xydamcg · 2 years
Newest member 3
Ghost x f character
Cw: character minor injury, blood, violence
Summary: Two wrongs don’t make it right.
Pt 1 Pt 2
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“Comms check..” Tyliu sighed as she adjusted her short dress for the hundredth time in the last hour. “Copy.” Ghost grumbled in her ear, she nodded even though he couldn’t see her which she thought. His eyes in fact followed her around the crowded room from where he stood. Their mission was to obtain information about a missile location that was being held by a warlord and the only way to do that was to get upstairs which was blocked by guards. The warlord Rassan Brudda had been hosting a grand party that Price managed to nab invitation to under Alias’ for her and ghost. She was posing as Jasmine Kylev and her happy husband Scott Kylev (Ghost), recently married no kids just wanting to party with a big warlord. Ty hummed as she walked the perimeter of the dance floor a glass of wine in her hand, her long obsidian hair was down to her waist. It kept getting caught on the sequins on her green dress. Laswell picked out the attire, she could of been kinder to Ty when doing so. “The guards at the stairs switch every ten minutes you have three until they switch and a two minute window to get into those double doors unseen.” Ghost spoke into the comm, Ty’s eyes drifting to the stairs case where the guards stood post. “These stairs are the only way up?” She asked hiding her lips behind her glass. “Unless you can fly.” He remarked causing her to raise her head seeing the upper level over head.
She admired the crystal chandeliers trying to think of a quick distraction. "Watch my six.." she told him quietly as she took a deep breath, why was she so nervous all of a sudden. She felt her stomach twist with nervousness. "Eyes on you." As she looked out at the sea of people she immediately spotted the black ski mask worn by none other than ghost himself. She sent his a quick wink before she stumbled toward the guards resting at the bottom of the stairs. Tripping over her own feet she dropped the glass that use to hold her wine, the glass shattering against the ground. "Oh gosh silly me.." she slurred as she grabbed onto a guard for support. "These shoes are killing me." she groaned as she lifted her leg to take off her heel, the guard holding her up as she put her weight against him. "Yeshi, break time. Sit her on the steps until the next guards come." the other guard spoke as a waiter cleaned the floor. "here you sit right here, I'll send someone to come help you to your car." he told her as she giggled still removing her shoes. "You're so kind! Your boss will be hearing about this, promotion time!" Ty cheered as she patted his chest with a stupid grin.
He shook his head at her before heading off with his buddy, finally getting her heels off she pushed them to the side before carefully standing and checking around for any extra eyes. Finding none she moved up the large staircase quickly and crept through the double doors finding Rasaan’s office at the end of a different hall–thankfully no gaurds. 
Entering his office she cleared the room before making her way to his desktop computer, removing one of her earrings she inserted into the USB port as if it was a flash drive. The earring blinked as it bypassed the security system unlocking the computer. “Ghost I'm in, how are we looking down there?” she questioned as she started opening files so the flash drive could pick up any encryptions. “Smooth sailing down here, the next set of guards are taking their positions. ETA for you?” He informed her. Her eyes drifted to the loading bar at the bottom of the screen. “Two minutes max..” she hummed her fingers flying around the keyboard as she pulled up emails and manually installed a virus so Rasaan’s computer would crash as soon as she logged out. They wouldn't know what happened and when they did know she'd be long gone. “Make it a minute, I think they know something is up.” Ghost ordered, the edge in his voice meant something was up. Ty cursed softly as she looked at the loading bar slowly inch to 100%, she was starting to sweat profusely, her anxiety triggering her leg to
bounce. “You have two ops inbound on your position.” Ghost notified, the download wasn’t finished yet. She needed more time, standing from the chair she rummaged through the desk drawers finding a letter opener. It would have to do for now as a weapon, tip toeing to the doors she pressed her back to the wall as they opened. Ty took a steady breath as two guards entered the room, they hadn't noticed her yet as she was concealed behind the open door. “Avery how copy?” Ghost called out in her ear causing one of the guards to look in her direction. Damn it Ghost! Tyliu kicked the door closed as she lunged forward, taking his arm reaching for his gun and kneeing him in the crotch, her arm whipping forward as she threw the letter opener into the other guard's throat. Ty let out a grunt as she felt a punch land to her gut nearly knocking the wind out of her. She quickly tugged the guard’s arm behind her back and looped her arm around his neck while collecting his jaw in her grasp. The momentum of her twisting her body and pulling his head in the opposite direction let a sickening crack noise echo into the room. Dropping his body with a pant she grimaced as pain shot from her torso, she struggled to catch her breath she moved back toward the desk. Her prayer was answered as she saw the flashdrive was at 100%. 
“Ghost..where are you?” she asked, pulling the earring from the computer and placing it back into her ear. “By the stairs waiting, but they know something isn’t not right. You have two more in bound. You need to get out of there Avery before they call back up.” He seemed more on edge than earlier, Ty quickly looked around for either an exit or a hiding spot. Finding no place to hide she headed for the nearby window quickly sticking her head out. “Get the car ready.” She told him as she climbed out onto the small ledge. Ty pushed the door closed with her foot before hearing ghost crackling over the comm. “What are you going to do?” Rolling her eyes, she balanced herself carefully along the side of the building. “Ghost please..” she begged, feeling gravity pull at her, while the ground opened its arms to catch her.
Getting no response she sighed in relief, she didn't need him throwing her off focus, the ledge barely held her full foot. And she really didn't want to be a pancake. Seeing a ladder that led from the roof to the ground she inched to the edge of the ledge before dragging her sweaty palms along her sharp sequin dress. Calming her nerves she jumped, just barely latching onto the metal bars. Quickly descending the ladder she landed crouched in the grass peeking out toward the congested driveway where Ghost waited. Ty noticed no guards outside quite yet so she sprinted across the large yawn only to make it halfway across before the main doors to Rassan’s home flew open revealing guards yelling and pointing at her. “Shit!’ she groaned as she ran faster, sliding over the hood of a parked car just in enough time to miss bullets whizzing by her head.
Ghost pulled up in front of her as she landed on the other side, throwing the passenger door open with ease. “Get in!’ He didn't have to tell her twice as she dived into the vehicle. Ghost didn’t miss a beat as he pulled off leaving a cloud of smoke in their wake. The car door snapped closed as he made a sharp right turn off the property. Ty panted as she laid across the low middle console, her head resting in Ghost’s lap, she hadn’t moved since she dived into the car. “You alright?” Ghost questioned looking down at her for a moment before the road once more. Ty shook her head causing him to glance down at her for a split second. “Can’t c-catch my b-breath.” she stuttered as her breaths grew uneven. Ghost shifted slightly under her, gently pushing her long silky hair from her flushed face. He rolled down the passenger window to get her to cool down. “Ty you gotta relax, focusing on calming down.” He instructed as he placed his clothed hand on her cheek, closing her eyes where she focused her mind elsewhere. She focused on the cool wind from the open window, how it ruffled her hair and cooled down her hot body, she focused on ghost’s thighs and the warmth they emitted.
And the last thing her mind was on was Ghost’s finger gently rolling over her cheek. Up, IN, Down, OUT. Soon enough her breathing had evened out and even slowed signaling she was asleep or getting there. “Avery..” Ghost called down to the woman in his lap. “Hm?” She hummed softly before she opened her eyes, seeing him looking at the road. “Better?” he asked. As her senses came back she realized where exactly she was. There was no way she was in his lap right now?! Ty slowly sat up and positioned herself in the passenger seat as she rolled the window up to keep her hair from blowing everywhere. “Yes.” she confirmed as she crossed her arms over her chest, her face twisting up as the pain from earlier came back. That fucker punched her hard, Ghost seemed to notice as he eyed her for a moment. “Are you hurt?” 
