#;; july 18
tswiftupdatess · 2 months
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Taylor Swift has officially worn almost all the 1989 matching outfits!
There is only ONE 1989 matching outfit left remaining!
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todaysdocument · 2 months
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At Rest Between Channel Trips
Record Group 26: Records of the U.S. Coast GuardSeries: Photographs of Activities, Facilities, and PersonalitiesFile Unit: Art by Asplund through Dickerson
Public Relations Division
This charcoal drawing by Coast Guard Combat Artist Russell S. Dickerson, of Springfield, Illinois, depicts two cutters of the Coast Guard Invasion Rescue Fleet tied up at an English port. This fleet of 83-foot ships saved more than 900 Allied Invaders from perishing in the English Channel on D-day and during the critical days that followed.
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hidden-for-reg · 2 months
july 18: fake | @jegulus-microfic | word count: 278
“You’re not real. You can’t be,” he whispered as the man he loved stroked the side of his face.
“I’m here, I’m here and I’m real and I love you so much, darling.”
Regulus screwed his eyes shut before the tears could fall. “No. You’re fake. It’s fake, it’s fake, it’s f—“
“I’m here, you can feel me, I’m real, it’s not fake, please, Regulus, just look at me,” the other man pleaded quietly, thumbs swiping gently at tears on Regulus’ cheeks.
Regulus opened his eyes and stared at him through the haziness of tears.
And there he was. James. With his tanned skin and dark curls. Eyes so focused on Regulus that one might have thought that he was the only thing James had ever seen in his life. 
Regulus clutched at James’ arms, straining to find a way to get closer. To see he’s really here.
“It’s just me, love. Please, breathe. You’ve known me for 9 years, we’ve been dating for 5 months,” James reassured him. “None of this is fake.”
“It has to be!” Regulus burst out with a heaving sob. “I’m not lucky enough to actually have you in my life. I-It can’t be real. I’m not that lucky!”
Regulus wrenched out another sob and crumpled into James’ chest. 
“You’re too good for me… I don’t— I can’t deserve this… Please… Don’t leave me, Jamie…”
“I’ll never leave you, darling. You deserve the world, please don’t ever tell yourself otherwise.”
Regulus felt a kiss on the top of his head as he sobbed, curling into James’ embrace.
“I love you, Regulus. I’m here.”
“I love you too, Jamie. Thank you for staying.”
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yeoldefrance · 2 months
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tbh this specific editor’s note is my favourite part of dracula daily i look forward to it every year
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throwbackgaylor · 2 months
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july 18, 2023 | one year ago today
the new york times released an article about kaylor titled, “A Celebrity Lesbian Romance Changed My Life. (Even if It Never Happened.)”
honorable mention to this comment
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stardestroyerss · 2 months
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“But I think one of my favorite experiences was working with Adam Driver. I played his daughter in a movie called “65.” He’s just so real. He was also very complimentary, which meant a lot to me. I remember we were doing reshoots, and he was like, “I saw a cut of the film. I just wanted to say you did such a good job.” That meant the world coming from him because I really do look up to him.”
-Chloe Coleman on working with Adam Driver in "65" (Variety, July 18, 2024)
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Happy 4th Birthday to
“How to Escape a Hostage Situation”
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spacebubblehomebase · 2 months
idea for Charlie in the radio apple COTL au,  she is the Goat and is currently having her own thing goin on in the back ground
Also I assume husk and nifty are the Baal & Aym of Alastor?
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Ideas that are food for thought indeed!
Husk and Niffty ARE Baal & Aym in this AU! They're not siblings, but were still sacrificed to Alastor to "appease" Him. Niffty, Husk, and Alastor are all black cats here, so it's no wonder why everyone's so eager to be rid of them due to the Old Faith's superstitions and just their own general "mean and insane" disposition.
As I don't know The Goat's lore yet, I'm not too sure about making them Charlie. 😅 They seem to have a gruffer demeanor than our sweet Princess of Hell. Instead, I had her be a hidden secret from even when the game's lore began! That Lucifer wasn't the last of their kind and the reason they so readily accepted being a sacrifice is to hide Charlie away. Hoping once the "last lamb" dies, they'd stop hunting them down. So in this AU, their motivation won't only just be about revenge for their kin, but to protect their daughter.
The maternal instincts of a wild animal, cornered and desperate to protect their young, is a powerful thing.
That's what Alastor would take advantage of to get Lucifer to accept the deal and become His Vessel.
While the other Overlords are the Bishops. They're not related to Alastor either besides being past coworkers, but the bad blood still ends in the same form of betrayal. Albeit with different relationships. Enough hate and history for them to all grow sadly bitter of each other. Though I've also heard at least one of the Bishops may still be fond of their wayward sibling in game. Even if just a bit. So you may find one of the Overlords I've chosen a little out of place between the others. Not that I plan to strictly adhere to the game's canon anyway.
