#< kind of - he is mentioned and very prevalent but uh - he is dead
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everestgale · 5 days ago
[This is a direct continuation of my half-Opportunist angst half-Skeptunist comic from February "It was in your nature," it takes place right as the comic is ending. This is your spoiler warning! Also it's a lot shorter than my last writing attempt, just under 1000 words (rather than 4000 it was last time-)]
[If I can't finish making drawings for my favorite ship, I will write them instead. Beaming these birds, they won't leave me alone (T v T)]
[Content warnings: blood, dead body]
[Hope you enjoy!]
So why did you–
Opportunist slid off onto his knees, the blade uselessly clattering beside him. He dragged his right hand and smeared a dark stain across the ground beneath; copper scent lingered in the back of his throat. His eyes froze in a dazed, petrified expression, locked onto the viscous pool of crimson. 
The question lingered, ringing endlessly in Opportunist’s head. His own inner voice sounded foreign, as though someone else from deep beneath kept asking why. That question would never have a clear answer now. How ironic, Opportunist thought, he would’ve hated that.
He will never hate anything again.
He will never ask anything again, either.
Opportunist winced, tasting the bile in his mouth. He tried to lift his body and stand up, but he staggered and tripped forward, his elbows now deep in blood. The deep indigo cloak loomed before his eyes, drenched and stained red. Opportunist tried to push himself away but lacked the strength–
Like always.
The stray thought got caught in Opportunist’s mind. He wasn’t always like this, no, he couldn’t be, he wasn’t weak, he was a sensible person looking out for himself, he had to–
A vision flashed before Opportunist; he suddenly sat at the kitchen table, waving a deck of cards in his hands at Skeptic. He was back at the card game night, the same night that Skeptic had ambushed him, tried to weasel his way into “cracking” Opportunist open like one of his many unsolved cases. He knew that Skeptic had tried to get close to him for a while, extensively studying his habits and mannerisms, but he couldn’t get a solid reason why. There had to be a reason Skeptic tried to get close to him… so naturally, what else would it be other than Skeptic’s vain attempts to find his weakness, to gain an advantage over him, to use it and abuse it against him–
Why would it be anything else?
Opportunist wasn’t sure anymore.
The very fiber of his being screamed at this creeping doubt; you fool, it thrashed in Opportunist's mind, he was a smart one, he knew too much, he planned to betray you. Better him than you.
As that thought crossed his mind, Opportunist's gaze focused on the body in front of him. For the briefest of moments, he saw blood-soaked brown feathers, rather than indigo, his body growing colder. He could hear a whistle; the sound of metal hitting flesh rang through the air, just as the sharp pain pierced down his back. That's what would happen, his very instinct whispered in his ears, better him than you–
The wretched question repeated itself, and another sharp pain arose, but this time, it was in Opportunist's heart.
If Skeptic truly schemed against him, wanted to gain the upper hand over him, tried to gain his trust to betray and backstab him later–
Why didn't you fight back?
Tears pooled in the corners of Opportunist's eyes; he squeezed them shut before his hands instinctively reached forward and grabbed Skeptic's lifeless body by the cloak. He brought it closer, acting on nothing but pure impulse and regret, and buried his face in one of Skeptic's wings, desperately clinging onto his dead flockmate.
Why did you let me kill you?
He let out a couple of quiet sobs, muffled by the soft flight feathers, still warm and comforting like they always were, almost like they belonged to someone living.
Opportunist could never let himself completely relax when he was with other people, he was so sure of it. And yet one gentle, fuzzy memory returned and lulled him out of this false confidence.
A nightmare. One brightly lit, stifling torch, surrounded by eternal, biting cold. He, no, everyone was supposed to celebrate its kind, blazing warmth… when it was the very thing that smothered life out of the air. Just as he was about to suffocate, Opportunist woke up with a shriek, shaking and desperately gasping. Everything afterwards was a blur to him, Opportunist could not recall what really happened that night… except, he distinctly remembered soft indigo wings, gently wrapping him in a warm embrace. He remembered relaxing into them, clinging to them, before drifting back to sleep. He remembered a gruff, but caring voice whispering something; he could not make out the words, but he knew they were tender… and honest.
He felt comfortable. 
The most comfortable he had ever felt in his entire life.
And yet Opportunist could not find the strength to trust him.
So why did you believe in me?
Was it for the same reason that Opportunist's heart broke as the blade hit Skeptic's back?
No, no, no, Skeptic, you fool, you– Opportunist could not let that thought linger for too long, for if it did, then that means…
Then that means Skeptic–
Opportunist jolted away from the lifeless body. 
He wiped the blood off his hands before brushing off the leftover tears. He took a shallow, ragged breath before he lifted his own body off the ground, the smallest movements requiring sustained effort. His heart ached as his wobbly legs moved him away from the pool of blood beneath his talons. But he couldn't let himself–
Opportunist knew he wasn't safe right now. With Skeptic gone, the flock surely would erupt into chaos. And several of them would surely suspect Opportunist–
Luckily, he had a plan.
Whatever other thoughts or feelings or regrets wanted to surface, Opportunist buried them deep beneath. He had to keep going; he had to come out on top; he had to ensure his safety.
Better them than you.
It was in his nature.
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lupically · 4 years ago
genre | fluff
word count | 1825
warning | none
note | i finally wrote something for my top husbando :’)
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it came to you as a surprise that diluc, at all, sleeps.
there has always been this fantasy version of him in your head, a fantasy that lacked the great ideals and bright adventures most fantasy novels you have read consisted of. in contrast, your fantasy of him was insulting and otherworldly at best—someone restricted to the rules, a personality as plain as a dull purple doormat, a total stick in the mud that kills joy at the mere sight of it, an emotionless robot that has no use for human necessity such as the bathing and sleeping.
does diluc even need to consume food? you have literally never seen him eat or drink anything before. has he ever taken off his gloves to pick up a hamburger—oh, archons, you just realized now that you have never seen the skin of his hands before. he always has gloves on! was it to hide something?
"oh, wow," you exclaimed lowly to yourself as you leaned forward to examine the hands of the very annoyed red-haired man before you. your long-term question was finally answered. "fascinating... so you do have hands!"
diluc spared not even a glance toward the limb you were so interestedly staring at. he kept quiet for a moment and peered down at you from his bed, one leg propped up and the other stretched out—a rather awkward position he had no time to get out of after he almost burned you alive for sneaking into his bedroom in the winery.
"what drunk wind blew your incompetent self here?" he asked, ignoring your remarks about his lack of real and human hands. whatever you meant by that? you were always spilling weird things out of your mouth, you might even be worse than venti, he reckoned. 
you glared up at him after hearing his mindless insult. you were only fifty percent sure (which was already a lot in your book!) diluc never actually meant those hurtful words, that they simply fly out of his mouth due to his weird need to make sure everyone around him knew that he leaves no room for unnecessary sentiment. 
being kind blatantly was not his thing, and he has no intention of being applauded for being a decent person. why that was, you couldn't be sure. you had your assumptions, but kaeya turned out far too different than diluc that you weren’t sure if you should put your finger on the assumption. you also didn't dare dive deeper into it because (a) you just weren’t invested enough, and (b) by then, it would be a family business you would hate to indulge yourself with.
"kaeya dared me to take a picture of your sleeping face in exchange for some wine. our good friend, the honorary knight's smaller friend also wanted it as a possible blackmail souvenir," you told him honestly.
diluc immediately murmured something you couldn't quite hear, but he looked more confused than annoyed when he glared down at the mattress of his bed. he grumbled something along the lines of how the roles were definitely reversed. you didn't press further about that.
"if that is what you came here for, your best bet is to leave the way you came," he said after a moment, pointing a cold hand toward his bedroom window. "you're not taking any pictures of me."
you snorted, holding up your kamera and tapping the lenses. “uh, i think i came pretty close to taking a picture of you sleeping, diluc.”
“i had woken up the second you walked through my bedroom door. you could never,” he said.
you hummed under your breath, eyeing him suspiciously. he was probably telling the truth. he barely struggled in surprise when he grabbed your hands in the dark; was it pure luck that he perfectly found where your kamera was on the first try or does diluc secretly has night vision? your guess was as good as the unknown. 
not to mention, he looked normal, just like someone who may be in the know of your intrusion. he appeared grumpy but that was just his normal state. you could barely get him out of a frown even if you pay him, mainly because he wouldn’t need your money, but also because he was stubbornly against smiling, it appeared. 
"you know, i was surprised at first. i didn't know you sleep at all! i always thought you kind of just shut down, or maybe you have stayed awake all your life," you said with a shrug, and when he deadpanned at you, you defensively waved your kamera around. "i'm sorry! i just–you don't strike me as a person who sleeps!"
"so dead, then?" diluc asked calmly, although there was very little calmness in his facial expressions, especially those judgemental eyes of his.
"not dead! just... not really human–" you paused and pressed your lips together, thinking back to what you said to him and realizing that he might have a point. then you turned to him. "you also eat, right?"
“are you leaving or not?” he asked, a hint of flare in his voice that if you looked closely, you may see fire emerging from his body.
being stubborn as ever, and knowing that diluc would never really hurt anybody he knew to be good people, you feigned thoughtfulness for a second. tapping your finger against your chin, you scrunched your nose and shook your head. setting the kamera lumine forcefully had to borrow you between your crossed legs, you flashed him a mischievous grin. 
“no,” you said. “i am getting that picture out of you!”
“like i said,” he said, “you will never.”
“fine! then i guess i will just have to sit here and wait for you to fall asleep on me,” you said, slapping your hand down on his soft mattress. “don’t try to force me out of here! i will make it way worse for you!”
diluc furrowed his brows, wondering if you meant what you said. when his questioning gaze couldn’t get even an ounce of budge from you, he could only sigh in frustration. if you planned to sit on his bed until he doze off, then you would definitely make it worse if he tries to dump you out of his bedroom through whatever means you could.
he may be a skilled swordsman and a vision bearer, but unfortunately, he was not immune to bullshits from the likes of you.
diluc closed his eyes to savor the tiniest bit of sleep he managed to get before he heard your extra loud footsteps creeping around his room. he was supposed to get a good night's sleep, which was something he hasn't had in a while because of all the business schedules and his side vigilante job.
he was supposed to rest tonight, and there came you.
there always comes you.
dilly-dally, unpredictable, the epitomie of 'knights of favonius... always so inefficient,' letting klee out of solitary confinement and causing a ruckus amongst the responsible adults kind of irresponsible, has paid for his wine at least a zero number of time kind of broke, and was just always here to ruin his mood at the tavern every single day. 
most of the time, diluc thought about you in a negative light, much like he did with everyone around him and the entirety of the knights of favonius. but there was a version of you in his head that painted you as somebody different—somebody respectful, somebody worth keeping around...
somebody he likes, perhaps.
after all, joy was never prevalent in his life. it used to be, but that was a past he has long forgotten the details of. even if he wanted to remember them now, he could only remember snippets that wouldn’t guarantee him a good nostalgia. he may just end up feeling worse at the end. the only constant influx of distraction he has now seemed to be either you or venti, and with the godly bard as his other option, he would much rather choose you. 
but it was not because that venti was too hard to confine in. you were just as hard to talk about problems with considering your optimism and fickle attitude. 
what diluc wanted was permanence; a train that never stops, a bottle of wine that continuously refills, dandelions that do not stop flying even after it reaches celestia. and venti was too understanding and abstract to be one. as interesting of a character he may be, venti knew when to leave people alone. or, occasionally, he just cared too little. after all the city of mondstadt didn’t lack a god because he was responsible. 
you, though. diluc could never pinpoint if you were as dense as you appeared to be, or if you did know how to read the room and simply chose to ignore it, but you never leave people alone. you never left him alone; you unknowingly pick a petty one-sided argument with him all the time, you get drunk at the tavern and somehow has never let anybody take you home but him, you barge into his bedroom in the middle of the night because of some stupid dare his brother made you do and you still refuse to leave despite being sleepy.
you give him a way out, whether he likes it or not.
arms crossed in front of his chest, he deadpanned as he watched your head drop lower and lower to the mattress. soon enough, you were snoring away on his bed with the gadget discarded by your feet. he watched you in silence, your cheek smushed against the surface and the intensity you always radiated lessening from your body. you looked normal now; not energetic, not talkative. just sleeping peacefully, the way he always made sure you were after carrying you home. 
diluc’s heart was finally softening under the knowledge that nobody was watching him anymore. the pessimistic monster that often emerges from him was still here, but in the face of you, it has painted itself pink and it has forgotten vengeance and retribution. in the face of you, it has been dragged out from the death it once laid and became forgiven. 
carefully laying your head down on the pillow, diluc draped the blanket over your shoulder to tuck you into his bed. after making sure you were fine and well, he placed the kamera on the desk in the room, somewhere visible you could find once you wake up, and he left for one of the guest rooms in the mansion. 
tonight was the first time in a while when he has forgotten about all the problems he’s had. something that wasn’t about wine, the family business, or the abyss order. it wasn’t the rest he wanted, perhaps it was hardly any rest at all, but he was glad he got to think about something else.
of course, diluc would never tell you that.
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all1e23 · 5 years ago
Honey & Whiskey [Pt.1]
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Pairings: Alpha!Billy Russo x Omega! Reader
Summary:   Falling was sweeter than honey and warm as whiskey.
Warnings: None for this chapter. Typical A/B/O dynamics.
A/N:  I know I am your dealer for soft Bucky but I’m trying out some new product. Soft Billy Russo. Just take a little taste. I promise It’s worth it. This is largely a self-indulgent fic and also for my beautiful beta @moonbeambucky​​. If you like it write me a book report, sing me a song or come scream at me.
***My fics are not to be saved or posted on any other sites without my written permission. Reblogs are my jam, though! Thanks!****
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You heard his car in the driveway before you caught the sound of the front door. This probably wasn’t the way to handle something like this. Prominent families didn’t behave like this. They didn’t cause a scene, and they certainly didn’t question a match this good. It was hard enough to find an Alpha that came from a good family, but one who wasn’t a complete knothead and genuinely cared for you? That was next to impossible. You managed to find that one in a million, and here you were pulling a stunt like this.
When you were a little girl, you read stories about the princess finding her prince, being saved from the tower, and living happily ever after in a big castle. So, you waited for your very own to come. You waited and waited by your window, but your prince never showed. You stayed locked in your tower with no sign of a savior. As you became older, you realized you didn’t want to be rescued, taken from one dungeon, and moved to another. You could take care of yourself without an Alpha there to defend your heart and fight the evil queen on your behalf.
Turned out you could handle her on all on your own.
Then you met James one evening at a friend’s wedding. He was sweet. Dark hair, blue eyes, and a charming crooked smile. He offered to buy you a drink and didn’t flinch when you reciprocated with the second. It was easy with James right from the start, and your parents were thrilled. They were simply over the moon. He came from a long line of senators, and his family were members at the club where your father plays golf. Everything was perfect. It was all working out the way it was supposed to, and in one short week, you would be married and bonded to James.