Yeah about a couple things. “No, just sore from nearly being obliterated by a single punch.” She said smartly, she hadn’t meant for it to come out like that. He didn’t respond, which didn’t help with her incoming annoyance. “Why’d you do that?” She asked as she glared out the window. “What?” he asked looking over at her, quickly turning her toward him to catch her gaze she sneered. “Why didn’t you listen to my order not to breach yet last night?” She specified causing Ghost to place his other hand on the wheel, dropping the other. “I told you why already. Do you need me to say it again?” Of course she didn’t, it just didn’t make sense defying her order when the whole squadron was behind them; counting on them.
“Look I've lost some good people in the past because an idiot soldier like you didn't want to listen to orders I've given them, I don't just give them because I can but because I don't want to have our asses handed to us out in the field. So excuse me Mr. Macho man if it hurts your ego to be ordered around by someone on the same level as you.” Ty grumbled angrily, her eyes burning holes into the side of that stupid mask he was wearing. “You’re a serious fucking brat Avery you know that?” He asked, causing her mouth to drop. “Excuse me?” she asked in disbelief.
“You heard me loud and clear Lieutenant, a brat. You’re so far up your own ass you wouldn’t be able to tell day from night. You think you’re the only person to lose good people? You’re not. Why do you think I go alone? I don't need another one of my men’s deaths on my conscience either. So lay off Avey, I have my reasons for how I do things out there.” She didn’t reply, simply pulling her eyes from him and back to the window. She hadn't expected to get any response out of him let alone one with such rage, she guessed this time she was in the wrong, saying something that was out of line and inconsiderate and ignorant. 
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essiemclaren · 3 months
lingering ties
pt 8
In which reader and Oscar, now broken up, must co-parent their (fur) baby
oscar's post on twitter/x
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lando's chat to unibros
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reader's post on twitter/x
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oscar's posts on twitter/x
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reader's post on twitter/x
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unibros gc without oscar in it lol
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lando's chat with oscar
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lando's chat with reader
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reader's private post on twitter/x
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part 9
a/n: IM SORRY FOR SAYING THAT ILL BE UPLOADING IT BUT ENDED UP NOT GETTING IT PUBLISH, SO IM SORRY 😔🙏 the reason why i uploaded very late because... i was busy with internship to the point that i barely watch the races anymore 💔 BUT HEY I AM HERE AND ALIVE BUT CANT SEE VERY WELL, i went out for a run and me being me, i lost it.... so 😔
essie RAAAAAAH ❤️
tags: @tsireyasgf @ziarahpikiran @mrsjamietartt @softtina @overlyexcitedoutlaw @osclerc @nixisracing @sinfully-yoursss @colmathgames2 @booksandflowrs @formula1blog @storminacloud @nixily @lokideservesahug @cherry-piee @annispamz @sltwins @mxdi0 @killinorris @awritingtree @andruuu28 @sarahkaliii @auggieblogs @hanshy @evie-119
@tellybearryyyy @ale-522 @xoxonoire @grovelingmen @s0meth1ngs @kodzuvk @2pagenumb @luuuucas @nataliambc @lyannesworld @honethatty12 @brune77e @iloveyou3000morgan @5sospenguinqueen @ellouisa17 @daisyfreecs @lichterfee @ididntseeurbag @koalalafications @saachiep81 @angelfrombeneth @vintagefucksstuff @mmoodd-jobutupaki @mountvesuvu @chezmardybum
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lale-txt · 8 days
𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐇 (𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) ❦ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟖: 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐮𝐩?
♫ Bleachers - Self Respect
I'm on my hands and knees begging you to kiss me When I'm not around, do you even miss me? I'm so tired of having self-respect Let's do something I'll regret
⭅ back to m.list
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•┈••✦ ����𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐮𝐩…
y/n on the verge of a mental breakdown: maybe making some kind of list would fix me...
y/n showered before Osamu and was genuinely impressed that he does NOT use 12-in-1 body wash but proper high brand products
of course she went through every bathroom cabinet
and each kitchen cabinet afterwards
this was all after she stood frozen for like five minutes in the hallway after Akaashi's text
Osamu gave her the tour through the apartment, they took one glance at the bed together and y/n was like "absolutely not" and insisted on the couch
not because the bed looked unappealing (quite the opposite) but because she saw herself never getting up ever again once she slipped under the covers
and because she doesn't trust her 2AM soju self
4AM soju self however...
Yukie, Makki & Sunarin had definitely more than just a bottle of soju
Makki multitasking king (carrying Yukie over his shoulder out of the club so the bouncer doesn't while simultaneously making sure y/n is getting her pep talk)
Osamu already ate like half of the cake hunched over the kitchen sink (so he doesn't have to use a plate)
y/n definitely checked him out while he did and thought of peach recipes
Osamu was not able to focus on anything while y/n was in the shower. just sat there head in his hands and trying to keep his composure, poor guy
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@brithedemonspawn @gigiiiiislife @yuminako @notverymarley @krissiekris
@wyrcan @kentocalls @simp-simp-no-mi @uncovered-mad-man @honey-deku
@yukichan67 @dailyakira @nu-suave @zq13 @morgan-lowell
@ellouisa17 @toges-cough-syrup @lovingjeankirstein @itsdragonius @bakingcuriosity
@nekomasmngr @spacekedi
taglist open! dm/ask/comment to be added (or removed, no hard feelings ♡)! minors DNI!
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sunarots · 25 days
so high school ━━━ atsumu miya
15. actually toxic
cw: x1 die joke
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# fun fact !
y/n, in fact, has initiated every conversation with kageyama!
even though y/n isn’t actually dating atsumu, she didn’t like the way he spoke about atsumu, and then got annoyed because he was being insensitive
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masterlist. previous | next
summary. after your best friend reveals he’s moving out of your shared flat, you’re presented with a tough choice: let one of the creeps who are begging you to let them move in with you, or find a cheaper flat in another area of town. a do-over couldn’t have come at a better time for you, but your only option for a place to stay is with someone your best friend knew from high school, and his two teammates.
taglist (open!). @reignsaway @yuminako @thiisisntlovely @diorzs @aboutkiyoomi @spicana @bakingcuriosity @kr1nqu @savemebrazilhinata @dazqa @sereniteav @beckxisxinxlovexwithxjin @sleezzsister @hermaeusmorax @giocriedpower @sophosphorescent @gigiiiiislife @zazathezaer @rrosiitas @iaminyourfloors @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @sillygooseymood @ellouisa17 @wakashudou @punkhazardlaw
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What's in it for me?
Pairing: Kyouya Ootori x Reader Author: see-the-fandom-imagines   Warnings: None, really Author’s Note: Sorry this took again forever, I will upload the next 4 chapters in the next days :) Thanks for reading <3 Tag List: @radical-bunny, @redsakura101​, @ellouisa17​
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46325452/chapters/116633701
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It was the last weekend of your break and you had decided to spend the day at Haruhi’s today to cook a little and hang out just the two of you before you both had to go back to school. You knew that you’d be seeing each other in the host club, but it was nice not having to put up a front every now and then and to spend some time together, just the two of you.
