#<- he can smell the cis on her the way an animal can tell what gender an egg is before theyve cracked
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gutsfics · 3 months ago
A.J Warren seemingly haunting the rcd narrative from Macy's perspective but shes standing right next to Neel the whole time
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progwords · 1 year ago
Hello, hi. First of all, I just want to say that I LOVE your Jeckole fic. It's honestly so great and everything from the dialogue to the various HCs to fill in the space left by the game makes so much sense. I was reading the comments, though, and saw that you said that you were going for a biromantic Nicole. This really struck me as an interesting choice because it really kind of clashes with my interpretation of what's presented in the game, IE complete disgust with men in all circumstances. Since everything else about the fic is so clearly well thought out, I was wondering if you have any specific reasoning for that decision?
In either case, like I said, I really love your fic, and want to thank you for writing it.
Hi! Thank you so much! <3
Mmk, so, "going for" is not really how I meant it, or intended. Yes, there was a lot of thought put into that decision to “write” Nicole as biromantic gray/something/she's seventeen she's not gonna have this shit figured out, though in all honesty that ideally shouldn't be distinguishable from any interpretation one may have in the actual text of the fic.
If it is, dear God, tell me. Because I whiffed something if you can. The fact that you were this surprised suggests that you couldn't, but, just to be safe lol
All of this is interpretative, and has no real bearing on how I'm writing Nicole, as she's still who she is first and foremost. Whatever she is to you, that's what she is. End of story.
This is basically the equivalent of flavor text (I seriously mean it; this isn't supposed to have any kind of noticeable or even actual influence on how she is written), but, since you asked, sure! :)
First, teenage boys are, by and large, disgusting. They don't really have hygiene figured out, or put in any effort into their appearance, and this can continue well into the 20s for many cis straight men. They smell. Boys smell. No one likes stinky people.
Second, teenage boys in 2009 also, by and large, identified as straight by a WAY wider margin than they do now. I can't stress enough how massive a difference just NOT being straight at all---even for those who don't even know they aren't---can radically change a dude’s perspective and behavior even at that age.
However, the ones who are unknowingly closeted are also unlikely to make enough noise to really be noticed at all half the time, because having any kind of crack in that brick wall of bullshit makes engaging with it absolutely revolting and horrifying.
It's just a constant stream of "this is not okay" and not having the language, nor authority, nor support, to do anything other than do your best to not make it worse. Because if you try to help without fully grasping WHAT is going on and WHY (which, you can't, because you're not high on the same bullshit as the other dudes) you WILL make it worse.
The sheer toxicity of what masculinity presented itself to be (and continues to), is probably the LEAST romantic or generally attractive thing ever for many, many people. It's hostile, aggressive, and has zero interest in acknowledging anyone's existence or feelings.
This is even WORSE with her male authority figures (Coach Colby, the counselor), who honestly really shouldn't count towards any consideration since she's a minor and they have a massive amount of power over her.
So, they don't. Just wanted to mention them here to make sure it was clear I didn't forget about them.
Anyway, if all the guys you knew were ones like Kylar (an obviously closeted rapist), Crispin (pbbbbth), Braxton, Trody, or Jeffrey---like ACTUAL Jeffrey, not just 'the nerdy anime kid', no the MASSIVE red flag stalker who THINKS he's a Nice Guy (tm) and sensitive---and AT BEST you'd get lucky with Hunter (ew) or Kyle (lmao, and also a stalker), and you didn't HAVE to date dudes, and understood that about yourself, dear God, why would you ever bother?
That being said, Nicole's general viciousness and misanthropy is rather heavily implied, imo, to be mostly reaction to her most recent move, so all of those guys hitting on her at her old school doesn't seem to be something she actively despised, since the social leverage she gains isn't presented as anything negative initially.
That's not to say Nicole did not have the capacity for all of this, she absolutely did, but I don't think she pushed it NEARLY as hard as she does now.
Anyway, the boys, at her old school, were still stinky, but with 'the popular girls' comes the guys who actually know what deodorant is. If she were constantly disgusted and revolted by the guys at her old school, I don't think she'd be THIS PISSED and not okay with moving somewhere else, since that is SO MUCH of high school social life, endlessly.
Nicole, at least how I'm reading this, is disgusted with everything about masculinity and men that she absolutely should be. There is no gray area here. I don't think she is inherently disgusted with the existence of men in general as a concept.
In the start of the first game, she honestly kind of DOES give the guys half a chance. They're just all generally terrible and do nothing to disprove any of her preconceptions since she's done this so many times and met so many people, and since boys really aren't encouraged to TRY, why would they be any different?
I'm not saying she'd jump at the first guy who wasn't a total piece of shit to her and was sincere about it (she would NOT fucking believe it wasn't part of some long play to fuck her and fuck with her head, and honestly I wouldn't either in her shoes) but rather that the idea of 'dating a guy' isn't inherently repulsive down to her bones, but rather that all of the guys she knows make the distinction, for the moment, essentially non-existent.
Now, yes, by Senior Year (so parts of the first game, and all of Re-Up), she has zero fucks left and zero patience (hence her amped up hostility from moment one compared to September 2007) since none of them, have EVER done anything to prove her wrong. And if someone did, like I said above, she wouldn't believe them anyway.
All of that said, I mean. Yeah, she probably massively prefers girls. If you could choose one or the other in that context, and you didn't give a shit about how people saw you, or what your parents would say, or any of that, who would pick dudes?
Hopefully that answered your question, and thanks for reading!
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wavehq · 1 year ago
enjoy limitless possibilities here in celestire islands, raphael ( baldurs gate ), naruto uzumaki ( naruto ), aerith gainsborough ( finfal fantasy ), and astarion ancunin ( baldur's gate ), where you can start the new life you've always longed for. make sure you read the checklist, as we'll be sending the discord link through ims! enjoy your new dream, silver!
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( Anime (Naruto Uzumaki), dupes not allowed.  Yoshino Hokuto, he/him, male. )  ——-  hey, is that ( Naruto Uzumaki ) hanging around ( royal buffet )? i wonder what life is like for them, balancing working as a ( twenty-three ) year old ( food delivery driver ) and ( practicing sports, martial arts and (bad) painting )? they’re notorious for being ( ambitious ) yet ( reckless ), and i always seem to hear ( Line Without a Hook ) by ( Ricky Montgomery ) playing whenever they walk past. they’re known around the islands for ( being way too loud and taking the ‘all you can eat buffet’ way too literally ), and they’re associated with ( loud, unapologetic laughter, the soft warm rays from the sun and a helping hand ). last we spoke, they were telling me about a vision they had
 something about their biggest regret being ( unable to bring his best friend home ), but it must have just been a bad dream. //  —  [ Silver, 25 / GMT, she/her. ]
( Square Enix (Final Fantasy 7 Remake), dupes not allowed.  Minatozaki Sana, she/her, female. )  ——-  hey, is that ( Aerith Gainsborough ) hanging around ( celestire arboretum)? i wonder what life is like for them, balancing working as a ( twenty-two ) year old ( florist ) and ( helping out at local nurseries and youth groups )? they’re notorious for being ( optimistic ) yet ( naive ), and i always seem to hear ( Kiss Me ) by ( Sixpence None The Richer ) playing whenever they walk past. they’re known around the islands for ( selling her flowers via her wooden cart in the markets ), and they’re associated with ( the smell of fresh flowers, soil dusted cheeks and a smile ). last we spoke, they were telling me about a vision they had
 something about their biggest regret being ( separated from her friends in their time of need ), but it must have just been a bad dream. //  —  [ Silver, 25 / GMT, she/her. ]
( Larian Studios (Baldurs Gate 3), dupes not allowed.  Neil Newbon, he/him, male. )  ——-  hey, is that ( Astarion Ancunín ) hanging around ( Lux )? i wonder what life is like for them, balancing working as a ( thirty-two ) year old ( magistrate ) and ( shopping for wine, lots of wine, and clothes shopping )? they’re notorious for being ( independent ) yet ( self - destructive ), and i always seem to hear ( Play Dead ) by ( Bjork ) playing whenever they walk past. they’re known around the islands for ( being secretive, flirtatious and a little sadistic especially when it comes to his work ), and they’re associated with ( shadows looming in the night and a rose freshly plucked with thorns speckled with innocent blood.). last we spoke, they were telling me about a vision they had
 something about their biggest regret being ( that he could never achieve revenge ), but it must have just been a bad dream. //  —  [ Silver, 25 / GMT, she/her. ]
( larian studios (baldurs gate 3). young billy crudup, he/him or they/them, cis man. ) ——- hey, is that ( raphael ) hanging around ( lux (but also secretly carnation creamery))? i wonder what life is like for them, balancing working as a ( thirty-six ) year old ( lawyer ) and ( collecting rare art, records and fine wine )? they’re notorious for being ( fun and energetic ) yet ( egotistical and narcissistic ), and i always seem to hear ( closer ) by ( nine inch nails ) playing whenever they walk past. they’re known around the islands for ( being involved in shady deals with clients, giving 'loans' and generally being sleazy ), and they’re associated with ( booming laughter, a coaxing gentle whisper in your ear and a smooth, burning whisky ). last we spoke, they were telling me about a vision they had
 something about their biggest regret being ( ||unable to successfully rule all hells and prove his worth to his father|| ), but it must have just been a bad dream. // — [ silver, 25 / gmt, she/her. ]
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hardcasey · 3 years ago
A Drop in the Ocean
Won’t Fade into the Background - Part 8
Pairing: Monnk x F!Reader
Summary: Your a marine biologist working at an animal sanctuary when one morning an injured clone trooper washes up on the shore.
Word Count: 11.2k (please don't look at me)
Ratings/Warnings: T, contains a few graphic descriptions of injuries
A/N: Can you tell this got away from me? 🙃 Originally this was just supposed to be a fun mermaid-rescued-by-human AU inspired thing, and it ended much more plot-heavy than I expected. Ah, well. I hope you still enjoy it 💕
This fic ended up taking the most amount of research of any SW fic I've written. I tried to keep the CPR as close to reality as possible by taking my info from the Red Cross, but I'm not trained in CPR so please don't use this as medical advice.
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“Commander!” a voice called, barely audible over the winds whipping past his ears. The dark grey waves churned beneath the floating platform Commander Monnk currently stood on, and he had to grab a nearby railing to keep from slipping on the slick surface as he turned to see who had called him. And he thought he’d earned his sea legs after all that time on Kamino - ha!
He immediately knew something was wrong as soon as he saw his General wasn’t wearing his trademark smile. Kit Fisto was nothing if not cool under pressure, always one to crack a joke to alleviate the mood, even in some of the most dire situations, so the stern expression he wore couldn’t mean anything but bad news.
“Sir?” Monnk stood at attention as the Nautolan jogged towards him.
“Change of plans, Commander.” Fisto held a holopad out to him. Monnk scanned the screen as Fisto continued, “Scanners have picked up a squadron of CIS ships headed our way. I want you to lead the evacuation while I-”
Fisto’s words were cut off by the roaring of an engine and the two men looked up just as a group of vulture droids broke through the clouds. One of them fired on a LAAT that had just taken off after dropping off fresh troops and supplies. The unprepared pilots could do nothing as one of the wings broke off, sending the ship spiraling down towards the platform.
The last thing Monnk saw was his General’s hand reaching out to grab him as he tumbled into the ocean amongst flaming pieces of metal.
“Oi! It’s your turn to feed the aiwha.” Your coworker-slash-bunkmate told you with a nudge to the shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m getting up,” you mumbled, rubbing sleep from your eyes as you rolled out of your bunk. You normally didn’t mind getting up at the crack of dawn to feed the aiwha, but today you were not feeling it. It probably had to do with the grey clouds that hung low in the sky, casting everything in a dreary mood that made you want to sleep forever.
Still, you knew the animals needed to be fed no matter what, so you quickly tossed some clothes on and started preparing their breakfast. You prepared two buckets of fish, your nose scrunching up in disgust as you caught a whiff of their smell. It didn’t matter how long you’d worked here, you were sure you’d never really get used to it.
With a yawn, you grabbed a bucket in each hand and lugged them all the way out to the little cove where the aiwha gathered during feeding time. You were surprised when you found it empty. The aiwha knew when feeding time was and usually gathered by the water’s edge, making a whole lot of racket no matter what time of day.
You were starting to get worried when an aiwha, a young female you and your coworkers had nicknamed Ceti, popped up out of the water. She clicked at you frantically and jumped onto the ledge where you were standing, clicked at you some more, and jumped back in. She didn’t go very far, looping back around in the water to look back at you. She repeated this a few more times before you realized she was trying to get you to follow her.
You brought your comm up to your mouth. “Hey, Ceti seems agitated about something and wants me to follow her. I’ll keep you guys updated.”
“Roger. Just be careful, it rained last night and the rocks are slippery.” One of your coworkers responded, though you didn’t pause to figure out who, already jumping down onto the jetty and racing across the rocks. You’d climbed around on the jetty enough times to know exactly where to step, quickly following after Ceti, who looked back periodically to make sure if you were still following her.
You hopped down from the rocks onto the beach, ignoring the sand getting into your shoes as you turned a corner that led to the place the aiwha usually slept. Unsurprisingly, the rest of Ceti’s pod were there, all of them barking and squeaking nervously. As you got closer, you noticed that they were surrounding something that had washed up against the rocks. Some debris maybe? With the war raging so close to your little island sanctuary it wasn’t out of the ordinary. Pieces of scrap metal washed up along the beaches all the time now, though the aiwha normally didn’t get so agitated when that happened.
You jogged up to the pod, the members parting around you to reveal a body, face down and clad in white armor. That kicked you into overdrive, all the sleepiness now gone from your body raced over and knelt in the damp sand next to the body.
Please don’t be dead. Please, please don’t be dead. You repeated over and over in your mind and you scrambled to find a pulse. You sighed in relief when you finally found it, though it was terrifyingly weak.
With shaky hands, you clicked the button on your comm. “Uh, we’ve got a body here guys. Still alive but he’ll need medical attention. Can one of you bring the boat out to the aiwha sleeping grounds?”
There was a flurry of chatter on the comms, but you ignored everything after you had confirmation the boat was coming. Instead, you focused on the man in front of you, a GAR soldier by the look of his armor, though it looked slightly different than the standard armor you’d seen on the holonet.
The first thing to do was remove his helmet to check if he was still breathing. It looked like there had been a breathing apparatus attached to it at some point, but now the hoses that led to what was probably an oxygen tank were torn to shreds. You searched for an unlocking mechanism on the helmet and once you found it you gingerly pulled it off his head, using one hand to brace his neck in case he’d sustained any spinal injuries.
The first thing that struck you was how young he was. For some reason you’d been expecting a grizzled old war veteran, not a fresh-faced twenty-something. There were scars and worry lines etched into his brown skin, yes, but he still had that youthful look about him, even unconscious.
A piece of seaweed had gotten stuck under his helmet and you brushed it away from his cheek before leaning down to check his breathing. You felt puffs of air on your cheek, but each breath he took seemed like more of a gasp to you, so you laid him flat on his back and started chest compressions.

The aiwha shuffled nervously around you, smart enough to give you space to work but still braying nervously. After counting to thirty, you lifted his chin up with and tilted his head back to open up his airway, before pinching his nose with one hand and delivering two rescue breaths.
After repeating this process for a third time, he finally sputtered to life, coughing up lungfuls of brackish water all over you. You rolled him onto his side, tucking his arms under his head to support it and pulling the leg closer to you out so his hip and knee made a ninety degree angle. You rubbed gentle circles on his back as he took huge, gasping breaths, greedily sucking in fresh oxygen.
“It’s gonna be okay. You’re okay,” you soothed, your voice barely above a whisper. “I can see the boat now, they’re almost here.”
You’d never felt so relieved as when the boat came into view. The captain - your boss - expertly pulled it up close to the rocks while two of your coworkers who were trained medics hopped out and rushed over. You moved aside to give them room, quickly filling them in on everything you knew.
The next hour or so was a blur, the boat ride back blending into the rush to the med bay, all around you voices shouting things, asking you questions you didn’t have the answer to. You weren’t a doctor, you’d just taken a CPR class in your spare time and happened to be at the right place at the right time. That still didn’t stop your coworkers from bombarding you with questions, and you weren’t sure how many times you repeated the story until your boss finally stepped in and told them to give you space. It wasn’t until you were sitting silently outside the medbay, slumped in an uncomfortable metal chair, that you realized you’d been clutching his helmet to your chest the whole time.
A storm must have rolled in at some point because a crack of thunder made you jump out of your seat, startling you out of whatever stupor you’d been in for Maker knew how many hours. You were exhausted and you wanted nothing more than to go to bed (even if you suspected it was still the middle of the day) but your mind couldn’t rest until you knew for sure that he was alright.
You watched with bleary eyes as sheets of rain fell against the windowpane, watching the churning grey sky as you tried to piece together your thoughts. You’d never actually had to rescue anyone before. The closest you’d been to an actual dire situation was when a lifeguard had to rescue a little girl who’d gotten caught in a rip tide at a beach back home. It was so different when you were the one who held someone else’s life in your hands. His lips had been so cold, his breathing so weak. He surely had hypothermia or something... that’s why it was taking so long for them to treat him, right?
Your eyes flickered to the double doors that led to the medbay and you stared hard, as if you could will them to open, bringing news of his full recovery. You wondered if you could just poke your head in to see what was going on, but you decided against it. Your boss had told you to stay outside to give the medics room to work and the last thing you wanted to do was to compromise the soldier’s recovery just because you were getting impatient.
You turned your gaze down towards the helmet in your lap, tracing the designs on it with your thumb. It was mainly white, with the sides painted an olive-brown color. Painted in the center of it was the face of what looked like a dragon or some kind of sea serpent. You idly wondered if he’d painted it by hand or used a stencil. Did the markings signify rank or was it just a design he thought looked cool?
Your musings were interrupted as your boss came through the double doors and you jumped to your feet, unable to sit any longer. He was an older twi’lek man, his blue lekku swinging behind him as he walked over to you.
“Is he okay?” you blurted out before he could so much as open his mouth.
Your boss placed a comforting hand on your shoulder before answering. “Yes, he just woke up. I thought you’d want to talk to him. He’s still weak and pretty confused, so be gentle and don’t go asking too many questions.” You’d worked for him long enough and he knew you quite well. You did have about a million questions ready to go, but you made a mental note to keep them to a minimum. There’d be time for questions later.
“Aye, aye, sir.” You responded, mustering up enough energy to even throw in a little salute.
Hand still on your shoulder, your boss started leading you through the medbay doors as he continued, “I’m gonna take some of the staff out to scout the area in case there are any more castaways. Before I go, I just wanted to tell you that you did good out there, kid. I know it was a stressful situation but you handled it exactly how you are supposed to. I’m proud of you. Feel free to take the rest of the day off.” He gave your shoulder a squeeze and patted you on the back before disappearing back through the double doors.
Monnk focus was broken from the medic filling him in on his injuries as someone stepped into the medbay, escorted by the twi’lek man who’d greeted him when he’d woken up. You stood quietly by the doors as you waited for the medic to finish, shuffling your feet as you tried to get a good look at him with bodies blocking your view. His eyes met yours and you froze for a second before ducking back out of view, your cheeks coloring ever so slightly.
“...Well let us know if you need anything. For now, you’ll need a lot of bed rest so your body can warm up and recover. If you're up for it, there’s someone who wants to talk to you. She’s the one who found you unconscious on the rocks and I think she wants to see if you’re doing okay.” The medic finished up his speech and stepped aside, gesturing for you to come closer before he and his companion cleared out of the room.
“Hi,” you greeted him with a small wave, the sleeve of your oversized sweatshirt covering your fingers. You quickly rolled it up and settled in a nearby chair, bringing your knees up and tucking them inside your sweatshirt. Monnk realized it was the same as the ones the medics had been wearing, and the twi’lek too. It was a simple red pullover emblazoned with letters that spelled out ‘M.A.R.F.’ above a stylized logo of some ocean waves.
“Hi,” Monnk responded, feeling bad that he couldn’t really sit up to talk to you. He was buried under a veritable mountain of blankets and his body was too weak to really move right now. “Thanks for the rescue, uh 
” he trailed off, hoping you’d give him your name, which you did.
“They call me Monnk, nice to meet you,” he introduced himself with a smile he’d picked up from his general.
“How are you doing, Monnk?” you asked, and he was momentarily thrown by the genuine concern he saw in your eyes. He wondered what his brothers would think if they saw him now. They’d often spoken of how nice it would be to be fretted over by a pretty girl instead of dealing with the cold and uncaring medical droids they were usually stuck with.
“I’ve been better, to be honest. I’m exhausted and everything hurts, but I’d take that over being dead. How are you?” You had dark circles under your eyes and your hair was wild, strands sticking out every which way. He doubted he looked any better, but you looked like you’d been through the wringer.
“Me? I’m okay, just tired. I’ve, uh, never actually had to rescue someone before
 it’s a lot more stressful than they make it out to be in the classes.”
Monnk offered a wry smile at that. He could relate. He’d trained his whole life for battle, but actually experiencing one for the first time was something completely different. He could still remember the confusion as he jumped out of the gunship at Geonosis, blaster bolts whizzing by him, people who he’d known his entire life, who he’d grown up with, gunned down next to him. The memory of it would stick with him forever.
“Do you mind filling me in on what happened? I’ve been able to piece some things together, but they didn’t tell me much.” Monnk asked. He still wasn’t sure exactly where he was other than it was some place near the ocean. How far away was he from General Fisto and the rest of his men?
You spent the next few minutes describing the events of this morning in detail. Monnk hadn’t realized just how close to death he’d really been. He was lucky he’d already put on his oxygen tank before the separatists attacked. Without it, likely would have drowned long before he washed up against the rocks.
“The aiwha found me?” He questioned once you’d finished. He was familiar with the animals, having encountered them many times in the waters below Tipoca City while he was still training to be a SCUBA trooper. Never up close - the Kaminoans kept them on too tight a leash to interact with any wildlife outside of what was strictly necessary for training - but he’d always admired the graceful way they would glide through the water. What was shocking to him though was the knowledge there were aiwha somewhere other than Kamino and he told you as much.
“Oh! Well the word ‘aiwha’ is used to describe a few different species of flying cetaceans across the galaxy. The word we use in Basic is actually a shortening of ‘air whale’, which is the direct translation of the Kaminoan word for them. The species we have here are a little different from the ones you’re probably familiar with from Kamino. They’re a little smaller and can’t really ‘fly’, it’s more like they skip across the surface of the water. There is actually some really cool research happening with a different species of aiwha on Manaan right now that-” You suddenly stopped yourself, pausing long enough to take the first breath since you started your explanation.
Monnk had been riveted by you as you spoke, the way your eyes twinkled and how your words carried such fondness for the creatures. His favorite part of his SCUBA training was when they got to learn about the various sea creatures they might encounter out in the field. He remembered the first time he’d learned of the Opee Sea Killer’s native to Naboo’s oceans. He’d been hungry to learn more that he’d stayed up all night with his brother Gree pouring over everything they could find in the archives. He’d even wanted to take on the name ‘Opee’ in honor of them, but someone had already beaten him to the punch. Listening to you talk about the aiwha so passionately brought him back to that time, where he was able to indulge in frivolous topics. Before the war had become the only thing he knew.
You rubbed the back of your neck and didn’t look at him as you apologized. “Sorry for droning on like that. I’m sure the last thing you want right now is to be lectured. It’s just that I spend most of my time around other people who are also into that kinda stuff, so I forget not everyone cares as much as we do.”
