#;;musing: danny and rachel
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teruel-a-witch · 2 years
something something danny had a dog before he met rachel
then she took the dog in the divorce (that was petty af wtf) and dragged the poor senior dog to hawai'i where it died during a two week quarantine so danny didn't even get to say goodbye
something something steve wasn't a dog person but ended up getting a dog
then he left hawai'i and left the dog with danny
at least this time danny got the dog, so that's somewhat an improvement? lol idk
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malusrecord · 1 year
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
Wait for me?
Ah, it is the yearly Poly!Solangelo fic for my birthday (the 11th for timezone sake) :) Gotta keep writing hehe
thanks to my ex (my muse ) and Danny for proofreading!
Pairing: Poly!Solangelo x reader, Will Solace x reader x Nico di Angelo Request: Hey, I was thinking maybe a solangelo x reader where the reader comes back late from a quest- like it took them longer to complete then they thought it would and Nico and Will were all worried and then just general fluff or something? Feel free to ignore if you don’t want to write it Word count: 3.4k Warnings: mentions of death a few times, some angst
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The low flicker of the campfire put everyone in an orange light. For a bit you had actually managed to sing some songs with the few campers still at camp, but the energy was a little low. 
“It’s always kind of weird when people leave after winter break, huh,” Austin remarked while he was still softly strumming his guitar. “Yeah, the quiet comes back too quickly.” Will said from beside you. He was holding a sleepy Nico close to him on his other side, while softly playing with your fingers too, “At least the infirmary will be empty again,” “Oh no, we might get bored,” Kayla joked softly, “Hey, Rachel, weren't you going back today too?” Rachel nodded her head, after which she shook it again. She sighed. “I wanted to, but I feel like I am forgetting something. There is something I need to do before I can leave camp and it is eating at me.” Rachel stared into the flames before groaning loudly. “I hate this.”
“Well, dear child, I do not remember any tasks given to you.” Chiron spoke as he walked closer to the campfire, “Perhaps a belated prophecy as our Oracle?” he suggested. Rachel perked up. Her eyes widened as green smoke started to come from her mouth.
(Y/n) will return alone, after collecting the stone, and repairing a parents shrine, Only then, all shall be fine.
 Will’s grip on your hand suddenly got tight, as Nico sat up from his position, clearly distressed. The green smoke faded and Chiron quickly caught Rachel as she fell down. 
“(Y/n),” Chiron addressed you as he made sure Rachel was sat safely, “it is most unusual that you have been directly addressed by name. This most likely is a quest from your godly parent, do you accept this quest?” You could feel the eyes of your boyfriends on you, their worried gazes burning into your head. You knew they would not want you to go, but it was your parent, who chose you to do this. 
“I do.” you said, and you heard protests from your boyfriends. 
“I will-” Nico started, “I mean we will go with (Y/n).” the son of Hades looked at Chiron, who shook his head slowly. “I fear that that is not possible, my child.” Chiron stated calmly, “As the prophecy demands (Y/n) to go alone.” Chiron turned to you, “It probably is best if we go over possible details at this moment, so you can leave in the morning if you wish.” 
You started to stand up, and so did your boyfriends. 
“Will, Nico, I-” you purse your lips. “I want to know the details-” Will started but you shook your head. “How about you go to my cabin while I discuss this with Chiron?” You grabbed both a hand of Nico and one of Will, “That way will probably be quicker, and I will tell you the details afterwards, okay?” Reluctantly your boyfriends nodded their heads, as they watched you walk off. 
“I don’t care what the prophecy says!” Will grumbled as you were packing your bags, “What about the rule of three!” “That contradicts ‘will return alone’ Will, we’ve been over this.” you sighed, a slight tremble in your voice, “I don’t want to go without you, but I will not” you glared at your boyfriend, “needlessly endanger the loves of my life by ignoring the prophecy.” you waved your hand, “besides, it’s like Chiron said, just a small thing to do for my godly parent and then I will be back! Nothing to worry about.” You heard Will sigh from behind you as you went over your belongings one more time. 
“I don’t like it.” Nico stated, “I want to protect you, you shouldn’t have to go in alone.” You turned around to see your boyfriends sitting together on an empty bunk bed. You walked forward and motioned them to scootch apart, worming yourself between them. You softly grabbed both their hands, squeezing them softly. Nico leaned his head on your shoulder. 
“It’s not like we have much of a choice. It’s either going alone, or most definitely get you two mortally wounded, if not outright killed.” “But what if you get hurt?” Will whispered, “What if I am not there to help you?” “You will be, after all,” you looked at Will, meeting his eyes, “You taught me how to do first aid, don’t tell me you’re doubting your skills as a mentor?” Will grimaced as his gaze softened. 
“We will still be worried about you, love.” Will slowly moved towards you and gave you a careful kiss, “and we’ll miss you.” 
“I will miss you both.” you sighed, “I think that might be the worst part.” You felt Nico snuggle into your neck, “Just promise me you’ll wait at camp for me?” “I guess,” Nico mumbled, “But if I catch any wind of you being in danger I don’t think Will would stop me.” Will nodded his head in agreement. “Nico!” you paused, “Gods I love you both Will, please make sure Nico won’t do anything stupid,” Will hummed in agreement, as Nico protested with a weak ‘Hey!’ “Oh and Nico, please make sure Will doesn’t do anything either-” Now it was time for Will to feign hurt.
“Why is he not allowed to do anything stupid, and I am not allowed to do anything?” Will put a hand over his heart. 
“Love, I think you’ll be too busy looking after Nico.” you shrugged, “and the last time we let you do stuff you somehow came back with six cats to take care of so,” 
Will sighed as he went back to leaning on you, “I am going to miss you,” he pressed a kiss on your shoulder. 
��I’ll miss you too, but if all goes according to plan I will be back in a fortnight!” you promised your boyfriends.
The next day you were off, leaving behind two worried boyfriends. With a positive attitude, and your sword on your side, you were sure this would all be a piece of cake. However, the first obstacle was already in your way after only a few hours of traveling. 
You sighed as you checked the map. The first part of the quest was to find the right material to repair the shrine, and sadly the Home Depot you went to was all out of it, so the first ‘easy’ part was getting harder with the second. What should you do, rent an Uber to bring you to the next closest Home Depot (you did not have that much money on you), ask the Gray Sisters to do it instead (that would be a near death experience) or try stealing some from a museum? The last one might not be the smartest, but then why would there be a museum right next to the Home Depot? 
On your way you went. 
The sun was setting and it had been a few days since you left. Nico and Will sat together as they looked out over the strawberry fields, definitely not in case you were going to suddenly show up from outside the border. 
“I miss them.” Nico sighed, “But they will be okay, right?” “I hope so,” Will leaned his head on Nico’s shoulder, “What do you think they ate for dinner?” Will felt Nico sink down a little. “I don’t know, what if they didn’t have any?” Nico tensed a little, “What if they are stuck in a hole right now, desperately trying to get out?” Will huffed. “Do you think they drank enough water?” Will asked and Nico made a non committal noise, and Will sensed his worry, “What if they found a new kind of demigod and became ambassador for their godly parent there without telling us?”  “What do you-” Nico gasped, “Hey! It would have been dangerous to introduce Camp Half-Blood to Camp Jupiter at the time!” Nico protested, roughly sitting up. Will swiftly followed his movement. Nico glared at Will, “I am seriously worried about them, okay?” 
“I know, Nico, my sunshine,” Will smiled, “But what if they get accused of kidnapping their parent and become a wanted criminal throughout the entire states?” Nico’s glare faltered. “I think it’s more likely that they lose their memory,” Nico hesitated, “to get raised by wolves for a bit, before they arrive at Camp Jupiter. At least then we will find them again.” Will softly cupped Nico’s cheek with his hand
“They will come back to us,” Will kissed Nico, “We just need to trust them.” 
