#< genuinely so sorry about deleting the ask I did not mean to but it was two in the morning
ghostinacardboardbox · 3 months
@averagecygnet-blog i accidentally deleted your ask about my opinion on the themes in Black Friday 😶 sorry bout that anywhere here’s my thoughts.
So like first of all, like you’ve already said, the critique of consumerism is incredibly heavy handed. You are right. It is not at all subtle. We’ve all heard Made in America. But I really don’t think it was possible to tell this story and have it be subtle; this was always going to be an incredibly overt anti-capitalist message.
Starting with the real life inspirations of the premise, the “Tickle-Me Wiggly” is already a direct reference to “Tickle-Me Elmo,” which was a toy that inspired real life riots ending in at least a handful of injuries and arrests. In the scene right after the Wiggly Jingle, Paul and Emma discuss Cabbage Patch Kids. The Cabbage Patch riots have their own wiki page. The idea of parents literally resorting to violence over toys on Black Friday is something that already happens. So this musical is really just looking at those events, saying, “Wow, capitalism sure makes people behave badly,” and then pushing that concept to its most exaggerated form. The fact that it isn’t subtle is not a bug, it’s a feature.
I also see people bring up this theme almost entirely in relation to the song Made in America rather than connecting it to almost every scene. As if this isn’t a show that doesn’t begin with an advertisement. The opening number is an ad.
(Apparently an effective one, considering how quickly Starkid sells out of the Lord in Black dolls whenever they sell them. People literally watched a whole musical about how the doll represents using the product of capitalism to distract from societal problems and then went and bought the doll. And I would have, too, if I had the money. But I think about the irony.)
I'm not going to go through every scene and the capitalist imagery in it, mostly because I don't actually have anything particularly unique to say about it. Like most of them are fairly self-explanatory and I'm not particularly good at analysis. But do want to specifically bring up the lyrics of "Our Doors Are Open" since they usually get overshadowed by people talking about how much cunt Corey served (it's a lot of cunt. Record amounts of cunt served), because the entire song is both satirical and foreshadowing. Also the bridge of "First of Famine" and the dehumanization of the worker, etc. etc.
I'm also fascinated by the social dynamics in Black Friday. Lex is basically raising her sister due to their mother's neglect; Tom is a single dad; Becky is a domestic abuse survivor; and while Linda's family externally looks very well-put together, she's had multiple affairs, and it's revealed in the Nightmare Time episode "Honey Queen" that she blatantly plays favorites with her kids and has a terrible relationship with her father. Lex is a poor retail worker, Tom and Becky are middle class, and Linda is very wealthy. Black Friday more than any other Starkid show acknowledges the implications of social class, I think. I wonder if part of why a lot of people don't like it is because it's not really escapism the way a lot of other musicals are; it's pretty clear about dealing with real life problems, in a very simplified but obvious way.
I think all the time about the scene where Linda tells Becky, in front of a crowd, that everyone knew her husband was abusive and chose to stay silent. It's such an important moment because it's directly showing the audience just how cruel Linda is. It had been implied before but this was on another level. And it also serves as, again, a pretty basic depiction of how society treats victims. Like, saying that "bystanders will always look away as long as there's plausible deniability to preserve their own comfort" is pretty simple, but that doesn't mean it's a bad point to make, and I think it's made well. The title song also has the lines "I don't want your half-baked sympathy, / When did it save those in need?" which reinforces a similar concept; expressing pity isn't the same as actually taking any kind of action.
And then, of course, there is all the religious imagery. Every time I watch this show I notice more of it, it's everywhere and it's so cool. The show takes place during the holiday season so there are a lot of references to Christmas, specifically. Wiggly keeps saying it will be his birthday, and Linda will "birth" him, so they are tied to Jesus and the Virgin Mary, symbolically (While writing this I had the thought that Wiley possibly counts as the angel Gabriel, then). And I think that using Christmas works because of how commercial Christmas in the US is. If your eldrith god is using capitalist desires as a recruiting tactic, having him bastardize Christmas for his own purposes is a pretty logical step I think. It's also not just that Wiggly is associated with Christmas thematically but also in a sense the iconography of the holiday becomes Wiggly. The garlands on the balcony turning into Wiggly's tentacles is one of the greatest set design pieces I've ever seen. Even apart from the functionality of it as a low-cost set that can go unnoticed until it's needed, it so perfectly evokes the imagery of Wiggly literally corrupting the holiday imagery. The first time I saw that scene I was amazed. I don't feel like checking rn who did the set design for Black Friday but whoever they are, they're fucking incredible. No notes.
And then the music. This is by far my favorite Starkid score overall. I love it so much. Partially because I, known 80's pop-rock enjoyer, am obsessed with a good synthesizer, but also just because of how well the songs suit this particular story. The synths are used most in the songs that show Wiggly's influence (Feast or Famine, Adore Me, Wiggle). Is "non-traditional instruments represent the unknown and otherworldly" the most unique special concept ever? No. But I like it and it sounds cool so like idc.
Jeff Blim is an incredible songwriter who is so talented in so many genres, and I'm always impressed with the songs he writes for Hatchetfield. I think sometimes we don't appreciate enough that all of these songs are by one guy (also Matt Dahan's musical direction for the entire series and the underscoring for both seasons of Nightmare Time that works in the melodies of previously used songs so incredibly). All of the Nightmare Time songs are so different, and all three of the stage shows have a very distinctive sound that really makes sense with the story that's being told. And one of the things Jeff does best in my opinion is the use of repeated melodies and leitmotifs.
Hatchetfield is full of them. There's been a lot of discussion of it in Nerdy Prudes because that show has so many motifs (i.e. the Nightmare Time riff, the "I'm not a loser" melody), and one of them actually comes from Black Friday. In The Summoning, right after Wiggly says "fwendy-wends," the keyboard melody that plays is the same as the part in the song Wiggle that goes "We will build a portal just for [when he comes]" (The last few notes fade directly into the chorus of The Summoning). I'm not the first person to notice this or anything but I thought it was so cool when it happened.
And Wiggle itself is using a different melody: The Carol of the Bells. Again, it ties into the idea of Wiggly completely taking over the idea of the Christmas season. The lyrics of Wiggle also include the lines "He will rise up with joyful noise," and I didn't realize that not everyone would catch that as a religious reference until a friend commented about it but "joyful noise" is a biblical reference (Psalm 100:1). It all ties back to the religious themes.
This last one may not be intentional, but the last song also really makes me think of another Christmas carol? The opening lyrics of What If Tomorrow Comes ("Do you all see what I see, / What I know, / What I see?") really reminds me of the song "Do You All Hear What I Hear?" The melody is different and only vaguely similar so I may be reading too far into it, but I always got the feeling that I'd heard something like that before and wasn't able to place it until last year.
Anyway TLDR Black Friday is heavy handed but I think it actually works better that way, and I like how strong the imagery throughout it is.
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hecksupremechips · 5 months
Derby is for colts and fillies alike so long as they’re 3 year old thoroughbreds. 3 fillies have won the derby, though the race is historically dominated by colts due to speed qualifications. The oaks race is for fillies yes, but the derby is not just for colts like your post implies. Please stop trying to spread false information. Yes people who attend derby are mostly rich white folk but behind the scenes are poc workers and people who genuinely have a love for horses and the sport alike
That feels a bit better to know. For some reason idk people around here just label one race as the girl one and the other as the boy one and it’s like why are you being misogynistic about horses. So it’s nice its not like that in reality but now it’s like weird cuz whyyyy have people around me just been spreading horse misogyny my whole life 🤔
And yeah I didn’t intend to spread misinformation but hm I definitely don’t know derby lore very well I just know some fan culture that I’ve grown up around so that’s definitely not gonna give me a very clear picture so idk what I was thinking. I’m mostly just fed up with some of the ways people have treated the derby in my area and really just fed up with family rn so I was being bitter but I shouldn’t have made any like. Statements about the actual derby when I don’t really know what I’m talking about at all and also most things in Kentucky culture and history have a really interesting background and there’s always gonna be passionate people and poc involved that don’t really get shown on the surface cuz. Racism. I do have my big grudges against these rich people from out of state or from the rich neighborhoods of Louisville who treat the derby like some big spectacle but then scoff at the rest of the state and clutch their pearls in fear when they have to park in a closed off parking lot where they gotta pay a black man for parking and then walk through neighborhoods they deem filthy just to get to the derby but eh fuck them. Let’s be here for horses and kentucky history and culture and just celebrate the amazing shit that we have going on
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grison-in-space · 4 months
I'm genuinely sorry, I was really tired and couldn't think of the word that mad pride movements use. I'm new to all of this. I thought you would be more open to it because you've reblogged from radical leftists (anarchists and communists both) within the past couple of weeks and they're all for Veganism afaik. The argument that all brains are different but equal and should be treated the exact same is a primary aspect of mad pride from my understanding, and that speaks to me about animals just having different brains, and that they don't deserve to be exploited and killed for us just because they're different. I'm not spamming people with it, but I was inspired by an ask by a nonvegan and started asking popular bloggers why they weren't vegan to open up conversation and potentially change people's views on animals. If I've made you uncomfortable I'm sorry, though I admit I'm really confused by your standpoint. You do know that the only reason communism hasn't succeeded is because of America? Anyway, sorry again, I'm also autistic and I didn't mean to dismiss your legitimate dietary needs. Can I recommend acti-vegan's posts? While I understand that you can't go vegan, perhaps their blog will at least help you understand our points, they're much more well-written than my asks and they have plenty of legitimate science resources at hand. Thanks for listening, I'll take your advice into account. I'm not trying to not listen, it's just frustrating because so many people say they get it but they don't change, and if they truly got it they would, you know?
Okay, I get that you didn't mean to be offensive, and fuck knows I shouldn't throw stones when it comes to forgetting specific words. (This happens to me fairly frequently; it's a thing.)
The argument that all brains are different but equal and should be treated the exact same is a primary aspect of mad pride from my understanding, and that speaks to me about animals just having different brains, and that they don't deserve to be exploited and killed for us just because they're different.
So yesterday I actually wrote out and then deleted a whole paragraph to the effect of "part of my deep, deep frustration with animal rights activism hooks into my commitment to the phrase 'nothing about us without us,' because I frequently see the same kinds of emotional projection without making the effort to listen to animals on their own terms from animal rights activism groups."
The first thing I need to make clear to you is that this--veganism and animal rights activism (ARA) more generally--is not new to me. I am in my mid-thirties and I have never had a job of any kind that did not revolve around animals in some way, I've spent time in rescue spaces and vets and universities, I'm queer and I have spent most of my life in leftish progressive circles, so it's kind of hard to miss.
Essentially, you are proselytizing to me as if you were a newly baptized evangelical convinced I had never heard of Jesus, because if only I had heard and understood his holy word, I would be converted instantly to his light! It's not any less irritating when the belief system isn't explicitly a religion.
More under the cut, because this one is long.
Disclaimer one: Veganism isn't synonymous with ARA ideology, but it's deeply entangled with it, and ARA ideology drives the movement of veganism as a (theoretically non-religious) ethical decision. And I object very strongly to the framework imposed by ARA activists. When I say I am not vegan, I am saying that I have considered the ethical framework that underpins veganism as an ethics movement and I have deliberately rejected it.
The second piece of context you should know that when I talk about being a behavioral ecologist, I mean that I'm a researcher who works on animals and that my framework is rooted in trying to understand animals in their own natural ecological context, without necessarily comparing them to humans. There's a lot of ways to study animal behavior you might run into, including attempts to understand universal principles of behavior that transcend species (animal cognition) and attempts to understand how to better treat animals in human care (animal welfare). You know Temple Grandin? Temple Grandin is an ethologist (the field that gave rise to behavioral ecology, also focused on animals within their species context) who worked on animal welfare (finding ways to make slaughterhouses less stressful to livestock, among other things).
Third point: my profession also means is that I work directly with animals--in my case, currently mice--and that I do not think research with animal subjects is wrong as long as all efforts are made to ensure maximal welfare and enrichment for the animals involved. This is another major bone of contention politically between my entire field and ARA groups, and you should know that I have also spent my entire professional career under the shadow of, well, people who care strongly enough about those ideas to invade my workspace and potentially seize my animals and "free" them into a world they do not have the tools to survive in.
So there's where I am coming from. Let's get back to what you're saying. Here, I'll quote again in case you have the same crappy short-term memory I do.
The argument that all brains are different but equal and should be treated the exact same is a primary aspect of mad pride from my understanding, and that speaks to me about animals just having different brains, and that they don't deserve to be exploited and killed for us just because they're different.
Point the first: Even within humans, I don't think that all brains should be treated the exact same. Especially in a disability context! After all, what is an accommodation if not an agreement to treat someone differently because they need certain things to access a space? Accommodations by definition fly in the face of this "treating everyone the same" understanding of fairness. I think all (human) brains are equally valuable, and I think all brains are worthy of respect, but I do not think that it's wise or kind of me to assert that everyone should be treated in the same way. For one thing, I teach students. If there's one thing teaching has taught me, it's that a good teacher is constantly assessing and adjusting their instruction to meet students where they're at, identify failures of understanding, and keep the attention of the classroom.
Point the second: animals do have different brains from humans. That does not mean that animals are inferior, but it does mean that they are alien. There's a philosophy paper, Nagel, What Does It Mean to Be a Bat, that you might find illuminating on this front. Essentially, the point of the paper is that animals have their own experiences and sensory umwelts that differ profoundly enough from humans' that we cannot know what it is like to be a different species without experiencing life as one, and therefore we must be terribly careful not to project our own realities onto theirs. That is, our imagination cannot tell us what a bat values and what it experiences. That is why we have to use careful evidence to understand what an animal is thinking, without relying on our ability to identify with and comprehend that animal. I have watched ARA groups deliberately encourage people to shut their reasoning brains off and emotionally identify themselves with animals without considering within-species context for twenty years. This is a mainstream tactic. It is not an isolated event and for that reason alone I would be opposed to them.
Point the third: there is a definite tendency in lots of people to care deeply and intensely about both animals and people who are seen as "lesser" in status--children, poor people, disabled people, etc--just as long as those groups never contradict the good feelings that come from the helper's own assessment of themselves and their actions. In humans, when the "needy" point out that some forms of help are actually harmful, the backlash is often swift and vicious. This is why animals are such an appealing target of support and intervention. They can't speak back and say "in fact, you are projecting my love of this frilly pink tutu onto me, and I think it's uncomfortable and prevents me from walking." They can't say "I kind of like it better when I don't have to worry about getting hit by a car, actually?"
(By the way: this is also why it's offensive to compare disabled people to animals, because this is generally done at least in part to silence the voices of disabled people speaking for our selves and our communities. We have access to language, and we use it, thank you.)
All forms of animal welfare intervention going right back to the founding of the first RSPCA have been incredibly prone to being hijacked by classist, racist, and otherwise bigoted impulses. This is because animals offer an innocent face for defense that conveniently cannot criticize the actions taken by their champions, and they therefore provide a great excuse for actions taken against marginalized members of human society. Think about the very first campaign the RSPCA ever did, which was banning using dogs as draft animals: a use that is not inherently harmful to dogs, which many dogs actively enjoy, but also one that was specifically used by poor Londoners and which in fact immediately resulted in a great butchery of the dogs that Londoners could no longer afford to feed rather than allowing poor people and their dogs to continue working together. No one was, of course, challenging the particular uses of dogs or any other animal favored by the wealthy. This kind of thing is so, so, so common. Obviously it doesn't mean that all interventions to prioritize animal welfare are inherently bigoted, but it does mean that we have to be critical about our choice of challenges.
On top of everything, the animal rights activist movement's obsession with "exploitation" is a function of the idea that humans are sinful or otherwise Bad in how we interact with animals by definition. For example, take the chicken rescue near me that is so obsessed with the possibility that some human somewhere might benefit from an animal in their care that they implant every hen they adopt out with hormonal implants such that the hens no longer lay eggs--a function that is normally a natural byproduct of a chicken's reproductive system, fertilized or not. A mutualistic relationship involves both parties benefiting, and that is the case for an awful lot of human relationships with animals. In general, the idea that associating with animals is a thing that can only harm animals rather than being a trade between two species to enrich one another is all over these groups. It's just so myopically focused on human shame that it prevents practical interventions that might benefit everyone, and often promotes interventions that don't directly benefit animals but sure do make humans miserable. For example, this kind of thinking is why groups like PETA are absolutely awful at effectively rescuing unwanted dogs and cats: they think pets living in "bondage" with humans are an essentially sad outcome, rather than one that might be mutually enjoyed by all parties.
I'm tired and my meds haven't kicked in, so I'm not currently going to handle the communism thing except to point out that while the US absolutely did destabilize a number of leftist regimes in South America and Africa, Russia and China between them have certainly not treated their own people kindly, either (and more so their own client-nations, as with the former members of the USSR). Please do some reading about the Holodomor and Lysenko in Russia (and frankly all of the details of Stalin's regime) and the Cultural Revolution in China in particular. Khmer Rouge might be worth looking into, too. I am not saying the US's hands are clean, you understand, because they are not; they're as steeped in red as anyone else's. What I am saying is that for people living on the ground, communist revolutions have this nasty habit of turning into bloodbaths and arbitrary slaughters. Do not let your distaste for the US's bloodsoaked imperialism (which, yes, is and was bad) let you fall into the trap of becoming a tankie.
