#;t. you're gonna have a boat time
justices-blade · 1 year
you're gonna have a boat time // team valentia open
He's not seasick. He is not seasick. He is absolutely. Not. Seasick.
The boat rocks. There's water everywhere. Edward lurches with the boat, groaning from where he's sitting in the middle of the deck with a killer headache. Oh Yune, he's definitely seasick.
This just isn't fair, man! He'd thought that maybe, maybe after the boat trip from Tellius and all the water nonsense from the arena bouts he'd be better at not being a dead fish on deck, but, ha, of course he isn't.
This is stupid. All this just because of a bit of water (it's a lot) and a wobbly boat? The, uh, noticeably shakier breathing and the fact that of course the best cure to seasickness is looking at the dang sea really, really, really isn't helping!!!
Still, it's somehow more miserable trying to sleep it off belowdeck, and the fresh air is doing him good, but he's not sure how much longer he can pointedly avoid looking at the ocean and opt for the blue, blue sky above instead. Actually — Maybe he should pester someone into some cloudgazing...
The ship lurches again. Edward groans and squeezes his eyes shut queasy for like three different reasons right now. Ough goddesses, halp.
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murdrdocs · 6 months
uhmm not to add to ur torture but art does this after patrick finishes inside of u
sorry if this is too gross bye ily
this is not too gross at all. link (twt porn link, MDNI 18+)
i absolutely agree w u. i think that with art, it takes him a second to warm up to the idea of cleaning you up like this, but once he does, he's all in. however, this rlly speaks to me as patrick cleaning you up after art cums in you.
patrick is nastier, less restrained with his displays of desire. you and art have both called him gross with the biggest smiles on your faces, so he's leaned into it by now. that's who he is, the Gross One. he takes on the characteristic whenever he gently nudges art out from between your legs while he's trying to calm down. you're in the same boat as art, eyes focused on the ceiling and blinking slowly. and then you feel him, his presence and warmth between your legs.
"patrick," you warn, not even looking at him as you shake your head. patrick just protests in a whisper.
"'m just gonna help you out. clean you up a little, okay?" and then his head is between your legs and he's absolutely brutal with it. he adds to your stimulation instead of takes away from it.
when art has done it in the past, he was gentle. you knew what to expect from art, you knew he would swipe his fingers through the leaking cum and bring it to his lips. he would work his tongue in wide, long stripes, maximized space to minimize the time.
but when patrick does it, it's like he's giving you head. after a minute or so, when you get that wanton feeling low in your gut, you figure he is giving you head.
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sleepyangelkami · 7 days
I'm posting this from my phone so please bare with me guys.
"ew, you write y/n as a baby."
okay, so. I understand that the way I write might not float everyone's boat which is so okay !! But yk what you could do...? Scroll !! There's no need to hate. I really apologize if the way I've written my readers in x reader fics is harmful in any way. However, I'm not going to stop making the character they're with baby them and look after them. The beauty in all of this is that none of it is real. Life can be hard and life can be way toooo much and at the end of the day you might js wanna read ab getting babied. People baby their partners all the time whether you're male female any other gender none of this matters. I write female y/n and if you have a problem with the characters babying her but at the same time you're posting matt sturniolo (I apologize if I spelled that wrong) and saying omg cutie baby 🥺🥺 it's the same thing !!! It's so normal and people are making it weird. If you want to read badass!y/n then write badass!y/n. People get so hung up on writing shy readers and saying it's weird. It's how a lot of people feel and I'm personally really shy irl which is why everything on my account is fake !! Kami isn't even my real name ! You guys need to stop spreading hate towards people and if you don't like their work whether it's cringe or even a little weird then please just scroll
"ew innocence kinks are for p*edos."
Oh my. More often than not innocence kinks are usually submissive people loving the chase and getting dominant people to spell it all out for them. Not only that but sometimes people suffer from childhood trauma (me !!) and they read things that make them get to relive the part where their 'innocence' was 'taken' from them in a gentle way and not by abuse of power. Also, some people just have innocence kinks !! And that's okay as long as you're two consenting adults. When did everyone get so judgemental !! I've seen stepcest, ACTUAL incest and more prominently pain kinks and knives kinks guys innocence kinks really are not the worst problems out there ! I understand that some people take them too far which is not okay and under no circumstances would I ever support someone taking advantage of someone else who doesn't fully comprehend what's going on. But yk what this is?? Mere fantasies. They don't exist, it's just what people like to read so please leave us alone 🩷
And finally, "why is y/n such a pushover omg?"
Wanna start off by saying I don't condone cheating ever !! And I would never write a fic where the reader gets back with the character after they cheat. With that being said, the only fics I have ever seen of that (very VERY few) they have put trigger warnings at the beginning to let you know what you're reading. And for the people who say that the reader shouldn't go back because their partner yelled at them... Guys PLEASE !! I understand that yelling isn't something that should be excused, you should never put your partner in a position where they are scared or feel uncomfortable. However, I also know for a fact that everyone reading this has at one point in their lives yelled at someone. Being loved isn't about loving someone with happy rainbows there's gonna be bad days which I find realistic enough. Partners argue, sometimes relationships even take breaks and people get petty and people yell but you know why?? Cause we're human !!! It's in our nature if we're angry or annoyed or whatever it may be. Of course this behavior shouldn't be excused if it's constantly on show. Although denying the fact that you'd ever get back with someone after they yelled at you during an argument is a little bit childish. I don't mean hate to anybody whatsoever I'm just saying that you're dating a human (hopefully) not an alien (you'd be surprised on Tumblr I actually can't rule that one out) they have emotions and while sometimes they can be misplaced... It doesn't mean they're a bad person for it.
This isn't meant to harm or send hate to anyone !! I've just seen so much hatred spread across Tumblr and it's really upsetting. People should learn to support one another and if you don't like the content, scroll ! Once again this is hate to nobody enjoy ur day/morning/evening/night lovelies !!! 🩷🩷
(sorry for the ramble angels)
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lee-laurent · 3 months
Honeymoon Phase - Matthew Tkachuk
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Summary: A month later, Matt and Freya return to the Hughes' Lake House; and their families finally get to see how in love they really are.
Content: FLUFF like toothrottingly, adorable fluff. mentions of sex but no actual smut, teasing, mentions of past angst
wc: 1.5k
notes: this is part 2 to under the radar! influenced by one of my favourite moots ever @toasttt11 !! go show toasty some love!! this was so fun to write! enjoy :)
"Are Matt and Freya up?" Ellen asked, flipping a pancake.
"Matt sleeps in," Brady commented, snatching a blueberry from the bowl on the table.
"Freya's never been an early bird either," Jim laughed.
"I'm not waking them up. I don't want to accidentally get a glimpse of Matt's dick," Jack smirked, making Luke snicker.
"Jack!" Ellen gasped.
"Just telling it how it is, Mom."
"Doesn't mean we have to say it aloud, Jack," she scolded, placing a large plate of pancakes on the table.
"I'm sure they'll be down soon," Chantal joined the conversation, "If not... they can fend for themselves."
Matt groaned, rolling onto his back and pulling Freya's body on top of his. His wife was a deep sleeper, so him adjusting cuddling positions didn't wake her. He had one arm holding her by her waist, the other under his head.
"Frey?" he mumbled.
"You ready to get up?"
"K," he replied, slowly opening his eyes. He smiled at the sight in front of him. Freya half-dressed, her face buried in his shoulder. Her chest pressed against his, one hand gripping his bicep, the other flung out to the side. He reached out, tapping his phone to check the time.
God, he was gonna get shit from Brady when they got down there, especially if anyone had heard them during the... late night the couple had shared the night before. Matt decided to give Freya fifteen more minutes, before he was pulling her up with him. She held onto him like a koala, her face in the crook of his neck.
"Freya. Baby, we're gonna miss breakfast."
"I know, love. We can go to bed early."
"I want to sleep," she slurred.
He placed her on the floor, the cold hardwood making her jump.
"I'm up! I'm up! Jesus, Matt! Trying to give me hypothermia!"
"The floor isn't going to give you hypothermia, babe. Get dressed; breakfast time!" he clapped.
She sighed, digging through her drawers to find an outfit. Matt went to the corner, doing the same in his suitcase.
"Not sure how I'm supposed to stay family friendly when you're walking around like that all week," he smirked, gripping her hips and pulling her into him.
"Perv," she giggled, leaning her head back on his shoulder.
"Can't help it when my wife looks like a supermodel."
"You flatter me, Matty."
"Maybe I could enjoy some breakfast in bed before we head down."
"What do you mean? Breakfast is- oh! Matt!"
"Glad you caught on, babe."
"I'm going to eat," she rolled her eyes, leaving him to pout in their room.
"Look who decided to join us!" Jim teased, watching his youngest enter the dining room.
"Yeah, yeah. I get it, Dad," she smiled, pressing a kiss to her dad's cheek.
Matt followed behind her, looking like a lost puppy. He stood behind the barstool she'd sat on, wrapping his arms around her waist. Their families watched as he whispered something in her ear that made her giggle.
"Ew," Luke mumbled, grabbing even more pancakes.
"Any plans for the day?" Chantal asked, pulling the attention off the couple.
"I'm gonna take Matt out on the boat," Freya grinned excitedly, placing a hand on his.
"Like Hell you are," Quinn scoffed.
"What? I have my boating license."
"And? I don't need the boat being christened."
"Quinn!" Ellen rolled her eyes.
"Wasn't the plan, Quintin. But now that you mention it..." she narrowed her eyes at him, smirking.
"You wouldn't dare!" Jack gasped.
"Of course not. You fucking idiots," she sighed, shushing Matt who was laughing into her shoulder.
"Well, you two have fun."
"Thanks, Mom. We'll see you guys for lunch!"
The two families were gathered in the backyard, playing a very intense game of volleyball. Freya had decided to sit out to make the teams even. She was lounging in a deck chair, cheering on her family... but also her husband on the opposite team.
"Good job, babe!" she cheered.
"Who's side are you on here, Frey?" Luke laughed.
"Yours. But my husband is on the other team, so..."
"I'll never get used to that word," Quinn shook his head.
"What? Husband?"
"Yeah. He was never even your boyfriend to us."
"But we can all see how happy they are, Quinn," Ellen scolded, getting ready to serve the ball. Matt turned, shooting a wink at Freya.
"I'm cheering exclusively for Matt now," Freya stuck her tongue out at her older brother.
"You better not be doing that when we play the Panthers," Jack complained.
"She's been doing that," Matt teased.
"You trying to get your ass whooped, Tkachuk?"
"I'd like to see you try."
"I'll do it for you," Freya offered to her brothers, "He wasn't supposed to tell you guys that."
Matt marched over to her, flinging her over his shoulder. She laughed, pounding her fists on his back.
"Who's whooping who's ass?"
"I'm winning," she giggled.
"Are you now?" he smiled, shifting her so he was holding her by her waist. She scrunched up her nose as he pressed a kiss to it, placing her down on the ground. She threw a fake punch at his face, Matt pretending to stumble backwards.
"KO!" Luke shouted.
"And the winner is... HUGHES!"
"Why do we always have to watch his shitty movie?" Freya complained, picking at the loose threads on the blanket covering the couple.
"Because it's not shitty, it's a masterpiece," Jack retorted.
"It was 8% on Rotten Tomatoes."
"That means it's shit."
"Babe, just watch the movie," Matt groaned, placing his hand on her upper thigh.
"That's what I thought," Jack sassed, pressing play on the movie.
"You're right, Frey. This is terrible," Matt whispered, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"That's what I was trying to warn you of, but nooooo, you just can't listen to your wife."
"Will you two shut up! I'm trying to watch the movie," Luke snapped.
Freya leaned into Matt's touch. She was loving being able to be close in front of their families. He trailed his hand a little higher up her thigh, earning some side eye. He ignored the warning, resting his hand right on the edge of her pajama shorts. She shook her head slightly, lacing their fingers together under the blanket.
"I love you," he mouthed.
She just leaned up and kissed the side of his mouth in response. He smiled, leaning in for a proper kiss that she gladly gave him. He kissed the tip of her nose, turning back to the movie. Little did they know that Quinn was watching the whole interaction and he could barely fathom how in love his little sister really was.
"Can you stop?"
"Why?" Matt smirked, running his hand up the front of her shirt.
"Your hands are cold."
"And... it's annoying. You're annoying."
"You don't mean that. You loveeee me."
"Meh," she shrugged.
Freya was sitting on the kitchen counter, Matt standing between her legs. It was late and everyone else had gone to bed.
"You don't mean that."
"I can leave," he jokingly offered.
"Nooooo," she pouted, pulling him back by his shirt.
"That's what I thought," he put his hands on her waist under her shirt, squeezing. She wriggled, gasping from the cold contact on her skin.
"Do you think my brothers still hate you?"
"How do you know?"
"Quinn asked me earlier if I wanted to help him grill. And then later Jack came in our room and threw a box of condoms at me. So, I think we're in the clear."
"Jack is such a menace."
"Said he wasn't ready to be an uncle."
"Hmm," Freya tapped her finger against her lips.
"Shut up," Matt laughed, kissing her neck. "No babies yet. We agreed."
"I know! I'm joking!! I have to finish school first. Then we can discuss."
"Whatever you want."
"I love you, Matthew."
"And I love you, Freya. You ready for bed?"
"Yep! Let's go!"
Matt started to walk off, quickly noticing that Freya had made no move to get up, "What are you doing?"
"Carry me?"
He rolled his eyes, "Let's go."
"Yay!" she wrapped her arms around his neck, her legs around his waist.
"My own personal koala."
"So..." Luke started, "We can all agree that Matt and Freya are perfect together?"
The two families looked around, all nodding. Freya and Matt were sleeping in... again. And the rest of their family members took it as their time to have a meeting.
"They're so cute," Chantal cooed, "Matt loves her to bits."
"I agree," Ellen smiled, "I've never seen Freya this happy."
"I'm still pissed I wasn't invited to the wedding," Brady smirked.
"Shut up. None of us were."
"I can't wait to have grandkids!" Chantal added excitedly.
"Ew," Jack muttered.
"Grandkids? Who's pregnant?" Freya asked sleepily, wiping the crusty bits from her eyes.
"Me? I'm very much not pregnant," she laughed.
"Soon enough," Matthew teased, holding onto her hand.
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hart269 · 6 months
Slithering Hearts
Chapter 3
Pairing : Regulus Black x Fem!reader
Synopsis : You begin an unlikely friendship with the little Black. And soon your whole life seems to have become a tumultuous pathway. The catch, James Potter is your brother.
Notes : Bonding over sibling drama, dramaa
Masterlist / Series Masterlist
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The hat was lifted off from your head. Light hit your eyes and for a moment the whole world seemed to stop, the first thing you glanced at was James, who looked as if he's seen a troll, his eyes met yours and then he looked away, you knew about his hatred towards "the slimy snakes" and you knew it was gonna get bad.
The slytherin table erupted in loud cheers as you walked there, you sat at an empty seat, the guy beside you cheered,
"A potter in Slytherin, that's a first, Evan Rosier nice to meet you"
You nodded saying your name, Regulus was sitting beside Evan and someone called Barty, the girl sitting beside you was Amelia Bones who gave you a sweet smile as you introduced yourself, you two were engaged in conversation, but you kept glancing at James who determinedly avoided your gaze, Amelia noticed, "That's your brother right"
"Yes, he is" You replied dejectedly.
"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll come around" Amelia clappped on your back.
"I hope so" You did hope so, although you knew how stubborn he can be.
The Slythein common room was grand and cold at the same time, you didn't notice much, too tired to pay attention, giving a goodbye nod to Regulus, you all shuffled towards your room. The rooms were quite warm, despite the walls and floors being made of stone and the windows being half submerged in the lake. A warming spell maybe.
You were excited to find one of your roommates to be Amelia who you deemed to be sweet and just, there was Merula, and there was Ismelda, whom you met on the boat.
"Y/N right, Merlin, I can't beleive you just jumped into the lake"
"Trust me, I didn't either" you groaned into your hands.
It was only due to always swimming at lake near your house, that you had the courage to jump into black lake. You sighed as you plopped down on your bed, tiredness seeping into your bones, so much trouble on the first day only, you guessed it really was a Potter thing.
The next morning inbetween classes, you tried your best to talk to James, however he was ignoring you as if you were a ghost, heck people pay more attention to ghosts,
"James, why won't you talk to me" you snapped, stomping on the ground, like a petulant child.
"I don't associate with the slimy snake house" James sneered turning to walk away. Needlessly to say, you went after him,
"For Merlin's sake, it's not like I'm in a cult, I didn''t choose to get sorted there?"
James turned back to glare, "I would have preffered to have you in a cult, rather than in Slytherin"
You glared back, "What if the cult would have consisted of Slytherins?"
James huffed, "It's barely been a day and you're already defending them" James walked away to his friends, ignoring your calls. Remus and Peter turned to look at you in what you deemed to be a bit of compassion. Sirius patted James's back, and you had to rush to your next class cause the bell rang.
The last class was droning on while you sat there, staring at your textbook in a disspirited manner. You almost jumped as you heard someone clear their throat behind you, glancing behind to see Regulus smiling sheepishly,
"Sorry, I was asking, shall we leave, everyone's gone" he said pointing at the empty classroom. You gave a docile smile, picking up your stuff, and going with him.
Regulus had known your futile attempts of talking to your brother, so he tried to alleviate you from your dire state,
"At least your situation is better than mine, Sirius wouldn't even look at me"
"But doesn't like almost your whole family was in Slytherin, it mean it was easy to assume you could be too?"
"He hoped I would be different like him and now that I'm not, he associates me with the rest of the family" He sighed. And here you were mulling, thinking only you had the short end of the stick.
You hummed, entangling his arm in yours, suddenly beaming up at him "Well, it's us two against them two"
Regulus chuckled, "Don't worry about it, we'll be fine, we fight, but then we settle, we always do". Although he smiled, his voice was a bit strained. You didn't say anything, tightening your hold on his arm, you tried to divert his attention,
"You know what, I have a plan for James, do you wanna know what I'm gonna do?"
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Sirius chucked a ball at James who lazily caught it with ease, "What are you thinking mate?"
James sighed, "Do you think Lily likes me?" enticing a loud groan from Sirius.
As Sirius was about to respond, Remus saw something coming at the window, "Hey Potter, isn't that your owl?"
The owl came closer, and in its claws was a perfectly neat red letter. Peter shot from his chair, already closing his ears. James gulped, "We sure that's for me?"
"Better open it now, before it gets worse" Remus warned slowly moving away along with Sirius. James looked at them with an anguished look, accepting his dire fate,
Also Sirius dear, I've send some cookies for you, I hope you enjoy them"
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Taglist : @shycreationdreamland @mp-littlebit
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timetravellibrarian · 5 months
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Luffy x Reader
First time posting my writing and here it is.
Luffy x femreader
What is a Captain without his Quartermaster?
No one ever knew the answer to that.
Where ever Luffy went, you were surely around.  Same was vice versa.
But the only thing that left many bamboozled about how two opposites could be such great friends.
The both of you had met at Shell's Town. You had been attending to a headache and took a sip of some juice at a bar when the sound of yelling had  irritated you.
Turning to find the resident Draco Malfoy yelling at some lanky boy around your age with a strawhat on you groaned.
Helmeppo pointed an accusatory finger at the teen and was just about to order the marines beside him to arrest the guy before you intervened. Annoyed, tired and in need of a good night's rest.
"Could the both of gentlemen take the fight outside, this place just got it's repairs done, we don't need hooligans messing it up."
The blond man turned to give you a piece of mind but his words stopped in their track when he came face to face with the look you gave him. He backed down immediately, the fight within him already taken out.
He turned to the lanky boy again. "You're lucky I'm taking mercy on you  boy! My father would have had you beheaded in an instant."  
You rolled her eyes at the statement and took a gulp of her juice and asking for a refill. "Thank you, Y/n."The girl nodded at the woman,
"No problem ma'am."
She could hear a pinkette speak in awe of her being able to shush the whiny man. Her cheeks felt warm at the compliment but she remained serious.
Her eyes caught sight of the lanky boy staring deeply at her. She stared back unwaveringly.
"What's your deal , Strawhat?"
He merely smiled at her before calling the pinkette to follow him to free some pirate hunter.
Later in the day she saw a crowd of people at the harbour, she moved through the crowd, a bag of her belongings in hand. She was going to sail off to another island later on.
Reaching the main focus of the crowd she saw the same boy, this time a tall green-haired man beside him. They were settling into their boat but the strawhatted boy yelled about needing to find someone first.
Once he turned to meet your eyes his eyes widened before he ran to you.
"Hey, lady. I need you on my crew!"
You merely stared at him in shock. He barely knew you and he was already dragging you towards the boat even with your protests.
"My name's Monkey D. Luffy. I'm gonna be King of the Pirates!" He declared as you sailed along with him with the man you came to know as Roronoa Zoro.
"The name's Y/n."
And thats when an unexpected friendship occured.
Where Luffy was childish and playful, you were responsible and careful. Not to say you didn't have fun. You were just more level headed.
Luffy dragged you everywhere with him. Whether you wanted to or not.
Dangerous island? Let's go!
A raging sea King was attacking, Luffy , You  and Zoro would make quick work of it.
The both of you loved food. Sometimes the most shocking times would be when Luffy would give you some of the meat off his plate if he saw your food wasn't enough. Much to everyone's shock.
The permanent scowl or resting face of yours wouldnt be shown in the slightest when your captain was around. Just as when you give him advice on something he listens. Which shocked Trafalgar Law when he had given up on trying to make another well detailed  plan. Soon anyone who worked alongside him knew to have you around if they needed him to properly listen. Without even a smack to the face to make him focus.
He wouldn't admit it but he would immediately wrap a rubbery arm around you when someone tried to flirt. Man nearly fought Sanji when he kissed your hand.
He knew you could hold your own in a fight, in fact you wiped the floor with anyone you fought, but he still watched out for anything.
If he wasn't nearby he'd give either Zoro or Sanji a nod. A silent order to make sure you came back to the ship alive. Unscathed was more preferred but he wasn't one to control your actions.
Whenever you let out your monsterous power, enough to cause fear in the highest ranking navy officials and pirates, he'd have his eyes on your every move, adoring even the crazed smile you'd have on your face. Bro would be cheering like a soccer mom.
When questioned by Robin and Nami about what he felt about you it was as though he were talking about the One Piece.
He didn't know he was in love with you. He just saw it as being overprotective and caring towards his friend.
When he finally understood what romance and love was when Rayleigh explained to him he merely shrugged and thought about Y/n before he realised he was in fact in love. More like he loved you for a long time. Much to Boa's dismay. But she understood when she had met you.
The most angry they had seen Luffy was whenever he found out someone had hurt you. If someone even made you cry that was when he reigned down all hell on that person.
