#<- a bit late but still. savoring every second
justplaggin · 6 months
stray cat of all time
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junkissed · 2 months
too hot to handle
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member — junhui x gn!reader genre — sfw, fluff, comfort word count — 1k synopsis — dinner in bed is nice, but sometimes things get a little spicy. warnings — mentions of food and eating, reader doesn't eat/like spicy food (the title is a joke this is not smut it's not even a teeny bit suggestive. just pure fluff !!) notes — requested by @onlymingyus — so actually i am a big fat liar nsjdghf i randomly felt motivated to write jun fluff today bc i miss him so here's a little drabble from my inbox :-) my requests are still closed and i'm still on hiatus-ish, but i hope you enjoy!
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the sound of loud slurping noises pulls your attention away from the tv as you lay in bed, tangled up in jun’s side with a bowl of ramen on your lap.
“you're doing that on purpose, aren't you?”
“doing what?” he mumbles through a mouthful of food as he looks up from his bowl, half a noodle still hanging between his lips before he swallows it up.
you stare at him for a moment. the look on his face is so cute that you can't tell if his ignorance is feigned or not, but does it really matter? you're going to let him get away with it either way. “nevermind,” you answer after a minute, and he shrugs and happily goes back to finishing up his dinner.
you stretch your back and relax into the pillows, and automatically jun lifts his arm so you can settle into his side. he always adjusts so you have a comfortable place to lean on, even if it hinders his ability to eat. your elbow rests on his hip as you lay against him, propping yourself up to balance your own bowl.
the tv plays quietly, a new drama that the two of you have been watching together the past few weeks. but it's just background noise; it might as well have been muted, because you'd stopped listening to it a while ago. it's the first night in too long that you've been able to spend time with jun uninterrupted, and you'd much rather focus on him. with both of your busy and exhausting lives, lazy evenings and dinner in bed have become few and far between lately, so you savor every moment you can get with him.
he slurps his ramen again, and now you're sure he was doing it on purpose because this time he does it much quieter than before. you can't help the smile that makes its way onto your face as you bring a spoonful to your own mouth, shaking your head in enamored fondness.
you lean your head back against his shoulder to look up at him. you don't know how he does it. how he manages to make you fold when he's not even trying.
he flashes you a grin when he sees you staring and he slurps from his spoon, this time making it clear he wants you to know he's doing it intentionally. you laugh softly move your head down towards the screen again, but he hums out a little noise and you pause to glance back up at him.
“wait a second,” he says after swallowing the broth in his mouth. he puts down his spoon and uses his free hand to tilt your chin up towards him, two gentle fingers guiding your cheek.
you follow his eyes as he stares down at your lips, and for a second you think he's going to kiss you. but instead he brushes his thumb across your lip, wiping away a stray piece of carrot from the corner of your mouth, and you feel your cheeks flush with heat.
“is that all?” you say, and he lets out a little hum in disagreement as he stares at you. you lick your lips reflexively under his gaze, your eyes never leaving his. the dim light from the tv makes him look even prettier, you think, studying the fuzzy outline of his features in the darkness.
“mmm… no, i think i missed a spot, actually.”
this time he leans down to kiss you and you crane your neck up to meet his lips, breaking into a smile as you feel him press against your mouth. your eyes flutter shut at the familiar movement of his lips moving with yours, so natural and warm and tender like it's the easiest thing in the world.
he pulls away after a second and sighs, settling back against the headboard of the bed and adjusting you in his arms. distantly you hear the drama's theme song playing in the background as the credits of the episode flash across the screen, but you don't care about following the story anymore.
at this moment you're more concerned with the biting warmth spreading across your lips, so you wipe the back of your hand against your mouth, and he lets out a little whine. “hey, why’d you do that?” he pouts. “don't wipe off my kisses. you're making me sad.”
“because you're burning my mouth! your ramen's too spicy for me,” you tease as you pout back at him, reaching across him to set your own half-empty bowl on the nightstand.
he grabs your wrist before you pull back and brings your hand up to his mouth. without having to ask you sigh, knowing what he wants, and you swipe your thumb over his lips even though there's nothing there.
“there. all gone, no more spice,” he hums with a smile and he gently releases your hand. you let your arm fall onto his lap, resting across his body and curling around his waist to pull him closer to you. “now come here and let me kiss you again, i have to replace the one you wiped off.”
you groan and pretend to roll your eyes, but you don't hesitate when he leans back in to capture your lips again. the heat is easy to put up with; you don't mind his spicy kisses, if it means you get to have moments in bed together like this.
“i'm gonna make you brush your teeth before you kiss me next time,” you grumble, but it's not hard to tell that your threats are empty.
jun just giggles and presses his lips against you once more, this time on your cheek by the corner of your mouth, because it's clear you're not serious nor upset. the days of being grossed out by each other have long since passed, and you'll gladly take a sloppy kiss from him any day. “love you, too.”
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i hope you enjoyed this!! if you did, consider reblogging or leaving a comment or an ask :) it shows me this is something people want to see more of, and knowing people like this makes me want to write more of it! thanks for reading!!
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pupyuj · 8 months
→ “special girl.” || naoi rei x reader fic.
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— you always make sure that your girlfriend has the most perfect birthdays ever but this year, rei was going to be the one to make her day even more special…
word count: 3.0k
dynamic: dom!vers!naoi rei x sub!vers!reader.
content warnings: birthday sex yippee, sex in a public setting, exhibitionism, car sex, fingering, cunnilingus, mommy kink, praise kink, ‘kitty’ kink (if that is even a thing).
requested ? : nope.
a/n: a bit late in the day but happy birthday to my dearest reibear! this was kinda clumsily put together so apologies if it’s lacking compared to my other full fics but ehe i hope you guys enjoy this 🥺
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rei loved special occasions for one reason: you!
even after three years of dating, you still managed to make each and every single one of your gifts so different. with that said, rei’s favorite day would be her birthday. one would think that it was normal for someone to have their very own special day as their birthday but rei’s birthday wasn’t special because it was her birthday—it was special because you make it so. every second of that day would be perfect because of you.
and this year, rei’s birthday wasn’t any different than the last.
“you really didn’t have to rent an entire restaurant just for us, (y/n)-ah. that must’ve been really expensive.” rei says as she snuggles closer to your arm. the cool, gentle breeze blows your hair back as the two of you walk along the marbled paths beside the river. it was a peaceful evening—there wasn’t a lot of people in the park (it was nearly 10 p.m. after all), there weren’t too many cars around so the area wasn’t loud with the sounds of exhausts and engines, and it felt as if it was only you and rei in the world.
and on her special day, it was all she wanted. just you. no gift you give her can ever compare to your existence.
“not exactly. the owner is one of my friends from college! i couldn’t pass up the opportunity. i hope you loved it.” you smiled at her. the path was dim with only warm, decades-old street lamps igniting the way, but your smile managed to shine through. or maybe that was just rei looking at you with rose-colored sunglasses and hearts in her eyes. or you could just be that pretty.
yeah. you really were just that pretty.
“i always think that you couldn’t possibly make me fall for you even more but… i’m always proven wrong.” rei momentarily stops her tracks and tucks a stray strand of hair behind your ear, making you blush. both at her words and how her fingertips brushed across your cheekbone.
“cornball,” you teased, earning a soft chuckle from your girlfriend. “i love you more everyday too, rei.” and it was the truth. whenever rei does anything, it warms your heart. you find that there is always a moment where you look at her and time slows down, giving you the opportunity to cherish just how much of a great girl you fell in love with. you knew that even the most expensive or heartfelt present wouldn’t show rei how much you truly loved her, you just hoped that your heart did.
(it did. and it was more than enough.)
she was only a few centimeters taller than you, but whenever you looked into her eyes with so much warmth, love, and devotion, rei always felt so small. but she was safe. and so she leaned in, eyes fluttering to a close just before your lips touched her own.
it was as sweet as the rest of the kisses you’ve had this day—soft, slow, and tastes like… raspberry? yes, rei made sure to wear your favorite lip balm on her because she knew how much you loved tasting it on her lips. perhaps a little too much. you wrapped a single arm around rei’s waist, pulling her in for a deeper kiss. she had her hands on your cheeks, savoring each and every second your lips moved in sync with hers.
before you knew it, you were feeling rei’s hands snake underneath your blouse, tugging on your bra from behind. the two of you just so happened to stop behind a large tree so this spectacle wasn’t really visible to anyone that might be in the park. and it was perfect considering rei had unbuttoned the three buttons on your blouse to attack your neck with kisses and bites. each time you whimpered, the more rei’s heart raced. neither of you have done anything like this before, it was both scary and exciting.
scary, because the two of you could get caught and that would be the most humiliating thing that would happen to either of you.
exciting, because rei has been gawking over the outfit you decided on for this day. the cute skirt, the blouse that a friend of yours tailored specifically for you, and all the jewelry rei bought for you in the past… it was the perfect outfit to ruin you in. rei had hoped she would tear off your clothes in your shared bedroom under the soft lighting of her favorite lampshade but the moonlight and the street lamp serve as a good enough alternative, she supposes.
“a-are you sure… this is the tim—ahh..!” rei found it adorable how you couldn’t even form proper sentences because of her. she nipped and sucked on your skin, making sure to leave hickies where she likes it most all while unclasping your bra from behind. eventually, your back was pressed up against the tree. you crane your neck just to give rei more space to leave her marks. and when she was done, she lifts your top up along with your bra, revealing your now bare breasts to her.
“i don’t think i tell you enough about how beautiful i find you.” rei licks her lips as you start grinding on the thigh she snuck in between your legs. it comforted her to know that you wanted this as much as she did at this time. rei briefly looks around, confirms that nobody had eyes on either of you, before leaning down to place wet kisses across your chest. her lips close around your nipple, making you clasp your hand over your mouth just to stop yourself from moaning out loud.
rei slides a hand underneath your skirt and feels up your soaked panties, gently rubbing circles around your sensitive clit and smiling at the way you’ve started to ride her thigh faster. poor thing, you were so desperate to be filled and used. but since this was rei’s special day, everything should happen on her terms. her eyes snap open when you let out a whine, staring at you as if she wanted to eat you whole while she swirled her tongue around your bud.
fuck, she was so pretty like this. you love her being sickeningly sweet like she always is but when she’s fucking you… rei was like a different person and you loved it.
your hands find their way in her hair and you pull her up for a kiss. at the same time, she pressed her thigh into your clit, making you whine and tug on her hair in a way that you know she loves. rei moans and gets lost in the taste of your lips, giving you the opportunity to unbutton her shirt and give your own eyes a treat. rei had been wearing the white lacy bra that you always loved to see on her. she knew the night was going to take this specific turn one way or the other, being the smartass that she was.
you were halfway through undoing her bra when she stopped you—gently taking your wrist and putting it back on her shoulder. “not so fast,” rei slips her hand inside your panties, pressing her middle finger down your clit. “you’ve already done so much for me today.” and then she was knuckles deep inside you, making you clutch her shirt and release the most beautiful moan rei’s ever heard.
rei fucks you slowly, ensuring that you feel every inch of her fingers inside your walls. and you didn’t complain—you couldn’t. rei watched silently as you freely whined, whimpered, and moaned in the air, feeling her own core buzzing just at the sight of your pretty face making all sorts of expressions for her. now she didn’t care that your volume increased by the minute. you were only loud because rei was fucking you so good, and there was nothing more that she loved than hearing how much she’s making you feel.
“so good… you always make me the happiest on this day, (y/n). and i don’t thank you enough,” rei presses her thumb down on your clit. you gasp sharply, throwing your head back and giving rei the full view of the work she did on your neck earlier. “tonight i get to return the favor.” rei closes her lips around your nipples again, sucking roughly and quickening her pace at the same time.
okay, now you had to really try and shut the fuck up.
forcing your eyes open, you looked down at rei again. her eyes were closed shut, and she was more focused in fucking you to oblivion than anything. the way she rubbed your clit at the same time she would plunge her fingers deep inside you didn’t help the situation that was building up in your stomach. you were afraid that you were going to end up screaming, but maybe that was what rei was working towards. “mmhng…!! m-mommy…! please…” you pulled rei impossibly closer to your chest, and she hums, quickly understanding what your pleading meant and fucked you faster. just how you liked it.
fuck, did that shuffling from behind the tree came from the leaves blowing with the wind or is it people? ah, who gives a fuck at this point… actually, you did. you threw a quick glance to the side and saw nothing but grass and empty benches. the two of you were completely alone. perfect.
briefly, you spotted rei slipping her one free hand underneath her own skirt, rubbing her cunt through your soaked panties and goodness, the things it did to you. “mommy—ahh..!—let me… let me, please. i need to taste y-you, please… i need you…” gosh, you were pathetic. you were practically riding on her fingers just to get yourself off faster. drooling like a rabid dog at the thought of getting to eat your girlfriend out at a place like this.