And if you don't know what a tankie is, you really, really should take some time to learn.
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14dayswithyou · 4 months
Meowdy Saint! ^^ lolol hello hello o/ hope you are doing good!!
So this masterpiece of a game has been invading my mind with ZERO chill lately which directly translated to me coming up with a TON of questions orz I really didn't realize how many I ended up compiling lol
If you don't feel like answering this many please feel absolutely free to ignore this ask or only answer the ones you like the most, the last thing I want is for you to feel overwhelmed! ^^
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™?
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol
-does he know how to give massages? :00
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name?
(I am not sure if this⬇️ questions falls under character deaths, if it does I really apologize and absolutely feel free to ignore it ^^)
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl)
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100%
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao
ALRIGHT THATS ALL IM SO SORRY FOR ASKING SO MUCH THE REN BRAINROT HOURS ARE SO REAL IM LOSING BRAINCELLS orz Remember to take care of yourself drink water and take breaks!! ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )✧
(Also sorry if some phrases don't make sense, english isn't my first language as I am 🤌 lolol)
✦゜ANSWERED: Under da cut because this got long >:3
-do Rendacted's memories remain intact when he resets the day or do his wipe too with everyone else's? Also is there an in-universe answer for why he has these glitchy powers or is he just Built Different™? Ren's memories remain intact!! I mean... He remembers each time you get a bad end and sometimes says something different... >:3 There is also an in-universe reason as to why he has his abilities — I won't spoil anything, but his real name (along with River's and one other character) have a reeeeally big tell. But what this tell is is for me to know and you to find out >:3
-if angel made it VERY clear that they would be mad asf and prolly even start hating and leave Ren/[REDACTED] if he were to hurt their friends(or killing people bc this man needs to chill fr), would he listen to them? Bc I know that if he touches Violet, Elanor, Kiara or god forbid Moth I'm personally deleting his kneecaps 🥰 Ren (and by extension [REDACTED]) knows not to harm anyone if he knows you won't like it — and even then — he won't actively show that murderous side of him in the first place. To Angel, Ren is just a timid, normal guy.
-since it seems to me that Ren/[REDACTED] is only kinda meh at cooking I was wondering if he actually made the not burnt pancakes in day 3 or if he had some store bought ones that he passed off as his own lol Ren is actually good at cooking, he's just a bit out of touch since he doesn't normally cook for himself! It's normally microwave meals or takeout for him... ^^; And yes, Ren did burn and burn the pancakes in Day 3 — he was distracted by something on his phone :3
Bonus cut Day 3 content: I took out the scene where Ren started to profusely apologise for burning the pancake because he often had to cook when he was younger. Given the dynamic of his family and the environment he grew up in, Ren didn't have much room to make mistakes ;n; I cut this scene out because I felt bad ksgskd So y'all get to have flustered, happy Ren instead!!
-does he know how to give massages? :00 If that was one of Angel's interests or desires, then sure!! ^^
-during day 1, how did Ren come up with a book on the local flora?? It seems like such a random topic to pick when put on the spot without already having a genuine interest in it lmao Someone else likes flora too, and it sure would be funny if Ren (eventually) starts to mimic certain traits and interests of the person you have the highest affinity/relationship points with in order to make himself look more appealing… >:3c
-if I understood correctly Maple should be Jae's dog right?? Did you have a specific breed or age in mind when creating her? I got curious because in my head she automatically popped up as a young australian shepherd to match with Jae's hyperactive dumbass energy lol❀⸜(˶´ ˘ `˶)⸝❀ It was mentioned in Jae's lore post (I'll link it here once I find it), but Maple is a Labrador! (Leon would be Jae's Australian Shepherd hehe) In my mind, Maple is only 2 or 3 years old, but that wouldn't really fit the official timeframe... ^^; Jae adopted Maple during high school so he wouldn't feel lonely at home, and it's been over 6+ years since then.... hgdshjg
-staying on the dog topic lol, in day 1 when angel gets up from the couch to get Ren the inflatable mattress(iirc) and he follows right behind them i immediately thought he acted like a puppy lmao. So would he mind being called 'puppy' as a pet name? Angel affectionately calls Ren a puppy during the scene in Day 1 where they meet up after work, so that nickname definitely could work!
-from an ask from last year it seems [REDACTED] would ultimately kill angel if there was ultimately not way to enter in their life?? Gotta say I was very taken aback by this, would this still be the case after a year of building more to his character? (Ok I went back to check the ask again but I can't for the life of me find it anymore maybe I dreamt it up idk😭😭 im really sorry if that is the case jdkslajdl) aaa I think you might be mistaking that ask for something else? ;v; [REDACTED] would NEVER harm Angel in any capacity, and they're a very patient person. Even if it took decades for Angel to fall in love with him, they'll wait.
-uuhh I know there is already a lot in this ask(im seriously sorry orz), but I was wondering if we will eventually get an SFW alphabet for Ren/[REDACTED] for the folks who don't care about the nasty 👉👈 You're fine!! And I'm open to doing that! I'll add it to my list hehe
-THIS IS THE LAST THING I PROMISE 👹 will there be a guide to get all the endings? I'm not sure if there is one already and in that case I missed it 100% I've shared a spreadsheet that lists all the available choices, the points you earn from each of them, and the endings you can get — however it's only available on Discord and I don't really want to share it outside of the server and potentially put it in the hands of minors. Sorry!!
Also I find it ironic how the fandom is trying to find out every single aspect of Ren/[REDACTED]'s character the same way he must do with angel lmao Hehe >:3 There's a loooot of lore that won't ever be mentioned in the game (since it doesn't seem fitting/I don't see a reason to), so I'm happy to provide it here!
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vminizzle · 2 years
Doctor Jeon
pairing : doctor!jungkook x f.reader
genre : smut, fluff, ©
warnings : !CRINGY ASF! really bad description of medical stuff, pet names, make out, marking, fingering, unprotected sex, penetration, creampie
ft. bestfriend!jimin
words count : 2.8k
A/N : DING DONG! I WROTE THIS LATE LAST NIGHT. Just TRASH! I Just wanted to post something BUT kinda regretting rn, I’m really sorry😭 Istg this is my worst fic. ( I’m not gonna beg for feedbacks this time, I’m so ashamed. I think I’ll definitely think about deleting it or not later.) anyways, love you guys!!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
“it’s ridiculous!” you exclaimed throwing your arms up dramatically.
“no it’s not!” your best friend sighed heavily, rolling his eyes at your behavior.
Well, you were talking about a “personal” issue with your best friend and let’s say it seemed useless.
"I’m a guy and i really don’t know how women’s body works.” Jimin said shrugging before grabbing a magazine on your nightstand, laying himself comfortably on your bed.
“I’m not gonna see a doctor just for that!” you crossed your arms over your chest challenging, dropping on the armchair behind you.
“that’s so…ughh..I don’t even know what to say.” you whisper-yelled to your best friend in the waiting room.
"C'mon consider it as a check-up." he suggested.
A lady approached you both, looking down at you.
“Miss, it’s your turn in a few minutes.” she smiled politely before going back to her desk.
Jimin nodded making you turned toward him abruptly.
"there is no way I’m going in there… let’s go home.”
“stop acting like a child y/n.” he scolded putting his hands on his hips as he stood up.
“First of all, this is a man doctor, a male!” you accentuated on your words standing up too.
You opened your eyes wide as if he insulted you.
“and?! i don’t even know him, it’s gonna be so embarrassing. what am i gonna tell him? «hi doctor i think I have a problem with my boobs »” you mimicked your best friend putting your hands on your hips too.
”well, actually you may know him and, I think you won’t have to say it twice.“ he smirked before chuckling as he looked behind you.
"what?” you turned around only to be met with-
“good afternoon Doc.’” Jimin greeted him playfully.
“good afternoon Jimin.” he grinned.
“and y/n- I mean Mrs. y/l/n.” he smiled pushing the door open wider for you to come inside his office.
“good afternoon.” you said embarrassed, lowering your head.
Jimin laughed quietly pushing you inside as you glared at him.
“I’ll be waiting for you outside.” he informed before kissing your cheek.
You panicked as you watched your best friend walk away, leaving you alone.
why? why? why?
“you can sit." the doctor chuckled as he stared at your frozen figure standing near the chair.
“So, may I know what’s wrong Mrs. y/l/n?” he asked after you sat down.
“you know you can call me by your name… wait! no no no! I mean by my! my name!” you panicked looking away.
Jungkook had to bite back a laugh.
He cleared his throat before talking again.
“then, you can call me by my name too, y/n.”
ughh why is he like that? you groaned internally.
“so y/n, tell me. What’s the matter with you?”
“well hmm.” you started hesitantly.
how the fuck am I supposed to say that.
“y'know that’s my job. You don’t have to be embarrassed.” he said genuinely.
this boy.
“well, i think … I have a problem with.. with y'know.” you played with your fingers awkwardly.
“my.” you looked down.
“your?” he asked, lifting an eyebrow up.
“argh my breasts.” you sighed closing your eyes.
“see. you did it. wasn’t too difficult.” he smiled teasingly.
“Jungkook..that’s not funny.” you furrowed your eyebrows, your cheeks burning with embarrassment making him laugh cutely.
“c'mon y/n, don’t act like we’re strangers.”
“I’m not acting.” you lowered your head.
It went silent for a good minute before Jungkook decided to talk again.
“so hmm…how have you been since?” he started softly.
“good i guess. Jimin missed you.” you answered.
And this bitch didn’t tell you about Jungkook’s comeback. you thought frustrated.
“what about you?” he bit his lip expectantly.
Your heart stopped, thinking about your high school years.
Jungkook and you were so in love, you shared a lot of things together, you did a lot of things together, but you refused dating him since he had to go oversea for his studies.
You were scared of distant relationships.
A lot of stupid scenarios playing in your head, afraid that he would have cheated on you or other ridiculous stuff, even if you knew he wouldn’t had done that.
Not lying to yourself, you knew that deep down, your feelings were still present and unfortunately, they were strong.
He was your first love.
And he’s the only one.
Jungkook looked much more mature than he already was before. He was muscular now, his white coat hugging his biceps so well, his new hairstyle suited him perfectly, his tattoos complimented his hands so well, and his smile, the same bunny smile you fell in love with years ago.. he was just ethereal.
You gulped before answering.
“me too.”
Jungkook smiled happily, his ears turning red.
“i missed you too.”
You stared at each other for awhile before grimacing at a sudden pain.
“are you okay?” he asked concerned.
“well, I came here for a reason, doc’.” you sighed.
He rubbed his temples “yea that’s right. Tell me what’s wrong with your boo- breasts. I mean breasts!” you rolled your eyes before hesitating.
“too late to be shy princess.”
The nickname. The fucking nickname.
It made you feel some type of ways but you cleared your throat before talking.
“it has been some days now since they started hurting.” you looked down.
“How exactly? Can you describe the pain more?” He asked as he started typing things on his keyboard.
“I don’t really know how to describe it. I feel weird. It’s kind of not burning but y’know it’s like when you get hit somewhere sensitive.”
Jungkook hummed “a throbbing pain? A sensation of numbness?”
You nodded as he got up, rolling his sleeves up revealing his tattooed forearms.
goddamn. how to breath again?
“Come over here please.” he gestured toward the examination table.
“can you take your blouse off?” He said as you sat.
“sorry? what? no.” you gasped making Jungkook laugh.
”y/n, can I check to know what’s wrong?”
You covered your embarrassed face before whining “I’m sorry, I just.. sorry.”
Jungkook put his hands on your shoulders, bending down to whisper in your ear.
“it’s not like I’ve never seen you shirtless.”
Your heart picking up the pace, the memories coming back.
“So?” He asked expectantly making you sigh as you started unbuttoning your blouse slowly.
Jungkook gulped, eyes following your hands down until you took it off completely.
He cleared his throat, his heart beating too fast for his liking.
“May I?“ he lifted his hand in front of you.
You nodded shyly letting him place his big hand slowly on your covered breast.
You bit your bottom lip, feeling the same sensation you felt some years ago.
You shuttered your eyes tightly. On his side, Jungkook swallowed hard, his fingers gentle on the side of your breast.
“ok I’m gonna push lightly at some places and you’ll tell me where it hurts, yea?” you nodded looking at his beautiful hand on your skin.
stop y/n.
Jungkook dig two fingers in the soft flesh of your boob at your right side. You winced a little, not only because of the slight pain but the way his fingers on your skin made goosebumps raised on you.
You hated the way your body reacted to his touches. But he noticed it too, making him smile a little.
”Can you remove your bra please?“ You gasped as you opened your mouth wide.
“no there is no way I’m doing that Jungkook.”
He sighed still smiling “y/n, I’m here to help you and do my job.”
You groaned throwing your head back, revealing your cleavage more, his eyes couldn’t help, the view too tempting to not look.
His hands went to your sides stroking them softly.
“y/n look, I’m not forcing you. Just wanted to check if you had any bruise or anything.”
You didn’t know how but a sudden wave of confidence hit you.
“you remember how to do it?”
You looked at him in his eyes, taking a deep breath before pulling him by the collar of his shirt, his lips too tempting to be kissed.
“can I?”
Jungkook kissed you immediately, sucking gently on your bottom lip making you moan.
“I missed you so much.” he said putting his forehead on yours, thumbs caressing your cheekbones.
“I missed you so much too.”
Jungkook spread your legs making room for him as he step inbetween them, grabbing your chin closing the gap between you two.
You folded your arms around his neck, combing your fingers through his hair as you pulled him down to capture his lips in a soft kiss.
His hands have found their way on your bare thighs, his thumbs brushing against the smooth skin.
Your heart started pounding as he grabbed you by your hips pulling you closer to him.
He pulled away from the kiss, caressing your cheek with the back of his hand.
“you’re so beautiful. you didn’t change at all, just got prettier.” he said licking his lips.
“can say the same to you.” you muttered.
His hands were still on your thighs, fingers drawing little random patterns.
Heart beating faster, you hesitantly grabbed one of his hand dragging it up slowly to the hem of your skirt. You needed him right now. You missed him way too much to not take the opportunity to have him touch you again.
Jungkook looked at you astonished, his eyes darkening as you continued sliding his hand up under your skirt.
He bit his bottom lip, hand gripping at the flesh ”are you sure?“
You nodded letting go of his wrist.
His hand got higher, reaching the hem of your panties. He caressed your lightly covered core gently with his fingertips making you gasp softly.
Jungkook’s lips found your neck, peppering little kisses on the smooth skin.
Your hands flew to his hair, tugging at the locks.
“Jungkook.“ you whimpered as you felt his fingers tug on your panties.
“can I take these off?“
”please yes.” you looked at him mouth ajar as your thoughts ran wild into your head.
He slid the underwear down your legs as he crouched down.
Past your ankles, he stood up slowly, putting the panties in his blouse pocket.
He came back between your thighs, his fingers went on your skin caressing their way under your skirt, he started teasingly sliding two fingers up and down your core.
You sighed, furrowing your eyebrows as his touches made you weak.
You felt one of his finger poke at your entrance before entering you slowly.
”f-fuck Jungkook.”
He smiled satisfied, the way his name dripped from your tongue made blood rush down there.
The tightness of his pants getting uncomfortable.
He added another finger, going in and out slowly.
When he felt you tighten around his fingers, he pulled them away, lifting them up to his mouth before sucking them clean.
”ew.” you whined disgusted. “now why would you do that?”
“and why?!“ you groaned frustrated as you felt your high fading.
”why? I want you to cum around me baby.” he whispered before unbuckling his belt impatiently.
Jungkook pulled his pants and boxer down at once, freeing his painful erection from its confinement.
”f-fuck.“ he groaned.
”look what you did. You made me hard fuck.“ he breathed out.
You hooked one of your legs around his waist pulling him closer to you.
He held his cock in his hand, pumping it a few times before positioning himself at your entrance.
He rub the head of his cock teasingly between your glistening lips before slapping it on your throbbing clit making you whimpered loudly.
“Jungkook please!”
He put his hand over your mouth silencing you.
“shh. baby you’ll have to stay quiet, hm?“
You nodded eagerly making him smirk.
”You ready?“ he whispered as he started penetrate you.
“yes.” you breathed out.
Jungkook entered you slowly, making you threw your head back. He waited for you, to check if you’re still fine. Looking at any sign of discomfort before continuing.
”you can m-move.”
He started moving, going in and out of you slowly, feeling your warmth.
You felt every inch of his cock, the vein on the side rubbing against your wall.
“you feel so good around me baby.. so good fuck.”
He shifted a bit, adjusting himself as he grabbed one of your thigh higher.
The angle helped him hit deeper, brushing your g-spot making you cried out softly, your hands clenching at his shirt.
”I c-can’t.” you whimpered, feeling your orgasm approaching.
”are you near princess?“ he asked as he sucked softly on your neck, decorating the soft skin with red little marks.
You nodded, tears threatening to fall.
Jungkook’s hand travelled down between your bodies, finding your bud of nerves rubbing little circles on it to add stimulation.
The touches were enough to push you over the edge of your climax.
”Jungkook I’m gonna-”
He kissed you, holding your cheek gently.
