tracytigress · 1 year
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One(1) grouchy dragon lady, as a warm-up treat.
...One day I will challenge myself with actually different head angles.
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fairiegardens · 1 year
You’ve gotta be having a laugh. Why did I just find my middle school crush on a dating app
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myriamas · 1 year
who: @baashirdayne / surprise flashback thread. when and where: starfall, 124ac. both myriam allyrion and baashir dayne are seventeen years old
she had not been expecting for the future ruling lord of starfall to come to her chambers this evening; meaning she was entirely in a state of relaxation both in appearance and nerves when the ladies informed her that she had a visitor. as beautiful as every corner of starfall truly remained, perhaps the most beautiful she had seen in all of dorne, she found their ways different to the ways of home where the greenblood delivered her.
"coming!!!" she called, her voice echoing around the chambers, the sounds of her anklets jingling loudly as she picked up the pace into a light run.
the people of starfall were more traditional thinking, more rigid in their approach to matters: and so, she had slipped on a simple orange lehengha when she came to the door, thick dark hair remaining slightly unkempt. "one moment!" she found herself particularly on edge around lord and lady dayne, feeling as though there was something in their gaze, even in their kindness to her. even in the way lady dayne would fix her stance, or where her foot had landed. the door opened, and her mouth opened slightly in surprise to find him stood there.
"arey, you could have said something, na?" she asked, a slight laugh slipping from her lips as she looked upon him. how she looked at him like it was the first and last time she ever would, every time she did look at him.
and it was him. it seemed as though they would cross paths within the keep, whether she found herself by the shore surrounding the island or along the multitude of courtyards; she saw him, perfecting stance after stance, swing after swing. there had been a moment where she had watched with curious observation, what it was the sword of the morning done: mythical, the name sounded. and he would be hers, as she would be his. of all the mornings, she had decided she wanted to spend hers with him; mornings and evenings. beginnings and ends.
"do they know you are here?" she asked, her tone lowering as her eyes glanced around the hallway.
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a small smile came over her features as her head remained poking from the door, head resting against the wooden frame. a part of her wondered quietly whether he had come to speak to her of something, something serious; another part of her hoped that the sword of the morning had come to see his own sunrise. "a password for entrance is required. my lord."
"how many chances should i give you?"
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mymiraclebox · 1 year
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Updated art for Elle and Baash, kwamis of Equality and Strength!
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wolf-n-bones · 2 years
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Baby Baash~
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baashian · 9 months
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makerofmadness · 8 months
I'm still back
with a vengeance (uh link to the post where I actually came back)
(Linking 'Cus I'm not putting a block of text here explaining everything I'm doing differently from my translation posts before a second time dnndndndnd)
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Less than the other post because I'm hoping that I can do more in a week when I see my parents again in person. (I texted these to my maman [except for the two without dialogue] and she fixed Olive, Icicle Yeti and Herb's but I got the others right by myself she said :3)
I'm not gonna put the romanization under the cut this time 'Cus it's not long enough to warrant it I think? If anyone asks me to I will:
*Wizard Cookie: بیسکویت جادوگر (biskwit jaadoogar)
*Strawberry Cookie: بیسکویت توت فرنگی (biskwit toot farangi)
*Olive Cookie: بیسکویت زیتون (biskwit zeytoon)
«!در انتظار آثار باستانی» ("dar entezaar asaar baastaani!")
*Silverbell Cookie: بیسکویت زنگ نقره (biskwit zang noghreh)
«!...یک روزی ما همه خوشحال خواهیم شد» ("yek roozi maa hameh khoshhal khaahim shod...!")
*Pomegranate Cookie: بیسکویت انار (biskwit anaar)
«!برای اربابم» ("baraa-ye arbaabam!")
*Icicle Yeti Cookie: بیسکویت یتی قندیل یخ (biskwit yeti ghandil yakh)
«خواستی با دوستم باش؟» ("khaasti baa doostam baash?")
*Herb Cookie: بیسکویت سبزی (biskwit sabzi)
«.سلام! به باغ من خوش آمدین» ("salaam! beh baagh man khoosh amadin.")
*Alchemist Cookie: بیسکویت کیمیاگر (biskwit kimiyaagar)
«!راهنمایی من را پیروی بکن» ("raahnamaayi man raa peyravi bekon!")
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graaythekwami · 3 months
Hey, do you have kwamis linked to Zodiac signs? What are your concepts and powers?