“behave, and maybe i’ll consider it.” rei says sternly, clearly put off with how you just disregarded what she said earlier. she was going to reward you for all the things you’ve done for her today. you should be grateful! and you really were. you proved that by nodding, shutting the fuck up, and letting rei do as she pleases.
“good kitty.” jesus christ.
“aww,” rei cooed, a genuine smile making its way onto her face when she saw how flustered you’ve gotten. whimpering and whining still but refusing to make eye contact. “don’t be shy, kitten.” you didn’t even have time to react to your favorite pet name before rei starts ramming her fingers inside you in a much more ruthless pace. you’ve already coated her fingers with so much of your slick, now she needs your cum.
“oh..! oh, s-shit…!” you hid your face in the crook of rei’s neck, shaking your head as she pushed you closer and closer to the edge. it all felt too good. now rei was giving your neck soft kisses, groaning softly as you dug your nails on her skin.
“fuck..! fuck, momm—” rei covers your mouth when she hears a couple of voices from behind the tree. you had to admit… that scary look in her eyes, silently telling you to not make a single sound, and the tight grip she had around your mouth only turned you on mouth. her hand was a bit damp from how she played with herself earlier and you only saw this as an opportunity to open your mouth as best as you could and start licking rei’s own wetness off her fingers.
rei was a bit taken aback by your sudden boldness, but she was really into it—allowing you to suck at her thumb. “mhm.. you’d really do anything for mommy, huh, kitty?” rei asked. and of course you reply with a nod. correct answer, now rei has you clenching your thighs around her wrist because she was that close to making you cum. rei relishes at the sight of your chest heaving up and down faster and faster the closer you get to your climax, how you start holding on to her a bit tighter, and of course… how much you were grinding on her hand just to feel her palm press against your clit.
rei curls her fingers inside you at the same time her palm brushes against your sensitive bud, making that knot inside your stomach finally break. you came with a squeak, thighs shaking and eyes teary. rei bites her lips as she watches you, wanting nothing more than that obedient little mouth of yours on her throbbing pussy. you were slow to come down from your high, given that it had been a good few days since you’ve last had sex with rei due to your busy schedules and the fact that she just fucked you that good, but rei was patient!
she waited until you were breathing properly to slowly pull out, giggling at how you’ve drenched her hand with your cum. “s-sorry. i…” you blushed. even you didn’t expect to cum that much!
“it’s okay, baby. i got it.” rei says. you really, really tried to look unaffected when she started sucking on her fingers to clean up your mess, but she looked too hot. and rei absolutely knew what this did to you! looking directly at you, while she licked the remains of your cum off her fingers, smirking when she feels you clench on her thighs.
“come on now. if i remember correctly, you wanted to do something for me.” rei doesn’t let either of you get straightened out properly, dragging you towards your car in the parking lot with your tits out for the entire world to see. fortunately enough, the world was asleep.
soon enough, rei was settled in your backseat. her back pressed against the other door while she pulls your face towards her now bare cunt with her legs that she’d put on top of your shoulders. god, she was drenched. you had no idea that fucking you made her like this. if you’d known that this happened every time she fucked you, your nights together would’ve been much, much longer.
“be a good kitten, now. make mommy pro—ohh…” rei grabs a fistful of your hair when you cut her off with a single swipe of your tongue up her lips. you couldn’t help it. this was the one time she was going to let you get away with shit like that since she was so in love with that clouded look in your eyes. rei wasn’t even kidding when she says that you look like an animal right now.
you started working your mouth on her cunt, holding her thighs and keeping them apart. you moaned at how good rei tasted—even after having done this about a hundred times before, you still act as if it’s the first and only time you’re going to eat her out. you flicked her clit with your tongue, earning a moan so satisfying to your ears that you had to close your legs just to try and ignore that feeling in your core once again.
“good..! g-good girl… oh, please..!” each time you close your lips around her clit, rei gasps. she’d buck her hips upward just to have some more of you. you quite liked the feeling of her tugging on your hair and digging her nails in your scalp… as much as it hurt and made you hiss occasionally, the slight pain only turned you on. it meant that you were doing very well for your mommy, after all! what’s not to like?
rei never knew how you could keep your eyes completely open every time you ate her out. sometimes it made her feel self-conscious because of all the faces she could be making but you were just so pretty peering up at her with those shining eyes of yours, practically begging for praise or at the very least, head pats.
“you’re d-doing so well, baby… mhmn..! making m-me feel so good like this.. ah! beats every present you’ve ever gotten me… now, more…” rei closes her thighs around your head, locking you in place. you were in no position to refuse—not like you wanted to anyway. you dipped your tongue inside rei’s cunt and she let out a loud moan that turned you on enough to keep going, holding onto her thighs so tightly that you might actually leave nail marks on her skin.
“i’m cumming, love…! c-cumming..! oh my god…” it takes another suck at her clit for her to start tapping out, but rei was already cumming all over your face by then. head thrown all the way back as she made a mess on you, her grip on your hair slowly loosening up as her breathing slowed. you lapped her up like the diligent pet that you were, ensuring that you wouldn’t waste a single drop of her cum.
once you were finished, you rose up. you looked more of a mess than rei was what with your hair sticking to your face because of both sweat and rei’s cum. rei laughs at your funny state and reaches out, fixing your hair and wiping your mouth with tissues. she looks at you with pure adoration as you helped her clean up, wiping her thighs clean and gently applying ointment on the marks you’ve left her.
(yes you had emergency ointments in the car for these kinds of situations! totally normal.)
“thank you, (y/n). for everything.” rei takes your face in her hands, squishing your cheeks lightly before kissing your nose. oh, she has no idea how thankful you were of her just existing. today may be her birthday, but it felt like yours too. after all, what’s a greater gift than having someone so amazing as naoi rei as your sweet lover?
“i love you a lot, rei.” you said with that blinding smile of yours rei always adored.
“i love you more, pretty,” rei kisses your nose again. she feels like she’ll be doing that a lot tonight, or forever, rather. “and when we get home, i’ll show you just how much.”
seriously, which one of you was having the birthday again?
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pumpkin-bats · 3 months
Bitter and Sweet - Mihawk x Reader
a/n: Genuinely was expecting Buggy to win over Mihawk, but the poll has decided! I hope you all enjoy!
summary: You happened to wake up before him and decided to make breakfast for you both.
contains: sfw topics, brief mention of potentially more intimate relationship, gender neutral terms for reader, fluff.
wc: 900 +
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You couldn't shake the sensation of eyes trailing after your every movement as you drifted about the kitchen. The attention sat so heavily on your shoulders that, at least twice, you nearly burnt your hand trying to make a pot of coffee. Even the briefest glance over your shoulder was met with a swirling gold, urging you to hastily look away or else you’d be pinned in place.
It wasn't uncomfortable or violating in any way. You knew what it felt like when those eyes held suggestive intentions and this wasn't it. Although, whatever this was didn’t make it any less overwhelming.
There was... something more to it.
Mihawk habitually made breakfast for the both of you every morning. As far as you knew, the main reason he did it was because you had a bad habit of waking up late. He surprised you the first time with a full breakfast spread and the tradition stuck. You were grateful, but at the same time you’d felt guilty for receiving so much from him all the time.
So, on the one day you managed to wake up before him, you decided to take care of breakfast instead. This way you could return at least a little bit of the effort he put in for you every morning. And if you could get a surprised reaction out of him, it would set your day on a really cheery path that was worth the dishes you’d have to clean up shortly after.
Breakfast wasn’t anything too complicated. A simple plate of eggs and bacon with a cup of straight, black coffee for him and something similar for you. You figured a red wine enjoyer like Mihawk would be the type to want a bit of cream or sugar in his coffee, but you've never seen him add anything to it before. And the one taste he let you have a while ago proved to be quite the bitter concoction.
Once everything was all set you turned to face him, armed with the meal, and immediately faltered in your steps.
Mihawk sat at his usual spot, legs crossed and chin perched atop his hands from where his elbows rested against the table. Without his hat, there were no shadows being cast over his eyes and you were able to get a clear view of his face. But the way he looked up at you in that moment felt like staring at two beads of golden light gleaming from the darkness. 
There's a deep intensity in that gaze, made even worse by the way he's posed. Nothing about it was sexual, but your heart hiccuped on a beat regardless. This wasn’t exactly the ‘surprised’ reaction you were looking for.
It took a second to force yourself to move, clearing your throat as you step forward, setting his plate and mug in front of him.
"Breakfast is ready." Your voice trembled minutely from nerves as you got your own plate and sat down across from him.
You sink the prongs of your fork into the eggs. You were actually pretty proud of how they turned out, expecting them to taste blander than they did. After the first bite was halfway chewed, you glanced up at Mihawk. He hadn't made much of a move, still staring intently at you which made a wave of anxiety bubble up your chest.
"What? What is it?" You put your fork down to face him head on with your full attention. "Why are you staring at me?"
"You made breakfast," he stated plainly. You'd be confused, even irritated, if not for the way that sentence seemed to be charged with something deep enough to be felt in your gut.
"I... did. Is that bad?" you asked, raising a brow at him.
He shook his head and finally moved from his poised position. Mihawk leaned against the backrest of his chair, picking up his utensils to cut into the eggs.
"Not at all. It’s quite sweet of you," he said, pausing to savor the bite he took. "Delicious."
You refused to acknowledge the way your face burned at his words. Instead, you returned your focus to your own plate, eating a bit more yourself before the butterflies starting to take flight in your stomach got too distracting.
"Not- not really… You always make breakfast for me. I just figured that I'd do it for you for once, since I was awake earlier and had the chance to," you explained, though it sounded more like rambling as you fought to keep your eyes away from him.
Your attempt failed at the sound of a soft hum, chancing a glance up at him.
"You, who cherishes your mornings, took the time to make this for me.” As he spoke, he brought the coffee you made him up to his lips. “I'll admit, I was quite enchanted watching you. So much grace in even the simplest movements. And with the way that little curl at the back of your head is sitting, it looks like you didn't even take much time for yourself before doing this."
He looked at you from over the rim of his mug, taking a slow, measured sip.
"How sweet you are to me, indeed."
You were lucky that you'd already swallowed the bite you took or you'd be choking on it right now. There was no added smile, just one last, lingering gaze before he took another sip of coffee and continued to eat his breakfast.
The effort it took you to return to your breakfast, with the way you knew your face was painted a deep scarlett, was monumental. You swallowed thickly and momentarily wondered if you'd even be able to finish eating after that.
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impala-dreamer · 6 months
Stay With Me
A Supernatural Story
~Dean is into his second bottle of whiskey, desperate to drive his problems away. But he knows deep down, the booze isn't what he truly needs...~
Dean Winchester x F!Reader
1,390 Words
Warnings: Bittersweet Angst
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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In one fluid motion, he cracked the seal on the new bottle of whiskey and plopped back down into his chair. The old seat groaned and the wheels rolled back a bit, sliding with the force of his weight over the polished floor.
Dean poured himself another healthy shot and stared down into the glass, enjoying how the light from the glowing table beneath set the crystal aflame. His lips turned in a half smile and he sighed.
“If you hold it up to the light at the right angle, you can see a rainbow.”
Y/N’s voice hit his ear and he lifted the glass to his lips, smiling even wider as she came into view.
Dressed in his old green flannel and seemingly nothing else, she leaned against the archway, arms and bare ankles crossed. He looked up and licked a drop of drink from his lips, savoring the taste and the way she looked. Her hair was a beautiful mess, the day’s makeup smudged around her eyes like she had meant it to look that way. Her mouth still held a faint stain from her faded lipstick and she pouted as he stared, driving his mind towards unholy thoughts.
“Rough day?” she asked, pushing off the tiles to walk slowly towards him.
“You should know,” he sighed around the rim of the tumbler. “You were with me.”
Y/N nodded and pulled out the chair across from him. “True.”
He eyed her over the glass, loving the way she sat down so delicately only to slump against the back of the chair. She leaned back and kicked her feet up onto the map, toes casting a shadow over Brazil.
“But really, it wasn’t that bad,” she teased. “Not bad enough for a second bottle of bourbon, anyway.”
“It’s whiskey,” he corrected.
She shrugged. “Same thing.”
Dean shook his head and set the glass down, fingers lingering on the sharp edges of the design. “Not true. Bourbon is always whiskey, but whiskey ain’t always bourbon. This is just straight up, get ya drunk, forget your life for a few hours whiskey.”
She knocked her feet off the table and turned to face him head on. “And why would you want to forget your life, Mr. Winchester? What’s so horrible lately that you’d want it to go away?”
He laughed sadly, bowing his head, avoiding her eyes. “Oh, you know me. Just being overdramatic.”
Y/N leaned forward and set her clasped hands in front of her. The ring he’d given her glinted in the warm golden light from below and Dean’s gaze was locked on the antique silver and brilliant red stone.