Chatting happily, Haruhi and you had just gotten out of the convenience store to buy a few items, some tea and snacks, when suddenly a huge commotion right in front of her apartment complex caught your attention.
“Hm? What do you think is going on there?”, Haruhi asked, and you shrugged.
“No idea. Let’s go check it…”, you began, but your voice got caught in your throat as you spotted the Rolls Royce in front of her building and heard the voices of the passers-by. “What is this? Who’re these rich people?”
“Oh no”, Haruhi and you sighed in unison, looking at each other exasperatedly. You knew what would be coming.
“How dare they just show up unannounced?”, Haruhi already complained and dropped her grocery store bags, letting her head hang low.
“Are you really surprised, though?”, you asked back, watching the six boys get out of the car. When they got out of the car, you couldn’t help but notice how stylish they were dressed for a visit like this, and you sheepishly looked down at yourself. You had just thrown on the first best thing you had found in your wardrobe as it was not only Sunday, but also Haruhi had seen you in every state possible, so you really didn’t care anymore how you looked when you went over to her place. You suddenly felt very self-conscious.
This feeling didn’t get better when you heard what Kyouya was saying.
“No, this is what’s called a ‘commoners´apartment complex’. Haruhi’s place is probably just one of the rooms among these.”
He wasn’t wrong, that was exactly what it was, but you couldn’t help but wonder what that meant for how their houses must look like. You knew they weren’t even looking at your flat, but let’s face it, yours wasn’t a lot bigger than Haruhi’s and technically she lived in the better neighbourhood.
You looked at Haruhi, while Tamaki began yelling at Kyouya.
“We could just make a run for it, Haru, what do you think?”
She held up your groceries. “These will spoil, though, if we do not refrigerate them.”
“True that. Alright”, you agreed, accepting your fate. Maybe it could be fun to have them over. It was not like you didn’t like seeing them. Just maybe not today, when you really had wanted to talk to Haruhi about what happened on Okinawa. The entire weekend had left you emotionally agitated and you really needed to vent, eat lots of junk food and then argue with Haruhi, who saw everything always way too rational, about everything once again.
Your self-pity got interrupted by Tamaki who was now loudly proclaiming why they were here. “This is just a nonchalant visit, because we happened to be passing by, and it’s not to research Fujioka’s standard of living.” You could feel Haruhi become more annoyed with every single word he uttered. “The words shabby, cramped and run-down are absolutely forbidden.” Every word made you flinch a little in secondhand embarrassment.
“Yes, sir!”, the other’s complied, and you suddenly felt a gaze on you. When you looked up, you noticed that Kyouya was glancing over at you. He had noticed the both of you, but obviously preferred to stay quiet. Typical. Thinking about your phone call, you awkwardly nodded in his direction to greet him, and cursed yourself in the same second for how absolutely stupid that must have looked. You saw a smirk form on his face and quickly you averted your gaze, before you could turn bright red, looking back at Tamaki, who had still not noticed the both of you approaching.
“Under no circumstances are you to say or do anything that would make them want us to leave.”
“Well, it’s too late for that!”, Haruhi exclaimed, now highly annoyed, snapping you out of your thoughts about Kyouya. “Go away, right now!”
You awkwardly lifted your hand from behind of her to greet everybody. Haruhi’s brows were twitching and you realized she was slightly embarrassed, too. Although probably more of the spoiled rich kids treating her like a commoner in front of all of her neighbours. And yet, all they had to say to this was “That pink dress is so cute!” You hid your own outfit behind your grocery bag. Not everybody could look as cute as her all the time. Haruhi did not appreciate this comment, though and instead told them to shut up and get the hell out of here.
“Haruhi’s so mad, she actually cursed at us! This is your fault”, Tamaki immediately began to blame the twins, who did not seem to be realizing that they were part of the problem.
All of a sudden a middle aged woman approached Haruhi. “Excuse me, Haruhi, but is everything alright?”
“Oh, Hi Ms. Landlady”, you and Haruhi greeted her. You had seen her a few times before when you were around.
“Those young men are driving such fancy foreign cars, they’re not yakuza are they?”
You laughed embarrassedly. “No, they’re not …”
She seemed genuinely worried. “Do you want me to call the police for you?”
“Well actually”, you started to think but were interrupted by Tamaki grabbing the Landlady’s hand in his usual flirty manner. “Pleased to meet you madam. My name’s Suoh, I’m one of Haruhi’s friends.”
“Really?” She blushed. “My goodness, well aren’t you just adorable.”
That was one way to put it. Haruhi stepped back next you.
“And he’s got her.”
You nodded. “I can’t believe this keeps working.”
<p>After a lot of back and forth you had allowed all six hosts inside Haruhi’s small flat and they were now sitting and standing around the living room, looking and commenting on everything.
You listened to them bicker and sighed, helping Haruhi prepare the tea. This was really not how you had expected your Sunday to go and based on her expression neither had she. “Sorry about this, (y/n), let’s talk later, alright?”
You nodded, for some reason, slightly blushing, just in case Kyouya was actually smart enough to know that this was about him. “(Y/n), is this book yours?” You turned around looking at the devil you were speaking of, disassembling the bookshelf one title at a time and accidentally dropping an entire scroll to the floor. You had expected everyone else to make a mess, but him. “Yes. But would you please not touch everything?”
You took a deep breath to calm yourself down and turned around. Haruhi had brought the tea to the table and you noticed in awe that Honey had unpacked a generous selection of amazing looking cakes. Your gaze froze on them, they reminded you of the first cake he had given you on your first day and you remembered how delicious that had been. The glee must have been visible on your face, because the older host gently nudged the packaging closer to you.
“Haru-chan and (y/n)-chan can choose first!”, he exclaimed happily and the two of you looked at each other, equally excited about the treat you were about to get.
“Are you sure?”, Haruhi asked, and you stepped closer to get a better look, waiting for the answer. “Sure, we’re used to eating that stuff.” You didn’t even mind Hikaru’s comment, today you were not going to allow them to spoil your mood.
“Well then …”, Haruhi began thinking for second, “the strawberry one.”
“And you?”, Mori asked looking up at you from where he was sitting.
“Hm… if it’s alright, I think I’ll take the chocolate one then!” He smiled and nodded.
“I am going to get plates”, you said and moved over to the kitchen cupboard to get out eight plates and forks, distributing them. Honey carefully placed the cake onto them.
When you turned around again you realized that Kyouya had decided to sit between Honey and Mori and for a split second you wondered if he had done that on purpose. But your suspicions were short-lived, for the prospect of the cake in front of you let you forget everything else.
The oldest host smiled at you and patted the space next to him and you grinned back, positioning yourself between them.
Although you didn’t like to admit it, it was a bit crowded in here with eight people and when you sat down you felt your thigh touch Kyouya’s knee. Yet, he didn’t seem like he was going to move in any way. You took a deep breath, trying to ignore the touch of his leg against yours and everything related to that and instead took a bite of your cake. It was heaven. Happily you smiled and didn’t notice, that Kyouya was watching you from the corner of his eye, also very aware of the touch of your legs, but a small smile forming on his face nonetheless as he saw you this genuinely happy about something as small as cake. He didn't get to see such genuine joy often.
You just sat around for a while, eating the cake and talking, doing your best to focus on anything but the host next to you, when suddenly someone became peckish.