Nico paled when he realized where you were. He had heard the story of Em’s emporium from Percy and Annabeth. Why were you here? 
“Stupid cyclops with it’s stupid hands and fucking-” you walked into frame. Nico tried to move closer, but he noticed he was stuck. Stuck as a statue. “Take a breath (Y/n),” you looked around, “Improvise, adapt, overcome. There must be statues around here somewhere, it won’t be as fancy but it will be enough.” 
You walked up to Nico, staring directly into his eyes. 
“This one should do.” You brazed yourself, and pushed him to the ground. 
Nico woke up in a cold sweat, shaking. Why were you in his dreams- his nightmares? You seemed to be alright, but he knew this was not part of the discussed plan- you were in danger- what if-
Nico started to sit up, only to feel his hand press into another body. 
“Ouch-,” Will groaned as Nico recoiled, “Love?” Nico rested his back against the wall, counting the timing of his breaths- in for four, hold for five and out- in, hold out.
“Nico?” Will entered his vision, “Nightmare?” Nico nodded, reminding himself that you were alright even if you were in his dreams. Will positioned himself next to Nico, not touching him, but he could feel the bed shift. Will recounted a few times where Nico had nightmares, and he fell into a routine the three of you had set up. 
“Do you want to talk, or for me to try to guess what it is?” Will asked and Nico nodded, “Talk?” Nico shook his head.
“About down there?” Will asked, Nico signaled ‘no’, “Your past?” Nico shook his head again, “I don’t know uhm,” Will felt Nico nudge his hand, and he carefully grabbed it, “Can you help me out, love?” Nico licked his lips. 
“(Y/n),” his breath hitched. Will squeezed his hand as he tensed. “Are they alright?” he whispered, and Nico softly nodded, “But you’re scared because they’re in your dreams?” and Nico nodded again, leaning against Will now. Will engulfed his boyfriend in his arms. Will softly rubbed Nico’s back. “It’s okay to be scared,” Will whispered, “I am too,” and Will realized he could no longer promise Nico that you would be alright. He just hoped you would be. 
After the last nightmare, the nights became restless. If the planning would have been right, you should have been back two days ago but you were not. Nico was scared that the next time he would dream it would be about your dead body, and he continuously attempted to sense your soul. You were getting further away, but you were not dead.
He hadn’t had a new dream about you, and Will got permission form Chiron to stay over most nights. Together they talked, but whenever the topic turned to you the conversation quickly quieted, both of the boys in their own worlds of worry. At some point, Will had put on your favorite movie, putting out the snacks you normally ate. But, the gummy worms went untouched, and as Nico hugged Beanjamin close -his weighted goose plushie - he slowly dozed off. 
Will was worried. He noticed the growing bags under Nico’s eyes, but how could he help? Austin nowadays reassured him multiple times a day that you would be back any moment now, but would you? Will didn’t blame his boyfriend for having a nightmare about you, however Nico and nightmares were never a good sign. What if it just meant you were gone? 
As Will leaned closer, he could already hear Nico whimper from another nightmare. 
Oh no.
Nico turned around, suddenly face to face with his lover. You looked beaten, but not injured. Dirt stains covered your clothes and face, and Nico tried to reach out to you, only to phase right through you. 
“Why the fuck is this tunnel not ending yet!”  You huffed, before sitting down on the floor and leaning against the wall, “This will be easy they said,” you mumbled, holding in a sob, “easy my fucking ass” 
Nico stepped forward, “(Y/n), please” You closed your eyes in defeat. “keep going for me-” he begged you before the dream faded away. 
Will hated how deep Nico could sleep when he was having nightmares. Every time it felt like the dreams would suck Nico in, only letting him go when he had seen everything. “Nico please-” Will called out just as Nico shot up, hitting his head against Will’s head.
“Fuck!” both boys exclaimed. 
“Sorry,” Will said after a moment, “I should not have been hovering above you, I guess.” 
“What are you sorry for?” Nico sighed, “It’s not like you could’ve known.” They both sat in silence, not looking at one another. 
“I heard you say their name,” Will hesitated, “Are they alright?” Nico swallowed harshly. “They didn’t look injured-” Nico clenched his fists. “But?” Will prompted. “Something must be wrong.” Nico sighed, “They were crying, something about a tunnel- I don’t-” Nico looked Will in the eye, “I think we should go.” “Okay, but we need to discuss it with Chiron, tomorrow.” Will said. 
“But!” Nico shook his head, “I guess you are right, fuck.” 
“I know, I am sorry.”
The conversation with Chiron did not go well. Nico was seething, standing at the border of camp as Will held him tightly. 
“They are hurt Will! I can’t just sit here and wait for them to die!” 
“I promised them I wouldn’t let you do anything stupid!” Will tightened his grip, “I promised, Nico.” 
“But what about protecting them?” Nico was no longer yelling, “What about loving them?” Will tensed and he wished to fucking scream at Nico. Instead, he decided to be the bigger person and he took a deep breath. 
“I love them and I love you.” a pause, “and I cannot stand that you are making me choose.” Will felt his shirt slowly get damp. He hated it when Nico cried, but it was better than when he was angry. Will closed his eyes as he felt Nico’s arm sneak around his waist. 
“I can’t lose them,” Nico mumbled, “I can’t lose you but-” he gasped for air, “I’m sorry, I’m terrified.” Will held his boyfriend in silence, pressing his lips to the top of Nico’s head, as he slowly let his own tears flow. The wind blew around them, leaves rustling as they both tried to calm down. Slowly their breaths synchronized. 
And suddenly another pair of arms engulfed the two of them. 
“What-” Will quickly pushed the third person away, as Nico stepped back. “Geez guys, I know that I haven’t showered yet but this is excessive-” “It’s you,” Nico’s voice quivered. “It’s me,” You smiled painfully, “I need to go to the infirmary-” you clutched your side, and before you could even move Will and Nico were at your side, holding you up, “Sorry I took so long.” “I love you, and would love to talk,” Will grimaced, “But my priority is healing you, my love.” 
“Thank you.”
Much to Will’s chagrin, Austin stood on taking care of your wounds as he was on shift. He had tried to object, but Austin was right that perhaps he was not in the most emotionally stable state to professionally assess the injuries you had sustained. So, Nico and him were just standing outside of the infirmary until you were properly patched up. Next to him, Nico had his eyes closed, and if Will didn’t know better he would think Nico was relaxing. However, Will did know better, and the creasing of Nico’s eyebrows worried him. 
“How are they doing?” Will asked. Nico’s eyes sprung open, as he was surprised by the voice of his boyfriend. Nico had been concentrating on the feeling of your soul, which seemed too far away but so close. He had fully forgotten that Will was there with him, waiting on you too.
“Their souls wavers sometimes,” Nico let out a breath, “Which is normal for injured people, I guess.” Will nodded in response. He had to remind himself that Austin had as much skill as he had, and that you were not in any mortal danger when you arrived. You had to be fine, you would be fine. 
These thoughts did not stop Will’s heart from stopping when Austin walked out, looking a little dejected. “How’s-” Will started. “They kept correcting me on what I was doing,” Austin laughed, “A bit embarrassing for me, but they are alright.” 
“Thanks, can we go in?” Nico asked, ignoring Austin’s comment. Austin stepped aside, and Will and Nico made their way inside the infirmary. 
As your boyfriends approached you, they saw the awful state you were in. Nico went to stand on the right side of the infirmary bed you were in, and Will on the left.Neither of your boyfriends dared to step closer, as you were barely sitting upright. Instead they each grabbed a chair and sat down within reach of you, wordlessly.
