#;; makes her feel like she's A PART OF DROGON???
kaerinio · 3 months
thinking about dany riding an enemy down on drogon . . . leaning so far forward she's practically flat against him! urging him forth through a mixture of sheer will and soft encouragements in valyrian! standing up in her seat!!!!! her hair wind-torn and ripping out of her braids!! the bells singing!! HNGGGGH!
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dragonseeds · 4 months
do you think dany knew what she was doing when she hatched her dragons or was it just an accident?
oh yes i think she knew exactly what she was doing. the magic in her blood and the eggs and the fire was speaking to her, coming through in her dragon dreams—especially that last fever dream after her miscarriage. i think she knew it was possible before because she could feel the eggs stirring and the magic waking up (and she was already connecting with drogon and drawing strength from him), but it was mirri maz duur who actually taught her how to do it.
i love that what she’s actually doing is never explicitly stated, yet everything she’s doing saying and thinking gives her away. like she swears to jorah she doesn’t intend to die with drogo, she directly compares herself to aegon, she places the eggs on the pyre and tells mirri maz duur that she’s going to take her life because only death can pay for life, etc., but the closest dany ever comes to directly saying it is when it’s done and the last dragon is about to hatch:
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like calling herself mother of dragons and then calling them her children is unequivocal, but before that grrm’s building the suspense and creating this heady wild momentum. it feels very similar to reading her wake the dragon fever dream, and provides such a great insight into her character. the space in the narrative where she doesn’t acknowledge what she’s doing or exactly why she’s doing it is where the magic lives, and it also gives her a place to hide any lingering uncertainty or fear, while still making it clear that she understands what’s happening: that she is in fact making it happen.
but like speaking of accidents, i’m obsessed with the difference between dany’s success and egg’s flop tragedy. she uses her husband’s funeral pyre, the husband whose life she traded her son’s for, to wake the dragons (including herself) and creates life from death. aegon v tried to hatch dragon eggs during rhaegar’s birth (the child he and jaehaerys ii traded rhaella’s happiness and agency for) and instead made a pyre of summerhall and most of his family. rhaegar was the last dragon, born in fire, and now it’s her—but it was always her and he always had to die. “the face within was her own.” crazy. insane.
i’m sure people have pointed this out before, but the magic here always makes me think of this line from the last unicorn: “real magic can never be made by offering up someone else’s liver. you must tear out your own, and not expect to get it back.” grrm’s use of magic is very similar, just as the unicorn and dany are similar, and i think it’s very possible that other attempts to hatch dragons in the past failed in part because whoever was trying didn’t understand this (and also because they were a. men and b. not daenerys lol). magic has a price, and it’s always high. this is one of the hardest lessons dany has to learn, and she thanks mirri maz duur for it in the end, because she understands that it had to be her own child, her womb, her husband, her sun and his fire that’s really hers burning someone’s life away—and this whole time, the entire book up until this point, she’s been cracking open like the moon, like the eggs on the pyre, and then she joins them in the fire.
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byunpum · 1 year
I can be a better father | Part 5 (Ikran)
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Pair: Tsu'tey x child-Grow up y/n
Warning: none, cute moments.
Note: Sorry for taking so long to answer the requests. I've had a lot of work these past few weeks, and I really haven't had much of a muse. And if I don't feel like writing, I'd better take a break so I can bring you more material. But still….thanks so much for the support!!!
Requests: (anon) Please could you make more chapters of tsu'tey and the children .. where y/n finds a dragon cub just like drogon. Also do one where spider gets an ikran even though he's human. PLEASE !!!
Avatar masterlist | Part 1, Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
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Tsu'tey placed the last piece of wood to his hut, tightening it tightly against the other pieces. Stepping back to observe his work, this would be enough to keep spider from falling out of the tree hut again. The man had spent all morning preparing a type of ladder so that his human-children would not fall. They were still too small to climb on the hard bark of the tree, well…they could, but he didn't want them to hurt their hands. His children's skin was delicate, he thought asking Jake for help and advice on what he should do would help and here he was…looking at his work. For a first time doing stairs they didn't look bad, or so he thought.
He sat for a while on the floor, resting. He had sent the kids to play with his half-siblings, neytiri would take care of them. And he would have some time off for himself, but all peace of mind was interrupted when he heard the voice of his little Y/N. Turning his head to see his cute baby with an ikran…newborn. Ikran were territorial creatures, so they didn't usually leave their young alone. But here was her little girl, holding the baby ikran in her tiny arms. Well what she could hold, the creature was much bigger than she was. But Y/N was holding it lovingly, walking swiftly towards her father.
"Sempuuuu, look what I found!!!!" shouts the child. Tsu'tey didn't know how to answer, his mouth was open. He had so many questions at this moment, how on earth had she taken that. Tsu'tey gets up from the ground, running towards her daughter. The creature screams, and moves into her daughter's arms.
"Baby…how? Where did you get? By my eywa" speaks tsu'tey trying to calm down, reaching out to touch the baby ikran. But the baby tries to bite him. While his little girl laughs out loud. "I found him….his mom went and left him. I'm going to be his new mommy" Y/N speaks, hugging the child more. The little girl's tiny body sways backwards trying to control her balance. "baby…we must return this baby to his family, we can't take care of him. He belongs with his family" tsu'tey tries to explain to her little daughter that the little ikran belongs with his own kind.
The little one's face turns to one of distress, pouting. By this time the creature had already cowered in Y/N's arms. "sempu…he is alone, we could take care of him…as you have taken care of me and spider" Y/N speaks, oh no those words have crushed tsu'tey's heart. He was weak when his little girl spoke to him this way. Tsu'tey sighs, he didn't want to hurt his daughter's feelings. He fixes Y/N's hair a bit, apparently she had been doing a lot of mischief the last few hours. Her hair was quite a mess, some loose braids and tangled bits of hair.
"Honey…he must be with his own species" tsu'tey starts to speak, but his daughter interrupts him. One of her small hands, touches his forearm. Her little eyes were teary. "But we are not of the same species and you are our father, right?" The little girl speaks, leaving her father speechless again. She was right, he had decided to adopt them and take care of them no matter where they were from. To tsu'tey they were his children, and always would be. Reaching over to give his little daughter a kiss on the hair. "He can stay" tsu'tey watches as her daughter begins to jump for joy, while the creature jumps with her. "but only until he can take care of himself" tsu'tey orders, the little girl accepts all excited. Hugging the baby ikran tightly. Tsu'tey had to admit that ikran babies were not something he was happy about, they were noisy and difficult to take care of.
It was very strange that he was alone, so he decided to investigate the whereabouts of the mother of this creature. And after a week of failing in his search, he proved his daughter absolutely right. Apparently the mother had left him, and she had no one to take care of him. The little ikran had one wing bigger than the other. It was not much of a difference, but this was surely the reason why he was left. Tsu'tey was happy to see how his daughter was taking care of the baby, sleeping with him. Hunting for the little ikran to eat. She looked so cute, with her little bow hunting any creature smaller than herself to give to her baby ikran. The bigger the creature grew, the stronger the bond Y/N had with her.
As the years went by…while other youngsters had to train an ikran, bond with them. And create a connection. Y/N was already flying the skies of Pandora, with taw. So she decided to name her ikran. A beautiful ikran, blue and pink in color. This surprised a lot of people, humans are not able to create bonds like the na'vi do. It created a lot of doubt and curiosity among the na'vi community, humans could have more feelings than they thought.
While the other boys were trying to bond with the ikran, even the sully boys. Y/n was calmly petting her ikran. Tsu'tey watched them curiously, himself wondering how this was possible. Watching as his daughter, hugged the creature, and the ikran closed her eyes with love and a calmness that seemed like something magical. As if the two of them were one and the same person. "You know…having that kind of bond…it's something unique and special" tsu'tey says, with some mockery in his tone. He was rubbing it in jakesully's face, that his daughter had gotten an ikran first and more effectively than his sons. Jake pouts, but laughs. "I remind you that she is my daughter too" jakesully speaks, laughing as he sees tsu'tey stand up straight. Pushing him a little, and walking away from jake.
Tsu'tey walks towards his daughter, touching her hair. The girl looks up, giving her father a big smile. "Sempu…taw is more beautiful every day, don't you think so?" the girl speaks, seeing how her daddy looks at her with such admiration and adoration. "You're amazing sweetie" tsu'tey says, seeing how his little girl giggles. And she answers him with a ' I know'. Sitting down together to watch the training of the others.
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If Daemon’s bby ever died on the battlefield so young: how would her loved ones react? And would anyone (the dragon literally symbolizes their house ofc) fight over her humongous three-headed dragon? Just imagine if it just casually flew away after the funeral without giving anyone a opportunity to claim them.
Daemon would absolutely lose it if his beloved child died in any way. There would be a sense of pride and respect for his bby dying in battle and fighting till the very end, but you can bet he will absolutely destroy whoever had a part in his child’s demise. And he will burn them all to the fucking ground. He wouldn’t rest until the entire lineage of the people involved in his child’s death were wiped out.
Rhaenyra would be in such a severe state of mourning for her most treasured friend/cousin. She would want to fight alongside Daemon and bring down the people who stole their beloved one from them. Rhaenyra’s hurt and anger would be more than enough to fuel her till the end to see the downfall of everyone involved in her cousin’s death. And she would make damn sure she got her vengeance for her late loved one. No one would go unpunished for taking away her bestest and dearest friend.
Given that I imagine this happening before the Dance of Dragons takes place, I can’t help but imagine Viserys’ reaction and how he would be towards Daemon. I feel like this would be something that would very well bring the two brothers together. Viserys can understand the state his brother would be in and he can’t possibly imagine going through it himself. He wouldn’t know what he would do if anything happened to Rhaenyra but he knows damn well he would go to war over it too. He wouldn’t hold anything against Daemon for what he does afterward, he can’t bring himself to knowing he would do something of the same level himself if his child faced the same fate. Viserys would ensure that the Reader got the most deserving funeral of any Targaryen there ever was.
Don’t even get me started on Rhea’s reaction. She would 1000% blame Daemon. Whether she blames his blood running through their child’s veins or his teaching them to never run from a fight. She puts it on him but she blames herself just as much for not keeping her child by her side. There really wasn’t much she could do but that doesn’t stop her from ripping herself apart. I don’t doubt that Daemon blames himself too but Rhea really throws it in his face, especially if this happened in a battle that Daemon and their child were fighting on the frontlines together. Her loss and grief would be too much for her, Rhea wouldn’t know what to do with herself once her child is gone. She would demand their child have a funeral fit for a Royce while Daemon fights tooth and nail that his child deserves nothing less than a true Targaryen send off. The death of their beloved child would only drift the two further apart and bring nothing but more hostility and hatred towards each other.
