#;; Jaskier starter
renfri-vellga · 1 year
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Renfri goes right to her new friend's side to playfully nudge him and greet him. "Long time no see. Glad to find you still up right. At least this early in the night, that is." It had been a couple of months since she had seen him. As per her usual, she was quite flighty and never liked sticking in one spot too long. No doubt, a pure consequence of her life on the run. "So what have you been up to? Should I buy you a drink, or are you on duty still?" @coreofgold
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msicaltreading · 6 months
Location: Streets of Souris
While Jaskier would usually be singing in the streets playing his lute for the people he was rather much enjoying cheering the other bards on as they entertained the crowds and danced with and for the people. And while they did that Jaskier had taken this occasion to pass out flowers that had gotten from a cart and fashion his own flower crown for fun. So he currently carried a bouquet of flowers around handing them out to anyone approachable or seemed in need of a flower, smiling and fluttering his wings.
He received varying responses but always tried to be polite and excuse himself when he wasn't wanted. Still, even with some less-than-favorable responses he approached another person with a charming smile and offered them a flower, "Care for a flower? I could make a crown for you if you like. I'd offer a song but my arm is so full at the moment." He said in a playful tone.
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noirliddell · 1 year
I've added Jaskier to my list of muses, so... like this for a short starter from him while I work on drafts?
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mcelebrper · 2 years
Open to anyone playing top!Geralt. Can include A/B/O if you'd like, just let me know! Free use, (semi) public play, open to more!
Scenario: Jaskier and Geralt had been traveling together for quite some time, although Geralt never allowed Jaskier to ride with him. Jaskier made a point to ask often and once he was told he only ever could if he was “seated in Geralt's lap and riding the entire time”, although there had been strong implication Geralt meant that in a less than innocent way. Jaskier still couldn't tell if Geralt was genuinely offering it, or was just trying to get him flustered. That was months ago, and it hasn't been brought up since.
Message me to continue over private message or discord only.
Jaskier watched as Roach turned around a bend ahead and he picked up the pace to a light jog for a minute to catch up. "Geralt?" He called out as he came up beside the man traveling horseback.
"When you said this trip would be short, I thought you meant a day or two. It's been three so far. Are you sure we can't set up to rest soon, or just let me maybe… have a turn for once? I'm getting quite tired." Jaskier commented as he looked up at the Witcher, seeking even just a short break after walking this far.
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scapedgrace · 2 years
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       “Sorry, no time for your tomfoolery and silliness. That also goes for your nonsense, malarkey, and shenanigans.” 
@stellanimarum​ / jaskier! — call.
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handfulxfhearts · 2 years
     ❝ Has to be said… getting the shit kicked out of me wasn’t very high up on  my to do list, today ❞ he grunts with a sharp twang of sarcasm in his voice, a thinly veiled attempt to disguise just how frightened he had really been.      ❝ Y’know, I’d go so far as to say… not even on the list at all. In fact, as I recall it was on my ‘not to do’ list… right under being rendered impotent and having my left bollock lopped off… though I suppose those two kind of cancel each other out… ❞
     What Jaskier meant to say to his rescuer was ‘thank you’, and yet that sentiment was covered by a barrage of silly remarks, clearly overcompensating for how shakey he truly felt.
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mischievous-thunder · 2 years
Geralt, still in bed: So, about this party we have to go to tonight... Can you suggest some conversation stoppers?
Yennefer, doing her hair: You mean conversation starters, right?
Jaskier, busy choosing his outfit: No, he doesn't.
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stellanimarum · 2 years
Plotted Starter for @maasmuse​​ - Hello Again!