For the Western Zodiac? Yes, I have some inspired by the Zodiac, I have them in my OC Miracle Box know as the Season Box, which is centered in Europe. Alongside a kwami for each Zodiac sign (in the lower box) there's five more kwamis in this box (upper box) who loosely represent the seasons + one in the center. I also have art and bios for a lot of these guys, which I'll link to because I can. :)
The Zodiac/Constellations (Lower Box):
Aries: Baash the Mouflon, kwami of Strength. With the constellation being that of a ram I went with a mouflon, which is a type of wild sheep, and with Aries being the god of war I chose the concept to be Strength, with the powers providing super strength far beyond what a regular Miraculous could provide.
Taurus: Antiqq the Aurochs, kwami of Reversion. While the Taurus constellation is a bull, I wanted to avoid direct overlap with Stompp, so I went with the aurochs, an extinct species of wild cattle. And because this species is extinct I used this to decide the powers, which is to make time flow in reverse.
Gemini: Harmonee the Ant, kwami of Cooperation. With this constellation being represented by a set of twins this was a bit harder to pick an animal for. In the end I decided to go with my Ant, as most ants in a hill are sisters, and because one of Harmonee's powers create a Hivemind that links all allies' minds together, which plays into some twin stereotypes.
Cancer: Snapp the Crab, kwami of Adaptation. This was an easy animal to choose, with Cancer of course being represented by a crab. And I chose the power of Adaptation because of the memes about everything eventually evolving into a crab. :) Snapp's powers allow one to manifest a temporary superpower that best suits their current situation.
Leo: Valoree the Lion, kwami of Courage. Well Leo is a lion, and lions represent bravery... so this one was fairly straight forward. Valoree's power has the power to grant Courage, or to absorb it into an energy to use to attack.
Virgo: Olivv the Dove, kwami of Peace. This was another tricky one, with the Virgo constellation being a maiden carrying wheat, which doesn't directly translate to an animal. This maiden is seen as a goddess of harvest in some cultures, and Virgo translates to "the virgin". When researching animals associated with this sign many of them were already taken (like the Fox and Rabbit, or the Deer). In the end I chose a Dove as doves and unicorns can be used to symbolize virgins, and I already had a Unicorn kwami. Peace was an oblivious concept for a Dove, giving her the power to create areas where no conflict or harm can take place.
Libra: Elle the Gecko, kwami of Equality. This is yet another constellation without a straight forward animal to represent it, instead being a set of scales. So I decided to have a bit of fun, and pick an animal with literal scales on it... so a lizard. xD I most heavily played into the Libra symbolism with the powers, with them being that of Equality, like the idea of balancing out a set of scales. Elle's powers allow them to always create even ground, making it so powers, strength, and resources are Equally divide up among everyone.
Scorpio: Verriti the Scorpion, kwami of Truth. Scorpio is of course a Scorpion kwami, who has the powers to make people tell the Truth. I don't have a single reason for why I picked Truth for the powers, it just felt fitting for a scorpion. Perhaps its because the truth can sting sometimes?
Sagittarius: Spikke the Hedgehog, kwami of Precision. As cool as a centaur based kwami could be, that was one I didn't think I could design, so this one has a focus on the archer aspect of Sagittarius, with the weapon being a crossbow and the power making sure the user can never miss their target. As for why a hedgehog, well, they be spiky like an arrow.
Capricorn: Gloss the Ibex, kwami of Friction. The Capricorn constellation is a sea goat, so I went with a wild kind of goat, the ibex. As for the powers, it allows the user to manipulate the Friction on a surface, meaning they could climb up anything like a goat, or make things super slippery for their enemies.
Aquarius: Nokk the Kelpie, kwami of Water. With this constellation being someone carrying water, I decided to make the concept tie directly to it, with this kwami being able to grant complete control over all forms of water. As for a kelpie, well it's a horse in European folklore that lives in water.
Pisces: Dannte the Seahorse, kwami of Fear. Pisces is described as being two fish tied together, so a fish it is! But fish kwami are a pain to draw, so I decided on a seahorse; which is a fish but its shape is one I feel I can fit into a kwami design more. And seahorses are a fish that are always trying to hide and camouflage, suggesting a pretty fearful animal. Their power allows them to create an irrational Fear in others.
And if you're curious about the other kwamis in this box, you got Keena the Lynx of Intuition (Center), Glaace the Polar Bear of Endurance (Winter), Florra the Elk of Growth (Spring), Prrince the Swan of Loyalty (Summer), and Duux the Moth of Hope (Fall).
