#? ks that real idk
popiplant · 7 months
screaming into nothing : BUT WHAT IF THEY WERE GAAAYYYYYY !!!!!!!!
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pigeonneaux · 2 years
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Peter ftw
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Gender is a performance and I have stage fright
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thediktatortot · 1 year
I think Billy's irrational fear is of ghosts.
He's not religious anymore, but he still has a spot in him that's like "ok but what if" and so he just gets really creeped out about the concept of ghosts because he feels like he can never be sure that they aren't real, because what if it is and he's confronted with something.
Billy was that kid that ran to his bedroom after he turned out the lights in the hallway lol
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dokyeomini · 1 year
why is every animal crossing youtuber so fucking snobby damn
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the-meme-monarch · 11 months
Actually wait, wouldn't Secret Someone Frisk be afraid of Deltarune ending? After all, if they got kicked out of a world they were the main character in, then whats to say it won't happen again in this one. I can't imagine the cryptic (and way too unhelpful) Gaster explaining much before he added them to Deltarune.
Or maybe they fear the worse option... Kris ends up being booted. After all, they ended up being the main character and were kicked out, so they surely wouldn't want it to happen to someone else. Maybe that's their conflict with the Fun Gang, them either trying to stop the conflict from ever ending so they will never have to risk it OR trying to get the SOUL so that they can be sure only they will suffer from anything. After all, they evidently have a pretty low self esteem (judging the Sans+Papyrus+Flowey save them ask and the Prison asks) so I can imagine them being some kinda martyr, suffering so nobody else will have to.
i mean for frisk them being removed from undertale was bc of the choice at the end, the player choice "i have places to be". they're just an npc now so they probably think theyre safe here :0c but them wanting to keep A Conflict Going or wanting to get the soul to protect Kris does feel like something they'd do :'] i Am just developing this au/theory based on other people's input at this point bc i think i originally wanted to keep stuff vague so i could rework it as chapters came out Until the actual strange someone is revealed ! but frisk trying to do the good/right thing but it going wrong/ their perception of what's good/right being warped feels very. real
also frisk's thing w the soul had to do w their perceived dependency on it ! a thing I've been thinking abt ks frisk has no backstory and no other characters to fill in those gaps, they don't know why they went to mt ebott. the first thing they remember is Falling. they do not remember a point where their actions weren't dictated by the soul, and well having come from a true pacifist ending, the soul did all the right things, they got the good ending ! but now they don't have it and everything is going wrong for them. they've become an antagonist bc they wanted their happy ending. i feel like I'm just waxing poetic but idk i just really enjoy this au/theory there's Intricacies it's all very Intricate to me
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
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[NC_RES]-13062047-EUR-BU-NED de_wit_m_portraits_009_HW_TGL.file ///core:_thyjs_de_wit.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Just did a quick test shot of him with rt on bc I was curious. I mean Thyjs looked super real to me already before I used rt, but now? It's like the icing on the cake!
It's strange tho - he's literally 'glowing' without rt on ingame bc of the pale skin, especially when there's a lot ingame light around I often have to use photomode effects to get it darker. But when I turn on rt, it's like someone turned the lights off! So, I have to spawn a light to have him properly lit again.
In some angles and depending on how I move (it was point light) it made some weird flickering on his skin where shadows are — not everywhere tho. Idk, why it happens neither if it can be fixed or not.
I also still get some weird lines on his skin depending on the angle as well — especially when I try to take pics of him from the other side. My guess is the skin texture itself but I'm not sure, yet. I thought maybe it's a UV conflict bc of wrong order and in fact I had the skin above the tattoo. So changed that, but it did not change anything after sorting and prenaming my -ks- uv archives and skin, cyberarm and tattoo archive like I should.
Whatever, I am glad amost everything on him is working because Thyjs has literally 130 mods alone (incl. all clothing) lol. Nothing is perfect and I can still fix lil issues with postprocessing anyways.