He remembered when they saw it in that little shop outside Paramus. The old hippie behind the counter told them that carnelian was special, used for protection and to ward off evil spirits. Y/N had laughed so brilliantly when she heard that, rolling her eyes at the thought of a cheap little ring keeping the demons away. Her smile had been so beautiful that Dean doubled back later that day and purchased the ring for her.
She never took it off.
“Dean Winchester, you are never overdramatic,” she asserted. “Medium dramatic, sure. A little crazy sometimes? We all are. But never overdramatic. Under dramatic if anything.”
She winked and Dean’s shoulders relaxed, his heart melting for her like it did every time she was close by. He was quiet for a long moment, just studying her face. Memorizing the way the lights and shadows played on her cheeks, the unique line of her nose, the fan of lashes curved over her pretty eyes. She was engraved in his mind, her face always hiding just behind his closed eyes.
“Under dramatic, huh?” He took a sip and let the whiskey burn his tongue a bit before swallowing. His mouth was mostly numb by now, but the little bit at the roof of his mouth still felt and that feeling needed to be punished.
“You know I’m right,” she grinned and sat back. “I always am.”
Dean chuckled and drained the glass. “Sure are.”
It was an old joke between them. She was always right no matter the situation, no matter the topic being discussed. The unwritten rule was that even when wrong, Y/N was always right. She also seemed to win every single competition and argument. A smile could get her out of trouble, a pout would break him enough to roll over and let her win. Every single time.
“You’re damned right, Winchester. I’m always right.” She dipped her chin and stared at him, gorgeous eyes peeling back the mask he so often hid behind. “So, spill. What’s wrong?”
Dean licked his lips and tried to look away. “I’m fine.”
She clicked her tongue. “Bull. What’s going on?”
Again, he tried to tear his eyes away, but he was locked in her gaze, trapped by her voice. “Nothing.”
With a huff, she stood up and kicked the chair away with her right foot. It coasted across the floor until it hit the wall and spun around on itself.
Slowly, she walked around the table and perched on the edge next to him. He closed his eyes for a second, breathing in the sweet smell of her. Faint coconut and something sugary filled his senses and Dean leaned back with a squeak of antique coils.
Y/N reached for his glass and Dean watched as she lifted it to her lips, held her breath, took a long sip. She shivered as it burned down her throat and coughed gently.
“This is terrible,” she laughed, setting the tumblr back down.
He nodded. “It’s not great.”
“So, what’s got you trying to kill your liver with the worst fucking whiskey I’ve ever tasted?”
She wiggled a bit to get more comfortable, spreading her knees just enough to touch his leg with her toes. He melted into the touch and fought back a fresh wave of tears.
He knew she wouldn’t let it go until he confessed, knew she’d keep on teasing and prodding until he gave her what she wanted. But he couldn’t say it aloud, couldn’t let the words leave his head and fly out into the world.
If he did, she would leave.
He needed her there, just for a little while longer.
Needed to smell her coconut lotion, feel her toes on his thigh, see her sweet smile. He needed to hear her say his name in that sweet, secret tone she only used with him.
A single tear slipped through his defenses, sliding carelessly down his cheek.
Y/N gasped under her breath and reached for it, wiping the wet away with the soft pad of her thumb. “Oh, baby… it’s ok.”
Before she could pull away, Dean grabbed her wrist. He wrapped his fingers tight around her arm and held her there, letting her heat fill his mind, soothe the pain.
“It’s not OK, Y/N/N,” he whispered. He closed his eyes and took a breath, one last drink of her air, her being. “I- I don’t want you to go.”
She leaned forward, dropped a kiss to the top of his head. “I have to, Dean. You know that.”
Drunken tears flowed freely; his throat closed tight. “Please,” he begged, close to choking on his grief. “Stay with me. Just a little bit longer…”
Y/N sighed and slid down off of the table, her hand still locked in his. “I’m sorry, baby. I have to go.” She chewed her lip and smiled softly. “But I’ll always be with you. I promise.”
Green eyes rose to her face. She was haloed in something brighter than the Bunker’s lights, something sacred, some glow cast down from Heaven.
“Please… Stay with me.”
Her image began to fade but her smile never did.
Dean closed his eyes, kissed her hand, whispered her name into the empty room.
She was gone again, drawn back into his memory, a ghost only in his whiskey addled mind.
He knew she wasn’t really there when she appeared- he’d set the pyre ablaze himself. But still, whenever he met the bottom of a bottle, he’d dream her up and feel her spirit around him. Nights like these he wondered if maybe, if somehow… she had stayed with him.
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2024 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!) @alwaystiredandconfused @babysimpala @beardburnsupersoldiers @chenshemesh1 @cosicas-cuquis @deans-baby-momma @deanwinchesterswitch @feelmyroarrrr @foxyjwls007 @hobby27 @impalaspixie @jackles010378 @kazsrm67 @k-slla @leigh70 @lyarr24 @nancymcl @peachy-vans @pizzagirlxnsfwx @rachiem4-blog @sexyvixen7 @suckitands33 @the-wounded-healer05   
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skibasyndrome · 27 days
💜 wilmon;
"Wille, put me down!"
I'd like to consider this part of the same universe as this snippet, a universe in which they've been best friends for years
"Wille, put me down!" It's between giggles that Simon, entirely unconvincingly and unseriously, protests against the firm grip Wille has around his middle. He wouldn't dream of telling his friend that, but he loves when Wille gets like this, when he's having so much fun that he forgets all about this air of reservation that has been so present with him lately. When he acts silly and laughs so loudly that Sara, sitting in the shade on her beach towel, rolls her eyes and turns the music in her headphones louder. When the joyous, reckless Wille that Simon knows and loves comes out for once, the one that's been making less and less of an appearance over the past two years. Simon misses that loud and adorably obnoxious kid that always wore his heart on his sleeve. So he savors every little moment that he still gets of Wille exuding joy and laughter like no one's watching. "Never," Wille tells him and with exaggerated exertion heaves Simon off the ground before making his way over the wooden planks towards the end of the dock. Simon could fight him, he knows, but he's busy laughing and kicking and listening to Wille's put on labored breathing - ever since his last growth spurt he's been annoying Simon to no end with the comments about easily being able to lift him, and Simon knows he's right, so he knows he's faking every single strained groan.
Wille's arms are warm and solid where they press into Simon's sides, and Simon can't remember the last time being close like this came so effortlessly, just... happened without any hesitation. It's probably been months, and up till now he assumed Wille must've grown out of that need to touch Simon that seemed to define the early years of their friendship. He's kind of glad that he was wrong about that. Simon feels so warm where Wille is touching him, feels a little bit fuzzy in his chest at having Wille close like this, but he chalks it up to him having missed this, so fucking much. When Wille goes to drop him off at the end of the dock, however, Simon quickly goes from endeared to mildly terrified. He instantly tightens his arms around Wille's back, desperately tries to immobilize him by crossing his ankles behind one of Wille's legs. And for a second it works. Wille stops dead in his tracks, quiets down, lets out a quick, ragged breath that rushes past Simon's ear, doesn't untangle his arms from around Simon. But before Simon can celebrate this small triumph, Wille is already leaping forward, launching both of them, bodies still entangled, into the lake together. The cold water is a shock against Simon's sun-warmed skin, and Wille's hands leaving him as soon as they go under doesn't help, either. Simon swims back up, sputtering once he's above water again. A second later, Wille resurfaces right in front of him. Despite the cool water, his cheeks are still a little flushed. And it's that sight of Wille, so playful and fun and carefree and flustered and smiling that brings a small thought to the forefront of Simon's mind, one that he hasn't noticed before, not consciously, but one that doesn't feel new per se. Wille is pretty, he thinks, god, Wille is so pretty. His brown eyes, his crooked smile, his button nose, the freckle at his cupid's bow. It makes sense, Wille being pretty, so much fucking sense, Simon is almost surprised it never hit him quite like this. Wille has noticed him staring, has noticed how quiet he has gone, and the pretty smile that Simon likes so much and never wants to see leave Wille's face wavers. Without thinking about it, Simon reaches out his hand and carefully, gently, like he could ruin this once and for all if he startles Wille, he tucks a wet strand of hair that has fallen into Wille's face behind his ear. Without thinking about it, or even understanding what he's doing, he swims closer, ends up in front of Wille and, because he can't help himself, not when Wille is looking at him with big, wondering eyes, he leans in and presses a soft peck against those pretty, pretty, pretty lips.
dsalghfjdhglkdfg THEM!!!!! hello and thank you so much for the lovely, lovely prompt, dear anon, what a fun one it was!!! 💜💜💜
Send me "Wilmon" + a sentence and I'll write you 5(+) more
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pdriesta · 9 days
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“even when it’s bad, i love you”
pairing — trentxblack!girl
genre — angst, angst and more angst
word count — 1.8k (for prologue)
summary — y/n and trent's once strong relationship is strained by his growing distance and her unexpected pregnancy. as they clash over their future, y/n faces the painful choice of leaving behind the love and they love they worked so hard creating. will they overcome their struggles and rebuild their love, or will their fractured bond break beyond repair?
an — i’ve been so excited for this series! it was on my old blog but i never got to start it out. i’m so happy to finally post it! let me know if anyone is interested in a taglist <3
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he morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over the bedroom. y/n lay beside trent, listening to the sound of his breathing, steady and familiar. she shifted slightly, her heart heavy with the weight of everything unsaid between them. even in sleep, there was a tension in his body, a distance that had grown wider with each passing day.
trent stirred, his eyes fluttering open. he turned his head to look at her, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “morning,” he murmured, his voice still thick with sleep.
y/n forced a smile in return, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “morning,” she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. she couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong—something more than just the usual stress of their lives.
trent reached out, brushing a strand of hair that fell out of her stain scarf from her face. “you okay?” he asked, concern flickering in his eyes. “you’ve been quiet lately.”
she hesitated, wanting to tell him everything that was on her mind—the worry, the fear, the uncertainty that had taken root in her heart. but the words caught in her throat, and instead, she just nodded. “i’m fine,” she lied, the weight of her own doubts pressing down on her.
trent studied her for a moment longer, his brow furrowing slightly. he could see through her facade, but he didn’t push. “you sure?” he asked again, his hand lingering on her cheek.
she leaned into his touch, closing her eyes for a moment, savoring the warmth and familiarity of him. “yeah,” she said softly, opening her eyes to meet his gaze. “i’m just tired.”
trent sighed, his own exhaustion seeping into his voice. “you’ve been sick a lot lately,” he said, his thumb tracing circles on her cheek. “maybe you should see a doctor, get checked out.”
y/n swallowed, the knot in her stomach tightening. she hadn’t told him about the nausea, the way she had been waking up every morning with a churning stomach and a feeling of dread. “i’ll be okay,” she said, forcing a smile. “i just need some rest.”
trent didn’t seem convinced, but he nodded, not wanting to press her further. “if you’re sure,” he said, his voice laced with concern. he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “i’m heading to training in a bit. you want me to pick you up from work on the way back?”
y/n shook her head, the weight of her secret growing heavier with each passing second. “no, i’m good,” she said, trying to keep her voice steady. “i called in sick today. i just... i don’t feel well.”
trent’s eyes darkened with worry. “you’ve been sick a lot lately,” he repeated, his hand slipping from her cheek to her hand, squeezing gently. “if you’re still feeling bad tomorrow, promise me you’ll go to the doctor.”
she nodded, not trusting herself to speak. trent searched her face for a moment longer, then leaned in to kiss her softly. “take care of yourself, yeah?” he whispered against her lips before pulling away.
trent didn't say much more of how she was feeling because he was already deep in his own head. his mind was a maze of doubts, insecurities, and the weight of expectations that had been pressing down on him for weeks. as he pulled on his training gear, his thoughts were a tangled mess of worries about his performance, his place in the team, and the gnawing feeling that he wasn’t enough—not for his teammates, not for the fans, and maybe, just maybe, not even for her.
y/n watched him get out of bed and start getting ready, her heart aching with a mix of love and fear. she could see the lines of stress etched into his face, the weariness in his movements. he had been carrying so much on his shoulders, and she knew how much he doubted himself, how much he questioned his worth, even though he would never admit it.
but he couldn’t say any of that, not when he knew how much y/n was already dealing with. so he kept quiet, hoping that his silence would protect her from the storm raging inside him. he didn’t ask why she’d been so quiet lately, or why she’d been sick so often. instead, he just leaned down to kiss her forehead, his lips lingering there a moment longer than usual, as if trying to pour all the words he couldn’t say into that one gesture. he paused, to look at her, his eyes softening. “i love you,” she whispered, the words spilling out before she could stop them.
trent’s expression softened, and he leaned down to press another kiss to her forehead. “i love you too,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “more than anything.”