When it comes to the Reader’s dragon, I can’t help but think of two things. The dragon either pulls a similar stunt to Drogon and takes its’ treasured rider away to somewhere for just the two of them to be, or it sticks around until after the funeral and goes off on its own to live the rest of its days in mourning in solitude and forever being without its beloved companion again. No matter who had the gall to even try and claim the Reader’s dragon for themself the dragon would have absolutely none of it. I could see it taking on a similar disposition to Cannibal after its rider dies. It becomes extremely hostile towards anyone or anything that comes near it, all three of it’s heads retaliating and going after anyone and anything. Hell, I can even see the poor dragon going after itself and the three heads turning on one another in a form of self destruction. Just overall the Reader’s dragon acting out in its own way of suffering and being grief stricken by its detrimental loss.
Honestly, I really can’t see the Reader’s dragon allowing the Reader’s funeral to take place. I could see the dragon seeing this as the Reader’s family and everyone else in attendance further harming the Reader more, especially in the sense of the other dragons being the ones to set alight the Reader’s funeral pyre for their send off. The Reader’s dragon taking this as more of a threat to the Reader than what it’s actually supposed to be and a chaotic dragon fight ensuing with the Reader’s dragon trying to take its’ rider’s body back with it where it can be forever safe and protected.
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selkiewife · 4 months
Alicent's relationship with Dragons
“The idea that we control the dragons is an illusion.”
This is a fascinating quote and I love how it builds on the dragon lore we already see being established in asoiaf with Daenerys:
She would sooner have returned to Meereen on dragon's wings, to be sure. But that was a desire Drogon did not seem to share. The dragonlords of old Valyria had controlled their mounts with binding spells and sorcerous horns. Daenerys made do with a word and a whip. Mounted on the dragon's back, she oft felt as if she were learning to ride all over again. When she whipped her silver mare on her right flank the mare went left, for a horse's first instinct is to flee from danger. When she laid the whip across Drogon's right side he veered right, for a dragon's first instinct is always to attack. Sometimes it did not seem to matter where she struck him, though; sometimes he went where he would and took her with him. Neither whip nor words could turn Drogon if he did not wish to be turned. ~ A Dance With Dragons, Daenerys X
And I also love how it is supported throughout the whole first season of House of the Dragon, both literally (as with Aemond and Luke at the end) and symbolically with Otto and Alicent.
I've been thinking a lot about the symbolism of trying to control dragons in Alicent's arc. Throughout the first season, Otto attempts to use his daughter to control "dragons of flesh" (Rhaenyra and Viserys.) The first part of Otto's plan was to have Rhaenyra supplant Daemon as the heir and I noticed on this second rewatch that Alicent may have been tasked by Otto to encourage Rhaenyra's ambition for the throne:
ALICENT: You're worried your father is about to overshadow you with a son. RHAENYRA: I only worry for my mother. I hope for my father that he gets a son. As long as I can recall, it's all he's wanted. ALICENT: You want him to have a son? RHAENYRA: I want to fly with you on dragonback, see the great wonders across the Narrow Sea, and eat only cake. ALICENT: I'm being serious. RHAENYRA: I never jest about cake. ALICENT: You aren't worried about your position? RHAENYRA: I like this position. It's quite comfortable.
Rhaenyra's flirting aside (I'll get to that later lol), Alicent seems very intent on discussing Rhaenyra's position as heir. I think that Alicent has true concern for Rhaenyra's desires (and she knows her very well) but she has also been told by her father to encourage those desires in Rhaenyra. Even though Otto is trying to manipulate the situation, I think Alicent is happy to comply because to her mind, making her best friend the heir to the throne is really a win win for everyone- her father, Rhaenyra, the realm, etc. Her own desires align with Otto's at this point.
But then Otto tasks Alicent to essentially "break" her "dragon bond" with Rhaenyra and establish one with the king instead. This is when things really begin to fall apart for Alicent because her desires absolutely do not align with "claiming" Viserys. But she does as her father bids and begins a long, traumatic arc of trying to control dragons- both Viserys and later her "dragon" sons, Aegon and Aemond (as we see at the end of Season 1 and from the trailers of Season 2.) But this is doomed to fail because, as Viserys himself says, control of dragons is an illusion.
I think it is also doomed to fail because Alicent is also trying to control her own dragons- that is to say, her own desires. I think that the dragons- and her fear of riding them- is symbolic of Alicent’s sexuality and her feelings toward Rhaenyra. The first thing that Rhaenyra says to Alicent in the show after she climbs off Syrax is that she wants to take Alicent dragon riding with her. But Alicent declines:
ALICENT: Syrax is growing quickly. She'll soon be as large as Caraxes. RHAENYRA: That's almost large enough to saddle two. ALICENT: I believe I'm quite content as a spectator, thank you.
There is a moment where Rhaenyra registers the rejection while Alicent turns to go inside the carriage- which looks similar to a cage. Rhaenyra looks back at Syrax who is lead away into the dragon pit- also a cage- before going in after her.
Rhenyra's invitation to join her on her dragon is an intimate one in my opinion. It reminds me of Rhaena taking Elissa to ride on Dreamfyre. Dragons can symbolize power but I think they can also symbolize sexuality, freedom, and gender fluidity. As Maester Aemon said in asoiaf:
"Dragons are neither male nor female, Barth saw the truth of that, but now one and now the other, as changeable as flame." ~ A Feast for Crows, Samwell IX
Rhaenyra talks about flying with Alicent again when they are in the godswood and Alicent responds by becoming flustered and attempting to leave. I think that flying on a dragon symbolizes a kind of freedom- and perhaps a kind of sexual freedom that frightens her. So by shutting that conversation down it symbolizes how she is trying to shut down that part of her as well. She is trying to control the "dragons" of her own desires- to keep them locked up in a cage. Unfortunately, "there is a beast beneath the boards" and her desires (like dragons) cannot be caged indefinitely. They will eventually be let out- even if it is in a very destructive way.
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Dragon Pt.2
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Pairing(s): Daenerys Targaryen x Assassin!Reader, implied Daario x Daenerys Targaryen
Warnings: gore, blood, rampage, slight fluff, killing
Summary: Daenerys is good on her promise to make you more than a bloodthirsty assassin. She truly molds you into a dragon.
Part 1
Requested by many of you but in particular @alexkolax since they gave me the prompt 😊😊
In a short amount of time, your life had changed considerably. You were now considered one of Daenerys Targaryen’s most trusted member of her small court. Drogon may have been considered Daenerys’ ‘winged shadow’ but you were her actual shadow personified. She made sure to keep you close to her at all times not just for protection but also her genuine fondness of your company.
Growing to know the Silver Queen who was once your bounty, you’d admit you felt the same fondness.
No one would deny the utter beauty of Daenerys, but it was her authentic warmth that initially broke through your mountain high walls you built around yourself. They’d been a necessary growing up with four brothers. You built those walls so that nothing may break them down. Reinforced with your blood and nightmares.
As a child you had never known such kindness in a person. The people you saw on a daily basis were always less than kind and had ulterior motives up their sleeves.
Your own father murdered your mother after your birth. She was seen as defected since she gave birth to a girl. Up until then, she’d gifted your father with strong, healthy boys that were more than willing to carry on their father’s brutality.
He should have killed you right then and there. Despite all of your father’s flaws, he never killed children. Orphan them, yes, but he wouldn’t outright murder them like he had so many others. So he was stuck with you and subjected you to the same training all your other brothers had undergone prior to your existence.
Under their strict tutelage, you learned how to walk before crawling; such was the fury of their instructions that you aimed to do everything perfectly the first time to not receive their retribution. You couldn’t afford to mess up. Throughout your childhood, you aimed to prove to your family that you were just as good as them. And in all honesty, you were. You were the one to receive the best jobs; customers asked for you specifically.
Rage often fueled their actions, ultimately making them blind to reason. Such was the folly of men. You however were level headed. Anger was an inherited trait in you that you were always able to keep at bay until you needed it. You had full control of it and coexisted with it.
Happily you used the violence that festered in your soul to protect her, any means necessary.
You yourself had located the heart of the Sons of the Harpy swarm that was like a plague in Meereen. You’d earned the respect of the older men in her service that day when you slew the handful that had been surrounding you, Daenerys and Missandei. There had been doubt in you whether or not you could hold them off. They were coming from all sides and angles, relentless attempts to try and harm either of them resulted in a loss of a life or limbs.
Drogon was the true savior of the day. Dany took her rightful place atop of Drogon’s back, but not before she pulled you up with her.
Due to your occupation, you didn’t tend to feel the sensation of fear. It was trained out of you by your eldest brother Nakillos.
Being on top of an actual dragon?
You had never known a fear of heights until Drogon took off into the sky
Dany. . . Well you had Dany to thank for saving you. She revealed that she wasn’t just tenderness and warmth, but a force to be reckoned with. When the Dothraki horde accosted the two of you, you knew that you couldn’t slay all of them and get you and Dany to safety. She held your hand though and reassured you that everything would be alright.
She took things under control from then on. And what could you say? You admired the authority that shadowed her sweet features and she truly spoke like someone who had royal blood coarsing through them.
Not once did you regret leaving your old life behind to vow your fealty to Daenerys.
For the first time in your life you actually felt worthy of something. The deadly skills you had in your itinerary could be used for a proper cause instead of mindless hunger for more victims and gold. A monster that would never be satisfied. You cared not for your own happiness or that of anyone else.
Dare you even entertain the prospect that Dany brought so much light and meaning into your life. She had you feeling sorry for your past self that she didn’t know true joy until Daenerys Targaryen offered you her bloody hand.
When thee slave masters threatened to take Meereen from her control, you were right next to Grey Worm in a prompt execution.
First you happily forced them to watch their fleets be burned by her three children. Then you retrieve the specially made dagger Dany had gifted you and dragged it across Yezzan zo Qaggaz's throat. You may have been a little too happy about eliminating her enemies. The hot blood that splashed from their necks and onto your skin livened your own blood. Never had a kill been so delicious.
This was in tribute to your Silver Goddess.
Out of habit you presented the heads of the Slave Masters to her. Her face beamed with approval and delight at your morbid gifts. Even Grey Worm had turned his face away when you started severing head from necks. It was dirty work and not a pretty sight, but something inside of you made you do it. After presenting her with the head of the man who had hired you to kill her, you unconsciously made it a habit of giving her the heads of her enemies.
You promise her to do the same of her enemies in Westeros which had her cupping your cheek in the greatest show of adoration that had you weak kneed. You could tell she wanted to do more than just hold your face, but this was all she allowed herself. Other times when she was proud of you, Daenerys would toy with the Targaryen sigil that was chained around your neck. You never took it off.