I'll be (re)doing his outfit shots later bc I changed them slightly and he has A LOT of them — probably my oc with the most outfits and the most merc outfits. He justs rocks everything camo (when the heck I'm gonna shoot all these outfits even?)
aAded a few more details yesterday like some scarfs and gloves. I wanted to combine stuff with Equipment EX, bc I found out you can actually move clothing parts to another category if they happen to be in the same, but once I did move e.g. the gloves, the game crashed. It would be the only way I can have gloves + his left point nails together. I'll try again later and see if the game crashes again or not. If it does Thyjs won't be wearing gloves I guess. : /
Also finally found his exra category. Like what Vijay has as "vaporwave" I wanna give Thyjs flower print shirts (now that Pinky made some in XL <3) not caring about the colors i nthe first place. Thyjs is Dutch. Netherlands are No.1 in exporting flowers worldwide. Thyjs loves flowers. Thyjs loves impressionism (especially Van Gogh and Monet). So, Thyjs needs a lil flower themed outfit collection I'll look into in the future. <3
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memoryoflooping · 5 months
have you seen the santae vps? they're in alpha and accepting applications atm. love your energy and just wanna see you have thoughts about it, if it interests you.
^^ industry plant anon ask bc true harley warriors know i don't like neo-clones
anyway real answer is i heard of it from promo posts and blocked the main blog immediately bc the way they were promoting their site was annoying. sorry but spam tagging every popular petsite on earth, wtf ? the art is nice, but again i don't like neo-clones and i would need to see gameplay to see if it does or doesn't fall into the dappervolk pit of game that is vastly unpleasant to play.
also wtf is this.
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i'd be the worst fucking person in the beta test, noooo way around that LMAO. like i could give them criticism from my experience with dv, goatlings and eggcave but i vastly prefer breeding sims. i am way too much of a hater imo, and this is part of why i said "industry plant anon" bc i literally am such a picky person and don't like some sites and loooove complaining. since its such a new site i don't think it could work around the flaws inherent to petsites in its current state and i would be like a wild animal maiming it. also if the rpg part depends on pets having different skills depending on species like lorwolf its going to go to hell, no way around that. idk if they have ks exclusive stuff but by the looks of the blep um. well they'll get it eventually but if it turns out to be optimal you start to have a problem there.
ALSO i'm going to personally kill the person who did the css for doing the font through google fonts. can you people download and self host your fucking fonts they don't work on my end and they end up looking like garbage with the slimmest line weight on god's green earth look at my screenshot example and compare it to the wayback screenshot of the alpha testing announcement post actually on the site. I'm going to have to write my own stylus style to even be able to play, and you know damn well the site's going to have a blanket ban on extensions like every petsite has to.
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(wayback screenshot)
anyway if they have gameplay previews and they're locked behind needing to be in the discord goodbye forever LMAO ! i'll def keep an eye on it infrequently but generally this probably isn't going to be a site i like unless they do some aspect besides the art really well bc the appeal is the beasts to me. if they accept my alpha test application they make a mistake imo, i'll sign up for funzies bc i like the blep beastie
also full disclosure me calling you a santae staff member was a joke LOL, if i was right i'm right but sometimes thangs happen for real.
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evans-endeavors · 9 months
so... heehee
What are your thoughts on the secret world ttrpg? Have you had a chance to read through the beta version of the book?
hey anon!
I have read through it, though not too thoroughly??? I've read enough to get a sense for it.
I'm a little disappointed I guess. I didn't have high hopes based on star anvil's questionable responses to the community in the beginning of the KS, but my curiosity and thirst for SWL content kept me on board.
They got a bunch of lore wrong which is kinda annoying me, and they're just changing things for no real reason... Like I hate to be a person to rag on artwork. But for all of the incredibly unique and interesting monster designs they have in the original game they're being changed to the absolutely most generic looking creatures. Also for the amount of monsters in the MMO the monster list they made feels really sparse. Perhaps there will be more added later? Idk. Tho I do appreciate some of the mechanics they came up with for a handful of the monsters like the filth explosions.
