#<- my asdf ship names LOL
cherrysmokesaconha · 3 months
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It has been a long time since I've drawn my ASDF fanchildren... I sure do miss them :( maybe I should do an art of them later
Anyway, for the ones that's don't know who them are, their names are Bomb Daughter/Danídia, Stephan/Steph and Heart Son/David. Danídia and David are the adoptive children of YKWG Guy and Companion (the ones from the "hey, you know who's gay? Us" skit) and Stephan is the adoptive child of Leet and Rad (Leet from "I'm gonna do an internet" and Rad from "It's taco Tuesday!")
Anyway, hope u guys like this :) it's simple but at least it's something
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transacewithapan · 7 months
Fun Facts about Tipping Point {An Eddsworld Series}
Since this series is my life atm, I decided to point out some fun facts about the development and stuff about it :)
Pre-Dev Facts/Before I started writing it:
I had the idea implanted in my head months before I started writing it (about late December of 2022). I could NOT stop thinking about it...
It was between a one shot book and this series, and I am so glad I chose the series lmao
I had gotten into Eddsworld before Surf & Turf Wars part 1 came out. I had heard of it years ago, and of the character 'Tord,' but had no idea where he was from until it ('it' being 'The End part 1') showed up on my recommendation page on YouTube.
I also happened upon ASDF, which my brother had quoted most of the lines from when we were younger. He seemed frustrated at me for not watching it sooner lol. I also recommended him to watch Eddsworld, and he still hasn't.
Anyway, back to my series... originally, Matt was going to be trans, but that would've made his childhood much harder, and I would have to make his aunts and uncles (not Bing) to be much stricter as they expect "nothing but the best." I'm going to be uploading a side story about Matt's family soon :)
The only trans people in my story are Pat and Larry. There hasn't been any recognition that Larry is trans since it just seems out of place everywhere I make note of it... it'll be more in the side stories.
I don't know if I said this in my series, but Margaret is the name of Edd's mother. Her nickname is Margot (named after Margot Robbie)
William and Henry are named after characters in Five Nights at Freddy's; the Purple Guy and his ex-business partner.
During the process Facts:
There's a character 'sheet' that I plan to add in to Tied me to Your Family Tree. It lists facts about the characters, and what they're like.
I had no idea what I was doing with Lynnedslag lmao. I promise I'll do him 'better' in the side stories
I had to do so much research for this; to Norwegian military rankings to converting Norwegian kroner to British pounds to seeing what kind of weapons they use... it was hard.
Eos (landlady), Aspen (florist), Evelyne (florist's girlfriend), and Kali (landlady's sibling) are actual friends of mine :)
It's noted that Tord is demisexual, meaning he may feel romantic attraction, but it takes some time for him to feel sexually attracted towards someone until he forms a strong bond with them.
My other favorite ship aside from TomMatt is MattTord, and I tried so hard to make it seem like they didn't like each other in that way, especially with their side story lmao
Matt's father being blind was a challenge for me since this is my first(?) time writing a disabled character. I had no idea what I was doing... I do know that blind people tend to be independent and their senses are 10x better than the average human, like... wow, they can tell when the dryer is done even when they're upstairs or 20 feet away-
I didn't intend for the main villains to be the fathers- it's just my repressed daddy issues lol. at least you get Arthur and Henry (but he's not in it lol)
The final story takes place in 2033-34 (10-11 years in the future)
The chemical that Diwi had was called 'Venomous Agent X,' known for "disrupting the body's signaling between the nervous and muscular systems, leading to a prolonged neuromuscular blockade, flaccid paralysis of all the muscles in the body including the diaphragm, and death by asphyxiation." It had been used to assassinate Kim Jung Un's brother at an airport. -Wikipedia on VX (nerve agent)
Dr. Mike would be disappointed in me because I was medically inaccurate in chapter 1 of chained in servility... you're supposed to do CHEST COMPRESSIONS, CHEST COMPRESSIONS, CHEST COMPRESSIONS AAAAAAAAA
I think that's all the facts I can think of for now...
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brokenxfragments · 3 years
⚡️ for any of my muses?
