
Land of Liars by @whumpy-daydreams
Mediwhump May Masterlist by @demondamage (+Nonhuman Whump, Angles and Demons. Comics)
The Last Lab Rat by @whumpy-wyrms
Marcus/Lucien by @whumpywhumper (+Urban fantasy)
Immortal Cannon Fodder by @pigeonwhumps
And Still and With Bloody Outstretched Hands by @wolfeyedwitch
Honhuman Whump
Our Man Flint by @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night (Vampires)
Blackthorne Hall by @redwingedwhump (Vampires)
Kane & Jim by @whumpsday (Vampires)
The Heart and The Hunger by @wolfeyedwitch (Vampires)
When Hell Comes Knocking by @snaillamp (Demons)
Ash & Callum by @whumping-every-day
The Shadow of Death by @actress4him (High Fantasy)
The Tiefling by @redwingedwhump (DnD Homebrew)
No Warrior by @secretwhumplair (Medieval, Vikings)
Fog and Furrow by @wildfaewhump (Urban Fantasy/Dystopia, telepaths)
MD-264N by @pigeonwhumps (Living Weapon Whump)
Morja & Company by @newbornwhumperfly (Conditioned Whumpee)
Riot Kings by @befuddled-calico-whump (Comics)
Weapons Don’t Weep by @wolfeyedwitch (Living Weapon Whump)
Honor Bound by @whump-tr0pes (Near Future Apocalypse-ish)
Freelancers by @whumpacabra (Modern, Mercenary/Millitary whump)
A1 and A2 by @hcnnibal (Modern, Mercenary, Romance, Comics)
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scrimblobimblowhump · 4 months
Got the ask game - a pen
~ @snaillamp :) 🐌
Ohhooooo *rubs hands together*
Whumper stabbing whumpee with a pen (school bullies??)
Hospitalised whumpee having doctors make markings on their body for medical purposes with a pen (surgery? allergy test? x-ray for Broken Bones?? the world is your oyster)
Overwhelmed whumpee clicking a pen to calm themselves
Student whumpee absolutely overwhelmed and furious with schoolwork aggressivelly stabbing their notebooks and textbooks with a pen in rage (I have done that on multiple occasions, I'm afraid
Whumper heating up a metal pen and pressing it against whumpee's skin
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serickswrites · 1 year
Chatter III
Part 1 Part 2 Part 4 Part 5
Warnings: restraints, hypothermia, torture, exposure, defiant whumpee, unconsciousness, noncon touching, creepy/intimate whumper
Whumper dumped Whumpee onto the floor as soon as they got into the cabin. It was cold outside and Whumper needed to get warm. Whumpee landed in a boneless heap at Whumper’s feet. 
They stared down at Whumpee. “All this effort, all this defiance,” Whumper said as they cocked their head, “to what end? I’m still going to get what I want from you.” They knelt down and caressed Whumpee’s cheek. “You are so pretty like this. Maybe I’ll keep you like this so I can enjoy you more.”
While Whumpee’s flesh was still pale, their lips still tinged blue, color was beginning to return to them as they warmed up. But they didn’t respond, unconsciousness still having an iron-clad hold on Whumpee. 
Whumper leaned down and smelled Whumpee’s hair. “So fresh. So crisp. The cold has done wonders for you, Whumpee.” Whumper kissed Whumpee’s forehead, recoiling back at how chilled Whumpee’s flesh still was. 
“I need to warm up a bit first, then we can begin.” Whumper gave Whumpee a quick kiss on the lips before rising. “Then our fun can begin.”
Tags: @writing-prompts-and-more @tempoghast @lady-pirate @writinggremlin @novawhumps @whump-me @whump7401 @bloodshottears @poorlittlekittycat @writingprompts-n-thelike-storage @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @bookworm7543 @snaillamp @whump-me @whatiswhumpblog @tiny-feral-arachnid-man @writereleaserepeat @whatwhump @doebait @
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emcscared-whumps · 2 months
For the ask game: you like sushi
I know you like seafood and a lot of sushi is that sooooo
~ @snaillamp
from this post
im afraid you're very very wrong 😂😅
the only sushi i'll eat is teriyaki chicken because while nori is one of the few things i can tolerate, i actually despise seafood; it tastes absolutely foul to me 😂😂😂
i was in a restaraunt with a friend recently and every second item on their menu was seafood, and as we went to the counter to order, i asked her if it smelt good, because all i could smell was cooking fish
she said yes
which was interesting and incredibly wild to me because i thought it smelt absolutely horrible and incredibly unapetising 😂😭
fun fact, pete also hates seafood :) a) because i do and i made that decision yeeeeaaaaars ago, but mostly b) because i thought it would be fun and contrary if the fish hated eating fish, the thing fish critters are supposed to like and eat :D and c) because i could traumatise him with it :)))
i talk about and write and draw my fish boi constantly but do i actually like seafood? no, definitely not XD you can put that shit back in the water where it belongs, it is not food to me 😂
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porschethemermaid · 1 year
What's a whumpblr blog and/or whump author (from any site) you love? What's something they've written, posted, or reblogged that you liked?
A whumpblr blog is basically a blog on tumblr that's dedicated to specifically whump. Whump is a genre of fan fiction in which a character endures injury, torture, or other forms of physical and mental suffering.
I don't have a different whumplr blog actually, this is my main account and i reblog, post and do everything here on all topics I'm interested in.
Tbh, I have discovered that I like whump at quite a young age but I only joined the whump community recently so some of my personal favourite whump blogs are @fallenwhumpee @whumpster-dumpster @snaillamp
These people have the best leader whump, I'm not kidding. And there is a major shortage of leader whump out there. I obviously like to read all kinds of whump but leader and team whump hold a special place in my heart. Do check them out! Thanks for the ask! Hope you have a great day/night <3
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fallenwhumpee · 1 year
tumblr user Serickwrites has plenty of Leader whump with the exact things people ask for - leader having to stay strong, their team finally noticing how vulnerable Leader can be, Leader slowly becoming cold towards their team because they don't want to be seen as vulnerable, yet they keep putting themselves in a position of a protector... it's not a lacking trope.
Just a warning though, a lot of it is NSFW.
And I promise that I'm not them lmao i just stumbled across their blog awhile ago
That's probably why I didn't see their posts, I've got NSFW tags and variants blocked, though I'm a follower of their blog! They have some good stuff there. snaillamp and bleedingintogold (too shy to tag, sorry!) also have so good leader whumpee stuff if you're looking for. Ah, and shywhumpauthor has two pieces written about it. That's all I can remember for now, but I'm pretty sure I'm missing some.
Thank you anyway!
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snaillamp · 7 months
Yes, thats what im calling you guys now it's lovingly i promise <3
The past few weeks ive received a few comments here and there about people liking my writing. I just want to give you all a big massive happy thank you! Writing is so special to me, it's something i have a lot of passion for, and the thought that i can write something that means something to people... it makes me so happy you have no idea.
I’m gonna add any asks i get for this here
| 1 |
~ Snail <3
as an incentive, I have a picture of an oc that i was debating on whether to post or not. I worked on it for 13-14 hrs, and in a day if i hear that you guys are out there complementing each other, I will release it.
You have 24 hours.
~ 🐌
Well, my darlings. You have completed the task!
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snaillamp · 9 months
CW: contains major character death
“Uh, Villain, I mean no disrespect when I say this, but this building is a waste of money. I do not recommend purchasing it. You’re flushing money down the toilet here.”
Villain clenched their fists, whirling around to look at their assistant. “It’s not about money. This building. It’s more than that! I’m purchasing it now. I won’t let them knock it down!”
The assistant frowned at Villain’s sudden emotional outburst, taking a step back and glancing around the roof they were standing on. The apartment complex was old, a small 6 storey thing with a dirty, crumbling exterior. But when Villain had learned of it’s impending demise, they insisted on purchasing it.
“May I ask something personal, Villain?” The assistant asked cautiously. Villain huffed in annoyance, nodding. “What?”
The assistant sighed, glancing around at the roof. “Why do you want to buy this… derelict building, Villain? There are plenty of good apartments that are in need of renovations, what makes this one so special?”
Villain gazed out at the slowly setting sun, breathing in a soft breeze and smiling. “Let me tell you a story…”
Villain spotted Hero making their way towards them, ready to thwart their plans. Villain quickly took off, running though the streets and scaling a fire escape, Hero hot on their heels. Finally they reached the roof, where Villain chuckled evilly, turning to face their nemesis and sliding into a fighting stance. Hero rolled their eyes, assuming their own and waiting for Villain to attack.
That was weird, Hero always jumped to make the first move. Villain threw a punch, then another, then kicked, easily making contact with Hero, who half heartedly fought back. Stopping suddenly, Villain panted, frowning. “Come on, Hero. Put your back into it, it’s no fun if you don’t try.” Hero scoffed, walking away from the fight, shaking their head. “Hey come on, what’s up?“ Villain asked, following them as they sat on the edge of the small, 6 storey building they were on.
Hero sighed, glancing away. “It’s nothing, Villain, and anyway, why the hell would I tell you? You’re my enemy. We hate each other.” Villain pulled a face. “I mean… sure, I’m not exactly your biggest fan, but I don’t hate you. I like our fights, our banter, everything. It’s all part of the fun that is our job.” They punched Hero’s arm playfully, only for their nemesis to glare at them and shuffle along the wall. ‘Yeah, okay somethings up…’ Villain thought, their face softening. “Hero… I know I’m the last person you wanna tell anything, but… Are you okay? You look… off.” Hero looked up at Villain, sighing. “No, Villain. I’m not.”
Villain shuffled over again. “Come oooooon. It can’t be that bad!” They smirked, wrapping an arm around Hero’s shoulders. “What, your partner leave your or something? Well, there’s plenty more fish in the sea, Hero.” Hero scowled. “I don’t have a partner. I live alone. I don’t have anyone.” Villain’s smirk faltered, “Aww come on, Hero! You have me!” They smiled desperately, trying to get Hero to smile, but their nemesis only seemed to grow darker.
’You have to tell someone…’ Hero’s mind reasoned.
“Don’t be so down Hero. I’m sure whatever it is, you’ll be able to fix it! Come on, you’re Hero, you can to anythi-”
“It’s cancer, Villain.” Hero interrupted. “I have cancer…”
Villain stopped, staring in shock as their mind reeled. But Hero was so healthy and strong and alive? So youthful… so witty and smart and… how could they have cancer? “Oh, but I’m sure it’s fine, Hero. I mean, they’re great at treating cancer these days. A few months of chemo and you’ll be right as rain, and back to beating me up for robbing banks or something.” Villain was desperately trying to reason their way out of this as Hero sighed, their eyes shining with tears.
“The prognosis isn’t good, Villain. It’s a rare, aggressive type… It’s in my bones, my blood… my organs. It’s not going to get better.” Hero’s voice cracked as Villain’s head began to shake in disbelief. “But you’re Hero… you can survive anything! You can survive this… you have to!” Hero shook their head.
“No, Villain. I can’t.”
Villain sat in the weight of the silence for a moment, before pulling Hero into a hug. “You didn’t have anyone else to tell, do you?” Hero shook their head. “I live alone… have no friends… work a dead end job and my parents are gone… there’s no one to tell. No one to go through this with me.” Villain shook their head. “No. You have me. I’m not letting you go through this alone. I promise you, I’m gonna take you back here, a year from now and where gonna watch this same damn sun, set right damn here.” Villain pointed at the slowly setting sun, Hero glancing at it, laughing softly. “Okay. You’re on. If you can get me here a year from today, you win.”