There's some interesting concepts and ideas in turning the MMO premise into a ttrpg? But boy am I bitter about the spells.
There is SOOOO much flavor in game they could've pulled from. Blood magic, chaos magic, spirit blades, flaming earth. There's really cool abilities and magic that exist in game they could've made into spells, but they did nothing. Literally every spell in the book is an official d&d 5e spell.
I want to enjoy it. I genuinely do cuz I LOVE both D&D and SWL. But boy it's hard not to see all the flaws or the things they could've/should've included.
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2d-dreams · 1 year
Pollux Codex
In this post I'm going to go reeeally in depth into Pollux's name and what it meant since the beginning. I'll tackle both "meta" (symbolism, foreshadowing, etcetera) reasons and why Pollux himself would choose it ::)
Warning this is like a super super long post. I am insane.
Section 1: Who is Pollux?
It is necessary to know first and foremost who this lil guy is. I mean. I don't think anyone who isn't in "The Arts of Being"'s mini-fandom is going to wind up reading this,.. so I guess it'll be quick!
Pollux is a Hexagon who, back in Flatland, really loved history (and interestingly enough, eventually was to repeat it from the very beginning, tracing back to Flatland's 'Big bang') — His real name is Paul Schwarz, but he uses his codename, Pollux Codex, and has earned the title "The Hexed" post-TAoB.
Pollux became an Apostle of the Gospel of Higher Dimensions, supposed to enlighten his world along with Bill.
Section 2: Why did he choose the name?
Pollux chose the name because it is related to his main interests! Pollux is a character in Greek mythology (while greeks or their mythology may not exist exactly in Flatland, this is still important.. maybe he translated the name from that of an actual character of an ancient mythology and saw that it had the same attributes as the Pollux of Greek mythos so thats why he uses it in our language? idk give me a Break) and a codex is an ancient manuscript text, tied in to history and his love for reading.
Codex, with the x removed, is Code, like a secret code - reference to Bill's codename, Cipher.
Also, both Pollux and Codex have 'x' in them, and Pol REALLY loves how that letter sounds. ks. ks. ks. ks. Also loves the sound of 'k', but clicking doesn't have a lot of positive connotations according to Flatlanders.
And, of course, it sounds really cool, somewhat similar to his real name [fun fact: i did not realize that Paul and Pol are probably pronounced the same.. perks of not being a native english speaker] and goes along nicely with Bill Cipher.
Section 3: Pollux
On to the interesting part! The meaning behind the names.
Yes this section and everything below was written like 5 days after everything above lol.
Pollux in Greek Mythology is known, along with his twin brother Castor, as the gods (together called Dioscuri) of twins, horsemanship and sailors.
Pollux is immortal, whilst his twin Castor is a mortal. Castor is killed, and Pollux asks his father, who is a god, to share his immortality with his brother. Once turned immortal together, they both become stars, stars that sailors use to guide themselves at sea.
Twins and duality are a reocurring thing in both Gravity Falls and The Arts of Being. In Gravity Falls there are Dipper+Mabel, Stanford+Stanley, and there is discussion of an entity that is 'the opposite of Bill', in the fandom said to be either the Oracle or the Axolotl.
The twins theme is reinforced on accident by the interpretation of The Olden Days of Bill's last words, where people thought he was invoking Xolotl, aztec god of fire and lightning, twin of Quetzalcoatl, and also god of twins, illness, deformities, and monsters, but also an important part of the creation myth of the mythology. Quetzalcoatl, on the other hand, represents life, light, wind, rain, civilization and knowledge.
These two gods are also a great inspiration for what later on become the roles of Pollux and Bill in the new mythologies of the Exwhylians, Ypwherenians and Zetwhatians, is referenced through things like Bill's association with fire and Irregularity being important in his story, and Pollux's love for rain and later on how he became the foundation of the new civilizations.
and it's also a lovely reference to my homeland México ::3 !!!