His favourite thing to do was to take a nap beside you when he felt tired, which rarely happens. Robin would chuckle at the sight of her captain snuggled close to your side when all of you ladies relaxed on the deck of the Thousand Sunny. He looked so much at peace.
Sometimes he'd even run up to you unexpectedly, kiss you on the cheek/ forehead or even on the lips and run back to join Ussop while he's fishing.
Sanji was going through the five stages of grief at how single he felt when Luffy stood beside you, holding onto your hand.
Your first kiss together was a mess, the both of you nervous, cheeks overheating and eyes not leaving each other.
It took for someone to accidentally bump into Luffy that led to a proper kiss. ( That someone was Robin)
On some nights you'd cuddle and he'd recall his childhood with Ace and Sabo. His tears coming down slowly only to flow like a river when you cradled him in your arms against your beating heart.
You were there to remind him to takecare of himself. Not just eat a whole restaurant but to also care about his mental and emotional health.
At the end of the day, everyone all had Luffy to count on and Luffy  had learnt to count on you too.
You, Zoro and Luffy were a deadly team whenever you fought by each other's side.
The Captain, the Quartermaster and the First Mate.
The heavenly trio
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presleyluvschris · 6 months
Hey I got a request for jj
That jj is a single dad to a baby girl and he is to scared to hold because he will think he will drop her and John b everyday will try and get jj to hold her then one day jj was holding her on his chest then he takes her everywhere With him hope that make sense
Koala Care
dad!jj x fem!reader x daughter
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a/n ahh this is so cutie! thank you for the request anon, love you bunches!
desc JJ holds his baby girl for the first time
wc 1.2k
warnings cursing, grammar, fluff
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"Peaches?" JJ comes in through the back door of the chateau, carefully shutting it behind him as he walks through the kitchen to set down a box full of baby supplies.
The usual. Diapers, baby food, her favorite yogurt melts, more of his old band & surf t-shirts to wrap her up in.
He notices Aria crying her eyes out behind him in between the white rails of her bed. he must have forgotten to change her when he left. He also noticed it was pissing off John B who was trying to work on something probably useless and he caught the hint that he's been listening to her cry for at least an hour.
"Shit," he mutters, messing with his backwards hat as he turns his attention away from Aria for a split second to glance at John B. Turns out he was fixing a cooler for the boat.
"Bro." he goes over to him, kicking him in the leg slightly, "You seen Y/n? I really need her help knowing what measurements of tit milk I'm supposed to feed mini me."
John B rolls his eyes to the ceiling as he screws in the side of the cooler handle.
"First of all," he says through a gritted tone from a bolt in between his teeth.
"You gotta stop with the teenage boy, language wording shit."
He spits out the bolt and screws another nail into the bottom.
"You're like a dad now. Its your dick and your daughter, buddy. You really want your kid to go around saying, tit milk?"
JJ tuts. "Bro she cant even talk yet. Plus, I don't remember half the shit i said as a fucking baby. Maybe thats cause my dad probably beat the shit out of me where I like- lost half my cells, but i ain't changing. Plus, daddy will raise her to be the best hooker of man kind. Shes a Pogue, shes not gonna be a goody two shoes if my life depends on it."
John B turns his head around and gives him a look.
"Jesus Christ JJ, did anything click when your girlfriend popped a living thing out of her ass?" He purses his lips.
JJ points his lips downwards and shrugs.
"Or are you always gonna be known as the dad who raised a stripper?" John B rolls his eyes again, taking a weird clear plate out of his box, "Y/n is a doctor for fucks sake, she's the only hope for raising her I swear to God."
John B shakes his head, "I've told you everyday now. You haven't even held her yet."
JJ grips his hat, "Thats because im gonna drop the kid!"
John b slaps his forehead.
"You're litterally her DAD, JJ! Y/n popped a baby out of her kitty sack and you seriously didnt even touch her the day she was born." John B raises his eyebrows. "Do you remember that? Y/n cried in Kie's room FOR AN HOUR thinking you didnt want the kid!"
JJ opens his mouth to respond then stops.
"Whatever. Go back to fixing your cold box and shit," He turns his back to walk away.
John B changes the tip on his screwdriver, "You're gonna have to hold your own ass daughter eventually, dude."
"I hope you screw a nail in your dick!" JJ calls out and tuts again, mumbling under his breath, "teaching me how to handle my own kid..."
"im the one fixing this goddamn cooler so you can drink your shit ass blue moon chilled!" John b yells back, JJ opening the door and slamming it shut to try and find you again.
"y/nnnn," he groans, calling out your name, finding you sitting on the steps outside.
He kneels down and wraps his big arms around you, kissing the side of your head gently.
"Hi baby," he mutters, "How was work?"
you felt your head pulsating before forcing yourself to give a response.
"Hmmm fine. it was busy."
"Yeah?" he strokes your head, "Real quick."
You sigh slightly, "Hmm?"
"how much ti-" He stops, and clears his throat.
"How much milk do I need to feed Ari?" He says in a soft voice, knowing you had a blaring headache from your shift.
You exhale, leaning your arms on your knees.
"theres about 7 oz in the fridge."
He nods, "thank you sweets," he kisses your hair one last time before leaving you in peace to rest your mind.
He goes back inside the chateau, opening the fridge and taking out the bottle, reaching over Aria's crib and putting the tip to her mouth.
"there we are, sweet girl.." he holds the back of her head while she drinks gently, her cries settling down.
After Aria is finished, he stares at her for a moment.
Why was it so hard for him to hold his own daughter? He feels a wave of guilt floods over his spine.
He reaches his hands out, then stops.
"God damnit," He sighs.
"Okay." He stares at Aria one more time. "3, 2.."
"Fuck this."
He picks Aria up gently in his arms, his heart jumping as he does so.
"Holy shit," he breathes. "Oh my God."
He holds her to his chest, making sure to support her back, something he learned in a parenting book he found online as he feels his soul melt in his stomach.
"There we go," he coos softly, rocking her up and down gently.
"Hi love." he holds her up to look in her eyes with the biggest grin on his face.
"You have your mommas eyes, don't you?"
It's like he fell in love with you all over again. Just this time, it was a baby. And it was his baby.
He holds her to him again, hearing you opening the screen door to come back inside the chateau as he looks at you with the stupidest smile on his face.
"JJ.." you breathe, a grin full of your white perfect teeth filling the room as you jog over to him.
You rub his arm gently as you stare at Aria in JJ's arms.
"im so glad." You said, tears slightly filling the bottom of your eyes as your breath catches in your throat.
"She has your eyes," He repeats the observation he made earlier.
You nod with a sniffle, chuckling slightly.
"She has your lips."
JJ presses another soft kiss into the side of your neck.
A few days later, you noticed that JJ dorkily bought one of those baby carrier things to attach to your chest, and you had to admit it was pretty cute seeing Aria giggle with him, taking her everywhere he went.
John B was relieved her finally built up the balls to hold his kid, and if you were honest, you were relieved too.
Kiara bullied him everyday for taking Aria with him everywhere because the baby holder he chose was literally hot pink. Really hot pink.
He was so happy everyday. To be the dad that he never had. The one he had prayed and wished for everyday as a kid.
JJ was such a tough guy, tough face, tough love, tough soul.
but I guess not when it came to you and Aria. You and her were his new world and there was nothing in the entire universe that could take that away from him.
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☆ divider & gif credits to @viixcyre @baby-bearie
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ofstoriesandstardust · 2 months
can't take the home out of oklahoma - iiii. (k.c.)
a/n: dear God the behemoth of the crossover fic is finally finished. please remember to be kind in my comments, but of course i'd love to hear what everyone thought :). if you're new here, you can check out the other three parts here
summary: Two years after leaving California, Tyler hears from Jake, asking him to come to his engagement party. With an offer of putting the whole crew up in a hotel for two nights and an off-season lull, Tyler accepts. Two years after leaving California, you finally have to confront Javy. 
warnings: background iceman and hangster, happy ending, alcohol, swearing, please remember we are all the villains in someone's story thank you
word count: 13.2k
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“So, I was thinking-” 
“Dangerous thing.” Kate mutters around a bite of waffle, prompting a fit of giggling from the two of you as Tyler narrows his eyes. 
“-I was thinking, instead of heading out to Arkansas straight after the end of the season, we take a road trip.”
“Where you thinking T?” Boone asks as you pick up your coffee cup. 
“San Diego, California.” 
You freeze, eyes flickering over to the blonde over the rim of your coffee cup, thankful you hadn’t taken a sip of the hot liquid yet. 
“What the hell, Owens?” You ask tersely, setting the mug down harder than you intend to, the brown liquid sloshing over the side. 
Tyler is pointedly avoiding your look as he sighs, shoulders deflating. “Look, my brother called. He- He’s getting married.” 
Your eyebrows shoot up. “To Bradley?” 
He nods, confirming. “Anyways, they’re having an engagement party out at Brad’s godfather’s. Jake’s invited us, all of us. Offered to put us all up in a hotel for two nights. I was uh- thinking about going.” 
“I think I’ll sit this out.” You say quietly, pushing your chair out. 
“Yeah, I ain’t so sure it’s the best idea to throw her into all of that.” Dani says, Lilly nodding alongside her. 
The girls had been told the story of your fiery departure from your hometown one night this past season, motel beds pushed together, wine drunk and cheap pizza forgotten. You’d told Dexter a week later, while you remarked on your ex-boyfriend’s love for a Louisiana crab boil, after you all had crossed into Louisiana to follow a storm. 
“Jake asked specifically about you.” Tyler admits quietly. 
You sigh, glancing up at the ceiling. “I don’t think the rest of them care to see me.” 
“We’ll make it work, okay? I ain’t gonna let anybody come at you.” Tyler pleads and you sigh again. 
You look at him for a moment but that’s all you need. It’s clear that Jake reaching out, asking him to come to this monumental event, means a great deal to him and you know as his family, it’s only right to step up to the plate for Tyler, no matter how uncomfortable it might make you. 
You know Tyler would do the same for you in a heartbeat. 
“Okay, T.  I’ll go with you guys.” 
His grin is splitting as Boone whoops, already chattering about the beach. 
“I ain’t promising to be nice to them.” 
Your words don’t even phase Tyler.
“Wouldn’t even dreaming of asking that of you, kid.”
The blue water sparkles as you peer out the window, the golden sunlight making it shine. 
“Jesus, I forget how blue it is.” You whisper to yourself as you take in downtown. 
The skyscrapers peer down back at you, the boats in the bay dotted across the docks. In the distance, you can see the outlines figures of the USS Midway and the Star of India. 
“How you feeling?” 
You shake your head, looking back at Kate. “It’s weird, kind of. Disorientating. I remember the first time I came home from college, it’s kind of like that. It all looks the same but the world kept turning after you left. Life kept going even though you’re not there to witness it.” 
She reaches out to squeeze your hand from the back of the truck. “I get what you mean.” 
Tyler glances at the two of you from his position in the drivers seat. The group had elected to take the van and your car, the SUV you’d bought last winter after you’d gotten sick of sharing Kate’s own storm chasing truck. 
Tyler’s red truck and Kate’s pickup had just not suited themselves to a cross country road-trip, which led you and Kate to driving most of the way. Tyler had finally corralled you into giving him the keys, under the condition you would sit passenger seat and give him directions. 
“Hey T, can we stop and get food before this thing?” 
Boone’s voice crackles over the radio and Tyler grabs it. You hadn’t really needed a radio of your own, but Boone and Tyler had insisted, outfitted the whole thing themselves. It sort of made you feel like a kid again, shouting across the room with your siblings in lieu of having walkie talkies while you played — everything followed with an OVER.
“I think they’re gonna feed us there Booney.” 
“Tyler, I am a starved woman. You rushed us out of breakfast this morning and we’ve been up before the sun was. It’s almost three in the afternoon and California already said we’ve got a decent drive across the city to get to this place. We’re stopping.” Dani’s voices comes through and Kate lets out a laugh from her seat. 
“Know any good places California?” 
You light up at Boone’s question, reaching for the radio but Tyler holds it just out of reach. 
“If you suggest In-N-Out one more time, I will drive this car into the ocean, so help me God.”
Niall Horan’s voice floats softly through the speakers as the car creaks to a stop in front of a familiar house. 
Your stomach flips as the barbecue from a locally owned joint near your Mom’s threatens to resurface. You distantly recall telling the group you’d been friends with the owners daughter in high school in a sad attempt to drown out Boone’s loud voice saying it would never be as good as Cathy’s. 
“You good California?” Javi asks and you startle, not even having realized you’d pulled yourself from the car. “You’re looking a little queasy there.” 
“Nerves.” You breathe and Kate takes your hand, squeezing it. 
“Thought you said they were nice.” Lilly says. 
“They are.” Just not to me. 
“This is quite the affair.” Dexter comments, glancing around the street as you walk up the road. “There’s hardly any spaces left.” 
“Bradley’s family is big.” You blurt out. “Lots of retired pilots who are probably thrilled to see their Baby Goose get married. Lots of friends from the service too I’m guessing.” 
“I wouldn’t want to be footing the bill for that wedding.” Dani whistles. 
The group begins to chatter and you wince, feeling your stomach roll as you step onto the grass. 
“You got this.” Kate whispers as you follow Tyler to the front porch. Tyler reaches out to press the doorbell, only to pull back at the last second. 
You raise your eyebrows. You don’t think you’ve seen the Tyler Owens cower back down from anything, much less a doorbell separating him from his twin. 
“You do it.” He says to you, stepping back.
“Me do it?” You ask incredulously. “You want to be kicked out before we ever step foot inside?” 
“I’ll do it.” Kate volunteers. She rings the doorbell, a short buzz followed by the sound of an I got it Mom! from somewhere inside behind the closed door. 
The door opens a few minutes later, revealing the now-taller daughter of Penny Benjamin. She blinks at the rag-tag crew. “Can I help you?” 
“Hi. I’m Kate and this is Tyler, we’re here for-“ Kate cuts herself off under the rather impressive stare of Amelia. Kate tugs on your arm, pulling you into view. “Here, you talk to the scary teenager.” 
“Hi Amelia.” You say softly. 
Amelia’s face lights up at the sight of you, exclaiming your name, drawing the attention of Tom as he rounds the corner to see who was at the door. Tom appears over her shoulder, nudging the girl back inside the house. 
“Tell Jake his brother’s here!” Tom calls after her before turning his attention back to your crew. “You must be Tyler and his crew. Jake mentioned that you guys would be stopping by. They’re all out in the back playing dogfight football.” 
Dogfight football? Tyler mouths to you as you all step inside the foyer. You shrug at his confused look. 
Long story you mouth back. 
“Anyways, I’m Tom, I’m one of Brad’s godfathers. I can take you all out to the back to meet the group?” 
You let your friends filter in front of you, hanging by the entrance to the kitchen and living room area. 
“I’m just gonna…” You mutter, letting your friends file out the glass door after Amelia and Tom. Penny gives you an unimpressed look from where she catches sight of you at the kitchen island and you give a sheepish shrug, feeling your cheeks heat up. “Selfish self-perseveration, sue me.” 
Pete glances up at you from one of the cabinets at the sound of your voice, lighting up as he does. “Well kid, I do have to say we never expected to see you again.” He holds out his arms and you grin, taking the invitation for a hug. 
If there was anything you’d learned about Pete Mitchell in the two and a half years you’d spent around his pilots, was that he offered Dad hugs to anyone at any chance he got. And boy, were they some of the safest hugs you’d ever had. 
“Hi Pete.” You say into his shoulder as he squeezes you. 
He pulls back, studying you. His thumb ghosts over a new scar on your cheek (thanks to an ill-timed rocket from Boone) and taking in the new piercings. “You look good kid.” 
“Thanks.” You breathe, unable to stop the genuine smile at earning his approval. 
His hand rests on your shoulder, guiding you farther into the kitchen. “Nick and Carole are outside with Coyote’s Dad and brother getting all the fixings grilled up. Do you want anything to drink?” 
You pause, stopping next to Javy’s Mom Lydia. You swallow, unsure of how she’ll react to you as you tell Pete you don’t want anything. He nods, grabbing his glass and nudging Penny towards the back patio after her daughter. 
“Hi Lydia.” You say softly. She studies you for a moment before pulling you into a tight hug. You melt into her touch, knowing you had accepted you may never get it again. 
You think of all the times you’d gotten the same hug from her, the innate soft care and compassion the woman had offered you, the same one she’d passed down to her son. 
You pull back, smiling at Javy’s sister-in-law (it seems like James had finally put a ring on it) and the little boy she holds in her arms. “Hi Scarlet.” 
The girl gives you a big grin. “How you doing?” 
“I’m good.” You answer. “Yeah, I’ve been good.” 
She smiles. “Good to hear.” She glances over Lydia’s shoulder. “Would you want to hold baby Jameson here for a minute while Dia and I go grab something from outside?” 
Your eyes grow wide. “You want me to hold your baby?” 
She shrugs. “I trusted you enough back then, I doubt I can’t trust you now.” 
You swallow, nodding. “Yeah, yeah of course.” You take the boy gingerly from her arms as he grins up real big at you. The boy only has two teeth but it looks like the nub of a third is growing in. “You and James make really cute babies.”
“I know.” She says smugly, before heading outside with Lydia.
You bounce the baby in your arms gently, cooing at him softly. 
“I sort of feel like I’m watching some alternate version of my future right now.” You gasp, whipping towards the sound of the voice. 
Leaning up against the doorjamb is Javy. 
The same Javy you’d fallen in love with all those years ago, a fond and yet pained smile on his face as he sticks his hands in his pockets. 
“Self preservation doesn’t work if you’re not outside with all your friends.” You breathe out as Jameson starts making grabby hands for his uncle. Javy walks towards the boy, letting him take his finger. It quickly becomes his new favorite chew toy as he shrugs. 
You snort as Javy smiles down at the kid. “Wanted to change. Scarlet knew I was in here so now I’m kinda figuring she left him here with you so we’d have to be civil.” You swallow, all humor leaving you as your eyes dart around the kitchen. 
In all the years you’d been gone, the Mitchell-Kazansky house hadn’t changed all that much. Maybe there were a few more pictures on the fridge, a coupon for a new pizza place, new throw pillows on the same worn couch, but the small beach front property that was inherently them had remained the same. 
“I don’t- I never expected- How are you here?” Javy asks, finally landing on words after a minute of silence and restarted attempts. 
“Jake’s brother.” You say quietly. “I’ve been working with Tyler in Oklahoma.” 
Javy reels back, Jameson letting go of his finger as he does. The toddler is quick to shift his attention to your hair, tugging on it. You wince. “Okay, I probably deserve this.” You mutter after a particularly hard yank from the toddler’s fist. 
Javy snorts, and you think it surprises him as much as it does you as a shy, goofy smile flickers on his face. “In another life, you were probably his auntie.” 
The words are meant to be light-hearted but they’re like an iron punch as the breath gets knocked clean from your lungs. 
“Sorry, that wasn’t funny.” He dismisses as he crosses his arms. “So- Oklahoma huh? You liking it? The countryside is the last place I expected you to end up but you, uh- you look like you’re doing well.” 
You swallow around the lump that’s growing in your throat at the grief you’re having to confront earlier than you had anticipated. 
“I- Yeah, I like it out there. I’m good. Happy.” 
“I’m actually uh, not surprised to hear it. That you’re in Oklahoma. Just surprised at finally getting the confirmation.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, about a year ago, Fanboy had one of their streams on. He was just a casual fan, you know, background noise. The camera couldn’t have been on you for more than thirty seconds but I swore it was you. I made him go back and replay it a hundred times, I pulled up a hundred examples from other videos on the channel. The team was so convinced I was starting to lose it that Fanboy got banned from playing those streams anymore. Your hair was shorter in that first video, but I just- I knew it was you.” 
You hum, thinking to yourself. You’d appeared in the background of streams and edited videos countless times, but there had only been one haircut in two years. “It must’ve been after the rocket incident.” 
His eyes go wide. “The rocket incident?” 
“Boone still feels bad and Ty won’t let anyone really bring it up because it makes his blood pressure rise but imagine my surprise when I’m fiddling with something on top on the truck and Boone leans over on the console and accidentally sets off a rocket.” 
“That would only happen to you.” 
You snort. “I know. Most of the hair on one side was singed off anyways so I took the kitchen shears we have and chopped it all off in the back of the RV after we left urgent care.”
A beat passes as he drums his fingers against the countertop. “Hey, how long are you in town for?” 
“We’re supposed to leave sometime tomorrow, we’re gonna stop off in Vegas. Why?” 
“I was gonna see if you wanted to stop by the house. I’ve still got, actually quite a lot of your stuff. Like keepsakes and stuff your Mom tried to get rid of. If you wanted to swing by on your way out and pick through it.”
You nod. “Yeah, I should be able to fit that in.” You reach a hand out, nudging his shoulder. “Hey, how was Bob and Sophia’s wedding?” 
“The kind of classy country you can only imagine. It was so them.”
“Did you cry?” You tease and he ducks his head. 
“Maybe shed a tear or two.” 
“Hey, how’s your Mom?” You ask softly.
You remember all too well Javy getting that phone call. 
Four days before you were meant to defend your Masters thesis, Javy had gotten a call from his Mom, telling him that she had been diagnosed with DCIS — breast cancer. 
It had been non-invasive, thankfully, and after a quickly scheduled surgery, Lydia had expected to have a full recovery. 
Still — it had been a terrifying few weeks for Javy and you’d written out and deleted a hundred text messages to him on each anniversary of the diagnosis. 
“She’s good.” He says softly. “Still no signs of a return. Thanks for asking.” 
You nod. “I think about her a lot. And you, you know. How you all are doing. If she’s healthy, if you’re safe.” 
His eyes shine with a feeling you can’t quite name, but can describe only as a response to hearing words he never thought he’d hear but mean more to him then he’ll ever admit. 
“I think about you too. If you’re happy, if you’re happier than you were with me. If you found what it was you had been searching for.” He shakes his head, clearing your throat. “Grieving someone who was still alive-“ He lets out a low whistle. 
“I’m sorry.” You whisper. You know he hears you but he doesn’t say anything, letting the two of you exist in silence as baby Jameson babbles nonsensically.
“I can’t help but ask — you dating anyone?” 
The questions feels so stilted as you swallow. You knew he was trying to play at some cool nonchalance but he missed by a mile; it was obvious your answer meant a great deal to him. “I am.” He raises his eyebrows, clearly waiting for more information. “I have a girlfriend.” 
“What’s this girlfriend’s name?” 
You shake your head. “Don’t think it’s appropriate to bring her into this.” 
He sighs, letting his weight rest against the kitchen island. “I guess that’s fair. You were always more mature than me about stuff.”
The two of you sit in an awkward silence for a few minutes, the hollers of his friends from the back patio coming closer. You have a hundred questions for him and he probably has a thousand more for you but you both know you can’t ask them in this moment. His team must have come up off the beach and would probably be headed inside soon. His eyes flicker towards the back door, probably making the same assumptions as you. 