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meme || my impression
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my first impression of your muse: Man, first thought at seeing Bakura in DBZ setting was "Huh! Wonder how that works for him =o" & the rest ended up history!
my first impression of you: Gods, at this point I can't remember how it is we started chatting so frequently anymore, maybe at most I remember that you were the one who asked what's my discord name? But my first impression of you was that you were such a cool person!! Look at how sassy you write Bakura & Chorona out!
my favorite thing about your muse: I love that he's an idiot, LOL. There's a lot I love about him, but this is the first thing that comes to mind! That he isn't infallible nor is he made wise by being made the hero of time - he's still Bakura!
my favorite thing about you: ;o; Everything?? You've been there for me so much & I can only hope that I've been able to return such a thing even in my antisocial moods. You ARE creative, you ARE amazing, & the amount of bs you've dealt with before & how you dealt with them is honestly way better than I could do.
would I ever consider shipping our muses: OBVIOUSLY. *gestures grandly at Dystrial & Bakura* And many more ships to do or think about!
a plot I'd like to see between our muses: LORDY, we've basically skimmed through the major plot of Bakura helping Dystrial out from his situation, I wouldn't mind actually trying a couple of threads involving that?? Maybe as well as how Bakura & Dystrial even started remotely looking at one another besides Dystrial being the weird creep he is by flirting with Bakura with a sword in his chest ASDF;LAKJF.
an AU I think would be interesting for our muses: UH. Good question. HMMMMMMMMM maybe Bakura & Dystrial meeting long before the war is ramping up? Cuz imagine what happens if Aridem realizes that he not only lost one of his warriors but also the other cuz Dystrial is also taking Zikom along like "nah you're with us now" LOL. Now the war needs to be postponed & who knows what would happen with that?? Bakura would probably have saved the realm, who knows!
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led123123 · 4 years
chinese electric vehicle stocks
the line is the actual stock value..
when people wanna buy it then it’s overpriced and if they wanna sell it then it’s overbought?? or something.. or undervalued something..
just buy low sell high
nasdaq bounced back
some people use potatoes to thicken stuff too
I though about that idea.. because.. potatoes are good
and.. I mean.. I like that idea.. because.. potatoes have really good taste
should I get this thing.. damn..
what was the video about the robots.. xD
that was the funnitest video ever
f*ck.. I didn’t sell these parts.. f*ck..
the time is running out.. it’s 15th november already
I should already have the ad put on the site
damn.. but if I auction it then I have to pay 10% of total price.. but if I don’t auction it then I don’t know if I’m gonna find a buyer
so.. I shouldn’t auction it.. because I don’t wanna pay 10%
what information do I need for.. I need to check what information I need for courier.. because I will have to ask the buyer about it
I still think about these cookies
I don’t like these wafers with chocolate.. they’re really too sweet
too sweet..
too much sugar per bite
I like cookies more than wafers with chocolate..
because cookies make you full better and.. they’re not as sweet.. because wafers are really light so they don’t make you full at all
she’s wearing.. too tight pants.. or.. belt..
it finally processed
I’m wondering if I should just make chocolate cake instead.. with berry preserves inside
because I don’t wanna eat these wafers.. I had an idea to make french fries today again.
sammy and ephey look similar. are they like.. is sammy also arab?? or.. like.. similar ethnicity
sammy said that she’s mexican
ok. I’m gonna upload next game..
we were top 3 but my team fucked up
I can’t fit many cookies.. on one tray.. just one tray at a time.. I can try 2.. but they won’t bake as evenly
and I have to.. like.. do something
to prevent them from drying out..
dipping them in chocolate is one way
wow I had 5 kills.
I could have accepted their invitation
I can shoot all day with wingman but I’m hitting 1% of my shots on far distance
bullet speed is really slow.. and it’s impossible to hit kinda
I wish it was 1080p.. but.. well.. I understand.. it’s because internet.. but you can just get mobile internet.. with good upload speed.. but.. well.. if you stream a lot you’re gonna run out of data limit
I don’t like these wafers.. I’d rather eat cookies with milk
but I can’t bake them all at once.. they won’t bake as evenly if I put 2 trays..
now I know that I should set 180 degrees.. I used to set 200 and it was a lot better to set 180
200 was too much stuff was burning too much
lol what the f*ck.. the ads sensitivity changed to 0.9.. I was like.. it’s so slow.. jesus..