In the two years you’ve spent together, James has done everything he could to make you happy, not once has he abused his authority over you or made you feel as if you were less than him as his Omega. James has never given you a reason to fear him. Everything on the surface was perfect, but if you looked close, the cracks were easy to spot. Your heart had never had cause to race when he was near, and you never did learn what it would feel like to go weak from his touch.
It was doubtful you would ever know what it would be like to tremble from the brush of your Alpha’s fingertips. The odds you would find that love in this lifetime were slim, but if you stayed where you were, there would be no chance.
“Uh, Y/n…’ James stopped in the doorway to your shared bedroom and looked fairly amused, albeit confused by your attire. “What’s going on? Isn’t this bad luck?”
You glanced down at your wedding dress and grimaced. It wasn’t that the dress wasn’t beautiful, it was. It wasn’t you, though. It was huge for starters. Your mother had insisted this was the one from the moment it graced your frame. The skirt was so large you weren’t sure you would make it into the limo Saturday morning, and the bodice and lace sleeves were covered in so many crystals it felt like you were carrying an extra thirty pounds of glitter. This wasn’t the dress you pictured when you spent your days playing princesses in your bedroom, and all of this felt wrong.
You looked back up at your fiance, who was by your side in an instant when he saw fresh tears falling down your cheeks. James quickly wiped them away with only his thumbs. No tender kisses brushed them away, his touch was gentle but not in a way that soothed the restlessness in your soul.
“Do you feel something seeing me in this? I mean, really feel something? Because I don’t feel anything when I put it on. I’ve been trying so hard to feel something, anything but... I don't."
James tossed his keys on the dresser and stuffed his hands in his pockets now that he realized what this was. It wasn’t a simple case of cold feet or some cute moment you were going to bring up at the rehearsal for a quick laugh during toasts. He didn’t look mad, he was disconcerted, and you couldn’t blame him for that.
You didn’t fully understand why yourself, so you couldn’t expect him to.
“Okay. What is this, baby? What’s going on?”
As good and kind as James was, it wasn’t there.
“I’m not in love, and I don’t think you are either.”
The confirmation you needed flashed in his eyes. He didn’t feel it either. You stepped forward and held your hands out for his. James placed his hands in your hands without any hesitation, his fingers tightened around yours the longer the silence stretched between you. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and when his eyes opened again, there was something different about them. They were filled with acceptance and a little bit of relief you knew he wouldn’t want you to see.
“I do love you, and I would take care of you,” James offered as if he was giving you one last opportunity to change your mind. One more chance to do the right thing.
You kissed his cheek and pulled your hand back from his hold, leaving the three-carat oval cut diamond resting in his palm. People lived that lie every day. Your parents, James’s parents, and you wouldn’t be surprised to find out it was the foundation on which most of the marriages you knew were born. Its prevalence among your social status was hefty and typical, but that wouldn’t be fair to either of you.
It wasn't a lie you could spend the rest of your life telling.
“I know, but I want more than that. I want to feel it.”
“Okay, May. I am out of here,” You chirped. It had been a long, exhausting day. You worked a double shift after one of the other waitresses, an Omega, called out claiming she was in heat, but this was her third heat in four months. It was entirely possible that she was being truthful and not using her designation to get extra days off so she could play house with that Beta she’s been dating since Halloween. Maybe she was a medical marvel, and her heats really did come three times as often as every other Omega on the planet.
All you knew for certain? Your bed was calling your name, and you could not wait to get out of this diner.
“The rush seems to have died down, and I am dead on my feet, so I’m leaving before we get the late dinner crowd, and you beg me to stay.”
“Yeah, yeah. Always complaining,” May teased with a grin and a motherly gleam in her eye. “Take your cut from the tips, and then I want you to eat and get some sleep. You can come in for the dinner shift tomorrow.”
“You gonna clear that with Roger?”
May rolled her eyes at the mention of your boss; Alpha and every bit the knothead prick.
“I’ll deal with him. Don’t you worry about it.”
"Hey, Y/n.” You glanced at Karen, who had a taunting smirk making her pale cheeks flush, she was pointing to the far back of the diner with her order pad, and she mocked with a teasing grin, “Look who it is! Your boy arrived just in time to see you off."
Your eyes followed her bright purple pen, and your knees went weak the moment you laid eyes on him. You didn’t know he was coming tonight. It’s been four days since you last saw his pretty face (not that you were counting or anything!), and you hadn’t realized how much you missed him until that moment. The handsome, dark-haired Alpha was sitting at one of your usual tables and looked uneasy, his leg was bouncing up and down at a vigorous pace, his dark blue hoodie pulled up over his head, and he was wringing his hands together as he scanned the small diner for you -- what you hoped was for you anyway.
"Don't get any ideas about that, Alpha." May Parker huffed.
The older Omega was a little cynical from the cards life had dealt her, and from the second you showed up looking for a job, she took it upon herself to look after you the way a mother would. It wasn't as if your mother had any interest in your life at the moment, not after you embarrassed her and left a black smear on your family’s name. A mark didn’t suffice for the choices you made. Your actions affected everyone in the family, bled onto the very fabric your ancestors stitched together, and made a tear that thread and needle could never mend. Apparently, you should have married even though you weren’t in love and simply found a way to fall in love with James after vows and rings were exchanged.
At least May understood your choice, and you couldn’t blame her for the fire in her eyes and the ice in her touch when it comes to Alphas; life had not been kind to her. Despite losing her true mate at a young age, only to end up with a sad stand-in for the man she lost. He abused his designation and using it to control her and her son. It took years to rid herself of him, but she built a nice life without him. She obtained assistance from an Omega Shelter, went through therapy to break their bond, and even bought a place of her own. Even after all the good that has come over the last seven years, the clouded memories have left her jaded and wary.
"You need to find someone that will take care of you, and he's not it. You stay away from Billy Russo, you hear me? He's not a good Alpha. I’ve known him longer than you have.”
That was true. You’ve only been in the city for eight months and working at Sunrise Diner for seven. Billy was a customer long before you came around, but according to Karen, he would pick up an order to go, barely spoke to anyone, and never tried to get a table. May didn’t know him any better than you did. It wasn’t as if they had some long-standing relationship or history. You were grateful for the advice, but you could make your own judgments.
You’ve let someone else be your eyes and voice for far too long, and you weren’t about to allow yourself to repeat past mistakes.
Billy finally found you standing behind the counter, and the second your eyes locked his own lit up, his legs settled, and the smile on his face just about knocked you over. Your smile widened as you stared at each other for what felt like ages.
"Y/n, are you listening to me?” May snapped her fingers in front of your face, forcing your eyes to focus on her.  “He's trouble. Ex-marine with more issues than one person can handle."
You tossed your apron under the register in the black bin that held all the dirty smocks for the night. You glanced at your reflection in the silver napkin holder, resting in the order window and swore under your breath. Your hair’s frayed and sticking out every which way, and your lip gloss faded the first hour into your shift. It was too late to do anything about that now. Not with May watching your every move and Billy sitting so close, his eyes trained on you now that he found you.
Having Billy watch you fix your lipstick because he came in would be an embarrassment you wouldn’t survive.
"That's why he should have someone he can lean on. We are friends. I have a feeling he needs someone that won’t judge him for a past he can’t change.”
"Trouble,” May huffed. “You're asking for trouble."
You practically skipped over to the table Billy sat at. Same one as always. The booth at the far back of the bright restaurant where he had a view of the bathrooms and the front door. He always sat with his back against the wall, and every few minutes, his eyes wandered over to the exit door on his right. You didn’t know what happened, but you knew it was enough to keep him on edge at all times.
"Hey, Stranger."
Billy's near-black eyes looked brighter now that you’re near, and he gave you that toothy grin that made your stomach flip.
"Hey, sunshine.”
Billy has called you that from the moment you met, you weren’t sure why, but it made your heart race every time it rolled off his tongue. You have to admit you didn’t hate the feeling.
"You haven't been in for a few days. I was starting to think the mac and cheese scared you off."
That wasn’t really true. Though, you did question the state of the mac and cheese on a regular basis. The way the noodles all stuck together in that round ball wasn’t natural. This was more about you than sticky elbow pasta goop. You were slightly worried that he may have started seeing an Omega and would no longer be coming by for these late-night visits. Not that it was any of your business. It’s not as if you’re bonded or even potential mates. You haven’t spent a moment with  Billy outside this diner. You had not an ounce of claim on him, and you certainly didn’t have a say in who he spent his days with -- or his nights.
Billy let his hood fall back, and he ran a hand over his buzzed hair. His scars were no longer as angry and red as they were when he first came in on that rainy Tuesday afternoon seven months ago. You can still recite every word he said to you that day like some silly school girl daydreaming about the cute boy in study hall. Some nights you did just that, on evenings when he didn’t come by or stayed far too late and left your heart aching for another ten minutes.
Scars or no, he was still the most handsome Alpha you had ever seen.  
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I, uh, it's been a tough few days is all, and I haven't had a second to come in."
You eyed him for a long minute, and you realized what he meant by a tough few days. More like it smacked you right in the face -- rut.
Did he share his rut with someone?
No. No, probably not.
Billy didn’t seem to give his trust freely, so you doubted he called a Service Center to help him through his rut. That didn't mean he didn't have an Omega in his life, one he trusted enough to share it with. It shouldn’t matter if he did, so why did you want to know so badly? It would be easier if you could simply scent him to find out. That’s what you wanted to do. You were aching to scent him right there in the middle of the damn diner in front of Karen, May, and anyone else that wanted to stare. You wanted to be sure there wasn’t a hint of another Omega anywhere near him, maybe leave a little bit of you on him.
What the hell was wrong with you?
You’ve never been this possessive before. Even with James, you never cared if he came home smelling like another Omega. Hell, you never gave it a thought. Billy wasn’t yours, and you needed to remember that.
"I’m glad you’re back. I missed you."
Billy tried to fight off his grin. He tried hard, but it still showed up brightly enough to make you simper. He must have liked that because his scent sweetened, and it was so thick it had your knees shaking. You stood up as straight as you could and locked your knees. Letting your legs give out over some handsome Alpha like a stereotypical Omega would be a shame you could never come back from.
"Is that right?" Billy drawled, smirking as he took in the tremble in your knees and the honey sugaring your scent.
"Yeah, you're my favorite customer,” you answered with a slight shrug. Billy chuckled and ducked his head to hide the pink spreading from his cheeks down his neck, but you caught the rosy hue regardless.
"Favorite." He recited the word as if he didn't like the way it tasted on his tongue like he was confused as to why you would use that word in association with him.
"Without question,” you assured him.
The hesitation in his eyes and confusion had your heart breaking. Someone along the way, recently or long ago, made him feel as though he wasn’t worthy of being someone’s favorite, of being that important to someone. The thought made your gut clench in the worst way. Billy was more than deserving of that title.
"So, I'm about to get off. My shift actually ended about ten minutes ago. Well, technically, my shift ended at two, not eight, but one of the girls is out making medical history, so here I am."
"Oh,” Billy murmured. He was disappointed, that was plain to see. The light in Billy’s eyes instantly faded, and he began to slide out of the booth. You had a feeling if he left now, he would end up picking tacos off the dollar menu at some fast-food chain, eating all alone back at his place. You couldn’t have that now, could you? Besides, friends have dinner together all the time. Isn’t that what Karen told you every time she had dinner with Frank?
Yes, friends could have dinner together, and it didn’t have to mean more than noodles and cheese.
”I can- I'll go eat somewhere else. I don’t want to keep you if you’re going home.”  
You rested your hand on his shoulder to keep him from sliding out past you and shook your head, still smiling down at him. "Oh, no, you don’t. Unless you want to leave, of course. Food here isn't great."
Billy looked up at you, and his eyes have gone dark again, but it wasn’t in the way you liked. He was struggling to figure out what he wanted to say. You could see the moment Billy gave in to whatever it was, he was wrestling with and confessed, “I don't come here for the food.”
Your heart was pounding so hard you swore you could hear it in your ears. No doubt, Billy could pick it up in your scent. You never considered buying suppressants until you met Billy Russo. Then again, there were a lot of things you never considered until you met him. You blew out a shaky breath, and your words came out in as a stuttering mess, "Then… w-why do you come h-here?"
Billy held your gaze but didn’t elaborate further. It was probably for the best. If he had said what you thought could be the reason you might have melted right there at his feet and would have been forced to quit your job citing irremediable humiliation.
"Okay, um, well, I maybe thought I could eat with you? I haven't eaten since this morning, and I've been working all day, so I’m starving."
Billy frowned at that, and he quickly pressed for more, "You haven't eaten all day? So, that means you worked all day without taking a break?”
"Yeah, it happens. Some days it's really busy, and I don't get a second. Roger, our boss, he’s not great at following labor laws. If things get busy like they were today, there is no way he’s letting me take a break.”
If it was possible, Billy’s eyes blackened, and his normal candied scent turned sour. It was a subtle change to the whiskey and brown sugar scent you’ve come to know. He wasn’t on blockers, nor were you, it made his feelings easy to read. You weren’t sure he liked that fact at the moment. The scrunch of his nose and the wrinkle in his brow said he was trying to control his feelings to keep them hidden from you, or maybe he was attempting to understand whatever feeling was jumbled in his head.
“I don’t-- I don’t like that. You should be getting breaks so you can eat. You have to eat.”
You didn’t like it either, but there was little you could do. You had no way to prove that Roger refused to let you take breaks, and it wasn’t like he said he would fire you if you went on break. It only was heavily implied, and he knew when to use an Alpha command, with the tiniest drop in his voice, he had Omegas scampering to do as he wished. Thankfully, you have yet to be on the receiving end, and you had no intention of experiencing it. You needed this job whether or not Billy approved of your break schedule. You couldn’t do anything about Roger or your schedule, but you might be able to fix Billy’s spoiled mood and catch another glimpse of his pretty smile.
"How about you feed me then?" You suggested with a grin.
Billy’s frown quickly faded into a crooked smirk, a gentle chuckle followed, and everything turned sweeter. Whenever Billy was smiling, there was a little more sugar and a little less whiskey floating nearby, and it often left your head spinning for days after. You’ve never been one to fall for a sugar rush over a whiskey high -- until now.
"Okay, Sunshine. I can do that. Do you want to eat here or somewhere else?"
"Where are you most comfortable?"
"Where am I most comfortable…” Billy repeated the question, brows furrowed in thought, and he responded without thinking, “I’m most comfortable when I’m with you."
Billy quickly realized that was not what you meant when he looked up to see your eyes widen.  He cleared his throat and sat up straighter as he tacked on an addendum, hoping you would ignore his first admission. "Nowhere that’s loud. Or, um, crowded. I’m not great in large rowdy groups. I need a place I can sit like this. My back against the wall and know my exits."
You knew that already and now you were mad at yourself for making him admit it out loud, but you had to confess not all of his revelation sounded so bad.
"I'll tell you what I live right around the corner. How about you come over, and I'll make you dinner?"
Inviting an Alpha you barely knew back to your place wasn’t the smartest thing you’ve done. Everyone knows, Omegas at least, you never tell an Alpha your address until you’re courting, and you know what kind you’re dealing with. You couldn’t explain why but your heart and your head were telling you to trust him and when they agree on something you listen.
“You want me to come back to your apartment?”
Billy seemed to be questioning your judgment, but nothing felt wrong about having Billy in your home.