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“After him! Don’t let the minstrel get away!”  Shit, fuck. Jaskier thought as he ran as fast as his legs could take him. This really wasn’t how he planned on his evening going, he thought as he barreled through a crowd earning him quite a few insults in the process but it did slow his pursuers enough to get a good distance but he could still hear them so he wouldn’t stop his running just yet.  How was he to know that the lovely lady he had been speaking to was the wife of a crime underworld leader? Not a question one someone particularly asks when you first meet them. ‘So before we go any further do you have a partner who will happily boil my skin off for talking to you?’  Quite the mood killer if you asked him. Jaskier ducked down a side alley hoping that they might assume he continued straight on, he knew he couldn’t continue at this sprinting speed - his side was hurting and his breath was getting harder and harder to catch. Unfortunately these bonehead henchmen had more sense than he gave them credit for and he heard them agree to split up with one group heading down the alley where he was trying to catch his breath. Right! Off he goes again and he sprinted further down it only to be met with a dead end.  Shit. Right...think Jaskier, think. You are not going to die today. You are too pretty to die. The world would be bereft without you. He closed his eyes to try and focus and then suddenly the world whirred around him then he hit the ground. The yelling was gone though. Had they given up? He was almost afraid to open his eyes so he’d do one by the one. Though when he would, he wouldn’t see angry henchmen, or the alley he was trapped down. He didn’t truly know exactly where he was. Not immediately.
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Well, this could be good - or it could be worse. Guess he’d wait and see. 
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maasmuse · 5 months
Jaskier gets to be a Fae boy
A starter for you @stellanimarum
In the grand ballroom of Orynth’s castle the air shimmered with laughter and the chime of crystal glasses, the ambiance was as enchanting as the moonlight dancing through the stained glass windows intertwined with the gentle glow of magic from the flickering candlelight.
Among the throng of nobles and dignitaries, a figure stood out—a bard with tousled brown locks and cornflower blue eyes. His name was Jaskier, known throughout the realm for his silver tongue and melodies that could woo even the most unyielding hearts. He moved through the crowd with the grace of a dancer, his lute slung casually over his shoulder, his eyes scanning the room for his next source of entertainment.
And then he saw her—a figure of regal elegance amidst the throng of revelers. Queen Manon, her hair as white as the winter's frost, her eyes sharp and calculating as they surveyed the room. She stood apart from the crowd, her presence commanding attention without the need for words.
Jaskier's lips curled into a smirk as he made his way towards her, his steps light and confident. He bowed low, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he met her gaze. "Your Majesty," he said, his voice smooth as silk and twice as tempting. "You grace this ballroom with your presence, and yet the stars themselves pale in comparison to your radiance."
Queen Manon regarded him with a cool gaze, her expression unreadable. "Save your flattery, bard," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of annoyance. "I have little patience for empty words."
That... was not what Jaskier was expecting.
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labyrinth-runner · 9 months
Arranged marriage AU starter sentences: Could I request Jaskier x reader with the prompts “I…think I’m in love?” + Don’t cry. I promise I will love you and protect you to the best of my ability, til death do we part.” + “The moment I saw you, I knew we were meant to be.” Please and thank you!!!
This is so old but I'm trying to get back into writing fanfic on this site so I figured I'd try to clear out my inbox.
Also, I regret nothing because I would absolutely fuck a bard.
Summary: You're in an arranged marriage with Jaskier and meet him the day of your wedding. Sparks fly.
Word count: ~3800
Pairing: Jaskier x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mention of domestic violence, NSFW smut.
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It wasn't something you wanted. Your father had traded you to settle a debt and quite frankly you were sure your father was the one benefitting the most from the arrangement. It all happened so fast. One moment you were singing in the garden with your mother as you hung up the wash and the next you were engaged to a man you hadn't met and wouldn't meet until you were before the gods and everyone at the altar. You were pissed. Who the hell did that to someone they were supposed to love? Who sold their own child like they were cattle to be easily replaced?
Your mother was against it, and she had pleaded with him to find another way, but your father would have none of it. Apparently it was your job to take care of the family, head of the household be fucking damned. She bought you time. That was all she could do. A week. She bought you a week. A week to make your wedding clothes as was tradition. Part of you wanted to show up in a burlap sack. But that wouldn't have been fair to you. You'd get one wedding, and even if it wasn't for love, you wanted to look beautiful. You wanted whoever your new husband was to know he was marrying an otherworldly beauty that he better not lay a hand on or the gods may smite him.