So there you go! Some lore as a gift from me to you because it's my birthday and presents should be for everybody! Enjoy imagining! XD
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chrisquartet · 2 months
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“I’ve gotten different types of advice for both work and life. One of my favorite experiences was working with Chris Pine [in “Dungeons and Dragons”]. I remember we were filming this really emotional scene and it was my coverage. And you know, I have to be emotional, it’s like a big thing. And he asked me, “Can I do anything for you as an actor?” I was so floored because he was treating me like an adult even though I was a kid.”
-Chloe Coleman on working with Chris Pine in “Dungeons and Dragons” (Variety, July 18, 2024)
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 18 - Fake
@jegulus-microfic July 18, Word count 325
Sirius had started his beauty course at the local college and James had pulled the short straw to help him practice. He sat down in the spiny chair and let Sirius get to work. He ended up with a full face of makeup, including fake eyelashes. He checked himself in the mirror. Sirius’s work was beautiful, but he definitely didn’t have the face for it. He was about to say as much when Regulus walked in. 
“Excellent timing Reggie. James move, it’s Reggie’s turn.” James was shoved off the chair by an excited Sirius and ended up face-to-face with Regulus. 
Regulus sucked his cheeks and pursed his lips as he tried not to laugh. Sirius dragged Regulus to the chair, and he sat perfectly still for Sirius to practice on. 
James watched in awe as Sirius enhanced Regulus’s natural beauty. He looked good in makeup.  
“So what do you think?” Sirius asked Regulus, holding the mirror up and blocking James’s view of the final look. 
“I love the green and silver, is it shimmer?” Regulus asked. James could see the top of his head turning as he admired Sirius’s work. 
"Yes it is," Sirius said as he put the mirror down and James got his first glance of Regulus with his finished makeup. His heart skipped a beat. 
Regulus looked up at him from underneath his glued-on eyelashes and batted them gently. 
“He did a good job, didn’t he?” Regulus said sweetly. James’s mouth went dry, and he couldn’t speak. He nodded his head. Regulus’s lips pulled up at one corner and he stood. As he left, he ran his hand over James’s chest, biting his lower lip seductively.
“Bye,” James told Sirius and chased after his boyfriend. 
“No! This was for me to practise, not as a weird foreplay for you!” His words fell on deaf ears as James slammed their bedroom door shut and stared unabashed at the gorgeous man standing before him.  
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tswiftupdatess · 2 months
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Taylor Swift received her own stone on the Gelsenkirchen Walk of Fame in honor of her 3 shows of The Eras Tour in the city! (July 18, 2024)
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shinigami-striker · 2 months
Is A Glitch In Time Canon? | Thursday, 07.18.24
It's been a whole year since Danny Phantom: A Glitch In Time was released, but we keep asking ourselves the same question all over again: is it canon? 😕
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theglitterdome · 2 months
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Legendary actor and comedian Bob Newhart... Rest In Peace
September 5, 1929 - July 18, 2024
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newyorkthegoldenage · 2 months
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Norma Shearer and Irving Thalberg arrive in New York aboard the liner Majestic, July 18, 1933. The couple had been traveling in Germany, England, France, and Scotland.
Photo: Associated Press via the Hollywood Reporter
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chic-a-gigot · 2 months
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La Mode illustrée, no. 29, 18 juillet 1869, Paris. Toilettes de M.elles Raboin. r. Nve des P.ts Champs. 67. Collection of the Rijksmuseum, Netherlands
Robe de dessous en foulard Tussor, garnie de trois volants plissés en même étoffe. Robe de dessus (même étoffe) avec pli Watteau, garni d'un seul volant plissé, et relevée de chaque côté sous le bras par un nœud en ruban large; deux nœuds pareils, mais sans pans, sont posés sur le pli Watteau.
Underdress in Tussor foulard, trimmed with three pleated ruffles in the same fabric. Overcoat dress (same fabric) with Watteau pleat, trimmed with a single pleated flounce, and raised on each side under the arm with a wide ribbon bow; two similar bows, but without sides, are placed on the Watteau fold.
Petite fille de dix ans. Robe de taffetas rose garni de trois volants découpés et froncés; corselet pareil, garni d'une ruche, avec nœuds sur les épaules. Corsage montant à manches longues, en mousseline blanche, plissée. Tunique de mousseline blanche, garnie d'un volant rehaussé d'une dentelle, relevée de chaque côtés par un nœud de ruban rose; ceinture en même ruban, nouée par derrière.
Ten year old little girl's dress. Pink taffeta dress trimmed with three cut and gathered ruffles; similar corselet, trimmed with a ruffle, with bows on the shoulders. High bodice with long sleeves, in white chiffon, pleated. White muslin tunic, trimmed with a flounce enhanced with lace, raised on each side by a pink ribbon bow; belt in the same ribbon, tied at the back.
Robe montante en faye grise, à deux volants. Tunique avec corselet en crêpe de chine bleu vif, garnie de frange et drapée sur les côtés, à l'aide d'un gros nœud; le corselet est fait à encolure carrée, bordée d'une ruche de taffetas bleu. Même ruche autour de l'entournure.
High dress in gray faye, with two ruffles. Tunic with corselet in bright blue crepe de chine, trimmed with fringe and draped on the sides, with a large bow; the corselet has a square neckline, bordered with a ruffle of blue taffeta. Same hive around the surround.
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