“Did you get any ambrosia yet? Nectar?” Will slowly moved closer as his stomach churned at the sight of your weakened state. You tried to shake your head, but quickly stopped as you closed your eyes in pain. “I am at my limit already, didn’t really have time to properly heal up on my way here.” your voice came out rough, but steady, “How are you two holding up? Missed me?” Nico’s gaze went from your face to your hand. It was wrapped in a bandage, much like the rest of your upper arm. 
“We were worried about you, my love.” Nico heard Will speak as he softly grabbed the blanket instead of your hand. He didn’t want to accidentally hurt you, and your form seemed so bruised and broken. His ears still picked up Will, who was retelling all that happened since you were gone, but his brain did not process it. Instead, he feared that just being here was already weakening you. He knew his presence wouldn’t hurt but- but what if the essence of death brought you closer? What if he made his nightmares come true? 
“... has been having dreams about you. That’s why we were at the border.” At the mention of his name, Nico looked up, releasing the deathgrip he had on the blanket. 
“Oh?” you looked at the son of Hades, “all good dreams I hope?” Nico’s head stopped any thought it had when he looked into your eyes. Your shining, alive, eyes and your handsome face. “That doesn’t matter,” Nico muttered as he sat more upright, a feeling of ease coming over him, “Now that you’re back, it doesn’t matter.” Nico was never going to let you go alone again, as he promised himself to keep protecting you no matter what. 
Will looked at his boyfriend, as he smiled. The past few weeks had been rough on them, even worse on you, but the three of you were finally together. You still looked tired, but less so after your talk. Will knew that he would need to wait until you were better and as Austin walked back into the infirmary he stood up. 
“I think we should let (Y/n) rest, Nico.” he wanted to hold you in his arms until you fell asleep, but you needed uninterrupted sleep for now. Nico nodded as he too stood up. Tomorrow he would hold you, if you were better. He will wait until you are healed.
“Sleep well. Love you.” Will said as he waited for Nico to be at his side. “Love you, (Y/n). See you later.” Nico had a ghost of a smile on his face. 
You carefully laid down, before saying a final ‘I love you’ to your boyfriends, as you could finally relax.
But just before your boyfriends went away there was one more promise to be made to them.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Will knew that he and Nico would wait forever for them, if they needed it to heal. He didn’t know when this journey would end, but he would walk besides you and Nico, hand in hand. Nico knew he couldn’t promise you a kind road, or a fair sky, but he knew that he would protect you and besides you in any way he can. 
“We will,” Will promised, a promise he can keep.
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inherentlyindecent · 7 months
Well, I was weak....
David Sanchez: Casting agent (Pedrol Pascal)
Hunter Soto: New age shop owner (Danny Griffin)
Taylor Graves: Website designer (Leo Woodall)
Griffin Hodder: Podcaster (Rohan Campbell)
Lorcan Benson: Rancher (Lee Pace)
Gunner Jacka: Escort manager (Dylan O'Brien)
Bowen Zhang: Stripper (Yoshi Sudarso)
Elijah Rollins: Drifter (Alex Hogh Andersen)
Nathaniel Delwood: Mechanic (Joel Kinnaman)
Clayton Long: President of Reapers MC (Jeffrey Dean Morgan)
Vincent Long: Vice President of Reapers MC (Tom Hardy)
Orin Bergeron: Sgt at Arms of Reapers MC (Leo Suter)
Kane Thomas: Treasurer of Reapers MC (James Lafferty)
Archibald Clarke: Member of Reapers MC (Glen Powell)
Robert Ramirez: Prospect of Reapers MC (Froy Gutierrez)
Samantha Beesmer: Photographer (Josephine Langford)
Carli O'Dell: Professional Cosplayer (Ayo Edebiri)
Victoria Hendrix: Laywer (Jessica Chastain)
Maeve Loughlin: Carpenter (Niamh McCormack)
Ashley Hewitt: Podcaster (Olivia Cooke)
Riley Thorton: Paranormal investigator (Emma Mackey)
Margaret Fitzroy: Professor (Rachel McAdams)
Aaliyah Fuller: Editor (Candice Patton)
Angelina Barzel: Nurse (Samara Weaving)
Hilary Zucker: Outdoor guide (Emilia Clarke)
Cheryl Owens: Distiller (Lily James)
I'm done. No one let me make any more muses...
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densesindealer · 7 months
My Full Muse List, Updated
I decided to go through and update my entire muse list, adding and removing characters, and I decided to make a post with the list that I intend to give easy to find tags on my blog, or to pin it later on.
All male muses can be used for gender transformation asks, and any males from their series can be used for gender transformation asks so long as they follow the other rules of my blog. This applies even if a male character from the series isn't normally on my muse list as their male counterpart. I.E. Byakuya from Danganronpa as a woman with Makoto, or Bakugou from My Hero Academia as a woman with Midoriya.
Makoto Naegi
Junko Enoshima
Mukuro Ikusaba
Celestia Ludenberg
Aoi Asahina
Sayaka Maizono
Kyoko Kirigiri
Sakura Oogami
Toko Fukawa
Chiaki Nanami
Mikan Tsumiki
Hiyoko Saionji
Akane Owari
Peko Pekoyama
Ibuki Mioda
Mahiru Koizumi
Sonia Nevermind
Komaru Naegi
Kanon Nakajima
Hiroko Hagakure
Kotoko Utsugi
Monaca Towa
Chisa Yukizome
Miaya Gekkogahara
Seiko Kimura
Aiko Umesawa
Ando Ruruka
Kirumi Tojo
Tsumugi Shirogane
Angie Yonaga
Tenko Chabashira
Maki Harukawa
Miu Iruma
Kaede Akamatsu
Himiko Yumeno
Spy x Family
Yor Forger
Anya Forger
League Of Legends
Miss Fortune
My Hero Academia
Izuku Midoriya
Momo Yaoyorozu
Ochako Uraraka
Mina Ashido
Tsuyu Asui
Toru Hagakure
Kyouka Jirou
Mei Hatsume
Melissa Shield
Nejire Hado
Nemuri Kayama/Midnight
Rumi Usagiyama/Mirko
Kaoruko Awata/Bubble Girl
Emi Fukukado/Ms. Joke
Ryuku Tatsuma/ Ryukyu
Yu Takeyama/Mt. Lady
Shino Sosaki/Mandalay
Ryuko Tsuchikawa/Pixie-Bob
Tomoko Shiretoki/Ragdoll
Inko Midoriya
Mitsuki Bakugou
Kinoko Komori
Tokage Setsuna
Yui Kodai
Ibara Shiozaki
Pony Tsunotori
Itsuka Kendo
Reiko Yanagi
Himiko Toga
Manami Aiba/La Brava
Nana Shimura
Camie Utsushimi
Chitose Kizuki/Curious
Fuyumi Todoroki
Rei Todoroki
Kaina Tsutsumi/Lady Nagant
Merlin (BBC Series)
Merlin Ambrosius
Morgana Le Fay
High Priestess Nimueh
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Cho Chang
Luna Lovegood
Fleur DeLacour
Gabrielle DeLacour
Hermione Granger
Katie Bell
Alicia Spinnet
Angelina Johnson
Lavender Brown
Susan Bones
Hannah Abbott
Daphne Greengrass
Astoria Greengrass
Bellatrix Lestrange