Your hands hurt. They were covered in pricks from the sewing needle as you put together your dress. It was lace and delicate and white. When you began to work, your mother had pulled out the chest she'd been saving fabric in for you. There were so many scraps and it tugged at your chest at the thought of her putting the collection together over the years for what was supposed to be the happiest day of your life. She helped you with the ribbons and even took apart an old pearl necklace your father had given her to help adorn the neckline and bodice. If you weren't pleased with your husband, you were going to be pleased with yourself.
The week passed by in a blink and you found yourself in the woods on your wedding day. Your heart was in your throat. You couldn't do this. You couldn't leave your mother. Who would help her around the house? Who would protect her from father when he had a little too much and lost more than he'd gained?
You wanted to spit at his feet where you stood at the edge of the clearing. He's going to lose more today than he'll ever gain, you vowed. He began to walk forward, but you tried to walk backwards. His hand clamped around your arm so fast.
"Listen, you good for nothing brat, you will go up there. You will pledge yourself to Lord Jaskier. You will pay my debt or I will make your mother pay," your father harshly whispered in your ear. His breath smelled like whiskey and it churned your empty stomach. "Understood?"
You nodded, hot tears pricking your eyes. You clutched the bunch of wildflowers you'd picked along the way in your hand. Turning back to the clearing, you took in the man waiting for you. Lord Jaskier. You finally had a name. He was quite handsome. His hair was slightly long. Enough that you wanted to tug. He wore a red jacket, and his face had a scruffy shadow to it. But it was his eyes that drew you in. The brilliant blue of a sea you'd never seen. His eyes that lit up as soon as they saw you. He held a hand out to you as you walked down the makeshift aisle.
Your heart thudded in your chest as your father shoved you towards him, tripping on a branch. You braced for the ground, but hands were out to catch you. When you straightened, you found that they were attached to your future husband. He was glaring at your father, but his hands were so gentle on you.
"Are you alright?" he asked, his voice full of concern.
A stray tear slipped down your cheek. You couldn't tell if it was because of this whole situation or from relief that he at least didn't seem like a monster.
His brows pinched down as he frowned, reaching up to swipe the tear away with his thumb. "Don’t cry, dear heart. I promise I will love you and protect you to the best of my ability, til death do we part and all that,” he stammered.
"And all that," you echoed.
He smiled at you then, and it was as if the sun had shone down from the sky. He did not let go of your hand as you walked towards the officiant. You didn't know if it was because he was afraid you would bolt or because he genuinely wanted to keep touching you. His thumb rubbed yours throughout the ceremony. When it came time for the hand fasting, he gave your hand an affectionate squeeze. You vowed to love and cherish him and some other things that you'd parroted back, but honestly your head was swimming.
This stranger was your husband. This handsome stranger was your husband. He was going to expect things. Things you hadn't really done or experienced before, but things he looked as if he'd be well versed at. What if he didn't love you? What if he never loved you? As your father had shown you, men would say whatever they needed in order to get what they want. Why would Jaskier be any different?
The reception was joyful and loud. The food was good, but it wasn't memorable.
"Love, are you enjoying yourself?" Jaskier asked, picking apart the chicken on his plate.
You nodded absentmindedly, thinking about a million other things than the party going on around you. His hand reached over to take yours. He raised it to his lips, placing a kiss across your knuckles. "Would you care to dance?"
"Oh I'm really not much of a dancer..."
"Then we can just sway together," he said, smiling softly at you. He stood, pulling you gently up with him. You were guided to the middle of the dancers, letting him lead you through the dance.
“The moment I saw you, I knew we were meant to be," he told you, quiet enough that only you could hear as he turned you into his chest.
"In the clearing?" you asked, breathless. He couldn't possibly mean it.
"No, in your garden singing with your mother one afternoon. You were so beautiful and your voice was mesmerizing," his voice was warm and his breath hot against your ear. "I knew then that I needed you in my life."
"And if my father hadn't owed a debt?" you asked, swallowing the dry lump in your throat.