“Hey, do- do you think we could talk sometime tonight?” Your eyes flicker over to him, seeing the pain in them so clear. It feels unnatural to not reach out and smooth out the lines in between his eyebrows. “Now’s not the time but I- uh-“ He cuts himself off, shaking his head. 
You nod. “Yeah, we can. Just- later, okay?” 
You owed him closure. After the way you’d left, with the way you’d burned him, you owed him that at the very least.
Kate would understand. 
The backdoor slides open, the pilots shuffling in. Behind them, you can see the Wranglers, save for Kate and Tyler, take hesitant seats on the couches. It looks like Dexter’s still outside.
“Holy shit!” Omaha yells, sliding his sunglasses up. The pilots turn, a bunch of oohs being tossed up. 
“Does anybody else get the weird feeling we walked into some weird alternate timeline where her and Coyote got married and had kids?” Payback asks and Javy lets out a low groan. 
“Aliens.” Fanboy breathes out and his pilot tosses him a strange look. 
“It’s like seeing a ghost.” Natasha comments. 
“Yeah, a really bitchy ghost.” Omaha adds and you turn sharply, plopping the toddler into his uncle’s arms. 
“Would you look at that, some things really do never change. I still really hate your friends.” 
“Can I have a hug?” Jake blurts out, silencing his friends. 
You raise an eyebrow as you give him a once-over. “Um, I guess. If you put a shirt on first.”
Mickey hits his pilot as Jake disappears around the corner. “My alien theory isn’t so weird now, is it?” 
Payback winces, rubbing his stomach where Mickey had smacked him. “Nice to see you too Mickey.” You say, rounding the kitchen island. 
The boy gives you a nervous smile. It’s an odd look on the boy who’d always greeted you with a wide grin, home-cooked food, and a picture of his new Lego set. It’s an odd look for the kid who’d probably been your favorite of Javy’s friends, and definitely the closest to you, so long as no one said that in front of Bradley. (Bradley Bradshaw had taken it upon himself to name his role in your life as unintentional big brother). “Hey.” 
Jake reappears, having tugged one of Bradley’s old Top Gun shirts over his head. “Hi.” He says softly, stopping in front of you. “Can I have a hug now?” 
You sigh. “Fine, I guess.” 
You’re not sure what you’re expecting from Jake (a hug certainly wasn’t on the table) but his hug is tight, borderline painful as you hesitantly and awkwardly wrap your arms around his much larger and taller frame. You step back as someone clears their throat. Jake lets you go willingly as Boone reaches out for your wrist, tugging you to sit down in between him and Dani. 
Jake turns, facing the person who’s just walked into the house. 
“Knock knock.” She says and your head turns, catching sight of Lainey’s blond hair. Javi reaches around Boone, nudging your back, reminding you to breathe as Jake’s face lights up. “Wait, there’s two of you?” 
“Lainey! Didn’t think you’d make it! Yeah, uh, this is my twin brother Tyler. We, uh don’t talk much.” 
“Oh, we know.” You say under your breath, only loud enough for your friends to hear, and Boone spits out a laugh, Javi having to cough into his fist to cover up his own laughter. 
Tyler snaps, eyes narrowing, turning to you. “I thought you’d agreed to being on your best behavior.” 
“I didn’t say anything!” You defend, which elicits a loud laugh from Dani as Lilly throws out a “Stop being so hard on her T!” 
Tyler huffs, his hands fall to his waist and you have to bite back a giggle that eventually falls out anyways when you see Kate doing the same thing.
“You’re such a Dad, T.” You say through a laugh, shaking your head which elicits laughter from the whole group. 
Lainey turns as you talk, face softening. “I didn’t think any of us would ever see you again. Where you’ve been?” 
“Oklahoma!” Javy shouts from across the kitchen. It sends his friends into an uproar, reeling from the fact. 
“See, my aliens theory is looking more and more true!” 
Kate doesn’t want to admit that her stomach drops at the sight of your ex quietly slipping out the door after you but she knows it’s warranted given the way all his friends notice. 
“What’re the odds she gives Javy another chance?” Jake’s fiancé asks Jake. Jake lets out some discontented noise from the back of his throat before pushing himself off his seat on the floor and meandering into the kitchen. 
“I will put money on her coming back. I’m so Team Javy, you know this.” One of the other pilots (Fanboy, her brain recalls). 
“I’m team her staying in Oklahoma with her girlfriend. She’s earned that quiet life.” One of the girlfriends (Kaycee, she’s dating Phoenix, you’d run through all the possible attendees with her and Tyler in the car this morning in the quiet calm, dawn barely peaking over the horizon) pipes up with. 
“Of course you’re on her side.” One of the others says. “You always liked her more than the rest of us.” 
Kaycee’s eyes slide up to the man. “Well yeah, Payback, I was the one consoling at her at every group event when Hangman came down on her and made her feel unwanted. So of fucking course I don’t want her to get back together with the guy
whose friends made her feel like shit.” 
“You take that too seriously, K. We were obviously just fooling around, not our fault she’s too sensitive.” 
The girl’s eyes narrow at the man. “Omaha, so help me-“ 
“She’s not your piece of meat to fight over!” Dani finally bursts. The in-fighting stops abruptly as the attention turns to them. “I’m just saying- if she’s happy, can’t you just leave her be? She’s a person, not some object for y’all to fight about.” 
The group all but forgets Dani even said anything when the one with the glasses turns back to Bradley. “You really think she’ll take Javy back?”
“A hundred percent. You remember how she used to look at him. And he was ass over teacups for her. Remember that year she bought him the Saints jersey with his last name on the back and he near lost his mind the first time she stole it to wear?” 
“Dude, he wasn’t half as bad dating as he was before. Remember the first time he brought her to the Hard Deck and he insisted he buy every drink for her?” Mickey chimes in. 
“I remember when they came to the house for the first time to watch a movie and Mickey kept teasing her about not doing anything on the couch, I thought Coyote was gonna drown Mick in the pool. He was so desperate to impress her and yelled at us for potentially making it so she never talked to him again.” Bob adds through a laugh. “Which she totally did, she fucking loved him from the first time they matched. Remember how his hands used to start sweating cause he got so nervous around her?” 
She glances at Javi and Boone next to her, glad to see her own unease is mirrored on their faces. Lilly’s reminder from earlier resurfaces in her mind as she plays with tab on her soda can. 
She loves you Kate. She wouldn’t go anywhere in the world you ain’t. 
“Coyote’s always had a way with words around her. He’ll say the right thing, tell her he’ll miss her, and she’ll come back just like she was always meant to.” Phoenix comments and she swallows, looking down at her jeans. 
Javi and Boone both stand up next to her, a whispered conversation happening she doesn’t care to try and hear as their exit goes unnoticed. The discomfort and unease in her stomach grows, feeling her whole world tilt at the thought that someone may say something to make you realize you’d been wrong to come to Oklahoma, wrong to love her, and that you’d go back to the place you had belonged this whole time. 
She catches Tyler’s eye, a stormy look growing on his face. 
I don’t like this, it says. 
She didn’t either. 
“See, I’d ask if you’re just taking a breather, but I know you, so you’re definitely hiding.”
Your eyes shoot up at Javy as he gently shuts the front door to the house, moving to sit down on the porch swing across from where you’re resting your weight on the porch railing. 
“Yeah, well, when they start eating my food straight from my hands I think I have to bow out.” 
He grins at the memory. 
Just half an hour ago, you’d been trying to shove Boone off of you as he attempted to take a bite of your burger, crowded up into Lilly and Dani’s space more than they probably ever wanted you to be. Javi had leaned over, taking a huge bite of burger as it had been sitting in your hand farthest away from Boone’s reach and you’d frozen in shock when you’d seen what he’d done out of your periphery. 
Dexter had tried to save face, over the sound of Dani yelling about how foul the move was, by saying that usually the lot of you were much more civilized but Tyler and Kate had immediately refuted it with a unified no, we ain’t. It had been all the encouragement you needed to plop what was left of the burger in Javi’s hand and to disappear outside.
“They seem to really like you. That one, Boone, was telling me we weren’t allowed to have you back. You’re theirs now.” 
You sigh, crossing your arms. “They’re- they’re really good to me. They’re family.” 
“I’ll admit that’s kind of hard to hear. Rooster and Fanboy kinda seem to be under the impression that you still might come back. Mav too. If I play my cards right.” 
You let out another sigh, looking away from him. “Javy, don’t even go there. Please don’t start that with me, cause you aren’t gonna like what I have to say.”
He shifts, bending to lean on his knees as he does his best to catch your eye. “What can I say to fix this? What can I say to convince you to come home?” 
“Oklahoma is my home!” You insist, feeling frustration begin to tighten in your chest. 
“No the hell it isn’t. How many times did you say your heart belonged here? How many times did you say you were meant for city living by the beach? And now you’re telling me that you live on a farm in the middle of buttfuck nowhere Oklahoma and you just what, love your life? I don’t believe that. Not for a minute.”
A whimper of frustration slips out as your hands come down to scrub your face. “Javy.” You say shakily. “I am happy to have any kind of closure conversation you need to have to find peace and move on. But if this is going to be about you trying to convince me to come back to a life I don’t want anymore, then I will go back inside.” You say, mustering up a calm tone you don’t feel and he reels back as if you’ve hit him. 
“I just don’t understand.” He says softly and your shoulders deflate. “I love you. You were my whole world, I wanted everything with you. I don’t understand. Help me understand.” 
His voice cracks and the lump in your throat from earlier reappears. “I was- I was unhappy for a really long time Javy.” 
He immediately shakes his head, cutting you off. “No, no that’s bullshit. I know that’s bullshit. C’mon, was there someone else?” 
“Are you insinuating I fucking cheated on you?” You near shout, straightening up. 
“Well!” He matches the raise in voice, standing up from the porch swing. 
“That’s bullshit.” You say. “If I recall, I was 25, working a dead end barista job because the masters degree I went into thousands of dollars of debt for proved to be useless with a boyfriend who let his friends walk all over me! I didn’t just wake up that day and decide I was miserable Javy! It was a slow build, a build you contributed to!” 
The front door opens and shuts and you spare a glance to see Boone and Javi lingering by the front door. 
Later, they’ll confess to you that the only reason they’d ventured outside to interrupt the conversation is because the pilots inside had gotten so smug in their surety that Javy would convince you to leave Oklahoma to be with him, they’d started to worry about you being alone on the porch. 
Javi had hastily assured you that they didn’t think you couldn’t handle yourself, but he was afraid he’d hit all your guilty spots, Boone sure he’d say all the things you’d wanted to hear back then, and you’d leave the Wranglers without so much as backwards glance. They’d wanted you to know they had your back. 
They’ll admit it was selfish of them and Dani will tell them they’re stupid for not remembering how much you love your life here, and you’ll tell them that you’re not angry, that their intentions had been good. 
All their presence does now in this moment though is piss your ex-boyfriend off as he throws his hands up. “Can’t even have one conversation without your little fucking guard dogs, huh? Little side pieces behind your girlfriend’s back?” 
“Stop it.” You say sternly. “Stop going there. You know I was never unfaithful to you, you know that I never would’ve done that.” 
“I don’t know if I ever knew you at all. Not really. So yeah, who’s to say if you aren’t a cheater if you were quietly miserable enough to dump me and run halfway across the country.”
You groan, rubbing your temples. “God, you’re not listening to me. You didn’t listen to me then, you don’t listen to me now.” 
“All I ever did was fucking listen to you! You never shut up!” 
Boone lets out a “Hey man!” alongside Javi’s “Whoa there.”
“Don’t talk to her like that man.” Boone says. “Have some respect, that there’s a lady and she was a lady you cared a lot about, so be nice.” Boone drawls. 
Your ex fixes him with a glare that would’ve made a weaker man whimper, but Boone isn’t one to back down. He drives into tornados and shoots rockets at them for fuck’s sake. 
Unintentionally or not, Boone’s intervention gives you the pause you need to take a deep breath and collect yourself. “Javy.” You start, softer this time. His eyes snap over to yours. “I understand the anger and frustration and the confusion. I know that I left rather suddenly and I never gave you any explanation as to why. But you have to know, we were fighting all the time and I was so unhappy, not just in my relationship with you, but in my job and myself. And after Texas, I snapped. It was a catalyst event that permanently altered the course of my life.” 
His eyebrows furrow in confusion. “The fuck does Texas have to do with anything?” 
You sigh. “You keep saying that you still love me, yeah? The problem with that Javy is that you’re in love with a version of me that doesn’t exist anymore. That girl that you loved died in Texas and she’s never coming back.” 
“I still don’t understand.” You sigh, licking your lips as you glance at your friends. Javy’s voice is rising again but you know that you’ll never be able to get him to understand the truth without blowing up Jake’s spot. And truthfully, maybe it’s long past due. “We were in love, we were happy, you were my best friend. We go to Texas for Bob’s bachelor party and three days later, you’re dumping me to go hop on a plane to Oklahoma to never be seen again. That doesn’t make any fucking sense! What the hell does Texas have to do with anything?!” 
You move faster than you let your brain think about it, sliding through your friends as you push open the front door, striding through the foyer. You catch Bradley’s eye as you do so and he straightens. “Where the fuck is Jake?” 
Jake comes into view as he shuts the fridge, turning to face you. “What?” He asks tiredly, but judging by the look on his face, you think he already knows. 
“I want you to be honest.” You say, every bit of the calm you’d tried to collect slipping through your grasp as you inch closer to Dani and Lilly. “Tell them the truth about what happened in Texas.” 
“Are we really doing this?” He asks, plopping down on one of the bar stools by the kitchen island. 
“You owe me, Seresin. After everything you put me through, you owe me.” 
Jake sighs, scrubbing a hand down his face as Javy’s head swings wildly between the two of you. 
Just when you’re about to turn and accept the villain narrative these men had decided for you, Jake sighs again. “I asked her to lie about the rodeo.” He says quietly. “We never made it to shelter.” 
“So? A little wind, a little rain, that’s your excuse for going off the deep end?” Javy snaps but Jake isn’t finished. 
“We watched Steven die.” 
The silence that follows is one you never want to experience again as the whole room tunnels in on Jake. Lilly stands up, Dani not far behind her, nudging you towards the door and silently talking over your head to your friends but you feel rooted to your spot. 
“What?” Lainey asks first, pushing her self up as she takes shaky breaths. “You- you saw him die? And you never told me?” 
“Why didn’t you ever tell me that Jake?” Bradley asks quietly, a quiet concern and cool anger laced into the words. 
“I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking. I don’t know if I was trying to protect her or me but I did it anyways. It’s why I gave her Tyler’s number.” He says, finally raising his eyes to meet the room. “I’m the one who gave her Tyler’s info. When she dumped Coyote that day, I knew she was a serious flight risk in more ways than one and I- I knew if I could get her to Tyler, he’d take care of her. I knew she’d be safe with Ty. And I mean obviously he did.” He says, waving a hand at his brother and Kate. “I owed it to her after all this times I said those things about y’alls sex life, all those times I made fun of her behind your back. I mean, everything I said about her age or about how you guys wouldn’t work long-term so you guys would break up-“ Jake cuts himself off, sniffing. “I was awful to her under the guise of trying to be a good friend but I was a rotten friend and a rotten person and I’m sorry.” 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” 
You expect it to be Javy but it’s Tyler and you think you can see his hand shake as he pulls himself off of the couch. 
“Genuinely, you haven’t changed a day. You’re still that same piece of shit you were then, when you couldn’t bother showing up to our grandparents funeral, the people who raised us, because of some stupid little trophy. You’re out here a decade later making a poor girl in her twenties who was simply trying to exist with the guy she loved feel like her life isn’t worth living anymore, that she doesn’t offer anything of value to this world.” 
“But, I mean- it worked out right? she’s been with you guys and she’s happier than she’s ever been in her whole life.” 
“Oh, sure no, it worked out.” Javi intervenes. “If you discount the irreversible trauma and her inherent belief that she would always, eventually, force the people around her to see her as a burden, then yeah, it totally worked out.”
“Which we’re still working on undoing, by the way. Thanks for that. ” Dani comments dryly. 
“Okay, hey, hold on- that’s not all on Jake.” You interrupt and Bradley’s head swings towards you. 
“Are you seriously fucking defending him right now?” 
“I’m defending him because that’s wrong! What Jake did didn’t do anything other than reinforce an idea I have held about myself my whole life, Bradshaw! But you don’t get that, just like you never got it back then! You had two parents who loved you unconditionally and friends and all the support in the world! I’ve never had that! I grew up with a piece of shit family, I grew up with awful friends and an even worse ex-boyfriend, and you people refused to ever understand the life I came from! Don’t pin that all on Jake!” 
Lilly tugs on your arm, telling you to breathe and it’s the first time you realize you’re even crying. 
In a flash, you dig the keys for one of the cars out from Lilly’s pocket, turning on your heel. Your friends call out after you but you don’t listen to them as you wipe tears from your eyes, vision blurry as you make your way towards the car. 
And then someone’s there, wrestling the keys from your grasp. 
It’s Javi.
“I’ll take you wherever you want to go.” He says softly. “I just- don’t want you driving right now.” 
You nod, climbing into the car passenger seat. Once you’re in, Javi reaches over the console to give you a hug. It’s at an awkward angle and you can’t stop crying, but it’s warm and safe and all you need in that moment. 
“You’re gonna be okay, California. We got you.” 
“Where did you guys go?” 
Boone asks from his spot on the couch. He’s leaned up against Lilly, feet on Dani’s lap as Dexter putters around the kitchenette in your two bedroom suite Jake had paid for. 
“The beach.” Javi says, setting the keys on the entryway table. 
“Where’s Ty and Kate?” You ask.
It goes eerily quiet. “Um, they had to run an errand.” Boone says after a long minute. 
“I’m too tired to even unpack that.” You say, running a hand down your face. “I’m going to go shower.” 
You slip inside to the bedroom you and Kate had been sharing with Dani and Lilly, walking into the bathroom. After shedding your clothes, you step into the hot water. It soothing against your skin as you bite back a yawn. 
You’d told Javi to pick a beach, any beach, and the two of you had found a picnic table over looking the shore as you looked out at the moonlit waves. 
It had been a quiet, grounding peace that had settled over you as you had reviewed the events of the night. Javi’s quiet voice mixed with the crashing of the waves, soothing you as he talked about Miami, and the Tornado Tamers, and the military, and a hundred different things.
Now though, in the lull of noise, save for the quiet murmurs of your friends through the wall, guilt prickles at you underneath your skin, heavy and all consuming. 
It’s second nature, autopilot, climbing out of the shower and tugging on Kate’s sweatshirt, blindly pulling out a pair of sleep shorts from one of your bags. The bed that had once looked so appealing no longer looks comfortable as you have to work considerably to swallow around the rapidly growing lump in your throat. 
You open the door right as Kate and Tyler return to the hotel room. Tyler gives you a grin as he waves a bag in the air. “Look where we trekked to. Surprise.”
Normally, you would’ve grinned and laughed and said I’d pay good money to see the Midwesterners in an In-N-Out but now all you can do is shrink into Kate’s sweatshirt as you get the overwhelming feeling that you don’t deserve this. 
You don’t deserve Kate, you don’t deserve this team. Not this job you loved so much, not this life you’d carved out for yourself. 
Kate’s face falls as she closes the distance between the two of you. “What’s wrong?” 
“I’m so tired of feeling guilty.” You gasp out, a sob you hadn’t expected coming out. It leaves you scrambling for breath, coming in ragged pants. “I’m tired of feeling guilty for being happy, for having this job, for tricking all of you into thinking that I’m- that I’m worth something. I’m so tired of- of feeling guilty for leaving him and- and I’m tired of feeling guilty for living.”
Kate’s hug is tight, almost as if she lets go, you’ll slip right through her fingers. “Sweetheart.” She whispers into your shoulder as you hesitate to wrap your arms around her. 
“I don’t feel like I deserve it. I don’t feel like I deserve any of it. I didn’t feel like I deserved it then and I don’t feel like I deserve it now.” 
Kate lets you go, a soft look coming over her face as her hands find your face. You feel like you look worse than you ever have, tears sliding down your face, choking on your own words and sobs and snot. 
“Baby…” She says, so soft and tender, in that way that’s all Kate and usually makes you blush, makes you feel more seen then you ever have in your entire life. “You’ve had one hell of a go at life, I’ll admit you got a rough set of cards. But you- you went through something traumatic and you made the only decisions you could at the time. Those people- they’re angry at you because they feel bad for their friend cause he got hurt. And maybe we’re all a villain in someone else’s life but you shouldn’t feel guilty for doing what you need to do for you.” She takes a deep breath. “You didn’t deserve to die for him any more than I deserved to die for my friends. And for the first time, I really mean that. We don’t deserve to suffer or feel pain for the rest of our lives because of it, you know? It’s okay for us to continue to live and laugh and love — our mistakes, they don’t define us. We don’t have to live there.” Kate’s eyes are pleading, begging you to hear her and understand her; to believe her. 
You nod as she swipes a thumb to wipe away a tear. 
“You would never blame me for what my happened to my friends. You’d never say I should suffer in pain or in a life of exile because of it. You’d tell me for what it is — that it was a freak accident and it was out of your control. You can’t spend the rest of your life in those haunted what ifs and I know you’d never want that for me either.”
“Yeah.” Your voice is gravely, raw, but you can’t even focus on it as Boone’s lanky arms wrap around your frame. “Yeah, I hear you.” 
“Sides, even if it were your fault-“ 
“Boone!” Lilly chides, even as she wraps her own arms around you. 
“I ain’t saying it is! You people, you always assume the worst outta me-“ 
“Get to the point!” Javi’s exhausted voice comes from the kitchen. You snort, leaning your head into Boone’s shoulder. 
“Get on with it, Booney.” You whisper. 
“‘M just saying, even if it were your fault, it don’t change that your part of our family now. Always gonna be, no matter where them wind or tornados take us. Or what some stupid Navy guy says about you for that matter.” 
Boone squeezes you before he steps back. Lilly lets you go, albeit hesitantly and you wipe your nose on the sleeve of Kate’s sweatshirt. Javi’s hand finds your back, wrapping you into a tight hug as you turn.  
“You gotta start letting yourself believe you’re worthy of good things.” He mumbles into your sweatshirt. “Trust me, I- I get it okay. It was just as rough for me when I left StormPar, but Boone’s right. We’re a family.” 
You nod into Javi’s shoulder, squeezing the man before letting him go. You wipe your eyes, taking a breath. “Okay, okay, I think I’m good. Just been a hell of a night.” 
Javi nods and the room breaks into quiet chatter as the bags of food get passed around, burgers getting split up among the group. 
Tyler grabs your arm as you pad over to sit on the couch next to Kate. His hug is tight, the smell of cedar and campfire lingering on his flannel a far cry from the smell of jet fuel and whiskey that followed his brother. 