Narcissa Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Nymphadora Tonks
Andromeda Tonks
Aurora Sinistra
Septima Vector
Tracey Davis
Rowena Ravenclaw
Helena Ravenclaw
Penelope Clearwater
Amelia Bones
Lily-Evans Potter
Rose Weasley
Lily Luna Potter
Sue Li
Romilda Vane
Padma Patil
Parvati Patil
Mirabel Garlick
AI The Somnium Files
Kaname Date
Shizure Kuranushi/Boss
Mizuki Okiura
Iris Sagan
Amame Doi
Phoenix Wright
Phoenix Wright
Mia Fey
Maya Fey
Pearl Fey
Trucy Wright
Ema Skye
Franziska von Karma
Athena Cykes
Lana Skye
The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles
Ryunosuke Naruhodo
Susato Mikotoba
Iris Wilson
Nikolina Pavlova
Gina Lestrade
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Hazel Levesque
Piper McLean
Annabeth Chase
Reyna Ramirez-Arellano
Thalia Grace
Zoe Nightshade
Clarisse La Rue
Rachel Elizabeth Dare
Silena Beauregard
Sally Jackson
Bianca di Angelo
Norville ‘Shaggy’ Rogers
Daphne Blake
Velma Dinkley
Tanis The Mummy
Sibella Dracula
Jaune Arc
Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Blake Belladonna
Yang Xiao-Long
Pyrrha Nikos
Nora Valkyrie
Coco Adel
Velvet Scarlatina
Glynda Goodwitch
Cinder Fall
Emerald Sustrai
Ilia Amitola
Winter Schnee
Willow Schnee
Kali Belladonna
Summer Rose
Raven Branwen
Penny Polendina
Neon Katt
Saphron Cotta-Arc
Terra Cotta-Arc
Street Fighter
Cammy White
Rainbow Mika
Mortal Kombat
Johnny Cage
Cassie Cage
Jacqui Briggs
Li Mei
Fairy Tale
Erza Scarlet
Lucy Heartfilia
Brandish U
Avatar The Last Airbender
Toph Beifong
Ty Lee
Danny Phantom
Ember Mclain
Dani Phantom
Sam Manson
Jazz Fenton
Madeline Fenton
Johnny Test
Johnny Test
Susan Test
Mary Test
Sissy Blakely
Lila Test
DC Comics
Bruce Wayne/Batman
Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn
Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy
Thalia al Ghul
Zatanna Zatara/Zatanna
Barbara Ann Minerva/Cheetah
Diana Prince/Wonder Woman
Teen Titans
Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson/Robin/Nightwing
Rachel Roth/Raven
Tara Strong/Terra
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
Barry Allen/The Flash
Nyssa al Ghul
Sara Lance/White Canary
Laurel Lance/Black Canary
Thea Queen/Speedy
Shado Fei
Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost
Kara Zor-El/Supergirl
Marvel Comics/MCU
Peter Quill/Star-Lord
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Leopold ‘Leo’ Fitz
Steve Rogers/Captain America
Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk
Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow
Jean Grey
Emma Frost
Mary Jane Watson
Gwen Stacy
Susan Storm/The Invisible Woman
Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch
Kamala Khan/Mrs. Marvel
Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel
Felicia Hardy
Kitty Pryde
Ava Ayala/White Tiger
Lady Sif
Daisy Johnson/Quake
Jemma Simmons
Melinda May
Genshin Impact
Kamisato Ayaka
Raiden Shogun
Kujou Sara
Yae Miko
Hu Tao
Sangonomiya Kokomi
La Signora
Code Geass
Lelouch Lamperouge/Lelouch vi Britannia
Cornelia li Britannia
Euphemia li Britannia
Nunnally vi Britannia
Kallen Kouzuki
Villetta Nu
Kaguya Sumeragi
Shirley Fenette
Milly Ashford
Nina Einstein
Cecile Croomy
Infinite Stratos
Ichika Orimura
Chifuyu Orimura
Madoka Orimura
Cecilia Alcott
Laura Bodewig
Lingyin Huang/Rin
Charlotte Dunois
Houki Shinonono
Tabane Shinonono
Tatenashi Sarashiki
Kanzashi Sarashiki
Maya Yamada
Guilty Crown
Shu Ouma
Inori Yuzuriha
Hare Menjou
Haruka Ouma
Mana Ouma
Ayase Shinomiya
Mikado Ryuugamine
Celty Sturluson
Anri Sonohara
Super Mario Bros/Super Crown
Princess Peach
Princess Daisy
Shy Gal
Five Nights At Freddy’s
Toy Chica
Roxanne Wolf
Glamrock Chica
Every Male Animatronic As A Female
Kingdom Hearts/Disney
Go Go Tomago
Snow White
Helen Parr/Elastigirl
Violet Parr
Judy Hopps
Your Turn To Die
Sara Chidoun
Tia Safalin
Reko Yabusame
Kanna Kizuchi
Tiffany Maye
Audrey Belrose
Kyu Sugardust
Kyanna Delrio
Celeste Luvendass
Persona Series
Yu Narukami
Akira Kurusu/Joker
Chie Satonaka
Yukiko Amagi
Naoto Shirogane
Rise Kujikawa
Ann Takamaki
Shiho Suzui
Makoto Niijima
Haru Okumura
Futaba Sakura
Kasumi Yoshizawa
Sae Niijima
Tae Takemi
Sadayo Kawakami
Leanan Sidhe
Hua Po
Pokemon Series
Officer Jenny
Nurse Joy
Magma Admin Courtney
Professor Sada
Professor Juniper
Doki Doki Literature Club
Hana Song/D.VA
Amelie Lecroux/Widowmaker
Ana Amari/Ana
Angela Ziegler/Mercy
Lena Oxton/Tracer
Olivia Colomar/Sombra
Fareeha Amari/Pharah
Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe/Ashe
Brigitte Lindholm/Brigitte
Mei-Ling Zhou/Mei
Kiriko Komori/Kiriko
Illari Quispe Ruiz/Illari
Zero Escape
Sigma Klim
Clover Field
Hazuki Kashiwabara/Lotus
Akane Kurashiki
Resident Evil
Ethan Winters
Leon Scott Kennedy
Mia Winters
Claire Redfield
Jill Valentine
Sherry Birkin
Ada Wong
Rebecca Chambers
Sheeva Alomar
Bela Dimitrescu
Ashley Graham
Dragon Ball Z
Android 18
Android 21
Bioshock Infinite
Booker Dewitt
Elizabeth Comstock
Kim Possible
Ron Stoppable
Bonnie Rockwaller
Kim Possible
Monster High
Clawdeen Wolf
Cleo de Nile
Lagoona Blue
Toralei Stripe
Abbey Bominable
Venus McFlytrap
Spectra Vondergeist
Final Fantasy
Tifa Lockhart
Aerith Gainsborough
Yuffie Kisaragi
Jessie Rasberry
Stardew Valley
Animal Crossing
Infamous Second Son
Delsin Rowe
Abigail ‘Fetch’ Walker
Saints Row
The Boss
Kinzie Kensington
Asha Odekar
KiKi DeWynter
Viola DeWynter
Sam Winchester
Jo Harvelle
Ellen Harvelle
Ava Wilson
Bela Talbot
Sarah Blake
LOTR’s Shadow Of War
Adventure Time
Marceline The Vampire Queen
Flame Princess
Ice Queen
Scream TV
Noah Foster
Riley Marra
Brooke Maddox
Piper Shaw
Corvo Attano
Emily Kaldwin
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Xander Harris
Buffy Summers
Dawn Summers
Willow Rosenberg
Cordelia Chase
Jenny Calendar
Amy Madison
Faith Lehane
Tara Maclay
Until Dawn
Chris Hartley
Matt Taylor
Emily Davis
Jessica Riley
Samantha Griddings
Hannah Washington
Beth Washington
Corpse Party
Ayumi Shinozaki
Seiko Shinohara
Naomi Nakashima
Yui Shishido
Date A Live
Kurumi Tokisaki
Tohka Yatogami
Yoshino Himekawa
Gravity Falls
Dipper Pines
Pacifica Northwest
Wendy Corduroy
Total Drama Island
Charles ‘Chuck’ Bartowski
Ellie Bartowski
Sarah Walker
Carina Miller
Lou Palone
Anna Wu
Alex McHugh
Beautiful Creatures
Ethan Wate
Lena Duchannes
Ridley Duchannes
Olivia ‘Liv’ Durand
Jurassic Park
Alan Grant
Zach Mitchell
Owen Grady
Ellie Sattler
Lex Murphy
Claire Dearing
Zara Young
Telltale’s The Walking Dead
Lee Everett
Javier Garcia
Freddie Benson
Carly Shay
Sam Puckett
Jade West
Tori Vega
Trina Vega
Cat Valentine
Alice In Borderland
Ryouhei Arisu
Hikari Kuina
Rizuna An
Yuzuha Usagi
Asahi Kujō
Saori Shibuki