The time for Westeros was coming. All she needed was a proper fleet of ships to carry her and the rest of her loyalists. It would be the first time her Dothraki horde had ever been on the water. They remained outside of the city for now along with Daario Naharis and his band of Second Sons.
The relationship between Dany and Daario was an unspoken one but you understood the truth of Daario's longing looks as you had taken his place by Dany's side. While he may have pleasure to offer her, she still preferred you as her personal sworn sword. Maybe it helped that you were also a woman. Either way it made you feel smug that you were superior to both Daario and Jorah in that manner. She didn't even trust Tyrion Lannister as much as she trusted your opinions.
Her council was in the middle of discussing how to build up their fleet and the options that lay in front of her.
You stand by her cushioned seat. Her council room was one of comfortable familiarity with plush chairs and couches. Wine was offered by those who willingly serve her.
Next to her sat Missandei who may as well have been the Westerosi version of a lady in waiting. You liked the former slave girl. She was kind like her queen and incredibly intuitive. Possessing great knowledge of diplomacy and the workings of Essos, Missandei was a great asset to Daenerys.
Across from the three of you were the men: Daario, Grey Worm, Tyrion, and Westeros' own master of whispers: Varys.
When first encountering the dwarf and eunuch, you had nearly killed both on the spot once you learned of their origins. To you, their presence was a threat to your queen and one you would quickly eliminate. They proved themselves to Daenerys and that was enough for you.
Talk of politics always bored you to tears as you stood there, form rigid and still as you took your job very seriously.
The way Tyrion and Varys droned on though about funds and potential allies made your mind drift and your eyes fell on the large window that looked out to the city. Such boredom brought you back to when you and your brothers were called upon your father to report your monthly body count and profit.
Garros, your father and the head of your clan of assassins, hated to give you praise and would spend the rest of the conference scolding your brothers. Why was a woman doing better than them?
Outside you watch the flight of her dragons as they lazily drift through the sky above the great city of Meereen. Since being released from their prison, Rhaegal and Viserion had grown in size but didn't make the mistake like their brother Drogon of eating the flock that belonged to the city. They took their hunting party far away from the city, following their large brother as he showed them better hunting grounds.
Drogon, while still unpredictable, became more docile toward Daenerys. A new bond had been established since she had officially ridden him .
A touch to your arm jolts you back into attention.
Dany only laughs at your abrupt alertness. They men were standing to leave, giving pleasantries to one another and a nod toward you. You stiffly nod back to them and watch them leave.
"Seems like I wasn't the only one bored from their talk." Missandei chuckles and pours a glass of wine for you, your signal that it was okay to relax with them now.
Gratefully you take it from her tan hands and take a sip while sitting between them. That's where they liked you. Since saving Missandei, you had gained her absolute trust. She would even call you 'my friend' when addressing you now. You'd never had a friend before. It was nice.
"I've never been able to follow political discussions." you sigh and let both of them lean against your shoulders. When the men were gone, all three of you were able to be yourselves. You knew it was hard being a woman with immense power. You couldn't let your guard down as any sign of weakness would be taken as an opportunity for those of the opposite gender. Daenerys constantly had to put up a strong front in order to maintain her power.
Dany nods in agreement, the side of her temple presses against your shoulder as she really gets comfortable next to you. Your stomach always flutters when she does such things like that. "Yes, it's not making me look forward to ruling the Seven Kingdoms."
"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." You say, a phrase you'd once heard your father say to Nakillos.
Her hand finds your's and gives it a squeeze. She looks up at you from under her long, dark eyelashes. "The crown is not so much a burden, not with the two of you with me."
You and Missandei smile for the both of you were all to happy to serve her.
Missandei gets up and puts her glass on the table. "Well, I must get going."
"Yes, can't keep Grey Worm waiting." Dany teases her causing the poor girl to duck her head in a blush. You giggle, actually giggle, at the obviousness of her affection for the Unsullied commander.
Flustered, she leaves without confirming Daenerys' words to be true.
Still gazing from where Missandei had fled, you smile and shake your head. "I'm happy for her."
Dany's hand hadn't left your's. Instead, her small fingers weave between your own and you feel your own blush creeping up your neck. Every touch from her was scalding. In a good way. "Me too."
Defenses lowering, you close your eyes and concentrate on the gentle rhythm of Dany’s breathing. Everything she did was mesmerizing to you and damnit if you were intoxicated on the way she makes you feel.
These moments were rare where it was just the two of you. Only once when everyone left could you allow yourself to be vulnerable. You allowed yourself these small, insignificant little moments.
At least you tried telling yourself they were insignificant. Always coming up with realistic excuses to avoid the truth that you struggled to face head on.
You like how her hands fit perfectly into your own.
You like the soft, content sighs she lets out every now and then.
You even like how drowsy you got as comfort warms you.
How had you lived for so long without this feeling? It was downright nourishing to every cell in your body.
“Will you stay with me tonight?”
Her question has your eyes popping open immediately and a quiet sort of panic seizes you. It wasn’t the first time she’d asked you to stay in her room for the night. Whether it was for comfort or. . . Something else. . . You always ran. You were a coward in that respect. Unable to face what you really desired and fighting the truth of your situation.
Again she looks up at you with those heartbreakingly beautiful eyes of hers. How could anyone be as gorgeous as she was? You didn’t even envy her beauty. Your own beauty had never mattered. You didn’t care what you looked like.
“Your Grace-“
She lifts her head from your shoulder with a scowl that knits her brows together. You hate when that expression is aimed toward you.. The last thing you wished was to displease her. “I told you, you don’t have to do that when it’s just the two of us.” Her hand leaves your’s and it goes up to the three-headed dragon pendant that had its home on your collarbone.
Since she released you, you’re on your feet and taking a step away from the couch. Pressing your lips in a straight line, you take her in. A storm of emotions plays out on her round face. “Dany,” you say softly and watch her become a puddle from you using her nickname “I don’t think that would be proper. I can go get Daari-“
You don’t finish as she stands. “Never mind. You’re dismissed.” She hastily says while turning her back to you. Her meticulous braids having held up all through her tenuous day. You’d spotted the red tips of her ears when she’d turned away from you. You hate yourself for doing that to her.
But her affections were misplaced, you were unworthy of her love.
For that’s how you both felt. You knew. You knew you were hopelessly in love with her. And Daenerys, for some odd reason, returned it tenfold. She showed you in every way possible. Daario was an infrequent guest in her bed now, had been for weeks now. Only on the nights when you turned down her offer did you spy Daario the following morning leaving her room.
Being the ever obedient servant, bow and practically leap at the opportunity to run to the door.
What a coward you were.
You stay on the other side for a while, back pressed against the council room.
You hated yourself as your cheeks burn along with your eyes. You wanted to cry, how pathetic was that? You hadn’t cried since you were a baby.
Highly sensitive ears pickup the approaching echo of footsteps. Hastily, you rub your eyes with your arm and look up to find Daario offering you a sympathetic gaze.
He inclines his head toward where he came from. “Let’s grab a drink, you and I. Yeah?”
Arrogant prick he may be, but you had to admit that you actually liked the Tyroshi. He had a charm to him, you’d give him that.
You nod. “Okay.”
“Oh just give into it already!” Daario slaps you on thee back enthusiastically once you were three drinks down. “You’re a pretty girl, she’s gorgeous, the two of you would have plenty of fun! And of course you can add me into the mix every so often.”
You snort out a laugh and shake your head. “You make it sound so easy. I’m a creature that is not used to things like love and sex. I’m not even used to physical contact but with her, she can do whatever she wants to me.”
He rolls his eyes. “Except fuck you apparently.”
Your face burns again and you know it’s not just from the drinks he poured down your throat. “I’m. . . I’m not pretty.”
“Yes you are. In a scary way. It’s sexy!”
The anxious feeling that was growing in your burst when he said that. You laugh exuberantly and Daario follows suit.
Then came back his more compassionate side that humbled him. “I only know a fraction of your past and what you’ve suffered.” When you shoot him a dubious look, Daario explains “Oh come now, even I know of you and your family. I’ve even met one of your brothers. Real twat he was.”
“You’ll have to be more specific. They’re all twats.” You comment making him chuckle in agreement.
“Comparing you from how you were when you first came here. . . I know you’re capable of love. I would have called you a monster back then. Before I got to see a peek of the real you.” You wouldn’t have considered Daario as astute as he was.
Maybe you could even consider him a friend like Missandei.
You ignore the smile that wanted freedom to be expressed on your lips. Instead you bring another drink to your lips.
“You sell yourself short. Enjoy in the pleasure our queen can give you. If it’s me you’re really worried about, don’t worry; what you and Dany have is more than lust.”
Now you were the one to roll your eyes at his ridiculousness. It was an endearing ridiculousness though. But if he could see the devotion you and Dany showed for one another, then everyone else could too. Tyrion, Varys, Missandei and maybe even Grey Worm.
“Love is the death of duty.” You murmur, eyes going dark from your turmoil. “She is my weakness. I can’t have weaknesses. You understand, right?”
Daario sighs not out of exasperation but out of melancholy. “Oh (y/n). They really did a number on you, didn’t they? No, love is what makes you stronger. It’s the fuel you reach for when you have nothing else left in the world. It’s a powerful weapon if you know how to wield it.”
You thought about what he told you long into the night until you went to bed. Your sleep was always dreamless. Preferred over having to endure more grief during unconsciousness.
Due to drinking so much the previous night, you slept far longer than you normally did. You woke up to Missandei shaking you.
Her eyes are wild, desperate even with tears unshed in her brown eyes. “She’s missing. Dany is missing.”
Your mind went blank for a moment. Her words float around in your brain before fully understanding what was going on.
Then you merely saw red. “Show me.” You knew there had to be a last known location. Security for Daenerys was of utmost importance to all of her council. It was impossible for her to go missing out of the blue.
You didn’t bother to change out of the clothes you wore the previous day. Missandei led you to her private chambers where the rest of her small council was congregated.
On her pillows was the bloody head of a lamb. Poor thing’s tongue was sticking out from the corner of its mouth. Dark eyes still open and staring blindly.
Your blood ran cold.
This was not a random abduction. It was deliberate. You knew exactly who did this.
The head of a lamb was your eldest brother’s signature. What a narcissistic dick.
You couldn’t breathe, merely staring wide eyed at it. No one had ever seen your face in such a state. It confirmed Tyrion’s worry. Powerful enemies had their queen.
Only Daario caught your gaze and really understood. He nods as you slip out the door. Missandei moves to go after you but Daario holds her back and whispers in her ear.
Furrowing her brows, Missandei watches helplessly as you make the long way ought of the pyramid and into the city. To get the answers you want, you had to go to the harbor. That’s where all rumors blossomed. Where you would get the most information.