In The Arts of Being, this twin situation is mirrored. Bill's father and uncle, Caesar William+Arrhenius William Campbell are twins. A. Square, author of Flatland, and B. Square are twins in TAoB. However Bill and Pollux themselves.. don't seem to have their own twins.
For Bill, either he has a twin that he does not know of, or his twin bond is with Liam, his adoptive older brother. He is very close to him, so who says they can't have the twin bond?
When it comes to Pollux, he actually had a twin. One that existed for little time. (Yet another thing I should add in the rewrite, because while it was always a thing I knew, I never really mentioned it and it bugs me). Basically, while in the womb he had a twin, one that early on merged with him. Had this not happened, Pollux would've been a pair of Pentagon boys instead of one Hexagon. Pollux himself sees his mind as 'two brothers trying their best to pilot one body'.
The twins of Gravity Falls are often seen as opposites, like Xolotl and Quetzalcoatl, Stanley and Stanford with the 'strong dumb' vs 'smart and shy' etc. Bill's father and uncle have a similar dynamic even down to their children - Caesar had an Irregular son and whatever the hell's going on with Bill, while Arrhenius had three perfectly regular and successful Square sons.
Bill and Pollux both become part of their duality through their close relationship, despite not being twins, they are undoubtedly sticking together forever after losing their 'counterparts'. Bill's the outgoing dream demon who lies just because he can, who's purpose becomes that of 'liberating' each dimension, while Pollux is the quieter dream angel - oneiraph - who only lied in an attempt to protect himself, eventually becoming the builder of the new Flatlands. There are more details, like their color pallette outside of Flatland, with Bill having a golden body and blue fire, while Pollux has a blue body with yellow fire, the associations with fire vs rain, etc.
Horsemanship and Sailors
Neither Pollux nor Bill have any interactions with horses, and the sea doesn't even exist in Flatland. How does this tie in to TAoB, too? Well, in a more symbolic way, just like how Bill and Pol themselves have no biological living twins.
Well I'm going to ignore the horsemanship part because. Yeah. But, as for the sailor part. Their sea is that of extradimensional knowledge.
Pollux and Castor, once turned into stars, are used as reference by sailors to guide themselves at sea. If you refuse to use any sort of guide while at sea, you are likely to get lost and eventually die. Pollux and Bill 'become stars' as they ascend into what would be the sky if Flatlanders had one, when A. Shape and A. Sphere pull them three-dimensionally-upwards in order to turn them into their Apostles of Higher Dimensionality.
As 'stars' (Apostles), they are supposed to guide the Flatlanders to enlightenment - to survival. But ignored, ridiculed and imprisoned for this, Bill ends up accepting A. Shape's deal and liberating the dimension under the excuse that they had not allowed themselves to be guided.
Beyond Dead Flatland, they still are guides for those who follow them - those who seek chaos and destruction and fun follow Bill, and those who seek higher knowledge follow Pollux, Apostle of the Axolotl itself.
Section 4: Codex
Guys I'm starting to get tired of writing so much but I'm still hyped up. Excuse the decaying quality I am no longer talking about aztec/mexica gods.
Codex, an ancient manuscript, is a reference to the Book of Three Dimensions/the OG Flatland written by A. Square/Mr. Abbott (and Gravity Falls' Journals).
Codices are usually amongst the few things we have available to know about ancient cultures, their traditions, etcetera. Pollux in the end of The Arts of Being becomes a living codex of his own lost world, being the last person within Time and Space that knows of Bill's full origin and the old culture of Flatland, along with being the one to build history of several dimensions afterwards.
Pollux as the Apostle of the Axolotl isn't only restricted to the Second Dimensional Worlds, but he also learns of many, many worlds and dimensions beyond them, becoming one of the wisest and most ancient creatures of Timespace.
