#@ ohnyoonoh requests
ohnoyoonoh · 5 years
mannequin. n.jm
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[ word count ] 1017.
[ warnings ] none. does the dummy count?
[ request ]  hi angel,,could you write a scenario with jaemin?honestly everything is fine just make it v fluffy please kffkfk💗 
[ author’s note ] i’ve been wanting to make this scenario for a while and never knew when to finish it. but like i said in one of my past posts, i wanted to do an a-teen inspired fanfic, breh. like i kinda want to do it with jaemin now and i also have like an idea on how i want to do it. so.............................................
[ pairing ] highschool! jaemin x reader
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"are you scared?" you asked high school classmate/crush!jaemin, walking into the escape room. your hands were placed onto the male's shoulders, as you followed him. the blindfolds that the escape room employees provided were no help but understood the reason why you had them on. the employee had made you both stop, meaning that you had entered the main part of the game. telling you both that as soon as you heard the door close, it would be the time to take your blindfolds off. before leaving, the worker had placed handcuffs around your hands, you were feeling a little bit more nervous when the handcuffs clicked.
hearing the door shut and timer turned on, you both had taken your blindfolds off. tossing them into the bin that had the 'place your blindfold here. THIS IS NOT A CLUE OF  THE GAME.' sign, he turned to look at you, "nope, i do these quite often."
you nodded, not knowing where to start. jaemin lifted his handcuffed hands, "we should start with getting our hands released."
"right," you looked around the escape room. the clock was the first thing that caught your eye, remembering that most clues are always hidden behind by a painting or things hanging off of the walls. "what about behind the clock," you pointed with your hands. jaemin walked over to the clock, taking it off the wall, he had found a clue. reaching for it, he read the clue. immediately understanding it, he looked below into a box, which he found the keys of the handcuffs. grabbing the keys, he stood up once more, a smile on his face as he held up the pair of keys.
you returned his expression with a grin, holding your hands out as he unlocked the cuffs, "you're really good at these games."
"well, you did find the first clue. so, is it really your first time playing this game?" he chuckled, holding his hands out for you to unlock the cuffs.
as the game had continued to go on, you both seemingly had grown to be comfortable with each-other. the atmosphere had started from slight tension to being more calm and relaxed. joking around with the mannequin hand from the dummy that fell through the ceiling when you had solved one of the clues, jaemin had kept with him as you both solved and look for more hints. you laughed as he scratched his head with the hand and occassionally startling you when you were too focused on figuring the clue out.
finishing the last clue, jaemin had jumped, maybe two inches off of the ground when one of the doors popped out. the mannequin hand was placed over his fast-beating chest, you giggled at the sight. "are you sure you weren't scared?"
"i wasn't scared, just startled. because.. i wasn't paying attention," he said, casually walking out of the room towards the hall. you followed close behind, only for him to yelp again, quickly turning towards you. he held onto you, you started to laugh hard. you peered over his shoulder to see another dummy fall out of the ceiling.
rubbing his back, you continued to laugh, "jaemin, it's only another dummy."
his neck slowly turned to the dummy, realizing it was only one, his calm composure slowly came back. "yeah, okay. it's only a dummy."
you walked in front of him towards the door at the end of the hall, twisting the handle. you peeked through the crack and saw that it was the escape room's lobby. "okay, jaemin, we're completely finished with the game."
helping him exit the game's hall and into the lobby, the employees congratulated you for finishing the game. they has asked if you both wanted to take a picture for their wall and you would also receive one for your memories. posing for the pictures, they snapped three with all different poses. jaemin still had the mannequin hand and used it in each polaroid.
walking out of the escape room, you held up the polaroids, "i can't believe they let you keep the hand."
"i'm a regular at their escape room, they know me really well," he said.
"so they know you're scared of dummies that fall from the ceiling," you chuckled, handing him the polaroid that he chose to keep.
"i wasn't scared, my guard was just down, so they just startled me," he tried to explain himself, taking the polaroid.
"uh huh, sure," you teased him.
walking down the street, there was a comfortable silence between the both of you. the once awkward atmosphere had finally changed into a pleasant one. you both in your tracks as you reached the place that you had met up earlier that morning for a class.
"hey, [name]. is it okay if we do this more often? like go out together more? those hangouts could turn into dates? maybe? if not, it's okay, " he glanced at you.
you faced him, seeing that he was kicking the pebbles on the ground, hands gripped on his straps. his gaze had settled onto you, stopping his movements.
"is that your way of confessing and asking me out?"
"i mean, kind of. yeah, i was going for more of a romantic, cliché type. but i just couldn't wait, you know?" he turned towards you.
you chuckled at his confession. you smiled, "no, it's good. but i'll take your offer on that."
"really? how does tomorrow at 10? coffee?" he questioned, a smile plastered on his face. his eyes gleamed, and you couldn't melt at the sight. delighted at the fact that your crush is maybe turning into your boyfriend. taking your eyes off of him for a second to compose yourself from rolling on the ground and possibly, running around the streets and shouting for joy. you cleared your throat, hopefully the smile on your face could tone down.
"jaemin, we have class tomorrow."
"okay, and? we need to take our first official day as a couple seriously." it was only followed by a groan, as you smacked his head with the mannequin hand.
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