Monnk wanted to tell you that he could have listened to you talk about aiwha for hours, that the cadence of your voice had distracted him from every ache in his body, that the zeal with which you talked was actually kind of a turn on. But he didn’t, unable to find the right words to express those feelings to you. So instead he just nodded his head like a dumbass and said “It’s okay.”
You felt your ears get hot as the two of you sat in uncomfortable silence. Why’d you think it was a good idea to ramble on and on about aiwha to this soldier who had just had a near death experience? Maker, you were a dumbass.
You coughed uncomfortably to break the silence before hurriedly saying, “Well you’re probably tired, I’ll let you get some rest. Do you need anything before I go?” You stood, ready to race out of the medbay. You just need to get out of here, away from his steely gaze, his brown eyes holding an unspoken intelligence that didn’t quite match with his boyish face.
“No, I’m all good. But
” He trailed off, his eyes flicking down towards your chest like he had done when you first sat down. Was...was he staring at your tits? Something about that made you irrationally angry, adding to your already twisted up emotions. You were about to say something you would regret when he continued, “Um, what does MARF mean?” raising his finger to point down at your sweatshirt.
It took your mind a second to process the abrupt change in mood, and you blinked dumbly down at your sweatshirt, all of your anger dissipating, leaving you feeling like a deflated balloon. Oh, he just wanted to know what your shirt meant.
He must have mistaken your pause for annoyance because he quickly stuttered, “It-it’s just that everyone I’ve met is wearing the same thing and I-” Now it was his turn to be embarrassed, his cheeks flushing red.
You took pity on him and said, “It’s the name of this place - the organization I mean.” You gestured around broadly with your arms as if that would clarify. “The Maritime Animal Rescue Foundation, aka MARF. Apparently the word sounds much better in Ryl, at least according to our boss.”
“Oh,” Monnk said before barking out a laugh, the corners of his eyes wrinkling adorably. “I was scared I’d been picked up by a cult or something.”
Now it was your turn to laugh. “A cult?!” you asked incredulously.
“Now don’t look at me like that!” He quipped back, “I’ve heard of stranger things happening. A commando I know lost his memory after a battle and ended up working as a dishwasher in a restaurant until someone found him.”
“Uh-huh.” Monnk flashed you a dazzling smile that almost knocked you off your feet, the kind that lit up his whole face.
“Is he...okay now?” You hoped you wouldn’t regret the question.
“Yeah he’s still kicking. Commandos are made of tough stuff.” There was a twinge of pride in the way he spoke that piqued your interest.
“Are you a commando?” You asked, leaning your hip against a nearby counter.
“No, but I’m a commander. Though I’ve worked with commandos in the past, since we’re both part of such highly specialized units.” He clarified.
“What do you mean? Sorry I don’t know anything about the military and how it works.” You confessed. The war had been a far off, nebulous thing to you until very recently and you hadn’t educated yourself on anything about it, other than the sort of things one could glean from the holonet.
“No worries. Specialized units are ones that have jobs that require specific training, like rocket troopers or jet troopers.”
“Like a bomb squad?” You asked, trying to follow along. If he had to listen to you ramble, you could at least do the same for him.
“Exactly. Clones set to serve in the bomb squad for example would get extra training to learn how to detect and disarm bombs, hence why they are considered a specialized unit.”
You took a moment to absorb everything he was telling you. “Wait, you said clones are set to serve in specific units. Does that mean you are trained for that job from birth or do you get to choose?”
“Kinda. I don’t know exactly how the Kaminoans select what trooper will do what. It’s not like they knew I’d be a SCUBA trooper as soon as they decanted me, but early on they must have recognized something in me that they thought would be a good fit for the job and I started special training along with my regular training.”
“...Decanted?” you asked hesitantly, unsure if you really wanted to know the answer.
Monnk barked out a laugh at your question. “Yeah, they grow us in little tubes. It’s called decanting when they take us out.”
“Do you celebrate a decant day instead of a birthday?” You questioned, half trying to make a joke and half genuinely curious.
“Not really. They don’t tell us exactly which day we were ‘born’ so it’s hard to celebrate, though I’m sure they keep records somewhere even if none of us could access them. Instead of birthdays, the closest thing we have is the day we graduate and deploy from Kamino, since it's the first time we really get access to the outside world and, y’know, calendars.”
“Hmmm, that’s interesting.” You didn’t really mean for it to sound so dismissive, but you didn’t know what else to say to that. Honestly, you had never given a second thought to the idea that the GAR was made up entirely of clones, never considered what that really meant. Millions of babies grown from tubes, trained to be soldiers and nothing more, never allowed to be their own person despite having their own personalities. It was
 disturbing, to say the least, and you felt guilty for being so dismissive of it all in the past.
The conversation seemed to have fizzled out at that point, so you decided now would be the best time to leave and let him get some rest. “Well, I’m sure you’re tired. I’ll get out of your hair so you can get some sleep and let your body heal.”
“Yeah, uh, thanks. It was nice talking to you. And thanks again for saving me.”
“Anytime,” you added with a wry chuckle, but your joke fell flat, making you cringe inwardly. It was time for you to get some rest, too.
You left the med bay without another word and trudged towards your room, flopping down on the bunk with a deep sigh. Your roommate poked her head over the edge of her bunk, wanting to check in on you, but one look at your haggard face and she could tell you were in no mood to talk.
Laying down in your bunk, you wanted nothing more than to fall asleep, but your thoughts swirled around in your head like the storm raging outside. You didn’t know how to feel about this soldier you had rescued. He was making you reconsider things you didn’t even want to think about in the first place. You’d never considered the war outside of how it affected you, your immediate circle of friends, and the animals you worked with, but now there was this unexpectedly dark moral component to it that was weighing on you. Should you go out and start protesting the treatment of the clones in the same way you’d gone and protested against the war’s destruction of the ecosystem? Did the clones even see themselves like that, in need of saving from the war machine? You weren’t sure, not that it kept you from asking those questions over and over again.
Not only that, but you felt like things could have gone better with him personally. There were times where your conversation had been good, but also times where it was awkward and stilted. You’d assumed the worst of him when he was just trying to read your sweatshirt. What was wrong with you? Maybe the two of you could start over tomorrow once you had a good night’s sleep. Yeah, you were just exhausted and sleep deprived, that’s why you made such a bad impression, but you could start over tomorrow.
You woke up from a fitful sleep, feeling refreshed but not as much as you wanted to be. Still, you pushed yourself out of bed and went to go search for some breakfast, only to catch the sound of a heated conversation coming from the med bay.
Your mind was filled with thoughts of worst case scenarios as you rushed towards the double doors. He had gotten worse in his sleep and was on death’s door again or he had developed an infection or something. By the time you made it into the med bay proper your heart was pounding in your chest, and you were relieved to see Monnk alert and sitting up in bed. No, he was trying to get out of the bed, and your boss and some of the medics were trying to keep him from standing up.
“We can’t even send a message to the troops on planet, what with this storm outside. It’s screwing with our comms and we can’t get a signal in or out.” Your boss tried to explain to the trooper struggling in his grasp, though his words seemed to fall on deaf ears. “You’ll just have to stay put for now, which is good because you’re still healing anyway.”
“Just let me try to call them, please. I need to get back to my men!” Monnk remained obstinate, wriggling around to try and free himself, though he wasn’t making much progress.
“Even if we get a message out to them, what then? You said they were preparing for a battle, right? So how could they spare a ship to come pick you up, especially with this storm?” Your boss attempted to convince Monnk, who was still not swayed. He twisted his torso to try and wrench free of their grasp, only to wince and clutch at his side.
“I warned you that if you moved around too much you’d open up your wounds again,” one of the medics scolded him as they fussed with his bandages, peeling them away to reveal a fresh trail of red dripping down his side from a cut covered in an old bacta patch. The medic replaced that one with a new one and promptly covered it with fresh bandages and you didn’t miss the way their mouth curved into a scowl as soon as they turned away.
Without a beat, Monnk started right back where he left off. “You could bring me to them on your boat, then! It isn’t-” His words were cut off as your boss balked at him, his head flinching backwards with a scoff.
“I’m going to stop you right there. We’ve shown you tremendous hospitality already, saving your life, feeding you. Even treating you with our last few bacta patches despite how ungrateful and careless you seem to be about them. I will not put the lives of myself or my workers in danger for you or your kriffing military.” Your boss turned on his heel and stomped out of the med bay, the two medics following close on his heels, leaving you and him alone.
The shock written on Monnk’s face mirrored how you felt. You’d never seen your boss get so angry before. He was always a kind and soft spoken man and not quick to anger, so his outburst surprised you, though you couldn’t pretend you didn’t know where he was coming from.
Monnk stared at the med bay doors, eyes wide and lips parted slightly. You weren’t sure he knew you were even there, so you cleared your throat quietly and his eyes snapped over to you.
“Hey, uh, are you hungry? We can go get some breakfast together or something.” You didn’t really know what to say to him - a feeling that was becoming all too familiar - so you just decided to change the subject. That was always easier.
“Sure,” he mumbled, running a hand through his hair and making it stick up every which way.
You helped him hop down from the bed and found him a shirt to wear before leading him into the kitchen and poured two bowls of cereal. You handed one to him and the two of you ate in silence, leaning against the counter side by side, so close that his arm hairs tickled your skin whenever he brought the spoon up to his mouth. Instead of moving away, you peeked at him from the corner of your eye and found him staring pensively down into his bowl, his eyes faraway. Once you were both done he helped you clean the dishes, drying each with a hand towel as you handed them to him.
“Want to help me feed the aiwha?” You asked as you handed him the last spoon.
At his agreement, you guided him out of the building and towards the cove where the aiwha had gathered for feeding time, all of them barking playfully and splashing about as soon as they caught sight of you. You led him into the nearby shed where the fish was stored, giving him one bucket filled with fish before gathering one for yourself.
“Okay, so we're gonna give each of them about six or seven fish. Sound good?” you looked over to him to see his eyes sparkling with excitement, which made your lips turn up into a small smile.
“Yes! Is there a specific way to feed them?”
“Just grab the fish by its tail and drop them in their mouths. They have teeth, and even if they aren’t super sharp, just be careful and keep your fingers away from them. Sometimes they can get excitable during feeding time.”
The two of you lugged your bucket of fish towards the edge of the water where ten hungry aiwha waited impatiently, slapping the water with their fins and creating little waves. “Okay, grab one fish at a time and feed it to this girl here,” you pointed to the oldest female of the pod, who also happened to be the biggest out of all of them. “She’s the matriarch of the pod and gets grumpy if she isn’t fed first.”
Monnk fed her four fish, laughing each time she gobbled them up. Once she had eaten her fill she dived back down into the water, resurfacing a ways away to watch the proceedings from afar. The two of you spend the next half hour like that, taking turns feeding the aiwha as you shared details about each one’s personality. One liked to splash you when you got into the water with him. Another just had a baby a few weeks ago. After each member was fed, they moved back out to deeper waters to go play with one another until there was only one left.
“And this one is Ceti. She’s the one who led me to you yesterday. She’s a very good girl, yes she is” you cooed as you gave her a kiss on her snout.
Monnk chuckled as he watched you interact with your favorite aiwha. “She seems like it. Thank you for helping me, Ceti.” Monnk leaned towards her to give her a pat on the head, but Ceti had different ideas, using her fins to propel herself out of the water enough so she could bump her nose against his cheek.
“Awe, she gave you a little kiss,” you giggled as his hand flew up to the wet spot on his cheek. He blinked in surprise for a moment before his face broke out into that award winning smile you’d seen briefly yesterday.
Ceti barked and clicked at the both of you a few times before joining the rest of her family in their frolicking. The two of you settled down by the edge of the water, rolling your pants up and sticking your feet in the water.
“So this is your job? You feed aiwha?” Monnk asked after a moment of silence as the two of you watched the aiwha play.
“Uh-huh,” you nodded at him, “I’m mainly in charge of the aiwha, though sometimes I take care of other animals here too. There are some inside the building that we keep in tanks, but the aiwha are too big for that. My main job is feeding them twice a day - which usually takes twice as long without help - but I also train them to follow certain commands. I’ve actually gotten close enough with Ceti that she’s let me ride on her back,” you beamed, and Monnk could tell how much that meant to you.
“Why do you need to take care of them? Are they sick or something?” He asked.
You gave him a funny look for a second before answering. “They’re not sick, but we had to rescue them and relocate them here when their habitat was destroyed. All of the battles from the war really took their toll. Pollutants in the water as well as large scale wreckage basically killed the ecosystem in the part of the ocean they lived in. We were getting a lot of dead aiwha washed up on our beaches, most due to starvation since the fish they eat have largely been killed or have moved away. My boss made the decision to bring this pod to our sanctuary about a year ago. We’re not sure yet if we’ll be able to release them back in the wild since they’re so used to interacting with people now, but hopefully by the end of the war we’ll either be bringing them or their babies back into the wild so their numbers start increasing again.”
“Oh,” was all Monnk could say as she absorbed what you were telling him. Tears welled in his eyes and he felt a pit form in his stomach as the realization that that the Republic, that they, were at least partially to blame for the destruction of the environment and for killing much of the planet’s wildlife. “I-I didn’t know,” he said pathetically, his voice barely above a whisper.
He felt a hand come to rest on his shoulder. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t know. I doubt that military command is really keeping their soldiers informed of the ecological damage the war has caused. Don’t blame yourself,” you finished, rubbing small circles into his skin with your thumb.
 I can’t help but feel responsible,” he sighed, hanging his head to look at his hands as he fiddled them in his lap. “I guess it puts this morning into perspective. I feel awful about that. I didn’t mean to seem ungrateful for anything. I mean you all saved my life, of course I’m grateful for that.”
“Well, honestly, I think my boss went too far saying that to you. He was taking his anger at the Republic out on you, which isn’t fair. You’re not the one responsible for the bacta shortage either.” Monnk must have given you a confused look because you clarified, “The Republic has been commandeering a large portion of the bacta supply for the war effort and it’s been harder and harder to restock our supplies whenever we go back to the mainland. It’s been a big stressor for him - for all of us really- considering how isolated we are. If anyone were to get hurt here it would take at least an hour to get medical attention on the mainland, so having a large stock of medical supplies is something that helps us sleep better at night. But again, it’s not your fault supplies are scarce and it’s not your fault you were hurt. It wasn’t right of him to pin that blame on you.”
“I feel like such a fool right now. I’ve never thought about where the GAR’s medical supplies come from before. I’ve just been thankful it was there whenever one of my men got hurt. And I never thought about what happens to the wreckage after a battle or what the fighting does to the environment, even though it is so obvious now.” He clenched his fist so hard he felt his nails dig into his palm. He felt a hot tear slip down his cheek and he was thankful it was on the opposite side to you so he brush it away with his shoulder without you seeing.
You didn’t say anything for a moment. “Can I be honest with you, Monnk? Yesterday, when you were telling me about how you and your brothers were made, I felt the same way. I’d never considered what it really meant when they called you clones, where you came from, how you were raised, any of it. And I feel awful for being so ignorant, for thinking you were barely different from droids instead of considering you all as living, breathing humans each with your own personalities. I’m not exactly sure why I’m telling you this, but I guess I want you to know that we’re in the same boat, so to speak.”
Despite the emotions churning inside of him, your confession managed to make him crack a small smile. He leaned against you and you scooted closer to get into a better position, tucking his head under your cheek as his hand found yours, your fingers intertwining. He wasn’t sure why he did it, but the feeling of your breath against his temple was soothing and maybe that was enough for now. At least the tightness in his chest had loosened somewhat.
Neither of you said anything for a while, instead just sitting next to each other with your eyes closed, lost in your own thoughts as you listened to the sky rumbling and the aiwha splashing around in the water. Eventually you broke the silence to ask, “Why are you in such a rush to get back?”
“It’s my duty as a commander to be there for my men. Last I left them we were preparing for a large scale invasion of a Separatist factory that manufactures hydroid medusas - these awful cyborg creatures that are incredibly hard to kill. I couldn’t handle if they were out there dying while I’m here lazing about in bed. And they always taught us on Kamino that you should do everything in your power to get back to your unit if you're separated from them. That’s why I asked about the boat, though I see now that I was asking for way too much.”
You pulled your head away to look at him. “Monnk, you almost died yesterday. You need rest in order to heal, it’s not being lazy. Okay?” You waited for him to nod at you before continuing, “However
 if it’s really that important for you to get back to your men, then I have an idea of how to get you there, but we have to wait until the night to do it. And you have to promise me you’ll stay in bed all day and get your rest. I can keep you company if you want.”
It was half past midnight and you laid awake in your bunk, staring into the darkness as you waited for the sound of your roommate’s snores. You’d given up trying to get some shut-eye long ago, too wired to even think about sleep. Besides, you had gotten in a good nap earlier in the day as you sat by Monnk’s bedside and kept him company. He’d tried grilling you for more information about your plan, but all you’d told him was you’d come get him and fill him in after everyone went to bed.
When you were sure your roommate was asleep, you stealthily slipped out of bed and out into the hallway, an empty glass in your hand so you could say you were getting some water in case you ran into anyone. Luckily for you, the halls were empty and you hurried into the medbay.
Monnk was already up and starting to pull on his gear when you snuck through the doors, making you sigh before rushing over to help him into his wetsuit. He tried to protest but you cut him off. “You’re going to hurt yourself if you try to do it by yourself. You’ll need to save all your strength for later tonight.” You smoothed away the curly hairs at the nape of his neck to make sure they didn’t get caught in the zipper. “I’ll try to get you as close to your people as possible, but that may be difficult if the fighting has started. You may need to swim or climb a little bit.”
Monnk turned around to face you and there was a pregnant pause as both of you realized just how close you were to each other, your chests millimeters away from touching. He swallowed hard and quickly turned to grab a piece of his armor and tugged it on. You helped him as needed, only offering your assistance with pieces you knew he would struggle with.
“How are we getting there? We stealing your boss’s boat?” Monnk asked as he fastened one of his pauldrons in place.
“No, he keeps the keys in his room when he sleeps ever since one of his employees tried going on a drunken joy ride. We’re gonna use the aiwha.”
He paused what he was doing to give you a skeptical look. “Seriously?”
“Yes! They’re faster than boats, and stealthier too, since they can go underwater.”
“How long ago did you say one of them let you ride her?” he asked with a quirk of his eyebrow.
“It was five months ago, but Ceti is very smart and I trust her. And you’re gonna have to trust me because you don’t have any better options.”
“Fine,” he sighed before tugging on his helmet. “You’ll need a wetsuit too, right?”
“Yeah, the closet where we keep them is right around the corner. Can you keep watch while I change into it?” You asked him as the two of you crept towards the door, pressing your ear to the side to listen for any movement. When you heard none, you took the lead and ushered him down the hallway, making sure to avoid any squeaky floorboards as you tiptoed to the closet. Monnk was surprisingly agile and stealthy despite the clunky armor he wore.
You ducked into the closet while Monnk stood posted outside and quickly stripped off your clothes, balling them up and haphazardly shoving them into a cabinet. If you were lucky you’d be back to collect them before anyone was any the wiser. You hadn’t been able to sneak on your bathing suit so you were stuck with just your regular bra and panties underneath it, not ideal but it would have to do. You had pulled the wetsuit up to your waist when the door suddenly opened and Monnk stepped in, pressing a finger to your lips and indicating you should stand still.
You tried not to think of the fact you were only clad in your bra from the waist up, or the fact that you were basically pressed up against him due to the cramped space of the storage closet. It took a few seconds for you to calm down enough to hear the footsteps making their way down the hallway over the beating of your heart. The sound of door with a squeaky hinge told you whoever was outside had just stepped into the bathroom, and the two of you waited in perfect silence for the sounds of the toilet flushing and the faucet running. For his part, Monnk was trying to look anywhere else but straight down, his eyes flickering around wildly in the dim light. It was only when you were both sure the person outside was long gone that you both allowed yourselves to breathe, and you barely had time to blink before Monnk was running back outside. As you tugged the rest of the wetsuit on, you wondered if he’d ever seen a woman naked before, or if the soldiers weren’t allowed the free time that was usually required for those sorts of activities.
Once you were ready to go, you made your way to the cove where you had fed the aiwha earlier today. None of them were around, but you’d expected that and brought the whistle you used to train them up to your lips. The sound it made was too high for human ears, but aiwha could hear it just fine and it only took a couple minutes before Ceti was splashing up to you.
You waded into the water next to her and gave her a few pats before saying, “Hi there, girl. I’m gonna need you to give me and my friend here a ride. Can you do that? There’s fish in it for you when we get back.”
Ceti didn’t have to think twice and gave you a little chirp of affirmation before moving to shallower water so both you and Monnk could climb on her back. You sat in front while Monnk wrapped his arms around you, and as Ceti swam out into the open ocean, you tried not to think of how nice it felt to be held in his arms.
No! Now was not the time for romantic flights of fancy, it was time for a clandestine operation into the middle of a warzone. Still, as you were pelted by cold rain and ocean spray, the warmth against your back felt nice, even through the plastoid armor he wore.
Ceti raced across the waves, with you guiding her as Monnk gave you directions, his helmet pressed up against your ear so you could hear him over the sound of the storm and the churning ocean. He had surprisingly good navigational skills, somehow able to determine which way was north despite no obvious signs that you knew of. When you shouted over your shoulder to ask him about it, his only explanation was that he’d studied maps of the planet extensively when preparing for the invasion. It still didn’t explain how he could tell what direction you were going without any visible stars, but you didn’t question it, chalking it up to his super soldier training.
It felt like you travelled for hours, with waves crashing over you and wind whipping across your face, but you eventually caught a glimpse of a large platform in the water a ways away from you, the lights of ships and military vehicles twinkling in the distance. As you got closer you also were able to hear the telltale sounds of battle: the roar of starship engines and shots of blaster fire rang in your ears. You had no idea it would be so loud, and you were still nowhere near the center of the fighting.
You indicated for Ceti to slow down while you tried to come up with the best way to approach without getting yourself exploded. You tensed as two starships zipped past you overhead, engaged in a dogfight as one tried to keep the other away from the platform, the plasma bolts they fired that missed their targets careening into the dark waters a few meters away from you.
Monnk squeezed your shoulder. “Are you okay? I know it can be a lot experiencing your first battle in person.”
You tried not to think of the deeper meaning in his words, tried not to think of an even younger Monnk running headfirst into his first real battle, and instead reassured him you were fine. You could tell he didn’t really believe you but he thankfully dropped it. You wondered how many times he’d had this same conversation before, with other new clones getting their first taste of war.
“We should probably go underwater from here. There is probably some fighting going on down there, too, but most of it should be concentrated in the direction facing the factory.” He pointed to the left of the platform to indicate where he was talking about. “If we come in from the side we should be fine, but be prepared for anything.”
You gritted your teeth and steeled your nerves before saying, “Aye, aye, Commander.”
His hand found your shoulder again and turned you so that you were looking at him. “You know you don’t have to do this, right? I can swim to the platform or we can just turn back. It’s not worth risking your life. Or Ceti’s.”
“I can do this. We’ve already come this far. I at least want to get you closer to the platform. I’m not letting you swim that far when you're injured.”
“Okay. And thank you again, for everything.” He said, pressing his forehead to yours for a moment. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath before nodding at him that you were ready and pulling your oxygen mask and goggles on.
Without further ado, you told Ceti to dive and she was off, racing towards your destination beneath the waves. It was harder to see here, but flashes of light from both above and below lit your path. As you got closer, you could make out the shapes of people in the water as well as huge armored jellyfish looking creatures that floated up from the deep, firing massive cannons at the lines of what you assumed were clone troopers. Hydroid Medusas, Monnk had called them. It took you only a few seconds of watching them in action to understand why it was so important to destroy their production plant.
