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flowerfan2 · 2 months ago
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Today you get three recs - well, really two recs and a link to one of my stories, but three different fandoms.
This first story is McDanno. Steve is asexual, and Danny is just the most loving, awesome version of Danny in the universe. It's a beautiful fic. You and me get too real but all I feel is alright. M, 11k, by piratefalls.
It reminded me in some ways of the David/Patrick fic I wrote exploring asexuality. The stories are pretty different, but I'm always really glad to see this topic explored in fic. If H50 isn't your jam but Schitt's Creek is, try I Waited 'Til I Saw The Sun. M, 2.5k.
My second MFL fic is one that only recently went on my MFL list, but I enjoyed it so much and it is seasonally appropriate, it's the fix-it fic we all want for the holidays, so here you go. The Twelve Days of Buckmas, 6k, T, by paleredheadinascifi.
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firenati0n · 7 months ago
hi roop! i hope you're having a great day! 3, 10, 21 for the fandom asks, please and thank you!
hi kelly!!!! hope you are well :) :) thank you!!!
3. a character that fandom has helped you appreciate
mmmm i think I'd say a ship for this one, junorapez. i appreciated the characters on their own but have a greater appreciation for them and the ship after reading some wonderful work!
character specifically, june. i related a lot to june as an older sister myself while reading, but some fics really flesh her out and her dynamic with alex, which is really validating for me to read!!
10. a blog (mutual or one you follow) that has made your fandom experience brighter
i will give you a few that fit a specific vibe - the first people to ever interact with me as mutuals on here (and i did check my followers list just now) were @kiwiana-writes @sherryvalli @sparklepocalypse @myheartalivewrites @onward--upward @priincebuttt @cha-melodius , before i ever posted a single word on ao3. without their friendship and welcoming energy, i would have never posted any works or felt confident enough to make friends on here. i kind of just...emerged from the shadows one day in the fandom, screaming into ask boxes first, then ao3 comments. long time lurker, first time FREAK! but i am so grateful for my mutuals!!!! thank you for bolstering me and accepting me and boosting me ilysmmmmmmm i value our friendships so so so much and y'all have changed my life fr
21. a fandom you're not active in anymore but that you still really like.
sherlock and supernatural...i will still go and read works from time to time <3
xoxo roop
[ love your fandom asks! ]
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skinnyscottishbloke · 2 years ago
sense8 ♡
MAH BABIESSSSSSSS 🥹🥹🥹 Tagging @piratefalls cause you also sent in this show : )
Favorite character: fuccckk this is difficult because I love all of them. Probaabblyyyy Sun?? She’s just such a bamf! But she’s soft too and I love that she can be both.
Second favorite character: Lito. I love every second of his drama filled life. Also when Will’s like “Have we met?” and Lito just grins and goes “We had sex” lololololol one of the best moments of the series.
Least favorite character: Whispers I guess.
Character I’m most like: ummmm Felix? Loyal, loves shoes, likes to go clubbing. Lol.
Favorite pairing: literally every pairing in this show is top tier butttttt either Lito x Hernando or Sun x Mun. Detective Mun is the softest sweetest man but also a badass so they’re perfect together!
Least favorite pairing: Whispers and his wife haha.
Favorite moment: in a show as surprising, sexy and suspenseful as this one it’s hard to pick a favorite. anytime Wolfie gets his rocket launcher out is a good time tho 😂 (and no that’s not a euphemism lol); also nomanita’s wedding is just so so sweet. And Sao Paulo Pride!
Rating out of 10: 15! I wish we’d gotten a full final season instead of the movie but honestly I’m just grateful for a wrap up and a satisfying ending.
Send me a series!