The two enemies shook hands, before watching the sun set below the horizon, before both heading home.
Hero sighed as they lay in bed, feeling awful. The chemo had been destroying them, the radiation and the needles and the operations. It was all so much. They were tired.
“And here’s my favourite hero!” Villain piped up, walking into their room. They were holding an obnoxiously large bouquet of colourful flowers. They smelled wonderful. Hero was honestly surprised they could still smell, their taste had vanished not long after chemo started.
Villain hugged Hero tightly, before gently tucking some of their hair out of their eyes. “How are you feeling?” Hero sighed, looking weak. It had only been a couple weeks of treatment but they already looked awful. At least they seemed to be happier with Villain around. They had really come to like each other, outside of being work enemies, they had similar interests, senses of humour… they got along like a house on fire.
Hero admired the flowers as they sighed tiredly, looking back to Villain. “I feel better now that you’re here. I was getting bored out of my mind without you to piss me off.” Villain blushed, hiding it with a smirk, sitting beside Hero, and taking their hand. They held it, rubbing Hero’s pale, weak fingers as Hero began to tell them about the different nurses and doctors.
“Well have you heard about Superhero and their sidekick?” Villain asked, grinning. Hero perked up. “No?” Villain sat back, looking at Hero with a glint in their eye. “Apparently they’re a thing now. Like officially.” Hero laughed, “I knew it! I knew they had a thing for each other, the romantic… hell, the sexual tension was so strong between those two.” Villain nodded eagerly. “I know right? I was wondering when they were gonna stop fucking on the side and make it offical.” Hero frowned. “I didn’t know they were fucking, how did you?” Villain pursed their lips, smiling mysteriously. “Well I was in my way back to my base one night, after fighting you actually. I heard a crash in the alleyway below me, looked down and saw them. They were really going at it…” Villain’s eyes widened at the memory.
“You’re bullshitting.” Hero smirked. “No! I swear!” Villain raised their hands in surrender. “Promise! I saw it.” Smiling, Hero nodded. “Honestly, kinda not surprised. They kept undressing each other with their eyes in the field I swear to god.”
The two laughed, swapping embarrassing stories about their coworkers for the rest of the evening, until Hero began to doze. “Sleep well, my Hero.” Villain whispered as they tucked their friend in, watching them sleep for a bit.
Villain sat with Hero who gazed at nothing in complete silence. They were doing this more and more often since the months of treatment had begun. “Hero?” Villain murmured, touching their arm. Hero seemed to break out of their daze, looking upset. “Oh, Hero… what’s wrong?” Villain asked, already knowing the answer. Hero burst into tears, Villain deciding to crawl up onto the bed and hold them tightly as they sobbed into Villain’s shoulder. Villain rocked them back and forth, hugging them tight and running their hand over Hero’s thinning hair.
“I don’t-wanna d-die, Villain.” They stammered. “I know.” Villain replied, unsure of what to do. “But the treatment has been working, you said yourself, things are looking better.” Hero nodded, sniffing. “Yeah… I guess…” They looked up at Villain. “It’s just… it’s not fair! I wanna be like everyone else my age! Go on stupid dates and mess around with my friends and go to work and complain about the weather… I don’t wanna be here! I don’t wanna be waiting to fucking DIE!” They screamed, voice shaking as Villain held them.
“Hero. You can’t give up. You can beat this, I know you will!” Villain tried to say the words with strength, but they didn’t know if they were saying it for Hero or for themself. “You said yourself the chemo was working pretty well.” Hero shook their head. “Not well enough. Villain, I told you, this is gonna kill me. I’m not gonna see that sunset.” The reality of what Hero had said set in, Villain clutching Hero tightly. “No. You’re gonna see it. I promise you. You’re gonna make it through and see it. You’re almost half way, Hero. You can do this.” Hero shuddered beside Villain. “Bag.” They gasped, reaching with a shaking hand for an emesis bag. Villain grabbed one quickly from the table beside the bed, holding it over Hero’s mouth as they threw up.
“It’s okay, Hero… let it out… let it out…”
Hero seemed to be doing a little better, as Villain helped them up the stairs to the roof. Together, they crossed the building, looking up at the sky. Villain had set up a little picnic before hand, helping Hero sit and eat as they waited for the sun to begin its descent.
Hero lit up at the sight of it, and they laughed, cuddling in the cool evening as they ate way too much cake.
Eventually, they both sat in the edge of the roof, watching the sun go down, hands entwined.
“Told you.” Villain smirked, kissing Hero’s cheek. “I win.”
Hero chuckled, nuzzling Villain’s shoulder. “What do you mean?”
“It’s been a year today, since we sat on this exact roof and you said you wouldn’t live to see this sunset.”
Hero laughed, wrapping their arms around Villain. “And I’m glad you made that bet. I couldn’t have done this without you. Especially after I lost my lease on my house… it’s just been nice living with someone too… someone who I love so much.”
The breeze blew gently. “You know… after I’m gone, I don’t want you to mourn me. Move on. Live life to the fullest. All I want is to see you happy.” Hero gazed into Villain’s eyes, before gently pulling them in for a kiss. Villain smirked against their lover’s lips. “You will live to see many more sunsets, my love.”
They watched the vibrant colours begin to fade, as Hero sighed in content, the breeze blowing gently around them. “Hey.” They murmured. “Yes?” Villain asked, running their hand over Hero’s head. “I want you to know, that after everything… every time you feel a breeze, that’s me. My spirit will live on the wind, flying and free… and it will always be with you.” Hero’s voice cracked, as they looked up at Villain, shivering. Villain smiled, cupping their hero’s face. “I like that. I like that a lot.” They swallowed back the rising sob.
“You’re cold. Let’s go home.”
Villain sat beside the bed, clutching Hero’s emaciated hand. They had been in a coma for days… and it was time. “Hero?” Villain breathed through sobs. They had heard hearing was the last thing to go. “Listen to me. I love you. Okay? I love you so, so much. I always will.” They gasped, wiping away tears. “G-Go when you’re ready… okay? Go and fly, and become the wind. It’s okay… alright? You’ll be okay…”
Villains body shuddered as they looked up at Hero’s pale face. “Go when you’re ready… go when when you’re ready…”
Villain wasn’t ready. It had only been two months since the roof picnic. They weren’t ready to say goodbye… and yet, somehow… they were.
So they sat there, repeating their phrase as Hero’s breathing got slower and shallower. They repeated it through the tears, the cries and the shakes…
And then Hero drew their last breath, sighing in relief as they became the wind.
They were finally free.
Villain stood in the rain in front of the grave. Everyone, heroes and villains alike stood shoulder to shoulder, gazing at the stone.
None of them could believe it. A hero so young and full of life… gone in just over a year. So that day, they all stood together, in solidarity.
For Hero.
“That’s why I can’t give this place up.” Villain whispered, gazing at the sunset. “I’m not ready to move on. I never will be.” They smiled as a gentle, warm breeze kissed their face. “But I have to move on. Which is why I have to make this place something. Help their legacy stay alive.”
Villain glanced at the assistant, who had pulled off their glasses, dabbing their eyes. “I see.” They replied. “Well. I’ll get started on the payment process, and uh… give you a moment.”
Villain nodded appreciatively, feeling the breeze, stronger and warmer this time push against them. Something told them to turn around, so they did. A gasp escaped Villain, before they could stop it.
Hero was standing there, on the edge of the roof, gleaming. Their body was strong, healthy, just as it had been before and they looked so, so happy. Warm golden light illuminated their figure as they nodded at Villain, smiling softly. They were okay. They were free.
Turning into the sun, the light glowed brightly, Villain shielding their eyes as Hero dissolved into the breeze and the light. They could almost hear Hero’s laugh of glee.
Smiling wistfully, Villain nodded.
“Goodbye, my Hero. I love you.”
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snaillamp · 1 year
Sicktember - day 6
6. Sick and Injured
Whumpee coughed, feeling the vibrations ripple through their congested chest. Rolling over, they groaned, their head feeling heavy as another chill danced over their bones.
Pulling the blankets higher, they sniffed, curling into a ball as they shivered. Whumpee hated being sick. It hurt to swallow, it hurt to breathe, they felt to hot and the minute they cooled down, they felt too cold. They were hungry but the second they tried to eat food they lost their appetite…
They couldn’t win.
They had decided to wear shorts and a loose singlet, nestling under blankets, the best compromise they could think of, even if their legs felt a bit cold and achy.
Sighing, Whumpee cleared their throat of slimy phlegm buildup and sat up, immediately regretting it as the world swayed, making them feel nauseous. They forced their weak, shaking legs over the edge of the bed and grabbed a blanket, wrapping it over their shoulders shuffling towards the kitchen.
Their work colleague, Caretaker had made some soup and left it for them in the fridge, telling them to warm it up if they wanted any. When Whumpee hadn’t turned up to work a few days ago, Caretaker, knowing Whumpee lived alone, had come by to check in on them, finding them curled up in bed, delirious with the flu. Caretaker had then spent the past few days visiting them when they could, attempting to help nurse Whumpee back to health.
Whumpee had long suspected Caretaker had a massive crush on them. Caretaker would take any opportunity they could to talk to Whumpee, and Whumpee had caught them on many an occasion staring at them while they worked. Whumpee didn't mind, they liked Caretaker as well, maybe as a good friend or maybe something more, they couldn’t be sure…
Whumpee pulled open the fridge, shivering as the cold air washed over them. They found the small plastic container, filled to the brim with a thick, creamy soup. Whumpee lifted it out with both hands, not strong enough to hold it with just one. Carrying it their microwave, their blanket fell from around their shoulders.
Sighing in annoyance, Whumpee lifted the container into the microwave, trying to decide how long to put it in for through their hazy mind. '40 seconds should do.'
They pulled off the lid, punching in a number and pressing the 'START' button without even checking the time they had set it to. Bending down with their aching joints, they grabbed their blanket, pulling it back over their shoulders.
Whumpee stared out their kitchen window, zoning out as they waited, the buzz of the microwave droning on and on in the back of their mind. After a while they frowned, ‘That’s been in there for a while, maybe I should check it.’
Turning to the microwave, they gasped, rushing forwards. “No, no, no, no!” They begged, hitting cancel. They had pressed to 4 too many times, setting the microwave to 4 minutes and 40 seconds. Ripping open the door, they lifted the scalding soup from the microwave with the tips of their fingers, but as they tried to place it in their sink to let the soft plastic cool, the sagging bottom of the container split open, sending boiling soup splashing onto Whumpee’s bare legs. They howled dropping to the floor and watching in horror as their skin turned scarlet.
Thinking quickly, the grabbed their blanket, wiping off what they could, before rolling over onto the ice cold tiles of the kitchen, sighing at the brief moment of relief they provided. They moaned in pain as they inched across the kitchen, if they could get it to their phone, they could call for help except… a sinking feeling set in.
Whumpee had left their phone charging in their room, all the way on the other side of their house… Sobbing, they continued to crawl, making it halfway to their room, before they collapsed in a shaking ball. They couldn’t do it, they were too sick… their shins and feet were too painful. They could feel the large blisters forming as they curled up on their side and shut their eyes, accepting their fate, the hazy fever consuming them.