“take care of yourself, yeah?” he murmured, his voice soft but tinged with an edge of desperation. he didn’t look back at her as he left the room, the door closing with a soft click that echoed in the stillness.
but as he pulled away, y/n couldn’t shake the feeling that love might not be enough to bridge the growing distance between them. she watched him leave, the door closing with a soft click that echoed in the silence of the room.
the quiet settled over her like a blanket, suffocating in its intensity. y/n lay back against the pillows, staring up at the ceiling, her mind racing with a thousand different thoughts. the nausea that had plagued her for days returned with a vengeance, and she curled up on her side, clutching her stomach as if that could somehow ward off the dread that had taken root inside her
as soon as he was gone, y/n curled up tighter on the bed, the emptiness beside her feeling more pronounced than ever. she had seen the way his eyes had darkened with worry, had felt the tension in his body when he kissed her. but she couldn’t bring herself to voice her fears, not when he was already carrying so much. instead, she buried her face in the pillow, her heart heavy with the weight of everything unsaid.
after a while, she forced herself to get up, her body moving on autopilot as she reached for her phone. her hands trembled as she dialed the familiar number, and when her mom’s voice came through the line, warm and comforting, y/n felt the floodgates open.
“mum,” she said, her voice strained and broken. “i don’t feel right. i’ve been sick every morning for a while now, and... and trent’s been so distant. i don’t know what to do.”
her mom’s voice was like a balm, soothing the raw edges of her anxiety. “oh, sweetheart, that sounds awful. have you been under a lot of stress lately? sometimes that can make you feel sick.”
“i guess,” y/n replied, though the words felt hollow. “but it’s more than that. something just feels... off. i can’t explain it, but i know something’s wrong.”
there was a pause on the other end of the line, and y/n could almost hear the gears turning in her mum’s mind. “y/n, when was the last time you had your period?”
the question hit her like a freight train. she froze, her mind racing as she tried to remember. she hadn’t even thought about it, too wrapped up in everything else—the tension with trent, the constant nausea, the overwhelming sense of something being wrong. but now that her mom mentioned it, she realized it had been a while—too long. panic began to set in, her heart pounding in her chest.
“i... i don’t know,” she whispered, her hand unconsciously resting on her stomach. “mum, do you think...?”
“it’s possible,” her mom said gently. “why don’t you go get a test, just to be sure?”
“no,” y/n said quickly, the word spilling out in a rush. “i mean, i’m not ready for that. trent and i... we’re not ready for kids. we talked about it, but it was always something in the future, not now.”
her mom’s voice was soft, soothing. “i understand, honey. but it’s better to know. and if it’s positive, we’ll figure it out together. you won’t be alone in this.”
y/n’s mind raced, a whirlwind of thoughts and fears that threatened to consume her. “but what if i’m not ready?” she whispered, her voice trembling with the weight of her doubts. “what if i can’t do this? i’m too young, mom. i don’t know how to be a mom. what if i’m not good enough?”
“oh, sweetheart,” her mom’s voice was thick with emotion. “no one ever feels ready. but you are strong, and you are capable. if you’re pregnant, then this baby is already so loved, just by being a part of you. and you have trent, and you have me and your dad. you’re not alone in this, y/n. you can do this, one step at a time.”
y/n’s tears flowed freely now, her chest tight with a mix of fear and love. she clung to her mom’s words, letting them anchor her in the storm that raged inside her. “i’m scared,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.
“it’s okay to be scared,” her mom reassured her. “but you’re not alone, y/n. you have so many people who love you and will support you, no matter what happens.”
after a lot of convincing and a few more reassurances, y/n found herself at the pharmacy, staring at the rows of pregnancy tests. it felt surreal, like she was watching someone else’s life unfold. her hands shook slightly as she picked up a box, paid for it, and headed back home, her mind numb with fear and uncertainty.
the next hour was a blur. y/n sat on the edge of the bathtub, staring at the test in her hand, waiting for the timer to go off. the minutes dragged on, each second feeling like an eternity. her mind raced with thoughts of what this could mean—how it would change everything, how it might push trent even further away.
when the timer finally beeped, y/n took a deep breath and looked down at the result. two lines. pregnant.
her world tilted on its axis, and she felt like she was drowning. tears welled up in her eyes, and before she knew it, she was crying—deep, heaving sobs that shook her entire body. it wasn’t that she didn’t want children. she did, but not like this, not now. she felt too young, too unprepared for the responsibility that was suddenly thrust upon her.
y/n tried to calm herself, taking deep breaths and reminding herself that trent would be there for her. he loved her, and they had built a life together. but as she sat there, alone in their bathroom, she couldn’t shake the feeling that everything was about to change, and not for the better. she clutched the test to her chest, her tears soaking into the fabric of her shirt . the only through running through her mind was one question, “what am i going to do?”
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nickeverdeen · 23 days
Hi! Can I request for Viktor Hargreeves x reader fic? Sorry I'm bad at requests.
Reader is basically his girlfriend that's much younger than him (not a minor just like 21 or something like it) and it's set in S4 a few months before the first episode and he's been dating reader for a while but she's still a virgin bc she's so young and he's already had full top and bottom surgery and everything with hormones and has experience sleeping with women as a trans man with bottom surgery and anyways they decide to sleep together and he's her first.
Also full set oral fem receiving, oral m receiving and PiV+soft dom!Viktor.
First Times and Forever | Viktor Hargreeves x Virgin fem!reader
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Summary: In the comfort of their shared space, Viktor and his much younger girlfriend decide to take their relationship to the next level. Set a few months before the events of Season 4, this night is filled with love, trust, and the shared experience of something new
Warnings: Basic mlw smut
The dim light of the late afternoon filtered through the curtains of Viktor’s apartment, casting a warm, golden hue over everything. You sat curled up on the couch, a book in your lap, though you weren’t reading. Your eyes kept drifting over to where Viktor was working at his desk, his face lit up by the soft glow of his laptop screen.
Viktor had always been your safe place, your calm in the storm that was life. And now, as your relationship deepened, you found yourself wanting to share everything with him, including parts of yourself you had never shared with anyone before.
He must have felt your gaze because he turned to look at you, a small, knowing smile playing on his lips. “You’ve been staring for a while,” he said gently, closing his laptop and walking over to join you on the couch.
You blushed, caught in the act. “Sorry… just thinking.”
Viktor sat beside you, reaching out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “What about?”
You hesitated, your heart pounding in your chest. This was a conversation you had been thinking about for weeks, but now that it was here, the words felt heavy on your tongue. “Us. And… taking the next step.”
Viktor’s expression softened, and he gently took your hand in his. “There’s no rush, you know. We can go at your pace, whatever that may be.”
His words were reassuring, just like always, but you knew he could sense the nervous energy radiating off you. You nodded, squeezing his hand. “I know. It’s just… I’m ready. I want to be with you in every way.”
Viktor’s thumb traced soothing circles on the back of your hand. He could see the sincerity in your eyes, the trust you were placing in him, and it made his heart swell with love for you. “Are you sure?” he asked, his voice soft but firm, wanting to ensure that this was truly what you wanted.
You took a deep breath and nodded again, more confidently this time. “Yes. I’m sure.”
Viktor’s smile was tender as he leaned in to kiss you, his lips warm and reassuring against yours. You melted into the kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck as he pulled you closer. The kiss deepened, slow and passionate, as if Viktor was savoring every moment.
Viktor’s smile widened at your words, and he kissed you again, this time with a bit more urgency. His hands moved to your waist, pulling you closer as the kiss deepened, the heat between you growing stronger with each passing second. You responded eagerly, your hands slipping under his shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath your fingertips.
Viktor let out a soft groan at your touch, and you felt a thrill of excitement at the sound. You had never been this close to anyone before, and the fact that it was Viktor made it all the more special. You wanted to give yourself to him completely, to share every part of yourself with the man you loved.
When Viktor’s hands began to slide up your sides, lifting your shirt in the process, you didn’t hesitate to let him. The fabric was quickly discarded, leaving you exposed in a way that was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. But Viktor’s eyes were filled with nothing but love and admiration as he looked at you, making you feel beautiful and cherished.
“You’re perfect,” he whispered, his voice filled with awe.
You blushed under his gaze, but you didn’t shy away. Instead, you reached for his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it aside. Your breath caught in your throat as you took in the sight of him, the smooth planes of his chest, the scars from his past barely visible but still there, reminders of the journey he had been on to become the man he was today.
Viktor watched you carefully as you reached out to touch him, your fingers tracing the lines of his scars, feeling the history etched into his skin. He didn’t flinch, didn’t pull away—he simply let you explore, his gaze never leaving yours.
“I love you,” you whispered, your voice filled with emotion.
“I love you too,” Viktor replied, his voice just as soft. “More than anything.”
He leaned in to kiss you again, and this time, there was a hunger in the way his lips moved against yours, a desire that matched your own. His hands roamed over your body, exploring every inch of you as if he were memorizing the feel of your skin under his fingertips.
The two of you moved in sync, your bodies pressing closer together as the heat between you grew more intense. Viktor’s hands slipped under the waistband of your pants, and you shivered as he slowly began to undress you, his movements gentle and deliberate.
Piece by piece, your clothes were removed, until you were left in just your underwear. Viktor’s eyes darkened with desire as he looked at you, but there was still a softness to his gaze, a tenderness that made your heart swell.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, his voice filled with awe.
You blushed under his gaze, feeling both vulnerable and empowered at the same time. You had never felt this exposed in front of anyone before, but with Viktor, it felt right. You trusted him completely, and you knew that he would take care of you, that he would make this experience something you would cherish forever.
Viktor’s hands were steady as he reached behind you, unclasping your bra and letting it fall to the floor. His eyes never left yours as he slowly removed your panties, his touch gentle and reverent.
When you were finally laid bare before him, Viktor took a moment to just look at you, his gaze filled with admiration and love. “You’re perfect,” he whispered again, his voice thick with emotion.
You reached up to him, your hands trembling slightly as you helped him out of his own clothes. Viktor’s body was lean and strong, every line of him familiar yet new in this intimate setting. He had shared so much of his journey with you, and now, here you were, sharing in a new experience together.
Viktor lowered himself beside you on the bed, his hand gently caressing your cheek before trailing down your body. The touch was electric, sending shivers down your spine as he explored every inch of you, learning what made you sigh, what made you gasp.
When his lips found your breast, you arched into him, the sensation overwhelming in the best way. Viktor took his time, worshipping your body with his mouth and hands, his touch both gentle and commanding. He paid careful attention to every sound you made, adjusting his movements to bring you the most pleasure.
“Is this okay?” he asked, his breath warm against your skin.
“Yes,” you whispered, your voice trembling with a mixture of nerves and pleasure. “More than okay.”
Viktor smiled against your skin before continuing his journey down your body, kissing and teasing until he reached your core. Your breath hitched, a wave of nerves washing over you, but Viktor looked up at you with such love and care that all your worries melted away.
“You’re safe with me,” he murmured, and with that, he dipped his head, his mouth finding you in a way that made stars burst behind your eyes.
You had never felt anything like this before, the combination of his expert touch and the love you felt for him sending you into a spiral of pleasure. Viktor was patient, taking his time as he learned what made your body sing, his tongue working in ways that had you gripping the sheets, your breath coming in ragged gasps.
As the tension in your body built, you could feel yourself teetering on the edge of something incredible, but just as you were about to fall over that edge, Viktor pulled back, his breath warm against your thigh as he kissed his way back up your body.
Your body trembled with need, and you reached for him, pulling him closer. “Viktor, please…”
He smiled softly, kissing you deeply as he positioned himself above you. “I’m here,” he whispered against your lips, his voice filled with love and reassurance.
You felt the heat of his body against yours, his hardness pressing against your entrance, and a wave of nerves washed over you. But Viktor was patient, his eyes never leaving yours as he slowly began to press into you, his movements careful and deliberate.
The stretch was intense, and you winced slightly as he pushed further inside, your body adjusting to the unfamiliar intrusion. Viktor noticed your discomfort immediately, and he paused, his hand gently caressing your cheek as he whispered soothing words.
“Just breathe,” he murmured, his voice steady and reassuring. “You’re doing so well.”
You nodded, focusing on your breathing as your body slowly relaxed around him. Viktor continued to push forward, his movements slow and controlled, giving you time to adjust to the new sensation.
When he was fully seated inside you, Viktor paused, his forehead resting against yours as he gave you time to get used to the feeling. The fullness was intense, a mixture of pleasure and discomfort that left you breathless. But Viktor was patient, his touch gentle as he waited for you to give him the signal to continue.
After a moment, the discomfort began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of pleasure as your body adjusted to his presence. You took a deep breath, nodding slightly to let him know that you were ready.
Viktor’s movements were slow and careful at first, his hands gripping your hips as he began to move within you. The friction was overwhelming, every nerve ending in your body lighting up with pleasure as he found a steady rhythm. You could feel the heat building between you, the connection you shared deepening with each thrust.