You let the tears slid down your cheeks as you came around him.
It felt too good, the pleasure too overwhelming.
The way your walls convulsed around him made him feel dizzy.
”ahh sh- fuck.” he groaned burying his head into the crook of your neck.
He couldn’t hold on any longer as he came inside you, filling you up to the brim, your velvety walls still clenching tightly around his throbbing cock.
You let your head dropped on his chest breathlessly, his hand coming up on your head, stroking your hair gently.
”I love you y/n.”
You looked up at him smiling shyly.
“I love you too koo.”
”I missed you so much. Really. I’ve thought about you a lot when I was in Canada..” he said breathlessly as he wiped your tears away.
“you’ve never called me.” you rolled your eyes sniffing.
”please let’s talk about all that later.“ he sighed deeply.
Jungkook pulled out slowly making you hiss, feeling the warm fluid dripping out of you. He went to grab some tissues at his desk, helping cleaning you up, then the table.
”when was the last time you were on your period?“ he asked out of nowhere.
“what?“ you asked confused.
”I mean, for the consultation. I need to know.” he replied.
“Oh yea. hmm, it was last month if I remember correctly, 3 weeks?”
”Can I still check? you didn’t take your bra off. Or you rather tell me if there is any-”
”y-yea, go on.” you cleared your voice.
After checking if there were any bruises or anything abnormal, he helped you getting dressed.
”well, nothing too bad. It’s on hormone levels.” he started.
“you probably know that a few days before your period starts, both breasts can swell and become tender, painful. During the menstrual cycle, various hormones cause changes in breast tissue that can lead to pain or discomfort in some women.” he continued, making some gestures with his hands as he explained.
“(ok guys, I’ll just stop here because I don’t want to say bullshit lmao, pls act like I did write an amazing explanation or something like that please. I’m sorry.) *But if it hurts more than usual, you will have to come back but like I told you it’s due to your period that starts soon.” he finished before tapping your thigh softly.
He helped you down the examination table, your legs a bit shaky. You walked to his desk, then sat on the chair facing him.
”I’ll prescribe you some pain killer.” he said writing down on a sheet.
“Is your phone number still the same?“
”yes.“ you replied instantly.
Jungkook took his phone, tapping on the screen. You heard your phone vibrating, signaling that you got a message.
Obviously, it’s from him, you thought before you rolled your eyes.
You took it ouf of your bag but before you could see what he texted you, he snatched it from your hands.
”yo what the-“
“aw you still have my number after all these years.” he smiled staring at the screen.
“and the nickname… it’s still the same..”
Your cheeks burned up as you got up trying to take it back.
“C’mon give it back Jungkook!”
He gave it back to you before getting up.
“here.” he handed you the prescription sheet.
“I’m just doing my job.” he smiled playfully.
“do you have sex with all your patients doctor Jeon?” you raised an eyebrow making him roll his eyes.
“nah just my soon-to-be girlfriend.” he replied cheekily.
You smiled before slapping his arm “idiot.”
“wait. Can I have my panties back?” you asked as you stopped in your tracks.
Jungkook tilted his head to the side, taking the underwear out of his pocket lifting it up.
“these? hm I’ll give it back to you tonight princess.” he smirked.
“I’m not gonna walk out of here without my panties Jungkook.” you exclaimed.
“oh you’ll have to, love.” he opened the door pushing you gently outside.
“you don’t have the right to do that!” you whisper-yelled to him.
“bye, see you tonight.” he smiled maliciously, gesturing his next patient to come inside his office.
“wait Jungkook no-”
“sorry i have a patient.” he shrugged before closing the door.
A/N : i really want to apologize for this. I don’t know what it is 💀 pls forgive me guys.
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dizscreams · 1 year
Hello !! First of all I how are you ? !! I do not know if your request are open (so sorry if they’re not !) I wanted to know if you could make a fanfic where reader is an actress and she get asked the question “who is your celebrity crush” and at first she’s kind of hesitant like she doesn’t want to say it but then she says it and gets all shy and later on Jack comes across the interview and watch it and like make a move by sending or dm OR they see each other at a premiere and they start talking blahblahblah ?? TYSM !! And it’s totally okay if you do not want to make this ! Byee
— Jack Champion ★
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PAIRING: Jack Champion x Fem!Reader
TAGS: @wenvierismycomfort @evanpeterswifeyy868 @xyzstar @wekiamo @beary-rambles @h34rtsformilli @c8rdigan @teyamsgirll @aqellano @aesthetixhoe @dizzyscreams @mbankfav
A/N: not feeling great but Jack always fixes that!! 🤭
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“So, Y/N..” the interviewer paused and you tilted your head slightly, waiting for them to continue. “Do you have a celebrity crush at the moment?”
You tapped your fingers on your knee while you thought about how to answer. You did have a celebrity crush but you weren’t sure if you wanted to answer the question. You didn’t want a big controversy or anything. I mean you knew how some fans were and you definitely didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.
But then again you weren’t sure he would even know who you were or if he would even stumble across this interview.
Guess you would just have to pray he didn’t.
“Um, yeah I do,” you said softly, “Jack Champion.” The interviewer made an “ooo” noise and you laughed nervously. Please don’t let him see this, is what you kept repeating in your head. “Jack Champion huh? Quite the man! What’s your favorite movie of his?” The interviewer asked sort of teasingly. You tapped your foot nervously and forced a smile, “Scream 6, but he was also great in Avatar.”
“I couldn’t agree more. Would you like to work with him some day?”
“Um yeah maybe. It could be fun.” You smiled again but more genuinely this time. Cause while you were still slightly uncomfortable, you meant what you said. It could be fun, but you’d also be a nervous wreck.
If he did ever see this interview you just hoped he would laugh it off or something. And HOPEFULLY you’d never have to work with him on a movie. As much as you’d want to and as much as you admired him it would just be too embarrassing for you.
Thankfully the interviewer didn’t say anything else on the topic and kept the rest of the questions professional. That didn’t stop you from getting nervous though. But you kept your composure and continued the rest of the interview completely normal.
When you ended the interview you had completely forgot about it. You were so busy with work and everything that you hadn’t had time to watch it. Jack on the other hand did watch it, because what you didn’t know is that he also had a small celebrity crush. On you. When he watched the video he was flattered to say the least. He definitely didn’t run to his mom and ramble about the whole thing or anything
He found himself watching the interview more than once, but he couldn’t help it! You had a crush on him!You were an amazing actor, you were gorgeous, and you were also just really kind. He had never met you, but he’d always wanted to. Maybe now the interview would give him an excuse to talk to you, so he thought about it for a few minutes and decided he was going to dm you.
For some reason he found himself getting nervous when he pulled up the chat. I mean he had never spoken to you before so he just hoped you didn’t find this creepy. He took a deep breath and typed out his message.
Hey! I saw the interview you did for your new movie and you looked really good.
He cringed looking at it and deleted it, “That sounds weird,” he muttered to himself. So, he retyped it and found himself retyping it a good 10 times before he typed something hr was content with.
Just saw your most recent interview and I’m excited to see your new movie! I was also super honored to hear that I’m your celebrity crush haha
Maybe tiktok was right, maybe he was a millennial. Regardless he took a deep breath and sent the text. He threw his phone on the bed and got up to busy himself so he wouldn’t think of your response.
You think your heart leaped out of your chest when you got the notification. Jack Champion had texted you and he saw the interview. You were out at dinner with some of your coworkers so you had to try hard to contain the grin on your face. Obviously you texted him back, you’d be a fool not to.
Oh thanks! I’m glad it didn’t weird you out haha
Was that too simple? You didn’t want to flirt with him right off the bat and scare him off..
You bit your lip as you stared at it. Fuck it, you thought. It’s not like you’d see him in person any time soon. Plus maybe he’d forget about it. You sent it and went back to talking with the person next to you. That was before your phone buzzed about 5 minutes later.
Of course not. You’re actually my celebrity crush too ;)
You had to contain a sequel when you read it. “Hey are you good?” Your costar chuckled as they asked. “Oh yeah I’m fine, I’m just going to head to the restroom.” You sped walk over there and once you entered you pulled out your phone. You looked in the mirror and tapped the side of your phone wondering what you should say back. You weren’t very good at flirting and for some reason this time it felt more nerve wracking then any other person you had attempted to flirt with.
You really wanted to make a good impression. He was a total sweetheart and downright beautiful so a good first impression was important to you.
Is that so? Maybe we should meet up sometime.
He responded to you almost immediately
I’d like that! I’ll let you know when I’m free :)
Your eyes widened a bit in surprise. You didn’t think he’d say yes.
I’ll look forward to it, Jack. 🤍
Jack slammed his phone on the table and cheered like he just won the lottery. And in his eyes he did, you had just asked him on a date! It was a date right? He immediately got to typing to make sure.
This is a date right?
You chuckled at the notification
It is a date! Unless you don’t want it to be!
He smiled as he read your text. It made him happy to know you were just as nervous as he was.
I’d be sad if it wasn’t.
You bit your lip as you held in your giggle. You really couldn’t believe that this was happening.
Can’t wait, Jack. <3
He slammed down on his bed and covered his face with his hands.
Neither could he.
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fqiryspit · 2 years
ahh congratulations on the milestone!!! you truly deserve it 💗 this is such a cool idea, i’m so excited to see what you write 💗
can i request smut 3, 22 and 27 pls? :) i really hope i did that right lol
hii babes! thank you so much! and yes you did it perfectly!
3, 22, and 27 = please kiss me, show me how much you need me, and do you think you deserve this?
bully!eren x nerd!reader
cw: dom!reader, pussy eating, sex in a classroom, squirting, whiny eren, and eren has a weird way of showing his feelings, reader wears glasses
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leaning against the cold locker you picked at your nails, bored as ever.
as your glasses slid and halt at the end of your nose, you shake them back up just to see a face not inches away from yours
"shit!" you gasp, sliding up on the locker you were leaning on as he corners you in
"what the fuck are you doing?" he snarls, your features twist as you try and remember a time you pissed off eren intentionally
"what do you mean?" you relax, feeling angrier than frightened until he slams a hand onto the locker next to you, successfully closing you in
"last weeks quiz" he answers simply. you feel your shoulders tense as you recall him cheating off you, it's nothing new, except...well...you failed.
"you don't flunk quizzes, y/n." his jaw clenches down, eyes burning wholes straight through your frames
"well thank you" you chuckle, hiding how you desperately want to get out of this situation with humor
"don't try and be a smart ass now."
"what was so fucking fascinating you failed us both?" he asked, you were hoping he'd think you put the wrong answers on purpose and just erased them at the end. because that would've been a lot better from the truth.
"i-" you tuck your bottom lip in, fuck, you're probably so red right now
"holy shit" he remarks, you feel yourself sinking into the metal behind you as he barks laughter into your face "who was getting you so hot and bothered?" he asks, you turn away from him as you refuse to play into his torture
"oh, don't say it was-"
eren was obviously taken aback by your statement, thinking it was him you'd be so distracted by. he felt the warmth pool to his cheeks before he could even digest what you just said
"oh." he slips out, disappointment thick on his tongue as your head shoots up from the lack of teasing
"what's so good about armin?" his question shocks you but you scoff before crossing your arms and looking up at him
"okay, well, first of all, he's not a dick...he's extremely smart, handsome, and-" suddenly you're being pushed to the room next to you, stumbling into the vacant art class
"what the hell" another pull and you're against the wall with his lips on yours, once you process what's happening you push him off you immediately
"eren! what the fuck!" you snap, wiping your lips off as heat pools your cheeks
"fuck- I'm sorry I-" he stutters over his words, placing a hand over his eyes to delete himself from this conversation
"what's...wrong with you?" you say a little more genuinely, eren...just kissed you? and now is, what...embarrassed about it?
"y/n, please I'm just- youstartedgoingoffaboutarminandimsorry" he says in one breath as you stand there, shocked.
soon you spit out a laugh, not taking him seriously until you watch him stare at the floor with shame
"oh, you're- you're serious?" you say through tears while walking towards him.
"so you being an absolute dick to be for the past, what, four months was just an act?" you yell,
"I'm sorry" "do you know how much you embarrassed me? made me look like an idiot?"
"do you think you deserve this? me?" you coo, going up to him as you even notice tears forming in his eyes
"aw, now you're gonna fucking cry" you taunt at him and he looks up at you finally. your eyes moving to his red ones, glossy and plump from the kiss you shared not moments before
"no, I wouldn't deserve you" he chokes out, you feel warmth pool in your panties. uncomfortably shifting as you decide to take a turn with this altercation
"show me..." you whisper, he stares at you, confused as you speak up again with more force
"show me how much you need me" his eyes blow as you move to kiss him, hands cupping his tan cheeks as your glasses squish into his face, your lips lap together frantically as you move to undo the belt he has on
with that, he follows and strips you of your jeans and spins you around, laying on the desk
moving to your soaked panties he rips them off hurriedly and moves to lick up your pussy, you've always heard the tall tales of the monster cock and unworldly fucking but never gave it the time of day, now you're living it.
your back arches against the glossed desk as you feel yourself unwinding already.
"fuck, eren" you moan out, moving to grip your own tit through your shirt as he continues to suck your clit until your cream spills on his face
he laps at the essence until satisfied and moves up to your face where his pupils were spinning and his chin was shining
"please kiss me" he slurs, deep voice rasping against your face as he waits for your move
you move up and kiss him, teeth knocking together as you move your lips rapidly
you feel his head nudging your entrance as you buck your hips toward it, he slides it in bit by bit as you try to relax as you take in his (now proven) monster cock
"holy fuck" you whisper, he kisses your temple as he thrust the rest of himself in, you moan into his tee shirt as he snaps his hips into yours, reaching down and rubbing your clit as he moves toward your ear
"I'm gonna make you fucking squirt on my cock" he says as if it's already set in stone, and honestly, with how he's treating you right now, you're gonna say it is.
"you terrify me ya'know" a hard thrust. "talkin' about armin like that" another. "like you fucking like him" again. "I'll treat you so well, you deserve it, especially after everything I did"
"I'm so sorry" he says but it goes through one ear and out the other
"eren," you move to try and catch his eyes with the pace you're being fucked at
"this is the perfect apology" you moan, he moves to kiss your cheek as you daze out, he rubs your clit again, pressing on it from time to time to tease you slightly
"fuck fuck eren-" you whine, feeling your orgasm approaching rapidly
"me too baby, fuck you keep sucking me the fuck in" he groans, speeding up his pace as he haphazardly rubs your clit
"fuck! fuck!" you can no longer control your moans, the bell rings out and you're forever grateful as you both scream freely when you cum
(as promised) you squirt everywhere, and you're laid limp on the desk as you feel a kiss on your head and the muffled chatter of students in the hall
he moves to kiss you again, finding your lips so addictive as he gets more before saying,
"c'mon, we gotta get to class"
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an: ahhh! I hope you liked this! also, thank you so so so much for requesting! I was so stoked to see your request and I'm already having a lot of fun writing these <33
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Request: wrong number au, Eddie texts Gareth something personal but puts in 1 wrong number & ends up texting Steve. The two of them hit it off & start chatting & then when they meet IRL they are completely head over heels in love & its cute as fuck
MY LOVE MY LOVE MY LOVE!!! LOVE A GOOD WRONG NUMBER AU!!! I can't believe I've never written it before now. I also had to actually include Gareth because I am actually obsessed with him lately, and I just think it's really neat that we can make these characters our own. This was such a fun and cute request! I didn't do the inappropriate route because I thought this was hilarious so sorry about that. I made up for it with something else! - Mickala ❤️
GARE BEAR! You won’t believe it but i dropped my phone in a sewer. Lost everything.
He had never been so happy about having his closest friends’ numbers memorized. His phone was somewhere under the streets of Chicago, floating through dirty water and sewage, dying a slow and painful death.
He texted everyone else one at a time, let them know he had a new number and to completely delete the old one because it would never be recovered.
They were used to things like this happening; He lost his phone annually at this point and it was cheaper just to get a new number than transfer everything to a new one.
He went to dial Wayne, the old school part of him insisting on phone calls instead of texts still, when Gareth’s name popped up with a new text.
Not sure who Gare Bear is, but sorry about your phone. That’s shitty.
Eddie let out a loud laugh.
did you mean to make a pun?
Did it make you laugh?
Then yes.
Eddie sat down on a bench, entirely focused on his conversation with this stranger.
Did you find your Gare Bear yet?
Not yet but i think i’m pretty happy talking to you for now
Smooth, Eddie.
Admittedly, he was in a hell of a dry spell.
Going on almost two years, actually.
A little flirting with a stranger never hurt anybody, not when he clearly needed some practice.
Not sure if your Gare Bear would like it very much though
Wait, what?
Eddie stared at his phone, trying to comprehend what that could mean. Why would Gareth not want him talking to a stranger?
I hope you find your partner though!
Eddie hit the call button in the corner before he could even register what he was doing.
Oh no, he sounded hot.
“Hi. So, Gareth is very much not my partner. He probably actually wishes I would really forget his number,” Eddie rushed out.
“Um. Okay?”
“He’s been my best friend for ten years and he thinks I’m a mess. Not a partner,” Eddie further clarified.
“Got it. Not a partner.”
“Yes, exactly.”
They stayed silent for a moment before Eddie coughed.