Caretaker lifted the doormat, finding the key and opening Whumpee's front door. The smell of Whumpee’s home washed over them as they stepped inside, followed by the smell of something... burnt?
“Hey, Whumpee? It’s Caretaker.” No reply. “Probably asleep…” Caretaker murmured to themself. Whumpee had been asleep a lot recently, given their condition. It wasn’t unlikey that they were asleep now, but that burnt smell was worrying them. Caretaker crept to Whumpee's room, expecting to find them huddled under a mountain of blankets, but their bed was empty. “Maybe they went to the bathroom.” Caretaker reasoned out loud. They crossed the hallway, into the bathroom. Nothing. “Huh… Maybe they moved to the main room?”
But when Caretaker entered the main part of the house, they gasped in horror. Whumpee was collapsed on the floor, unconscious, a trail of soup behind them. Caretaker ran over to them, shaking them awake.
“Whumpee, Whumpee, what happened?” Whumpee mumbled something incoherent, raising their head to look at Caretaker, before letting it drop back down to the ground. Caretaker looked them over, finding the burns on Whumpee’s legs and feet, causing them to gasp in shock.
Large, angry blisters were stretching over Whumpee’s burned legs.
Caretaker immediately jumped into action, picking up Whumpee under their arms and dragging their heavy, limp body to the bathroom. They heaved Whumpee into the bath and turned on the tap, letting it flood Whumpee's skin with cool, flowing water.
Whumpee moaned in relief, letting their head fall back against the rim of the tub. Their skin was still quite pale and sickly looking as Caretaker watched them with worry. “Whumpee, what happened?”
Whumpee was silent for a moment, before mumbling some slurred nonsense and a microwave and a sink. They sat together in silence for minutes, letting the water run over Whumpee’s burns until they moaned quietly, their eyes squeezed shut, teeth gritted in pain. Caretaker watched in concern as Whumpee’s moans grew quieter, their shivering growing worse.
Resting their hand on Whumpee’s forehead, Caretaker felt their skin. It was ice cold. Caretaker shot up, running to Whumpee’s room to grabbing them a blanket, returning to Whumpee and wrapping the blanket around their freezing friend.
“C-Care…” Whumpee mumbled, cracking open their eyes, turning their head slowly too look at Caretaker. “Too cold…” They whispered, shuddering as they wrapped their arms around their quacking body. They felt ice cold, unable to warm up, not even after Caretaker wrapped the blanket around them. Their lips were slowly turning blue, their eyes shutting as they slid down the edge of the tub, gasping and coughing as darkness began to creep into their vision. Their breathing grew faster as they tried to fight it off, but they were so, so cold…
Whumpee coughed, sliding down the edge of the bath, their body going limp as they fell unconscious. “Whumpee?” Caretaker asked, hauling Whumpee back up. Their head flopped back heavily, their skin cold and blue as Caretaker sat them up, shaking Whumpee to try and wake them. Whumpee didn’t move.
Caretaker felt sick, was Whumpee hypothermic? Had they done this to them? Whumpee was so cold and pale…
Pulling their phone from their pocket, Caretaker dialed the emergency number and waited for them to pick up. When Caretaker finally got through, they stumbled over their words as they explained to the operator what was happening.
Within minutes, paramedics had pulled up and were unpacking bags, asking Caretaker questions. “How long since they got burned, passed out, in the water, how long, when did, what is…?”
All the questions became a blur as they draped plastic wrap over Whumpee’s burns and lifted them from the bath, wrapping them in a silver sheet. Caretaker ended up in the back of the ambulance with Whumpee, watching their body jostle as the ambulance sped over bumps in the road. Whumpee looked so small and fragile strapped to the stretcher. Caretaker swallowed the urge to throw up as they watched their friend slipping away in front of them… and it was their fault.
The ambulance pulled in the the ED and the paramedics carted Whumpee out straight away, leaving Caretaker to wander in behind them, dazed. They watched as Whumpee was treated, gripping their hands into tight fists, their knuckles beginning to ache until they released them.
A nurse invited Caretaker to sit by Whumpee and wait for them to wake up, which Caretaker did anxiously. Whumpee took ages to wake up, but when they did, the first thing they did was smile at Caretaker. “Whumpee, thank goodness you’re okay, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault...” Caretaker murmured, brushing some hair off of Whumpee’s forehead.
"No... it isn't..." Whumpee whispered, as Caretaker's gentle hands stroked their face.
Whumpee groaned softly, leaning into the pleasant sensation with a contented smile, before their face fell. “I feel… weird…” Caretaker sighed, trying to hold back a laugh. “It’s probably the drugs they put you on. They said you might feel a bit strange.” Whumpee nodded, before reaching for Caretaker’s hand gently stroking their face.
Caretaker’s stomach did a flip.
Whumpee’s fingers brushed Caretaker’s, looking up at their friend's face, noticing how their cheeks were slightly pink. “Thank..you…” They grabbed Caretaker’s hand properly, pressing it into their cheek.
“If you hadn't…”
Caretaker’s eyes brimmed with tears as they leaned down and wrapped Whumpee in a massive hug. “I was so scared, Whumpee…” Caretaker whispered in their ear.
“I know, I was too, but when you were there, I knew I was safe…” Caretaker pulled back slightly, looking redder than a tomato. “What… what do you mean?” They stuttered, making Whumpee smirk as they shut their tired eyes.
“Later…” They mumbled, their hand relaxing as they passed out.
When Whumpee checked out of the hospital, Caretaker was waiting there to pick them up. They hugged each other awkwardly, before getting into Caretaker’s car sitting in silence as Caretaker drove.
The curiosity soon got the better of Caretaker, and they turned to Whumpee. “Hey, so you said something back at the hospital… you never ended up explaining it.”
Whumpee frowned, “Honestly, I hardly remember anything, they had me doped up on so many drugs.” They laughed, running their hand though their hair nervously. “What was it?”
They glanced at Caretaker who glanced back briefly, before turning into the driveway of Whumpee’s house. “Oh, nothing, you just said that you were scared… until I was there…” Caretaker tried to sound casual as the car gently stopped in the driveway, but they began blushing hard, looking at their lap, embarrassed.
Whumpee looked at them, chuckling, before getting out of the car. They waited for a second before bending down and looking in.
“Well, you coming in, or what?”
Caretaker’s eyes sparked with excitement as they got out of the car, helping Whumpee back inside, making sure they were comfortable lying on their sofa. Squeezing in next to Whumpee, Caretaker blushed again, stealing a glance at them as they lay back a little, supporting themself on their elbows. Whumpee noticed, sighing slightly and smirking at them.
“I meant it, you know.” They piped up, looking at Caretaker’s face. They watched their friend frown as Whumpee moved slightly closer, sitting up a little more. “I was scared, until I knew you were there. I couldn’t move, but I knew I was okay, because I could hear your voice and you…” Whumpee’s eyes searched Caretaker’s their faces slowly growing closer.
Before Caretaker realised what was happening, Whumpee’s lips touched theirs. They felt a zing down their spine as Whumpee’s hand made it’s way up Caretaker’s back and neck, settling gently in their hair. Caretaker reciprocated, leaning into Whumpee’s body and melting into their arms. They straddled Whumpee's waist, tilting them back onto the sofa, both of them completely engulfed in each other’s presence until Caretaker’s foot brushed Whumpee’s burned leg.
Whumpee felt a sting flash like lightning through their shin, pulling back and gasping in pain. Caretaker sat up, panicked as they watched Whumpee groan in pain.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry Whumpee, I didn’t mean to hurt you! I just got a bit carried away and... Oh fuck, are you okay?!” Caretaker stumbled over their words, getting off Whumpee's hips and sliding away, mortified.
Whumpee smiled moving into a sitting position, legs safely out of the way. “No, it's fine... I think we should just stay up right for now…” They murmured, pulling Caretaker on top of them again. Caretaker met Whumpee halfway, giggling through the kisses, fingers becoming wrapped in each other’s hair, the both of them oblivious of the world around them.
All that mattered was that they had each other, and that nothing, not even 2nd degree burns were going to take that away from them.
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snaillamp · 3 months
Chapter 10 - Memories
“It’s been two days and he hasn’t moved…” Nathaniel murmured tiredly, wiping Keh-yah’s face again.
Mark looked up from his slouched position, rubbing his balding head.
“Hmm?” He asked, rubbing his eyes.
“I said it’s been two days, and he hasn’t moved. He’s not doing well Mark…”
Nathaniel looked up at the man as he stood and shuffled over to Keh-yah, who’d been moved to the sofa upstairs.
It was too cold in the basement, too dark and too musty, and up in the lounge room was the bathroom and kitchen close by, if they needed to get him anything.
Keh-yah grimaced, whining slightly.
“Is he waking up?” Nathaniel asked, looking hopeful. The demon sighed slightly, his face relaxing and head tilting as it grew heavy again.
He went limp, with priests standing over him, waiting with baited breath as they waited for him to draw another breath. His chest rose slowly as he fought for his life, Nathaniel looking over at Mark.
“Can demons die?”
Mark shook his head, grimacing, “I believe so… Let’s just hope he’s strong enough to fight this…”
Keh-yah awoke in the cell, Daga standing over him, grinning wickedly.
“Hello little demon, did you have a nice nap?”
Keh-yah ignored him, staring at his eight toes, all bruised and broken from Daga standing on them a few days ago. He’d been here for a few weeks, and the torture was fairly tame, all things considered.
Minor stabbing, fingers and toes being crushed, being drenched in ice water.
It wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle… But these cuffs, they reduced his immunity to everything, heat, cold, pain…
He was more human like, with human levels of resistance to things, and it was awful.
Keh-yah could navigate the arctic circle like it was a warm summer field, stand in the rain and barely get cold, traverse deserts and not need to stop for water or shade…
And now these cuffs made him so weak, and it was only getting worse, every day he could feel them draining his power.
“You’ve done well to last so long… too bad that this is merely the beginning…” Daga drawled, depending into another long speech about how the Angel race was going to take over the world as the rightful owners, and how demons, his kind, were an inferior, submissive race that deserved to be wiped off the planet…
Which Daga had succeeded in doing, as he made sure to remind Keh-yah constantly.
Daga grabbed Keh-yah’s jaw, yanking it upwards and forcing Keh-yah’s black eyes to look at his.
“Look at me when I speak to you, scum.” Keh-yah smirked, meeting the Angel’s eyes and locking onto them with his own, featureless black eyes.
Daga felt a chill run down his spine as Keh-yah sat there, on the ground, unblinking, as his arms hung from the chains that suspended them above his head.
Daga blinked, breaking the eye contact but could still feel the demon’s eyes boring into him from across the cell. It creeped the Angel out.
Keh-yah maintained his eye contact with the Angel, not moving as Daga tried to start his speech up again, but he faltered as Keh-yah stared into his very soul…
Shivering slightly, Daga grimaced. “You’re asking for it, you know. I wasn’t going to go this hard on you this fast… But you’re not behaving.”
Kah-yah remained staring at Daga as the Angel left the cell, coming back with a large, wooden club.
Keh-yah had seen it before, Daga had used it a couple of days ago to cave in his ribs. Ribs that had painfully cracked and snapped themselves back into place that night, slower than normal… more painfully than normal…
Keh-yah’s chest began to tighten in anticipation, as Dana lifted it and brought it crashing down onto his stomach.