Section 5: The Hexed
Pollux earns this title thousands of years after The Arts of Being, a title that has an unknown origin in universe, whispered in awe across dimensions.
"The Hexed" is, first and foremost.. a pun. Hexed. Hex. Hexagon. he is a hexagon. euehehehehehhe im so sorry.
A hex is sort of like a curse. Pollux feels cursed, hexed - he survived the death of his entire universe, but he suffers. Everyone he ever knew, every book he ever read, each and every single innocent person died, and he feels responsible for it, and it haunts him.
He hopes that Bill can be redeemed, that he really will return to the Axolotl, but his hope is stretching very thin as millions of years pass by and Pollux is still there, painfully remembering everything.
And he also feels horrible for yearning for Bill so badly because he knows, he's completely aware that Bill isn't out there spreading love and kindness in the multiverse, he knows he causes suffering just for funsies and he hates himself for wanting to give him a second chance after all that has happened, and at the same time, feels ungrateful for wanting to undo his destruction, because that would also imply the destruction of his dear Exwhylia, Ypwherenia, Zetwhatia, of undoing all the good deeds he's done as an angel, of never giving Providence and Nature the relief of knowing that the descendants of their world are in good vertices.
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Of all the towns in Florida I could have based this story on, I picked the one whose High School posts to Facebook about every two days.
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chakoru · 1 year
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dream as actual conversations i’ve had w friends ,part 2 !
once again— includes cussing :D ㅤ ,text format
featuring ty track, johnny, and doie. this is actually really funny bc it fits so well yk? my friend did in fact send a pic of MY DOG ON MY BED and i am STILL genuinely wondering how the hell she got in my house
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haechan: what the fuck
you: ??
haechan: i had a nightmare… haechan: i was getting married
you: oh my god you: someone actually learned how to love a beast😢? so romantic
haechan: shut up i’m storytelling
you: 🤐
haechan: so i’m getting married right
you: right
haechan: to someone i don’t fucking know haechan: and you’re there
you: aww you dream of me :(((
[ ten minutes later ]
haechan: anyways, you’re singing. haechan: it’s you AND jaemin. but he’s haechan: omg
you: he’s …?
haechan: twerking
jaemin: did it jiggle
haechan: no.. BUT you was throwin dem bones 😫🙏
jaemin: nice to be appreciated
jeno: *sends a picture of daegal* jeno: guess where i’m at 😉
chenle: ???? chenle: !!!!!!!! chenle: ARE YOU IN MY HOUSE chenle: JENO
jeno: 🤫 jeno: my baby’s sleeping
chenle: YOUR BABY❓❓⁉️‼️❓ chenle: WHO LET YOU IN chenle: HOW DID YOU GET IN chenle: JENO chenle: JENO chenle: LEE JENO ANSWER
jeno: me no hablo your language 🧏‍♂️
jaemin: WHERE is my mint hoodie
renjun: i last saw it in the hamper renjun: why? cant find it?
jaemin: no .. and it’s my comfort clothing 🫤
chenle: idk sorry
jisung: daegal peed on it
jaemin: WHAT
chenle: ACCIDENTLY ‼️‼️‼️
renjun: she said she HATES me cus i’m a “male aries” renjun: WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN
jisung: she smart 💯
renjun: ????
jisung: wait what is everyone’s signs
you: i am a sign from god
chenle: gosh fuck outta here
renjun: i swear this place is haunted renjun: theres literally a monster in my closet
mark: probably just the dog
you: there’s a monster in these pants
mark: omg y/n shut up
you: made you look like a lover with a dollar sign
jisung: ?
