#kyouya x reader
What’s in it for me?
Chapter 8
Chapter 1     Masterlist
Pairing: Kyouya Ootori x Reader Author: see-the-fandom-imagines   Warnings: Kyouya in a bad mood, other than that mostly cute fluff, filler Author’s Note: I hope you will like it! One tiny question: I have been thinking about uploading this same fic with a few changes that would be required, but using male pronouns. I feel like our male readers get too little attention every once in a while, so let me know in case anyone would actually be interested in reading this with male pronouns! Tag List: @radical-bunny, @redsakura101​, @ellouisa17​
Link to Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46325452/chapters/116633701
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The next morning you awoke early. You needed a moment to realise where you were, but Haruhi’s steady breathing soon reminded you of everything that happened the day before. You groaned and stretched, before carefully sitting up. Bright sun light shone through the curtains, so you decided you might as well should get up and make some breakfast. You owed everyone as much for scaring them like you did. Quietly you walked into the bathroom. Looking into the mirror you noticed that your eyes were still a little puffy from crying, but that was nothing that a little cold water couldn’t save. You brushed your teeth and quickly washed your face, before slipping into your everyday clothes and sneaking downstairs. No one was there yet, and you enjoyed the short moment of calmness, a rare occasion when being anywhere with the host club. You had to admit you probably were relaxed for the first time in weeks, although you knew you also had to thank the six boys for that who were still sleeping upstairs. Silently you checked the fridge and the pantry for food and you actually found almost all of the basics – eggs, rice, flour, sugar … You could work with that. You had just finished heating the pan, when you heard steps coming down the stairs into the kitchen. You turned around to see who it was, after you had poured the first load of dough into the pan. “Mori-Senpai”, you greeted. “Good morning!” You smiled at him and he smiled back. “Good morning.” He stepped closer to see what you were doing. “I am making breakfast, I thought it was the least thing I could do after … after yesterday.” You carefully flipped the pancake, before turning towards him, as you noticed something. “I never really thanked you properly, but… well, thank you. Really.” You looked him in the eyes. “For saving my life. And everything in general, too.” You bowed down as deeply as you could without falling to your knees. He was quiet for a while, but then you felt the weight of his hand on your head as he ruffled your hair. Surprised you looked up into his smiling face. You knew this was his way of saying that it was alright. You smiled up at him. “If you want to you can sit down, I’ll bring the breakfast out in a bit.” “Let me help you.” “But…”, you started but he shook his head. “Please.” You chuckled and gave in. If he said he wanted to help, that’s what he wanted to do. You always enjoyed Mori’s simplicity in this regard. “Alright! You can make some pancakes if you want to? They’re mostly for Honey-senpai and the twins whenever they wake up!” Mori nodded and took the spatula from you. The rest of the morning was spend in a comfortable silence, only interrupted by you giving Mori some cooking tips and asking which vegetables and leftovers he wanted in the soup.
Proudly, Mori showed you the big stack of pancakes he had just made, and you gave him a thumbs up. “Amazing! Now we just have to wait for …” “I smell pancakes!” You almost flinched as you heard the older hosts voice behind you. When did he get up? Had he been awake this whole time? Slowly you turned around, looking into his happy face. “We made some for breakfast, I had a feeling you’d like them”, you said, trying not to be freaked out by his weird sense of smell for sweets. “Yay!”, he proclaimed, “Let’s set the table, so we can eat!” You nodded and handed Honey a stack of plates, when suddenly Mori stepped in front of you, grabbing your chin with one hand and lifting your head to look at him. You felt the heat creep onto your cheeks at his touch. “M-Mori-senpai”, you stammered, but then he lifted his other hand and gently wiped something of your face with his thumb. His fingers felt warm on your face and his touch was soft. A lot softer than how Kyouya had touched you yesterday. With wide eyes you stared up at him. “Flour”, he explained and immediately you understood and relaxed your shoulders again. “Oh”, you said, but before you could react any further, two very well-known voices appeared next to you. “Hey hey, are we interrupting something?” Immediately, Mori let go of your face as if he had been burnt by it. Hikaru appeared next to his brother. “Is there a secret kitchen party and we haven’t been invited?” You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, huge kitchen party, too bad, you’re late.” “Hey”, Kaoru started poking your cheek. “That’s mean”, Hikaru said, poking the other one. “You know me”, you shrugged, “mean to the core.” “Have you made breakfast?”, they realized at the same time. “Yes.” “But why? “Yeah, there’s maids for that.” “Well, there are no maids here as you can see.” “Well, then there’s delivery”, Hikaru shrugged, and you waited for Kaoru’s response but instead he smiled down at you. “Thanks.” Hikaru sent him an irritated gaze, but you beamed up at him. “You’re welcome, now go, go, set the table if you want to eat!” “Do we have to?”, they groaned in unison, but a raised eyebrow from you was enough to get them to move. You shook your head, watching your friends set the table and a weird sense of security and happiness washed over you. It weirdly felt like home. Just… safe. Although a few people were still missing. Smiling at the view, you saw Tamaki and Haruhi walk down the stairs, bickering again, but stopping as they saw the almost fully set breakfast table. “(Y/n) have you done all this?”, Tamaki asked, but you shook your head. “I had some help." You smiled at Mori. “You could have woken me up, I would have helped”, Haruhi protested, but you shushed her quickly. “That’s exactly, why I didn’t wake you! You deserved some rest.” You looked around. “Well, Kyouya-senpai is still missing.” You checked your watch. “I better go wake him up.” Suddenly you felt the gaze of all the hosts on you. “Better don’t do that”, Hikaru said. “Not if you want to live”, Kaoru finished. “What do you mean?” “Kyouya has the blood type AB”, Tamaki explained, but you still were a little confused. “So?” “Kyouya really doesn’t like to be woken up”, Honey said, while already stuffing his face with his first pancake. “You are not the one to talk”, Mori solely commented on his cousin’s utterance, but since you also could not really place this, you just sighed. “Ah, come on, guys, it can’t be that bad … right?” “Try it at your own risk”, the twins said, shrugging, while already sitting down at the breakfast table and you gulped. “Well, I think he is going to be angrier, if we let him sleep and we miss our car back, so I guess I’ll… try my best.” But you had barely finished the sentence, when you were already beginning to doubt your idea.
Carefully, you made your way up the stairs and turned to the left where you knew Kyouya's room was located. You knocked carefully, but didn’t get a reply. You knocked again. Still nothing. You gulped heavily and decided to go in. Once you had stepped inside your eyes needed a moment to adjust to the darkness and suddenly you weren’t so sure anymore of what you were doing here. You had entered Kyouya’s room without his permission, to wake him up, also without his permission. Even morning people would have every right to be pissed at you and he apparently was the complete opposite of a morning person. Biting your lip you questioned why you were here again and thought about simply turning around, it was not too late to just leave again, but then you remembered the feeling of seeing everybody help out in the kitchen. And how happy that had made you. And how much you had noticed Kyouya’s absence in this moment. A part of you really wanted him to be part of this memory. Maybe it was foolish, but now that you were already inside his room you decided there was no going back. You took a deep breath, and carefully stepped closer to his bed. You looked at his sleeping face and couldn’t help but notice how relaxed he looked. You smiled a little to yourself. His hair was messy from sleep and he seemed unusually relaxed. He was always so composed, seeing him in this state was highly unusual, but you had to admit that you liked it. The messy hair was weirdly attractive. You swalled down the lump in your throat and knelt down beside him. “Kyouya-senpai”, you whispered, but he still didn’t move. “Kyouya-senpai”, you tried again, this time a bit louder. You sighed. This was not working. You stood back up again, and carefully moved his shoulder. “Kyouya-sen…” But this was as far as you got, for in the next second you felt Kyouya’s grip on your wrist that had just tried to shake him awake. The sudden pull of his touch made you fall over. Your upper body collided with his and your faces were just inches apart from each other as you now stared into his eyes. The usual brown-greyish colour had turned black and you felt a shiver run down your spine as he looked at you. “First you won’t let me sleep and now you wake me early in the morning?” His voice was ice cold. Wait, not let him sleep, what have you …Oh no, you must have woken him up last night with your crying. Immediately your face went bright red, thinking that he had heard your absolute breakdown. Your mouth went dry and your thoughts went blank. How much had he heard? Had he heard you cry? Had he heard anything at all? You felt your cheeks grow hot with embarrassment. You felt his chest moving with his chest against yours, his fingers burning into your wrist and you were way too aware of the warmth radiating from him. You tried to think of something to say, anything. You wanted to apologize for waking him both yesterday and today, but you realized you were close enough to smell the faint scent of cedar and lavender that always seemed to surround him and it clouded your thoughts. All you could perceive was the warmth of his skin against yours and how close his face was. This was getting really weird, you had to say something, anything to make this better. Just apologise, (y/n), apolo … “I made breakfast.” You slapped yourself internally, but nothing else would come over your lips. You swallowed hard and looked down at him. His eyes seemed to regain a bit of colour, although, he had still gripped your wrist tightly and seemed slightly murderous. “You… made breakfast?”, he asked back. “Yeah.” “…” “…” “You wake me up ... to tell me you made breakfast.” “Yeah.” He seemed to think for a second, before you could feel his chest begin to vibrate with a low chuckle. “You made breakfast”, he repeated again and finally let go of your wrist. Right away you scrambled back up to your feet, although you were immediately missing the warmth. Kyouya sat up and looked at you. It was impossible for you to guess what he was thinking. He still radiated a slight murderous spirit, but at least he didn’t seem like he wanted to decapitate you on the spot anymore. “I’ll be right down.”
Trying to steady your breath you made your way back down the stairs, your legs a little wobbly from the second close call with death in the last two days and only now noticed that all the other hosts, including Haruhi had gathered at the foot of the staircase, looking up at you expectantly. Before you could react, you found yourself in Tamaki’s embrace. “Oh, (y/n), you can’t imagine how glad we are that you are alive and well!” You blinked a few times. It had been scary, but now he was overdoing it. “I am fine”, you tried to get out between him squeezing you, and it took the help of both twins to peel him away from you. “You don’t look fine”, they observed and you realized, that you probably still were blushing quite heavily. They seemed to mistake it for fear. “No worries, (y/n)-chan! You’re safe now!”, Honey assured you with a serious gaze. “And now sit down and have breakfast with us! A few pancakes will help you get better!”