A demon had overcome you and was now in control of your body. The only thing on your mind was finding the culprits that took your queen from under your nose. You blame yourself for not taking up her offer. Your brother would have never been able to take her if you were present.
It had to be Nakillos. If he wasn’t still in the city then he was close. You had to be quick and follow his scent.
The harbor master, while initially denying anyone with the description you gave, gave in once you showed him the savagery of your interrogation process. He only had two fingers left on his right hand before he finally caved in and told you all of what he knew. Nakillos and two other men had indeed been through the harbor.
You followed all hints. Anyone who refused to give you the information you craved was tortured until they submit to your will. You didn’t know what the members of Dany’s small council was doing, but you didn’t waste anytime in your rampage. You knew how the unsavory underworld of Essos worked. Knew all the ins and outs of even Meereen. How else could you possibly have found the nest that belonged to Sons of the Harpy.
A blood lust like this hadn’t risen in you since slaying the slave masters.
You went on a rampage as you scoured Meereen for Dany. Driven by pure rage.
By the end of the day, you’d found where your brother was staying as well several of his lackeys. You’d learned that your father had died a few months ago leaving Nakillos as sole heir to his empire which he took great advantage of.
He’d always resented you as he had been the one to bear the brunt of your father’s resentment since he was the eldest. Your father was not easy on him when you brought back better reports than him. And when you step into his makeshift lair, you see that he hasn’t changed one bit.
His face was the spitting image of your father, if not a bit younger than you last remember.
Gagged and in chains was Daenerys he glared daggers at him, unaware of the affiliation you had with this scum of the earth. They had taken over an entire building for this confrontation.
When she spots you, her lavender eyes glimmer with hope.
Nakillos leans forward with a terrible smirk. “Happy for you to finally join us.” His eyes scanned your body, drinking in the red stains on not just your clothes but also the skin of your arms. You hadn’t bothered to clean yourself up.
“I believe you have something of mine, brother.” Your words are clipped revealing the level of your patience which was none.
Dany’s eyes widen, shooting toward Nakillos whose grin only broadens.
He stands up, towering at almost seven feet. Anyone else would be scared, intimidated even. Never you though. Each step he takes toward you is a heavy thud.
“You’ve grown soft, (y/n).” He comments with a tilt of his chin. “It was quite easy to find news about you and your whereabouts. Not to mention that you’re now in league with the Targaryen cunt.”
You internally bristle at that snide remark but keep your features a void canvas. It pissed your brothers off the most when you didn’t react to their taunts.
That hadn’t changed either. His lip pulls up in a snarl.
His weapons are strung to not just his back but his hips as well. All assassins had a great arsenal of weapons no matter what the occasion.
His men seemed to close in on you so you were now stuck in a circle with your brother. Daenerys muffles words that were covered by the strip of fabric that wrapped around her head and blocked her mouth.
“You’re a fool to come here all by yourself.” Nakillos spits out while reaching behind his back to retrieve a blade from the sheath across his shoulder blades. “I’ll do what our father could never do: end you.”
In a monotone voice, you reply “You can try. Like you have so many times before.” Your own blade easily slipped from your sleeve to your hand. You too had quite the instruments hung off of your belt; some already stained with a crimson substance.
He’d been a bastard to you all your life. You would not mourn killing him.
On light feet, you sped forward; catching him off guard. Nakillos raises his arm, sword coming up to his defense. But your other hand though also wield a blade that he hadn’t seen until the last second.
You were able to slice a large chunk of his thigh and side before he slides away and begins his own onslaught.
Nakillos always favored in throwing his weight around. He did it with your three other brothers and yourself.
All of them lacked the speed and dexterity you had.
You lean way too back in an attempt to avoid the tip of his blade. Forced to complete a flip to guarantee your survival, you’re quick to block another blow from his sword. While you were confident in your own skills, Nakillos wasn’t your father’s heir for no reason.
Each of his offensive moves screamed of Garros. Like you were fighting your father instead of your brother.
He sliced at your shins then tried to slice your belly open in an upward strike with his right hand. Garros had trained all his children to use both hands with equal efficiency. It was one of the best ways to fight.
Even though it meant getting your ankle cut, you swiftly kick him in the face. Ignoring the searing pain that shot through your system. You clench your back molars to the point that they may crack under the pressure.
Nakillos is sent spiraling to the ground but he doesn’t so much as flinch. Blood trickles from his nose that he ignores to dodge you.
It was clear the both of you were equal in hand to hand combat.
You knew you had the upper hand though. Because you were fighting for her. For your Silver Goddess.
You let that quiet anger in you out of it’s cage. It stretched it’s legs before making your vision and thoughts go black.
You fed it with the blood of your brother.
Remembering every single time he was cruel to you. How he smashed your head into the ground and broke your arm when you were ten and one. Nakillos reveled in smacking you around. He even went so far as to have you train an entire day with glass in your boots.
Not realizing you were screaming until the fog in your brain cleared, you saw the damage you did already. His arms were cut up and there was a deep gash to his side that he held onto. The hand around his wound was already dripping with red.
Your own knuckles were covered in cuts varying from deep to superficial. That was the only area on your body he’d been able to scratch.
It made him furious. He let out a roar and charged. You wait until the last minute to fall off to the side and trip him with your foot.
When he fell face first into the floor, you leapt atop of his back and tried to stab deep into his spine. Nakillos however had enough strength and speed to flip himself over from underneath you.
He headbutts you right in the face.
Stars fill your vision as you tumble back. Your head was warm as you force yourself to regain your composure. In that time, Nakillos takes a swing at you that makes a large gash from shoulder to shoulder.
You feel the back of your head bounce off of the ground. At least your vision cleared for you to watch Nakillos sinks one knee on either side of your body.
He’s laughing a bit hysterically at your dazed eyes. “Did you really think it would end with me?” Nakillos smacks you across the face with the back of his hand as you struggle under him. “Even if you kill me, the others will come after you and your silver haired bitch.”
“Then I will do to them what I will do to you: I’ll kill them and present their heads to my queen on a gold platter.” You spit blood right into his eye and stab your blade into his cheek.
He howls, a horrible noise as he flings himself from you. His hands trembling to his face. The handle of your knife stuck straight out.
You didn’t waste time. Ripping a metal wire garrote from your belt, you swiftly loop it around his neck as you dance behind him. He gags before a horrible wet noise rakes from his throat. You tighten your grip and pull.
Nakillos kicks and fights against the sharp wire that was cutting into his neck. His fingers desperately dug at his muscular neck.
The others didn’t move, only watched in horror. They weren’t allowed to move due to Garros’ stupid code. One did not interrupt a fight. No matter who was winning or losing.
You grit your teeth as you viciously jerk back. It cut into arteries and veins alike producing a spray of blood to spring forth. His body is still jerking until you give the garrote one last twist.
Then all movement stopped.
Letting his body fall to the ground, you take a moment to finally get a proper breath. When you open your eyes back up they find Dany’s. Her face surprised you.
Instead of being in horror like everyone else, her eyes were sparkling and her cheeks were flushed. Daenerys was breathing laboriously. Her pupils were blown out from the scene.
You take up your blade once more and get to the messy task of cutting into Nakillos’ neck; severing skin, muscle, bone and tendon. They left you to your macabre work although you didn’t miss the low murmurs.
Forced to switch out blades three times, you finally were able to lodge his head free. His skin was slippery from the red loss of his life.
You go to Dany who is smiling at you.
“Sorry I don’t have a gold plate for this one, but I hope you’ll accept it.” you get down on your knees and offer it up to her.
Her eyes were starting to fill with tears as she smiles happily down at you. Dany’s fingers brush against your stick ones when she moves to take the head from you. She tosses it aside and with both of her bloody hands on either side of your face, she kisses you.
You don’t fight back. Not this time. Daario was right. Why were you fighting? Because of fear? That was stupid.
Her lips were deliciously soft despite their hungry claim on your mouth.
Someone off in the distance clears their throat and you turn around in annoyance.
“You’ve killed your brother.”
“Clearly.” You scoff.
“Do you know what that means?” Another intervenes.
The first man takes back the conversation. “By right you are now leader of Garros’ clan. You defeated the eldest fair and square. All his money and land belong to you as well as his men.”
You wave them all off. “Split it amongst yourselves and my other brothers. I don’t care.” Quick hands already had Dany’s gag off and her bounds cut. “Just as long as none of you step foot in Meereen again.” Flicking up deadly eyes, they nod and don’t fight you as you leave to go back home.
There was arguing in the council room when you and Daenerys returned. Both of you had been quite the sight walking through the streets.
Daario was off to the side, watching them all with a bored expression before he noticed you and Dany. His eyes widen at the both of you drenched in blood but he smiled.
“We’re wasting time-“
“Where is (y/)?!”
“Are the Harpies resurfacing again?!”
Daenerys clears her throat loudly and everyone turns around. “Hello, sorry for the trouble but as you can see I am fine.”
Tyrion gawks. “The. . . The blood. . .”
“Not mine.” She’s all smiles as she brings you to her side. “But (y/n) and I will be requiring a bath. Together.” Daenerys looks at you with hopeful eyes.
This time you don’t say no.
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thaliajoy-blog · 1 month
Rereading the Dany part of AGOT exclusively has led me to yet unforeseen places of discomfort like the whole Dany & Mirri Maz Duur story even surface level is very tragic & I'm obsessed by what is there what is underneath the surface and what could be in that dynamic (maybe I'll get into it another day) but the tenth Dany pov chapter in the novel is harrowing before the pyre starts because you see the contrast between how Mirri and Drogo are treated and it's distressing. Mirri is tied to a the pyre and whiped so she stops talking. Drogo is washed and clothed lovingly by Daenerys, she even speaks to him, apologizes to him, feels fondly about him, tries to give him a real king's funeral. But it makes sense, tragic sense. Mirri put Dany in an incredibly miserable & and vulnerable place. She murders Drogo & Rhaego. She is more than Dany's ennemy but Dany is not in a position that would make her want to forgive those actions, even based Mirri's trauma that Dany knows all too well about. So it's this fucked up thing where the birth of the dragon is preceded by an hommage by Dany to a man who is very obviously monstrous in GRRM's writing - Mirri murdered a child out of vengeance, but Drogo lead the killing, traumatizing & enslavement of many more children simply because it was in his power. And Dany loves him (and even names a dragon after her - I'm sorry Drogon there's that aside from the fact that your name is pretty stupid my sweet baby), a frightened love born out of the need to not just die from her awful situation as the teenage bride of a warlord. I'm thinking about how like Irri & Jhiqui still see themselves as slaves despite everything Dany does to delegitimize slavery ; in her continued fondness towards Drogo Dany kind of refuses to see her chains and her past victimization.
