#<- that's my new fanfic tag. so i can find em all.
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Evening Plans
Fandom: Laws of Attraction Characters: Reigan Lee (M!MC), Joaquin Morales Length: 1710 words Rating: General No warnings apply
Prompt: @choicespride aromantic celebration- a night in with just your pets. Summary: Joaquin tries to use some information related to the Colby case to get Reigan to join him for dinner-- but Reigan has other plans.
A/N: I'm really scraping by getting this out by the teeth of my skin whoops. Anyway like the first half of this is mostly from LOA bk2ch10, the part where Joaquin asks the MC out to dinner. Just so ya'll know.
Reigan narrows his eyes as he stepped into his office, unhappy and, frankly, annoyed to see Joaquin splayed in his chair like it was his own office. “Joaquin. If you keep showing up like this, I’ll have to increase security.”
Joaquin shifts in the chair, crossing his legs. “Probably not a bad idea. I have to admit I was surprised Lucy just let me walk in here.”
“We’ll be sure to enact a stricter policy from now on.”
“Good. I could have been a lunatic.”
Reigan sighs and rounds his desk, coming to a stop behind his chair, hands resting on the back.
He doesn’t miss the way Joaquin’s face lights up when he tips his head back to grin up at Reigan.
With a roll of his eyes, Reigan pushes the top of the chair forward, dumping Joaquin out.
He stumbles, but catches himself. “Now, what was that for?”
“Stay out from behind my desk.”
Joaquin puts his hands up and moves to sit in one of the chairs on the other side of the desk.
“Care to tell me the point of your visit?” Reigan asks, sitting down himself.
Joaquin grins again, that dazzling smile that could make anyone fall in love.
“But we’re having so much fun.”
Well. Almost anyone.
Reigan scrunches his nose, unaffected by his charm. “You and I seem to have different ideas of fun. This is a social call, then?”
“I’d certainly like Martin to think so. A little ruse that would gain more credibility if you let me take you out to dinner tonight.” Joaquin leans forward, almost hopeful. “I would make it worth your while.”
Shaking his head, Reigan decides to ignore the attempted flirting. He picks up a pen and rolls it between his fingers. “What makes you think that Martin’s going to be okay with that?”
“He holds the misguided belief that I prefer to keep business and pleasure separate. I’ve told him you fall into pleasure.”
The pen clatters to the desk. “Why on earth would you tell him that?”
Joaquin reaches across the desk, picking up the pen and rolling it in a way not dissimilar to how Reigan had been. “Call it wishful thinking.” His eyes meet Reigan’s, then drop down to Reigan’s lips. “Even Martin knows you’re a knockout.” He turns his head to physically drag his gaze away. “And before you ask, if you join me, I promise there will be a business benefit for you.”
Reigan snatches the pen back, tucking it away in the top drawer. “So, what, you’re bribing me to go out with you?”
Joaquin shrugs, smiling coyly. “I’d like the pleasure of your company enough to guarantee I’ll have it. So? Tonight?”
“Already got plans.”
“Can I crash them?”
“No. It’s a phone call with an out of state friend.”
“After, then?”
“It’s been a while since we last talked; we’ve got a lot to catch each other up on.”
“I’ll wait however long you need me to.”
Reigan lets out a huff. “How many times do I have to say no before you listen?”
“How about a raincheck, then?”
“If it’ll get you to leave my office faster, sure.”
“Alright then. But I will get that dinner.” Joaquin stands up. “No harm in telling you what I wanted to now though. Consider it part of my ongoing job application.”
Joaquin tells Reigan of how Calvin Colby referred Elias Ritter to Mcgraw Bryne, specifically with the promise that Martin could “protect” him from Ricci & Associates.
Reigan thanks him for the information and waves him out of his office.
Just before he opens the door to leave, Joaquin stops. “This friend of yours… is it that doctor? The one you quit working at Mcgraw Byrne for?”
“What’s it to you?”
“Last I heard, they had been caught in the middle of an assassination attempt. How’s their recovery?”
“It’s… fine. They were discharged about two months ago.” Reigan shakes his head. “You don’t even know them, and I’ve never told you about them. Why are you asking.”
“Just… curious. Glad to hear they’re all right.” Joaquin pats the doorframe. “Let’s get that dinner sometime soon.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Reigan had lied.
Sort of.
He and Baxter had had a phone call planned for the evening, but just before Reigan had gotten into work that morning, Baxter called to let Reigan know that some work thing had come up- some team bonding exercise in the form of rubbing elbows with the new owner of Edenbrook’s peers and associates in the tech industry.
But Joaquin did not have to know that.
On his way home from work, Reigan stops by a deli for a sandwich and a bakery for a slice of chocolate hazelnut cake- his favorite.
Even before he makes it to his apartment door, fumbling with his keys, he can hear one of his cats on the other side meowing in increasing distress, the way she always did when he came home. The second he gets the door open, her crying immediately halts, replaced with a friendly “mew!”, her fluffy orange and white tail raised in greeting.
“Hello to you, too, Commander T’ana,” Reigan says, bending down to scoop her up before she dashes down the hallway. “You have got to stop crying like that when I get home, the neighbors might complain.”
T’ana purrs happily in response, batting at his chin with a paw, claws sheathed.
He laughs and kisses her right on her fuzzy little forehead, kicking the door shut behind him. With the door closed and locked, he places T’ana back on the floor and heads to the kitchen-- trying his best not to accidentally kick or step on T’ana as she tries to climb up his pant leg. He sets his own dinner on the counter before getting two cans of wet cat food out of the pantry.
The sound of the cans being opened beckons his other cat, Quark, out from where he had been hiding in a basket of blankets, and the process of getting dinner for both cats and himself becomes a bit of a struggle as Reigan tries to push both cats away from the dishes he was attempting to fill with food.
When he finally gets T’ana and Quark’s food on their little eating mats for them and sits down for his own dinner, all of that energy he had left from the day just drains out of him. For a moment he just sits with his forehead against the table and exists, trying his best not to think about the stressful world just outside his apartment, the one where his colleague’s grandmother’s rights have been stolen from her, the one that nearly killed his best friend- which he had been unable to do anything about because he was too busy suing a woman for birthing a baby that was “too ugly”.
Sometimes it was hard not to take the worst parts of work home.
Joaquin’s insistence on flirting with him every time they saw each other despite Reigan’s constant rejections did not help in the slightest.
He stays like that until he is no longer Reigan Lee, hotshot NYC lawyer who solved the murder of a beloved actress, and instead Lee Sungwon, Star Trek fan and cat parent.
A man who’s toasted sandwich is getting cold.
Oh, shit.
His sandwich.
Sungwon sits back up and shoos T’ana- done with her own food and now trying to steal his- off the table.
Even with the meal in his stomach, something about the day had left Sungwon with an off feeling, like he just needed to turn off his brain and veg out for a bit, so he flopped down on the couch and started scrolling mindlessly through his Netflix recommendations.
Nothing seemed to jump out at him, so he decides to turn to his failsafe for picking something to watch: having T’ana pick one at random.
He grabs a pen and some index card from his office and sits on the floor next to where T’ana was sprawled out. “Wanna help me pick something?”
She makes a little chirping sound.