It didn’t take long for Kyouya to come downstairs, neatly dressed and styled as always. It was as if he was a completely different person. “Good morning”, he wished everyone at the table and they responded. “Good morning, (y/n)”, he said to you in particular, his voice cold, and you knew he was still mad at you for waking him up. “Good morning”, you mumbled back. You had just gotten up to get Honey a few more pancakes, and immediately made your way back into the kitchen to grab another bowl of rice, a miso soup and some of the fish from yesterday you had been frying up again. You placed them one by one in front of Kyouya who looked at you with an unreadable gaze. “I said I made breakfast”, you mumbled, and shrugged, avoiding eye contact. “And I remember you once said you don’t really like sweet stuff, so I made something savory, too.” Kyouya didn’t reply and you didn’t dare to look into his face so you made your way back to your seat to finish your own breakfast. You tried to ignore him, but somehow you caught your gaze wandering back towards him, eyeing the food in front of him suspiciously. You knew it tasted fine, you had had some yourself and Mori had also told you it’s delicious, so you weren’t sure why you were so worried about what Kyouya might think about it. You chewed on a bite of rice, and acted as if you were listening to something Haruhi was telling you, but actually you were watching the dark-haired host from the corner of your eyes, curious about how he'd react. You watched him separate a piece of fish and put it in his mouth. He halted for a second and looked at you, almost surprised. Your gaze met his for a second, but he immediately averted his gaze and focused it on the food again. You had to turn back to Haruhi, so that she wouldn’t realize that you hadn’t been listening to a word she said, but you could have sworn that you had seen a small smirk on Kyouya’s face, as he took a second bite and somehow this made you irrationally happy.
Kyouya for his share did not remember when he had last eaten a homecooked meal like that. Trying to show as little emotion as possible, he nonetheless gladly realized that she seemed to be feeling better. A small smile played on her lips now and he watched her talk and laugh with the other hosts. That sight might have even been worth getting woken up for. Might.
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morinuu · 4 months
I’m so happy to see your requests are open I absolutely love your writing!!
Kyoya x fem reader where they have an arranged marriage because it will help both there parents companies, and Kyoya and reader start to actually have feelings for one another, even though they weren’t sure about marrying the other at first?? Just thought it would be super cute!!
Hope your day/night is going well!!
hiii im so glad u like my work! :3 added a wee bit of angst turnt fluff cus why not. its not exactly what u asked for but i hope u like it anyway!
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❄|kyouya x reader where you're both forced to marry under your families' order. 1.7k words. this doesn't follow the canon for the events after the ouran graduation.
the noiret paced around his room in uneasiness. he knew one day his freedom would be cut short, he'd been waiting for that day, but he also had learnt to have the slightest, stupidest hope that his father's newfound respect for him had changed things.
he wonders, however, how he of all people could have been so naïve.
outside, the fairies of the winter had been drawing pretty little drawings of ice on the edges of his windows, as if to try and distract his racing mind from the events that would unfold the second he got out of his room. he was used to the noise of social events, the people chatter and the pressure of socialising, so this should be nothing for him, right?
he didn't understand this feeling. it wasn't that he necessarily hated an arrangement for marriage, life would go on whether or not it would happen.
looking at the fairies' drawings of comfort one last time, he took a deep breath and exited his room to leave for the wedding venue without a word.
the car ride was uncomfortable. his family had already arrived so they weren't there to talk his ear off and the bride would come some time after than he did as the tradition goes. he had time left to think and contemplate again and again.
he looked down at his tuxedo. the bride requested that if she wasn't able to marry of her own free will, that she at least get to have her dream wedding. not a bad deal, kyouya thought. their outfits had been in matching colours, and both were over-the-top decorated. he felt slightly embarrassed at the outfit, but it wasn't anything too extreme in comparison to what he wore in highschool. the only concern was that his whole family and many important people would be there, though he swallowed that as well, as he'd been doing the entire year of the wedding preparation.
he'd met his fiancée plenty of times in that year. the first time they met was at his university graduation. she was smiling brightly standing next to his sister who rushed to hug him and congratulate him. he remembers her bowing politely and introducing herself, before his father stepped in to explain the situation. he remembers the slight surprise on her face at the lack of comments about his sons' achievements.
the next time they met was at a museum. his sister had advised him to ask her on a date so they could get to know each other. she was intelligent, charismatic, and he couldn't deny her face was pleasant to look at. her interest in history was a plus - at least she had an interesting characteristic.
their second date was a dinner at a restaurant, only the best to serve the ootoris. she'd picked steak and juice - quickly explaining she doesn't drink at the slight raise of his eyebrow. he nodded and changed his own wine order to juice as well. 'you don't have to do that!' she rushed but he assured her he's just being considerate of his fiancée. he never forgot how to be a gentleman.
the fifth date she asked to meet at a commoners' shopping mall to show him around. kyouya wasn't surprised by this. he'd learnt early on from his investigation on potential wife that she'd been adopted into the l/n family due to some sort of an affair. despite it being well-known, the gossip around the situation wasn't very clear, so he decided to wait until she talked about it instead.
at some point down the road, the two had become something akin to friends, and although not very close, y/n claimed she was satisfied with the bond they'd created regardless of its strength.
nine months later, he now is at the altar, bouquet in hand, a performative smile for all the guests to admire - until a beautiful woman comes through with her arm linked to her father's.
the ceremony didn't last long, the after-party however? most guests had already left but the couples' friends continued to act like it was the last day of their lives. the bridesmaids' laughter and his friends' drunk dance moves tired kyouya, but he was having fun, so what's another night sleepless?
a tap in his shoulder by his wife.
"you okay? you seem tired. we can call it a night." she exclaimed into his ear through the music. he'd read enough women's blogs to understand what that meant.
even if he wasn't tired, she was, and that was a roundabout way of telling him. what sort of husband disobeys his wife?
the second they got to their new house, y/n rushed to the bed and flopped on it like a sack. she had no energy to get changed or move, instead asking kyouya 'if they could complete their duties the next day, nobody was rushing them anyway'. kyouya he helped her out of her dress and comatosed with her in peace.
the next morning, nobody bothered to wake the couple. soon they'd leave for their honeymoon anyway. everything happened way too quickly and kyouya didn't know how to handle it. the weeks passed, and he refused to communicate any issues to his wife that weren't work or family related. he felt conflicted, but he didn't know about what. the woman lying next to him was kind, beautiful, clever. what right did he have to complain?
i mean, what did it matter if he didn't feel any connection in bed? why would it matter if she had a disappointed look on her face whenever he had to cut their time short? would it make any difference if he had an heir later and ignored his parents' whines about it? it was a tough thing to do, but each time he failed to satisfy his wife, it felt like a stab in the chest wounding his male ego. so did it really matter that he was away for long periods of time? it was a marriage of convenience, after all, and she wasn't missing out on anything.
she claimed that whatever friendship they had felt like it was dissolving because he 'didn't make an effort'? him? when he's the one working hard to make sure his dad's company doesn't make the wrong decisions? what does she know when she sits at home all day getting princess treatment despite being illegitimate?
"you chose this, kyouya." what?
"you refuse to leave your father's shadow." that's not it.
"maybe if you stood up for yourself, half the issues you're complaining about would be gone!" you're wrong.
he doesn't have free will, he never did. since he was a kid his life had been dictated by those around him, and surely you under-
"you're nearing thirty, kyoya! i'm tired of your self-pity! do something! i'm sick of this!"
it felt like yesterday when he saw his wife in her wedding dress for the first time. back then, he didn't really understand the concept of forever.
yet it had already been seven years.
seven years of obedience. seven years of keeping his head down. seven years of neglecting his wife to dedicate his time to his work. seven years for him to realise he was serving the ootoris. he was never on an equal level.
the issue wasn't his father, it was him. and on his twenty-ninth birthday, a snowy day just like his wedding day, with the winter fairies for comfort, he announced to his old man his retirement from the company.
"i'm sorry, y/n. i'm sorry for everything. let's try again."
you took his hand and embraced him. you knew your husband was broken somewhere inside him. you'd known for years. you'd seen how his family treated him, how they took him for granted. but no matter what you did, how much you pressured him, he only let you see specific parts of himself, and you couldn't help but blame yourself.
you refused to leave his side, no matter how exhausting your marriage felt. you rarely went on dates anymore, he never made the move to touch you, it wasn't marriage, it felt like... a business transaction.
deep down, you knew that that's what it was. you'd considered divorce plenty of times but at the end of the day, even if not your lover, kyouya was your friend. the man whom you ate breakfast with and lied on the same bed with. the man you'd seen you at your worst and gave you strength, and you knew you had to support even if he refused to let go of what was familiar to him. even if he refused his own happiness.
the sobbing man in your arms reminded you of a younger version of him. years ago, on your third anniversary when he'd planned a trip to chongqing because he remembered you saying you always wanted to go. during your two week stay, he got wine tipsy at dinner and eventually drunk by nighttime, spilling feelings he'd kept to himself for years.
he'd kneeled in front of you, furiously crying in your lap as he held your legs tightly, begging you not to leave because he could feel himself changing and neglecting his personal life.
you'd carried him to bed and admired his face as he fell asleep, naïvely thinking that this was just a rough patch and he'd go back to putting effort in just like he did in chongqing.
but the years passed and he proved to you his fears were legitimate.
"sure, let's try again kyouya." you patted his back when he held you in even tighter. "but this time we're trying counselling, okay?" you giggled, trying to light up the mood.
he pulled back and gave a tiny smile when you wiped his cheek.
