positiverpnet-blog · 8 years
Hello, I would like to request for some IMMEDIATE LOVE for one of my mutuals! I was to come earlier, but I never knew when she was online so I hesitated every time. Her url is jiminhelps and I noticed Kristine has been feeling down for the past few weeks. I've sent her messages of love on my own, but I think more love will lift her spirits more. She's such a cutie, she deserves to feel like she's not alone! Please help me out in sending my very loved mutual some love and support!
Thank you so much for your concern and I’ll honestly send her love on my own, as well as encourage our network to send love to one of our own Kristine.
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positiverpnet-blog · 8 years
just wanted to make sure everyone was doing well, I’ll be on tonight if anyone needs someone to talk :)
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positiverpnet-blog · 8 years
hey guys, my dear friend McKala at cannibalsforhire is really down about a lot of things right now she could use some encouragement and cute cat pictures or doodles. Makky's all about cats.
Here you go everyone, I will also be sending them love towards the week. I’ll add her to the suggested url pages too, thank you for being concerned over them.
Here is the link to their blog, make their day please.
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positiverpnet-blog · 8 years
Hey members I’m sorry for my inactivity, but I was so into the character I had in a roleplay that just closed down and well now I’m a bit sad I won’t lie. But at least I can come to you all, so if anyone could send me some silly messages that would be great. Also I’ll be updating the following pages soon
network page (if you’d like to be taken off please let me know)
birthday page (please send in your birthdays if you’re comfortable with it)
suggested urls page (send in some blogs that need some love)
Navi (suggest things we could have links to?)
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positiverpnet-blog · 8 years
hey, how would someone go about applying to be part of this network? this seems like something i would really love to be a part of!
Well all you have to do is send in messages like these to either here or to complimentshq :)
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positiverpnet-blog · 8 years
I was too lazy to finish the network page I’m so sorry everyone, but tomorrow after work I’ll try to get on it, I’ll also be putting up a birthday page for all of those who are comfortable with sharing their birthdays message me them so I can add it in. 
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positiverpnet-blog · 8 years
The positive rp network wishes a happy birthday to @montaguewrites! We are thankful to have you here and I hope you have a great day, if you ever need anything always know I’m here for you <3
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positiverpnet-blog · 8 years
Hey everyone, I just finished sending all participants their URLs if you wanted to be part of the task and didn’t get your assigned message me please. If you have any questions regarding our first task let me know! Also I’m here to speak about other things if you need help or advise or just to vent or if you just want a friend, I’m here I promise!
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positiverpnet-blog · 8 years
Hey tag! I just updated the network page (still unfinished), I added some basic rules, I also added a cool page of suggested URLs to compliment, anything else you’d like to see on our  page please let me know. I’ll be sending out the URLs to those who are participating in the task. I’ll be choosing urls at random to be sent to you.
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positiverpnet-blog · 8 years
hey tag while I keep accepting more members for this network I will be the first to break the ice and introduce myself. I’m Kelsey/Kels, 21, I work part time at a call center where it has taught me to have so much patience with people. I like to join mostly town/university/supernatural roleplays, I’m currently in @kentgreekhq and I’ve had tons of fun with that group. I am obsessed with reality tv shows and I know that’s lame but I can’t help it, I also watch Daredevil, Shadowhunters and Rebelde. I’m Hispanic and I don’t know what else to say. I’m open for any advice on how to run the network or what you’d  like to see. 
I do have a task for you all and other then introducing yourselves if you plan on being active with this tag or if you see this before tomorrow (4/13/16 @ 1400 EST) I ask you to like this post (only if you’re part of this network) and you’ll be sent a random url to compliment anon or not for a week. 
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positiverpnet-blog · 8 years
Hi everyone it’s Kels, this is our new blog, currently under construction you can check out the network theme /family I’ll be finishing it when I come back from class. I will also send out the url task later tonight, so if you still want to participate in the task, scroll down a couple of posts until you see mine and click like. If you’d like to suggest things or give me some advice on how to run this network feel free! 
I also have kik and will be getting aim soon if anyone wants to chat!
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positiverpnet-blog · 9 years
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