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romanbridgers · 9 months ago
*raises hand* i am interested in your thoughts on eddietaylor!
okay, so! i was trying to think of an eddie pairing with an already established character and how it would work/what he needs in a relationship as opposed to what he thinks he needs or what he thinks he should be looking for. the big problem with eddie imo is he tends to pursue women he thinks would fit into a mother-wife mold; i.e. someone to fill the void left by shannon as his wife and christopher's mother. someone who will fit into the nuclear family eddie thinks he should have that he missed out on because shannon was in the process of leaving him and then died without any resolution. so i started thinking about a character with the sort of personality/traits/etc. that might get eddie off a hamster wheel of his own making and came up with a few ideas, but the one i decided to go with was taylor. taylor's ambitious, cares about her job (and honesty/truthfulness), she's also compassionate but has an edgier side too. she seems like a good candidate to snap eddie out of his current malaise when it comes to relationships.
as for the fic, i just started it but here's a little snip:
Perhaps a bit naïvely, Eddie had thought he’d never have to see Taylor again after she and Buck split up. He’d managed to avoid her book in the months since it came out, somehow becoming the only person in the greater Los Angeles area who didn’t run into a life-size cardboard cut-out of her face or stacks of her book confronting him every time he stepped out of his house. So, he’s a bit unprepared when he uses his key to let himself into Buck’s apartment and Taylor’s sitting at the kitchen island, a cocktail glass in hand. And Buck is leaning back against the stovetop, nursing a beer. “Uh,” Eddie says, glancing back toward the door for a moment, wondering if he’s walked into the wrong apartment by mistake (which doesn’t even make sense given that he was able to use his key and Buck and Taylor are both studying him like he’s a bug under a microscope). Eddie gently shuts the door behind him and tuns back to face them. “Bad time?” Taylor’s neutral expression morphs into something verging on predatory. “Would you like to go on the record regarding Captain Vincent Gerrard of Station 118,” she says, way too slowly, as she runs a fingertip along the rim of her empty cocktail glass. Oh, Eddie realizes, eyes drifting from her glass to Buck’s half-empty beer. They’ve been at it or a while. Eddie leans the plastic bag he’d brought with him—souvenirs for Buck from Chris’s stay in El Paso—against the wall near the door and gives Taylor what he hopes is a sincere enough smile.
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kiwiana-writes · 11 months ago
For the series/film game: Galavant!
My rating (1-10): 9. Points deducted for it being cancelled.
My favourite character: Honestly it's gotta be Madalena lmao. We stan a ruthless evil social climber.
My least favourite character: Galavant's dad. Even being played by Anthony Stewart Head (in s1) couldn't redeem him in my eyes lmao.
The character I think I'd be friends with: Steve Mackenzie, hundred percent.
The character I think I won't hit off with: I can't imagine Gareth and I would have a lot to say to one another lmao
My favourite episode/scene: Oh god. All of them? The fakeout at the end of the prologuey/intro bit (which I won't spoil) is just... hysterical and really sets the tone for the rest of the show. I Love You As Much As Someone Like Me Can Love Anyone cracks me up every damn time. But also every single part of this show is legitimately excellent.
Whose clothing style I like best: Again, Madalena. Get it babe.
Times I watched it (and if I would again): At least a dozen times all the way through, plus occasional episodes. OBVIOUSLY I would again.
[Send me a series/film!]
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wellhalesbells · 1 year ago
I would read your Meg 2 fic
So far it's you, me, my bestie, and a frog - ngl, seems like a damn good group 🤙🏻
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lacroixbabe · 6 months ago
4, 12, 22, 25 for the ask meme!
4. Favorite drink?
Seltzer! I drink it by the liter, sometimes flavored and sometimes plain. If I’m at a bar, my drink is seltzer with a splash of cranberry juice. 🥂
12. Your favorite music genres?
Ohhh boy, buckle in! I like so many different types of music. Pop-punk, show tunes, folk, contemporary country, 70s country, pop from the 60s through the present, 90s soft rock, and whatever the hell genre Hozier is. 🎧
22. Best memory you can think of?
Stargazing when I was working at a summer camp in Maine. There’s absolutely nothing like it. ⭐️
25. Are you a morning or a night person?
1000% a night person. Mornings are the worst. I try to keep my sleep schedule pretty consistent (asleep by 12, up by 8:45 on work days), but if I’m not doing anything the next day I can end up watching a show late into the night, and suddenly it’s 3:30 am and my sleep schedule is nowhere to be found. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Thanks for the ask, Kelly!
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taste-thewaste · 11 months ago
D, M, T!