"whatever my wife says." he caressed your hair. "let's stay married, okay? i don't want to lose you."
he didn't say the three words, but that was okay. it didn't matter much. romance could wait, because you knew you loved him more than a woman in a cheesy romcom would. you loved his soul, and you wanted nothing more than to see him bloom.
"let's stay married, kyouya. happy birthday."
it was a new beginning for the both of you and you had nothing but time on the horizon.
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animeyanderelover · 1 month
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Tw: Yandere themes, possessive relationship, obsession, delusional mindset, clinginess, manipulation, strictness, threats, blackmailing
S/o is like Power from Csm
Fujioka Haruhi
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👑​Haruhi differs from the rest of the Host Club, not only because she is the only biologically female host but also because she didn't grow up in a wealthy environment. She's far more down to earth and honest which is why she is able to show the most leniency to her darling. Her concern for your hygiene and overall behavior stems less from her expectation how a woman should behave and act in school and more from how she believes everyone regardless of gender should act. She doesn't want you to shower with the finest soap and dress up in the most expensive clothes as she didn't dress up properly either when she initially entered the school due to her circumstances but Haruhi still thinks that there should be a minimum that you should at least fulfill and she won't ask of you to go beyond that. She is very blunt though with this small request of hers as she doesn't tiptoe her way around this conversation with you. Responsible and practical as she is she will showcase a lot of patience as she tries to help as well as teach you on how to behave at least a bit more respectful in public as well as teach you how to take better care of your hygiene.
Suoh Tamaki
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🌹​Tamaki is crying tears because of you more than just once. He is used to the refined ladies swooning over him an using his princely charm to persuade every woman's heart yet all of his advances fly straight over your head as you couldn't care less, something that hurts his pride. His expectations and wishes for an overall betterment of your life and behavior are higher than those of Haruhi though he wouldn't want you to change your entire personality as he finds some characteristics of yours weirdly charming. Unfortunately his father happens to be the chairman of Ouran Academy and so he knows of the many complaints other parents and students submit to him due to your intolerable behavior and he doubts that his father would allow him to take you as his partner. So as the passionate and stubborn man that he is he decides to teach you himself all with the excuse that it will benefit you greatly. In reality his main motive is that he needs you to fit in better so that no one will have great complaints about him loving you, proving that he is also on a more egotistical side just as you are. Tamaki is clingy and confrontational about it all, at times almost as selfish and self-motivated as you are.
Ootori Kyouya
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💴​Kyouya normally claims that he only helps people if it benefits him yet there are no material advantages to be gained as he dedicates his forced help to you as his main motivation is his expectant obsession. He has the highest expectations from all hosts and is partially almost repulsed that from all ladies it is you who caught his eyes. His father would never allow him to marry you and Kyouya himself can't sit still as long as you are as vulgar and gross in appearance as well as behavior. He's diligent and calculating, has an entire schedule for you where he plans to teach you on how to be a better person. He constantly makes notes on your behavior and methods how to have you behave in a more lady-like manner and uses your self-motivated behavior against you to bribe you to tag along with his ideas and wishes even if this doesn't work all of the time. It is quite hard to blackmail you and find an efficient way to have you listen more and whilst it is probably quite tasteless to others Kyouya knows that this is one of the best methods to keep you in line as you are mainly driven by your own desire and emotions. He'll give you more freedom once you stop behaving like a savage.
Haninozuka Mitsukuni
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🍯​His childish appearance normally results in the women in the Host Club babying him and gushing over his cuteness yet none of that works on you as you rudely tell him off or ignore him and Honey has actually broken down in tears a couple of times due to it as he is a sensitive soul. He's very carefully tried to see if he could guilt-trip you with his tears one time only to arrive at the conclusion that you are not a very sentimental soul when you ignored him. All of his approachs that would usually work on women don't work on you and he spends a good day pouting about it, deeply upset as he stuffs cake in his face to deal with the frustration. Despite his dimwitted looks at times Honey isn't naive though so when he realises that you are driven by greed he tries a different approach by enticing you with all the cakes that he consumes and he isn't surprised to see that it works well with you devouring all the sweets he offers you. Now that he has managed to find a way to keep you by his side he struggles though to get further with you as you are childish without any trace of maturity that he possesses and don't respond to his advices, your words only hurting him even if he tries to remain optimistic.
Morinozuka Takashi
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💪​Mori may not be the most talkative individual but that doesn't take away from his concern in regards to you. He has spent a lot of time simply observing you as you are commonly refered to as the black skeep of this academy who puts shame on their traditions and values and as much as he feels protective of you and adores you he can't defend you in this regard. You lack the bare minimum of politeness and do whatever you want without any regard to anyone else and constantly lie to bring yourself out of troubles and he has been the biggest victim of it. Mori often accompanies you in hopes of preventing you from breaking things or disrespecting and angering others and whenever you got in troubles you always pushed all the blame on him without even giving it any thought. You're lucky that Mori is as patient as he is as probably no one else would have been able to deal with you for as long as he did. He's not only extremely patient but also very persistent in his constant attempts to teach you how to behave better. Sometimes though he does get a tad bit more intimidating and uses his strong body built against you to scare you off if you manage to push him around a bit too much.
Hitachiin Hikaru
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🩵​Hikaru proves to be one who perhaps finds himself struggling the most with his darling. Having grown up being co-dependent on his twin brother he often finds himself struggling with others and this is especially bad due to behavior. You end up hurting Hikaru's feelings more than once as you pay zero attention to him or simply ignore his attempts to get closer to you, your attention fickle as you show interest in other things even when he is trying to have a conversation with you. This often ends with Hikaru angrily stormig away, unable to deal with the pain you inflicted on him by acting as if a mere object is more interesting than he is. As someone who tends to be jealous as it is this only increases this tendency of his as it not only is limited to people anymore but also to objects that fascinate you and catch your attention. Alongside with this increase of jealousy his nervousness also spikes up a good bit as he starts feeling terrified to approach you again, afraid to be hurt once more which is slowly but surely taking a toll on his own self-confidence. In an attempt to get through you though he starts indulging you in your superficiality by buying you all sorts of useless trinkets.
Hitachiin Kaoru
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🧡​Kaoru may keep up the mischievous and playful charade when him and Hikaru are together yet despite being the younger twin he is far more level-headed than his older brother is. This doesn't mean that he can expertly handle you but at least he shows a degree of self-control unlike his older brother and doesn't run away when it gets too much. It's still very difficult to deal with you, especially since you are the opposite of what Ouran Academy expects of its female students and whilst Kaoru also doesn't expect nor want you to be the lady of all ladies it would be nice to see you behaving a bit more properly since sometimes you do gross him out with your behavior as well as lack of body hygiene. He doesn't try to be as shallow as his older brother though and attempts to gain your attention and at least a fraction of your obedience by indulging you in your greedy and selfish superficiality but instead attempts to do it the harder way by convincing you to try to be a bit more proper. He is no idealistic fool though. As soon as Kaoru realises that mere nice words don't seem to work on you he will resort to other methods to get you to force listening to his advices a bit more.
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kodzukenmaaa · 6 months
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⚘݄ none
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notes. © property of kodzukenmaa 2024. all rights reserved. likes and reblogs are well appreciated
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xinhar · 9 months
Kiss me? Kiss you? [3]
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What; Part 3 of an Oni version of who'll initiate a kiss first, it is you? Is it them?
Warnings; Slight suggestive.......
Featuring: Mudano Naito, Oiranzaka Kyouya, Masumi Yodogawa
Note; a little spice at the end but not thatmuch because I said so🗣️🗣️🗣️. Enjoy!
Masterlist | Momo | prev
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♯ Mudano Naito
Hah??? You must've lost your mind💀 He won't. Won't even get a partner🗣️ But let's pretend that hehasone for the sake OF. THE. PLOT👯🧑‍🦼 He won't go first. I can SEE it. Sorry. You have to adjust. I mean.... It's YOUR idea, right?
"Naito~" You gave him a begging look as you absentmindedly lock your arms on his as both of you walked shoulder by shoulder. Him still giving an uninterested look while looking straight.
"Come on! Just one! I promise, like promise- promise I won't bother you!" You tried to persuade the male as he only hum in response, of course, he already knew that it was a lie afterall. The last time he had agreed with your needs, you pulled out that card on him yet still didn't continue your promises. Which he was pissed off about (back then).
"Do you really believe that I would give in? You have to try harder than that." He muses while giving you a brief glance, eyes locking with yours as you pouted. You frowned, "What do you mean?"
You know what he means, but still. "Don't play around. I'm not made for your games." Mudano Naito spat as he stops his walk, making you halt on your own too, looking at him in confusion before grinning and giving him a wink.
"C'mon. I know you can't resist me." You smirked and grabbed both his cheek, earning a raised brow and amusement gleam in his eyes- trying to figure out what you have on your cup this time. You tattered his neck with butterfly kisses as he immediately knew what you were up to. Seriously? This girl... She's wasting time.
"Seduction won't work." Is what he said, but you knew better than this. He might be unbothered to others, but to you is a different case. "It will, Sir. Trust me." You chuckled as you sensually clash your lips to his when he was distracted, giving him a peck at first then take an action of what is the main part.
"Seems that "Mudano-sensei" is very negligent after all."
♯ Oiranzaka Kyouya
Bitch will go without hesitation 2.0 HE will be BOLD about asking too Tease you first BUT STILL a gentleman Unlike someone 💀 He'll be 🧀 sy about it too😔🙌
"Got nothing else to do, Doctor?" You mused at him as you raise a brow at his leaning frame at the door. Looking at you with cheeky grin, he made his way towards you casually. Focusing your full attention to him, your head tilted to the side.
"Nope, sweets. That's why I decided to take a visit." He proudly stated and gave you a wink. "How about you? Miss me?" He wriggle his eyebrows at you as you scoff at him in response. Rolling an eye, you smiled. "No."
He then pouted and lean near the desk you're working on. Putting his chin ontop of your head- you stare as him with amusement.
"Isn't this a very intimate moment? I thought we could kiss." He dramatically sighed as you look at him dumbfounded, unable to get he point of the statement.
