#<- so i can find this post easily in the future in case it's needed
bluegekk0 · 10 months
hey hii helloooo
i've been interested in your feral pk au for a while now, but i've been struggling to get around to reading everything
could you perhaps compress the information and possibly add some little fun facts and details that you think are interesting?
(also little side question, does pk purr, and would grimm be able to purr as well?)
(apologies if you've already answered questions like this)
Of course, I'm always glad to talk about the AU and I don't mind detailing everything, even if I'm repeating myself! Quite the opposite actually, some details change with time so I think it's nice to sort of "refresh" the general background of the AU.
I'll put it under the "read more" thing, this is likely going to be very long since I'm not very good at keeping things short and brief hahah. Also, I'll primarily focus on FPK as he's the main point of the whole AU, but I'll sprinkle in some additional info about the other crucial characters.
Here's the timeline for the AU, and under the cut you can find the detailed summary of the events.
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I'll start at the very beginning since it's crucial for FPK's later character development. He was born a runt, so from the moment he hatched from an egg he was smaller and weaker than his siblings (and significantly lighter in color due to his leucism). For that reason he built a very close, but unfortunately unhealthy relationship with his mother. She saw him as weak, and so he tried everything he could to make her proud. But as wyrms do with their young, she eventually abandoned him to fend for himself, which gave him terrible abandonment anxiety as he believed that his failure to meet her expectations was the reason why she left.
Along the way, he developed very unhealthy eating habits. Being the weak one of the litter, he always had to fight for his food, otherwise it would be stolen from him. This left a permanent mark on his brain development, and to this very day he eats in a very quick and greedy manner if he feels even a little bit anxious. This plays a big role later in his life when he decides to create a kingdom.
I'll refer to FPK with his name, Vyrm, from now on. It is the original spelling of his species' name used where he comes from, one which he later adapted as his own name, though "wyrm" is the spelling used in Hallownest. FPK is what I usually use for the tags and in posts since I'm used to it, although "Pale King" is not actually part of his name in the AU anymore.
Throughout his early life, he had to constantly worry about being killed and eaten by other members of his kind. Cannibalism was a trait extremely common for wyrms due to lack of prey of their size, a side effect of the mutation that allowed them to stop aging - they outlived the other giant creatures of the region and were left with no sufficient food. This prompted Vyrm to find new ways of defending himself, which led him to learning soul magic from the ancient tablets left by the gods, made to assist any being that manages to decipher their meanings. Around this time, he developed a rising interest in the tiny bugs he often encountered, and seeing their attempts at forming communities, he believed he could become their equal and help them, to show the world and himself that he wasn't as destructive and cruel as the rest of his kind. So after traveling towards the mountains, he used a powerful spell that reduced his form to something that wouldn't frighten them, and eventually created Hallownest after giving many of the bugs in that area sapience.
The White Lady was the first being he encountered that helped him get back on his feet after the mentally draining change of form, and as he got attached to her, his childhood trauma kicked in - he wouldn't figure out that he was gay until much, much later, and since his bond with his mother was the only form of love he experienced thus far, he assumed that what he felt towards The White Lady was love. Unfortunately, this meant that his idea of love was obsessing over making her happy and meeting all of her expectations, a mindset that proved to be quite devastating for his mental health in the long run.
WL is a being that's very cold and distant in nature, at times appearing self-absorbed, and her ideal vision of her marriage to Vyrm unfortunately went against his more shy and emotional nature. He would sacrifice his own happiness so as not to upset her, and she sadly failed to notice how much that stressed him out. He was to attend important meetings, deliver speeches during royal events, and satisfy her needs, and he obliged, no matter how unhappy it made him. Here is a post that goes more in detail about their relationship.
Another very important reason for his continuous anxiety and decline in health was his refusal to eat food. Ever since learning the spell, he sustained himself with soul as opposed to eating, for a very simple reason - he knew how feral he was when eating, and he did not want to scare his subjects. On top of that, he feared being seen as a hypocrite, as he always encouraged the mortals to reject their beastly instincts. For the longest time, it appeared to have no negative side effects, but following his divorce with The White Lady (which was a result of their disagreements over the vessel plan as well as all the built up tension between them), he started showing signs of starvation. His body became very skinny, and he would frequently fall sick. Any attempts at eating food only backfired, as his stomach wasn't used to it.
But to rewind a little bit - some time after he married WL, he met Grimm. Grimm is the brother of The Radiance and one of the children of The Dream Lord, the king of The Gods' Plane. Soon before their father perished in the fight with The Shade Lord, they were both given a share of his domain to rule over - The Radiance was meant to control the dream essence, guard the happy dreams of bugs and give them hope, while Grimm (also known as The Nightmare at the time) looked after the nightmare essence, the bugs' nightmares and fears, and helped the mortals overcome and learn from them. To his sister's disapproval, he did not see eye to eye with her vision of godhood - he did not care for worship, and instead created himself a physical form to spend time with the mortals, whom he gained a fondness towards. They disagreed, she was paranoid about him conspiring against her and overthrowing her, and they eventually fought, which ended with Grimm's defeat and exile from The Gods' Plane. He began calling himself The Nightmare King to spite his sister, though he introduced himself as Grimm in the physical plane. Ever since, he has to periodically replace his physical body as the weakened Nightmare Heart is unable to sustain it indefinitely. He calls that process the ritual.
Grimm and Vyrm's first meeting wasn't exactly what you'd expect. Grimm had a fondness for pleasure, he loved to drink and make love (though his reasons for the latter were rooted in his loneliness and desperation for intimacy). And he saw Vyrm as the next name on his list of casual flings. However, as they talked, Grimm started noticing things about Vyrm that struck him personally. He could see the loneliness and sadness in his eyes, something that resonated with him. He was just as lonely, yearning for a fulfilling and intimate life that he witnessed in his interactions with the mortals, but aware of the fact that his immortality prevented him from finding true love and living that ideal life that he wanted. Hearing Vyrm's passionate rambles about his hobby, and sensing that similar loneliness, he thought that perhaps by helping the wyrm, he could help himself. So they became friends, very close friends, and although Grimm has had feelings for him from the start, Vyrm wouldn't show signs of returning them until after he separated with WL. Unfortunately, Grimm's rare visits to the palace and the return of the infection meant that they were not given a chance to confess their love for each other, as Vyrm disappeared with his palace soon after. I highly recommend reading this post for a more detailed description of their relationship.
I think this is a good opportunity to mention Holly (THK) and Hornet. I'll start with Holly since their relationship with Vyrm is closer to what you might expect. Vyrm tried his best not to get attached to them, as he had to remind himself that the vessels were not meant to be his children, but unfortunately he slipped occasionally. Holly idolized him and wanted to make him proud, but more importantly, they really wanted him to acknowledge them as his child. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to do it until after his hibernation (which I'll mention in a bit). Hornet, meanwhile, was always his beloved daughter whom he was incredibly close with. He raised her on his own, as WL left the palace around the time Holly was sealed away, all the way until his hibernation.
The hibernation was a result of his mental breakdown - after the infection returned, all of his fears and anxiety piled up until his mind was not able to take it, and in the last ditch effort to preserve it, he subconsciously used a spell that took him and his palace into his own manifested dream realm, separate from that of the gods, and started his hibernation. This was meant to erase all of his memories and save his brain from breaking down. The Knight (Ghost) interrupted it and woke him up, and he soon realized that he's been asleep for many, many years. The unfinished hibernation process messed up his brain quite a bit, and while most of his important memories were intact, he forgot a lot about his early life, which included the knowledge of how to use soul magic. Without the powers he relied on, he was forced to eat actual food, and so he began hunting the wildlife and feeding on it, now without the fear of being seen by his subjects. This is where the feral part of the AU name comes from - he's no longer the imposing, royal figure he once was, whenever he hunts, it's easy to confuse him for a beast. An intelligent one, but still a beast. And the big chunk of his character arc is accepting that part of his being, and finding happiness in his new life.
He eventually met with Hornet, who took him to Dirtmouth where he reunited with Holly and Grimm. With Holly, he finally expressed how proud he was of them, and promised to be the father that he never was. With Grimm, he confessed his love and apologized for taking so long to realize how he felt, and the two quickly became partners, and later husbands. With Hornet, his relationship had a very difficult start, as the years of being on her own made her bitter and angry. This is already getting very long, so here's a post I made about her relationship with Vyrm which goes in much more detail that I can reasonably fit here.
This is basically where the AU is at this moment. Vyrm lives with his family in Dirtmouth, returns to his old workshop hobby and slowly rebuilds the town using his skills and knowledge (some of it he had to re-learn from books). He completely rejects his old royal life, sees himself as a failure of a king and so does not want to be referred to as one (instead simply going by "Vyrm" as his name). He deals with many emotional and psychological issues - he lacks confidence, he's paranoid about failing his family and overall he's very anxious and quite emotionally unstable. Of course, he's much happier than he was before, his new life suits his nature a lot more, and even his more wild side is generally accepted by the community. But it's not all sunshine and rainbows, there is still quite a lot of trauma he has to process. And that goes for everyone in the main cast, they all have things they have to deal with. But at least they have each other.
There is an event that shakes their peaceful family life a little bit, and that is an attempt on Vyrm's life in the hands of one of the Grimmkin. Since Grimm decided to stay in Dirtmouth, he always returns to it between each ritual. And, after many years of being able to visit different kingdoms and enjoying what they have to offer, the Grimmkin got used to the relatively luxurious life, so the prospect of being stuck in this small town frustrated quite a few of them. One in particular decided to take the matter into their own hands, and while Grimm was away in the City of Tears, they attempted to take Vyrm's life in hopes that it would make their master leave Dirtmouth behind. They failed as Brumm interrupted the attempt, though they managed to wound Vyrm with a blade. He survived thanks to his family and friends rushing to treat his wound, meanwhile the Grimmkin behind it was caught by Brumm, and then brutally taken care of by Grimm after his return. It had a significant effect on all of them. Vyrm became more paranoid about being left all by himself. Grimm became even more protective of his partner and the rest of his family. Holly grew even more attached to Vyrm, refusing to leave him alone for a long time afterwards, out of fear that someone could hurt him again. And Hornet finally realized that she needed to be more clear about the fact that she cares about her family, in case she ever loses any of them. That's basically how it went, and I think this is the first time I actually mention it (as I debated whether to make this idea actually canon in the AU or not) so hey, I guess you can consider this a fun fact, even if it involves a lot of pain and blood hahaha
Also, I need to bring up the children. Their first child was Lewk. He's the child of Vyrm and Grimm, who hatched from an egg laid by the latter. He is currently 2 years old at the time of the AU (he was born about 5 years after Grimm and Vyrm's reunion). The newest addition to the family are the twins, Milo and Asta, who are currently about 2 months old.
Oh, also, Zote is part of the family as well. Initially Holly simply befriended him, but over time he got assimilated into the household. Here is a post that goes more in detail on how I see him, how he fits into the family and what the other characters think of him.
If you want to know more about the characters, especially the side characters I didn't mention here, you can read this post which has short descriptions for each of them.
Some more posts that I'll link here instead of adding onto this already ridiculously long summary:
Lurien in the AU: how he survived / on his relationship with FPK
The state of Hallownest
WL's current whereabouts
On gods in the AU (more related posts linked in this one)
(will probably add more over time)
God, I'm really sorry for the length of the reply, as I said, I struggle to condense this stuff into shorter posts especially since there's a lot to talk about (and I LOVE to ramble about this). There's a chance I missed some details, but if you're interested, just go through the #feral pk au tag on my blog (particularly the #save tag for the most important posts, it's linked in my pinned post), I tag all ask answers and related art with it, so it should be relatively easy to read through. If it's a bit overwhelming, you can always simply ask more questions if you're unsure about something, I'm always happy to answer! ❤
EDIT: I forgot to respond to the second half of the question, i'm sorry 😭 yes, FPK can make purring like noises. It's not exactly like cat purring, it has a bit of a stuffy noise sound to it i suppose? But I'd still call it purring. Grimm can't purr, though, so it's just FPK (and Holly with their purr-like void rumbling).
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todayisafridaynight · 11 months
I wanted to write in about my thoughts on Jo as a CSA survivor separately for a couple of reasons:
I already more or less have what I have to say on the topic in order thanks to talks with @starssystem and another friend [<3]
This is a massive tonal shift from anything else I could be discussing
This Is Massive In General For The Love Of God PLEASE Help Me
Obvious CSA CW for anyone else reading; I only discuss statistics, psychology, and the aftereffects seen in survivors here, but it's worth a warning.
With the disclaimers out of the way… I'd mentioned before I've only ever added one thing to Jo's background, and you were right: this is it! To me, there's so much thematic overlap in Jo's narrative with the experience of surviving CSA it's worth it to examine his character through the lens of that being the case. Of course, there are clearly-stated reasons for it all that Aren't That, but…
It's the pervasive guilt and shame, the lifelong secret that becomes too unbearable not to tell, the faulty coping mechanisms aimed at burying the trauma without having to face it, the reluctance to be sincere [vulnerable] and the lies and half-truths used to maintain the facade of invulnerability, the pursuit of power and control and the knee-jerk anger response when it's threatened, the pursuit of mastery over his body and the indifference to what happens to it. And the way a lot of it really does stem from a deeply traumatic childhood sexual experience from before either he or Ikumi understood what they were getting into, from before they could give informed consent.
