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uhhhhmanda · 9 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 악마판사 | The Devil Judge (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kang Yo Han/Kim Ga On Characters: Kang Yo Han, Kim Ga On (The Devil Judge), Kang Elijah Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Frottage, Getting Together, First Time, dubious consent followed by enthusiastic consent, Non-Consensual Drug Use, and because of Yohan's dark thoughts getting away from him i am also tagging, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, During Canon, is this whole thing weird? i hope so Summary:
When Elijah reports that Yohan is missing Gaon calls K before he makes tea and Yohan comes home still under the influence of Sunah's drugs.
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fr-wiwiw · 2 months ago
🎄🎄 Christmas Gift for Yomama & TDJ fandom🎄🎄
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So, so excited I can finally show you what I've been working on with this deary @clawbehavior ! This is a gift long due for Queenbeyondthejudge (Yomama on discord), unfortunately she has deactivated her tumblr account since a while.
But long story short, clawbehavior asked if i wanted to try reverse big bang and make it a gift for yomama. I've never tried any fandom challenges like these so I was giddy and a tiny bit nervous but I want to try to give something special to yomama for creating TDJ discord community space for us and I want to make something special for this fandom too especially. We've been working on this since October i think? I gave clawbehavior 2 option sketches to pick, she chose this one --you should see the other sketch idea ;) --
I had the first seat to watch her work on her writing and i was screaming into my bed the moment i read her first rough draft. I promised myself i won't read the updates until we officially post the story! So come and let's treat ourselves with this story! Please show your love and comments on her story! We would love and appreciate it to hear your responses ^^ Click the blue sentence down here to do so :
🌟"i'm lost around you, under a spell; when i found you, i lost myself"🌟
To Queenbeyondthejudge / Yomama and every each one of The Devil Judge fans, Merry Christmas!! Enjoy your gift! We hope you like it ^^
Warm hugs and more Gahan,
fr-wiwiw & @clawbehavior
p.s i will talk a bit about the process of this art in a separate post later ^^
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thedeviljudges · 6 months ago
when he went in vacation, this was the last person he expected to see. the very person he's been trying to leave behind.
from this asks game
but it's a face that's hard to forget, and as much as he's tried, his smile and cunning brown eyes often haunt his dreams. when they met, he was warned so thoroughly that this was the kind of man you never forget, and he's learning that lesson since the day they walked away from what they once called a relationship.
and now staring at him from across the room like they're strangers finding a connection for the first time. he sees him. knows him inside and out, and yet it's a shadow staring back at him. there's devastation in the attempt at smile and tensity in shoulders from stress that's ached for too long.
he wishes, like he has in the few times he's thought about this man over the years they've been apart, that he could offer comfort, that they were like before, and that life hadn't built them so far up just to tear them down.
gaon stares at yohan and knows he left him once, but seeing him in person again and not just as a vision he's given at night unfurls the wilted leaves in his heart and makes him wonder what story they will share this time.
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wildelydawn · 2 months ago
Happy new year wildley!! I hope 2025 is full of fun and warmth for you!!
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Thank you my Claw friend! I hope your new year has plenty of unhinged Gahan and good food and warmth and love and words. Thanks for being a pal. 🖤🖤🖤
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timetravellingkitty · 7 months ago
happy birthday!!
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thank you Garfield !
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briwates · 9 months ago
hello hello, i liked questions 3, 24, and 28 from the writer asks game so much that i'm flipping them over to you! i hope you're doing okay!
Hellaur again, I'm doing alright, I hope all is good on your end as well !! Thank youuuuu for the questions
3- What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
Writing on my 45 mins commute. Somehow it's when ideas work together best, writing on google docs on my phone rather than properly on the computer...I guess it is also cursed because people can look over my shoulder on the bus/train etc and it makes me a bit self conscious lol
24- How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
honestly ? not much at all. i find writing fanfic fun but i thnk i go about it very much the same way I would doodle on random pieces of paper or notebooks. sketching out a scene and then if i like it enough and if i have some conversations with mutuals, it might bloom into a little scenario, then into something that actually stands on its legs. I think it's how I enjoy the process, even if it is not very structured !
28- Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
I haven't written much so far but while crafting the canon divergent story where Sunah lives and exiles to another country, I found her to be quite fun to write.
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90363462 · 1 year ago
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uhhhhmanda · 7 months ago
I devoured it. I'm thinking of rewatching it again soon. The writing was excellent -- at the end of every episode I had to reevaluate how I felt about every character because I'd been given a smidgen more backstory or a slightly different POV on something they'd done.
There is less of the batshit craziness that clawbehavior craves (don't we ALL) but it's there: especially in the scenes where (I don't think this is too spoilery because it's in the official show summary) when he's jonesing or going through withdrawal for the drugs that he's been addicted to against his will.
I know what we all really want and that's A) shirt off B) sexual tension with a twink. Sadly, we do not get A. The show takes place in the dead of winter and our man spends a disgusting amount of time in the ugliest puffer coats you've ever seen. B, however, is there if you want it to be. (Like, moreso than Adamas but significantly less than TDJ). Our man has a very devoted subordinate.
It's also hilarious now and then, especially the comedy trio of Ji Sung's character and his non-cop investigation squad of unassuming but very troublemaking busybodies.
Have you watched Jisung's Connection? I was hoping someone has so i know if it's worth watching 👀
hi hi,
i haven't unfortunately. i feel most inspired by unhinged jisung and his character in connection doesn't give off the same batshit crazy vibes (based on gifs). however, @uhhhhmanda @thedeviljudges have so i'm tagging them bc i am also curious about their insights
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itsza · 2 months ago
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THE DEVIL JUDGE 1.16 (10/10)
made for the 2024 TDJ Collaborative Fic: "lost and found", to celebrate the third anniversary of The Devil Judge. creators under the cut ❤
creators! 💕💕💕
@/yohangaontdj  @/ladykyrin  @/a-small-batch-of-dragons  @/bellarkeandclintashaandsuch   @/jehan-d-art  @/mid-n0vember @/absolutesuffering @/thedeviljudges @/gayautisticraccoon @/obviouslystillfuschia @/blueatelier:  @/gaonsugardaddy @/clawbehavior @/tenderly-wicked Queenbeyondthejudge (not on Tumblr)
thank you for inviting me to be a part of this collab it was super exciting to gif for!! a big big thanks to everyone to contributed to this it is so cool to see how tdj has inspired such art! also thanks to everyone who read and interacted with the fic!! i love yall so much have a wonderful 2025!!! ❤❤❤
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killerandhealerqueen · 3 months ago
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So, just like last year I did one of these, although really it's more like a thank you post to everyone who has been with me this year, to all of the new friends I've made, to all of the old friends whose friendships we've strengthened, to those who are no longer active but whom I still think of fondly...I just really love y'all and I want y'all to know that. Y'all have really made my 2024 a lot more bearable because let me tell you, this year...this year was fucking hard. Went through a lots of ups and downs, but hey, we're here at the end of 2024 ready to go into 2025. So thank y'all...and can't wait to see y'all next year
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@clawbehavior @sunriseverse @breitweisergallery @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @hyperbolicgrinch
@theotherwhybietoldmeso @mishathewtf @nineninepetals @mahansblog @marulo
@tytangfei @dangermousie @friendlynbhddevil @seonghwacore @zennialemo
@storge @okifyouinsist @thatonebrokenchristmaslight @nhannsworld @hils79
@brazilian-whalien52 @loganswdc @jynxed13 @jjongosaurus @unknowwn701
@evil-moonlight @kpopfantasywriter @randomingoftherandomness @velistrae @noraigo
@kavitawinchester @purplehanfu @wack-overflow @whumpy-gems @a-single-log-bridge
@stitch-me-not @bestbuds55 @gabrielokun @genericglassesgirl @dreamwhaleflying
@lovedoesnotconquerall @teneleven12xiii @gatitonegroconojosrojos @zhivchik @godotismissingx
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(Please note that if you weren't tagged, I still think of you fondly and just know that I love you)
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fr-wiwiw · 6 months ago
gaon recognizes the familiar handwriting and flips the postcard over to read it.
huh, he thinks, then calls in sick.
from this asks game
he rushes through the airport, tickets and passport between his teeth, checks the watch as he pulls the left strap of his relatively small backpack up to his shoulder.
he makes a self note to use his noise-cancelling headphones the moment the plane takes off, just in case some folks couldn't control their spawns.
well this is fun, a fic chain!