"After eating that cake, I am a bit hungry", Honey proclaimed and you raised an eyebrow. After the cake? But then again, it was Honey so you were not too surprised. You just wanted to suggest that this must mean they had to leave, when Tamaki and the twins replied, not realizing anything wrong with their utterances. You really liked them, but in moments like this you really wondered how any of them would survive on their own.
"Oh yeah, it's way past lunchtime", Hikaru confirmed.
“Is lunch ready?”, all three then asked in unison.
You took a deep breath. "You guys are another kind of spoiled."
"Yes, could you please stop living in your own world?", Haruhi added, but before anything could escalate again, you felt Kyouya shift next to you.
“Now, we’re the ones who dropped in on you without a warning, so we’ll pay.”
Surprised you looked up at him, as he was getting out his wallet. “Why not order some of your favourite sushi, or something?”, he suggested.
He looked down at you, waiting for a reply. “No, it’s fine, really”, you said, definitely not wanting to owe Kyouya anything, and Haruhi seemed to have read your mind. “Yes, really. I’m scared of what would happen if I let you treat me.”
“Yeah”, you agreed, but immediately kept thinking. Were you really scared? Part of you wanted to see what actually would happen to you. What he would ask of you and if… Quickly you looked back at the table. Enough.
Kyouya however did not react to your declination. Instead, he pulled out a golden credit card. “Not to worry. This comes out of sales of your photos we auctioned off.”
“Of course it did”, you sighed.
“Then isn’t this actually on me?”, Haruhi added.
“All right”, she proclaimed. “I have a friend who runs a nice sushi shop nearby. So I’ll give them a call. They’ll have some high-quality stuff.”
Tamaki handed her a note and Haruhi was reading it out loud, before throwing it out. "Even if the Sushi pack says 'premium' on it, you can't call it high quality. Be very careful." Haruhi didn't even turn around and just crumpled the paper up into a ball, trying to stay calm. “I know that.”
While Tamaki was having another existential crisis, Haruhi took the telephone, yet, could not even fully type in the number as Honey appeared in front of you, smiling brightly.
“I’d like to have something made by (y/n) and Haru-chan. Breakfast last time was just so delicious.” You smiled at him and somehow you couldn't even be mad. It was really kind of him to say that.
You all agreed that Haruhi and you would cook something and after a lot of back and forth you mentally braced yourself for a supermarket shopping trip with 6 hyped up hosts.
“I’ll wait outside”, you proclaimed, anxious to get out of the crowded space. You made your way down the stairs first, waiting a few steps away from the stairs to get some fresh air and some calm before you would have to deal with the rich kids in another confined space. You leant against the wall, eyes closed, when suddenly you felt a presence next to you.
“How have you been, (y/n)?”, he asked and surprised you looked up at him. You had not really expected him to so suddenly appear. And even less had you expected him to actually directly ask you how you were doing. And as if he had read your thoughts he added. “I don’t want you to have any remaining injuries that can be traced back to our private property.” Ah, now it made sense. You shook your head and couldn't hold back a small giggle. In return he raised an eyebrow. “What’s so funny?”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. The way you’re asking if I am alright, I guess.” Kyouya chose to leave this unanswered, and you looked back up at him. By now you had him figured out for the most part, you noticed. You shook your head. “I’m fine”, you said. “I am not going to sue you. This time.”
“Will be looking forward to the next lawsuit then.”
You scoffed. “Just you wait. Give me a couple more years to save the money for the lawyer and you’re going to be done for.”
A comfortably silence engulfed you for a second, when Kyouya spoke up again.
“Actually”, he said, leaning next to you against the wall, while still facing you. “I wanted to talk to you.”
“Hm?” He wanted to talk? About what?
“It’s about …”, he started but he didn’t get much further, for you heard screaming and a huge bang from Haruhi’s apartment.
“Tamaki”, you said in unison, before making your way back up the stairs to see what was going on.
When you entered the apartment together you did not only see Tamaki on the floor, though, but you realized that you had been so focussed on yourself and Kyouya that you hadn't even noticed Ranka coming home. You assessed the situation, Tamaki on the floor, twins grinning next to him and before you could say anything you were engulfed in a tight hug that obstructed your breathing a little more than would have been comfortable. “Aaaah, (y/n), you’re here, too, it’s been quite a while! I missed my second daughter so much!"
“I missed you, too… Ranka-san”, you managed to get out inbetween breaths, until she finally let go of you. You stumbled a few metres back, and bumped right into Mori, who thankfully stabilized you again.
"It has been way too long since you came to visit! Now come, come let's all sit together and have a little catch up!" When she said this, her gaze was darting between you and Kyouya, followed by a gaze like a dagger in the direction of Tamaki, who let out a gurgling noise, but you all complied.
Again crouched around the table you smiled at her. "So you're the host club, I keep hearing about!" You raised an eyebrow, and looked at Haruhi who just shrugged. 'Keep hearing' sounded like a bit too much information for whatever Haruhi would tell her father, so this was surprising to hear. The mystery was quickly solved though, when Ranka turned to Kyouya and the coin dropped. Of course, if he had been contacting your aunt, of course he had been contacting Ranka as well. You looked at him raising an eyebrow and whereas he did notice your judging glare, he kept his pokerface as usual. While you tried to pry the information out of his motionless features, Ranka continued without missing a beat. "You really are a fine set of boys, I don't know which one of you I want. Right, Haruhi? (Y/n)?" Tamaki was still sulking in a corner, while the rest of the hosts smiled at the compliments her father was giving them. "Oh, you can just call me Ranka-san. Ranka is the professional name I use at the drag bar I am working at!"
"Professional name?", Honey asked, "like a stage name?"
"That's right, Mitsukuni-kun."
"How do you know my name?"
At this point you were glaring daggers at Kyouya, while Ranka was listing the names of all the boys, but he still didn't move a muscle.
"Haruhi told you about us?", one of the twins finally asked, you were too focussed on trying to make Kyouya's face fall to pay attention to which one was speaking.
Finally Ranka admitted it. "No, Kyouya-kun tells me everything over the phone." He did not just act innocent, all of a sudden a smile spread over his face, as he pressed his hands against Ranka's. "You really are beautiful, Ranka-san." The man knew no shame. Everybody was freaking out, and Tamaki grabbed Kyouya, obviously feeling as betrayed about this as you.
"Did you know, (y/n)?", Kaoru asked, apparently realising that you were not as shocked by that as everybody else.
"He called my aunt, too", you mumbled, a little embarrassed that you didn't connect the dots and told Haruhi, too. For some reason it somehow bothered you that he had called Ranka about Haruhi as well, although you knew it was a perfectly reasonable thing to do. Of course you weren't special to him, after all it was just his professionality with these things. You began chewing on your lip and looking at the table top, scratching away a little dirt that had been left from the cake earlier.
You were lost so deep in your own thoughts, ignoring the usual commotion Ranka made, that only Haruhi grabbing your hand and pulling you up with her brought you back to reality.
"Where are you going?", Ranka cried out and you looked at Haruhi just as confused.
"The supermarket." She opened the door and you followed, grateful to be out of the house and away from the hosts for a while. You threw a last glance into the round and noticed Kyouya staring intently at you. He had noticed your shift in behaviour. Quickly you gulped, putting on your shoes to leave the house.
"We are going shopping, by ourselves. We'll be right back, so everyone, please behave yourselves." And with these words you left the flat, ignoring Hikaru yelling after you.