“You saved my life T.” You say quietly, even though no one would be able to hear you through the conversation at the couch. “The Wranglers saved my life. I hope you know that.” 
He squeezes you. “Nah, kid. We just loved you enough for you to see why you should stay. The saving part was all you.” 
“I need to go run an errand.” The table looks up at you, pausing around mid-conversation, breakfast plates forgotten. “So you guys can head out on the road ahead of us.” 
“What’re you up to?” Boone asks.
You shake your head. “There’s just something I gotta do before we head out.” 
“Some unfinished business?” Javi asks. 
“Something like that.”
The weather is unusually dreary, rain drizzling down on and off as you make the drive over the Coronado bridge. You park in front of the boys house, turning the key in the ignition as you turn to face Tyler and Javi in the backseat. 
“I’m not sure how long this is gonna take, but I’ll be back.” 
“Man, what am I supposed to do to entertain myself?” Javi moans and Kate turns, giving him a sharp glare. 
Late last night, after everyone had fallen asleep, you’d admitted to Kate that you didn’t think you could leave things with him like that, that you couldn’t live with yourself if you never gave him the closure he so desperately needed. 
Kate had told you, voice muffled, that she understood. That she’d stand by you in whatever conversation you wanted to have with him. 
“Go take a walk for all I care. It’s a nice neighborhood.” You say, before wrenching the car door opening, cutting off Javi’s bemoaned But it’s raining! as you slam it harder behind you than you normally ever would’ve allowed it to. 
You wince, already hearing Tyler scold you in your head as you stride up the expansive driveway, saying a silent thank you that Javy’s beat-up truck is sitting in the driveway. 
You force yourself to take a deep breath as you knock on the door. The blue paint is peeling more than ever you note, before it swings open, revealing Mickey. He’s donned in basketball shorts and a muscle tee and must’ve just come back from a run, based on the sweat and rain accumulated on him.
He almost doesn’t seem surprised to see you. 
“Hey.” He says, leaning against the door. 
“Hey.” You respond. “Is Javy here?” 
He nods, opening the door enough to let you inside and the oak shuts firmly behind you as you follow him through the familiar foyer to the couches in the living room. 
“You guys are not much for redecorating.” 
Mickey groans. “Kid, the fact that we’ve gotten anything on the walls as long as we lived in this place is a miracle in and of itself, you know that.” 
Despite the situation, you snort, recalling when the boys had enlisted you to build Mickey’s desk one time two years into them living here. “Oh, I remember.” 
“Coyote!” Mickey shouts up the stairs as you arrive next to the couch, nudging Jake. He gives you a soft smile, pushing himself up to give you a quick hug. 
“I’m really sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to ruin it.” 
Jake shakes his head. “‘S my fault. You and I both know there was probably no other outcome than that.”
The fabric of his Texas sweatshirt is soft as he squeezes you, letting you go as you hear footsteps on the stairs. 
You sigh, turning catching sight of your ex turning the corner. His eyes widen slightly at the sight of you and he tugs on the edges of his Saints sweatshirt. 
He’s nervous, you realize. The taste of that truth is bitter and acrid on your tongue. 
“We need to talk.” You say with more stern bravado then you feel and you force yourself to soften as Mickey lets out a low whistle. “And you, uh, said you had some of my stuff.” 
“We have all of your stuff.” Mickey comments into his protein shake. “It’s all in Bob’s old room.” He points with a finger over his shoulder, but you still know the way. 
You head in the direction to Bob’s room, tugging on the sleeve of Javy’s hoodie as you do. 
He follows you, shutting the bedroom door behind him as you scan the room. “When did Bob move out?” You ask as you pull a box out, sifting through the books. 
“Like two or three months after you left. Think he had plans to move out earlier but uh-“ Javi pauses and your eyes flicker up to study him. “I think they were concerned I’d do something stupid to myself if it was too much change at once.” 
You sigh, eyes fluttering shut as you squat and brace yourself against the box. “Javy.” You breathe out. 
“I’m really sorry about how last night went.” He says as he leans up against one of the taller stacks of boxes. “My Mom’s pretty pissed at me for how I handled myself. I’m mad at myself too. I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. Drinking or not, you didn’t deserve it. I was just- confused and frustrated and so hopeful it made me scared. I guess I never prepared myself for what it would be like to see you again, even though clearly-“ He says, gesturing to the room. “I always let myself keep that door open.” 
“Why did you keep this shit anyways?” You ask. “You coulda let my Mom toss all this shit out.” 
He shakes his head. “I couldn’t have. I- I always thought maybe you’d come home. That when you did come home, you’d roll your eyes about your Mom and want your stuff back. Fools hope I guess.” 
You let yourself fall to the floor in a cross-crossed position, scrubbing a hand down your face. “Javy, I am so sorry about how I left. You deserved a lot better than that from me, after everything you did for me. But I was scared and I ran and you got caught in that.”
“Every day since then, I’ve wondered what it was about me that wasn’t enough to make you stay. Did I not love you right? Did I do something to hurt you? Did I not stop when I should’ve?” He takes a sharp breath at the thought that he might’ve pushed you too far while being intimate as being your reason for running. “Every night for two years, I’ve laid in bed at night, going over every single detail. But last night, after hearing that it was Jake’s fault, I’ve gone over every what if. What if he had listened to you? What if he hadn’t taken you? What if I hadn’t gotten drunk that night before or- or had convinced you to stay? What if you had stayed home from the trip; what if Sophia had never asked you to be a bridesmaid? What if-“ 
“Javy, stop.” You stay sternly, pushing yourself up off the floor. “You can’t live in those what ifs. They’ll drive you fucking crazy. You can’t keep living in the past. And it ain’t Jake’s fault, much as we would all, himself probably included, like to lay the blame on him. We can’t go back and change it and we can’t live in that history neither. What happened, happened.” 
He lets out a breath. “You’re handling this better than me.” 
“I’ve had two years to process it. I’ve had two years in a new town with a new job and a new partner and new friends to heal from all of it. You haven’t even had two days to grapple with the truth.” You say as you pop the lid on the box. Your eyes scan the room as you let him process the information, trying to catalogue all that he has, what you need and what you don’t. 
“My Niall Horan shirt!” You exclaim, wrestling a box out of the corner of the room. “I’d been wondering what happened to this!” You pop the lid off, subsequently discovering your American Girl doll. “And Julie! I remember that year I went as her for Halloween and brought her over here. She was the highlight of the party for all the drunken idiots.” 
“That was the year of the dolls.” He comments from behind you. 
“Yeah, yeah, cause you guys all went as Ken dolls, except for Mickey, who went as Carlos from Big Time Rush, and I finally had to explain to you who they were after I made that joke, that they were the greatest boy band of our generation, on our second date.” 
“It’s crazy to think about now, how the yahoos could all see how I felt about you and I was still insisting we were just friends.” 
“Oh, enough time has passed. We can admit now that we weren’t just friends. We made out too much, in public no less, for that to be anywhere near platonic.” 
He doesn’t say anything for a minute and you turn, worried you’ve gone too far. His eyes are glassy, a fond smile on his face. 
“I really loved you, you know that?” 
He gives a half-shrug, looking down. “You can say what you want about being unhappy, about needing to leave, but I hope you know that I really loved you. I really cared about you and I really thought some day you’d come home to me. You were my best friend and I wanted to grow old with you. It just- it just feels like it didn’t mean anything to you.” 
A lump grows in your throat as he wipes a few tears away from his cheeks. You look down, unsure if you should admit the truth. 
“Javy, I found the ring.” 
“The night we got back from Texas, I accidentally found it. But it- it freaked me out. I was already walking such a fine line those days, so afraid and so mixed up from what happened, already so unhappy and I knew it was over then and there. Because I found it and pictured you getting down on one knee and tried to think of what I’d say and when I knew I’d say no, I knew I needed to end it.” 
He lets out a choked sob as you work your throat around the ever-growing lump, knowing you have to finish this conversation, as much as it pains you. 
“Javy, of course it meant something to me.” You say, unclenching your hand from where it’s fisted in the dark blue material of the t-shirt. You set the objects down back in the box, taking a few steps towards him. “Javy, I did love you. Really. You were my first real boyfriend, my first serious boyfriend, my first. I thought the world of you and you were my best friend too. Okay, my favorite times were when we would stay up all night laughing or- or all those times we just existed together. But both things can be true — you can have hurt me, I can have been unhappy, and we both can still have loved each other the best we could’ve at the time.” You say, taking another step towards him. “But that’s what I keep trying to tell you. That girl that I was with you, that person you fell in love with, she doesn’t exist anymore. I’m not that version of me anymore.” Javy only looks at you as he cries as you cling to the hope that this time he’ll finally listen.
“Can I have a hug?” He croaks. You nod, reaching out for him and he’s quick to tug you into his embrace, as if you might change your mind waiting a hair of a second longer. 
His hug is tight, and you can feel the way his tears wet your pale yellow Oklahoma crewneck, the same way you know you’re soaking his Saints hoodie. 
It’s weird, because hugging him doesn’t feel like coming home like it used to. 
It’s weird, because it feels like the door on this part of your life is finally shutting behind you. 
You think you’re at peace with it.
“You sure you won’t come back?” His muffled voice sounds. 
“You know I can’t.” He whimpers as you  shake your head. “I’d be coming back to a place that isn’t my home anymore, a life that isn’t mine. Javy, you have to let me go. If not for me, then for yourself.” 
“I don’t know how.” He pleads into your shoulder. 
“It takes time.” You whisper. “But one day it won’t hurt so much. I promise.”
You aren’t sure how long the two of you stand there, but finally he lets you go, stepping back as his back hits the wall, sliding down. You take that as a sign that you can get back to sorting. 
“Hey, you’ve asked me a lot of questions about what’s changed since you been gone. Can I ask you questions about what you’ve been up to?” He asks, voice watery and raw. 
“Seems only fair.” You say, squatting down to rifle through a box full of high school memorabilia. 
“Are you dating Kate?” 
You swallow, glancing at him as you pull out your yearbooks. “Yeah, I am.” 
“I figured.” 
“How’d you figure it out?” 
“She looks at you like how I used to.” He says with a shrug as he stretches his legs out in front of him. Upon seeing your dubious look, he lets out a wet laugh. “She just- she always found a reason to be next to you last night. She always brought you into conversation, looked for you when you weren’t with her, looked for you even when you were with her. It was obvious she cared a great deal about you and I sort of guessed she was who you didn’t want to bring into this.” 
You shake your head. “This isn’t her fight. She’s got my back, I know that, but this didn’t need to involve her if I could help it. It was between me and you.” 
“She seems cool.” He finally comments after a minute. 
“Freaky genius and all the wit to match.” 
“Like you.” Your cheeks warm at the compliment as you untangle the honor cords. “She make you happy?” 
“Honestly?” You say and he nods. “I see my whole life with her in a way I’ve never seen it before. She’s my best friend and my partner. I love her to death and there’s nowhere in this world I wouldn’t follow her.” 
“You guys have any pets?” 
“Two dogs and a cat.” 
“Jesus, is this farm you live on really a zoo?” 
“I think her Mom feels that way sometimes.” You say with a chuckle. “No, the team has Buttons, but he’s really Boone’s if you want to get into it. Ty’s taken on a dog I named Enid by sheer force of will from this dog. And Kate and I adopted a kitten named Peaches about this time two years ago. Ty and I are getting horses in October too.” 
“So… you and Kate living together?” 
You shake your head. “No. Not yet, anyways. Technically, I got a small two bedroom apartment in Tulsa I rent with the other Javi but he’s almost always somewhere in Arkansas with Boone in the off-season and I spend all my time with Kate on her farm when we aren’t out on the road.”
“They seem like really good people.” 
“They’re some of the best. Hey, are you still in touch with Elle?” 
Javy’s eyes widen. “Your friend from grad school? Some, why?” 
“You should ask her on a date.”
“No- No, I couldn’t.” 
You fix him with a look. “Why not? I bet that girl is still enamored with you.” 
“She was your best friend, that would be wrong.” 
You shrug, setting aside a snow globe. “We ain’t together anymore and Elle and I ain’t friends anymore. And trust me, if you and I hadn’t been what we were when Elle came into my life, Elle would’ve a hundred percent gone after you. And I wouldn’t be mad you know. You deserve to move on.” 
“Not with one of your friends.” 
You click your tongue. “I’m just saying…”
Kate’s drumming her fingertips on the edges of the door as the minutes tick by, the gnawing in her stomach resurfacing as the time drags on. Javi huffs for the millionth time, blowing a stray curl away from his face as a blue Bronco passes them, pulling up to park in the driveway. 
Javi leans forward, peering over the center console to study the two men climbing out of the Bronco through the windshield. “Hey Ty, isn’t that your brother’s fiancé?” 
Tyler looks up from his phone, glancing out his window. When he finally responds, his voice is impossibly tight, making her wince. “Kate, where exactly are we right now?” 
Upon her non-answer, Tyler pulls himself from the car, a colorful swear leaving his mouth as Javi follows right behind him. She scrambles out of her door, tugging on the two men’s arms. “Stop it.” She pleads, causing them both to turn. “Look, I don’t like it either but I gotta respect the fact that she wants closure. I’d do anything to have that, you know that.” 
Tyler yanks his arm back, striding across the lawn towards the two men as they let themselves in the house. Bradley’s eyes are wide as he catches sight of Tyler, shouting into the house. 
She groans when Tyler shoulders past Bradley and Pete, Javi still hot on his heels. “I am so sorry about them.” She apologizes to the two men as they shut the front door. 
“Tyler.” Jake growls, yanking on his brother’s arm. “I will sit on your head like I did when we were kids.” 
“I am not gonna let you do this to her again. For two years, my team has been putting that girl back together, putting together pieces of her you broke.” Tyler snaps, poking his finger into Jake’s chest. 
“Yeah? And he’s waited two years for this conversation, to finally get closure. They need this. And if you interrupt it, so help me God.” Jake says as he pushes his brother towards the couch. Jake takes the hint, sitting as Javi hesitantly follows suit. After a few moments of awkward silence, Kate clears her throat, catching Tyler’s eye. She jerks her head to his brother and he shakes his head. She does it again, causing Pete to glance up at her. 
“Are you okay, kid?” 
“Tyler.” She crosses her arms. “You know she doesn’t want you to leave it like this.” 
Jake’s eyes flicker up at her, giving her an eery sense of deja vu. It had been a strange adjustment, seeing a carbon copy of a person they all knew and loved, but yet acted so different. Whereas Tyler was rough around the edges, thick cowboy country accent and swear words that would make milk curdle and friends with everyone, ever the life of the party, Jake had kept a lot to himself the night before. He held himself together, never in anyway that would indicate cracks in his well-maintained image. She saw him let loose a few times with his friends, eager to hear about your and Tyler’s lives, and always polite to the Wranglers but there was a certain detachment from it all that Tyler lacked. 
“Tyler, I am sorry.” Tyler grunts, crossing his arms. Jake sighs before trying again. “For all of it. Genuinely. I know you’re thinking I’m real selfish right about now and I’m thinking it too. I’m sure she didn’t let up to the worst of it and I’m really sorry about all of it. But I didn’t call you for some sick or twisted reason of hurting her. I called you here because you’re my brother and I want you here. I want you to see this life that I’ve built for myself, cause I’m finally happy, and I- I want to share it with you.”
“Oh, you mean the life you were too busy building to come to our grandparents funeral? Some life.” Tyler scoffs. 
Jake’s shoulders fall. “Ty, I’m sorry.” He whispers. “You’re my brother, you were my best friend, and there hasn’t been a day that goes by that I don’t regret stepping up when it mattered. No stupid trophy or promotion was ever worth losing you.”
Tyler swallows, letting out a deep breath but doesn’t say anything further and Jake clearly accepts that that’s all he’s going to get out of him. He turns to Kate. “Is she happy? With you?” 
“Yes.” Javi blurts out. “So happy.” 
She peers down at her friend, who has a rapidly growing sheepish grin on his scarlet face. “The way you say that makes it sound like we aren’t happy.” 
“Just have to make the point.” 
She gives an exaggerated roll of her eyes. “You’re ridiculous.” She turns back to Jake and Bradley. “Yeah, yeah she really is happy.” 
“Does this mean I can go back to watching the Wranglers streams now or am I gonna get yelled at again? Cause now that you think about it, we all kinda gaslit Coyote.” Fanboy calls from across the kitchen. Tyler turns, giving the boy a curious look. 
“Mickey used to watch your guys streams until I started appearing in them.” You comment, appearing next to Kate. She jumps a little, taking you in. Your face has the remnants of tears, voice raw, but there’s a lack of weight in your body she’s been seeing you carry ever since she’s known you. You wrap your arms around one of Kate’s leaning your head on your shoulder after setting a plastic tub on the ground. “They all convinced him,” You say, jerking your head towards your ex. “That he was losing his mind. Also, how come my errands never get to just be my errands? What part of stay in the car until I got back did we not understand?” 
“I tried to stop them, really I did.” Kate protests. You let out a quiet laugh, hiding your face in the back of her shirt. 
“Have T and Jake made up?” You say quietly. She shakes her head and you sigh.  
“No, and we’re leaving.” Tyler says, cutting you off as he pushes himself off the couch. “With the way Boone drives they’re probably halfway to Vegas by now.” 
“That’s physically not possible.” Kate mutters and you snort. 
“Tyler, I don’t want you to leave things like this.” 
“That’s not your choice.” Tyler says gruffly, stalking to the front door. Both you and Kate wince as he slams it. 
“I don’t know where he thinks he’s going, I still have the keys.” You say, finally letting go of Kate. “It’s my car anyways.” You mutter under your breath before sighing. “Anyways, we should really be on the road because Boone’s probably stopped at the alien tourist stop in Bakersfield by now.” 
“If Tyler complains about traffic again, can we take a group vote to leave him on the side of the road?” Javi asks as he cranes his head up at you. 
“We’re not leaving Tyler on the side of the road.” Kate says with a tired sigh. 
“Even if he walks to Vegas?” Javi protests earning a tired laugh from you. 
“Okay Kate, will you drive?” She nods as you hand her the keys, Javi standing up from the couch. “Javi, take that.” You say, pointing to the box. “I’m going to be out in just a minute.”
You wait for the door to shut behind them before turning to Jake. “Okay Jake, you can have your real hug now.” He grins as you pull him into a hug. “Don’t worry about him. It’ll take time.” 
“I’m sure with a couple hours trapped in a car with you, he’ll cave and call.” Jake says softly, forced humor in the words. 
(It would take three weeks, an incessantly annoying three weeks on your part, before Ty got so frustrated with you he’d called Jake while sitting on top of his truck on the ranch in Arkansas. You’re still not sure what they talked about, what was said, but by the end of the week, Tyler walked into the house with a wedding invitation on fancy card stock Tyler teased Jake endlessly for.) 
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, though.” You say, squeezing him. “Let bygones by bygones. I have.” 
He hums. “Take care of yourself.” 
Bradley gives you a brief hug. “I’m glad you’re happy and safe kid. That’s all I would’ve ever wanted for you.” 
“Hope you weren’t too hard on Jake.” 
“No more than the normal amount.” 
“The normal amount is zero.” 
Bradley laughs. “You’re being more fair to him than he deserves, hope you know that.”
“Something something time space therapy.”
You reach your arms out for Pete and he stands up, giving you a grin, as Bradley laughs harder. “Don’t do anything out there that I would do.” 
You laugh. “No promises.” You pad over to Mickey, giving him a tight hug. “If you ever decide you get tired of the pilot life and want to become a storm chaser, you let me know.” Mickey laughs. 
“You’ll have to unblock me first.” You cringe at the reminder and pat his back. 
“Done. You take care of yourself.” He gives you a two finger salute, letting you step back. 
You turn back to Javy, who’s mostly kept to himself through the whole conversation. “Come here you.” He looks surprised you’re offering him another hug, but he returns it nonetheless. “You be safe out there, you hear me.” 
“Yes ma’am.” He whispers. “Don’t get sucked up into a tornado.” 
“I’ll try my hardest. And uh, really do think about my Elle suggestion.”
You both linger for a minute longer before eventually he pulls away. “You sure that’s all you want to take?”
You shrug. “Yeah, I got what I need out there. Sell the rest of the stuff, make a quick buck off of me. It’s the least I can do.”
He chuckles, shaking his head. “Sounds like a deal. Uh, can I walk you to the door?” You nod and he trails behind you quietly. “So this is uh, really goodbye.” 
“Seems like it.” 
“I’m uh, really happy you found what you’re looking for. I can only hope I’ll find it someday.”
“You will.” You say quietly. “I’m really sorry it didn’t work out between us.” 
“It’s for the better it seems.” 
You nod. “Well-“ You clear your throat. “Goodbye Javy.” 
The door shut behinds you with a soft thud. You sigh, padding across the wet grass as you slip in the seat next to Kate. As she pulls away from the curb, Javi asks how you’re feeling. 
“It’s stupid.” You mumble. “But I keep thinking of this Taylor Swift lyric.” 
“Not this again.” Tyler mutters and through the rear view mirror you can see Javi flick his ear. 
“What is it?” Kate asks softly. 
“It’s just this one line — what a valiant roar, what a bland goodbye. It’s just odd, I think. I did really love him at one point and I did really think maybe I’d spend the rest of my life with him, that those would be my best days. And it all just kind of ends here.” You sigh, settling back into your seat. “But- I don’t know. I’m not mad about how it all happened, I guess. It lead me here.” 
Tyler lifts his chin, giving you a soft yet sincere smile through the rearview mirror. “And we’re happy to have you here.” 
“So,” Kate starts from the balcony of your Vegas hotel room. Your friends are fast asleep inside, all piled somewhere on the beds pushed together. You’re pretty sure when you left, Boone had pushed himself in between Tyler and Javi and was snoring. “I’ve been sort of- I kind of have something I’ve been wanting to talk to you about.” 
You glance at your girlfriend. “Yeah?”
She nods. “Last night, when Javi and Boone left cause of the bad feeling they got- they weren’t the only ones who felt that. It kinda made me sick, hearing them talk about you like that, and thinking about the fact that you might actually do it. That you might remember that you liked your life there better and leave Oklahoma.” She takes a sharp breath. “Leave me.”
“I know I’m not really the best at- at always showing you how much you mean to me, that sometimes I get caught up in chasing the storm, in actually making it all mean something, that I forgot about how great of a thing I have. I’m trying really hard not to take it for granted, because I did once and I can’t- I can’t go through that again. To lose you would be one of the greatest losses of my life.” 
“Kate, I love you. You aren’t gonna lose me, I’m not going anywhere. I only want to be with you, there isn’t any other life for me except for the one right next to you.” 
She reached up, brushing away an eyelash that had fallen onto your cheek. “I think I’m sort of starting to understand that now.” She reaches out for your hand. “Listen, I‘ve sort of- sort of been keeping my eye on some places going up for sale in Sapulpa. I know my Mom doesn’t mind having us around but I think maybe it’s time we give her back her peace and quiet.”