Elden Ring/Souls Series
The Fire Keeper
Lies Of P
Red Fox
Youngest Of The Black Rabbit Brotherhood
Wendy’s Mascot
Starbucks Girl
Samsung Sam
Wednesday Addams (The Addams Family)
Lola Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Chika Fujiwara (Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War)
Hinata Hyuga (Naruto)
Akeno Himejima (High School DxD)
Rin Tohsaka (Fate/Stay Night)
Hestia (Is It Wrong To Try To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon)
Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Samus Aran (Metroid)
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars)
Juliet Starling (Lollipop Chainsaw)
Morrigan Aensland (Darkstalkers)
Kitty Katswell (Tuff Puppy)
Palutena (Kid Icarus)
Faith Seed (Far Cry 5)
Marge Simpson (The Simpsons)
Lois Griffin (Family Guy)
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz (Phineas & Ferb)
Ciri (The Witcher)
Quiet (Metal Gear Solid)
Loona (Helluva Boss)
Tigress (Kung Fu Panda)
Frankie Foster (Foster’s Home For Imaginary Friends)
Super Sonico (Nitroplus)
Faith Connors (Mirror’s Edge)
Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania)
2B (Nier Automata)
Alice Angel (Bendy And The Ink Machine)
Piper Wright (Fallout 4)
Saeko Busujima (Highschool Of The Dead)
Komi Shouko (Komi Can’t Communicate)
Rem (Re:Zero)
Raphtalia (Rising Of The Shield Hero)
Velvet Crowe (Tales Of Berseria)
Smurfette (The Smurfs)
Lady Love Dies (Paradise Killer)
Tatsumaki (One Punch Man)
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Mana’olana, Chapter 1
I should really stop watching H50.  The muse likes it too much. 
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Title: Mana’olana
Fandom: Hawaii 5-0
Pairing: McDanno, prior canon relationships up to end of season 5
Other tags/warnings: Angst.  Set in season 5 finale. Fix-it fic. First time. Discussion of child custody arrangements. Not Rachel Edwards friendly (I’m not going to pretend the fact that she really limited Danny’s time with his kids was pretty terrible of her). 
Fic Summary: 
Mana’olana: to hope, to have faith. 
Finding out he’s Charlie’s father sets in motion a series of changes for Danny. Some for the better, some not. But once the first domino falls it sets off a cascade and it’s not only Danny and Charlie that are effected. As the extended ohana gathers for Kono’s and Adam’s wedding, Danny finds that maybe not everything is lost.
Read chapter 1 here on AO3
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thechaosmuses · 1 year
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Below the cut you'll find a list of my MCU muses along with their face claims (more info about each oc muse will be up soon but if you have any questions in the meantime don't be afraid to pm me, I have info on Google Docs for all of them.)
Total Muses; 39 Newest Member; Celeste LivingstonAdded; 5/15/23
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Sterling Atlas Ward... portrayed by Ian Somerhalder Kailee Elizabeth Holtz... portrayed by Megan Fox (villain and hero verse) Joaquin Miguel Torres... portrayed by Danny Ramirez Peter Django Maximoff... portrayed by Evan Peters Pietro Django Maximoff... portrayed by Aaron Taylor-Johnson Wanda Marya Maximoff... portrayed by Elizabeth Olsen Camelia Waverly Maximoff... portrayed by Danielle Rose Russell James Buchanan Barnes... portrayed by Sebastian Stan Kaleb Jonas Barnes... portrayed by Logan Lerman Steven Grant Rogers... portrayed by Chris Evans (note: i have both pre-serum and super soldier steve) Maxine Josephine Rogers... portrayed by Kathyrn Newton Michelle Julia Jones-Watson... portrayed by Zendaya Coleman Peter Benjamin Parker... portrayed by Tom Holland Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy... portrayed by Emma Stone Peter Benjamin Parker... portrayed by Andrew Garfield Jonathan Spencer Storm... portrayed by Chris Evans Melody Elizabeth Young... portrayed by Sabrina Carpenter Kate Bishop... portrayed by Hailee Steinfeld Natalia Alianovna Romanova... portrayed by Scarlett Johansson Yelena Fyodorovna Belova... portrayed by Florence Pugh Anastasia Sloane Lenkov... portrayed by Holland Roden Wren Nika Volkov... portrayed by Josephine Langford Wynter Nadia Volkov... portrayed by Lili Reinhart Brunnhilde Valkyrie... portrayed by Tessa Thompson Loki Laufeyson... portrayed by Tom Hiddleston Cordelia Ara Odinsdottir... portrayed by Ashley Benson Amora Delphine Brantley... portrayed by Leighton Meester Celeste Juliet Livingston... portrayed by Brenda Song
Crossover/Genderbent Muses
Nikolai Nathaniel Novak... portrayed by Daniel Sharman (tvdu to mcu) Charmeine Ayla Hanlon... portrayed by Zendaya Coleman (spn to mcu) Kaiden Edward Holtz... portrayed by Ian Somerhalder (genderbent kailee) Petria Delilah Maximoff... portrayed by Alexandra Daddario (genderbent pietro) Stephanie Grace Rogers... portrayed by Dove Cameron (genderbent steve) Jamie Belladonna Barnes... portrayed by Kaya Scodelario (genderbent bucky) Samantha Trinity Wilson... portrayed by Gabrielle Union (genderbent sam) Theodosia Audra Odinsdottir... portrayed by Rachel Taylor (genderbent thor) Lady Loki Laufeyson... portrayed by Katie McGrath (genderbent loki) Calder Ace Odinson... portrayed by Chad Micheal Murray (genderbent cordelia)
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moartehq · 9 days
hello! any most wanted fcs you'd like to see? it's been so long since I've read this series so I'm excited! <3
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hiii! seriously, bring anyone and everyone you have muse / inspo for ! here are some ideas (with resources) from my side:
guys: evan mock, jordan gonzalez, danny ramirez, callum turner, mike faist, aldis hodge, alex aiono, alex meraz, andrew koji, archie renaux, clayton cardenas, daniel ezra, michael evans behling, david castaneda, david castañeda, kieron moore, derek luh, emre bey, gong yoo, hwang in-yeop, jacob anderson, jeff satur, jonathan daviss, lee do-hyun, logan lerman, mackenyu maeda, pedro pascal, oscar isaac !
girlies: zorzo natharuetai, whitney peak, tati gabrielle, adeline rudolph, sydney park, sonam kapoor, simay barlas, savannah lee smith, rose matafeo, ryan destiny, sandra oh, richa moorjani, renee rapp, rachel hilson, pat chayanit, paulina singer, olivia liang, natasha liu bordizzo, naomi scott, namtarn pichukkana, midori francis, nana komatsu, lola tung, maia reficco, isabela merced, madison bailey, levy tran, kathryn bernardo, go min si, jessica henwick, jasmin savoy brown, jenna ortega, aisha dee!
non-binary: lachlan watson, liv hewson, ariela barer !