You were grateful that Haruhi had suggested you two should go to the supermarket together. Once outside you took a deep breath, glad about the calm for a second. You knew your pang of jealousy had been stupid, but it felt good being away from the situation nonetheless. Ranka made all that mess, she could deal with the boys for a while. And something told you she didn't mind either.
The walk to the market was comfortable, although you barely spoke about anything in particular. It was a very short walk after all and you mostly listened to Haruhi complaining about the nuisance Tamaki was being. You nodded, thinking about whether or not you should talk about what you wanted to talk about, but decided against it. There wasn't enough time and Haruhi had other worries. So instead you just said, "Thanks for taking me with you."
She smiled her usual sweet smile. "Of course. I felt like you needed a breath of air, too." You nodded, suddenly feeling very at ease again. Sometimes you forgot how well Haruhi knew you. "Come on, let's buy what we need. I will get the veggies and you can get whatever else you like."
You maybe had been at the supermarket for 5 minutes, when you began to spot familiar faces around. Of course. Smiling to yourself you remembered Ranka following you and Haruhi to places ever since. Haruhi never seemed to notice her and you never pointed it out, for some reason. You liked to leave Ranka to believe she was protecting her daughter well and now that she found her perfect replica in Tamaki, you had known it was just a question of time until he would show up here, too. And although you had prefered some calmness, somehow the way they all tried to hide, while simultaneously being overwhelmed by this very normal supermarket made you smile a little. Your gaze followed Honey who was pushed in a shopping cart through the store by more, when you suddenly spotted Kyouya looking at something with actual interest. For a second you hesitated about whether or not you wanted to talk to him, but then you saw him pack several glasses of spicy korean radishes in his cart and you sighed. These rich people.
Kyouya had to admit that he had never spent this much time in a commoner’s supermarket before. The chefs were taking care of meals and groceries, so usually he did not have to worry about food. If he wanted something, someone would bring it to him. Nonetheless, was this a rather interesting experience. He tried to remember some prices, to compare them to the market value later, when something caught his eye. Carefully he picked up one of the glasses and read the inscription. Spicy Radishes, Korean, harvested in Jeju Area. A memory flashed before his eyes, he remembered that he had eaten them a few times before. A korean housekeeper had brought them in a few times when he was a child and she would let him have some, whenever he got a little hungry. He smiled at this memory he had suppressed for so long, briefly wondering how she was doing today, but he quickly shook off such sentimental thoughts. Still his eyes darted back to the pile. Surprised he notice how cheap they were and after thinking for a short moment, he grabbed a few to place them in his cart as well. This all barely cost anything and he couldn’t help but be surprised by it. He took another one, when suddenly a well-known voice interrupted him.
“You like these?”, (y/n) asked, appearing behind him and picking up one glass out of his basket to give it a better look. Surprised about her sudden appearance, Kyouya hesitated for a second, before simply nodding. He noticed her gaze wandering over to the price tag, and she shook her head.
“Don’t get them all now”, you lectured him, placing the glass back into the shelf.
“But they’re so cheap. It is really quite peculiar. Furthermore, I am not sure if I will be back in such a store and the offer is too good, not to …” He got interrupted by her laughter for the second time today. Usually he would be quite annoyed, but for some reason he really enjoyed her laugh. Well, he knew it was because of his silly crush, but he still took a mental note of that.
“They’re not even on sale”, she interrupted, smiling up at him. Her smile was really beautiful. How her eyes closed ever so slightly and her eyebrows moved slightly downwards. He suddenly had to fight the urge to touch her face. “You’re rich after all, hm?” The smile seemed to falter a little, but only for a split second. Kyouya still noticed it. Yet, she was back to her old self before he could say anything. “You can buy some now, but I’ll get some for you once they are on sale!”
He looked down at her, not sure what to say, but he nodded, nonetheless.
“Come on. Let’s see what else we can get for lunch!”
His gaze followed her as she vanished behind one of the store shelves, before his look fell back on the glass he held in his hand, carefully placing it back, while smiling to himself. “Not on sale, huh…” He looked at the radishes one last time, before following her, curious what else this commoner’s supermarket had in store.
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lightnightss · 5 months
✮Part eleven: Take It Off✮
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The mix of laughs and shushes can be heard through the theater halls as Iwaizumi and Yn walk with quick steps. Who would have guessed that stopping at the store to get snacks would take so long. But the argument on what snacks ran a little long.
The lights in the theater have already gone down as the two shuffle their way through the isles. Apologizing to the people they pass by. Once they reach their seats they settle in. The opening credits for the movie begin.
Yn laughs as Iwaizumi tries to quietly take the boxes of candy from under his hoodie. Iwaizumi smiles at her.
“Here” he whispers as he hands the box of candy she picked out to her.
“Thank you, Iwa” she whispers back with a smile. Yn looks back to the screen as she opens the box of candy.
And they sit like that for the next 2 hours. With Yn’s eyes on the screen, and Iwaizumi’s on her.
I’m back ‼️‼️🫡 hope y’all like it
Taglist: Taglist: @eggyrocks @nuriistalk @localgaytrainwreck @0moonii @httpakkeiji @notsaelty @k8nicole @Intergalacticory @kunimix @cherrypieyourface @yukatoraa @eclecticeggknightpsychic @nitasplace @bananabananna-hh @infinitelytimebound @hermaeusmorax @scxrcherr @deluluforcarlos55 @makkir0ll @xoitsan @terushimatwinn @333sicheng @ellouisa17 @azharyy @vixwashere7 @rory-cakes (fill out this form to be added to the taglist)
Daily click for Palestine 🇵🇸
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rint4rous · 6 months
on the house! - on the house [end]
suna rintaro x reader smau — masterlist
a/n: its been so long but i am so happy to finish this smau. thank you for reading and giving sm love to oth!!! 🤍 and as usual ignore time stamps.
thirty - thirty-one - thirty-two [bonus]
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<3: @offtosimpjail @ellouisa17 @livixxn
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samanthaa-leanne · 5 months
Seven: Chaos Is Coming
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| Prev | Next | Masterlist |
Summary: YN Hinata is the twin sister of Shoyo Hinata. Where Shoyo is all rainbows and sunshine YN is thorns and storm clouds. YN picks on Hinata any chance she gets. Why? Because of how easy it is & that’s the only way she knows how to show her love. She’d never allow anyone else to treat Shoyo the way she does though. That is until the tall and handsome Tsukishima Kei enters her life and makes it a point to go against her wishes. Why does it always have to be the hot ones?
Pairings: Tsukishima x Reader  
Status: Ongoing
Warnings: Language, angst, & 17+ memes
Updates: When I Can
Taglist: Open {25/50} please send an ask to be added to the taglist
@iamapotat @chewbrry  @kuroaka  @fantasycantasy @passionateuchiha @awkwardspontaneity @alpha-mommy69 @xoxopam4 @universal-s1ut @ks-tsukki @yuminako @thechaosoflonging @krak-jj @whoami-72 @a-little-pebbl @shadysuittrash @lovingnightmarewriter @pleaseitsjustrae0nly @noodleswastaken @wannabeisekai @anonymousghost69 @lemurzsquad @corvid007 @sugarrush-blush @ellouisa17
Authors Note: Sorry for another cliffhanger. I wrote this so long ago I forgot there were two back-to-back. As always I love you guys and thank you for the continuous love. It means the world to me. I might be on a small hiatus due to my husband having major surgery so I will update again as soon as I can.
