#;just love not forgotten (falsestalwart)
cornelianlute · 9 months
“Moral wounds have this peculiarity - they may be hidden, but they never close; always painful, always ready to bleed when touched, they remain fresh and open in the heart.” ( garland / falsestalwart )
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Was that so? Perhaps she would always carry these wounds deep inside of her for all of time. Perhaps it wasn't enough that she was plagued with dreams of other lives and other connections - of people and places she would probably never see. It shamed her to think that if there was even a chance that some of the people in her dreams were, in fact, real that she had forgotten them. But dreams were just dreams and nothing more, right?
There were also the scars she carried from her kidnapping ordeal. Those wounds, she knew, would never really heal. The hurt and the confusion... she'd carry with her forever. For the briefest of moments she had lost her light, her hope for the future, and had known the deepest, darkest despair. The one she had believed in, had put all of her faith in, had hurt her in a way she had never known possible and she wondered then if she would ever truly believe in the light of the future again. In those dark moments of despair, she wondered if she ever truly loved Garland at all or if it was all just a fleeting fancy because who could love someone that could harm them so?
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The wind kicked up then, blowing strands of her hair into her face. Reaching to put her hair back into place, she can't stop herself from asking, "Do you things would be different if none of this had ever happened? If we hadn't need of the Warriors of Light, would things have turned out much the same? Or," she turns her pale blue eyes towards her former knight. "do you think things would've turned out much the same? Would you still have tried to take me for your own?"
And the ever-burning question she wanted to ask, but could never find the courage to breathe life into. Her lips felt dry then and she raked her tongue across her coarse pale pink lips. It was unbecoming of her, she knew, but at the same she didn't care. All she really wanted was answers and there was no one around to bother them - though she had a sneaking suspicion that there was probably at least one pair of eyes out there watching them.
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He was no longer in service to her father so she had no right to even demand it, but she needed those answers. Her shoulders were square, her stance straighter, and if anyone else were to look at her, they'd probably see a fire in her eyes, and her voice was stern. "Tell me, Garland," she didn't use his title. It was rather mean of her , but perhaps this was the fastest way to an answer. She had known the blackness of despair, of what it was like to lose all hope. She wasn't afraid anymore, and, if anything, she needed closure, too. "Would you have committed the same sins if you could do it all over again? Would you continue to hurt me so?"
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cornelianlute · 3 years
tag dump.
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cornelianlute · 2 years
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                     Please do not take my headcanons!
Nestled in the back of the Chaos Shrine lies the Labyrinth of Time - a complex dungeon housing the Master of Time who has roamed countless eons, Chronodia.
Chronodia created the labyrinth to lure those with the powers of the Warriors of Light to them - to weed out the weak so that only the strong remained. Its labyrinth is a test to see who is worthy of the power of time - a power that even the wisest of sages covet and can hold. Chronodia's power and final form is determined by how many blue seals have been broken in the labyrinth. Its most powerful form uses all Four Fiends of Chaos as well as the power of Chaos himself against the Warriors. 
As a traveler through time, Chronodia came across Garland and sensing a confliction in him between love and power, cursed him. A symbol of its power, Chronodia left a black orb in the Chaos Shrine (a long since abandoned place of worship that mankind forget its reason for existing in the first place), for him to find, but it would take an orchestration of events to ensure that Sir Garland, the bravest knight in all of Cornelia, would arrive at such a desolate and forgotten place. 
The growing monster population, the darkening of the crystals, the fusion between one man's hatred and the four elements of the world in a desire for power, for strength, and to live forever through all of time... was not caused by one misunderstanding, one rejection from the princess of Cornelia, but an eternal being that was the flow of time itself. 
A being that would sit back and watch as a fraction of its power caused Garland to fall to darkness, turn him more monstrous as a result (of both darkness and time), and would after seeing the Warriors of Light receive Bahamut's blessing and put an end to the Four Fiends of Chaos in the present make itself known to them and challenge them. Would they be worthy of its power? Ending the cycle that had begun to make this Master bored? 
                          * S.tra.nger of P.ara.dise Related *
                                                 *spoilers below*
In terms of relating to SoP, because ngl I hate the whole Lufenia = bad shit and I'm honestly with @/magitekelite / @/falsestalwart when it comes to what it should have been (imo) with it being the circle of sages and making like a pact with that dickass Shinryu (or maybe even being Onrac because their forgotten civilization is literally just a footnote at this point), maybe Chronodia is like homies with dickass Shinryu? Because idk. I'm still confused how Jack and co. somehow got time powers at the end of SoP just from blowing up the manifestation of Chaos. So I will probably develop this idea or loose thread / strand / whatever, in the future. Idk. I think it’d be interesting too if Chronodia also had ties with The Creator from IV:TAY (as much as I dislike the end of that game), but we’ll see what I come up with. lol
Also there’s a dude in some blackish, purple robes with green hair that leads the Warriors of Light to the back of the Chaos Shrine where the Labyrinth of Time is and I think it’s just supposed to be the form Chronodia chose to lead them there. I might do something with this in the future too.
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