haechan: they’re calling you a fucking loser
mark: jisung wants to be a tender
haechan: tenders are shit, he should try breasts
jaemin: bartender haechan, and stop trying to advertise chicken breasts jaemin: you haven’t even seen real breasts jaemin: you’re BITCHLESS
mark: i just got home mark: AND MY FUCKING FRIDGE KS LEAKING😭😭
haechan: id be dripping wet too if you were eating outta me everyday (rizzy wordplay)
renjun: ….you’re my moms favorite
chenle: no one is hooking up with an alpaca lookin troll be fr
you: don’t talk about yourself like that chenle 💔
johnny: he’s finally hanging out with people his own age
haechan: what elder? himself?
you: so you saw two fossils struggling and didn’t bother to help??😟 shame on you
doyoung: this is why no one likes you guys.
haechan: is anyone still home?
jeno: no why?
haechan: i swear i heard someone upstairs but haechan: IM ALONE haechan: WHAT DO I DO
chenle: y/n and jaemin aren’t here
jeno: is it happening😵??!1
renjun: don’t even
haechan: nvm coast clear haechan: y/n is upstairs :) haechan: with jaemin :):) haechan: alone :):):) in his room :):):):):)
haechan: DAMN chill the walls r thin as shit
renjun: jaem i thought you knew better 😢 renjun: girls have cooties
haechan: would y’all be down to see my dick pics haechan: i need feedback :D
jaemin: send it
mark: AYO?????? mark: ?????? BRO
jeno: whip it out 😼
*sends pic*
mark: dude mark: why is it
jeno: bent?
jaemin: did you jerk off too hard or sum???? what happened 🤨🤨
haechan: STOP BE NICE TO MY WEE :((
chenle: be fr that shit is making illegal left turns
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lopez-richter-fangirl · 8 months
I’mma be real with you, lopez-richter-fangirl. I am Not Feeling Good about Tinlightenment’s chances. This is the most stressed I’ve ever been about a Kickstarter. It’s going so slowly and idk if it’s selective memory or just me noticing more cause I’m stressed or if it’s actual reality but it feels like the numbers have dropped more often and by larger amounts than usual. TCB have to maintain a positive attitude about it, so I think it’s up to us (fans) to stop just being confused and frustrated (which I AM, WHY IS THIS ONE SO HARD) and instead panic and get creative and pull out all the new stops and new fundraising ideas but I don’t know what?? I’ve been researching how to do a giveaway (pledge/raise a pledge by five bucks and have a chance to win a NPMD hoodie in your size, that sort of thing) without making it an illegal lottery and it’s possible but it’s gonna be complicated. I’m thinking of blazing a post—spend a little money to earn a little more money—but it might be better to save that money for adding onto my own pledge instead? Maybe a group of us could get together and each contribute like a dollar to a blaze fund idk. And I’ve seen several people say that they can only use PayPal, which Kickstarter doesn’t take, so I’m looking into non-onerous ways around that. I know it’s early to panic but I just think those of us Invested need to switch up what we’re doing as early as possible in order to get the momentum to save this thing. Thoughts?
Anyways thanks for all you’re doing and sorry for the super long ask I am Stressed(TM).
- man-down-in-hatchet-town (stupid tumblr makes me use anon)
I too have never been more stressed about a kickstarter @man-down-in-hatchet-town !! The first two large amounts they dropped turned out to be scam/bot pledges and the third I think was just a misadjustment before going back up, but definitely it is going SLOWER than previous kickstarters
And yes I’ve been frustrated trying to get to the bottom of WHY, but we CAN still help
I am not an artist but I know people have done ‘prove you pledged/upped x amount and I’ll draw you something’. What I can offer is fics, I’ve never done it before because I didn’t think people would be that interested tbh but I will try ANYTHING so if anyone wants that I can arrange it. (for anyone new here, I’m tinydetailsqueen on ao3 for character fics. for other fics… well that one’s iykyk but it’s on the table too)
I was also already thinking about doing a day of promotion every week/twice a week or whatever where we talk about one of the specific projects because as raised earlier, I do think a lot of people just don’t fully understand everything that’s going on yet!