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priniya · 2 years
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1. background check!
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synopsis. changing surroundings have never been easy for anyone, so when you’re parents send you away to live with your grandparents in hyogo — you’re scared shitless, and nothing seems to be getting better, until a certain setter decides to interrupt your free time.
a/n rinyn meet-up soon! 😄😄😄
taglist: open! (x)
@bakugouswh0r3 @astennu94 @r-xochitl @noideawhothatis @sunarinsbabymomma @emiliaserpe @ellouisa17 @xoxopam4 @jjikyuu
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xydamcg · 2 years
Newest member 6
Ghost x f character!
Cw: Abuse, intrusive thoughts, anxiety, crying, angst
Summary: Jail, he deserves jail time.
Pt 1 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 Pt 5
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“What do you mean you don’t know why he’s here?! He’s your ‘best friend’ for crying out loud Price!” Ty yelled from her pace along the floor. She had managed to keep calm as she pulled Price into a quiet room on the way back on base. “We don’t talk every minute of the day Ty, I actually haven’t heard from him in months. Him being here is just as much a surprise to me as it is to you. Why are you so worked up about him being here? You should be glad to see him—that’s your father.” Price sighed causing her to halt mid-step. Her father? “That man is not my father..not anymore. Price if you ever cared about me and the relationship we have. You will get rid of him and fast.” Ty said as she tucked her shaky hands into her jacket pockets. The older man watched her for a moment before putting together the pieces in his head. “Has he hurt you Lu?” In so many ways. “Price—will you just get rid of him?” She asked causing him to put his hands up and nod. “I’ll do what I can.” Price said making her shake her head this time, you don’t understand he can’t be here. “Whatever, I must be a fucking joke.” She scoffed as she turned on her heel and left the room. “Hey! Tyliu!” Price hollered at her retreating form. The door slammed behind her in response. She needed to clear her head or she was going to snap.
Finding her way to her barrack, she ignored the unfamiliar faces greeting her as she moved by. Her eyes were glued to the ground so much so that she didn’t notice Ghost coming around the corner until it was too late. Her body collided with his leaving her body staggering back as she tried to steady her feet. Ghost grabbed her waist as she struggled to stay up right. “Sorry I wasn’t paying attention.” She said pushing herself away from him, she didn’t need him knowing. But he already knows. “Are you alright?” Ghost asked stepping back to give her space. “I’m fine, yeah.” She assured but who was she trying to convince herself or him? Both. Her eyes danced around the hall as she avoided his gaze, knowing that if she looked at him she might just cry. “Look at me.” He ordered, the slight authority in his tone sent shockwaves through her body. Fuck. Quickly blinking back the forming tears, she raised her head high to catch his cold brown eyes. “We both know that’s not true..” he pushed as she leaned against the wall. Of course she was lying, she had to. “I don’t know why he’s here and I don’t wanna know why. I just know I want him as far away from me as possible. He isn’t here to just see his daughter, he’s here to bring me hell. No one can see who he truly is because he built up this huge facade—“
“Excuse me Lieutenant Avery..” a sergeant approached mid rant. Ty dropped her eyes before smiling toward the Sergeant, her attention shifting. “Yes sergeant how can I help you?” She asked. The woman seemed uneasy which could be because Ghost was still present or because of what she needed. “Captain Avery wishes to speak to you in debrief room 200..privately.” She informed as she looked toward Ghost when she emphasized privately. No, no, no, no. “Tell him I’m busy right now and I’ll find him later.” She denied only to get a nervous laugh from the sergeant. “I’m sorry unfortunately lieutenant, he said it’s urgent.” Ty felt her smile falter slightly, he knew her too well. Better than she knew herself. Ty didn’t want to cause anymore trouble for the sergeant than already given so she caved. “Okay I’ll speak to him, thank you.” Ty dismissed with a nod. Turning back to Ghost, she smiled that same fake smile. “Duty calls.” She mused jokingly trying to muster the strength to face her greatest fear.
She wanted him to say something, anything to keep her from leaving. Please say something, don’t let me walk away. Her eyes pleaded in ways she couldn’t verbalize and Ghost unfortunately didn’t have the words to console her even though that’s all he wanted to do right now. “See ya later Ghost.” She said over her shoulder as she began to walk away. He didn’t want her to walk away, he wanted to say something but he didn’t know what exactly. He took a step forward to catch her but she was already disappearing down the hall. He shouldn’t have let her walk away.
“You wanted to see me sir.” Ty said quietly as she entered the empty debrief room that was only occupied by her father. “Yeah come sit.” He motioned to the chair near him. Her feet felt like they were heavy with lead as she stumbled stupidly toward him, subconsciously reminding herself of how far she was away from the door in case she needed to run. Run now! Don’t do it. Carefully sitting in the chair beside him, she placed her hands in her lap anxiously. “So how’s the military life been treating you?” He asked looking up from his parchment papers. Was this a trick question? “It’s been okay..I can’t complain.” She said shrugging slightly— if you complain he’ll make your tongue bleed. “So this is where you ended up after all that time, under Price’s supervision..” he mused tapping his pen along the table. Was he referring to her running away? He was. Why wouldn’t he? “Um actually no..I only arrived days ago. I was originally stationed at Eden.” She confessed watching him set his pen down and turn toward her, Ty shifted back into her chair frowning. “You wanna tell me why you left Shanghai without a word to me?” I left to get away from you. Her leg started to bounce as she picked at her fingers and nails, a habit that was triggered when she was unbelievably unnerved. Richard didn’t appear to like her lack of focus and even worse, the lack of response he was getting. “Hey! Don’t shut down now. You didn’t do that when you catching that helo to Eden now did you? You knew I’d find you didn’t you? Come looking. Of course I would Tyliu, why? Because I’ve giving you everything in life I could give and you disrespect me by running away and not even a simple goodbye.” He snapped, his fist hit the table so hard she was afraid he’d break it in half. Ty flinched, cowering back into her chair as he grabbed her leg that wouldn’t stop moving.
“I raised you to be smarter than this but you can’t seem to put two and two together.” A pained gasp came from her feeling his nails sunk into the tissue around her knee cap. The bone pulling from the muscle the tighter he squeezed. “Please..let me go..” she cried, her hands prying at his steel grip. Richard tugged her closer, so they were face to face. “Let me explain one thing Tyliu..” he pointed as a small sob rippled from her chest. There was hell to be dealt and there was no running this time. “You don’t get to just up and leave whenever you feel like, I run this show whether you like it or not. You don’t get to say when you’re done, I do! You belong to me! Or have you forgotten?!” He yelled as he smacked the side of her head not once or twice but three times, her mind spinning as she lowered her head in submission. No more please. Her hands no longer prying at his grip but now protecting her head. “You’re coming back to Shanghai with me Wednesday. Do you understand?” Richard growled softly, his hand collecting her jaw so she was looking at him. No, I won’t. I’d rather die. “Do. You. Under-stand?” He seethed yanking her even closer, she would bruise by the morning. “Y-yes s-sir.” Ty chocked out through uneven breaths and a million tears. Seemingly satisfied with her response, he dropped her head and released her leg. “Get yourself together before you leave this room. You’re a mess.” Fuck you. “I’m going to break the news to Price that you want to leave. Better tell your little boyfriends the same.” He mumbled collecting his things and leaving without another word. Boyfriends? Soap and Ghost?