Keh-yah gasped as the air was knocked out of him, but this was fine, pain was temporary. Daga cackled as he beat the demon a few more times, but soon grew bored with Keh-yah as he refused to react to the pain.
Daga lifted a small lighter to the tip or the bat, setting it alight and holding it in front of Keh-yah’s nose.
“You’ll like this…” He growled.
Swinging the flaming bat, Daga sent it flying into Keh-yah’s chest, burning pain screaming through Keh-yah. His body jolted, back arching as he hissed.
Daga laughed, burning Keh-yah’s arms one by one, dragging the bat from his wrist to his hip.
Keh-yah bared his teeth, gritting them as the Angel burned him again and again.
By the end of the session, Keh-yah was almost unrecognisable, almost every inch of accessible skin on his chest arms and legs burned raw.
Daga sighed, knowing it would only last a few hours. But then the thought of doing it all again made him laugh…
That was going to be fun.
He returned a few hours later to see Keh-yah slumped against the wall, hands hanging in the shackles as he healed. The burns were pretty much gone, nothing left except a few flakes of tough skin.
“Ready to do it all again?” He asked, glee in his voice.
Keh-yah smirked, “Tch, you thought that was worse?”
Daga hid his offence well, but Keh-yah could tell he’d struck a nerve.
Daga ripped out his knife, stabbing Keh-yah in the guts, chest and legs, leaving him to bleed and choke on his collapsed lungs.
Stupid creature ruining all his fun.
Day after day he returned to attack the Demon, until one day Keh-yah awoke suspended from the ceiling. The long chain above his head had been unravelled and hooked to a large ceiling hook in the centre of the cell.
Keh-yah lifted his heavy head. His injuries were healing slower than ever, taking days, rather than a day now… and he was starting to feel the toll.
“Ah, good, you’re finally awake.” Daga drawled, walking around to Keh-yah and unravelling a whip.
It was braided with streaks of a shimmering silver.
“You’re well aware of what Blessed Silver does to your kind, aren’t you?” Keh-yah ignored him, his thoughts racing as his feet settled against the cold, concrete floor.
“Yes, you are… This is going to be fun.”
Keh-yah heard the whip unravel behind him, the swoop sound as it swung through the air, and cracked against his back, splitting the skin between his shoulders deeply.
Keh-yah saw white as a streak of the worst pain he’d ever felt ripped through his body, to his very bones. He’d been nicked by Blessed Silver before, but this was a whole new level of pain. He might actually pass out…
The guards standing down the hall from the cell heard the first, blood curdling scream echo from the cell.
Screams of something in extreme pain, the very sound of a soul shattering. It made them look back in shock as they heard another crack and another scream, more ragged, rasping and harsh.
They continued for minutes, until they awkwardly died down with a strange choked gasp.
Daga emerged from the cell, whip dripping with blue blood, as he left the unconscious demon hanging by his arms from the ceiling. Waterfalls of blood flowed from the deep lacerations on his back, the deepest of which revealed bone.
A rapidly growing puddle of blood was forming at his feet, dripping from his toes, that barely brushed the floor. As the guards entered the cell, they lifted the chain from the hook and let the demon’s body crumple to the ground.
Winding the chain back up, his arms again suspended above his head, they left him slumped against the wall, a newly formed puddle of blood already seeping across the already blood smeared concrete floor…
It was a few days of silence after that, the guards only checking to see if the demon was alive. He was, barely.
Daga returned after a week, as the lacerations had finally stitched themselves back together and showed the demon the whip again…
Keh-yah stared at it with vacant eyes. He didn’t care anymore… He would die in this place, it may as well come soon.
“Tell me, demon… how do I gain the immortality you posses… Let me cross into the other world, let me raise my army!”
Keh-yah looked at him blankly. “It does not exist, Daga.”
The Angel screamed, whipping him across the face. “Then how do you do it?”
“It’s within our natural abilities, as it is that you can raise life, I raise the dead… I cannot make a life, and you cannot take them to their end…” Keh-yah repeated the phrase he'd said a thousand times.
“LIAR!” Daga screeched, whipping Keh-yah’s neck, sending warm blood gushing over his left shoulder.
The demon grimaced as he felt his veins thread themselves back together, his skin scabbing over with a thick, black wound. Daga huffed in frustration, leaving and coming back the next day to rant to the demon again.
Days wore on, weeks, perhaps even a year, the torture becoming the same few tactics.
For a master warrior, Daga sure wasn’t creative when it came to torture methods.
After he’d realised Keh-yah’s wounds were healing slower and slower, he reassessed, not wanting to actually kill the creature.
Keh-yah couldn’t have wanted that more, after everything…
Keh-yah’s breathing became more ragged as he jerked slightly in his sleep.
“He’s having a nightmare.” Mark murmured to himself, Nathaniel had gone to bed hours ago, unable to stay awake…
“Come on Keh-yah… You can do it. Break through this fever.” I
t had gotten worse, as the fever got worse, his condition had changed, the nightmares had started and the myrrh oil, while it seemed to be helping, was not helping him rest well.
“Come on Keh-yah. You’ve survived so much, don’t give up now.” Mark stroked the demon’s sweaty hair as he comforted him.
He was in so much pain right now… and there was nothing he could do…
One night, the guards suddenly burst into the cell, and a tight collar was thrust around Keh-yah’s throat, the Blessed Silver burning his skin and sapping the energy from his body.
He felt so weak as his powers drained from his very spirit, as his arms were yanked higher above his head, threatening to pull his arms from his sockets, and forcing him to kneel.
Keh-yah couldn’t even project the pain he was feeling into the guard’s minds, which usually made them ease up on him a little. This was a whole new level of bad for him.
He was about to be tortured in ways he couldn’t imagine.
He only hoped his body could manage, and if it couldn’t it would be a swift death.
Daga walked in, smirking as he held up a device. It was a large wand, which the Angel fiddled with, before it began buzzing. “Now, scum. This is something quite new, that I’ve been told is pretty efficient at getting information from… tough prisoners.”
The Angel smiled, his teeth shining in the dark as Keh-yah braced himself, causing Daga to laugh.
Keh-yah didn’t know why, but he set his jaw, determined not to let the Angel win. He wouldn’t so much as wince.
Guards came into the room, pulling the chain over to the hook, and suspending Keh-yah from the ceiling, only to clamp a collar around his neck. It was also put on the hook above him, letting him hand a bit more by his neck than Keh-yah found comfortable.
Daga thrust the hot wand against Keh-yah’s body, sending volts of electricity into his torso making Keh-yah’s muscles jerk in the restraints, pulling his arms even more and threatening to rip them from their joints. He couldn't project any of the pain out of his mind into Daga's... The collar was stopping him...
Keh-yah however, kept his mouth sealed, opening his eyes and staring at Daga with a smirk, the darkness closing in on his vision a little.
“What...? Is that... supposed to scare me?” The demon spat, the bravery in his words only a front, as he braced for more torture.
It did hurt.
A lot…
But his stubbornness was too strong, his defiance.
There was nothing to tell Daga, so he wasn’t going to let him torture Keh-yah and have fun with it.
He was shocked again, longer and harder, and felt his arms pop from their joints, now suspended by his neck, choking him.
“Tell me, Keh-yah…” Daga reached over and stroked Keh-yah’s jaw. “Tell me how I can manifest the dead. Live an eternal life… Give me the power to live forever and you will be free.”
Keh-yah scoffed as the hand around his chin tightened. There were six, long fingers on each hand, and each was pressing hard into his skin, bruising it.
Smirking, Keh-yah gave him the closest answer he could think of.
“Die, Daga.”
Daga grabbed Keh-yah’s hair and yanked him upwards, shocking the demon again and again with the wand, until Keh-yah cracked, screaming loudly.
It was then that he smirked, beginning to chuckle under his breath, his deep voice growing louder as he laughed more and more. He was winning.
“You don’t get it, do you Daga?” Keh-yah’s voice was calm and level, as he felt the last of his sanity slipping from his grasp, like water through his fingers.
“There is no secret…” He chuckled to himself at the absurdity of it all. “You’re wasting your breath, time and life looking for something that isn’t even there…”
The demon sighed, looking at Daga with hollow, dull eyes. “You’ll die before you ever get the answer.”
And with that, Keh-yah shut his mouth, refusing to speak, unless it was to mutter then same phrase:
His eyes went distant, and his body limp, Daga becoming more and more angry. The joy he felt from torturing the demon began to wane, and his hand shot forward, tightening to collar around his neck.
The demon gasped, his long purple tongue flickering in the darkness like a snake, as the energy inside him flickered a little.
Daga shocked him again, “Come on, it’s just one little spell…”
“There is no spell…” Keh-yah whispered.
“There is. Tell me.”
Keh-yah screamed as he was shocked a final time, before Daga stepped back, panting. He eyed Keh-yah, a new look in his eye.
“What?” Keh-yah spat, voice rough and quiet.
“Oh, I don’t know.” Daga was strangely calm, his eyes holding Keh-yah’s, unblinking.
“Perhaps, if you knew why I wanted it, you would be more… sympathetic to my cause. You are a reasonable creature, I know that much.” He leaned forward, caressing Keh-yah’s jaw.
Keh-yah bared his teeth, pulling his head out of the Angel’s hand.
“You see,” Daga continued, “I need to be immortal to raise an army, but you know that… But I want to raise this army because…” He looked sad.
“Humans. The last few centuries, they keep getting worse… Genocides, war, pollution, chemicals, radiation, it is all so… suffocating…
My kind, Angels, our survival is being threatened. We do not have the ability to live forever as you do, your infinite lifespan blinds you to the plight of mortals… like me.
It is only a matter of time before my kind is wiped out, so I decided to do something about it. We want to fight back, defend ourselves from human kind, before they get us… They cannot be trusted with such power, and so I will bring balance to the world, and make it right, give the true, rightful owners of this planet control over it all. The humans need to learn their place.
Humans are divorced from nature, we are nature, and with immortality, we will make this place truly ours, like is our right.
It is them, or us.”
Keh-yah just took it all blank faced, not reacting to anything. He wanted to laugh at the absurdity of Daga’s words, but he knew better than that.
Daga growled, leaving the cell.
In his weakened state, Keh-yah could barely see a thing, as the melting snow dripping from the small window above him travelled down the wall, and onto his back. It chilled him more than it should… he was growing even worse…
The cold water dripped from the window down onto his skin… chilling his spine… as he spoke to himself in the ancient language of his kind, projecting it into the minds of the guards at the door, just to know that he was still being guarded. It was nice, knowing he wasn't alone...
The water kept dripping down onto his spine.
“He’s gone cold.” Mark mumbled to himself, looking at the demon.
He’d been twitching in and out of nightmares, stuck in a coma, but this was bad.
Nathaniel looked up from his phone, concerned. “What do we do?”
Mark sighed, saying the phrase he’d been rehearsing in his head for hours. “Let’s make him comfortable.” He paused slightly. “I’m sorry, Keh-yah…”
Nathaniel nodded sadly, coming over to the other priest as staring down at the demon.
Despite his… sinful lust, he was quite fond of the creature, there was a sarcastic, mischievous character hidden behind that stoic mask, and Nathaniel had really enjoyed the little company they’d had together.
Mark got the crucible alight, the gentle myrrh smoke drifting over the demon’s wounds, making his muscles twitch under the skin.
Keh-yah shuddered, making Nathaniel jump as the demon’s breath rattled.
