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mouseshouses · 2 years ago
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The Mouse Mistress is under the weather
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lumen-anima · 10 months ago
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...AND THEN SHE SAID "It's a shame the others didn't come." LIKE, YOU KNOW THAT AIN'T TRUE RIGHT???
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moonshynecybin · 1 year ago
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LOVE the instinct from yamaha to go with the most homoerotic vibe possible
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deerest-me · 7 months ago
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smaeemo · 10 months ago
Currently deciding whether or not I want to actually do stuff, because I’m sick and indecisive here’s a poll
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slayonehundredninetytwo · 1 year ago
Can I make a New Year’s request? Maybe something like Beomgyu getting sick with a fever right before New Year’s even though they had plans but they hyungs agree to home to take care of him so he’s not alone
(because i am not korean, i cannot accurately describe their new years traditions. so for the sake of the fic and the other new years fics to come, they will celebrate with american traditions.)
December 31,  aka New Year’s eve. A day filled with celebrations and champagne. But this year, it will be celebrated with sleep and tylenol, because Beomgyu is running a fever. He’s sure of it. From the moment he woke up to turn down the temperature on the thermostat to find it was already at 70 degrees, he knew he was sick. Bummer. And on New Year’s Eve? How lame. He contemplated telling his members. On the one hand, they don’t have work anyway. But also, the group had been looking forward to attending the company’s New Year’s eve party. He decided they didn’t have to know. Besides, his fever is probably not even that high. If he can ignore the chills, hot flashes, fatigue, sweat dripping down his forehead and aches through his whole body, he’ll be fine. No biggy.
He popped a slice of toast into the toaster. He debated just going back to bed, but he didn’t want to be suspicious. He’s usually the early riser of the group, and now that the rest of the members are stumbling into the kitchen, it’s too late to go back. 
Taehyun took one look at Beomgyu, and knew he was sick. The paleness of his face streaked with hot pink cheeks made it oh so apparent the he had quite a fever. 
“Soobin, can you come here?” He hollered through the halls. Soobin, still rubbing sleep from his eyes followed the voice to the kitchen, stopping in the doorframe, “What is it-“,
“Shit Gyu, are you sick?”he interrupted himself upon the sight of his obviously sick dongsaeng.
“I- Uh..well…” he murmured, shocked that his members had been able to tell so easily. He felt a strong hand pressing on his forehead.
“Oh my god Beomgyu, you’re on fire! Not that I’m surprised, you look like you just ran a marathon!” Soobin exclaimed as he removed his hand which was now ever so slightly moist with forehead sweat. He turned to grab the thermometer only for Taehyun to shove it into his hands having already grabbed it. He poked it into Beongyu’s ears, and waited for the beep. 
Soobin’s eyes widened when the beep finally came, the thermometer read 102.9 degrees.  “Yup, that’s definitely a fever. Go back to bed, I’ll bring in some water and some medicine.” 
Beomgyu didn’t hesitate to get back under the warmth of his comforter.
By now, Yeonjun and Huening Kai had woken up too, and filled in on the situation. Meanwhile, Beomgyu was sound asleep in his bed room. After hours of him sleeping, Yeonjun went in to check on him. Upon entering the room, he was hit by the unmistakable stench of sweat. He tried not to let it show on his face as he tried not to breathe through his nose. 
“Gyu, can you wake up for just a minute so I can take your temperature again?”
Beomgyu made a noise of approval, and without opening his eyes even a crack, he turned over to let Yeonjun insert the thermometer. When the beep came this time, it was found that his temperature had only climbed to 103.3. “Oh god Beomgyu, if this gets any higher it could be dangerous. And it doesn’t seem like the medicine is working much.”
Beomgyu groaned, still refusing to peel open his eye lids. Yeonjun left the room, and Beomgyu hoped that he would stop pestering him about it, but returned moments later with a wet washcloth. He felt the cold relief on hushed forehead. The cool didn’t last that long as the heat radiating of his face easily warmed the washcloth. 
“Okay. I’m gonna come back in to check again in an hour alright?”
Beomgyu was practically asleep already before Yeonjun even finished his sentence.
When Yeonjun came back, he felt bad waking the sleeping boy once again, especially when he looked so adorable when sleeping. He tried to wiggle the thermometer into the boys ears without waking him, barely making it in. In the process, he was disgusted when he felt how the sheets were almost completely soaked in sweat. The thermometer beeped and read 103.7. Yeonjun was flabbergasted at the fever’s ability to continue to grow.
“Beomgyu? Do you think you can take a cool bath or something? Your fever is still rising and we have to get it down.”
He said to the still half asleep Beomgyu.
“But I’m already so cold..” He whined.
“The thermometer says other wise. Sorry. Unless you have a better idea? And while you’re in there I’ll wash your sheets, they’re getting kinda….gross.”
Beomgyu sighed, finally sitting up in his bed. His body ached, longing to lay back down, but he knew it was for the best. He glanced at the clock next tom him on his bed side table, reading the time. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the party??”
“Oh- nah. I don’t think we’re going.”
“Is it because of me? I don’t want to ruin New Year’s” Yeonjun could see Beomgyu’s expression become ridden with guilt.