Now left alone with nothing but her thoughts and crippling pain she struggled to catch her breath. Her chest heaving as she tried to take in more oxygen than her body would allow. Her body trembles as anxiety coursed through her in waves, each hitting harder than the last. She tore her jacket from her body as she felt like she was over heating, her hand clutching her sternum that felt like it was being pinched in a vice. She needed to calm down or she’d pass out. She couldn’t get help, they’d ask too many questions. The phone was too far and the door even further. Picking a battle she staggered to the door, the world beginning to spin as she pushed her way into the empty hallway. Tripping through the hall she used the wall for support, her breathing still ragged with each step. If anyone saw her now they wouldn’t be able to recognize her through the snot and tears that soiled her face. Only recognizable feature was her reddened auburn eyes that wasn’t focusing on any of her surroundings.
Ty felt as though she walked six miles when reality she was only a few feet from the room she had just left. Sinking to the ground in a heap she pressed her back to the wall and clamped her hands over her ears in a attempt to stop the sensory overload. Pressing her eyes closed she began to count out loud. “One..t-t-two..three….four…f-five..” Between each number she forced herself to take a full breath, and soon enough she was stabilizing.
She had been gone for nearly an hour and forty five minutes when she finally stepped foot into a public space on base. She just had to pick the cafeteria, Soap wasting no time in bombarding his second lieutenant with his foolishness, oblivious to her state. “Double T! Me and Gaz were just— woah are you alright?” He asked as she moved along with the line. “I’m fine J.” She lied, smiling slightly to the older workers in the kitchen as thanks. “Have you been crying?” Soap poked gently grabbing her arm to get her attention. Still running on fight or flight she tensed visibly, her puffy cheeks and red eyes glaring violently at him. “McTavish! Drop it.” She ordered pulling her arm from under his touch, he definitely knew something was up now. Not only because she settled for calling him McTavish when she was royally annoyed or pissed off at him but because he could see how destroyed she was behind those eyes and the reddens to her jawline. “I said I’m fine.” She confirmed again a little softer this time not truly meaning to yell at him. She just didn’t want to deal with any questions right now, she was so upset again that she found herself giving her tray back to the staff and leaving.
Her next and final destination was her dorm, there she could be alone and actually think about how she was going to survive the rest of her life on Shanghai base. Just wanting something to go right for once she gently tried to open her jammed door only for it not to open. She laughed to herself in anger before beginning to throw herself into the door to get it open. Behind her the slight creak to Ghost’s door distracted her momentarily. “Need a hand?” He quirked coming up behind her, the heaviness of his presence made her shrink away. Her eyes dropping to the floor to avoid his gaze, she nodded before whispering. “If you pleased.” Moving to the side against the wall she let him to the door. She was grateful her hair was down to curtain her face. Her head dropping slightly. “What did he want?” Ghost asked as she began to pick at her fingers again, her cuticles red and firey from her picking. “Nothing..” she said with a shrug. “He talked to you for two hours about nothing?” He continued. Ty shook her head and huffed. “Can you just get the door open..please.” She nearly begged. Ghost paused his attempt to open the door, she wasn’t usually this quiet nor had she looked at him once this whole interaction. “Did he hurt you?” Ghost growled dangerously making her brace for no reason, Ghost wouldn’t hurt her. Not like he had.
“Jesus Simon! Can you just open the god damn door!” She shouted now looking up at him angrily. Again she didn’t mean to yell, she just really wanted people to stop sticking their nose in her business. He cares—no he doesn’t. Ghost didn’t utter another word because all the evidence he needed was on her face, literally. He could make out the bruising along her jaw forming and her skittish outburst behavior. Gently pushing open the door he stepped aside to let her in. Ty felt her eyes water as she moved inside the room, the door closing behind her. “Fuck..” she whined placing a hand on her face. Why was everything going wrong all of a sudden? “You wanna tell me what happened or do I have to go ask him myself?” Ty let out a squeak as she whipped around to find ghost standing near the door. She didn’t know he had invited himself in! “You scared me, what are you doing?!” She asked but he wasn’t changing the subject. “You want me to go ask him? Got it.” He said turning to leave, Ty lunged forward snatching his vest into her grasp. “No, stop. Please!” She cried, Ghost turned again looking down at her crying form. “I-I’ll tell you, please just don’t go looking for him.” Now she was begging, if Ghost went looking for her father and her father somehow caught wind she said anything—she would be dead. So much more deader than dead.
Tag List: @ellouisa17 @hypernovaxx
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essiemclaren · 3 months
lingering ties
pt. 7
In which reader and Oscar, now broken up, must co-parent their (fur) baby
oscar's chat with unibros
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reader's post on twitter/x
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oscar's chat with reader
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reader's post on twitter/x
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oscar's post on twitter/x
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reader's post on twitter/x
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oscar's chat with reader
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oscar's chat with the unibros
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oscar's post on twitter/x
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the next day
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part 8
tags: @tsireyasgf @ziarahpikiran @mrsjamietartt @softtina @overlyexcitedoutlaw @osclerc @nixisracing @sinfully-yoursss @colmathgames2 @booksandflowrs @formula1blog @storminacloud @nixily @lokideservesahug @cherry-piee @annispamz @sltwins @mxdi0 @killinorris @awritingtree @andruuu28 @sarahkaliii @auggieblogs @hanshy @evie-119
@tellybearryyyy @ale-522 @xoxonoire @grovelingmen @s0meth1ngs @kodzuvk @2pagenumb @luuuucas @nataliambc @lyannesworld @honethatty12 @brune77e @iloveyou3000morgan @5sospenguinqueen @ellouisa17 @daisyfreecs @lichterfee @ididntseeurbag @koalalafications @saachiep81 @angelfrombeneth @vintagefucksstuff @mmoodd-jobutupaki @mountvesuvu @chezmardybum
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essiemclaren · 2 months
lingering ties
pt 9
In which reader and Oscar, now broken up, must co-parent their (fur) baby
unibros gc
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oscar's post on twitter/x
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reader's post on twitter/x
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unibros gc
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unibros gc: update from oscar
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oscar's text with reader
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oscar's post on twitter/x
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blue devil's college newspaper
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reader's post on instagram
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liked by landoOo, carlito, maxver._ and others
yourusername the sky was painted in your colors today, a sign you’d win. even though we’re apart, i’ve never stopped cheering for you. congrats on your first win—here’s to many more. 💫
“You came to my game. I didn’t expect that.”