I had a lag in game 2 times.. jesus christ.. I though it crashed..
almost pooped myself a bit.. when it lagged
becuase I though that it’s a crash
“ You can find the memory information either by clicking on the menu button and then navigating to More > Task Manager or by typing "about: performance”
wow it works
ok I will try to turn on this printer today
in task manager.. I can read.. like.. 15 GB used.. but.. then it shows me 35GB
it’s so crazy..
what is using so much ram..
it doesn’t show how much ram is system using.
so.. without anything openen.. at idle.. it’s using 12GB.. 60 tabs.. 250mb each is 15GB.. apex is.. like.. I don’t know.. it’s 27GB.. so 5 left for apex..
the bad thing.. is that.. I need to free ram before I hop into a game.. or it may just read out of hard drive for few seconds.. and move ram that it’s not using on hard drive I mean..
so I need to free ram in advance..
the worst thing is that.. it’s not freeing any ram until I run out of ram.. I used to have 8GB.. and it was not using as much.. I mean. it was moving it to page file.. earlier..
but it writes slower on hard drive.. than on ssd..
how much ram is apex using..
I have like.. ok.. without anything.. it’s using.. system and firefox is using.. like.. 12GB
each tab is around 250mb.. so.. lets say
I read apex is using 5.5GB of ram.. 32-12-5=15
15GB/ 250mb= 60 tabs..
I set tabs to 50
ok.. I should test this printer
I will try to connect to it with wifi on my laptop because I only have wifi on laptop
honestly. this time.. I wouldn’t bother.. kinda.. with nvme.. ssd is fast enogh
I could be just playing on this
I didn’t get any refund.. from these people.. in china.. on aliexpress.. idiots..
what the f*ck.. this aliexpress site.. is so bad..
they closed dispute.. and.. like.. what am I supposed to do.. where is my refund..
it’s been a month.. and still nothing..
am I supposed to open another dispute??
f*ck you aliexpress sellers from china
jesus christ..
they asked me “why I want to return item”..
I explained to them already.. jesus christ..
and they’re asking me why I wanna return..
f*cking retards.. instead of refunding my 2 dollars
f*cking idiots.
idiots.. they don’t wanna give me back my money..
f*cking idiots
2 fucking dollars..
I don’t have any tracking information.. and that’s the problem.. that I don’t have tracking information for the item..
but I have a prof that it was sent back
how do I get my refund.
f*ck.. I checked my bank account history. I did get a refund. wow
and I got a full refund.. not only the item but also shipping
I did receive a refunds sweet
not just 2 dollars but the 2 dollar shipping too. so 4 and I just wanted refund for item (2 dollars)
xeon 1230 v2 is not bad cpu.. I would get this one if I were to buy cpu now.. it’s 2 times cheaper than ryzen 1600 but 2 times cheaper
tdp is almost the same
performance too
I woudl get it if I knew about it then
it’s really good and really cheap
wow... so 1230 v2 is the only one with 8 threads??
so 1230 v2 is the only one with 8 threads..
I think I though that they’re all just 4 threads
if I knew I would just get this one
so 1230 v2 is the only one worth buying
what?? it ssays 8 threads..
it really has 8 threads..
this one also has 8 threads
some of them are 4 some 8 threads..
it’s the same. it’s just as good as 1600
I could just.. buy more ram instead.. instead of paying for this cpu
I wanna switch to.. sata ssd.. and.. like.. I can just sell the cpu.. get new motherboard.. because I don’t like this one..
but it’s like.. ddr3.. damn..
so I would have to buy ram again..
why I didn’t wanna buy it before..
damn.. who’s gonna buy my ssd.. nobody..
and I would have to trade ddr4 for ddr3..
that’s a problem..
I can see that they only sell ddr3 in 8GB modules
really.. ddr4 is cheaper than ddr3.. crazy..
ddr3 more expensive than ddr4..
jesus christ.. that’s so complicated.. I shouldn’t bother
I need like.. a big tv in front of my bed 4 real..
and I wish I had better table..
when people ask.. “what’s your mmr” “3k but I play like 5100″ xD
sammy is 4k mmr.. on a support.. like.. how..
I got the refund. even more than I expected.. I didn’t expect return on shipping but they gave me return on shipping
I saw “mira” name a lot of times recently
I wonder what it means
does she play core??
wow 11k matches
1100 games on earth spirit
the higher mmr you get the closer to 50% winrate gets on every hero
but like.. if I calibrate low now.. on first account.. then.. I can get high winrate
she started speaking arabic.. what is her currency.. and.. like.. felafel.. is that like an arabic food??
because yaara was also talking about felafel
yes it is
I connected keyboard and mouse on the top of the case.. but it keeps disconnecting.. maybe cable isn’t connected or something..
lol.. the commercial.. italian quisine..