As the pleasure built, you found yourself losing track of everything except the feeling of Viktor inside you, the way his body moved against yours, the sound of his breath mingling with your own. The world outside the two of you ceased to exist, leaving only the shared experience of this moment, the love and trust that bound you together.
Viktor’s pace quickened slightly as he felt your body responding to him, his thrusts becoming more urgent as the pleasure between you intensified. Your moans filled the room, the sound of your pleasure driving him on as he sought to bring you to the peak of ecstasy.
But even as the pleasure built, Viktor was careful to watch for any signs of discomfort, his touch always gentle, his voice soft and reassuring as he whispered words of love and encouragement. He wanted this to be perfect for you, and he would do anything to make sure that it was.
As the tension in your body grew, you could feel yourself climbing higher and higher, teetering on the edge of something incredible. Viktor’s movements became more urgent, his breath ragged as he chased his own release, but he never lost focus on you, his hands and mouth working in tandem to bring you to the height of pleasure.
When the wave finally crashed over you, it was like nothing you had ever experienced before. Your body tensed, your breath catching in your throat as the pleasure exploded through you, leaving you trembling and gasping for air. Viktor followed soon after, his body shuddering as he found his own release, the feeling of him spilling inside you only adding to the intensity of the moment.
For a moment, the world seemed to stand still, the two of you wrapped up in each other as you rode out the waves of pleasure together. When it was over, Viktor gently pulled out, collapsing beside you on the bed, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you close.
You lay there in the afterglow, your body still tingling with the remnants of pleasure, and you couldn’t help but smile. Viktor pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, his breath warm against your skin.
“Thank you,” you whispered, your voice filled with emotion.
Viktor smiled, his hand gently stroking your hair. “For what?”
“For everything. For being so patient, so loving.”
He kissed you again, his lips lingering against yours. “I love you,” he murmured, his voice filled with sincerity.
“I love you too,” you replied, your heart swelling with the truth of the words.
As you lay there in his arms, the world outside faded away, leaving only the two of you and the love you shared. You knew that whatever the future held, you would face it together, one step at a time.
And for now, that was enough
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jordanli-dribbles · 8 months
Bad Dream
Jordan Li x gn!reader It had been another stressful day. Midterms were quickly approaching, and you had rarely spoken to your partner in the last few days.
They weren’t having the best of times. Brink had been on their case about the upcoming tests, forcing them to work late into the evening. As much as you disliked Brink, you knew voicing those opinions out loud would only aggravate them. Instead, you made sure to be at their dorm every night. Even if all you had time to do was sleep, you felt the weight of the day disappear as soon as they wrapped their arms around you. You both fell asleep quickly, the stress of the past few days finally taking a toll on both of you.
As you slept beside them with your hand over their chest, you felt Jordan jerk in their sleep, shaking the whole bed. Concerned, you lifted yourself up slightly, bringing your hand up to stroke their cheek when they suddenly started murmuring things like “no,” “don’t,” “please,” while their eyes moved frantically below their eyelids. “Baby?” you whispered, stroking their cheek softly, trying not to startle them awake.
You were about to lean in to kiss their cheek when they jerked again more violently, almost throwing you off them. Frantically saying, “No, don’t go,” “Don’t leave me,” “Y/N.” Your heart ached as you realized they were having a bad dream about you.
You leaned onto them more firmly and whispered into their ear, “I am right here, baby.” Their eyes continued to move frantically below their eyelids, so you softly brought your hand down to rub circles on their chest, trying to gently wake them.
“Come on, wake up, beautiful. It’s just a bad dream,” you said again a bit more loudly.
Their eyes opened wide in an instant, almost in a panic. They were still breathing heavily as their eyes scanned the dark room, confused. “Hey, baby, it’s okay. You're okay,” you said softly, stroking their cheek while trying to get them to look at you. Your eyes found theirs, wide-eyed with tears threatening to spill over.
The sight broke your heart. “Oh, baby,” you said as you leaned in to give them a tender kiss, resting your head on their chest to hug them tightly. Jordan instantly wrapped their arms around you as they released a heavy sigh. You continued to hold onto them as you heard their heartbeat return to its normal rhythm.
“Sorry, I woke you up,” Jordan said quietly after a few minutes had passed. You lifted your head up to look at them, shaking your head slightly. “No need to apologize, baby,” you said as you kissed their lips softly.
Knowing Jordan wasn’t the best with expressing their emotions, you tentatively asked, “Do you want to talk about it?” while continuing to stroke their cheek. They looked into your eyes for few seconds before closing their eyes and sighed, “Uhm… maybe in the morning.”
“Okay. I’m here whenever you need me,” you said, offering them a comforting smile. They pulled you tighter towards them, connecting your lips to theirs once again. The kiss was slow and gentle, both of you trying to savor every second of it. Jordan’s tongue softly swiped your bottom lip, needing more of you as their arms pulled you on top of them. You straddle their waist as they pulled you flush against their chest. You bit softly on their bottom lip as they pulled back, trying to catch their breath. Softly groaning as they tightly closed their eyes and leaned their head back into the pillow. You took that as an opportunity to press soft kisses all over their face and along their neck. You softly bit their shoulder as they pulled you impossibly close to them. You both released a happy sigh as you rested your head on the crook of their neck. Nuzzling closer to them as your hand drew lazy patterns on their chest.
Jordan kissed the top of your head as they said, “God, I fucken love you.” Tightening their hold around you. You smiled into their chest, happy to have your foul mouth partner back.
“I fucken love you too, baby,” you said grinning as you closed your eyes to go back to sleep on their chest.
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Ugh, living for soft Jordan!
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revasserium · 11 months
nxx #2 - the best part
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you are the best part of a monday morning, the soft click of heels, the whish of automatic doors, the light tap-tap of fingers on tablets. he knows just where you’ll be, a soft frown caught between your eyebrows; sometimes, when during meetings, or even just when he’s passing by your desk, he wishes he could reach over to smooth it over with a fingertip. when it’s late enough, he thinks about trying. other times, when it’s late-late enough — he actually does. and he’d sink into your startled gasp of laughter, the way you go slightly cross-eyed as he leans back to grin, shaking his head, “don’t frown like that… your face will get stuck.” and when you crinkle your nose and swat at his hand, your cheeks going the kind of pink that makes him think of every single sunset he’s yet to see, every single sunrise that’s still to kiss the sky, he has to stop himself from letting his fingers graze down to trace against your skin. “no it won’t…” but there’s no real conviction in your voice, and there’s something brilliant in the secret smile you share. “you’re right,” he admits, “but… i’m not sure i like it when i think about how often you frown in my presence.” he savors in the way you blush then, the way you press your lips, the startled and then resolute way you square your shoulders before saying, “then… i guess you should try to make me smile more often.” artem blinks for a second, and then — “sure… it’s a promise then. but... you’ll have to stay with me long enough for me to see it through.”
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you are the best part of a september afternoon, his cardigan slipping off your shoulder as you pour through your work files. and even though he still feels some kinda way about you doing work while you’re with him — well — he looks down at his own pile of casefiles — he can’t really blame you anyway. birds of a feather and all. he grins as he glances up, only to find you smiling. “what?” you blush, looking away, “nothing — just… this is nice.” it’s his turn to blush now. and yes, he thinks, because this is what he loves — just this, just the moments in between, the quiet breaths and the unsaid words and the afternoon filtering through the autumn leaves, the coffee still lukewarm on the table between you. he takes a breath and looks at you, really looks at you — because he can’t remember a time when he didn’t know you, when he hasn’t loved you just like this — with the pure, simplicity of a september afternoon, as certain as tides, as simple as a child’s knowledge that this is the person he never wants to leave his life. “yeah,” he says, grinning broadly at you as he reaches over tug a strand of your hair between his fingers, “everything is nice when it’s with you.”
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you are the best part of every winter day, the distant, slanted light working its strange magic over the world, casting everything in its ethereal glow. “there’s just something about the winter sun,” you’d said one day, peering over towards the far horizon, shielding your eyes from the light, pausing as the pair of you walk hand in hand towards the corner store for something or other (vyn’s long since forgotten the minutia for the memory of you). he’d raised his eyebrows and cocked his head, waiting for you to continue, and after a second, you had, turning back towards him with frost-nipped cheeks and brilliant, snow-drop eyes, laughing as you wave at the casual, neighborhood scenery around you, “it makes everything look more beautiful, doesn’t it? like… it’s a dream, or some of those old fashioned picture filters…” to which vyn had smiled and gripped your hand just a bit tighter, “yes… i’ve always thought that winter was the most nostalgic season. it makes you miss a time that hasn’t yet come to pass. perhaps… a future with someone you love, no?” and he’d watched, fascinated, enraptured as you’d blushed and turned away, tugging him behind you, mumbling something about being unfair. and he thinks that if anyone were ever unfair — it’d undoubtedly be you.
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you are the best part of a friday night — your laughter like the city lights, your smile, a million moons in a million distant skies, the shape of you dozing beside him in the back of limo, your cheeks kissed pink from all the wine. he thinks he could cup forever in the palm of his hands like this, thread your fingers with his and suddenly, he’s more sober than he’s ever been in his entire life, watching you nodding off next to him. he thinks he can see the next twenty, thirty, shit forty years of his life flashing outside along with the neon-night-skies, the way your lashes cast shadows along the high of your cheeks, the way your earrings rest against the bend of your neck. “mm… marius?” you ask, blinking sleepily up at him as the limo pulls to a quiet halt at a stoplight, your perfume making an absolute mess of his mind, and he has to clear his throat to hide just how many butterflies had exploded in the pit of his stomach at the sound of your sleep-sweetened voice — “i-it’s late… you can keep sleeping if you want… i’ll wake you up when we get home.” to which you’d leaned up and pressed as soft kiss to his cheek and it takes everything inside him not to pull you to him, press you into the limo seat and kiss you till the entire world melts away, “thanks… you should sleep too,” you say, nuzzling into the side of his neck, your breath chasing shivers up and down his spine. “y-yeah… i — i’ll try."
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pedroshotwifey · 5 months
To the Flame chapter fifteen
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Series masterlist
Pairing: Dark!Javier Peña x afab!reader
Chapter w/c: 3.4k
Chapter warnings: physical abuse, like hardcore abuse pls heed the warning, manipulation, mental abuse, toxic relationship, alcohol consumption, alcoholism, description of injury, choking and not in the sexy way, noncon piv sex, noncon fingering, panic attacks, emotional distress, anxiety attacks, this is fucked, please just go in with caution, like fr i don't think i can sum all the fucked up shit in this chapter up
Chapter Summary: Is this the end?
A/N: Hey to everyone who's stuck by this story! This chapter is very intense and I just want to put it here that everything that happens here (and in this story in general) is obviously not okay. I am here if anybody needs to talk about anything at all. Take care of yourselves ❤
You barely see kindness from Javi for the next couple of weeks. It was pretty much the same as the usual, but now you have to spend most nights with a terrifying man you don’t know. Whereas your husband used to come home, tired from work but still kind, there’s now a stranger who seems to not care at all. It’s happened so fast—the switch—that you think you may be in a perpetual state of shock. It’s hard to comprehend, but the difference is there. Easy to see when you just open your eyes. The biggest you’ve seen is how his first move once he gets home, is always to the fridge or the liquor cabinet. By dinner, he’s usually at least a few beers or glasses of whiskey deep, and by bed, he’s drunk enough to be slurring his speech and forgetting whatever he says the second it’s out of his mouth. 
A couple of nights, he comes home a bit later, and you suspect that he’s been to the bar on those days because he comes home already drunk off his ass. You don’t know what’s worse—watching the buildup or being hit with dread as soon as he walks through the door. There have been a couple days where comes home and doesn’t touch a drop, and you savor them. Those precious moments you get with him when you know he’s listening to you and giving you his time instead of the alcohol.You like to just pretend that everything is okay on those days, because blissful ignorance is better than ruining those good moments by thinking about the bad. Knowing you have days like that, though, makes it so much worse when you go to him, wanting to talk or simply be around him, and then feel the disappointment when it sinks in that he’s already gone. 
It hurts every time he does it, because it makes you feel alone again. You’ve come to understand that he turns into a different person when he drinks, a person you don’t know. This new person—this stranger—likes to hurt you. He’s rageful and hateful and relentless and overpowering. You take a sip of your coffee from where you’re currently sitting at the kitchen table and shiver at the memory of just last night, when he’d fucked you deep into the mattress and spilled within minutes before collapsing on top of you, dead asleep. You keep telling yourself that you wanted it, but you know better. You’d told him no, and when he ignored you, you’d gotten scared. So you let it happen. It’s your own fault for being weak and you know it. 
Besides, that voice in your pounding head challenges, what kind of a woman doesn’t want to make love to her husband? What kind of woman doesn’t want to feel her lover’s touch?