“You called out for me. I couldn’t stay away.”
a/n: sorry for the delay! i have been busy with my internship, and no, i did not go back to the guy so stop calling me stupid haha ☹️
thank you for being so patient and understanding with me, i love you all! stay safe and take care of your mental health 🫶
love from essie 🍓
tags: @tsireyasgf @ziarahpikiran @mrsjamietartt @softtina @overlyexcitedoutlaw @osclerc @nixisracing @sinfully-yoursss @colmathgames2 @booksandflowrs @writelikeapoet @storminacloud @nixily @lokideservesahug @cherry-piee @annispamz @sltwins @mxdi0 @killinorris @awritingtree @andruuu28 @sarahkaliii @auggieblogs @hanshy @evie-119
@tellybearryyyy @ale-522 @xoxonoire @grovelingmen @s0meth1ngs @kodzuvk @2pagenumb @luuuucas @nataliambc @lyannesworld @honethatty12 @brune77e @iloveyou3000morgan @5sospenguinqueen @ellouisa17 @daisyfreecs @lichterfee @ididntseeurbag @koalalafications @saachiep81 @angelfrombeneth @vintagefucksstuff @mmoodd-jobutupaki @mountvesuvu @chezmardybum
437 notes · View notes
essiemclaren · 4 months
lingering ties
pt 5
In which reader and Oscar, now broken up, must co-parent their (fur) baby
warning/s: cursing and slight alcohol consumption
oscar's chat with the unibros
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unibro's post on twitter/x
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unibro's chat
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their post on twitter/x
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oscar's chat with unibros
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oscar's chat with reader
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oscar's chat with unibros
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part 6
a/n: sorry for the delayed post!!! tbh i didnt realize it has been what five days since i last posted? because i really thought i just posted yesterday 😭 SO FORGIVE ME, and if i do forget to post, please, please, please, dont be afraid to get mad at me lol 😭 I NEED SOMEONE TO REMIND ME UGH 💔 let me know your thoughts on this one!!! i wonder what the reader will say next hmmm 😩 and thank you for supporting me! reblogging, liking, and leaving comments helps me get motivated!
want to know what comes next? ask for a tag! ❤️
love from essie!! 🌸
tags: @tsireyasgf @ziarahpikiran @mrsjamietartt @softtina @overlyexcitedoutlaw @osclerc @nixisracing @sinfully-yoursss @colmathgames2 @booksandflowrs @formula1blog @storminacloud @nixily @lokideservesahug @cherry-piee @annispamz @sltwins @mxdi0 @killinorris @awritingtree @andruuu28 @sarahkaliii @auggieblogs @hanshy @evie-119
@tellybearryyyy @ale-522 @xoxonoire @grovelingmen @s0meth1ngs @kodzuvk @2pagenumb @luuuucas @nataliambc @lyannesworld @honethatty12 @brune77e @iloveyou3000morgan @5sospenguinqueen @ellouisa17 @daisyfreecs @lichterfee @ididntseeurbag @koalalafications @saachiep81 @angelfrombeneth @vintagefucksstuff @mmoodd-jobutupaki
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essiemclaren · 3 months
lingering ties
pt 6
In which reader and Oscar, now broken up, must co-parent their (fur) baby
oscar's post on twitter/x
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oscar's chat with the unibros
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oscar's post on twitter/x
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oscar's chat with unibros
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oscar's chat with reader
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part 7
a/n: CLIFFHANGER OMG IM SORRY IK YOU GUYS HATE ME FOR THE LAST PART LMFAOOOOO BUT NOW YOURE GONNA HATE ME MORE BECAUSE IS SHE BEING FR OR WHAT? AND WHAT DOES OSCAR MEANS BY "WTF" 😭 ALSO WE HAVE AN OC!!! YAYYYY idk how i came up with his name, it's all completely fictional, but if there's an aiden dela cruz-rivera out there, im sorry 🙏 LET ME KNOW WHICH PART IS YOUR FAVOURITE!!!
want to know what oscar means by his vague post? ask for a tag!! ❤️
hugs from essie!!
tags: @tsireyasgf @ziarahpikiran @mrsjamietartt @softtina @overlyexcitedoutlaw @osclerc @nixisracing @sinfully-yoursss @colmathgames2 @booksandflowrs @formula1blog @storminacloud @nixily @lokideservesahug @cherry-piee @annispamz @sltwins @mxdi0 @killinorris @awritingtree @andruuu28 @sarahkaliii @auggieblogs @hanshy @evie-119
@tellybearryyyy @ale-522 @xoxonoire @grovelingmen @s0meth1ngs @kodzuvk @2pagenumb @luuuucas @nataliambc @lyannesworld @honethatty12 @brune77e @iloveyou3000morgan @5sospenguinqueen @ellouisa17 @daisyfreecs @lichterfee @ididntseeurbag @koalalafications @saachiep81 @angelfrombeneth @vintagefucksstuff @mmoodd-jobutupaki @mountvesuvu @chezmardybum
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essiemclaren · 4 months
lingering ties
pt 4
In which reader and Oscar, now broken up, must co-parent their (fur) baby
warning/s: cursing
oscar's chat with unibros
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oscar's chat with reader
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oscar's chat with unibros
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lando creating a gc
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oscar's post on twitter/x
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part 5
take a look at their profiles!
a/n: advance sorry for making it angst-y in the end I SWEAR IT WASNT MY INTENTION 😶‍🌫️ i love writing LT!oscar being sooo whipped for her actually it was my intention, just reminding everyone the painful past haha no i'm not heartbroken i swear ill make it up to everyone on the next part!! ALSO CAN YOU TELL ME WHAT YOUR FAVORITE PART?? bc mine is when the charles, lando, max, and carlos got a temporary job LMFAO i was actually giggling when making that part 🤭 if only there was no limits in tumblr, i wouldve post 30+ lol, but anyway, to make this note short, i just want to thank everyone who read this fic and my other works!! I LOVE YOU ALL 🥰
let me know if you want to be tagged in this series!! 🤩
tags: @tsireyasgf @ziarahpikiran @mrsjamietartt @softtina @overlyexcitedoutlaw @osclerc @nixisracing @sinfully-yoursss @colmathgames2 @booksandflowrs @formula1blog @storminacloud @nixily @lokideservesahug @cherry-piee @annispamz @sltwins @mxdi0 @killinorris @awritingtree @andruuu28 @sarahkaliii @auggieblogs @hanshy @evie-119
@tellybearryyyy @ale-522 @xoxonoire @grovelingmen @s0meth1ngs @kodzuvk @2pagenumb @luuuucas @nataliambc @lyannesworld @honethatty12 @brune77e @iloveyou3000morgan @5sospenguinqueen @ellouisa17 @daisyfreecs @lichterfee @ididntseeurbag @koalalafications
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lale-txt · 1 month
𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐓 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐇 (𝐎𝐬𝐚𝐦𝐮 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫) ❦ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟎𝟓: 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐥
♫ My Ugly Clementine - I’m Boring
Why do I even want you? Why do I care? You make me think about you You make me stupid as fuck And I'm not even in love
⭅ back to m.list
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✽ 𝐧𝐨 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝…
Akaashi and y/n arrived back in Tokyo around the same time and had ramen together afterwards to debrief their trips
y/n mentioned Osamu's name 79 times but it's not like Akaashi is keeping count
Yukie earned her nickname 'The Finisher' in high school and it also describes her driving style really well
like a true friend Makki hasn't stopped laughing for the rest of the day and would still burst out into random laughter whenever he saw y/n again
Sakusa diagnosed with third degree yearns
the Miyas didn't grow up with pets (their single mom had her hands full with the two of them already) but especially Osamu was always fond of them
as in every really close friendship y/n will sometimes forget what her friends' jobs are. this includes the ones playing pro league volleyball and the one working for a funeral company
Osamu's staff overheard the conversation about the engagement and maybe he hasn't fully cleared everything up just yet (he blames it on dinner rush)
the Tokyo group and the Osaka will finally meet soon! surely nothing chaotic and messy will happen! (lie)
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@brithedemonspawn @gigiiiiislife @yuminako @notverymarley @krissiekris
@wyrcan @kentocalls @simp-simp-no-mi @uncovered-mad-man @honey-deku
@yukichan67 @dailyakira @nu-suave @zq13 @morgan-lowell
@ellouisa17 @toges-cough-syrup
send me an ask or dm to be added (or removed, no hard feelings ♡)! minors DNI!
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