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pink-glitches · 5 months
i caan't help it i jjust get so baashful and giddyy when i'm aroundd my partner somettimes it maakes my chestt swell
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baashirdayne · 1 year
| a starter for @myriamas​ | | where: myriam’s apartments in highgarden the personal guard stands within her quarters, silently|
Baashir Dayne’s greatest talent when not speaking of his swordsmanship came from his ability to say nothing. The Lord of Starfall, the sword of the morning, could stand in the presence of people they only knew he was there because of overwhelming heir coming from him that demanded you were intruding on his space. The feeling of hard, coal eyes fixated on nothing and everything. Guards were meant to be faceless. Emotionless. Baashir Dayne was a warrior. A caste meaning as much as it did 10,000 years ago with in the boundaries of his lands. And he is a guard. Because he gave himself. His name. His sword. His heart. And swore to give his life for nothing. 
He stared at her as she sat with her ladies on those stupid fucking pillows. Baash didn’t have to break his gaze to wonder what each corner of this room had been subjected to before and during their arrival. Some times there were words spoken by others. Suggestions by others. And he considered cutting through them if it were proper to do such a thing but what sort of man killed those in waiting. 
Every inch of her face he knew. He swam in her eyes. Knew the differences in her smiles. Knew her moods as well as he knew his own. Hollow. They are hollow and damaged and broken. And nothing. 
Void of meaning. 
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“I need to speak to the Princess.” Baash cut through the conversation. “Dismiss them.” 
“Or don’t.” 
A beat. 
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kamalahq · 8 months
benevolent gay faggotry: kefka god form, yuna, noctis, lunafreya, vanille, lightning, snow, aerith, cloud, squall, rinoa, wakka, bahamut, mr shuu, lenne, koda kumi, jade from sweetbox, leona lewis, regis caelum, nyx, serah, cosmos, terra, kupo, yuel, nobuo uematsu, curaja
malicious gay faggotry: kefka, ardyn, shiva, seymour, hope, quistiss, oaka the XXIII, rikku, yojinbo, ultimecia, the magus sisters, ixion, lady belgemine, lady yunalesca, cindy, somnus, dona, scarlet, lightning, queen brahne, cactuars, malboros, adel, yoko shimomura, fran, kuja, yevon, new yevon, etro, the astrals, the fal'cie, bhunivelze, vegnagun, master mika
malevolent gay faggotry: sephiroth, safer sephiroth, shuyin, ifrit, chaos, ardyn, kuja, ultimecia, kefka, sin, yu yevon, the astrals, the fal'cie, bhunivelze, vegnagun, trema, vayne
vexatious gay faggotry: tidus, zidane, vaan, penelope, paine, yuna, rikku, mr shuu, noctis, prompto, gladio, ignis, cindy, iris, vanille, fang, lightning, snow, hope, sazh, noel, isaaru, sephiroth, caius, seifer, lenne
salacious gay faggotry: noctis, tidus, ardyn, snow, wakka, sazh, ifrit, shuyin, prompto, auron, zack, gladio, the luca goers, jecht, nyx, caius, noel, barthelo, squall, seifer, cid, baash, balthier, baralai, gippal
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tracytigress · 1 year
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Baldur's Gate inspired me to redesign my Dragonborn ranger a little! She's still a block(y)head, but a little less lizard-with-stuck-on-horns...I hope.
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silverslate221 · 2 years
How many kwami oc do you have and what are they?
Oh anon you have no idea the can of worms you've just unleashed xD
I have 71 kwamis some of which are entirely my own, some of which take elements from my friend @graaythekwami 's original kwamis and I also incorporate many of their kwamis and headcanons into my own.
