#;; psymags
manfrommars2049 · 2 years
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Golden Empress by Julia Ahlberg via ImaginaryNobles
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minorisato · 7 months
and if it's discovered, what'll happen to this?
transformers, original work / psymags / wc: 555 / warnings: NA / notes: this is SHAMELESS self insert x canon fic.
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Psyber is staring at him, optics wide and mouth agape, which is not abnormal. It’s the fact that other people are also staring at him which causes Betamax to believe he’s fucked up greatly. “Do the others not know?” He asks, tilting his helm, and Psyber grits hys dentae, shaking like hy’s struggling not to choke out the tape player.
“They didn’t,” Psyber grits out, “until now.”
“Magnus?” Swerve asks, cleaning a glass, looking some flavour of confused. “Like, Magnus, Magnus. The same Magnus who keeps throwing you in the brig for minor infractions. That Magnus.”
“Yes,” Psyber turns hys helm to the bartender, blush covering hys faceplates. “Yes, that Magnus.”
“Oh, that’s kind of cute, actually!” Tailgate claps his servos together. Cyclonus shrugs. “Sure, Magnus can be. Uh, tough? Rough? But it’s still cute. It’s nice to have someone you look forward to seeing.” At that, the purple mech rubs his arm.
“Hey,” Rewind taps Psyber’s shoulder, and when the laptop turns around, hy’s met with a blinking red light. Primus. “Every mech wants to know, do you get thrown in the brig on purpose just so you can talk to Magnus more?”
“Shut up!” Psyber hisses, and pushes the minibot away. “Everyone needs to shut up immediately forever.”
“I kinda agree with Tailgate, actually,” Chromedome shrugs, “I think it’s sweet.”
“Please, please shut up.”
“I’m really so sorry,” Betamax tells the laptop, rubbing hys tower gently in some form of comfort or consolation. “I really thought everyone else already knew. I wrote it down in my notebook, even, so that I wouldn’t be the only one who didn’t know.”
Psyber sighs. “No, it’s okay. I should’ve made it clearer that it was a secret.” Hy pauses. “You might want to, uh, add that in, to your notebook. So that more people don’t find out.”
Betamax nods, pulling out his notebook and a small ink pen. “I guess we’re lucky Magnus isn’t around, this could have gone way worse.”
Psyber rests hys helm on hys servo. “Yeah, it could’ve gone–”
“Lucky Magnus wasn’t around for what?” A voice asks, and Psyber’s helm snaps upright, and then to the source of the voice, and oh god he’s right there. “What are you all doing?”
“Nothing!” Psyber shouts, and then immediately regrets it.
“Psyber, what did you do?”
“Hy didn’t do anything!” Betamax assures the larger, waving his servos around. “Seriously, wwe were all just joking around. Hy actually didn’t do anything this time.”
Magnus raises an optical ridge, looking down at the tape player. “I’m not certain I can trust you, specifically, with that.”
“Ultra Magnus, really, Psyber didn’t do anything,” Tailgate pipes up, servos clasped together. “We were all just joking around. Honest.”
Magnus looks down at the minibot, seeming to consider this. After a few moments he sighs, and looks back up at Psyber. “You’re lucky I trust Tailgate,” he tells the laptop. “Surely you wouldn’t mind continuing your joking while I’m here, if that really is the case.”
Rewind chuckles, still recording. “Oh no, of course not, sir. We’d love for you to join us.”
“Rewind I am going to kill you,” Psyber hisses.
Betamax, again, waves around his servos. “Hy’s joking! Hy’s joking.” Betamax turns and lightly punches Psyber in the arm. “Totally joking. Talking stupid.”
Psyber huffs. “Yeah, talking stupid.”
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horsesarecreatures · 5 months
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frequencejulie · 2 years
Projections à venir:
Un jour, Julie a entendu des voix qui la menaçaient. Des médecins lui ont fait des électrochocs, des marabouts ont tenté de l’exorciser, elle a avalé plein de médicaments, bu tout un tas de potions, passé des jours à l’hôpital et de longues heures enfermée chez elle à tenter d’oublier le passé et d’imaginer l’avenir. Administrativement parlant, elle est depuis sa première hospitalisation une handicapée mentale à 80%. A mes yeux, elle est une amie précieuse, une âme sensible, une résistante qui a décidé qu’elle ne ferait pas « une carrière de victime ». Depuis cinq ans, je la filme. Ensemble, nous plongeons dans son passé et nous y découvrons l’histoire d’une héroïne.