Statistically, the further below the average age someone is for their first time, the likelihood of [at best] having been introduced to sex inappropriately and [at worst] having been abused at the time or earlier rises exponentially. Jo was 15 when Masato was conceived--possibly 14, since he was saying he "met" Arakawa at 15, and by then Masato was already born. To put this into perspective, since what ages register as concerning is largely cultural, the average age in the US and UK is 16-18. But in Japan, it's over 19.
To a Westerner [or even a heavily Westernized non-Westerner], having a kid at 15 is unfortunate, but not untenable; you've seen it on TV, you might know people like that, you might even be that kid or that parent. But in Jo's case, with him being 4 or 5 years younger than average, it's like if someone told you they had their first time--had a /kid/--at 13 or under. That's the equivalent discrepancy. That /is/ concerning, to me.
It's also something that's linked to negative outcomes in adulthood, partly because of the likelihood of forming bonds with poorly-adjusted peers. Jo specifically states he and Ikumi were only together because others who came from backgrounds like his own were all he had back then. [As an aside, it's interesting to see him instinctively seek out a relationship where his pain would be understood without having to say anything--or one where he could assume it would, at any rate.]
When it comes to his relationship with Ikumi, I've always felt there was this "adult dynamic" between them--in the sense it feels like one that'd be more fitting for adults to get into than a couple of teens. It was, based on his wording, a primarily physical relationship neither of them expected to last even if they were living together. To me, it's one thing if you're fully convinced you're in love or you're experimenting or whatever and that results in an unplanned pregnancy, but it's another thing entirely to have such a bleak yet objective outlook on your relationship so young.
And it didn't have to be that way. He could've been just like Arakawa, head-over-heels in love with this girl who was The Only Good Thing He Had Going, or something like that. But the sheer contrast between how Arakawa was crazy about Akane and never forgot about her for the rest of his life, while Jo more-or-less-clearly didn't have feelings for Ikumi and can't bring himself to remember her name after living with her for at least a year and experiencing life-changing events with her…
It's notable to me that Arakawa maintains an interest in women while nearly every in-character interpretation I've seen makes Jo averse to women. Obviously, we don't really know that; it's probably just based on his general attitudes, his contrast with Arakawa, and maybe his immunity to Charm. But I think there's a reason a lot of people pick up on it and tie it to trauma rather than/in addition to a lack of interest in women.
I've talked about this through the lens of comphet already [and Jo being gay or ace or both would present other difficulties], but I can't overstate how notable it is on its own. We see Jo's response to traumatic events, and it's to become preoccupied with them, to investigate further if he has any leads. That's why he remembers every minute detail of the night Masato was born and the time he saw Arakawa attempt to comfort Masato when he was crying and hitting himself. I think it's also why he gets as far as he does when looking into Arakawa's death, and why he entrusts the search to Ichi. He never seems to manage to block them out, even if that's what he'd rather do--even if that's what he thinks he's doing.
So if he "[doesn't] even remember" the name of the mother of his child, I get the feeling there's something more going on. Like I've [probably] said in the past, Jo genuinely sounds traumatized by the relationship as a whole. More than anything else he's been through, and he's been through a lot. It's often the case that CSA survivors who are also survivors of other trauma view it as worse than anything else that happened to them.
And that's not to implicate Ikumi at all, I don't think it's a case of COCSA--everything I've said holds just as true for her, and she had to suffer the additional trauma of an unwanted pregnancy and childbirth, at that. Rather, I think it would make sense for something like CSA, which often incontrovertibly reconfigures one's relationship with sex and love, to be a factor in why they rushed into a something physical before they were mature enough to handle it.
Some victims end up having perfectly healthy experiences, some victims end up avoiding them, some victims end up re-victimized, and some victims end up with a mixed bag--there's a lot of variation. But some victims do end up having relationships like this and making mistakes like this, because that's all they know, or because they want to heal but don't [or don't know how to] go about it in a healthy way, at a healthy pace. And I definitely think if you recognize that's what the basis of your relationship was, that it all comes back to something you'd rather forget, it'd make sense to want to forget the relationship as a whole.
To that end, it's possible to come away from a relationship traumatized even if no one did anything wrong. I've [probably] talked about how the way Jo comforts her at the station feels like he's doing it for her sake and pushing his own feelings down, but neither of them is really buying it. If that's a pattern in their relationship, perhaps he wouldn't have been able to communicate if maybe what they were doing was dredging up bad memories, if he wanted to stop but didn't think she did. So to go through with it, then get the news months later…
Either way, the fact Ikumi couldn't bring herself to tell him she was pregnant until nothing could be done would, for Jo, invariably cement the feeling he has no control over what happens around him. I think the sense of powerlessness he felt is why he blew up at her when she told him, because it's really the only time we see him lash out like that at her. At the park, he objects to going back for Masato, sure, but he's passive. And I think that unbroken pattern of powerlessness in his life [which CSA would only compound on] is why he's so reactionary, why he's so emotionally dysregulated, why he expresses his rage through what basically amounts to power-tripping.
But I do think Jo does have a great deal of awareness. A lot of his wording when he's telling Ichi about it borders on poetic, or at the very least candid and effective. That requires both prior reflection and a command of language. I think there's a lot he understands deep down, at least after sitting with it for long enough, but he isn't capable of voicing--or doesn't know how to voice--what's on his mind, most of the time.
So when he joins the Arakawa Family, when he rises the ranks and has that control back, his control has to be near-absolute. If it's undermined in any way--such as, for example, a certain someone failing to answer a call within two rings--he loses it. On the other side of the coin, I do feel a lot of why his devotion and gratitude towards Arakawa goes to the extent it does, why he's so comfortable with him, is because Arakawa gave him the safety of the Arakawa Family, gave him back his autonomy, gave him the environment--and treated him with enough humanity to give him the reason--to learn to regulate himself, to better himself.
And Arakawa /gets/ trauma. He really does. Aside from his own abusive background, literally the only time the word trauma comes out of any character's mouth in this series, it's Arakawa's. It comes back to Jo saying others who came from backgrounds like his own were all he had; that never changed, did it?
Lastly, For Funsies [<- LIE. COMPLETE LIE. TURN BACK NOW] I wanted to go through the items on this [CSA] Survivors' Aftereffects Checklist I could check off with near-certainty. 19/34, by the way, give or take. Now, as I said at the beginning, there are existing concrete reasons for why he has many of these experiences… but it's like the trans allegory with Masato, To Me… If I can check off over half the list based on a very limited backstory and an hour of screen time total, that's indicative of a notable overlap… TO ME…
Note that the book this list is from was published in 1990 and focuses on women's experiences. It was a huge step forward in giving survivors a voice back when a lot of existing research indicated CSA had neutral or even positive effects on children, but it's definitely a product of its time. With that out of the way…
Wearing a lot of clothing, even in summer […]
To be fair, most male characters in RGG are fully-covered and have near-unchanging designs, and it's winter in both 2000/2001 and presumably 2019, but… when it comes to Jo, it feels a little different.
He does have Some Heavage in his twenties [although the necklace takes the attention off of his actual chest], but as time goes on, he shows less and less skin and adds more and more layers. When he has the gloves on, it leaves no skin exposed at all, and there's this direct symbolic correlation with secrecy that isn't there for other characters. And if you're wearing three layers of leather [or even one], you can neither feel what you're touching nor feel anything touch you.
Pure Speculation, but I just can't really see him underdressed for any occasion… That's why his fit in Day with the Sun is funny as hell but also… yeah…
As a behavior, if it's rooted in anything, it's probably rooted in having to hide signs of physical abuse, of course--but then he kind of already had an excuse, with how he was constantly getting into fights. I guess it depends on the specifics, but I think it's interesting to consider this as one way CSA victims attempt to regain control of their bodies, avoiding emotional discomfort at the cost of physical discomfort.
It's nothing super overt, but I see this most clearly represented in his second boss fight in particular; his willingness to wield a blade bare-handed while using enough force he could very well render his hand useless. I think it's potentially also evident in how he has severe cataracts he chooses to ignore and allow to worsen, despite having the reasons and resources to undergo surgery to restore his vision. In doing so, he literally and figuratively blinds himself to so much.
I also kind of think the assassination of Hoshino/the anonymous call and The Eye Scene are examples of self-sabotage. I mean, he literally was sabotaging himself in the former, but it's also the specific way he feels the need to be physically taken down in order to be stopped--possibly a holdover from RGGJo, who's only too happy to be beaten into a coma.
I don't know… It's hard to pinpoint, but I feel like he would be averse to most of the more "obvious" self-destructive behaviors--especially when he has people in his life who might notice and worry, like Ikumi and Arakawa. That and because many of them are addictive. He's seen what that's done to his father, and he's also developed this incredibly rigid sense of discipline he can't maintain if he doesn't have a clear head.
From how he talks about himself [as having lost his humanity and lived a half-assed life], I definitely think he's at the very least unkind to himself, but I also think he does externalize it by provoking others to harm him [in the case of physical fights] and reject him. Like he needs some kind of proxy perpetrator. For some abuse victims, this specific manifestation of self-destructive behavior is a way to regain control--whether or not you "deserved it" back then, you do now, as a direct, logical result of your actions.
Need to be invisible, perfect, or perfectly bad
I think each of these needs manifests in different ways for Jo. The need to be invisible can be seen with authority figures (mainly Aoki, but also Arakawa in The Yubitsume Scene, a little; how drastically he pulls back and tries to act "normal")--this relates to what you were talking about with being reluctant to intrude or take up space. If you fall under the radar, maybe you won't get hurt.
The need to be perfect can be seen in his seemingly "impossible" standards, I would say. Of course, because we see things from Ichiban's perspective, we tend to see them as unfair and often arbitrary demands. But they aren't arbitrary to Jo, are they? They're standards he holds himself to through and through. If you're good, maybe you won't get hurt.
The need to be perfectly bad can be seen in and relates to much of what I discussed under self-destructiveness [The Eye Scene and the way he antagonizes Ichiban specifically by making himself out to be worse than he is]. If you must get hurt, it can at least "make sense"--be "deserved."
Suicidal thoughts, attempts, obsession (including "passive suicide")
Obviously he's not like… Mine Levels Of Overtly And Consistently Suicidal, and he doesn't attempt suicide himself, but at the same time, I have to note his total ambivalence towards Aoki seeing him as a "bullet" (a kind of hitman sent on suicide missions). He agreed to what he himself viewed as a suicide mission and he didn't care what would happen to him afterward, as he says to Joon-gi, Zhao, and Adachi.
Aside from that, I certainly feel he's at least had passive thoughts like wanting to disappear or wishing he'd never been born. Y'know. Nothing concrete, but reflective of his mental state, and just as detrimental to dwell on long-term.
I think there's a sort of childishness [for lack of a better word] to thoughts like these [in that they're impossible], but also a level of maturity in that it probably doesn't escalate to something more actionable because he understands he has responsibilities he can't abandon. I think if he was ever seriously suicidal, it would be at the points of his life where he really didn't have any responsibility to anyone, like between Ikumi leaving and him joining the family, or after he was arrested.
Depression (sometimes paralyzing) […]
I'm trying not to over explain going forward because I Have BEEN Overexplaining It Is SUCH A Disaster… he's depressed If You Have Eyes And/Or Ears… I'll leave it at that…
Anger issues; inability to recognize, own, or express anger; constant anger […]
Rigid control of one's thought process; humorlessness or extreme solemnity
Relates back to what I was saying about how disciplined he is [and expects everyone else to be], but in general, he's incredibly, incredibly serious and focused. I don't think he's /entirely/ humorless [but then again, very few people are]; I just think his specific sense of humor is. Like. What Is Your Problem [I Know What Your Problem Is I Have Been Discussing It In EXCRUCIATING Detail But What The Fuck Is Your Problem]
Trust issues; inability to trust (trust is not safe); total trust; trusting indiscriminately
That's why he was planning on taking his secret to the grave, isn't it? It was only when faced with the realization it would soon be too late to say anything that he was able to tell Ichiban. He could've trusted Arakawa, should've been able to, but… in his mind he never could.
This book [and this checklist] is about "incest" actually, but it redefines "incest" to mean any instance of CSA perpetrated by any individual the victim trusts or has an expectation of being able to implicitly trust. Which… is most CSA as we understand it today, so I've edited some parts to just say that.
Anyway, I've never given much thought to the specifics of what Jo might've experienced--who did it, what happened, how long it went on, etc.--so there's no conclusion I can draw here [and elsewhere, I'm sure]… but even without that, to grow up unable to trust the one person who should be in his corner, his father, and to have his trust betrayed by Ikumi, it's no surprise Jo ended up like this either way. So… I'm happy he had the courage to tell Ichi, in the end.
High risk taking ("daring the fates"); inability to take risks
I think these are supposed to be mutually exclusive, but to me, Hoshino's assassination and Arakawa's assassination represent both sides of the coin, although they're not the only examples. There are risks Jo won't think twice about taking and risks that paralyze him.
Boundary issues; control, power, territoriality issues; fear of losing control; obsessive/compulsive behaviors (attempts to control things that don't matter, just to control something)
Guilt, shame; low self-esteem, feeling worthless; high appreciation of small favors by others
Lmao Even…
Feeling demand to "produce and be loved"; instinctively knowing and doing what the other person needs or wants; relationships mean big tradeoffs (love was taken, not given)
I actually think this encapsulates a lot of what I've been saying about his work ethic, his ideas of discipline, and his relationship with Ikumi, but I also think it's why Masato took a liking to him. His attentiveness. It ties back into wanting to be perfect; when you're abused--especially long-term--you become attuned to observing and responding to any shifts in mood or tone. This is another area where I can't draw any conclusions relevant to my point, but it does certainly relate to his father's abuse, at any rate.
