fantasymisfitsquotes · 3 months
Alexis : Arrogance and fear still keep you from learning the simplest and most significant lesson of all. Ewyn : Which is? Alexis : It's not about you.
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kai23-art · 11 months
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[WHA OCs] silly little guys, my beloved
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kai23-doodles · 5 months
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choose your signature
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littlewonderly · 1 year
The ghost of Kevin Day grabbed me by the neck and shook me this afternoon and I opened the next chapter of I’m Here (Except When You’re Not) for the first time in months and dumped 1k words into it.
And i actually feel really good about what I’ve got going on so far.
(Though i’m not getting excited, the will comes and the will goes so who knows if a finished chapter will come from this lol)
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redribbonmagpie · 11 months
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I’ve realized that somehow I have not posted anything about Ewyn despite him being my most precious blorbo OC that is rotating in my head 24/7
Anyways this is Ewyn Ward, he’s my player character in an rpg I’m in with some mutuals of mine! He’s a very anxious and overly curious teenager who makes bad choices and is being Put Through the Horrors. He is my little meow meow and he also killed three guys with the “help” of this eldritch entity that’s been haunting him and putting him through a horror movie and basically love him so much and could ramble about him for hours
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innerciircle · 1 year
@lowerforms // @veroxins
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It had been a LONG drawn out process to get the accursed mortal on a fast track to being dealt with. What was supposed to be a quick job for Fowler and Ewyn had turned into a SEVERAL WEEK process.
Which was exceedingly irritating; Luckily---there was a light at the end of this annoying tunnel && That was the direction from the Ruse form to take her to PLUM'S temple.
&& With help of their escort Lamby, that was exactly what they had done. The sun was setting as Ewyn and Fowler got themselves ready and presentable to travel to the temple. They had set up much nicer magic outfits than they usually wore out. Something that showed their status outwardly. Sunset was always a fun time in Plums timelines, filled with festival food, games and people playing.
Once they would step outside with Dai in tow, they'd realize just how much busier it was than normal. The town was PACKED with higher followers and civilians alike. Which was...odd for plums timelines--at least so far. Though it was somewhat expected, as they'd heard from Leif that things were starting to change---and so was the lower form.
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Pulling his hood over his head tighter, the leader of their little rag-tag gang makes a hand motion to Ewyn as they head up the stairs towards the main temple. He nods in response, before revoking the mortals right to walk--and lifting her over his shoulder. A rather surprising feat of strength given his size.
After they managed to reach the doors-- Fowler stops, before turning to meet the mortal's gaze.
" When we walk through those doors, you keep your mouth SHUT until he speaks to you. Got that ? "
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sunlessea · 1 year
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tag dump part 4......... cult leaders....... i'm making it thru this
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sothasil · 1 year
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Witch Hat Atelier ArtFight 2023! Featuring:
Veera, of @crowberri
Siahm, of @anormaladn (ft my Sumasula)
Ewyn, of @kai23-art (ft Sumasula...again!)
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fantasymisfitsquotes · 4 months
Ewyn : Why do you look at me so, demon? I know who you are, I can see through you! You are the one by whom The Evil will come! You are the one who will destroy Togen!
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kai23-art · 9 months
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Drew my lads for the @/whanewspaper zine (an WHA OC zine) on twt! Feel free to check it out here or here :)
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kai23-doodles · 7 months
[OCs] my most beloved
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anormaladn · 9 months
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Dofus AU I made for the hhhomies yippeeee
Siahm's an huppermage, Ewyn a Sadida, and Ihrin a Feca
As usual, Ewyn and Ihrin are @kai23-art's ocs, bless you Kai for letting me dunk your little guys in a franchise you've never heard about lol
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mercedesdecorazon · 3 months
Hey everyone! This is my review for the finale of Immortal Desires Book 2! I'm so excited 🤗
Okay, so we open the episode with Ewyn - I mean Lewyn and Astoria doing the wipe-the-humans'-memories ritual and this whole scene is pointless to me until Terri comes at the end and these vampires allow Terri to keep her memories because duh! Terri having her memories makes sense anyway! So suck it up!
So we have a little memorial for Seth (RIP baby) and I'm still salty about this honestly 😔
(I'm skipping ahead because I have some thoughts I need to go through)
So we do this Turning Ritual and this whole scene is a retcon because in B1 lore, vampire blood is poisonous to other vampires but fine 🙂
And since I'm doing the poly route, I chose both covens which means I got both Cas and Gabe.
And that threesome scene was so good! I love this and I loved it for the trio. Because they're forever together, why not make it polygamous? Normally, I go with one LI but with how the story centers between MC, Cas and Gabe, a poly route is the best way to go for me.
And when Mary asks if they might try to like each other, both of them... they're both open to that idea 😏 so we might get our Gas kiss in Book 3.
Yep, there is Book 3 coming so I'm waiting on it and I hope this upcoming book is better than this one.
My final thoughts on this book:
So I have mixed feelings on this book honestly. I didn't like how the vampires were so hostile to us throughout the book! Like, they literally glossed over the fact that Lewyn killed a bunch of his coven members at the end of Book 1 and how Lewyn literally had us sun poisoned! I wanted my MC to move out of that town and if I had the choice, she would have!
With the vampires being so hostile and rude, that made later scenes fall flat as the narrative goes on and on about how they're a family to us and that my MC cares about them. It makes NO sense because these people tried to have us killed many, many times! Aside from Cas, Gabe and Seth, nobody in the covens cares about us! I know PB is taking inspiration from the lovely @aria-ashryver 's fanfic, but at least, in the canon story, have us move to the Nexus and build a relationship with the other vampires (Margo, Val, Scott, Harrison, Nicole, Missy, Bridget)... let us have relationships outside of Cas, Gabe and our mother.
The only consistent outside relationships were Gabe's friend Libby, who was retconned into being our BFF and Seth who was killed off! Give us solid relationships with the other vampires outside of our LIs please PB! I mean you guys did it so well with Alpha!
So... I'm giving this 6/10. It's actually 5/10 but I added the extra point for Cas and Gabe because they're carrying this series by the bootstraps at this point!
And yes, I am waiting for Book 3! And please take your time PB! Please!
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xxthebubblewitchxx · 4 months
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Presenting the other members of the party! :D
Starting with Ewyn the Blue, yup, literally Gandalf, he is the mage of our party, many question his powers since it is very rare to see magic in this world. After that we have the leader of our party, Polilla (or Moth in spanish), probably the only one capable of handling the situations we are thrown in. Winogradsky is the young brat of the group, despite that he does have a sense of justice and will call you out if you do something questionable. And the last one, Samantha, an elf with a particular occupation, she seduces the people she encounters and maybe drinks their blood as well.
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ofdevamayi · 4 months
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☆.- Ewyn is really hoping things go back to normal soon. He misses having his group all on the same page. Things just have not been the same since Fowler dipped to hang out with the bishop brat.--; Too bad he won't get a chance to take a swing at them.
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innerciircle · 1 year
“ Stupid Slimy Mortal.”
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    “ I’m gonna throw them in the PIT.”
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