I wanted to check printer..
is 4k gonna look better than 1080p on 1080p scaling..
in theory.. each pixel on 1080p is represented by 4 pixels on 4k resolution.. so like.. it’s not gonna be like that though.. it should look better I guess
yeah.. it should look better.. so like.. 1440p on 1080p also should look.. better I guess.
if it’s.. scaling.. then.. does it look better if it’s.. 2x height and width?? instead of like.. 2.01 and 2.01?? would 2.01 look worse?
does it scale any better if it’s multiplication of 2??
damn.. I don’t wanna auction this cpu.. because I don’t wanna pay 10%
gimpab. lol. xD
you can call me big mac.. I call gimpab gimpab
wow. new offer at the suppormarket available
they’re selling masks..
mangoes.. they say that it’s not picked early I wonder if it’s true
discounts on fruits and vegetables
yellow cheese is way more expensive than cottage cheese
lol.. look at this.. 1kg of same type of cheese.. is more expensive than 4 300g cheese bags.. lol..
doesn’t make any sense.. 4x300g is 1.2.kg.. and it costs less than 1kg.. what’s the point of making 1kg more expensive
wow.. “go vege” they have tofu. and..
hummus.. this is what she was talking about today.
and felafel too.. and stuff from soya
this time they have discount on raspberry previously they have strawverries discount
I think I know what is going on..this auto discarder doesn’t work..
I set discard limit to 50.. but I have like 120 tabs opened
“ Do not discard tabs if computer is not in the 'idle' state “
I had this checked..
nice.. this time it discarded a lot of tabs and ram is reduced.. I can set it to.. like 70 or 80 tabs or something we’ll see
it’s 50 and it’s 24GB.. so 32-5.5GB.. is.. 26. 2GB is like.. 10 tabs..  so idk. my calculations say 60 but we’ll see
I’ll add more fat maybe
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toruhoe · 7 years
•What's a ship you like that most people don't? •your favourites AUs for royai??
I’m not really sure??? I mostly like pretty popular ships lmao but I think Kunichuu works here because it’s pretty much a rarepair lol but I dig it so much asdf
AND MY FAVORITE AU FOR ROYAI IS EVERY AU. EVER. AND THERE ARE A TON. THIS FANDOM IS ABSOLUTELY BLESSED WITH TONS OF AU FANFICS AND DRAWINGS AND I’M EMOTIONAL ABOUT IT. To name a few, though, royai role reversal makes me WEAK (have you seen what @kinschi has drawn of this??? my life is c o m p l e t e), and also homunculi au because i’m a total sucker for angst. i love dying and being dead and screaming
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cherrysmokesaconha · 11 months
Hello there people! (and also anonymous ppl)
I am Cherry! And welcome to my blog! :D
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I am a brazilian autistic aromantic 16 years old gal who loves to draw stuff! My favorite stuff to draw and create is shipping, fanchildren and also OCs! I also love mixing my AUs!
My fandoms are:
• Bugbo (mainly about Veneloppe, my Bugjoe fankid);
• asdfmovie (also about fanchildren, their names are Danídia/Bomb Daughter, David/Heart Son and Stephan/Steph! I call their AU "asdf fankids");
• Eddsworld (I have 4 AUs: Cassworld, Dream AU, Lost Hope AU and The Dumped Child AU, more info about then soon!);
• Henry Stickmin (my main AU is about fanchildren, called "Experiencing the Next Generation", again, more info soon!);
• Friday Night Funkin' in general (my AU is "Saturday Night Singin');
• Dave and Bambi (my main AU is Forgotten Failures and also some fanchildren).
I will be also using tags on my posts! Here they are:
#cherry talks - for rants, vents, answering asks, etc;
#experiencing the next generation - for my THSC Fanchildren AU;
#eleonor's educational playtime or #eleonors educational playtime - for my Dave x Muko fanchild called Eleonor;
#cassworld, #dream au, #the dumped child au, #lost hope au or #dad tord and little ricky - for my Eddsworld AUs;
#asdf fankids - for my asdfmovie AU;
#cherryverse - for my AUs in general;
#cherries art stuff - for arts in general.