“Maybe a little. But it’s okay really. It’s the same party every year anyway, nothing we haven’t seen before.”
“Are you sure? You guys can go, I can hold my own.”
“Not like this you can’t. Your fever is crazy. Besides, it will be nice spending New Years in a more relaxed fashion this year.”
Beomgyu accepted that his members would stay to take care of him, and stood to head off to take his bath. He immediately had to sit back down as dizziness washed over him. Yeonjun looked at him with a great deal of concern.
“Just.. dizzy.”
Yeonjun held his hand to hoist him back up and helped him off to the bathroom. Once we was settled in the bath for a bit, Yeonjun went off to throw Beomgyu’s bedding into the wash. 
By the time Beomgyu was done in the bath, the sheets were only just switching to the dryer.
“How bout you bring your pillow and grab one of those christmas blankets and lay on the couch for a bit, while your bedding is in the dryer atleast.”
Beomgyu didn’t care wear he was sleeping as long as he was sleeping. He wrapped himself in a blanket and hobbled to the couch. Kai was already sitting there, scrolling on instagram. He looked up and smiled at the boy burrito in front of him, scooting over to make a place for him. He gratefully layed down across the cushions, his feet hanging off the edge ever so slightly. Kai scooted Beomgyu’s head into his lap and ran his fingers through his wet hair. They stayed like that for the next couple of hours, waiting to bring in the new year. The rest of the group started to file into the room as the clock ticked closer to midnight. They didn’t have any champagne laying around so they poured some ginger ale, close enough. They tried to stay as quiet as they could as to not wake the sleeping Beomgyu beside them.
“ten… nine…. eight…. seven….”They whispered, “six…. five…. four…. three…. two…. one.”
“HAPPY NEW YEARS!!” they said, maybe a bit too loudly.
“Shhhh!” Soobin hissed.
They go quiet. But it’s still not silent, as fireworks have started to burst outside the window. Beomgyu started to stir, his hands instinctively moving to his ears. Kai, being the closest person to Beomgyu, noticed tears rolling down his face, probably the fever messing with his emotions.
“Guy, what’s the matter?”
“The fireworks hurt my head.”
“Aw, I’m sorry. I’m sure they’ll be over soon?” he tried. But it was not helpful to calm the crying boy.
Taehyun shot up from his seat, dashing to his room, returning with his soundproof headphones in hand. He swiftly maneuvered them over Beomgyu’s ears.
No response.
“Guess they must be working.”Yeonjun giggled.
“Well, that’s one way to start off the new year.” Taehyun teased.
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gingerandcelery · 9 months ago
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sick day brainrot time
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landwriter · 10 months ago
Hey there. I drove past the White Horse Inn in Berkeley today and snapped a pic for you. Any chance Hob and Dream frequent this establishment in Lighthouses?
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Oh, how fun! Thank you! Perhaps they shall. It's got a really interesting history.
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accessiblecalvinhobbes · 11 months ago
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4 Panel Comic - Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson. Calvin is a young boy often in a striped shirt. He has an imaginary tiger friend named Hobbes. When Calvin is alone Hobbes is a tiger who stands on his hind feet and talks only to Calvin. Others see Hobbes as a stuffed tiger toy that Calvin carries with him.
Panel 1: Calvin is in his bed with a thermometer in his mouth. On the end of his bed is an old-fashioned tube television with rabbit ear antenna. From the television a voice says "Oh, Mary, you look ravishing in that skimpy negligee!" Two kiss noises come from the television. The image is from the side.
Panel 2: A closer image of Calvin. He looks seriously at the television as one voice says "Mmm... Darling, Don't you wish we were married?" The other replies "But we are! ... or did you mean to each other?" Two more kiss sounds.
Panel 4: The panel is shown from the same angle as the first panel. There are two more kiss noises. One voice from the television says "I've got to have you! Let's murder our spouses!" The other voice replies "Murder?! -- You sick animal! I love it when you talk that way! Come here!"
Panel 4: Calvin smiles and looks at the viewer past the edge of the television and says "Sometimes I think I learn more when I stay home from school."
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magnusbae · 1 year ago
the fact i literally cannot take a sick day bc i was sick a month ago and so nobody will believe me that i'm sick again but boy am i sick
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onippep · 2 years ago
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So, how was your day?
(Quiet. Only got a few orders... How are you feeling?)
Eh... blessin' in disguise I think. Still feelin' gross. Gustavo came over, helped me patch the window up. Says he knows a few places that can fix it up for cheap.
(RRrrrrrrrRr. Cold tonight. Hope it's fixed soon.)
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 5 months ago
Note to self! Do NOT schedule an important meeting an hour before you have a shift because the resultant stress WILL make you puke and call in sick
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michaeldagaymerx · 5 months ago
Having a sick day. Not feeling great today. I woke up with a sore throat. I made some hot tea for my throat. I think I’m getting the flu 😩🤒🤧😷
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catbirdo · 5 months ago
I hate being sick, why must this mortal vessel ache so? The pain the phlegm the agony! My flesh burns on the inside in a viral war of flames, why oh why!
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Child catcher scanlan
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smaeemo · 10 months ago
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