"Are you trying to ask me for a kiss indirectly?" You asked him as he grinned, taking your hand as he kissed while maintaining eye contact- "Got it right, sweets."
"... Fine. Only because you look adorable." You smiled and he didn't hesitate to connect you and him together. What a wonderful day to start.
♯ Masumi Yodogawa
Can I get a kiss? can I-🧑‍🦯 I actually can't fathom whether who's gonna go first or what But... Maybe Just maybe? You⁉️ His pride is very giving a vibe, but he won't take actions💋 He's a queen 👑 How dare you command him🗣️
"Please?" "No."
"Very very much please please???"
"No no no no, and no." Masumi gave you a dirty look with his creepy smile as veins start to pop on his face, pissing him off to the max- don't even beg on him. Who the fuck-
"Could you stop? I told you already." He sighed and gave you a head pat, trying to reduce his blood boiling and tries to be understanding instead. Somehow... He had gotten such clingy lover for TODAY, and it's somewhat suspicious.
"No. I'm not giving up. You've been like this since ages!" You stared at him with saddened eye, trying to guilt trip him (which you know you'll fail anyway)- you continued, "why can't you focus on me for once."
You huffed and crosses your arms to look at him. With the action, Masumi sighed and shake his head. "I swear if this isn't worth my time-" he paused and asked, "what do you want, specifically?"
"A kiss."
"...no." Masumi pressed again with a teasing smile on his face. Silently mocking how you're so desperate for him- he chuckled at your reaction. Although, he wanted to see more, it's time to tend some baby he picked up from somewhere.
"Alright, alright. Come here." He opened his arms as your eyes gleamed in joy, immediately running to him to give him a tightest hug- your lips are long connected to his as you try to deepen it but he stopped it eventually. Trying to tease you again- which he never fails at.
"Ah, ah , ah. Be a good girl for me, sweetheart, and you might be able to get more than that, hm?" He pat your head as you nodded without hesitation.
"Good girl."
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radioactivesweet · 2 years
Hc from mudano,shiki,kougasaki and kyouya reacting to you wearing their shirt/uniform?
omg I think this the first time I get to write about Kyouya aka my first crush when I started reading Tougen Anki
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Mudano knew all along you were the reason why he couldn't find his jacket, but it didn't really bother him. He would have worn something else, if stealing his clothes was enough to make you happy. If you want to keep it as a memento of him everytime he's out on a mission, you can. He'd actually like something yours to keep as a keepsake too though.
When he appears unannounced in your room, while you are admiring yourself in the mirror, wearing the jacket he was used to wear, you just smile to him, apologetically. He sighs, resigned, scrolling his shoulders - and then disappearing again. You'll notice later that the scarf you had left near the door had disappeared too.
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Shiki is speechless when he sees you wearing his uniform. The size doesn't really fit you, but it doesn't matter, he believes everything looks good on you.
He's probably not going to wash his uniform in a while which earns him a disgusted look from Jin since he affirms that this way he can still smell your scent. You have to beg him to wash that uniform because whatever he is smelling isn't your scent anymore.
He wants you to borrow his clothes again, he cannot explain why, but Shiki feels good seeing you wearing them. Just an average teenager lending clothes to his s/o.
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Jin laughs when he sees you wearing his shirt. It's unexpected - you don't know how to react since you weren't expecting his reaction. You are just standing there with him trying to hold back from laughing under his mask.
None of you know what's so funny about it; you are confused and Jin is too. He was just looking for that shirt be was sure he had left in your room, but wasn't expecting you to wear it instead and look cute in it. He didn't retrieve his shirt. Now it's your new pajama.
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Kyouya pretends to pass out, letting himself fall theatrically on the bed after he had seen you wear the missing white coat he was looking for. As soon as he stands up, he looked at you up and down, a smile a on his face.
"It suits you." he declares, almost proudly, while adjusting his smiling face shaped brooch "Really. You should keep it."
He was straight-up going to tell about it to Mudano as soon as he had chance, with the same enthusiasm of a kid who has just been given candies.
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
Autistic Anime Boys Round 1 Matchups!
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Side A
L Lawliet (Death Note) VS Muichirou Tokito (Demon Slayer)
Gohan (Dragon Ball Z) VS Kiibo/K1-B0 Idabashi (Danganronpa)
Haruka Sakurai (Milgram) VS Seishirou Nagi (Blue Lock)
Satoru Gojou (Jujutsu Kaisen) VS Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Umetarou Nozaki (Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun) VS Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club)
Gin Gagamaru (Blue Lock) VS Taisei Yoshida (Assassination Classroom)
Itona Horibe (Assassination Classroom) VS Souichi Tanuma (Those Snow White Notes)
Light Yagami (Death Note) VS Tenma Matsukaze (Inazuma Eleven)
Shouto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) VS Sunny (Omori)
Broly (Dragon Ball Super) VS Kaworu Nagisa (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Yu Narukami/Souji Seta (Persona 4) VS Sechs (XBlaze)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru (Danganronpa) VS Kento Nanami (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Nate River/Near (Death Note) VS Kyouya Ootori (Ouran High School Host Club)
Mash Burnedead (Mashle: Magic and Muscles) VS Noiz (DRAMAtical Murder)
Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Kabuto Yakushi (Naruto)
Lan Wangji (Mo Dao Zu Shi) VS Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai)
James (Pokémon) VS Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)
Yuusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5) VS Tsubasa Yuunagi (Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure)
Hitoshi-san (Nyan~ Neko Sugar Girls) VS Illumi Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
Mikazuki Augus (Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans) VS Wakatoshi Ushijima (Haikyuu!!)
Homare Arisugawa (A3!) VS Kamille Bidan (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam)
Subaru Mikazuki (My Roommate is a Cat) VS Atsushi Murasakibara (Kuroko no Basket)
Tanaka (Tanaka-kun is Always Listless) VS Natural Harmonia Gropius (Pokémon)
Haru (Tsuritama) VS Giorno Giovanna (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure)
Floyd Leech (Twisted Wonderland) VS Laios Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Touma Akechi (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Trafalgar D. Water Law (One Piece)
Lotte “Roy” Carmine (BlazBlue) VS Gon Freecss (Hunter x Hunter)
Nahoya “Smiley” Kawata (Tokyo Revengers) VS Senkuu Ishigami (Dr. Stone)
Ash Ketchum (Pokémon) VS Mafuyu Satou (Given)
Alhaitham (Genshin Impact) VS Shichirou Balam (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Shintarou Kisaragi (Kagerou Project) VS Izuku Midoriya (My Hero Academia)
Toshinari Seki (Tonari no Seki-kun) VS Takashi Natsume (Natsume’s Book of Friends)
Side B
Haruka Nanase (Free!) VS Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai)
Takeo Gouda (My Love Story!!) VS Karna (Fate)
Shintarou Midorima (Kuroko no Basket) VS Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint)
Roronoa Zoro (One Piece) VS Junpei Tenmyouji (Zero Escape)
Sig (Puyo Puyo) VS Kanata Shinkai (Ensemble Stars)
Kyoujurou Rengoku (Demon Slayer) VS Yugi Mutou (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
Legoshi (Beastars) VS Gaien "Enkidu" Enkidou (Under Night In-birth)
Doppo Kunikida (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Hiroshi Odokawa (Odd Taxi)
Kusuo Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Katsuya Serizawa (Mob Psycho 100)
Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa) VS Haruhito Yano (Odd Taxi)
Yotasuke Takahashi (Blue Period) VS Manjirou "Mikey" Sano (Tokyo Revengers)
Kyouya Onodera (Talentless Nana) VS Misumi Ikaruga (A3!)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) VS Shu Itsuki (Ensemble Stars)
Meguru Bachira (Blue Lock) VS Ren Mihashi (Big Windup!)
Ranpo Edogawa (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Kaito (Vocaloid)
Zero (Puyo Puyo) VS Masayoshi Hazama (Samurai Flamenco)
Genos (One Punch Man) VS Jotaro Kujo (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Vivia Twilight (Master Detective Archives: Raincode) VS Sora Harukawa (Ensemble Stars)
Satori Tendou (Haikyuu!!) VS Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic X)
Houtarou Oreki (Hyouka) VS Kabane Kusaka (Kemono Jihen)
Ghiaccio (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) VS Tenya Iida (My Hero Academia)
Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland) VS Tetsuya Kuroko (Kuroko no Basket)
Kensuke Aida (Neon Genesis Evangelion) VS Goku (Dragon Ball)
Shinichi Kudou/Conan Edogawa (Detective Conan) VS Toya Aoyagi (Project Sekai)
Rei Suwa (Buddy Daddies) VS Gin Ibushi (Your Turn to Die)
Jade Leech (Twisted Wonderland) VS Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3)
Xiao (Genshin Impact) VS Loid Forger (Spy x Family)
Souya "Angry" Kawata (Tokyo Revengers) VS Sabro Sabnock (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney) VS Tobio Kageyama (Haikyuu!!)
Kurapika (Hunter x Hunter) VS Saitama (One Punch Man)
Sol Badguy (Guilty Gear) VS Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 the Infinity)
Subaru Natsuki (Re: Zero) VS Yusei Fudo (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds)
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unlikephoenix · 1 year
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DISCLAIMER: None of the post on this blog are my own. This blog purely exist to support and save my favorite fanfics. Please go to the original poster and support them.
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Ashioki Oushi + Iryuu Shin + Nagi Itsuomi + Nagi Kyouya
Guts + Griffith
Aki Hayakawa + Kishibe
Spike Spiegel
Rengoku Kyojuro + Rengoku Shinjuro + Uzui Tengen (& wives)
Lawliet L + Yagami Light
Gen Asagiri + Hyoga + Nanami Ryuusui
Akitaru Obi + Leonard Burns + Shinmon Benimaru
Edward Elric + Roy Mustang + Scar
Eizen + Shugen
Usui Takumi
Kudou Kiyoka
Aizawa Shouta (Eraser Head)
Bishamon + Yato (TYPES OF READER: Shinki Reader)
Genos + Saitama
Morinozuka Takashi + Ootori Kyoya + Suoh Tamaki
Cherry Blossom + Joe
Franken Stein + Spirit Albarn
Loid Forger + Yor Forger
Elias Ainsworth
Noé Archiviste
Ryuguji “Draken” Ken
Claudia Hodgins
Seto Kaiba
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77 notes · View notes
What’s in it for me?