• Proshippers/Comshippers;
• You attack people because of harmless shipping;
• MAP/Pedophiles (I am a fucking MINOR.);
• Dreamsexuals, Plantsexuals or any of those fucked up sexualities (ew.);
• You ship Henry x Ellie/Ellry or Henry x Dr. Vinschpinsilstien (depends of your actions! If you don't attack people who don't ship those, then it's fine);
• You ship TomEdd/EddTom/Tom x Edd (I don't want u near me, UNLESS you respect TomTord shippers and don't attack them or complain about the fandom all the time);
• You call 2004 Tord "Teen/Teenage/Highschool Tord", go away. (this makes me really uncomfortable, please don't connect the characters age to the real people age please???? they literally have vague age);
• You think the DnB devs are uncomfortable with shipping (Rapparep and Moldy created Dave and Bambi and are fine with it, C O P E.);
• You think or agree that TomTord is a pRoShIp (it's NOT. get over it :3/i am not a huge fan of it but i respect all txt shippers and also their ship!!);
• You're an asshole in general.
I will maybe add more if I remember or something lol
Here is some of my ships!
• Henry x Charles/Stickvin - Charles x Ellie/Rosevin - Ellie x Dr. Vinschpinsilstien - Burt x Sven/Curtisson - RHM x Reginald/Copperright - GayJoke ("hey, you know who's gay? Us" from asdfmovie) - Taconet ("I'm gonna do an internet!" x "It's taco Tuesday!" from asdfmovie) - Dave x Bambi/Davembi - Dave x Muko/Daveko - Expunged x Bendu/Expendu - Pico x BF - Nene x GF - Bugbo x Gradient Joe - some OC x canon maybe (mostly 2004 Tord x OC Ig).
I have more ships but I'm not listing allat 😂
Refs of my OCs/Fanchildren! (In case you wanna do fanart or whatever):
• Ricky / David/Heart Son and Danídia/Bomb Daughter / Stephan/Steph / Veneloppe / Cherry (Eddsworld OC) (more soon!)
Enjoy your stay! 🌸
(really hope i wrote everything right, my english is not the best lol)
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cherrysmokesaconha · 1 year
Hello there silly followers! (And also anons)
My name is CHERRY! Welcome to my Tumblr account!
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I am a 16 yrs old aromantic autistic gal who likes to draw and share my stuff! I used to have another Tumblr account but now is deactivated for personal reasons. (My ass is also brazilian btw lol)
I used to post on Twitter but I deactivated my account on there because of recent X stuff (I h8 u Melon Husky). So now I am posting here. :P
My ass account is also MULTIFANDOM! I post about a lot of fandoms!
Those are the fandoms I'm in!
• Bugbo (mainly about my Bugjoe kid, Veneloppe. Their AU is unnamed);
• Eddsworld (mostly OCs and AUs. My AUs are: Cassworld, Lost Hope, Dream AU and also The Dumped Child);
• Dave and Bambi (I will maybe post ship art like DxB and/or DxM but it's mostly about Eleonor and Elliot! They're a Dave x Muko kid and a Dave x Bambi kid / My main AU is Forgotten Failures AU. More info soon);
• Friday Night Funkin' in General (My AU is called Saturday Night Singin');
• The Henry Stickmin Collection (My Main AU is Experiencing the Next Generation, who is mostly a fanchild/Next Gen AU);
• ASDFMovie (I call this AU "asdf fankids", it's about three fankids called David/Heart Son, Danídia/Bomb Daughter & Stephan/Steph).
There's maybe more but I can't remember for now. I will update this if I need to add something.
I will be also adding TAGS in my posts!
My tags are:
- #cherry talks - for rants, answering asks, and stuff
- #cassworld, #lost hope au, #dream au & #the dumped child au - Tags for my EW AUs
- #forgotten failures au, #eleonor's educational playtime - Tags for my DnB AUs and stuff
- #experiencing the next generation - For my Henry Stickmin Next Gen AU
- #asdf fankids - For David/Heart Son, Danídia/Bomb Daughter & Steph/Stephan, my ASDFMovie fankids
- #cherryverse - for crossovers between my AUs or just my AUs in general.
- #cherries art stuff - for arts in general!