“Death rattles?” Nathaniel looked to the tired, older priest beside him.
“No. The infection must’ve reached his lungs…” He glanced at the various thing scattered around them, containers full of holy water, olive oil, myrrh oil, isopropyl alcohol, antiseptic and wine. They’d been treating the wounds with everything, but the infection was too deep.
Keh-yah murmured something with the faintest whisper… It sounded like he was speaking backwards, something Mark had begun calling Demon Speak.
“Get the wine, at least then he won’t be in pain.” Mark murmured to Nathaniel, who reached for one of the little jugs they’d grabbed from somewhere, pouring it down Keh-yah’s throat without even checking it.
He was so tired…
“Nate. That was the olive oil!” Mark yelped, realising the fatigued, young priest’s mistake.
Nathaniel stepped back, horrified, and worried that Keh-yah would be in more pain than before, as the demon’s face twitched.
Mark rushed forwards, pouring the wine he had left down Keh-yah’s throat, turning away his head from the stench of the blood that it became in the demon's mouth.
They watched Keh-yah barely managed to slowly swallow, but he didn’t look any better.
“I’m sorry, Keh-yah. May God, or whoever deals with you have mercy on your soul.” Mark murmured, watching as the demon began shudder, his breathing becoming uneven.
The two men sat by Keh-yah’s side, Nathaniel taking his cold hand and gently massaging it, hoping he knew he wasn’t alone in the end.
The torture grew worse, more impatient and violent. Pouring acid down Keh-yah’s throat and nailing his hands to the wall above him, stabbing his throat and letting him bleed, only to watch his skin feebly knit itself together.
Keh-yah’s muscle began to wither, the demon now resembling a skeleton, more than a living being. The cuffs were enchanted to tighten around his thinning wrists, and his skin grew tight around his ribs.
Keh-yah hadn’t seen a living creature except Daga… for decade? A century?
It had been too long, so he had taken to passing the time by trying to manifest enough energy to survive, his whispering projecting out into the world.
He knew the guards could hear his ramblings, as were rotated frequently due to his whispers causing them to lose their minds. That, and the changing torture methods where the only things indicating to Keh-yah that the world and its' technology was still advancing whilst he was trapped inside.
As he slowly faded, Daga brought new toys, like tasers and shock collars. He threw acids and burned Keh-yah, watching as it began to take weeks, and then months for his body to heal itself. At full strength, it would’ve taken mere minutes.
His hair had grown dull and limp, hanging around his hips as he slumped against the wall behind him, and that damn wet slime slid over his bony spine.
He was ready to die.
Perhaps he could manifest it himself. A small part of him wanted a guard to lose it and kill him, or maybe he’d starve to death. Could he starve to death? It certainly was a possibility, but his body was stronger than any human, any creature with a natural life span…
He shut his eyes, hanging in the shackles, and focusing on slowing his heart down, holding his breath and hoping his body would give in.
Then he heard it…
A voice…
He couldn’t tell who’s it was...
“Keh-yah.” It snapped, “You have to get up.”
“I’m not afraid to die…” Keh-yah whispered in reply.
“Keh-yah…” It spoke firmly.
It sounded like a dozen voices, the voices of every demon, every reaper, his friends, his family… his kind… Everyone who had been killed were talking to him at once, voices of deep and high voices, silvery and gravelly…
“I’m dying.” Keh-yah smiled wistfully as he thought about finally being free of his aching body.
“Get up.” The voice was more serious now.
“I’m tired.” Keh-yah argued.
“Get up.”
“I’m ready to go.”
“You’re not supposed to come.”
“Please…” Keh-yah begged, only for a guard to bang on the door.
Keh-yah felt the voice disappear, and sighed…
He wanted to die.
The new guard shuddered as he felt a cold chill curl around his spine, as quiet whispers of a language he didn’t know filled his head.
“What’s it even saying?” The new guard asked he other guard beside him.
“Who knows. It used to mutter stuff to itself about 8 years ago, but as it gets weaker it can’t even do that, so it… projects itself into our heads, probably to entertain it’s sick mind, creep.”
“How hasn’t it died?”
“It’s a demon. They’re powerful. It’s why we killed them all, so that they couldn’t free it when we caught it. It’s the last one left. The one who apparently is supposed to know how to live forever. Hence why it’s not dead I guess.
Better to get them before they get us hey?”
The new guard peeked into the cell to glance at the demon.
He was naked, his pale skin stretched over his joints revealing every bone and tendon. His heavy, emaciated head hung heavily, his hands limp in the shackles holding his arms above his head, and a collar tight around his neck, a heavy loop for a chain to be clipped tio it pulling his head down.
“It looks dead.”
“It’s not.” The older guard replied flatly.
Suddenly, the demon’s head snapped up and it’s black eyes met the and the new guard’s, who felt a searing pain through his body.
The other guard bursting into laughter as the kid covered his ears to stop the loud screaming coming from the demon’s thoughts, and staggered back from the door.
“Don’t worry, everyone makes that mistake.”
The guard, shaken, nodded, making a mental note not to look at the demon again. The creature really was cursed.
“Heigta.” The older guard introduced himself.
“Heh, nice to meet you, Mahnyel. Welcome to Hell.”
Mahnyel nodded, shuddering.
Keh-yah felt a new soul approach. He refocused, trying to save his energy. If he could hold onto a little of his mind, he could maybe harness enough of the power left in him to escape…
The kid peeked onto his cell, and Keh-yah locked eyes with him, screaming in agony, projecting it into the Angel’s mind, relieving some of the pain he was constantly in, at least for a moment.
It distracted them from the possibility he may figure out how to escape.
He’d been trying for years with no luck though… And he hadn’t heard anything from the voice…
It was a hallucination…
He knew it…
It meant he would die soon...
This dripping was driving him crazy.
He could hear the guards talking outside.
He wanted nothing more than to die…
The water was cold on his spine.
It was driving him up the wall, the dripping.
The dripping.
The dripping…
It was driving him crazy.
The collar was so tight…
He felt it getting hot, as he felt the insanity build in him…
His senses heightened, as his vision became clearer and more focused than it had been in decades… His smell revealed the rot of his cell in his long broken nose.
His skin prickled at the cold water dripping down onto him and he’d let more alive than he had in a long time…
Keh-yah moaned, murmuring slurred Demon Speak, and twitching slightly.
His muscles spasmed, and he grunted slightly, before going still. With each exhale, he groaned softly, shuddering in pain as he fought the sepsis.
His skin had started to become incredibly hot, Nathaniel quickly pulling his hand away in shock.
The demon’s cheeks burned red as sweat began to pour from his skin, his rasping breaths getting faster as his body continued to burn.
As Keh-yah’s senses tightened, and the collar becoming hotter. He could feel something churning in his chest and stomach, shooting painfully down his legs.
He bit his tongue, determined not to scream, as he squeezed his eyes shut in agony. The collar grew hotter and tighter, choking him, until it vibrated against his skin, and exploded, small shards of silver shooting into the bricks of the cell, leaving him gasping for air.
Then the burning began.
The burning, shooting pain in his stomach and legs went up into his head and arms. His skin began to swell his muscles growing rapidly, his eyes glowing with their golden light, only visible when his body entered it’s strongest state.
Keh-yah yanked the chains in a sudden rage, feeling something give, as chains cascaded down around him. The new strength inside him burned, as he let the chains drag around behind him, staring at door that he’d been staring at for decades…
He walked up to it, and kicked it, sending it flying into the opposite wall, the two guards jumping back in surprise. The drew their weapons, blades coated in Blessed Silver and lunged at him.
Keh-yah bared his teeth, dodging the guards, then swinging his arms to send the chains flying at the guards. Both of the long, large chains slammed into their skulls, sending them crumpling to ground.
Sniffing the air, Keh-yah stalked down the hall, winding each chain around his wrists, creeping through the shadows. No one noticed the two golden rings looking out at them from the darkness, until an alarm went off. He would have to be even more stealthy.
Keh-yah snuck through more hallways, searching for an exit, dropping down from ceilings, or lashing out from the shadows, snatching guards and ending them, their necks crunching satisfyingly.
It had been so long since he’d killed an Angel…
And he still took no pride in it. Noticing an old, empty sack on the ground, he slid it on. It would be easier to camouflage if he needed to.
He ended up running along a beam, suspended above a walkway, a bridge connecting two floors over a void, with a railing each side, watching, waiting for guards to come. He wanted to observe which way the troops were coming, and following them towards an exit.
Suddenly a yell echoed through the room, and he looked down to see a troop of guards pointing up towards him.
The guards were all dressed in swinging silver armour, swords drawn, and ready to fight.
Keh-yah dropped down onto the platform, dropping the chains to the ground and smirking. The guards all rushed forward, as he swung the chains. The long, heavy metal flew towards the guard’s faces, cracking their helmets open and embedding the ends in their brain matter.
These were young guards… barely 300 years old…
Keh-yah lashed out at another guard, wrapping the chains around his neck and pulling it tight. His skin was turning silver as the Angel blood leaked over him, and the guard’s head rolled to the floor.
His power was turning his hands and forearms black, a protective layer of thick skin that emerged when his powers would blow his flesh off. It felt so good to be this strong again…
He dispatched the last few guards, slicing them to pieces with the chains, when a boot clamped down on the one trailing behind him, his left arm jolting as he tried to move.
“Not so fast, little demon…” Daga growled, holding up a bow.
As Keh-yah turned, his body was suddenly riddled with bullets and arrows, from all angles. He managed to deflect a few with the cuffs, still clamped around his wrists. But there were too many arrows, bullets… He gasped, falling to his knees, as he felt his body weaken…
“Cursed arrows…” He murmured under his breath.
“It’s amazing that you waited this long to escape, Keh-yah. I’m honestly surprised you let yourself go so much. Now, lets get you back to your cell, and get you cleaned up and rested, and then we can continue where we left off, hmm?”
Keh-yah growled, his already deep voice growing deeper, as if he had two, his deepest power speaking in tandem with his own voice.
“I’m done playing your little games, Daga.”
Keh-yah ripped the arrows out of him, throwing them at incredible speed at the Angel, who blocked them with his arms.
Keh-yah yanked the chain from under Daga’s foot, and sent them flying at the Angel, catching one of his arms and yanking it so hard it slipped out of its’ socket. The demon leaped forwards, landing on the Angel, yanking his helmet off and clawing at his face, scratching it with his claws.
He flashed his teeth, as he felt the familiar electric pulse of a taser jabbed into his ribs. He screamed, feeling the electricity build in him, rising as he spat out sparks onto Daga, which skittered over is armour.
Daga eased his body up as Keh-yah was hit with more fire from above, which only made him angrier. He yelled, as he lunged at Daga again, and the two tussled, the demon biting at his neck, hands stained with silver as the Angel spilled his blood.
Daga swung a fist at Keh-yah, sending him flying back, running after him and grabbing the demon by the throat.
Keh-yah twitched as he felt his throat close, slowly growing weaker, struggling against the large hand holding him aloft. His feet kicked out at Daga’s chest, pushing him out of the Angel’s grip, and arching gracefully through the air, landing softly on the walkway, the chains clattering heavily and immediately rushing at Daga.
The chains flew behind him, and as Keh-yah flashed past Daga, he reached out, using the chains to catch him around the throat.
Holding Daga close to his chest, Keh-yah smiled as he began walked backwards, towards a door.