“Only if it will make you feel more comfortable. If not, I know a pizza place a few blocks away, but we will have to catch a cab.”
You truly didn’t mind either way as long as Billy was comfortable. He took a few thoughtful seconds before he nodded. “Your place is okay. If you’re sure, you want me to know where you live.”
You grinned and stepped back so he could stand. “Let me grab my purse, and I’ll meet you by the door, okay?”
Billy didn’t have a chance to answer because you were bounding off towards the counter and the group of nosy Omegas watching you both with interest. Billy stuffed his hands in the pockets of his hoodie, watching you share a few hushed whispers with the older woman behind the register.
“You’re leaving together? Y/n, this is not a good idea. Why can’t you stay here together where we keep an eye on you? It would be safer that way.”
“I said I’m fine. I don’t need you to look after me just because I’m an Omega. I can handle myself, and I can handle Billy.”
“He’s not what you think. I only want you to be careful.”  
You jerked your jacket out from under the counter and slipped your arms into the black puffy arms. You were already done with this. She didn’t know Billy any better than you did. Maybe she saw some things, or he came off like a typical asshole Alpha once when they first met, but the only conversation they have had revolved around grilled cheese sandwiches and you. You stopped in front of May, and you couldn’t keep the ice out of your voice even if you had wanted to. “Did you ever stop to think that maybe he’s not what you think? I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good night, May.”
Billy glanced over your shoulder and back at you as you approached. “Everything alright over there?”
“Oh, you know.” You shrugged as you stepped out the door Billy was holding open for you. “Co-worker drama.”
There were tiny bits of moonlight shining down on the sidewalk next to you. It was awkward at first. This wasn’t your normal dynamic. Billy came in and ordered the same grilled cheese and fries every night; not that you could blame him for that, it was probably the only edible thing on the menu. You would make some cute comment about melted cheese and Billy would give you that smile that set skin on fire, he left a tip that was always triple the cost of the tiny sandwich and promised to see you real soon. You knew the risks that came with what you were doing. You are breaking the first rule they teach you in Orientation class, but you didn’t care, and it didn’t scare you.
Billy didn’t scare you.
“You know you really shouldn’t invite Alphas you don’t know back to your apartment. It’s not safe. I could be anyone. I could be some asshole Alpha using that sweetness in your heart to take advantage of you.”
Maybe that was the thing that should scare you -- your blind trust for an Alpha you barely knew.
“No, you’re not, Billy.”
“Yeah? How do you know that, Sunshine?”
Billy was teasing you, the mile-wide grin on his face told you so. You shook your head and matched his smile. The answer was pretty simple, really. It was the one thing missing with James. You felt the tension in your shoulders lift, and you told him the only thing about tonight that mattered.  
“I can feel it.”
Masterlist // Part 2
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samclownchester · 5 years ago
Supernatural Rewatch 04x10
Heaven and Hell
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Ok, there’s a lot to unpack in this episode, let’s see what I can do
Angels and Emotion
We find out that Anna chose to fall, to extract her grace from herself and become human, mostly because she was tired of being perfect like a marble statue, she wanted to feel.
(Side Note: I am so confused as to where her body came from. Did she just like … insert herself into her mother’s womb?? She said she was a miracle birth but like … idk later when angels lose their grace, they always stay in the vessel they had … so what happens when an angel loses their grace without a vessel?)
Anyway, she says:
ANNA I mean it. Every emotion, Dean, even the bad ones... It's why I fell. It's why... why I'd give anything not to have to go back. Anything.
DEAN Feelings are overrated, if you ask me.
ANNA Beats being an angel. … Perfect... Like a marble statue. Cold... no choice... only obedience.
Which brings up a prevalent theme that we see throughout Supernatural which is that being a human is the most desirable thing in this world. It also really solidifies the idea that heaven and angels are not things we want to trust or be (which was admittedly a jarring concept to my little religious 14-year-old self when I first watched this show lol). Supernatural often circles back to this idea, of glorifying the normal and mundane, the little moments that most of us take for granted, that these characters rarely get to experience. Whether it’s the peaceful life the boys never had, or the deep coursing emotions that angels miss out on, Supernatural likes to take moments to remind the viewers to be grateful for the lives we have.
On the topic of angels as “perfect marble statues” though … in this episode  we already learn that this isn’t true about Castiel. He feels something.
DEAN Where's your boss?
URIEL Castiel? Oh, he, uh... He's not here. See, he has this weakness. He likes you.
Uriel already considers Castiel too emotionally compromised to do the job properly. Then when they come at the end of the episode, and he sees Anna and Dean kissing, he is clearly feeling something.
I asked @piades​ what Cas was thinking when Dean and Anna kissed, because I didn’t really want to jump to the often drawn conclusion, and they responded
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Which is honestly very similar to this post which talks about longing
And I think that’s accurate and these people are smarter than me so I’m gonna leave it at that ^_^
But, although Cas is clearly capable of some level of emotion Anna still says this to him
CASTIEL I'm sorry.
ANNA No. You're not. Not really. You don't know the feeling.
*thinks about the “you’re playing Sorry” scene in S7 and the “I know what it’s like to be sorry” scene in S9*
Cas has a lot of character development up ahead of him I’m telling you that.
Anna and Dean vs Ruby and Sam
I maintain that Cas is Ruby’s true parallel/foil, but we’ll talk about that in another episode. In this episode Dean connects with Anna and there is such a drastic difference between the way they interact and the way Sam and Ruby interact
Now, Obviously these are vastly different situations but I want to compare them.
We see Ruby talking to Sam trying to pressure him into drinking demon blood, and when he says no she lays on the guilt, not accepting no for an answer.
RUBY No, your abilities -- you're getting flabby… You know what you got to do.
SAM No, I'm not doing that anymore.
RUBY Sam...
SAM I said no.
RUBY Well, then you better pray that Anna gets her groove back, or we're all dead.
When Anna and Dean are talking, she brings up his time in Hell, and he makes it clear he won’t talk about it and she doesn’t ask him to talk about.
ANNA About a week ago, I heard the angels talking... About you... What you did in Hell. Dean, I know. It wasn't your fault. You should forgive yourself.
DEAN Anna, I don't w-want to, uh... I don't want to... I can't talk about that.
ANNA I know. But when you can, you have people that want to help. You are not alone. That's all I'm trying to say.
Now, like I said these are pretty different situations and I could maybe pull different conversations to compare, but what I’m trying to get at with these is that Ruby doesn’t respect Sam’s choices. She will push and push until Sam finally gives her what she wants, where Anna is willing to let Dean take things at his own pace.
(and these are things that you can see if you compare the two different sex scenes as well. I’m not gonna get into it but go watch them if you want, you’ll see what I mean).
((Stop violating Sam’s consent I swear, the neck stabbing threat is still good, I promise 🗡️🗡️))
Dean in Hell
Lastly, we have Dean finally admitting and explaining to Sam what his time in Hell was like. Jensen’s acting in this scene is superb.
But I don’t wanna talk emotions right now, I wanna talk about this
DEAN It was four months up here, but down there... I don't know. Time's different. It was more like 40 years.
The way this is phrased makes it sound like 1 month = 10 years in Hell, but I don’t know if that’s necessarily true. We know they kind of dropped this idea later on in the show, never really touching on it again, but the use of the number 40 is interesting to me, because that is a number used very often in the Bible (ie it rained for 40 days and forty nights after Noah built his ark, Christ fasted for 40 days and 40 nights, etc) and, at least I have always been taught, that the number 40 was not used literally in those cases, but rather as a symbolic number that basically just meant “a very long time.”
So Dean talks about his time in Hell as forty years, he says he held out for thirty years and then caved, but I feel like this is all more metaphorical than literal. I would imagine that in Hell time is a lot more like … Jeremy Bearimy in the Good Place. Not entirely explicable to the human perspective.
Honorable mention moments:
That point near the beginning of the episode when Dean goes to help Ruby and Sam stays to plead with Castiel – switching associations for a moment. Sam talking to the angels and Dean helping the demon.
During the fight scene when Dean saves Cas from Alastair <3
Ruby referencing Godzilla and Mothra – listen there is no way she knew what those were when she was in Hell, she has watched movies since leaving Hell, most likely with Sam while Dean was in Hell. AU where Ruby’s not a horrible person and Sam gets to introduce her to all the movies he loves and other things humans have invented since she died.
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oc-rehab-centre · 6 years ago
How To Make An Ackerman OC
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(Artist: Xue Lian Yue) 
How To Make An Ackerman OC
The Ackerman Family is a very iconic bloodline, exclusive to the Shingeki No Kyojin Universe. A byproduct of titan engineering, the Ackermans possess unimaginable strength once reaching an “awakened” state, through which their strength is triggered. Levi and Mikasa Ackerman are arguably some of the manga’s icons and are well known by many members of other fandoms.
With such an interesting and enigmatic aura to the Ackerman Family - it is understandable that many people in the OC Fandom might take interest in having an Ackerman of their own. While typically - we would advise you here to avoid having fanmade characters be related to canon characters, here - we are going to try and discuss the tropes and cliches of Ackerman OCs. We will tell you what to avoid - and perhaps give you some pointers on how to improve upon your OC. As usual, what you read will be based merely off of personal opinions.
More may be added into to in the future! If you have any suggestions or tropes you would like us to add, send us a message and we’ll add how we best believe could correct that trope/problem!
Trope 1 - Tragic Ackerpast
Sad backstories are not an uncommon thing in Attack on Titan. A majority of the show’s main characters have tragic pasts, and the Ackermans are no different. Of the two childhoods we have seen, Levi’s mother passed away while he was still young and he only learned enough to survive in the Underground District before being left by Kenny.
Despite being from a bloodline that is actively trying to be suppressed - does not mean they need to have a tragic backstory to validate their Ackerman heritage. 
Perhaps your OC grew up a little rough around the edges - but their entire nuclear family does not have to be slaughtered - nor do they have to be adopted or fostered by some abusive parents or the perfect, rich parents for their own protection. While this may help your OC better “correlate” with the canon Ackermans in the series, OC critics will be picky of details and certainly pounce on you for this. Just because they are an Ackerman OC does not mean they need an “edgy” backstory. 
Note: This fact/tip of OC creation does not just apply to Ackerman OCs! Shingeki No Kyojin, as gruesome as it is - not every character has a tragic past, filled with murder, melancholy and abuse. While tragic pasts can add to certain fanmade characters, it can detract from others. Be sure to do it well, if you decide a tragic past would suit your character, and try to avoid the common tropes/cliches.
Another thing worth mentioning - people seem to dub Kenny as an abusive relative. That man is caring and sweet in his own kind of way. Regardless of the fact that he is a killer, he is very human. 
Trope 2 - Forms of Levi Connection
There are various thing that never fail to annoy me about the Ackerman OCs and their relationships to Levi, but I shall only explain and resolve a few of these pet peeves - because they go against the known canon. I’ll list them below - and then you can read about them.
Levi is the Father/Brother/Uncle/etc.
The Thug “Quartet”
Being a Scout
1. Levi is the Father/Brother/Uncle/etc.
A majority of the Ackerman OCs I have seen are in one way or another, connected to Levi. After browsing a few of the Ackerman OCs via Google and looking through their biographies to discover their Ackerman heritage - Levi was almost always the father. And, if not the father - he tended to be either the older brother of the OC.
While there is nothing to confirm the fact that Levi does not have any siblings, I would just like to say - it is unlikely that any of Levi’s fanmade siblings, would be Ackermans. Kuchel, after having Levi - would likely not bear any more children after him - considering the fact that she was presumably sickly even before her son’s birth. (Idea: Remember, Levi has a father, even though he is never seen or named. If Levi’s illegitimate father was a player and enjoyed screwing with lots of prostitutes, you can theoretically have an OC to Levi who isn’t an Ackerman!)
I got a little carried away in that last statement, but I feel personally like it is a realistic idea, far more realistic than Levi having any siblings younger than himself.  Levi having older siblings is an idea I am honestly less opposed to, on the condition that they are done well, of course.
What is even better than having your Ackerman OC related to Levi, remember that Levi, Kenny and Kuchel only make up one side, hell, perhaps even just one branch of the Ackerman Family. In comparison to Levi, Mikasa’s side of the Ackerman family is practically estranged from Ackerman OCs. It is always a matter of being related to Levi, rather than Mikasa. 
Perhaps you can propose that Mr. Ackerman (Mikasa’s father) has brothers or sisters who have Ackerman children of their own. You are free to be crafty with OCs - as long as they make logical sense!! You have the opportunity to fill in gaps which Hajime Isayama never filled in himself with your own headcanons and plot ideas. Perhaps that man has a stat of 11/10 mystery for a reason you can fill in!
Now to move away from siblings of Levi is concerning a majority of Ackerman OCs - the children of Levi. Many children of Levi tend to be the product of either common pairings (Levihan, Rivetra, Ereri, etc.) or of a canon x oc couple. While these OCs are very prevalent in the fandom, it is quite annoying. Many OC critics argue that children of Levi are instantaneously Mary-Sues/Gary-Stus because their very existence breaks canon and they will advise you to rethink your consideration of making your OC an Ackerman. 
Common themes in Levi being the father are typically not believable. Many creators fail to consider the fact that Levi’s age when making their OCs, the product of canon ships or canon x oc pairs. Many people often forget that Levi did not join the Scouts until 844, a year before the Fall of Wall Maria - yet (this is only an example), he has a child who is 15 years old and a member of the 104th Trainees Squadron by 847. I have seen very many Ackerman OCs whose aging does not fit at all into the timeline of the Attack on Titan, so be cautious and take a few minutes to make sure the dates make sense. Just use a calculator or some mental math skills - and make sure it is passable.
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2. The Thug Quartet
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Moving on - often times, if the OC grew up in the Underground, they are a fourth member of the Thug Trio - composed of Levi, Isabel Magnolia and Farlan Church.
In relation to the question regarding the insertion of an OC in the Thug Trio - I would personally advise OC creators to avoid this. One of the most unoriginal things you can do, which can potentially destroy a fan character is plopping them straight into the series and rewriting the canonical timeline to accommodate your character. This just takes so much originality out of a fan character, and much of the fun out of creating one as well.
A good fan character FITS into a storyline. The canon story should not have to be altered for them to fit into the series. If you are altering canonical events in the story so that it bends to the personal history/timeline of your own character, I’m sorry to tell you this, but stop. For the sake of having a good OC, just stop.
If you want your OC to also live in the Underground District, certainly, they can still be an Ackerman and not be part of Levi’s Thug Trio to, uh, still be a thug - if you’re dead set on your character being a thug. 
3. Being A Scout
Let’s be honest. A majority of the OCs in this fandom are soldiers and members of the Scouting Legion. There is nothing wrong with being in the Scouting Legion, Hell - most of my own OCs are in the Scouting Legion. Now allow me to explain why this peeves me. 
In connection to the idea of the “Thug Quartet”, a few Ackerman OCs (and also many OCs in general) I have seen have been exploited for their strength and are pretty much Levi, regurgitated in a much smaller, female form. The fact that many Ackerman OCs are asked by Erwin to join the Scouting Legion, rather than joining by their own free will. 