Chapter 1/?: She doesn’t even go here
Pairing: Kyouya Ootori x Reader Author: see-the-fandom-imagines Warnings: None at all. Word Count: 3244 A/N: I rewatched OHSHC and I almost forgot how amazing it was. Is this fandom still active I wonder?
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You scoffed slightly annoyed and checked your wristwatch as you stared up at the Ouran High School. Up close the building really was impressive. Nonetheless had you been waiting for Haruhi now for more than twenty minutes and she completey ignored your texts. You knew she had joined a new club, something with music, but she didn’t really like talking about it, so you didn’t press. However, you started to get slightly annoyed. If she had known that practice would have taken longer today, she could have just told you so. You took a deep breath and decided to wait another ten minutes and if you hadn’t heard anything by then you would simply march in there and go look for her.
“God damnit, this school is enormous”, you whispered as you made your way through the hallways, people staring at you due to your different uniform, but you chose not to notice. You had had enough after your encounter with a real guard at the entrance, who you had managed to sneak past, while he was answering some questions from a few other girls. You felt like he could pop up everywhere. “Music she said…”, you mumbled, walking on through the enormous school, and decided the smartest thing would probably be to look for a music room. “Ah, excuse me”, you stopped two girls passing you, whispering. They flinched slightly when you talked to them. You weren't quite sure if you had actually startled them or if they were just really taken aback by your uniform. Based on their looks probably the latter. You were a trespasser, but still ... That felt a little bit rude. I know I am not that rich, but do I look that terrible? You decided to ignore that voice in your head. You were a woman with a mission. “Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. It is just ... I am looking for Fujioka Haruhi?” “Haruhi-kun?”, the girls asked and blinked a few times. Kun? You thought for a second, but then determined that they must be third years or something. “Yeah”, you confirmed, “we were supposed to meet today, but I can’t find Haruhi’s club…” The girls looked at each other for a second, they still seemed very confused even if less than before. At least the mystery about your uniform had been cleared up for them as it seemed, because their posture relaxed a little. “You got to go to music room 3”, one of the girls said, smiling now, but still eyeing you curiously. “It’s upstairs and to the left. Are you Haruhi's girlfriend or something?” “Ah, thanks so much!”, you said smiling and bowed, deciding to absolutely ignore her last comment, before taking off, leaving the girls behind you.
“This must be it”, you murmured, before pushing open the door that was labeled Musicroom 3. The light blinded you a little when you opened the door and although you hadn't quite been sure what to expect based on Haruhi's terrible description of her club, it certainly wasn't this. What you certainly hadn’t imagined, was a room full of girls, having tea, snickering and a few guys here and there. You blinked a few times, looking around. What kind of club was this? But you didn't have a lot of time to ask yourself what was going on, because suddenly two light-haired twins appeared in front of you. “Huh”, one of them said, tugging at your uniform. “Who are you?”, the other one asked, tugging from the other side. “So this is what poor people wear to school?” “That’s not even real cotton.” You stumbled back a few steps, your back hitting the door that had closed behind you, slightly taken aback about the people who had just deciding touching you was alright. You opened your mouth to speak, but were interrupted by a blond-haired boy stalking in your direction. “Oh my!”, he yelled approaching you. Your eyes widened in terror. What the heck. “Has my fame travelled so far that even maidens from other schools are looking for me?” “Fame?”, you asked, not sure, what he was getting at. “You’re Tamaki”, you concluded, and he grinned, kneeling down in front of you. "You really want a girl that is dressed so cheaply in our club, boss?", the twins asked in unison. “H-Hey, that was expensive!”, you muttered, and immediately regretted it as Tamaki appeared again out of thin air. “Do not embarrass the fair little maiden! Although the cost of this uniform is mere peanuts for us, we got to respect the little people and their financial struggles.” You weren’t sure if you should feel insulted again. “My princess. I cannot believe you have come all this way to visit me.” “I didn’t”, you said very dry-mouthed, making the twins chuckle and the blond guy freeze at your cold tone. “But… you know my name”, he stuttered and you nodded. “Yes, but…” Suddenly another voice rang out, as a black-haired boy with a notebook in his hand approached you. “You must be (y/n)”, he concluded and you nodded, slightly overwhelmed by all these people. How did he know your name again? Haruhi must have told him about you waiting for her. “Huh?”, the twins asked in unison, appearing in front of you again, this time facing the boy with glasses. “How do you know her, Kyouya?” “Yeah, she goes to a completely different school and not a good one based on how she looks.” “Hey!”, you exclaimed, but Kyouya didn’t even react to their insult towards you. He must be thinking the same. “Haven’t you noticed?”, he simply said, scribbling something down. “She is wearing the uniform of the local Adachi Nishi Senior High School. Location-wise this is the closest school to Nishiwaseda Junior High School, Haruhi’s former school. Given that and the fact that Haruhi has mentioned that she needs to leave early, plus the most frequently contacted contact in her phone after her father is listed under the name (y/n) I do assume that this is the young woman standing here in front of us.” He said all of this matter-of-factly and without looking up. You looked up at him with big eyes. As weird as it was that he knew all this, his conclusions had been kind of impressive. But wait… Did he just say… “You went through my phone?”, you could hear Haruhi’s voice as she approached you, but Kyouya just shrugged. “I merely saw the name pop up several times”, he said, barely noting how upset Haruhi was at that. Haruhi sighed, before turning to you. “What are you doing up here?” “Me?”, you asked, still a bit overwhelmed, as you realized everybody in the room was staring at you now. Including two other boys and all the girls. “I…”, you stuttered before shaking your head to get back into reality. “We were supposed to meet half an hour ago, but you weren’t there and also didn’t pick up your phone so…” She looked at the clock outside and realisation hit her, while you were still talking, when suddenly you noticed something. “But Haruhi, why are you wearing that uniform? Isn’t that…” “We gave it to him”, the dark-haired boy interrupted you, “it will be added to his existing debt, of course.” “Debt?”, you murmured and you looked around the room, then back at Haruhi and at the dark-haired boy. “How did you make it past the Security Guard, by the way? I am sure he wouldn't have let you through like that?” Slowly you looked up at the boy apparently named Kyouya, who was still scribbling into his booklet, a smile plastered on his face, but you weren't fooled. That was a threat. You didn’t understand what exactly was going on, but you definitely understood that there was a reason Haruhi was wearing a boy’s uniform and if you even so much thought about saying anything about it, he would kick you out. Suddenly it also made sense, that the girls had called her ‘kun’ earlier. “Ah, yeah”, you nodded quickly, as you saw the confused looks of the girls. “I hadn’t seen it yet, cause Haru-ch… Haruhi-kun always gets changed before we meet.” You felt the piercing look of the raven-haired boy of you. He was smiling, obviously pleased, that you had picked up on the situation so quickly.
“So, you are Haruhi’s friend from Middle School?” The blonde guy had appeared again, and you nodded. “Yeah… and we were supposed to get some ice cream and study together, but…” “So you knew my name, cause Haruhi was talking so much about me?” His eyes basically turned into hearts as he said that. “That makes Daddy so happy!” Slowly this all started to get a little bit too much for you. “I knew your name, because you seemed like the most annoying one here, so I figured.” He stopped in his happiness and seemed to collapse under the word “annoying”. You felt a little bad, but at least it was quiet for a second. “Haruhi”, you said and you smiled at her, ignoring her exhausted expression, “may I talk to you for a second?"
Haruhi had nodded, but Kyouya had interrupted as usual. "You may talk once all our dear guests have left." That sickly sweet smile appeared again. "We do not want to burden them with our issues. I am sure you have some time, right?" You sighed. You knew you couldn't win against that guy, so you just nodded. Defeated you had sat down on one of the couches, and immediately found yourself surrounded by a bunch of girls and the rest of the hosts. “So you went to middle school with Haruhi-kun?”, one of them asked. “Uh, yes.” “What was he like? Do you have any pictures? I bet he looked so cute in a commoner's uniform.” “Well”, you started, looking at Haruhi from across the room and ignoring the comment about the quality of your school uniform. “I guess Haruhi has been the same as now. He always studied hard. Sometimes too hard”, you chuckled at the memory. “Sometimes he wouldn’t notice the most obvious things.” Your gaze darted to the blonde haired host who was still sulking, but appeared to be listening intensely. You wondered in how far this character trade of Haruhi applied here, too. “Pictures…”, you trailed off, feeling the eyes of the ravenette burn into your back. You began to chuckle awkwardly. “I got a new phone so I must have deleted them all.” The girls made some disappointed noises, but Kyouya went back to scribbling something in his booklet, walking past your couch. “Too bad, these things happen.” “Yeah, crazy”, you said, rolling your eyes, earning you a raised eyebrow from him, but you didn’t care.