The cuffs were still suppressing his powers, but he could also feel himself weakening, he had to take this chance to escape...
He didn’t notice Daga grab a cursed arrow that was wedged on the railing as they walked past.
His back hit the door, and he walked through it, into the hallway behind it, his body already weakening again. He could already feel his muscles losing strength.
“You’re getting weaker.” Daga taunted.
“I’m still more than strong enough to end you…” Keh-yah growled.
“I’m sure.” Daga retorted. “You’ll never escape, you know. This place is a maze for a reason.”
“Then you’ll help me escape, and I’ll let you go.” Keh-yah replied flatly.
Daga was silent, as they continued through the halls, alarms blaring in Keh-yahs ears. Red lights flashed, as they continued walking, Daga slowly turned the arrow, preparing to strike.
“You know, we could make a good team.” Daga countered. “If you were a bit more… cooperative, I wouldn’t have to keep doing this, and we could be quite powerful.”
Keh-yah didn’t respond.
“Fine, be like that.”
Keh-yah tightened the chain around Dana’s neck.
“Okay, okay, I get the message.”
Daga relaxed, as Keh-yah walked through hallway after hallway, before finding stairs leading upwards.
‘No, no, no…’ Daga thought, Keh-yah grinning as he sensed Daga’s annoyance.
“Look’s like it’s my lucky day after al-”
Keh-yah was cut off as Daga thrust the arrow into Keh-yah’s ribs, deep. The demon grunted, slumping forward, enough to loosen the chain and enable Daga to free himself.
The Angel shoved the demon, whirling around to see Keh-yah yank the arrow from his body, and toss it to the ground.
“I can’t let you go, Keh-yah.” Daga spoke dryly, eyeing the demon, who held his side, the blue blood leaking out of the wound.
“It doesn’t matter how far you run, I can always find you, and I will always hunt you, so give up now, tell me what I want to know, and I’ll let you go, I’ll even lift the curse, I have plenty of cures for it.”
Keh-yah bristled, barking his teeth and snarling. “Never. You trapped me in here for decades… And I will never be trapped… again…” He shuddered slightly, the last of his power was waning.
“I didn’t want it to come to this, but if you refuse to tell me the answer to immortality, I will have to end you, like I did your brethren. Perhaps I can find another way to become immortal.” Daga stepped forwards, grabbing the cursed arrow off the ground and looking at the demon.
Keh-yah set his shoulders, smirking. “Then end me.” He watched with his black eyes, as the gold grew dim, eyeing the arrow. He couldn’t escape, the cuffs were holding his power back too much, unless…
The demon focused the last of his energy into his hands, as an extremely painful, burning sensation ripped through him. As it began to built the cuffs grew red hot, and Keh-yah thrust them at Daga’s eyes, burning them.
Daga screamed, grabbing the cuffs in his gloved hands, and trying to lift them off his burning eyes, gripping them hard.
The cuffs snapped at the hinges, Keh-yah ripping his arms free and feeling a surge of energy painfully prickle through him. He took half a second to imagine a place, as isolated and far away from here as possible, a grassland he had been in a century ago at least.
The memory had taken his breath away, reminded him, that despite the horror of his existence, the world was still beautiful.
The sight was breath taking, the pink and purple sky, setting sun and gently waving grass. He didn’t even remember where it was at that moment, but it was where he could hide. He knew it wasn’t in Siberia, he knew he could hide there, that he’d be safe.
He sighed, preparing for the agony that was teleporting, as Daga ran at him.
Keh-yah couldn’t help but smirk as he felt his body almost melt, folding itself over and over, making him feel like he was about to throw up.
Then suddenly, he unfolded, and feeling more solid looked around.
The storm he had apparently entered froze him as he limped along the empty road surrounded by nothing except expansive fields of some kind of golden plant, perhaps wheat.
He had no idea which country he was in, It could be Russia, Brazil or India and he wouldn’t have a clue. After what felt like an eternity, he had reached the small town, following the main road into the centre of the settlement, glancing at the houses, all darkened.
The night was dark, moonless and the rain made it hard to see, perhaps a blessing in disguise in a way. Using the last of his strength, he felt his body morph slightly, into that of a more acceptable human appearance. Perhaps he be more likely to be assisted.
In the distance, he spotted a spire, a small, metal cross attached to the tip. The symbol sent a shiver down Keh-yah’s spine, but he didn’t seem to have any other options.
The church it was.
Keh-yah went incredibly still as a final sigh escaped him. The two priests looked at his body stop breathing, Mark about to reach out for a pulse in his neck, when suddenly Keh-yah shot up, coughing and gagging, gasping for breath, as he slumped forwards.
His stomach rippled, as a thick, pus like substance came up from his throat, spilling into his lap. It smelled like rotting flesh.
The demon convulsed, shuddering as he threw up the yellowish, slightly green slime, which spilled out of his mouth like a waterfall.
The two priests stepped back, eyes wide in horror, as Keh-yah crawled onto his hands and knees, spewing up the slime, which was starting to have thick, slimy, black tendrils that curled through it.
With a final shudder, Keh-yah coughed up a large, black, gelatinous ball, that slopped into the copious amounts of puke like a weird jellyfish.
Wiping his mouth, Keh-yah sighed in relief, leaning back and coughing slightly, thankful to be able to breathe. Something inside him had shifted, and he felt his side, where the infection was, looking down at the purple skin. The inflammation around the wound was already going down…
His vision blurred, a ringing in his ears growing loud as his eyes rolled back, Mark rushing forwards and catching Keh-yah as he began to tilt sideways, passing out in his arms.
The two priests looked at each other, carrying the demon up the stairs, and to the couch, whilst they began to mop up the mess Keh-yah had left for them.
When they were finished, Mark checked the demon’s temperature, which was going down already, and his bruises and cuts, broken ribs and burns all seemed to be healing a lot faster…
Keh-yah was finally out of the woods, or so he hoped.
As he tucked the demon in, he whispered a little prayer, hoping that God would at least take some mercy on this demon… It was the least he could do.
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snaillamp · 4 months
Leader whumpee taking over snail's mood lol. What's your favourite leader whumpee tropes? And do you have any leader whumpee written lately? I enjoy those so much.
~ Squishy
Ayeeee! Squishy!!! Squishter! The Squisherino!
Yeah, uh Leader whump ahahaha… the brainrot has got me good.
As for your question:
I love defiant little sassy leaders. It’s so funny when the villain of the story is all self aggrandising and gloating about how they captured Leader, and how stupid Leader is for falling for their trap, and Leader is like “I mean you could’ve taken me to dinner first.” And that little shit eating grin!
I just love sassy little idiots. You’ll see it in all my characters, they’re all little shits.
The other thing I live is hidden injury and self sacrifice. Like yeah throw yourself in front of that knife for your team, hell yeah hide the stab wound you get for it and collapse the second you realise everyone will be okay. Fuck it’s great.
I have a few leader ideas in the works actually but I’ve been so busy I just haven’t written much, but I wanna do one where leader gets sick and their team starts helping them out in little ways until leader read loses they don’t have to do all the work for everyone.
There’s another I wanna do where leader is subdued and tied up with duct tape, except they’re really allergic to it. I have so many ideas. Betrayal? Yep. Ego death? Check. There’s even one lying around in my drafts from ages ago cause I was really sad about a major character death story I read and wanted to do a nice fluffy one.
Maybe I should make a Leader Whump section in my pinned post? Idk maybe I could become one of the Leader whump accs. I don’t see it much.
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snaillamp · 1 year
Sicktember - day 7
7. "You're a jerk when you're sick."
Leader sniffed, groaning as they pushed themself up. They eased out of bed, shuffling over to their small closet and changed into their running gear. Quietly, they crept outside and took off, going for their run in the morning cold.
As they ran, they coughed a little, their throat feeling a little raw. Slowing to a jog, they put a hand on their chest, rubbing it, before stopping all together. Hands on their knees, they leaned over, coughing and wheezing until they felt light-headed and they were about to throw up. Their stomach squeezed, as if it was trying to force bile out of itself. Straightening, Leader turned, staggering a little, before walking home.
They stumbled through the door, kicking off their shoes and leaving them by the doorway. Their head was pounding as they went to go shower. Despite not running far, they were sweating buckets. Peeling off their sweat stained clothes, they stepped into the shower, letting the steaming water wash over their skin.
Sighing after they felt their sinuses clear a little, Leader turned off the shower, drying off and walking into their room. They groaned in annoyance, the towel wrapped around them sagging as they slouched, looking at what they had to wear. Picking a loose shirt and sweatpants, they eased them on, before grabbing a jacket. They felt a little cold today and their joints felt stiff and achy, despite the hot shower.
Slinking out of their room, Leader made their way to the kitchen, where the team was beginning to congregate for breakfast. “Hey, morning Leader!” Youngest piped up, smiling brightly. Leader glanced at them, before continuing by them. Right-hand watched Youngest’s face fall slightly. Right-hand stood, coming over to stand by Youngest.
“Leader.” They said firmly. Leader glanced over their shoulder, looking at Right-hand and Youngest. “Youngest said good morning to you.” Right-hand put their hand on Youngest’s shoulder, showing who’s side they were on.
It was strange, Leader had a massive soft spot for Youngest, this was out of the ordinary, especially for them. Leader’s face grew dark, as they mumbled a reply. “Sorry… morning.”
Leader grabbed a glass of water, not being able to stomach the idea of eating food right now. Walking by Right-hand and Youngest again, they sipped their glass, avoiding eye contact with their two teammates. They were being strangely annoyed by their team for no reason today.
Wanting to just be alone, they stalked over to the breakfast table, sitting and sipping their water. Right-hand slid up beside them, leaning in and murmuring. “Hey. What’s with you? You’re not acting like yourself?”
Leader glared at Right-hand. “I’m fine.” Right-hand sighed, so Leader was gonna play this game, huh? “Come on, Leader. What’s up? Didn’t sleep well? Something bothering you?” Leader’s eyes flashed as they bared their teeth, hissing at Right-hand. “Yes, you. Now drop it, Right-hand.”
Right-hand drew back in shock as Leader sniffed, rubbing their face and pushing out of the chair. Leader walked to the sink, coughing as they tipped out their water and walked off. They cleared their throat, stopping for a moment to hold their forehead. It was starting to pound again. Leader swayed, grunting slightly, before shaking their head.
Right-hand appeared by their side, wrapping an arm around Leader’s shoulders. “Leader, you know you can come to me if you’re not doing okay, right?” They frowned, “Hey, you’re running kinda warm, are you feeling okay?” Leader sighed, looking at Right-hand, their eyes narrowing. Leader couldn’t understand why, but Right-hand’s arm around them made them angry.
“Just drop it, okay?! I’m fine, Right-hand, stop pushing!” Leader shrugged Right-hand’s arm off them, storming off down the hall, looking down as something tangled in their feet. The floor came rushing up to meet them as they tripped, their head hitting the ground with a loud crack. Right-hand rushed forward, helping Leader get up, but Leader grabbed the shoes, storming back to the team in the kitchen, who were all watching in shock.
“Who left these in the hall huh?!” They yelled, their voice cracking as they raised it. Their team stared at them with wide eyes, in stunned silence. “Nobody, huh? I expected so much better of all of you! Do we live in a fucking pig stye? Who’s are these?!” Their team jumped as Leader snapped at them, their chest heaved a they vibrated in anger, shaking their head in disgust.