Abandonment issues
Kind of contentious… The anticipation of being abandoned by or losing someone he cares about appears to be worse than the actual experience. He's fine with Ikumi leaving him, and he's… not Fine With, but able to come to terms with Arakawa's death and Aoki's abandonment of him. At the same time, he really does try to make Ikumi's stay in his life comfortable, and he spends almost forty years doing his damnedest to keep his family together, whatever the cost. If I were to extrapolate from RGGJo, though, /he/ does have an obsessive, unhealthy attachment to Arakawa.
Blocking out some period of early years (especially 1–12); or a specific person or place
Ikumiiiiii that's what I'm SAYINGGGG
Feeling of carrying an awful secret; urge to tell, fear of its being revealed; certainty no one will listen; being generally secretive […]
Rofl Perhaps…
Denial; […] repression of memories; pretending; minimizing ("it wasn't that bad") […]
He admits to it himself. Not much else to say. Though I don't think he necessarily minimizes what he's been through by dismissing how bad it was; rather, he tends to overestimate his ability to move past it.
Pattern of ambivalent or intensely conflictive relationships (intimacy is a problem; also focus shifted from [CSA] issues)
Also kind of contentious… we don't see a pattern of romantic relationships, as I assume the author meant here, but at the same time, the romantic relationship and non-romantic relationships we do see fit this pattern. I guess I'd say I definitely think intimacy /would/ be a problem, and he /wouldn't/ be ready to address his issues.
Limited tolerance for happiness; active withdrawal from happiness, reluctance to trust happiness ("ice=thin")
The quote that prompted this ask in the first place. It's sort of connected to the point about humorlessness and extreme solemnity; if that was the "what," this is the "why." He doesn't know how to relax ["holidays don't exist" and all], he doesn't have much to be happy about, but even rarer is the occasion where he doesn't feel too conflicted in the moment to be able to enjoy himself. That's just how I see him.
[…] verbal hypervigilance (careful monitoring of one's words); quiet-voiced, especially when needing to be heard
EXACTLY what I was talking about in this ask, so I'm leaving that one up to past me…
... That's It That's The Essay I'm going to hibernate until Infinite Wealth comes out and somehow refutes my points but UNTIL THEN. Farewell, take care, and once more, don't worry too much about matching my energy… Like I Said if I were the one receiving this ask I'd just delete my blog, so… I'll just be happy to know you read it :] If That lmao
#long post#cw csa#doublin up to add cw warnins in the tags just in case <3 lemme know if i should throw more tags down here..... im bad at cw tags....#i forget my bookmark tag for asks from you i stg if i cant find this ask in the future im kmsing (in minecraft) immediately#snap chats#THE SNORT I MADE AT THE DEADPAN 'LOL'☠️ maybe i SHOULDVE put text In The Main Text i have A Lot of Thoughts..#im leavin the main text empty since. ngl i was just gonna compare/contrast to myself again... and say a lot of what weve said b4..#UNFORTUNATELY a lot of the things listed here uhmmmm Hm <3 Uh Oh <3 i do understand. Dare I Say personally. just a bit#I DO HAVE TO DISCLAIM ive never been a survivor of THOSE circumstances or really. any abuse tbh- brain just sucks and im a baby#and i cant say no BUT ANYWAY I HAVE REASONS FOR BEIN AN EGOTIST I SWEAR its cause I Somewhat had those exps/i understand them#i can REAAAALLLYY easily see where your points are coming from.... very easily even... like very in-depth..#even if i didnt cry bout spilled milk every other day it IS clear to see the signs of abuse in sawashiro once you know them#i've def talked bout those aspects of him whether in tag rambles or in streams or have Attempted to express it via fics#so really the bits to chew on for me esp this time round is the more CSA aspects#tbh when it comes to bein unable to see him intimate or 'underdressed' i agree: incredibly hard for me to imagine#the thing with 'symptoms' of abuse is that they kinda overlap i guess ??#in that regard it can either be a need to impress or protect himself/needing to be seen less#when it comes to doing certain things because of CSA i could see it as a result of another abuse too. if that makes sense#THOUGH THAT ISNT TO DISCREDIT THE IDEA nono cause there still exists the Now That I Think About It circumstances of masato#even if we look at it through Western Norms(TM) two- essentially homeless- kids having. A Kid is still bizarre#cause again teen pregnancies generally happen as a result of Bein Irresponsible With A Schoolmate- not that other situations cant exist#but thats the most common innit so. def an aspect to consider. All Things Considered. esp jo's self-separation from ikumi#BUT YEAH i feel like if i try to respond im just gonna end up typing up a textbook bout abuse since. UNFORTUNATELY#childhood psychology is my field of interest. and aint no one readin THAT phat thing. esp when ill prob repeat myself or you ☠️#tbh remindin meself of when i said id write psyche papers on mine and/or jo.... oops 👀💋👀 savin this to steal notes from LOL#i hope yo know i WAS thoroughly intrigued reading this. As Ive Said childhood psyche is Literally My Field and this is v thorough and good#so im always interested in readin bout How X Caused Y in Z... very interesting many MANY things to think about.. ty...#forever cursed to be an idiot cause i really wish i could talk better and say somethin of substance.. ik you said its fine but still..#im always open to chat bout this more if youd like PLEASE dont think my lack of Main Text is disinterest Im Just Stupid. But We Know That
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anipgarden · 1 year
Un-Actions, or Restriction of Activities
This is my first post in a series I’ll be making on how to increase biodiversity on a budget! I’m not an expert--just an enthusiast--but I hope something you find here helps! 
There’s a good handful of ways you can help increase biodiversity in your yard that don’t require buying things--in fact, these may actually help you save money in the long run! They may seem small and simple, but every bit counts! Whether you can do these in totality, or just limit how often you do these actions, it’ll make a difference.
Not Mowing, or Mowing Less Often
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Turf grass lawns are considered a monoculture, meaning they don’t provide much opportunity for insects to find habitat--so few other creatures find them enjoyable either. An expanse of turf grass is, in many ways, a barren wasteland in the eyes of wildlife--too exposed to cross, with few to no opportunities for food or shelter, leaving them exposed to blazing hot sun, freezing cold, or any predators that may be lurking nearby. A place to be avoided. The simple act of letting your grass grow unbothered gives a chance for wildflowers to grow, and for your grass to grow taller--providing more habitat for insects, which then provides more habitat to birds and other creatures that feed on said insects. Wildlife want nothing more than to skirt by unnoticed, so even leaving the grass tall along the edges of a fence or yard can help a little. Even restricting mowing to every other week, or at a higher blade setting, can be a huge help. If HOAs or city ordinances are fussy about lawn length in the front yard, you can likely still keep grass higher in the backyard. Or, you can create a ‘feature’ where grass is allowed to grow long in a specific area. If it looks purposeful, people are more likely to accept it. Not mowing under trees or close to shrubs not only leaves space for wildflowers to grow, but also means you don’t have to deal with mowing over bumpy roots and other difficulties. Cutting different areas at different times can be an option for letting grass grow long in some areas while still having available places for play and entertainment. I’ve seen some people plant flower bulbs when pulling up weeds, so in the future they'll bloom in early spring before mowing is usually necessary. This could be another fun way of adding biodiversity to a lawn without--or before you--begin mowing in spring.
Not worrying about mowing, or doing it less often, saves you in time, money, and energy. You won’t have to buy as much gasoline for your mower, and Saturday afternoons can be free to be enjoyed in other ways aside from being sticky and sweaty and covered in grass stains. In addition, you’ll likely be lowering your own carbon emissions!
If you do have to mow your lawn, I’ve got ways you can use your grass clippings to boost biodiversity later in the post series!
Not using pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.
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One of the next-biggest non-actions you can do asides from not mowing is using fewer fewer to no herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides in your yard. This’ll easily allow for more biodiversity. Allowing more insects and a wide array of plants to thrive will feed back into the entire food chain in your area. In addition, these types of chemicals have been tied to algae blooms, death of beneficial insects, harm to birds, fish, and even humans. Soil is supposed to be full of fungi, especially fungal mycelium that essentially acts as a network for plants to communicate, share nutrients, and support each other--fungicide kills that, and typically makes all other lawn problems even worse in a negative feedback loop. It may take awhile to see the benefits of avoiding these chemicals, but once you see it, it really is astounding.
However! I can’t lie and say that there haven’t been points where I needed to use pesticides at some points in my gardening journey. In these cases, try to use products that are organic--like diatomaceous earth, neem oil, etc--and use them accurately, correctly, and sparingly. Follow instructions on how to apply them safely and responsibly--for example, on non-windy days and during times when bees and other pollinators aren’t likely to be out and about. With some pests (read: oleander aphids, in my experience), a simple jetstream of water is enough to force them off the plant where they’ll be too weak to get back. Eventually, you should have a balanced enough ecosystem that no one insect pest causes a major issue with the work you’re doing to boost biodiversity.
If you can bear to, try handling pests manually. Squishing pest bugs in your hand is a pretty foolproof way to get rid of some problems, or spraying them with a mix of soap and water can do the trick on some insects. Alternatively, picking them off your plants and into a bucket of soapy water is also a valid option. You’ve heard of baptism by fire, now get ready for… baptism by soap?
But also! Try reconsidering what you consider a pest! Tomato hornworms are hated by gardeners, for devouring the foliage of beloved tomato, pepper, and potato plants. But killing the tomato and tobacco hornworm means getting rid of sphinx moths, also known as hummingbird or hawk moths! Hawk moths are vital to the survival of many native plants, and are sometimes even the only species that pollinates them. If you can bear to, consider sacrificing a few tomato plants, or growing a few extras, so we can continue having these beautiful moths for years to come. After all, they may not even do significant damage to the plants!
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With that in mind, be friendly to your natural pest managers! Lacewings, ladybugs, praying mantises, wasps, birds, bats, and more will help manage pest populations in your environment! Encourage them by planting things they like, providing habitat, and leaving them be to do their work! Avoiding pesticides helps make your garden a livable environment for them, too!
Letting Weeds Grow
Many of the plants we know as 'weeds' are actually secondary succession species and native wildflowers. Milkweed was regarded as a noxious, annoying weed for a long time, and now people are actively trying to plant them after learning about the important role they play in our environments! Weeds are adapted to take over areas that have been cleared out of other plants after a disaster, so they're doing much of the initial work in making a habitat for other creatures. In fact, many of them will simply die back as the environment repairs itself.
An important thing to note is to please make sure that your ‘weeds’ are not invasive species. Work on learning how to identify native and invasive species in your area, and pull out what’s harmful to leave room for what’s good!
Don’t Rake (Or At Least Don’t Bag Your Leaves)
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Many insects overwinter in piles of leaves that we often rake away and bag up in the fall and winter. By doing this, we are actively throwing away the biodiversity of our neighborhoods! If you can, leave the leaves where they fall! 
If you do need to rake, put the leaves in places wildlife can still access it instead of bagging it up. Move your leaves into garden beds to serve as mulch, or along the edge of fences to rest while keeping egg cases and hiding bugs intact and free to release come spring.
Leave Snags Where They Are
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Snags are dead trees/dead branches on living trees. They provide an important wildlife habitat--many birds nest in them, or use them to seek cover from rain, and many insects will also live in snags (making them an additional food source for birds and other creatures). Tree cavities are used as nests by hundreds of bird species in the US, and many mammals use them as well, such as bats, squirrels, raccoons, and sometimes even bears. Some trees form cavities while they’re still alive, but in conifers they’re more likely to form after death. Crevices between the trunk of a dead tree and its peeling bark provide sun protection for bats and amphibians, and leafless branches make great perching areas for birds of prey to hunt from above. The decaying wood is home to insects and fungi, who then feed birds, mammals, amphibians, and reptiles.  Do check on the snags regularly to ensure they don’t serve a threat to any nearby structures, but whenever possible, leave them be! 
Keep Your Cat Inside
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If you have an outdoor cat, consider making the adjustments to have it be an indoor cat. If you have an indoor cat, keep it as an indoor cat. Free ranging cats impact biodiversity through predation, fear effects, competition for resources, disease, and more. Keeping little Mittens inside does a lot more to help than it may seem from the outside.
That’s the end of this post! My next one’s gonna be on things you can add to your space that aren’t directly related to growing plants. For now, I hope this advice helps! Feel free to reply with any questions, success stories, or anything you think I may have forgotten to add in! 
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yourheart-inmyhands · 1 month
Hello again! I'm just here to send u another request :P
Could I get Raiden, Focalors, Venti, and the Abyss Princess Lumine for the same request I had for critically injured reader?
Thank you!!
hi tysm for the request! i don't write for lumine unfortunately, she's marked as discontinued on my list since i felt it was difficult to write for someone who is meant to be diverse for each player. so sorry and i hope it doesn't stop you from requesting in the future :D <3
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including obsessive behaviors, self blaming behaviors, mentions of falling from great heights, lots of talk of reader being injured/in hospital, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Raiden was always a little cold, a little distant and standoffish. She didn’t mean any harm by it, she was simply busy and didn’t have a lot of free time for you, even if she wished she had. Staring at you now, her trembling hands holding you tight as she tries to find the source of the bleeding, trying to stop it, trying to do anything. In this moment, Raiden feels the crushing weight of her actions, feels the suffocating pressure of not having loved you enough.