D. What’s the most personal fanfic you’ve written? Oooof probably In Case, Just in Case, my fic about Henry struggling with mental health and SH. Without getting too into it, there's a lot of me and a lot of my heart and soul in that one.
M. What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story? ha so i'm normally not much of an AU girly (i love staying in canon) but I have an AU planned where Alex works slicing meat in a bodega and henry is his really picky customer who comes in every day to see him and....it was something I brainstormed with my friend and I'm really excited to write it one day lmao hot bodega Alex.
T. Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand? Hmmm...nothing much comes to mind right off the bat, other than I'm not a fan of self insert fics, but only because I'm an old woman. Very much pro "do what you want, write what you want", if I read the tags and I'm not into it, I do not have to read it!
Thank you friend!
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drfranklangdon · 4 months ago
Inspired by @piratefalls ‘s post
Buck attempts to shift himself onto his stomach to sneak in ten more minutes of sleep before he needs to shower and get ready for work, but he’s pinned to the bed by an arm splayed across his chest. The muscley arm of his boyfriend. Just thinking about that word causes Buck’s insides to flip. He has a boyfriend. A big, strong, beast of a boyfriend – who looks like a vision as he softly snores next to him.
Buck and Tommy were at the same apartment fire downtown last night. Half of LA’s stations were there. It took all that combined manpower to finally put out the fire that had spread to all twenty floors of the building. Buck didn’t even have time to quickly meet up with Tommy and tell him how hot he looked landing the chopper on a flame-engulfed rooftop. All he could do was wave as he flew away and deal with the (not so) gentle ribbing of his team making whip sounds at him.
A little bit after the fire was put out, the 118 were dispatched to another call. They didn’t need as many stations there for the cleanup and triage. As they were driving away, he saw Lucy loading another victim into the back of Tommy’s chopper – his third trip back from Presbyterian. He ended up making another two before the end of his shift.
Buck’s shift ended first. He changed and went to Tommy’s to surprise him with dinner after a long and exhausting shift. As of late, Buck has been staying at Tommy’s more than going home to the loft. Even though it’s a longer drive to the 118, nothing beats getting to wake up next to (or entangled with) his boyfriend.
Buck wanted to stay up and wait for Tommy, but he was exhausted himself and ended up passing out hours before Tommy got home. Around midnight, Tommy buried his face into Buck’s neck, apologizing for waking him up – not like he had to. Buck will always savor every second he gets with his boyfriend. With the man he’s fallen for.
Tommy was misty-eyed as he recalled his last transfer. They didn’t get to the hospital in time. The patient, a college student, succumbed to her injuries minutes before they landed. Lucy tried to perform compressions, but there was no use – she was gone.
It’s part of the job. Both have lost plenty of people with the LAFD. Doesn’t make it any easier. One of the perks of dating another first responder is having someone who knows exactly what it feels like. The regret, the blame, the what ifs – Buck’s been there. Been there more times than he can count.
So even when his muscles were steeped in exhaustion and he had an early shift the next morning, Buck gave Tommy what he needed. He held him down and sank into him, fucking him slowly and reverently until his mind was clouded with only thoughts of him and their shared connection. He showered him in praise, worshiped every patch of skin he could reach and reminded him of all the good he’s done. How he’s worthy of the pleasure he’s giving him. How loved he is.
It’s an act of service that Buck is usually on the other end of. He’s more likely to bring home the trauma of work – he’s over-emotional, he’s too much at times, he’s exhausting – yet time and time again, Tommy takes care of him. The least he could do was return the favor last night.
Buck watches Tommy sleep for a few minutes. He’s beautiful, a work of art unlike Buck’s ever seen before. His chiseled muscles and cleft chin are so handsome, so masculine – it takes his breath away watching him. Sometimes Buck feels like he needs to pinch himself. He still can’t believe this side of himself was hidden away for so long. How he couldn’t see who he was after years of searching for it. But, if he came out before, who knows if he would have met Tommy? Who knows if he would have happiness like he’s found with his boyfriend? He’s right where he’s meant to be, when he’s supposed to be.