And it all comes back to Mirri, this monstrous victim, this wise demon, the maegi, the magic teacher, the one who cannot be forgiven. Tied to the pyre. Unwilling witness to Dany's marriage with the fire. This benefits us all to wonder & mourn and ponder about how complex & mindfucked GRRM made this situation (and I kind of love it as it is) rather than to designate one victim & one abuser and rant about how the fandom at large doesn't realize how really innocent one is and how really evil the other is.
Surge of thought on mirri lately brought to you by my obsession with Epic the Musical and how the Horse & the Infant, Just a Man and Ruthlessness kinda fit her I think.
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daenerystargaryen06 · 7 months
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This is late 'cause I've been very busy and sick- but let's get into it.
I've seen so many comments like this one on Tik Tok, really terrible platform for comments like these to pop up since everyone likes spreading their hate for Dany on Daenerys edits/videos, especially on other comments that show support for Daenerys and uplift her. But this one in particular genuinely baffles me no, I won't blur the name out; this dude commented this on a public forum for everyone to see. Just don't send him hate or anything... even if this part of the fandom isn't as crazy as all the others.
'Drogon isn't as crazy as his slave master Dany'. Let's break this down, shall we? First point- Dany isn't a slave master, ESPECIALLY to Drogon. Dany was a bridal sex slave herself, in the show at the age of 16/17, in the books at the age of 13. She knows what it's like to be a slave, she was one herself, and due to her enslavement and the horrors she saw when wed to Drogo (his own people's violence against not only her but also the Lhazareen)- Daenerys wants equality for everyone. She breaks the chains from those enslaved in Astapor, Yunkai, and Meereen. She works to free these people from their sufferings and plight and give them agency to achieve freedom for themselves and no longer live under the cruelty of the Masters. In the show, she sets up a council of freedmen to govern themselves to rule the cities, and she ensures the Masters no longer remained a threat to her people before she left to Westeros. In the Books, she is currently struggling against the Masters and is facing many struggles, but she is still striving to ensure her people remain free and safe from the Masters without worry of cruelty and fear under the Masters for their own profit.
"There speaks one who has been neither." Dany's nostrils flared. "Do you know what it is like to be sold, squire? I do. My brother sold me to Khal Drogo for the promise of a golden crown. Well, Drogo crowned him in gold, though not as he had wished, and I . . . my sun-and-stars made a queen of me, but if he had been a different man, it might have been much otherwise. Do you think I have forgotten how it felt to be afraid?" -A Storm of Swords - Daenerys II
"He was too eloquent for her. Dany had no answer for him, only the raw feeling in her belly. "Slavery is not the same as rain," she insisted. "I have been rained on and I have been sold. It is not the same. No man wants to be owned." -A Dance with Dragons - Daenerys III
Even worse is that this comment refers to Dany as being DROGON's slave master. Drogon has never been considered a slave to Dany. He is her child, her son. Her dragons are her children. Dany has never regarded them as slaves, nor will she ever regard to them as such. Rhaegal and Viserion were chained because Drogon killed a child, and Dany feared her dragons would grow unruly and begin to kill more of her people, yet she also regrets this decision. She cries when she does this in the show. She reflects upon it and regrets it in the books. She will always care for and love her dragons, who she loves alike to a mother. She regards to them as her children and would never willingly harm them.
In the show and books, Dany struggles with Drogon making his own decisions. But she does not try to enforce him under her will like a Master would a slave. She wants him to listen, yes, but every mother wants their child to listen and behave. In the show, she never harms Drogon or forces him to submit, he WILLINGLY listens to her once she gains back her identity after burning the Khals in Vaes Dothrak and going against the Masters when she returns to Meereen. If he didn't wish to listen, he wouldn't have to, as he possesses a mind and will of his own which was already shown in seasons 4-5. In the books, she has to whip Drogon into submission, but it was not to enslave Drogon- it was to SAVE him and her people from death in the Fighting Pit when he comes and almost loses his life while burning the people around him. If not for her, Drogon would have died, and he attacks back at her as well within the Pit before he submits to her and allows her to ride upon him away from the violence that was occurring.
Calling Dany Drogon's slave master is alike to calling every other Targ before her slave masters to their dragons, when we know that isn't true, and Dany's connection to her dragons is actually very much different and runs deeper than that of her ancestors with their own dragons.
Now, on the topic of 'craziness', Dany is far from it. In the show, she only became 'crazy' in the very last few episodes of the last season, when the writers ruined her character all for their excuse to have Jon kill her since they couldn't even think up a better ending. Before that, are we just going to ignore the fact that Dany actually went against what her father had done, did things for the good of others and cared for those considered 'lesser', and saved basically all of Westeros when she allied with Jon and it was the majority of HER armies and dragons that fought against the WW and NK? She only went 'crazy' when the writers wanted her to, and even that I don't consider canon, due to the fact she was painted as a HERO before they assassinated her entire character and made her go off the deep end and even that I don't view as just 'crazy'.
In the books, she fears becoming like her father, she is compared most to Rhaegar (a character many in the books view as sane and heroic), and she reflects most upon her actions and questions her decisions made. She is a grey character at most, and even still, she is the one character that does the most good and selfless acts in the books compared to everyone else. She wants what is best for her people, she wants to make them happy and give them good lives, and she wants to be a good Queen who isn't just feared or violent to achieve what she wants. She forgoes Westeros to keep in Meereen for her people's safety. She works the hardest to attempt for peace with the Masters without bloodshed or acts of cruelty and she is compassionate, intelligent, and an empathetic woman. She sees suffering and instead of accepting it like everyone else in that world has, she works AGAINST it to save those who do suffer due to her own experiences of suffering and pain. She is, in all, a hero who wants to do good. That doesn't seem very 'crazy' or 'slave master' to me.
Someone should really pick up the books, but I fear that their reading comprehension would be just as bad as their comments on Tik Tok.
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atopvisenyashill · 9 months
i totally get not shipping jonerys but i think there's too much potential for george not to explore. i do think jon is going to be critical of dany’s methods and they’re doomed, but they have a lot in common too? like wanting to impose their beliefs and world view on others, and they can bond over having really bad pr too! i just hope that it’s more interesting than the show, for my own sanity.
I do think there's potential to explore but I just do not see the romantic potential. Their commonalities are not the sort that would make them get along. Jon's bad PR is he's a reclusive dick running off bad advice (from another Targaryen to boot) who won't explain his long term plans to people he doesnt like, sends every single one of his allies away, and is trying to break down long held prejudices in the span of a few months. Dany's bad PR seems similar except on top of "breaking down long held prejudices" she trusts violent, shady ass men at every turn (while Jon just straight up executes Slynt! Do you see Jon misstep wrt Alliser and Bowen? Yes, but he is not sitting here justifying their violence the way Dany justifies men like Daario), compromises in ways that completely undermine the prejudices she's trying to break down, and has now simply accepted that her dragons killing innocent people is an acceptable loss. Dany takes a profit off the selling of slaves and I simply do not believe Jon would react so cavalierly to Dany telling him about how she burned her slave alive to hatch her dragons, especially after whatever shenanigans Melisandre and Stannis are going to be getting up to in TWOW. Not for nothing here, but Jon does not use Ghost as a killing machine; anyone or anything Ghost has killed has been in defense of Jon while Drogon is very much a weapon of war.
Beyond that, Dany's identity is very tied up in the being the last dragon. She's going to be ten times worse in the books about finding a dragonseed in Westeros, especially if Rhaegar found out Elia was killed and married Lyanna, thereby legitimizing Jon above Dany's own claim. She's going to kill Aegon VI and destroy KL, maybe even Casterly Rock and parts of Dorne as well! The thing I think everyone overlooks here though is that she is not getting to Westeros until the very end of TWOW at the earliest! She's going to have wracked up a kill count higher than every other character on page, probably a kill count higher than the Conquerors or the Dance or the Redgrass Field. Regardless of any similarities they have in their backgrounds, what Jon is likely to feel when she lands is horror, and a fair amount of nerves. Do I think he will feel guilt for having a hand in his aunt's death, in ending the line of Targaryens? Yes, absolutely! It doesn't mean his guilt will drive him to side with a woman who lands with a slave army and then sets fire to half the continent.
And to be completely honest, if they do hook up, if she lands and she's lauded as a hero after destroying the city states of Slaver's Bay, after slaughtering the khals of the dothraki, after taking a profit off slavery and engaging in collective and cruel & unusual punishment, if murdering Aegon VI for *checks notes* being lied to about who he is and having a better claim than her but not "earning" his ending, and finds some sort of happiness with Jon, I'm saying that's 100x more misogynistic than what the show did, not to mention nauseatingly imperialist and classist. The reason I am very firm in saying Dany will go dark is because it is my opinion anything less is a betrayal of the themes of non violence, the costs of war, and the punishing of the poor. Like, Robb's murder is a tragedy but the book does not shy away from the harm he does! Dany will not (should not!) be treated any different just because she's a woman; that's like the basis of feminist theory!
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madame-fear · 1 year
Hi Amira! How are you?
So I was thinking about a Lucerys x fem!reader in which she accepted to marry a young man from a noble house after hearing that Luke is betrothed to Rhaena. Then in the middle of the reader’s wedding ceremony, Lucerys appears with his dragon Arrax, making an entrance (just like Daenerys with Drogon when they arrive at the dragon pit to meet Cersei), ready to confess his feelings and asking her to come with him.
It was just an idea. Thank you for all your Lucerys Velaryon content! ❤️
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— ☆ amira speaks : hello love !! AHHH this request was so so adorable, and hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing it !! 🥺 Also, I didn't specify the House the reader married in to leave it up to your choice!🌹 — summary : request — word count : 2.4k
— pairing : lucerys velaryon x fem! reader — genre : fluff.
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The news of the Velaryon boys betrothal rapidly reached you, as your House was extremely close to House Targaryen, and they had even invited you to the betrothal dinner. To which, your family did accept the invitation and attended, except for you — excusing yourself as 'feeling unwell', yet, after all, it wasn't far from reality; since you've fancied Lucerys for a long time now, and you had the slight hope that he'd possibly like you back.
But after hearing that Lucerys got betrothed to Lady Rhaena Targaryen, your high hopes of being able to possibly be together faded away rather quickly, much to your dismay.
It was a heartbreaking deception, and one that felt like it would take a long time to heal — but you had to continue with your life, and let him go, unfortunately. Even if you understood that marriage between Houses wasn't anything for love, and it was merely to make the union between the Houses stronger and produce future heirs; it was still rather painful to bear with that.