“I’m Eddie, by the way.”
“Steve. Sorry about your phone, seriously that sucks,” he sounded genuinely apologetic, like he personally threw Eddie’s phone in the sewer.
“Oh, no big deal. I lose my phone more often than I go out with someone,” Eddie said.
Why did he say that?
Steve let out a laugh and it was like music.
Eddie couldn’t help the smile taking over his face at his laugh, already knew he wasn’t gonna be able to let this guy go without learning more about him.
“So you’re, what? Celibate?” Steve asked.
“Far from it. Well, maybe not far from it. Temporarily, maybe. It’s been a while,” Eddie admitted.
“How long?” Steve asked, a loud bang coming from his end of the phone. “Sorry, I had to go outside for some privacy.”
Eddie wasn’t going to read into that. He wasn’t.
“Two years give or take. I mean I’m not counting shitty dates that ended before they got worse. So, yeah. Two years.”
“Been a year for me, but. Yeah, I get it. My last relationship didn’t end on the best terms. She decided I was too in love with her I guess,” Steve sighed, voice sounding pained.
Steve was probably straight.
There was no way he’d be lucky enough for Steve to like men.
Or for Steve to like him.
“I can’t really imagine breaking up with someone because they loved me too much. I’m usually the one who falls too hard,” Eddie admitted.
“Yeah, well, same here,” Steve sounded sad, a bit withdrawn.
Eddie wanted to hear him laugh again.
“I doubt either of us have ever fallen as hard as my phone did down a drain,” Eddie said sadly.
Steve let out a loud laugh and Eddie smiled.
“This might sound crazy, but I’m kind of glad your phone decided to live in the sewers,” Steve said when he finally calmed down. “And maybe a little too happy that you typed your friend’s number wrong.”
“Oh really? Why’s that?”
Was this flirting? Was he successfully having a flirtatious conversation with a potentially very hot guy?
“So I can be bold and ask if you maybe wanted to meet up somewhere?” Steve asked hesitantly.
“So you’re in Chicago?” Eddie asked.
“Yeah. You?”
“For the last five years, yeah.”
“You busy tonight?”
Eddie’s heart stopped.
He was really going to meet up with a stranger just because he liked his laugh and hoped he was hot.
He’d done more with less.
“Yeah, actually. I’m getting dinner with this guy I accidentally texted,” Eddie smirked, looking down at his feet.
“Dinner? What a lucky guy. Where are you going?” Steve sounded amused.
“Well, it depends on what he likes. I’ve been craving some pierogies. Ever been to Staropolska?” Eddie asked.
Gareth’s family owned it, and he used to eat there two or three times a week while they were in college, usually working off his bill in the kitchen doing dishes after.
He hadn’t been in a couple months, work keeping him busy and his budget being pretty tight when he moved into a studio apartment by himself.
He had enough to treat himself tonight though.
“The one on Milwaukee? Yeah. One of my favorite places to get devolay,” Steve sounded surprised that he knew it.
“You won’t believe this, but the friend I was trying to text when I got you, his family owns that place.”
“No way! Then we have to. We owe it to the guy who has almost my exact phone number,” Steve responded.
“Meet you there at seven?” Eddie asked, suddenly more nervous.
“Seven sounds good.”
Steve giggled. Eddie fell in love.
“We should probably hang up.”
“Should we?” Eddie asked, not wanting to stop talking to him yet.
“Yes, I have to do my hair. Gotta impress the guy who drops his phone in the sewer and texts strangers about it.”
“He sounds like a loser. Don’t put too much effort in,” Eddie sighed. “But okay. See you at seven.”
“See you then.”
They both stayed on the line for a minute.
“Okay. For real. Bye,” Steve laughed.
“Bye, Stevie.”
He hung up before he could convince himself to talk to him for the rest of the afternoon.
He breathed out a loud sigh, smiling as he realized he had a date.
He dialed Gareth’s real number immediately.
“Gareth, I have a date!”
“What is this number, Eddie?”
“Oh, I dropped my phone in the sewers. Not important. I have a date!”
“Jesus Christ. Okay. Come over then.”
Gareth had been his pre-date hype man since high school, though he wasn’t very good at it.
Mostly he calmed Eddie’s nerves and helped make sure his hair didn’t look like he just woke up, which was often its unfortunate state of being.
“So, you don’t know this guy,” Gareth said from his bed.
“And you talked for like two seconds and decided you’re in love with him,” he continued.
“And you think this is totally normal and sane?”
“I didn’t say that. But we just…I dunno. We clicked. I haven’t been that at ease with someone in a long time. It felt natural,” Eddie fell back on his bed, starfishing so his arm and leg hit Gareth’s legs.
“Dude, I’m not discouraging it. I’m happy for you. I just don’t want you to be disappointed if it isn’t as easy when you meet,” Gareth said softly.
“Yeah, thanks. I think it’ll be okay, though.”
“Alright. Tell babcia I’m coming by tomorrow for lunch.”
Eddie sat up and gave Gareth a quick hug.
“Thanks Gare Bear!”
He arrived 20 minutes early so he could sneak in the back to say hi to Gareth’s grandmother, who still insisted on getting her hands on the food every day for a couple of hours despite being nearly 80 years old.
“Eddie! My kochany! You forget to visit and I forget what you look like!” she rushed over, flour and oil stains all over her apron.
He should have kept some distance so his shirt didn’t get ruined, but he ignored the part of his brain telling him to look perfect for his date so he could get a hug.
“You know I have to watch my money,” he said against her shoulder.
“And you know I feed you for free if you clean up after yourself. No excuse,” she pulled away and looked him over. “You look handsome. Why?”
Eddie put his hands on his hips.
“What? Don’t I always look handsome?”
“Of course, but this is different. Your hair is smooth and you smell like the perfume store,” she smirked. “Is it a girl? Or a boy? Or a someone?”
“It’s a boy. We’ve never met in person, so I wanted to make a good first impression,” he admitted.
“Oh! How lovely! What’s his name?” She was back to kneading dough, but kept her eyes on him.
“Steve. He actually has been here before, loves the devolay?”
Babcia froze.
“Steve? Oh goodness.” She turned to the sink and washed her hands, muttering under her breath about something.
Eddie’s heart sank. Babcia didn’t seem happy about this.
“What’s wrong? You know him?”
“Oh, yes.”
“Is he not a good guy? Has he been mean to you? I’ll call and cancel right now,” he insisted, reaching for his phone in his pocket.
“No, no. Nothing like that. He is a very sweet boy. He got broken up with in this restaurant a few months back. Tore me to pieces. He just sat here for hours crying. I moved him to a corner booth for his privacy and he left me a $100 tip and ever since then when he comes in I make sure to give him as many szarlotka as he wants.” She touched Eddie’s shoulder. “You be good to him. He has a nice heart.”
Eddie’s mind raced.
Why had Steve agreed to come here for a date if this is where he’d been broken up with? Why did he even bother coming back if it held such bad memories?
What if he didn’t see this as a date?
The front door chimed and he heard the employee at the front welcome someone.
“He will be good for you, drogi.”
Eddie nodded before making his way to the front, stopping in his tracks when he saw the most beautiful man he’d ever seen standing at the podium, talking to the employee with a smile.
“That’s him,” Babcia said from behind him. “Go get him.”
She shoved him forward, nearly making him trip, which caught the attention of Steve.
He looked over with a curious smile, and then realization seemed to hit him.
“Steve?” Eddie managed to ask, loud enough to be heard over the few full tables in the restaurant.
“Eddie?” he asked back, hesitantly moving towards him.
“I, um,” Eddie started, then cleared his throat. “I usually sit by the window, if that’s okay?”
“That’s perfect,” Steve nodded.
It was cliche, like the room around them closed into just them existing together, like the stars had aligned exactly right for this moment to happen.
They sat down at the table Eddie usually sat at, staring across the table at each other in slight awe.
Eddie really hoped that Steve was having the same feelings he was.
But one thing was stopping Eddie from being completely enraptured.
“Is this a date?” he asked suddenly.
“What?” Steve seemed surprised by his question. “I mean, yeah. I’d like it to be. I thought it was.”
Eddie nodded once, but remained quiet, thinking.
“Oh God, it wasn’t, was it? You were just being nice. What is it with this restaurant? If I didn’t love the food so much or babcia, I would never step foot here again, I swear-”
Eddie put his hand on Steve’s to calm him down, frown on his face.
“Woah. What?”
“I just. I don’t have the best history with dates here and I guess I didn’t learn the first time something bad happened, and now I’m being too much too fast again in this place and-”
Eddie pulled Steve’s hand up to his face, placing a soft kiss to his knuckles.
“Stevie, calm down. This is a date. I’ll have as many dates here as you want to to get rid of whatever negative stuff you associate with this place. Babcia would hate that I ruined this place for you,” he said quietly.
Steve seemed to relax at his words.
And if you wanna tell me about what happened, you can. If it’ll help,” Eddie offered.
Before Steve could reply, Gareth’s cousin, Ben, came to take their order.
It was a quick order, both knowing exactly what they wanted, and then Steve looked back at him.
“It’s just. My last girlfriend, who I was with for almost three years, dumped me here. It was kind of out of the blue for me, and I had a really hard time that night.”
Eddie felt his heart break.
How could someone do that to Steve? He didn’t need to know him better to know that he didn’t deserve that, especially not if babcia had taken him under her wing so quickly.
“She must be awful to have let you go like that,” Eddie squeezed Steve’s hand in his, resisting the urge to go to his side of the table and hold him.
Steve shrugged and looked down at their hands.
“I mean, I should have known. She was never much for romance or spending time together that didn’t involve work or school. I was looking at engagement rings and she was looking at apartments to get away from me. I was just…really blinded by what I thought was love,” Steve smiled sadly at him.
“It wasn’t?”
“Well, it may have been a type of love. It was more comfort than anything. She was kind of all I had for the first year we were together, and I think I just ignored how unhealthy that was for both of us. And then I met Robin in college, and she was like the opposite of Nancy in every way. A few months before Nancy broke up with me, I told her that Robin’s parents kicked her out when she came out to them and that she needed a place to stay until we graduated. She agreed, then never made any attempt at getting to know her. And I didn’t read into it, Nancy isn’t like, super talkative with people she isn’t already close with, and Robin just kinda stayed to herself when Nancy was home.” Steve took a shaky breath. “But it turns out she didn’t bother getting to know her because she already knew she was gonna break up with me and leave the apartment to me and Robin, so.she just. Didn’t bother. Robin warned me, but I didn’t listen.”
Eddie wanted to cry.
Steve’s voice was full of pain, but not in a way that told him he still loved her, or still hoped they would get back together. More that she broke a part of him that he still hadn’t been able to fix no matter how hard he tried or wanted to.
“Was she jealous?” Eddie asked, trying so hard to understand what could have happened.
“I dunno. I mean, Robin’s a lesbian, and I definitely never had feelings for her anyway. Nancy was always so sure of herself, I can’t imagine she’d be jealous.”
“It sounds like she didn’t appreciate you very much.”
“What do you mean?” Steve didn’t sound mad, just curious.
“Well, she didn’t even make an effort to get to know your best friend, right? And it sounds like she was too busy focusing on her future to even think about what you looked like in it, and instead of trying to plan it with you, she made a future for her. She sounds a bit selfish,” Eddie shrugged.
Instead of being upset, Steve laughed.
God, Eddie loved that laugh.
“Sorry, it’s just that you sound exactly like Robin. You’d probably be two peas in a pod.”
“Tell me about her,” Eddie genuinely wanted to know more about the person who kept Steve going.
Their food arrived in the middle of the story of how Steve and Robin met, but it didn’t stop him from continuing.
Eddie listened with a fond smile, filling in Steve’s gaps of silence as he chewed a bite of food with questions or something related to what he’d been talking about.
It was easy.
It was fun.
Halfway through the meal, Steve’s foot rested against one of his and it felt like electricity shooting through his bones.
Eddie told him about Gareth, and his family who had pretty much adopted him when they both moved here from a small town in Indiana. He talked about his uncle who raised him for most of his life, who visited every Christmas despite being on a really tight budget.
Time passed quickly, but not at all.
They hadn’t realized how long they’d been sitting there until babcia came out without her apron to hand deliver an apple tart.
“You boys enjoy. I’ll see you both soon!” she said as she smacked a kiss on top of each of their heads.
Both of them blushed, but tried to cover it up with a bite of food.
As they finished, Steve looked outside to see how dark it was, how few people were left walking the streets.
“Guess we should head out,” he muttered, sounding like that was the last thing he wanted to do.
“Would you wanna come to my place? We don’t have to do anything except talk, I promise. I just don’t really want this to end yet,” Eddie suggested.
“Really? I haven’t bored you?” Steve asked, just a hint of self-deprecation in his tone.
Eddie shook his head.
“Not at all. I’d really like to get a chance to love you the way you deserve,” Eddie said.
Steve’s eyes widened.
Eddie should back up, should say something less intense.
But if this ruined it, then at least he said what he was thinking.
“You think you could love me?” Steve asked, barely more than a whisper.
“I think I already do a little,” Eddie admitted.
Steve blinked at him for a moment, mouth slightly agape.
“I need to kiss you,” he finally said.
“Now? Here?” Eddie smiled.
“Now. Here.”
“I won’t stop you.”
Steve stood from the table and stood in front of Eddie, placing both hands on his cheeks and leaning down.
Their lips brushed in a barely-there kiss, softer than Eddie expected.
Steve stayed there for a moment, eyes closed, and Eddie couldn’t help the words tumbling from him.
“You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen.”
If someone had said it to him, he would think they were just trying to get him into their bed, but that wasn’t the case here and he hoped Steve knew that.
“People used to call me a charmer, but I don’t think I’m half as good at it as you,” Steve whispered, his breath ghosting against Eddie’s lips.
“Just honest.”
“Take me home,” Steve said, opening his eyes and staring at Eddie, his eyes glowing with something close to love.
They stayed up all night, never doing more than kissing and mapping out patterns on each others’ skin.
They talked about everything, even the painful parts of life, even the parts that they hadn’t shared with anyone else.
It didn’t make any sense that someone who had been a stranger not even 24 hours ago could already mean so much.
When the sun started to shine through the curtains of Eddie’s apartment, Steve sighed and buried his face in Eddie’s neck.
“I have to go to work,” though he burrowed his entire body further into the bed and Eddie’s side.
“You could call in sick,” Eddie suggested, pressing a kiss to the top of Steve’s head.
“Robin would kill me.”
He and Robin worked together as team teachers at an elementary school. When one of them missed, it left the other with 34 kids alone.
Plus, Steve loved his job, worked hard to be a teacher, and hated missing a day if he didn’t need to.
“Maybe you could bring Robin here after work? I can make dinner?” Eddie’s job was pretty easy, marketing for an Indie record label based out of New York remotely really kept him busy for a couple hours a day and the rest of the time was spent writing his own music.
Steve sat up and looked down at him, his hair ruffled from Eddie running his fingers through it for the last eight hours.
“You’d wanna meet Robin?”
“Yeah, if you want me to. She sounds like fun.”
Steve started crying.
“Oh shit, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you cry. Good job, Munson, already ruined something good,” Eddie was reaching for a tissue from his bedside table.
“No, no, I’m sorry. I’m just tired and emotional. And just. It means a lot that you’d wanna meet her,” Steve said between gasps for air as he continued to cry.
“Of course I do. I could even invite Gareth over, too, if you want. He won’t believe that our date went well,” Eddie joked, brushing the tears away from Steve’s cheeks.
“I’d love to meet him,” Steve said, sniffling.
“When can you guys get here?”
“Usually we’re done by four, but sometimes we stay later to finish grading stuff. Maybe we should say six?”
“Got it. Any allergies?”
“Robin is allergic to shellfish. She says she is. I think she just doesn’t like them,” Steve rolled his eyes.
“No shellfish, got it. Any preferences, my love?”
Steve blushed at the term of endearment, looking down before he leaned in to kiss Eddie softly.
“Anything you make will be great.”
“You wanna borrow some clothes for work?” Eddie asked.
“Do you have any business casual stuff?”
Eddie gagged.
“Unfortunately, it’s required for the job sometimes. Far left of the closet should have something,” he nodded towards the small closet by the bathroom.
Eddie watched as Steve walked over and picked out his only pair of khaki pants and a navy button down. Steve looked back at him and winked before he nodded towards the bathroom.
“Could use some help working the shower if you’re willing to,” he smirked.
Eddie jumped up from the bed and ran into the bathroom, ignoring the way Steve was laughing.
“The hot water is tricky sometimes. I should probably get in there too to make sure it stays hot,” Eddie said as he stripped off his pants.
“Definitely. Wouldn’t want me to get cold,” Steve put a hand on his shoulder to slow him down. “Kiss me?”
Eddie leaned in to kiss him slowly, letting his tongue brush along his lips just to get a taste.
“Okay?” Eddie checked in.
“Yeah. You remember what you said last night? About loving me like I deserve?”
Eddie nodded.
“I want you to. And I want to love you back.”
“I think we can arrange that.”