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tvintedspvrkmoving · 7 months
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mobile muse list : television
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* original character. ** written as an original character.
it's always sunny in philadelphia :
frank reynolds , fifty eight , danny devito
the waitress , thirty four , rachel mcadams
american horror story :
violet harmon , twenty one , taissa farmiga
bob's burgers :
gene belcher , twenty three , noah centineo
louise belcher , twenty one , hailee steinfeld
tina belcher , twenty five , barbie ferreira
doctor who :
amelia pond , twenty one , karen gillan
clara oswald , twenty six , jenna coleman
rose tyler , twenty one , billie piper
euphoria :
barbara "bb" brooks , twenty three , katie douglas
cassie howard , twenty three , sydney sweeney ( @howaerds )
lexi howard , twenty two , maude apatow
maddy perez , twenty three , alexa demie
ruby "rue" bennett , twenty two , zendaya
glee :
brittany s pierce , twenty three , heather morris / alt tbd
finn hudson , twenty three , adam dimarco
rachel berry , twenty two , hailee steinfeld
santana lopez , twenty two , cierra ramirez
quinn fabray , twenty three , dianna agron
the good place :
eleanor shellstrop , thirty two , kristin bell
janet , ageless , d'arcy carden
jason mendoza , twenty eight , manny jacinto
trevor , immortal , adam scott
gossip girl :
blair waldorf , twenty two , leighton meester
dan humphrey , twenty two , penn badgley
serena van der woodsen , twenty two , blake lively
grey's anatomy :
alex karev , twenty four plus , justin chambers
april kepner , twenty four plus , sarah drew
cristina yang , twenty four plus , sandra oh
george o'malley , twenty four plus , t.r. knight
isobel "izzie" stevens , twenty four plus , katherine heigl
josephine "jo" wilson , twenty four plus , camilla luddington
jules millin , twenty four , adelaide kane
lucas "luke" adams , twenty four , niko terho
lexie grey , twenty four plus , chyler leigh
mark sloan , twenty eight plus , eric dane
meredith grey , twenty four plus , ellen pompeo
mika yasuda , twenty four , midori francis
jury duty :
noah price , twenty six , mekki leeper
new girl :
nick miller , thirty six , jake johnson
winston bishop , thirty four , lamorne morris
outer banks : now at @pcguelife
parks and recreation :
april ludgate , twenty four , aubrey plaza
schitt's creek :
alexis rose , twenty seven , annie murphy
david rose , thirty one , dan levy
shameless :
fiona gallagher , twenty eight , emmy rossum
mickey milkovich , twenty four , noel fisher
phillip "lip" gallagher , twenty six , jeremy allen white
stranger things :
kimberly holloway , twenty two , inde navarrette *
robin buckley , twenty three , maya hawke
supernatural :
brooklyn winchester , twenty two , kaitlyn dever *
charlotte winchester , twenty two , olivia holt *
dean winchester , twenty six plus , jensen ackles
ed zeddmore , twenty seven , nicholas galitzine **
elena gilbert , twenty one , nina dobrev **
harry spangler , twenty five , devon bostick **
hayley wilson , twenty three , maia mitchell *
iliana , unknown , astrid berges-frisbey *
joanna "jo" harvelle , twenty five , dianna agron
kevin tran , twenty one , osric chau
layla rourke , twenty six , rebecca rittenhouse **
lucas barr , twenty four , nick robinson ** ( @medaeium )
sarah blake , twenty three , taylor cole ** ( @provenaence )
weston lane , twenty eight , pete davidson *
superstore :
cheyenne lee , twenty two , nichole sakura
teen wolf :
allison argent , twenty four , crystal reed
asher mccall , twenty two , niko terho *
chris argent , forty three , j.r. bourne
cora hale , twenty one , adelaide kane
daniella coleman , twenty two , chase sui wonders * now found at @ch1maeras
derek hale , twenty five , tyler hoechlin
emma martin , twenty two , madelyn cline * now found at @lupaeus
emmett hale , twenty five , mike faist
erica reyes , twenty three , gage golightly
hadley cooper , twenty three , abigail cowen *
isaac lahey , twenty three , daniel sharman
kira yukimura , twenty three , arden cho
laura hale , twenty eight , phoebe tonkin **
lydia martin , twenty three , holland roden now found at @quiritaetus
malia tate , twenty two , shelley hennig
melissa mccall , forty six , melissa ponzio
noah stilinski , fifty , linden ashby
paige krasikeva , twenty five , maia mitchell **
peter hale , forty five , ian bohen
riley hale , twenty two , zoey deutch / maia mitchell * now found at @haelestorm
scott mccall , twenty three , tyler posey
sierra ngata , twenty four , courtney eaton *
stiles stilinski , twenty three , dylan o'brien
vada parker , twenty six , fivel stewart
walker :
clint west , thirty six , austin nichols
emily walker , thirty six , genevieve padalecki
micki ramirez , thirty four , lindsey morgan
stella walker , twenty one , violet brinson
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tvintedspvrkarc · 10 months
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mobile muse list : television
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* original character. ** written as an original character.
it's always sunny in philadelphia :
frank reynolds , fifty eight , danny devito
the waitress , thirty four , rachel mcadams
american horror story :
moira o'hara , twenty three / seventy six , alexandra breckinridge / frances conroy
tate langdon , twenty one , evan peters
violet harmon , twenty one , taissa farmiga
bob's burgers :
gene belcher , twenty three , noah centineo
louise belcher , twenty one , hailee steinfeld
tina belcher , twenty five , barbie ferreira
disney / nickelodeon :
alex russo , twenty three , wizards of waverly place , selena gomez
carly shay , twenty two , icarly , miranda cosgrove
maddie fitzpatrick , twenty four , suite life , ashley tisdale / olivia holt
doctor who :
amelia pond , twenty one , karen gillan
clara oswald , twenty six , jenna coleman
rose tyler , twenty one , billie piper
euphoria :
barbara "bb" brooks , twenty three , katie douglas
cassie howard , twenty three , sydney sweeney now found at @howaerds
lexi howard , twenty two , maude apatow
maddy perez , twenty three , alexa demie
ruby "rue" bennett , twenty two , zendaya
suze howard , forty six , stefania spampinato
glee :
brittany s pierce , twenty three , heather morris / alt tbd
finn hudson , twenty three , adam dimarco
rachel berry , twenty two , hailee steinfeld
santana lopez , twenty two , cierra ramirez
quinn fabray , twenty three , dianna agron
the good place :
eleanor shellstrop , thirty two , kristin bell
janet , ageless , d'arcy carden
jason mendoza , twenty eight , manny jacinto
trevor , immortal , adam scott
gossip girl :
blair waldorf , twenty two , leighton meester
dan humphrey , twenty two , penn badgley
serena van der woodsen , twenty two , blake lively
grey's anatomy :
alex karev , twenty four plus , justin chambers
april kepner , twenty four plus , sarah drew
cristina yang , twenty four plus , sandra oh
george o'malley , twenty four plus , t.r. knight
isobel "izzie" stevens , twenty four plus , katherine heigl
josephine "jo" wilson , twenty four plus , camilla luddington
jules millin , twenty four , adelaide kane
lucas "luke" adams , twenty four , niko terho
lexie grey , twenty four plus , chyler leigh
margaret "maggie" pierce , twenty four plus , kelly mcreary
mark sloan , twenty eight plus , eric dane
meredith grey , twenty four plus , ellen pompeo
mika yasuda , twenty four , midori francis
jury duty :
noah price , twenty six , mekki leeper
the office :
dwight schrute , thirty six , joseph morgan
pam beesley , twenty five , emily vancamp
outer banks :
jj maybank , twenty two , rudy pankow
john b routledge , twenty two , chase stokes
kiara carrera , twenty one , madison bailey
pope heyward , twenty two , jonathan daviss
