crimsonsharked · 2 months
Just ....reaches over and takes Alessio's hat.
It's his now.
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Alessio stares... at the very...human man. Then smacks it taking his hat back. Then he took one big step back.
"What the fuck."
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snkts · 2 months
🐤 👀
Send me a 🐤 for a Tweet my muse would make about yours. || ACCEPTING
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positivelybeastly · 2 months
A Devil You Don't Know
It had been an inauspicious, particularly brutal way to end up being incarcerated, Henry couldn't deny that. In retrospect, perhaps arriving in the far off year of 2099 and immediately deciding to start up his experiments without a safety net or an attempt to hide what he was doing was . . . foolhardy. But, in his defence, who thought that, of all the institutions that would persist into the far future, Spider-Man would be one of them?
Granted, this new one was different. The old one wouldn't have punched out quite so many of his teeth, for starters.
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But, as Henry smoothed a hand over his jaw, feeling replacement teeth growing in with an irritated, pained twitch of his nose, he supposed there was still enough about the spider that was familiar that he could see the resemblance. It took a particularly naive little goody two shoes like a Spider-Man to see a cruel beast carving up bodies in an alleyway and not kill him, after all.
And yet, as he stood on the other side of the transparisteel cell window that separated him and his first acquaintance in this charmingly named Nueva York, he had to think that there still yet something different about this particular arachnid.
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After all. Who willingly visited a cruel little man like Dark Beast in prison? Someone with a screw loose, perhaps. Or, someone desperate enough to make a deal with the devil.
"If you're here to apologise, I'll only accept it if you kneel while you do it. Perhaps you can kiss the glass and tell me how handsome I am while you're at it. It might ameliorate my mood."
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yukikorogashi · 6 days
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Sketch for @iobartach! ❤️
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gazelessmenagerie · 9 days
"I'm leaving for the weekend, so I hid a card with $100 credit in your room for food. Clean your room, and you will find it." (🥦)
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" Only a $100? It's like you WANT me to STARVE. "
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getblammed · 4 months
[ starter call. | @iobartach ]
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“ Wha— I got this covered, man! Get goin’! ”
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kingbcwser · 3 months
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Imagine losing to a giant turtle, that's embarassing bro.
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therapardalis · 1 month
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[What Your Muse is Thinking Meme from @iobartach.]
"Should I lift her up to help her reach that kitten more easily, or continue ruffling her hair?" [Inspired by this gif.] ------------
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She supposes he thinks he's funny.
She supposes he actually is, given the slightly 'endless mirror' kind of look they must be cutting right now. But on the other hand, if he didn't notice the instinctual little tilt of her head, practically identical to that of the cat she's stroking, Thera isn't going to mention it.
The cat in question is resting on the small ledge just above her head-height, enjoying the sun - and, after a brief, mostly unspoken conversation, also enjoying being fussed over as was its due. At least until Miguel's intervention, whereupon he and his sunglasses become an object of curiosity and warrant a closer look.
Thera catches the intent in time to brace her arm, making a firmer bridge for their new acquaintance to walk down and perch on her shoulder, peering at the man beyond, and she tries not to laugh enough to shake the animal off.
"Tsk, look at that - now you've done it!"
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thenten · 3 months
@iobartach liked for a starter!
Surveillance and reconnaissance, simple. They always said it was going to be simple. 'Just a research mission', sure thing, boss.
Now here he is, maintaining a perfect stealthy approach in stars know wherever he is (or when he is, for that matter), far out of the way of anybody's eyes or ears, doing what he THOUGHT was a good job.
And before he knows it, he finds himself face-to-face with someone else who just happens to be crawling on this place's ceiling.
Coming to a complete stop as each of his six eyes just. Blink.
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"... did you make a reservation for this ceiling, too?" The arachnichimp whispers to the costumed stranger in a vain attempt at a joke.
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sillymuses · 2 months
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"HAH HAH. I've overfilled your PITIFUL computer systems with BEANS and there's nothing you can do about it--"
The irken stops himself as he finally looks around. Zim's been hiding in that potted plant for some time now. He seems to realize something is wrong here. Fingers click against his chin as his attention turns to the individual, beans just oozing out from all computers behind both of them. That's a lot of beans.
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"Oh. I'm sorry. I thought this was the Syndicate's headquarters. They're doing a whole multi-versal villain con thingie and DIDN'T invite me. ME. Can you believe that?! I mean really! Talk about being insensitive. Anyway, I'm your new boss now so start cleaning this up for me, okay?"
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godstrayed · 4 months
@iobartach liked this for a starter ╱ not accepting.
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 "Your face is blank and barren, like another language, impenetrable," he remarked, his voice carrying a soothing reassurance. Despite everything, Steve wasn't looking for any trouble. Only answers on how to get back to his own universe. As someone who had navigated through different eras and encountered countless individuals, Steve understood the barriers that often shielded them. "I do not know how to get a read on you."
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sunfallsprophet · 4 months
They thought it was just a quick hit of dope they were injected with. A nice little hit of ecstasy—a flush of adrenaline—and before they could even realize they’d been drugged, the high would almost be over. Out of all the drugs and substances they’ve ever used, Djahima was familiar with heroin the most. “This will pass soon,” they thought, “it won’t have much of an effect on my strange biology.” Then it came. The rush. The magnificent high. The erasure of pain, exhaustion, sorrow—it erased every bad goddamn thing that was inside of them.
It didn’t take away agony to replace it with elation. It wiped pain off the face of the fucking earth.
“This isn’t heroin.”
Four centuries. Four hundred years of complex human emotions, diminished. All their triumphs, all their failures, every single monstrous fate they so carefully carved out for those they believed deserved to writhe in dull undeath. It was all null and void. Null & Void.
nothing but mist. TO BE ALIVE? all sorrow, all pain is ISN’T IT GREAT WAS I MADE WRONG been really real? NEVER AGAIN. has sadness ever I’LL NEVER FEEL SAD, This Must Be Zechariah 9:12 / What God Feels Like
They were the King and the Kingslayer. They were the volcano that erupted and the sea that would consume it. They were the snake delighting in the meal it caught, the mouse content with ending its miserable existence in such an extravagant way. Bad things were just as perfect as the good. 
On all accounts, Djahima hadn’t a blessed clue as to where they were, how they got there or why. They didn’t care. They couldn’t care. Whether or not the rest of the Alchemax thugs had been dealt with, they didn’t know. Their body was all but limp, their eyes rolling into the back of their head. But as far as they knew, they had never been better.
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revulnance · 3 months
"Wha--HEY! Put me down!"
She never appreciates being picked up or handled like a toy. Not unless it's from someone she trusts which is definitely not the case with this guy here. Little feet kick about as she huffs.
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"I go where I please. Now put me back down on the ground. There are heroes here I need to influence."
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weavinghands · 1 month
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THE AIR WAS SOFT & SUBTLE . no doubt a lively time for humans , while it simply felt like passing the time for the shinigami . her eyes catch staring gaze , brow arching to show she had acknowledge his presence . all he had to do is make his move before she got bored & made hers .
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gazelessmenagerie · 12 days
"So murder is in reason but proper self care isn't?" 🕷️ to 🥦 😏
" Well, duh. What kind of question is that? "
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lancelot-sharpkeen · 5 months
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