*inhale* Just a little bit of salt - people seem to forget Erwin wasn’t the Commander until 845. I’m very nitpicky when it comes to the dates, warning to all the future OCs I will review! 
The Scouting Legion is not a first choice for most sane individuals, especially prior to the year 847, when Eren convinced a sizable portion of the main cast to join the Scouts with his teenage, hormonal military propaganda. It was/is a death wish to be part of the Scouting Legion - punishment, depending on how you look at it. Refrain from having your Ackerman Oc (or any OC) be convinced to join the Scouts in the same manner as Levi, Isabel and Farlan - it makes for a very unoriginal concept.
Trope 3: The Ackerman Archetypes 
If you ask people to describe Levi and Mikasa Ackerman, the answers you will get will be pretty simple and basic. They are badass, reserved, and powerful. In this section - we’re gonna discuss what OC creators forget to keep in mind when making their Ackerman OC, and these are basically the stereotypes. 
Physical Appearance
1. Personality 
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A common misconception about members of the Ackerman Family is that they are all cold and stoic characters who are not overly expressive, often seen frowning subtly in a detached, mysterious manner. GOD. This is an incredibly annoying thing to see in Ackerman OCs - personalities are not genetic and furthermore, the Ackermans are not soulless beings incapable of emotions, just because their badass levels are OVER 9000!!
It’s a common misconception as well that the Ackermans are all stone-faced individuals, but God.. Isayama and WIT Studio have done a lot better in recent chapters/episodes to show both Levi and Mikasa with expressions other than, y’know: 
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Just because they are an Ackerman does not mean they have to be exactly like Levi or Mikasa - they are free to have their own original personalities. 
2. Physical Appearance
Another very common trait of Ackerman OCs is their appearance. In a majority of Ackerman OCs - they will have jet-black hair, light pigmented eyes which if blue, will more often than not be described as “ice blue”. (lol) 
This is admittedly a rather justified trait. We see that many of the Ackermans from Levi’s known side of the family possess dark hair and light eye. (with the exception of Grandpa Ackerman, but we can assume he had darker hair in his youth, unless it was a trait from Grandma Ackerman.) It can be argued that dark hair and light eyes are dominant genetic traits, but not every canon Ackerman is dark haired.
Going back to Mr. Ackerman, we know that he has light hair - and therefore proves that not all Ackermans have dark hair. Black hair does not have to be the only colour that exists in Ackermans. Brunette, blonde, fawn - please! I’d love to see some Ackerman OCs who do not have astoundingly light/bright coloured eyes or black hair! It would actually be refreshing to see an Ackerman OC who does not look like a carbon copy of fem! Levi. It will certainly help your character seem more original, despite being an Ackerman!
3. Strength (+ Ackerbond Concept)
Out of all of the archetypes seem in Ackerman OCs - what pisses me off the most is a lack of understanding of the Ackerman’s strength and its origin. There are countless Ackerman OCs who have stats that surpass Levi’s. This not only breaks canon - but seeing Ackerman OCs with stats that say “Battle Skill: 12/10″ and such of that sort, but in their bio, there is never anything stated about a traumatic/changing event that sparked that fire, just makes OC critics wonder if you have really done your homework on how the Ackermans work.
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For those who don’t understand what the Hell I’m trying to say here, news flash - the Ackermans are not born as ripe, killing machines. Their strength is often dormant, only awakening in response to an event which causes them to feel threatened, endangered or simply so god damn sh00k that their physiology alters drastically, giving them superhuman strength. 
In a flashback episode from Season 1 of Attack on Titan, back when the scenes of the manga were animated accurately and at a reasonable pace - (*cough* Season 3 *cough cough*) we see firsthand how Mikasa’s strength is unlocked. 
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As a result of trauma and developing what the fandom commonly calls an “Ackerbond” to Eren Jaeger, it is only here when Mikasa is able to find the drive to fight and her ability to do so nearly flawlessly. An “Ackerbond” can be defined as a special and unbreakable bond formed between an Ackerman who they fiercely devote themselves to. Known Ackerbonds that exist are the bonds between: Uri Reiss/Kenny Ackerman, Eren Jaeger/Mikasa Ackerman and Levi Ackerman/Erwin Smith. 
Some Ackermans, like Mr. Ackerman - never awaken their Acker-strength, and live just like ordinary people, not possessing Ackerbonds or many of the defining traits of the Ackerman bloodline.
Out of the many Ackerman OC bios I have read, a majority completely gloss over the fact that Ackermans are not born as natural warriors - but it is instead something that must be awoken. They often fail to describe HOW their OC came to unlock their power - and even fewer detail the concepts of Ackerbonds between their OC and another character. Hell. Wait. I’ve never even seen an Ackerman OC with an Ackerbond - they just tend to be in love with someone, but that doesn’t count as an Ackerbond.
I would strongly advise, if your OC is an “awoken” Ackerman with stats that exceed 10/10, that you include details about how they achieved their superhuman strength and who they are Ackerbonded to. Additionally, having an Ackerman OC who is not “awoken” and is just your average Joe is also fine, perhaps even better, in some cases! 
But in all cases, DO NOT go putting your OC as “Humanities Strongest”, surpassing Levi Ackerman, Mike Zacharius or Mikasa Ackerman! Just... Just don’t, why should be self explanatory. 
Assorted Tropes + Pet Peeves
Age and Profession: A majority of the Ackerman OCs appear to be no older than 20 by the year 850. Teenaged OCs are common and cliched in this fandom, and being graduates of the 104th Trainees Squadron is another overly used concept. It would be nice to see some Ackerman OCs who are not soldiers or teenagers/young adults. 
Too Many Canon-Breaking Qualities: Some of the most canon-breaking tropes among OCs would be things like canon x OC shipping. Now - I personally have nothing against canon x OC shipping, it does not bother me at all when it is done right. But, having an Ackerman OC is special enough. To keep from getting negative attention and commentaries - try to limit the amount of special qualities you give your OC. This does not apply to only Ackerman OCs, but to OCs in general! Giving your character too many special qualities - like the canon shipping and a spot in Levi’s squadron breaks the canon, and will detract from your character rather than add to it!
Summary of Main Points
Avoid giving your Ackerman OC too many traits that make them overly characteristic and put stress on the canon like: incredibly tragic pasts, canon x oc shipping, being part Asian or from another iconic family, being a member of  the 104th Squadron, being part of the Special Ops. Squadron, etc. Try keeping your OC’s life lowkey and avoid making them too special.
Your character does not have to be directly related to Levi, Mikasa or Kenny to be an Ackerman. There is such freedom to expand the family tree - so take advantage of the plotholes!
Make sure your character FITS into the canon - rather than the canon having to change to accommodate their personal storyline. Try to avoid plopping your character straight into the canonverse - you have the freedom to be creative and give them a story of their own!
Try not to use the Ackerman stereotypes - like the certain personality, appearance and strength without delving deeper to explain why they are the way they are! 
If they have stats over 10/10 - please, remember to explain why! Ackermans often don’t have their full strength unless their strength is triggered or awoken - often because of a traumatic event or when they discover the person they are Ackerbonded to!! If your OC has high stats and is an Ackerman, find a character for them to be Ackerbonded to!
This is all for now! Thank you for tuning in. I hope you enjoyed reading this and I hope it helped~!
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lilacmoon83 · 7 years ago
Finding You Always
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 139: Born to Be Yours
Snow pulled back from hugging Emma to cradled her daughter's face.
"You did it…" Snow said proudly. Emma smiled.
"I'd say you and dad were right there with me," she countered. David smiled and cradled her head.
"And we always will be," he promised, as he shared another look with Snow that spoke the way words never would.
"I'm sorry...I got really angry and Eva stopped me from doing something really stupid," Leo apologized.
"What are you talking about, honey?" Snow asked.
"I kind of stormed out to Zelena's farmhouse and tried to get Jekyll to come out and was threatening him. I just...got so angry after the Queen came to see me at the reserve," he confessed.
"She came to see you?" Snow asked in concern.
"I was playing right into her hands too. I wanted revenge...and I know that's not our way. I'm sorry," he said, as she hugged him.
"Oh baby...I know, I'm so sorry you got hurt again. You don't know how much I wish I could make it all better," Snow replied tearfully.
"Me too...but promise us you won't do that again. We don't know what kinds of things Jekyll might try. He's insane," David said sternly. Leo nodded.
"I know," he agreed.
"Uh...hey bro, what's with the snake?" Emma asked, as the cobra in the cage hissed at all of them.
"Oh yeah...I almost forgot. This is...the Queen," he revealed.
"What?" Emma asked in amusement.
"Bloody hell…" Killian agreed.
"Yeah...Chad showed up at the reserve too and I think this was his way of apologizing. She was trying to get me to act on my revenge and he got mad. Said it was time someone gave her what she deserved," he explained. The cobra hissed, as Regina peered into the cage with amusement.
"Well...I'm still mad at him for hurting you, but I have to say, this is very fitting," she said smugly.
"You're not bringing it home, are you?" Eva asked with a sour look on her face.
"I'm not really sure what else to do with her. We probably should keep her close," Leo replied. Regina waved her magic over the cage.
"It should be safe to bring her home now. I protected the cage with magic. She can't get out," Regina promised. Snow wrinkled her nose.
"Okay...just keep her in your room," she said, not liking the idea much. David put his arm around her and kissed her hair.
"I think home is where we all need to be. It's been a really long night," he mentioned. They all agreed and knew that this was just one battle in the war. David especially remembered Rumple's warning that there would be a final battle and he could almost feel it stirring in him, as he felt it was almost upon them. Snow looked at him, as if sensing the same thing in him and he gave her a reassuring smile. They knew facing this darkness would be anything but easy and they had much to figure out. But as always, they were confident in the power of their love.
Jekyll watched the battle through one of his well placed spying devices on a screen in his lab with bated breath. Things had not been going his way again. First he learned that his ally in the Queen was null since she had been transformed into a snake of all things, though even he admitted that it was fitting. He had seethed as that brat had stood outside the house, taunting him. Just like his tactless father, that one.
He considered trying to make an ally out of his Black Fairy, momentarily. She wanted Snow and Charming dead and he was willing to chance that she might consider his proposition. Kill Charming and allow him to have Snow, with a bit of her magic to help keep her in line. But he quickly decided against it. He had nothing to offer the Black Fairy in return and he didn't want to take the risk that she might just zap him to dust.
No...he needed help elsewhere to see his plan to fruition and that meant making a deal. Fortunately, he knew exactly how he was going to get what he needed.
"I received your summons, though I cannot begin to deduce what we might have to talk about, doctor. I want no part of your foolish plan that will probably end up getting us both killed," Hyde stated.
"Yes...with Rose Red in town, I suspected you would go quite soft," Jekyll retorted. He glared at his counterpart.
"I was as surprised as you when I found out she and her Asgardian brute were in town, but it made me realize that I can finally get my revenge," Jekyll said. Hyde pointed a finger at him.
"You go near Rose again...and I swear I will destroy you, even if it means my own demise," Hyde hissed. Jekyll smirked and chuckled.
"Predictable...you still pine for her, yet you do nothing to make her yours. You could have easily got rid of Fandral the moment he stepped into this town and yet...you didn't," Jekyll goaded.
"I want only happiness for Rose, unlike you. There is a great sickness in you, doctor. It's quite liberating finally be free of your disease," Hyde retorted.
"I am not sick! You were the darkness inside me! You are the monster!" Jekyll insisted.
"Just because you keep telling yourself does not make it true," Hyde warned.
"You are the reason I cannot be happy! You cost me a life with Rose years ago, but you will not cheat me out of a life with Snow White this time!" Jekyll ranted.
"Snow White is disgusted by you. She could never love anyone other than her Prince Charming, yet you are so despicable that you are going to force her into a life with you. The Prince was right earlier...you are pathetic," Hyde hissed.
"So you say...but thank you for wandering right into my trap," Jekyll said. Hyde looked at him curiously and then realized what was about to happen. But it was too late. The doctor had converted the weapon used to subdued him before into the doorway of his lab. Hyde was zapped with the purple energy and collapsed, writhing in pain on the floor. Jekyll chuckled in amusement and reached into Hyde's jacket pocket, before taking out the contract that Hades originally had on Rumpelstiltskin's second born child.
"Thank you...this will come in handy," the doctor said deviously, a he went to his lab table and selected a syringe that he had waiting. Hyde could do nothing, as the doctor took a blood sample.
"What...are you doing?" he questioned.
"Well...as you know you, Snow White helped me develop a serum to nullify your magic and thanks to my genius, I have figured a way to reverse engineer it," Jekyll stated, as he selected the syringe with the serum he had developed with Snow and then Whale.
"Now that I have what I need from you, I cannot have you interfering," Jekyll said, as he injected Hyde with the serum.
"There...no longer will you be impervious to magic or have superior strength," he stated, as he put the droplets of Hyde's blood on a slide and examined it with his microscope.
"Yes…" he drawled.
"Fascinating, indeed," Jekyll marveled, as he picked the other vial and then dropped some of Hyde's blood into the liquid. There was a puff of smoke and he was pleased, as he watched the serum turn light blue, as opposed to pink like the one he had just injected in Hyde. He found a clean syringe and injected himself with the blue concoction. Hyde watched him convulse violently and fall to his knees. The crazed, warped look in Jekyll's bloodshot eyes was bone chilling and the smirk he now wore spoke of the horrors he had in store for all in his way. Once he stopped shaking, he got to his feet and hovered over Hyde. He reached out and Hyde's eyes bulged, as Jekyll grabbed him around the neck and lifted him off his feet, cackling as he did.
"So...this is what true power feels like…" he hissed, as he tossed Hyde away like a rag doll.
"Nothing will stop me now…" Jekyll said, as he looked at the contract. It was time to get exactly what he wanted and he now had the means to do it…
Once Summer and the baby were in bed, they retired to their bedroom and attempted to decompress from the latest harrowing experience.
But sleep was not on their minds and decompressing would come in the form of sexual release, as it often did between them. Their need and want for each other ruled supreme, as it often did as well. Many years spent together hadn't dulled their hunger. If anything, it had only increased it. As always, the love and passion so prevalent between them yearned to be unleashed and was. Snow became lost in her husband the moment they were finally alone. She clung to him, desperately pulling him as close as possible. The need to have his skin against hers and feel him inside her was overwhelming. His hands and lips everywhere left her breathless, as he loved her. Her nails raked his back and she bit his shoulder, as she reached her peak. His strong arms held her writhing form, as he continued to make love to her, seeking his own completion. Her legs gripped him around the waist, bringing him as close as possible and as deeply in her as possible…
After, she lay in his arms, half atop him and listened to his half heart beat in sync with hers. He pressed a kiss to her hair and then her forehead, his lips lingering there. When he opened his eyes, they met hers in a soulful stare.
"It was you...I still can't believe it. It was you I saved that day," he said, still marveling at all of it. She hummed and pecked him on the lips.
"I told you're my hero...in more ways than you realized," she whispered and he kissed her deeply again at that.
"How long have you known?" he asked curiously once their lips parted again.