Monnk guided you through the water, using hand signals to indicate when you needed to turn or dive deeper. He did a good job avoiding blaster fire as it rained down from the sky and streaked past you under the waves. The last leg of the journey probably took a few minutes tops, but it felt like hours, everything around you serving to mess up your senses and fray your nerves. You weren’t sure when it happened but at some point Monnk’s hand had found yours and you were squeezing it as if it was your only lifeline, the only thing anchoring you amongst the chaos.
Ceti surfaced next to the pylon, which had a long ladder leading up to the top. Monnk maneuvered around you and grabbed onto the bottom rung, turning back to you to say, “When you head back, go in the direction opposite the fighting before looping back the way we came. Stay low in the water so you’ll have time to dodge any stray bolts from the gunships, though I didn’t see any in that direction.”
And with that, it seemed like your time with him was up as he grabbed hold of another rung and hoisted himself up. But it felt wrong to just leave it like that, and before you could think better of it you were saying, “Monnk, wait!”
He turned around to look at you and maybe it was because you probably wouldn’t see him again, but you did something reckless, something you wanted to do since the beginning. You grabbed a hold of his helmet and tugged it up enough to reveal his lips before crashing your against them.
The kiss was messy and wet, despite it being relatively chaste. He tasted like salt and water streamed down both of your faces and into your mouth, your nose mushing up awkwardly against the rim of his helmet. Not that you cared. His lips were soft and warm and felt right against yours - that’s all that mattered in the moment.
He eventually broke away from the kiss, but not before his hand cupped your cheek and his thumb traced along your nose tenderly. You pulled his bucket back over his chin and settled back down as you watched Monnk climb up the ladder. Rain pelted down against your face, but you didn’t look away until you were sure he made it to the top. As he disappeared over the edge of the platform, you hoped beyond all reason you would get to see him again.
Sunlight warmed your face and shoulders and you had your feet dipped in the water as you watched your coworkers train the aiwha. Your boss was more than a little angry at you for sneaking off and putting yourself or Ceti in danger and had benched you for at least two week, maybe more depending on how your therapy sessions went. Your impulsive actions were attributed to PTSD from Monnk’s rescue and a caveat for keeping your job was bi-weekly meetings with a therapist over holocall. Until then you weren’t allowed to interact with any of the animals as they hadn’t yet determined if you still posed a risk to them.
In all honesty, you felt the punishments were more than fair, all things considered. You’d prepared yourself on the ride back to be fired on the spot, and really the only reason you weren’t was because your boss was a kind man and you’d worked with him for a long time. Privately, he had told you that he understood why you’d done what you did and knew you were not a threat to the animals, but he didn’t want any of the younger staff getting any ideas. You were fine with being made an example of and you knew you’d make the same choice if given the chance.
You’d had quite a few discussions with your therapist about Monnk and about the clones in general. You still thought about him almost every day. Sometimes you would wonder what he was doing at that exact moment, if he was still on planet and looking up at the same clouds, breathing in the same balmy sea air. You just couldn’t seem to get over him, despite really only knowing him for a few days. Your therapist suggested you try and contact him and keep in touch, but you were hesitant to. He was a commander in the middle of a war, and you were some lovesick girl that couldn’t get over him. It was better for everyone if he just remained something that could have been, a fantasy you could indulge in on lonely nights, alone in your bunk and wishing for a companion to snuggle up to.
So it came as a surprise when you spotted a ship cresting over the waves towards your little island sanctuary, a Republic flag fluttering in the wind atop it’s mast. By the time it had docked, almost everyone had gathered around, your boss stepping to the front to greet the visitors.
A clone sporting armor similar to Monnk’s, though the serpent design was on his shoulder instead of his forehead, stepped out of the boat and introduced himself. “I’m Sargent Atoll of the 7th SCUBA Company.” His voice was so similar to Monnk’s that a pang of longing wedged itself in your chest, and you couldn’t help scanning through the other clones to see if he was there somewhere, though you came up empty. “I’m here to deliver some medical supplies to you, as a thank you from the Republic for helping return our commander to us.”
“Oh,” your boss looked around for a moment in disbelief, “that is very kind, thank you.”
The next ten minutes were spent looking on as the clones unloaded crates from the ship, refusing any offers for help and insisting they do it themselves. By the time they were finished, the med bay was full to the gills with everything a medic could want, bacta patches, bacta shots, bacta spray, and, most surprisingly, a medical droid. It was a smaller model, with long arms ending in articulated fingers and it had no legs, instead hovering in place with a pair of propulsors where it’s legs would be. It’s large, owl-ish eyes blinked to life and it introduced itself with a ridiculously long string of numbers. You’d have to come up with a nickname for it later.
Now, though, everyone thanked the clones, telling them to pass their regards onto their general and commander. Sergeant Atoll was just about to climb aboard, the boat’s engine already rumbling to life, when you suddenly shouted, “Wait!”
All eyes were on you as you gracelessly yanked your MARF sweatshirt over your head and handed it to Atoll. “Can you give this to Commander Monnk? As something to remember me by?”
Atoll looked down at the fabric you’d shoved in his hands, then back up to you before saying, “Yes, ma’am,” and giving you a salute.
You wanted nothing more to go with them, just so you could see Monnk one last time. But they were soldiers heading back to a war, there was no place for you among them. So you sat down at the edge of the dock and you watched them leave, a feeling of longing bubbling up inside you as their boat shrunk into the horizon.
Epilogue: 18 BBY
Monnk stood by the docks, a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. He checked his comm again, making sure he had the time right. It told him it was 12pm sharp, meaning the MARF boat should be pulling up any minute now. Wednesdays were the days they made the long trip to the mainland to pick up supplies for the coming week. Even though he’d been told they’d meet him here, he was still nervous. Nervous he got the place or time wrong. Nervous something had happened on the trip over.
Nervous you wouldn’t want to see him again.
When General Fisto had first thrown out the idea of working for MARF after the war was over, he’d been skeptical. The war seemed like it was going to go on forever, until one day it ended with little fanfare or any particular reason. But he was still a soldier and just because hostilities ended didn’t mean his job war over, far from it. For the next year he worked aid missions to those who’d been affected by the fighting, fighting for clone citizenship, making sure his brothers were settling in to their new positions, whether they be in the military or in civilian jobs. But soon that work slowed down to a trickle, and he once again had to face the question of what he was going to do after the war. His skillset was so specialized and there weren’t many jobs looking for someone with extensive SCUBA experience, and the war had exhausted him so much and he just wanted to get away from military life for a while. He’d been throwing around the idea of going to school and getting an education in something more useful, a path many of his brothers had opted for, when General Fisto again brought up the idea of joining MARF.
The idea had been tempting to him. Not just because of you, but also because he had always dreamed of being a marine biologist and studying animals. But would they even consider him? He hadn’t exactly left on the best of terms, getting into a huge fight with the owner and running away in the middle of the night. Sure, the supplies they sent did some damage control, but how much? General Fisto had assured him that everything would be fine, made a few calls, and by that time next week was telling Monnk that a position was open if he wanted it. It had been an easy choice, but that still didn’t stop him from second guessing himself as he stood there on the docks, waiting.
A boat that he didn’t recognize pulled into the harbor and docked nearby. He was about to dismiss it and turn back to scanning the horizon when he caught a glimpse of blue lekku on the deck. The colors were more muted due to old age, but he recognized the owner of the sanctuary as he climbed out of the boat before turning around to help someone else out.
Monnk’s heart skipped a beat as he saw you haul yourself out of the boat. It had been years, but you still looked exactly the same. Same outfit, complete with a similar sweatshirt to the one tucked into the bottom of his bag. Same wild, windswept hair. Same smile as your boss cracked a joke and you elbowed him playfully. Part of Monnk had expected you to be radically different, expected the vision of you that he had clung to through this terrible war to be shattered in some way. He’d come out of the other end a radically different man, older, with more scars and age lines and a more cynical outlook on life. It was a small comfort to know the war hadn’t corrupted everything.
He caught snippets of your conversation as you made your way up the docks.
“Why exactly did I have to come here again?” you groused, folding your arms into the pocket in the front of your sweatshirt to protect them from the sharp wind blowing off the water.
“I need you to carry some of the things we’re picking up. I’m an old man now, doc says I can’t do any heavy lifting,” your boss said with a chuckle. “Besides, we’re also picking up a new crew member. Since you’ll be the one training him, I thought it would be nice if you helped me welcome him.” The twi’lek’s eyes scanned the crowd and landed directly on him. He flashed Monnk a smile before announcing, “Oh, there he is now. Let’s say hi.”
You turned in the direction your boss was pointing and froze in place, your eyes going wide and your mouth falling open in disbelief. Monnk stood up straighter as soon as your attention was on him, feeling as if he was in the middle of a random inspection and wanting to look his best.
“Hi,” he greeted you lamely, internally smacking himself for not saying something wittier. To make up for it he flashed you a dazzling smile, a skill he’d picked up after spending so much time with his general.
“Monnk?” you asked, disbelief painted all over your face. You looked at your boss for some sort of explanation. “Is this real? He’s coming to work for us?”
“Yup. He starts tomorrow. Comes with a pretty strong recommendation from an old friend, too.” Your boss turned to address Monnk, “Wish you told me you worked under Kit Fisto when we first met. He and I go way back.”
By now, you’d overcome your initial reaction of surprise and launched yourself at Monnk, nearly tackling him over as you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him into the biggest hug he’d ever had, squeezing him with all your might, as if he’d disappear if you didn’t hold on tight enough. Monnk squeezed you back before stepping away enough to look down at your face, your chin resting on his chest as you smiled up at him.
“I’m so happy to see you.”
“Me too,” he beamed down at you, tucking a strand of stray hair behind your ear.
“I have so much to tell you. So much has changed since I last saw you. The sanctuary has been remodeled. I got a promotion. And Ceti had babies!” you rattled off at him as he maneuvered you so that you were tucked under one arm and started walking, following behind your boss as he perused the market stalls. Monnk listened with rapt attention, filling you in on what he’d been up to these past years as well, the battles he’d been in, funny stories about him and his brothers.
“I can’t believe you're coming to work with us. It’ll be so fun. I’m sure you’ll do great and you’ll really like the work.” you told him as your trio headed back to the boat, now loaded with supplies.
“Yeah. I heard my new boss is a bit of a wildcard. Heard rumors that she stole an aiwha in the middle of the night and rode it into an active warzone,” he teased, bumping his hip against yours.
You rolled your eyes. “Oh yeah? What else did you hear?”
“I heard that she was a really good kisser, too.”
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queer-character-headcanons · 3 years ago
Naruto (Part 1 - Team 7)
Man, I’ve got strong opinions on some of these *cough* Kakashi *cough*, but some of the others I’m flexible about. It depends on the story you’re telling with the character. These are the ones I have for the canon/near canon of the Naruto show itself (incl. Shippuden, but not Boruto). Here goes... something:
Naruto Uzumaki gives off so much bi energy, with the way he falls hard for both Sakura and later Sasuke as well. He’s a cis boy who uses he/him pronouns, and wouldn’t realise you were talking about him if you used any others. He’s biromantic and demisexual (asexual until he has a deeper emotional connection with someone). He’s also definitely an ADHD kid, and would have been diagnosed rather quickly if he’d tried at any point. His mind jumps from topic to topic, and can’t concentrate on anything if he’s not hyperfixated on it at the moment.
Sasuke Uchiha is very much gay. He is so gay, extremely gay. The gayest. At no point does he show any kind of attraction towards Sakura, or any other woman, but Naruto on the other hand. It’s obvious that he cares, but he doesn’t want to care. He’s probably demiromantic and demisexual, since it took him having an emotional connection with Naruto before he actually fell for him. He’s a cis man who uses he/they pronouns, not really caring which people use more. There is a chance he is autistic or OCD, given his obsessiveness in hunting down Itachi, but I haven’t thought about that one enough to really be sure in any way.
Sakura Haruno is probably bi, with a preference towards men. She seems to be greyromantic bisexual, and fell for Sasuke immediately. It took her a while longer to fall for Naruto, and she didn’t realise that what she felt for Ino was a crush until they were already very close. She could be read as either cis or trans, but honestly I see her as a cis woman most of the time. Definitely she/her pronouns and would get angry at anyone who got it wrong (which probably wouldn’t happen unless she was trans).
Kakashi Hatake. Oh boi do I have a lot to say about Kakashi. He’s my favourite character in the whole show, and the only reason I kept watching in the first place, so there’s definitely some projecting going on here. First and foremost, Kakashi is aromantic and asexual. At no point in the show has he shown romantic or sexual interest in anyone. By the end of it they are one of the few people who doesn’t have a love interest whatsoever, and that is perfect for them. They’re a good example of the fact that aroace people can still enjoy sexual media, although I’m quite certain he reads Icha-Icha for the plot (why else would spoilers bother them so much?). Next up, gender~ Kakashi is transmasc (afab) and bigender, fluctuating between male and agender. They use he/they pronouns, although which they prefer over the other fluctuates between the two depending on which of them he’s feeling at the moment. Kakashi being transmasc is barely disproven by canon (only two filler episodes show him shirtless, other than that he is always wearing his ‘binder’) and some moments definitely feel like they’re feeding the headcanon. Kakashi is autistic. He isn’t good at social interactions, and he’s bad at showing his emotions correctly. The mask is likely to block smells so he doesn’t get overstimulated as easily. Their extremely quick progression through the ranks shows that their special interests are likely fighting-based. A lot of autistic people hold rules in extremely high regard, as we see young Kakashi doing. Him joining the ANBU was likely a way to find strict routine, and it’s once again evident that he’s extremely dedicated to it. Once he found the Icha Icha series, that became one of his special interests. Later we can see that he’s always late, because his routine of visiting the memorial stone is extremely important to him. Also his dogs! They’re his comfort animals, and Pakkun especially seems like he knows how to calm him down when he’s stressed. It’s quite probable that Kakashi is ADHD as well. Their mind works fast, but they often seem to get distracted by their own thoughts, and unless there’s a fight or something going on he always seems to be lost in thought (or Icha-Icha, if he’s reading).
As you can see, long post. I had a lot to say and now I’ve said it, thank you for reading if you bothered at all! 
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girl-with-cat-eyes · 3 years ago
 Part 3 of the Reba au. Pat one and part two.
Summary: The weekend comes and Janus deals with paperwork, one-night stands, and meeting his ex-husband's new boyfriend. 
A/N: So I went on a vacation to see @forever-forgotten-angel and took a break from writing. But I'm back and writing! Special thanks as always to @amazon-me-bitches and my qpp @forever-forgotten-angel for beta reading this fic! And now, without further ado, my fic.
When Janus woke up on Friday things seemed almost normal. He dropped Emile and Remy off at school, Patton agreed to pick them up. Virgil had ridden with Thomas, which meant that Janus didn’t have to worry about any pickups today. That was good, considering he was working late. He had a trial coming up in two weeks, a factory worker who’d been injured on the job due to company negligence of machinery. Janus had been happy to take the case. 
 Of course, it meant that he wasn’t leaving the office until 8 PM. Janus yawned as he left the office, ready to get home and sleep. It would be lovely. A full night’s worth of sleep and then the weekend. Not that he wouldn’t be working of course. But his home office was far superior to the one he had at work. Maybe he’d take the boys out for a picnic if he had time. That would be nice. Emile had been wanting to go to the park and see the ducks before it got too cold. They could feed the ducks.
Janus was interrupted from his thoughts by a loud clang. He reached for his pepper spray, better safe than sorry. There were clangs, seeming to come from a dumpster next to the parking lot. It was most likely a raccoon but Janus wasn’t taking any chances. He began quickly walking to his car, eyes trained on the dumpster the whole time. He was halfway to his car when the source of the noises showed itself.
 Janus prided himself on his eloquent speech but all he could find it in himself to say was, “What?”. Brilliant Janus, just brilliant. 
 It was a person, taller than Janus. They had dark curly hair from what Janus could see, and a mustache as well. They held a possum in their arms. Janus blinked, “What did I tell you about running off Tallulah? You’re not going to find any tasty treats in a law office’s dumpster. We have to go to taco bell for that. The only thing you’ll find in there is paper, office supplies, and-”, they looked up and made eye contact with Janus, “And the sexiest man alive.”
They’d ran up to Janus before he had a chance to react, “Hello sexy. Are you a lawyer? Because it’s illegal for someone to be as sexy as you are.”
 “Sorry about that. I tend to get over-excited.”, they offered a hand out to shake, “I’m Remus. He/him pronouns.”
“Janus.”, he found himself saying, “He/him pronouns. What exactly were you doing in the dumpster?”
“How dare you insinuate that Tallulah is merely a pet. She is my baby.” 
 “Oh! Tallulah here thought she could get snacks in that dumpster over there so I had to get her out.”, he held up the possum in his arms.
“Right. And Tallulah is your pet?”
 “Well, it appears your baby wants to eat office supplies.”, Janus reached out to pet the possum in question,  scritching her ears. He smiled as she leaned into the touch. He smiled at the sight.
 “Believe me she doesn’t want that. I’ll take her to taco bell. She enjoys their burritos. You’re more than welcome to join if you want?”, it was a stupid idea. They’d just met, Remus was a total stranger. He could be a serial killer for all Jan knew.
 Message sent to Patton at 8:23 PM.
 “Hey Pat, don’t wait up for me. I’m gonna get take out on the way home. Make sure Remy’s homework is done before he plays on the Switch.”
Taco Bell, Janus thought, was best enjoyed at night. They’d gotten fast food and now sat out in the parking lot, a feast of fast food laid out before them. He watched as Tallulah happily ate her promised bean burrito. It was nice, relaxing even. Janus smiled as he watched, “So how does one end up with a pet possum?”
Remus grinned, “I birthed her from my womb.”, seeing Janus’ unamused expression he turned serious, “I rescue animals. She was rescued from an exotic pet dealer. She can’t be rehabilitated into the wild, unfortunately.”
“I see. She’s very sweet.”, Janus continued petting the possum in question, “So what do you do with your time? Besides rescue possums and climb into dumpsters of course." 
 “I’m a midwife actually.”, Remus grinned. Janus looked over to where he had unhinged his jaw to deepthroat his burrito like a snake. He waited for Remus to finish before speaking. 
 “A midwife?”
 Remus nodded, “Yeah. I make bank. Which is nice cause it means I can foster lots of animals.”, he continued deepthroating the burrito.
 Well, that was unexpected. Janus stared at the man in front of him delivering babies and truthfully he couldn’t picture it. Remus seemed more like the type of person to go into a job that didn’t involve babies. He seemed more likely to own a demolition derby, “You don’t seem like the type. Can I ask a dumb question?”
 “Well, it’s not a question. I just didn’t know men could be midwives.”
 “It shocks a lot of people actually. Most people don’t think women would be comfortable working with me.”
“I’m guessing that’s not true.”
 “I work with trans men mostly. Having a trans midwife is reassuring. I know what they’re going through. And sometimes cis midwives can be judgy.”
“You’re trans?”
 “Is he?”
“Well then.”, Janus took a bite of his food, chewing thoughtfully, “My son’s pregnant.”
 “Yeah. It’s been super stressful because he’s 17.”, Janus sighed, “How much would it cost for you to work with us? Any resources would be helpful.”
 “For you? I’ll do it for free. I know all too well what it’s like to be a pregnant teen. And I think you’re cute.”, he winked and Janus felt his face warm in a way he hadn’t felt in years. 
 “You- you got pregnant as a teen?”, he forced himself to get out. Remus nodded and for a brief second Janus thought he saw a tear in his eye. 
 “Yeah but I miscarried. Lack of resources and all. So now I make sure that no one else has to go through what I went through.”
 Message sent to Patton at 11 PM
 “That’s amazing. You have to let me pay you though.”
“I told you, helping a cutie like you out is payment enough.”, he leaned forward, “I wouldn’t mind a kiss though. That is, if you’re agreeable?”, Remus leaned forward and Janus could smell his cologne. The warm, spicy, citrus scent drove him wild. It was like he was standing on the edge of a cliff, staring at the abyss below. And Janus was happy to fall.
 Don’t wait up for me. I’ll be back late.
Patton Picani-Hart had never been a morning person. Sure, he wanted to be; but late nights at the restaurant and his sleep schedule meant that he had trouble pulling himself out of bed in the morning. It also meant he could barely function without at least three cups of coffee. He was currently standing in front of the coffee maker, staring at it as if he could will the coffee to brew faster. 
 It had been a long night. Janus had to work late, which meant it was up to Patton to pick up Emile and Remy from school and drive them home. Luckily Virgil and Thomas had agreed to watch them because then he had to rush back to the restaurant for the dinner shift. He got back by 11 to all of the kids asleep and leftover greek food waiting for him. He’d been so tired that he’d eaten the food and fallen asleep immediately, never seeing the message he had from Janus.
 He hadn’t seen it until the morning when he awoke to Emile sitting on his chest asking for food. A quick check of his phone revealed it was 9 am and Janus had stayed out all night. So Patton did the only thing he could do; he got dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast.  Six breakfast burritos later, and he was beginning to wonder where Janus was. Clearly, he’d had a good night if he was gone for this long. At least he hoped it was good. Regardless, it was good for Janus to start exploring romance again if he was ready. Hopefully, the relationship would be good for him. He couldn’t wait to hear the details. 
 Patton was considering calling him when there was a jingle of keys at the front door. Janus walked through the door. His hair stuck out in multiple directions, his suit was unkempt, and Patton could see multiple hickeys on his chest. It had been a good night after all. He handed him a cup of coffee, “Good morning. Looks like you had a good night.”
 Janus blushed and Patton knew exactly how good of a night he’d had. He grinned as he watched the man in question try to come up with an excuse, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”, his ex may have had a silver tongue, but that all went away when he was flustered. 
 “I’m not mad. You seem to forget that we’re separated, soon to be divorced. Going out is healthy.”, Patton handed him a plate of food with a smile, “So who is he?”
 “His name is Remus and we met last night. He’s nice. I invited him over for dinner Tuesday night.”, Patton frowned. Having a one-night stand was one thing, heck dating was fine. But bringing this guy around the kids after one date didn’t seem like the best idea. 
 “I support you dating Jan, but don’t think you should date a little bit longer before bringing him home. Virgil won’t mind but it might confuse Emile and Remy.”, it was the truth. The boys would be confused if Janus introduced them to a new boyfriend and then it didn’t work out. Best to wait until it was serious. That was what Patton had done.
 Janus blinked as if it was a new idea to him. “Pat, I’m not introducing him as my boyfriend. He’s a midwife. I invited him over to meet Virge. I thought it might be a good idea to have a midwife as well as an OBGYN.” 
 Patton sighed in relief; he didn’t want to sound like a jealous ex, especially when he’d been the one to ask for the divorce. This Remus coming over as a midwife was different though. And it meant that he wouldn’t have to worry if the kids would be confused. Speaking of the kids, Emile ran in at that moment, practically bouncing in his shoes, “Is breakfast ready yet?”
 Janus smiled at their youngest, picking him up and balancing him on his hip, “Yep. How about you go get your brothers and then we can eat.”, Emile nodded and ran off as fast as he could. Janus nodded and went to leave the kitchen, “I should go change.”
Pat nodded, a thought coming to him, “Virgil wanted to come to help me prep for lunch rush today at the restaurant. Could you pick him up before the dinner rush? I don’t want to stress him.”, Janus nodded before leaving, leaving Patton alone to wonder what this Remus was like.