“I’m thinking the options for tonight will be… Deep Space Nine-” he writes it down on one of the cards- “The Voyage Home-” the second card- “and…” he pauses, the pen hovering above the last card. “You know… Everyone is always saying I should branch out from Star Trek. I supposed it wouldn’t hurt to just try something else for once. What do you think?”
But T’ana doesn’t answer, too busy being a cat and trying to chew on the pen in Sungwon’s hand now that it had stopped moving.
“No, no, you’re right. Trust the system. If you pick the something else then we’ll watch the something else.”
On the last card he writes Breaking Bad, which he had been recommended several times by many different people but had never gotten around to watching.
He shuffles the cards around and places them, face down, on the floor in front of T’ana.
She looks at the cards as if she were genuinely trying to make a decision, then baps a paw down near the one on the left. Or perhaps she was just going for a small bug on the floor Sungwon hadn’t noticed.
He turns the card over.
The Voyage Home.
“Aw, yes, that’s what I wanted to watch!” He scratches T’ana under the chin and gets up to put the movie in the DVD player.
When he sits back down on the couch, Quark leaps up onto his lap and makes himself comfortable, purring happily as Sungwon pats him between the ears. T’ana climbs onto the couch as well, settling half on the back and half on Sungwon’s shoulder.
Sungwon relaxes, ready to just chill after a long day.
Snuggling with his cats and watching his favorite movie- there was nowhere else he’d rather be right now.
It isn’t until the credits are rolling and Sungwon is cleaning up from the earlier meal that he gets an urgent text from Aislinn telling him and Gabe to turn on the local news.
And just like that, the good vibes Sungwon had been trying to build up since coming home were gone.
All fics - @peonyblossom
Fic of the week - @choicesficwriterscreations
#choices fic writers creations#Laws of Attraction#Laws of Attraction 2#oc: Reigan Lee#gut's fics#<- that's my new fanfic tag. so i can find em all.
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◇ Yuuki's New Club ◇
Yuuki stared at the poster in their hand. They furrowed their brow as their hand stiffened, trying not to tear the paper in frustration. Their other hand grew sweaty with fear, and the tape in that hand turned damp. Grim, Ace and Deuce simply stared. This nervousness was nothing new from Yuuki.
"Come on, Henchman, just put up the sign already!" Grim yelled causing Yuuki to drop the tape.
Yuuki groaned as they clumsily picked up the tape from the ground. "Ugh, its... it's not that simple for me, Grim! I mean, gosh... in my world, people treated me like a speck of literal dust! It's not unusual for me to not want to but myself out there. Ugh, why did Crowely even allow me to make this stupid club..."
Deuce walked to Yuuki, putting a hand on their shoulder. "Yuuki, if you need us to put up these poster for you, we can. But, just so you know, I think your club will be amazing! Whether people join or not."
Ace lightly pushed Deuce away. "Ugh, don't let them off the hook, Deuce! Yuuki should be able to do this themselves. They shouldn't be relying on us to do stuff for em! Do you remember last week when we had to give an entire presentation because Yuuki was too afraid to go up in front of the class? Or maybe when-"
"Okay! Okay! I get it, Ace..." Yuuki quickly interrupted Ace and then looked at their poster.
☆「Art Club」☆
Founded by Yuuki Kamiyama, Art Club will be for people to not only make art, but research it, learn about its origins, and come to appreciate the work that goes into making a masterpiece.
If you'd like to join, please meet Yuuki in class 1-F tomorrow immediately after school ends.
Yuuki stared at the words. Who would want to join this club? Who would want to join Yuuki? They sighed. "Do you guys think anyone would want to join this club?"
Grim, Ace and Deuce paused for a moment. Then Ace spoke up. "Of course, Yuuki. There's gotta be at least one person in this school who loves art as much as you do. I'm sure of it!"
Deuce smiled. "I agree. You'll surely find people for your club here."
Grim jumped onto Yuuki's shoulder. "Yeah! C'mon Yuuki, you gotta think positive!"
Yuuki sighed again and smiled as they brushed their hair to the side. "I sure hope you guys are right." Then, Yuuki tore a piece of tape and stuck the poster to the lunchroom wall.
"Okay, let's get out of here before I change my mind..." Yuuki quickly turned away from the poster. Ace and Deuce followed.
◇ Welcome to Art Club! ◇
Yuuki has made their very own club! In classroom 1-F, they hold Art Club.
Yuuki would love some new members! Would you be willing to join?
Only NRC students can join!
Everyone can participate! Whether you're following me or not.
You can make fanart, make cards, write fanfics, etc.
Tag me if you choose to make anything for this mini event!
If you choose to make a card, you can use these club card blanks from my good friend, trinket!
I made the club badges below and the classroom background above. Please credit me if you use them! I have made an Art Club badge for every single canon NRC dorm.
Dress Code:
All you have to do is wear your club shirt (a shirt with the club badge on it). That's it! Everything else is up to you.
I will be posting Yuuki's own club card, as well!
◇ Club Members ◇
Yuubeni Chōga - @bunniehunn
That's it!
If you have any questions, please ask me!
Tagging below:
@cheerleaderman @moonyasnow @ashipiko @babyghoul138 @skibidibabygirl @skriblee-ksk @oya-oya-okay @the-rini-rush @twtysevapr @taruruchi @scint1llat3 @screamintoad @bunniehunn @gimmeurmoneyagh @offorestsongs @shinysparklesapphires @beneathsakurashade @gl00myb3arz @fell-e @the-trinket-witch @boopshoops
Let me know if you don't want to be tagged!
#💙 - yuuki#twst#disney twst#twisted wonderland#disney twisted wonderland#ocs#twst oc#twst fanart#twst fanevent#custom twst event#twst event#twst art
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Current Plans + Musings
I don't plan on playing Exedra to the degree I did for Magia Record, or playing it at all. Because of that, I won't be taking an active role in the community and archiving anything for it. Of course, if Exedra has like amazing gameplay and stories then this is all subject to change, but for now I think I'm done with phone games.
The two youtube channels will stay up and I'll check em periodically to make sure there aren't copyright strikes against the content. I've saved all my raw files, especially for the battle animations, so I can remake them in the future if the music ever becomes a problem for some reason.
Google Drive will stay up until Google rots away. I haven't recorded footage in a long time (as in stories, I do for the character doppels and such), but I'll upload things if they're sent to me.
Magia Union Translations still plans on translating things and making videos, especially leading up to the end, but also for after the game is over for whatever wasn't made in time. I'm not sure what form this will take in the future-- if it'll be manual captions added to the videos or not, but I know it WILL happen.
As for this blog, I'm not going to delete it or anything. However I'm going to be taking a step back. I'd like to say that I'll do liveblogs but I mean... *gestures at blog* I've been saying that for years and the only one I really did successfully was the Oriko one lmao. Ahhh oh well.
I'll have more words later, but it was really fun to be part of a fandom experience like this. I'm excited to work on my own original story projects though and quiet down a bit.
When I started this blog, I never expected it to have people actually read it. Or look at it. I just wanted a place to gush about how much fun I was having. I didn't even want to tag the posts with "Magia Record" at first because I was terrified people would be mean at me, haha.
But I'm glad I did. I made so many good friends through this game. I'm glad it existed. And it made me happy to have a place where people cared about what I had to say. Some folks actually got their news from here, can you imagine that? They had notifications turned on for this blog. My god.