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kisses4suna · 2 years
can you please give me some really soft suna bf headcannons !!!! i love ur works btw ur my fav suna writerr ahh
☆ featuring. suna rintarou
☆ a/n. OMFG. anon im so sorry this took me so fkn long to answer. im slowly starting to finish requests people have sent in months ago. i love this idea sm tho!! im so sorry again; i literally deleted tumblr and finally got it backk ill be finishing more requests soon and posting drafts, then during the summer ill post WAY MORE FREQUENTLY. (so be prepared for sm more suna content guys ;))
ps. i might make a p2 for post timeskip suna too so lmk if you’d want that !!
- suna mfing rintarou will raise your standards to heaven bro. even if he’s only in highschool
- his face will be so deadpanned and neutral but the minute he sees you he grows that small smile that he hopes nobody sees
- he talks about you like crazy to his sister but doesn’t even realize it
- “did you see her new insta post? shes so pretty bro how tf did i pull her”
- “i miss my gf rn”
- “hey do you think y/n would want something like this?”
- his sister loves you, but is so tired of her brother constantly talking about you
- he would choose you over anybody, and anything. even over his airpods. which says a lot for suna
- will literally do anything to spend time with you. he will drop as much as he could on his schedule for you. he just genuinely wants you to be with him all the time. (he’s so clingy its cute but he hates admitting how attached he is to you hes like a lil koala bear hanging onto his branch)
- without you even knowing he signed you up to be a manager for his volleyball team just so you could spend time with him at his practice
- this mf so obsessed with you he got hit in the face with a volleyball because he was too busy looking at you instead of paying attention to the actual practice
- he will ‘go to the bathroom’ during practice just to sneak off underneath the bleachers to give you a quick kiss and talk to you.
- suna isn’t dumb he’s actually really smart just very lazy, so if you were in advanced classes he would literally get his grade up, request a transfer to your advanced classes, just so he could spend more time with you there
- plus he loves seeing you seem so smart and focused he thinks you look so cute like that ^^
- he unfollowed every girl on his socials besides you and his sister
- he has a whole instagram highlight dedicated for you and its filled with over 20 stories of you and him together or sometimes just pictures of how beautiful you are.
- his insta bio has your initial with a heart, and says “i love my gf” just for fan girls to back off
- his photo album is way worse. he organized his whole camera roll and has a full album of you which takes up half his storage, but who cares, he doesn’t mind having to delete games he downloaded cause he was bored ( especially if its for you )
- in his notes app he has every little detail about you written down, not in a creepy way, just to remember important stuff about you. like what you hate in people, your fav stuff, etc.
- he dedicates every long song to you.
- also hes like very touchy in private, i mean in public he is too, BUT IN PRIVATE. oh my. he is not afraid to cling onto you.. you will literally have to claw him off you if you have to use the bathroom while your cuddling
- he’s only like that because he loves you so much and he’s so attached to you, he just wants to stay with you forever because he cant imagine losing you
- he asks his mom if he can sleep over at your house as much as he could, the days he can’t, you either go to him, or he facetimes you and you both end up falling asleep on the phone.
- everytime he goes to the mall with his friends or something, he will ask them every 3 seconds “do you think y/n would want this ?” he really just wants to spoil you to show you how much he loves and appreciates you
- sometimes he sleeps late at night rewatching his volleyball games and analyzing his plays, so he bought you a sleeing mask and earplugs so you could fall asleep without the sound or light of the tv bothering your slumber
- he loves being in between your thighs, your fingers tangled in his hair while you both watch tv.
- but at night he loves burrying his face in the crook of your neck with one armed wrapped around your waist and the other placed diagonally on your back while his hand covers the back of your head, almost looking like hes protecting it.
- you’ve genuinely helped him become a better version of himself, when he’s with you he’s at his best, which is probably why he loves you so much. because when he’s with you it feels like he’s just at peace, he just falls in love with you even more everyday.
- he hates thinking your love is puppy love and it wouldn’t last, and some nights when he’s not with you, he’ll overthink like crazy, really just wondering why someone as perfect as you hasn’t left him yet, or why are you even with him in the first place ?
- little does he know, he means as much as you mean to him, and you don’t plan on leaving him anytime soon.
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moonlightdreamzz · 10 months
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FOR LIFE — Choi Yeonjun
SUMMARY ✰ You don’t want to bother your ex-boyfriend, Yeonjun, but in the midst of intense heartbreak and questioning why the ones you love always leave you, you have no choice but to invite him over to help you make sense of it.
GENRE ✰ Ex!Yeonjun, Firstlove!Yeonjun, ANGST
🎧 ➤ For Life by EXO
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You swipe down on your phone to check the time, which reads 10:00PM.
Your lower lip is practically bleeding from how hard you're biting it, all because of the nervousness you feel as you hover over Yeonjun's phone number. You know you shouldn't reach out to him, even though the last time he saw you, six months ago, his lips planted a delicate kiss on your forehead and he assured you that you could call him whenever you need him.
It’s selfish though, is it not? To interrupt whatever peace he’s gained since the two of you broke up, all because you haven’t been able to find your own? A year and a half has passed, and based off of the scraps of his life he’s allowed you to have through social media, he seems so much better off. He’s constantly traveling, glowing, and you know him—he’s way too beautiful and perfect to not have replaced you by now.
“Fuck it.” You utter. With a shaky thumb, and a quivering voice, you press the call button. You have no clue whether he’ll pick up the phone for you. All you know is that more than anything, you need to hear his voice, and as your first love, and the only ex you don’t absolutely despise, he’s the only person qualified to assist you in this moment.
You’re sitting on the floor in-front of your bed in fetal position, rocking back and forth to the sound of the phone ringing. After three rings, it stops, and so does your heart for a second. Did he send you to voicemail? He probably did. I mean, you would've sent yourself to voicemail if you're being completely honest.
His voice is clear and unwavering, and now you're frozen in place. Your mouth opens and then closes repeatedly, but words refuse to come out of your mouth and you aren't sure why.
"Hello? Y/N? Maybe she called by accident." He mutters. You hear him getting out of his chair in his studio, the squeaky sound instantly reminding you of all the times you curled up into his lap, content as long as you're with him, but silently wishing he'd give it up for the night and take you home so the two of you could sleep.
“Um, it’s me. Me, as in Y/N. Wait—you know that already.”
You start to relax a little when you hear his consoling chuckle that he uses when you're amusing him. “You don’t think I deleted your number, did you?” You don’t have to see him to know that his left brow has raised teasingly.
“Well it has been a long time.”
“It doesn’t matter how much time has passed. I told you that you can call me whenever. I’m always going to care about you.”
You know he’s a saint—everybody does, but it still catches you off guard every time. His tone is so genuine, and you can hear his the confident smile he’s wearing on his face. He knows he has you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside, holding in your squeal of excitement that you would totally let out if he wasn’t still on the other line.
“Is that all you called for? To hear my voice? I didn’t know we were allowed to do that.”
Your eyes shut, and without regret, you slap yourself on the forehead. God, why is he still so good at taking your breath away? “No.” You sigh, “I just—I really just…ugh.”
“Take your time.” He coos.
“Yeonjun.” You wine, a shy hiccup escaping your throat.
“Okay, I’m sorry. It’s just so easy to tease you. What’s wrong?”
“If I’m being honest, I’m a mess.”
“You’re not a mess, Y/N. Don’t say that.”
Had this been a few months ago, you’d stop him right there, asking him if you’re truly not a mess, why didn’t he stay? But that would ruin the mood, wouldn’t it? You hate how quick your emotions change. You were happy to hear his voice—enjoying your nostalgic back and forth, but now your entire body feels icky and tears are welling up in your eyes.
“Well something isn’t right, because I keep giving my all to people and they keep sucking the life out of me and leaving.”
“Can I come over?” He says. You don’t know whether to be surprised or not. You know him—he probably felt a rush of guilt from your subtle, but sharp words. Guilt is what you believe kept the two of you together as long as you were. You really don’t know the truth, because all he said when he broke up with you is the cop-out “I’m too overwhelmed” instead of saying what it really was.
“I mean—yeah, of course. But you don’t have to. You actually can hang up and pretend I never called if you want. This is weird anyways for you I’m sure.” You force a laugh to try and lighten the mood, and he mimics you.
“I owe it to you. I’ll be over in like thirty minutes.” Is all he says before hanging up.
The room suddenly feels both emptier and warmer after Yeonjun's promise to come over. You take a deep breath, a mix of relief and apprehension settling within you. The rhythmic ticking of the clock becomes more pronounced as you gather your thoughts, realizing the gravity of what you've just set in motion.
After what seems like an eternity, a soft knock interrupts the silence. You hesitate for a moment before getting up, your legs feeling like jelly. You open the door, and there he is, Yeonjun, with that familiar reassuring smile.
"Hey," he greets, his eyes reflecting genuine concern.
Ah, there it was. The paralyzation of your mind and mouth whenever your orbs greeted each other. It didn’t matter how long you prepared your words, everything always disappeared when he was in-front of you. What did you invite him over for again?
You manage a nervous laugh, realizing the irony of the situation. "I think I invited you over to... discuss life, or maybe just to remind myself what it feels like to have someone who understands." You slowly back away from the door, which allows him to step in. Flashbacks of him being nose to nose with you try to creep in, but you’re still fighting.
Yeonjun smirks, his eyes holding a playful glint. "Well, I'm here for both, and anything else you need. Discussing life is kind of my specialty."
The room settles into a comfortable quietude, filled only with the soft hum of distant city sounds. Yeonjun's presence brings a warmth that transcends the physical space, as if the air is charged with the shared history between you two.
"Can I sit?" Yeonjun questions softly. He refuses to look at the couch, and you wonder if it’s because he can’t help but be reminded of every kiss, touch, and comfort the two of you have shared on its worn cushions.
You nod, giving him permission as you try to read the emotions flickering in his eyes. He chooses a spot on the floor instead, perhaps opting for a neutral space that doesn't carry the weight of history.
The silence stretches for a moment, both of you enveloped in your thoughts. You can't help but steal glances at him, the playfulness from earlier replaced by a quiet contemplation. The ghost of a smile tugs at his lips, hinting at the shared nostalgia.
“So.” You utter.
“So.” He repeats.
“I uh—you’re my first love.”
"I know," he replies softly, a mixture of understanding and a hint of regret in his voice.
"My first... everything," you remind yourself in the moment, the vulnerability in your words echoing the raw emotions that brought him to your apartment tonight.
Yeonjun shifts on the floor, adjusting to the weight of your confession. "I remember," he says, his tone gentle. "It's not something you easily forget."
A bittersweet smile plays on your lips as you recall the shared moments that shaped your past. "You left, though. You left me wondering what was wrong with me."
He looks down, his fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on the floor. "Y/N, I didn't leave because of you. It was me, my own issues. I didn't handle things the way I should have."
Your eyes meet his, searching for sincerity in the depths of his gaze. "But it felt like I wasn't enough. Just like now, with someone else. I keep wondering if there's something inherently wrong with me."
Yeonjun sighs, a heavy exhale that carries the weight of shared struggles. "Y/N, it's not you. You're not the problem. Sometimes people leave not because of who you are, but because of where they are in their own journey. It took me a while to understand that."
You take a deep breath, the truth settling in your chest. "I just wanted you to know... why I called you tonight. It's like history repeating itself, and I needed someone who understands."
Yeonjun's gaze softens, a silent invitation for you to share your story. The weight of unshed tears lingers in your eyes as you begin to unravel the painful narrative of your recent past.
"It's Yuta," you admit, the name carrying a bitter taste on your tongue. "He came into my life when I was convinced I was done with relationships. Said all the right things, made me believe there was something real between us."
Yeonjun listens, his expression a mix of empathy and concern. You trace invisible patterns on your palms, a feeble attempt to anchor yourself in the vulnerability of the moment.
"But the moment I started to like him, he turned distant, hot and cold," you continue, your voice cracking slightly. "It was like he played this game, and I didn't understand the rules. One day he was all in, and the next, he acted like we were strangers."
Yeonjun's jaw tightens, a subtle display of the protective instinct he still holds for you. "He doesn't deserve you," he says, his voice carrying an undercurrent of anger.
The pain in your chest intensifies as you delve deeper into the tangled web of emotions. "I thought I was over these insecurities, that I could move on. But it hurts, Yeonjun. It hurts to feel like I'm not enough, like no matter how hard I try, someone will always find a reason to leave."
Tears threaten to spill over, and you look away, hoping to hide the vulnerability etched across your face. The room feels suffocating, a reminder of the cycles of heartache you find yourself trapped in.
But the echoes of Yuta's actions linger, reopening old wounds and casting shadows on the love that once bloomed in this very room. The irony of finding solace in the person who was once the source of your joy is not lost on you, and the weight of it all presses heavily on your shoulders.
In a desperate attempt to redirect the overwhelming emotions, you turn to Yeonjun, your voice trembling. "Why did you leave, Yeonjun? Was it me? Am I too much, too clingy? Not pretty enough? I need to understand."
Your words spill out in a frantic torrent, the questions forming a chaotic symphony in your mind. The room seems to close in as you anxiously await his response, fingers twisting together in a silent plea for clarity.
Yeonjun's eyes flicker with guilt, a deep-rooted understanding of the pain he once caused you. "Y/N, it's not about you. It never was. I had my own issues, my own demons. I ran because I was scared, and I didn't know how to face them."
"But why?" you press, desperation lacing your voice. "I need to know. I can't keep replaying scenarios in my head, wondering what I did wrong."
He runs a hand through his hair, a gesture of frustration. "It's not about you being too much or not enough. You were everything. It's about me not being enough for myself."
Your heart pounds in your chest, the words sinking in but offering little solace. The uncertainty gnaws at your sanity, and you're on the verge of a breakdown without even realizing it. The fear of inadequacy, the fear of repeating the same cycle with Yeonjun that you did with Yuta—it's all too much to bear.
"I just wanted to be good enough for you," you admit, your voice barely above a whisper. "I wanted to be enough for someone, anyone."
The room hangs in a fragile balance, the unspoken emotions swirling between you and Yeonjun. The weight of your insecurities crashes against the fragile walls you've built, threatening to break you down completely. As you grapple with the echoes of your past and the uncertainty of the present, you find yourself caught in a storm of emotions, hoping that somewhere in this chaos, you can find the answers you so desperately seek.
Yeonjun's frustration simmers beneath the surface, a storm gathering in the calm of his expression. His eyes, once warm, now reflect the turmoil within. He takes a deep breath, his words measured but carrying an edge of exasperation.
"Y/N, I need you to understand," he begins, his tone low but intense. "You didn't make it easy for me to leave. In fact, you were the hardest person to walk away from. But being around you, it felt suffocating."
Your heart skips a beat, the words hitting you like a punch to the gut. "What do you mean?"
He runs his hands through his hair, a gesture of frustration. "You're perfect, Y/N. An angel. I'm not. I never was. Being with you highlighted everything I wasn't. It was like standing next to a light so bright, I couldn't help but cast a darker shadow."
His confession hangs in the air, the weight of his words sinking into the very core of your being. The truth, raw and unfiltered, leaves you speechless.
"And you," he continues, his eyes never leaving yours, "you attract darkness, not because there's something wrong with you, but because you're so full of light. Some people, like Yuta, and every guy before him, they weren't ready for that light. They wanted to take your good energy and use it to mask their own dark souls, leaving you with the shattered pieces."
Tears blur your vision as the truth unravels before you. The ache in your chest deepens, the realization settling in that the very qualities that make you extraordinary are the ones that others find intimidating, overwhelming.
Yeonjun's frustration morphs into a deep sense of regret, his eyes pleading for your understanding. "I wasn't ready for you, Y/N. I was too consumed by my own darkness. It's not about you being too much. It's about me not being enough for someone as pure and good as you."
There’s a silence that’s so sharp, it’s suffocating.
"Why don't you hate me?" he questions, his gaze searching yours. "After everything, after being the first one to abandon you, why don't you hate me like you seem to hate everyone else?"
In the dimly lit room, as the shadows dance across Yeonjun's features, you find yourself captivated by the familiar lines of his face. The subtle play of light highlights the contours, and you take a moment to appreciate the details that you've come to cherish.
His eyes, deep and expressive, hold a universe of emotions that have both comforted and challenged you. You remember the times they sparkled with laughter, the warmth that enveloped you in moments of shared joy. Now, in the quiet of the room, they reflect a mixture of concern and care, amplifying the intensity of your emotions.
You look at him, a myriad of emotions playing on your face. "I honestly don't know, Yeonjun. All I know is that you're the only one I can't get over. The one my mind always takes me back to. I love you, and I don't want to, but I do."
The weight of your admission hangs in the air, and you can feel the vulnerability of your heart laid bare. Yeonjun's eyes widen slightly, registering the depth of your words. His silence carries a mixture of surprise and understanding, and in that moment, you wonder if your hearts are resonating in the quiet space between you.
"Y/N, I never wanted to hurt you like this. Knowing that I'm the one you can't get over, despite everything, makes me feel a thousand times worse."
"Yeonjun," your voice trembles, "is there any part of you that still loves me?"
For a moment, Yeonjun hesitates, his eyes flickering away from yours as if avoiding the intensity of your gaze. The air seems to thicken, anticipation mourning. Finally, he meets your eyes again, his expression a mix of sadness and resolution.
"Y/N, I..." he pauses, choosing his words carefully, "I've loved you, and a part of me probably always will. But it's been a long time, and I've had to accept that you deserve more than I could give you. You deserve someone who won't hurt you, who can give you the love and stability you deserve."