It shames you both ways. Not wanting him but letting him take what he wants anyway. You think that you might be doing it because fighting would make it real. If you just let it happen, he’s not taking anything from you. Maybe if you just let it happen, he’ll stop.
Lies, that other part of your brain spits at you. The more logical one. 
You take another sip to smooth out the knot that’s formed in your throat. You pretend that it was never there. You’ve been doing a lot of that lately. 
It seems like every day gets worse. He gets meaner and he takes more and more. You can tell that there’s something making him do it, something controlling the impulse to pick up that bottle and down the entire thing. You wish desperately that he would just talk to you, or that you at least knew what it was so that you could help, but you’re just as useless with that as you are everything else. You want to kill the stranger inside of him. You want to pull him out and gut him and hurt him in every way he’s hurt you. You just want your Javi back. 
But even then, it wouldn’t be the same, and you’re painfully aware of that. It’s still awful and wrong, even now, in those moments he is there. When the Javi you know and love is dormant and there to hold you like nothing’s wrong. The worst part because you don’t know if he remembers everything he does to you. It doesn’t make sense, because you know he sees the bruises that cover your body some days, the way you have to limp when you’re too sore to walk right. You see the glint in his eye when he reaches for you and you flinch away. He can see the physical bruises just as well as your mental wounds, but he acts oblivious, like he’s not to blame for your pain. 
You ignore the tear that slips down your cheek as you catch yourself caught up in it again. It’s so fucking hurtful and confusing. You want to pretend, too. Pretend that none of it ever happened, but you’re the one who has to wear the consequences, so you have no choice but to face them. 
You asked him one morning, when you’d woken up and caught him sober as he was getting ready for work, why he’d hit you the night before. The night before when he’d stripped you and taken you to bed and covered your mouth with his hand when you began to sob. You didn’t mean to, but as you’d tried to get him to stop, you felt skin between your teeth. Just to see if he remembered, you asked him. You know you shouldn’t have, but you were so tired and the hole in your stomach was so large that you needed to know. Just to see if you could find an excuse to forgive him and close it up.
But Javi had stopped and watched you for a moment before his eyes darkened and he looked at you like he was angry at you. “You fucking bit me. What did you think was going to happen?” 
You’d just laid back down and let the tears ease you back to sleep. He knows what he does. You know he does. He just doesn’t care. But why? Why doesn’t he care? Regret it? Feel sorry? What happened?
You’ve become numb with each day that passes, more accepting of the fact that you need to stop letting your emotions control you. The anger, the fear, the hatred. You can still feel it lingering somewhere deep inside of you, waiting for the right moment to pounce, but you’re content to just ignore it for now. Ignore everything that makes you question why. It’s like a tightness around your heart, a shield that went up without your permission. And maybe it’s for the best, but you wish it would drop at least a little, because you feel like you haven’t been able to be yourself around Javi in days. You can tell he sees it, too. But he never says anything. Does he even care that you’re changing, that he’s the one who’s changed you?
You set your now-cold coffee down and look out the window. How the fuck did you get here? You’re so tired of your every day being this. Alone in the apartment, and then scared when you’re not. Sometimes, you don’t know what’s worse. There’s days when you get the idea to just leave, but you know better. You can’t. Your husband is still here, somewhere. You can’t leave him because it would break your heart completely, and not being around him at all is something you can’t handle. And even if he wasn’t, that man who’s replaced him would find you. You know it in your gut that he would. 
You let out a shaky sigh, brush away your tears, and stand up. At least you have things to do today instead of sitting in silence. As far as you know, Steve and Connie are still coming over Sunday night for dinner. The house isn’t too messy, since you usually start your days with tidying up the mess from the night before, but there are things that can be cleaned more thoroughly. The kitchen needs to be scrubbed, the living room tidied. 
Javi had woken you up before he left this morning and asked what you plan on making. He’s going to bring the ingredients home tonight so that everything will be ready for you to start tomorrow. You’re actually excited about that. Not just about seeing people again, but also about putting together an elaborate meal. Recently, it’s been whatever kind of soups or sandwich stuff that Javi brings home for you to make. It’s been too long since you made something more complex than a casserole. 
You bring your mug to the sink and start with that, rinsing it and placing it on the side with the rest of the dirty dishes. You take one look at the massive pile and decide you’ll do that last. You absolutely despise doing the dishes, Besides, leaving it for last will be more rewarding once the pile is gone and everything is officially spotless. 
You start instead with the living room, and then the bathroom, and then the bedroom. It takes all day, but you’re proud of the result by the time you’re ready for the kitchen. It all looks as good as the first time you cleaned it, not a speck of dust in sight, everything in its rightful place. You’re proud of yourself, and catch yourself genuinely smiling as you make your way to the dishes. 
You’re in the kitchen, filling up the sink with water, when he gets home. Keys rattle in the door, making you jump in surprise. It’s only then that you notice it’s gone dark outside. Your eyes flick up to the clock, and your stomach churns when you see the time. It’s almost 12:00am. It shouldn’t take that long to go to the grocery store. You know immediately where he’s been. Your body goes taught as you hear the door shut behind him. He doesn’t announce himself, but you can hear his heavy footsteps as he walks through the house to get to you. They sound wrong, like he’s stumbling. 
Your hands begin to shake as you push the faucet to stop the running water and wipe them down on your shirt. You feel more than see Javi’s broad form stop in the doorway beside you, and you contemplate greeting him, but you don’t know how his day’s been so you don’t want to start anything if he wants silence. 
You pick up one of the plates from the pile beside the sink and dunk it slowly into the water before pouring a bit of soap on it, continuing to avoid eye contact with your husband. The gentle scrub of the sponge against the ceramic and the occasional drip of excess water is the only sound to be heard throughout the house. 
You can feel his eyes on you, and you have to physically resist the urge to squirm beneath his heavy gaze. You just try to keep your breathing steady and focus on your task. 
“Not going to ask me how my day was?” Javi’s voice is hard. Cold. It makes you shiver. Wrong choice, then.
“How was your day?” Your voice in contrast is meek even as you look at him and flash a smile. So small it makes you want to slap yourself. You just blink and keep washing the plate in your hands. 
Javi sighs loudly as he leans against the door frame, as if thinking it over. “How was your day, sweetheart?” He starts to walk toward you, coming up behind you and putting his hands on your waist, ducking down a bit to press his lips to your neck.
“It was fine,” you say, though there’s a pang of hurt as you wish so badly that he was asking genuinely. That he wanted to talk to you, wanted to be here with you. 
He nods against you, his hands traveling down to your waistband. You squirm a bit but try to hold still in hopes that he’ll just stop. “Just fine, hm? I can make it better.” Your eyes shut. Of course he wouldn’t. 
“No, thank you, my day was good. I’m just tired.” You start to push his hands off of you, but he doesn’t allow it. 
“Well, I didn’t have a very good day,” he counters. “I was looking forward to coming home and fucking my sweet, pretty little wife, ‘n’ then she tells me she doesn’t want me.” 
Irritation prickles at your neck, warring with the fear that’s made a home there already. “That’s not what I said, Javi, and you know it.” 
“Oh, but it is.” He pulls you tighter, slipping one hand down your shorts to feel your panties. You whimper, trying to get out of his grasp. “I’ve seen the way you look at me, baby. Fucking scared. disgusted” 
You freeze against him. 
“I don’t want you to be scared, sweetheart,” he coos. He brings the hand that’s not cupping your pussy up to your cheek, brushing away a tear with his thumb. “But your tears are so fucking sweet that I just can���t help myself sometimes.” 
You shake as he slowly brings his thumb up to your lips, pressing harder and harder until you’re forced to let him in and taste the salty drop on your tongue. 
“I do it for you, baby. You know it’s all for your own good.” He makes your head nod up and down with the hand grasping your chin. “Just gotta keep you safe.” 
He pulls his thumb from your mouth, a quiet sob leaving you as he does so. He grasps your hip again and grinds your ass into his erection. “And you don’t even care to show your thanks.” He tuts, and even the mock disappointment in his tone makes you want to crumble and cry. “Thought you were better ‘n that, sweetheart.” 
You’re gasping in quiet and shallow breaths at this point, your face heated with shame. You know it’s not him talking, but you can’t help but hate yourself for what he’s telling you. You’re a disappointment. He thought you were better. You’re a screwup to him just like you are for everyone else. The voices and taunts swirl around in your head until you’re so overwhelmed that you have to close your eyes to settle them. 
“Stop!” The ferocity in your voice surprises even you. The anger and hurt revealed is raw and visceral, out in the open for him to catch a glimpse of what you’re feeling inside. “Get your hands off me, Javi.” 
He chuckles darkly into your hair, his hand now coming to your throat. You swallow thickly and stiffen as he loosely wraps it around your neck, holding you close to him. He doesn’t apply pressure, but it’s enough to make you bite your tongue to stifle anything else that might want to slip out. 
“I don’t think you’re really in a position to be demanding things, baby,” he says the words gently. “Why don’t you try asking nicely.” 
You blink, and all you can think is that you’re so fucking tired. “Please let me go,” you give in and whisper. 
“What was that?” His hand tightens ever so slightly, and then slackens again. You eye his booted foot next to yours, and get the idea to stomp on it, but you know why that’s not a good idea. You speak up.
“I said, please let me—” 
He tightens his grip, crushing your windpipe as he holds to the point where you can’t draw a breath. “Thought I fuckin’ told you who was in charge,” his voice comes to your ringing ears. He keeps still as you struggle, even though you’re trying your hardest not to. “Don’t make me have to remind you, sweetheart. I don’t like to see you hurt, but I can’t promise anything if you keep acting so high and fucking mighty.” 
He lets you go, and you practically collapse against him. He wraps his arms around you and you lose it. 
“Leave me alone, you fucking bastard!” You scream at him with the first breath you can manage, spinning around and backing away as you push and hit at him, trying to get his arms off of you. If you can just get away, maybe you can lock yourself in the bedroom and wait until he’s taken his anger out on something else. You don’t feel bad at all as you claw at him. You manage to get an arm loose and you use it to land a slap to his face. His hold on you loosens the slightest bit, and you use the chance to scramble away even as your stomach drops as you realize what you just did.  
You should have known better. It all happens in slow motion as your head comes into contact with the lip of the counter, right by the sink. He’s forced you back around and is now folded over you, using one hand to shove your shorts down and the other to pin the back of your neck down. “Fucking bitch!” he yells into your ear, and you know that you just made this worlds worse for yourself. 
You heave wet sobs as he brings his fingers to your bare cunt and roughly shoves two inside, your hips bucking as you try to get away. You’re yelling something as well, something that sounds a lot like ‘stop’, over and over again. 
You can’t focus on whatever words are spilling from his mouth now, only on the ringing on your ears and the water sloshing around in the sink only about an inch away from you. A jolt of deeper fear runs through you as you catch the gleam of it, and you scream and cry louder and struggle even harder, trying to do something, anything, before Javi gets the idea that just flashed through your head. 
Maybe it was your own fault with all the screaming, or maybe he saw it at the same time you did, but his hand on your neck starts to move higher, until it’s on the back of your head. You resist as much as you can, not even feeling his defiling fingers anymore as your nose touches the soapy water and pieces of your hair grow heavy as they soak it up. You can tell the second you’re going to lose the fight, and you realize that you’ve never been so terrified in your life. 
Between the sobs and screams and tears, you don’t get much of a breath before you’re being submerged. Your body flails wildly, and you think in that second that you’re going to die. He’s going to kill you. The terror running through your body is indescribable. You just want to scream but you can’t. You want to close your eyes and go before you lose the small breath you have and water floods your lungs. It feels like a nightmare, like it’s not real, can’t be happening to you. But it is, and you don’t understand why. What the fuck did you do to deserve this? 
You push and push up with all your might, using your hands against the counter and your entire body to try to lift your head, but he keeps his hand on top, not letting you breathe the surface no matter what. You feel so pathetic as your body shakes with silent cries that you’re forced to hold in through the panic.
You almost forget about everything else until you feel his cock push inside of you, and you scream. You forget, and upon the burning sensation as he forces himself into you, you open your mouth and take in gulps of water. Your body surges with pain and fear as the burn spreads up to your chest and then to the rest of your body. 
This is the end, this is the end, this is the end. 
Everything you’ve ever known will be gone. Your family probably won’t even know what happened, won’t care. Nobody will. Maybe Javi will eventually, if he ever comes back. Your vision starts to go black, and your body slackens, your hands falling uselessly as you lose the energy to fight. He’s going to hate himself, you realize. And that thought may hurt you most of all. He’s going to be alone, just like you. You won’t be there to help him. Your Javi is going to be devastated. 
That’s the last thing through your mind as your consciousness fades to black. 
The end.