Anyways, I'm going to be here for the next two months, and tomorrow I'll start reblogging fan projects and initiatives, plus general news. Maybe this blog will turn into a dumping site for art and fanfic reblogs, who knows. I might watch the remaining stuff and add various thoughts here and there.
Otherwise, you can find me on my main blog @malignmuffin, which only reblogs stuff (I don't talk much if at all there). I have another tumblr blog for my comic, but I think I'll reshare the name once I actually have content you can look at on it. It's pretty bare bones for the moment.
Actually it'll be funny if the end of this game is what makes me finally work on it again. I was in the process of working on it when NA came out, and it totally derailed me. Stopped writing, drawing, just focused on this silly little phone game. Now it's like those five years have gone by and I'm going back to where I started, except I think my lil comic is going to be a bit better than it was before. If I actually make it, that is.
If I ever do actually make my comic and start posting it, I'll be sure to update y'all here. hah
Anyways, thanks for being on this wild ride with me. The memories have been great, and I'm glad I had this experience, even if it had to end.
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World famous rock star Choso Kamo's new live-in assistant is convinced that she can fix him -- substance abuse issues and all. Tensions ensue, and as new feelings rise to the surface, the two find it difficult to maintain an appropriate workplace relationship.
(or; the one where an unstable musician meets an assistant with a savior complex).
╭─ ⋅ ─ ✩ ─ ⋅ ─╮
▷ prologue
▷ the interview
▷ behind the scenes
╰─ ⋅ ─ ✩ ─ ⋅ ─╯
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : jun 6, 2024
cover art credits: @/2OARIN on twitter
streaming... Kiss Land (The Weeknd).
cw/tags: rockstar!au, loosely based off of 'the idol', keyword very loosely... bc it sucked., slow burn, mutual pining, sassy reader, not really enemies to lovers but let's just say they drive eachother crazy. toxic relationship, but it gets better, mental instability, mental breakdowns, mentions of relapse (will include tw!), implied/referenced alcohol abuse/alcoholism, recreational drug use, implied/referenced drug addiction, HE GETS BETTER I SWEARRRR, eventual smut, sexual tension, explicit sexual content, oral sex, doggy style, cowgirl position, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, questionable decisions just like all around, dark romance, reader is a little delusional (me too its ok), rough sex, rough kissing, rough angry sex, just read it it'll be a sexy and amazing time, choso my beloved you can do no wrong, except maybe in this particular fanfic, LISTEN TO KISS LAND BY THE WEEKND.
#smoke and mirrors ☄. *. ⋆#choso kamo#choso x reader#choso kamo x reader#choso x you#choso x y/n#choso kamo x y/n#choso smut#choso angst#choso fluff#jjk x reader#jjk x you#jjk x y/n
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Flashfic Writealong FAQ: Feb 2025 Version
What is this thing?
It’s a writing “challenge” where you write a flash fic, ideally for MacGyver fandom. By “flash fic” I mean something <1000 words, but like most other “rules” of the writealong, it’s not set in stone. Make of it what you will!
Why are we doing this?
Look, back in 2022, I wanted to try my hand at writing some flash-sized fanfics (a big change from my 10k+ normal fic size). So I invited all the MacGyver writers to play along with me. And then we did it again in 2023. It’s like peer pressure, except everybody wins because everybody gets new fics to read. Yay!
How will it work?
There will be 10 prompts over 3 weekends starting February 20, 2025. Most prompts will be posted 2 days before the target posting date. The idea is to write a tiny story quickly, without overcomplicating it. (Overcomplication, my beloved...!)
What if I miss the target date? Can I post it later?
Heck yeah!
Is this a whump challenge thing?
No, write whatever you want. Variety is the spice of life and one of my favorite things about this fandom. ❤️ I’ll write h/c but everybody is welcome to play along. Ship all your ships. Smut it up if you wanna. Just tag your stuff appropriately. **
** Shippers, please use the longstanding ship tags for your ship so your stories can be found/avoided by the people who want to find/avoid them:
What about AI-generated or assisted fic?
This challenge has ONE hard and fast rule: absolutely NO AI generated or AI assisted fic. Write it yourself or don’t participate.
I wrote a thing! When do I post it?
Any time on or after the day the prompts were for. For example, if you wrote a story using the June 10 prompts, post it on June 10 (your local time) or whenever you have it ready after that.
Where should it be posted?
Tumblr or AO3 ideally. But do whatever you want with your fic! This is supposed to be fun. And maybe less stressful than other challenges? Or more, you decide.
Is there an AO3 collection?
The collection will open on Feb 20 and will be titled February 2025 MacGyver Flashfic Writealong. Please add your story! :)
What about Tumblr tags?
Event tag: #MacGyver Flashfic Writealong
Day tag: #june 10 (for the day the prompts were “for”, regardless of when you post ‘em)
What are the prompts?
The prompts will be set to post at 9am PT (UTC-7) 2 days before the day they’re for. For example, the prompts for June 22 will be set to post at 9am PT on June 20. There are also a few alternate prompts in case the day’s prompts aren’t inspiring you.
How do I participate?
Write a thing related to the prompts and post it. :) Tag this blog if you want it reblogged.
Who’s running this thing?
It’s meeee, @rosieblogstuff. 👋
Prompt Sets Posted So Far
Set 1 for Saturday, February 22
Set 2 for Sunday, February 23
Set 3 for Monday, February 24
Set 4 for Thursday, February 27
Set 5 for Saturday, March 1
Set 6 for Sunday, March 2
Set 7 for Monday, March 3
Set 8 for Thursday, March 6
Set 9 for Saturday, March 8
Set 10 for Sunday, March 9
Set 11 for Monday, March 10
Alternate Prompts
#macgyver 2016#macgyver#macgyver flashfic writealong#rosie's writealong#fanfiction#writing challenge#flash fiction
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YE GADS, CAN IT BE? It's that time of year again!
For those not in the know, every year (sometime between September and October - this year it'll run from September 1 through September 8) we issue a challenge to everyone in the fandom to write a zero-editing quickly-written fanfic every day for a week. Each year there's an optional theme; this year it's EXTREMELY VAGUE PROMPTS!
How vague? Well, here's the list. If you're going with the theme, each prompt should be used in the fic somewheres, be it at the start, the end, or somewhere in the middle but sparking the idea of the rest of the fic around it (somehow!).
"I never thought I'd be sick of this."
"No, seriously, za?!"
"Your mom said to call her when we got there."
“Well. Didn’t expect that.”
“I’m sorry, it does what?”
“Don’t worry, I know where all of the bodies are buried.”
"So, I figured out how my new spell works. Kinda."
"What smells like pancakes in here?"
“Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, and I have no idea what that is.”
"We've been lost for the last hour!"
“You did safety test this, right? Right???”
"It's morally, ethically, AND structurally questionable."
“Well, if you’d told me when I woke up this morning that I’d end my day shaving off this much fur…”
"Pants always feel weird with a tail."
“Wait. That body part is not normally that shape, is it?”
“You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means”
"That isn't inherently romantic, is it?"
“No, really, I know what I’m doing. Now don’t flinch.”
Q: What is a flashfic?
A: A short fanfic with no minimum word count that's written in a single sitting with no editing.
Q: What do I do when I'm done?
A: POST THAT STUFF. You can put it on Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction dot net (if you must), your own website, or just toss it up here or on the Discord!
Q: Is there a collection I should post it to on AO3?