Your doe-like, teary eyes lock onto his, seeking the truth that you've been denied for so long. You can sense the sincerity in his words, and even though the truth stings, there's a part of you that appreciates the honesty you've yearned for.
"Thank you for being honest with me, Yeonjun," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. It's a bittersweet acknowledgment, a painful acceptance of the reality you've been avoiding.
Yeonjun's inner monologue swirls with conflicting emotions as he observes you, the ache in his chest almost palpable. As he maintains his gaze on you, his internal struggle remains concealed behind a veil of remorse. While he acknowledges his shortcomings and the belief that he doesn't deserve you, there's a tumultuous storm of conflicting emotions within him.
I want to kiss her. The thought echoes in his mind like a persistent whisper, each word resonating with a desire that threatens to consume him. As he sees the pain in your eyes, the longing to comfort you intensifies. He imagines the taste of your lips, the warmth of your embrace—familiar sensations that once brought solace and joy.
To fall into her, to sob into her chest. The yearning is raw, a deep ache that transcends physical touch. He imagines the release of tears, the vulnerability of exposing his soul to you. The safety he once found in your embrace feels like a distant memory, and the realization of the chasm between them intensifies the pain.
I wish I could be toxic. The admission lingers in his thoughts, a confession he's never dared to voice. The allure of toxic patterns, the chaos that might temporarily numb the pain, has crossed his mind. But he refrains, acknowledging the destructive consequences it would bring to both of you.
I don't want to disappoint her ever again. The final realization echoes with a profound truth. The fear of letting you down, of causing more pain, holds him back from laying bare the entirety of his emotions. His commitment to your well-being, despite the internal chaos, remains unwavering.
You're too caught up in the sound of your heart breaking to notice the whirlwind in his mind.
Once again, the room falls silent. Neither of you knows what to do or say. Lost in your own thoughts, you both stare through each other, searching for a way through the emotional haze.
Breaking the silence, Yeonjun takes a step closer, his hand reaching out to tenderly caress your cheek. The warmth of his touch sends a shiver through your body, the sensation a paradoxical mixture of comfort and ache. "Goodnight," he murmurs, his eyes holding a depth of emotions he's yet to articulate. "I hope I helped, even a little."
As he turns to leave, the gravitational pull of his departure becomes palpable. The door seems both a physical and emotional barrier, and it's in this charged moment that you act on an impulse you can no longer suppress. Your hand reaches out, grasping his arm, pulling him back towards you.
His eyes widen with surprise, and before either of you can fully comprehend the situation, your lips meet in a kiss that holds the weight of shared history and unspoken desires. The kiss is a magnetic collision, a dance of emotions too long confined. Yeonjun responds immediately, the barriers crumbling as he embraces the intimacy of the moment.
In the heat of the moment, Yeonjun lifts you effortlessly, your legs wrapping around him as he carries you towards the bedroom. The physical and emotional boundaries blur as you lose yourselves in the shared journey, an exploration of a space where the weight of the past can be confronted and, perhaps, rewritten.
Behind the closed bedroom door, the air crackles with intensity as the kiss deepens, becoming a language of its own. Yeonjun's hands explore the familiar landscape of your body, each touch igniting a spark of desire that had long been dormant. The warmth of the room mirrors the heat between you, and as your bodies meld, the boundaries that once confined you seem to dissolve.
With a gentle urgency, Yeonjun lowers you onto the bed, the weight of his body pressing against yours. The layers of clothing become obstacles, and with a shared understanding, you begin to dismantle the barriers that separate you. The room becomes a haven for rediscovery, a sanctuary where past wounds are soothed by the tender exploration of each other's skin.
As you both lie together, catching your breath, the room feels charged with unspoken feelings. In the quiet aftermath, Yeonjun looks into your eyes, and in that moment, you sense a promise of healing and a new beginning. The heaviness of the past isn't gone, but it feels a bit lighter, as if the shared vulnerability and intimacy of the night have carried some of the weight away.
As the stillness settles over the room, a soft plea escapes your lips, breaking the quiet. "Stay, just for tonight," you murmur, your eyes reflecting a vulnerability that has long been concealed. "I want to feel loved, even if it's just for a little while."
Yeonjun, his gaze holding a mixture of understanding and remorse, sighs. The weight of the unspoken hangs in the air, but there's a tenderness in his eyes that speaks of shared pain. In that moment, he reaches out and brushes your braid from your face, his touch a gentle reassurance.
"I can stay," he says somberly, a promise laced with the acknowledgment of the complexities between you. "Just for tonight."
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lorebeth · 5 months
Hello. I was wondering if you could make a platonic Honkai Star Rail story with the reader being Jing Yuan's child and but they ended up running away to stay with their mother because they keep messing things up especially after Jing Yuan and the readers mother got divorced. it takes awhile but a few months later the reader suddenly returned to the Loufu because of some disaster where the reader had been living with their mother and Jing Yuan also wanted to talk the reader so he would finally be able to apologize to them especially after he accidentally saw the diary they kept on their computer. (I was kind of inspired by the first episode of The Owl House season three Thank To Them for this request but If you're not not comfortable with writing this that's completely alright and I wish you a good morning/afternoon or goodnight☺️)
I nearly cried bro I accidentally deleted everything I’m gonna sob but I rewrote it!!
My exams started a little while ago too and I had a request before this, I HOPE THIS IS GOOD ENOUGH AND IM SORRY ITS SO LATE OMG I DIDNT MEAN TO DROP OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!!
TW: mention of bad coping mechanisms - no outright mention of sh, yanqing and reader share a sibling bond, jing yuan is kinda ooc in my opinion… I genuinely think there’s a paragraph missing somewhere and a bunch of spelling mistakes so please bare with me 🙏🙏🙏 Yanqing referred to as brother multiple times near the end!!! 
It all started after the divorce. Your grades plummeted and your training sessions with your father became scarce. Your footing during combat was mediocre at best and you found yourself closing off from friends and even your own father.
He was worried about you from the beginning, never wanting you to be at the centre of the messy divorce especially during one of the most stressful weeks at the Luofu no doubt. The IPC had arrived on short notice and demanded immediate attention, leaving your father to worry about not only them but how you felt and your mental state too. 
How he showed his care however… It was not the best. He would make sure others spent time with you in his place, whenever you wanted to see him, you would be notified by a guard or one of his subordinates who would be tasked to hang out with you that he was unavailable and you wouldn’t see him until later. 
This did not make you feel better, instead you got into contact with your mother again, her reaching out and asking to spend time with you. You didn’t know how to feel and had mixed emotions but ultimately coming to the conclusion to give her a chance and slowly working up to a happier relationship with her again. Not only were you disappointed at your father but also your mother. 
She told you all about her new home and how it resembled the Luofu so much, how she would be delighted for you to join her one day. You liked that idea a lot! Especially since you had a feeling that your father’s subordinates didn’t want to babysit you anymore.
You worked on yourself and started training again, this time not with your father. The IPC had left weeks ago and promised to come back to settle matters with your father once and for all. You didn’t care about that though, you still hadn’t seen your father in a week up until the point of training.
“That’s right, Y/N!” Yanqing praised. He had become one of your closest companions and you both had a sibling-like bond: he knew you better than anyone else and you vice versa. He had become your pillar and knew all your secrets, even about the unhealthy coping you had developed and how to better maintain your emotions and habits during the tough days. 
Jing Yuan knew of you two’s training sessions and had guards keep him posted on your location at all times. He didn’t want to admit it, but he kept himself away from you at the fear of being neglectful and disappointing you again. He remembers the last time you both were in the same room, you had begged to play chess with him. He had pushed you away, saying;
“I’m busy, Y/N. Please go find someone else.” 
He in fact wasn’t that busy, he just couldn’t bare to see you and thought you were disappointed in him. He replayed that scenario in his head multiple times the entire week he’s gone without seeing you and at the back of his mind is the broken relationship with your mother. He cannot bring himself to forgive what he had done to your mother to make her leave, and he was worried you would eventually leave him as well. In desperate attempt, he would send you trinkets and clothing to try repair the missing attention he couldn’t give you, but you stopped taking them after a while. His heart couldn’t bare to see you upset at him, so he buried himself in his paper work. Surprising all those around him, especially Fu Xuan. She was extremely impressed and scared. She had no clue when he became so serious about his work and almost drowning himself in it. 
Fu Xuan knew it had to do with you. She was one of your mothers closest friends and knew that you went through one of the toughest situations of all, your parents both fighting for custody and ultimately putting you in the middle of their arguments. She also had to hang out with you in place of Jing Yuan sometimes, knowing exactly how you felt and being able to read you like an open book. She couldn’t help but feel angry at your father, cursing him and his stupidity. For a General, he sure was an idiot for denying you the love and attention you deserved, instead making others give it to you when you instead needed your father.
You fucked up. Earlier this morning in a final attempt to reconnect with your father, you walked in on a meeting of his. You had no clue he had visitors and you went everywhere in the house trying to look for him. He never let you get involved in meetings - stating you were too young and shouldn’t worry about such trivial matters. You tried to respect his wishes every time, knowing he was a well respected figure and you didn’t want to mess that up for him.
“So, this morning I received word from-“ the voice of your father stopped as you opened the door to his private study. His closest subordinates sitting around a table, waiting for him to finish his sentence. Everyone turned to look at you and you felt your face get hot, your knees wobble and tears prick your eyes. You screwed the fuck up. 
“I’m sorry! I was just-“ you couldn’t finish off the sentence, you felt your throat closing up in panic. You made eye contact with everyone, noticing pity and sympathy in their eyes. You hated it so much… But what caught you the most off guard was the hard expression on your fathers face. His eyes calculating and holding an emotion you couldn’t decipher. You wanted to explode on the spot.
Quickly and almost aggressively, you slammed the door behind you, shaking the hinges and wanting the ground to swallow you whole more than ever. 
The look in your fathers eyes. Was he disappointed with you? Did he have enough? Did he not love you anymore? Were you being too pushy about hanging out with him? Why was he looking at you so coldly? You wanted to cry and sob and forget about everything. Go back to the days before the divorce. You wanted everything to be the way it was. Going out with your mother and father, being showered with love and affection, being given small trinkets that your father said reminded him of both you and your mother. 
You felt yourself spiralling again. You needed to go see Yanqing and quick. 
“Oh Y/N…” Yanqing nearly pleaded with you. He knew that look on your face, your swollen eyes and your weak frown, he was immediately sympathetic and knew something bad happened between you and Jing Yuan. 
Yanqing himself considered Jing Yuan his father in a sense too and you his sibling, so he knew you well enough to grasp you and Jing Yuan’s connection. He also loved your mother as his own and the divorce hit him pretty harsh as well. But he understood they fought about you the most, and how helpless you felt. He never held that against you and tried his best to make sure you were safe and as happy as could be, but right now? What the hell happened?
“What happened? Do you want to talk about it?” He held you in his arms as you felt your tears never ending.
“I think father’s upset with me…” you couldn’t help inhale air with small hiccups and double takes, staining Yanqing’s shirt with your salty tears. You wanted to pry away and apologise but you felt too weak and mentally exhausted. You felt stupid and not worth it, not worth your father.
“I’m sure it was all a misunderstanding, Y/N! He loves you, of course he does!” Yanqing offered, he help you tighter and you felt all your emotions explode again, crying harder than before.
“You should have seen the look on his face- he stared and stared with that cold look!” you wrapped your arms around Yanqing’s back and clung onto him hopelessly. 
“I- N/N…” he started, only for you to cut him off.
“Y’know… I’ve been thinking about moving with mother…” you sniffled, having calmed down much more than before. You felt Yanqing freeze around you.
“W-what do you mean?” He uttered in disbelief.
You dropped your arms slowly and looked up at the young boy, wiping your tears and holding his hand in your own. 
“Let’s face it. Things haven’t been the same since the divorce. Father’s been avoiding me like the plague, sending everyone but him to come hang out with me. For Aeon’s sake, he didn’t even come to the park like we always used to on the First Full Moon of the month…” you whispered, emotion turning your voice hoarse and painful, as if thorns were tightening at your throat.
“But- but it could get better! I’m sure if I spoke to him, he’d understand!” Yanqing stared at you with determination in his eyes, his hope shining bright. 
“I don’t think it will. Not after today. I promise to come visit you, I swear it! I just- I don’t want to embarrass myself more in front of father than I already have. I don’t think he deserves that.” you state gently. 
For the first time in a few weeks, you felt excited. Not that hanging out with Yanqing and sending letters to your mother wasn’t fun, but you genuinely wanted some where new to explore, a different atmosphere away from the burden of trying to please a father who couldn’t even bother look you in the eyes. You needed a change of pace.
“I promise I’ll write you to everyday!” You beam at him. The boy looks at you with uncertainty in his gaze and sadness. After losing your mother, he didn’t want to lose you too. But he knew it would make you happier than ever. And plus, he loves reading your spelling mistakes. It’s a win-win in his book.
You had left nearly 3 months ago, keeping your promise and sending voice recordings to your brother and small videos here and there, as well as handwritten envelopes with flowers from the beautiful planet your mother came to. She had told you it’s history and how they had been rebuilding themselves as an Oasis in the making. Her mother, your grandmother came from this beautiful planet and you couldn’t help but notice how similar you looked to the natives here. You felt at home, much more than you ever did on the Luofu.
You hadn’t told you father about your departure, having opted to pack you bags immediately and call your mother, asking for a quick and easy way to travel to her home world. She accepted immediately and welcomed you with open arms.
You eventually told her why you left and she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “That man wouldn’t know discipline and responsibility if it hit him with the entire Luofu itself! How he’s made it all these years is beyond me. I’m sorry you experienced that my love. I’m glad you’re with me now.” She would scoff at your father’s actions and always pat your head, getting ready to go to work or take you out during her days off. She would also help you record videos for Yanqing and would mention how she missed her son dearly, always calling him hers and asking if he’s been eating well, showing in her own way she cares.
You didn’t want to know about your father and Yanqing never told you, waiting only to tell you when you asked. Which never came.
Eventually, you had made friends with the locals, learned your native tongue and made sure that everyone was happy, having been placed to understudy your mother and work alongside her in the Guild to provide for the elders of the City. You also volunteered to as many soup kitchens as possible and helped with poverty wherever you could. Your mothers home was beautiful but the economy was rather poor, leading to the fittest to provide for the elders and young children. 
You returned home one day after a successful evening at the kitchen only to have received three distress signals from Yanqing and one from your father. You felt sick to your stomach and as if you were about to faint. 
Quickly you opened your signals and heard voice messages come through.
“Y/N! Please! You need to come back to the Luofu right now! It’s Jing Yuan! He’s- he’s been in critical condition since this evening!” 
“Please! Fu Xuan is panicking and it’s throwing me off… I- I don’t know what to do! Please…”
“He’s finally okay! He’s in a stable condition… it’s been hours! Please tell me you’re okay, Y/N! He’s been asking for you… Please return to the Luofu…” 
You didn’t dare open your father’s one. It was staring at you as if cornering you . Ready to eat you alive. 
“Y/N. You should return.” Your mother said beside your doorframe. She had heard everything and wanted to make sure you were okay. 
“I- but…?” You started, only to be met with your mother’s questioning gaze. You knew you should go visit your brother and father, Yanqing was worried and your father could have died. You had to see him. 
“Okay…” you couldn’t help but worry.
The air was different on the Luofu than your mother’s planet. It was crisp, almost as if there was electricity in the air, waiting to strike at any moment. 
As you made your way down the streets to your home, you felt a familiar presence and turned around to see Yanqing running at you full speed, nearly knocking you down ass first onto the pavement. 
“Y/NNN!!!!!” He nearly sobbed. It was endearing and a little too tight of a hug, but you reciprocated.
“Hey there, Yanqing! I’ve missed you.” You felt your eyes tear up. You had truly missed your brother and wanted him to be safe.
“I’ve missed you too. I really hope you’re happy. But..! Please- Jing Yuan- he’s been so tired and I’ve never seen him this restless. You have to go see him.” The boy stopped hugging you to stare at you with complete sadness. 
You felt as if your body was in fight or flight, wanting to drop kick your brother and run for the hills of your mothers home planet. But that would be uncivilised and you’d feel bad later.
“Okay…” you agreed with apprehension.
You had entered your father’s house. Everything was the same way it was when you left. The same colours, same tapestries, even the same stupid old vase you hated and wanted to break on multiple occasions at the ugliness of it. You truly didn’t miss this place one bit but at the same time missed all the memories and the unfulfilled promises. 
As you walked the final step of stairs and walked to the end of the hall, you were met with the door of your father’s bedroom. He had shared it once with your mother and you nearly sobbed at the sight of it. Last time you had been in his room was when you had a nightmare and wanted your mother, having snuck into the bed to be with her. 
You quickly pulled off the bandaid. Knocking softly three times and rethinking doing it again having garnered no reply.
Just as you brought your hand up to knock again, a hoarse voice spoke out. “Come in.”
You felt your stomach do summersaults and wanted to evaporate into thin air. But you had to pull the bandaid off completely, no? 