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thedeviljudges · 1 year ago
Tell us about your tagging system on here. What's the x for? What's the rationale behind your top 5 tags? Which tags do you browse through on your own blog, if you do?
oooo this is an interesting one!!!
first question: so way back in tumblr olden days, lmao, before they changed the layout to where it didn't look like you were clicking on a blog; you'd actually go to someone's page and see their HTML theme, and people found a way to hide their posts in case others went directly to their page (ie. lurkers), and they didn't want them to see them all.
so say when i go to clawbehavior.tumblr.com - i can see everything you post, but with a code, i can hide posts from people who visit that url so ppl who aren't following me don't have to see the personal posts if i don't want them to. the posts that show up on my homepage are tagged with an x. (this does NOT work if you're on your dashboard, and you click someone's name now; all posts will show up).
tumblr kinda/sorta ruined it a bit. now you don't have to be following someone to click their page via the dash (on desktop or mobile) to be able to see every single posts - even those of mine that aren't tagged with x.
but still, if someone randomly wanders onto my page by typing it in or stumbling across a posts via google and then they click on my home theme, they can't see personal posts.
however, there is a way to see all posts aside from clicking on my blog through the dash and/or tags. the code used to direct you to NAME.tumblr.com/tagged/x, and you'd see that link in the search bar. now it doesn't do that anymore, and you just see NAME.tumblr.com, but!! the code still works. if you go directly to my link, you'll only see posts that are tagged x.
there's a special little something you add to the end of NAME.tumblr.com for someone directly on my page to be able to see all posts that aren't tagged with an x.
so long story short, posts not tagged with x cannot be seen by those who visit my page directly; they can still see them if they come across my blog while being a tumblr using desktop/mobile and clicking the name.
second question: i don't feel i use my tagging system as much as i used to. i used to be much more rigorous with it. i like using the name (theme) stuff to describe things, so 'funny stuff' or 'writing stuff' as a catch all for posts of that category. i also try to use tags that i'll remember now esp bc i haven't kept track of many old ones. so i also keep it simple with easy descriptors such as 'text,'
third question: hands down 'the devil judge' or 'the devil judge meta' lol. i'll remember i wrote/saved something, and i gotta go dig for it bc i know it's in one of the two. i don't often go back through tags unless i'm looking for something specific.
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wildelydawn · 7 months ago
💌send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome.💌
;w; Aw, thank you my Claw friend! I love having you on my dash; I get the best Gahan/TDJ from you, and I very much love reading your works. Here's to the TDJ fandom!
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gayautisticraccoon · 6 months ago
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So I made a pride flag for all us Yohan girlies. The Yohansexual Pride flag if you will.
The colours in order from top to bottom are:
- Vest
- Tie
- Shirt
- That gorgeous caramel brown skin tone of his
- Pwetty chocolate brown like his hair
@fr-wiwiw @clawbehavior @uhhhhmanda @gaylilsherlock
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briwates · 9 months ago
32, 33 and 35 from this asks game
Hey friend thank you for the ask !! Sorry for responding so late to this one, the past two months have been really busy
32 - What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
There isn't really a line I return to, however there are certain scenes where I will go back to again and again because they evoke a distinct feeling or a period of time. For example this gahan fic, the first line of the last scene, where gaon wakes when the rain falls in the early hours of the morning, while they're in a tiny safehouse somehow brought back memories of when my mother took me with her to France when I was 3yo (she was interning at a hospital and couldn't leave me to anybody back home). The only thing I remember from that time is the fuzzy feeling of being awake right before the sun rises, with the sound of rain falling outside
33 - Do you practice any other art besides writing? Does that art ever tie into your writing, or is it entirely separate?