A: Not officially, but please tag it "EGS Flashfic Week 2024" if you post there!
Q: Do I have to use the theme?
A: I'm not your parent, you do you.
Q: Are crossovers okay?
A: See above answer.
Q: Can I add more extremely vague prompts?
A: Sure, comment `em down below.
Q: Do you have a really good bread recipe to share?
A: Not relevant! But yeah the Peasant's Bread recipe on the King Arthur Flour site is basically foolproof. Love that stuff.
Q: What about fan art?
A: If you do fan art every day during flashfic week I will find out where you live, fly out there, and give you the BIGGEST freaking hug. Or, well, probably not, but know that I'll be thinking about doing that.
#El Goonish Shive#Officially Unofficial#EGS Flashfic Week#EGS Flashfic Week 2024#Fanfic#Fanfiction#Flashfic
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Hey, it's been awhile since I updated y'all!
There was one ask I got a blue moon ago about Magic Between the Moon & Sky, and I will sadly report that I do not see myself updating that series for the foreseeable future. I didn't want to be one of those authors who make a 100 oneshot series then stop, but I am just not a fan of TDP at the moment so it's hard to really find the passion to write for a fandom I'm not in anymore.
I also know a good many of you are wondering about Loyalty & Light but I can confidently say that there is nothing solid yet. Another batch of twenty chapters is a lot for me and it will take a long while for it to get up and kicking. But I am still working at it. Don't be afraid to keep asking about it or to send asks! The comments I've been getting are a great inspiration!
Meanwhile, for The Most Undoing Thing, the final two chaps are coming! Regardless of season 2, this does not change the development of the fic at all. TMUT was always set in a post-season 1 only AU formula. I hoped to finish it before season 2, but alas, I did not. That said, I am immensely appreciative of the surge of love and attention toward TMUT. I guess a lot of people are aching for some Mama Jinx after Isha, huh? ( >ヮ<).
So when's TMUT coming out? Well here's a rundown:
Arcane/Legends of Runeterra, Mama Jinx AU, multi-chapter story (Title: "The Most Undoing Thing"). Chapter 19 sometime January.
The Owl House, Lealtad Noceda big sister/beta sister AU, multi-chapter story (Title: "Loyalty & Light"). Season 2, chap 21-41 in development!
The Owl House & The Ghost and Molly McGee crossover, crossover AU, multi-chapter story (Title: "The Light and Molly McGee"). Still in development!
Halloween fics: yeah I got delayed, so I'm gonna aim for 2025 Halloween now hopefully...
Once again, all is subject to change of course. Between uni, my newfound interest with D&D, and personal matters, it's hard to find time to write. But I still wanna write! I love writing fics and I miss posting 'em. Fall sem is done and I am hyped to write. As always, if you're interested in these fics, I have a few asks or posts about them that you can find via tags!
In other news, I will officially state that I am now ceasing use of FFN or Fanfiction.Net. This doesn't mean I'll delete my account and all stories up there, but for the future, I will not crosspost anymore fanfics on FFN. With all the issues it's had over the years, and a new wave of scam mail, I'm just tired of it. I'm sad too, because I'm aware of the recent traction I've been getting on there as well, but I'm afraid I'm just too tired of it.
So, I'm only using Ao3 from here on out. Sorry to all you FFN users, but I hope you can find the leniency to at least follow my stories on Ao3!
By the way, tags with “bleh update” keep track of all incoming fic posts! And check out my Fandom Masterlist to see what I’m into! Also Here’s all my Fanfics!
That’s all for now. Stay safe and take care all!
Until next post,
- Bleh
#bleh update#L&L#L&L update#toh big sister au#toh beta sister au#MBTMS#MBTMS update#tdp rayllum#The Most Undoing Thing#TMUT#TMUT update#arcane#arcane fanfics#legends of runeterra#legends of runeterra fanfics#arcane memes#arcane jinx#The Light and Molly McGee#TLaMM#TLaMM update#tgamm#the ghost and molly mcgee#oneshots#twd rick
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Styles of Storytelling Structure
OK love of God I'm so embarrassed that every post I make gets insane long. I tried to match this explanation up with the previous ask but it got so long, so this elaboration gets its own post. For reference, these tags are referencing this post. Read that one first if you want.
I hope I can find a way to explain this succinctly and non-judgmentally. I do mean it extremely nonjudgmentally. I write both kinds and they both have their own merits.
For me, there's two kinds of fanfic writing. I call 'em Fic Style and Novel Style. This isn't about tropes or content, but about how the author composes the story.
Novel style is the 'traditional' way of writing a story. It has a three act structure, rising action/climax/falling action, tight pacing, every scene does five plot/character/theme related things. It reads like a published short story or a book.
Fic style is often reliant on the source material to make complete sense, and its plot or characterization is usually scaffolded onto the main material. For many of these stories you use the pre-existing canon structure. The story isn't as structured or tightly written, scenes are more likely to be there for vibes, and there tends to be more worldbuilding and a slower pace in general. It's worth noting that fic style can often really resemble soap opera, comic books, long-running manga, Dr Who, etc. Anything serialized, meant to continue on for a long time with no definite end point.
(If you're a frequent flier, to give you some idea: New Wave and Good Luck Jake were novel style, Hope Etc and Listen 2 Ur Heart were fic style. Twilight on Owl Creek Bridge was novel/short story style, reel to reel was fic style.)
Neither is better or worse than the other. They can be both equally enjoyable. One of my favorite fics is 'a simple thing' by iridan and it's fic style. Case fics are more likely to be novel style [I suck at case fics]. Shortly, fic style is easier to write, more likely to be enjoyable, and harder to make very good. Novel style is really hard to write. Super hard.
This is because novel-style writing just requires more skills. You need to lock down story structure, plotting, tension, connecting physical/emotional/plot/theme, pairing story beats with character beats, and dealing with a lot of different plot threads at once. I think of it as braiding, kind of: weaving three character arcs, a plot arc, growth of character relationships, and development of the themes and messaging. A scene should ideally do all of these things at once. Everything needs to be perfectly matched together so it all moves as one. The longer the story is, the more content of all of this you have to deal with, and the more difficult it is to do well. You're just juggling more balls. I had to write one bad 100k story and another mediocre 100k story before I got to a kinda-good 100k story. Forget about how long it took me to get to a decent freaking 60k story. I wrote really enjoyable 60k fic style stories before an actually good 60k novel style story.
This is why skills have to scaffold. I think a lot of beginner writers are constantly trying to fight those level 60 boss fights at level 20 and they get frustrated when they lose. You have to figure out how to write decent dialogue and decent prose before putting together a good scene. Then you have to figure out how to string a series of scenes together in a way that makes sense. Then you have to figure out how to put those scenes in the right order to make some kind of coherent and interesting story with conflict and character arcs. Then you start tossing one ball in the air and figure out how to write those 20k short stories. Then you add more and more balls as your stories get longer and more complex. You have to develop a lot of different skills individually to put together a well-structured final product that's fun to read.
Stop getting so frustrated when you can't beat out a 60k story that's Barnes & Nobles worthy when you're a beginning writer! Stop dreaming big! I know how frustrating it is not being able to put what's in your head down on paper. It's not going to be perfect. Of course you're having issues writing longer things, you're still figuring out how to put longer things together.