You opened the door gently and closed it behind you, walking to your father’s bed and having made eye contact with him half way through your walk. His eyes were glassy and he was in his bed with bandages all over his chest, arms and even one on his neck. You nearly broke into tears.
“Y/N…” he uttered softly. His gaze piercing yet soft. He missed you dearly and wanted to reach out desperately to apologise for how he treated you. But you weren’t here to hear his excuses.
 “Father…” you couldn’t hold it back and the tears started flowing again. Jing Yuan slowly rose up and took your hand to his chest, pulling your entire body towards him and laying you on his bed, kissing your forehead and holding you tight. You wrapped your arms around him and kept apologising, remembering how you had left without a word and wanting it all to have been a bad dream.
“You’re my child, Y/N. And I should have treated you better. I did not mean to chase you away or make you feel incompetent. I adore you and you are one of the only good things in my life. My life’s purpose.” He whispered into your hair.
“I- I should have been there when you were upset. I am sorry for neglecting you. I wish I had spoken to you more and kept the relationship.” He held you tighter, as if afraid you would disappear any minute.
“I’ve read your diary, Y/N.” You freeze. Oh shit. He started to pet your head and you feel tears blind your vision.
“Father- you weren’t..!” You can’t finish due to the hiccups taking over your body. He only pushes you away to look into your eyes carefully. 
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. You were never the reason me and your mother didn’t work out. You will forever be my top priority, and I am so sorry you felt otherwise. You are my child- my one true love. I will never stop fighting for you, nor your brother. Please, give me one last chance to prove to you my dear child.” His eyes were glassy and he had extreme eye bags, a curtesy of his non-existent sleep schedule. 
You didn’t know how to reply. Of course he still loved you, even after the lack of communication on his behalf and your insecurities leading up to the emotional turmoil in your relationship. 
“You’re my father. Of course I’ll always give you a second chance..” you whisper against him again.
You had a feeling that everything was going to be okay again.
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thehomophobe · 3 months
Additional Additional Human/Humanoid AU! Headcanons
🐻He apologizes A Lot. Like, a lot, A Lot. He’s the kind of guy who will apologize for apologizing, then apologize again for that apology, then apologize for that apology, and so on and so forth.
🐻He really likes to follow you around. And hover. And ask questions. A lot of questions. He means no harm by it! But if he’s being too overbearing (Hehe), just let him know. Sorry, Superstar, he did not realize…he will give you a bit more personal space!
🐻(I support Fronnie Shippers 😔✊) Freddy really did love Bonnie, so hearing that he was gone really put the bear in a bad state. God he misses him. He remembers the last time before Bonnie's disappearance that he went to his green room and gave him a poster with his signature on it due to him being a little down. He doesn't know if he got it.
🐔She is Killer at rhythm games. Friday Night Funkin’, OSU, Guitar Hero, Crypt of the Necrodancer–you name it, she’s played it, and absolutely crushed it. Her dexterity is second best only to Roxanne.
🐔Loves journaling and scrapbooking! She likes to collect cute stationary, so her desk is always packed with various washi tapes, glitter pens, and scented stickers. And yes, she has attempted to eat them before. They just smell so good!
🐔Plays prank with her voicebox, like playing children's laughter to confuse the guards or Moon or Freddy's voice when scaring Roxy. But she normally does like an animal call to lead any STAFF bots away and get some food from the kitchen.
🐊When Monty is concentrating really hard on something, the tip of his tongue sticks out of his snout. You once got a picture of it and Monty threw an absolute hissy-fit. Delete it right now, or he’ll…he doesn’t know what he’ll do, but it’ll be Something!!! Horrible!!!
🐊Man really is the epitome of, “I love a woman that can kick my ass.” He sees you do ONE (1) cool thing and is immediately on all fours, frothing at the mouth.
🐊The ONLY people allowed to use the “See you later, Alligator” line on him are kids. They have the Pass. Anyone else? Gets snapped at. Metaphorically and possibly literally, depending on just how bad of a mood he’s in.
🐊Depending on your place, Monty can hardly make it through a room without bumping into something. He tries really hard, but his tail has knocked more glasses off of countertops than your average cat.
🐺If you give her genuine compliments. She mostly brushes them off with a little scoff and a “Yeah, duh.” But deep down, she’s gonna be thinking about that One Thing you said for, like, weeks. And bringing it up in conversation every time she can
.🐺Touching her ears and/or tail. Both of them are Premium Petting Areas and make her totally melt. But it only lasts for a second before her pride kicks in and she snaps at you. (Is it worth it? Absolutely.)
🐺"She’s no romantic,“ she says, only to go out of her way to write out your name in tire marks across the racetrack, followed by a big ol’ tire-track heart. And then she has the gall to wink at you as she jumps out of her car–that woman will be the death of you.
🌞He reserves one day a week for whole house cleaning; that means washing, drying, folding, vacuuming, dusting, all that.
🌞Stims a lot. Mainly when he's happy like flapping his arms or jumping, or anxious like pulling on his rays or picking at his face. Speaking of anxiety, expect this man to fidget a lot. As I mentioned, he'll pull on the rays (It's like a headband/head accessory), pick any loose flesh on his face, fidget on his bells/ruffles, and even chew on his fingernails. You didn't want him to destroy himself so you bought a stress ball as a gift. It's yellow with a little happy face. He loved it but he felt bad for squeezing the poor thing so hard.
🌞 Video games! It’s one of his favorite activities to do with you whether it’s watching you play, or him playing beside you he loves it. Wholesome games such as Animal Crossing, Mario Party, and Mario Kart are his favorites to play with you.
🌞 He likes to cook for you! He was never a food handler in the daycare (other than the provided candies) so cooking is new to him, and he likes to explore different meals with you. Sometimes he’ll provide you with some ingredients when you go grocery shopping.
🌞His jaw can sometimes get stuck closed making it hard for anyone to hear him properly, so you always help unlatch it. However if you fumble with something, it will likely close shut again. You say that you're playing pretend dentist, he just thinks of those crocodile teeth games.
🌞Very animated and childlike. Does expressive actions like the ones in old cartoons. When you caught him off guard by kissing him, his face went red and steam came out of his ears. When he had a fight with Moon that you broke up, he stuck his tongue out behind his back.
🌚 He likes to take care of his carousel. Spends some time cleaning the horses. And each horse has a name after a moon.
🌚Likes to tickle fight with Sun, then somehow ends in play fights with you in them.
🌚As much as he finds dark fairytales interesting, he also loves Greek mythology, hell anything piece of folklore regarding the moon and stars he loves retelling to you and Sun before falling asleep.
🌚Very possessive. I mean can you blame him? For someone to always be feared by many, a SINGLE HUMAN BEING is in love with him. So I guess that also makes him touch-starved. There are just some moments in time when you're snatched up by him because "he's bored and wants to cuddle." Speaking of cuddles, BIG SPOON! Swaddles you in blankets for a good night's rest.
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carrrrino · 11 months
HELLO I am very excited for this project! I wanted to express a concern though…it’s rather hard to find the any info on the project aside from what’s on the blog (which isn’t…very much information wise) I’m not sure if that’s an intentional decision…
I know when I first found the info I….kind of didn’t believe this?? That sounds odd. I suppose what I mean is, it didn’t seem the most legit. I did digging through the blog, read all the links, searched for a Twitter and YouTube accounts and had a hard time doing that as well…Simply because there is very little information on it. Which there’s nothing wrong with…I was wanting to suggest (as an outsider) that you and your team put more announcements/ marketing into this…?
I REALLY hope to see this project grow, it’s absolutely deserved, and very few people seem to know about it. I’d hate that to be something people miss out on. I don’t really expect an answer on this but I thought I should share the concern as an outside perspective. 💛
I really hope this project is going well for you and that it gets the deserved recognition as it’s coming out!!! So excited!!!
I'm so happy that people share the same excitement and concern for the series. Also, the fact that you guys think it's worthy of success Is truly inspiring! I think it's time I SAY something though about my current situation.
TL;DR - Our team basically went inactive after the summer; everyone returned to their lives and I'm the only one who can keep up with the project unconditionally. I didn't mean to dishearten you guys! It's a pain in the ass to work alone - excluding voice actors and SFX producers. The OUTBREAK blog will change entirely, it will be used for info and marketing. This blog will just be general art created by me (&no-namestuff). I will continue to work on the series independently, but I'll definitely give out more info as requested and make things more legit whenever I can!
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Over the summer, a group of us began working on the project together, but as most of my friends returned to school and their regular lives, it became almost impossible to keep going. Currently, only a few are available to help, but they're too busy.
I didn't want to worry anyone by saying that it's basically just me working on the project; it's tough to balance animating, scripting, marketing, planning, publishing, AND funding by myself. Over time it (advertising and insightful communication) just became indifferent to me, I even considered going silent for a while until I had a mother-load of progress, but that's really not fair.
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The project was a bit of a mess when we started. We didn't plan on making it a big deal, my animations were half-assed and incomprehensible; I barely knew how to work Adobe and could barely even pay it off, the sound was going to be recorded via iPhone, the script wasn't even halfway done, and voice actors weren't thought of until the Prologue. After more than six months of work, Verse 1-4 (or 6?) was deleted because of issues with the file.. this really drew the line for everyone.
So here I am, despite everything; I revised the script, which is barely halfway done, redesigned the characters, read more into the multiversal conundrums of AUs and UNDERTALE, built a portfolio, studied poses for the action scenes — and there’s still a lot that I have to learn. I'm working on Q&As, asks, and the teaser / test / project animations. I don't want people to be confused or hesitant, so I appreciate you a lot for reminding me of this. As requested, I will provide additional details about the project too :) !
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No-Name's theme is in progress (thanks to Synth Mints), I've invested heavily in software for good quality animations, talented voice actors from this fandom (some you might even know) have agreed to voice for me - I'm extremely grateful for their help. Even if it takes years to release an episode or pilot, I'm still excited about the outcome. Who knows, I might even have a genuine team by then! :D
aw geez sorry for the whole bit-life story, I'm just trying to shed some light on the situation for you all. I do care, I want everyone to know that, it's just hard work.
Until the next teaser animation, please have these lil' pieces of teasers / lore as an apology!
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SD by @/galacii ERROR by @/loverofpiggies / CrayonQueen
LASTLY today is my birthday yayyy 🥳🎂
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lumiinix · 2 years
Hey, Pardon for the Intrusion and sudden ask but is the request close? If yes, you can delete this ask and message me but if not. I appreciate it a lot
Could you make a headcanon of Suna, Osamu, Oikawa and Iwaizumi with Silent and Mean but secretly caring S/O (Like Raven from Teen Titans. S/O is snarky, sarcastic, dark and grounchy but secretly gentle to kids, their boyfriend and animals).
Haikyuu boys with a secretly caring S/O.
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Pairing(s): Suna, Osamu, Oikawa x gn!reader.
Summary: To others, you are snarky, sarcastic and dark, but to him. You’re someone else.
Warning(s): None
A/N: Hey there, sorry but I only take 3 characters so I will only take the first 3 characters you choose. Other than that, enjoy!
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He’s your classmate and the two of you actually sit next to eachother.
He saw how people fear you and avoid you and honestly, he kinda did the same for a while.
That is until he saw you stay behind and feed the stray kittens that had just lost their mothers. He was just sneaking away from the Miya twins when he saw you playing and feeding them. There’s a box that have little blankets on them and milk and food around it.
And there was you, your annoyed and gloomy expression change into a much softer one as you play with the kittens, and did he even heard a giggle from you??
He was about to dip out when you caught him, your expression changed into a sort of flustered but still scary one. Clearly trying to intimidate him.
But he isn’t scared anymore, he knows your secret now and he began to teased you about how you’ve gone soft for kittens, which flustered you very much. And the rest is history.
When you two started to date, your favorite activity is to wait for him to finish volleyball practice and then the two of you to go to where the kittens are.
He values this so much as it lets him see a very different you compared to the you everyone else sees.
And boy does he feels special when you suddenly become soft for him, kissing him and holding hands after literally roast the shit out of a guy for breathing wrong-
The first time he meet you is when Kita told ordered him to save Atsumu’s ass from you-
He reluctantly went there when he saw you just verbally bullied the piss haired Miya, and honestly, he’s impressed.
Like it’s not everyday you get to see someone more brutal than Miya Atsumu.
When you saw him tho, you were about to verbally insult him too bc you thought he was with his twin. And he notices this.
So what does he do? He also started to verbally assault Atsumu to show you that he’s on your side and it honestly becomes fun as the both of you just straight up roast the other Miya. And the two of you begin to bond after this encounter.
Yeah Kita did not like that-
When you two started dating, it was Atsumu’s worst nightmare when the two of you were together. Like he literally cower in fear when you started to walk into the room.
And to add salt to the injury, you would become very soft to Osamu, making him bentos and such and acting like a genuinely sweet person. Which freaks Atsumu out even more.
He would love to call that out but didn’t dare to ask you both will verbally assaulted him more.
Kita is now very pleased about the fact that your present cause less fight between the twins, he even personally request you to be in their practices.
Nah yah gotta be childhood friends or smt cause anything besides that you’ll both just hated eachother’s guts for sure.
Like as your childhood friend, he will really hold a grasp on your true soft self and why you always have that mean and dark facade.
And you would know his facade too. A very mutual understanding.
So that’s why you both work so well with eachother…Is what close enough people like Iwaizumi would say.
The rest of the world, they still can’t get a grasp on how the fuck are you two together in the first place, much less together for years.
The volleyball team thought that you’ll be another Iwaizumi until they saw you softly comforting Oikawa when he ran into your arms after he got hit by Iwaizumi.
Yahaba tried to get to your soft side to only to be roast into crips. He took a while to recover from that.
Oikawa’s fangirls hated you because they thought of you as “too mean” but never actually have the balls to do anything about that.
Takeru lowkey loves you since you were soft with kids, it actually makes Oikawa a little jealous tbh, because he thought that he’s the only one that can see it. Let’s just say it took you a lot of milk bread and kisses for him to stop pouting (what a baby).
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dontyouworrydaddy · 1 year
Konig and 141 boys developing a crush on their cute and sweet neighbor who also agreed to take care of their place while deployed. Will they act on their crush or try to ignore their feelings? Thank you kindly :)
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ℐ𝓉 𝒽𝓊𝓇𝓉𝓈 𝓉𝑜 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊. ℬ𝓊𝓉 ℐ 𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊.
Task Force 141 (+ König) x gn! reader
Oh my god… I got so many ideas and I literally don’t know how to put them ALL into one short fanfic but I‘ll try me best😭😭 I hope you enjoy, love you!!!🩷🩷🩷🩷
(Also I‘m sorry I‘m posting this so late because I was too focused on Simons part because hello? This man has been through so much and I had so many ideas on how to write his part. I literally wrote like 4 and deleted them all because I always found something that would fit more😭)
┕━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━┙
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You could ask anyone around the area about König and every single one of them would say that he is socially awkward or they don’t know since they never talked to him. But you never believed in any of those. You were trying to build a friendship with him and he is more shocked about the fact you want to build a connection with a masked man, like it’s the most usual thing in this world. But little did you know that König slowly developed a little crush on you whenever you were there and just looked so unbelievable.
It’s been months now and König's admiration for you only grew stronger. Your kindness and selflessness had left an indelible mark on his heart. Every time you visited his place to take care of things, he found himself longing to spend more time in your company.
Unbeknownst to König, you had also noticed his quiet affections. Your intuition told you that he was too timid to make the first move, so you decided to take matters into your own hands. With a mischievous smile, you approached König one day, ready to play the role of matchmaker.
"Hey, König," you said, your voice filled with warmth, "I've noticed how much you appreciate my help with your place. How about we grab a cup of coffee sometime? I'd love to get to know you better."
König's eyes widened in surprise, his cheeks flushed with a mix of excitement and gratitude. He stammered, searching for the right words to express his thankfulness.
"Y-You... You really mean it?" he managed to say, his voice filled with genuine surprise.
You nodded, a playful glint in your eyes. "Of course! It's the least I can do for a neighbor as sweet as you."
A smile broke across König's face, radiant and relieved. "I... I would be honored. Thank you for taking the initiative, You."
And so, the two of you ventured into the world of possibilities, sharing laughter and stories over cups of coffee. With each passing moment, König's shyness faded away, replaced by a blossoming confidence that was fueled by your unwavering support and understanding.
As your connection deepened, König found solace in your presence, a sanctuary where he could be himself without reservation. Your kindness and care melted away the barriers he had built around his heart, allowing love to seep in and flourish.
And in the quiet moments shared between you, König expressed his gratitude for your boldness, for taking a chance on him when he couldn't muster the courage himself. He marveled at the beauty of fate's intervention, realizing that sometimes, the greatest love stories are born out of the selfless actions of others.
As König wrapped his arms around you, his heart overflowing with appreciation, he whispered, "Thank you for seeing the real me, for showing me that sometimes, it's okay to let someone else take the lead. With you, I've found a love that transcends boundaries, and I'm eternally grateful."
In that embrace, you knew that you had made the right choice, that your leap of faith had led you to a love that was worth every ounce of effort. Together, you embarked on a journey of companionship, supporting each other through the highs and lows, cherishing the bond that grew stronger with each passing day.