"Then I suppose I would have had to compete with the rest of the men in your village for your heart," he said, spinning you out.
You were dizzy, moreso from his words than the spinning. "Lord Jaskier... what are you saying?"
He pulled you back towards him, running the back of his hand along your cheek, down your neck, further down until his hand settled on your hip.
“I…think I’m in love?”
It was a question. You pulled away from him, feeling cold at the loss of contact. "I think that's enough dancing." You trudged off down a side path, not paying attention to where you were going.
"Wait!" He called after you, following you down the path. "Why are you running?"
"I'm not running."
"You know what I mean."
"Forgive me for not feeling in the mood to celebrate a marriage to a man my father owed a debt. I'm not some prize cattle."
"I never said you were?"
"You can't possibly love me. And you said it like a question. Who admits their love like its a question?"
"I do love you!" He declared, grabbing your hand and stopping you before you walked into the lake. You hadn't noticed it looming in the distance.
"You don't even know me," you murmured, rubbing your arm with your free hand. The forest closed in on you. Birds and insects chirped in the darkness, punctuated by the sound of the water lapping on the shore. The moon reflecting off the lake cast Jaskier in an ethereal glow.
"I'll admit that I know you better than you know me, and I should like to remedy that," he said.
He cut you off, listing how you take your tea, the songs you sing when you think no one is around, your favorite flower, "and you love your mother more than anything and protect her from your father."
"And you're taking me away from her! Who will protect her now?" You choked on a sob. His words drew a visceral reaction from you. You felt exposed. Laid bare. Like you stood naked against a man in full armor.
He pulled you close, wrapping you in his arms. "I know, love. I've got someone taking care of it. I need you to trust me."
You nodded into his neck. Then a thought dawned on you. "Jaskier, why do you love me? I didn't even know you existed really until this week. "
"You might as well ask a man why he breathes, love," he said with a chuckle. "I love you because you're you." He kissed your forehead before resting his chin against the top of your head.
This gentle man was your husband. Something in your chest clicked into place. He really did love you. And from what you'd seen from him so far, you did like him. Maybe even love. He protected you. He cared about you. He was incredibly handsome. And now he was singing some elven lullaby softly in your ear and his voice was so soothing. Too soothing. He'd put you to sleep at this rate. You turned to tell him to stop, your lips grazing his cheek. Was he blushing? You smirked. Maybe he wasn't as experienced as you thought? Or maybe he just really liked you? You bit your lip before making a decision. You pressed a firm kiss to his cheek. Then a tentative one to the corner of his mouth. You pulled back, watching him carefully. He cupped your cheek, rubbing his thumb along your cheek bone. Then he was leaning closer and you found yourself leaning right back in. His lips were soft and warm. He kissed you carefully at first, as if you'd pull back and change your mind. When you didn't, his hand sank into your hand, pulling you flush against him as he kissed you hard. Your hands fisted in his shirt as you walked him back up against a tree. You sucked on his bottom lip, curious as to how he'd taste. He tasted like fruity wine and he groaned against your mouth. His other hand gripped your hip and you couldn't help it. You wanted more. You were curious as to what he knew and how he could make you feel. You'd heard stories from the other wives about the first night and most had said it was disappointing, but you felt as if he would thrill you.
But, you also knew that he wouldn't push you. You'd have to make him beg so he knew you wanted it and that you were letting him do it. You took his hand and slid it up towards your chest, laying it over your breast before squeezing his hand so he squeezed you. He let out a whine against your lips, squeezing a little harder.
He pulled back, leaning his forehead against yours as he panted hard. He spun you so that your back was against the tree. His lips were desperate, trailing kisses along your jaw, down to your ear where he gently nipped your earlobe, and then down your neck. His breath against your skin sent shivers down your spine. He kneeled before you, his hands resting on your ankles. "Please, love."
"Please what?" you asked, breathless.