If you died in this moment, protecting her from some daring individuals in Inazuma despite the fact she could easily have protected herself, Raiden would never forgive herself. She’s grateful that you don’t die, nearly bleeding out and being in a medically induced coma aren’t great, but you aren’t dead. It’s in this moment that Raiden is grateful for her immortality, for she can sit eternally by your bedside, waiting for you to wake up.
It nearly makes Raiden sick to see you laid out on a bed like that, far too many machines making noises, more bandages than skin visible. It’s enough to have her flinching, unsure that this was even you anymore. But her heart knows it’s you, and it aches at the sight of the damage it has caused. Raiden finds herself thankful that she isn’t required to sleep, eat, or do any other basic necessities, it gives her more time to sit at your bedside, talking to you and waiting for you to wake up, if you ever do that is. She knows it isn’t enough to make up for all the time she’s thrown away, but as she sits there, staring at her hands in her lap, too nervous to touch you in case she causes more damage, she can’t help but feel like it’s at least a step in the right direction.
Furina wasn’t a neglectful lover by any means, and after losing her divinity, she had even more time to spend with you. Except she didn’t, why she did her best to put on a brave, happy face, she was depressed. She needed time to heal and found herself accidentally shutting you out of that healing process. Furina was grateful for your loyalty though, staying around and making sure she continued to care for herself.
That was exactly what led to the accident though. While cooking food for the two of you in her kitchen, something went wrong with the stove, causing a small explosion in the kitchen and setting fire to everything in sight it could reach. Furina was able to get you both out of there, but she hadn’t been able to stop the explosion, leaving you in a critical state.
Standing just outside your room, watching as the Melusines change your bandages and mutter amongst themselves about your condition, Furina can only blame herself. If she hadn’t been so depressed, if she had done the cooking for once, if she- if she just- her thoughts become muddled with more self-loathing and blame, her gaze unfocused until a Melusine approaches. The small creatures had tried to coax her into the room numerous times, telling her that it was ok to sit beside your bed and that you couldn’t feel any pain right now. Furina politely refused every time. She didn’t feel she deserved to sit or even stand near you. She didn’t think she even deserved to stand outside your room, but she couldn’t stand to be apart from you until she knew you were ok. 
Gliding from the mountaintop was supposed to be a fun little date between the two of you. The gentle breeze coaxing you from the cliffside down to the sprawling fields below, it was supposed to be fun. Venti even went out and bought you both new gliders, ones that matched. It was cute and fun, up until yours broke. He wasn’t sure how, but one of the wings managed to disconnect from the other, leaving you wobbling before the winds turned against you, tipping you over and sending you plummeting.
He could only react so fast, hastily trying to unclip his own glider so that he could go after you. Venti hadn’t even thought about using the power of the wind, he was panicking, wasn’t thinking straight. He couldn’t wrap his brain around the fact that you were actually falling. The sickening crunch was enough to snap him out of his panic, allowing him to finally unsecure his own wings and drop down. He didn’t take any damage though, landing safely thanks to the wind.
Rushing you to Mondstat felt longer than it took, it really had only been a few minutes, but it felt like hours. You were laid on a cot in the Cathedral, all the sisters rushing about trying to help you. Several of your bones had been broken and Sister Barbara was doing her best to heal them. Grand Master Jean even came to help, taking shifts with her sister to give the younger girl some rest. It seemed as though all of Mondstat came to your aid, with the Librarian and Alchemist of the Knights working together to find some sort of healing potion. Everyone was doing something, except Venti. He sat on the roof of the building, crying and cursing his own name. He prayed that Celestia would take his remaining divinity, that they would cut him off and grant him humanity, grant him death. Venti was to blame for this, it had been his idea, he hadn’t reacted fast enough to catch you with the wind. He was sure you were going to hate him after this. 
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patolemus · 2 months
Sterek fic recs: Time Travel AU Edition
As I promised @oldefashioned here is the start of my unending sterek fic reccing. I’ll go by category because this post will never end otherwise.
1. song of the phoenix by graveltotempo
In a last ditch effort to save Beacon Hills after everyone else has died, Stiles channels all of his energy and magic into cleansing the Nemeton and the magical core of the town. But he is more powerful than he knows, more connected to the Nemeton than anyone can guess, and a group of kids, teenagers and adults wakes up in the middle of the night ten years earlier with a second chance they didn't know they needed and a bond they don't understand. Stiles though? Stiles wakes up with a little more.
Notes: It's just. So good. It's kinda hard to explain but basically no one knows what's going on but at the same time it works. Kinda. They're working on it. Stiles is awesome in this, I especially love his relationship with the Hales, because of course I do. It's ongoing.
2. Twice And For All by novasillies
“Derek,” he said despite himself. The werewolf’s eyes sharpened. Scott gave him a distressed look. “Do I know you?” He asked tensely, and Stiles grinned in return. “Oh, no,” he answered, “Not yet.” - In which a well-timed conflict between the magic of the Ghost Riders and Stiles' spark sends him back to the day Scott got bitten. Stiles pointedly changes nothing and so God complexes, needlessly complex romantic drama, and pure, unbridled silliness ensue. (Updates every Thursday wink wonk)
Notes: This is to date one of my favorite time travel fics of all time, across multiple fandoms. Stiles in this one is just *chef's kiss*. Completely unhinged, I love him. Also, the sterek? Easily one of the best dynamics I've read. It's ongoing, only four chapters left!
3. Fly a Little Faster by mirrorkill
Everyone knows when you go back in time, you shouldn't step on an ant, just in case you accidentally kill your own grandparent or something. But what happens when you go back in time and, uh, accidentally interrupt the one event that apparently made the Grumpiest Alpha in Town into a ball of mindless manpain?  Well, if Marty McFly can do it, so can Stiles Stilinski. All he has to do is get Derek and Paige to fall in love before he gets pulled back to his own time. And before he makes anything worse. That's easy as pie, right? Right?
Notes: I liked this one because it's not the typical Stiles travels back in time after everyone else in the pack dies. It's got a different premise, still somewhat canon compliant (maybe??? canon enough), and it's amazingly done. It's complete.
4. Daybreak by TheObsidianQuill
"There . . ." Stiles swallowed and looked down at the bottle in his grasp as he slowly swirled the amber liquid inside. "There's really nothing left. For me. Everyone is . . . gone, and it feels like I haven't thought of tomorrow in years." His words rang in the air like a gunshot, he took another heavy drink. "I would trade every last breath I take to just have another shot—not even a guarantee, just a chance to make things right and bring back even one of them." ----- The pack was gone. He had nothing left. He had no one. With nothing to lose, Stiles puts everything on the line to go back in time to try to prevent the future from becoming his past. Broken, guarded, and haunted by his past, only one overgrown-pup of a wolf seems able to get past his defenses. Changing the future? Easy. Finding a place for himself in the Hale Pack? Impossible.
Notes: So good! Stiles is a traumatized bean and the Hales are just everything! It's complete.
5. The A Spark of Hope and the Butterfly Effect series by Phlinting
It's been eleven years since Scott was bitten by a feral werewolf and, despite his pack's many victories along the way, Gerard Argent's influence lives on. As the knowledge of the supernatural spread to the general population so did the hatred and fear of the unknown. The McCall pack has been picked off one by one and Stiles, Sheriff Stilinski, and Peter Hale are the only three left, on the run and barely surviving. But Stiles has found a spell. He has the magic, the spark, and his belief. He has his dad and Peter to help power it and he has the will and desperation to succeed. He's going back to the Hale fire and this time he's going to stop it ALL before it starts. It's the perfect solution. Too bad things never go quite according to plan...
Notes: The Sheriff and Peter are *chef's kiss* here! I really don't know how to explain all that happens here but it gets a little out of control in the best way. It's complete.
6. The The Long Way Round series by exclamation
A magical accident sends Stiles back in time. Now he's stuck in New York, living with Derek and Laura, and the only way to get back to his own time is to learn to use magic. Meanwhile, he must figure out how much he can tell them about their future. Can he warn them about the dangers they face? Can he change his own past?   And can he trust the creature known as Bookworm, who seems to know him better than he knows himself?
Notes: This series had me in a chokehold, I cried so much but it was absolutely worth it! Stiles doesn't plan to travel back in time on this one, this just... happen, and it all spirals a bit out of control. But don't worry! You may have no idea of what's going to happen, but the author certainly did and they did an amazing work. It's complete.
7. It’s Happening by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
Derek stopped listening to him, brain going a mile a minute.   Derek, it’s fucking happening! Derek, please!   He would recognize that fucking voice anywhere. Two years. Two fucking years had passed, and now this little shit was standing in front of him, speaking his name, and grinning like an idiot. “It’s you,” Derek said, earning him a confused look from Stiles. “The phone call. Two years ago. It was you.” (SNYE - January 2nd - Time Travel)
Notes: This is not canon compliant. It's a whole other universe, actually, and it's so good. Good ol' Derek is losing his mind over here, but it's alright! Things work out just fine. It's complete.
These ones are not time travel, but dimensional travel. It’s similar enough so here you go.
8. The play it again series by metisket
In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself. “Laura wants to lure the kid in with food and kindness and make a pet of him, like a feral cat. Derek wants to have him arrested for stalking. They’re at an impasse. (And the rest of the family is staying emphatically out of it in a way that suggests bets have been placed.)”
Notes: I honestly don't know how to show the whole of my appreciation for this series. I think I've read this about five times since I found it last year. Stiles lands himself in a whole other dimension, where the Hale House fire never happened and Scott is human. It goes about as well as you can expect. It's technically not complete, but the main piece is.
9. The Home Across The Universe series by TricksterShi
You can lose your home and spend your whole life looking for it, sometimes you may even find bits of it again. But sometimes home goes out searching and finds you first. ~ The day he loses his father and his pack, Stiles is transported to a parallel world where his counterpart is nine years old and seemingly small changes have had a huge impact on the course of events in Beacon Hills. At first sticking to the shadows as a vigilante to protect his otherworld father and younger self, Stiles is soon drawn out into the light and onto a path that forces him to confront the traumas of his past so that he can make a place for himself in this new world.
Notes: Just. This absolute beast of a universe is seriously so well done, and so good. Imagine play it again, but much more depressing and waaaay longer. The angst is on point! The Stilinskis are the best in this one. And Derek and Laura have my heart, love my pookies. Stiles is not having the best times, but he'll be looked after, don't worry! Also technically not complete, but all the pieces in the series are done.
10. The Ley Lines series by forestofbabel
Stiles is back in town after many years, angry and bitter and disconnected from anything you might call pack. It might as well be a tradition at this point that he gets drunk and wakes up in the woods. Only, this time, something is different.  The ghosts that have weighed in his heart are alive and well, and Stiles gets to witness a life that could have been his. There is one thing he knows, though. No matter how much he may want to stay, he has to go home.  If the ley lines you should follow, and your dwelling at the end, and find your presence has been hollowed, your hereafter is to amend." *** Stiles is faced in this new world with someone he had been avoiding for a long time. Himself.  The Double Walker cannot survive where the Double Walker dwells *** Derek had an itch under his skin. There was something missing. He knew exactly what it was. Who it was. His regrets paraded themselves in a steady stream, and he had to watch as Stiles left time and time again, knowing it would be the only way to let the ley lines heal. That didn't make it hurt any less. Still, some part of Derek hoped.
Notes: I honestly just read the first part, but I thought I'd add the whole series so people know what they're getting into. The first part can be read as a stand alone, so if anyone wants to stop after that they absolutely can. The fic itself is a bit sad, but it has a happy ending! Stiles travels to another dimension, and shenanigans follow. The series is complete.
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jellycreamjammedart · 11 months
i LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea of post-bad end cassie sticking around to try fixing everything and befriending the ruined robots SOB. Do you have any headcanons for them in this setting?
oh boi DO I (post-bad end brainrot post here)
M.X.E.S and Helpi are BOTH sassy little bitches. They bicker at each other over things a lot like two geeky nerds. Unfortunately Cassie has to watch them bickering be it through the vanni mask or the implant. Sometimes either one or both of them ramble over something code/technology based to Cassie, essentially making her their "debuggy ducky".
They collect the Freddy-talk to make sure the Mimic can't use it again to trick Cassie again or trick future victims so easily with it. Cassie also claims Gregory's forgotten Glam Freddy backpack for herself for better inventory (and maybe anything useful inside if there's anything.) Finder's keepers, bitch.
After finding a blue spray paint can (many cans are seen abandoned through, having been used for the graffiti stuff,) Cassie uses it to paint Prototype Glamrock Freddy's endo claws blue, to match his casing hands a little. It's not much but boy does that make him feel fabulous! She does the same for Roxy's claws after finding a green one.
They find an usable old stroller to carry Monty. He's lowkey embarrassed, but he certainly prefers this accommodation over having to drag and crawl himself everywhere.
On their quest to reactivate the security nodes they all also keep on the look out for anything that could be used to fix one of them a little bit (like a spare arm for Chica or spare eye(s) for Roxy, things to help them fix Bonnie, anything that could help any of them.)
Speaking of, Chica donated one of her eyes to Roxy. One eye is better than none.
All the robots are equipped with some medical knowledge in case they had an emergency with patrons back in the PizzaPlex glory, especially the Daycare Attendant/Eclipse. They all try to help patch Cassie up from injuries caused by the elevator drop.