“Uh… Leader…” Youngest mumbled, staring at the table, “Those are… your shoes…”
Leader frowned, doing a double take at the shoes. “What?” They breathed. Lowering the shoes, they shook their head, this time in confusion. “When did I…” Leader looked guilty, staring at their feet, “Sorry…” They mumbled, “As you were…”
Wandering to the bathroom, they looked at their reflection. A large bruise was forming on their head, exactly where they had smashed it against the floor. Washing their face with cool water, they breathed, trying to calm their racing heart. Feeling lightheaded, they leaned heavily against the sink, panting as they tried to stay conscious.
Right-hand stepped into the bathroom, shutting the door behind them and walking up to Leader. They noticed Leader was quivering slightly. Putting a hand on Leader’s shoulder, they leaned in, whispering quietly. “Leader, what’s wrong?”
Leader took a deep breath, glaring at the sink. “Get off me.” They growled. “Leader. You’re warm, too warm.” Right-hand said, gently guiding Leader away from the sink and to the floor. “You’re sick. Get Medic to check you out, hmm?” Leaned groaned, pushing themself away. “I’m not sick, I’m just…. I don’t know why but everything is annoying me today and I’m just… not feeling great…”
Right-hand looked kind of stunned that Leader wasn’t putting two and two together. “Yeah, cause you’re sick. Leads, you look like death warmed up right now. You’re not okay, just take the day off and take it easy.” They put a hand on Leader’s forehead, feeling their temperature. “And you need to get that bump looked at. Leader, come on, let’s see Medic.”
Leader groaned again, more like an annoyed teen, and pulled their head away. “I’m fine, just fuck off and leave me alone! I don’t need to be babied Right-hand! I just need some space right now, before I fucking snap!” Leader’s voice cracked, before they coughed again, they felt like they were going to throw up. “I need some air.” They gasped, leaving the bathroom.
Right-hand stood alone, staring after their leader, frowning in concern.
Leader hit their chest, trying to clear it. They could hear Right-hand following them, their feet pounding in Leader’s ears. They whirled around to tell them to back off again, but there was no one there. Stepping back, they bumped into Medic, jumping in fright. “Jeez, Medic. Don’t creep up on me like that…”
Leader squeezed their eyes shut, shaking their head, their palm touching their forehead… but both their hands were by their side. “Wait… you didn’t hear me calling your name? I said it like, five times Leader.” Leader looked at Medic, who lowered their hand from Leader’s forehead. “You’re burning up. Come on, come back to bed.”
Leader tried to wriggle out of Medic’s arms, only for Right-hand to come up behind them and help Medic wrangle Leader into their room. Leader sighed, submitting to their two teammates dragging them to their room. They glanced over their shivering shoulders, watching Youngest follow behind them, they looked worried.
Medic sat Leader on the edge of their bed, leaving them there to go and get some things. When they came back, they checked Leader over, before sighing and laying them down. “Get some rest, you have a bad cold and what looks like a stomach bug.” Leader groaned, rolling over to face the other wall, not looking at anyone.
“Go away…” They moaned quietly, shivering. Their teammates raised their hands stepping out, all except for Youngest. Instead they drew closer, sitting beside Leader’s bed.
“I said leave me alone.” Leader growled, hearing the footsteps come closer. “Please…” Their voice faltered. “I- I just need to be alone right now.” Youngest sighed, leaning in a little more.
“Leader, I know you. You must be feeling really shitty right now, but we’re still here for you, you know. All we’re trying to do is help you.” Leader groaned in annoyance, pulling the blanket over themself more and curling up. “Can you just shut up and go away, please?! I want to be alone! How hard is that for any of you to fucking understand?!” Leader sounded like they were on the edge of bursting into tears, as they gulped, trying not to throw up.
Youngest stumbled back, in shock as Leader’s breaths began to shake. “You know…” Youngest started, their lip wobbling as their voice wavered. “You’re a jerk when you’re sick.” They turned and ran out the door, leaving Leader alone. Leader rolled over, turning to face the door, suddenly regretting what they had said. Youngest absence left them feeling hollow and small, the tears finally breaking as they burst into tears, their stomach tensing as they wretched through their sobs. ~~
They must have fallen asleep, because they were shaken awake by Medic, holding an ice pack. “For your head, it’ll make the swelling go down.” Leader’s shaking hand reached for the cold ice pack, Medic giving it to them, before they glanced around and shut the door. Leader sighed, the cold pack touching their sore skin as the small amount of light in the room was cut out.
“Hey, so, Youngest is really upset right now. You were really mean to them.” Leader’s eyes flicked to Medic’s and they groaned in pain. Somewhere deep down, Leader felt bad, but it felt like the sickness was smothering their emotions. “All I’m saying is, I think that you need to sit down with them and apologise. They were only trying to help, and you really rattled them.” Leader huffed, looking guilty.
“I know… I just, everything is making me mad and I don’t know why… I didn't mean to upset them.” Leader shut their eyes and groaned. “I’m such an idiot! Jeez! I can’t believe this, I’m so stupid I just- Aagh!” Leader hurled the ice pack across the room and resumed curling up in a ball. Medic sighed, walking over to the ice pack and bringing it back to Leader.
Leader begrudgingly accepted the ice pack back, holding it against their head for a while whilst Medic made more observations. “This is making it worse you know…” Leader mumbled. Medic looked up, frowning. “What is?” Leader flicked their eyes over to Medic, rolling them in annoyance. “The ice, it’s making my headache worse...” Medic nodded once, thinking. “Fine, give it back then.” The reached for it but Leader pulled away.
“Medic… Does Youngest hate me?” Tears were welling up in Leader’s eyes, as they whispered their question. Medic lowered their hands slowly, reaching out the grip Leader’s shoulder. “Look, I’m sure if you apologise to Youngest they will forgive you. You’re just being a dick cause you’re unwell.” Leader sighed in frustration.
“That isn’t an excuse. I shouldn’t have said any of that stuff, I just… I can’t… Medic… I'm g-gonna…” Leader’s voice stuttered as their eyes grew wide.
“Leader?” Medic looked worried, as Leader groaned, before rolling from the bed. Medic heard retching sounds in the bathroom, following their friend in and patting their back as they convulsed. They didn’t notice Youngest peering around the door.
~~ Later that night, Leader groaned, waking up again for the… fifth, sixth time that night? Rolling out of bed, Leader’s shaky legs collapsed under them, forcing them to the ground. They tried to stand, but their sweating, shaking legs couldn’t hold them up, until Medic’s strong, steady arms lifted them up, sweeping Leader into a bridal carry.
Letting their head fall back, Leader shut their eyes as they were carried to the bathroom, where they were laid down onto the cool tiles. They moaned quietly, turning their head and letting their cheek rest on the cold ground, before gagging, flying up to the toilet bowl and throwing up their guts.
The hand returned to their back, rubbing large, slow, comforting circles. “Medic… You should sleep… Don’t… don’t stay up for me…” Medic sighed, “Leader, Medic went to sleep hours ago. It’s me…” Leader turned, looking at Youngest, who smiled at them softly. “Youngest…” Leader deflated, hanging their head and sighing. “Jeez… Youngest… go to bed, don’t stay up for me… I don’t deserve it- mfph!”
Leader hurled again, until their stomach was empty and they were left dry heaving, hanging half in and half out of the bowl. “Nhgnn…” They gasped, pulling back, or Youngest pulled them back, they couldn't be sure, but they ended up lying against the tiles again. Youngest got a cloth, dabbing cool water against Leader’s bruised forehead, gently tucking a stray hair behind their ear.
“Leader, you’re someone I look up to so much.” Youngest began, lying beside their shaking leader and wrapping their arms around them. “You’re there for me when I need you the most, and now… Now I will be there for you.”
They pulled Leader close, resting their head on Leader’s chest. “Get off… I’ll make you sick too…” Leader groaned, jokingly trying to weakly push Youngest off them. Youngest giggled, sitting up. “Fine.” They grabbed the cloth and began to dab Leader’s forehead again. “Youngest, I’m sorry… for how I acted today… I shouldn’t have done that. You all deserve better… better than me.” Leader looked forlorn as they looked away from Youngest.
A tear fell down their cheek as they rolled over, curling up and holding their stomach. “Mmmmnn... Ugh, I think I’m gonna…” Leader tried to push themself up, and with Youngest’s help, they managed to get there just in time, but nothing came up. “I don’t know… how much longer I c-can keep this up, Youngest…” Leader whispered, their head bopping as they fought to stay awake.
Youngest heaved Leader up, pulling them onto their feet and slinging Leader's arm over their shoulders, and walking them back to bed. “You shouldn’t carry me. I can do it…” Youngest chuckled. “Leader, you can hardly stand, I am not letting you walk by yourself.”
Leader groaned, coughing as Youngest tucked them in. “Oh, and… for what it’s worth Leader. I understand. No one likes being sick. I forgive you.” Leader laughed dryly. “I’m not just sick… I’m completely smashed…” They sighed, lying back into to pillows.
“And thank you, Youngest. You shouldn’t forgive me… but I’m glad you did.” They grabbed Youngest’s hand giving it a squeeze. “Get some rest, I don't want you getting sick too...”
They nodded at Youngest, who nodded back. “Night, Leader. Get better soon.” Leader was passed out before Youngest got through the door, making Youngest smile. Leader needed some rest, it was good they were finally getting it.
and I promised to tag you in the next leader fic! @porschethemermaid
And again, thank you to everyone who reads my work, it really makes my day seeing all the nice things everyone has to say :D <3 ~ snail
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snaillamp · 1 year
Angry Kitten and Mumma Cat
Leader was standing at attention, their team being spoken too by Big Boss. He was rambling on about what a good job they had all done last mission and what not, his usual spiel. Leader’s head was pounding as they swayed slightly, bumping into Youngest’s shoulder, causing them to look over at them.
“Leader?” They whispered, frowning in concern. “You good?” Leader’s eyes fluttered as their head began pounding even more than it already had been, “Shh, pay attention” They murmured back. They stood straighter, their head protesting as they forced their eyes to focus on the words coming from Big Boss’ mouth.
Their head was pounding more now, they could hear their heart beating in their ears as a tiny moan escaped them, the blood draining from their face as their eyes rolled back, and they crumpled to the ground. The last thing they remembered was someone gasping and hands trying to grab them as they fell, before the green carpet rushed up to meet their face with a thud.
Everyone in the room stared at Leader, collapsed on the floor. Big Boss opened and closed his mouth like a fish, unsure of what to do. Breaking formation, Medic and Right-hand rushed over to Leader, rolling them over and checking them out. “Damn, they have a fever, they’re burning up.” Medic mumbled as they checked for a pulse. It was racing.
“We need to get them to a doctor, now!” Medic ordered, their voice firm and controlled. Within minutes, paramedics had rushed in, scooping up Leader and carting them away to hospital. Everyone stood in awkward silence, before Big Boss nodded and dismissed them, mumbling something about a good job and getting back to work. The team members all looked at each other, they knew they weren’t going back to any work until they knew Leader was okay. Cramming themselves into a car, they drove to the hospital and were soon by Leader’s side, waiting for them to wake up.
When Leader opened their eyes, they could see a light shining directly in them. “Ah, and you’ve finally awoken. How are you Leader?” A chipper voice asked them as they tried to remember what happened. All they could manage was a weak whine. “It’s alright, don’t speak if you can’t. Now, Leader, I’m Doctor Cass, and I want you to know you’re in hospital. You collapsed at work, okay?” Leader nodded, barely taking in anything Dr Cass said. Their head was still pounding.