Next chapter will be up next Friday 😘
Series taglist:  @corazondebeskar @yorksgirl @nerdieforpedro @axshadows @melaninmommy
@survivingandenduring @kewwrites @oldenoughtoknowbettersstuff  @missladym1981 @sofiparallel
@koshkaj-blog @sheepdogchick3 @movievillainess721 @jessie8605 @casa-boiardi
@justlulu @iamsherlocked-1998 @hjzghi-blog @glitterymanboy @letstalkaboutshtufff
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osleeplessflowero · 7 months
Hi I hope your doing well. If it's ok can you do a Cross x reader with fluff and where he and the reader are dating in it. :3
hii thank you for your request! ooh, i haven't written cross before so this is a great opportunity to practice! i hope you enjoy! :) 🌸 (Reader is gender neutral!)
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🏠xx Home xx☕
Having a home to go back to had become a foreign concept to Cross, ever since his AU was lost. Being able to have one now was..honestly a strange, but not unwelcome experience. A home to come back to, and someone he loves to come back to..it almost feels like a dream.
Sheathing his blades, he turns to his much brighter sparring partner, shooting him a grin.
"Hey, I'm gonna head out for today. That okay?" "Of course! This was fun, I'll see you again tomorrow. I need to work on my aim.." Dream lowers his bow, putting it away with the use of magic. "See you later, Dream." Cross holds up his hand to wave goodbye, turning around to walk off. "Tell your partner I said "Hi"!" He calls out to him with a smug grin, causing the skeleton to flush a bright shade of purple. "Y-Yeah yeah, I will." He rubs his cheekbones with his hands, trying to calm himself down a bit.
With a whoosh, he finds himself dropping down into your living room, landing on the floor with his hands out to balance himself. Still not quite used to doing this after some time..
"Hey, handsome. I was wondering when you'd get back."
He rolls his eyelights, but finds himself grinning as he turns to see your smug smile. He walks over, plopping down right beside you on the couch before you lean over to press a kiss to his skull.
"What are you doing awake so late? I thought you'd be asleep by now." He looks over, leaning his skull on your shoulder. "My sleep schedule's messed up again. Plus, I was too excited to see you when you got back to sleep." You smile warmly, and Cross almost immediately feels as if Cupid's arrow had pierced through his heart again.
"I've..really wanted to see you too." His eyelights slowly shake until they shift into heart shapes, his cheekbones flushed with the beautiful shade of purple you fell in love with. You shift your position a little, holding his face in your hands. He grins, looking up into your eyes as he leans into your touch. Stars, he's adorable..
"Seems we can't get enough of each other, can we?" You grin, watching his movements. "..You're the person I love most in the world. Being able to see you is enough for me." He stares at you with adoring eyes, causing your face to heat up.
Averting your eyes, you stutter: "N-No fair, you're the one that's supposed to be all flustered." You pout playfully, only stopping when you feel his hand coming up to touch your cheek and leaning into it. He chuckles, replying with "You can't have all the fun."
Your eyes relax when they see his soften. In truth, you've never understood how he could always look at you like you're the entire world.. but you're not exactly complaining. You look at him the same way, after all.
His face flushes much more once he gets an idea, sitting up a bit more properly to face you directly.
"Can..Can I, um- ..well..you know?.." He mutters his words softly, and you fight every single urge in your body to squeeze him like a squeaky toy. "Of course you can, Cross." You reassure him, putting your arms over his shoulders.
He leans into you within seconds, pressing his teeth to your lips and losing himself. You smile into the kiss, holding onto him and savoring the moment as best you can. Feeling the way he relaxes in your hold, completely and utterly yours.. it makes your heart swell in your chest.
Your surroundings seem to melt away, the sound of your beating heart being the only thing you can hear. You could almost swear you can hear his as well, moving almost in sync with your own. You've been dating for a while, yet you still manage to leave each other breathless, even now..
After a few minutes, you break the kiss, needing to breathe. He puts his hand on the side of his skull, left a little bit dizzy. You chuckle at his reaction, squeezing him with a hug and pressing an overdramatic kiss to his cheek, making him chuckle.
"I love you." He speaks softly, holding you close. "No matter what happens..I always will. I want you to remember that, okay?" "Of course, Cross..I love you too. Always will, and always have."
You stay in each other's embrace for a little bit longer.
"Wanna watch a movie? It can be literally anything, I don't mind. Just to kinda chill and unwind to." "As long as there aren't cows, I don't have a preference-"
You snicker, standing up and looking through a selection of DVDs on one of your shelves, earning a frown from him.
"Don't laugh!" "I'm sorry-" "No, you're not!" He points at you, accusatory, as you put in one of your favorite films to watch. "Don't worry, I wouldn't do that to you." You sit back down, leaning your head on his shoulder as the previews begin. He huffs, pulling a blanket over you both and moving his arm to be behind you, keeping you close to him.
"Oh yeah, by the way, Dream says Hi." You smile. "Well, tell him I said Hi too."
..You both fall asleep fifteen minutes into the movie.
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beatrixstonehill2 · 7 months
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(Request from omgcatboi. I don't do a lot of requests but after seeing his gain I couldn't resist)
Cody always dreamed of taking the plunge and finally starting his transition. It took guts where he lived, but the temptation was too much for him to ever dream of ignoring it. He saw groups of guys hanging out together, drinking, playing basketball or working out and thought that's who he was. He would go home and gawk at men's fashion and fitness magazines, the accounts of male models and athletes on Instagram, and masturbate for hours, rubbing his pussy until it ached, cumming over and over, obsessively imaging looking like them, envisioning his ideal male self.
Finally going to college, on his own, Cody decided to tell his doctor how he felt and begin hrt. Testosterone shots weren't as scary as he thought. He settled right into his new routine, cutting his hair, slowly aligning his body, fashion, and presence with the man he knew he was always meant to be. His college friends doted on him like crazy, embracing the new Cody, finally showing more confidence, able to act and behave how he always wanted, but people would be way too quick to call out or belittle a woman for being that way. No longer would he suppress a thing about himself. He partied like crazy, ate the kind of food people would previously glare at him over or make a snide remark about not ruining his figure. No more judgment. He'd order an extra large double cheeseburger combo and twenty nuggets with a milkshake and the cashier would sound impressed, enthusiastically handing him his meal, telling him to 'Eat up!'
This rush was something he never anticipated about presenting male. People celebrated guys with a hearty appetite, especially ones who could drink people under the table. Suddenly Cody's visions of playing sports with a new group of guy friends or hitting the gym was completely shattered. He made friends with a circle of nerds, and they all ate with zero concern for their health. He became a bit of a legend among his new friends, being that he was way more charismatic than them, and could drink a twelve pack on his own in a single night and still be asking for more. People around the college regarded him as something of a party animal, and he couldn't escape all the people encouraging him to eat and drink nonstop. He rapidly gained weight and instead of it being embarrassing for him it became a badge of honor on campus. Before long he went from being a meager, invisible person nobody really payed attention to, to the life of the party, who got handed beer and pizza the second he walked through the door at a frat party.
Cody couldn't believe how fast he fattened up, his old skinny self long gone. He marveled at his gut, his stretchmarks, his arms, his face--everything was so round and swollen. And yet he wanted to get fatter. His dream of being super fit and suave like all those men he followed on Instagram was completely replaced by his new, covetous adoration of obesity. He savored every pound he put on, amazed that this, of all things, truly felt right to him, even though he knew his health would take a hit. He didn't really care, getting bigger was his one and only desire. The only thing missing was a dedicated feeder.... Having the whole college wait on his every whim was nice, but he knew this was the last piece of the puzzle for him, and as luck would have it.....
He attended one party late into his third year at university, pushing 400lbs, as usual he was pounding back beers and immediately the life of the party. He encouraged people to keep up with him, and very few people took him up on it, except one girl. He barely knew her.... or recognized her. A trans girl named Bianca that started university around the same time as him, majoring in psychology. She used to be about as skinny as he was pre-transition, but with big boobs. Now she was close to 400lbs as well, chomping on a big slice of pizza, wearing a sundress that hardly fit, her big gut straining it to its limits, her breasts huge and spilling out, her ass poking out, lifting the hem of the dress up just enough to catch a glimpse.... She smiled deviously, taking the fresh beer from Cody's hand, chugging the whole thing, belching in his face. He nodded with a bit of respect, grabbing another himself, chugging it, belching back. Bianca laughed, grabbing them both another beer.
They spent the whole night together, waking up with the world's worst hangover, naked in the same bed. They patted their huge, gurgling guts, reminiscing fondly about the wild night they had, agreeing they needed to go to the nearest diner and eat away their hangovers with the biggest, greasiest pile of breakfast food possible. While sharing breakfast, their competitive spirit rekindled, and they tried to outpace each other's eating, drinking glasses of milk and cola. By the end they both ate three full breakfasts each, and finished off with a whole pie, their bellies stretched to the limit, pressing against the table at their booth uncomfortably even when they leaned back. They confided in each other that they both wanted to get as fat as possible, and cared about almost nothing else. When Cody heard Bianca say she wanted to at least hit 1000lbs, his heart pounded. He of course one-upped her and said she better at least hit 1200lbs like he wanted to. She blushed and agreed, apologizing for thinking so small..... They smiled at each other, knowing they'd hit their goals in no time at this rate.....
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reedrfeedr · 1 year
story - pavlov
(Giving into indulgence has lasting consequences. weight gain, food play, second person.)
You should have known you were fucked the first time it happened.
It was so innocuous, you almost didn’t notice it - staring at another spreadsheet at work, rubbing your eyes to keep from passing out, the morning coffee wearing off too early to carry you to lunch…lunch. There’s that new wing place across the street…you glance at the menu flyer they left in the lobby. You haven’t had any in a while, but still you could almost taste the way the vinegar bite of the hot sauce cuts through the savory fat of the fried skin, the addictive mix of crispy on the edges, tender on the interior, greasy fat giving way to juicy meat…maybe if you ate quick enough you could get a bit more than a dozen, maybe some fries too…and you felt a tent in your tight work pants.
Your brain scrambled to rationalize the errant reaction. You’re tired, maybe you had an involuntary dick flex, almost like you were sleeping. You rubbed your eyes again and blinked enough to try and focus on the screen again. 20 minutes, then you could get lunch. 19 minutes….
That day, you came back from lunch 15 minutes late with a sauce stain on your collar.
The second time (that you noticed, anyway) felt more like a pattern of behavior.
You were glancing at your fridge, as you’ve made a habit of recently, trying to find something to eat. You were eating out more often at work, and you had to stop burning money on takeout, but you felt like your groceries weren’t quite stretching as far as you’d like anymore.
You opened the fridge door and saw the last two frozen pizzas. A thought entered your mind, one that felt unfamiliar. Could always just eat two pizzas. Gotta go shopping tomorrow anyway. Not giving yourself a moment to reconsider, you slid them out and plopped them on the counter.
That wasn’t what took you over the edge, though. That wasn’t what made you this way.
Waiting for the oven to preheat, you fell back on your fridge gazing habit. A second thought entered, much like the first. If I’m going shopping, might as well use the rest of the lunch meat too. Before you realized, you already had the sandwich made and half eaten. You just licked your lips clean when the pizzas finished up, and you were suddenly hit with the smell of them - cheap, greasy cheese, fatty pepperoni…you could imagine the way the soft, lightly browned crust would collapse like a pillow in your mouth, the almost saccharine pizza sauce tempering the salty cheese and meat…and your dick chubbed up at the idea. Something about the sight of those two pizzas, all for you…it excited you.
You ate those pizzas so fast they nearly burned the roof of your mouth.
From then on, things were different. You weren’t focused at work, but you reveled in the opportunity to try new food in the city. Your work clothes were barely fitting, and you even had to size up once or twice already, but you thrived in those lunch breaks…you stopped coming back from lunch late not from eating any less, but eating faster. It became like a game to you. How much food could you experience in 30 minutes? You’d order an appetizer, a couple entrees, maybe a dessert for the walk back, and got there immediately to savor every bite. And in between, you’d fantasize about it. The rich, creamy sauces, the crispy, crunchy bread, the salty, savory meat, the sweet, rich cakes. You stopped caring so much that it was strange that it excited you like it did.
Forget a hobby, eating was your real full time job, the one you spent your time planning and day-dreaming about.
It stretched into your free time, too - you’d find places to get food on the way home, and spend the commute imagining how those flavors would play together. It didn’t even matter if it was particularly masterful - every meal was delicious, filling, exciting to you.
Of course, it was only a matter of time before you mixed your pleasure with your passion.
You were pent up. Sure, you had your profile on the dating apps, but you’d already updated your profile picture once, showing your fuller, flabbier face, and the connections already began to dry up. And with your new interest, you had an even fatter face to meet them with now, not to mention the bloated, overstuffed body you had along with it.