The mini Music Men follow Cassie like ducklings. They're also great at finding any goods due to fitting through cramped nookies and crannies and locate things the others wouldn't be able to reach due to being bigger.
Helpi and M.X.E.S seeing that Monty shrine through Cassie's point of view: "IS THAT MONTY'S FUCKING LEGS-"
You can bet they stop for a bit to play the Chica's Feeding Frenzy and Monty's Gator Golf arcades. They either take turns or gather around Cassie to watch her play and cheer her on it. Listen they all went through a LOT, they NEED a little harmless reprieve!
Roxy, Monty and Chica definitely still hold resentment towards Gregory for what he did against them in the past. They're also even madder at him now on Cassie's behalf after learning he sent the elevator plummeting down with her inside and trapping her, an indignation the others also share because "wtf bro what kind of friend does that shit???" The Daycare Attendant is mostly salty because Gregory's a RULE-BREAKER and his ass is still BANNED.
By the way, it doesn't really matter whether it was the real Gregory who betrayed Cassie or the Mimic putting up an act again. As far as they're all concerned, it was the real Gregory.
They pick up and collect plushies that are still in good condition (except ones that are child nodes in M.X.E.S' security, those only get hidden better.) Prototype Glamrock Freddy loves tucking a few plushies into his hatch, they feel soft inside! A few also get put inside Monty's stroller with him.
Despite M.X.E.S' hostility at Cassie back at the beginning, after understanding better why she was doing what she was doing, and watching her trying her hardest and giving it her all to make things better, it learned to hold a huge respect for the girl. The one thing M.X.E.S and Helpi agree with despite their bickering.
M.X.E.S: You're such a sassy little shit! Helpi: Hey don't cuss! The kid can see it through the mask/implant! M.X.E.S: M.X.E.S: OH FUCK, I FORGOR! Helpi: YOU DID IT AGAIN-! Bonnie: Hey kiddo, you okay? Cassie: Huh? Roxy: Yeah, you looked spaced out. Cassie: Oh, yeah I'm okay. M.X.E.S. just said "fuck". The entire squad in the real world: HE WHAT-
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detailtilted · 1 month
In Search of Supernatural Fans from the Early Years
Hi! I’m looking for the legends who originally recorded old Supernatural convention panels featuring Jared or Jensen, or possibly Misha. See "What I'm Looking For" below. If you know one of them, or if you're a member of a community with people who were in the fandom in those early years, I’d greatly appreciate it if you could let them know about this post. I can be reached at [email protected] or here on Tumblr.
If you aren’t familiar with my project, see the “Project Background” section below. This is not a low-effort exercise to merely repackage old videos. I’m putting many hours of work into each video to improve their watchability and accessibility. I will always credit my sources unless you wish to remain anonymous.
Even if your videos are on YouTube, I’m likely to have more success upscaling them if I can get the original video files. Thanks to the videos AgtSpooky kindly sent me, I've learned how big of a difference it can make when I have the original files to work with. That's why I’m putting more effort into finding those elusive original video takers.
The problem is that they all seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. Most of their YouTube accounts, LiveJournal accounts, and whatever other accounts I’ve dug up haven’t had any activity in 10-15 years. I’ve left a few messages on some of them, but I doubt they’ll be seen on dormant accounts. I’ve also gone down some crazy and twisted Googling paths trying to find current contact info for them, but without much success. In one case I even messaged the wrong person, who was at least kind enough to reply to the psycho asking for videos to let me know she wasn't the person I'd hoped she was. Oops!
What I’m Looking For
I’ve already finished CHICON 2007, Comic-Con 2008, and CHICON 2008, so I don’t need videos from those events, but I’d be happy to try to upscale your videos for your own collection if you have some you'd like to send me.
Actually, I could use CHICON 2008 Breakfast videos if you have any. I plan to attempt to redo that video either late this year or early next year.
I’ve been trying especially hard to reach people with original video files from either LA 2009 or Asylum 3 (2009), and I’d also be ecstatic to get some from LA 2008.
Any other old con videos you’re willing to share that have Jared or Jensen in them would be awesome. I hope to get to all the old conventions eventually. I haven’t yet defined “old”, so I don’t have a specific cutoff point.
Even if you just have audio files without video, those could be helpful too.
Length doesn't matter. Both long and short videos are welcome. Maybe I won't end up using them all, but the more options I have the better. Even if I don't put your video in my final edit, it would still be used because I always listen to every single video I can find when I'm finalizing my subtitles. Each video sounds at least a little different, and sometimes just hearing the audio in a slightly different way lets me catch a subtitle I'd missed or misheard.
Also, just to be clear, it isn’t necessarily my intent to exclude Misha. I’ve watched and enjoyed many of his convention videos and I liked Castiel for the most part, especially in the earlier seasons. I’m just not obsessed with Misha like I am with Jared and Jensen, and these videos do take quite a lot of work, so I’ve been putting my energy where my greatest interests lie. I’ll absolutely be including him when he’s in panels with Jared and/or Jensen, and in the future I may consider doing some of his solo panels.
So if you have original video files of Misha's solo panels that you’d like to send me, I’d be happy to add them to my stockpile for future possible use. If your videos turn out to be mostly complete, and if they upscale easily, then I might go ahead and do his panel at the same time I do the other panels from the same convention. If they'll take more effort to work with, I’ll probably skip them for now, but I may come back and tackle them if/when I run out of old Jared and Jensen videos to work with.
For any con videos you send me, regardless of whether I use them or not, I’d be happy to try to upscale them and send them back to you for your collection. I can’t always get things to upscale, so I can’t promise success, but I’ll definitely try.
Project Background - Enhanced Edition Con Videos
You can find my videos on my YouTube channel. (If you're already familiar with my project, skip to the next section -- there's nothing new to see here.)
I started this project in December 2023 to enhance old convention videos. My goal is to make them easier on the eyes and more accessible to both new and old fans from around the world. The videos on YouTube from that time can be difficult both to watch and to understand due to a combination of the older technology used to record them, the difficult recording conditions the fans were working with, and the lack of subtitles that make any sense.
I’m enhancing the videos as follows:
Visual Improvements: I’m upscaling the videos if possible, making color corrections if needed, and adding some slight stabilization to reduce the jitteriness. The end result is far from perfect because there’s only so much that current technology can do, but it's noticeably improved if you compare it to the originals.
Subtitles: I’m adding good, color-coded, English subtitles that can be turned on or off through YouTube’s CC button. The color-coding makes it more clear who's saying what when multiple people are speaking, and YouTube can auto-translate them into other languages to improve the accessibility.
Multiple Sources: If one video has gaps in it, then I'll try to find another that I can edit in to fill those gaps so the end result is as complete as possible. If I have more than one source that captured the same portion of the event, then I'll cut to whichever video I think had the best view of the action. In a few cases I’ve added a split screen with two different videos showing simultaneously so we can see action that's taking place in two separate areas. For example, when Jared and Jensen are on opposite sides of the stage. (There were also the infernal talking head bubbles on my Comic-Con 2008 video which nearly made me throw in the towel, but taught me a lot. 😅)
Extra Content for Context: These older videos don’t take up the full width of a modern video frame, so I’ve taken advantage of the extra space to display some still images with text to add extra context for many of the things they discuss. Some things are a lot funnier, or at least a lot more relevant, when you know exactly what they’re talking about. I clarify Supernatural episode references and pop culture references among other things. Sometimes I’ve also inserted short video clips, usually just a few seconds’ worth, if I thought it would add worthwhile clarity or entertainment to the topic at hand.
Current Project Status
If anyone has been wondering how I’m doing on my current video and what’s next… I’m almost done with the last video from CHICON 2008, which was Jensen’s solo panel. I should be ready to publish it on YouTube this Friday, May 24. I plan to use the same schedule as last time and put the Tumblr post up the following Tuesday when it’s a little more likely to be noticed here.
The next sequential conventions are LA 2009 and Asylum 2009, but I haven’t had much success in my attempts to upscale the available videos. If I were to work with what I have now, I know I could turn out something better than what’s on YouTube today, but the end result wouldn’t be nearly as good as what I might be able to achieve if I can get some original videos to work with. So I think it’s more logical to skip over these conventions for now and give it some time to see if I get any responses, in hope of a better end result.
I do intend to come back to the skipped conventions eventually, even if nobody sends me anything. Once I run out of conventions for which I can upscale the videos, if I still don't have anything better to work with for the ones I skipped, I’ll just do the best I can with what’s available. Even if I can't upscale, I can still do color corrections and stabilization, plus the subtitles and extra content. Some of these panels are split up into a bunch of very short videos, so it would also add value if I can combine them into something more sequential and cohesive. (I found 130 videos from the Jared and/or Jensen panels at LA 2009, and most of them were under 2 minutes long. 🤣) I don’t know if there’s enough footage to cover the entire panels seamlessly, but I’m itching to get my hands on that jigsaw puzzle of videos to try to make sense out of them.
So… the next videos I intend to work on will be from Vancouver 2009. This is one of the conventions that AgtSpooky attended and sent me videos for and they upscaled very well. Her breakfast video had already found its way onto YouTube, but wasn't properly credited. Her main panel videos aren't on YouTube as far as I could find, so that version may be new to newer fans. I'm only just starting to play around with upscaling the other sources out there, but my first attempt at the other main Breakfast source came out well. Both breakfast videos were taken from extreme opposite angles, so that should provide some useful editing opportunities. I’d still love to get more videos of this event if anyone has them.
If you made it this far, I am in awe. Sorry for putting this wall of text on your screen! 😅
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meraki-yao · 4 months
Now I'm curious to know all the "candies" between Nick and Tay 👀 lol I don't ship them but I also find it interesting that some fans really ship real people together and gather evidence or proof of it. If its fine with you to share it pls do 🙏 but if not its also fine :)
Actually, sure! I kinda wanted to share some of these at times but again I understand that rps is a complicated subject.
A couple of quick prefaces though:
1, If you’re uncomfortable with the subject, again, please don’t read under the post
2, I don’t have all the candies because I really just view them in passing, so I’m just gonna write/translate the ones I’ve seen, remember and find at least a logical speculation
3, I need to reiterate this in case my position in this gets misunderstood: Me writing about “candies” isn’t because these are MY opinion or things *I* found or *I* believe in them being evidence. I am just a translator and messenger.
4, (this one is gonna sound a little academic lol) Two things I realized when thinking about this “candy eating” culture is that Chinese people have a very difference understanding of platonic/romantic affection/relationships with the Western world, and that they look at the candies with rose-tinted glass. Chinese/Asian people are generally a lot less affectionate with their personal relationships, for example friends wouldn’t say “love you” to each other if they’re just friends, nor would they expand their friend group to the others easily or other stuff. And these people who look for candy go into their “investigation” already with the belief that “they are together”, everything remotely resembling a close relationship will automatically be interpreted as romantic. I thought about it a lot, and honestly among the “candies” I’ve seen, most of them are a matter of interpretation: yes those are things couples will do, but it wouldn’t be weird if friends did it too. So they’re not that seriously or up for further speculation. There is I think only one “candy” that I can’t quite say the same, which I will explain and elaborate on in this post. 
5, Please remember that the people who do this do it in good nature: something I didn’t make clear in my post yesterday, which is on me, is that the fans do want them to be together, but they’re not like… yandere level or something. If they’re just friends the fans won’t be upset or betrayed or anything, they just prefer to see them as romantic. They don’t mean any harm, and they don’t cause any harm because China is physically and digitally too far away for them to actually fuck shit up, and they understand the lines of parasocial relationships: those who met with Taylor during his China trip in December know to, and didn’t bring up this in front of him. They know where to draw the line, and whoever doesn’t and starts becoming a problem gets kicked out of the community. This is meant for fun.
6, Ok Future Meraki here, turns out, there’s a lot to translate, a lot more than I anticipated Jesus Christ and I do want to get this post how within today and make it a reasonable length, so I’m just gonna do two events and the one that I mentioned in 4. If yall want a part 2 let me know.
Ok with that being said, the main event under the cut:
In December they made a whole article about “candies” from December, and to quickly summarise (again noted that all of this is speculation, I didn’t and can’t fact check them, and I’m just a translator) (also this ended up way longer than I anticipated so for photo reference if you can please go to the link of the original article):
Academy Gala:
Nick and Taylor both attended the gala: Since the strike ended up to that point, the two times Nick attends a public event, Taylor’s there too (GQ men of the year and Academy Gala), and for both times he’s wearing Cartier’s Tank Must Watch (remember this watch, I’m gonna elaborate on it later because it is the only candy that even I can’t say it’s a matter of interpretation)
In various pictures of the night’s party that other people took, the boys can be seen together in the background
How the photography worked that night was magazine photographers wandered around the venue and randomly found people to take some relatively candid photos: so people who were walking/sitting/in any way sticking together would be photographed together. So best friends and married couples would be photographed together, which is what happened to Meryl Streep, Greta Gerwig, Saoirse Ronan, and Christopher Nolan, Cillian Murphy and their wives. With that logic, Taylor and Nick were caught by the photographer together TWICE, in clearly different places. Later Korean fans (with the same “candy-searching” mindset) read the time on Taylor’s watch in the photos: one was 8:30, one was 9:50. The implication is that they were together for at least that period of time (nearly 1.5 hours)
In both photos of the boys together, Nick’s elbow is…straight up leaning into Taylor's chest. In a photo with Kaia, Nick’s friend and co-star from Bottoms (Brittany), there’s visible space between Nick and Kaia but none between Nick and Taylor (… okay I’m gonna pop in with my own opinion on the latter one real quick: I really think that one is just Nick being a gentleman)  
During that night, Taylor re-posted an Instagram post from July onto Little Red Book: but the things is in the comment section of the original Instagram post, Taylor teasingly pretends to not know Nick; and according to the posting time and the time calculated in 3, Nick would have been watching him post that to Little Red Book.