Janus hummed as he drove to Pat’s. He’d spent most of the day in the office today, getting caught up on his paperwork. He’d promised to take the boys to the park tomorrow for a picnic, which meant he had to get it all done today. Thomas had luckily agreed to watch Remy and Emile once Pat and Virgil left to prep for the day, giving Janus ample time to work. 
 Soon 5 o’clock came around and Janus was leaving to go pick up Virgil. He was sure that Virgil would be ready to go home. Janus had seen just how busy the restaurant could get during the dinner rush. Virgil may have wanted to be a chef, but he wasn’t ready for that. Especially right now.
 He pulled up behind the restaurant, parking in the employee parking lot. Inside he could see the kitchen was a flurry of work, prepping as much as possible before it got truly busy. Waving to the kitchen staff, Janus headed to the back office where he knew Patton would be finishing paperwork before he went to go work in the kitchen. Virgil would most likely be in there with him. Only he didn’t see Virgil when he entered the office. 
 Patton stood in front of his desk, kissing an unfamiliar man as if his life depended on it. Janus blinked before realizing this must be the Logan he’d heard about. He quickly realized he was staring and, unsure of what to do, coughed to announce his presence. Patton jumped and turned around, Logan blushing and looking down. 
 “Janus, hey, what are you doing here?”, Patton looked flustered, like they weren’t divorced, “This is Logan, I told you about him.”, behind him, Logan nodded, still blushing too much to properly speak.
 “Nice to meet you, I’m here to pick up Virgil. I said I’d be here at 5, remember?”
 Pat’s eyes went wide, “Is it 5 already? I need to go get started in the kitchen.”, he moved away from Logan and ran to put on his chef’s coat, “Virgil was taking inventory in the fridge. Janus nodded and left the office, hearing Logan saying he should get going as he left.
 He did in fact find Virgil in the freezer, stocking ingredients and taking note of what was low. Upon seeing his dad he handed the list to a cook before standing up to leave. They got to the car, Virgil getting in, and Janus was about to when he heard someone call his name.
 Logan stood in front of him, looking made together and not at all how he looked when Janus had seen him earlier, “Yes?” 
 Logan took a deep breath before speaking, “I just wanted to apologize that we had to meet like that. I wanted to meet you and the kids properly, not having you walk in on me kissing Patton goodbye.”, Janus nodded in understanding.
 “It’s fine. Patton and I were separated before you two started dating. Just treat him right. We may not be together anymore, but I still care about him. He has a good heart and I don’t want to see that heart broken.”
 “I never want to hurt him.”
 “Then we’ll have no issue. Goodbye then.”, Janus got in the car, giving the man a wave before driving off. He turned to Virgil, who was listening to music next to him, giving him a tap on the shoulder.
 Virgil looked up at him, taking off his headphones before speaking, “What’s up?”
 “How does Indian sound for dinner?”, Virgil nodded and Janus set off to get take out. There was a few moments of silence before he spoke again, “Virgil, you don’t mind if your father and I date again, right? I mean date people that aren’t each other.”
 Virgil shrugged, “It doesn’t bother me. You two are getting a divorce, dating seems to make sense. And I know you’ll both always be here for me and Remy and Emile.”, Janus nodded, comfortable in the fact that he knew at least one of his kids was ok with him dating.
A/N: We finally meet Remus and Logan. All that's left is Roman, who will be in the next part.
 Disclaimer: Possums are not pets, they are wild animals. Furthermore, I do not know their diet but I'm taco bell isn't part of it. Tallulah is a magical possum and real-life rules do not apply to her. Do not inbox me saying possums don't eat bean burritos. 
Besides that, I'm taking prompts for this verse, so if you have prompts send them in! I'd love to see your hcs for this au. And as always, if you like this fic, leave a comment. Thank you for reading!
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nightmaresart · 4 years ago
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𝓛𝓾𝓿𝓼 đ“¶đ“ź đ“”đ“Č𝓮𝓼 đ“¶đ”‚ đ“­đ“źđ“¶đ“žđ“·đ“Œ 𝓭𝓾
I don't give a fuck about you anyways
Whoever said I gave a shit 'bout you?
You never share your toys or communicate
I guess I'm just a play date to you
Play date - Melanie Martinez
𝕭𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈 𝕮𝖓𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Full Name: Orla Shannon Atkinson
Meaning of Name:
The name Orla is from Irish origins and means "Golden princess/ Golden lady"
The name Shannon is from Irish origins and means "Little old wise one" or in some rarer cases it means "Possessor of Wisdom"
Nickname: The empath, Lala & Vipertooth by Jackson @carewyncromwell
Reason of Nickname:
The empath is a nickname Orla recieved after some of her friends and fellow students managed to figure out that the girl always knows how other people are feeling, this caused her to show more empathy to those she sees as friends
Lala is one of the two nicknames that Orla received from one of her good friends, Jackson Knightly, at first the girl didn't like the sound of the name at all but she soon grew fond of it the more Jackson used it
Vipertooth is the other nickname that Orla received from her good friend and partner in crime, Jackson Knightly, she managed to get this nicknsme due to the fact that she doesn't back down in a fight and easily hexes people when they're bothering her and her friends
Gender identity: Cis-Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Hetrosexual
Age: 17, but depends on what I write
Birthday: 31-12
Zodiac sign: Capricorn ♑
Place of birth: Tralee, Ireland
Blood Status: Pure Blood
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖊
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff
The wand: Cedar, Dragon Heartstring core, 12 œ inches
Cedar: Whenever I meet one who carries a cedar wand, I find strength of character and unusual loyalty. My father, Gervaise Ollivander, used always to say, ‘you will never fool the cedar carrier,’ and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them.
Dragon Heartstring core: As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner.
The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
Patronus: Black Swan
Black Swan - Thought to have been rarer than a unicorn when first discovered, black swans represent loyalty, monogamous love, and caring for loved ones. They may have a wild youth but remain monogamous later in life. Black swans represent the healing power of love and romance. Have you ever been on the receiving end of a protective mother swan? Dementors will be chased away by a whirling dervish!
Magical abilities: Emotion Manipulation, Legilimency, Occlumency
Emotion Manipulation/Enhanced Empathy: User can sense and manipulate the emotions, including feelings, moods and their affects, of themselves, people, animals and other creatures, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling emotions, even manifesting the emotional energy to physical level.
Legilimency: Legilimency is the act of magically navigating through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpreting one's findings. 
Occlumency: Occlumency is the act of magically closing one's mind against Legilimency.
Her parents looming over her, wanting to cradle her and close her off from society forever to protect her
Riddikulus form:
Her parents turn into their house elf Elijah and he starts to pull the silly faces he always made when Orla was younger
What do they smell?
She smells old books, the sweet smell of a variety of pies and the woods
What do they smell like?
Orla smells like freshly plucked strawberries, a variety of flowers and a rainy day
Mirror of Erised
She will see herself in the future, with her friends and her boyfriend graduated from Hogwarts and no longer having to follow rules that were only ment to hold the young woman down
đ•»đ–đ–žđ–˜đ–Žđ–ˆđ–†đ–‘ 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊
Eye Colour: Gold
Hair Colour: Light Blonde
Hair Style: She always keeps her hair up in a neat bun
Weight: 43 kg or 94 lbs
Height: 1,55 m or 5,1 ft
Type of Body/Build: Mesomorph/Hourglass figure, on the thinner side
Skin Tone: Pale Ivory
Distinguishing Marks: Her eyes stand out as well as the freckles that adorn her face
Face claim: Dove Cameron
Tumblr media
Overall Personality:
She is a loyal and hardworking girl who can come off as harsh and crude when you first approach her. When you get to know her you will see that she is fierce and creative as well as loving. She just needs to time adjust to you and she'll eventually warm up. She is no softie and can easily hold her own if necessary. You wouldn't like this gal angry
Briggs myer type: ISFP
Good traits:
Loyal, hardworking, caring and kind
Bad traits:
Rude, easily agitated and annoyed, closes herself off once she is in pain
Towards people they hate
Orla is very cold towards the people she hates, she doesn't even spare them a glance whenever she passes. However, when they're purposely pushing all her wrong buttons she will not hesitate with lashing out and fighting them.
Towards people they tolerate
A small smile is all that Orla will over to the people she tolerates, she doesn't want to chat with them but she won't treat them cruelly at all.
Towards people they consider friends
Towards the people she considers and sees as friends, Orla is nothing but kind, of course she will make snarky remarks when they're being idiots but she wouldn't trade them for anyone else. She is loyal and will stand by their side no matter what.
Father: Jacob Atkinson
Mother: Anastasia Atkinson
Kenneth Jones, Lewis Gallach, Tadgh Lynch, William Rosen @unfortunate-arrow , Monty Bloom, Teddy Ellison, Stella Seabright @cursebreakerfarrier , Jackson Knightly @carewyncromwell , Danny Gibson @catohphm , Logan Rosseto @demon-twins-and-co , Josie Edwards @lizzieparkerhphm
Rivals: TBD
Born in Ireland to the family Atkinson, Orla has always been an only child to the pair Jacob and Anastasia Atkinson. This caused her parents to become protective over their daughter from a very young age, the young girl got whatever she wanted but she never got to interact with other children her age.
She was kept inside most of the time and was only allowed to leave the house with supervision of either her parents or their house elf Elijah. This continued for most of her life and Orla thought it was normal and that all parents were like her own.
Around the age of ten she discovered that she could sense other peoples/creatures emotions much stronger than anyone else could, she kept this a secret from her parents as well as the Legilimency and Occlumency she goes to discover once her grandparents visit her at her eleventh birthday.
Orla finally attended Hogwarts at the age of thirteen for the first time, her parents had alot of trouble coming to term with this but reluctantly allowed her to go with the promise of the headmaster that he would keep an eye on the blonde girl.
This is where she begins to discover more and more about herself and her powers, eventually unlocking their full potential once she reached the age of eighteen.
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She eventually becomes a perfect.
She always wears long clothes that cover her body as she isn't comfortable showing much skin.
Due to her upbringing, Orla can come off as harsh and rude while in reality she has never interacted with people her age before and thus struggles with it.
She adores dressing up and often does so when she is either alone or when Jackson decides to drag the blonde along to go shopping.
She doesn't talk about her parents at all, she is embarrassed by them and often wishes they weren't so protective.
She is quite a powerful witch and can and will do some serious damage if people get on her bad side. Her parents may have been reluctant of her going to Hogwarts but that doesn't mean she hasn't been taught alot already.
She respects house elves alot and sometimes even helps them out whenever she has the time or feels like it.
She knows quite a bit of healing spells and uses them on her friends if they managed to get themselves hurt.
She can manipulate peoples emotions but doesn't do so, atleast not on purpose. Her feelings, when they're too much, sometimes affect the people around her and she doesn't even notice it until its mentioned to her.
If you want your mc to be added to her friends list, or if you want them to be her rival, just tell me and ill add them!^^
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danceworshipper · 4 years ago
Oliver Adams - HPHM Profile [redone]
(information is as of sixth year - shared universe with @ask-hphm-crew)
Name: Oliver Tyler Adams
Gender: Male (cis)
Age: 16
Birthday: May 28th, 1973 (gemini)
Species: Human/wizard
Blood Status: Halfblood
Sexuality: Pansexual
Alignment: Neutral Good
Residence: The family farm in the Irish countryside. It's huge, a bit outdated decoration-wise, and homey. His room is on the third floor, looking out over the field and he can see the sunrise if he wakes up early enough. The farm is so old and imbued with magic that Oliver can use underage magic without the Ministry finding out
Personality Type: ESFJ-A (the consul)
Wand: 13 3/4 inches of pliant pine wood encasing a phoenix feather core. The wand is thick and heavy, light in color, and with no defining marks other than Oliver's name carved into it with a knife. Doing this did not damage the wand in any way, but when Ollivander saw it he nearly had a heart attack.
Animagus: A mixed breed cat, Siamese/Ragdoll, similar to the stray cats that lounge around the farm
Misc. Magical Abilities: Legilimency and Occlumency, though he doesn't practice them often
Boggart Form: In earlier years, it was a werewolf, since one could be heard howling somewhere near the farm during full moons. As he got older and met actual werewolves like Chiara, Oliver lost his fear of them and his boggart changed to a mortally wounded vision of himself, having failed to save anyone from the vaults and meeting his own painful end
Riddikulus Form: The vision of himself is instead only afflicted with a concussion, with his Quidditch team mothering him as he insists he's fine
Amortentia (what do they smell like?): Oliver would smell like roast chicken, fresh tomatoes, and bright sunshine
Amortentia (what do they smell?): At the current point, Oliver smells the ocean, cat fur, and wood polish. As he has no strong romantic interest (though that may change very soon) the smells just make him happy and aren't related to any specific person
Patronus: Dolphin
Patronus Memory: His first time seeing the ocean. Nothing went wrong that day, and he got to see dolphins for the first time too. He and his family all had a great time together.
Mirror of Erised: His mother and grandparents standing proudly behind him. It's his graduation day, not an injury to him. Everything turned out okay
Specialized/Favorite Spells:
- Reficere Aspectu - temporarily repairs his vision. The spell he uses for Quidditch matches.
- Lumos, Aguamenti, Wingardium Leviosa - extremely useful spells for around the farm
- Arania Exumi - spider repellent is always useful
- Orchideous - he conjures flowers for his mother and grandmother all the time
- Reparo - the first Transfiguration spell he got on the first try
[concept image made using the zepeto app]
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Height: 6'3
Weight: 191 lbs
Physique: Skinny with noticeable muscles from all the Quidditch and farming
Eye Color: Light, slightly greyish blue
Hair Color: Dirty blonde, usually kept in a bowl cut that his mother gives him. Oliver knows it's not fashionable (Andre is constantly nagging him to change it) but he doesn't really care enough to learn hair charms
Skin Tone: Light, no freckles. He burns easily so when he comes back at the start of every year he's a bit pink
Body Modifications: His eyesight is atrocious. He wears round glasses most of the time and uses a temporary vision charm for Quidditch
Scarring: Oliver has a nasty scar on his back from being kicked by a cow as a kid, and some scratches on his arms and legs from the various animals and work around the farm
Fashion: This kid has no fashion. Andre is in hell. Oliver wears shorts whenever he can and t-shirts. If it's cold he'll add a flannel. Around sixth year he starts updating his wardrobe a bit, but keeps his usual clothing for around the farm. No point having decent clothing get all dirty and ripped up
House: Gryffindor
Class Grades:
- Astronomy: E
- Care of Magical Creatures: E
- Charms: A
- Defense Against the Dark Arts: E
- Divination: E
- Flying: O
- Herbology: O
- History of Magic: A
- Potions: A
- Transfiguration: A
Quidditch: Keeper since year 3
Extracurriculars: Dragon Club, Gobstones Club
Favorite Professor: Professor McGonagall. She's his head of house, and she reminds Oliver a bit of his grandmother with her stern but kind nature. She encourages his love of Transfiguration, even if he isn't the best at it, and she's a huge Quidditch fan
Least Favorite Professor: Professor Dumbledore. Oliver is an easygoing, agreeable guy most of the time. He respects his elders as his grandparents taught him, but only when they deserve it. Dumbledore most certainly does not
Mother: Katie Adams
- Katie is a shy, quiet woman. She was homeschooled for most of her life, receiving at-home tutoring in her later years as her mother Gertrude was unable to properly teach her what she needed to know, and she's only seen the inside of Hogwarts twice: when she sat in for her O.W.L.s and her N.E.W.T.s.
- As a mother, Katie made sure to raise Oliver to be kind and always drink his Respect Women Juice. She had him take on some of the farm duties at a young age to help teach him responsibility
- Oliver got kicked by a cow when she turned her back on him for no more than ten seconds. Katie's boggart is what would have happened had Oliver been standing slightly closer - he would have been paralyzed, as the kick would have hit his neck
Father: Kyle Donovan
- Oliver never knew him. He was a muggle who left Katie shortly after she became pregnant
- He was a decent guy in general, but the idea of being a father at the age of 24 scared him and he ran like a coward. He never knew about the Wizarding world, and even if he wanted to return to try and make amends he'll never be able to find the family farm ever again, thanks to Marvin
Grandfather: Marvin Adams
- Marvin is a cranky, slightly old fashioned kind of guy. He cares a lot about tradition and keeps telling Oliver that one day the farm will be his, and then his kids', and then their kids'. Oliver doesn't have the strength to tell him he's not sure he wants kids at all
- Marvin loves his wife. There were many times in their relationship where it looked like the marriage was about to fall apart, but they were somehow always able to get through them - mostly by him apologizing to Gertrude
- Oliver is able to hold his own in a duel thanks to Marvin. Despite being an old crud, he's got a lot of fight in him
Grandmother: Gertrude Adams
- Gertrude was horrified that Oliver was going to grow up without a male influence, which is why Katie never moved off the family farm with him. The old woman made Oliver learn to cook and sew so that he wouldn't be a useless husband in the future
- She's the type of person who'll say that she still dreams of marrying her teenage sweetheart and moving to an island with him, but she doesn't mean it. She loves her family and her life, but she does one day want to retire on an island
- After Oliver graduates Hogwarts and takes over the farm, Gertrude will finally be able to convince Marvin that they can retire without worrying over the farm, and they'll move to a lovely beach house. Her last ten years will be spent in her own little paradise
Love Interest: Isla Lyall @sapphicsaffir
- Isla is the twin sister of Vera, one of Oliver's closest friends in Gryffindor. Isla is in Ravenclaw, so originally they didn't spend much time together. However, Oliver always found Isla cuter than Vera
- People who didn't know them well thought Oliver and Vera liked each other, but anyone who did know them knew Vera would rather die, and that Oliver preferred the red haired twin over the blonde one
- Vera is the one who keeps pushing to get them together. She told Oliver that she knows Isla likes him, but he refused to believe it. Still, she kept trying, saying that if anyone had to be her brother-in-law she'd rather it be him
- In fourth year, Ravenclaw lost a crucial match and it took them out if running for the House Cup. Isla, a chaser, was disappointed, but went to the final match to support her sister and her crush
- Gryffindor won, and in the excitement, Isla ran up to Oliver and yanked him down so she could kiss him. Oliver understandably short-circuited, while Vera yelled "Finally!"
Best Friend: Andre Egwu
- When Oliver first met Andre, they didn't like each other at all. They were on opposing Quidditch teams, after all. But their mutual friends forced them to spend more time together, and now the two are practically inseparable. It makes little sense to most people.
- They're the kind of best friends who insult the living daylights out of each other to show their love
- They went as friends to the Celestial Ball. A few people got the wrong impression, but they've never considered dating each other. They feel more like brothers than anything else
Rival: Anyone on an opposing Quidditch team. Even if the rivalry doesn't affect them off the pitch, Oliver's instinctive reaction when he sees his opponents is one of distaste (ironic since both his best friend and his girlfriend are his rivals)
Enemy: Every last member of R
- Charlie Weasley
- Ben Copper
- Jae Kim
Pets: a barn owl named Priscilla, and a sheepdog who stays at the farm named Sparky
Closest Canon Friends:
- Charlie Weasley
- Nymphadora Tonks
- Diego Caplan
Closest Noncanon Friends:
- Vera Lyall @sapphicsaffir
- The gang from @ask-hphm-crew
- Unnamed members of the Gryffindor Quidditch team
- Oliver was raised a happy, carefree little boy. His incident with the cow never deterred him from helping his mum and grandparents around the farm, and he even gave the cow an "I'm sorry I provoked you" treat as soon as he could. He didn't ask about his father until he was ten, and Gertrude sat him down and told him what happened. Oliver resents the man that fled his mother. Gertrude knew he'd be angry and didn't tell him his father's name
- During his first couple years at Hogwarts, Oliver made friends and charmed his way into most of the professors' good graces. In year three Oliver joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and after his first match against Ravenclaw, he and Andre started butting heads until their other friends forced them to hang out more
- Oliver gets involved with the Cursed Vaults almost by accident. He has no cursed brother like the game says, but he does have a desire to help people, so when he hears of a group of students trying to save the school from certain doom, he gets involved right away
- His discovered Legilimency throws him for a loop, as no one in his family has that power. He rarely ever uses his mind reading without permission, but when it becomes necessary he's usually able to do it without the target finding out
- After Hogwarts, Oliver will take ownership of the family farm for a few years, but it's not his passion and he hates the idea of being stuck there for the rest of his life. At age twenty two he sells the farm to one of the farmhands with three young kids and uses the money to buy a bakery with an apartment above it. He grows some of his own ingredients and buys the rest at discount from the old farm, and also runs guitar lessons out of his apartment. His grandparents are a little disappointed, but they understand, and his mother reveals that she had a secret boyfriend who she moves in with and later marries. He's a nice man with a kid a little older than Oliver
- Oliver and Isla have a small wedding a little before the Battle of Hogwarts. A few years later, Isla gives birth to twin girls Kenzie and Kleio. Five years after that, their son Caspian is born
Extra Info
- Oliver is a family man through and through. If he had to, he would have stayed on the farm forever to support his family. When he has his own family, he's an extremely devoted father even though he was never sure he wanted children when he was younger
- Despite not moving on to play Quidditch professionally, Oliver does join a recreational team after he sells the farm, as does Andre, who starts up his own fashion line
- Oliver is a total house husband. Isla is a cursebreaker, and Oliver brags about her to whoever will listen. She often comes home to a fresh cooked meal/baked goods
- Oliver's a cat person. He adopts two stray kittens when he moves to the bakery and loves them with all his heart
- He can't be alone for more than a few days or he'll go crazy. He loves spending time with his friends or even meeting new people
- He starts playing the guitar at the age of seven. Marvin is the one to teach him. Later on he learns about the muggle electric guitar and buys one as soon as he can figure out how to get electricity into his apartment
- Oliver visits his grandparents at their beach house at least five times a year. He can't get enough of the ocean, even when it's too cold to go swimming (and he'll usually do it anyway)
- He's the tallest one in his immediate family. Oliver assumes he got his height from his father, but he actually got the height from Gertrude's side of the family
- Oliver will always prefer to cook himself than to go to a restaurant
- He's a fairly good dueler, but Diego could always kick his ass
- Oliver will try to arrange a big meetup with all of his friends at least once a year. Not everyone can make it every time, but he refuses to let their friendships fade into the past
- He loses the bowl cut in year seven, when Andre convinces Tonks and Diego to hold him down so Andre can fix his hair. Oliver ends up liking it and keeps it that way for years to come
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cursebreaker-lilith · 5 years ago
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I only posted her original profile in September, but I’ve changed some stuff and wanted to do a new drawing. Lili was pretty new to me then, and I’ve found her voice a lot more since so it only felt right to have a do over on her profile.
This is all up to the beginning of year 6.
EDIT: Some formatting changes made 5-12-21
Name: Lilith Silvia Vesta Brooks
Nicknames: Lili, Pipsqueak, Pip
Name Meaning: Lilith references a figure from Jewish folklore, Silvia comes from her grandmother’s name and references a figure from Roman mythology, Vesta was also chosen by her grandmother and references the Roman goddess of the hearth.
Gender: Cis Female 
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 16 (Variable depending on what year I’m writing about)
Birthday: October 19th, 1972
Zodiac: Libra
Blood Status: Half-blood
Ethnicity/Nationality: White Brit
Sexuality: Self identifies primarily with queer but is okay with being called bisexual. Is also probably on both the asexual and aromantic spectrum, but the words for them hadn’t been coined in her time period. 
Height: 165cm / 5â€Č5
Build: Average to stocky, hourglass shape
Eyes: A bright yellow-green, noticeably a bit big and round.