She reaches a hand up, tucking a hair behind your ear. “We can keep the barn as home base but I found this really cute place for not too bad of a price while we were driving out here. I sort of scheduled a tour with the realtor for the day after next.” She’s wearing a soft, cautious smile.
“Kate,” Your breath hitches. “Kate Carter, are you asking me to move in with you? Are you asking me to buy a house with you?”
She gives a sort of nonchalant shrug. “If that’s what you want.” 
“I- Yes, of course that’s what I want!” You exclaim, belatedly realizing you may wake your friends. Well, not Boone at least, who sleeps like the dead. Your voice drops considerably. “Yes, yes I would love that.” 
Kate gives you a grin, reaching out to tug on the elastic band of your pajama pants to bring you closer to her. You laugh, colliding into her. Your hands brace yourself on her shoulders as Kate smiles wider than you think you’ve ever seen her. 
“I love you so much.” She whispers. “How lucky am I.”
“I hope it’s like this forever.” You say softly. “I know, there’s no guarantee and eventually, they’ll find other things. But I hope it’s always this easy, you know? Not just with us but with them too you know? They might not be the Wranglers forever but I hope they’re our family forever.” You say, turning your head to look at your friends through the glass. 
You feel the outline of Kate’s smile on your cheek. “They will be. I promise. No matter where we all go, they’ll still be here. Can’t take the home out of Oklahoma, right?”
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ex-textura · 6 months
Bloodweave headcannon: Astarion and Tara DO NOT GET ALONG. With what she says at the epilogue party about the romantic partner taking Gale away from her? No way Astarion would take that attitude with grace, so he and Tara are quiet enemies (maybe bit of frenemies?), glaring at each other over Gales shoulder and pretending to be innocent while he is looking. He knows, of course, but just rolls his eyes at them and appreciates that they care enough to try to hide it around him.
I love this! Yes!!!
These two are, at their core, two cats who have been forced to cohabitate and are NOT having it! They both love Gale so they're gonna bite their tongues. Most of the time. But they are absolutely spitting and hissing behind his back.
And he just pretends he does not see. Best not to rock that boat. Let his loves have their dignity.
But if anyone even looks at Astarion wrong? Tressym fireball to the face! And don't you dare call her a cat she is a Tressym! Thank you very much she may be his mortal enemy but show the lady some R E S P E C T!
You're so right. You're. So. Right!
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 7 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Part 3
Danny would guess they'd gone about 20 miles by the time he'd stopped. They were well within Siren Territory by then, not that that was any comfort, considering the source of most of the trouble in the last six months, but distance was distance. Thankfully, none of his usual enemies bothered to rear their heads, likely licking their wounds from their last encounters.
In a tiny cave blocked off by kelp and coral, Danny leaned back against a wall and caught his breath. Damian had been silent for most of the swim, which was a small blessing. It let Danny think; think about what happens next. The tiny siren loosened himself from Danny's arms, and did a few cursory flaps of his fins.
"Where have you been taking me?" Damian mumbled.
"Around. Can't exactly double back to Amity right now." He hoped Bruce Wayne was an accepting man. He'd adopted kids from all manner of backrounds, but that didn''t help the same nagging uncertainty that plagued him whenever he thought about his own parents. If he'd just doomed Damian to a life without his father, he didn't know if he could live with himself.
Damian floated to the other side of the cave, his eyes on Danny the whole time, arms crossed in a scowling expression.
"And then?"
"I don't know. I give you back to your dad? I wasn't exactly planning out every step earlier."
"Then what were you thinking?" Damian's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Do you suggest I return to the public, to school looking like this? I can hardly breathe over water, let alone walk."
"I don't know! I just..." Danny poked his finger webbing. "I've been doing this for six months. And the whole time, even if it was hard and painful, I never lost someone. No one ever, well." Danny swallowed thickly.
Damian huffed. "You are a poor excuse of a hero."
"I failed you, there's no denying it. I was too late, and I let you drown. I'm sorry. There was no other way, I swear."
Danny looked up to Damian again, but the smaller boy looked away, his expression unreadable. "Take me back."
Yeah, that wasp probably the best he could do for Damian now. Bruce Wayne was probably having the mother of all freakouts, and if Damian never wanted to see Danny again, then that was fine. He was sure the world's richest man would be able to accommodate Damian's needs just fine. Rich people were weird like that.
It took some begrudging glares, but Damian at least allowed Danny to take his hand and use his much better swimming skills, but Damian didn't look very happy about it. Then again, today was probably the worst day in the kid's life.
They were approaching the island at rapid pace, its lustrous palm trees swaying in the distance, a promise of stability, and safety at last.
Motors hummed in the water. Danny's blood froze. Immediately he submerged and ducked near the sea floor.
"What is this delay for? Let me see." Damian pushed against Danny's hand, but the older boy kept firm.
"Patrol boats. Dozens of them. And they're all on high alert. And they've got Fenton tech. Shit."
"Can't you swim past them?"
Danny sputtered. What was this kid thinking? He wasn't some god of the sea! "I can't fight thirty boats by myself! They're gonna skewer us both!"
"What about your camouflage?"
"That would've worked a couple months ago, but these guys have got Fenton Sonars."
Damian did a double take. "The Fentons? You mean the town crackpots?"
Ouch, his parents were a little obsessed, but they definitely weren't crazy. Not anymore. "The town siren hunters. And yeah maybe Jack's not great at hunting, but their inventions work. I've got a scar or two to prove it."
"My father is on that island." Damian growled. "You have to do something."
"But it's not your dad on those boats, is it?" Danny furrowed his brow. "Those guys don't see you as human, or even sentient. They think you're another monster to be studied."
"No thanks to you." Damian challenged.
Danny growled back. "I was saving you! And now you wanna be un-saved?"
They glared into each other's eyes. Danny should really feel bad about squaring up to this literal child, but man was he difficult not to get annoyed at. Deep breaths, Danny, deep breaths. This was going to be more difficult than he imagined.
Damian glared at Phantom, the supposed siren superhero of Amity Park. He wanted to scream, to yell and to cut something open, preferably Phantom, if he weren't his only ticket home, and if only he had his weapons on him.
Such a loss of composure would be beneath him, so he remained stubbornly defiant.
As much as he wished for it not to be the case, Phantom was in all likelihood correct. This horrid, horrid body was new to him. Dozens, no, hundreds of foreign sensations flared from every part of his person, each impulse sending his body wobbling in new, unexpected directions. He would never get through the blockade on his own, which killed half of his initial plans. These blasted sonars killed the other half.
Damian grit his teeth. "Fine." He said, despite the embarrassment welling up at having to admit defeat. "But this conversation is not over."
"I bet." Phantom said, the infuriating cur.
By Damian's estimates, it should have been around midnight when Phantom stopped. They took refuge underneath a larger cave, filled with sparse furniture, a rug and some tables, with dark green curtains over the entrance. Small glowing jellyfish provided faint light. It seemed like the hopelessly domestic scene Jonathan would enjoy.
Damian slithered (He didn't crawl or shuffle. He was too dignified) into the corner of the cave, where he assumed a defensive position and poured all his seething hatred into glaring at Phantom.
"Welcome to Casa de Phantom! Or at least one of them. I've got a couple hideouts here and there. I'd say 'make yourself at home,' but I guess you beat me to the punch." Phantom said with a laugh. How dare he!
Damian hissed. "Tt. I am taking advantage of the opportunity for respite while taking necessary precaution against a rogue element."
"A rogue element? I don't know if you're serious or just pulling my tailfin."
"Do not test me, Phantom."
"Right. Look, I'm gonna go get us some food, so just stay put or something or other. I won't be long and then we can talk about where we go next. Oh, and don't touch anything!"
Damian growled at him again for good measure. Phantom exited the cave in short order, leaving Damian with ample opportunity for investigation. He wouldn't be a Robin if he didn't seize this opportunity.
Damian uncoiled himself and pulled his body along the soft sand. The grains tickled and pricked at his scales. The tables held a number of different gadgets and tools. Human clothes like t-shirts, a few vests and belts were scattered around. The bench held various strange devices, like a glowing blue lipstick, and a thermos of all things. Damian knocked on the thermos, the clanging sound confirming it was hollow. The most incriminating detail of all, however, was the distinctive F logo branded onto the side of each and every device.
How does a siren with no legs acquire so many inventions from siren hunters? He supposes they really are better siren hunting inventors than proper fighters. It was a miracle Jack Fenton hadn't drowned by now, considering how he conducted himself in a fight.
The thermos was lightweight, its metal settling gently against his webbed hands. Videos of Phantom's exploits have been scarce, and grainy, showing very few useable details. Various buttons and lights adorned the thermos, showing it was no ordinary soup holder.
Damian popped the cap off. The thermos' interior contained a circular mechanism of some kind. "What in the world?" Surely this could not be a weapon. The cylindrical design and lack of handholds would have made it too unwieldy. The kickback from any shot would throw off the wielder's aim every time. As Damian peered and tried to get a closer look, his finger slipped on one of the buttons. Blast.
The thermos whined. Its interior glowed blindingly bright. Before Damian could react, a blue beam engulfed his body. Damian felt his body warp and compress into a tiny space, before his vision went dark.
Damian awoke, vision blurry and head pounding. Phantom's smug face floated above him.
"And that's why I told you not to touch anything."
Damian shook off the grogginess and sat up, almost colliding with Phantom's face. "What manner of trap was that? Were you attempting to disfigure me once again for your sick pleasure?! En garde!"
Damian was no good swimmer in this form, but it was easy to launch himself off the floor and into Phantom. Phantom, for his part, didn't sit idly like the last time. He raised his arm and blocked off Damian's access to his neck, a shame, but that did not stop Damian sinking his teeth into Phantom's flesh.
That is, if he could actually penetrate his skin.
Damian blinked in shock. Sirens were supposed to have razor sharp teeth. He'd seen those fangs in Phantom's own mouth. He should be drawing blood right now, but as he was he was barely denting Phantom's scales.
Phantom laughed, as if it just tickled. "Dude, I literally let you out of the thermos. It's not a 'trAP to diSFiguRe yOu fOR mY sIcK PleaSuRe,' it's just a containment device for sirens. Also can you stop that please, it tickles."
Damian flung himself off of Phantom's arm, retreating back into his corner. "How have I not drawn blood?! This is madness!" Damian sucked in breaths through his gills, an endlessly foreign and vulnerating sensation. "The only useful thing about this body was supposed to be its natural offensive capabilities, yet it is unable to achieve even that!"
"Siren kids just have blunter claws and teeth. Youngblood's the same."
"Do not call me a child!"
"Your claws will grow in over time, it's just the nature of things."
"You say that as if you will not return me to my true human form."
Phantom shifted uncomfortably.
Damian pressed. "Well?"
"Yeah about that..."
"Do not tell me you have no way to reverse it!"
Phantom's look of guilt sealed it. Damian's heart sank. Goodbye Robin, goodbye previous life. All his hard work and sacrifice for naught. Phantom had saved him from death by drowning, but suddenly Damian felt as if he were better off dead anyway.
Tears built up. What was happening to him? He hadn't cried since he was five years old, a show of weakness that grandfather had beaten out of him. Then again, he was really one year old back then, artificially grown to a competent age.
"H-hey, d-don't cry or anything, I was just-"
"I am not crying!" Damian shouted. He turned away from Phantom and stuffed his face into his tail, praying somehow the tears would go away on their own. He was Damian Wayne, son of Batman and daughter of Talia Al Ghul, there was no such thing as crying for him, none at all. There had been nothing, absolutely nothing he had been unable to overcome. He was going to overcome this, no matter what. These things he knew.
Why had this feeling not abated?
There had to be a solution, there just had to be. There had to be some kind of surgery that could split his tail into legs again. No that was absurd, what kind of quack surgeon can completely alter someone's species? Perhaps magic instead? Normally he hated the involvement of magic, but if it was the only way. Perhaps Zatara could assist, or he could pawn something off to that Constantine. But nothing ever good happened from associating with that man. Or maybe Aquaman would have a solution, someone well versed in oceanic magic, except Aquaman's claim of being king of the ocean was doubtful considering the siren attacks that lead him and Father to this forsaken resort town in the first place. What if... What if....
Damian felt lightheaded.
A weight pressed on Damian's body. Warm scales against his own, their individual texture segmented, but smooth, like a kind of weighted blanket. A hand laid on his shoulder. Damian remembered where he was, remembered to perform the mental exercises Father had taught him.
Slowly, his breathing evened out. His fins steadied into a gentle lull. Damian's eyelids felt heavy. His chest vibrated in a strange rhythm he couldn't place...
Suddenly the weight disappeared, and Damian blinked himself awake. Phantom retreated a sociable distance away, looking sheepish.
"Sorry, about touching you without your consent, I just saw you were hyperventilating, and I remembered a few classes about this stuff, and I watched that film too, Puss in Boots 2, it was great and-"
"Do sirens watch human media often?" Damian said. He gripped his tail, something solid to keep him anchored.
Phantom seemed to freeze for a moment. "Uhm well, maybe they do! just because we're sirens doesn't mean we're uncultured!"
Damian would have loved to pick this information apart, scan it for weaknesses until he knew this person in and out, but at this moment, he simply sat and let it settle underneath the shame of expressing similar, or even more weakness.
"Speak of this to anyone, and I will have your head."
"Yeah that would be a dick move, so if I ever did that, feel free to take it."
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yu-huuuu · 2 years
𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘥;; 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦
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[ 🌸 ] uchiha version
characters: itachi uchiha; obito uchiha; madara uchiha; sasuke uchiha; shisui uchiha
genre: fluff
warnings: none, fem!reader, umm mentions of the word v*gina i guess?, also mentions of menstrual pads annnd colics
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itachi uchiha
* oh boy
* itachi is a genius
*He really is
* But being a genius doesn't mean he knows what he should do with you sometimes
* Especially these days
*Fortunately, Itachi had the fortune to work with women in the past when he was in ANBU so you could say he has experience
* Are you experiencing mood swings because you don't like something? Itachi will take care of it right now, don't worry. Are you cold? “Come here my dear, I'll keep you warm until you feel better”
* He is a good cook, so he will make you something delicious for you to eat
* "Love? This is good?". "Yes, but... isn't that a lot of food?" "Not at all my love, I want you to feel good"
* Sometimes you think that he just wants to fatten you up with the large amount of food that he prepares for you
* Did you say chocolates? Do you want chocolates? Then just tell him the Brand and the flavor you want or any type of sweet you want
* Do you want ice cream?, Right now you gonna have it (it brings you ten different boats of ice cream in case you want a different flavor every day that you are in your days)
* Oh no, did the compress get cold? And the pain doesn't go away? Don't worry, he'll take care of it
"Hmm?, what are you doing Itachi?"
"Heh, don't worry love, it's just a little jutsu" said your beloved boyfriend as he put his big hand on your aching belly
"But what is it...? oh-", Just at that moment Itachi's hand began to heat up, apparently the compress would no longer be necessary ;)
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obito uchiha
* Day of the month?
* Is today??
* Poor of you ;(
* No, but seriously, sweet boy who doesn't like to see his princess suffer ❤️
* "Hey love, I'm at the store to buy your menstrual pads, but what is the size of your vagina?"
* Innocent boy, please guide him
*He wants to help, but he doesn't know what to do
* "Does your belly hurt? What can I do?", “Can I hug you?”, “Are you sure I won't hurt you if I hug you?”
* Do you suffer from mood swings? Don't know what to do?, Don't worry!... he doesn't know what to do either :D
* Fortunately, this only happened the first time you had your period together.
* "Honey, I brought you chocolates and compresses.". “Thank you Obito”
* The boy does his best to take care of you and although he may not have known what to do the first time, he learns quickly.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you!"
"... you are too good, what did I do to deserve you?"
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- - -
madara uchiha
* “So… blood is coming out of your vagina. How it feels?”
* Another guy who doesn't know what to do with you
* Being raised in a clan where only strength and power mattered, and being raised in times of war... it's not like he had time to learn anything about this.
* Fortunately, he is willing to learn how to take care of you and treat you at this time of the month
* Do you want chocolate? You got it, do you want soft blankets? Right away
* He is giving orders to the servants from left to right to treat you like a queen
* He is hardly at home, unfortunately. Well, being the leader of the clan is not an easy task and unfortunately that keeps him away from you, but that's not why he's going to neglect you.
* He was very graphic about what he would do to himself if he neglected you or worse if someone did something to you
* "I'll beat myself up if you're not okay at the end of the day because of me." "Madara, darling... that's very cruel"
* He will make sure you are well and you assure him that it was more than enough ❤️
"Are you sure that blanket is okay?"
"Yes, Madara they are comfortable"
“Are you Sure? because I can tell the servants to bring you softer ones…”
"Madara just hug me"
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- - -
sasuke uchiha
*Knows something from the talk about the male and female body due to the academy, but still...
* "My belly hurts a lot..."
* -Sasuke having a mental breakdown internally- "what am I supposed to do?"
* You are patient? God bless you because he needs you to guide him
* the poor man is confused, why are there so many menstrual pads for different occasions? And why do you use tampons?
* "Sasuke, can you buy me tampons?". “Wouldn't that be rape? Why not a night pad instead? They are more comfortable and extra large”. “…”
* Yes, no… he's not the best at this, bUT he's doing his best
* The last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable
* After a full 3 hour explanation of tampons and your needs, he already knows what to do
* Oh, do you want a compress? Sure, just don't move, he doesn't want colic to attack you.
* Do you feel dirty?, he will accompany you to bathe
* Sasuke is a good boyfriend, he will take care of you and protect you, but he is still secretly afraid of tampons, he is afraid that tampons will hurt you.
"Sasuke, we've already talked about this..."
"I know."
"Tampons won't hurt me."
"I trust you, but still... I don't like the idea." calm your man's fears, please 😂
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- - -
shisui uchiha
* funny boy
* It will actually keep you happy during the day
* Had a bad time and now you're grumpy? Don't worry, he will tell you as many jokes as necessary along with lots of pampering
* “Do you feel bad, beloved? Where it hurts?"
* He buys you a lot of ice cream for you to eat
* Oh, do you want to watch your favorite movie? Now? No problem, you find the movie and Shisui will find the blankets and food
* He has some experience due to the fact that like Itachi he has had female teammates
* But that doesn't mean that he understands what your body is going through
* Even so he will do his best to treat you well
“Y/NNNN!, I brought ice cream”
"Oh my- Shisui thank you, can we watch my favorite movie again while we snuggle together?"
"Of course my love"
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* In any case; I imagine that if their S/O asked them for a massage they would gladly give it to them lmao. also, i think im gonna do a part 2 with konoha boys mmm
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Crush - Sanji
notes - sanji fic for the poll I did! I'm gonna be honest... I don't really like this one. But that's okay! It's cute, but idk, not my best work. nonetheless though, i hope you all like it at least! thanks for being patient and I cannot wait to do another poll!!! <3
word count - 1,449
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You weren't around Sanji often. Your job on the boat was to help anyone who needed it - like helping Usopp make new weapons or helping Franky with fixing up bits of the boat - but Sanji seemed to always know what he was doing. You could cook, but you were no where near Sanji's level, who seemed to be doing more than fine in the kitchen. So because of that, you never saw Sanji often.
When you did though, you got the usual heart eyes and special treatment, but you always thought that he liked Nami more. He would swoon over her like there was no tomorrow, acting like she was royalty or something while you sat waiting for your food.
You could admit that Nami was pretty - really pretty actually. You honestly didn't blame Sanji for thinking she was the prettiest girl on the boat.
But even so, you still found yourself getting a little jealous whenever he would call Nami "his sweet" or "darling" and you never knew why.
Maybe it was because he was charming, talented, and stupidly gorgeous, or maybe it was because he gave you attention sometimes. Either way, you couldn't get him out of your head sometimes, even with the lack of him being around you.
"You seem a little distracted today," Franky said, taking off his welding mask and setting it down. "Everything alright, kiddo?"
You looked up at Franky and smiled. "I'm fine. Just a long day, that's all."
"Tell me about it," he chuckled. "The Sunny sure took a beating. Thanks for helping out by the way. You're always a great help."
"Of course, Franky, anytime."
You and Franky got back to working for a while, but it stopped abruptly as Franky set down all of his tools and crossed his arms at you.
"What?!" you giggled, setting down your tools as well.
"You're not telling me something." he said, a slight pout to his voice. "And I wanna know what it is."
"Look, it's nothing, Franky. And if it is something it's a stupid something that y/n feels stupid about."
"Tell me?" Franky said in a high pitched voice, giving you puppy dog eyes.
"Franky you're such a dumbass... but fine, since I trust you. I'm just jealous of something, that's all."
"Jealous?" Franky said, tilting his head and pulling up a stool for the both of you. "Jealous of what?"
"You know Sanji, right?" You could feel yourself blushing already just thinking about him.
"I think I know every member of our crew quite well, y/n, so yeah, I know Sanji."
"Well..." You twiddled your thumbs and sharply exhaled. "He's the 'loverboy', we all know this. I guess I kinda... I kinda fell for his ass and get jealous whenever I hear him swooning over Robin or Nami. Especially Nami."
"I see. Why don't you tell Sanji all this?"
You felt your face heat up even more somehow. "T-Tell Sanji?! No way, Franky, are you nuts?!"
"Well how are things supposed to figure themselves out if you don't put in the work?"
You hated that Franky was right. You hated it so much.
And thanks to him, you ended up in front of Sanji's door, your hands shaking.
You knocked lightly at first, but realized he wouldn't be able to hear that at all. You tried louder, and waited patiently, hearing a bit of shuffling. There was no going back now and god you hated that feeling.
The door opened slightly and Sanji stuck his head out. It looked like he had just gotten through taking a nap as his hair was a mess and he was wearing a t-shirt instead of his usual suit.
"y/n?" He tilted his head and yawned.
"Hey, Sanji... can I come in?"
His face turned a light shade of pink and he turned back to look at his room. "Uh... gimme a sec let me get some pants on." He quickly shut the door and in no time it flew back open. "Come on in, y/n! I don't have many super comfortable spots in here, but uhh..." He walked to his closet and pulled out what looked like a lawn chair, setting it up nicely in the middle of the room. "There!"
You took a seat and looked around Sanji's room. It smelt like cigarettes, but not too bad, mostly cologne, to your surprise.
"Do you want a drink or anything? I could go make us some coffee if that's something you want, y/n."
"That sounds great, actually. Thanks, Sanji." You smiled at him and his eyes turned into little hearts as he lovingly sighed, walking out of the room and to the kitchen.
This was going to be way harder than you thought.
You sat and played with each of your fingers, noticing that your hands were still shaking. What if you didn't have the courage to do this? What if you were a coward after all?