Nick got a photo with Taylor’s friend Jay Ellis (Jay and Taylor follow each other on Instagram, and Taylor comments under Jay’s post), even though Nick and Jay don’t seem to have any direct connections. Kaia and Taylor started following each other on Instagram after the event.
While other people who got photos with Taylor posted them, in Taylor’s Instagram Post for the night: He only included his photo with Nick, the rest are all solo portraits of himself. Not only that: he edited the background of the photo so it’s just them, and proceeded to put the photo in the middle of the post.
a bunch of Taylor's good friends, including Taylor’s cousin went to like Nick’s post for the academy gala night. Taylor’s sister Ash shared Taylor’s post to her stories: 2 photos of Taylor himself, and the one photo of Taylor and Nick. Taylor mentioned in a past interview if he had any emotional or relationship (I don’t know which one is the right translation, the original wording is 感情) issues, he would talk to Ash. (please note that I didn’t not and don’t know how to fact-check any of the things mentioned above except for Ash’s Instagram)
Conclusion/ Speculation (okay the academy gala part alone took me 40 minutes what the fuck): I cannot reiterate this enough: THIS IS JUST SPECULATION DO NOT TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY but under the assumption that Taylor and Nick are a thing, the serious of shenanigans that happened that night, especially with the family and friends stuff in 6,7,8, was interpreted as they announcing it to their personal social circle. AGAIN THIS IS SPECUALTION DON’T TAKE THIS SERIOSULY 
Taylor’s China Trip
On 7th December, Taylor had a photo shoot at the GQ gala venue, but spent the rest of the afternoon taking photos and signing things for fans. Among those, one was the photo of him and Nick from the academy gala just three days ago. He was visibly extra happy and showed off the photo to the crowd, unlike the other photos which he simply gets it, signs it, and then gives it back.
This day was also the start of “Taylor giving Nick/Henry a moustache”: throughout the trip, he drew on four photos of the two of them
(This one is a … really big stretch) among the four, one of them was the GQ magazine shoot, and he first drew the moustache on Nick’s face, giggling “I’ll sign on Nick’s face”, signed his own signature, then just when he was about to give the magazine back he suddenly changed his mind and said “wait wait I wanna do something on my face”, and then drew a crown on his head while muttering “crown prince”. And the thing is… historically, George Villers had a moustache. And then he drew a moustache on Nick and a crown on himself. Also, one of the most popular Chinese RWRB fic on AO3 is called “The King’s Palace”, and the premise is putting Henry in George place as the social climber and the Duke of Buckingham (it is literally George’s character with blonde hair and a different name), and Alex as the crown prince who ascended to the throne and is also utterly infatuated with Henry. So… yeah.
When he drew the fourth photo, which was the piano scene, the fan who asked said “Oh you’re so nice to Nick!” and according to their description (there’s no video), Taylor blushed a little and said “yeaahhhhh” with a big grin
While Taylor was in China people were stirring shit up on Twitter about him, and during the Twitter drama, Nick liked Taylor’s Academy Gala post.
The boys liked the same video on Instagram but from different accounts (a video about a pony in the snow)
During the trip, Taylor was seen wearing a white button-up with blue stripes. Nick has been seen wearing a shirt that looks identical before.
Cartier Watch (aka the one that makes me do a double take)
Taylor used to wear a lot of Cartier watches until he started wearing Tagheuer last July due to a commercial partnership
Nick likes wearing Omega watches. In fact, Henry’s watch in the movie is Nick’s own omega watch. He also has a commercial partnership with Omega.
But then starting last year, both of them were seen wearing matching Cartier’s Tank Must Watches (the silver on with a black surface and a sapphire crown): Taylor can be seen wearing it in the 5th photos of his September post, while Nick can be seen wearing it during the GQ gala, the Academy Gala, in Milan during fan interactions, and last weekend in his TIOY co-star’s Instagram story.
And the thing about this watch is (and here is where I need to reiterate that I’m just translating, I didn’t fact check this) 1, watch is a typical thing to give a lover, and you must be familiar with their wrist size 2, Cartier is a pretty romantic brand 3, the price of this watch is closer to what Taylor’s used to wearing but much cheaper than Omega 4, This specific watch is a popular watch to give a partner/lover, 5, David and Victoria Beckham’s relationship was discovered because paparazzi saw the Cartier watch he gave her and connected dots together
Jesus Christ at this point I should consider getting a part time job in translation
This was fun but this took me so much time, it’s ~2000 words long
Again, all of this was found and speculate for fun, and mean no ill will, and haven’t, and won’t harm the boys, please understand that and don’t take this took seriously. If you find this interesting and want a part two, let me know.
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providencehq · 1 year
Power House AU: I've absolutely loved all the additions and directions people took this post where Danny is captured by the Justice League and I wanted to share my general thoughts on where it would go after that but I'm also lazy so it's just this since I'm tired and don't want to draw.
The JL attempts to interrogate him but fails as Phantom is unresponsive for the majority of the time.
They struggle trying to identify exactly why he isn't responsive considering he has either fully ran from members or quickly attempt to fight them if they try to interact with him.
Somehow, someway, when they're moving Phantom to a new location in the Watch Tower to get a medical check since they're getting worried that after a few days, he's remained the same.
Phantom proceeds to freak the fuck out in the nicest of terms when he's taken to their medical wing and manages to slip out from whoever was taking him.
He's in full panic mode now and he NEEDS to get out even with the suppression cuffs on him so he's dashing blindly in the watch tower.
He manages to make way to the Zeta tubes and somehow manages to make them function and he's teleported away (not Danny's intention, he was just running and it went off at the worst time.)
He doesn't know where he's at on Earth but he's immediately running either way to get away.
Certain members of the League Zeta'd right behind him and are now looking for him.
Danny gets the suppression cuffs and collar and transform right before they can catch him.
They let him leave as they're informed by Batman that they have enough information on him that with a lot of leg work, they may be able to find who he really is since they have now both seen his human and "meta" side of him. Batman does reveal that due to something with biology, they won't be able to find any DNA matches and much of the video recordings of him are difficult to make out even if they're from the Watch Tower.
Danny escapes back to Central City and tries his best to return to a normal college life. He's slightly upset since they managed to pull him away, leaving him little time to study for an upcoming exam.
A few more weeks pass and Batman with the help of Flash manage to find out who Phantom is. A young college student in Central City and is funnily enough working at S.T.A.R. Labs as an intern. Bright future ahead and seems like no one who would have a potential in being a hero/vigilante but digging enough into his past they believe that if anything, it seems like another case of how the Flash came to be except a whole different set of powers.
They decide the best way to get Phantom is to corner him as a civilian in public.
Bart Allen, Hal Jordan, and J'onn J'onzz go as a group of civilians to intervene with Danny as he's leaving one of his campuses buildings.
They make themselves known to Danny and that it would be a mighty bad time to try to fight back or get away as they're all so exposed in public (not really, they're talking alone between some buildings). They make it known that they only want to ask questions and they have concerns about whatever is going on with him (being Phantom, his rogues, fighting the League, clearly fighting alone, etc.)
Danny decides the risk is worth it and tries to make a run for it before even speaking a word to them. Clearly doesn't work out as they expect him to either run or fight them. Barry manages to get to him and place suppression cuffs and collar back on him fairly easily before Danny could transform thanks to super speed.
They're not happy clearly with Danny still not cooperating but it's expected. The three inform Danny that he is now being held by the League until they can determine the best next step.
For the first time, Danny speaks to them and says "You can't do that! Finals are in two weeks! What the fuck am I suppose to do that? It's literally my second final semester!"
It doesn't work and Danny finds himself taken back to the Watch Tower to be once again interrogated. It's back to square one with Danny/Phantom. He isn't responding to any of their questions but this time rather out of a sense of protection of his self and mind, it's out of pure spite. They're making him miss his finals, of course he's going to give them nothing in return.
The most they're able to get out of him at one point is that why should he trust them? Why should he trust heroes who only care about themselves and their image? Even if he's young and inexperienced, he does his job and does it quick and they need to leave him alone.
It's implied he doesn't trust the older heroes in any regard and this is true, they only want to learn how he got his powers, where his rouges are from, and why he fought and ran from the League. Nothing else, nothing more.
Danny/Phantom doesn't trust the League in any regard so why should he even attempt to cooperate?
And that's all I have :)
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scuderiafemboy · 1 year
f1 lestappen database nini edition
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notes: number 1) this can get outdated super easily… number 2) i also dont know how to link content as i dont use tumblr alot but upon request im remaking my twitter thread here number 3) im not putting the races in chronological order as im quite lazy
at the 2019 japanese gp, max and charles hit eachother into turn two.
max after the race on the crash:
“i just dont get it. there was no need to risk so much in turn two. cause at the end of the day, both of us had to pit.”
2019 austrian gp, 3 laps left into the race max overtook charles and won the grandprix.
charles at the postrace pressconference:
“as i said, ive done exactly the same thing from the first and the second lap so i didnt expect any contact on the second lap. as max said, i think he braked a little bit deeper. i dont know if he lost it or not but then there was the contact. i felt like i was quite strong in traction. on the first attempt i managed to have better traction and have my position. on the second one i couldnt do that cause i was off track.”
2019 silverstone gp, the race right after austria. max and charles closely battled for 10 laps straight
charles during the postrace press conference:
“the best move was probably the one on max, on the outside in copse, i think he just passed me and i passed him back around the outside of copse. i think that was definitely was one of the most exciting (moves) of the race… of my race!”
2020 sakhir gp, charles crashed into checo, forcing max to go wide and then also crash
max post race:
“i respect charles alot, hes a great driver but i think today was a bit too much. he asked me “what happened?” and i say “what do you mean “what happened” you crashed into sergio and i have to go around”. i think he will look back at the footage and i hope he will understand that that was maybe a bit too aggressive. which is a shame.”
charles on the beyond the grid podcast 2021, talking about his rivalry with max:
“its the same (their rivalry) at the moment its obviously a little bit deminished because i can not fight against him, unfortunately. but if you look at the fight in silverstone 2019, i think you can understand theres quite a bit of competition and its always been the case. i mean its nice; we have grown up together in karting weve been always fighting eachother and now we find ourselves again in formula 1. so its great and i cant wait to put the team back were it deserves to be and fight against max for the title.”
monaco gp 2021, during Q3 charles crashes which means max cant set a laptime
max postrace interview:
“he just clipped the wall initially and ended up where ive ended up twice [laughs] so its just unfortunate. ofcourse i am disappointed not to have a shot at pole but thats life, you know. sometimes you cant do it. i mean its fine, i dont think his lap should be deleted in the future if they want to make rule changes. i dont that would be fair.”
charles instagram post after the 2021 silverstone gp yes i am counting it too:
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max saying he prefers his rivalry with charles over the one he has with lewis, 2022
max to sky italy:
"i prefer what we have now because, first of all, charles i know very well, hes a nice guy, we are a similar age… on saturday night, we even had a laugh in paul ricard... we are hard competitors on the track and we will always try to beat each other, which i think is very normal, but outside of it you can have a good time as well, and thats what i really enjoy about this year."
max debunking that charles never forgave him for austria 2019 and racing together with him, 2022
max in a video interview:
"i never speak about these things with other drivers, i mean, it happens. ive lost wins as well, and its not the end of the world, you move on. i think charles is one of the most talented drivers in formula 1, and he will win many more races… i would say back in the day it was a little bit more difficult, but also we were very young and growing up and you are fighting for the same goal, right? now that youre in formula 1, i think it is really different. you are representing really big brands. so we get on very well now. we can have a good chat and enjoy our battles, and i think thats very nice. knowing each other for such a long time helps. weve spent so much time together, in a way."