“So, you’re also poor.” The twin that said to your right stated and you slowly turned your head towards him. How rude. “Of course, look at that uniform." Now you looked at the other one. How did Haruhi survive this. “Well, not poor…”, you said, but were interrupted again, as the younger blonde host appeared in front of you. You blushed a little. He was really cute. The boy grinned at you, and you were thankful that at least one person here seemed to not want to offend you. Smiling he offered you a piece of his cake. “Here!” Confused you blinked. “This is really good cake, and since you cannot buy it so often you can have mine!” So much to not wanting to offend you. The girls started squealing, whereas you still tried to figure out if that was nice or also very rude. “Mitsukuni”, a dark voice spoke up and you looked up to the other dark-haired host that had kept to the background so far and had suddenly appeared behind the boy. “Don't say it like that.” The younger boy looked like he was about to cry. "What? Really, did I say something bad?" Yet again overwhelmed you quickly grabbed the cake. You really didn't want to be responsible for making him cry. “Oh, no, no, it’s fine”, you assured quickly. “Thank you so much.” The boy smiled again and also the taller guy gave you a smile that you returned gladly. You decided that fighting your situation wouldn’t help right now. You would just have to survive until Haruhi was free to go and she could explain everything to you. You picked up the fork that was lying on the plate, and picked up a piece of cake to shove it in your mouth. It was heavenly sweet, just the right amount. The little boy had been right, you didn't get the chance to eat food this good so often. But you also felt like you couldn't let them win, so you tried very hard not to show too much just how delicious it was. But this was the best goddamn cake you’ve ever eaten. You saw the twins staring at you mischievously from the side. If you admitted to that they would never let you hear the last of it. Mori, meanwhile, noticed the slight pause you made, while eating the cake and smiled a little, placing a few cookies in front of you. With big eyes you looked at him, but he didn’t comment on it and instead followed Mitsukuni who had already ran away towards Haruhi to also offer her some of your cake. Surprised you looked after the young man who seemed to be the only one not too affected by your status as a commoner.
Finally, all the girls had left the club and it was just you, the boys and Haruhi left. “So”, you concluded their explanations, “you broke a highly expensive vase, they thought you were a boy”, you side-eyed the hosts, “and now you got to work here as a host until you paid off your debt?” Haruhi sighed, collapsing a bit into herself. “That’s about it.” You were silent for a while. “And why didn’t you tell me about it?”, you asked, almost already knowing the answer. She shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess, I didn’t really think it was important.” You pinched the bridge of your nose. “Haruhi, we gotta talk about priorities again. When you complained about that guy”, you said, pointing to Tamaki, sending an arrow straight through his heart, “you could have mentioned he is the leader of a Host club!” You sighed, letting yourself fall down back on the couch. Being mad at Haruhi wouldn’t help and you also knew you didn’t have the right to actually be mad. She didn't choose this and you knew she would rather eat her own leg than inconvenience anyone with her problems. "Alright", you suddenly spoke up, sitting up straight again. “How much debt is left?”, you asked Kyouya directly. If someone knew the numbers, well then it was the guy with the notebook. “Exactly 7 million and 281.928.” You nodded slowly, trying not to show, how much that number affected you. Gosh, that was so much money. “Alright then”, you said, looking at Haruhi for a brief second, before fixating back on Kyouya. “Let me work here.” That actually made him look up from his notebook and you could feel the stares of all the other hosts on you as well. “You can’t be a host”, one of the twins said. “Yeah, you’re a girl.” “I know”, you said, still not looking at anyone else than Kyouya. “But it appears you could do with an errand girl or something.” Kyouya raised an eyebrow. "Why would you think that." You shrugged. "Well apparently she was supposed to be your ‘dog’ or something.” You looked over to your friend who looked like she was about to say something, but you wouldn't let her interrupt. “And I think she is struggling enough. So I would like to help her.” In the background you heard the twins whisper. "A part-time job." "Makes sense, since she is poor, she needs to work extra." "How sad." "Yeah, really sad." You decided to ignore them.
“You want to work here, to help her pay off her debt”, Kyouya concluded and you nodded. Haruhi grabbed your arm. “(Y/n), don’t do that! Really, I can make do!” You ignored her. “So?” You were waiting for an answer from Kyouya. He smirked, and for the first time you got the feeling that he was actually looking at you. “What’s in it for you?” You shrugged. “Not much, to be honest, but Haruhi helped me out so many times. It’s time to return the favour.” Haruhi stared at you in awe. “(Y/n)…” Kyouya nodded. Paying back favours was something he could understand. “Well, that’s not on me to decide, the other club members will have to –“ But he didn’t even get to finish talking, because immediately the twins chimed in. “A new toy sounds fun”, one said, grinning at you and wrapping his left arm around you. “Especially one that we can order around.” The other one wrapped his other arm around you. You already regretted this. “I think it would be nice, if Haru-Haru had a friend here”, Honey exclaimed. “And she can eat a lot more cake with us!” Well the regret vanished a bit. Mori smiled at you and just nodded. You looked at Kyouya who had noticed the interest everyone seemed to have in you. He would lie if he wasn’t intrigued by this himself. An errand girl, free of pay, that could give him valuable information about Haruhi and also might bring more people in. “You could proof yourself as valuable”, he said, putting up the fake smile he had already worn earlier. You really couldn’t read the guy. Now it all was on Tamaki. The whole Host Club, including you, turned their gaze at the blonde, still lying at the ground. Maybe you should have insulted him less. He didn’t move for a second, before looking at you, then back at Haruhi and back at you. Of course. That was it. Immediately, you knew how you could convince him. He was a lot easier to read than Kyouya, so much was sure. “You know", you started dramatically and a bit louder than you would have had to, "I just want to support Haruhi and you know how important friends are." He moved. That was it. You got him “We have been best friends since Elementary School, so I have a lot of stories”, his head shot up, “pictures…” He had recovered fully. Suddenly he was kneeling in front of you, holding your hands in his. “(Y/n)! A female friend is exactly what my daughter needs!” “Daughter?”, you asked, but he ignored you. “I accept you as our errand girl, only the best for Haruhi! And if she remembers her lovely days in school, maybe she will get back to feeling more like a girl!” You nodded, although you knew that wouldn’t happen. Haruhi had never cared much about gender. That’s what happened when you grew up with Ranka, you guessed, and you fully understood her in that regard. Haruhi just sighed, she didn’t even comment. She knew how good you were in reading people, of course you had figured out Tamaki’s soft spot immediately. Well, not that he was a closed book to anyone. “So, I’m in?”, you asked, looking at Kyouya, who had also noticed how quickly you had found the right words to say to Tamaki. You would be useful for the club, certainly, but he suddenly also was intrigued personally. “You start tomorrow.”
Chapter 2
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morinuu · 10 months
commoner trouble
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kyouya x fem!reader (1k words)
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black locks fell on kyouya's set of charcoal orbs, his monolids hidden behind his glasses from the angle you were sitting. the couch began to feel uncomfortable, as if something were calling you to stand up and gently take his glasses in your hands, caressing his hair and letting him rest his head on your chest.
his eyes would finally relax and his body would ease in your arms as he'd take deep breaths to finally let go of all the stress that managing a host club and his studies brought him.
he'd sigh and relieve his eyes for a couple of minutes while you caressed him, before inevitably having to end his break and return to work.
he would. in your fantasies.
you sat in the host club's purple couch, uncomfortably staring at your classmate who was writing something on his laptop on a desk not too far away from the rest of the hosts. this was your routine.
you'd go to the club after classes, sit there for some minutes, waiting and waiting for your turn to try and make an appointment, but there was always some type of shitty excuse from the man.
"our hosts have different price ranges, you wouldn't be able to afford an appointment with me, ms. y/n." you didn't ask how he knew of your financial matters.
"i'm afraid we're all booked the entire week." his voice echoed almost void of all emotion, before he turned to another girl who wanted to re-schedule with a smile on his face.
"our prices went up this week." they hadn't, but you wouldn't know since he never actually told you the prices at all.
one stupid excuse after another and another - and you finally stopped looking for a logical explanation for his hostility. 'it's fine, you'll get your turn one day.' you told yourself each time.
you didn't ask for much really, just an appointment with ootori kyouya like every other client of his. but you hadn't considered the difference between you and them - class.
in all honestly, at first, kyouya had been indifferent to the new honour student of ouran, until he found her staring at him shamelessly throughout their classes together. he figured she'd stop soon, probably just fascinated by his looks.
but it's been four months and you won't give up.
it's not like you're harassing him. you keep your distance in class as not to make others notice, you don't ask for his help in subjects where you could seriously use it - mainly german - and you don't approach him during lunch either.
just at the host club, where you were allowed to ask for his attention as long as you paid a fee. it wasn't unfair or a difficult request, just some tea and a conversation would quench your thirst to talk to the man, to actually engage in an intelligent conversation with him.
but alas, not only did your wallet have limitations, so did kyouya's patience.
he found you... unsophisticated. vulgar, maybe improper?
he didn't express his distaste for your clothes, which were trying to replicate a male ouran school dress code since you didn't even own a yellow dress. your black trousers and white dress shirt barely looked like they were of similiar material, because they weren't. your worn out sneakers hurt his eyes when they stood out against all the neat and polished pointy dress shoes of every other student.
to his elegant and privileged world respective, you were nothing but a pitiful woman, treated like charity by the school so the public can say 'the suoh family cares for the sad common folk!'
he didn't even stop to consider how similiar you could've been to haruhi, because haruhi - as much as he refused to admit it - was a dear friend. she was nothing like you, surely. she wasn't unkept, she was always groomed and wore the uniform that she'd been given.
no, your eyes from across the room looked nothing like haruhi's. yours expressed pure admiration for a man who never bothered to say hello unless he had to.
but he'd warmed up to the other commoner, so you two must live differently.
because your neighbourhood is much sketchier than the quiet area the fujioka's lived in. your clothes are much more worn out than haruhi's, much more washed too.
but it's not like you're apart of the club or their clientele (that one's because of him) so he can't check on your life much. it's not like he cares to check either, you're just unpleasant and he blames it on your wallet. surely that's what's ticking him off.
the minutes were passing and he knew he'd have to stand up and kick you out once more, like every day you came by the club. only this time, just as he raised his head to look at you and approach you again, you'd already started walking to the exit.
what? how come?
it didn't matter, you left on your own. maybe it was a sign that after four whole months you'd stop requesting him. he turned his attention back to his laptop, not wanting to go through the trouble to check if you were really gone.
until a couple minutes later he saw a hand slam down on his small table, with some 10,000 yen bills below the hand's fingers. his gorgeous, wide, gentle, doe-like perplexed eyes found yours in a matter of seconds and his breath hitched at your determined facial expression.