"y/n!" Sanji exclaimed in his signature lovey-dovey voice, kicking the door open with his foot. "Here's your drink, my dear! And I brought snacks as well!" The door closed behind him as he pulled his nightstand over to be a makeshift table for the time being.
"Thank you, Sanji." you said with a smile, taking a long sip of your coffee, which was better than usual.
"Anytime, y/n." He took a sip of his own coffee and quickly set it down, his eyes locking with yours. "Alright, so is there something you needed, or did you just wanna be in my presence because either way I don't mind."
You laughed at that, your cheeks turning pink. Sanji was already swooning so much that a little drop of blood came out of his nose when you laughed.
"Both actually," you admitted. "Thanks for letting me in. Sorry if I woke you."
"Oh, it's fine. I don't wanna be sleeping all day like that damn moss head."
You giggled again out of both nervousness and of Sanji.
"So what was the thing you needed?" he asked, his stupid voice gone and tone now serious. "Because I think we already got the 'in Sanji's presence thing' outta the way." he chuckled.
"Well," you moved around the cup in your hand, watching the coffee swirl. What were you supposed to say? That you hated the way he looked at Nami? That more than anything you wish that you and Sanji could be together without having to worry about any other girl getting in the way?
"Sanji, I like you... Like a lot."
You both froze.
Did you really just say that?
"You... what?" His voice was soft and you pulled your eyes away from him, looking down at the coffee in your hand.
"I," there was no turning back now. "I'm serious. I like you the way that you like every girl," you chuckled nervously. "I think you're a great guy You're talented and really damn pretty and.... I'm sick of you looking at Nami like that."
You looked up to see Sanji with tears pricking the corners of his eyes. "I-I'll stop. I'll stop looking at any girl like that, y/n. I like you too and-"
"I know, Sanji." you chuckled.
"No, listen to me. y/n, I would do anything for you."
"That's too much." You fake gagged and turned to Sanji with a smile.
"Sh-Shut up." he giggled.
"This coffee is really good, Sanji. Is there something different about it?"
"Oh, it's a new creamer, that's all. Nothing super special."
"Well, I like it."
"Me too. Makes it sweeter without so much sugar."
You hummed in response and took another sip. The two of you spent the rest of the time in his room just talking about random stuff that came to mind. You liked talking to Sanji like this and honestly, it was nice to hear him talk to you like you weren't just another girl he had a crush on.
"Well, thanks for the coffee, Sanji. And for listening to me." You stood up and set down your coffee on the table. "We should hang out like this more often."
"Of course. Feel free to come in anytime." He stood up as well, not knowing what to do. A hug would be appropriate, but he wasn't sure.
But you were sure, so you pulled him in for a hug, leaning against his chest. He hugged you back, but shortly after, you pulled away.
"I'll definitely be back, Sanji." You gave him a quick peck on the cheek and left him standing there with a bright red face.
"You better be." he giggled under his breath.
one piece masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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baratiddyappreciator · 8 months
Valentines Day Mega Post!
Happy Valentines day folks! Have this gift! I spent a while working on it to make it my largest post! We have SFW and NFW HCs and short stories all wrapped up in one pretty pink bow! HCs for both, but only short stories for SFW (ran out of time lol).
He didn't celebrate before meeting Kozue, she was the first person to help him celebrate Valentine's day, so she does hold some part of him captive during this holiday, but he wants to make this one about the both of you, and that's what he's gonna do!
He really, really tries to make chocolate for you. He follows recipes to a T, but some steps just inevitably go wrong. Be it Musashi trying to jump up on the counter and eat the mix or the chocolate catching on fire while he's trying to melt it. He eventually caves and buys you some nice chocolates to make up for it with a promise that he'll get Retsu to show him how for next year.
Normally Baki is very open about his affection, he's very touchy and isn't afraid to tell you he loves you, and that affection level doesn't change. He expresses his love for you just like he always does, nothing really changes other than the atmosphere. He likes to take you walking through nice places normally, but during this holiday he makes the extra effort to take you somewhere romantic and pretty so he can admire how much prettier you are than any of it.
He'd honestly love to just take you out on a big date. From breakfast until supper, you're out on the town going through a list of things he's thought about in advance, from breakfast at the best hole in the wall you've ever been to, to a boat ride through a park, and finally to dinner at a nice place. He's planned it out to be perfect, and nothing is going to interrupt the two of you. He's even got a nice romantic at home movie night prepared!
Oh he absolutely wants to go and get you gifts! As a matter of fact, you can't stop him from getting you gifts, but he's going to make you pick them out. It's all a part of his hangout plan! Why stress about gifts when he can just take you to a mall and pay for everything you plan on buying? Get mad at him if you want, but he can afford it, and you're worth it. As for him, he doesn't need anything, but he'll treasure whatever you get him.
He really wants to find a nice scenic spot to sit and watch the sun go down with you. If it means making reservations at an upscale restaurant a year in advance just so he can watch you while the sun goes down, then he will, don't test him. As long as he can see you happy and enjoying yourself though, he's more than happy.
A familiar warm and callused hand reached across the table to hold yours, thumb rolling over the back of your hand as Baki flashed you a smitten grin, the sun shining warmly on your skin, glinting off of the water ahead of you, demanding your attention. Looking over, you were greeted by the sight of the water turning to liquid gold, the sky the colour of molten lava, the last of the sun's warm rays kissing your face as Baki leaned across the table to kiss your cheek, chuckling as he set a hand on your shoulder, thumb gently massaging to soothe any of the tension built up from when you'd gone shopping earlier, silently watching you as you looked back at him, smiling, bathed in the warm golden light.
It was hard to wind him, but you stole his breath away without any effort whatsoever, and this was one of those moments where his breath was gone, yours for the taking, just like his heart. He smiled softly, holding one of you hands in both of his. "You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen. I need you to know that. I love you baby." He spoke softly, a confession for your ears and your ears alone, one he would say time and time again if you let him.
She absolutely celebrates normally! She likes decorating her room with little hearts, she gets window paint and mixes several different shades of pinks to paint them on. They leave fun little shadows all over her floor when the sun hits right!
Absolutely makes chocolate for you. She makes different kinds, milk chocolate, dark chocolate, with and without fillings, just any chocolates the first year, then she gets feedback to see what you like the most.
She's normally pretty intimate with her affection. Holding your hand, kissing your forehead, telling you she loves you. She's already super affectionate, but this is an excuse to be even more affectionate with you. It's perfect! You can't get anything done without her practically crawling onto your lap for a cuddle.
Given the chance, she's going to take out out to a museum, walking around and joking, holding hands, going to the gift shop to find the goofiest looking things possible so you can scoop them and admire them in your homes. She wants to spend time with you having fun, so a museum, a play in the park, an aquarium or a zoo, she's taking you out somewhere fun where you can both nerd out over things together, and then go home for some of her mom's elite cooking and some cuddles, corny movies and snacks.
Oh she loves getting you things, but if she can get you something that will take out out with delirious laughter then she considers it an absolute win in her book. The ugliest looking plush you've ever seen? Bet your ass she's got it for you, but she's also going to want to get you something thoughtful and sweet that she knows you're going to both use and appreciate. As for gifts for her, she's going to insist that she doesn't need anything, and that she's fine just spoiling you and leaving herself out of it, but she's lying. Return the favour and she'll remember it for the rest of her life.
She wants to be cuddled up all warm and snug with you in bed, tired, comfortable and not hungry in the slightest, surrounded by your combined haul from the day, looking back at pictures and small videos that you both took of each-other, just so she can fall asleep peacefully with you and wake up feeling well-rested and looking back on the day fondly.
A squeal left Kozue's lips as she flinched back from the large bird on the other side of the fence, holding the bucket of food, which was being very quickly whittled away, between herself and the ostrich, leaving you breathless and sore as you practically folded in half from laughter, too amused by the situation to run to her rescue. Not that she needed saving, frankly, all she needed to do was take a big step back and she'd be out of range of the massive neck and head that insisted on being fed. Of course the biggest ostrich in the pen had taken an interest in her particular bucket of food and every time she tried to pull away, it hissed and reached at her, snapping at her fingers and her face. But now she was just barely out of its reach- The bucket rattled as she took one large step back, and the ostrich hissed loudly, flapping its wings and stomping.
She looked triumphantly back at you, only then noticing that your phone was up, her face flushing bright red as she rushed towards you, laughing and grabbing at your phone playfully. The sound of her laughter, boisterous and joyful rang through the air from your phone screen as she snuggled against your shoulder, her blankets pulled up to her nose, a soft smile on her lips as she looked up at you. "Thanks for a good day, it was even better with you." She whispered, pressing a kiss to your cheek before snuggling down again, nuzzling against your neck as you moved onto the next video, a clip of her petting a sheep, teary-eyed and so obviously happy that it almost broke your heart.
In sharp contrast to Christmas, Hanayama's home don't chance in the slightest for Valentine's day. He doesn't celebrate, he doesn't even think of it. He won't even realise that it's Valentine's day until he goes out to a club or something and the staff all greet him with "Happy Valentine's day!". At that point, he's scrambling to get you something on time just so it's clear that yes, he loves you, but it really isn't his thing.
He can't bake to save his life, I doubt that the man can cook anything more than toast (poorly), but he can get you some good chocolate. Be it fancier chocolate outside of your normal comfort level for your price range, to exclusive chocolate only made once a year that is more expensive than you could ever have dreamed of affording. And he's going to make sure you have plenty to last you for a while.
He's almost non-affectionate when out in public, but he's going to take the excuse to lavish you in attention. He's admiring you at every chance he gets, grabbing your waist and shoulders, kissing your forehead, all of it. He doesn't care.
He wants to spend the day with you in lavish places. Expensive stores, restaurants, clubs, bars. He wants to spoil you (mostly because he forgot Valentine's day was today but shhhh), and he's not going to take no for an answer. He will, however, take your input in mind. If you know somewhere better to eat then he'll take you there, expensive or not.
He's GOING to get you gifts. They're pretty and expensive, but they're more of a general gift from him, with something more personalised being picked out by you while he spoils you while you're out and about. Definitely will get flustered if you get him anything, but he's going to
He wants to end the day admiring you in the low lighting of a club, watching you dance, drink and have fun. His guys might join you, and that just makes it better to know that you're getting along with his people and are having a good time.
Your hand looked so tiny in his. Nearly entirely dwarfed by his palm alone as he led you slowly through the crowd of busy shoppers at the mall, the crowds parting in front of him, almost like he was radioactive and actively threatening everyone's life. He wasn't, of course. He was just trying to get you to your favorite store before it got too busy or ran out of stock on your favorites. There was no way that he would let that happen to you. No way in hell. He'd called in advance (gotten one of his guys to call) to make sure that your favorite item was still in stock. They had limited supply, he was determined. And as frightening as it looked on the outside, it was just the most amusing thing to you. He'd looked so serious when he'd said where he was going to take you.
And when he finally got there? Oh he was glorious, loading up his arms full and staring down at you expectantly, waiting for you to pick out something else. Of course, the initial flustered response, and his insistent stare, you finally picked more out. He had to get two of his guys to come in and bring the bags back out to the car so you could both keep shopping. And now? Now he was walking with you again, hand in hand, a far more relaxed pace in his stride, your hand gently swinging back and forth in his. "You have a good day? Hope you did. I worked hard to make this perfect for you." He said, gently kissing your forehead as he brought you off to go to dinner. He'd promised something good, and if the clothes he'd told you to wear were any indication, him spending a lot of money on you wasn't going to be the end of it.
He absolutely LOVES celebrating! He's got decorations up everywhere, he likes to hide little hearts in his hair and outfit, gets stickers for his motorcycle, he likes to dress in more pinks and reds, which is a very flattering colour for him and he knows it. Keep him away from heart-printed suits. He will get one and he will wear it.
He'll try very hard to make you some chocolate, but he gets backups just in case because he knows that the odds of him messing up are high. He might get distracted and all of the sudden boom, it's ruined. But he'll try! If he does manage, it'll be a bit lopsided and imperfect, but charming.
Openly, very loudly and gleefully expresses his affection. You are his god, his reason for being, he loves you so fully that Valentine's day doesn't change the way he expresses his affection. He's just as excitedly affectionate as always.
He wants to just stay home and cuddle you all day. No running around in torn, just cuddling and spending the day together being dumb idiots in love and being comfortable. He doesn't bother changing out of his pj's unless there's something interesting that comes up for the both of you.
Oh hell yeah he's getting you gifts! He's going to get you something GLORIOUS and so flashy it's honest to god a seizure risk if it gets hit by the light. Other than that, soft things, nice things. He wants you to feel nothing but soft and sweet when you're at his place. As for anything given to him, he insists that he doesn't need them but he'll gladly take whatever he's given.
He wants to spend the day with you, and that includes the end of the day. He wants to wind up in a pillow fort, laughing and cuddling, watching some ungodly movie. It's horrible and you're both wheezing because you've been laughing so hard, your faces hurt and there are tears in your eyes, but he's going to pause for just a second to kiss your forehead.
The blankets around you were warm and soft against your skin, the sound of Chiharu wheezing as he laughed, the worst rom-com you've ever seen, his arm slung over your back and his legs tangled between yours. It was almost like he was trying to constrict around you, desperate to absorb your body heat and get as close as possible while he cuddled with you. It was dark out, your dirty dishes sat on the floor ahead of you, practically licked clean from the quick dinner the both of you had made together. Just something simple but good, it didn't take so long, and it took even less time to inhale the food, though between all the laughing and the joking, chaste kisses and playful shoving, it took slightly longer than maybe it would have. Another kiss was pressed against your forehead as he pulled you even closer.
Despite the soft scrape of his slight stubble against your forehead, his kiss was sweet, affectionate, loving as he practically crushed you under him, leaving you to laugh and push at him in an attempt to get him off of you. "Noooo baby, I just wanna kiss you some more. Come on, one more smooch, I gotta show you how much I love you!" He whined playfully, before your palms met his face, smooshing his cheeks as you pushed his face away gently, earning a wail of despair as he rolled away from you, all the way to the other end of the blanket fort, laying like he'd been shot, mocking sobs escaping his lips before he cracked an eye open to look at you, almost hopeful, before promptly resuming his dramatic impression of a banshee.
He likes celebrating for the slutty outfits he can wear. Any excuse he can get to show off his body, which he's super proud of, he's going to take full advantage of. This is the perfect time to get him some fun skimpy tops. Any boob cuts look great on him, and nobody is going to say anything because he looks like he could very easily throw them into the sun. And he probably would too.
He's definitely willing to try his hand at making you chocolates. So what if he gets his mom to help? It's the thought that counts, and Natsue is a skilled woman who would very happily help her baby boy make some chocolates for his sweetheart! If he fails miserably, either way, you're getting snacks from Natsue. It's a win-win situation.
Openly and very much in a lovey-dovey sense. He's going to kiss and hold your hands, stare into your eyes lovingly, like he's looking into the secrets of the universe. His father taught him that if he loves someone, he's gotta let them know it, and oh boy does he let you know. But once Valentine's day rolls around, he likes to fluster you by going over the top. Normally he's got pet names for you, but this holiday brings out the Pookie Boo Bear's and whatnot. He's going to fluster you to hell and back.
He wants to just let loose with you, do something kinda dumb and maybe a bit reckless, but fun! Like sneaking into an abandoned building with the guys and drinking, or even heading to the roof of the Shin-Shin-Kai building to just stargaze and play some music. The neighbors might not appreciate it, but as long as you're having a good time, he doesn't care. He wants to have fun with you, and that's what's going to happen.
He's absolutely going to get you a gift! Something soft and fuzzy that you can hug when he's working late at night at the dojo or out fighting. A bear made from a few of his shirts with a sachet drenched in his cologne is his go-to, but he's also the type to also spoil you, so expect to find a really nice necklace or bracelet on its neck so he can have something he can look at and feel proud about.
As crazy and eventful as your day might be, he wants to end it right. A nice dinner with a good view, warm food, good company, and then, once you get back to the apartment and get all the giggles out, a nice cuddle. He tones down the over-the-top dramatized affection to something you know is more genuine so you know he was just being a bit goofy. He loves you, and he's not scared of telling you that.
The day had been filled with laughter and fun, pushing and shoving with the guys playfully. But now, all of that was done as you sat, waiting on the couch, blindfolded as he hummed along to the radio, shuffling into the room to press a kiss to your forehead. He took your hands, leading you towards... Something. It smelled good, whatever it was, and he was careful where he led you. You were convinced he was just dragging you around the same spot for a while before he pulled you towards a chair, gently setting you down on the seat, pressing another kiss to your forehead, before he pulled the blindfold off, revealing... Your living room, all redone to look nice, hanging fairy lights, and a table full of fresh food, still hot. He looked so proud of himself.
The spread was truly impressive, but you recognized the handywork as Natsue's. Not that it mattered, of course. You'd gotten suspicious when you'd heard the amount of soft swears and clattering in the kitchen, and of course, the amount of time it had taken (and a suspicious burning smell) but it didn't really matter. You were just happy to have the food in front of you. "So I think you know, but I uh... Called my mom for this. I don't think it matters though. As long as you like it, right?" He said with a smile, pouring some wine into your glass and raising his own for a toast, before taking a long sip. He smiled at you, and leaned across the table to kiss you, thumb brushing over the back of your hand before you two started digging in.
He didn't really celebrate it a whole lot when he was younger, though he did usually bring home chocolates from school and immediately divide them up with his mom. Many admirers had their hearts broken by this stoic blonde. But with you, he starts to think that maybe the holiday isn't as overrated as he thought, because now he just wants to spend the whole day with you being a normal couple.
He can't make chocolate, he knows that and he won't really try for the first few years, but on your first valentine's day he'll wake you with breakfast in bed: chocolate-chip pancakes with strawberries cut into little hearts and a nice hot drink for the love of his life. The real chocolate gift comes in the days after Valentine's day though. One day he'll just walk in with arms fully loaded with massive bags of chocolate, a victorious grin on his face. He's going to spoil you rotten if you're not careful, though a small cut get sent back home for his mom. He needs to make sure that she gets her share after all.
His love language is very quiet, which isn't hard to believe considering the fact that he's such a quiet man in the first place, but this is an excuse for him to be louder and more open with his affection. He can't stop touching you, and he can't help but just tell you he loves you out of seemingly nowhere. Sometimes he just needs to tell you because he's so overcome with it. Honestly, the way he treats you would definitely inspire some jealousy from onlookers.
He doesn't want to do anything fancy, it's not his way of doing things, but with you he could live in a leaky cardboard box if it meant seeing you safe and happy. He just wants to spend the day with you, and that's what he'll do. It's a lazy day for him, a cheat day too, not that he sees it that way. It's a reward for all of his hard work so far, and one that's well deserved! A walk in the woods, just spending the day cuddling on the couch or in bed, it doesn't matter as long as he has you.
He's not the best at gift giving, so when he realizes that it's February already he starts panicking a little. What if he can't get you a gift in time?! What if you don't like it?! But he doesn't have time to waste, so he gets to work right away. It's nothing fancy, but he worries that you might miss him while he's training, so he commissions someone to make a bear for you out of some of his old sweaters and shirts, which he sticks under his pillow for about a week just so his smell is on it. As for gifting him, he insists you don't need to get him anything, but he'll treasure it regardless.
He doesn't ever want this to be a disappointment for you, you chose him after all! A day spend cuddling and lounging around and just enjoying each-others presence will end that way, of course, but he's going to want to take you somewhere first. He might miss the sunset, but what he really wants to show you is the night sky, away from the light pollution of the big city. He'll let you ride on his back while he hikes out to a nice isolated spot so you can both sit and just be, the only people for kilometers to come. Just you, him, and the open night sky.
His warmth radiated through his back, the smell of his bodywash and cologne lulling you into a blissful, comfortable state of being half asleep and half awake as he walked. Even in the darkness, his footing was sure, like he knew where he was going. Knowing him, he probably did, he'd likely walked this exact trail for weeks in advance just so he could make sure it was perfect for whatever it was he was planning. You didn't really know how long he'd been walking, long enough for your much shorter legs to get tired, but the realization that he'd stopped dawned on you slowly, his hand patting your thigh for a moment before he sank to the ground, taking a seat, letting you crawl back into his lap, the heat radiating from his body protecting you from the chill of the February air, his lips pressing gently against your forehead, before he nodded up at the sky, drawing your attention.
The sky was clear, barely a cloud in sight, leaving you to be able to see every star up in the sky, glittering and twinkling so beautifully it took your breath away, but he wasn't looking at the sky, no, he was looking at you, the light of the moon illuminating all of your features, leaving him to admire you. "If I could give it all to you, I would. Every last one of them would be yours. It's what you deserve." He muttered, pressing another kiss to your forehead, arms wrapped around your waist, enjoying the sound of silence for the first time in months. No car horns, no music, just the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze. Just the two of you.
Doesn't celebrate, doesn't care to celebrate. It's not really his thing. He does the whole tradition of getting you flowers and corny gifts, but other than that he doesn't really care for the holiday. It doesn't change that much either the longer you date, but it does get a little bit better with the execution.
He'll buy you chocolate no problem. Not something cheap either, a nice, rich chocolate just for you. He's going to make sure that you know he appreciates you, even if he doesn't like this holiday.
His affection is expressed very quietly normally, and that doesn't really change much ever, specific circumstances aside, but if asked to he will make an effort to be more affectionate on Valentine's day. He needs to be told these things because he won't just assume what you want.
He just wants to have a nice day, regardless of what you do, and will happily go along with any plans you make or whatever you want to do, but if he sees you've been having a hard year he'll gladly plan something romantic out for you, though he doesn't need a holiday as an excuse for that.
He gets you roses as a basic "I love you gift" and maybe a plushy, but after the first three years together his gifts get a little less tepid and more "I know that this is an important holiday for you" kinda way. Any gifts given to him are very appreciated, of course, and he'll gladly accept them.
As long as he gets to spend the night with you in his arms, he's happy. He doesn't need anything other than that, knowing that you're safe and happy is more than enough for him, and he's happy for that every day he has with you.
He was so boring. You'd told him, but all he'd given you in response was a grunt as he pushed your face away, pausing to squish your face, staring into your eyes before he sighed, pushed you back onto the couch and stood, motioning for you to follow him. Playful bickering ensued as you put a light jacket on and proceeded to follow your gloomy and boring boyfriend to... An arcade? The windows were decorated with hearts and fake roses littered the counters and tables as he brought you inside, smiling slightly as he bought some tokens only to challenge you, like a fool, to your favourite arcade game... That he somehow managed to beat you at. Clearly he was cheating, like the cheaty cheater her was! A rematch was demanded, much to the same result. Rematches were demanded, games were switched, but eventually you only had four tokens left and a shared hatred of the cursed claw machine.
