fxtelism-moved · 2 years
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Quite a handsome demon.
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Speaking of which.
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fxtelism · 2 years
(continued from here)
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“But I’m fine Irvall. It’s just a scratch. I can manage.”
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"I know the last days were tense for you, but there is no need to feel burdened. You'll be safe here from your father." While this shrine was usually abandoned, it was often used as hidden shelter and a temporary sanctuary. "At least for now, it gives you some time."
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fctedivided · 9 months
(continued from here)
She laughed gently as Irvall was continuing to compliment her. He made her feel safe; she enjoyed keeping close to him. It was nice to know that Irvall shared some of her feelings toward him.
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“Pretty and cute…” – oh why did she focus on these two words? Perhaps because she wasn’t often called pretty. Almost never at all. If anything, she was rather criticized for being vain; focusing too much on how she looked – “I am happy you find me pretty, Irvall. Even if I am not sure what I did to deserve all these so nice words.” – she truly was surprised with them; Nunnally turned around. She knew she was behaving too frivolous, but the girl was happy. Perhaps too happy. “Will you dance with me, Irvall? I love waltz.” – or would that be too much for a serious man as himself – “Do you like waltz?” – but everyone needed a break in their life; he could as well have it now and with her. 
As usual, the Crimson Lord didn't give much reaction, however when being asked for a waltz with Nunnally, his expression softened a bit.
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"Waltz, you mentioned? Well, I don't really have an opinion nor prior experience about dance in general." Despite he was living more than hundred years. "I'm uncertain I can be an ideal dancing partner to you, Nunnally."
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lured-into-wonderland · 8 months
Would you like for Irvall to be your dance partner, Nunnally?
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“Well yes, of course.” – she is, indeed, surprised with the question. Why wouldn’t she? He was all kind and supporting to her. Yes, she remembers Irvall said he didn’t know how to dance, but that’s not really a problem. She can teach him, she can lead him, they can just move as the music guides them. Perhaps there aren’t countless possibilities. But quite many actually.
And she can already enjoy that imaginary dance. Perhaps waltz. Her favourite. The slow one might be easier for the beginning. They would look nice together. He’s taller but not really towering over her. With his brown hair and her fair, they could look like day and night…
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Nunnally smiles to her thoughts. That comparison is perhaps a bit too much, but she still likes it.
“Yes, I’d like Irvall to become my dance partner. But the question is would he like that?”
“…perhaps dancing is just too human for him to engage…” – that would be a pity. But she’d understand. Creatures like Irvall and her have duties…and these duties sometimes restrict them from doing certain things? From having fun?
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fctedriven · 4 months
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Unprompted ask. - @x-whiskeylullaby-x sent:
"Do I look fat?" Flora asked as she stared at herself in the mirror before lightly running her fingers across her baby bump. (@Irvall)
Weeks went past, and her stomach became more noticeable. Even though he wasn't directly affected, this was still quite foreign to him as he had uncertainties for their future.
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"I assume this is normal, given what you are going through." His hand gently placed on hers, feeling the little vibration from her bump. "You're doing fine, Flora."
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fctedivided2 · 2 years
(continued from here)
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"It's complicated. You wouldn't understand."
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"Try me." The reaper replied, but not in a provocative manner. "Whether you would tell or not, I really have nothing to gain from it other than my understanding. Still it's ultimately your choice, Flora."
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tentaplenty · 1 year
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mun draws
♆ @fctedivided asked: ✏ if you want to, Irvall? ♆
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I'm real bad at drawing humans haha
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lex-cursus · 11 months
👾 ; "We're the same age. Stop acting like you're my mom."
(Irvall to Mesolith, this line sure is something)
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"Am I not to think of you like a child when you so doggedly guard lands no one will use?"
"I could liken you to a sheepdog without a flock if you oh so prefer."
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"And no, we are most definitely not the same age."
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multisuperfluity · 3 months
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@fctedivided asked: ♡ Rya to Irvall
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●●●●○ | INTEREST
●○○○○ | LOYALTY
●○○○○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
Send ♡ to see what my muse thinks of yours
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nindyynyajaemin · 2 years
(06.30 am)
pagi ini aku diantar oleh bunda, seperti biasa pagi2 selalu heboh karena apa yg diperlukan selalu disiapkan mepet waktu. di perjalanan menuju sekolah bunda dan aku berbincang perihal hari2 yg dialami aku dan bunda setiap hari selalu begitu, heran bukan? kenapa nggak di rumah aja? , aku dan bunda mempunyai prinsip kalau aku dan bunda memiliki cerita masing-masing lebih baik ceritanya di luar rumah , katanya si sekalian healing. pagi ini terasa lebih dingin dari biasanya ,mungkin semalam turun hujan mangkanya pagi ini terasa sejuk. saat masuk area sekolah aku bersalaman dengan guruku karena mereka terpampang jelas didepan gerbang pintu, ku beranjak masuk untuk kekelas.
" INDIIIIIIII!!! lo jujur ya semalem lo kemana yaa anjingggg" teriakan Zalfa itu terdengar sampai luar kelas.
"Heh anjing kecilin suara lo bangke" Lea memberi pukulan kecil kepada Zalfa. Aku pun hanya membalas dengan bisikan kecil kepada mereka "emang kenapa kalau gue jalan bareng rival" . mereka terkejut dan mungkin tatatapan kepadaku seolah2 bertanya tanya. mungkin mereka terkejut dengan postingan malam itu karena itu terasa tiba-tiba.