His hand tentatively pushed up your dress hem, placing a kiss to your left knee. "Please let me have you. All of you. I will make it worth your while. I will show you stars and sing songs about your beauty. I will worship you as my muse." He kissed a trail up your thigh, your skirt lopsided. You drew a sharp breath as his lips grazed your hip, tilting your head against the rough tree bark.
"All of me?" you asked him, a teasing tone. "My heart isn't so freely given."
"Then let me earn it," he begged.
You looked down at him. His eyes shone in the moonlight and he looked so desperate, his pupils large with more than just lust. You thought back to something your neighborhood friend had said, and decided to be bold. You swung your left leg over his shoulder. "Then earn it."
His eyes widened as he turned his head, his lips making full contact with your thigh. He kissed a trail up, up, up, his left hand pushing your dress up and all the way to the side.
The air was cold against your naked flesh, your nerves suddenly creating a storm in your belly. No man had seen you like this before. And here your husband was looking at you, not as if he'd seen so many before, but as if you were a new, uncharted territory. An enchanted artifact lost to time and just now discovered. He placed a kiss to your hip and continued to kiss across your waist. His eyes the whole time looking up at you, taking in every moment, prepared to stop should you request it. His mouth hovered in front of your sensitive skin and you could feel his hot breath, making you squirm. He placed a tentative kiss above your slit. You sucked in a breath and the bastard smiled. His confidence was growing and he licked along you. The sensation was foreign but not unwelcome. And then his tongue was entering, searching, finding. Your hand slid into his hair, grabbing it hard to pull him closer. He groaned against you, his hands now gripping you hard as he shoved his face against you. He was licking and sucking and you were lost trying to figure out the motions of it all because all you could do was feel. Your head leaned hard against the tree, your hair knotting in the bark as you tried to focus but it was all so new and amazing. Your heart was beating madly in your chest to the point where it felt as though it might burst out against your ribs and you'd die here in this bliss in this man's arms. He devoured you as if no food or drink could satisfy his hunger, only you. It was then that you fully grasped the devotion of this man.
Here he was on his knees.
Here he was taking care of you before asking anything of you in return.
Here he was worshipping you.
Here was your husband.
Here was a man you could love. Who clearly loved you.
Your body began to tremble, your legs weak as you felt like every lick of his tongue and suck of his lips wound something tighter within you. You were leaning more fully on him, and he reached up , throwing your other leg over his shoulder and you let him, knowing it wouldn't hold you up on its own anymore. Your back dug further into the tree, but you didn't care. You bucked against his mouth. Reaching up, you grabbed onto a branch above you.
"J-jaskier!" You gasped, feeling as if you were on the edge of an uncharted cliff. Down below would be darkness. Down below was the unknown. He sucked hard on your clit and you realized you didn't care. Down below was adventure and Jaskier. You threw yourself over that edge, falling, falling, falling and suddenly crashing waves hit you and you realized what it was. Down below was bliss and you were swimming in it. Drowning in it. Gulping it deep down into your throat.
The night air was cold and rough in your lungs as you struggled to catch your breath. Jaskier licked you languidly before placing a gentle kiss to your clit. He pulled back, carefully placing your legs back on the earth. Still, he held onto them, which was probably for the best as you were still very wobbly.
"I think you earned it," you breathed, looking down at him. His hair was positively disheveled from your hands, and the boyish grin he gave you almost made your knees give out on the spot. You joined him on the ground, kneeling before him, remembering the things that were actually supposed to happen on your wedding night and suddenly wanting them to happen very much if you felt like this just from his mouth, his glorious mouth. Your hands fisted the lapels of his jacket, pulling him in for a hot kiss. He tasted like you. That thought clanged through you as you continued to kiss him, pushing his jacked off his shoulders. You slid your hands under his shirt, feeling the strong muscles of his chest.
He pulled back, holding your face in his hands. "We don't have to if you don't want-"
You cut him off with another kiss. "No, I want to, I want to very much." You kissed him rapidly in succession, your lips trailing down his jaw to his neck, nipping his collar bone. He moaned at that, gently pushing you away to pull off his shirt and give you more access. Your lips were greedy, marking every square inch of him you could find, kissing down, down, down to the edge of his pants. There was a visible bulge in his trousers that you were curious about. You'd seen a man's member before, entirely by accident, but this was different. The was your lover. Your hands trembled slightly as you reached for the ties to his pants, tugging them loose until he was free.