Hair: Pale blonde hair that is very thin and fine. She likes doing it up in different ways, from ponytails, to pigtails, to braids. Right before starting her 6th year, she cut her hair short and permed it on an impulse encouraged by her Muggle friends.
Skin: Pale skin that burns easily but quickly fades into a tan
Misc: Small and usually unnoticeable scars scattered across her hands and face from ice in the Ice Vault that will fade wholly with time (most already have by 6th year). Pierced ears--one in each lobe as a teenager but adds more as an adult.
Material Items:
Clothing: As a young child, she tried to keep up with mainstream Muggle fashion. She preferred lots of bright colors, stripes, gaudy jewelry, and scrunchies. Dear lord she loves scrunchies. As she got older however, she began to phase out of the bright colors and mainstream fashion into something which would soon be called grunge. Not completely grunge however as she still loves her statement earrings and scrunchies. Usually wears baggy/non form fitting clothing.
Accessories: Almost always wearing some sort of dangly and obnoxious statement earrings. Always has at least three scrunchies on her person.
In her school bag: Her wand, at least five scrunchies, school books and papers, books Rowan wants her to read, an old crochet penguin for good luck (her first attempt at crochet animals), crochet hooks and yarn, journal and papers related to Cursed Vault plans, at least three cool looking rocks she found on the ground.
Face Claim: N/A
Voice Claim: N/A
+  loyal, friendly, extroverted, responsible, mature, kind, adaptable, quick learner, resourceful, hopeful, courageous
+/— determined, good liar, intense, clever, intelligent, independent
— obsessive, untrusting, secretive, forceful, quick temper, angry, abrasive, single minded, rule breaker, rude, spiteful
Lili has a lot of pent up anger and a quick temper. She’s angry at her family, at authority, at the world. She’s not good at processing this anger and thus tends to lash out at people very often and often very cruelly and violently. She knows this and tries to keep in check but isn’t very good at doing so even as she ages. Because of her anger, she also tends to keep grudges for quite a while, even for stupid or petty reasons and is slow to admit she’s wrong.
In a better world, she would be known for her friendliness. Lili can be very friendly and relaxed. She talks first and makes a judgement second, trying to be as open minded as possible. She’s very casual yet polite and likes people being the same back to her.
Lili is determined in a way that tends towards the negative. Her laser focus on things tend to quickly become obsessions if someone she trusts doesn’t intervene quickly enough.
After her mother stopped being a parent towards her at a young age, Lili learned to take care of herself quickly. She’s become clever and resourceful in her steps to becoming independent. It’s left her mature and responsible for her age, but also untrusting and secretive, convinced she can do it on her own (or with Rowan only).
Lili is very loyal to those that earn her loyalty. For those she cares about, she would do anything. If you do something to lose that loyalty, expect harsh treatment after if Lili even deigns to speak to you. She’s not afraid of cutting people out of her life if they betray or anger her.
Likes: crafts (crochet, knitting, sewing), Rowan and Barnaby, scrunchies, dangly earrings, being busy, collecting things, fashion
Dislikes: Merula and Ismelda, Rakepick, Snape, most other Slytherins, people who get in her way, Dumbledore, Doctor Who after the 5th Doctor, not getting enough sleep, flying class
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
OWL Classes:
Astronomy: 6/10 (E)
Charms: 9/10 (O)
DADA: 9/10 (O)
Flying: 2/10 (A)
Herbology: 3/10 (A)
History of Magic: 2/10 (A)
Potions: 4/10 (A)
Transfiguration: 7/10 (E)
OWL Electives:
Ancient Runes:  9/10 (O)
Arithmancy:  6/10 (O)
Care of Magical Creatures:  6/10 (O)
NEWT Classes:
Ancient Runes: 9/10 (O)
Arithmancy: 6/10 (E)
Charms: 9/10 (O)
DADA: 9/10 (O)
Transfiguration: 7/10 (E)
Clubs: Dueling Club (3rd-4th year), Fencing Club (2nd-5th year), Transfiguration Club (occasionally from 2nd year on)
Quidditch: N/A
Prefect or Head Boy/Girl: N/A
Best Classes:
Charms It’s the one class she’s very naturally talented at. She never needs to study much, but she barely has to try with Charms. Someday she’ll beat Ben and be the best in their year at the class.
Defense Against the Dark Arts She’s not good at this because of any professor, she’s good at this because of her excursions into the Cursed Vaults giving her practical knowledge.
Worst Classes:
Flying Listen, if people were meant to fly, then they’d have wings, or a spell letting people properly fly would be created by now. Lili will be staying on the ground, thank you very much.
Herbology She’s lived in the city her whole life and being around so many plants is strange. She doesn’t hate the class, but she does use it to catch up with her friends rather than study.
Potions She doesn’t have the patience for potions, and that’s even when she doesn’t have Snape refusing to acknowledge her existence.
Favorite Professors:
Flitwick She thinks Flitwick is great. There’s not much more to say. He’s responsible but not smothering, and still thinks well of her brother. If she ever had to pick an adult to trust, it would be Flitwick.
Kettleburn She had taken Care of Magical Creatures because Rowan had wanted a third elective and Lili didn’t want to take Muggle Studies or Divination. However, she ended up loving the class and thinks Kettleburn is hilarious. She honestly wished she could take the class NEWT level, but her schedule was already full.
Least Favorite Professors:
Snape She has a very complicated relationship with Snape. He hates her because of her brother (who he did not get along with), because she reminds him of James Potter, and because her nickname, Lili, reminds him of his lost love Lily Evans every time he hears it. Lili, of course, does not know any of this and thinks he just hates her for no reason. Jacob thought he was a Death Eater (he got that from whispers older kids who Jacob knew were definitely Death Eaters), so Lili uses that as justification to not like him.
Rakepick She never trusted her and barely liked her, even before she became a professor. Her opinion didn’t go improve any time in fifth year.
1st Wand: Blackthorn, unicorn hair, 11 3/4 in, shiny and slightly flexible
“Blackthorn, which is a very unusual wand wood, has the reputation, in my view well-merited, of being best suited to a warrior. This does not necessarily mean that its owner practises the Dark Arts (although it is undeniable that those who do so will enjoy the blackthorn wand’s prodigious power); one finds blackthorn wands among the Aurors as well as among the denizens of Azkaban.”
2nd Wand: Aspen, phoenix feather, 12 in, fairly rigid
“In my experience, aspen wand owners are generally strong-minded and determined, more likely than most to be attracted by quests and new orders; this is a wand for revolutionaries.”
Special Abilities: Natural Legilimens, Occlumency
Form: Jacob telling her she’s useless and unwanted and that everything she’s doing is for nothing.
Riddikulus: Has not found anything yet that works
What they smell: the Owlery, Standard Ingredient, and something else, something she can’t figure out
What they smell like to others: Lavender, hot chocolate, campfire smoke
Form: A goshawk. Independent and intelligent hunters who focus intently on stalking their prey.
Memory: A childhood memory of going to a fair. Jacob looked after her the entire night, and it’s one of the last times she remembers seeing both of her parents laugh.
What they see in the Mirror of Erised: Herself with her family–Jacob is there and looks like how she remembers him, and her mother and father are holding hands and smiling. As she ages, her mother and father are phased out of the image and replaced by her friends, her new family.
Father: David Brooks
b. 1943
Works at an accounting firm.
In theory, he was alright with magic and the wizarding world. In practice, it unnerved him more than he could say. When his children started doing accidental magic, and when Jacob came home from Hogwarts talking about nothing but spells and magic, that was it for David. He filed for divorce in 1980 and hasn’t spoken to his ex-wife or children since. He has since married to a fellow Muggle, treating her children as his own and speaking rarely of his biological children. He doesn’t even know Jacob disappeared.
Mother: Carina Flora Brooks (nee Braddock)
b. 1944
Works for a wizarding travel magazine as a photographer, travels around the world frequently
She was perhaps not meant to be a mother, and would have been happier following in her brother’s shoes of travelling the world with no responsibilities. However, her mother was insisting she marry and Carina, in a fit of rebellion, decided to marry a nice Muggle she knew instead of the purebloods her mother had picked out.
Carina was never very good with either of her children, and in particular could never get along with Jacob, resorting to abuse (emotional and physical) to try to get him to behave how she wanted. Despite this, she totally shut down when Jacob disappeared, feeling like a failure. This led to her severely neglecting her daughter to wallow in her own misery day and night. It also led to an irrational hatred of Hogwarts. She refuses to read any letters sent by them and has made several subtle attempts to make Lili miss the Hogwarts Express.
Brother: Jacob Seraphinus Ulysses Brooks
b. March 8th, 1967
Currently missing.
Never able to make friends easily or keep his mouth shut, Jacob always had a hard time fitting in, so he turned to books. He preferred fiction over nonfiction, but one history book’s mention of Cursed Vaults on Hogwarts’ grounds led to a search that would dominate his, and his sister’s, life.
He was an outcast in his house and Hogwarts, besides for a few acquaintances, and instead focused on reaching his goals. He was reckless and brave (the Sorting Hat considered putting him in Gryffindor), but obsessive, secretive, and increasingly dependent on the idea of “the end justifies the means.”
Grandfather: Ambrose Braddock
b. 1903
Known for being Britain’s first natural Legilimens in a century. The Braddock family is known for being a line of natural Legilimens, but none in the family had had the ability in five generations before Ambrose was born. This ended up leading to an offer of marriage from the Malfoy family who wanted the connection to this rare ability. Later realized his grandson was also a natural Legilimens, but died before he could teach Jacob more than the basics on how to control it and never realized his granddaughter also had the ability.
Died of sickness in 1975 at age 72
Grandmother: Silvia Braddock (nee Malfoy)
b. 1911
Never worked, has always been a housewife
Your typical upper class, conservative grandmother. She may not believe that strongly in pureblood mania anymore, but she still believes in things like “children should be seen, not heard,” and corporal punishment. Was in an arranged marriage to Ambrose and never really grew to love him feeling she was marrying beneath her Malfoy heritage. Fairly reclusive nowadays, only entertaining old friends for brunch and going to the occasional pureblood party.
Uncle: Victor Felinus Braddock
Pureblood wizard
b. 1940
Has a different job every few months, deosn’t really needs to have one and his work ethic shows that
Considered a fun uncle by his nephew, and an annoyance by his niece. Has a lot of stories, and a slight drinking problem.  While his mother was annoyed at him for having a dalliance with a Muggle-born, she was even more furious that he refused to marry Suzie. Victor didn’t want to be tied down, and left her to raise their two daughters only appearing in their lives every few years.
Cousins: Donna and Caroline Jones
b. 1960 and 1975
Both Gryffindor
Their mother Susan Jones was a Muggle-born Sorted into Gryffindor in the same year as Victor Braddock. The two have had an on again, off again relationship since their Hogwarts years that has resulted in two daughters.
Donna was sorted into Gryffindor in 1971 (meaning she would have been roommates with Lily Evans which is a coincidence I swear) and it’s easy to see why. She’s confident, brash, and blunt. She has many problems with her father and refuses to interact with that side of the family. Works in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for the Ministry.
Caroline is the opposite of her much older sister and was surprised to find herself in Gryffindor (Sorted there in Lili’s 3rd year). She’s timid and quiet, but with a backbone hidden underneath. She wilts at any negative tones, but is always ready to extend a hand to anyone who has hurt her, even multiple times.
Step family: Sabina Brooks, Ioan and Luca Ciobanu
b. 1949, 1975, and 1980
Immigrants from Romania to England
After divorcing Carina, David began dating Sabina shortly after and later married her, acting as a father to her two young children. The four of them live together in London.
Alfred An easily frightened black cat that once belonged to Jacob
Doctor Hoot A large barred owl that frequently forgets it’s an owl and not a lapdog
Best Friends:
Rowan Khanna Her best friend!! She originally befriended Rowan because Rowan reminded her of her muggle friend, but it soon blossomed into a different, much closer relationship. Whenever Rowan is gone, Lili doesn’t really know what to do (”I’m going to cut all the sleeves off my robes.” “Why??” “Rowan left an hour ago and she’s like 85% of my impulse control.”) and Lili would never have made it through any of the Cursed Vaults without her. She probably also would have gotten expelled for brawling and dueling in like second year without Rowan. I’m not joking about that impulse control thing.
Barnaby Lee Lili didn’t like Barnaby at first. Even before he worked for Merula, she thought he was nothing more than a stupid jock and made fun of how Snape would pick on him in Potions. Then she actually talked to him and did a complete 180. “I’ve only known Barnaby for an hour, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this room and them myself.” She liked how sweet and genuine he was despite his awful upbringing. He’s always there to support her, and she’s really grown to love him for that. He once thought he had a crush on her, but it wasn’t really romantic (”The feeling was friendship but he had never experienced it before.”).
Good Friends:
Bill Weasley He’s like the big brother Jacob should’ve been. She was not thrilled to have a complete stranger helping with the Vaults, but in hindsight she’s so very glad she listened to Rowan. Lili isn’t sure she could have gotten half of what she’s done done without Bill’s help and steadfastness.
Charlie Weasley Their friendship kind of crept up on Lili. Charlie was closer friends with Ben and Barnaby, so while Lili had a passing familiarity with him before the Forest Vault, she wouldn’t have called them friends. She was surprised when she turned out to really enjoy his company when he started helping with the Cursed Vaults.
Chiara Lobosca Chiara was someone Lili tangentially knew due to people confusing them for each other (the hair color; once Chiara hits a growth spurt and Lili doesn’t people stop). Then Lili is forced to partner with Chiara in Herbology in 3rd year, and besides seeing her Herbology grade go up the slightest bit, she finds a friend in Chiara, appreciating the girl’s seemingly infinite kindness.
Nymphadora Tonks They get along in classes, but Lili doesn’t trust Tonks with anything serious.
Liz Tuttle The two have many overlapping friends but don’t really hang out with each other.
Badeea Ali She really respects Badeea, but they just don’t have many reasons to be around each other.
Jae Kim Lili thinks he’s hilarious and very smart, but doesn’t trust him as far as she could throw him.
It’s Complicated:
Ben Copper Probably the most complicated relationship here. She befriended him out of pity and continued their friendship because of his skill at Charms. He’s had a crush on her since they were 11 when she stood up for him which no one had ever done before. Then the Red Robed Wizard Reveal tm happened and Lili dropped him and ignored him, though he tried to make it up to her. 6th year only drives a deeper wedge between them as Lili can’t stand his recent behaviour. Ben finally confessing about his love for Lili in 6th year didn’t help mend anything either.
Tulip Karasu After finding out that Tulip had purposefully not told her about Jacob’s room, Lili instantly decided she was an undesirable but necessary ally. Lili does not like Tulip for most of their time at Hogwarts as she’s really pissed that someone would keep her brother’s things from her. Lili will talk to her about the Cursed Vaults, but they do not hang out and Lili does not consider her a friend. This really, really hurts Tulip’s feelings but Lili doesn’t really care. The relationship does get a bit better in 6th year, but it’s never going to be a close one. In a better world without the Vaults, they’d probably get along smashingly as while Lili isn’t a prankster, she has no problem egging them on.
Love Interests:
Penny Haywood Her first, longest, and most confusing crush. She was wary of Penny at first. Popular girls were rarely that 100% nice, but Penny truly was. She also had a nice smile and pretty hair and soft hands
. It took Lili quite a while (like four years and Bill telling her) to figure out it was a crush and then
.she did absolutely nothing. She panicked and stopped talking to Penny for a while before sheepishly apologizing when Penny confronted her. They went to the Celestial Ball together, but “as friends.” That did not stop them from having a Moment that Lili interpreted completely wrongly and she assumed Penny didn’t like her romantically. Penny in fact did, and since Lili never reacted to their Moment in the proper way, Penny assumed that Lili wasn’t interested. The two continued having crushes on each other for the rest of their time at Hogwarts and remained close friends after they both graduated.
Talbott Winger Her second, less confusing, crush. Similar to Barnaby, Lili didn’t think much of Talbott at first. He was that one kid who was talented at Transfiguration and she once saw him chatting casually to an owl in the Owlery. He was weird and she ignored him. Then she was paired with him on a class assignment in 3rd year and a friendship bloomed despite Talbott’s protests. It was a casual thing at first, but then Lili helped Talbott find his mom’s necklace, and their talk under the stars about family and the past and future deepened their friendship. Having already figured out she had a crush on Penny by this time, she managed to get the signs that she now also had a crush on Talbott, which made her panic, again. However, since Talbott is even worse with emotions than her, she didn’t do anything drastic like she did with Penny. They went on one date in 6th year but that was going too fast for Talbott and they decided to stay friends until Talbott felt more comfortable being around people. Lili took this
.mostly gracefully.
Diego Caplan The two met in the Dueling Club in 4th year. Diego was impressed with Lili’s skill and tried to befriend her and also maybe flirt with her a bit. Lili, who tends to gravitate towards people who are unashamedly themselves, found his over the top flirting hilarious and was instantly endeared to Diego. She really enjoyed being around him, finding his lightheartedness helped her forget some of her troubles with the Cursed Vaults, especially in 5th year. He asked her out on a date, her first one, and she agreed. She enjoyed the date, but 5th year was the peak of her obsession with the Cursed Vaults so she broke it off. They later dated again during 6th year, after Lili’s one date with Talbott.
Rowan Khanna see above
Desdemona Selwyn An OC. Their entire relationship can be explained with that one text post that’s like “Bitch.” “Blocked.” “Wait unblock me I need to tell you something.” “Unblocked.” “Bitch.”
Vidalia Barrows An OC. Lili has said like two sentences to Vidalia and she plans to keep it that way. Vidalia just eats and sleeps and does whatever Desdemona says to do.
Doesn’t Interact:
Murphy McNully/Skye Parkin/Orion Amari/Erika Rath She’s not involved in Quidditch.
Andre Egwu I just can’t think of a way to work him into the plot lol They would get along somewhat well otherwise.
Merula Snyde Hated each other’s guts for a while. Then Lili gave up her Frog Choir spot and Merula gained a small crush (even if Lili was a total ass about giving it up). While they’ll never be friends, by the time of 5th and 6th year they’ve become reluctant allies similar to Lili and Tulip above. Lili will probably never totally befriend her, but she’s learned to be civil and that’s progress.
Ismelda Murk Lili doesn’t really like Ismelda but she considers her all bark and no bite. Ismelda hates Lili because she thinks Lili and Barnaby are gonna end up dating and is jealous.
Desdemona Selwyn An OC. See above.
Most of Slytherin House Lili has never been shy about being half Muggle and being proud of it, and in a house that still worships Voldemort, that sets her apart. The few that don’t find her being pro-Muggle distasteful don’t want to be exiles in their own dorms and avoid talking to her.
Lili’s childhood was never that great. Her parents fought frequently over her and Jacob’s use of accidental magic, and this eventually caused them to divorce when Lili was 9. Her mother in particular was emotionally and physically abusive but Jacob spared her from the worst of it.
Jacob was always the best part of her childhood. She loved her parents, but Jacob was the person she always looked forward to seeing. When he went to Hogwarts, she was upset for weeks, and when he went missing, she was devastated (especially as he went missing the night of her birthday).
Her mother didn’t take it well. Carina was not particularly close with Jacob, but this obviously big failure of her as a parent hit her hard. She became very emotionally withdrawn from Lili and threw herself into her photography work, leaving the country, and Lili, for weeks at a time.
Lili had to become very independent very quickly after that. That, plus the fact that she didn’t have any non-Muggle friends meant she trusted very few people and lied often. Getting her Hogwarts letter was a relief and a promise of freedom
: )
see here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1467043
Lili is very distraught after graduation and leaves everyone she knows behind to travel Europe and find herself. She spends several years doing this, helping people and doing odd jobs.
Eventually, she finds that she has a talent for languages, picking up a few easily in her travels, and starts to consider possibly doing something related to language whenever she goes back to Britain.
She fuckin loves scrunchies.
Has lived in a Muggle neighbourhood her whole life.
Likes muggle TV. Grew up watching Doctor Who. Not impressed with the 6th Doctor, and glad she was away at Hogwarts during his run. Favorite Doctor is the 4th and she knit herself her own version of his scarf.
Likes collecting things! She loves cool rocks on the sidewalk, tacky tourist souvenirs, and things you find for $1 in a thrift store.
She can knit, crochet and sew. She likes making little crochet animals and giving them to friends (or just keeping them and having a plushy empire around her bed).
Loves having her photo taken and has a whole collection of photos, but hates taking photos. It reminds her of her mother.
One of her Muggle friends got her into fencing. She thought it would be useful to hone her athletic skills with, so she continued doing it when she went back to Hogwarts in the fall.
The type of person who needs to be doing something 24/7. When she doesn’t have anything to focus on, she tends to be all over the place and rather annoying.
Quieter and more complacent as a kid. it was after her family broke apart that the need to be so driven started to become a part of her personality.
Love Like You from Steven Universe is a song for her and Jacob (from Jacob’s POV)
Chameleon by Michela is a song that fits her
Big Brother Worship
Family Eye Resemblance
Good is Not Nice
Hair Trigger Temper
Jerk with a Heart of Gold
Parental Neglect
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ambrosiaicecreem · 4 years ago
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93 Fun OC Asks Because Why Not ( Pt 1 / 2 ) 
here we go, but helene style. courtesy of @simpink. LETS GOOOO
1. What is their gender?
Cis Female
2. What is their sexuality? 
3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames? 
Helene means “torch”, “beautiful”, “light”, “bright”, and “shining” in Greek. She was named after an Amazon by the same name, who was a daughter of Tityrus and an Amazon who fought Achilles and died after he seriously wounded her.  Her only nickname is “Hel”, which she’s called by her siblings and her friends. 
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger? Which sibling are they the closest with? 
Helene has 4 known siblings: Ajax, Kassandra, and twins Jason and Hector. They are all younger than her. She’s closest with Ajax. 
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives? 
Helene is a total daddy’s girl. She was always closer with Silas versus Serafina. Her relationship with her mother is still strained, but thanks to recent events, they’re working on improving their relationship with each other. Her only other known relative is her Uncle Marcus, who she has a fairly good relationship with. 
6. What would they give their life for?
7. Are they in a romantic relationship? With who? How did they meet? 
She is single... for now.
8. What do they believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them? 
Helene believes in the thought of an Afterlife. It doesn’t scare her as much as you think it would. 
9. What is their favorite color? Favorite animal?
Yellow & Aegean Cats, a domestic cat native to Greece. Fun fact: she was never allowed to have a cat growing up but Silas would let her feed the outdoor cats. 
10. What are some of their talents/skills?
Helene has a vast knowledge of world history, given her interest in Archaeology. She tends to know random facts about almost everything because of how much she studies. She’s a skilled Theatre Hand, working mostly on set design.
11. If they could make a mark on history, what would they like it to be? 
Saving the Library of Alexandria.
12. How old are they? When is their birthday? 
Helene is 19 years old. Her birthday is April 23rd.
13. What do they do for fun? 
She likes to read, go hiking, explore historical ruins, visit museums, and painting. 
14. What is their favorite food? How often do they get to eat it? 
Helene’s favorite food is Bourdeto, fish cooked in tomato sauce with onion, garlic, and red spicy pepper. Which is ironic.. considering the vampire “allergy” to garlic. She’s actually ate enough of it to not be as bothered by garlic anymore. But because of the smell and how it affects her family members, she only eats it when she’s by herself in the house for a long time. 
15. What was something their parents taught them? 
Helene was taught to have a kind and patient heart from Silas. Despite the strained relationship, before things went south for them Serafina taught Helene to always stick up for herself. To not let anybody walk all over her and tell her how she should feel.. even if its her own mother. 
