#<- they think. while actively ruining said bliss. the scoundrel is a complicated sort of creature
thegreatyin · 5 days
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i think the scoundrel is starting to care about their city-self.
extremely slowly. extremely, extremely, painfully slowly. as slow as molasses drips off a spoon made entirely out of delusion and ripped-up flower petals.
...maybe care isn't exactly the right word. tolerating? putting up with? allowing the city to exist without going out of their way to ruin all of their own hopes and dreams?
it is nice, having a place that knows them so intimately. having a place practically dedicated to them and them alone. having a place where they belong- because they are that place.
they can grow used to it, if they give it a chance. and they are (will be) the master of such a thing...
yes. yes, they can give it a chance. they can give it a chance indeed.
maybe it can give them one too.
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