• Proshippers/Comshippers (I will block u!!!);
• You trash on harmless shipping;
• MAPs/Pedophiles;
• Dreamsexuals, Plantsexuals or any of those fucked up sexualities;
• You ship Henry x Ellie or Henry x Dr. Vinsch. (depends of your actions!! If you ship them but respects the ones who likes differents ships or even is a multishipper, then you're fine!);
• TomEdd/Tom x Edd Shippers;
• You think the DnB devs are uncomfortable with shipping (Moldy and Rapparep created Dave and Bambi and are okay with it, C O P E.);
• You call 2004 Tord "Teen Tord" (don't assume things about him, the CHARACTER literally have vague age, separate the character to the real person PLEASE???);
• You're an asshole in general.
Maybe I will add more if I feel like lol
• Ricky / Danídia/Bomb Daughter & David/Heart Son / Gradient Veneloppe / Steph/Stephan (more soon!)
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led123123 · 4 years
lol. 3080 is 10GB.. and 3060 12GB
I found lots of crafting materials
I like darker circles around eyes
people tell me that I have them too
what do you think. are they genetic.. or.. they’re because of.. like.. I heard people say that they’re because.. stuff like.. looking at screen for a lot of time
“ Dark circles, also known as periorbital hyperpigmentation, are a commonly encountered condition best described as the darkening of skin pigmentation around the eyes. Whilst dark circles are not usually caused by an underlying medical condition, many people think they make them look tired, sad or older than they are, and therefore can affect their emotional well-being and quality of life1. Let’s take a look at what causes darkness around the eyes. “
“ The darkening of the pigment underneath the eyes can be caused by a number of environmental and biological factors. The reason for an individual’s dark circles may be that excessive pigmentation is simply genetic or hereditary. Other factors which may cause dark circles include allergies, skin laxity, and deep tear troughs, sometimes referred to as tear trough depression. “
“What environmental and lifestyle factors can cause dark circles?Lifestyle and environmental factors are also reasons for dark circles under the eyes2:    A lack of sleep can cause skin to become dull and pale, which allows for dark tissues and blood vessels beneath the skin to show. As well as a result of extreme fatigue – or even just staying up a few hours past bedtime – dark circles can be caused by oversleeping3“
“Ultraviolet (UV) radiation exposure can cause the body to produce an excess of melanin, causing pigmentation around the eyes resulting in darkening of this area”
but if that was the case.. then.. why all my skin on my face woudln’t be the same..
“ Dark circles are certainly considered to have a genetic basis. Some people are more likely than others to have excessive pigmentation, melanin deposition, or low levels of collagen in the area under the eyes - all of which contribute to the appearance of dark circles7,8. Although hereditary genetics can ensure one individual is more susceptible to dark circles than another, it is also recognised that stress, ageing and a lack of rest can cause pigmentary change. “
people in india also have darker skin around eyes
this girl also has circles
she has arabic accent
god.. so little sun now.. like.. I woke up at 2pm.. and at 4 pm it’s.. already dark
lol.. I bought.. one ryzen cpu.. like.. more than a year ago.. and now it costs 50% more than before..
but there’s been a 2nd version of this cpu.. in more compact architecture and better performance.
I’m wearing shorts even now when it’s almost winter.. but.. like.. it’s not that cold..
it used to be colder.. I’m not wearing full pants because.. I don’t want to get swamp ass
I just checked.. how much old cpus cost.. damn.. everything is expensive as hell. all the old cpus.. so expensive
nothing gets any cheaper
lol when I was buying this cpu.. it was a lot cheaper.
and it was new
now people sell used ones.. I think without cooler also.. for 50% more
I may just auction it.. because.. I need to.. find a buyer now when the prices are high
I need to sell all of it..
I just need to pack it.. and.. check how to use printer.. to print the sticker..
and learn how to order shipping properly.. like.. I know how it works.. more now.. that if I put it on the locker then it costs less
trash hoes
stupid hoes
I cannot see shit it’s so dark at 3 pm
I cannot see where this printer has power on button
it’s too dark
and this trash is gonna start screaming in few seconds stupid hoe
they are quiet.. when I’m not alone.. but when I’m alone she goes ape
I can auction it.. so.. like.. then I know.. when it’s gonna end..
it’s easier then
easier than checking notifications every day..
some new sauce for pasta..
cheese.. cream, butter, some herbs
I can use.. like.. cream to thicken instead of flour.. this time..