16. Are they religious? 
She makes offerings to the Greek gods and participates in their holidays. She also prays the most out of her siblings. 
17. Where were they born? 
Athens, Greece
18. What languages can they speak? Where did they learn these languages? 
English, Greek, and she’s trying to learn Latin. She knows Greek and English because of where she grew up, and she’s learning Latin all on her own. 
19. What is their occupation? 
Full-Time University Student. Whenever she finds something of historical significance however, she also submits those to the appropriate groups which is how she also makes money. 
20. Do they have any titles? How did they earn them? 
No titles yet. 
21 & 22. What is their favorite & least favorite thing about their personality?
She really likes how well she can remember things she’s studied, but she dislikes her lack of confidence in herself. 
23. Do they get lonely easily? 
Yes, and that stems from her issues with her mother. 
24. Do you know their MBTI type? 
ENTP: The Debater. Smart, Curious, Intellectual. 
25 & 26. What is their biggest flaw? Are they aware of their flaws?
Her lack of confidence. She’s totally aware. 
27 & 28. What is their biggest strength? Are they aware of their strengths? 
Her sense of loyalty towards those she cares about. And yes, she’s aware. 
29. How would they describe their own personality? 
“Loyal, organized, a bit up-tight at times.. Maybe a little more boring than my siblings.”
30. When frightened, will they resort to “fight” or “flight”? 
31. Does this character ever put somebody else’s needs before their own? Who do they do this for? How often do they do this?  
She tends to put those that she trusts’ needs over her own. It’s almost like a subconscious thing more often than not. 
32. What is their self esteem like?
When it comes to her smarts, HIGH. When it comes to everything else, LOW. 
33. What is their biggest fear? How would they react to having to face it? 
Disappointing her family. She already thought she was living it with her mother, but if Silas were to EVER be disappointed in her, she’d feel like her world would end. 
34. How easily do they trust others with their secrets? With their lives? 
Secrets are a no-go. Not everybody gets that, and its only really a select few in her inner circle. With her life, she’d only trust her father and her siblings. 
35. What is the easiest way to annoy them? 
Belittling her decisions. 
36. What is their sense of humor like? Give an example of a joke they would find humorous? 
“Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long? Cause then it’d be a foot”
37. How easy is it for hem to say “I love you”? Do they say it without meaning it? 
She’s never said “I love you” to someone who isn’t in her family before. It’s safe to say she’s saving that for her one and only. 
38. What do others admire most about their personality? 
She doesn’t really notice it, but in times of high stress she steps up and becomes a leader. 
39. What does their happily ever after look like? 
Again, this spoils the ENDINGGGG. But hint: a family of her own. 
40. Who do they trust most? Is that trust mutual?
Silas. Feeling is mutual. 
41. What does their laugh sound like? Do they snort when they laugh? How often do they laugh? 
Helene definitely snorts when she laughs really hard. She tries to avoid it as much as she can just because of it. She does laugh pretty often though, regardless. 
42 & 43. What is their favorite and least favorite thing about their physical appearance? 
She likes how toned she is from working out. She doesn’t like her hair. She feels really insecure with the length of it, but she doesn’t cut it because of... reasons. 
44. Do they have any scars? If so, what are the stories behind those scars? 
No scars
45. How would they describe their own appearance? 
“Plain jane, boring. Looks a little lost, honestly.” 
46. How easily can they express emotions? How easily can they hide emotions? 
She’s honestly not very good at hiding her emotions. She wears them all on her face. 
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mysweetestcreature · 5 years ago
Tomorrow Never Knows (President!Harry) Chapter 12: All I Want for Christmas
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Author’s note: Hiiiiii, so I honestly have no idea what happened to the post scheduled for earlier, but Tumblr has always been a little b*tch so I’m not surprised lmao. This version isn’t as well edited as the one that disappeared, so please excuse any slips (it’s late and I’m kind of drunk so teehee). ANYWAY! Happy Holidays, everyone! Thank you so much for everything you do for me. From the bottom of my heart, I love you all :’)
Saturday December 13, 2008
With the holiday season comes all things festive; from brilliant and twinkling lights wrapped around post lamps, to an army of nutcracker statuettes that line town square, and finally that wishful little mistletoe hung above a few select archways and unsuspecting doorframes. There’s a different attitude that floats in the air during this time of year, an unexplainable elation swirled in with a dash of mild intensity.
You’ll never see more people in one place than at the mall, when everyone is on a mission to find that perfect gift, maybe even the perfect outfit for the office Christmas party with the cheap wine, or something of a school dance that may or may not be the social event of the year (unless you’re a senior, then prom is most definitely the only thing to look forward to).
“Why can’t I see it?” Harry pouts, peeking into the gaps of the brown Bloomingdale’s paper bag. 
She rolls her eyes; this is probably the eighth time in twenty minutes he’s asked her. For some reason he’d been under the impression that he’d get to see her try it on. Much to his dismay (but to her amusement), however, it had been a quick and easy pick up from the alterations department on the third floor. “Because I’m your girlfriend, and I said you can’t.”
Harry frowns slightly, eyebrows furrowing. “I don’t really see a correlation between those two statements, although. . .” He backs her against a wall, hands finding their place on the curves of her hips. A cheeky grin replaces his former expression, dimples making their indents on either side of his mouth. “I do like it when you call yourself my girlfriend.” 
Humming, she tilts her head to the side and wraps her arms around his middle. He swallows when she grazes the tip of her nose to his, his mouth parting in anticipation. They’re close enough that he can easily smell her strawberry lip balm. “Yeah?” she speaks meekly. The radiant look in her eyes makes his heart beat thrice its usual rhythm. He nods in response, just about ready to lean down.
Of course, timing has never been their strongest point, and Harry’s phone rings annoyingly from the pocket of his North Face. He sighs, dropping his head down, eyes squeezing shut when he sees the name lit up on the screen. “Are you gonna answer that, or should I?” Y/n giggles, snatching his cell from between his fingers. He shakes his head and pleads her not to pick it up, but she flips the cover open and brings it right to her ear. “Hi, Anne!” 
There’s a string of mumbles from under his breath. He had assumed that they’d be free from interruptions once they’d finally gotten together, but time and time again (an average of three times a week, he’s noticed) there’s always someone out to mess with him. The other day, Mason had squirmed his way between them while they were cuddled up under her favorite fluffy blanket, and Harry had only taken notice when he turned to peck her on the cheek only to end up with half his face covered in peanut butter frosting (his girlfriend––and he really can’t stress enough how happy the title makes him––thought it was absolutely hilarious).
“Yeah, we’re just about finished. . .ïżœïżœïżœ She playfully pushes his face to the side when he gives her another pout. “Okie dokie, we’ll be out in a sec. . .see you in a bit!” The call ends with the clap of the main screen against the keypad. She gives him a toothy grin and rises to the tips of her toes to press a gentle kiss to the side of his mouth. “Let’s go?” 
She’s on her bed when Cici barges into her room, a tote full of clothes hanging off her shoulder that she then drops by the closet door. “Where’s your knight with shining curls?” her best friend snorts as she plops herself down on her bed. She’d texted earlier saying that she would be hiding at the Y/l/n residence to escape the arrogance of her visiting aunt’s family. 
Y/n looks up from flipping through her latest issue of Teen Vogue. “I think he should be here quarter of.” He’d left over two hours ago to help his mom and sister decorate their Christmas tree. 
“I see you got your dress,” Cici notices, reaching for the bag by her nightstand. She pulls the stapled edges apart with an approving look from Y/n, then pulls out the garment until the bag falls back to the floor. “Oh damn!” she whistles, kneeing the mattress as she holds it up. “Has Harry seen this yet?”
“I’ve literally done everything in my power to avoid that,” she mutters, falling back against her pile of pillows. The implications of not going to the dance with her boyfriend hadn’t registered with her until yesterday when Zoey had showed him the exact corsage that she wanted him to get her. Now she feels almost sick thinking about Zoey’s perfectly manicured and deadly nails racking around her boyfriend’s body while she forces him to dance. And maybe that’s why she doesn’t want Harry to see her dress just yet, she wants to surprise him the day of because the petty part of her wants to send Zoey a clear message. 
Cici snorts loudly, laying down next to her, and both girls just stare up at the ceiling. “If you want my honest opinion, I think you should just go together. So, what if a few people get butt hurt? Do you really want to see that bitch try to make moves on him?” 
“Obviously not, but. . .” she lets out a long sigh. “Jasper.” She keeps having to remind herself that she’s Jasper’s date, and it just wouldn’t be fair to him if she were to be an absent companion. “He keeps saying how excited he is for this, and I don’t know Ci. I don’t have the heart to tell him that I don’t want to go formal with him, let alone that the reason being that I want to go with my boyfriend of what? Two weeks now?” She’s given this whole lot of thought, really, she has! Sure, the easiest solution would be to call off her date with Jasper, but she doesn’t want him to think that he was only a stand in for Harry until they finally admitted their feelings. No one should be subjected to that kind of impairing thought. 
“You’re being way being too nice––maybe the pope will canonize you one day. ‘Saint Y/n’ patron saint of the criminally kind.” 
She pulls a pillow from behind and whacks the side of her friend’s head, who then whacks her back with just as much force. “Stop being so dramatic, this isn’t Gossip Girl.”
“And it’s a travesty,” Cici tuts, but her eyes start to twinkle as she loses herself in thought. “If it were, I’d be Mrs. Nathaniel Fitzwilliam Archibald by now. Don’t you think Chace Crawford and I would make the most beautiful babies?”
“They’ll have the best eyebrows, that’s for sure.”
Friday December 19, 2008
The last day before the winter formal––and furthermore the last day until winter break–– and it’s all the students of Ashwood can talk about. At every turn, all that can be heard is who’s attending with who or what designer their dress is from. Almost all of their classes have resorted to study halls since apparently no one can stay focused for more than five minutes at a time, which really is stupid since midterms are scheduled only two weeks after they come back. 
On the plus side, since they’re screening Home Alone 2 in Spanish, it at least distracts the rest of the class while she and Harry giggle to themselves in the back-left corner of the room. During the beginning of their relationship, they had at least tried to remain discreet so as to avoid all the theories of conspiracy from the school’s notorious gossips over at the Ashwood Almanac. As the final days of the year dwindle down, however, all precautions to keep everything on the down-low have disintegrated, and they’ve probably shared a few not-so-private (though none have ever been in front of a grand audience. . .about five people, max) smooches when they part ways after a long history lesson with Mr. Noone.  
“As in right in the nuts?” he laughs through the question, his arm wrapped around the back of her chair as his fingers tread through loose locks. She’s telling him all about how Mason had thrown a snowball, which had actually ended up having a moderately sized rock lodged in there somehow, directly between Jeremy’s legs. And yeah, he does feel bucket loads of sympathy because he can’t even count how many times he’s had a football to the groin in his years of being an athlete, but he’s more so charmed by how animated she is when she talks about her family.  
“I don’t know how he did it, but then Dad went completely cross-eyed when it hit him. Like this.” For a split second, she’s able to mimic his reaction and it has him trying to contain his amusement with her shoulder before Señora Gustavo can scold them for being too disruptive. 
After a few moments settled within a comfortable silence, enough time for them to let Jeremy’s many woes fade from consciousness, their eyes meet again, and he just smiles at her. It’s one of those sappy lovesick smiles that would have surely made her knees buckle had she not already been sitting down. 
“So, Mum’s Christmas Eve party, you’re all going, right?” he asks, his thumb grazing the side of her arm. For as long as he can remember, Anne’s been hosting this party every year without fail. He supposes it started when she and his dad were still together––maybe even before then––since he’s seen pictures from the early nineties before even Gemma was born. Even when they’d moved to the States, his mum has always been the sociable sort, so during that first year away from Holmes Chapel had been filled with the company of their neighbors and over a dozen of her colleagues. This time around, Harry’s excitement is beyond a scale’s capacity because his granddad is flying in to celebrate with them. After all their long phone calls, he’ll finally be able to introduce him to the girl he’s been gushing over for months. 
Y/n nods eagerly. “And I already know what I’m making,” she says. There were a few options that she toyed with before falling asleep until ultimately deciding on one special dessert that she sure hopes will be a crowd pleaser come the 24th. It’s something that in theory she knows how to make, but it’ll require a few test runs and backups since she’s aiming for nothing less than perfection. “Your mom mentioned it during Thanksgiving, so I really hope she’ll like it!”
“Don’t want you going through too much trouble. Mum will like anything you make. Went on and on about those pumpkin spice cookies you brought around the house Sunday.” 
“I know, but. . .” Her lips curl inward and trap themselves between her teeth. She looks down into her lap, fingers messing with a stray thread where her skit had been hemmed. “I just. . .I don’t know. Do you think she’s mad––okay, not mad, but you know. . .annoyed––at me for the whole Jasper-Zoey thing? You keep saying it isn’t, but it’s a hundred percent my fault that we’re not going together.”   
“Baby, no. Don’t say that,” Harry frowns, and he doesn’t realize the new endearment to have tumbled off the tip of his tongue. “This whole dance thing doesn’t mean anything anyway, and it definitely doesn’t change this.” He gestures between the two of them, a lopsided smile spread from cheek to cheek. 
Her eyes narrow as she crosses her arms. “You’re being all cheesy because you want me to kiss you again.”
A loud scoff erupts from the back of his throat, and Señora Gustavo glares up from her laptop to give him another warning. There’s a moment when his face impersonates annoyance (but his arm still remains around her frame), and he begrudgingly turns his attention to Kevin McCallister wreaking havoc on his two unmatched foes. She does the same, but from the corner of her eye she sees the way his mouth plays with his words. In her head, she counts backwards from five, holding in a smirk as the numbers dwindle down. Harry pouts to himself, before he turns back to her. 
“Are my chances high, at least?”  
Saturday December 20, 2008 
“Sweetheart, you look so beautiful!” Liv gushes as she brushes Y/n’s hair back, standing behind her in front of the vanity’s mirror. Y/n looks at herself carefully, her lips pulled up but pressed firmly together. The day has finally arrived, and she doesn’t think she can feel any more anxious than she does right now. Half her hair is pulled back while the rest is curled into the soft waves that fall just beneath her shoulders. Her dress is hung to the side, the sequins almost blinding as they reflect in the bathroom light. 
They’d spent the last two hours doing her hair and makeup, which Liv had insisted she do herself since aside from dentistry and orthodontics, is probably her second passion in life. There’s a story she always likes to tell, about how she’d worked for a beauty salon during college for some extra cash but had ended up staying all four years because she found the whole transformation process to be exciting for both herself and her clients.
“I remember my first high school dance,” her mom continues, and she takes the dress off the hanger and signals for Y/n to stand up. “Now, my dress wasn’t nearly as form-fitting as yours. I mean, what do you expect from the 80s?” She chuckles lightly, shaking her head as she remembers exactly what she wore in her freshman year. Y/n braces herself against the wall as she steps into the pooled dress. “Philip Russo had asked me, and boy oh boy, was he something.”
Y/n snorts as she holds the lace fabric to her chest. “Does Dad know you still think about your high school boyfriend?”
Liv rolls her eyes, zipping the back up with one firm pull. “Oh of course, I talk about him every night before bed. You know what, honey? If I hadn’t met you, I would probably be living in Austin with Philip Russo and our seven kids. It makes for great pillow talk.”
“Did someone call me?” Jeremy’s voice calls from the master bedroom. Followed by his much shorter shadow, he saunters into the bathroom. 
Mason scampers past his dad and wraps his arms around his sister’s legs. “You look like a princess!” he giggles, picking at one of the beads. 
“You really think so, Mase?” she smiles, cupping his cheeks in her hand so he can look up at her. 
The little boy nods furiously. “Yeah! And that means Harry’s your prince, right? Because the prince and princess always kiss each other, right? You and Harry kissed yesterday! I saw it!” He even looks to Liv for support. “Right, Mommy?”
Y/n digs her nails into her palms. The three of them had agreed to keep Mason upstairs when Jasper picks her up just to avoid all awkwardness if her brother wonders where Harry might be. That’s not to say that her parents are completely on board with the idea of this bizarre arrangement. Jeremy had been quite vocally against it because he much rather send his daughter off with a boy he’s come to know and like, rather than. . .well, he’s never met this other boy, so that’s already a red flag in his book. 
“Now what I want to know is why you were snooping on your sister and Harry, huh?” she counters, hands on her hips and toe tapping with parental flare. 
“Because Daddy said I have to keep an eye on them when he’s not home.”
Jeremy’s jaw just drops. “You little traitor,” he grumbles, glaring down at his son. “I told you not to tell the girls about our little secret.”
“Secret secrets are no fun unless you share with everyone!”
“Enough out of you.” Jeremy lifts the boy up and places him over his shoulder. It’s now that he’s able to get a good look at his daughter, his not so little girl. Y/n notices a glisten in his eyes the longer he studies her.
“Dad,” she whines, “remember you said you wouldn’t be dramatic?” 
“I know, I know, but. . .” He twirls her around, a couple times before taking in her full image once more. “First, it's just a school dance, then it’s your wedding day. Jesus Christ, I’m getting old.”
The theme of this year’s winter formal is Winter Wonderland, and despite its clichĂ© nature, student council and the decorations committee had managed to transform the events hall into somewhat of a festive paradise. There’s fake snow falling gracefully in the backdrop at the photographer’s station, where some of the more smitten couples strike their cutest poses as their arms wrap around the other’s figures. Dressed to the nines in their best attire, a few students are already swaying to the DJ’s soundtrack, while others mingle in groups by the punch bowl. 
Harry is somewhat part of the latter category, his one hand occupied with his untouched beverage, the other buried deep in his pocket as he stands stiffly at Zoey’s side. She’s bragging about the price tag on her dress, gushing over how her daddy bought it right from the designer himself. “And he totally gave me his number and said I could stop by the New York office any time.”
“Bunch of bollocks,” Harry snorts into his cup, the fruity red liquid just barely grazing his top lip. 
Zoey turns around, a sickeningly sweet and glossy smile greeting him. “What was that?” she asks, far too perky in her mannerisms, in his opinion.   
“Nothing.” He takes a long sip for no other reason than to keep himself distracted. It works for a few more minutes, with him only participating in their conversation when he’s directly addressed, or if Zoey wants another damn refill of water. 
Now, he isn’t quite sure what had possessed him to ask Zoey, of all the girls he could have chosen, to the dance. It was right after Y/n had told him she’d be going with Jasper, and he’d gone outside to clear his head. Who was the first (okay, second, but Señora Gustavo does not count) person he’d run into? The decision had been made in a split second, and for fuck’s sake his biggest regret is not taking a few more to think about it. 
“Harry!” He turns on his heel at the call of his name, the first genuine smile of the night cheering up his downcast features when he sees Cici and Maxxie arrive through the doors. Excusing himself, he all but runs to them, enveloping both in a hug that’s filled with every bit of relief. 
“Oh, thank god,” he sighs. “She’s driving me up the walls.” 
Cici looks over his shoulder, brow raised as she glares at the redhead. “Are those next season’s Christian Louboutin’s? Unbelievable!”
“Jealousy is not a good look on you,” Maxxie teases, poking her side. “I’m not jealous. Just annoyed that the nasty ones always get first serve. And it’s honestly super annoying that she looks kind of good.”
“She’s beautiful. . .” Harry says suddenly, and both Maxxie and Cici gasp at his confession. The latter smacks his chest, and steam practically flares from her nostrils because she’s always had that protective instinct. Maxxie is more sensible, however, and he follows the line of Harry’s gaze right the source. It’s then he takes it upon himself to turn their friend around.
“What are you–”
It’s a scene right out of a movie as Y/n steps through the door, gently shielding her eyes as one of the moving spotlights casts down on her. Her dress reflects a light just as strong, and it manages to catch the attention of a majority of those around. She searches for something, fingers fiddling at her front as she looks unsurely through the room. It’s when she sees the three of them that she smiles widely. 
“Guys!” she waves to them, lifting the skirt of her dress as she jogs over. “Oh my gosh, Ci! You look amazing!” she squeals, hugging her friend. 
“I know.” Cici has never been one to maintain modesty, but it’s one of the reasons why Y/n loves her. “But look at you! Oh my god, you look like Hilary Duff.”
“That seems to be the consensus apparently,” she blushes. She gives Maxxie a kiss on the cheek, giggling when he whispers something in her ear. It earns him a pinch to his side, and he playfully huffs as he directs himself and Cici to one of the empty tables. 
It just leaves her and Harry. 
He has to resist the urge to reach out.
“You look. . .wow,” he’s at a loss for words. 
Her eyes fall to their feet. “Still trying to get that kiss, I see.” And maybe she wishes she didn’t have to pretend like she doesn’t want to. It happens so quickly that she would’ve missed it she wasn’t paying any attention. His lips press against hers in a kiss. . .or maybe more appropriately a peck. But as her eyes flutter open, she’s met with a cheeky smile to top off an expression that constantly reminds her how in love she is with the boy in front of her. 
She thought that maybe it wouldn’t be so hard to see Zoey hang off her boyfriend like some pathetic sloth until right at this very moment. And she knows she shouldn’t let it all get to her because Harry had assured her over a dozen times over the phone that she’d be the only person he’ll be paying any attention to, but she really can’t help but feel mildly insecure. She hasn’t even had the chance to tell him how handsome he looks because Zoey had abruptly whisked him away as soon as Mariah Carey had started playing through the speakers. Take that, and the fact that Jasper had finally found his way to her after he’d talked to a few friends by the entrance. 
The car ride here had been a bit awkward, if she’s being honest. Jeremy hadn’t been so successful in keeping Mason upstairs, and the little boy had even been the one to open the door because he had been anticipating a completely different face. “You’re not–” Luckily, Liv had been there to cover his mouth before he could say anything more. “Kids! Am I right?” And after a few quick snaps from her mom’s camera, they were off in his dad’s SUV, both sat in the back seat with the middle completely empty. There was some small talk, mostly questions of ‘are you excited’ or ‘hopefully the food is good’ and whatnot. She had tried her best, she really had, to keep things light and non bothersome, but she can sense that he knows something’s up.
“Hey,” she touches Jasper’s arm. “I’m just gonna go to the ladies’ room.” 
When she walks out of the bathroom, she feels herself being whisked to the side. Before she can let out a yelp, she catches a whiff of his familiar scent, and it’s enough to soothe her panic. 
“Are you crazy?” she giggles, looking down at the other end of the hall. “We’re supposed to be in there.” 
Harry shrugs nonchalantly before leaning his forehead against hers. “Just a little.”
“Thank god we got that settled then.” She lets her hands fall into his hair, loving the way his soft brown curls feel in the slope between her fingers. For the first time tonight, she feels completely at ease as their bodies sway gently to the echo of a song. “Hi,” she whispers.
It’s then he gives her a proper embrace, holding her as close to him as he can, letting everything around them fade into the back of his mind.
“Hi.” He buries his nose into her hair. “I’m sorry this is how we have to share our first dance.” 
He then pulls away just enough to look into her eyes, his heart swelling when she cups his face and presses a long kiss to his lips. The hold he has around her waist tightens as he deepens it further. 
“It’s okay,” she answers when she breaks free in need of air. She giggles as she swipes his mouth of any traces of her lip gloss. “I’m actually surprised you were able to get away from your date.”
Rolling his eyes, Harry lets out a humorless snort that she happens to find greatly entertaining. “It wasn’t easy, let me tell you. I had to make up some excuse about how my stomach was feeling all out of sorts when I saw you walk out. Figured it was the perfect opportunity to get my girl alone. Plus. . .” He directs her gaze above, and she can’t help but laugh when she sees a mistletoe hung above them. Without missing a beat, his lips find their way back to hers.