sarah cameron , twenty one , madelyn cline
parks and recreation :
april ludgate , twenty four , aubrey plaza
schitt's creek :
alexis rose , twenty seven , annie murphy
david rose , thirty one , dan levy
patrick brewer , thirty , noah reid
shameless :
fiona gallagher , twenty eight , emmy rossum
mickey milkovich , twenty four , noel fisher
phillip "lip" gallagher , twenty six , jeremy allen white
stranger things :
kimberly holloway , twenty two , inde navarrette *
robin buckley , twenty three , maya hawke
supernatural :
alex jones , twenty one , faceclaim tbd **
brooklyn winchester , twenty two , kaitlyn dever *
castiel , unknown , misha collins
charlotte winchester , twenty two , olivia holt *
dean winchester , twenty six plus , jensen ackles
ed zeddmore , twenty seven , nicholas galitzine **
elena gilbert , twenty one , nina dobrev **
harry spangler , twenty five , devon bostick **
hayley wilson , twenty three , maia mitchell *
iliana , unknown , astrid berges-frisbey *
jessica moore , twenty two , adrianne palicki **
joanna "jo" harvelle , twenty five , dianna agron
kevin tran , twenty one , osric chau
layla rourke , twenty six , rebecca rittenhouse **
lucas barr , twenty four , nick robinson ** now found at @medaeium
olivia sawyer , twenty six , alexandra daddario *
sarah blake , twenty three , taylor cole **
weston lane , twenty eight , pete davidson *
teen wolf :
allison argent , twenty four , crystal reed
asher mccall , twenty two , niko terho *
caleb miller , twenty five , michael trevino *
chris argent , forty three , j.r. bourne
cora hale , twenty one , adelaide kane
daniella coleman , twenty two , chase sui wonders * now found at @ch1maeras
derek hale , twenty five , tyler hoechlin
emma martin , twenty two , madelyn cline * now found at @lupaeus
emmett hale , twenty five , mike faist
erica reyes , twenty three , gage golightly
hadley cooper , twenty three , abigail cowen *
hayden romero , twenty one , victoria moroles
indiana stilinski , twenty nine , lily james *
isaac lahey , twenty three , daniel sharman
kira yukimura , twenty three , arden cho
laura hale , twenty eight , phoebe tonkin **
liam dunbar , twenty one , dylan sprayberry
lydia martin , twenty three , holland roden
malia tate , twenty two , shelley hennig
melissa mccall , forty six , melissa ponzio
noah stilinski , fifty , linden ashby
paige krasikeva , twenty five , maia mitchell **
peter hale , forty five , ian bohen
riley hale , twenty two , zoey deutch / maia mitchell * now found at @haelestorm
scott mccall , twenty three , tyler posey
stiles stilinski , twenty three , dylan o'brien
victor perez , twenty six , diego tinoco
walker :
clint west , thirty six , austin nichols
emily walker , thirty six , genevieve padalecki
hoyt rawlins , thirty nine , matt barr
micki ramirez , thirty four , lindsey morgan
stella walker , twenty one , violet brinson
trey barnett , thirty three , jeff pierre
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tvintedspvrkmoved · 11 months
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mobile muse list : television
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* original character. ** written as an original character.
american horror story :
moira o'hara , twenty three / seventy six , alexandra breckinridge / frances conroy
tate langdon , twenty one , evan peters
violet harmon , twenty one , taissa farmiga
bob's burgers :
gene belcher , twenty three , noah centineo
louise belcher , twenty one , hailee steinfeld
tina belcher , twenty five , barbie ferreira
disney / nickelodeon :
alex russo , twenty three , wizards of waverly place , selena gomez
carly shay , twenty two , icarly , miranda cosgrove
maddie fitzpatrick , twenty four , suite life , ashley tisdale / olivia holt
doctor who :
amelia pond , twenty one , karen gillan
clara oswald , twenty six , jenna coleman
rose tyler , twenty one , billie piper
euphoria :
barbara "bb" brooks , twenty three , faceclaim tbd
cassie howard , twenty three , sydney sweeney
lexi howard , twenty two , maude apatow
maddy perez , twenty three , alexa demie
ruby "rue" bennett , twenty two , zendaya
suze howard , forty six , stefania spampinato
gossip girl :
blair waldorf , twenty two , leighton meester
dan humphrey , twenty two , penn badgley
serena van der woodsen , twenty two , blake lively
grey's anatomy :
cristina yang , twenty four plus , sandra oh
isobel "izzie" stevens , twenty four plus , katherine heigl
josephine "jo" wilson , twenty four plus , camilla luddington
jules millin , twenty four , adelaide kane
lucas "luke" adams , twenty four , niko terho
mark sloan , twenty eight plus , eric dane
meredith grey , twenty four plus , ellen pompeo
mika yasuda , twenty four , midori francis
it's always sunny in philadelphia :
frank reynolds , fifty eight , danny devito
the waitress , thirty four , rachel mcadams
outer banks :
cleo , twenty three , carlacia grant
jj maybank , twenty two , rudy pankow
john b routledge , twenty two , chase stokes
kiara carrera , twenty one , madison bailey
pope heyward , twenty two , jonathan daviss
sarah cameron , twenty one , madelyn cline
schitt's creek :
alexis rose , twenty seven , annie murphy
david rose , thirty one , dan levy
patrick brewer , thirty , noah reid
shameless :
fiona gallagher , twenty eight , emmy rossum
mickey milkovich , twenty four , noel fisher
phillip "lip" gallagher , twenty six , jeremy allen white
supernatural :
alex jones , twenty one , faceclaim tbd **
brooklyn winchester , twenty two , kaitlyn dever *
castiel , unknown , misha collins
charlotte winchester , twenty two , olivia holt *
dean winchester , twenty six plus , jensen ackles
ed zeddmore , twenty seven , nicholas galitzine **
elena gilbert , twenty one , nina dobrev **
harry spangler , twenty five , devon bostick **
hayley wilson , twenty three , maia mitchell *
iliana , unknown , astrid berges-frisbey *
jessica moore , twenty two , adrianne palicki **
joanna "jo" harvelle , twenty five , dianna agron
kevin tran , twenty one , osric chau
layla rourke , twenty six , rebecca rittenhouse **
lucas barr , twenty three , nick robinson **
olivia sawyer , twenty six , alexandra daddario *
sarah blake , twenty three , taylor cole **
weston lane , twenty eight , pete davidson *
teen wolf :
allison argent , twenty four , crystal reed
asher mccall , twenty two , niko terho *
caleb miller , twenty five , michael trevino *
cora hale , twenty one , adelaide kane
daniella coleman , twenty two , chase sui wonders *
derek hale , twenty five , tyler hoechlin
emma martin , twenty two , madelyn cline *
emmett hale , twenty five , mike faist
erica reyes , twenty three , gage golightly
hadley cooper , twenty three , abigail cowen *
hayden romero , twenty one , victoria moroles
indiana stilinski , twenty nine , lily james *
isaac lahey , twenty three , daniel sharman
kira yukimura , twenty three , arden cho
laura hale , twenty eight , phoebe tonkin **
liam dunbar , twenty one , dylan sprayberry
lydia martin , twenty three , holland roden
malia tate , twenty two , shelley hennig
melissa mccall , forty six , melissa ponzio
noah stilinski , fifty , linden ashby
paige krasikeva , twenty five , maia mitchell **
peter hale , forty five , ian bohen
quinn fabray , twenty three , dianna agron **
riley hale , twenty two , zoey deutch / maia mitchell *
scott mccall , twenty three , tyler posey
stiles stilinski , twenty three , dylan o'brien
victor perez , twenty six , diego tinoco
misc :
emma forbes , eternally twenty two , the vampire diaries , madelyn cline * ( extremely selective original verse , reserved for existing threads / plots )
kimberly holloway , twenty two , stranger things , inde navarrette *
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nepofm · 1 year
hi ! can i get fc suggestions for muse 2n?? thanks !