After hearing the Velaryon boys betrothal, you soon had your own had several marriage proposals from young men that came from noble houses. None of them were of your interest, of course. None of them seemed genuine when asking for your hand in marriage, except for a young man from a noble house — which seemed far more decent than the other men that had proposed to you. And of course, having nearly ran out of options and being forced to accept a husband for once, you took the young man from House Martell's hand in marriage, and got betrothed.
Much like it had initially happened to you, Lucerys heard about your betrothal and how your Houses were preparing for the wedding ceremony as well, the news coming from his mother's own lips. For him, it was just as painful as it had been for you; feeling his heart deeply sink. But he was betrothed already, just like you were now... there wasn't anything he could do about it, right?
Well, wrong.
He had, since early childhood, continously heard his mother speaking about how betrothals and marriages were merely for a political convenience, and how you had the absolute liberty to choose whomever you truly loved behind the facade of being betrothed to someone from another House.
Lucerys knew that, much like in his case, you had been surely obligated — in a way — to marry. After all, deep down inside of him, he knew all those intense stares at each other, the teasing that both of you received mostly from Jace and Rhaenyra, and the way you both always managed to mention one another in any topic of conversation had to mean sonething. Luke could see the way you intensely blushed and giggled near him, just like he shyed away and also could feel his cheeks feeling warmer when he saw you walking in the same room he was in.
The days passed, and everyday, it got near your official wedding ceremony. A part of his mind was genuinely afraid that, having to spend sometime near your betrothed before your actual wedding ceremony, you had somehow fallen in love with your future Husband, and another part of him was filled with thoughts about how he could confess his true love for you before you could actually get married.
As Luke stood in Arrax's dragonpit, petting the scales of the pearly coloured dragon whom joyfully screeched at his tender caressing, his mind kept wandering and brainstorming on how he would crash into the ceremony, prevent you from marrying. While Arrax swiftly licked his rider's cheek with his raspy tongue, delighted from all the petting he received, an idea came to the Princeling's mind, making a smug grin appear on his rosy lips.
Ah, yes, he already had the perfect idea to prevent your wedding ceremony to happen.
All he needed to do, was get all the details of the exact moment and place of where your ceremony would be happening by asking his mother, and when the day of your wedding came, all he would have to do was guide Arrax to take him to you.
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Your so expected wedding day had arrived. The intense nerves were felt both by your House, and your betrothed's own House. You, as well, were rather anxious about the moment that was about to come.
The wedding had been hosted outside the castle of your betrothed's House, and it was rather nicely settled and decorated for a proper wedding. However, even if you appreciated the efforts both Houses made to provide such a delightful wedding — and appreciated the kindness your betrothed held with you —, you weren't truly joyful with the wedding. For you, it was still being stuck in an unwanted marriage for political conveniences.
Once the wedding had begun, your footsteps were slow and delicate as you made your way towards your betrothed, and the Sept that'd marry you. A fake, forced grin remained on your lips, feeling the intensity of all eyes on you. A large, white embroidered veil covered your face, and your long white dress — that perfectly matched with your veil — smoothly flew along the gusts of winds of the outside while you strolled towards the Sept.
A deep, slightly trembling sigh escaped your lips as you positioned yourself in front of the Sept, and your soon-to-be Lord Husband, waiting for the ceremony to officially begin. The Sept began reading from the wedding pledges to intialise the ceremony, but shortly after it had begun to read outloud, you heard some minor whispering in between the guests, that had rapidly spreaded through everyone that attended the wedding.
Curiously, the Sept, your betrothed, and yourself all turned your gazes to look at what the guests were loudly gossiping about. As your eyes stared at them, you noticed their eyes were focused up into the sky with certain looks of both confusion, and completely mesmerised. And you yourself, did the same; your eyes turning to look up at the sky, wondering what was that they were seeing, only to notice a dragon circling the air; getting nearer to the ground with every passing second.
The vivid sunrays hit your face behind the veil, causing you to furrow your eyebrows and slightly close your eyes, but even so, you could notice that the dragon that circled the outsides of your betrothed's House castle was rather familiar. Giving the dragon a close, and attentive look at it as the sun hit upon the scales of the grand beast that was leisurely descending, you slowly fell into the realisation that the dragon flying in the sky was none other than Arrax himself.
“Arrax?” you murmured in the lowest voice volume possible, for yourself only to hear. None of the Targaryens had seemed to appear amongst the guests, not only because you knew they had other matters to deal with, but also, because there were other dragons near Arrax, or in plain sight flying in the skies.
In a short span of time, Arrax gracefully landed in the ground, causing some of the guests to yelp in surprise, and others, slightly frightened at the sight of the brightly pearl-coloured dragon that loudly screeched once the wing-flapping motion stopped. Getting off from his back, Lucerys stood on his dragonriding clothing, and his brunette hair seemed to be more notoriously messy than it usually was due to the gusts of winds while riding Arrax. With a growing grin, your gaze couldn't help but stay fixed on his as he stared back at you, a bit dumbfounded at how preciously delightful you looked.
“Lucerys...” you mumbled vehemently with a growing tone of excitement, and a broad ear-to-ear grin. “Y-You came to my wedding. What a... lovely surprise.” it was hard for you to remain yourself without seeming too excited at seeing how astonishing his entrance to your wedding was, and having his presence near you.
“(y/n).” Luke greeted back, leisurely making his way towards you, rather than having a seat with the other guests. His actions made everyone be more confused at the situation, and making your eyebrows slightly furrow, awaiting what he'd say, or do, next. The princeling stood in front of you, and took a deep breath. His heart pounded violently against his chest, feeling like it was about to come out of it at any second, and provoking his hands to tremble.
“I am not here to celebrate your wedding ceremony, my Lady.” he stated boldly, yet, stood firmly. The Sept that had already begun with the ceremony stared at him in silent dubiety, and your betrothed turned his eyes to look at you for a brief moment, then back at Lucerys. At his statement, you slightly tilted your head to your side, and before you could manage to reply anything at all, pure stuttering rolled of your lips nervously. But before you could ask or respond anything, he continued speaking.
“I am here to take you with me.” he replied, making the guests loudly gasp. “I love you, (y/n). I always had, and no one could possibly change the way I feel about you. The mere thought of you marrying someone else has always made me feel sick, and I cannot simply stand here and do nothing about my feelings for you.” with a scoff coming from your betrothed, your eyes widened, as well as your heart skipped a beat at his confession. Loud whispering began being hear around the guests, and you suddenly released the grip on your betrothed's hands, walking to directly stand properly in front of him.
“B-but, Lucerys, I thought your mother had betrothed you to your cousin—” before you could continue, the brunette haired boy interrupted you before you could finish your sentence.
“Mother says betrothals are political arrangements, and we can always choose our true love if we do not wish to marry our betrothed.” his hazel eyes stared intensely into yours, as his hands took hold of yours gently, extending them closer to his chest. Luke was mesmerised at how tremendously beautiful you looked in white, and he could only hope he would see you in this clothing once again a near future. “The only person I have always desired to marry is you, (y/n). I would protect and give my life for you.”
At his words, your eyes remained wide, and you could feel your breath fading away from you. The colour of your cheeks was tinted with a pinkish tone that rapidly turned into a reddish one, being at disbelief that Lucerys liked you, as much as you liked him.
“I want you to come with me, back to Dragonstone. I want you to be my chosen love.” his tone voice had a hint of uncertainty, and was heard to be slightly trembling. Despite Luke trying to stand firm in his words and his confession, he couldn't help but wonder at last minute, whether or not you liked him as well. It was unbeknownst to him, that your silence wasn't because you didn't fancy him as well, but because, you were trying to convince yourself whether this was actually happening, or not.
Suddenly, you removed the veil that covered your angelical face, cupping his cheeks in a firm manner, and crashing your lips against his in a rather fervid way. It was a surprise for everyone that attended the wedding and witnessed the scene, including your betrothed and the Sept, but you couldn't care less. For you, the only thing you had your focus present on was Lucerys, and showing him, you would never doubt in leaving everything behind, just to go with him.
His green eyes were widen as you slowly pulled apart from the kiss, trying to subtly recover some air. Your hands fell from his cheeks, only to take hold of one of his hands as you turned around to look at your betrothed, whom looked shocked at the entire situation. “I apologise for this, but...” gulping nervously, your eyes wandered back to Lucerys, giving him a single nod accompanied by a grin.
“Take me to Dragonstone, with you.” you replied to him, making Luke goofily smile at you. And without saying anything else, he nodded, and turned around with his hand still gripped onto yours, guiding you to where Arrax stood — the dragon joyfully screeched with delight, mimicking his own rider's inner, hidden emotions that he didn't want to show in front of you, just in case it was too childish.
Despite everyone staring at you with great disblief and shock — even beginning to gossip about you — , you continued making your own way with Lucerys. The Princeling helped you settle yourself on Arrax, right behind of him as he took the reins of the dragon. A whispered 'I love you, so very much' escaped his lips with a smile, in a tone only you could hear, as you wrapped your arms around his body. His gloved hands made a certain movement on the reins for Arrax to begin flying, as well as he shouted something in High Valyrian. Understanding everything perfectly well, the dragon did as his rider commanded — beginning to fly high in the brightness of the sky.
And you could've never been happier than you already were, knowing that his heart belonged only to you, despite his mother compromising him with someone else as a political convenience. For him, it was the same, knowing that the feelings were mutual after such a long time of keeping them as a secret. You were happy together, and you'd remain that way until the last of your days.
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
Hey Rouka. What do you think about Jon saying "I am not a wolf"? Is he just in denial, not willing to accept his Stark heritage because of his bastard status, or is it foreshadowing for him rejecting it? Though I think about moments where he wants to be Jon Stark/lord of WF as well.
Hi there!
Pretty sure that this line is very specifically aimed at the act of warging, not at a symbolic identification with House Stark.
He was walking beneath the shell of the Lord Commander's Tower, past the spot where Ygritte had died in his arms, when Ghost appeared beside him, his warm breath steaming in the cold. In the moonlight, his red eyes glowed like pools of fire. The taste of hot blood filled Jon's mouth, and he knew that Ghost had killed that night. No, he thought. I am a man, not a wolf. He rubbed his mouth with the back of a gloved hand and spat. (ADWD, Jon III)
This is in direct contrast with both Varamyr from this book's prologue, taking pleasure in feeding on even humans while warged into a wolf, and the way Bran almost immediately embraced hunting, killing and eating inside Summer, much to the dismay and concern of Jojen and Meera. It is directly related to Bran's willingness to abuse Hodor in this way. It makes him feel free and powerful.
It's also implied to be a smart choice by the way Melisandre is very clearly interested in exploiting the magical power inherent in Jon's warg gift.