Come talk to me about our babies!
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nijohirjesyho · 6 years ago
If Square Enix won’t give me Miqo’te lore I’ll write it myself. AKA I decided to flex my Worldbuilding muscles and try to flesh out the Miqo’te. This is just for fun but if you like it feel free to use it!
Miqo’te biology
Keepers very likely to be affected by it, Seekers largely unaffected, 1/5 Keepers will be unaffected.
Exposure to catnip leaves results in giddiness, restlessness, high energy, possible drooling (particularly if chewed). Relatively mild and passes quickly. Occasionally dried leaves are used to make teas to help with colds or drank before long hunts for the energy. As dried leaves are less potent than fresh leaves the side effects are lessened.
Miqo’te tails are used for balance, allowing Keepers to crouch for long periods of time and aids in their tree climbing. For Seekers tails aid with maintaining balance when running on sand or scaling rocks.
Types of tails
Regular tails – standard
Lion Tails – Common among Seekers, rarely seen among Keepers
Fluffy tails – occasionally occurs among Keepers and occasionally occurs alongside ear tufts, it’s rarely seen in Seekers
Both Keepers and Seekers have very sensitive hearing and while Elezin outclass them in hearing most Miqo’te tend to actually rely on their hearing over eyesight, meaning they will react to sounds before other races
Jacobson’s Organ
Miqo’tes have fully functional Jacobson’s organs which mean they are capable of smelling pheromones and other scents that other races cannot. This aids them largely in hunting and tracking. Their sense of smell is unrivaled by any other race.
This also causes them to occasionally have a flehmen response which often confuses other races. Miqo’te will curl their lips back, stick out their tongues and stop breathing. It is often mistaken for disgust by those who don’t know what they’re doing. The advantage of such a pose is it forces the air and scents into their mouth where they can ‘taste’ it better.
Biological differences between Seekers and Keepers
Both Keeper and Seekers have tapetum lucidum, which can startle unwary adventuring companion when their friend’s eyes glow in low light. This gives them an advantage over other races when it comes to seeing lowlight (such as in the forests of the Black Shroud). This has also been used by some who accuse them of being beast clans by claiming this proves they are ‘like animals’
Keeper are capable of purring and have been known to terrify Wood Wailers with the blood curdling screams they’re capable of making
Seekers cannot purr but instead express pleasure by chittering, chuffs and humming. Seekers are capable of roaring
No one can point to a clear reason for Keeper’s canine/eye teeth to be measurably longer and sharper than Seeker’s
Keepers live in a highly gender segregated society, mostly divided in two categories
Family Units
Family units are traditionally made up of women and children. This will usually be one to three mothers, often some older daughters and they may also have children of their own. The children are communally raised with responsibility being shared by the community, older siblings are as likely to teach younger siblings as parents. This has the advantage of almost always having at least one adult able to hunt while older children or fellow adults care for the children at home.
Children typically leave this community between 18 and 20 though this can vary its rare a child would leave before 16.
Some of the communities serve as trading posts to cities they’re located close to.
‘Solitary’ Males
Keepers will often tell you that males are best in small doses and that male Keepers wander on their own. This is not entirely accurate. You will occasionally find males on their own but when they first leave home many young Miqo’te will often leave in groups. Usually siblings close in age and with a close bond will set out together, maybe parting ways eventually but male siblings often stick together (though due to how rare males are male siblings rarely end up close enough in age to stick together). Older males may find and take in younger males as hunting is easier and they miss the feeling of family from childhood. It is more accurate to say the males are rare and nomadic.
Tribes are less visibly divided among gender lines than the Keepers but there are still divides, obvious in naming and social structure.
Children with a father in one tribe and a mother in another will belong to the mother’s tribe. Female children will still take the father’s name
[Square Enix: Nuhn is simply breeding male of a tribe! Also Square Enix: *treats Nuhn like the rank of leader in game*. So in game is what we’re going with.]
Nuhns are the male that distributes traits most valued by the tribe. While yes, a healthy physique is often valued, in Clans that value cunning, forethought, strategy or hunting prowess one might rise to the rule of Nuhn not via a fight to the death but a contest of cunning or proof of their ability to stalk and bring down dangerous game.
Tias, Splinter Tribes, ‘Bachelor Tribes’
Tias are commonly found enthusiastically doing squats. Tias serve an important function in most tribes, often in their attempt to prove themselves worthy of being the next Nuhn they will be doing tasks and take leadership roles that the Nuhn needs delegated to someone else. The women are the hunters but the males often serve in organizational roles as well.
Tias that want to be Nuhn but cannot earn the respect of their original tribe will occasionally form splinter tribes. This can also happens if a tribe becomes overpopulated or there are two popular choices for Nuhn but neither will share the role. One will form a splinter tribe with an additional letter as per custom and they typically die off or are reabsorbed into the original tribe.
Bachelor Tribes are made of multiple male Tias, sometimes even from multiple tribes. Rather than seeking to be Nuhn they have banded together to form an unofficial tribe of males only. They’re often nomatic and males from them may be invited to be a Tia or Nuhn of a tribe that needs new blood.
The treatment children born of a Tia father can expect varies from Tribe to Tribe. Some tribes demand they leave the tribe when old enough, (some of them making the Bachelor Tribes). In other Tribes they are treated as no different than any Tia. Some allow them to stay but they can never be Nuhn without working twice as hard to prove themselves to the tribe as Nuhn-fathered Tias.
Queer Miqo’te
Same Sex
Same sex couples are far from unheard of in a race that has a birth race skewed to one sex. It would be impossible to not.
In both Keeper and Seeker culture the idea of couples is a bit different than in other races as a large part of their culture focuses more on reproduction. Romantic loyalty is often separated from sexual loyalty.
Among Keepers WLW couples or groups often form to raise children. If one of the couple happens to be trans and comfortable with such an idea, they might not even need one of the nomadic males to father a child.
The Males that band together and travel together are not always only siblings or close friends but sometimes MLM couples or groups.
Any Nuhn that would force a women to mate with him is going to quickly find himself replaced so it is fully possible for a woman in a Seeker Tribe to find a partner and live in bliss with them without the tribe objecting in the slightest.
Some Bachelor Tribes are ‘Confirmed Bachelor Tribes’ if you catch my drift.
Trans Miqo’te
With such strict and gendered naming conventions names become very important to most who transition or fall outside gender binaries entirely.
A Trans Male Keeper will usually take the name of the youngest son as he has been ‘reborn’. He will be expected to wander the same as any other male Miqo’te.
A Trans Female Keeper will be given a new name entirely, while any brothers she has will keep their old names the suffix she previously had will no longer be used. She may be welcomed among any family group as she is still a valuable hunter and caregiver.
Non-binary Keepers may chose a new name, to keep their old name, or some use whichever name feels most appropriate for the gender they feel closest to that day. What role they chose to fulfill in their society may vary from Keeper to Keeper and even day to day.
A Trans Male Seeker will be granted a new name by the Nuhn with the last name Tia. He will be expected to begin performing roles similar to his fellow Tias quickly though the Nuhn may give this Tia specialized training to catch him up to his fellow Tias if necessary. Trans Male Seekers are capable of becoming Nuhn, some use a fellow Tia as the sperm donor while he runs the Clan, others have given birth themselves, how they chose to be Nuhn depends on the Seeker and the Tribe
A Trans Female Seeker will be granted a new first name by the Nuhn that fathered her along with his name as her last name. Her fellow huntress will often organize a hunt in celebration and to begin teaching her hunting skills. Trans Female Seekers are not considered viable candidates for Nuhn more than any Cis Female Seeker would be.
Non-binary Seekers may chose a new name, to keep their old name, or some use whichever name feels most appropriate for the gender they feel closest to that day. However they occasionally find trouble from Tias who feel them a possible challenger regardless of their desire to be Nuhn.
City Miqo’te
City Miqo'te culture varies on whether they are Keeper or Seeker and what city they’re in.
Gridanian Miqo’te are typically Keeper and may face hostilities from those that see them as poachers as best. However recently they have begun to see better treatment, though some women decide to join the Coeurl King and his crew.
In Ul’dah cities it is easy to find Seekers, be they Tias unable to become Nuhn or women who simply felt that Tribe life was not for them. They make their living the same way most do in Ul’dah,though a few might be found among the Ala Mhigo refugees resenting their native kin or clinging desperately to what remains of the community they had before the fall.
Limsan Miqo’te are less common than the other regions but almost no crew sails without a Miqo’te. Some consider it lucky to have at least one, others have a far more practical reason. Miqo’te’s keen sense of smell often detects storms before their fellow crew members. Additionally, their lean and dexterous forms make them adept at climbing rigging. They are primarily Seekers though Keepers are becoming more common.
In the Grand Companies
One might expect that due to the number of female Miqo’te to males they would surely outnumber the males in the grand companies as well. However the numbers are closer to even (still favor the females however) as many male Miqo’te sign up to the grand companies.
Keepers are quite common in the Twin Adders as they seek the feeling of family and camaraderie that they had growing up. Males in particular as they may be inclined to find the idea of wandering alone as unbearable. The bow skills shown by Miqo’te hunters leave little to be desired and they can often find their place in the Adders. Notably three of the Gods’ Quiver’s eleven garrisons are led by Miqo’te. Miah Molkot leads the White Rams, Ragu’to Zhwan leads The Quiver’s Scales and Dhebi Polaali leads The Quiver’s Ewers.
Seekers are mostly found in Maelstrom, finding themselves outnumbered by Hyur and Lalafell in the Immortal Flames. Some are Tias that could not make it as Nuhn or women that left the tribes either because they could not fit into that lifestyle but more still are city Miqo’te that grew up in the ports of Limsa and are more familiar with the rigging of a ship than the sand of a desert. However some have made their way to Gridania out of curiosity about the archery to be learned there. G'pakibah Dora leads the garrison of the Twin Adders known as The Quivers Virgins and she is far from the only Seeker in their ranks.
Culture Shock
Keepers and City life
The largest culture shock for Keepers is perhaps the lack of physical contact. Those who grew up in the shroud are often very tactile and become confused by their new friends lack of physical affection or startle them by what is seen by some (typically Elezen) as being overly affectionate.
The other most obvious source of surprise and confusion is in relationship. While romantic relationships are far from unheard of among Keepers they are not seen as the norm which can lead to confusion about the level of commitment expected in relationships. Older siblings or friends more familiar with city life may be useful when explaining these concepts to Keepers unused to other races’ relationship expectations. However this has done Keeper’s reputation no favors in some parts of Gridania with them being seen as loose and unreliable in relationships.
Seekers and City life
Seekers might be confused by what they consider to be a very unclear hierarchy of duties among other races. Used to the Nuhn’s clear leadership and the communal hunting and providing they can struggle to adjust to trade at first.
Seekers get quite the double edged sword attempting to date as men might be suspected of sleeping around and some will claim women don’t mind you sleeping around on them, and will often be taken for heterosexual by default. These miscommunications are more common in Ul’dah than Limsa, who is exposed more to City Seeker culture.
Keepers and Seekers
Keepers and Seekers are often confused by the other’s culture on first contact, with the Keeper’s matriarchal family-centered lifestyle confusing to the Patriarchal Tribe-centered Seekers who are unused to such tight knit groups. Similarly Keepers often come away with the impression Seekers have gotten thing backwards, those familiar with the Coeurl King’s cruel grip on the women he brings into his group in particular will often react with horror.
Rumored and likely possible, until recent times the isolation shown by both Keepers and Seekers has prevented such hybrids from being common but with Keepers beginning to integrate into cities and Seekers beginning to explore Gridania it is likely if such hybrids exist they will become more common in upcoming years
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lanamemories2 · 5 years ago
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clip clops in on horseback wearing a pointy little dunces hat n sipping frm a rly long crazy straw tht says ‘goblin’ w all of the swirls. Hlo. i’m nai n it’s rly nice to meet u all!!! 23 n she/ha pronouns. i’m one of the three admins here (cleo lazuli on the main) n i’m literally So Excited to get started i cld honestly beat my chest like caesar the ape over it. more abt lana under the cut!!! also like this or hmu if u wna plot n her pinterest is here đŸ‘ș🌚 
『KRISTINE FROSETH ❙ CIS-FEMALE』 ⟿ looks like LANA JAMESON is here for HER JUNIOR year as a DANCE student. SHE is 21 years old & known to be VIVACIOUS, ALLURING, CHILDISH & IMPULSIVE. They’re living in NOLAND, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ NAI. 23. GMT. SHE/HER.
scalding your fingers in shower water until they glow like rudolph’s nose, cherry red gym socks tugged high and nothing else, stepping out into a cold breeze in just spaghetti strapped silk, a red lightening stripe painted over your eye like a new take on the scarlet letter, crowning each finger with a miniature raspberry, hugging a knee close to lick a stripe of fruit juice off the bruised cap, doodling penises in condensation instead of sitting still, a water pistol topped with rum and covered in glittery pin-up stickers, believable smiles that feel more like baring teeth, playing where’s waldo with your lipstick in the crowd of a party and finding red on at least six people’s mouths, a bumper sticker on the back of a convertible cadillac that says ‘SCRAPPY DOO IS A FILTHY SLUT’, prancing around in your underwear to a vinyl record with the curtains open. 
lana grew up in a big house in albany, NY. i picture it w dark oak floors n lots of light furniture. albums framed on walls. mayb some rolling stone covers too frm way bk when of the bands her dad’s label signed. kind of like
 a rock star palace w no evidence of children at all. i think i described it best in one of lana’s self paras once when i said the garden ws “as big as it was unloved”
lana’s mum victoria (vic) ws a music journalist w a pretty fruitful career ahead of her when she met lana’s dad richard (rich). his record label ws jst starting out, founded on the coattails of his rich best friend’s (jensen peters) investment w his other best friend (who he jst calls knoxville). it rocketed to success when they signed poppy injects, a rock band w an electric stage presence, n victoria ws drawn to the glitz n glamour of a man tht ws at the helm of his aspiring industry. their love ws very impulsive, all or nothing right frm the start, n it ws almost like she ws mre in love w his accomplishments n what he represented than him. jst a leetle bit Fractured in its intentions.
anyway so jameson records repped a few big rock bands bk in the eighties, altho poppy injects r who they’re mostly known fr, namely bc of hw brightly they crashed n burned. they were a big chart success bt the lead singer hd quite an intense struggle w heroin (wsnt rly subtle abt it either while he ws in the public eye as u cn probably imagine frm such an on-the-nose band name) n he ws always in n out of the papers. it eventually brought down his career n it ws a big publicity nightmare
lana pretty much
 grew up around figures like this throughout childhood. rly troubled characters who wld kind of
 b extremely volatile n destructive abt their troubles. the jameson house was kind of an open one as welcoming clients went n a lot of parties took place there. a lot of the time musicians wld b snorting lines in the kitchen when she wnted to grab a bowl of cereal fr breakfast n it was just. a very strange environment fr a child to grow up in
her parents always kind of jst
 didn’t like her much. her older brother caleb ws unplanned bt they sort of welcomed the surprise more bt
 quickly realised they weren’t cut out fr parenthood n then when lana came as another surprise 3 yrs later they didn’t even try to hide their resentment abt the situation. her mum ws actually booked in to have an abortion bt cldnt go through with it at the last minute. once when lana asked her why shes so cold towards her she jst turned her head frm her dresser, looked at her, told her abt this n said “idk why i didn’t go”. lana didn’t kno wht to say to tht so she jst left her room n closed the door
(dissociation tw) bc of this growing up lana adopted this weird like
. she didn’t rly kno what it ws bt it ws a delusion of sorts where she thought she ws a ghost. she’d jst sort of
 drift around the halls w noone acknowledging her n sometimes she ws jst convinced she wsnt actually there or they cldnt see her n she ws jst haunting the house frm a previous family
the one saving grace tho tht sort of?? gt her thru this n made her feel Seen ws caleb. lana quite genuinely hs always thought the sun shines out of her older brothers ass like she jst thinks. hes the best person in the entire world. wld b rly bewildered if anyone questioned tht. he wld always look out for her in the zoo they called a home n cut the crusts off her sandwiches (he’d cook fr them most of the time bc their parents were too busy/didn’t care to) n sometimes wld even sleep at the bottom of her bed curled up like a guard dog. it ws always lana n caleb n his best friend tommy against the world in tht house (tommy lived next door n was always over bc he had very strict parents including a military father tht he found suffocating)
SO when caleb n tommy announced tht they’d signed up to the army lana ws understandably

.. completely blindsided. she ws rly upset tht they were leaving bt she tried not to b mad at them n made them promise theyd b safe n back as soon as possible. she even asked if they cld somehow take her w them n they were jst like :/ it doesn’t work that way luv x
(death tw, ptsd tw, grief tw, trauma tw, hospitalisation tw, drugs tw) anyway caleb ended up getting discharged under grounds of severe ptsd when he witnessed tommy die in an explosion tht took place in a shock raid. caleb returned home sans tommy bt he was never the same after tht. he’s been in and out of hospital twice nw n he’s currently dipped off the radar after starting to use. lana kind of felt like two of her brothers died out there in a way n jst like tht it wasn’t them vs the world any mre, it was jst her. she doesn’t talk abt this tho. when she feels the urge to cry she usually jst smiles
ANYWAY whew tht rly
. took a dark turn there
.. chuckles nervously at hw sad lana’s life is bt it’s fine it’s all fINE!!!!!!! ok. so on a mre lighthearted note the jameson family r pretty well off n bc of her relation to such a big music industry figure she’s hung out w a fair few relatively high rep ppl thru her teens. mostly kids of celebrities n stuff like tht. she amassed kind of an instagram following mainly fr her style (v penny lane-esque in some aspects aka lots of fur cuff trimmed jackets bt then also jst
. a wild combination of everything honestly. pastel faux fur coats, seventies style platforms, flame red cowboy boots, pink fishnet tights n glitter used like highlight Everywhere) n bc she’s undeniably Very Pretty
(trauma tw) after caleb got back he was rly withdrawn n depressed. he shut lana out n was kind of harsh to her a lot of the time, always telling her to leave him alone or pushing her away. it didnt help either tht lana had a rly traumatic experience w some of her dad’s colleagues at the label when she ws 16 n he was away n she cldnt even tell him abt it once he was bk bc of his own traumas. she kind of jst shut it all in n kept it to herself
(hypersexuality tw) this obviously?? made her spiral a lot. she was already a girl tht loved sex (she’d only rly done foreplay before tho) but since her trauma it got
. completely out of hand. it got to a point where she couldnt rly go 2 days without it, probably not even 1. her lowest point has probably been scrolling thru craiglist for anonymous encounters n meeting up w strangers on there fr a quick fuck jst for the thrill even tho it’s insanely dangerous n she cld wind up getting herself killed. it’s v clear at this point tht she has a sex addiction whether she’s ever admitted it or not. it kind of
 almost mingled w tht same feeling she used to get when she ws younger of being a ghost?? like she jst. only rly feels Real when she’s being touched
(violence tw) a mre recent point of history is her involvement w danny nielsen (an evil npc of mine who is possibly the antichrist??? pending investigation). he attended radcliffe n lived in a house w a group of guys near campus. it wsn’t a registered frat bt he essentially
ran it like one it ws kind of a weird set-up where he ws the King Of The Roost. essentially he found out tht lana n a guy called zeke slept together n he ended up beating him to near death in front of her bc his pride ws rly bruised since they were meant to be dating (if u can call it tht bc danny’s idea of dating is very Warped). ANYWAY he ws found guilty n sent to jail so it ws like Intense n a gd example of the kinds of disastrous relationships she gets herself into. perks of being a wallflower voice: We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve.
always smells vaguely of wild cherries or strawberry starburst or jst the candy aisle in general. if she ws a vinyl record she’d b this one n she’d only play good vibrations by the beach boys, dancing on my own by robyn, play that funky music by wild cherry, femme fatale by the velvet underground n (i can’t get no) satisfaction by the rolling stones 
growing up lana was always a huge social butterfly. knew everyone n everyone knew her. she ws one of those girls tht ws kind of impossible to ignore or forget. very animated, always made u feel like u were the centre of the universe whenever she spoke to u, always made it feel like u were best friends even if ud only spoken to her once. 
deliberately puts on tht kind of Magnetic Alluring Act tht femme fatales wear in movies w most ppl. kind of
. is always playing A Role of the person tht she wants to b seen as. chameleons to situations. feels like she’s performed as the vivacious n fun loving Lana Jameson fr so long tht she doesn’t rly kno who she is beneath tht bt she isn’t too keen to find out
she’s always been rly spontaneous n adventurous. always doing something weird n wild every weekend. she has ten thousand ridiculously absurd n chaotic stories
uncontrollably flirty. boundlessly confident. cld make a joke out a paper bag n her comedy is sometimes surreal / absurd. she tends to laugh when she feels like crying n has a smile brighter than a ray of texas sunshine. 
always dapples her fingers thru the breeze when she’s driving in a car w the window down. she almost always has some sort of sweet on her, whether it’s sour haribo cherries or strawberry lollipops. 
she adores david bowie n prince n madonna n anyone tht’s a vintage style icon w little care fr what ppl think. 
daisies n poppies r her fav flowers bc daisies r wild n overlooked n poppies r the first thing u look at in a green field. she’s had like 8472493874 ‘relationships’ n none of them hav lasted beyond a month / hav been terrible / hav seen her being treated badly / she’s cheated on them. i dnt think she’s actually ever been w anyone she hasn’t cheated on in some form or another
exes tht lana’s fucked over hideously. she’d probably cheat a lot and it’d be a whole
mayb someone tht flipped the switch and cheated on her? 
a cousin plot cld b fun too. a friend tht lana fel out w bc she slept w their significant other.
a fake dating plot cld b fun honestly 
someone tht’s getting lana into drugs?? she’s kind of impressionable/down for anything so tht’s a likely scenario she’d get into tbh
an unrequited crush!! (either way is cool)
someone tht is just hanging out w her/using her bc she has a lot of instagram followers or they want to b signed to her dad’s label
someone in a band!! she’d probably make like penny lane n b their groupie/sleep w them all fgjkshgkh
umm a good influence too mayb? 
oh and a past summer romance/fling tht cld either have meant a lot or not have meant anything at all. bonus points if both of them hav a diff viewpoint on it. 
honestly?? anything is fine i cld ramble for days. mayb even one of the high profile kids she grew up hangin w idk. world’s our oyster fellas!
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maks-lawrence · 5 years ago
『 FINN HAYTON ❙ CIS MALE』 ⟿ looks like MAKSIM ‘MAKS’ LAWRENCE is here for HIS JUNIOR year as a BUSINESS student. HE is 21 years old & known to be LOYAL, FEARLESS, BRUSQUE & WITHDRAWN. They’re living in OFF CAMPUS HOUSING, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ 
brace urself its a long one!!!
April 19th, 1999. Winter’s fingertips just barely clinging to the rural towns outside of the city of Kharkiv, a priest opens the church doors to a biblical sight: pink and sleeping, swaddled in worn but clean linens, a baby in a basket. The baby is a boy. He is deemed healthy but still unclaimed, the area is poor, there is tension on the border, another child can be a child too many.
An orphanage in Kharkiv becomes his home. He is given the name Maksim (meaning the greatest, it feels like a joke) and he learns quickly that people are not always kind, that he must look out for himself, and that affection never comes without a price. He becomes half feral like all the children in the home become, mean to survive, with nothing to call their own.