Pick something to work on. Figure out what skills you still need to develop. Figure out how stories work and what makes a good story, and then try and build it yourself. You do not need to write a traditional novel style story to develop your skills in dialogue, prose, characterization, tone, tension, POV, etc. You can get that stuff down first. If you're interested in working on story structure and pacing you'll have to practice doing things traditionally. No, you're not going to be happy with it. Be proud of yourself that you improved and developed a skill. Be proud of yourself that you're writing. Writing is hard. It's fun, but hard. If you aren't having fun then you're just left with the hard.
Writing isn't about the finished product. It's not about if you wrote something that people enjoyed or said was good. It's about enjoying writing. Everything else happens naturally from there.
#i am kind of speaking assuming that you're really invested in skill development and not just vibing and fucking around#the ppl fucking around are more valid than i am tbh#they're the geniuses here.#writing#writing advice#I guess.#i think it's hard to understand that skills need to scaffold if you haven't sat down and parsed out how stories work#so maybe that's step 0?
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November/December 2023 Angel Fish Awards
(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @deanwinchesterswitch
Five-Finger Discount by @talltalesandbedtimestories
This story is so smartly written - so many fantastic descriptions and lines of dialogue and it flows so beautifully. I didn’t want it to end. If you don't already have an obsession with Dean's hands, you will by the end of this fic.
Nominated by @annahmiraculousmillenium
A New Form by Kenophobia (AO3)
I'm nominating this story because it introduced me to a new tag I really like now: "Shapeshifter Dean" Sam is bossy (and Dean actually obeys!) Bobby is in there! John dies! And other cool things I don't want to spoil. Also, it's gen.
Nominated by @glygriffe
Said the Salmon to the Sea by @bendingsignpost
A mesmerizing (or mermaid-rising?) Dean-centric story about change, about the fact that it comes whether we want it to or not, and how the heck we deal with it. “If this is as far as we can go, it’s as far as we can go,” Dean says with a heavy shrug. Slowly, Sam says, “It’s as far as I can go.” “Yeah, that’s what I just said.”
The Angel of Emetgis V by Kayliemanlinza (AO3)
I read this as part of the Dean/Cas Reversebang 2022 (with beautiful art by @missaceriee) and the concept of true-form Castiel as an alien meeting "grease-monkey" Dean in deep space is compelling as much as how love is expressed between species. (Here is the original DCRB post that made me discover the story)
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
Unlikely by @apocalypseornaw
This story was written for me for the Secret Santa hosted on the Pond. It's a lovely fic with Ketch/GN!Reader, something there kind of is a lack of (both with GN and Male reader inserts). And like, also with Ketch lol it was a really nice pick-me-up as I'm not having the best of times right now, and it made me read an author I didn't know before, so it's a win-win Situation!
Follow That Car! by Mrs_SimonTam_PHD (AO3)
A really nice, short Ketch/Dean story with a side of murder. "I wish to fuck you, Dean" is forever embedded in my brain.
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
Spotless by @stusbunker
This is a Dean x reader AU with SO MUCH DELICIOUS PINING!!!! And now Bela's involved! And the reader gets to watch Dean and Bela make heart eyes at each other!! SO MUCH YUMMY ANGST!!!
Nominated by @salt-n-burn-em-all
Care and Feeding by foolishgames (AO3)
Sam is somehow turned into a cat. The best stories are the first and last ones if you are not an S/D reader, then can be read as mostly Gen.
Dissecting the Bird by nigeltde (AO3)
♥♥♥ Just right.
The Witch and the Wolfen by meus_venator (AO3)
I love everything about this story- meus has an amazing talent and this is one I reread often- plus, it just got a second story!
Sounds Like Truth Feels Like Courage by Sprinkle888 (AO3)
Well-written SPN story. Gen, no pairing, but it doesn’t need one. Sam binds them together with some MoL magic rings and finding out how they work is a riot. Some angst, temp character death, but ends happily. 10/10 recommend. Also posted on my Tumblr.
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
Slither by Tiamatv (AO3)
I absolutely love this story! The show of cultural differences between Dean and Castiel that even the reader will miss the cues. Lol! The conversation about sex was hilarious especially since Dean doesn’t ask. 😂 Wait until you read the word “clasp”. Poor Dean. Look up the word: hemipene. This stems all the hilarity in the fic. Just wait. Just wait. It’s hilarious!! SPOILER: Castiel is a naga refugee that is half human and half beautiful snake, and Sam basically “adopted” him as a charity project that turns into Dean’s charity project that ends up making him very happy very quickly.
Rubber Duckie Boots by Hexentaenzerin (AO3)
This such an adorable meet-cute. I love it! I also love that Dean wears rubber duckie boots while videoing carpet cleaning videos for his business, which Castiel absolutely loves to watch. Just can’t get enough of seeing Dean in those boots. Castiel even buys a rug to try to get Dean to notice him. **squee** It’s great! The ending is so Dean and Castiel. ❤️❤️❤️
Weighted by Tiamatv and amireal (AO3)
I absolutely love this fic because I actually sleep with a weighted blanket and when my kids are sick, they love their own. I even have one in the car. It’s light but enough to feel it. This is just so fluffy and romantic all thanks to our favorite redhead introducing weighted blankets which helps so much. It’s been shown to even help babies but blankets aren’t great for them. Anyway, they’re so cute and that scene where Dean opens his eyes all slow and gentle with “hey”, just broke me. My husband and I do that periodically and it just means more snuggles and sleep. lol. Poor Castiel thinking he couldn’t have Dean which I understand since Dean has said so much he is straight or implied it rather often. Ugh. This was done so well. I admit I wish there was more especially with Dean exploring this new aspect of himself and with Castiel. Curious to see what their bumps in the road are and how they handle it.
Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind by Fathersalmon (AO3)
First, this is smut. Second. It is fucking hilarious! I rarely find crack in smut. You have to read this hilarity. Dean’s sassy mouth is just amazing in this while Castiel just ignores him. 🤣 If you want to laugh, read this!
Firelight Glow by bleuzombie (AO3)
I just love how it progresses and the ending is great though. It’s so sweet and fluffy. Their connection is so tangible the reader can feel it like the characters do. It also has Trans Dean Winchester, which I always love to read, especially by @bleuzombie who knows how to write them so authentically and truthfully.
Nominated by @spencereliotwinchester
Stray Hearts by blujay44 (AO3)
It's definitely a weird one, but I really like how fluffy it is. Really, though, it's weird... but it's a feel-good one, especially when Jensen comforts Jared.
Pastiche (orphaned work on AO3)
This is literally one of my favorite SPN fics ever. I reread it a lot. Features Autistic!Jensen and loveable goldenretriever Jared who just wants to get to know his neighbor.
Flash by ellia (AO3)
Short, sweet, almost possessive... Also features my two favorite boys: Jensen and Christian.
For the Taking by veronamay (AO3)
Steamy, sexy, bdsm, Jared and Jensen. What more could you ask for??
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
House of the Rising Son by @kittenofdoomage
I really love the idea of Sam and Dean being the bad guys! The story as a whole is so goood!
Blood and Honey by @kittenofdoomage
Dark!Winchesters are my favorite kind of tropes! This is such a great story, very well written!
Baklavas For Your Birthday by @cloverhighfive
This is very cute!!!
Muddy Soul by @impala-dreamer
This is so good! Its very dark at times and you absolutely need to mind the tags! But this is such a great series!