I need to get tomatoes in cans
they’re not that expensive
400g each can.. so.. I need like.. 6 cans at least
I like tomatoes
careful now
I can only fit one tray in my oven. I mean.. I can bake like.. 1 at a time
I had a plan.. to bake.. them.. like.. I need this.. condensed.. milk or caramel..
and then I would put them in chocolate
or I can just.. like.. I don’t know.. chop chocolate.. as use it as chocolate chips
and puffed rice is also really good
I’m not that hungry but I would eat some sweet stuff
but I need like.. caramel and.. like puffed rice
puffed rice and chocolate would be also good
I can just make a cake..
and add preserves inside
but I also want to eat tomato sauce
don’t go crazy with salt. because cheese already has salt
I would also eat some potatoes. because they’re really good
they look like these.. and sound like these.. nico girl
I think really big downside of this hard drive.. is that it cannot be turned down ever.. it doesn’t ever turn off
there was some song that went.. something something.. 24/7
or something like that
I had username 247
something like that.. but I don’t know
this song was different
ja woll. xD
lol if I were to play dota now.. then I use use username like.. “boost” or something. xD
that’s lisa’s voice..
I would probably go wr.. if I were to get back..
I had 80% on wr.. but I lost.. some games.. so now it’s 60+
is this electric stove waterproof??
omg.. don’t tell me I have to wake up early tomorrow..
maybe that’s a gas stove..
omg. the green apples..
popcorn.. I wanted to get popcorn
is that her natural hair color?
because her hair look healthy.. not split.. so it doesn’t look like she’d dye her hair
she has really good lighting and her hair look really good in this lighting
her hair remind me of australian model
that I saw on tv
this australian girl.. removed.. all her videos etc.. she’s.. like.. she got married.. and.. maybe she got pregnant..
like.. instagram.. she removed instagram I think.. idk. like..
I wanted to check how her hair look like
lol.. typical australian.. she looks like jess who is also from australia.
I saw her picture.. where she holds a lot of chocolate and makes crying expression that’s why I laughed
like a crying baby holding a lot of chocolate
you know these movie scenes.. I mean.. you know.. if you just.. like.. like in a video.. she said. “if I get stressed I eat”
sydney. that’s australia
I just wanted to check if
that’s a good sauce for pasta.. the one that I was telling you about..
of course.. I mix flour with water first.. and temper it.. before pouring in
I’m trying the more red apples from all of the apples.. these ones are less sour
wow her name is similar to this australian
I know that she’s from italy and they make.. tomato sauce there.. she’s good at cooking.
you know. italian cuisine
they also have good lighting
https://youtu .be/GdCXwWjzeRg?t=66
https://youtu .be/aXrwjLahUdw?t=8
this one dude looks like albralelie
lol. falling..
look where their car landed
everyone is falling..
I fell here
he obtained this technique
they jump out..
lol that’s like these small bumping cars at an amusement park
if don’t jump out.. they didn’t know that.. if you don’t jump then it shoots you into air
they really play with gold armor and syringes
lol dome
lol med kits
these windows are good for shooting inside
now all the horizon spells make sense
lol.. my username. I wanted that username
oh shit
why is it not processing my video to 1080p..
I need to see how it would look in 720p. better than converting 768 to 720p for sure
but there’s gonna be 2 conversions on 1080p monitor..
converting to 720p and back..
ok.. I guess it’s not converting because video is longer than other videos
or takes more space
на уровне
oh.. damn.. I get it now.. shit.. she got married.. so she changed her last name..
wow. sydney building
“in australia everything is upside down so I have to turn camera upside down”
she has different hair color.. she was blonde before
now she has dark brown
she talks like jess. they’re both from australia
now she has very dark brown hair
her hair look like jess’s hair too
wow she likes.. she’s obsessed with alice madness returns
ok.. so now the shannon the food critic video makes sense.. because she gained weight
kinda. if you think of it
wow she has obsession with alice.
damn her hair look so pretty
there was one more girl.. who was making me think about.. some one girl
oh.. I actually somewhat remember her username.. I actually know her username
they both have same first name
jesus christ.. not taking just one sleep.. caused me to feel.. really messed up
I wasn’t sure if I would find her.. but I found her.. she had a bit different username.. than I though
omg one girl has really good microphone
so clear voice
so many people follow her
lol coaching was cool lol
coaching was such a meme
in my games at least.. when I heard some dudes in my games.. talking shit.. and I didn’t even know who is talking xD
and you know.. this thing at the end.. when you rate the coach.. so we won game.. but I didn’t know that I was being coached.. and this dude got mad at me that I gave him bad rating..
stray would never get these items on batrider any any hero
but he’s always playing mid.. or jungle
lil feed.
0 notes