Buck turns his alarm off before it wakes Tommy. He kisses the top of his head and slides out from under his (beefy) grip to start getting ready for work. He does his morning routine, basking in the smell of Tommy’s shampoo and soap on his skin. He’s never going back to his old brand. Not when he can have Tommy’s signature cedar scent on him all day, reminding him who he’s going home to at the end of his shift. He throws on one of Tommy’s hoodies (for the same reason) and a pair of dark jeans.
When Buck makes it back to the bedroom, Tommy is still fast asleep – snoring louder now that his mouth isn’t muffled by Buck’s neck. He kneels on the bed and lays a quick kiss to Tommy’s bare shoulder. He really wants a proper goodbye kiss before work, but he’d rather let his boyfriend sleep.
But then Tommy turns over on his side, pulling Buck into a patented Thomas Kinard bear hug. “C’mere.” He grumbles, barely awake. His eyes are still closed.
“Babe, I have work.” He whispers into Tommy’s jaw. Tommy’s lucky enough to have today off. “I’m coming over later.”
“You’ll be coming alright.” He smirks, still in a sleepy daze.
“Okay old man.” Buck laughs, prying himself from his boyfriend’s grasp. He kisses Tommy again, this time on the lips. “Get some rest so I can hold you to that…” He can’t help it - He kisses him again, this time lingering for a few seconds.
“Mmm hmm.” He burrows his face further into the pillow, falling back asleep. Buck stands up and checks his watch, seeing he’s officially running late. Great. “Stay safe, love you.”
Buck freezes. He turns back to see Tommy is out. “Babe?” He questions. He doesn’t get a response. He’s not sure if Tommy was even awake when he said it. But he definitely said it. Said that all important four-letter word. A word they had yet to say to each other. Until now.
All Buck can think about is another four-letter word - Fuck.
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ninzied · 2 months ago
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so flawed, so free
for @superrpowerlesshuman. ~3.5k. e. kastle christmas ⋆ sat dec 28 ⋆ favorite things ⋆ domestic fluff
He still sleeps with a gun in the nightstand, and goes for long runs on those mornings when the nightmares won’t loosen their grip on him. He fights with Karen, sometimes. They’re more alike than most people would probably realize. Both stubborn, both strong-willed. Both entirely reckless when it comes to their own personal safety.
But he also goes to vet group, and gets drinks with Curtis afterward. Sometimes Karen joins them, when she isn’t on a deadline. Other times, he comes home to her on the couch, sipping on her own beer as she types, and he kisses her forehead and can’t quite believe that this is his life now.
And then there are the days when Frank comes this close to losing it again. That control.
Or, Frank comes home bleeding, and Karen takes matters into her own hands.
no-pressure tagging some of my kastle fam under the cut--
@carry-the-sky @myletternevercame @ejunkiet @evilbunnyking @zushigirl
@fortysevenswrites @garglyswoof @redbelles @heidiamalia @baybelletrist
@onebatch2batch @piratefalls @c-sand @notquitecogent @152glasslippers
@heartonfirewrites @edourado
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firenati0n · 1 year ago
6, 32, 46!
eeeeeeeep thank you Kelly!!!!! :) :)
6. What do you use to keep your place when you’re reading a book?
a bookmark bc i am CIVILIZED!!!!!!!!!! the real answer is a receipt or a post-it note when i don't have a bookmark ajfsldkjfklasf i will never dog ear a page though
32. If you could dye your hair any color, regardless of how you think it would look, what color would you choose?
I used to dye my hair red a few years ago (i dyed it immediately after rewatching the pilot episode of the tv show Alias as an adult bc i wanted to look like Sydney Bristow. please do not judge me LMAOOOOOO). i would go back to red in a heartbeat...it was burgundy / wine red for a while and that was super pretty. I was my best self with red hair tbh i gotta go back.