Alright here's a list of my kwamis in alphabetical order in their various states of completion
Mikka the Ant of War
Torri the Aurochs of Strength
Vammp the Bat of Absorption*
Grizz the Bear of Soul
Baash the Buffalo of Augmentation*
Nabooru the Camel of Transaction
Gemm the Chameleon of Perception
Ranna the Cougar of Passion
Saage the Coyote of Wisdom*
??? the Crab of Emotion
Renn the Crane of Peace
Snapp the Crocodile of Adaptation
Livv the Deer of Spring
Equus the Donkey of Preservation 
Zipp the Dragonfly of Progression*
Mnemmi the Elephant of Memory
Sorren the Falcon of Truth*
Flikker the Firefly of Light*
Saffi the Frog of Purity
Blles the Gecko of Summer
Parra the Giraffe of Chaos
Honnk the Goose of Confusion
??? the Gorilla of Connection 
??? the Hawk of Vision
??? the Hippo of Gravitation
Sotaa the Honey Badger of Aggression*
Gorrge the Hyena of Consumption 
Gloss the Ibex of Friction*
Kallik the Jackal of Guidance
Jellos the Jellyfish of Corruption 
Kicc the Kangaroo of Vibration*
Fianna the Koi Fish of Pretension
??? the Lemur of Negotiation
Leeo the Lion of Order
Tawnii the Lynx of Intuition
Tangg the Mantis of Patience
Bubiic the Mosquito of Disease
??? the Moth of Oblivion
??? the Narwhal of Dedication
Hanne the Nightingale of Hope
??? the Ostrich of Equality
Zibbi the Otter of Love*
??? the Penguin of Dreams
Rivver the Piranha of Cooperation
Prrysm the Platypus of Fusion*
Demiis the Polar Bear of Winter
Spikke the Porcupine of Precision
Banditt the Raccoon of Avarice*
Habuu the Rattlesnake of Vengeance*
Shaade the Raven of Darkness
??? the Rhino of Isolation
Sparkk the Salamander of Fire
Slipp the Salmon of Apathy
Azuure the Scarab of Thought
Scorro the Scorpion of Beauty
Akwwa the Seahorse of Generosity 
Finn the Shark of Fear
Ravanna the Skunk of Despair
Luxx the Sloth of Stagnation
Slikki the Snail of Inhibition
Frijj the Snow Leopard of Silence
Døddie the Sparrow of Autumn
Oskkr the Squirrel of Jealousy
??? the Stingray of Immersion
??? the Swan of Reflection
??? the Swordfish of Separation
Kiikaa the Thunderbird of Lightning*
Flairr the Toucan of Expression*
Vivvy the Vulture of Justice
??? the Wildebeest of Courage
Pekk the Woodpecker of Dimension
These OC characters belong to me, while the concept of kwamis belong to Miraculous Ladybug and ZAG
*This kwami takes some element from one of @graaythekwami 's original kwamis
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myriamas · 10 months
who: @baashirdayne what: continuation of this flashback thread, set during the time a seventeen year old baashir and myriam are attempting to work out when they can wed...once the daynes give their permission.
there was no denying the strange, apprehensive feeling that settled within the gut of myriam allyrion each time they mentioned the lady of starfall, or her future good mother someday. it was never anything she said, but rather how she said, which always made myriam wondering where they stood: a short term ward of starfall with the specific focus on the starfall style of dance, no doubt they did not expect her to be something more permanent. was that an issue?
"did i do something?" she asked him, no doubt referring to his mother; and as much as she masked it with a humoured laugh that slipped through her lips, there was no denying the naivety and anxiety in her voice. all respected the lady of starfall, her son most of all, despite their differences. "do you think it was because i kindly denied the skin lightening ointment she offered me?" myriam asked again, looking over at his comforting presence; she remembered feeling quietly stunned when it was offered over the breakfast table.
and suddenly, she realised all in starfall were of much lighter complexion than her. it seemed the higher caste you were, the fairer you were. there came another nervous laughter at his words, words he would say so casually then swear upon everything he was no poet, watching his thumb trace circles upon her own hand, she thought of her own mother in godsgrace. soon she would return home for some time to attend the wedding of their cousin, and in that time, there was no denying the fact her mother would approach the subject of marriage to her daughter. where else was the perfect place?
as he denied their keeping of secrets was lying, she extended her hand to take his own, letting her fingers clasp with his own almost playfully. "it is lying, you chor. surprise or not."
"maa has been wanting to get me married for a year now...you know she'll use cousin neelam's wedding as an opportunity. i want to be able to return home and tell them i've found someone they'd approve of." she expressed her concerns, hoping, desperately hoping he would understand them. but they were only seven and ten, were they not? and he rambled on about his mother's slurping. "a man with many peacocks and many turtles. and a decent sword." she watched him readily begin to pace, almost as though he were excited, and she found herself mirroring his excitability.