"gue gapapa si sebenernya lo keluar gitu sama si siapa itu irval kek ripan kek tp ya ngomong2 dong di grup biar kita ga keget ya asem" ucap lea kepadaku.
omong2 Lea dan Zalfa adalah teman kelasku yg dekat denganku, selain tiwi mereka adalah moodboosterku, mereka benar2 penyelamatku pas awal MPLS.
"Tp bukannya dia itu anak osis ya? denger2 di osis ada kakel cantik banget namanya kiara, lo ga takut apa?" , pertanyaan yg dilontarkan oleh zalfa itu menuai atensiku 'siapa? kok gue ga pernah denger? ah sialan bikin ovt saja'
Sejak saat itu aku berlagak layaknya stalker yg mencari informasi seputar 'Kiara' itu di Sosmed. sungguh mungkin ini yg dikatakan bidadari turun dari surga? , 'ciptaan Tuhan memang luar biasa tapi kalau yg kayak gini sih bikin insecure' Batinku
"Hee, ngelamuni opo to awkmu ki?" (Hee, kamu lagi ngelamunin apa?)
"Ha? oh.. oraa nyapo2 beb, mek kepikiran ae" (Ha? oh.. ngga kok aku ngga ngapa2in, cuman kepikiran aja) ku tersadar dari lamunan itu dan ku bereskan semua buku yg membuatku makin muak melihatnya, rasanya pikiran mau pecah kalau melihat buku di meja apalagi buku matematika.
"pikiran nyapo? maeng seng diomongno zalfa ta?pi-" (kepikiran apa? apa yg diomongin zalfa tadi? ken-)
" Gue cantik gak?" tanyaku secara tiba2 dan memotong pembicaraanku dengan Lea
" yailah gue kira apaan ndi, yo semua orang perempuan itu cantik ndi. insecure lo sama kak kiara?"
"Hah??.. kok lo tau si le?"
"Ndi , Sebenernya masalah ini udh Booming dimana2 dan jalan permasalahannya udh banyak. ngehargain perasaan Lo, Ngehargain diri sendiri. Lo ga boleh takut ya ndi?" . Jawabnya sambil menarik mematikan dalam dekapannya.
0 notes
fxtelism-moved · 2 years
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Unprompted ask. - @leafstcne​ sent:
"Irvall..I'm curious about something."
(Flora @ Irvall)
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“Then what’s on your mind, Flora?” The reaper inquired, turning his head towards her. 
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fxtelism · 2 years
(continued from here)
She looked around. Slowly. At first she did not notice anything. But then when her eyes got used to the dark, she noticed them. The distant noises. The eyes. Staring at her. She shivered. She still did not know where she was and how she got there.
“I…I am no human.” – she stuttered, but would it make a difference? A human or not, but these beasts, these creates would most likely be able to hurt her.  She looked at Irvall pretty scared now, with pleading eyes as if looking for his protection, for his guidance.
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“I-I do not know how I got here. Would you be able to help me to get home? To send me away? To protect me with these animals.” – ( “But why would he? She was a stranger.” ) – “Who are you? What is this place?” – she suddenly fell on her knees and started to sob; more questions than answer – “I am so scared. Please…please do help me…”
"Not a human, you say?" The reaper took his time to examine, trying to sense her aura. Indeed, it was different than a human's, yet he couldn't immediately recognize what hers was instead. Still it hardly mattered, she would be considered as an outsider regardless.
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"My name is Irvall, guardian of the lands of Argentem, including the Cinera Cliffs that we are standing." He simply answered, barely affecting when she started to sob, although still listening to her pleas. After a moment of silence from his part, he eventually extended his hand towards Nunnally.
"If you're willingly to trust me, hold my hand." A vision of her world was required, he needed to take a glimpse through her memories, if she had them.
0 notes
fctedivided · 10 months
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Unprompted ask. - @ancicntforged sent:
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"Hey you look pretty strong, wanna have a spar?" Kiana to whomever
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"Then are you the one who just caused a disturbance around these lands?" The reaper turned around, demonic red eyes staring at hers.
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"My opinion about you, Nunnally? In my eyes, you are pleasant. Someone I don't mind at all, I'm satisfied to have you in my presence. And I suppose pretty and cute describes you." Perhaps Irvall was a bit too cryptic with his compliments, but it was also his way to say things.
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She laughed gently as Irvall was continuing to compliment her. He made her feel safe; she enjoyed keeping close to him. It was nice to know that Irvall shared some of her feelings toward him.
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“Pretty and cute…” – oh why did she focus on these two words? Perhaps because she wasn’t often called pretty. Almost never at all. If anything, she was rather criticized for being vain; focusing too much on how she looked – “I am happy you find me pretty, Irvall. Even if I am not sure what I did to deserve all these so nice words.” – she truly was surprised with them; Nunnally turned around. She knew she was behaving too frivolous, but the girl was happy. Perhaps too happy.
“Will you dance with me, Irvall? I love waltz.” – or would that be too much for a serious man as himself – “Do you like waltz?” – but everyone needed a break in their life; he could as well have it now and with her. 
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fctedivided2 · 2 years
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Send me ↕ + your muse’s height. - @lured-into-wonderland sent:
↕ + 160 cm for Irvall
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"Comparing our heights, you're smaller than me." The Reaper simply commented.
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tentaplenty · 8 months
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♆ @fctedivided asked:
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What if Irvall revealed her his demon form?
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Now they had her interest. The Gorgon looked almost giddy, her tail flicking behind her as she admired the beast before her.
"You are positively beautiful."
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