He was glorious. You took it in your hand, stroking the velvety skin. Jaskier hissed, leaning his head down in the grass. A wicked thought crossed your mind. But, he was your husband and you could do with each other as you wished. So you leaned down, taking him in your mouth. Jaskier swore, his hand reflexively settling on your head, just resting there as you moved up and down, sliding your tongue hard against him. You enjoyed how he squirmed, and it made you want to do more, twirling your tongue around the head until Jaskier softly pulled you off. He sat up, sliding his hands up your legs, hiking your skirt up with it until his hands settled on the soft swell of your ass. He gripped you firmly, pulling you forward and into his lap. You placed your hands on his shoulders for balance. You could feel him beneath you, his heat radiating against your core. Looking down at him with a smirk, you decided to tease him, dragging yourself so that the head of his cock slipped just ever so slightly back and forth along your slit. He took the deepest breath.
"It's going to hurt at first," he murmured. "You control the speed and depth."
You nodded. You leaned your forehead against his, exhaling and slowly sinking down onto him. He was a great length, not too long or too short, and just the right thickness to stretch you in a way that felt snug. Still, inch by inch you lowered yourself down, breathing through clenched teeth until you were fully seated on him.
Jaskier kissed you softly. "You are amazing."
You kissed him long and slow as you adjusted, clenching around him to test it out. His hands tightened around your hips.
"Love," he said, his voice strained.
You kissed him, pressing hard against his mouth and began to move. The two of you went slow at first, but then you started to pick up the pace, speeding up every time you found him getting in sync with you. He drilled up into you and you pushed him down into the ground, your hands tightening on his shoulders. You felt that same pressure building within you as he captured your lips with his, kissing you as if you were air and he were drowning. He felt amazing and then he was hitting a new spot as he adjusted your hips and your head was swimming. You couldn't keep up, haphazardly smashing your hips against his as you were pulled back into a sea of bliss, seeing stars behind your eyelids. Jaskier swallowed your strangled cry, holding you close against him. He gasped your name, slowing down until his stilled within you. His chest was sweaty beneath your hands. You rested your cheek against his collar bone as you caught your breath. He gently slid out of you, tucking himself back into his pants before turning on his side to hold you. You were both looking over the vast expanse of the lake, listening to it lap against the shore as you just enjoyed being together.
Jaskier kissed the top of your head. "I wasn't planning to make love to you in the woods," he said. His chuckle rumbled along your spine.
"No, most people don't." you replied, feeling cheeky. You turned to him, resting your head on the inside of his arm. "Is that what we did, make love?"
"Depends. If you felt like love grew from it then yes, otherwise I guess we just fucked." He looked at you expectantly.
You kissed his nose. "I love you."
Jaskier kissed you long and slow, savoring you. "Good, because you're stuck with me." His smirk set your heart aflame.
"I am curious, though..."you said with a grin.
"What about, love?"
"If this was making love then what does it feel like to fuck?"
Jaskier grinned wolfishly. "Oh, you'll find out. Preferably in bed, though, where I don't have sticks pressed into my arse during it."
You shoved him playfully, rolling up to stand. The moon was sinking down towards the horizon. It would be day soon in a few hours. "Where to now, husband?"
Jaskier stood, picking his shirt off the ground. He shook off the leaves before pulling it on over his head. He picked up his jacket and hung it around your shoulders. You hadn't realized you were shivering in the midnight chill. "I think we go home." He offered you his hand and you took it this time without hesitation, letting him lead you towards your new life.
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joestarlight · 1 year
I just found this little a/b/o fic starter buried in my writing drafts
“You’ve paid money to fuck, why not get paid to fuck?”
“Because I’m not a whore, Jaskier.”
“Can’t you just think of it as a contract where you are using your other sword?” 