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"the untouchables? why are they untouchable?" she asked, calling over her shoulder and suddenly, there was a flurry of bright orange skirts as she gathered her cloak, placing it over her head playfully as the hood were far too large for her. it covered her eyes entirely, and she turned almost comically to walk back over to him. "is this your strange caste system again? what if i am an untouchable?" she asked him, her hand playfully going to her mouth as she began to lead the way.
before realising she did not know where she was going. "but you've touched me. no such thing." she spoke after a beat, her hood remaining over her face as she approached him, almost letting him hold her momentarily before moving her along the hallway. not in that way. never in that way.
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mymiraclebox · 2 months
How about the other alphas? Also, do the elementals and timekeepers not come from the alphas?
Elementals come from Neutral Energy, which is the leftover energy from when the Alpha kwamis first divided. So yes they come from Alphas, but not from a certain one in particular. Timekeepers also come from Neutral Energy, but they are descended from a former Elemental, Eeterna, the kwami of Time, who divided to become the Timekeepers.
Deltas from Life: -Duune the Camel of Perspective -Milli the Chameleon of Emotion -Remmi the Coyote of Despair -Fawwna the Deer of Wilderness -Tuskk the Elephant of Memories -Jellos the Jellyfish of Hatred -Valoree the Lion of Courage -Duux the Moth of Hope -Currio the Narwhal of Wonder -Ecco the Parrot of Language -Duusu the Peacock of Psyche -Daizzi the Pig of Love -Anjjel the Quail of Mercy -Orikko the Rooster of Vitality -Daante the Seahorse of Fear -Poppy the Shark of Joy -Yuume the Sheep of Dreams -Scuut the Tortoise of Knowledge -Teer the Vulture of Sorrow
Deltas from Death: -Fangg the Bat of Fatigue -Verr the Gorilla of Sacrifice -Allces the Moose of Evocation -Glaace the Polar Bear of Endurance
Deltas from Creation: -Sannar the Axolotl of Restoration -Chaapa the Beaver of Innovation -Nooroo the Butterfly of Generosity -Purr the Cheetah of Agility -Reef the Coral of Sensitivity -Snapp the Crab of Adaptation -Florra the Elk of Growth -Ziggy the Goat of Imagination -Baash the Mouflon of Strength -Mullo the Mouse of Abundance -Ziibi the Otter of Transformation -Aynna the Scarab of Reflection -Flairr the Secretarybird of Passion
Deltas from Destruction: -Karrma the Goose of Justice -Vexx the Komodo Dragon of Corrosion -Stompp the Ox of Determination -Habuu the Rattlesnake of Beauty -Roaar the Tiger of Force -Sotaa the Wolverine of Conflict
Deltas from Order: -Harmonee the Ant of Cooperation -Pollen the Bee of Subjection -Maggi the Binturong of Magnetism -Yanna the Bison of Victory -Llucie the Crocodile of Clarity -Elle the Gecko of Equality -Izzy the Isopod of Instinct -Niisha the Jackal of Connections -Donna the Llama of Attention -Attlantis the Octopus of Choice -Fleet the Ostrich of Guidance -Ommen the Raven of Probability -Verriti the Scorpion of Truth -Prrince the Swan of Loyalty -Wayzz the Turtle of Protection -Divvi the Zebra of Duality
Deltas from Chaos: -Blannca the Blackbuck of Inversion -Clikk the Dolphin of Sound -Liiri the Eagle of Freedom -Trixx the Fox of Deception -Parra the Giraffe of Confusion -Xuppu the Monkey of Derision
Deltas from Space: -Barkk the Dog of Detection -Sorren the Falcon of Observation -Spikke the Hedgehog of Precision -Taamus the Hippopotamus of Density -Kaalki the Horse of Migration -Floss the Ibex of Friction -Kicc the Kangaroo of Avarice -Vollee the Locust of Invasion -Jiicho the Okapi of Dimension -Lynn the Pangolin of Boundary -Mannta the Ray of Immersion -Kaanda the Rhinoceros of Augmentation -Finn the Salmon of Navigation -Tinni the Squirrel of Diminution -Twwist the Stoat of Elasticity -Drill the Woodpecker of Expansion
Deltas from Void: -Dess the Cougar of Apathy -Olivv the Dove of Peace -Ravenna the Hyena of Scarcity -Belaa the Jaguar of Imperception -Tyyto the Owl of Secrets -Selkee the Seal of Elusion -Frijj the Snow Leopard of Silence -Acce the Thylacine of Isolation
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qalbofnight · 1 year
Aur khush baash?
jiii sab khairiyat ,aap btayein?:)
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