"A while...Wilby kind of tipped me off," she replied, as she kissed his scar and then moved down his neck. He closed his eyes, trembling slightly, as his body responded in kind to her ministrations.
"I've been meaning to tell you...but things have been so crazy and when we are alone like this…" she said. He smiled.
"We tend to get distracted with other things," he finished her sentence, as he squeezed her hip. She beamed at him, thrilling as his hands touched her and she pressed her forehead against his again.
"Then I realized that telling with words just wouldn't do the situation justice. We both have the memories...the chalice just let us relive that moment together. We just never realized it was a memory we both had," she explained. He hummed and pressed another kiss to her lips.
"I know that we need to sleep...but I don't want to," she confessed.
"I know...but I'll be right there with you. He can't keep me out…" he promised.
"What if he's found a way to?" she fretted. But he shook his head.
"No...I'll always find you. Just think of me and let your heart call to mine," he said, as he kissed her again. This time, they settled down, still thoroughly entwined in each other, but allowed sleep to finally take them.
When she opened her eyes again, she found herself in that hazy dream realm again, with fog so thick, it was difficult to see. She glanced down, finding herself in a flowing, airy white gown. It was very low cut and accented all her curves.
"You truly look like the Goddess you are in such attire," Jekyll praised and just the sound of his voice sent a chill down her spine. She felt the urge to cross her arms over her chest and did so. Her glare on him was icy enough to freeze a volcano and she resisted the urge to back away, as he approached. She would not let him scare her this time...it only gave him power.
"Stay the hell away from me," she spat, as he got closer and his eyes took her in.
"No need to cover yourself...you're absolutely stunning. I imagined this dress specifically for you and I must say...it accentuates your incredible fairness and beauty quite perfectly," he leered, ogling her. Snow punched him in the eye and his head snapped to the side. But what should have knocked the doctor away with a good amount of force barely moved him. He chuckled and looked back at her with a feral gleam. She screamed, as he grabbed her arms and she felt herself unable to break his hold. She was at a loss at how he had suddenly gotten so strong and kneed him between his legs. Fortunately, that was still a vulnerable spot and she tore away from him, as his grip loosened. She ran through the fog, desperate for escape.
"Charming!" she cried out. He appeared in the fog and she sighed in relief, as he rushed to her, dressed in the exact garb he wore when he woke her from the sleeping curse all those years ago.
"I'm here...I told you I'd find you," he said, as he folded her in his arms.
"But Charming...he's suddenly really strong! Like as strong as Hyde is...I don't understand how, but we need to get out of here," she pleaded, just as Jekyll emerged through the fog.
"Or maybe I just need to take him down right here and now," David growled, as he unsheathed his sword and rushed at the doctor.
"Charming no!" Snow cried and watched in horror, as the doctor stopped her husband's sword with his bare hand, stunning them both.
"Now I not only outmatch you in intelligence, but strength as well. Suppose that just leaves you with those good looks," Jekyll goaded. David punched the doctor, but it barely fazed him and Jekyll grabbed him around the neck.
"NO!" Snow cried.
"Let him go...please let him go!" she pleaded, as she ran to him and started pounding on Jekyll's arm. But he only chuckled in amusement and then tossed the Prince away. Snow cried and out and started to run to her husband, but Jekyll caught her arm and held her again in a vice-like grip.
"This can't be what you want...I will never love you," Snow tried to reason.
"Yes, I know...I've decided that love is for fools. I shall never have your heart," he responded, as he let his eyes wander over her, drinking her in.
"I've just decided that the rest of you will do just splendidly," he hissed and she shuddered, pulling away from him, as his hot breath slithered down her neck.
"Please...don't," she begged, as he pressed against her and tears began to fall down her fair cheeks. David appeared through the fog again and lunged at the other man, toppling him over. Snow helped him to his feet and before Jekyll could rush at them, their lips met. The doctor cried out in frustration, as the wave of true love's magic burst forth from their kiss and they disappeared from his reach once again.
Snow and David awoke with a start that had her then collapsing against him in sobs. He looked at the clock, seeing that it was only three in the morning. But he didn't care. This couldn't wait any longer. He picked up his phone and dialed the hospital.
"This is the Sheriff...I need to speak to Dr. Whale immediately," David said.
"I'm sorry Sheriff, but one of his patients required an emergency appendectomy. He's in surgery," the nurse reported. David clenched his teeth and sighed.
"Fine...when you see him, tell him that I need to speak with him as soon as possible. It's urgent," David stressed, as he hung up and then cradled his wife.
"I will stop him, my love...I will not let him keep doing this to you," he soothed, as he kissed her hair. She wanted to believe that, but if the Doctor really was just as physically powerful now and impervious to magic as Hyde was, then she feared for her husband's life more than ever.
As a new day dawned in Storybrooke, Aphrodite awoke in a very pleasant way. Despite being the Goddess of love and portrayed as a man-eater, it had been a very long time since she enjoyed the pleasures of the flesh. But even she didn't remember feeling quite like this.
"James…" she breathed, as she came down from a place she had not felt in a very long time. The scruff on his chin made her shiver, as he it brushed against her neck and then lower...and lower. Then there was that smug grin on his face and she showed her strength as a Goddess, as she flipped him over. Then it was his turn to shiver and moan for her, as she teased him mercilessly and then had her way.
After, she cuddled against him again, as sunlight began to stream through the curtains. They had a lot of talk about and she still had to confront her son, who had been actively avoiding her. But she had not felt like this since Eros' father died and she was still in shock by it, for she never expected to fall in love again.
When they finally managed to get out of bed and made their way into the kitchen that morning, she thought they might finally have that moment to talk. But her hopes of that were dashed when they saw the Black Fairy waiting for them in the living room.
James immediately unsheathed his sword and started toward her, but she waved her hand and froze him in place and stared evilly at him, as she approached.
"Yes...I suppose I can see the appeal in this one and his brother. Handsome for sure...this one has a darkness in him too," Fiona stated.
"What do you want?" Aphrodite hissed.
"Have you not done enough to me? You stole my son, you killed my first true love, and you raised Eros to perform your dark deeds. And you have his heart!" she cried.
"Yes...he's been mommy's very good boy. But I'm afraid your troubles are only starting, Goddess. Your champions and their brats stand in the way of my ultimate curse," she warned.
"Snow and David will not be so easily defeated, nor will Emma. I think they have proven that," Aphrodite retorted. Fiona smirked.
"Yes...I have to give you kudos for that. They are a remarkable pair...but in the end, it will not matter. They will be swept away and I will cast the curse to end the light. Darkness will reign and misery will drown happiness," she stated.
"You're wrong...you won't win this time. Snow and Charming...and this family are unlike anything you've faced before. And I will see to it that you pay for everyone you've hurt...especially my son," Aphrodite growled. Fiona smirked.
"We'll see…" she goaded, as she disappeared and James was finally able to move again. He rushed to the window to see if she was really gone and noticed a patch of pink flowers suddenly bloom in the yard.
"Do flowers usually just pop up like magic around here?" he asked. Her brow furrowed.
"What do you mean?" she asked, as she came to the window beside him.
"Those...they just appeared," he said, pointing to them. She gasped in wonder.
"Poppies…" she uttered.
"Poppies? Don't those put you to sleep?" he asked.
"Not pink ones...they're incredibly rare. They only bloom in the presence of pure evil," she replied, emphasizing the pure. He knew enough to know that many like him who had done evil things were not considered pure evil. She smiled at him.
"She just unknowingly provided us with a way to restore one happy ending," she said. It was his turn to be confused.
"I don't understand," he said, as he watched her run out and pick one of the poppies.
"You will once we get to Regina's," she responded.
Snow and David walked hand in hand into the hospital with Paul and Eva that morning. Paul headed for the nurse's desk and was not happy to see Nurse Ratched covering the post.
"Doctor…" she said coolly.
"I need you to page Dr. Whale for us," Paul replied. She looked at him and then at Snow and David behind him.
"I doubt he's sober. I heard he was at Aesop's last night trying his luck with some of the fresh meat from the Land of Untold Stories," she mentioned.
"They told me when I called at three in the morning that he was in surgery," David countered. She shrugged.
"Yes, well I'm sure that's what he asked the desk nurse to tell people or maybe he went there after surgery. Either way, like I said, I doubt he's sober," she replied.
"I don't care...get him here," David snapped and Snow put a soothing hand on his arm.
"Baby…" she whispered.
"Snow...his help against Jekyll could be vital. This is your life we're talking about and I don't have time for his bad behavior," he replied irritably.
"Don't worry...your Savior is here," Whale drawled, as he approached and filed his tablet.
"You're no Savior, but we need to talk about Jekyll," David retorted.
"Yeah...I thought I put the mad in scientist, but I got nothin' on that guy," Whale joked.
"You're drunk," Snow said distastefully.
"Sure am," he leered, as his eyes wandered over her and then to a nurse that was passing by.
"You are disgusting," Eva commented.
"Get some coffee and sit your drunk ass down," Paul said angrily.
"But I have patients," Whale said.
"Not anymore...you're off duty," Paul ordered, as they found the cafeteria and made Whale down some coffee.
"Ugh...this stuff is strong enough to peel the paint on the walls," he complained.
"Perfect for sobering you up," David admonished.
"Listen...I don't know what you want from me. We all know Jekyll is as crazy as it gets," Whale replied.
"He's built a device for the Queen. It allowed him to not only invade Snow's dreams, but trap her there in a type of nether realm. She would have been at his mercy if I hadn't been able to join her in this dream realm," David explained.
"That's quite fascinating," Whale mentioned.
"So...the Queen found someone to hatch that plot. Very intriguing, indeed," he added. David slammed his fist on the table.
"This is my wife's life we're talking about!" David exclaimed and Snow put her hands on his shoulders.
"Charming...please," she pleaded and his anger deflated at her touch to his face.
"I'm sorry...but he keeps trying to hurt her and he won't stop. Your admiration of him isn't appreciated," David said.
"I'm not admiring what he's trying to do...it's a professional admiration that you wouldn't understand," Whale replied.
"Can you help us? Can you build something to counteract his device?" David asked.
"Possibly...it will take some time and research. How did you manage to release yourselves from this nether realm?" Whale asked. They exchanged a glance and David squeezed her hand.
"It took true love's kiss to do it," he said. Whale sighed.
"Which is magic. Science is my area of expertise. Mixing them...that's never worked out for me," he said, thinking back to his brother. Snow's shoulders slumped and she shuddered, thinking about what might happen the next time she went to sleep.
"But there might be a solution," Whale offered and they looked at him.
"I may not be able to stop his device, but I could try to build something to help Snow block him," he said.
"Really?" she asked. He nodded.
"It will go faster with help though," he mentioned.
"Mom and I can help you...anything if it means we can keep that monster out of her dreams," Eva offered.
"Then we need to get to my lab and I need more coffee...good coffee and not this sludge," he said. David nodded, as they followed the doctor out. Paul stayed behind to cover both Whale and Eva's patients.
The shop bell rang and Gold looked up to see Dr. Jekyll waltzing into his business.
"Well, well, you certainly are brazen, Doctor. If the Sheriff gets his hands on you...you're a dead man," Gold warned.
"Oh...I don't think the Sheriff or his brats will be a problem for me any longer," Jekyll said, demonstrating his point by picking up a wooden cane from the holder at the door and snapped it like nothing. Gold frowned, wondering how he suddenly had inherited inhuman strength.
"You must be aware that superior physical strength doesn't intimidate me," the Dark One hissed, as he used magic to begin choking the doctor. Jekyll held his throat momentarily, but then started cackling, as his immunization to magic kicked in. The shock on Gold's face was palpable, as the doctor strode toward the counter.
"I figured out the chemical makeup in Hyde's blood that gave him his superior strength and made him impervious to magic. A reverse of the serum I originally made to nullify his gifts. Now, thanks to my genius, I am not only gifted in mind, but body as well," Jekyll boasted.
"And you really think this will allow you to capture Snow White?" Gold questioned.
"Oh, I don't think...I know and you're going to help me," Jekyll retorted.
"Oh it will be a cold day in the Underworld before I help you with anything, dearie," the Dark One retorted.
"I beg to differ...let's make a deal," Jekyll offered.
"You have nothing I want. Now get the hell out of my shop," Gold retorted. Jekyll smirked and reached into his jacket pocket. He unfolded the weathered piece of parchment and held it up for him to see.
"Are you sure I have nothing you want?" he questioned. Gold's face went ashen and he tried to swipe the contract out of his hand. But Jekyll pulled it away.
"Ah, ah...if you want this, then I need something from you," the doctor said in a goading tone.
"And what exactly is it that you want?" Gold growled.
"Something to separate Snow and Charming...something to kill or trap him so he is no longer an obstacle in my path to Snow White. Something that will ensure she will do whatever I ask to protect her family and her people," Jekyll said. Gold glowered at him silently for a moment and the doctor smirked.
"I take it you know of something that can help me?" he asked.
"Perhaps," Gold growled.
"Give me what I need and the contract on your second child gets torn up. If not...then I guess it will be mine upon its first breath. I have no desire for a child, but I'll find use for it if I have to," Jekyll added callously. Gold opened his potions cabinet and took out a small vial of milky gray water.
"This is water from the river of lost souls. If you were to threaten her husband, her children, or even the people of the town with it...then I assure you that Snow White will do whatever you ask to save them," he stated. Jekyll took the vial and Gold swiped the contract.
"It's a start...a very good start," the bespectacled man mused. Gold lit the contract on fire and it turned to ash.
"Get the hell out of my shop," he bit out. Jekyll smirked and waltzed out. He picked up his cane and smashed one of the display cases. When Belle found out what he had just done, she'd be livid with him. He may have nullified the contract on their baby, but it was at the price of selling out her friends. And this time, he worried that she may never forgive him...
Regina put a plate of breakfast foods, Roland's favorites, in front of him and the little boy smiled up at her.
"Thank you Regina," he chirped with a smile. She smiled back, though it didn't reach her eyes.
"You're very welcome, sweetie," she responded. Just weeks ago, he would have looked at her and called her mommy and the absence of that ached more than she ever imagined it could. She put a plate in front of Robin and sat down with her own. Breakfast was amiable these days since he had come home, but not even close to the same as it had once been. Robin had looked through all their photo albums from over the years and yet nothing had jogged his memory yet. It pained her and Zelena's situation had only complicated everything. Her sister was getting some extra sleep, while Robin held his daughter.
She was glad they finally found a bottle that Jade wanted to take, as it was allowing Robin to now bond with her. Regina had taken Snow's advice and bought about seventeen different ones. Thankfully, Jade had decided there was one she didn't hate and Zelena had learned how to use the breast pump, allowing them to have some milk on hand to help with feeding her. It was the oddest situation Regina had ever experienced, but this little baby was bringing them together in a way she wouldn't have expected.
Zelena still had a lot of anger and resentment to work through, but with the baby to focus on, she found her sister seemed to think about revenge less these days. It made perfect sense though, for it had been Robin and Roland that had finally allowed Regina to let go of her own desire for revenge. Though she wouldn't deny that she enjoyed seeing her darker half get exactly what she believed she deserved for the havoc she had wrecked on them in her short time in town. But she could not expect that her happiness would be restored on that day and was curious when she answered the door to Aphrodite and James.