2022 hungarian gp, max told the hungarian press he understands charles his frustration after the 2022 french gp
max to the hungarian press:
“everyone handles that (their disappointment) in a different way. some people need to reflect on it like that. at the time youre still a bit emotional from what just happened and maybe become a bit too emotional, but thats fine, people should be emotional, they should show their emotions."
charles on fighting with italian site corriere della sera, 2022 this is not an official translation sorry but i can link the source
“i like to deal with max, we have a similar level of aggression. we have fun, with respect. im not saying that last year there was no respect between max and lewis, but it seemed like a different duel than ours. but if we were to get to the end of the championship very close in points, the situation would be much more tense than it is now.”
max, also for corriere della sera in 2022
“i have known charles since we were five years old, we are of the same generation and we grew up challenging ourselves on the track.”
max to viaplay, 2023 after charles crashed during Q3 of the miami gp, meaning he couldnt set a time and had to start from P8 (this is a livetranslation of mine post qualifying, so the quote isnt 100% spot on but you get the gist)
“the red flag was annoying, but it happens on streetcircuits. it just sucks, i will have to cope and move on.”
monaco gp, charles had an interview with canal+ for its 10 year anniversary with formula 1. he got asked to name 10 drivers hes the closest with
“pierre without a doubt, carlos, lando, george, alex albon, yuki, lewis, max aswell eventhough most people dont think its the case but it is! esteban, and lance.”
this is it for now, i am a bit tired but thank the tumblr lords you can change posts later on so i can update it with ease later on. enjoys besties 🫡
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
TADC cast comforting the reader!
i know i said i have a character limit (and technically ive already broken it for the creepypasta version of this post and similar posts in this category) buuuuuut admins personal writing gets to twist the rules a little bit/j/lh and also i dont want to make multiple posts for this prompt soooooooooo writing this while im waiting to make my silly money on a roblox tycoon yall know how it is :3 uuuuuuh might have more typos than usual simply because that wave of sleepiness is hitting but also i wanna finish my tycoon so NEVER BACK DOWN NEVER WHAT
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i think he might try too hard in trying to get you to feel better. likely overwhelms you but he doesnt have ill intent (though that doesnt change much, youre still overwhelmed) so you might have to be firm in having him reel things back to a level that works for you. i think he would ask you whats wrong, as well as get anything he thinks he would help you feel better (drinks, blankets... hell before you can process anything hes probably got you buried in loads of things)... hes got the spirit but his intensity is... well intense.. torn between him being a decent listener because on one hand i can see him being hooked on every word you say and talking over you in an attempt to find a solution right then and there.... 6/10 i love caine but i get overwhelmed/overstimulated easily
does not know what to do when someone around her it upset, much less crying... i think she would put on this really weird... awkward... forced smile to try to lessen the tension in the air (failing at it, mind you) and try to pat your back... asks if you want to talk about it... a really good listener, actually. a better listener than a comforter, her solutions are so-so, they're what you expect from someone who doesnt want to accidentally overstep but nonetheless still cares about how you feel. at least you can count on her being totally no judgement, too... lets you talk to her for as long as you need, giving a nod and affirmation that she is in fact listening 8/10
very similar to pomni in regards to being a great listener, but i think ragatha would also be a great comforter as well as solution giver! lets you come into her room, gives you one of her nicer blankets to curl under while she lets you unload onto her. if someone is being mean to you or something is frustrating you, ragatha offers to give you a hand to find a solution to make things easier for you. offers to confront the person for you, though she does vaguely urge for you to build yourself up to try to speak up for yourself in the future. of course, if you ever need anyone ragatha is going to be there for you but she would also love to see you stand up for yourself. builds you up, probably gives peps talks! 8.5/10
more often than not its going to look like hes disinterested or flat out not listening... which if it were just about anyone else that might really be the case.. buuuuuut what if you were one of his friends, or perhaps a partner? i think he would at least throw in a yeah.. which i think for how i typically write jax means something. one of those "if he didnt actually care he wouldnt be responding at all" and yeah sure its the bare minimum... i think every now and then he might just say screw it and throw his act out the window start shit talking... usually if theres someone to shit talk, you know if someone has made you upset or something... i think he would make them a target for his pranks... usually tries to play everything off as something light or unimportant but as long as its you, he is listening and he is going to at least make an attempt to do something about it... just dont bring it up 4/10 because personally it would make me feel worse shrugs
well i dont know how dad/energy having people can be comforting because my dad is emotionally distant/lh but i think he would let you come into his pillow fort... or if you dont want to be in a space so small he would let you come into his room, or he might take you out on a walk around the grounds. i think he would be more of a listener than anything else, nodding and humming to let you know hes listening. when theres pauses in your speaking he tries to offer some advice which can be pretty hit or miss. i think he would give you a hug, if you asked for one... if you want a distraction he will launch into a ramble about insects and other things! trails off to ask how youre doing every now and then, usually makes him lose his spot in the previous conversation thus starting a new one... will talk for hours 7/10 but im biased for kinger
distant but not in the way jax is, zooble just has trouble expressing some of their emotions. jax just doesnt like showing any care or vulnerability. but zooble might let you stay in their room if youre crying or otherwise outwardly distressed. might let you sink down into one of their bean bag chairs... kind of just opens up a vent session with asking if you want to talk shit, or to just get angry. i think they can deal with someone being angry and irritated than a crying person because at least then they can apply their own irritation for it and put themselves in the other persons shoes. really you two just bounce and build each other in this scenario, kind of just letting off steam that should have been released far sooner... i dont know about you guys but its refreshing 8/10
might get upset with you if youre really upset.. or maybe upset for you? i think she might be able to feel a lot for those she cares about deeply, so while it might look like shes trying to hijack the moment for herself, shes just crying FOR you.. lets you use her art supplies to make vents or to simply scribble. another big listener, i think she would try to give advice but... given that gangle herself has no spine (figuratively and literally) i think its... not the best advice... like the kind of stuff you try to affirm to yourself to get through a hard day, usually those affirmations.... dont work...but hey theres an effort! i mean at least she makes sure you feel heard and listened to, which is at least a little better than jax soooooo 5.5/10
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theageofsims · 2 months
Sims 4 Legacy Tips & Challenges (updated 5/2/2024) *Original Post: here
I made the original post March 24, 2023 and said I would update it at some point in the future. Not sure how much I can add to it, but I did my best to organize it a bit and add whatever I can think of.
Don't get too caught up in specifics and/or think outside of the box and make a Sim that you're normally not used to making.
Pick Aspirations and Traits thoughtfully (and do not cheat to change them later) or roll the dice and have the game randomly choose. Another concept is to randomly pick them yourself with a number picker/generator you can find on Google.
Don't forget choosing Elder Sims is an option. Without mods male Elder Sims can father children. With mods, female Elder Sims can have children.
There is a limit to starting funds for a one Sim household (I believe it's 20,000) so make it count as much as you can. Consider lot sizes and lot prices from the start. Obviously some legacy players like to keep every Sim on one Lot through the years. If that is the case, make sure the Lot is big enough for an expanding family.
Consider purchasing a house and using whatever is left of the 20,000 to further furnish the Lot.
Relationships (Ways you can meet other Sims to begin your Legacy)
Send your Sim into the world to meet other Sims
Wait for the Mailman / Mailwoman to deliver the mail
Consider finding a roommate
Hire a Maid, Gardener, or Nanny (not sure if hiring the Nanny is possible without children on the Lot)
Hire a Butler (Vintage Glamour)
Send a Sim to work and/or University and have them meet co-workers/classmates
Wait for Winterfest and the arrival of Father Winter (Seasons)
Allow Vladislaus Straud to enter your Sims home (Vampires)
Use mods like the SimDa Dating App to find a date (LittleMsSim)
The Sims allows several ways to have children and while some are controlled (adoption, etc), actually having a Sim give birth isn't always (unless you remember what a Sim should eat in order to influence the gender of the baby or the amount of children they can give birth to: twins or triplets).
If going into the birthing process blind, consider the amount of funds you have and the amount of funds you will need just if by chance you have more than one child at one time.
Occults (Most occults are easy to manage until they reach their teenage years, but some occults can be more difficult. I have not played with occults beyond Vampires and Mermaids mostly so I am not sure of the needs of Aliens, Plant Sims, or Werewolves at this point in time.) Check for guides on all occults and more about Sims 4 online (Carl's Sims 4 Guide)
Mermaids will not die if they are without hydration as it replaces the hygiene bar (Island Living)
Vampires will die if they are out in the sun and do not have the vampire power that will allow them to be in the sun (Vampires)
Pets (Cats & Dogs / Horse Ranch)
*If your Sim has a trait specific to one or both of the pet packs, consider starting a legacy for their animals as well.
Remember that having pets requires funds as well, but also space. A horse is going to need far more space than a cat or a dog.
Try not to use the money cheat
Consider not giving your a Sims a job that allows for them to get a promotion so there is no increase in pay or bonuses easily.
Consider gardening/farming as a way to increase your household funds especially at the start of your legacy, but remember that not every harvestable can grow all year round which will require you to plant things inside your Sims home rather than other or use mods that allow for restrictions not to apply.
Consider owning farm animals so you are able to collect eggs, wool, and other things that will help with the costs of food or hobbies that your Sims have, as well as allowing for funds if sold. (Cottage Living and Horse Ranch)
Consider owning pets and selling their puppies/kittens. Mods will allow for selling of adult dogs/kittens. (Cats & Dogs)
Watch your Sims for a bit and see what objects they interact with the most or which Sims they interact with the most to help better develop their personalities and what awaits them as they live through their Sims lives.
If a Sim reaches their end before you're ready, allow the legacy / game to progress. Of course if the Sim that passes hasn't left an offspring then that is where the legacy ends.
Some weather conditions can make a Sim burn or freeze while lightning can electrocute them so be aware if weather is turned on and your Sims happen to be sleeping outside for whatever reason. (Seasons)
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adiluv · 1 year
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🍞୧・꒰word count꒱ 1230.
🌼୧・꒰warnings꒱ takes place pre-manor, possibly ooc.
🍮୧・꒰adi moment꒱ request here! these were originally supposed to be combined into one post, though i decided to split them since they ended up full length regardless, lol. i had a lot of fun writing this, i think it's a super adorable scenario! hope you enjoy! ꒰ ´͈ ᵕ `͈ ꒱
you can find naib's version here!
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꒰🦉꒱・Eli is honestly such a huge softie, and—in my honest opinion—would be one of the more doting husbands out of the entirety of the Identity V cast. He absolutely adores you, a sentiment that he’s never hesitated to make known ꒰whether it be to you or anybody within a five mile radius꒱, and you just can’t help but adore him all the same. The poor man was probably even scouring his visions to try and figure out what married life would be like before the wedding, if it gives you any sort of insight into how in love with you he is. And, since he did go through with it, I think it’s safe to say that he enjoyed what he saw!
꒰🦉꒱・I believe that Eli would also be the type to enjoy living in a cottage outside of the city, though not exactly for the same reasons that Naib may prefer to. Of course, while some of his motivation does relate to his desire to give you a space to decorate to your heart's content—he just loves how cute your personal style is—he’s also… just a big fan of how cozy and quaint it is. The city has its charms, of course, though he’d much rather live more peacefully beside you, away from the ‘rise and grind’ lifestyle. Even still, I’d say that your cottage would probably be quite close to the city, as it would be far more convenient for the both of you.
꒰🦉꒱・For the most part, although he does enjoy keeping your company, he fully trusts you to take care of yourself, seeing no need to try and restrict your personal freedoms. You’re your own person, after all. I don’t exactly see him as the type to become jealous ꒰that easily꒱ or overly worrisome, so he’s very much alright with letting you do whatever you’d like to—just as long as the two of you communicate with each other. His abilities as a seer, which he’d been open about with you since the beginning of your relationship, provide an extra sense of protection—even if he’s unable to tell you about the future that he foresees.
꒰🦉꒱・Although he’s forbidden to inform anybody about the events that he foresees within his visions, he’s come to realize that he can still take steps to act against it. After all, what he sees references a possible future—not necessarily the one that’s already set in stone. As such, any and all attempts to sway the outcomes of events are done incredibly precisely and subtly, years of having to keep the details of these prophecies secret giving him an incredible edge. 
꒰🦉꒱・Most of the time, you don’t even know that he’s acting on his foresight, only realizing afterwards whenever he becomes extra cuddly with you. What better way to celebrate the aversion of a potential disaster than snuggling up with your loved one, right? In the case that you do notice, however, it’s quite easy to confirm your suspicions. You love your husband, you really do—but any and all attempts of lying to you are quickly rendered useless by the small expression of guilt that appears on his face. He’s just… not a fan of lying to you, really.
꒰🦉꒱・He walks a very fine line when it comes to his duties as a seer and his duties as Eli, his decisions to counteract any bad omens sometimes already putting him at risk for ‘punishment’—whatever that punishment may be. And while he may not always spare you the full extent of his stakes ꒰he’d hate to scare you, after all꒱, he’s eternally grateful that he was able to meet you somewhere along the journey of his life. Powers be damned—this man is absolutely head over heels for his spouse!
꒰🦉꒱・Eli’s paycheck isn’t quite as large as Naib’s, a combination of factors having to blame for such circumstances. While you might’ve initially assumed that he’d be loaded—believing that he could easily make a fortune on telling people their fortunes—his restrictions keep that from being a viable option. Not to mention that there’s already many self-proclaimed seers running along, though Eli always says that they rely more on smooth-talking their clients than actually using any sort of foresight.
꒰🦉꒱・His preferred method of acquiring money is usually through picking up smaller jobs that interest him—with his visions helping him realize when certain opportunities are better than others. Simple manual labor, or perhaps even acting as a helping hand for somebody in need—he’s a firm believer in helping those that are less fortunate than him, and it’s something that he takes a great amount of pride in. The only downside is that some jobs require him to leave the house for days at a time, though he does his best to get back to you as soon as possible.
꒰🦉꒱・Although the both of you may not be able to shop until your heart’s content ꒰not that I see Eli being much of a big spender, regardless꒱he does quite enjoy saving up money in order to surprise you with gifts. Just like many things within his life, his visions do tend to come in handy for this sort of thing, especially considering that all he needs to do is pick up a gift in order to figure out whether or not you’d enjoy it. Throughout all of the time that you’ve known him—whether it be as friends, lovers, or spouses, there hasn’t been a singular instance of him gifting you something you’ve disliked.
꒰🦉꒱・On the other hand, however, shopping for Eli tends to be a far more strenuous task—though not for the reason that you might expect. You know what to get him, and that he’d really just love anything, so long as you chose it for him out of the goodness of your heart… But you also know that you’ll never be able to keep it a secret from him. It’s a little sad, you think, that he knows what’s beneath the wrapping paper before it’d even been wrapped. He’ll at least try to pretend that he’s oblivious, feeling the gift and making some purposefully incorrect guesses before opening it. It’s a small gesture, but it really means a lot to him.
