#<- technicallly
First pass at the Cloud Kingdom Gijinka design I've had in my head for a while! I call them Cloudie. Please share your thoughts or ideas I've been pretty stumped for a while now
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Please use they/them.
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reg1ment · 1 month
this sucks so bad i need to [remembers suicide jokes only worsen my mental health] go to the garden of love and see what i never have seen a chapel was built in the midst where i used to play on the green
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rainbow-rebellion · 2 months
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She looks sad but she’s probably just thinking about potstickers
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cleardreamy · 4 months
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i want to draw at least one character per part this month and make it Pride™ themed so i started with Phantom Blood.. Dio "Bisexual Lighting" Brando
more versions under cut
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this was kinda more experimental for me so. fun!
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cakeemoji · 3 months
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posted this to my twt and it did numbers there so i figured i'd share this here too for archival purposes ... yumenosaki rinne edit ft. nazuna for my self-indulgent rnnz 1717 au
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electronix-arts · 1 year
it was funnier in my head trust me
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himorenart · 2 years
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Yes, I’m a horse girl.
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teabooksandsweets · 11 months
A short – but finished – entry for this year's Inklings Challenge. These are ten drabbles serving as glimpses into the story I have planned, and of which I have begun (and intend to finish, and post later on) two different versions. Everything went a little different from my original expectations and plans, but a challenge is a challenge and I decided to make the best of it. So I finished a "miniature" version of sorts, rather than nothing. Some elements are alluded to that will appear in the longer stories.
Team Tolkien // Secondary World Fantasy // Visit the Imprisoned – Shelter the Homeless – Clothe the Naked // Finished – 1000 Words @inklings-challenge
This is not the story as told by the girl who was said to be dark-leaved; that will be a longer story, penned by said girl in her study in the tower.
She has fire and shoes — she knows what these things are now. She is warm, she is at home.
She knows many other things and will tell her tale in time.
This is also not the shorter story, as told not from too far away, which will follow in due time.
This is a glimpse into a faraway world and two lands, both not too far away.
Come along into this world.
Oh, do not ask “What is it?” — let us go and make or visit.
Let us go now, you and I —
and the bird (large, dark, a friend) will show the way, to meet a boar (Great and brown), a doe, a hare, a (strong, brown) bear, the moon, lamp and woman, wolf and man, and another man, who has a beard, and a princess or a prisoner (from what I have heard).
Her first friend in October — the girl's friend, in that land — will show the way.
Let us go.
The Princess in the Tower has shoes and fire, is not warm, is not at home.
The Prisoner in the Tower has no comfort but her conscience. (A clean conscience is no comfort in this place. Contrition is.)
If imprisonment is not undeserved, can liberation be deserved?
Her greatest grief is loneliness. The doe (water-coloured) knows, the woman (by the lamp-post) knows.
The bird (large, dark, the girl's first friend in October) knows snd leads the way, to make a visit, if a visit is her need.
(The damsel in the tower doesn't know; the girl will soon find out.)
For a girl (dark-leaved, they say) who knows neither shoes nor fire, a cuppa is a strange thing, especially if there's tea in it (— especially if there's brandy in the tea).
Pickled walnuts are another surprise if you grew up in a warm, wet forest with only fresh fruit and ripe nuts to eat.
But the greatest surprise is how a fire's warmth feels on cold skin in October air, in a stable, in strange company. Company that looks neither up to you (though you come from the forest) nor down on you (for you are dark-leaved).
Strange comfort.
The Great boar makes no promises, but he speaks the truth. He said the girl would see her tree again.
(Not yet, not yet!)
Said the girl would meet her friends again (vixen, and robin and pale blue eggs).
Said the girl ought to follow him, out of the forest, into the land beyond.
(“The wasteland!” said the girl. The boar accepted this term as hers. The bird called this place “the middle of October.”)
But what was the girl to do?
What could a (dark-leaved) girl do?
Good deeds? Great deeds? (A “naked child” in the middle of October?)
Ground like water, only dry — cold ground, that's what shoes are for. (Are there shoes for breasts? For hands? Ears? the girl wonders. A cape, perhaps, as winter-women wear. No such things in a green-leaved forest.)
The Great boar had brought the fallen leaves — sunlit leaves, golden leaves. Change scares the people of the forest. The dark-leaved children scare them, too, for they are not scared of change.
Following a hot cuppa in the stable, the girl received a cape against the cold. Out of plain kindness — and of good use for a later kindness, also plain.
The doe is the colour of water, and the moon is the colour of milk. (The hare is of the moon, but the girl doesn't know.)