"Is everything all right with Snow and David?" Regina asked, as she let them in.
"For the moment, though that creepy doctor is still a problem. But that's not why we're here," the Goddess responded.
"Okay...then why are you here?" the former Queen asked.
"This…" Aphrodite said, holding up the pink flower.
"A pink poppy?" Regina asked, not quite understanding.
"See...she doesn't know what it is either," James commented.
"You shush…" she chided and then floated her way into the kitchen. They all watched her curiously, as she waved her hand over the flower, activating the pollen. It swept over Robin and Roland, returning the memories that were lost. Recognition dawned in Robin's eyes, as he practically jumped out of his seat and took Regina in his arms, kissing her soundly. She quickly got over her surprise and kissed him back, as tears filled her eyes.
"Mommy?" Roland called, as their lips parted. That made the tears finally fall, as she picked him and hugged him tightly.
"Yes…" she answered, just as Zelena was coming down the stairs to witness the scene. They were a perfect picture with Roland and baby Jade in their arms and she felt that familiar envy rear its ugly head inside her.
"Thank you...but how?" Regina asked.
"It's quite possibly the only good thing that will come from the Black Fairy being here. These pink poppies only bloom in the presence of pure evil. She visited me this morning and left a patch of these behind. They restore that which has been lost," she explained.
"So...you have your memories back," Zelena mentioned. Robin's smile became a frown, as he glowered at her.
"You…" he growled, as Regina put a hand on his arm.
"Believe me...I didn't want to be with you either. It was the Queen...I let myself be manipulated," the redhead said.
"You were manipulated? You conspired with her to hurt Regina in the most painful of ways!" Robin cried.
"I did...and I'm sorry. I would say something good came out of it though, wouldn't you?" she asked. He continued to glare at her, but then looked down at his daughter.
"If you try to keep me from her…" he started to say.
"I won't...I know this is a mess, but like Regina said, we're family. I don't deserve anything from you. But I hope that you won't cut me out of Jade's life," Zelena pleaded. Robin's gaze was still stern, but then he looked down at the baby.
"I'm so far from being okay with being anywhere near you…" he started to say.
"But for her...we can try this," he relented. Regina smiled softly and rested her head on his shoulder. She finally had him back. Now if only they could get rid of Jekyll and the Black Fairy, their whole family might actually have a chance at peace. She would take a page from Snow's book on this and hope they could win the final battle and find that peace...
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dent-de-leon · 7 years ago
lance for the character ask meme 👀
asjsdkdfkg sure thing bro,, some Sharpshooter stuff, here we go:
Why I like them: Love his sense of adventure. Like, in episode one where he mentioned that to Hunk–in reference to why they’d join a space program–that just made me stupidly happy. Because going up to space does sound super exciting and fun and it’s always been a dream of mine and I think it’s kind of nice that Lance wants to fly and see the stars just for the love of it. Also, I’ve said this before, but despite being described as “lucky,” Lance is a character who makes his own luck–follow Pidge, reach out to Blue, follow the mermaid, take that impossible shot–he sets off some exciting chains of events simply because he’s someone who goes looking for excitement. It’s nice change of pace to have a character without a tragic backstory who genuinely speaking has an optimistic and enthused outlook in regard to the universe. 
I’m also very partial to his growth as a character–for instance, learning that Black wasn’t meat for him, his parallels with Alfor, how his bayard evolves into a sniper to show he’s starting to really step back now and reevaluate a situation before he acts–I just think he’s made lots of strides and I’m proud of him for it. 
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Why I don’t: He became so popular–greatly in part do to his role as the everyman character–that so much fandom content surrounds and caters to this notion of fanon Lance that’s been built up. It often feels like Lance’s canon development and core character is lost in interpretation (including but not limited to fans stripping Shiro of qualities to pass on to Lance). Keith and the Black Lion are also often passed off to Lance as prizes that he supposedly “deserves” and destroying their autonomy in the face of having them serve Lance’s character at his behest is both disconcertingly unsettling and widely prevalent within the fandom. Again, it’s Lance’s character that takes precedence in both these situations, with neither Keith nor Black Lion’s wants and needs ever factoring into the equation. Anyway, yeah, I have way more issues with fanon Lance. 
As for more my problems with canon Lance, it’s hard to forgive and forget some of his treatment of Keith. The one sided rivalry was entirely his invention, and even while Keith was deeply grieving Shiro, Lance had the audacity to accuse of him selfishly just using Shiro’s loss to have his shot at being leader–which is, ironically, exactly what Lance tried to do. He also only wanted to be Black Paladin for the sake of his own ego. I’m glad that Lance has both worked towards moving past the hostility he built up towards Keith, as well as matured considerably–he was only able to pilot Red because he realized he had to set aside his own ambitions for the team. It’s nice to see season Lance is in a different place now than he was at the start, and hopefully his development will continue in that direction. 
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Favorite episode (scene if movie): Either The Red Paladin or A New Defender. Both show Lance stepping up and really coming into his own within his new role, as well as showcase his unwavering support of Allura. Some really excellent character development in both cases, both of which really sure just how far he’s progressed from day 1. Also. That heavy allurance hinting?? That’s some Good Stuff,, 
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Favorite season/movie: Season 3 had some prime Lance content, with him learning to put the team first and try to navigate the Lion switch in a way where he both learned to respect Keith as well as grew very supportive of Allura, immediately welcoming her to the team. He grew a lot then, I think. Those parallels between Lance and Alfor were also super interesting and I’m all here for them. 
Favorite line: I have two now!! “Let’s go down swinging,” which is what he says in the final fight with Zarkon at the end of season 2. I love how he just expected to lose and accepted it, but still wanted to go down fighting and was proud to do so. Also, there’s, “You are the Heart of Voltron,” and more recently, “I could feel you in my heart.” Just…the fact that he cares for Allura so much and believes in her no matter what is really?? So, so sweet?? I love them??
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Favorite outfit: I like his Altean pajamas!! :D They just seem to suit him really well. Also, the lion slippers?? They’re so cute!! I’m glad Lance at least wears them a lot. No slippers that cute should go to waste lmao
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OTP: ALLURANCE!! I feel like that’s no secret by now lmao. Their development has progressed so far from day one, and now you literally have them being so in sync Allura is able to unlock new powers she’s always had the potential for because Lance was there encouraging her. Just like how Allura was the one who passed on Red and Alfor’s legacy to him. They’ve helped each other navigate the frighteningly unfamiliar territory of their new roles, building one another up. Lance loves Allura so much, he’ll literally go on and on for it (that fucking vlog), and Allura is quieter about it, but you can see she seems to reciprocate. It’s little things like her soft smile when Lance tells her there’s no one else he’d rather leave Blue with, or how sincerely she thanks Lance in A New Defender. They’re both so precious together and they deserve each other.
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Brotp: Either Hunk and Lance or Lance and Pidge!! :’DD I love how Hunk and Lance are just best friends that were lucky enough to end up stranded in space together, I love how they’re comfortable teasing each other and poking fun. I love how they were probably roommates at the garrison. I love how Lance knows Hunk’s a total genius and is genuinely supportive of him. I love how Hunk has raced to Lance before when he was scared. I love how they’ve known each other well enough to see how much they’ve each changed from the start. I love how they’ll just hang out together like maybe nothing’s changed at all. 
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I’m also so here for Lance and Pidge, for Lance actually trying to reach out and be friends with her on day one–then making it his mission to be more inclusive of her when she pushes everyone away. I love how Lance is super interested in all her science stuff even though he’s not really familiar with any of it. I love how they’ll get into ridiculous antics like stealing money from a fountain to buy video games and also leaving with a cow. I love how snarky they to each other are but will also secretly gossip about everyone else at the table. I love how Lance still tries to be inclusive of Pidge–little things, like showing her pictures of their new allies at the start of season 3.
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Head Canon: Lance and Hunk were roommates at the garrison!! You’ll have to pry that one from my cold dead hands lmao I like to think they played video games lots, stayed up late making snacks or running movie marathons, snuck out into town to go on “adventures” at Lance’s insistence, ect.
Unpopular opinion: I’m a bi guy, and I’m like…really turned off by everyone in the fandom acting like bi Lance is canon. In fact, I think Lance would make for bad bi representation that perpetuated harmful stereotypes. I also don’t like k/l or Black Paladin Lance, so uh…I’m not a fun of a lot of fanon Lance I guess I should say, since that pretty much sums up all my (very) unpopular opinions. 
A wish: Lance and Allura end up together, and although Lance frequently visits Earth after the war, he’s very much involved in helping various planets rebuild and gets to continue exploring far off corners of the universe.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Black Paladin Lance, bi Lance, canon k/l
5 words to best describe them: Ambitious, bravado, potential, insecure, self-improvement 
My nickname for them: I’m actually willing to throw Lance a bone here and give him his preference of Sharpshooter lmao 
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milquetoast-on-acid · 7 years ago
Sanctuary City p2, A Reactionary Post
Lacking Faith
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Major Crimes, S6xE2: Episode Review What this episode is about: Provenza's Printer Pricing & Prickly Page & Knowledgeable Nolan The Question of Father Jonas' Guilt Rusty goes to Stepdad Looming threat of Stroh Sharon's Office & Fish Art Two Mothers The Morgue & The Church: Sharon and Sarah Fire & Water: Dealing with our emotions Sarah & Mateo Garza Sharon & Andy Conflicting Missions Sharon & Father Stan The Ending Scene(s)
I really enjoyed this episode, more so than the first part. I see the first part as exposition and this part as the start of the emotional meat to the episodic arc. There is a lot to unpack in this episode but it's focus is on emotions this time.
Hyphenated Nation: Mike Pointing out the Hypocrisy in people Mike gives me life. I love it when he points out hypocrasy in people. "What about Irish American's or German Americans?" "Doesn't seem to come up."
"Michael" I don't know why but hearing Provenza shout out Mike's full name gives me life. When the team serves the search warrant at Ian’s house. Like when have we heard anyone call him Micheal? About as rare as we hear Louie, Andrew, Francis, Fernando and Russell. Page punching Ian was pretty badass, though. 
The News Vultures Can I love how each of the news casters have their own spin on what's going on since the police haven't released any information on the Joseph's three.
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This one is obviously Fox news.
Sanctuary City I love when Sharon lits into Vega and gets on her soap box. Love the rant so much. Her pointing out that them threatening deportation is going to get them no where. 
"I'm not giving up my jurisdictional authority over this case without cause." Sharon was not happy when Mason negotiated their case over to the FBI if it was a kidnapping. If it does end up coming to that you can bet damn sure that Sharon is going to fight tooth and nail for it back.
Provenza's Printer Pricing & Prickly Page & Knowledgeable Nolan
Last week I thought that the printer was new because I had thought it was white. And then this episode went and proved that was not the case. "Look you just have to do it." I love how, Wes doesn't even know why everyone has to pay Provenza to use his printer.  And takes the moment to tell Page about everyone's various quirks and how to work around them. Not that he can understand why they are the way they are. He has just learned to go with the flow - so to speak. He does get a bit snarky when he tells Page she really shouldn't interrupt Sharon.
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Question: Does Page only express one emotion? Why does she always have this dower look on her face?
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"This is a new federal tax." This scene reminds of when Provenza made Taylor pay ten cents a page instead of five cents. And as everyone knows five cents is the friends and family discount. Except here he's really pushing the price up really high for the feds.
Mason as a Leader "Commander Raydor leads or we go our separate ways. The End." I love this and another comparison to Taylor. I don't think I would have ever seen this much support for Sharon (as a leader) in Taylor. Taylor usually humors the FBI but didn't ever put his foot down quite like this. "Uh ever hear of money laundering?" "Uh ever hear of house flipping?" I do love this moment of the FBI thinking they found some really good information only having it turn out that it was just how the couple made their money.
The Hollywood Strangler Buzz is really terrible at coming up with an on the spot story. And I can't believe the FBI actually bought it.  And I wish Andy would have given one of the FBI agent's the cursed desk.
The Question of Father Jonas' Guilt I wasn't so convinced about about Father Jonas in the last episode but now he's looking very suspicious. Especially with him flying the coop right as the kid he had so much feeling for was found dead and they hadn't even determined if he'd been killed or not. Especially since Father Jonas is someone the kids would go with willingly and would definitely be someone who'd leave Lucas at the church. Not to mention him moving to five different diocese in six years. Some things that could be alarming... "Ryan is not interested in Kelly Garret that I can promise you." "My bond with Ryan is more intense." Both statements sound soo creepy.
"This is exactly the ending I want to avoid." Father Jonas is kind of stuck in the 50's. And as much as I want to blame Provenza, Wes and Page for their pushy interrogation. I have to put some of the blame at Sharon's feet. They are the wrong detectives to interrogate him. I would have sent either, Mike, Amy or Buzz in there. The three of them have a much gentler touch that was needed for him. Provenza hates the Catholic church, Page doesn't know subtly if it hit her in the head and Wes is a bit of a snark king.
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While everyone is preoccupied with Ma Garza's explosion over the death of her son. It seems that everyone is missing the most important thing that's happening at that moment. Father Jonas seems just a little too close to Miss Rojas. "So Ryan didn't do it. Thank God." Sounds like she inadvertently told the cops that Ryan killed his step father.
Rusty goes to Step Dad "Why ask me about a gun instead of Sharon?" The answer to that question is that Rusty knows exactly what he's doing. And knows that he's got a much better chance of getting the gun and a concealed permit by speaking to Andy first. This way Rusty has someone else on his side about getting the gun. If Rusty were to go to Sharon first she'd be much more likely to say no. He's got someone as a buffer to Sharon and that will help soften the blow for him. And I also love Andy's reaction. "What!" "At least your not completely crazy." "Oh my god."
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Looming threat of Stroh
Sharon's Fish Artwork and her Office
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In my review of pt1 I talked about one of the kid's book Moby Dick that Sharon had on her desk and how that symbolizes Stroh and Sharon's relationship. Sharon's new artwork on her walls. One of the paintings is of a giant whale being caught by a tiny fishermen. MC is very deliberate with it's details this not a coincidence. Especially considering this really isn't the kind of artwork you would think Sharon would have. It isn't anything like any of her other artwork. And when has she ever talked about her love of fishing?
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Not to mention that since Sharon's office has blown up all of her furniture and artwork is completely new. Her furniture is very sixties vintage looking to me. While the condo might have a touch of that this it's much more so prevalent here. I also really like the colors they choose. Lots of soft blues and a few splashes of bright yellow. Blue is a very calming color and Sharon would want to feel comfortable in her office. A space that's a home away from home to her. The yellow gives it a bright vibrancy to the room but there's only a small touch of it. To the point that it wouldn't overwhelm you, it's an inviting room. 
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Andrea Hobbs and her slightly awkward speech about her feelings on Rusty Can we talk about how awesome this little speech Andrea gives Rusty. Her I didn't like you because I don't like kids and you were annoying but now you're an adult and mostly have out grown that annoying. Is pure awesome. And I love how she gives this speech because it's her worrying over him because he doesn't want protection. 