46. What’s the last thing a friend recommended to you that you looked into and actually liked?
@dumbpeachjuice rec'd this fic called The Byline to me (i know a lot of y'all have read it but i am behind on my reading) and it is so fucking good like. i have been spacing out my reading bc I'm loving it so much i don't want it to be over. which is INSANE bc i am a BINGE READER. but it's so good. the dialogue is so fucking ZIPPYYYYYY and the dynamic is so YUMMYYYYYYY and it's a rwrb x west wing au and it HITSSSSSSSSSSSS 10/10 would recommend. fantastic work.
thank you so much!!!! <3 <3 <3
[ask me a question to distract me from Existential Horrors]
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skinnyscottishbloke · 1 year ago
Three songs ask: 5, 11, 21!
WHEEEEEEE okay here goes
5. three songs you wish you could forget (because listening to them hurts)
huh. well generally I'm a wallower so this doesn't really apply? I'll just go with songs that make me cry I guess.
this is what I listened to a lot when my dog Henry died.
this one makes me cry as soon as I think about it cause Two Socks =(
when Nick and I had this huge fight years ago (it was the closest we ever got to breaking up), I remember driving in the car and sobbing to this song.
11. three favorite songs from movie or TV soundtracks
gotta start with the goat. this song gives me goosebumps every time I hear it!! tbh I could have all 3 songs be from LOTR but we'll stick with just the 1 haha.
next the ending song from one of my other favorite soundtracks and movies. her voice just makes me so emotional.
this track was legit the number 1 played song in my itunes library for a longgggg timmme. bbeeauuttiiffullllll.
21. three songs of your childhood
fun!! honestly my childhood was chock full of a lot of music, which probably explains why I still like such a wide variety of stuff.
we'll start with a song from one of my favorite movies (childhood yes but also just in general). see everyone raves about robin williams in aladdin but batty was always what I thought of first.
next one of the earliest musicals I remember listening to (on cassette!!) I was 6. og broadway cast recording OF COURSE.
we had this concert on VHS and we would watch it on REPEAT. so gooooodddddd. the violin battle is epic!!!! Yanni's hair and mustache are magnificent, the 90s fashions are on point and there's even a bongo drum guy. what more could you ask for lollll.
Send me a number from this list and I'll give you three of my favorite songs that fit the category
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onthewaytosomewhere · 2 months ago
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thanks so much for the tags @tinyarmedtrex @littlemisskittentoes @stellarmeadow @firstprincehornyramblings @suseagull5914
@sophie1973 @jmagnabo92 - y'all have been busy !! - luv that
i've been suppose to not be writing right now (but i do have things i finished and need to edit) but a couple new docs got opened including a roller derby firstprince fic that is gonna be all sorts of silly i think and demanded words written for it lolz - so have some roller derby words i guess
Henry is so distracted that he doesn’t notice how close he’s skated to the edge of the track. His wheel catches on the boundary, and in an instant, he’s airborne. The world tilts violently, and then he’s sliding across the track on his stomach, the impact knocking the breath from his lungs. Pain flares briefly in his ribs, but it’s his pride that takes the real hit. “Dude, you alright?” The voice is warm, threaded with amusement, and when Henry rolls over and looks up, the new guy is standing over him. Up close, he’s even more distracting—lean and sharp-featured, with a hint of stubble framing a mouth that’s just a little too inviting. His chocolate eyes sparkle with something that might be mischief, and Henry feels his stomach do a ridiculous, traitorous flip. He looks like sin on skates, Henry thinks helplessly, sprawled on the floor like a complete idiot. For a moment, he forgets the ache in his ribs, the burn in his cheeks, and the fact that he’s making an absolute fool of himself. All he can focus on is the way the guy is looking at him, equal parts amused and intrigued.
and OPEN TAG FOR ANYONE THAT WANTS TO PLAY TODAY and some tags under the cut
okay tag ur it (in a no-pressure & all that jazz way) @adreamareads @basil-bird @bitbybitwrites @blueeyedgrlwrites @cactusdragon517
@stnichols @caterpills @dreamtigress @emmalostinwonderland @england-would-fall
@eusuntgratie @firstsprinces @forever-fixating @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @iboatedhere
@judasofsuburbia @lizzie-bennetdarcy @mikibwrites @myheartalivewrites @ninzied
@nocoastposts @piratefalls @porcelainmortal @priincebutt @royal-chandler
@seths-rogens @softboynick @sparklepocalypse @stratocumulusperlucidus @taste-thewaste
@thedramasummer @thinkof-england @typicalopposite @thesleepyskipper
@thighzp @zwiazdziarka
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kiwiana-writes · 1 year ago
for the ask meme: 5, 17, and 29!