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Simon Riley
Simon was a very cold man who didn’t like to socialize. But when you moved it next door, you kept annoying him with cookies and cake. He never understood why you were doing these things but he slowly let himself enjoy the things you bake for him. You were smiling at him whenever he went on a run. You always sit on the balcony and you looked so pretty that he once almost ran into a car. He got embarrassed but he was relieved you didn’t see it. And every time he caught a glimpse of your warm smile or heard the sound of your laughter, his heart skipped a beat.
As Simon prepared for another deployment, he approached you, hoping to find someone trustworthy to look after his place while he was away. Since he didn’t trust anyone in this area to do it so, he always came back to a messy apartment and he usually cleans it before he gets deployed again. To his relief, you gladly agreed, your genuine kindness shining through. It was in those moments of conversation and connection that Simon began to realize there was something special about you.
But as his feelings for you grew, so did his fear of rejection. Simon was known for his bravery on the battlefield, found himself paralyzed by the vulnerability of his emotions. He watched you from a distance, yearning to take that leap of faith but unsure of how to approach you.
It’s been months and simon's heartache intensified. He longed for your presence, the sound of your voice, and the warmth of your touch. The thought of you taking care of his place while he was away brought him a sense of comfort, yet he was still scared. He was scared that you might hurt him. He is scared that you will leave as soon as you see the real him.
But on one evening, as the setting sun cast a golden glow across the horizon, Simon mustered the courage to strike up a conversation.
“Listen, you don’t have to do this. I mean, I couldn’t give you anything back as a thank you." his voice cold yet so soft towards you. You looked confused and Simon could tell that you were thinking about something. And he was desperate to find out what you’re thinking about, but would that scare you away?
"Simon… I‘m more than okay with doing this. If you want to thank me than tell me more about yourself" your answer completely left him silent and for a moment he couldn’t believe that you exist. How can someone so beautiful and sweet talk to him. He doesn’t even show his face yet alone a single part of his body. You don’t know how he looks like nor do you know how his arms even look like. Yet you’re here interested in him and he couldn’t help but feel his heart jump out of his chest and run towards you.
But it took him 9 months to finally open up. He came to your apartment and you greeted him with tea, his favorite one. You saw how much he loves tea and decided to surprise him with tea back. Ans he felt so safe in your apartment. It felt like his demons were waiting in front of your apartment because even they were shy around you. Not even they couldn’t bare to hurt you.
He started telling you a bit about himself but he kept it above the surface. He doesn’t want to scare you away. Not after he just got used to your presence. The way you talk, the way you smile at him. He would gladly give his own life so you could smile forever.
To his surprise, you listened with unwavering attention, your eyes filled with empathy and understanding. "I’m so proud of you for opening up, Simon. Thank you for telling me" your words carried a soothing melody that calmed the storms within him. The walls he had built around his heart began to crumble, brick by brick, as you reached out and touched his hand gently.
In that moment, Simon let you in, allowing you to slowly weave your way into the depths of his heart. He marveled at the strength and tenderness you possessed, the way you accepted him without judgment or reservation. And with each passing day, his affection for you grew, the boundaries between friendship and something more becoming blurred.
Finally, the day of Simon's departure arrived. He stood before you, his eyes locked with yours, searching for the words to convey the love that had taken root within him. As time ticked away, he leaned in, his heart pounding, and pressed a tender kiss against your lips, through the thin mask.
You smiled, a knowing smile that spoke volumes. It was a silent agreement, a promise of a future yet to unfold. The kiss held the weight of unspoken emotions, of longing and hope. It was a kiss, filled with the anticipation of what the future held for both of you.
As Simon boarded the plane, he carried your smile, your warmth, and the promise of a love yet to fully bloom within his heart. And in that moment, he knew that no matter the distance or the trials they faced, you would always be with him, guiding him through the darkness, and reminding him that love had the power to heal even the deepest wounds.
See you next time, his heart whispered, knowing that the next chapter of their love story would be written when he returned.
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John MacTavish
John found himself in a neighborhood far from the battlegrounds he was accustomed to. It was there that he discovered a small haven of peace in the form of a cute and sweet neighbor, the one who had graciously agreed to take care of his place while he was deployed. It was funny because you were asking him about something and behind him, you saw how messy his apartment was so you offered to help him and he gladly agreed.
John couldn't help but find himself drawn to you. Your kind nature, infectious smile and the way you cared for his home with such dedication warmed his heart. He discovered himself longing for the moments when he could steal glances of you from his window or engage in friendly conversations over the fence.
But as much as he admired you from afar, John couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he wanted more than just a neighborly relationship. He yearned for something deeper, something that would bridge the gap between friendship and romance.
It took him a year. A year of battling his own emotions and building up the courage to confess his feelings. The weight of his unspoken words felt heavy on his shoulders, threatening to consume him. He knew he couldn't keep this secret any longer.
One evening, as the sun began to set, John found himself standing at your doorstep, his heart racing in his chest. With a deep breath, he knocked, hoping that the words he had rehearsed countless times in his mind would find their way to his lips.
When you opened the door, a mixture of surprise and curiosity evident in your eyes, John's words spilled out, tinged with vulnerability and sincerity. He confessed how your kindness had captured his heart, how your presence brought light to his world, even in the darkest of times.
To his relief and joy, your smile widened, and a blush colored your cheeks. “Finally, John. I’ve been waiting for this moment and now you did it. I like you a lot, too" The connection you both shared was undeniable and it was clear that fate had brought you together.
And so, in that moment, under the fading daylight, John and you embarked on a journey of love and companionship. What started as a neighborly arrangement blossomed into something more profound and beautiful.
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John Price
In a quaint neighborhood, nestled amidst the chaos of life, John found himself drawn to the captivating presence of a neighbor unlike any other. You had captured his attention with your gentle nature and kind heart. Little did you know, he admired you from afar, silently cherishing every encounter and longing for the day he could express his feelings.
As fate would have it, duty called John away, requiring him to deploy on a mission that demanded his undivided attention. In his absence, he entrusted you with the care of his home, knowing that your presence would bring warmth and life to the empty space he left behind.
From a distance, John observed your daily routines, captivated by the grace with which you carried yourself. He found solace in the thought of you gracing his doorstep, bringing life and cheer to the once-silent house. Your visits to tend to his place became a bittersweet pleasure for him, as he admired your kindness and dedication.
Each day, as he watched you through the window or caught glimpses of you leaving his home, his heart would flutter with a mix of emotions. The sight of you brought him both joy and longing, a conflict he struggled to reconcile. Yet, he remained silent, never having the courage to confess his feelings.
Months passed, and John's deployment came to an end. He returned home, ready to step back into the familiar routine of his life. But something had changed. The connection he felt with you had evolved, matured into a deep and profound affection that now haunted his every thought.
Still John remained silent, unsure of how to bridge the gap that had grown between them. He watched as you continued with your life, unaware of the impact you had on him. It pained him to witness your happiness from a distance, knowing he could never be a part of it.
Months passed until the opportunity for love slipped through John's fingers. You never knew the depth of his feelings and he, burdened by his own fears and insecurities, couldn't find the words to express them.
But life moves forward, even in the face of unrequited love. And as time carried on, John found solace in the memories of your brief encounters and the love he had silently harbored. Though he never had the chance to call you his own, he cherished the moments he shared with you, even if they were only from afar.
John remained the silent observer, his heart forever touched by the presence of the sweet and kind neighbor who had unknowingly stolen his heart. In the quiet corners of his mind, he carried the love he never confessed, forever cherishing the memory of you.
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Kyle Garrick
In the bustling neighborhood where Kyle resided, a newfound sense of warmth and happiness began to flourish. As fate would have it, his charming and sweet neighbor, the one who agreed to keep an eye on his place while he was deployed, had captured his heart.
You had a way of brightening Kyle's day with just a smile or a kind gesture. Your presence brought a sense of tranquility to his world, a respite from the chaos and turmoil that often accompanied his line of work.
In the beginning, Kyle found himself stealing glances at you from across the street, admiring the way your laughter danced on the breeze and the gentleness that radiated from your every action. He couldn't deny the growing attraction that pulled at his heartstrings, urging him to take a chance.
After a month of wrestling with his feelings, Kyle finally mustered the courage to confess his emotions to you. It was a nerve-wracking moment, his heart pounding in his chest as he stood before you, vulnerability etched across his face.
With shaky breath, he poured his heart out "I like you, Y/N. A lot. More than words could ever describe it and I plan on sharing my life with you.I couldn’t take my eyes off of you the day you came and offered me those stupid cookies. And then I wanted you close but not in a scary way… So I asked you to look after my place while I‘m gone. And now I want you to be here when I‘m coming home." And as he finished speaking, a nervous silence filled the air. Kyle's gaze met yours, searching for any sign of reciprocation. And then, a smile graced your lips, your eyes sparkling with affection.
"You…" you said, your voice soft and full of sincerity, "have no idea how long I've been hoping you'd say something. I've had a crush on you since the day we met."
Relief and joy flooded Kyle's being, his heart soaring with happiness. In that moment, he knew that his decision to take a leap of faith had been rewarded in the most beautiful way.
From that day forward, Kyle and you embarked on the sweetest and most adorable relationship. Your days were filled with laughter, stolen glances, and tender moments. Whether it was cozy evenings spent on the couch, sharing stories and dreams, or exploring the neighborhood hand in hand, every experience was infused with the magic of love.
And it was thanks to you agreeing on watching over his place.
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bluem1ngs · 3 months
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PAU CUBARSÍ | part 2 |
(scroll to bottom for part 1 of the story)
She was staring down at the box. It was laden with memories of their relationship, and him coming to her house to give her the things she had left at his place throughout the years struck her hard.
He entered her bedroom, and sighed, “I just wanted to make sure you had everything back.”
“You mean other than you?” she said, only then coming to realization, “Sorry.. that wasn’t fair.”
He almost scoffed, with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Pau,” she called out, stopping him from walking out the bedroom.
“You know when you couldn’t play for two months because of an injury two years ago?” she told him, “You told me that you took playing for granted before everything happened and you made a promise that if you had a second chance, you would do things differently.”
She sighed and took a shaky breath. "I know I hurt you... But I told myself that if I could get you to listen, I would tell you that," she stood up from the bed and walked over to him, "There was never a day while I was away that I didn't believe you were the best thing in my life."
He sighed and looked at her. "You can’t just say that, Daniela. Not after months of silence.”
“Why? It’s the truth.” she informed him.
"Really?" he inquired, and she replied, "Yeah."
"What about the day you threw our relationship away?" He asked her.
"You ended things between us," she reminded him, genuinely bewildered by his words.
"Yeah, after I drove a thousand miles to see you and you didn't even call me after I left!"
"Pau, you just walked away!" She argued back.
He shook his head and laughed dryly, "Well, that beats running away."
She told him sincerely, "I did call."
"You called my voicemail, Daniela!" he shouted, utterly irritated.
"Because I knew you were going to hang up on me anyway, so I had to leave a message!" she exclaimed, desperate to make her point.
He shrugged his shoulders and said, "I didn't even play it. I removed your contact."
She stared at him and let out a sigh of nearly dismay.
"Well, then you deleted this," she said, taking a deep breath. “I was being childish when I walked away from you to go find myself. I was being stubborn. I handled it completely wrong, and I can’t take that back, but I wish that I could. Did I want to explore new things? Yes, I loved every night of it where I was in different countries and finding my true passion.”
She looked at him with want and passion, saying, “But I want you to know something, Pau. There was never a night where I loved it more than I loved you.”
He merely glanced back at her, unsure how he felt.
"Daniela," he said, "Let’s not get off to a bad start. I’ll see you later." With that, he left the bedroom.
When she heard the front door open and close, she sat down in her bed and took in everything.
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When she heard a knock on the front door, she walked over to open it, surprised to see him standing there after days of silence.
"Hey, can I talk to you?" He asked her.
She stared at him and nodded.
She walks out of the house and closes the front door behind her.
"I just wanted to say sorry. I shouldn’t have left your house like that the other day," he apologized to her.
She merely glanced at him and said, "It's okay."
“Not really,” he breathed. “Look, I’ve been avoiding you these past few days because I’m still mad, I mean about everything.”
She takes a deep breath and anxiously wipes her hair away from her face.
“Pau, I need to ask you something, and I really don't want you to take it the wrong way, but," she stared deeply into his eyes, "I need to know what you want from me... or from us. W-What are we now?"
He shrugged, serious expression on his face, "I don't know."
She glanced at him and inquired, "What do you want us to be?"
He sighed, “I don’t know, Daniela. I can’t answer that right now.”
She exhaled, “I can. I want us to be together.”
"Why?" He inquired, perplexed, "I mean, we're so far from... who we used to be. Why fight for it?"
She informed him, "Because I love you."
He sighed and looked at her, “I know we promised to give us a second chance, and I won’t break it… but it’s hard for me to forget everything.”
She returned his gaze, holding her necklace in a comforting gesture.
“I’m going to head back home, alright?” he told her and began to walk away.
She called out “Pau,” and he turned around.
“I'm not going anywhere," she said. He slightly smiled and nodded his head.
She watched him leave her front yard and thought to herself.
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Wearing the team jersey, with his name on the back there she stood in the stadium.
He gave her the jersey the day he registered for the first team, and he loved seeing her with his name on her back, but it almost hurt him that day.
Everything between the two was uncertain, with unspoken words remaining between them that had yet to be addressed. Regardless of how complicated things were, she continued to support him.
He asked her to wait for him in the tunnel once the game was over, and she did.
He entered the tunnel and was taken aback to see her standing there. Deep down, he didn't trust her, and he was almost certain she would leave him again.
She takes a deep breath and brushes her hair almost nervously away from her face.
“You played well today. Thank you for inviting me.” She tells him and met his eyes but received nothing in return.
He sighed, finally meeting her gaze, "Listen, Daniela, don't worry about us."
She nodded, her eyes heavy with sorrow.
He looked at her with loving eyes and said, "Our love is still there... it just takes time."
She hugged him and exhaled shakily. He stood there, holding her in his arms.
She drew away from his embrace and stared at him with complete adoration.
"Call me later if you want to talk or..." she laughed slightly, a smile on her lips.
He nodded and bit his lip with a smile.
Just as she turned to walk away, her phone rang. She saw the screen light up with his name on it.
She turned around to see him walking over to her, his phone in his ear, and a goofy smile on his lips.
He put his around her shoulder, and the two walked out of the stadium together.
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She opened the front door to find him standing there.
"Wow, two times in one week?" She joked, making him chuckle.
His laughter subsided, and he only smiled at her.
She stood there wearing a blue button-up shirt and jeans, her hair curled and voluminous. He always admired her elegance and refinement.
"Were you going somewhere?" He asked her, hands in his pockets.
"Oh, no, I went grocery shopping earlier." She asked him, with a sweet grin, "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see if I could take you out," he said, and she smiled knowingly.
“Of course," she replied, her smile widening.
She grabbed her purse and they set out for the city.
They walked side by side in silence, looking ahead at Barcelona.
She looked across at him, and he seemed upset about something.
"What's wrong?" she questioned him sincerely.
He looked across at her, unable to control the slight smile on his lips.
"Nothing," he told her, but she saw right through his lies.
She flashed him a look and he knew that he couldn't get away with it.
“I’m just kinda worried about everything. I mean, there’s a lot of things going on right now like the league, the champions coming up… and wanting to fix things with you.” He spoke softly, meeting her gaze.
She merely glanced back at him, completely enamored by him.
"You know for most of my life I would've gone through most things like this alone, but then I met you, and I finally found someone that I could depend on when life got like this," He glanced at her, looking intently into her eyes. "So I guess I wanted to see you tonight because I wanted to know if that was still there for us."
"Pau, you can always talk to me," she informed him, and he nodded as she spoke.
She took his hand, and he glanced up at her. She stood there, offering him a soothing smile.
The two started walking down the streets hand in hand.
"What should we do first?" he asked, instantly meeting her beaming eyes.
She nearly dragged him into the thrift store, and he eagerly followed her around the aisles.
She put a hat on his head and turned her head to see every angle of his face. He only grinned, taking the time to admire her.
He picked one of the sets of sunglasses on display and placed it on her nose. She giggled and gave him a funny look.
As they walked out of the store, she held her wrist against his, admiring the matching bracelets they had just bought.
He couldn't take his eyes off of her. She is the most beautiful woman, physically and emotionally.
"How about we order some food to your house?" he asked, and she looked up at him.
"I also have some ice cream in the fridge," she said, smiling, and he smiled back at her.
The two sat on her couch, a pint of ice cream between them.
With the spoon in her mouth, she used her hands to lift her hair and put it up into an effortless French twist. She only then noticed the silly look on his face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She questioned him, smiling, "Do I have ice cream on my face?" and attempted to wipe anything from her mouth away.
"It's not that, I was just remembering," he responded, laughing.
She asked, setting down her spoon, "Remembering what?"
"Your hair." he smiled, recalling, "You wore it that way the day I met you."
"You remember how I wore my hair the first day we met?" She gushed, teasing him but yet absolutely taken with the fact that he remembered something so little.
"Of course," he smiled and leaned in to kiss her lips. She carefully drew them apart and relished the kiss.
She bit her lip in a beautiful small smile, "Thank you," to which he inquired, "For what?"
"For giving us a second chance." she whispered, and he only smiled, kissing her lips once again.
(part 1 here)
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