She knelt and scratched Ghost behind his ear. "Your Wall is a queer place, but there is power here, if you will use it. Power in you, and in this beast. You resist it, and that is your mistake. Embrace it. Use it." I am not a wolf, he thought. "And how would I do that?" "I can show you." Melisandre draped one slender arm over Ghost, and the direwolf licked her face. "The Lord of Light in his wisdom made us male and female, two parts of a greater whole. In our joining there is power. Power to make life. Power to make light. Power to cast shadows." (ADWD, Jon VI)
Jon refuses. His warg dreams are a thing he has accepted about himself, but it is not something he is willing to actively explore and embrace. He doesn't approach Ghost, mentally, Ghost links up with him almost against his own volition. His hesitation is quite unlike that of his younger siblings, but it does mirror Robb, who showed deep regret after using his secret gift to aid his war effort early on. It is only after being stabbed that Jon is implied to slip into Ghost, likely drawn into him the same way Robb was instinctively drawn into Grey Wind. Not purposefully or forcefully like Varamyr, but through a mutually shared bond. Ghost will harbor him but he will set him free again.
This is mirrored to and in contrast with Dany. She doesn't actively call Drogon into the fighting pit, clearly their bond is what draws him near. But she cannot stop reiterating how much she identifies with the dragons, is "blood of the dragon", or even "a dragon". Their shared time in the grasslands solidifies their bond, and she adapts to his behavior. Eating as he does, hunting as he does, standing next to him, near-naked, near feral. She blurs the distinction between herself and her animal, joyfully, intentionally.
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attonitos-gloria · 1 year
If the main tension in the last seasons of Game of Thrones was between Jaime and Dany, what would that look like? How would it have changed things?
friend, thank you for this ask. This is going to be very long heheh sorry in advance. writing Jaime's arc is the most satisfying part of IKTE for me so I'm very happy for this, thank you truly.
Jaime is a character traumatized by fire. Not the only one - but he is prominently traumatized by it, and indeed his entire reputation was built around the fact he has broken sacred vows because of a Targaryen king who used fire as a tool of intimidation and social controlling. More than any other character in the show, Jaime knows the political implications of fire as a weapon. And if the daughter of said king comes back from the ashes of House Targaryen to conquer Westeros and re-establish her father's dynasty... using fire-breathing monsters as her main weapon... do you get it 😭
(that scene of Jaime trying to get Drogon killed is so good - the way the camera focused on his face, on the fire and ashes and smoke and the people burning alive around him ! he was reliving the Throne Room he was a knight trying to kill the dragon he was trying to make it right and tyrion was THERE on the enemy's side but watching him ;-; they were so close of getting it right WHY NOT LEAN INTO THAT !! It was delicious!!)
You can argue that Jaime is barely aware of this, since, true to his Lannister name and blood and inheritance, he spends his life in denial about this trauma. I would agree with this statement, which is why I think putting Jaime between Dany and Cersei as political choices is more interesting than putting Jaime between Cersei and Brienne as love interests in the most bland way possible.
If Jaime is going to leave Cersei at some point, why not earlier, at the end of season 6 when Cersei pulled an Aerys against the Tyrells?? Their relationship already is, in a way, a coping mechanism against the institutional violence of knighthood; he is the knight and she is the queen, everything is justified because of that. Their idealized versions of each other only exist in their heads anyway. Imagine if the Sept of Baelor is the last straw in a relationship that has been in crumbles for a while now. All their children dead and Cersei the very embodiment of Aerys. (Forget the pregnancy plot. It was stupid.)
And then there are so many possibilities from then on when Daenerys arrives in Westeros. The show sets her up to be rejected. I can follow that. I truly cannot conceive, in show canon, a happy ending for Dany - and by happy ending I mean everyone loving her and welcoming her as their Queen. I think her dragons are an ethical problem that needs to be addressed; the show and books themselves already pointed in that direction. The Dance of the Dragons is a cautionary tale about this, the entire story of House Targaryen is about this. I do love Dany and I believe she is a good person at heart, but also. Consider. She has the canon equivalent of nuclear weapons. The dragons are useful to kill the true enemy (the Others) and you can argue that there is an ethical justification to use them to end slavery, but then what. Then what comes next. When the enemy is defeated and this woman is the only person in the world with weapons of massive destruction. What do you do with the weapons after the War is over - I cannot be the only person who thinks this is an issue like 😭 Jaime has reasons to be wary more than anyone - yes, even more than Sansa; Sansa has reasons to be concerned and to worry about the North, but Daenerys was coming with aid in the War, and I don't see any reason why Sansa didn't even >>try<< to be mildly diplomatic, except that the writers wanted the conflict to rise. I don't know; I'm grumpy about this, and it is very hard to make sense of Sansa's actions in season 8 for me, but I will stop myself right here because this isn't about her. This is about Jaime !!!
I feel like a lot of what we call Jaime's redemption relies on his romantic feelings for Brienne; even in the show, he leaves Cersei and goes North to fight for the living because it is the ~right thing to do~, but the subtext kind of says that he went for Brienne. And it's not that I don't ship them: I do! But falling in love with Brienne is not a redemption arc, doing things because Brienne would approve is not a redemption arc. It has been said before, by people smarter than me, but Jaime is not in a redemption story; he is in an identity crisis story. I feel like the show tried to give him an redemption arc only to pull the rug at the end going like "nope, sorry, people don't change" - and since said redemption relied completely on his romantic feelings for Brienne, it wasn't enough to knight her; he had to sleep with her. Since the point being made was that people don't change, that meant necessarily ending his affair with Brienne and cruelly breaking her heart so she would let him go back to Cersei. Because what else is there to say about Jaime Lannister other than which woman he chooses to fuck by the end of the story?
Do you get what I'm saying? Like, I know he is pretty. But the choice of framing Jaime's story as primarily a love story between two women, the good one and the bad one, is wild to me. Really? That is the most relevant thing about this man?
Did he change? Did he find a solution to the problem of knighthood? That doesn't mean loving Brienne (he did say "I have never slept with a knight before" to her, after all. The man literally wanted to fuck knighthood! in every meaning, layer, and way! okay Jaime). That means *becoming* what Brienne already is - a person who is willing not only to kill, but in fact, to die defending the vulnerable and the innocent. And I felt like the show shaped this like "will Jaime choose Brienne or Cersei?" And everything else was secondary to that, when I think the romance could really stay in the background and the knighthood crisis should come into focus on main stage. And because Dany and Cersei are meant to be each other's foils, both in their similarities and differences, I do like the idea of Jaime being stuck between these two Queens who are, each in their own way, Aerys, who made him who he is (a Kingslayer).
SO. There are many ways this could go about:
Maybe Dany demands Jaime to kill Cersei in exchange for royal pardon; this man, after all, killed her father in an act of betrayal. She forgave him way too easily in the show. All that tension! For nothing!!!! Do we want a grim ending? No problem. Maybe he does kill Cersei and then kills himself (favorite book ending, for me). Maybe he can't handle being confronted with the reality that his life is built on an empty lie. Maybe he looks at Cersei and sees wildfire and madness and Aerys, and there is no escape, and he does not know how to live with himself with or without this woman. This has always been the cost of knighthood: blood. It has been this way since Arthur Dayne knighted him. And he cannot stand the idea of serving the daughter of Aerys for the rest of his life; he would literally rather die. Maybe love can't save the day this time.
Or: maybe Jaime vows to kill Cersei and publicly and officially bends the knee to Dany, only to break his vows again and betray her, killing Dany instead, before she can set King’s Landing on fire. Or even better: after. After he sees her as Aerys' extension. Maybe Jaime is in a time loop, doomed to repeat this, doomed to kill the dragon. Do we want grim endings for everyone? No problem: this time, he actually suffers the consequences of high treason - he is sent to the Wall, he takes the Black; or he is exiled. You can get away with killing your Monarch once, but not twice. For once, he is not rewarded for an act of brutal violence and betrayal. No cathartic death for him: he only needs to live with the consciousness that he saved the world twice, but he had to sacrifice his soul twice to do it. And no one sings his praise. He's still the Kingslayer.
Are we tired of grim endings? We don't want Jaime to be the Kingslayer? Also, no problem. Because the memory of the War that traumatized him, the trigger for it, is embodied alive in the person of Jon Snow. The boy Jaime's heroes and brothers-in-arms died trying to protect. Maybe Jaime is tired of being torn between two Mad Queens and he decides to give his life to put Jon, Rhaegar's son, on the Iron Throne. He is not the Kingslayer anymore. Fuck that. He is the Kingmaker. Kind of like Criston Cole, but cool and less catholic. He could even be Hand of the King to Jon.
Or maybe it bothers you, as it bothers me, the fact that Jaime actually pushed a child out of a window, and that event is treated like a small detail in his story once he gets North. It was not a thing Cersei commanded him to do. Cersei did not take his hand and forced it to do it. Jaime tried to kill a boy. He permanently damaged Bran's body. Any attempt at redemption that does not address this is flawed. Maybe the only way to redeem Jaime is to make him Bran's ally because Bran is one of Dany's strongest narrative foils, right there with Cersei and Tyrion: some characters have magical attributes, things they are able to do; some characters have magical things happening to them; but Bran and Dany *are* magical in themselves. They carry the power along with them. And, by the end of the show, Bran is KING. He is one of the most powerful creatures alive - he can travel in time AND control people's and animals' minds/bodies - and he apparently has been PLANNING the whole thing (why do you think I came all this way, etc) all along. Does that even make sense? What is it about Bran that allows him to be powerful and in charge by the end of the story, to the point of allowing the destruction of a city in order to get what he wants, while Dany has to be sacrificed and is deemed too power-hungry? Why is Dany's inability to have children a problem, and Bran's assumed inability to sire children presented as a solution? And more importantly- what does Bran WANT? (To hell with that ableist "Bran has no feelings or desires and can't be tempted" bullshit). And given all that: if Bran and Dany are foils and parallels, what if Bran gets things done with Jaime's help? (Not necessarily as heroes). Because he kind of owes Bran. He is the man who put Bran on that wheel-chair and changed the course of Bran's entire life. And Lannisters pay their debts, or so we are told. Maybe we could even try to actually say something relevant about magic as a weapon and the people in power wielding it.
I feel like you could still pull something out of the fact that 1) Jaime's alleged last chance of honor (Sansa) is already antagonizing Dany and 2) His little brother sided with Dany after killing their father, and he actually forgave and forgot about that too easily in the show too. There is a lot of implied drama and nuance because so many relationships in Jaime's life are bridges to Dany. I just wanted to see it explored to the last of its potential.