Strangers by @smellingofpoetry
Very cute story!! I liked it!!!
I am my beloved’s and my beloved’s mine by @heavenssexiestangel
Very cute! Very fluffy!!!! I liked it!!!!
- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @spencereliotwinchester, and @heavenssexiestangel!
#angel fish awards#angel fish awards masterlist#spnfanficpond#fan fiction#fanfiction#fan fic#fanfic#spn fan fiction#spn fanfiction#spn fan fic#spn fanfic#supernatural fan fiction#supernatural fan fic#supernatural fanfiction#supernatural fanfic#fic rec#spn fic rec#supernatural fic rec#the winchesters#spnwin#supernatural#pond admin
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Hi there!
Figured I should make a proper pinned message at some point.
I'm Tatters, your local fluffy flying fox! :3 Main fursona is the bat in question, secondary is a honeybee named Lore.
I go by she/they/it, and post all my art on here as well as reblogging stuff I like. Multifandom and my hyperfixations change often lol, my top fandoms are FNAF, Undertale/Deltarune, Pokemon, Crypt of the NecroDancer, MLP, Rain World, and Hollow Knight.
Big fan of small animals, especially bugs! (As such, trigger warning for bug and spider pictures, i usually tag them with #bugs and #spiders but i might miss 'em!)
If you like my work, following and/or reblogging helps a lot! I love getting comments on / asks about my stuff too!! :3 My comms are usually open. If you're interested or just want to support me, check out my Ko-Fi! Thanks for reading!
Original Universes:
Fauxtail City - A large, sprawling city where most of my anthro OCs live. Set on the scenic Ambiscale Bay, the city is - uniquely compared to other cities in its world - divided into districts that accommodate the needs of different species. There are five - Woodland, Aquatic, Polar, Mountain, and Desert. While it is mostly a nice place to live, behind the scenes there is a power struggle, between the crime organization known as the Butterfly Knives, and the mildly corrupt, cheap, and lazy City Council.
Synfall - The underworld of a realm known as Eclypson. It is similar to many other Hell depictions, fire and brimstone, except that its leaders have discovered how to harness thermal energy and have built a capitol metropolis! There's a very strict social hierarchy, with imps at the waaay bottom and the archdemons and King Lucifer at the top. (Lucifer and his cabinet are merely named after demon princes; they are not one and the same.)
Floristead - Set in a future long beyond an apocalypse that left human civilization barren to be reclaimed by nature, Floristead is a land centered on the worldtree Serarchbor. Sentient plant creatures, Botanomorphs, have risen to become the dominant species thanks to its influences on the land.
Ectopolis - A spectral city only visible and tangible to ghosts. Newly dead souls make their way here in order to visit The Pool, a large, mysterious collection of colorful Ectoplasm that souls then use to make new ghost forms for themselves. The spectral plane has other settlements and is spread all across Earth's atmosphere, but Ectopolis is the biggest by far due to the presence of the Pool. It is run by Mayor Hyper, who is one of the only ghosts to be formed by the high-energy splotches of Ectoplasm that rarely form on the surface of the Pool, called Hyperplasm.
Tag Stuff:
#my art - My own artwork! - #oc art - For all my various original characters. Feel free to send in asks about any of them, I LOVE rambling about literally all of them!!!! - #sona art - For specifically art of Tatters, Lore, Mally, and Glimmer. - #fanart - For stuff I make that's based on existing properties. - #ship art - For any fandom shipping, I don't do it often but i love a choice few :3 - #art comms - Comm work I've done for other people! #tatters squeaks - Usually general rambles that may or may not mean anything.
#bat mail - Any answered asks. Feel free to send in stuff!! #my writing - Links to my fanfics and stuff. - #oc info - OC lore and whatnot #bats - Bat pics I find/reblog! #bugs - Same but insects and arthropods in general! #aquatic - Anything related to water critters! All three also can include art I find of such! #cute art / #cool art - Reblogged art tags! I didn't have foresight when making the cute art tag that I would reblog art that isn't necessarily trying to be cute, so I just threw on "cool art" as a more generic one xD
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hihi are you still continuing everything stays?
hi lovely!
unfortunately i dont think i'll be doing any more imagines any time soon, but if i do, i'll be sure to bring out the proper fanfare
if you like bishova and wandanat, i am in the works (very distant works) of a fic w a similar vibe on my ao3, which is now going to be entirely fanfic that isn't self-insert but you can still find some of 'em on there if you're signed up though this blog is your best bet to find all of them.
however, if you wanna stick w imagines that's totally fine and here's some awesome authors you should follow if you don't already!
@abbyromanoff (they're still new-ish to posting/writing here so make sure to give them extra love and they were a longtime follower of my blog so i mayyyy be a lil biased hehe)
@scmg11 (another longtime follower and semi-new poster (i think) so also give em extra love!)
@cinamonqirl (kate bishop exclusive writer, i think they've also followed me for a while haha but they got some great kate fics)
@maximoffwitch (quality smut content)
@marvelobsessed134 (also quality smut. sorry, i am apparently always horny)
@caroldantops (longtime fav of mine)
@reminiscingtonight (another longtime fav of mine)
if i forgot about you, im sorry, let's use this as an opportunity to shout out some writers! im sorry i'm not writing imagines so much anymore, but i might turn back to em bc they're a good way for me to exercise my writing and my brain. who knows.
i hope you guys are doing okay! even though im not on here so much, this inbox is always open if you need to vent and if you need fic recs! i love you guys so much and im so thankful for the love you show for my writing, even now. when i get them lil notifs in my email i get so much goddamn serotonin in my system
if you want, you can follow my main blog (which is multifandom and just kinda nonsensical, i usually go on weird tangents in tags) @bluebipples ooooor if you wanna read my bishova (and maybe future wandanat?) fics, you can follow my other writing/fic blog @sapphroditewrites though they're all gonna be on ao3 and only available to read if you're a member. im pretty sure somewhere on this very blog is me stressing over the aipocalypse
alright, enough about me and you, if you're a writer or have a writer you love for imagines, please feel free to shout them/yourself out!
#and if i annoyed u by tagging u IM SORRY MY LOVE ANNOYS YOU#im jk#no but fr i love u all i hope ur ok pls remember to take care of urselves#also i try to follow back on my main bc i've been on here for so long half of my ogs are.... gone :(
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twenty questions for fic writers
Thank ya @femalefemur <333
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Just the modern warfare reboot at the moment, but I’ve got fics from a few different fandoms
4. top five fics by kudos
First Light (ghost/soap)
Keep going (ghost/soap)
Completely, Selfishly (connor/gavin)
Every way that matters (ghost/soap)
Headshot Holidays (ghost/soap)
5. do you respond to comments?
I try! I really, really appreciate anyone who takes the time to leave comments, especially with fanfic being treated more and more like ~ quick to consume content~ I try to respond to every comment because the least I can say is thank you <3 But I got way behind on replies so there are a lot just sitting in my inbox waiting right now 💀 Swear I’m gonna get to em eventually
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
How it’s supposed to be (connor/gavin) bc it’s just both of them fucking dying lmao
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is a hard one bc I’m very much an angst with a happy ending writer, so most of my stories end on at least a hopeful note. I’ll say Every way that matters bc they are both just so sickly sweet in this one
8. do you get hate on fics?