I draw !! I mean I used to ? I've been drawing for a long time but have not had any time to dedicate to it since february last year because I began a very intense internship. then i enrolled into grad school and it's been even busier. Might link my previous art blog here some day :') It does not really tie into writing for me because I only recently started trying to write ff, as tdj fan community is so nice and creative, and because I felt I needed an outlet for ideas if I couldn't draw them. Tbh I also think it's because I feel intimidated to draw for tdj as my style is more anime-like and it's super hard to translate that well when drawing from live action media (all the tdj artists i've seen so far are doing so great tho it's all very cool)
35. What’s your favorite writing rule to smash into smithereens?
I'm actually not sure ! I'm not a native speaker of english it's like my 3rd language, so I think I lack a lot of the nuance in how to wield it. when it comes to crafting a story, I think I start writing down things before I figure out what exactly I'm trying to convey. Probably why I rarely get further than plot bunnies :')))
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clawbehavior · 6 months ago
2024 TDJ Collaborative Fic: "lost and found" now complete!
Access a PDF copy of the story here
Check out this gifset by itsza here
Discord: We have a discord to discuss the story! DM for the link
Prompt: Based on popular vote: Post-canon, Yohan returns for Gaon.
Rating: Explicit
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Writing schedule:
Thursday, September 5: no one! the prompt goes live on a03
Thursday, September 12 at 9am KST: @tenderlywicked : tenderly_wicked (CH 1)
Friday, September 20 at 9am KST: @yohangaontdj : tmweis2771 (CH 2)
Friday, September 27 at 9am KST: @ladykyrin: LadyKyrin (CH 3)
Friday, October 4 at 9am KST: @a-small-batch-of-dragons: TheAsexualofSpades (CH 4)
Friday, October 11 at 9am KST: @bellarkeandclintashaandsuch: a sea of shows (CH 5)
Friday, October 18 at 9am KST: @jehan-d-art: lorebearleaf (CH 6)
Friday, October 25 at 9am KST: @mid-n0vember: mid_november (CH 7)
Friday, November 1 at 9am KST: @absolutesuffering: heavenlywildflower (CH 8)
Friday, November 8 at 9am KST: @thedeviljudges: xxcaribbean (CH 9)
Friday, November 15 at 9am KST: @gayautisticraccoon: ObsessiveFandomTrash (CH 10)
Friday, November 22 at 9am KST: NEW* clawbehavior: orangepaperclips (CH 11)
Friday, November 29 at 9am KST: NEW* @obviouslystillfuschia : ObviouslyFuschis (CH 12)
Monday, December 9 at 9pm KST: NEW* @blueatelier: aotelier (CH 13)
Monday, December 16 at 9pm KST: NEW* @gaonsugardaddy niaxz1005 (CH 14)
Monday, December 23 at 9pm KST: NEW* Queenbeyondthejudge (CH 15. final story chapter)
Monday, December 30: NEW* @itsza; itsza (gifset)
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gif courtesy of @babyimhome
Have fun. This is literally the least stressful thing you should be writing. Forget any rules about length or quality. Just write what you want.
Restrictions: No major character death, and no sexual assault/rape/molestation, even in the past.
Chapter length: 2 sentences – 500 words (you can write more but it needs to be complete by your date).
Uncertain about whether to write what you’re thinking of? Write it. If you’re really unsure, ask yourself whether the next writer can continue from your chapter. Feel free to DM me or comment on this post if you need a friend’s perspective.
Check-ins: I’ll follow up a few days before your deadline to see if you need anything and to help with publishing if you’re confused.
How do I publish on a03?
Step 1: Let yourself be added as a co-creator on a03 by following these steps:
Go to a03
When you're logged in, select "My Preferences" from the "Hi, [username]!" menu at the top of the page. If you're on your Dashboard, you can also choose "Preferences" in the navigation sidebar (found at the top of the page when you're using a mobile device).
Navigate to the Privacy section.
Check the box beside "Allow others to invite me to be a co-creator".
Select the "Update" button at the bottom of the page. Updating your preferences will return you to your Dashboard.
Step 2: Tell me when you’ve done this by commenting here or on discord. Then I can add you to the story.
Step 3: You’ll get an invite on your a03 account to be a co-author on a story called TDJ Collab: Gahan Edition. Click Yes.
Step 4: Upload your chapter on your date.
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I'm soooo looking forward to going insane over these boys with you all.
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