Anyway. I'm rambling at this point. but the gist of it is that if Dany needs an antagonist in Westeros, a character to embody her rejection, Jaime is a better candidate than Sansa, imo. This man needed to be used in a political plot as a relevant, game-changing player at the end of the show. Some of those ideas I don't even like lol all they have in common is that they force Jaime to own his bullshit and stand up to something and put his skin in the game instead of running between Brienne and Cersei through 8 seasons, and I say this as someone who appreciates both Jaime/Cersei and Jaime/Brienne from a shipping perspective.
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Yandere Daenerys Targaryen x Reader Part 2
You've stayed at Dragonstone for a week now, slowly being nurtured back to health. The mother of dragons, Daenerys Targaryen being the only person you interact with so far.
The queen insisted on you staying in your room, letting no-one enter your chambers. Since your arrival she took personal care of you, treating you better than anyone has before and your worries would slowly vanish over time.
Like every other morning as of recent, Daenerys came to visit you. "You're looking well" she spoke up smiling at you. The silver haired woman was glad that you began to soften up to her. Never before did she feel the kind of love she began to fell for you. Of course she already was in love and even married, but with you Dany felt as if she had to keep you. She needed you to stay by her side.
"I have a little suprise for you today" the dragonqueen continued, rubbing her thumb across your cheek. You simply hummed in response, leaning into her touch much to her suprise. "Walk with me."
Daenerys quided you through the castle, letting you get a real look at your surroundings, having only caught small glimpses at your arrival. Soon the both of you stepped into the fields of gras outside, starring at the wide sea.
"It's beautiful isn't it?" The breaker of chains asks you. Before you could express your agreement, the ground began to shake as a giant dragon lands behind you. You stepped back out of pure suprise and fear, making Daenerys giggle slightly.
"I thought you might want to meet my children." She explained, approaching the giant black lizard and placing a hand on its scales. "This one is Drogon. Viserion and Rhaegal probably fly around somewhere here" their mother continued to speak.
You nervously shuffled back, almost tripping, much to Danys amusement. "Careful now dear. We don’t want you falling over the edge." You were to distracted by the dragon infront of you to respond to her words. "H-He won't burn me alive. Right?" You stuttered out.
Daenerys laughs at your question, taking your hand into hers "You don't have to worry about that. He wouldn't harm you, knowing that it would sadden me." You begin to blush as the silver haired woman begins to move your hand towards Drogon, guiding you pet him.
"See? No need to be scared." Daenerys basically whispers into your ear. The closeness of the queen begins to turn you into even more of a stuttering mess "I-I y-you..." She giggles, pressing a kiss to your forehead "You're quite adorable when you're nervous."
You could hardly look at her, finding yourself looking at the ground due to your pure embarrassment. "I didn't want to ask you right away, but I think it would be in both of our best interests to form a alliance" she continued. Knowing only two kinds of alliance, you began to move down to bend your knee to the mother of dragons.
Daenerys grabs your arm as you kneel down "That's not what I meant Y/N. I propose to you a marriage."
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
Who/What inspired my muses
Part 2 babbyyyy I’m sufferinnggg!
Arata: More elf underground shenanigan tomfoolery. Also tying in some backstories for funsies with Val playing a big role in a pivotal moment. A muse I fully intended to have die! For some reason my friends took issue with that!
Katarina: I saw Kirei ( @thewolfisawake) make a fun looking institution and I wanted to stick my big meaty claws alllllllll in it. I asked her, all shy and shit, if I could make a Bastion muse too and she graciously allowed me to do so. Of course I had to make Katarina a half-elf. 
Emil: I thought it’d be fun to make a muse from Katarina’s human side of the family, the one her mom was estranged from. Kirei had included in her blurbs how some older families of the Bastion were still anti-supernatural creatures so I thought it would be an interesting thing to explore further in a muse, but since Katarina was separated from all of that...
Dawn: I looked at how I’d fridged William’s dead girlfriend in his backstory just for the sake of giving him angst and feelings and I really didn’t like that I’d done that! So I decided to flesh out Dawn as a person. Which led to me going to my friends and saying, “Y’all, this muse is deader than a doornail in his backstory, I can’t bring her back, right?!” And then I brought her back. This was when I started to firmly put my foot in fun Greek myth stuff and let my PJO kid flag fly by straight up incorporating Aphrodite into the mix.
Xiaodan: uh. dragon. dragon searching for Jianhuren. Searching with another dragon.
Meihui: uh. other dragon. other dragon searching for Jianhuren. drogon. They actually were made earlier, around Qingshan, pushed to being side muses, and then re-added as main muses around this time when Kirei petitioned for it.
Huaxiu: Hey, same mangaka, he looks like Qingshan-- oh baby we can make some lore from this. This is really where Red Eyes as a concept started to get cemented, a smooth, uh, 2-3 years after I first added Jianhuren, ahahaa. It was also shortly after Huaxiu that I created Zhaohui as a side muse so we were really chugging along the dragon train at that time.
Luiz: No clue. Truly, no idea. I think I just wanted to mash a bunch of different mythological creature facets together and see what I got. I know the inspiration for the gorgon blood he was infused with came from Kirei because her muse Crowe has gorgon blood.
Cornelius: What if I made a family member from the Texas side of Dawn’s family that she had never been in contact with? What if he looked like her dad too in a way to make her force her feelings and her grief? Cornelius truly was made actually as basically to circle around Dawn’s ongoing story, haha. 
Raven: ‘I know it doesn’t make sense, but what if Thanatos had a kid.’ How would that type of godly parentage manifest in someone?
Olympia: Hey, let’s do an Artemis god-touched. I only have Dawn and William at the moment after all.
Ava: Sort of a tie in with Arata’s story as she’s the right hand woman of, like, oh geez, the niece and former fling of the guy who owned him and his mom. I also basically just looked at D&D’s scrying spell, pointed, and went “I want that.”
Eira: What if I did a muse from Katarina’s dad’s side of the family? And what if she was utterly adorable.
Aur: Phew, so, actually, I didn’t have any huge plans for Aur when I first made him! He was an amnesiac and I left his backstory open and vague in case I thought of something later that would be cool to do with him! I figured I could get away with it for a minute since it’s not like he himself knew what his backstory was. In truth, I hadn’t even settled on him being a fae for a while either, I also kept that up in the air! If he didn’t end up a fae then he would’ve been a siren actually I think.
Soon-hee: She’s not really online anymore now but my friend Angie had come up with the idea to do a seven deadly sins thing and asked if I wanted to make a muse or two for it too. And I, contractually obligated by my love for F.MA, couldn’t refuse.
Arya: Ditto, seven sins inspo.
Matthias: Also another Angie-inspired, she came up with a pantheon of deities and asked if I wanted to join in. I thought for a good minute on what domain of power I wanted his to be and I settled on storytelling. Him having muses for sisters was inspired by Greek myth...and H.ercules. His current name came from my white boy of the month every month in a book series called S.ix of C.rows as a sort of homage. And his rings, silver eyes, and some personality beats came from the character Po from the G.raceling book series.
I’m panting..........but part 3, we’re on the way....... 
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kaerinio · 9 months
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Daenerys and Drogon have an almost unnaturally strong bond, considering that she is his first rider, and from the moment she's chosen by him, this overwhelming affection erupts in her. To Daenerys, Drogon is so much more than her dragon; he is a part of her; he is her only family. She keeps in constant contact with him, even if it isn't necessarily through words. Sometimes, she'll just mentally reach out, like gentle fingers stretching into the dark, to feel the bond, to feel Drogon on the other side of it. In terms of personality, he is a being of little humor, and when Daenerys can make him chuckle or chortle, she considers it a great victory. He is quite serious, speaking when he deems it necessary: to offer guidance, share ( and occasionally fan the flames of ) suspicions, give harsh warnings, complain about her romantic entanglements, threaten those he considers to be her enemies, and, of course, to push her in the right direction. While he is not necessarily as verbally affectionate ( though, he has his moments! ) as Daenerys is, he is about as physically affectionate as a dragon can be: ever so lightly touching the top of Dany's head with his chin, lightly blowing steam in her face, pressing his nose or the side of his head to her side and giving a soft nudge, standing protectively above her, very gentle things like that! When Drogon speaks through the bond, his voice is deep and rumbling, like thunder rolling in upon a storm and tearing through the clouds.
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
You said that you don’t like Jonerys, but do you see it happening in the books? Do you see them actually falling in love?
there is nothing about their personalities that has ever lead me to believe they’d be capable of tolerating each other for more than 10 minutes before a slap fight started. nor do i think jon will be amenable to making any more alliances with targaryens after aegon vi dies, especially with the North in such peril due to the others. that + sansa’s distrust of The Great Game & the people who play it + arya spending half her storyline in a city that hated valyria & it’s legacy of slavery + bran telling br he can take his borg hivemind and shove it all leads me to believe that the starks are gonna be petty at best & actively hostile to the iron throne at worst by the time dany lands.
and by the time dany lands…we’ll have the burning in vaes dothrak, which is likely to be a huge moral turning point for her bc as george said, her being unburnt was a once in a lifetime magic event. she’s likely ordering drogon to burn the khals which is so much different - and more villainous! - than just lighting a torch & watching the place go up in flame. we’ll have “to go west you must go east” which is going to involve her sacking a city with the dothraki. we’ll have the battle of fire in meereen & a team up with a greyjoy which just spells disaster. then she lands in westeros with an army made up of dothraki screamers, unsullied slaves, and headed by jorah fucking mormont and a greyjoy. i’m not even sure when she has the time to meet jon let alone get dicked down by him!
(part of my “snowspear is real” trutherism is that i think dany in the show was given like half of aegon vi’s plot. considering arianne is going to meet them at storm’s end, which is a hop, skip, and jump away from dragonstone, it makes way more sense to me that the main targ the starklings would be dealing with is aegon. i also think that jon finding out he’s lyanna & rhaegar’s as he’s dealing with rhaegar’s trueborn son & has completely thrown his lot in with the north is gonna hit way more emotionally than jon finding out he fucked his aunt. george does a lot with romance, this is true, but the main relationships in this series? they’re siblings! they’re parents & children! cersei & robert are haunted by the ghost of lyanna but lyanna has always been a stand in for robert’s love for NED. cat & ned’s relationship is doomed before it even starts by LYANNA and JON, not by a former lover! all three lannister kids wonder how their lives would have turned out if their mother had lived!! it’s about ~these ties that bind us~ it’s about the human heart in conflict with itself! i just don’t see how you pass up two unknown half brothers meeting & clashing & then finding out they’re related in favor of…a very predictable, very boring romance between your fire & ice coded mains).
tldr i still generally feel no bc i’ve never thought they’d get along very well, plus there’s no time, but i’m pretty ready to eat my words on that one and cringe my way through a sex scene between them.
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