I don't understand why Sharon doesn't compromise. She loves making deals. I could see her making a deal with Rusty. He can get a gun and a CPL if he accepts undercover officers. And I am kind of surprised that Sharon didn't put her foot down more about the protection. I get that it's been a few years since Stroh was around - but this is Sharon we're talking about. She knows how to negotiate. I think the only thing I can think of is that...
1. Rusty is older and wiser. Rusty has grown up since season 3. He's not the same person he was before and he's not as naive as once he was. 
2. Sharon ordered undercover officers without Rusty knowledge and she saw the effects of that from a different perspective. And how something like a mother's obsessive protectiveness ended up putting a wedge between a mother and her child. 
3. Rusty is an adult. Who is capable of making his own decisions. 4. If he doesn't accept police protection he's going to need some kind of way to defend himself. 
5. Seeing that Lucas died because he didn't have access to food or his insulin. Prompts Sharon into thinking that Rusty should have a gun. In case he's separated from Protection. And this sound an awful lot like foreshadowing to me. 
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Wait...Is Rusty tracking Stroh's kills? huh....why?
Shooting Range Seeing Sharon load a gun is such a contrast to Rusty firing the gun. She's instructing him but all the while she's completely focused on the gun. Rusty's confidence isn't his problem but focus might be. He certainly needs a lot of practice that's for sure.
Fire & Water: Dealing with our emotions
Sarah & Mateo Garza
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This arc really seems to make a huge point in the way that Sarah deals with her emotions and grief verses the way Mateo deals with them. Sarah is volatile and angry. She feels her emotions very intensely and often lets them control her. Look at how she explodes with anger at everyone closest to her when confronted about her sons death. Her husband, priest and her son's closest friend's parents. When the search warrant is executed at their house in part one. That's the first time we get some intense emotions coming off of her. She explodes with anger at Mateo, yelling at him. Which gives the detectives a sense that there are some real problems in their marriage. 
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Mateo on the other hand doesn't deal with his emotions at all. He's intensely repressed. It's not that he doesn't feel the same emotions. In fact I may argue he may feel them more intensely which may explain why he's an addict. He doesn't want to feel them. He doesn't want to feel out of control. Especially his behavior at the morgue. He was so numb almost like a walking corpse. The way he talked about his son, about how they removed his organs and stitched his body back up. In such a clinical detached way almost like he was talking about a doll or a car. 
I find it interesting that these two are married, yet so very different. It's obvious that things aren't rosy between the two of them. There's so much going on with Mateo that he's not dealing with and may even feel that he needs to hold it together to deal with Sara's volatile moods. They are such a spot light in these episodes with their emotions and the way the deal with them that they are most definitely a mirror to...
Sharon & Andy Sharon and Andy are two very different people. Something all of us fans know very well. Like Sarah Garza, Andy is an intense ball of emotions. He feels and acts first and thinks second. There have been many times when Sharon (most often) has had to hold Andy back from his emotions. Like in "Heart Failure" when the killer punched Sharon in the face. Sharon had to yell at Andy to defuse his emotions. Like Mateo, Andy is also an addict. Fortunately for Andy, he's sober and clear enough to feel his emotions. 
Since we really don't know what it was that caused Andy to drink so heavily. I suspect that it was a combination of different things. The stuff that you see as a cop could drive anyone to drink. And since Andy feels his emotions so deeply there might not have been anyone he could have talked to about them. It was also suggested in "The Ecstasy and The Agony" that Andy may have drunk because their was an emptiness inside of himself that he was desperately trying to fill. 
Sharon is much like Mateo Garza. Repressed and reserved. She feels emotions quite deeply but does not express them very easily. She takes her time in dealing with her emotions, usually by herself. Sharon is similar to Mateo in another way in that she desperately does not want to feel out of control. She has a hugely hard time feeling vulnerable in front of others. So much like the way she dealt with shooting Dwight Darnell. She detached herself from her own emotions. She was cold, probably more cold than we'd ever seen her. It's a defense mechanism for her, in that she's trying to protect herself from the intensity of her feelings. 
Unlike, Sarah and Mateo. Sharon and Andy have a much healthier relationship. They have managed to balance themselves out with the other. In a way that I can't see Sarah and Mateo ever getting to. Sharon is still Sharon and Andy is still Andy but the two of them are better people for having been in a relationship with the other. 
Andy has his anger issues but he's become a much calmer person that he was before. A lot of that has to do with his own work on himself and a lot of that has to do with his relationship with Sharon. And how her calm personality and influence temper the flame inside of himself. Like wise with Sharon. She's still very reserved and always will be but not like she was before. Andy's bright and passionate personality has helped to push Sharon much more out of her shell. She is able to enjoy life more now that she has a supportive partner.
Two Mothers
The Morgue & The Church: Sharon and Sarah
The way the morgue was lit and shot. Felt like another funeral scene. The stark colors, the natural light. The organ/funeral music that has played very subtly throughout both parts. I don't think we've had music quite like that on MC ever before. Most of it's pretty standard stuff so to me to have it so tailor made for an arc is something that stands out. 
The morgue scene is very similar in tone and the way it's shot to the ending of part 1. But where's the church scene focused on Sharon's emotions. The morgue focus' on Sarah's emotions. Lucas' mother.
Conflicting missions
Sharon & Father Stan
Anyone find it odd that Father Jonas Alcaraz has a full name but Father Stan is just called Father Stan. And I don't even know if that's his first name or last name. Maybe Father Stan has only one name. You know like Cher. 
"Are you suggesting are mission's conflict?" I also really like how Sharon talks to Father Stan in her office. Notice that she doesn't take him to her conference room or an interrogation room, the break-room or the murder room. It's her office she talks to him. Why? Because it's her inner sanctum and the place she feels most comfortable. Her office really represents her heart. 
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Sharon bares her soul to him. Sometimes in matters that even Andy doesn't know or understand (as we have seen in White Lies). Father Stan is one of the very few people that she trusts to be open and vulnerable with. So got to be extremely troubling for her to find herself on the opposite side of him. 
Sharon being pulled in two different directions by challenging her faith in the catholic church verse her belief in the justice system. Is about a million times more interesting of an arc for her than her being sick. I am so jazzed about the next few episodes and seeing how she's going to have to struggle in dealing with being on the opposite side of her priest/church. This is a position that she never expected that she would ever be in but somehow has found her way to. She has dealt with the church before but this is different because this is not just any church and not just any priest. 
Speaking of Sharon being sick....whatever happened to that storyline? It's such a odd thing for them to subtly hint about it in pt1 and not doing anything with it in pt2.
I love how Sharon speaks to Father Stan after Father Jonas leaves their interrogation. Almost like she's talking to a little boy and leaving out the part that they pissed him off. I mean I understand what she was trying to do. Trying to talk it down and smooth some edges before he hears Father Jonas' side of the story.
Unfortunately for her it doesn't work. 
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"We have nothing to hide." Father Stan goes from being open and very cooperative in the beginning of the episode. But by the end of the episode only a court order will force him to let the police into the church's private rooms. I find it interesting that he tells Sharon that there's no need for them to have a search warrant but he won't let them in. Neither did he tell them that Father Jonas had left until Sharon asked him. He knew what they were there for. And I understand his need to protect him but if Father Jonas hurt those boys he needs to answer for it. And While I don't think it was Father Jonas that took the boys I do think he it very likely he was molesting Ryan. 
It's also interesting that since Sharon is so open to Father Stan with herself and her own heart. He's not as reciprocal when it becomes too tough for himself. And by that I mean his emotions regarding Father Jonas. Sharon let him into her heart and now he won’t let Sharon into his. 
The ending scene(s)
I really really love what their doing for the Sanctuary City arc. The first two episodes and I'm guessing their going to continue doing this throughout the arc. Each ending scene is an poignant moment for Sharon. Part 1 features a Sharon who is almost blown away by the death of a child. To the point where she had to take a moment for herself before she broke down in front of her team. Part 2 features Sharon as she has to battle her own priest for access to a potential suspects room. And if we want to boil down the emotions that Sharon expresses in each scene. It would be...
Sadness (or depression) Anger
Could each episodes's ending express a different emotion in the stages of grief? Interestingly there are five of them and their are five episodes in this arc. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. 
I don't know if I'm reading too much into it but I think it would be kind of cool if they did that. What is becoming clear is that Sharon is at the focus of these very poignant scenes. And do you know how much I love that!
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Speculation: Let's gather what we do know. Lucas may not have been murdered and his death looks like the result of him not getting insulin to treat his diabetes. He did not have access to food or was not allowed to have any. He was left at the church, wrapped in a blanket and left on the flower bed. The boys were not coherst into the car that drove them away from the field trip.  All three boys had family issues. Two with father issues and one with the looming threat of deportation. Father Jonas Alcaraz left in the middle of the missing boys not being found. 
What does this information tell us? The person who took them was someone they knew and trusted. The person who dumped Lucas' body cared about him. Probably someone with a connection to the church. Like a member of the church or one of the parents. 
Which makes me think definitely not Marvin Garret or Ryan's father. Both of them wouldn't think twice about putting Lucas' body at the church. Garret wouldn't care where he would have left his body and Ian doesn't have enough care for Lucas to put his body there. My new suspect, Ryan's mother. Miss Rojas.
What I don't like: Lots of over acting. While I like the contrasting between the two parents, Sarah's extreme emotional outbursts verses Mateo's calm almost corpse like manner. And I talk about the reason why their portrayed the way they are but Sarah was just was just too over the top. If they could have held her back a bit on that I think she would have nailed it. I think for the case with The Garza’s mirroring Shandy the point could have gotten across the same but with more subtly. I'm all for annoying FBI agents doing their job in a shitty way and MC walking all over them. But the two of them are written so brusque that they could be scaled back a bit too. 
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the face of crazy
What I do like: Sharon getting an emotional arc! Sharon battling her own priest in her own church. Makes it so intensely personal for her and I love it so much! The Garza's as a mirror for Sharon and Andy's relationship. The ending scene, the morgue scene. Rusty going to Andy about a gun. Because he's smart and also because fathership. Every time I view this episode I like it more and more. And I am really excited to see how the rest of this arc is going to play out and what it will ultimately do to Sharon's psyche.
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setoangel01-fanfiction · 8 years ago
Set Me Free - Chapter 14 (Previous Chapters)
Fandom: Sing 2016
Pairing: Ash x Johnny
Rated: T
Chapter Summary: Johnny drives Ash home and they discuss what other options, if any, they both have left for their respective futures.
"So…do you know what you're gonna do? About your dad, I mean." it was meant to be a quiet car ride but Ash found her mouth and tongue moving anyway.
If she analyzed the situation closer, she had no idea what had her trying to get this guy to open up more to her. Yet with a 45 minutes of silence as they drove back to the heart of the city in front of them, she supposed it wouldn't hurt to start some kind of conversation rather than just dealing with awkward silence.
"I uh, have an appointment later this evening to see him actually," Johnny admitted with a helpless shrug, "He probably won't show up, but…that's okay."
As Johnny drove, Ash glanced over at his profile. It was still hard to believe how traumatic this guy's life was; how much he had on his plate and the emotional strife he had to deal with was hidden behind such a kind eyes and a positive demeanor. How everyday, this guy went home with an permanent ache in his chest as he had to live with the possibility of his dad dying behind bars.
It must have been absolutely crushing.
"...So, what are your plans?" Johnny suddenly spoke again and Ash yanked her eyes away from him.
"Eh, I dunno." she muttered, forcing her gaze out the small amount of scenery she could perceive from the window.
"Will you try out for more performances around town?"
"Probably… Well, until I get rejected again that is."
"Aw, c'mon." he chuckled when he halted the truck at a stop sign - the shift in gravity making her stomach lurch forward. "You need to be more positive than that! You're a great singer and musician - go in there knowing you'll get chosen. You've gotta to be more confident in your abilities, Ash."
The porcupine had to force her eyes not to roll when she glanced over a him. He was looking at her, a smirk pulling up one side of his mouth and her stomach lurched in a different sense when she saw the flash of his white canines peaking through his gray mouth and instantly wanted to slap herself for thinking he had a great smile.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah... Practice what you preach then." she grumbled under her breath and forced her eyes to drift from his face yet could still see his confused expression in her peripheral.
"You just said your dad wasn't going to show up - where's your confidence?"
Johnny's face fell for a moment before his normal calm smile was back. The truck accelerating back down another long winding road before he spoke again.
"You're right… I should be more positive. Thank you, Ash."
"I wouldn't thank me yet." she muttered mainly to herself whilst glancing back out of the window. Eyes glazing over as a sudden wave of exhaustion hit her hard. More mentally and emotionally draining than anything, but still there. Yet, she was focused and made sure to stay awake even if it meant continuing what she found to be her rather awkward attempt at conversing.
A few moments later and one question that had been lingering in the back of her mind kept pestering her; flitting about no matter how many times she tried pulling it down. After awhile, she stopped fighting it anymore and it just slipped out.
"If the singing thing doesn't work - what are you going to do?" She felt as if the question should have been directed toward herself but she couldn't deny she was curious about his options. Maybe it would give her more ideas to add to the list of her measly ones.
"...Truthfully? I never really took singing as a career seriously 'til I found that paper..." for a moment, her memory flashed to that moment she first saw it too - stuck to Lance's quills when they were getting on the train.
Upon reading it, a fire grew in her chest when she thought of possibly winning…that same fire now gone and now she just felt cold. Thinking of how useless all of this was; how if she didn't find it and they didn't go to that audition…she'd probably still be with Lance…Stuck with that jerk and working worthless gigs and dead end jobs for the rest of her damned life. At least now, she had other options and a chance to make her own future instead of being stuck in a rut with a boyfriend who never cared about her.
Who would have thought that single piece of paper could have changed her life (and Johnny's as well) the way it did? Her thoughts suddenly coming to a halt when said gorilla began speaking again.
"It just came out of nowhere when I was shutting the garage door," the way he said garage with his accent made her smirk a little, "I mean, before then, it was more of a hobby; somethin' I enjoyed but never took too seriously. An unfathomable dream almost but when I went to the audition and Buster chose me - or rather had to pick me over that giraffe…" he said with a mirthless chuckle, "It was the very first time I realized that I wanted to do this. I wanted to be a singer…" Johnny relayed the story slowly; his main focus on the road prevalent in this situation.
"So, you never sang much before then?"
"I wouldn't say that. I'd sing all the time - just only when I was alone. Typical places like in the shower, at the gym, when I'd go out for walks or skateboarding…even while I was waiting for my dad to finish his heists and I was the lookout."
"Wait...you sang when you were supposed to be a lookout for your dad?" Ash couldn't help but laugh a little at that; picturing sweet, innocent Johnny (lost in his head as usual) singing without a care in the world as his dad's somewhere robbing a bank. It was rather comical if you thought about it.
"Eh…" Johnny's face grew a tinge of red at her statement, "I wasn't the best lookout, I admit…"
"Heh. No kidding. But that was it? You never sang in front of people or played piano before now? I find that hard to believe." she said with a furrowed brow; she heard him playing the piano that day as she passed by Buster's office - he didn't sound like someone who first touched ivory keys a week ago.