"i'd like to book an appointment for ootori kyouya this thursday." you muttered a bit nervously, as if you hadn't quoted the same line over and over since the beginning of the school year.
just as he want to reject you, you pointed to the money on the table. "it's enough. i know it is. and i know you're free." your tongue played in your mouth and you looked away, intimidated by the eye contact.
he didn't know how hard you'd worked just to save up barely enough money for an appointment. how hard you tried to keep up with your studies, your exploitative part time job and your housing bills. you were embarrassed at how desperate you were just for simple chat, but it didn't matter.
because kyouya ootori had finally accepted a 35 minute appointment with y/n l/n, and you couldn't be happier.
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divider by @saradika
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skyborneveggie · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
(I was not tagged, but I saw @rose-of-pollux post this form a few weeks ago & it looked fun)
How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 38 works under my username on ao3. I also have 17 anon-ed fics from a fandom I no longer wish to associate with, and a handful of fics on ff.net that I didn't like enough to transfer to ao3.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 29,645 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now only feeling inspired to write for The Man from UNCLE TV show. Though I did post a Good Omens fic this year, & I could probably persuade myself to write another oneshot or two for that.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Idyllism (2016) [Rory & 11th Doctor; Gen but pairings if you like]
The Falliable Pillar (2016) [Onesided Kyouya Ootori/Tamaki Suoh]
1991 (2019) [Illya Kuryakin/Napoleon Solo]
Child's Play (2018) [FrostIron; unfinished & probably will remain so]
Me Paenitet (2011) [Onesided Draco Malfoy/Luna Lovegood, Onesided Astoria Greengras/Draco Malfoy]
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do always try to thank the person for reading. I usually only forget if it's a comment on a very old fic.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is extremely hard for me to answer. Out of the 50+ fics I've written, probably only 5 of them are not angst. My Good Omens fic Aeternum has the most gutting descriptions, but I have always felt that the absolute sucker punch at the end of Provocation (X/1999) hurt the most to write, & to reread.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh undoubtedly my MFU contemporary High School AU, The Puzzle.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have never gotten hate, but I have gotten backhanded compliments that I personally find hilarious. I made a post about it before here.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I... have attempted to write smut, but I don't think I necessarily succeeded. I have written several sex scenes with undetailed descriptions, and the one time I did attempt to be explicit the comments and I both agree that it came out sounding rather clinical. So I dunno if either of those situations really count.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written several crossovers, but I wouldn't consider any of them crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so, I don't think any of my fics have ever gotten popular enough for anyone to want to steal haha.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I used to translate my own fics into Spanish wayyy back when I first started writing, but I haven't done that in ages.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but it sounds like fun! Would love to give it a shot some day.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Napoleon Solo/Illya Kuryakin. I am like Smeagol; I'm "interested in roots and beginnings." And how much closer to the root of contemporary fandom can you get, than with these two silly beans?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I would love to finish my 2019 Good Omens fic Temporalia because I think there are some good ideas & beautiful passages in there. The problem is that my interpretation of the characters has changed, & is no longer consistent with some of the details I wrote back then. I'd also like to complete my 2018 FrostIron fic someday, just for the sake of finishing it. It was entirely plotted when I quit on it, and I still have all my notes.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I am good at writing turmoil, inner confusion, and despair. I try to wring every ounce of angst out of descriptions, letting the character's distress color their perception of their environment, and I think I'm pretty decent at it. I also think I'm pretty good at expressing complex emotions without being too direct, though sometimes I worry that I'm too indirect & that I'll leave readers confused.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
PLOT, I am extremely impatient when writing scenes where things actually happen. Also dialogue, I always feel that my dialogue either just does not sound realistic, or does not sound like the characters.
Another huge writing weakness is that I am incapable of writing anything longer than short story length, & have abandoned every attempt at a longfic after the 2nd chapter.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done this in the past for characters who canonically do this. I know it is standard practice to italicize all foreign language words when writing, but I personally find this VERY jarring. I generally leave foreign dialogue unitalicized & formatted indistinguishably from the primary language dialogue. But I think I may be the only one with this pet peeve, because I have received a few complaints about my lack of italicization from readers.
I could go way more in depth as to why the italics on foreign words annoy me, but I don't think anyone would be interested in hearing that rant 😂
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody. It was 2008. That fic has been scrubbed from the internet lol.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Provocation (X/1999). It was the one and only time I'd ever written something and then thought "Ah. Yes. This is an absolutely perfect execution of my vision."
Tagging @theniftycat, @tenok, & @lunetta-suzie-jewel if you like, or anyone else who wants to do this. (@andorianimpostor I'm not sure if you write fic or not, but I thought I'd tag you in case you do)
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Book of Oneshots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/mp1kqHh
by nag1t0
Just a random book of oneshots from many fandoms. Feel free to request any ships Fandoms: OHSHC DDLC Project Sekai TBHK Danganronpa DR fangames MCYT OC's Character x reader(the reader is non-binary or gender fluid)
Words: 690, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Danganronpa, superdanganronpaanother2, projectsekai, ddlc, Toiletboundhanakokun, Minecraft (Video Game), mcyt, Oneshots - Fandom, Romance - Fandom, fluff - Fandom, Angst - Fandom, Death - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Other
Characters: Otori Teruya, Sannoji Mikado, Yomiuri Nikei, Suoh Tamaki, Ootori Kyouya, Azusawa Kohane, Kamishiro Rui, Monika (Doki Doki Literature Club!)
Relationships: Otori Teruya/Yomiuri Nikei, Hashimoto Shobai/Otori Teruya, Otori Teruya/Sannoji Mikado, Sannoji Mikado/Yomiuri Nikei, Chiebukuro Setsuka/Yomiuri Nikei, Ootori Kyouya/Suoh Tamaki, Fujioka Haruhi/Suoh Tamaki, Kamishiro Rui/Tenma Tsukasa, Azusawa Kohane/Shiraishi An, Hanako | Yugi Amane/Yashiro Nene, Minamoto Kou & Yashiro Nene, Minamoto Kou/Mitsuba Sousuke, Monika/Sayori (Doki Doki Literature Club!), Natsuki/Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club!), Grian - Relationship, GoodTimesWithScar - Relationship, Jimmy | Solidarity/Scott Major | Smajor1995, Maeda Yuki/Sora
Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, Romantic Fluff, Comfort/Angst, BL
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/mp1kqHh
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kitanaijin · 1 year
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💠 diamond dust 💠
forced marriage, grooming aftermath, heavily divergent to the epilogue and fairly dark.
🕊️ shigure x tohru.
i. ii. iii. iv.
🛡️🔥🪻 🕊️ kislev 🕊️🪻🔥🛡️
sexy and reverent chronicles of reality shifting otaku slash unabashed simp, noam reider.
attack on titan. fullmetal alchemist. one piece… just a whole lot of one piece oneshots with a slew of suitors, because she keeps dying in verse and respawning, trying as she might until meeting her desired end.
within her bnha script lies what should have been her swan song… she finds it’s merely the beginning after hawks veers her off course. 📕 feathers in the attic
🫐 freakebana 🫐
wife hoarding keigo with a breeding kink that maintains a liberal compliance to canon events as our resident bird boy keeps his private life extremely under wraps.
🕊️ keigo x ofcs x reader. 📘 feathers in the attic
i. ii. iii.
🥂 sleep first, then dream 🥂
yandere host club, post canon. tamaki and kyouya devise a plot to abide their fathers wishes and force haruhi’s hand in marriage.
🕊️ kyouya x haruhi x tamaki. haruhi x mori.
♊️ garden of forking paths ♊️
twin sisters chieko and emiko were rescued from the entertainment district. a deal was struck wherein former oiran, emiko, would marry lord tengen in exchange for safe passage and medical attention. she’d rather die than bed another man so her sister, warrior nun chieko, takes her place in the marriage bed.
when the plot is discovered, lord tengen rectifies his oversight and separates the sisters.
he sends emiko back to yoshiwara alongside suma and makio for the undercover mission and it’s not two days before she’s stolen in the little hours by lord douma.
🕊️ feathers in the attic 🕊️
starling ♥️ nightingale 💜 goldfinch 💙 magpie
ꜱɪɴ & ᴛᴏɴɪᴄ | ᴀ ᴋɪɴᴋᴛᴏʙᴇʀ 2023 ᴏɴᴇꜱʜᴏᴛ ᴍᴇɴᴜ
ᴀᴘᴏꜱᴛᴀꜱʏ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴏᴄᴋꜱ | ʟᴏʀᴅ ᴅᴏᴜᴍᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
noncon, macro/micro, gore, temperature play, vore, bondage, intercrural sex, deepthroating, double penetration in two holes, virginity, uniform, cockbulge, breathplay, overstimulation
ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴀʟʟ ꜱᴇᴇᴍꜱ ʟᴏꜱᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ɪɴꜰɪɴɪᴛʏ ᴄᴀꜱᴛʟᴇ, ʏᴏᴜ ꜰɪɴᴅ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ʜᴏᴡ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟᴏꜱᴇ.
ᴡɪɴᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴛᴇᴀʀꜱ | ʟᴀᴡ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ x ʀᴏʙɪɴ
dubcon, masturbation, somnophilia, virginity, menophilia, threesome, grooming, praise kink, medical play, fisting, mind control, double penetration in one hole, face sitting, shotgunning, free use, spanking, orgasm denial, edgeplay, overstimulation, omorashi
ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟʟɪᴀɴᴄᴇ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ ɪɴɴᴏᴄᴇɴᴛʟʏ ᴇɴᴏᴜɢʜ. ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅɴ’ᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴛᴏ ꜱʜᴀᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴏꜱᴇ ᴇxᴘᴇᴄᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ.