A friend of the bird (her friend!) is the doe. Never seen from the forest, is the moon.
To the tower they lead — to visit the Prisoner.
(“Is she dark-leaved, too?”
“Is that what you call those who have dine horrid things?”
“It's what my people call those who might yet do that.”
“Then we are all dark-leaved except for the Princess, for she already has.”)
But leaves turn dark before they fall.
Every spring come green leaves, unless it is always spring. (So if it is always spring, it can never be spring again.)
The girl wears a crown of dark leaves, but the Princess' head is bare.
The doe leads the way up the moonlit stairs, leads them to the Prisoner.
“Who's there?” a light voice asks (an aged voice of a young throat).
“A friend — and me.”
“Come what for?”
“To see a tree in winter.”
“Oh — is it winter again? No wonder I'm so cold!”
(It's the middle of October, but for the Princess comes another spring.)
In her forest she was dark-leaved.
“But really, it's the middle of October,” she says to her friends. “My spring will come again.”
“You will want to go home.”
“I wish I knew how!”
“What — how?”
“The forest is not my home. I will go there again (for the Great boar always tells the truth) but it will not be my home, for spring will never come in a forest that is always green.”
Spring comes after winter, after fall.
And yet, one woman's prison is another woman's castle, and one woman's desolation is another woman's solitude.
“Take my cape, for it is cold outside.”
“It's cold in here and you wear but a few leaves around your hips.”
“The fire is warm, you are cold now from within. (I know someone who can warm you with a cuppa tea.) I your woollen dress you are more naked than I am in my leaves. Take the cape and bring it back to the man in the stable, and thank him from me.”
“And then?” asks the Princess.
“Go into the forest, and find out how to turn dark leaves green again.”
And so the women parted ways.
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fuckingarataswespeak · 2 months
Changing the "psych student sort of" in my bio to "actual psych student" 😎
(this is me telling you I got my number 1 choice of university)
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fancyfade · 2 years
thinking of Damian's implied passive suicidal-ness in that comic (link) where Dick is like 'if your grandparents stay here and alive you probably won't be born' and damian's like '¯_(ツ)_/¯ i've already died it's no big and at least my dad will be happy'
and like.
i really hope we get some good resolution to that in part 4 (b/c we saw Bruce heard it) and like. OK Bruce are you going to maybe address the fact that your kid thinks you'd be happier if you were dead and his parents were alive? like i know you're not allowed to be an even halfway-competent dad in main canon but this is an urban legends story.
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cosmik-homo · 12 days
Why am i even worried about my dnd builds sucking. "My wizard has 4 con and 8 hp. But dont worry hes the smartest boy ever (17 int). He has 10 in charisma but nobody likes him but dont worry about it he has 16 dex soo whenever he needs to impress people he just starts doing coin tricks".
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hopedflight · 17 days
despite only being 4'10", rhylzen is surprisingly good at 'scary dog privilege'. he might look more like a grumpy chihuahua, but he is a grumpy chihuahua with a sword and a gun-
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jkgnggj · 1 year
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Since all my friends have been motivating me to post my art I figured I'd do it today >.< here's mertori a drawing I made for mermay! Don't mind the messy background I can't do backgrounds... Anyways, enjoy! <3
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leverage-ot3 · 10 months
okay @pigeonwithapen I know you sent me an ask for orange and I wrote out a whole reply and then tumblr fucking ate it so I’m rewriting it
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now that you have mentioned poetry I’m not going to give my unsolicited poetry thoughts :)
I technically haven’t been actively into poetry for a while but one of the first poets I fell in love with was courtney peppernell (who is also a lesbian!)
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I’m not going to get out of bed to check what other stuff I have on my small poetry shelf but I know lang leav is also up there
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nvm I got up and I also have books by rupi kaur and nikita gill 💖 I should reread, I love reading things that make me viscerally feel the human condition
ALSO I’m looking to get the sappho quote “someone will remember us I say, even in another time” which is so fucking RAW. something about people destroying the majority of her works and trying to erase her for being a woman and lesbian, yet this line out of all her work surviving. because you can hate us and try to make us disappear but we are here and we exist, we are queer and we love just as fiercely and significantly as everyone else and no one can take that away from us. I want it on my left forearm, I just need to save money and book an appointment at my preferred studio
also I find the ex thing SO funny because I’ve only dated two (2) people and I was besties with them both before and after we broke up 💀
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sparkl3w00fzz · 2 months
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i uhhh dont know what to put here.. first post woooo
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wheucto · 1 year
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this is what berdly thinks cake looks like apparently
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