꒰🦉꒱・A big fan of cuddling, a fact that's remained constant throughout the entirety of your relationship—though I don’t quite see him as having a preference for being the big or little spoon. Truthfully, he’s just happy to be there. Do you want him to hold you? Sure! You won’t even have to let him know when you need to get up, he’s already retracting his arms to let you take care of whatever it is that came up! Do you want to hold him? Absolutely! He’s eagerly walking over to you before the words even leave your mouth!
꒰🦉꒱・And, of course, it’s impossible to leave out Brooke! Although she’d take some time to warm up to you when you’d started dating Eli, she becomes very affectionate once she finally does. She’ll allow you to pet and hold her, even abandoning her post on Eli’s shoulder to come and sit on yours—so long as he’s not going out for the day. She’ll even flutter around and try to help you with any chores, something that you deeply appreciate—though she will steal any food that you’ve cooked. The three of you really are just a happy family! 
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i have a taglist, which you can sign up for here!
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1tarot1with1k1o · 9 months
In this game, I’ll tell you what your celebrity of choice would think about you if you were close friends, or if you were acquainted in real life. To participate, please read the following information:
- anons and private readings are allowed;
- ask about one or two celebrities at most. If you choose two, then the reading for each person will be shorter;
- only send asks through my inbox please;
- I don’t need initials or anything. However, I do suggest you to use some emojis if you ask on anon, so that you’ll be able to find your reading more easily once it’s published;
- please mention your age (saying if you’re a minor or an adult is enough). There shouldn’t be any “spicy” messages, but in case I do happen to receive some, I want to make sure that you’re an adult. I won’t take any responsibility in case you decide to lie about your age;
- this is for entertainment purposes, so don’t take what I say as a fact. Aside from energies changing over time, I will approach this reading in an hypothetical way. So even if I describe the perfect relationship between you and your chosen celebrity, it doesn’t mean it will actually manifest in real life. The opposite scenario applies as well, obviously;
(These are optional things you can add to your ask. THEY ARE NOT a requirement for you to participate in the game. Just little extras I can give you) 🫶
- if you send me a short reading about a topic of your choice, (any topic you want) I’ll give you two readings. You can either choose to get it about another celebrity, or about a topic amongst the ones listed in this poll;
- if you guess correctly something about me (the information I posted publicly doesn’t count. Like…don’t mention my big 3, or other details I already talked about in my carrd). I’ll give you an oracle card message;
- if you create a moodboard for me about a topic of your choice, then I’ll also create a moodboard for you;
- if you would like a song to describe your relationship, then please send me a song too. Do describe what the song is for tho (like…it’s from your fs, it’s from your best friend, it’s from your guides, it describes your future, I just wanted to share this song with you cause I like it lol…etc.etc.)
All requests will start to be processed starting from next week ^~^
I will update you before closing the game
Thank you! Please just have fun, and be respectful <3
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leafofkudzu · 1 year
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Slightly delayed posting this, but hello again! The first Saturday of a new month fast approaches, which means it’s soon time for yet another community art party hosted by [VS] Verdant Shield! Last week I ran our first ever location-selection poll, and the winner by just a teensy margin was The Grove, so let’s try out a new location in the same map!
For those not in the loop about what an art party is, they’re an idea carried over from Final Fantasy XIV - big (or small!) get-togethers for artists/writers/creatives of all kinds to hang out, chat, and create together! Get your most eye-catching outfit together, find someone else who strikes your fancy, and create! Afterwards, everyone shares their creations on social media (mostly here on Tumblr for us) using a party-specific tag (ours is #VSArtParty) so others can see and spread the love around via reblogs! The tl;dr is the same thing I’ve been saying every time I make these posts, and will continue to say ad infinitum: the ‘goal’ of an art party isn’t to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
General party details are in the image above, but a text version with some additional details such as /squadjoin information is under the cut!
Location Details:
The last time we were in the Grove we tried Dawngleam Pergola as a location, but it very quickly overflowed during the NA party and has as such been disqualified from future large-scale events (sorry!). The Omphalos Chamber (aka the place where you go to visit the Avatar of the Pale Tree) is also limited in size, but is easily spilled out of onto the main floor immediately below it should the need arise (which it very well may). The closest waypoint is Upper Commons Waypoint, and the easiest way up to the uninstanced Chamber would be via a mount such as a springer or skyscale, but you can also use a teleport-to-friend or just kinda yell in an upwards direction to summon a helpful portal-bearer should the need arise. The map looks a little weird when viewed from Chamber-level, but here’s a screenshot just in case you aren’t familiar. If you still aren’t sure, just go the middle of the top floor and look up!
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Time & Squad Details:
As always, the party will consist of two separate events, with an hour break in between (though technically people jump from one to the other immediately anyway so weee).
The first party will be on EU servers and begin at 9pm Central European Summer Time (aka 3pm Eastern Daylight Time or 5 hours before in-game reset). I’ll be hosting on my EU alt account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Aemryn of Dusk for an invite.
The second party will be on NA servers and begin at 7pm Eastern Daylight Time (aka 1am Central European Summer Time or 1 hour before in-game reset). This one I’ll be hosting on my main account, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Kirslyn for an invite.
IMPORTANT NOTE (mostly for the NA party): If you join and the squad is at or above 45 members, please just taxi into the right map and then hop out of squad to allow others to do the same! Essentially all conversation now happens in say chat so you won’t miss out on anything by being outside of squad!
Closing Words:
For those who missed it, a week ago I posted a poll in the party tag where people could vote on one of the five main cities as a party location, with the promise that I’d select a location different from the previous party held in that map for whichever won. Going forward this will be the general format, with the poll going up 2 weeks before and the announcement 1 week before (yes I know this one is delayed I’m sorry D:). If you have suggestions for locations outside of the racial cities that are low/no combat and wouldn’t interfere with events/metas, feel free to DM me and I’ll scope them out for possible inclusion in future polls!
Anyway, that’s all for now! Sorry if I worried anyone by not having this posted back on Saturday - I had some irl stuff going on that delayed me a bit. Thank you so much to everyone who comes out to these and helps make them so memorable and fun, I can’t wait to see you all again soon! ♥
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d4rkpluto · 1 year
𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔳𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 𝔣𝔞𝔪𝔢
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follow for more content!
and before we get into this post i really hope that the people here know the basic themes of signs, planets or houses because i'll actually pull my hair out if someone asks me what are the themes of leo or the moon.
right now im shadowbanned the police got me!
but if you want a paid intuitive reading here is the link but please message @venusiansirens because i cant message right now
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♇ so what are derivative houses? it comes from horary astrology, and it is when you measure a chart from some point of the wheel which is not from the ascendant. using this topic as an example, [fame], what if you wanted to learn how your family would react to your fame?
♇ and we know the number/house for siblings in astrology is the number "4", so from the main fame house [the tenth house] you count four houses.
♇ so, 7⟶8⟶9⟶10. so the sign/or planets in your ninth house would tell you how your future spouse's siblings are like. [before i thought it would be the tenth house, but when you count in horary astrology, number one would also be from where you start!].
♇ another example, the gossip you'll get when you become famous, the number 3 rules over friends in astrology so you will need to count eleven houses to see.
10⟶11⟶12. so the sign/or planets in your third house would tell you how what kind of gossip you'll receive. now there's an understanding let's get into the post!
♇ 10.
⟶ if you have venus in the tenth house you could be famous because of your beauty, creativity and social skills. people might consider you to be a fair and likeable person thus a reason why people might gravitate to you so quickly.
⟶ if you have sagittarius in the tenth house you could be famous because of the controversy you bring, i've noticed those who have sagittarius in the midheaven attract attention very easily. you could also be famous because of your philosophical views, people might view you as a guru, and you might be famous due to screen-writing etc.
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♇ 10⟶11.
⟶ if you have juno in the eleventh house you could earn money through lovers and bonds, as the eleventh house is known as a social and connection house, when you're famous you could be considered as someone who can easily make business connections with business partners or people who want to buy your stuff. you could earn money by selling make-up or fashion clothes.
⟶ if you have libra in the eleventh house you could earn a lot of money through court-cases, if you were a petty person and wanted to sue people you'll easily get the money, aside from that, you could earn money from people around you, and you could sell products due to wannabes who want to be like you.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12.
⟶ if you have the sun in the twelfth house you would definitely have a lot of people speak about you, people would gossip about everything you're doing, people will gossip about your personality and how different you do things, you might feel like you're in the centre of attention especially in moments when you dont want it. you might find men or those with authority/forceful power speak about you all the time.
⟶ if you have aries in the twelfth house, you would definitely be popular, the way you do things will be spoken about, people might gossip about how you're someone who "does too much," or people might make fun of you for wanting to be famous, your temper/emotions could be a spoken topic.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1.
⟶ if you have the moon in the first house could imply that your family could be very emotional and receptive about your fame, they could be very encouraging to what you want to do. they could be the type of people who speak about your fame to other people and boast about it, but be aware of the bitter family members who will evil-eye your fame.
⟶ if you have scorpio in the first house this could insinuate that your family could be very intense with the way they feel about your success, this is a beacon of people being two-faced or wanting to exploit your career, they would want to earn money through your success.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2.
⟶ if you have mars in the second house that's a huge display of you being in a lot of drama, you might be a lot of drama revolving men or your anger. and you could be known to be in a lot of relationship and might be considered as someone who is very sexual, and you might get into a lot of love triangles or even more.
⟶ if you have taurus in the second house that's an indicator that you might get into drama because of your stubbornness, or over money. people might want to steal your possessions/money and it might hit the media, you could attract ignorant people or you might be ignorant to some specific things that gets you into trouble.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3.
⟶ if you have mercury in the third house you are likely going to have so many people speaking about you, you could have some relatives that start to dislike you, you could have so much enemies on the internet and might have some enemies try to get into a relationship with you, aside from enemies, you having mercury in the third house insinuates that people would see you as a jack of all trades and as someone who is very charming to other people, you could influence people easily.
⟶ if you have leo in the third house, many people would want to compete against you, much people would want to copy you and thus grow bitter because they are not like you. you could have much authority/male figures dislike you; you could be skilled in performing and engaging with the crowd.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4.
⟶ if you have saturn in the fourth house this implies that your relationships during fame will be very karmic, or you'll likely get into short-termed or long-termed relationships depending on what aspects your saturn has in your chart. having saturn here also indicates that you might want to restrict yourself from romance due to you not being sure of people you'll get into relationships with.
⟶ if you have pisces in the fourth house you could rush into relationships, you might get into relationships with people who might project onto you or they could just expect too much from you. your relationships might be famous and a lot of people might admire it or might want to have a relationship mirroring yours.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4⟶5.
⟶ if you have neptune in the fifth house there'd be all types of rumours/secrets about you, you might find people hiding information from you or you'll attempt to leave a secretive life from everyone around you. having this placement is a beacon of having drug use and like being secretive of it but some people might find out about it. you could earn money through music, art or even drugs.
⟶ if you have capricorn in the fifth house you'll be very protective over yourself and you'll likely have a close group of people, [also a small group of people] that'll be very restrictive about letting your information out, you might go through bankruptcy and would likely want to keep it a secret. if you ever sold merch it'll be successful, you would likely be a celebrity/famous person who would want to open a business.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4⟶5⟶6.
⟶ if you have uranus in the ninth house you could be someone who is massively liked, if you were to get famous it might happen randomly, people on the internet will likely like you a lot, and people might like you because of how rebellious and different you are and copy the way you behave.
⟶ if you have gemini in the ninth house you would be considered a trendy and influential you might get a lot of people copy what you wear and how you do something. your fans will always keep you trended on social media apps, and they'd be the type to bite people's neck if they come against you.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4⟶5⟶6⟶7.
⟶ if you have pluto in the tenth house you would be perceived as someone who is powerful, mesmerising and interesting. you could be considered as someone who likes to use their power over people, you might abuse it or you might use your power for the good. you would be perceived as a controversial person and people might love to speak about you.
⟶ if you have aquarius in the tenth house you could be seen as someone who is authentic and original. people might think of you to be someone who knows how to ride with the wave and people might think of you to be someone who understands internet humour. you could also have a weird energy or people never know what you're going to do next thus keeping people on their toes.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4⟶5⟶6⟶7⟶8.
⟶ if you have sun in the eighth house you would likely attract friends who will bring much potential to your life or to your fame. you would most likely attract friends who are very positive and optimistic, they could be deemed as people who are popular and generous, they might be the type of friends to give you stuff that you need.
⟶ if you have cancer in the eighth house you would likely attract friends who are very nurturing and giving. you could attract friends who are protective and very specific about the people they have in their circle, they could also be someone who is popular and you might admire them because of the amount of emotional transformations they've been through.
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♇ 10⟶11⟶12⟶1⟶2⟶3⟶4⟶5⟶6⟶7⟶8⟶9.
⟶ if you have lilith in your ninth house, your hidden enemies could be really vile and they could be the type of people who like to spread gossip about you and might even make up lies against your name. they could be people who think you're treated to fair so they want to bring a "balance", just very bitter people.
⟶ if you have virgo in the ninth house, your hidden enemies might like to pick you apart and want to publicise your flaws to other people, could be the type of people to zoom into your pictures to find something off about you or your background. could be the type of people who are jealous of your triumphs and will see you as their competition.
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