Not bad enough that I remember. I used to have older works up before I regrettably purged them from existence that I remember getting rude comments on but wouldn’t necessarily categorise as hate
9. do you write smut?
Hellll yeahhh brotherrrr
10. craziest crossover:
I don’t have any crossovers per say but I’d really like to do a twister inspired tf 141 fic
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of 👀
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
No but I’m ok with it
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but I think it would be fun with someone I’m comfortable enough with! *looks at Camus with big sickly green eyes*
14. all time favorite ship?
Destiel owns me until I die, they were part of my life for so long and there is just so many years and so much between them. But god do I love ghoap
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I am going to finish all my wips even if they end up sucking ass
16. what are your writing strengths?
Dialogue maybe? I’ve been told I have good dialogue
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Aghhh descriptions. I hate describing things. I just want the things to Happen. And pacing lmao. This is one reason why I’ve always struggled with long fics
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I know a lot of people find it unnecessary and jarring but I love it. Especially because it can encourage people to become interested in a new language
19. first fandom you wrote in?
I can’t remember if it was doctor who or my chemical romance but I’m pretty sure it was one of the two?
20. favorite fic you've written?
Oh it’s definitely gonna be Sundowning when I finish it. But so far my fav posted one is probably headshot holidays (ghost/soap) or music of the night (newt/hermann)
I’ll tag uhhhh @solivagantingrebel @lokibus @tumbleweedtech @forestshadow-wolf and anyone else who wants to do it! (sorry if y’all have already been tagged in this, I haven’t been very active on here the past few days so 🫡)
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🐻A Jewelers Expertise🧸
This is related to the first two fanfics I did about Alfie and Teddy, but this one is very sweet. And also has a bit of jealous Alfie.
Tags: @hoodeddreams13
“Alfie! We got a new shipment of jewellery!”
“About fucking time!!!”
He walked to the boxes and had a look at the items, carefully, through his eyeglass. He picked up a ring and asked, “Why the fuck is this mainly paste?!” He threw a bunch of other jewellery out of the box, when he found a cross. One that had real crystals that were embedded into it. “That one’s alright! I think I’ll have that”. “But… you’re Jewish—!” Alfie rolled his eyes as he asked, “Did I fucking say it was for me?! Ey?! No! I fucking didn’t!” He threw more jewellery out, finding very little authentic jewellery, and more paste. “Shit”.
“Alright, who fucking sent us this box?! Find out and fucking shoot ‘em!”
When he got home that night, he groaned and petted Cyril, who greeted him at the door. “Alright, where is he…? Still in bed, buddy?” Alfie walked into his room, finding Teddy, still sleeping. He had been unwell for a week, so Alfie refused to let him work. His job was to rest. He sat on the bed, waking Teddy up, and he sat up with a smile. “Sorry… I didn’t hear you come in…”. “It’s alright, sweetheart. You should be resting. But, I got a shipment of jewellery today, which turned out to be paste. So, I wasn’t happy. The man who sold us that shit thought he could scam us, so we shot him!”
Teddy then hugged his arm and said, “I’m sorry work didn’t go so well”. “Yeah, well, enough about me. Are ya getting any better?” The blonde nodded and said, “I stopped sneezing. I just have a cough now”. “Heh… because you take your medicine”, Alfie chuckled, as his boyfriend glared up at him. “Hm. You don’t, you stubborn man. Thinking you can take on the world?” He rolled his eyes and kissed his head. “Alright. Shut up, you. Here”. Teddy looked down at a red box, and he was surprised by it. “Alfie, you could’ve sold this…! Any jewellery that was authentic is profitable”. “You make it sound like I don’t know how to work! Would ya just open it?”, Alfie asked. Teddy giggled, doing so.
Then his eyes widened in shock. “Y-You…”. “You lost yours in the war, didn’t ya? I know your first one was from your Mum… but when I saw this, I just thought about how much it would make ya happy, ya know?”, Alfie explained. Teddy then teared up and nodded as he leaned against him. “I’d kiss you, but I don’t want to make you sick, either”. Then Alfie laughed softly as he said, “I’m built like an ox! I’ll be fine!” “Yeah, well… when you’re sick, you become grumpy. I ain’t dealing with a grumpy Alfie if I can help it, yeah?”, Teddy told him. Alfie then took the cross out of the box before he put it on him, and then kissed his lips very lightly.
“Oi! What did I say?!”
“Haha! I’ll be fine!”
A Week Later…
Teddy was known for having his collar bone out for all to see, mainly for Alfie to kiss though, and his brand new necklace did catch the attention of Luca. Teddy was sat in Alfie’s chair, as the two waited for him, but the Italian decided to start a conversation. “So… are you Catholic?” “No, I’m just a Christian, mate. I have been raised to believe in God, but I’m not a Catholic”, Teddy told him. Luca chuckled as he played with the matchstick in his mouth. “Yet, you’re in love with a male Jew?” “Got a problem with that, mate? Or have ya ran out of things to say to me already”, Teddy said.
“I think you look good like that. You know, I don’t just sleep with women… so, if you ever want—!”
“I suggest you shut the fuck up before I decide to kill you, right here, right now. I love Alfie”.
One of Luca’s men trained a gun on him but Teddy’s glare made him uneasy. “There’s no need for that! He is loyal… and in love. We can respect that”. Teddy sat up as soon as Alfie walked in and asked, “Have you been keeping my seat warm for me, love?” “Yes, sir”. Alfie almost purred and he kissed Teddy gently just before sitting down, pulling the blonde onto his lap. “So, what do we need to discuss now? Because last time, you were a bit of a cunt, mate…”, Alfie said, just as Teddy lit a cigarette, which calmed him down. “I’m sure you’re aware, but we got some jewellery sent to your place. But… none of it was any good?” “Nah. All of it was paste. Like, what the fuck were ya trying to do there, mate? You are aware… that I’m a jeweler…”.
“As I can see, by that fine piece you gave your lover”.
“So much as look at him and I’ll shoot you, yeah?”
Teddy smirked and Luca said, “I want to give you… a peace offering. I’ll have my men deliver the finest, and then you can sell it before a good price. But you give us fifty percent of the profits”. “Nope! Now, if it were the other way around, that’d be fine. But we’re the ones selling your shit! So, we should get most of it”, Teddy told him. The Italians laughed before Luca asked, “Is he serious?” “Yeah”. Alfie’s expression told them all they needed to know. “Fine. Sixty to you? Do we have a deal?” “Nah, mate. Seventy-five. Like my lovely lad just said, we’re the ones selling your shit…!”
“Fucking bastards”, Luca said in Italian.
“Alfie, why don’t we give him a break? Seventy? How does that sound?”, Teddy asked, using his charm.
“You’re getting a spanking”, Alfie said in Yiddish.
“Fine. Any other requests?”, Luca asked.
“Yeah! You fucking look at my love the wrong way again, I’ll fucking shoot ya! Alright…?”