Kosho was insistent that he could win you the plush you had your eyes on and one for himself, he was determined, he looked up tutorials and cheats to see if he could force the damn thing into spitting up the prizes. And somehow, he managed while you were in the bathroom, returning only to have him triumphantly present you with the prize you'd been eyeing. "There! See! I told you I could do it! And you said I wouldn't do anything nice for you on Valentine's day!" He'd boasted, only to shamefully admit that he'd used up the last of the tokens on the plush you'd wanted, so you'd had to get more to make more attempts at the one he wanted. In the end, you'd submitted your tickets for the most ridiculous prizes you could find on the shelves behind the counter, but it was absolutely worth it to see his judgmental stare at the t-rex reach extender you'd picked a full month later as he used it to tear a wasp nest off of the wall near the front door.
He celebrates because he can be admired, but no other reason for that. He knows he's very popular with his coworkers (and even some of his opponents if he's being honest) and that results in the most glorious amount of both praise, open admiration and gifts he's ever received. He's going to get you in on this scheme.
Honey he doesn't need to buy or make you chocolates. If you help him in his Valentine's day scheme then you get a cut, fifty-fifty split, he promises. By the time the holiday is over you both have enough chocolate to last you until the next major holiday, but it definitely won't make it that far.
His affection is something he's stingy with, but he makes sure to lavish you in it on Valentine's day (definitely not as a way to make everyone else genuinely interested in him back off) in as public a place as possible, but that extends to when you're both at home. He does appreciate you putting up with this shit, and Valentine's day is one of two days he makes a strong effort to show it.
He'd ideally take you to a beach or something where you can both just sit and relax for the day, but if he's busy then he's busy, and he'll make it up to you with a really nice dinner (paid for in gift-cards that he got from admirers and colleagues) and a nice bitch-shesh in the tub. Complete with wine, gossip (his ass does violate HIPPA) and some trash TV. Doesn't have to be anything extravagant, really, but it is a good time.
He gets you two kinds of gifts: showy, for everyone else to see be given to you so everyone gets the message that you are taken, and so is he. But then there's the genuine gifts that he gets you, and those are saved for when you're both at home, having a few laughs and some drinks. They're sweet and very thoughtful on his behalf, and he expects the same from you.
After a nice self-care session and a bit of gossiping with some drinks, he'd honestly be pretty happy curling up in bed to watch a movie or read a book. Some down-time after all the work he does is nice, and he does actually enjoy spending time with you, even if half of the time he does he acts stuck-up.
The air smelled like roses, almonds, vanilla and oat milk as you both lounged in the tub, cuddled up as the Real Housewives screamed about their problems and their conflicts, wine glasses being swirled around like you were fancy and bougie, rich beyond everyone else's wildest dreams, your man breaking several HIPPA rules and regulations as he told you the gossip about literally every patient that had ever so much as annoyed him. You'd never thought that sitting in a bathtub full of rose petals with an oat milk mask in your hair drinking wine with your boyfriend while he told you about an old mans ruptured colonoscopy bag could ever be romantic, but here you were, and honestly it was a great time, minus the gross-out factor.
His lips met your forehead before he took a swig of his drink, both of you pausing in your gossip session to stare at the screen as two drunk middle-aged white women proceeded to pull hair and scream at the other, shouting accusations neither of you really cared to look into. "Oh my god... We're not that trashy, are we? We can't be, we're too hot to be trashy, right?" He asked, a serious tone in his voice, dead silence hanging between the two of you before the both of you burst out laughing, leaning against each-other for support. Maybe it was time to cut way back on the wine, but the mood was high and the night was still kinda young. Besides! You hadn't even done hand-care yet!
He didn't use to, but now that you're in his life he absolutely is. He goes the whole nine yards with decorations, expect to wake up only to find the entire apartment decorated for Valentine's day. Hearts on the mirrors, windows, scattered around the sheets, on the food, on the lights. It's honestly impressive, because they're not store bought. He's been making origami and cut-outs for weeks in advance just to make it a special time.
Oh he 100% makes chocolate for you. And guess what? It's got hearts! The chocolate itself is heart-shaped, the icing, the napkin with the plate. He goes all-out and honestly it's something you'd see from a high-end bakery that would cost a LOT of money. But no, nono, you don't have to pay a cent for it, and that's probably the best part.
He's shy with his affection, but that doesn't mean he doesn't show it. He loves holding your hand and doing little acts of service for you to show you that he loves you and cares very much, and this doesn't change regardless, but he does try to be a bit more bold with his affection. Kissing you while out in public, draping his arm around your shoulders if you're waiting for something. he's sweet and flustered, but he's trying.
He admittedly doesn't have any plans beyond what he's going to cook for you. He finds that planning things out is a bit more stressful and may not be as genuine of an experience, so depending on weather and mood, you either go out for a day on the town or you stay in all cozy and snuggled up together, though if there's a special event going down he does at least bring it up and see if you want to go.
His gifts are small but sweet, and honestly, he's the type of man that you don't really need a lot of gifts from when you're together because his very presence is a gift, and not in the way that Kureha thinks his is. Either way, he does make an effort to get you something nice, and anything you get him will be cherished. He takes care of his things, especially from you.
He wants to end the night together. Happy, full, having had a good day. Cuddling or not, as long as you had a good day he's more than happy, and he's going to tell you. Expect him to very sleepily thank you for the fantastic day and to be smothered in kisses.
Rain beat against the walls and windows, the chill demanding to be let in, though it failed miserably, being fought off by the warm blankets that Retsu had wrapped around the both of you, his face nuzzling into your shoulder as he hummed, arms wrapped around your waist to pull you into his chest. He was half asleep and comfortable, and you were pretty sure that he wasn't even aware that it was raining out, but he didn't seem in a huge hurry to get up and go out in this weather. He was sleepy and comfortable, and you were just so soft and comfortable, he couldn't help but just doze in and out of conscience until he got hungry enough to get up, kissing you on the forehead, and shuffling into the kitchen to brew some nice warm tea and make a simple but nutritious breakfast.
You walked up behind him and hugged his waist as he whisked eggs to make an omelette, a hum rumbling from deep within his chest, your cheek vibrating against his back as he acknowledged your presence, pausing to turn around in your grasp and kiss your forehead. "Wait just a little longer love, I'm almost done whisking, food will be ready and on the table in a few minutes. You should go get some more sleep, it's the perfect day to be lazy." He suggested, but you stuck to his side, enjoying the smells of the cooking food and the brewing tea, soaking up the warmth of his skin to keep the chill of the rainy morning air out.
Doppo & Natsue:
Oh absolutely. They celebrate every year, you're just an excuse to go bigger and better. And they absolutely go bigger and better. They use every chance they have to go on a big date together and celebrate. The first year you're with them is almost suffocating, because by the time the day is over your head is spinning and you might be more than a little drunk, but it's fun as all hell.
Natsue 100% makes you chocolates, but it's no secret. As a matter of fact, she's just as likely to make you and Doppo help out. IN the end, if any solid pieces of chocolate manage to survive, it's by a stroke of luck because some of it will be flung at someone, and the rest will all be "taste tested" (consumed without regret), so Doppo's stash of bought chocolates will probably make an appearance.
They're both incredibly open with their affection, and that doesn't change in the slightest. Doppo loves you, and he loves Natsue, and vice-versa. They're going to smother you with affection, and they're going to smother each-other with affection, and it's just one big love-fest between the three of you. Good vibes all around.
Oh there are plans. Doppo likes to plan dates to be perfect, and that's exactly what he's going to do. Something to satisfy all three of you, be it a trip to an aquarium and then dinner, or a day out in the park to cuddle once you all get back home, he's the master when it comes to date-night.
Oh yeah they get gifts for you alright. MANY. You will cry, Doppo will gently bully you about it, and Natsue will gently bully him about being an emotional sap that has to deflect from him feeling so sappy that he had to pick on you instead. Don't worry though, getting him literally anything remotely thoughtful will have him practically bawling. Natsue is incredibly appreciative of your gifts as well.
Doppo's an easy man to please: As long as the night ends with smiles and laughs, he's happy. If you and Natsue had a good time, he had a good time, and that's all there is to it. Though a cuddle pile is absolutely how he'd like to go out, because he knows he's comfortable to lay on.
Doppo's back met the ground with a loud thud, his boisterous laughter invading the room, echoing off of the walls as you practically pounced on him, a short wrestle put an end to the playful conflict though, especially when Natsue walked in and tossed her jacket straight at the back of your head, blinding you for the split-second that the legendary tiger killer needed to jab you right in your sides, leaving you laughing and wheezing on his chest. You'd barely kicked your shoes off, and your head was a bit fuzzy from all the drinks, but that was alright, you'd had a good night, a lot of fun, there'd been food and drinks and laughing, lots of hugging and getting emotional, but now you were just ready to sleep, your limbs heavy, almost as heavy as your eyelids. Doppo kissed your forehead with a chuckle, pulling off your jacket and shoes to go put them by the bedroom door while Natsue tried to urge you into a pair of pajamas.
Once everyone was comfortable and settled, silence fell over the room, one of Doppo's hands on your shoulders, the other on the base of Natsue's back, he looked about five seconds away from falling asleep, and both you and Natsue weren't far behind. "I love you two, you know that right? Do anything to make you happy." Doppo said in a low rumble, soothing the both of you into sleep as he kissed your foreheads, pleased with how his life was turning out. After all, being sandwiched between two of the most important people of his life, able to hug both of them, hold them close? That was the dream.
He celebrates Valentine's day in a more mature way, more likely to grab a drink than decorate, but he does humor his students and adds a few hearts to the windows of his dojo, some nice red accents. That's pretty much it. Other than that, he doesn't really care for the holiday, but he will make an effort with you.
He won't make you chocolates, but he'll get you some! Some nice ones too, rich and dark chocolates are his favorites, so you're going to get some of those so he can steal them when you're not looking, but others will be provided as well.
He's confident with his affection, he likes touching you. A hand on your shoulder or your waist, holding you close to his side while out in public, kissing your hands, your cheeks, your forehead, your lips, he's not going to shy away from showing you and everyone around you that he loves you. It might also be a territorial thing where he doesn't want anyone else making moves on you, not while he's there.
Oh yeah, he's got plans! He's got lots of plans! Starting with a brisk walk early in the morning. You don't like brisk walks early in the morning? Well he does, and he's going on one and insisting that you go with him. It's worth it though, because he takes you to an absolutely beautiful park with a breathtaking view. It's also literally breathtaking, you're going to be so tired after that walk that it's a miracle if you manage to keep up with him for the rest of the day.
Definitely a gifter, and a good one at that. He gets you some gifts that will outright make you ugly cry all over him, and you're going to feel bad about it but he's not that concerned. If he was looking for a specific reaction then he'd be able to get it, but he wants something genuine and that he can't predict. As long as it's a good one, he's proud. As for him getting gifts, he'll take them and he'll appreciate them, but he'd rather you save your money, he doesn't need much.
He ends the day as calmly as possible so you can get as much rest as you need. He's not far behind if he's being honest, once you're out he's only a minute or two behind, and if he can cuddle up with you, all the better.
Your calves were burning almost as much as your lungs, your back was uncomfortably sticking to your shirt because of the humid morning air, the sunlight barely peeking over the mountain ahead of you as Motobe easily trekked through the rugged terrain ahead of you. Your misery didn't seem to affect him, he didn't slow, didn't look back, and didn't heed your complaints and pleas to slow down or stop, simply urging you forward, to follow him with promises of this being worth it. You were glad you'd brought more than one water bottle after you'd heard it was going to be a longer walk, and at this point you weren't even feeling slightly guilty for drinking the spare you'd packed for him. This was a terrible morning, the worst Valentine's day to date, and you couldn't believe-
The view. You paused next to him as he sat down on the damp ground on a hill overlooking the small valley ahead of you as the sun finally rose, a flaming ball of light illuminating everything in a warm amber, the sky a brilliant rosy pink, fingers of light penetrating through branches and leaves, light speckling everywhere. "I was right. It's exactly how I thought. All of this, but you're the prettiest thing here." He said, making direct eye contact, patting the ground next to him, inviting you to sit and catch your breath. The hike back would be much easier, he knew a trail that would take you back to the road much faster, he'd just needed to stall as much as possible to time this just right. Would he tell you that? Not yet, no, but he was sure you'd figure it out after a few trips.
Oh he LOVES Valentine's day, he absolutely ADORES it. One of the days where his mischief is more directed towards everyone having a good time. Everyone being you and him, of course. He's a firm enjoyer of all the sweet treat ideas that people come up with every year. It's all very fun, and he likes to practice making origami hearts and roses for around the house. He's pretty good at it too.
Oh he's not going to make you chocolates, but he will take you out to buy some good ones at a place he knows has some quality stuff for cheaper. You're both going to have to split the haul, but it's definitely a good one, and you're going to both wind up having tummy aches for a while.
His affection is normally pretty playful, he likes to joke around with you, but on Valentine's day he lets himself be less incessant jokester and more dedicated lover and friend. He's very gentle with you, and he wants you to know it's because he loves you. As a matter of fact, the days before and after Valentine's day are some of the days where he's most reliably sweet without any pranking intentions.
A day out participating in celebrations, festivals and small get-togethers at bars and hole in the wall diners. Basically, after you secure your shared chocolate hoard, you're going out to have a lovely day with friends, family and strangers you've never met before, and you're going to absolutely love it because it's so comfortable and just feels so warm.
There's always a risk of his gifts being pranks, and sometimes he might just give in to that urge, but he at least makes an effort to spare you from from prank gifts and get you something nice! A pretty outfit, a nice hair pin or a necklace, a soft blanket with the words I Love You stitched into one of the corners. He will make you cry and he wants you to. Anything given to him will be playfully critiqued, but he does love everything he gets from you, especially if you can return his sass.
He wants to end the night with just the two of you in your home, cuddled up on the couch, watching the stars and reading with some nice calm music playing, drinking tea and just existing. It's nice to be able to take things slower every now and again.
Laughter filled the air as good food was eaten and drinks were passed around and sipped from, but your booth was peaceful now as Gouki passed you a slice of bread, a soft smile on his face. It was already buttered, just the right amount that he knew you liked, still warm from the pan it had been in, burried under all the others that were slightly cooler. You were still waiting for your food, but honestly, you couldn't blame the waiters, it was Valentine's day and they were fully booked, packed so full that there was barely room for the staff to weave between tables and deliver orders. You were more than happy to wait if it meant spending more time with the Aiki master, who sipped at his sake, eyeing a delicious smelling plate of food as it was carried past the both of you.
Sometimes you could see the gears turning in his head, spinning the wheels for plots and machinations. Maybe he was thinking of complaining to the manager to get your food? Or maybe he was going to swipe pieces from waiters as they breezed past the both of you? Instead, his hand reached out to yours, holding it from over the table as he held out a napkin in the other. "You have crumbs on your cheek silly, wipe them off before I decide to eat you up instead of this bread." He teased lightly, earning a roll of your eyes, but you obliged, accepting the napkin to dab at the crumbs. The food was probably going to take a while still, but at least the company was good and the bread was free.
Oddly enthusiastic about this particular holiday. He likes to nab a marker and colour all of the hearts in his tattoos red or pink. He thinks it's nice, but by the end of it he just winds up having to get paint pens and that just smears everywhere, so he smells like paint and sharpie. It's a lot. He kinda stinks in general, this doesn't help, but you chose this one and there's no complaining because you chose this.
Chocolate? Oh sure, he'll get you chocolate! Don't pay attention to the red stains all over the bag though. And also don't watch the news for a few days. Or visit the gas station down the road. Just don't ask him where he got this chocolate, especially since he's flat broke and basically living rent-free in your house.
He's very odd with his affection, in which he'll almost drown you in affection at any given moment, but if he's having a bad day he'll act like you don't even exist. He does love you (maybe??? idk this one's kinda insane besties) and lord help anyone that tries to mess with you, but he's definitely a very particular guy. He doesn't even tone down his weird on Valentine's day, no, he gets more intense with it. He'll full-blown lick your cheek instead of just kissing you.
He's an odd individual and honestly would probably love to rob a department store with you. Don't let him, please, he can't go back to jail he's so fucking old and so fucking weird and now that he's had a taste of freedom (He used Doordash once and is in love, he swears by it, can't Doordash in jail can you?) and he will NEVER go back. But yeah. Department store robbery. Don't take him anywhere that has items for sale. He will steal them.
Oh yeah he'll get you gifts! Just be careful about wearing them in public or posting pictures of them. He doesn't want you going to jail. No they're not stolen, don't check the serial numbers of the very expensive pieces of jewelry he got for you. They are, admittedly, pretty sweet gifts from him, but the way he might obtain them is disturbing and you're better off just not asking. Ever. Getting him anything is a win-lose situation. He might love something once and then hate it for the rest of his life, but he's at least grateful!
The end of the day is loud and chaotic. Definitely has nothing to do with his multiple new cases of theft and assault. Definitely not. But once the cops leave and he comes out of hiding inside of your walls (he would and you know it) it does tend to quiet down a little. He probably wanders all around your place checking windows, curtains, doors and any electronics the cops touched for bugs, and then he'll promptly plop his ass down on your bed and pass out with or without you. After all, he had a long day!
You could kick his ass right now. All day he'd been doing something. Constantly leaving and coming back, acting way too innocent only to present you with some sort of gift. At first it was innocent enough, chocolate and steamed buns, then it was a necklace, then another few necklaces and a bracelet, some very expensive looking ones at that. And then you walked into your living room only to find him assembling an ottoman that you knew was way out of your price range because you'd been looking at it for the past week or so, staring wantonly at your screen as you longed to re-organize your furniture for the nth time this year! Granted, it was only Febuary, but still! It was the principle of the thing! And your furniture didn't even match the new ottoman! By the time it got dark, he'd brought you more things and you were convinced that when the cops pulled up you were going to go to jail, but with some quick thinking and honest bullshitting, you managed to keep your gifts and get out of an arrest!
But now you had to find the old man responsible for all this stress... Which could wait until morning. It wasn't like you didn't appreciate all of his gifts, after all. Shuffling into your room, you flopped down on your bed with a groan, drifting off slowly before you heard a familiar shuffle, a rustle at your window, and an even more familiar weight settled behind you. "Did you have a good day sweetcheeks? Huh? Did I do good with the presents I got you? I worked real hard on putting them together, I hope they last." He said, not giving you any time to answer before he promptly nuzzled against the pillow he'd claimed as his and passed out, hugging you close to his chest. Yeah, you could kick his ass, but he didn't deserve it for this. Maybe some other time.
Yeah he had plans! Does he follow them all? Nope! The second he started thinking about sex in your presence his brain turned off the lights and he was basically left to just stare at you and drool. Which he did anyways, so it took a minute to notice.
On you? Oh it'll take him out! He's used to seeing a lot of skin on people, but somehow you taking off your pretty date clothes only to have sexy stuff on underneath?!? Baby he's going to give you a spit-shine. On him? It's subtle, but it's there. You'll catch hints whenever you put an arm around him. He's bad at hiding things, so you'll probably catch a glance if he stretches.
Oh he absolutely is down for some kinky, fuck mcnasty sex. Anywhere, whenever, however you want, you just let him know and he's down for it. His plans are already out the window, so why not let you have what you want? That's a plan, right?
Fancy dinners, a day out on the town, slowly and carefully drawing you in to get a taste of what exactly the Hanma blood can do. Not that he knows what the Hanma blood can do, he just thinks it's sexy to say that. Is it? Kinda, yeah. He's flashy, but genuine in his attempts to bag you.
If you want to try something special then he's already admitted he's down for it. As long as it's nothing too far outside his realm of comfort then he's perfectly happy to let you try whatever it is you want to!
Oh he wants to end the night with either him inside of you, or you inside of him. Someone needs to be inside of someone by midnight or he's going to worry that he did a bad job on the date he had planned. Post Valentine's hanky-panky would take him out, honestly, especially if you didn't let him hit the night before. Not because you didn't want to, no, but because you were just a bit too tired.
No plans. None of them. None whatsoever beyond a nice day out! So anything that happens is just improvised and it's probably hotter because of that to be completely honest. She's a mess once you pull her in close and give her bedroom eyes, either blushing and melting into a puddle or giving what she's getting and hitting you right back with a stare powerful enough to make your hips explode.
Oh 100%, she's wearing it even if you are already. She's got on a nice little pink number with cherries and hearts, and you're not going to get to see it until she brings you home afterwards. If you're wearing something too then she's going to laugh that you two had the same idea, but that's not going to get in her way.
Kinky shit is a given, if there's any day to try stuff in the bedroom it's on Valentine's day, it's almost a given that most other couples do. Tie her up, try a little bit of roleplay, you name it, she's down to try most of it.
She's confident, she knows what she wants and she's not afraid of just telling you what that is. And what she wants right now is to see you squirm as she tells you how bad she wants to pin you up against that wall over there and ride your fingers.
If anything, she's the one asking to try something special once you get back home. She doesn't have plans, no, but there's absolutely something she wants to try, and if you asked earlier, then she'll 100% let you have your turn. Just don't tucker yourself out.
She wants the night to end on a satisfied note. Emotional, social and sexual needs should all be satisfied in her eyes, and that's what she's gunning for at this point.
Oh absolutely! But will he ever admit that he planned everything out? No lmao. It's obvious, but he won't admit it. He's not embarrassed, shut up, it's normal to want things to go a certain way, stop looking at him like that.
That's a pleasant surprise. One he wouldn't mind seeing again a few times. Expect the lingerie to become a far more common thing in the bedroom from that point on.
He doesn't want kinky stuff on his end, he wants to go along with his plan, and if that plan involved kinky stuff it's kinky stuff you've already done and agreed is something you would do again.
There's a silent confidence that'll draw you in, make your knees weak and whatever ussy you have yearning for him. He's going to use his voice because he knows what effect that has on you. He's merciless when it comes to seducing you.
He'll gently suggest putting a pin in that new thing you wanted to try unless it's something he was just about to bring up trying, in which case, try away baby, he'll let you do so very happily.
He wants to make it clear that you're his, so he's going to do everything he can to mark you up nice and pretty so that everyone knows that you're seeing someone, though he will be considerate. No hickies wherever you tell him not to, but he might push his luck.
He doesn't have the capability to plan out horny things. He's horny? All thoughts leave his brain. If he does something, it's spontaneous. He's practically dumb, so if you want plans, you've gotta make them yourself
You're going to kill him. You're absolutely going to kill him, but he will die a happy, happy man and there's no changing that or taking it away from him. If he had a choice on how he were to go, then suffocating between your thighs would be the way, but this is a close second.
New stuff is fun and all, but he doesn't need that right now, what he needs is for you to just touch him already. If new stuff happens it happens, but he doesn't care as long as you just keep touching him like that.
There's no seduction on his part, you are seducing him and it's working, really, really well. He doesn't have the ability to think, though if you make him slow down he'll do his best, fawning over you like you're some ancient deity and he's but a humble servant at your altar.