You were jerking off to some amateur porn when something flashed in your mind…melty, gooey cheese. Then, the rich whipped cream of a tiramisu. You never thought to actually do it yet, like…you could enjoy yourself, but the moment you actually tried to mix the two, it was real and you couldn’t turn back. Still, that night you were feeling particularly indulgent, and you had made a habit of acting on indulgence already.
You sat back up, walked to the kitchen, rummaging through your mostly empty fridge again, and found a mostly full bottle of whipped cream you had knocked over in the back. Simple, sugary, one handed. You plopped your thickened ass onto the couch and started stroking, with the other hand working the nozzle of the can.
Stroke. Spray. Stroke. Spray. You got caught in the rhythm of it, and in moments all the sensations blended together, like a well balanced dish. Mouth full. Sated. Cloying sweet cream. Fat coating your mouth. Stroke. Sticky fingers. Rolling your tongue, feeling the cream deflate in your mouth. Stroke. Sugar. Fat. Sweet. Decadent.
Your relationship with food had finished changing, and left you with a gluttonous, decadent body to show for it.
You knew it was irreversible when you had finally gotten a message from one of the apps, a simple ‘hey’ flourishing into a spirited conversation about your (former) interests and hobbies.
Then, he asked the question. “Wanna go out tonight?”
You had already begun the daily ritual, scrolling through the pickup spots and settling on your favorite Thai place for pickup on the way home - you could get some pad Thai, their chicken satay, maybe a couple orders of dumplings and some sticky rice. The tang of the sauce, the silky noodles, the crunchy spring of the bean sprouts.
“Sorry, busy tonight.”
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fillinforlater · 2 years
Eleven to One: Fine Feet
Male Reader x Kim Minju
Length: 1238 words
Tags: feet kink, yup, feet licking, feet worship, feet fucking, white polish and other white stuff, choking, making out, surprisingly soft, Daddy kink, perfect_baby_girl!Minju
TW: feet and a lack of editing lol
Inspiration and Credit: @sooyadelicacies, my partner in crime. Love you, buddy.
(A/N: Another for Minju on Minju Day! Truly the only one, prettiest, most perfect, wonderful Angel. Enjoy!)
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"Hi, Daddy!"
"Minmin, you haven't completed your training, because you don't know how to use your feet." 
"What does that mean, Daddy?"
Minju looks so innocent, laying on the bed tummy side, her bare feet in the air. Her eyes sparkle, not of pureness as they used to, but of excitement because of that one word: training.
"Stay just like this," you say, your heart thumping against your chest. You climb behind Minju and kneed her soft soles, "Minmin baby girl, all of Daddy's whores—yes they can suck cock, yes they have tight holes and know to be good girls—but what truly separates them from any other—" 
You slowly raise her feet and bring her toes to your nostrils and inhale. The feeling on their bottom side is admirable and a soft sheen of light hitting her soles makes them look like a golden item in a video game. They are something you can’t resist, you need to take it, touch it, experience it.
"Hng, Daddy, that tickles," Minju giggles gleefully. 
"They all have these gorgeous feet," you continue, not paying attention to Minju's reaction, not even her moans when you begin to suck on her toes and lick down her soles with lust. It's almost as if you were starving and lapping at the only delicious thing you had. You switch from licks to kisses to then graze her beautiful soles and then spread your saliva on every part of pale skin.
Minju looks over her shoulder, her wet orbs jiggle lightly as she savors your enjoyment of her feet. But they are not perfect. Something is missing.
"Minmin, why are you not wearing any polish?"
"Huh?" Minju responds, visibly dazed, a bit of drool in the corner of her mouth. For this thoughtless behavior, you spank her firm ass. Horny anger overtakes you for a split second and you shout:
"Get up and put it on now!"
Minju's feet quickly leave your grip, which you will only lament for a short while. She quickly disappears in the bathroom. At least she learned to leave the door unlocked.
Shake your head rapidly, then take a deep breath. This isn't you. Maybe the lack of sleep lately has gotten to you. Your self-control is at a low point. Irrational and quick behavior, just because of a pair of feet. 
It's not any pair of feet. No, that is true, you tell yourself and look down. Your dress pants have bulge. Not the first time that this happened, but today it twitches exceptionally strong. You flex your thighs and calves to get some of the blood out. It feels like Minju left forever ago, but it's probably just been two minutes.
The clock has never moved this slowly. At times like these, you're happy that a smartphone can be so distracting. You pull the device out, scroll through mails, messages, and a dozen missed calls. The deal is close to being done, but huge barriers are ahead of you.
Look up from your phone. Barely ten minutes. That has to be enough time. You unbuckle your belt while darting for the bathroom door. Open it slowly so as to not scare the clumsy Minju too much. 
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You can't help but gasp. Fuck, Minju looks too damn good sitting on the empty counter. Her face is too pretty, her thighs too smooth, her feet too fuckable. She puts aside the white polish and with an adorable smile and faint blush, shows you the painting on her nails.
“Does it look good, Daddy?”
You wordlessly reach for her feet and place them on your crotch. Then you go for her face, cupping it with both hands and initiating a swift torrent of kisses on her lips. Minju moans in surprise. Her breath is still quick when you disconnect your mouth from hers.
"Keep rubbing your feet on it," you command gently and put your thumb on her lips. This might be the most beautiful she has ever been and her natural skill of grinding her feet on your bulge makes you want to own her even more than you already do. 
"Daddy's hand," Minju whispers dazedly. She begins to kiss your thumb, then moves into your palm and to your wrist. Her lips place wet kisses everywhere and you react with a long groan. A simple tug with your free hand and your pants fall down to reveal your fully erect member.
Minju's soft soles wrap around your cock like her pussy does everyday. It's muscle memory for you to reach for her throat at this point, not necessarily to choke her, but to show her how much you own her. She gives into it easily, her eyes closing as you begin to thrust in the gap of her feet.
"Shit, this—fuck."
Awkward. You fail to string a proper sentence together. In an attempt to forget this tiny slip up, you begin to jolt your hips forward then backwards. Of course, it's unlike any pussy, but you tried to treat it that way. This gap has to be fucked with more care. In other words, it's time to take Minju softly, which is as rare as the sun hiding behind the moon.
Spit in your hand and lube up your cock a little. Minju giggles at the tingly sensation at her feet. She finds a better position for what you're trying to do. Even with her eyes closed, she learns to adapt. Her fresh polish glows in beautiful white and you begin to give her feet a good, slow fucking.
"Daddy~" Minju coos and you press down on her throat a bit, "I-I'm glad you like them."
You won't admit it to her, but you actually like everything about her. Each part of her body wows you day in and day out. A new found love for her nooks and crannies, curves and holes, for her horny and not-horny personality. With a sigh you give in and kiss her forehead, her cheek, to make it rosier.
"You're doing so good, Minmin," you say and groan when you're able to pick up the pace a little. The softness stimulates the sides of your cock, but the texture is the reason why you might actually cum. All you need is this tiny kick, this burst that will make you burst. You lean into Minju's ear and whisper a spell.
"Move them, Minmin. Move them like you move your hips when I fuck your. Daddy will give you his load. Do it!"
Minju opens her dizzy eyes a tiny bit and starts to jerk off your cock. You hold onto her shoulder and throw your head back. This orgasm is approaching faster than you anticipated, but you're not holding back. You can only think of Minju's white polish as your white shoots out of your throbbing cock. Ropes splash onto the counter top, up to Minju's shorts and her long sleeve. She hides her blushing face behind one hand.
"Hng~ Daddy likes Minmin's feet so much," she moans somewhat shyly.
You regain control with one breath and bite down on her lip. It's not enough to make her bleed, but Minju still flails and surrenders to you. She is yours. You then shove your fingers down her shorts and feel for her soaking wet slit. Of course she is like this.
"I think my Minmin deserves to cum for being such a good girl."
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feederheart · 19 days
The Greedy Queen.
CW: feederism, ssbbw, fingering
I could hear the ravenous gorging before I even stepped foot inside of the throne room.
The colossal oaken doors creaked open as the two heavy-armored guardsmen permitted my entry. Inside was a massive hallway illuminated by the morning sun shining through multicolored stained glass windows depicting the greatness of Gulosus, the ever-consuming empire. Treasures including armor, weapons, scepters, jewels, gold jewelry, statues, paintings, carvings, pottery, and even a crown once worn by my late uncle were scattered throughout the room either mounted on a pedestal, a stand, or a plaque. At the end of the hallway sat a massive throne decorated with glittering gemstones and shining gold pillaged from all over Gulosus. The throne’s occupant, Queen Aila, sat all six-hundred pounds of her fat, quivering body on said throne as two servants beside her fed her the bounty of the kingdom she inherited from her mother. She greedily reached her fat fingers toward a bowl filled with sweet, sugary fruit grown in the fertile plains to the south and nuts grown in the western valleys as she chewed on a roasted leg from a wild beast that roamed around the northern hills. She then took a swig of wine made from eastern shore grapes to wash it all down before digging into a decadent chocolate cake baked here in the castle; her meal was as well-rounded as she was. Her fat arms swung like pendulums as she reached for more and more food to shovel into her greedy mouth. Her round face, once the famous face that could drive kingdoms to war, had rounded out quite a bit; although her long, auburn hair and beautiful green eyes were still as flawless as ever, her cheeks and double chin jiggled with each bite she took off her food. Her bountiful breasts, massive belly, and juicy fat thighs threatened to rip and tear the tent-like silvery dress that she wore over her body, displaying each and every one of her corpulent curves. As usual, she was adorned in glittering gold jewelry and gem-encrusted trinkets, although it was clear that these had to be made to account for her fat wrists, neck, and ankles. 
I wasn’t here to watch another one of her greedy gorgings; if I were, it wouldn’t be hard to fit it into my schedule seeing as that’s all she does. I was here to deliver her tribute from my homeland, Mons; a vase full of goldbrew. Goldbrew is wine made from golden grapes that can only be grown in Mons. It is said to be the most delicious drink imaginable; at least Queen Aila seemed to think so. 
“OOH!” she squealed happily as soon as she noticed that I had walked in. “Have you brought me my brew?”
“Indeed I have,” I said, bowing before the queen with my arms outstretched.
The two servants ran over and grabbed the gourd before to take it to the queen for her consumption.
“You two, wait!” she exclaimed at the servants. “I want him to serve it to me.”
The two servants bowed and left the throne room.
“Bring it to me,” she demanded, pointing her finger at me and giving me a “come hither” gesture.
I stood up and obliged. Queen Aila’s fluttered her eyes seductively and watched as I brought over her goldbrew. I walked up the steps before her throne and stood right in front of her fat legs, smothered by her giant belly.
“For you, my queen,” I said as I tried to give her the vase.
“Pour it down my throat,” she ordered hungrily. “I want every last drop!”
“As you wish,” I replied.
I reached the vase over her belly and breasts to reach her awaiting mouth. I poured the sweet, succulent liquid down her throat and she gulped it down like a pig; she seemed to have mastered the art of stuffing her mouth without breathing.
I stopped pouring after about twenty seconds to let her take a breath. She moaned in pleasure as she swallowed, savoring the delicious taste of the goldbrew. Her legs seemed to shake ever so slightly and I swore I could see her hips gyrating. This was because goldbrew was easily the most potent aphrodisiac known to man.
I reached to her belly and began to rub it to help her digest her meal as I fed her dessert. With the other hand, I continued to pour the goldbrew down her throat, causing her to moan even louder. I slowly worked my hand down to the bottom of her dress and lifted it up; her juices were building up and running down her leg. I slowly slid my fingers lower and lower until they were between her fat thighs and worked my way between her vagina. I felt her sopping wet womanhood and pleasured her as I fed her the goldbrew, completely losing her in total ecstasy. She moaned and panted as I pushed my fingers deeper and deeper while contorting my arms so that I could do that and feed her the drink. Her fat legs twitched with pleasure and her back arched, pushing her protruding belly our even further. Finally, just as I was running out of goldbrew, she screamed and squirted all over her legs and my hand. Her juices dripped down to the floor as Queen Aila lay there, satisfied and full.
“I’ll fetch those servants and tell them to bring rags,” I said to her.
She was so lost in ecstasy that she did not hear. I simply bowed and turned around, satisfied with what my goldbrew had done to the queen. 
You see, none of the vases I brought contained just goldbrew as my uncle promised many years ago when he surrendered our lands to Gulosus. We couldn’t fight them head-on, so we opted for another path. Our golden grapes contain the aforementioned aphrodisiac that captivated not just Queen Alia’s senses but her mother before her as well. However, another ingredient we added just for them; a special spice that numbs the senses and strokes the appetite, slowly turning the drinker to a fat, hedonistic, and horny pig that would eat and fuck whatever is in front of them. As Queen Aila grew fat, lazy, and stupid by eating and drinking all day, my people were preparing to make their comeback and take Mons back. 
Gulosus will be sitting ducks because their queen is a fat, spoiled, pig of a woman who only cares about where her next fix of goldbrew is coming from. She’s perfect.
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