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what're ur ze recs hand em over
well now you're just fishing for compliments. fine tho. there isnt enough zero escape fanfiction in the world
The Bleeding Path by Sporadicx The missing nine, that Akane counts in years. [9 years between nonary games fic, best ever]
The First Nonary Game by airdeari A tale of nine children aboard a sinking ship, and the unbelievable story of how they survived. [note i wrote on my bookmark: this is one of those fics where I look in a fandom tag and go wow I hope someone wrote a really long thing to fill this very fanficable gap in original canon and boy howdy it does not disappoint! Getting to see 999 characters as teenagers, the tragedy of knowing this is a sort of prequel that has to end sad so that it can lead to the events of the game, all the first nonary game kids introduced!! Yuuki Ren Claire Nobu and Hideyoshi are canon in my heart <3. (also; everything by this author is a banger)]
Emergency Light by airdeari In the continuing adventures of SOIS and Crash Keys, Aoi Kurashiki finds himself partnered with Light Field as they stand by to receive while their sisters infiltrate a mysterious facility. When Clover transmits a distress signal, the boys find themselves literally and metaphorically traveling into deep, dark trouble.
5-2 Off Suite by Masu_Trout The second Nonary Game is over, leaving its survivors hungry, tired, and stranded in Nevada. A road trip isn't what any of them want, but the only way out is forward and the only way forward is across a long, long stretch of desert. (Alternately: Junpei and Snake share a hotel room, buy terrible clothing, and work out some feelings.)
ghost ship by mqole How long ago did they break? It hadn’t been too long, right? Maybe ten, fifteen minutes? That leaves just forty-five minutes for him to move Light to the chapel, get his clothes to Nijisaki in the shower room, and fix the REDs for doors [3], [7], and [8]. No goddamn sweat. Santa puts Snake in the coffin. [the nature of the zero escape fandom being made of like 10 content creators means that some of these will simply be by my friends. HOWEVER. still good.]
and to those gods i will speak bluntly by aesphantasmal Light was about to speak, say he had no issue with going through door five, too, when he felt the grip on his arm tighten further. "Four?" he whispered. Clover made a small noise that he took as a "yes." [Au where snake & clover go through door four w/ aoi & akane & snake Figures Things out too soon. awesome canon divergence great characterization written by an author whose other works are all good and who i have never spoken to in my life no sir. don't look at who this fic is gifted to. its good i swear.]
i am the righteous hand of god by aesphantasmal The mayor and the sheriff of a quiet frontier town are both killed in one day. But if you asked the folks around the town — from the newcomer to the new sheriff to the general store owner to the saloon keepers — nobody knows anything about it. The town keeps its secret, but to those who know the truth, that they know is enough. [cowboy au. need i say more?]
Also because this fandom has such little fanfiction comparitavely to most of the things i can reccomend. i have in fact written a bit of zero escape fanfiction . which you can find on ao3 at Beau (executive_gay)
#ze#999 spoilers#i mean anyone who knows zero escape knows that just the character tags are gonna spoil you for the first two games so like#read at your own risk you have been warned#cleb talky#gud writes#fic recs
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thanks @michellemisfit for tagging me to play!! and thanks @celestialmickey for making these tag games :>
your name: Deanna
your age: 39 🦂
your first fandom(s): the x-files was the first and oldest fandom i dabbled in by signing up for some fanfic listservs. but the first online fandom i was really deep into was Newsies (the 1992 movie)
your current fandom(s): Shameless and Dragon Age
how did you first get into fandom? i honestly cant even remember...we all had geocities websites attached by webrings and chatrooms on AIM. there may have been a forum somewhere?
how long have you been engaging with fandom spaces? 25 years I GUESS?? After newsies i went through my weeb era, i dunno if we can call anime fans of the early 2000s a fandom? And then my focus was on WOW for several years. And i was always vaguely apart of the mass effect and dragon age fandoms but when DA:I came out it totally rewired my brain.
how often do you read fanfics? not often anymore. i just dont have time to read usually. thats why i consume so much tv. i need things playing while i work and do chores.
top 3 characters from your current fandom(s): Shameless I would say Ian, Mickey, and Debbie. Dragon Age? Gosh thats rough theres so many characters...ok if we exclude the protags I would say Solas, Felassan, and Varric.
have you ever written a fic for a fandom? if so, shout it out! oh sure, i have some da:i fics on ao3 but whether or not you fuckers can find em is none of my business.
have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? if so, drop a link! haha yup, everything is under the tag #my art
share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about: Solas and Pira fucked. And Mandy starts hanging out with Ian and Mickey on a regular basis after they get their own place and Terry is gone 🥰
you’re trying to convince a friend to get into your current fandom(s) with you. what episode, clip, or scene are you showing them? i have gotten THREE people into shameless so far and I did so by showing them music video edits and out of context hilarious scenes. (carl beating the shit out of the guy trying to rob captain bobs, ian chasing mickey with the dildo, mickey "killing" sammi are some of the clips i used on my husband lol) 😈
and finally, what does fandom mean to you? nerding out with people who love the same media that i love! spiraling out over metas and fics and fanart and cosplays and gifs. putting on our clown make-up every time theres a games event where new info might be announced lmao. and making friends who i get to love and keep in my pocket forever 💖
@maizzycakes @canticle-of-apotheosis @salesmain 🙃
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7 (How do you choose which POV to write from?), 19 )What is the most-used tag on your ao3?), 23 (Best writing advice for other writers?), 24 (Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?), 42 (What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?), 52 (Do you respond to comments, why or why not?), 53 (How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?), and 54 (What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?)
i wanna ask more but we'll be here all day sldkfsdf
thank u !! -ise
first of all ise let it be said that you are doing incredible work by pasting the questions so i dont have to. tumblrs text editor leaves lots to be desired.
7 (How do you choose which POV to write from?)
okay mostly it is vibes and funsies. sometimes an au just hands you a guy. i love switching povs when i do long taakitz fics bc i love both these idiots so much and i love how same and different their internal narration can be, and also i fucking live for the dramatic irony the regular pov switch allows. ("taako looks at him some type of way kravitz can't possibly begin to understand" sort of thing) but also like. sometimes a given scenario screams a certain guy? it's what's fun. mostly.
19 )What is the most-used tag on your ao3?)
if we are talking taz fics only. kissing (12) guess i need to write more fics with tentacles (4)
23 (Best writing advice for other writers?)
you have to roll around in it and you have to find the joy it is imperative
24 (Worst writing advice anyone ever gave you?)
fuck any perception of writing as #content or anything focused on numbers. also fuck pretentious assholes who don't appreciate fanfic. also fuck the idea that fanfic is a stepping stone to "real writing"
42 (What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?)
mine & hell yeah
but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh jesus christ the last fic i read on ao3 was noodyl's blupjeans week fic I PhDo which was loads of fun. man i haven't read much lately. stares at my folded hands
52 (Do you respond to comments, why or why not?)
almost never and not bc im mean or Above It or whatever, unelss i am directly responding to a question/item of note mostly i don't know what to say and i become a shaking shaving foam facsimile of a small and unwell dog trying to say anything besides Thank You For Your Attention. you??? like????? the words?????????? good job you are A+ liker and i will carry your soul up the ladder to heaven in my teeth
53 (How do you spend your time when it comes to fanfiction? Are you primarily a fic reader, writer, or a perfect 50/50 split of both?)
it's........................up there. i mostly write em. and i reread my own fics bc they were written for me and have all the tropes i like. and finding new fics frustrates me. i want to be handed them already selected and trustworthy like deific kibble
noodyl's stuff rules tho
54 (What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?)
the part where you get so possessed your eyes go white and the power flows right through you
or the fucking around and throwing spaghetti stage. or the comments
it's a good hobby actually
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