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here's  a  couple  !  rachel  hilson  ,  john  boyega  ,  jessie  mei  li  ,  nana  komatsu  ,  simay  barlas  ,  drew  ray  tanner  ,  yara  shahidi  ,  tommy  martinez  ,  devery  jacobs  ,  danny  ramirez  ,  isabela  merced  ,  brianne  tju  ,  paris  berelc  ,  lulu  antariska  ,  jordan  fisher  ,  taylor  zakhar  perez  ,  alisha  boe  ,  laith  ashley  ,  amber  midthunder  ,  geraldine  viswanathan  ,  archie  renaux  ,  daniel  ezra  ,  tati  gabrielle  ,  jessica  vu  ,  apo  nattawin  ,  miya  horcher  ,  nadine  lustre  ,  lais  ribeiro  ,  eddie  liu  ,  win  metawin  ,  mikey  madison  &  bae  suzy
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Snippet Sunday
Gah. I need a new muse.  Why????? *shakes fist* 
well we’re only about 3k into this idea since late afternoon. 
Tagging whoever wants to play along.  I’m also very open to any suggestions for a title. 
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Title: Untitled H50 McDanno Fixit Fic
Fandom: Hawaii 5-0
Pairing: McDanno, past Danny/Melissa, Steve/Cathrine, Danny/Rachel
Other tags/warnings: First draft. This idea has bitten me hard and I have yet to dislodge the muse. Might need rabies shot after this. Fix-it fic for end of season 5 of H50. Will have canon mentions of paternity issues with Charlie. 
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Having to keep his hands to himself was torture the entire drive home, the stitched leather of the steering wheel pressing into his skin as a reminder to not move his hands from their positions at ten and two o’clock respectively.  Grace was out like a light in the backseat, dwarfed by Danny’s suit jacket that was getting rumpled.  Danny had the window down, shirtsleeves pushed up to show enough skin that made Steve want to swallow his tongue. 
He’d never found wrists so scandalous before but he wanted to wrap his fingers around Danny’s and pin him in place so he could do unspeakable things to him but he wouldn’t because Grace was in the back seat. 
Danny said nothing when he took the turn towards his own house instead of towards Danny’s condo. He’d just reached over and placed his hand on Steve’s knee, the touch burning hot despite the layer of cloth between their skin.  Each little squeeze of Danny’s fingers as they stroked the inner thigh just above the knee seemed directly wired to Steve’s groin, his cock twitching within it’s confines. 
They were really doing this.  Danny was going home with him—with Grace. 
Steve really wasn’t sure what the rules of engagement here were but he was willing to follow Danny’s lead.  
Parking in his usual spot, he trailed after Danny who had picked Grace up like she was nothing despite the fact that she was getting too old to be easily carried. Grace simply curled into her father, never waking and instinctively trusting her Danno. 
Climbing the two steps of his front porch, he fumbled slightly unlocking the door and allowing Danny to go first before locking the door behind them.  Danny had gone straight up the stairs to Mary’s room.  Grace had stayed there before and she’d be comfortable there. 
It was also the room furthest from Steve’s own.  
Left alone for the moment, he retreated to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water but he make himself drink it. 
He should.  He’d drunk enough champagne earlier that he was slightly dehydrated but all he could think of was that Danny was upstairs putting Grace to bed. 
Danny would be back down the stairs any moment and then Steve would need to figure out what to do. 
Danny had kissed him. 
There’d been that moment—that implication that he wasn’t just going to crash on Steve’s couch for the night—but Steve did not want to overstep here. 
He could be misreading Danny’s intentions. 
God he hoped he wasn’t.
The only warning he had of Danny’s presence was the touch at his hip before Danny pressed himself against Steve’s back, taking the glass from him and drinking from it. 
“Hey,” Steve tried to protest but it came out a little to breathy. 
Danny smiled around the rim of the glass, eyes glinting with mischief. 
“… I was drinking that.”  Steve’s mouth was drier than the Afghan desert. 
“Were you?” Danny arched one eyebrow tauntingly, tipping the almost empty glass away in a salute. 
Steve liberated the glass, throwing back the remaining water in a single swallow. His eyes never left Danny’s the entire time, trying to not flinch first in this game they were now seemingly playing. 
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thechaosmuses · 8 months
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I've got a couple things I need to do today before I can get on here and focus on working on things but I wanted to add the rest of my new muses to their respective lists as well as make this post before I forgot all about it. So without further ado here are my new muses..
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Canon Muses;
Morrigan... portrayed by Katherine McNamara (book babe; acotar) Eris Sargon Vanserra... portrayed by Sam Claflin (book babe; acotar) Helion Luciano Meridian... portrayed by Idris Elba (book babe; acotar) Tamlin Avri Desrosiers... portrayed by Chris Hemsworth (book babe; acotar) Thesan Addae Koitla... portrayed by Vito Basso (book babe; acotar) Viviane Anera Agnarrson... portrayed by Sophie Turner (book babe; acotar) Kara Aileen Danvers... portrayed by Melissa Benoist (dc; supergirl) King Benjamin Florian… portrayed by Mitchell Hope (misc; descendants)
Semi-Canon Muses;
Dion Ignis Vanserra... portrayed by Nicholas Skidmore (book babe; acotar) Pyralis Jax Vanserra... portrayed by Ken Bek (book babe; acotar)
OC Muses;
Wilder Blaze Hawthorne... portrayed by Uriah Justice (book babe; acotar) Warren Forrest Hayward... portrayed by Josh Hutcherson (book babe; acotar) Solana Aruna Meridian... portrayed by Kat Graham (book babe; acotar) Anatole Cyrus Solari... portrayed by Aldis Hodge (book babe; acotar) Althea Zaria Cadlawon... portrayed by Rachel Zegler (book babe; acotar) Tynan Kerrell Visita... portrayed by Sebastian Stan (book babe; acotar) Kirsi Gwyneira Nieves... portrayed by Jennifer Lawrence (book babe; acotar) Lyall Colden Whittaker... portrayed by Tom Blyth (book babe; acotar) Caspian Calder Conway... portrayed by Michael B. Jordan (book babe; acotar) Maribelle Aelia Sommer... portrayed by Elizabeth Lail (book babe; acotar) Aviana Summer Archer… portrayed by Taylor Swift (misc) Dylan Bryce Thatcher… portrayed by Luke Benward (misc) Adriel Xavier Grant… portrayed by Nicholas Galitzine (supernatural) Talon Colt Ashford… portrayed by Taron Egerton (supernatural) Silas Kai Parker… portrayed by Chris Wood (supernatural) Josephina Jazmyn Walker… portrayed by Lily James (supernatural) Zachariah Cole Norwood… portrayed by Oliver Stark (tvdu; the originals) Matthias Lucien Delacour… portrayed by Jonah Hauer-King (tvdu; the originals) Matias Camilo Garcia… portrayed by Danny Ramirez (tvdu; the originals)
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