"No...I never sang or played in front of people before recently…well, except my mum that is." A horrifying sadness flashed in his eyes; the briefest hints of a frown pulling at his lips when he spoke but before she could say a word, he continued, "…but that was a long time ago. I-I used to play piano when I was a kid so I guess some of it's coming back but also, Miss Crawly's a good teacher and I've always been a bit of a fast learner."
Ash was so tempted for him to elaborate more about his past but she wondered again why she was bothering getting to know Johnny even better now. Not to mention if he'd even open up to her anymore than he already had. She had to accept this was perhaps the last few moments she'd ever spend with him. Their dreams dashed by Buster's refusal, there was hardly any need to get to know him more but for some twisted reason, she kinda wanted to. Pushing down her doubts, she opened her mouth to speak but Johnny (thankfully in retrospect) beat her to it.
"To answer your question from earlier, I have other options. I worked at my dad's mechanic shop my whole life. In London, that was his job and owned his own business, but when we moved here and the business was slow…he had to give it up and that's when he started…well, you know; but I suppose that's one option I still have open." Johnny stopped at a light; glancing over to her to give her a slight shrug of his shoulders.
It seemed strange to think of Johnny under the hood or body of a car, covered in motor oil and grease; cutting up fingers that played the piano so beautifully; exhaust and the stench of gasoline perhaps ruining those vocal chords after hours of breathing it in. Fixing cars wasn't a profession she seen Johnny enjoying but she didn't picture herself working in a retail shop with a red shirt and khaki's either but beggars aren't choosers she supposed. In a perfect world, they'd both have record contracts and be living the high life but sadly…this was reality.
Ash thought if Johnny could make due with a regular job like most of the population, she supposed she could as well.
"What about you?" Johnny suddenly spoke again; the car lurching forward had her hand subconsciously grasping at the leather seats to steady herself even if the seatbelt was doing that for her. "You've been singing a long time?"
The question wasn't one she expected but since she asked him about his past - it was only fair she answered.
"My dad used to tell me as soon as I could talk, I was singing. Didn't pick up a guitar til after I met Lance though," she said with as much disdain as would fit in her voice; the one aspect she hated was that asshole was the one to teach her to play. Her beloved guitar containing such tainted memories she'd rather not ponder.
"In high school, I was in band and an after school music club was where I met him and the rest was history. He taught me guitar and even bought my the one I play - the only decent present he ever bought me. Over the years, we were a band I guess you'd call it; getting occasional gigs and I was hoping Moon's contest would be our big break…"
Ash let out a deep breath; accessing silently how life could change so fast without any warning. A rug ripped from under you leaving you no choice but to tumble and fall flat on the ground. Forcing you into the aftermath of staring up at the sky - gasping for air but none would come…
"Well, you know how that ended…" Ash shrugged it off; not bothering to acknowledge the glance of sympathy Johnny sent her. "But I'm not giving up - I'll figure this out. May take longer than I want it to, but truth be told, I'd rather be where I am now that still stuck with that cheating bastard. If that's all this did for me...I guess that's something I'll always have to thank Buster for."
Johnny smiled; the gesture more in her peripheral but still there. It was weird but it was true. At least where she was, she could do things on her own. Carve her own path in the sand and either follow the wind or fight against the tide. It was her life now and she planned to make the most of it.
"You'll be fine, Ash. You got that fighting spirit - you'll do just fine." Johnny's words were quiet and almost spoken under his breath.
"Yeah…and so will you."
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At the next stop, Johnny glanced over at her.
Ash made sure her arms were crossed and eyes steadfast on the dashboard in front of her. Wanting to hide the fact she'd said something encouraging even if it slipped out almost unintentionally. Ash didn't catch the smile on his face or sparkle return to his eyes; only stared at the window as the truck and it's occupants began moving closer into the heart of the city.
Twenty minutes later, they arrived back at her apartment; the tires of his truck coming to a halt where he parallel parked in front of her apartment door. The ignition turned off and remained still for a long time; Ash hesitated and it was obvious Johnny was too. His eyes still steadfast on the road even when the car was long since parked. By the tilt of his brow and furrowed lips, you can easily tell he was tempted to say something but she wouldn't push it especially when her own mind was flooded with a million and one things that wanted to leech out.
If you asked why she was hesitating to leave, she couldn't exactly tell you.
Perhaps it was because she some part of her didn't want this to end… That once she passed the threshold of the truck door and back into her dark, empty apartment, all of this would truly be over for good. This past month, while crazy and wrought with unimaginable grief, torment, and pain…there was something about it she wasn't ready to let go of just yet. Would even fully agree that maybe, just maybe, she'd grown attached to those she met thus far - Moon, Miss Crawly, Rosita, Gunter, Meena…and of course, Johnny.
Hating it was only now that she finally realized it…
To think it took a new family of sorts to make her feel somewhat whole again after Lance's earth-shattering betrayal and her new encounter with loneliness that she never experienced before. These animals she just met were there for her when no one else was: listened to her, talked, comforted, and reached out when no one else bothered to ever care before (not even the guy she gave five years of her life to).
It was awhile before she even realized that Johnny's eyes were on her. Ash turned her head toward him and met his gaze steadily, an ache growing in her chest when he suddenly gave her the barest hints of a smile; one that clearly didn't reach his eyes for the first time she could ever recall.
"Well, we're here." he muttered the obvious and she couldn't help but smirk at that.
"Yeah. I noticed."
"Hmm. S'pose you did…Um, I guess, uh…I-I'll be seeing you around, Ash."
Ash knew he didn't intend to lie but who were they kidding? With no more hope of Buster turning around and making this competition a reality, there was really no reason they would see each other again. They were still teetering on this delicate edge of acquaintances and…maybe friends? Perhaps just two souls who needed to meet to realize other animals had struggles too and they had helped each other out in that sense.
"Yeah." she replied steadily; she guessed she was a liar too.
In those moments of hearing about his father, she'd felt as if she knew a side of him no one else did. He willingly told her a part of his life he had kept secret from everyone up until today…and it felt good. Felt good to connect beyond simple greetings and exchanged pleasantries.
"Sorry. Let me get your door." Johnny muttered and Ash watched as he unbuckled his seatbelt and got out of his side of the truck. Busying herself with doing the same when he opened her door for her.
Her task complete, icy blue eyes met chestnut brown before slipping down his body to where his hand was proffered once again. The stubborn side wanted to push it away and climb down herself but in all actuality, she was just tired and didn't care about acting prickly and flippant right now.
With slight hesitation, she took his hand and allowed him to help her descend.
"Hey! Who knows? Maybe I'll bump into you again." Johnny chuckled in an obvious intent to try and lighten the somber mod that filled the air. Ever so gently, he squeezed her hand a bit as he helped her down the truck bed.
"Yeah. Maybe..." Ash couldn't help but return the sentiment as she stepped safely onto the sidewalk. The two glanced at one another, a few words going much left unsaid and it was a full minute before either of them realized they were still holding hands.
"Ooh. Sorry." Johnny was the first to apologize as he gently withdrew his hand.
"Don't be." Ash said without thinking, flinching a bit at the words and pretended to kick at an invisible pebble. Didn't want to acknowledge how cold she felt without his hand grasping her own by sticking her hand into her skirt pockets and cursing those plaguing thoughts.
It felt so awkward and misplaced but the quietness felt comfortable. A silence between what she would now consider more than just co-workers, competitors, or acquaintances. It felt more than that now…but as things were, it's all it would be. The pain accompanying that realization was one Ash was nowhere near ready to confront…
"...I hope everything works out for you, Ash. I really do." Johnny stated and Ash met his eyes.
"...Yeah. Same to you too."
"Thanks." he replied with a soft grin.
Without even asking, Johnny began walking her to her apartment, a comfortable silence that was broken by their soft pattering of dragging footsteps as they approached her door.
It felt like the shortest walk of her life; one Ash would reluctantly agree she wished was a little longer. The very sight of her door made her fur prickle; the little knicks from quills, or all the times Lance kicked the ajar door open because he was too lazy to take his hands out of his pockets, or bumped it with his guitar case when he came home drunk.
Memories she wished would just go away…especially now…
"It was nice getting to know you a little more." Johnny spoke, breaking her out of her reverie. Her fragile heart skipping a bit at the context and the genuine tone in which he spoke. "...and thanks for opening up to me and listening. It really helped me Ash. Thank you…"
"Eh. Yeah." she shrugged casually even as her heart nearly pounded out her chest and her palms sweat something fierce, "No problem."
Johnny's smile grew but fell a second later when she finally took her keys out of pocket.
"Oh. Sorry for keepin' ya." his whole demeanor shifted; a look of guilt rose on his face that Ash immediately squashed down.
"No. It's fine. Really."
"Well, anyway…" Johnny glanced out toward the street and somewhere far off before continuing, "I still better be going - that appointment with my dad is pretty soon."
"Oh. Oh, yeah, you better not miss that." Ash continued to hide behind a nonchalant shrug.
"True. Heh… Well, um…I guess this is goodbye for now." it was Johnny's turn to shrug, his smile lopsided and not at all the smile she was used to.
"I guess so." she waved a bit; the words felt hallow in her throat but was able to choke out, "Bye, Johnny."
"Goodbye, Ash." Johnny smiled for real this time before all of a sudden, he'd turned his back to her and began walking away.
In this moment of sudden panic she desperately wanted to say something. What exactly, she had no freaking idea, just something…Yet the more stubborn side ignored it; told her she was being ridiculous and for the first time in awhile, she listened to it. Forced her to turn around and push her key in the door and open it.
She didn't care.
She didn't care.
She didn't care…it was the only mantra that kept her from screaming out to him…but he beat her too it upon reaching his truck and turning back around.
"Oi, Ash wait!" Johnny suddenly spoke and a spark of happiness she didn't care to meditate over appeared in her like a spark when she turned back to him. Her eyes wide and curious as he approached.
"Yeah?" she said, voice much higher pitched than she intended; clearing her throat and hoped he didn't notice how her cheeks flushed in embarrassment.
"You almost forgot these." he said and in his large hand was the baggie of cookies she got from Rosita's place.
…Had that only been a few hours ago?
…it felt like a lifetime…
"Oh." was her first disappointed reaction until she quickly followed it with a chuckle and an "Oops. Heh. Glad you remembered."
Ash reached out to grab the baggie, her fur prickling when she accidentally brushed the side of her hand over his warm palm. Once they were in her possession, Johnny pulled back and gave her a small military type wave with a flit of his his index and middle fingers by his forehead.
"See ya, Ash." he said before he had walked away and was in his truck before she could even fully process what was happening.
Forcing those strange feelings down, Ash turned around and opened her door and quickly closed it behind her. Yet something had her going to her window, peeking from behind her curtains to see Johnny sitting in his truck for a moment. Chestnut eyes flicked toward her apartment and for a few brief seconds, she thought perhaps he could see her but those faded when he turned away again. Fiddled with his steering wheel for a brief moment before she heard the truck come to life.
The purr of an engine and quick glance in his rearview mirror - than he was gone.
Ash flinched when the abrupt gravity of his absence hit her; staring off toward the direction his truck disappeared to for a longer time than she cared to admit…Only one thing was for certain…she didn't know how to feel about anything anymore…
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arecibomanual · 8 years ago
Ascensionism timeline, era 1.5
This would mark the first abrupt change in the game's format. The twitter and facebook are wiped, remade into pages for "Ascencionism Records" and Nick Lyons' albums. The first group of users remains in the game for now. This period takes the format of some kind of roleplaying game. There seems to be a lot of content that went down entirely in emails between the players and whoever's running the game without being posted to the thread, which makes the game rather harder to follow.
- notes the "piton" image from way back was visually similar to another image steg'd with Silenteye, though again the data wouldn't have survived Facebook. Plus the messages about Silenteye and steg came a while later and referred to the previous image... ?
One day after the thread is revived an email is sent out... and this is where it starts getting weird. The email consists of some "promotion" for Asrecords, with a list of some... bizarre music titles, with themes such as drug use, satanism, and medical conditions being common. It's hard to tell if it's meant to be tongue-in-cheek or what... though I feel this one's particularly relevant:
After Staring At The Word 'Ascend' For Very Long Periods Of Time, I Sometimes Find I Can No Longer Recognize The Word Or Its Meaning For A Short Period
The actual "content" of the message seems to be the phrase spelled out in bolded letters across the list, "an angel is comin" (sic). Which tells us just about absolutely nothing. There are enough typos scattered throughout the list I'm half convinced there might be a second message hidden in them, Wide Window-style, which I'll explore at a later date... - Bunch of empty space at the end of the message may have contained some sort of additional message, but all we have of it is a screenshot of the highlighted whitespace. - "Movement II" image included in the email contains the text "x = y ions". what mean
next email, sales.jpg, appears to depict some sort of weather map overlaid with text including a US population table, some other shit. It's a bit freaky-looking. -url of a since-deleted survey site page, something about Dutch metals, "sales report 1962 2012" (the population table is entirely for the year 2003, so this is not what the "sales report" is refering to... probably)
- "x does not exist" ?? -quantify
-some poor fool apparently had his email address put into the survey without his approval. Oops? - hug
P0p quiz, everyone. The delivery package is nonsensical, but the only relevant content seems to be the mathematical equation, which provides another phone code. Contains another reference to infinity-over-zero or whatever the fuck Another message about a "stolen formula in broken english" seems intended to provide yet another number and references the "sales report" (presumably sales.jpg), but is impossible to solve, requiring "the number of piano tuners in chicago, approximately" (this is even assuming the population table could be read as a "sales report"). The accompanying image contains another code, yaddayadda
A part of the "survey" is posted, giving us more strange shit, this time a story using the player's IDs as characters, involving angels, tanks, strangely-named tabletop game stats or... something. (I'll go through the audio recordings later ok. there's a lotta stuff here) The story is "Movement I" divided up into "Bar"s I, II and III, and the requests for player input are refered to as "opera". And also something... something about "opus". This provides a bit more of the tongue-in-cheek humor this arg seems to have at times, with sandwiches being oddly prevalent and a character losing one "metaphysica" point due to stubbing his toe. It seems whatever went on in the emails affected what's posted here, as one player earlier reported having to give another a hug, while someone else stated A1-VCLZ wouldn't be able to respond anymore (they're dead). - loosely implies A1-QPLR was responsible for A1-VCLZ's death, or at least that he knows more than it seems. mentions APL0 as some sort of enemy.
A new image on the survey page(?). It's weird. A nun-looking figure with something or other mechanical on her face, in a crucified pose, with a field of tents with a raised flag in the background. The filename is "she-wolf" and aside from giving more numbers the text on the image says "ONLY THE BITE OF A BELIEVER WILL SAVE HER". Uh, okay. Emails about revisions and graphemes/graphenes. ???
Images on the esurv site depicting the events of Movement I... oddly still up, though the fourth one is gone. (I have them archived on archive.is as linked from the thread) Image for bar 3 includes a bunch of shit that wasn't in the post.
Pour the milk on Louis' grave, yeah, put the sherbet on the chili dogs- another message with weird content as a vehicle for a semi-normal hidden message The "listening post" is opened, an online radio thing that rattles off all sorts of things on loop apparently 24/7. Another geocache is alluded to... ... And never collected or even checked, as the thread dies once more for half a year. RIP.
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