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cafedanslanuit · 2 years
Could you please do a Kyouya Onodera(from Talentless Nana) x reader smut?💙
unfortunately i haven't watched talentless nana OTL
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cursingtoji · 3 years
I have come again...
to give you thoughts about Kyouya and his pretty fingers wearing nail polish and rings and-
oh no yoru
kyouya and his pretty hands.
he makes you remove his rings when he gets home, and will definitely have you re-painting his nails on a quiet evening when you two are finally alone together.
but i'm especially thinking about how good his hands look when he's writing or doing some delicate task like stitching up a patient, he looks so focused and even though he has gloves on you still can't take your eyes off him, how he's so skilled when working...
he has to call your name two maybe three times until you wake up from your day-dreams.
"thinking about what else my hands can do well?" he has zero shame and will totally say this in front of the patient he's suturing 💀
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hold tight || tamaki suoh - chapter one
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Summary: In which a politician’s daughter begrudgingly transfers to Ouran Academy
Word Count: 2,036
Preface | Chapter One
chapter one : out of element ❝ i feel very small. i don't understand. i have so much courage, fire, energy, for so many things. and yet, i get so hurt, so wounded by small things ❞
"Perhaps I should have warned you about the uniform."
A light chuckle left Kyoya's lips when he was met with Kana's frightening glare. Her usually slender figure was covered up by a pastel yellow school uniform. She grunted and pulled at the puffy sleeves, muttering, "I have been dressed by Versace himself, and you stuff me into this monstrous uniform. I look like a pastry."
Kyoya rolled his eyes, ignoring the death glare she had sent his way. There were times when it felt as though being in her presence was no different from being in the presence of a very angry goddess. The goddess of death, perhaps. Her porcelain skin and obsidian features would surely fit the bill. But then, his nickname at Ouran Academy had been "The Shadow King." Surely commoners such as Haruhi Fujioka viewed him the same way he saw Kana Kadenokiji.
"You have far more important matters to attend to than your outfits. The drive to the school will be about thirty minutes. I can walk to you to class when we arrive."
The girl only hummed, turning her head and pressing her head against the window. She and Ootori were only a few days apart, birthday wise, so it was no surprise they'd ended up in the same class. She knew she would have an adjustment period. There was a vast difference between having to see Ootori every week and seeing him everyday.
It would be a welcome distraction, though. It would be refreshing to see a life outside the walls of her bedroom. She swallowed the lump in her throat, fingers gripping her yellow skirt. "Are there any updates?"
Kana watched a look of remorse cross Ootori's face, and she wished she'd never asked. "None."
"I asked you for this one thing--"
"Your brother is a fifteen-year-old boy who ran into the woods in broad daylight. He couldn't have gotten far, so please, let my family handle this," He responded.
She motioned for the driver to shut the partition, turning her attention back to her dress. It had taken a full week for her to completely transfer her files to Ouran. When she'd arrived, she was presented with a tour of the pink European-esque architecture. It was beautiful, to say the least. She was sure the only thing she would have to worry about was getting lost.
Her eyes landed on the diamond encrusted ring around her finger, and she remembered the club activities Ootori involved himself in. He'd mentioned it briefly, as though he were asking her rather than telling her. Truthfully, she couldn't have cared less; but she supposed she would have to, now that she was attending the same school as he. She wondered if he'd ever spoken of it to his colleagues.
"You don't have to take it off if you aren't comfortable with it," Kyoya explained, as though reading her mind. "No one at the school is aware of our engagement except those who put effort into researching each of the students. It's public record, so there isn't any point in hiding it. And most of my work at the Host Club consists of finances and advertising, so there's no problem there."
"I thought you were supposed to be the Cool Type."
"You don't think so?"
A sigh left her mouth. "I am going to be your wife, Ootori. I think whatever you want me to think."
Equals. It had been an unspoken agreement between the two that they would treat each other as equals, and nothing less. They were each brilliant in their own way, they would each have their own roles to fulfill within the business. Still, that never stopped the uneasy feeling that rested in Kana's stomach. The feeling that one day, Ootori would surpass her in her own game, and she would become Ootori Kana: wife of the CEO of Kadenokiji Industries. Nothing less, and unfortunately, nothing more.
Thirty minutes passed in complete silence. Ootori was writing in his little black book, and Kana spent the remainder of the travel staring out the window. Every so often, she would catch a glimpse of Jun, hiding in plain sight; but she would blink, and the image would be distorted. It would be a boy with skin that too tall to have been Jun, or perhaps too skinny, or perhaps too happy.
Kyoya had requested that they be dropped off at the back of the school, stating that it was a much easier route to the classroom they would need to get to. Kana glanced down at her schedule and sighed. These classes couldn't have been much harder than the ones she'd been given at home.
"These classes are going to be much harder than the ones you've been given at home," Kyoya stated, opening the door on his side of the car and reaching for his bag. "You're going to need some time to adjust, but I assure you, you'll be alright."
She narrowed her eyes at the Shadow King. He hadn't mentioned anything about rigorous schoolwork -- come to think of it, he hadn't mentioned anything about schoolwork. Most of his arguments consisted of Japanese education and distractions. Not five minutes and she already found herself missing her Parisian tutor, Emilie. She'd had an odd name and her Japanese hadn't been perfect, but she might have preferred the familiarity to whatever nonsense awaited her.
Emilie had taught her English, French, and Latin. She'd been the kindest of Kana's three tutors, and even when she'd been harsh, it had been hard to stay angry at her. The girl was of Indian descent and had stood at 5'2" with sweet brown eyes and a warm smile. Snapping at her had made Kana felt as though she'd kicked a small kitten.
Jinwoo had taught her maths and sciences -- and by default, Korean, as he refused to speak in Japanese. This had been something Kana forced herself to becoming accustomed to, assuming that he hadn't known how to speak Japanese or English. She learned three years later that the old man was fluent in Japanese, English, Mandarin, and Swiss.
Rosita had been her music teacher -- or musical warlord. She'd used extreme methods in her efforts to teach Kana the violin. The lessons stopped when she turned fifteen and her father noticed light bruising on her left hand. They never spoke of it.
If the classes at Ouran Academy were more extreme than the ones she'd taken at home, she swore to herself she would call her driver to bring her home within the first hour.
Kyoya had gone out of his way to lead Kana to her classroom, speaking to her despite the cold aura she seemed to radiate. He spoke of the founders of Ouran Academy, the subjects, he'd even gone out of his way to mention the Host Club. He was well aware she had no interest in learning any of this, but he would take comfort in knowing she was well-informed.
"The teacher was previously a professor in Tokyo. I can give you a copy of his file so you're aware of his credentials."
"No, thank you." Kana stopped at the door of the classroom and took a breath. As she stepped into the busy classroom, it occurred to her why her father had invested so much money into home-schooling her and her brother. The teenagers in front of her were no better than heathens.
She wondered how many of them would know who she was. Whether or not they would approach her, and she rehearsed the cutting lines she would respond with in her head. Kana made her way through the classroom, taking a seat three rows from the back -- one seat away from Ootori. Her eyes shifted to the black-haired boy, who stood at the doorway speaking to an eccentric blond male. The corner of her lip switch as she watched Ootori deadpan at the boy's eccentric movements.
'That must be Suoh, then,' She thought to herself. Ootori would mention him every now and then -- mostly to vent about what an idiot he was. Still, Ootori seemed to treasure their friendship, and she wondered if he was as interesting as Ootori had described him. 'The Host Club's king,' she recalled.
The group of students fell into silence as the professor entered, and everyone scattered to their seats. Suoh took the seat behind Kana, and it occurred to her that she should have checked the surrounding seats before choosing.
Despite Ootori's warnings, the professor was rather liberal in his teachings. He was kind, extending a hand to Kana as he asked her to introduce herself. When she respectfully declined, she felt a tap on her shoulder. When she turned, she was met with Suoh's strange violet irises.
"Hello, Princess. My name is Tamaki Suoh. It's a pleasure to have you here." He took a hold of Kana's hand, placing a kiss to her knuckles. "I assume you've heard of me?"
"Tamaki, please take your hands off Miss Kadenokiji," Ootori sighed, already exasperated at his antics.
Kana glanced at him, amused that he hadn't been able to last ten minutes at Ouran Academy without breaking his façade. He'd always been so composed during their meetings. Was it Suoh that was able to bring it out of him? If so, how far would she be able to push him?
"It's nice to meet you," Kana replied to Suoh, slipping her hand out of his grasp. When the smile fell from his face, she added, "Ootori has mentioned you quite a bit."
Ootori glared at her through his glasses, and Suoh threw himself at him, yelling praises about how much he loved him and how he always knew they were meant to be friends. Mischief danced in Kana's dark eyes as she turned her attention back to the professor. She had always known how to play her cards correctly. It was no wonder why her father had chosen her to be his heir.
"Mommy dear, I always knew you cared for me! Why, it's no wonder, after all. My blond hair and light features compliment yours, perfectly! You are the moon to my sun. I am the stars in your sky. We are perfect for each other!"
Kyoya cleared his throat. "Tamaki, shouldn't you be focusing on making Miss Kadenokiji more comfortable? It is her first day at Ouran Academy."
"Ah, yes. So, tell me!" The extravagant French boy turned his attention to the girl, leaning so far over his desk that, if the laws of physics had applied, he would have fallen. "Why did such a beautiful girl like yourself transfer to Ouran Academy?"
"Because I wanted to," Kana responded simply, doing her best to focus on the lesson.
"You know, I've heard about you and your family."
Kana stiffened, her grasp tightening on the fountain pen between her fingers. Surely he wouldn't bring up her brother's disappearance in such a public place. Information such as that could be used for blackmail. There was no use if he was going to announce it in the middle of a classroom, and why wasn't the professor interfering? Surely this has to be against school policy. No one else is talking. Was this a daily issue? Had they gotten so used to it that they didn't bother cutting him off?
"All of you are just so beautiful. Tell me, do you get your beauty from your mother or your father?" Suoh flirted, while Ootori simply copied down his notes. "I'm sorry, I can't help but ask. I've never seen a beauty quite like yours, Princess Kana."
She let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding, ignoring the ink puddles that were now staining her paper. Perhaps attending a school in which everyone knew who she was, wasn't her best distraction after all.
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