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
It's gotta be the actor AU. The longest fic I've ever written, by far the most personal fic I've ever written, and it got the most phenomenal response—in terms of stats, sure, but far more importantly for me, the way people felt seen and like... taken care of? by it.
17. A trope you’ll never, ever write for.
Never is a STRONG word, god knows I've definitely said 'nope not for me' and later written stuff lmao, but I cannot envisage writing a high school AU ever again. I barely survived high school, and it's too far behind me now for me to want to relive the experience 🤣
29. Have you ever gone outside of your comfort zone for a fic? How did it turn out?
Oh, so often. The arranged marriage AU was way out of my comfort zone in terms of the need for world building which is not something i feel confident in like at all, but a bunch of people commented that specifically which was so lovely.
[35 Questions for Fanfiction Writers!]
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thesleepyskipper · 4 months ago
Six Sentence Sunday
Thank you to @onthewaytosomewhere, @kiwiana-writes, @orchidscript, @suseagull04 and @sophie1973 for the tags today! When I realized I had nothing to share, it actually helped me get started on my next WIP idea! So smooches to all of you for that!😘
This is based on a song from one of my favourite bands called elevator love letter:
Henry’s office is on the twelfth floor of a skyscraper in Canary Wharf. There’s plenty of other offices, plenty of other people, plenty of other lost souls just like him who all make their way here every single day. Day in, day out; commute to and from the building, ride up and down the elevators. Every single bloody day. The routine is, to be frank, exhausting. And that doesn’t even include the actual work of it all.
Tag list under the cut for any friends who would care to share on this November day!
@welcometololaland, @cricketnationrise, @myheartalivewrites, @firenati0n
@rmd-writes, @celeritas2997, @noahreids, @alasse9, @14carrotghoul
@three-drink-amy, @anincompletelist, @anchoredarchangel, @cha-melodius, @sparklepocalypse,
@stereopticons, @smblmn, @leaves-of-laurelin, @lilythesilly, @emmalostinwonderland
@nontoxic-writes, @indestructibleheart, @maxbegone, @piratefalls
@iboatedhere, @nocoastposts, @zwiazdziarka, @firstprincehornyramblings
@clockwrkpendrxgon, @run-for-chamo-miles, @tinyarmedtrex, @getmehighonmagic, @henryspearl
@judasofsuburbia, @heysweetheart-writes, @blueeyedgrlwrites @bitbybitwrites,
@jmagnabo92, @wordsofhoneydew, @theprinceandagcd, @miss-minnelli
@hgejfmw-hgejhsf, @dragonflylady77, @agame-writes, @nocoastposts, @lightningboltreader
@inexplicablymine, @na-dineee, @notspecialbabe, @benwvatt, @cactusdragon517
@onetwistedmiracle, @ninzied, @porcelainmortal, @aforgottennymph, @caterpills
@kordeliafawkes, @stratocumulusperlucidus, @idealuk, @stellarmeadow, @eusuntgratie
@lizzie-bennetdarcy, @dreamtigress, @duchessdepolignaca03, @tailsbeth-writes,
@priincebutt, @stellarmeadow, @softboynick, @fullsunsets, @na-dineee
@firstprincefairytale, @rachelica9, @readstheroom, @anti-homophobia-cheese, @thighzp
@mikibwrites, @swearphil, @flowerfan2, @rarelyrad, @letloverule1111
@endlesstwanted, @glasshouses-and-stones, @swoonoveryou3, @thedramasummer, @jackzimmermemes
@miharaikko, @kj-bee, @dani-dabbles, @henryhenhazza,
@msmarvelouswinchester, @henrys-vodka-shot-glass, @shadegarden, @imintomakinghistory
@littlemisskittentoes, @reagcdfox, @lesliesknopes, @magicmelinoe
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jacki-daytona · 14 days ago
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@queermccoy @piratefalls @daughterofscotland 😚
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