ABSOLUTELY just telling people that TCB have got this huge KS going on doesn’t seem to be working as well as we’d like, so I do think collectively (because there ARE a lot of us really invested!) we all need to go deeper and really make sure people understand why this is so important, as well as doing whatever we can in those other ways to incentivise people
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stonercow · 6 months
godddddd im so stupid i could've had my toy delivered today but it's coming tomorrow. oh fuck i was hsing autocorrect. it feels like we get stuff at 3pm, which ks fine, but my foommate vomes home between 3 and 5 most days and i dont want him to hear me if he comes home earlier (which is completely different every day) so id almost have to wait to use kt. maybe thys the real thrill of it, idk
UGHHH at least you're still getting it tomorrow though!!! and i have a similar issue with using my toy bc i don't want my parent to hear me either :( but it Does add to the thrill!!!!!! hehehe i hope u have so much fun :33
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kaaaaaaarf · 1 year
okay hi, I wanted to come by because I just read the first fic in that hatefuck series…and first of all, why ks the texting soo idk real? I feel like a lot of texting fics (not that I’ve read that many, mostly out of this reason) don’t text like real people. Also that Druck reference made me cackle (season seven was so infuriating (still not as bad as 8 but…)I swear, I mean I still watched it but you know?). Anyways this was so fun. Thank you<3 xx
Also, You’re german?! It feels criminal asking that in english but okay.
Oh hello!! That's so nice of you to come by. 💖 That fic is so near and dear to me, so it's nice to hear that you enjoyed it!
The texting portion! I've actually had a few people say that. I worked extremely closely with @wdcmaxy to ensure that it felt authentic. They were the James to my Sirius. The fic would not have been possible without them.
The Druck reference!! It made me giggle, I love Easter eggs.
I'm actually Canadian! English is my first language. German was my major at university and I lived in Germany for a short time. It was a long time ago, but when I find myself in German spaces it comes back to me.
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inflamearc · 1 year
modern laura (as opposed to '25 years later' laura):
odessa young, if you want an updated visual.
not really on social media. probably has a private ig and MAYBE a twitter (with her name/photo nowhere on it) but she doesn't do much scrolling. it's all more like a diary for her own reference / amusement. she does still keep the real thing; it'll be on her somewhere at all times, probably in whatever bag she's carrying. looks a lot like this.
she's out, kind of --- she's still pathologically unable to give a clear answer about anything personal. but she's not trying to seem like anything she isn't.
she doesn't smoke any less. i have tried and i have failed.
she's in therapy (NOT with anyone in canon). it's ... not 'nice', but it is useful, and she is a lot more secure in herself and her story.
you're still not convincing her to go to college. in a lot of ways, laura is already so Her Own Person that her story just transfers to Modern Day as is ... except, knowing she has the internet to tell her everything that's out there, she probably has like, emt certification and a million other things that she's cobbling together to avoid 1. nursing school and 2. working for other people.
she might be a little infamous in niche circles. twin pea/ks is definitely somewhere that generates rumors like you wouldn't believe in a world where social media is king ---and she's got that celebrity victim status --- but it's still, like. you're only going to know if you're into all the weird cryptid / supernatural / conspiracy stuff, or if you go digging for information about her online. or if you're local, obviously.
if she's out of the pnw/missoula, it's prrrrobably because she's traveling for some random job she's picked up (or she's decided to drive cross-country to go see a concert or something because she is getting itchy and trying to be healthy, if impractical, about it). she likes to see places and meet [normal] people. may or may not be accompanied by jade at @requitals.
her car is ancient, and not in an especially cool way. it's well-maintained because it's never been out of use for long, but things go wrong a lot. she's handy enough (and familiar with it enough) to take care of it, most of the time, but she miiight break down in front of your place of business. this is an easy plot point to take advantage of.
idk like I COULD SAY MORE but i feel like mostly i'd just be restating things you already know. so if you have a question, just ask it.
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