There were two instances of near adoptions, first when he was a baby, barely a year old, but the paperwork never went through. The one he just barely remembers, when he was four and a lovely couple from the UK came to peruse the orphanage, delighted in the tale of how he’d been found. He was returned six months later, the mother in tears at the unmanageability of the child, shocked at how he’d bite and scream in Russian. Maks only recalls the smothering smell of her perfume when she’d hug him too tightly, and the endless stream of English words he did not understand.
He graduated to a boys home at seven, where he grew the closest with the other boys. There was comfort in friendship like that, like the kind of kinship and protection that’d be felt in a pack of dogs. The fundamental understanding of the home was once a child passed the threshold of thirteen they would not be leaving it, just graduating from institution to institution until they were legally old enough to release on their own.
He was ten when the first volunteers from America came to the home with their hundred watt Chiclet smiles, attitudes always upbeat. They annoyed him at first, taking photos of the boys, asking questions in broken Russian, making them practice their English. He didn’t know it at the time, but they were creating profiles for each of the boys, adoption portfolios for families in America. There was one video of a surly faced young Maksim, introducing himself with a thick accent, his eyes darting to the right of the frame. He appears shrunken in it, shoulders caving in and head ducked.
The Lawrence family saw this video and contacted the volunteers. The adoption process is long and expensive, but the Lawrence’s were determined. Within six months and just shy of his eleventh birthday, Maksim was on a plane for the first time, heading towards his new home.
The transition was difficult, Maks was not an easy child for the older couple to handle. He would fight and yell when people came too close to him, a strange child in a strange place. His English was poor, but the words he did know where all spoken angrily, the way an animal growls when backed into a corner.
He could see the love and kindness the older couple were offering him, but Maks felt like he had to continually test it. Explosive, his episodes were violent or cruel, their only intention to hurt. He had to know if they were strong enough to handle him at his worst, or if they’d give up, and he’d be sent back to the Ukraine again. He believed the things that all the children in the boy’s home believed— he was not something worthy of anything, and that’s why he had nothing.
Slowly, thing became better. He got along with the other children more than he did the adults, the comradery of the boys home made it easier for him to find common ground in them. He was in therapy for years, learning how to let go of the damage his childhood had brought, and embracing this brighter one. He proved to be a good student, though stubborn, and was able to catch up to others his age by his freshman year of high school, participating like a regular student.
He’d always had an interest in how things worked, and this manifested in quiet tinkering in the family garage. He’d teach himself how to repair the broken family lawnmower over an afternoon with a few YouTube videos before progressing to bigger engines and machines. He was able to make a small business out of it, earning enough cash in one summer with his small repair service to buy his first car. He threw himself into modding and improvements to the engine, funnelling far too much of his money into making the little blue 2012 Mazda RX-8 an absolute menace on the roads.
He couldn’t apologize to the Lawrence’s for the way he’d been as a child, just like he can’t quite thank them for what they did for him. He loves them, and expresses it in his own quiet ways. He’s still withdrawn, he struggles to reveal what he’s feeling, but he’s the closest with the other Lawrence kids. They share stories of treacherous pasts— a similar understanding that binds them together.
By the time college rolled around, Maks applied to Radcliffe dutifully. It seemed the best choice— close to home and without any real idea of what his future would hold, the best thing to do at the moment. Spending the first year in dorms, he realized that the close quarters and the packed in students were not for him. He moved into an apartment off campus, and though he struggles to make rent every month, has been much happier ever since.
Maks often defaults to being cold when things get tough, and being cruel when they get tense. He races on the outskirts of campus, and gets into fights weekly. He’s always in trouble in some way, usually bruised or battered a little.
He’s a little hard to get there, but he’s a good friend. He cares a lot about people, though he struggles to show it. He’s a little gruff and can be sort of blunt, but he’s an alright guy. That being said, he does stand his ground and will do a hit if provoked :(
some more fun head canons (because I haven’t typed enough):
can outdrink nearly anyone (vodka on the rocks all night long baybie)
almost always has torn up knuckles and a don’t ask, don’t tell system of how he got them
funnels nearly all his money into modded his car and rent so as a result, he’s always broke :)
prefers cigarettes to vaping in the pretentious way that people prefer vinyl
his sexuality is one big question mark and don’t ask him about it he angee
likes to listen music that’s basically just one electronic thrash sesh— its unlistenable but he’s destroying his eardrums with it!!
he dresses very non-descript, can’t afford labels and wears a black bomber jacket basically year round: think cartoon character and you’ve got the right idea
still sees a therapist semi-regularly, begrudgingly going in on sessions to keep his mum happy
cuts his own hair (disgostin I know)
he’s good at racing and fighting because in the moment he doesn’t give a shit; hit it until it breaks. he feels shitty about it after but it’s something he’s never quite been able to explain; it feels good to just go ape shit every once in awhile!
if u made it this far, congrats i honestly commend u, and of course pls hit me up 4 plots etc etc thenk yew
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southboundhq · 5 years ago
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FULL NAME â€ș Kimimela Autumn Liu AGE â€ș twenty five GENDER â€ș Cis female (She/Her/Hers) FROM â€ș Boot Hill, Arizona RESIDENCE â€ș Silver Spurs Tenement (Midtown) OCCUPATION â€ș Dispatcher at the Amen County Sheriff’s Department, Waitress at May Family Restaurant NOW PLAYING â€ș Crosses by Jose Gonzalez
trigger/content warnings: animal harm mention, death mention, family annihilation, child death, gore mention
autumn was born six weeks early, to esther growing thunder and daniel liu. the elder of a twin that didn’t survive outside the comfort of the womb, she seemed a dancer without a partner. summer was laid to rest in the tiniest coffin esther had ever seen, set to be cremated–her ashes spread out along the most beautiful parts of the family ranch. summer and autumn, two twins born on the cusp of two seasons. without one, the other didn’t seem right–celebration and grief, both sun and moon. without a proper name for their surviving daughter, their first choice bumped to a middle name and first replaced with esther’s grandmother’s name. the youngest and oldest, kim and daniel jr., the only ones without their own names.
kim never felt alone, despite having lost such a precious part of her before she had taken her first breath. the liu house was a bustling family ranch and every sibling shared their room with another. they woke up early to feed the chickens, horses, and cows–long before the lazy sun came up to greet them. between the five of the liu kids, the ranch was well cared for enough for bother esther and daniel to have jobs in town as well. it was a picturesque childhood, as kim remembers it. sweetened by the painful haze of nostalgia everything tasted sweet.
it wasn’t that kim struggled in school, quite the contrary–her teachers always had great things to say about her come parent-teacher conferences–rather, it was that she had little interest in it. every afternoon following lunch, she couldn’t help but to watch the clock as it ticked away every long second–anxious for the bell to ring so she could ride her bike home and ride horses, wrestle with her brothers and sisters, or lie out back in the hammock and stare up at the stars.
there were dark times too. when the javelinas would burst through and gore a family pet or a coyote would sneak into the chicken coup and devour their hens. kim learned to shoot before she learned her multiplication tables and her older brother, junior, was already able to drive the family station wagon by the time he was twelve and could reach the pedals, but that was only in case of emergencies. after that he didn’t seem very much like a junior anymore and kim often wondered how long a name like that could stick to a person. would he still be junior when he was eighty years old? the lius would never have a chance to find out.
there’s not much kim remembers of that cold night. days were always simmering hot, but the nights could get so cold she’d dream she was somewhere where it snowed and families hung their stockings on the mantel instead of from the banister. the lius ate their dinner early, as they always did, before the sun went down. kim could remember telling a classmate what time they ate dinner at once and having them regard her with disbelief. most kids weren’t even home from soccer practice by then, her classmate had said and kim shrugged.
stomach full, the liu kids split apart and found their own things to do for the evening. junior and jamie went and settled the animals for the night, while bernice and albert argued over the television, and kim sneaked out onto the roof wrapped in her father’s carhartt jacket and drinking a musty and herbaceous tea her mother always made for her when she was sick–the ingredients long lost to her memory–only she wasn’t sick that night.
as the lights died out in the heart of boot hill, kim found herself drifting off to sleep outside of her bedroom window–the cold biting at her nose and cheeks, but hardly penetrating the thick work coat and blanket her mother had made. she didn’t even wake up until the sun was high in the sky, something she’d never done before or since. it was small-for-her-age, kimi, who at ten was almost old enough by the family rules to drive the car, that found the massacred and gored bodies of her family strewn throughout their home like chickens dead in the coop–a mess of feather and blood and broken eggs.
there was no voice left in her throat by the time she made it to the road–screams drowned out by the vastness of the desert. she walked barefoot, with bloody feet, wrapped in her father’s coat and her mother’s blanket, the whole way into town. she never went back out to that ranch again, even though she dreamed of it. some nights she mourned it more than her family. it was tangible and inescapable in a way that the memories of her family weren’t. the lius slid through her fingers like desert sand, but earth doesn’t fall apart so easily.
the loss of the ranch is too complicated for a grieving ten year old adjusting to life with a new family. the cassidys are good to kim, but they’re no replacement for a family that shares her blood, her life, or her loves. they don’t make her congee or the right tea that smells too earthy when she’s sick. they don’t have goats or horses or chickens, but they let her keep her dog, bigwig, despite the nuisance he causes living in the miracle mines trailer park after all those years on a ranch with a job to do.
school was harder after that. it was almost impossible to focus and she felt ostracized by her peers and their parents after the investigation was deemed a murder-suicide and esther and daniel liu are immortalized as boot hill’s first family annihilators. it makes no kinda sense to kim, who remembers so saliently on some days how gored and shredded the bodies were in that house on a cool, december morning. she can’t recall if the animals were alive or dead; memory is such a tricky thing.
the youngest and only surviving liu grows up tall, lean and strong. there is a melancholy to her that sometimes seems to dissipate and she wonders if she can trust her memory at all. after high school, she does her best to leave–to move to some city and become a private investigator so that she can come back home and discover what really happened to her family. applications miss deadlines inexplicably when she could swear she’s submitted them in time. funding falls through or a signature is missed. eventually she resigns herself to stay and investigate on her own.
she waits tables at may’s and picks up a dispatcher job at the sheriff’s station to grant her access to old files on late nights when no one’s paying attention. she makes copies and siphons everything back to her apartment. some days she forgets. a pipe bursts upstairs one sunday afternoon and floods the room where she keeps her files. everything is lost and she is forced to start anew. it seems to her that some days, there’s a force working against her. others, she’d love to forget it all and sometimes she does. blood is thicker than fate and grief weighs more than happiness, however, and kimi liu always finds her way back.
❝ i assumed everything bad in the world could happen, because everything bad in the world already did happen. ❞
FACECLAIM â€ș Amber Midthunder AUTHOR â€ș Lucia
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frvnchies · 6 years ago
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     lovable alpha bitch / the speechless / so beautiful, it’s a curse
FULL NAME: francesca eloise waverly. PREFERRED NAME/NICKNAMES: frenchie. GENERALLY REFERRED TO AS: francesca by her parents (which she does not like!), frenchie by essentially everyone else.
FACECLAIM: halston sage. SEX: cisfemale. HEIGHT: short — she’s about 5â€Č3″. WEIGHT: about 115 lbs normally, more like 110 during pageant season. BUILD: slim with some tone from working out. HAIR: soft natural dirty blonde with some subtle highlights from the salon, often styled in loose waves. HANDS: small, delicate, perfectly manicured hands. she has a regimen for taking care of herself, hands included (she’s got a mani-pedi appointment every tuesday afternoon). SCARS: faded scar on her knee from a fall as a child. CLOTHES: she dresses like a sorority girl, tbh. a lot of lilly pulitzer, some madewell and free people, kate spade bags, pearls, lululemon leggings & vineyard vines or simply southern shirts when she’s feeling lazy. OTHER NOTABLE FEATURES: wide smile.
VOICECLAIM: as far as her normal speaking voice, halston works. as for singing, i’m gonna go big and say she’s got a touch of sara bareilles. ACCENT: soft carolinian accent, kind of like this. VERBAL TICS: tendency to use pet names (sugar, honey, darlin’, etc).  LANGUAGE: she’s fluent in english & ASL, currently studying spanish. ARTICULATION: she’s very articulate and sure of herself when explaining things. as with most things in her life, this is a result of excessive pageant practice. EDUCATION: the thing about the way frenchie talks is that it’s long & tiresome, but more from the fact that she drawls her words like a good southern girl and less from the fact that she uses big words. she’s not dumb, but it’s not her style. LAUGHTER: she doesn’t laugh loudly because her mother says it’s not ladylike. she tends to giggle instead. BREATHING: she makes a lot of noise during club meetings, partly because it’s easier to convey her meaning through sighs and humphs than writing something out. 
FACE: a lot of times, she doesn’t mind people knowing what she thinks, so it’ll be written all over her face (i.e. when she sees the murder club being weird, it’s not hard to tell that she thinks it’s weird). that being said, she can put on a pretty good poker face when she wants to. HANDS: being too expressive / talking with her hands / making herself too big or loud in general has been drilled into her as unladylike, so her hands usually stay folded in her lap.  LEGS/FEET: absolutely not. see above. EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: if anything, frenchie tends to maintain the hell out of a poker face when she’s upset and then burst into tears the second she’s alone. she doesn’t like losing face in front of others; it feels too vulnerable. HABITS: most fidgety sort of habits have been discouraged by her mother. the one thing she can’t get frenchie to stop doing is twirling her hair. POSTURE: her posture is absolutely perfect. that’s a pageant queen for you! PERSONAL SPACE: depends on who we’re talking about. with friends, she’s much more likely to be comfortable with them – ex. brushing shoulders, casual touches, etc. with strangers or people she doesn’t know, she’ll back off a little, and is more averse to them getting up in her space. she’s pretty tolerant of anything, though. OTHER: she can usually be found chewing a stick of gum.
DIET: frenchie’s on a pretty strict diet as far as keeping in shape for pageant stuff. this usually means a lot of salads, lean meat, veggies, that sort of thing — if she even bothers to eat at all, which is less likely to occur during pageant season. she has an undeniable sweet tooth, though, so she’ll always cave for a shake at marie’s. SLEEP: these days, she doesn’t sleep as much. she usually tries to get a solid eight hours, but her sleep is so restless now that she’s lucky if she can grab a few hours at best. EXERCISE: it probably borders on a little bit too much of the treadmill / stairclimber. right now she’s more busy with the murder club, which takes away from her usual regimen. ACTIVITY: she’ll damn near kill herself practicing pageant stuff if she thinks it’ll make her mom happy. CLEANLINESS: frenchie takes a lot of pride in her appearance, so she’s always been the type to shower regularly and keep herself clean & tidy. she has a whole regimen of soaps, scrubs, lotions, etc. that she follows religiously.  ODOR: her signature perfume is armani’s sí. if she’s not wearing that, she’ll still smell pleasant and vaguely girly, mostly like her shampoo. MEDICINAL DRUGS: she got a prescription for xanax last year, but she never filled it. NARCOTICS: she’s not averse to smoking some weed at a party, but nothing more than that (she tends to worry about her singing voice). PARASITES: does jamie count as a parasite?
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: definitely an extrovert — she always likes being around people, and usually feels better / more energized when she’s out and about.  OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: optimist. she has an unwavering belief that things will work out. this is probably a result of the fact that she’s white, pretty, and well off, so things do tend to work out for her. SEXUALITY: frenchie’s still kind of figuring this out, but she’s bisexual. as far as people she’s dated in the past, they’ve usually been the type of person people expect her to be with — hot, popular, etc. as for what she actually wants for herself, she really just needs someone who’ll make her smile. ROMANTIC: biromantic. again, has yet to realize that anyone other than cis dudes are really an option for her, but she’s got a big heart underneath all that hairspray, and she’s secretly a hopeless romantic.   MEMORY: she has a better memory than a lot of people give her credit for. she’s especially good with names/faces/dates/times, that sort of thing. PLANNING: she has a planner. does she use it? no. she just wanted the lilly pulitzer print to tote around. this bitch just wanders into whatever she wants to do next — her whims are wild and often. INTUITION: she generally trusts herself and her gut. whether or not this is a good thing is still up for debate. GOALS: as of right now, her only clear goal is to win the miss teen normal 2019 pageant. other than that, she has a vague idea of the kind of life she wants to have, but pageantry has really shaped a lot of who she is. INSECURITIES: she’s insecure about the fact that she kind of feels like a one trick pony. if she can’t do pageants, what can she do? ACHIEVEMENTS: little miss normal 2012, young miss normal 2014, junior miss teen normal 2017... you get the gist.   ANXIETY: pageants lol. her mother. the idea of failing her mother. anything along those lines, honestly. SELF-HELP: frenchie is very much of the ‘ignore the problem until it goes away’ mindset. this is not working for her at all right now, which distresses her greatly. BAD HABITS: she smacks her gum, which drives her mother absolutely insane. otherwise, she tends to drill out her bad habits before they can form. PHILOSOPHY: she was raised catholic, but frenchie has struggled with the whole believing part of religion for years. she still goes to services every sunday with her family, but her heart’s not in it. she wants to believe in something, but she has a hard time taking the church’s word for it. she’d probably fall best under agnostic for now.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: her relationship with her dad is amiable but distant; he’s always at work, so they never really bonded the way they should’ve. she’s tied up tight with her mom, but that relationship is absolutely riddled with anxiety and angst. she wants so desperately to have her mom’s approval that she has very few positive interactions with her. WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: the day she lost her voice. not only was it incredibly embarrassing to stand on stage and watch everyone whisper about her, but she’s genuinely distressed by the idea that it has yet to come back. there’s no explanation, no reason — she can’t be stuck like this the rest of her life. BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: when she won little miss normal, her mother took the whole family out for a huge dinner and let frenchie get whatever she wanted. it was one of the few times she can remember having everyone together without a single sharp word or argument.
FAMILY: the only family member she truly trusts to have her back is her twin brother, theo. she absolutely idolizes her mother, but frenchie knows that she would leave her kids in the dust if she thought they needed to learn a lesson. FRIENDSHIPS: truthfully, she has almost no true friends. her best friend is, without a doubt, theo. frenchie’s the kind of person who’s surrounded by people, but feels absolutely alone — none of them really know her, or even care to try. though she might try to resist, the rest of the murder club is on their way to being her friend, too.  NEEDING A FRIEND: she generally deals with problems on her own (read: she does not deal with them and waits until it fizzles out), or she consults theo (read: she has him take care of it).   ANNOYANCES: cold shoulder, 100%. she’s a petty bitch and it’s very easy to do now that she legitimately cannot talk. ROMANCE: frenchie is actually very unsure when it comes to any sort of romance. she wants it, but has no idea how to invite it in. ADVERSARIES: people who say ‘lol’ out loud, the entire state of florida, people who chew really loudly, dentists, people who want to be dentists. ENEMIES: people who are mean to animals, probably. FUN STUFF: getting shakes at marie’s, going shopping, taking long drives. BEST FRIEND: theo.
MINGLING: when she actually tries, she’s got a certain charm about her that makes it fairly easy for her to make people like her. COMFORT LEVELS: as a rule, she doesn’t really have any issues talking to anyone, from strangers on up to close friends or family, so she’s pretty hard to faze in that sense.  GROUPS: she’s comfortable with both big and small groups. she likes having both in equal measure — big groups for a fun time, small groups for that good 1-on-1 dish. OPENNESS: since she doesn’t really have any true, close friends, she has a harder time opening up about real stuff. if she’s having issues, theo’s the one who will hear about it, and she’s never seen need to tell anyone else whatever’s closest to her heart. GENEROSITY: if the murder club was a sorority, frenchie would be everyone’s big. she’s still warming up to them a bit, but she’s very generous with milkshake orders, ghost hunting supplies — whatever. she doesn’t care. she has daddy’s amex on deck at all times. JEALOUSY: she’s jealous of people who seem breezily confident in themselves. though she seems very content with herself, she wishes she actually had that kind of easy comfort in her own skin. TEMPER: depends on the situation. certain people can get on her nerves more easily than others, but she’s not usually the type to have an outburst. EMPATHY: these days, she’s working on being a little more empathetic, especially since the murder club has a few people that she used to be pretty vicious towards. she’ll still lash out sometimes, but she’s trying. AFFECTION: little stuff — private smiles just for them, attempts to fill their needs before they even know they need it, generally trying to make sure that person is perfectly content. DISTASTE: just look for that characteristic derisive sneer. she’s not likely to hide it if she doesn’t like you. ETIQUETTE: etiquette is frenchie’s middle name. emily post who? RESPONSIBILITY: she does not like to admit that she’s wrong. it leaves a very bitter taste in her mouth. SELF ESTEEM: she’s not about to let anyone she sees as ‘lesser’ than her push her around. if you’re below her on the popularity food chain, she’s not gonna act like a little delicate flower. CONFIDENCE: depends on the day, her mood, etc. sometimes she’s all ‘i’m the hottest bitch ever to walk this earth’, and sometimes she feels like shrek. high school is magical. LEADER OR FOLLOWER: she tends to go with the flow more than anything.  PRAISE: she loves a good compliment! boost that ego. CRITICISM: she takes genuine criticism VERY poorly. when confronted with her own flaws, she tends to lash out and try to dig twice as deep into her critic. the notable exception to this is her mother — she’ll take that criticism with little more than an apology and promise to do better. INSULTS: insults are much easier to laugh off, for whatever reason. they feel more surface-level to her. EMBARRASSMENT: not too easily embarrassed, but if she is, she’ll just turn red and not really know what to say. FLIRTING: not usually unless she’s drunk or specifically interested in someone, but she does sometimes think it’s fun to bat her eyes and smile prettily at football players just to watch them trip over themselves. ATTENTION SPAN: frenchie is a magpie. show her a pair of earrings and she’ll forget what she was saying entirely.
DUTY: no real responsibilities to speak of beyond being on time for practice. TECH: she’s been through three phones in the past year. that should speak for itself. COMBAT SKILLS: frenchie might not have bulk on her side, but she’s vicious enough to hold an attacker off for a minute or two. those perfectly manicured nails will go right for your eyes if you try to mess with her. HOME: she’s very organized. her room is nice and neat and very pleasant to be in. INDEPENDENCE: frenchie is absolutely dependent on her parents. she likes to pretend that she can do anything she wants on her own, but she’d be lost without them.  COOKING: she’s actually a pretty good cook. growing up, her nana made sure she knew all the good southern recipes passed down through their family so she ‘could take care of her husband properly someday’.  BUILDING: the idea of frenchie building anything is hysterical. SHOPPING: she shops constantly. i’m sure she’s bought things online literally during murder club meetings, and has come home with bags on bags of stuff before. DRIVING: she’s got a cute little baby blue VW bug, courtesy of daddy’s big bonus and presented to her on her sixteenth birthday. FINANCES: virtually all her money comes from her parents, who are very comfortable financially. her dad is a very successful lawyer, so frenchie will usually end up getting some sort of ‘allowance’ from him each month. this is often flexible — if she really wants something, she’s pretty much guaranteed to get it. PETS: she has a golden retriever named ollie.  LAW: no ma’am, no sir. unless you count underage drinking. MEDICAL: she currently has doctor’s appointments out the wazoo to try and figure out what’s up with her voice. before that, she was pretty vigilant about going to the doctor/dentist. she takes care of herself! WORRIES: these days, it’s her voice. day and night, she wonders — will she get it back? is she stuck like this? what will she do if it never comes back? it’s an endless cycle, and the answer is always the same: she doesn’t know. PARTYING: frenchie actually loves to party. her mother supports it if she has ‘a nice young man to escort her’, AKA she’ll probably call up kaz and ask him to take her so she can go. HOBBIES: y’all, we all know this bitch does pageants and nothing else.
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