One day, Julie heard voices threatening her. Doctors gave her electroshocks, marabouts tried to exorcise her, she ingested many medicines, drank a lot of potions, spent days in the hospital and long hours locked up at home trying to forget the past and imagine the future. From an administrative point of view, since her first hospitalization she is considered 80% mentally disabled. To me, she is a precious friend, a sensitive soul, a resistant who decided that she would not make "a career as a victim". I have been filming her for five years. Together, we dive into her past and discover the story of a heroine.
Documentary 78mn
Direction: Mia Ma
Festival des Écrans documentaires (Arcueil, France):
• Jury award
• Student’s special mention
Sheffield Doc Fest (Sheffield, UK)
• First feature Jury’s special mention
Porto Femme international Film Festival (Porto, Portugal)
• Best international documentary award
Faito Doc Festival (Naples, Italy)
• Jury pro feature film special mention
• Jury youth feature film special mention
Festival des Ecrans documentaires (Arcueil, France, Novembre 2021), Festival Psy de Lorquin (Lorquin, France, Mai 2022), Sheffield Doc Fest (Sheffield, UK, Juin 2022), Festival “Belle, la différence” (Bressuire, France, Septembre 2022), Doku Baku International documentary Festival (Baku, Azebaijan, Septembre 2022), Mois du Doc (France, Novembre 2022), Festival Psymages (Bruxelles, Belgique, Février 2023), Festival ImagéSanté (Liège, Belgique, Avril 2023), Festival FIFEQ (Québec et Montréal, Canada, Mai 2023), Porto Femme International Film Festival (Porto, Portugal, Avril 2023), Bertha Doc House (Londres, UK, Mai 2023), Festival international du journalisme (Couthure sur Garonne, France, Juillet 2023), Festival Faito Doc (Faito, Italie, Juillet 2023), Filma - Feminist Film Festival (Ukraine, Novembre 2023), Russian Mental Health Film Festival (Moscou, Kaliningrad, Kazan, Russie, Octobre 2024)...
Le film a également été projeté à Saintes, Saint-Jean d’Angely, Chatellerault, Saint-Savinien, Montguyon, Niort, Saint-Aulaye, Limoges, Treignac, Beynat, Bouliac, Oloron-Sainte-Marie, Paris, Villiers-sur-Marne, Lille, Clermond-Ferrand, Bergerac, Créteil, Valencia, Brest, Plougastel, Strasbourg, La Rochelle, Rosny-sous bois, …
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lectiones · 3 years
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aloiserichel · 4 years
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minorisato · 7 months
gonna be smitten till the day you die?
transformers, original work / psymags, miniber / wc: 333 / warnings: mentioned NSFT / notes: i need to make magnus understand that he is my everything
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“I worry it may be a bit large for you,” Magnus admits, faceplates dusted pink.
Psyber resets hys optics. “How is that a problem?”
The two are sat on Magnus’ berth– chosen for its size– both facing each other. Psyber had, upon entering, fully intended to get railed until hy couldn’t walk, or see, or breathe probably. Really, though, hy should have anticipated that Magnus would want to talk about it first. “It’s a problem because I could end up hurting you,” Maagnus explains, “which would be counterintuitive to the… objective.”
He’s talking about it like a mission. The objective, Primus. “I still don’t see how this is a problem,” Psyber smirks, “if you hurt me, I’ll probably like it.”
“Probably,” Magnus repeats, frowning. “I would rather not take that risk.”
Psyber considers this, scratching hys chin. “If you’re that worried about hurting me, we could always try without the armour,” hy figures.
Magnus’ optics widen, and he falters a bit. “Without the armour?” He repeats, as though asking for clarification. “You… would be interested in that?”
“Obviously?” Psyber says, because this is obvious to hym. “I love the colour green.”
Magnus’ frown deepens. “Psyber…”
“I’m serious!” The laptop tells him, and springs forward, grabbing ahold of the larger’s servos. “Please understand, I love the colour green. I like you whether you’re in the armour or not. I want you to be comfortable. If you’d rather wear it, that’s fine, and if you’d rather not, that’s also fine. The armour has no impact on who you actually are.” Hy pauses, flushing a bit. “If I just wanted to interface with some big guy, I wouldn’t have put all that effort into getting to know you. I like you.”
Magnus stalls. “Oh,” he lets out.
“Whatever makes you comfortable,” Psyber repeats. “I like you no matter what.”
Magnus resets his vocals, then his optics, then his vocals again. “Perhaps– perhaps, without the armour, to begin with. Just in case.”
Psyber smiles. “Works for me.”
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horsesarecreatures · 4 months
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Arabian Mare PSYMAGICS ECCHO +++/
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