“You’ve come down with a pretty bad case of the flu, but I’ll just observe you for a bit and then let you go home. There isn’t much we can do for you here, I’m afraid. Your friends will look after you.” Leader nodded, the movement making their head hurt as they shut their eyes again, trying to sleep. They lay like that for a while but they couldn’t do it, their head hurt too much.
“Hey Leader…” A quiet voice spoke up, making them open their eyes. “How you feeling?” Right-hand asked, leaning close so Leader could hear them. All Leader could manage was a groan in reply. It was all starting to come together for them, their team had all caught a light case of the flu a few weeks ago, after a mission.
Leader hadn’t been affected by it, so they had spent their time looking after everyone as they battled the light fever. It seemed like all that work had finally caught up with them. “I’ll let you rest, Leader. I’ll tell everyone you’re doing okay.” Right-hand patted their shoulder before leaving them to rest.
A couple days later, Leader was feeling better. They still felt like death, but felt well enough that Dr Cass let them go home. They felt cold and shivery as they checked out of the hospital, held up between two teammates and then bundled into the car. When they got home, they were practically carried to their bed, tucked in and left alone to rest.
That was fine for the first couple of days, Leader lay there, delirious as their team took it in turns looking after them, but when they finally came back to themself, all they wanted to do was get back to work. They were almost a week behind in paperwork and they felt even sicker thinking about the late nights they’d need to do to catch up. Lying there, they felt fine, so they sat up.
Big mistake.
They moaned, falling back hard against their bed. Their head was pounding as they rested arm on their forehead, moaning in pain. Medic rushed in, looking worried as they went to Leader’s side. “You okay?” They asked checking Leader over in a rush. “Just… I wanna… get up ’n… work…” Leader moaned, trying to sit again. The world spun around as they lifted their head. “Stay there Leader. You need rest.”
Leader sighed, “But I have so much to do…” Medic rolled their eyes. “You and your damn work. It’s not going anywhere.” They sighed, looking around. “If I bring you your laptop, will you promise to stay in bed?” Leader nodded, feeling their head ache as they did.
“And early to bed tonight.”
“Wait, that wasn’t part of the deal!” Leader argued, only for Medic to smirk. “I know what you’re like, but I’m afraid it’s my rules or no laptop.” Leader frowned, agreeing with a grumble.
The next few days they perked up a little more, able to sit up without feeling like they were going to faint and their sinuses clearing up a little. They still felt like road kill, but at least they were on the mend. Sighing, they heard their team laughing as they came back from the gym, presumably from training. “I wanna train…” They stared at the report they had been typing. Paperwork was always so dry, but this report was torture to try and write, especially with their mind the way it was right now.
Groaning, they pushed the laptop aside and stood, swaying a little, before shuffling toward the door. They... they just had to get out of this damn bedroom. They felt so isolated in there.
Leader stumbled down the hallway, making it half way before they looked up at the feet that had appeared in front of them. Medic pointed at the direction Leader had come, "Bed." they ordered firmly.
"I have the flu, I’m not dying.” Leader mumbled, turning and shuffling to back to their room. Crawling into bed and lying there until they passed out again, their body was heavy as the depression started to weigh on their chest.
The next day they were able to think clearly again. The worst of the fever seemed to be over and they were almost back on their feet, so they decided to slip into their office when their team was out to get some stuff done.
After a couple hours of sitting at their desk, they began to feel the chills return and the headache start again. Groaning, they lay back, rubbing their eyes and trying to breathe through their blocked nose.
“I thought I’d find you here.” An accusatory tone came from their doorway. Medic was leaning on the door frame, looking smug. “You should be in bed Leader. You’ll only slow your recovery by working right now.” Leader shot them a look, but that only seemed to encourage Medic, who waltzed into the room and slung their arm under Leader’s own. “Come on, up we go.” They grunted, pulling Leader to their feet. “Home time, champ.”
Leader tried to pull away. “No, I’m fine. Just gimme a minute. I was about to take a break anyway.” They pulled out of Medic’s grip, only to stagger and fall against their desk. “Right.” Medic answered, definitely convinced. “And how long was this… “break” going to last?”
Leader sighed as Medic picked them up. “You’re coming home and resting. I won’t hear another peep about it from you.” Leader glared at them, but let them take them home. It was nice just to be in the presence of another person right now.
Leader lay in bed that afternoon, sniffing and spluttering. Their recovery had taken a nose dive due to their ‘escapade’ as Medic had called it, and now were under strict orders to stay in bed until they were 100% better. Leader rolled their eyes, half expecting Medic to try and spoon feed them chicken soup next. They didn’t even like soup! So instead, they stared at their laptop, watching a shitty rom-com, which was neither particularly romantic or funny. They looked up at the sound of their door creaking.
“Hey…” Right-hand murmured. “You awake?” Leader groaned, looking at the silhouette of Right-hand’s huge frame in the doorway.
Leader was short, even by short people standards, but they made up for it with strength, skill and personality. Right-hand on the other hand, was a huge, cuddly bear. Leader wouldn’t be surprised if Right-hand could actually beat a bear in a fight, they’d be pretty evenly matched, but for a huge, loud, scary looking person, they were softer than butter.
Coming over to Leader, they sat by the bed. “Whatcha watching?” They asked looking at the laptop screen. “Some movie… I haven’t really been watching to be honest…” Leader mumbled, turning to look at Right-hand, who scoffed. “I see. Hey, so you want dinner?” Leader shook their head, they couldn't stomach the thought of food. “Okay, call if you need anything.” Leader nodded, watching Right-hand leave.
At that moment, all they wanted was for them to stay.
The next morning they pushed themself out of bed, staggering into the main room, everyone was gone. Sighing in relief, Leader grabbed some shoes. They could sneak into work and get more done, they were feeling a bit better again, and if they could spend a few hours in their office, they could finally catch up and relax, like Medic wanted.
Big, strong arms wrap around their torso. “And where do you think you’re going?” Right-hand asked, scooping them up and cradling them. “Put me down!” Leader struggled weakly in Right-hand’s grasp. “Nope. Not until you tell me where you’re planning on going.” Leader glared at Right-hand as they began to carry them back to their room.
“No. I don’t have to explain myself to you! Right-hand put me down! I am your superior, I order you to let me fucking go!” They clawed and pushed at Right-hand’s chest as hard as they could, which wasn’t hard at all, before they gave up, letting their arm dangle limply by their side. Right-hand cradled them close as they hung floppy in their arms, rapidly losing energy.
“Medic told me where you went yesterday. I figured I’d stick around in case you tried to pull that shit again, Leader. And look who was right.” Leader huffed, crossing their arms, before trying to wiggle free. “You’re gloating.”
Right-hand smirked, “Yeah. And? You’re the idiot trying to sneak out.” Leader gave up trying to wiggle out of Right-hand’s grip as they got back into the room. They found themself leaning against Right-hand’s chest, listening to their heart. Right-hand sat on the bed, noticing Leader clinging to them. “You okay?” Leader was silent, pressing their body harder into Right-hand’s. “I don’t know…” They whispered, listening to the heart beat quicken a little. “Leader, what’s wrong?” Right-hand sat them on their lap and held them tight, feeling Leader’s fever wracked body start to shake.
“I just hate feeling like this…” Leader whispered through shuddering breaths, “So weak and… and…” A sob wracked their body. Being held like this felt so nice... They could stay like that forever.
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t cry, Leader. It’s okay. You just need to chill out and get better. You’ll be fine in a couple days.” Leader shook their head.
Right-hand sighed, lifting Leader up and tucking them into bed. “I’ll go get you something to eat, you need strength if you’re gonna heal up.” Leader whined, grabbing at their hand. “Can you stay? I don’t want to be alone…” Their whispering voice wavered.
It all came crashing into Right-hand like a bus. “Oh, oh Leader… I had no idea you felt like that…” Leader pulled the blankets up higher, trying to stop their rising sobs. “I-I’m just sick of being so… so useless. I want to work, I want to be with you guys… I feel so isolated... so forgotten…”
Right-hand sat beside Leader, brushing some of their hair off their face. “I had no idea… Leader… I’m so sorry. Come on, I’ll set you up on the couch, you can hang with us tonight.” Leader looked up at them, shaking their head with teary eyes. “I just need someone right now. Here.” Right-hand nodded, climbing onto the bed and laying beside Leader, hugging them close.
They listened as Leader’s ragged, warm breaths began to slow, their body relaxing as they fell asleep. They knew Leader needed it. Leaving quickly, they set up a blanket nest on the couch outside, before carrying Leader 's limp form from the bed. Tucking them in, Leader coughed a little, stirring and making a sleepy sound before settling into their new sleeping spot.
One by one, the team came home after a long day of work and training, finding Right-hand sitting by Leader, watching them sleep. They would all frown, before nodding and going about their afternoons, quietly so they didn't disturb Leader.
Leader woke to the smell of dinner cooking, the first thing they smelled in days. They suddenly realised how hungry they were.
Sitting up, bleary eyed, they looked around confused at the room they had woken up in. “This isn’t where I fell asleep…” They mumbled, rubbing their eyes. “Leader, you woke up! How you feeling?” Medic walked over, checking Leader’s forehead with the back of their hand. “Temp’s gone down. I think you’re finally on the mend.” They grinned as Right-hand came over with a plate. Perched on it was a small serving of lasagna. “Do you think you can manage this?” They asked as Leader eyed the food greedily, before they nodded, smiling.
With a little help, they made it to the table with the others, managing to eat half of their serving before losing their appetite. “Good start, Leader. Keep at it and you’ll be better in no time.” Medic patted Leader’s back as they gathered the plates up. “Wait…” Leader asked, reaching for Medic's arm to stop them. “Can you save it for later? I might have more in a while.” Medic gleamed. “It’ll go straight in the fridge, Leader!”
Leader frowned, “Why are you all acting so weird and... happy?” Their voice was rough and congested as they coughed, a large glop of goo coming loose in their sinuses and dripping down their throat. Leader swallowed it, wincing. “Right-hand said you missed us… We all felt a little bad about leaving you alone for days so we thought we’d hang out.” Youngest piped up, beaming. “Wanna watch a movie later?” Leader wiped their nose before looking up, “Sure…”
When everyone was finished, they all crowded onto the sofa, Leader sandwiched between Right-hand and Medic, wrapped in blankets as they watched Jaws.
Half way through, Right-hand felt something hot rest on their shoulder. Leader had fallen asleep against it, cheek smooshed into their shoulder, their warm breath dancing across it. “They seem to have been hit pretty hard by this flu…” Medic gestured with their eyes at Right-hand who looked up at them and nodded.
“They spent days looking after all of us at once, I don’t think they slept… Must have made them worse when they finally got it. You know what they’re like, they won’t say anything is wrong even if they’re bleeding out in front of you. I guess it finally just caught up to them.”
Medic nodded in agreeance, “We should probably move them to their room.” they murmured.
Right-hand picked up Leader, bundled in blankets, and took them to their room. They noticed Leader's face looked better, more peaceful and rested as they coughed lighty in their sleep. They mumbled something as Right-hand tucked them in, rolling over and smiling in their sleep.
"Get well soon, Leader." Right-hand whispered.
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