You can do whatever you want to him as long as he gets a heads up and you keep touching him. You could leave your hand on the back of his shoulder the whole time and he'd gush like a volcano.
He's happy to fuck you to sleep, and then when you wake up, do it again if you'll let him. He wants little more than to fall asleep and wake up inside of you or with you inside of him.
Maybe just a little. A teeny bit. He's got an idea for what he wants to do, but how he gets there is improvised. He's going point A: having a good date, and he's got point Z: hot sweaty sex in his apartment. He knows he can get from A to Z, of course, but he's leaving that up to fate.
He's going to wear something, so if you do too, all the better! Honestly, at some point he'd see what the goofiest piece of lingerie he can find is, and Valentine's day is the worst day to surprise you with it, but there's a tiny chance he might.
Oh yeah, he's got a few things he'd like to try, and he hopes you trust him enough to do so. It's mostly expressions of trust here, but if there's something else he brings up that you're into he's more than happy to oblige.
He's smooth, but not as smooth as his dad. He fumbles just a little sometimes, but that's okay, he tends to recover pretty well, and the mood will be more than okay by the time sex time rolls around. Yes, he will call it that. Yes, that will really delay sex time.
Pretty open to the idea, though he doesn't want to do anything that requires an insane amount of prep, cleaning or assembly. Sex swings are fine and dandy, but he doesn't have anywhere to hang one up in his bedroom, and he's not running to the hardware store with a raging boner just to get the supplies.
He wants to end the night cuddled up, looking out the window at the night sky and just talking. He doesn't need much more than being able to hold you and exist for a bit.
Yeah. He did. And he'll admit it outright too. No shame, no embarrassment. He'll plan out all of it. Every little detail to make sure it's the perfect day for you, because if it's good for you, it's good for him too. He's doting and attentive, and if you think that him wearing that shirt he knows you like on him was coincidence, think again.
That was definitely not something he thought about happening, honestly, but he's not complaining in the slightest. An extra layer of fancy wrapping paper for his baby. He's even willing to do a little extra for you a few years in if the lingerie becomes a regular thing, though he'd have to really look hard, there's a disappointing lack of male lingerie that looks good.
He's a kinky fucker already, he's got a filthy mouth and if he finds that he said something that got you going, he's going to ask you about it and see if it's something you want to try or not. There's no pressure to try it right then, but you're going to hear words come out of his mouth that make you clutch your pearls.
Oddly smooth with this. That's because he's been planning. He knows just what he wants to say to you to get you riled up enough to practically drag him away by the arm back to the apartment, because that's what he wants.
He's open to let you do almost anything. You could honest to god cut him open and crawl into his ribcage and he'd ask if he could get you a blanket or a glass of water. You want something from him, just ask and he'll more than likely happily oblige.
He wants to end the night with his dick as deep inside as he can get it, but cuddled up and warm. A little bit of cock warming, sure and if that means he can wake up to you grinding back against him then he's more than happy to do it more than once.
No plans, just vibes. He goes where the night takes him, and if that just so happens to be into bed, then there's no complaints. He's fairly laid-back and willing to let you take the lead and do whatever it is you have in mind, from a quicky to an all-day affair.
That gets a solid pause from him. He needs a second to process what you're wearing, that you look really good, and he is a lot harder than he was just a second ago before he saw you like that. Nice little treat. Definitely gets him going.
There's not a lot that he's into enough to bring it up during a holiday like this. That's more of something he'd prefer to sit down and discuss, then figure something out so an accident doesn't ruin a holiday for you.
He doesn't, he's not trying to. Completely unintentional, but it's just the way his forearms look in his sleeves and his face looks in the light and- oh whoop, looks like you're pouncing on him. He's not complaining, and he can't say he doesn't understand.
He's going to gently decline trying something new. He knows that you like this holiday, and he'd rather not do something that you're not familiar with on this day. Another one that has been agreed upon. If it goes over well enough, then you can absolutely do it next year.
He wants you to end off happy and satisfied, and for him to not be single, so all in all, things are pretty likely to go how he normally hopes! Either way, he's happy you're here and he's going to tell you that in one of his fewer sappy moments.
Oh he'll plan it out alright. He'll plan it enough to get you to do all the work for him. He's lazy, do you really think he's going to want to do anything where he has to work? No, he's going to piss you off until you want to fuck him into your mattress, and then he's going to let you do exactly that and make it look like it was all your idea.
He's definitely putting something on, it'd be nice if you did to. It's hot, why not? He can admit that two very hot people getting together should wear something hot while they're doing sexy things. Makes it fun! Is he going to clean the cum off of the sexy lingerie? Absolutely not, he doesn't do laundry, he pays people for that.
He'll have introduced you to his kinks by now, so if there's something he's told you about that you both haven't tried then that's likely what he's going to be gunning for. He promises he'll let you have your turn after he's done!
He seduces through the Stupid Sexy Flanders method: effortless, unintentional, and then sheer fucking rage because everyone knows he's hot and pretty, and you do to, so why is he being such a jerk about it? You won't even know you fell into his trap until one of you is balls deep.
If he's letting you do all the work, he's more than willing to let you try something, especially if you let him try something too. He's fair, honest! Though if he doesn't like it he'll outright refuse, and depending on what you're asking him for he might straight up end the sexy times.
He's happy. Smug. Didn't have to move a muscle beyond getting to bed, because you did everything. He wants to be pampered, and once you're both cleaned up (he's not sleeping with cum on him, that'll cause a breakout he's not stupid) he doesn't mind sharing in that pampering. Just make sure to leave some pillows on the floor for when he inevitably cosplays an alligator in deathroll and kicks you out of bed.
No planning whatsoever other than to have a good day and to have said good day with you. He'd feel guilty for even daring to think of making up a plan because clearly this holiday isn't full of sexual undertones in literally every aspect. None whatsoever! It's a holiday celebrating love and- oh hey look, that chocolate's shaped like a butt plug. Huh. Wonder why.
He'll combust on the spot, be gentle with him. Nothing too hot now, he's delicate. Honestly, you could just walk around in your underwear and have him sweating buckets, you're just that pretty that anything fancier will definitely get him hard real fast.
He's painfully vanilla, the most he'd ask for is probably a different position he's wanted to try for a while but wasn't sure about asking you to do. It's nothing wild from him.
If anything you're the one seducing him, but he will turn on the charm once he gets "hints" (re: blatantly being told) that you want him in a sexy way in a very near future.
He's happy to let you do literally whatever you want to him. Mostly because he doesn't know all of the terms used, but still, as long as it brings you satisfaction he's willing to at least try something. He'll tell you if he's not having fun.
He wants you to be happy and satisfied. He's great at aftercare, he'll have you feeling good as new minutes after he finishes fucking you. Turns out a warm wet rag works miracles, or maybe that's just his fingers.
Doppo & Natsue:
Shockingly, Natsue is the one that does all the planning and plotting, Doppo has nothing to do with it, Natsue just plans and he goes along with it. What does she have in store? She's not telling either of you until it comes time to get nasty. It's always a good idea, really, but oh boy you'd definitely never expect some of the stuff she comes up with.
All three of you are going to get "naked" only to realize you all had the exact same idea, and that was to put on something sexy beneath. Doppo insists he pulled it off the best, of course, but he's not afraid to admit that you all look really good.
Kinky shit is exactly what you're going to get getting involved with these two. They make sex look like an Olympic sport, of which they are routinely receiving the gold medal. They've got likes and they're going to let you know, it's up to you what you want from them.
Doppo is brazen and suave, he's got a way with words that will leave your head fuzzy and spinning with want, but Natsue's almost worse than him (in a good way) because she goes from sweet unsuspecting housewife to literal sex goddess so fast it's almost scary.
You wanting to try something is only fair, they're more than likely going to humor you with whatever it is, even if it might be a little unconventional or weird. I mean, they're in a throuple, and most of the time Natsue wears the pants. If they were conventional then neither of them would likely be at this point.
Happy, safe and warm is how they'd prefer everyone to feel. Maybe a bit sore from "thorough use", but happy. You're all going to be a bit sweaty though, and if Doppo has the energy to carry both you and Natsue to the bath that's what he's going to do.
Oh he plans alright. He plans and plots, whatever you want to call it. He's doing all of it. You won't even know that he's planning until later when you look back at the events of the day and realize that it's very obvious . Especially with a fresh pair of eyes.
He's pleasantly surprised. How sweet of his love to wear something so nice just for him! He'll be careful with it, but he's just as likely to wear a little getup of his own, depending on how intimate things have been.
Kinky shit is his alley. He'll have you hanging from the ceiling forgetting everything but his name and the taste of his tongue in your mouth only a few minutes after you agree to let him have his fun.
The quiet confidence of a man who knows that he'll pull regardless of age. He's almost cocky, especially since he knows he's prepared and you probably aren't as prepared as him. Probably. He's hoping you aren't. Actually if you are he's screwed, because you'll both probably wind up sword fighting with dildos outside of his bedroom. I mean he'll win but still. Not very sexy of you two.
Yeah, he's willing to let you try something. Now what is it? Because depending on what it is, then his answer will range between yes, no, and "well you asked me to try something, and that in itself was you trying something so... No. ❤️" He doesn't want to bully you, but it's going to feel that way for a little bit.
Tired, sweaty and unable to move is how he'd like to be. Hopefully that's how you want to be too, because that's how you're going to wind up. You're welcome!
Planning, plotting, scheming. He'll give you whiplash at every turn, thinking that he will do you, then he won't do you. Until, of course he does do you, in which case you're just too fucked out to care, and he officially wins Scheming Bastard of the Year for the fifteen billionth time in his life.
Oh you'll get him flustered 100%. As much as he likes to act in control, secret spicy lingerie would make his whole face turn bright red, he can't look you in the eyes, hand are weak, arms are heavy, mom's spaghetti-
Not really as into kinky shit as he likes to make people think he is. He's pretty happy being relatively vanilla for Valetine's day, he likes to save the kinkier stuff for your anniversary or something along those lines.
He's clever, makes you want him so bad it makes you look stupid, and he'll tell you, of course, but that doesn't change the fact that you want him so bad that it makes you look stupid. He's clever and he'll easily find a way to get you into bed before the night ends.
He's open and willing to try new things if you ask him to, but he'd prefer to keep to something familiar for Valentine's day, even if it's more basic and less extreme sounding, it's still going to be good. He promises!
He's smug, you've got his cum dripping onto the bedsheets from your thighs, and it's honest to god way too late to be thinking about another round... But he's looking to smug and cocky for an old guy. You're going to wipe that look off of his face... Eventually. Promise.
He doesn't plan things out. He schemes. About everything. From grocery shopping to fucking, he's got a scheme for it. You're going to think it's honestly just another day but he's changed things around so that your calendars all display a day late. You're probably going to wind up freaked out, but don't worry, that's fun when it comes to him.
Do you want him to have a stroke and die? Because he could? Pinning you to your bed and stripping you down only to find out that you're wearing underwear would be powerful enough to almost send him straight into the grave and he's going to tell you so. A lot. Very frequently. It's kinda unsexy.
Oh yeah. He's going to want to try kinky shit. He wants to try some things real bad because I'm convinced this man's never had a partner willing to let him be a straight up weirdo before, and you being willing to go along with his less naughty Valentine's day plans would probably get you in a weird situation later.
Brazenly, outright telling you that he wants sex from you and he wants it yesterday, but he's not going to push. If you're not in the mood then you're not in the mood. Doesn't mean he won't try to get you in said mood if you let your guard down though.
"Let me try something" from you usually ends with a resounding yes anyways, this time is no different, especially if you let him try his thing earlier on in the day. At that point you could probably get away with asking him to shove the whole Eifel tower up his ass.
Hot, sticky, sweaty and covered in a lot more bodily fluids than you might ever hope to me. Don't ask me which ones, because I don't have an answer. I doubt anyone does, really. Definitely cum and spit at least. You're going to have to wash off or wind up feeling crusty in the morning. And get some fresh sheets too. Maybe a new bed. Burn the old one.
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sambuckylibrary · 6 months
Weeks 3 and 4 of TFATWS Anniversary Event 2024
Here is a compilation of all the works made in the third and fourth week of this event. Thank you to everyone who participated for those weeks and check them out if you haven’t already!
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Let Me Just Walk You Through a Hypothetical by @thatmexisaurusrex | Rated: G | WC: 1.5K | "Let Me Just Walk You Through a Hypothetical", Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Getting Together | AO3 |
You're Just Gonna Set Me Up Like That, Huh? by @funsized-loser | Rated: T | WC: 986 | "You're Just Gonnaa Set Me Up Like That, Huh?", TW: Blood/Injury, Cute |
You’re Just Gonna Set Me Up Like That, Huh? by @thatmexisaurusrex | Rated: E | WC: 1.8K | "You're Just Gonna Set Me Up Like That, Huh?", Gay Chicken (Sort of), Actions Do Indeed Have Consequences | AO3 |
A thousand times yes by noe3489 | Rated: G | WC: 591 | Meanwhile... On the Boat, First Kiss, Love Confessions | AO3 |
Untitled by @abarbaricyalp | Rated: N/A | WC: 511 | "Let Me Just Walk You Through a Hypothetical", Fluff, Established Relationship |
What We Want by noe3489 | Rated: G | WC: 1.6K | Divorce Arc, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed | AO3 |
"Fixing the Boat" by @thatmexisaurusrex | Art | Meanwhile... On the Boat, Gif, Domestic Fluff |
“Sam Finds the Note” and “Bucky Has Regrets” by @thatmexisaurusrex | Art | Divorce Arc, Angst, Thunderbolts Era |
Untitled by @abarbaricyalp | Rated: N/A | WC: 2.9K | "You're Just Gonna Set Me Up Like That, Huh?", POV Annalise (Darlene's Friend), Tooth-Rotting Fluff |
Another Natasha by @thatmexisaurusrex | Rated: T | WC: 2.8K | Skrulls, Fostering, Established Relationship | AO3 |
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lil-elle · 11 months
I'M DELULU TODAY SOO, how do you think xikers members would propose to you?😭😭😭🫶 I really love the way you redact!
Thank you sooo muchhh T-T also this is soooo cute I'll sob
How XIKERS Propose ♡
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pairs: bf!xikers x gn!reader (uses "wife" in hunters one)
genre: fluff, established relationship
word count: 1.1k
content: kisses, tears, cuteness
Holding back tears
Shaky voice as he speaks (he'd be soooo nervous, desperately wanting you to say yes, just so unsure of himself)
Wouldn't have prepared a super extravagant proposal, just taken you somewhere he knows you like
Would've definitely gone all out on the ring though…
Bone crushing hug after you say yes
Would be able to hold in his tears until you're hugging him after saying yes. Then WATERWORKS.
Would have set up the prettiest picnic on the beach and led you to it, before kneeling down and popping the question
He'd be super dressed up too, wanting to make the night as memorable as possible
You'd sit and drink champagne and eat snacks while giggling together for the rest of the night
He'd keep crying every time he thinks back to that moment 
He's usually so carefree but he'd put maximum effort into this, looking kind of awkward in his suit as he gets on one knee
Smiling up at you happily and kind of shyly waiting for your response
Kind of the type to do it in public like in a restaurant (he wouldn't if he knows you wouldn't like it)
Would make jokes to break the tension and cheer you up as you cry, “You're never getting rid of me now”
Would shower you with compliments over everything for the rest of the night, “You look so pretty with puffy red eyes after crying” You: “????”
Would barely be able to get the question out, tearing up every two seconds but trying so hard not to cry
Widest gummy smile known to man
The type to do it in a private but fun place like the top of a Ferris wheel (unless you're afraid of heights of course) or on one of those Swan boats
The morning of he'd surprise you with a whole day of fun activities that you'd be so overwhelmed you wouldn't even think about what it could be leading up to
He'd keep smiling even once he starts sobbing and you'd cry together, him nuzzling his head against yours
Would be super awkward, the type to almost fall down trying to get on one knee
Stuttering through his words but you just smile at him while tearing up because he's so endearing
The type to propose to you in the living room because you two were slow dancing together and he just couldn't resist how perfect you looked
He doesn't usually cry but he'd for sure be tearing up a little after you say yes
Wouldn't even stand up after hearing your “yes”. He'd just melt to the ground smiling and you'd join him, cuddling him close
He usually struggles to find words so he wrote out his whole proposal and practised in secret days before (he'd still stutter and mess up)
Wouldn't cry but his ears would be red as he looks up at you smiling widely down at him with tears in your eyes
Would be super nervous like minjae, not completely confident you're actually gonna say yes
His proposal location would be kind of generic like in a park but he'd make up for it with his words and the bouquet of flowers he prepared
Would grab you by the waist, pull you close, and kiss you so softly after you say yes. Then kiss your tears silently after pulling back
Would somehow manage to get some super expensive holiday or cruise and do it there like on the deck of the cruise ship late at night when no one else is around and various string lights brighten up the scene
Would get a custom ring with yours and his initials engraved into it
Would lose his confident teasing facade after getting down on one knee, looking up at you with a nervous smile on his face going “Marry me..?”
Would lift you into the air after you say yes, laughing and cheering and just yelling “I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!”
Would kiss you so deeply after setting you down again, just so overwhelmed with joy. 
After pulling away you'd see tears streaking down his face but if you brought it up in the future, he'd deny he ever cried 
Would do it in that has significance to you two, like the location of your confession, first date or first kiss
Wouldn't be able to stop smiling from the moment you meet up with him, just thinking about his plans and how excited he is
Would have a whole speech prepared, reciting all his happiest memories with you while on his knee as if trying to make you cry as much as possible
Would fumble trying to put the ring on you and almost drop it to which you two would just giggle together
He'd wipe your tears and kiss your cheeks so hard
He’d want this moment to be absolutely private so he would create his own candle lit dinner randomly one day when you get home from work which he'd propose to you in front of
Would not stop showering you with compliments all night, literally heart eyes
Would immediately start calling you his wife as soon as you say yes, “My wife is so pretty.”
Would pamper you for the rest of the night, running a bath for you, giving you a massage, taking your make-up off for you, cuddling you to sleep
Would make you breakfast in bed the next morning, “Good morning my lovely wife~”
Would propose to you in the cutest and most random place like outside the convenience store at midnight while you two are on an ice cream run
It wouldn't even be that official, just “I'm gonna marry you” and if you agree he'd just kind of go from there, buying you a ring one day and starting to research wedding stuff
The night before the wedding he'd create an actual proposal, as romantic as possible because he feels a little bad for getting excited and rushing through things
Would somehow write a 3 page list of all the things he loves about and read them out, loving watching your face redden and tears come to your eyes
The type to recreate the proposal every wedding anniversary because he just can't get enough of that feeling
@hyunromi @chocoeon @hyunukitty @minjaezed
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number1rizgukgakstan · 6 months
It's that time again! Spoilers below the cut!
The only CW being underage drinking + drug use is fascinating- I assume that means no one dies? At least, not like Buddy did.
I'm SO excited looking at that set it's so fucking cool. The crackling in the fake clouds? HOLY SHIT the modeling team went OFF I love their work.
I FORGOT JAWBONE'S THERE. AND SO IS EUGENIA. This is so insane I'm so excited.
"Airitime law" God I love you so much Zach you are SO FUNNY
The WHOLE school is here that's so funny. Does this mean the clubs Riz joined are going to come into play?? GERTIE??? GERTIE???? HEY GERTIE???
The divine domain idea is so fascinating but I would like to say- imagine worshiping a god named Porter. I'm crying laughing.
Okay we're getting the NPCS set up? Fuck yeah
FIG NO WHY ARE YOU WANDA CHILDA???? THATS SO FUNNY. Gerard Neigh I'm CRYING. I love Armor of Ayda and the Spirit Guardians.
"You're wearing an Orangutang mask and the skull of the Vulture King?"
"And I'm speaking Vulture.
"And you're speaking Vulture."
Adaine is so brilliant I love her.
K2 giving Kristen basically a whole extra turn is so funny. We love K2.
They have so many spells prepared I love it. Fabian's party sounds sick as hell. Even the Bad Baby milk sounds fun. Disgusting but fun.
I feel like using the NMK against Kristen is a bad idea but will have terrible consequences for Kristen, who's silly goofyness has been coming back to bite them. IDK we'll see
Fabian faking it till he makes it is SO FUNNY.
Baby and Baby Baby being here's so fucking funny. Let's go Baby and Baby Baby!
Fabian's HOUSE burning down would be devastating but maybe it'd make his mother come home
Kristen and K2 helping Riz load the canon is so wholesome. They're such a great team
1/4th of the party voting in one turn is absurd. Fabian's charisma is INSANE i love this man and his conga line
Jawbone once again completely out of the loop and just going with it is great.
I now see why Sprak has his own art.
The music video idea was genuis. Emily Axford is such a quick thinker and her performance as Fig is top-knotch.
Oisin summoning dragons breaks my heart. NOOO you were so cool :( now Adaine has to Furious Fist Mega Punch you to death
This fight is honestly so fucking metal. The music video, Fabian killing a dragon singlehandidly, Riz murdering two with the canons, all the Dex saves, Gorgug's excellent driving, JAWBONE, the voting drive... honestly I'm so proud of the Bad Kids and how far they've come.
ANOTHER GORGUG NAT 20 HOLY SHIT! Zac's really fucking it up right now. 7d12 is absurd
Wanda Childa running the party is so insane and I love it. It's Emily Axford's world and we're just living in it.
Eugenia Shadow is amazing. Best NPC by far.
"Can I bring a vulture to give me the help action?" absurd request. brennan's face was brilliant. Again: ITS EMILY AXFORD'S WORLD AND WE'RE JUST LIVING IN IT.
The fight. Every moment was incredible. They really did slay those god damn dragons. No one had to make a single death save. The party was popping. Fig was constantly being the fucking COOLEST. Fabian telling Gorgug not to crash his parent's boat. Eugenia Shadow telling Riz he's the best student she's ever had. It was brilliant. Excellent.
"Sorry Oisin, shouldn't have been such a douchebag, we're gonna kill your grandma now" BRILLIANT. 10/10. I love it.
Zac doing the dm bit is so funny.
K2 not knowing shit and pulling off a miracle is such pure Kristen its so fucking brilliant. THE UNCERTAINTY OF MAYBE BEING PREGNANT IS INSANE. I love Ally Beardsley.
Brennan's reaction to the pregnancy bit is so fucking funny. They broke this man's spirit in the funniest way possible.
"Haunted Wizard Clone Mini Golf Lightning Extravaganza" is the single funniest string of words imaginable. Brennan Lee Mulligan you are my favorite comedian ever.
"How much of this can we cut out, do you think?" Ally this is your bed, you have to lie in it, I'm so sorry. Funniest roll of all time.
Circling back, the flavor of Armor of Ayda is so cute. Ayda's protection is always over Fig no matter where she is.
THEY FUCKING DID IT GANG! Now for the penultimate battle! :]
"I think I have to try" is making me so fucking excited. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING FIG????
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