Geralt stared at the bard, his nostrils flaring as he felt the omega’s scent surge. It was something that happened often, but he had gotten very adept over the years at blocking it out...
...would there be any interest if I continued it?
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mvndrvke · 6 months
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SHIPPY STARTER TIME but MOSTLY CROSSOVER SHIPS ( unless you're an oc in which case you can do whatever you like xoxo ). y'all are probably gonna get a lyric starter oR a message if i feel like maybe we gotta plot more. who knows. mutuals only. if you don't specify, imma just give you a starter for whatever ships you don't post something specific about here. if a muse isn't on the list, i'm not gonna know, sO. idk. like this post if you have a ship you'd like to write under here.
edit : i added more muses and ships, so not everything is a crossover now.
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ORPHEUS. eurydice. jaskier ( the witcher ), christine ( poto ). musicians.
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NEOPTOLEMUS. telemachus. hermione. edwina sharma ( bridgerton ).
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MENELAUS. odysseus. paris.
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ANNABETH. percy. reyna. korkie kryze ( sw ).
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HAYMITCH. effie. former victors. mandalorians ( sw ). bo-katan ( sw ).
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JOHANNA. lucy grey. mandalorians ( sw ). luke skywalker ( sw ).
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EFFIE. haymitch. boggs. coriolanus snow ( abosas ). james kirk ( star trek ).
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MARTHA. other companions. obi-wan kenobi ( sw ). qui-gon jinn ( sw ). uhura ( star trek ). spock ( star trek ).
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HARWIN. laenor. kate sharma ( bridgerton ). margaery tyrell ( got ).
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THELDRY. daemon. bridgerton muses.
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INEJ. kaz, aemond targaryen ( hotd ).
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SATINE. obi-wan. mandalorians. simon (bridgerton).
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SERIL. cal kestis. bail organa.
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SHMI. obi-wan. raoul ( poto ).
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CARLISLE. esme. aro. padme ( sw ).
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officerjennie · 11 months
Fluff starter prompt, omg please fkbfjff
“I think I love you.”
Greedy panda noises please 🥺❤️
This fic is dedicated to a sweet boy named Sunny that I desperately wanted to take home with me
“I think I love you.”
Jaskier smooshed his face against the glass, dancing his fingers in the air, watching the large cat within the enclosure stretch from its tail to its large paws, claws digging into the blanket it had just been lounging on. 
He frowned, and lifted his head just enough to squint over at the piece of paper taped to the outside of the little kitty room. His tail and his large paws. Nose back to the glass, Jaskier cooed at the apparently two year old cat, his heart full to bursting as he stretched up to gently bap at the glass where Jaskier’s fingers were dancing.
“Oh, you’re just the sweetest, aren’t you? Such a good boy, the best boy.” Said best boy was also the largest cat Jaskier had ever seen, and according to his nice little blurb he liked cuddles.
Big, warm cuddles. He really never stood a chance.
The exasperation in that tone made Jaskier pout, which really worked in his favor when he turned to Geralt. For maximum effect, he jutted his lip out a little more (he considered a quiver but thought it would be too much), and didn’t have to try that hard to get his eyes to mist.
“His name is Sunny.”
“He’s been here for so long, Geralt!” A strategic step sideways covered up the little kitty blurb, and he hid the movement with a wild gesture. “Just- just look at him! Look at that face! Can you really say no to that face?”
Geralt didn’t look at Sunny, his arms crossed, the betta pellets they’d come for in his hand. 
“In and out, Jaskier. We don’t need anything-”
“He needs us, though.” 
“-but the fish food. Have you even owned a cat before?”
Deflating, Jaskier heaved a sigh, turning to stare wistfully at the sweet baby who was now batting around a crinkle toy behind him. “No. My father was allergic, and even after the divorce my mother couldn’t stand them. She’d apparently owned quail once and had a vendetta ever since one killed a few of them.”
“An impulse fish is one thing,” Geralt said, though not unkindly. And he was right, technically, even if Jaskier wasn’t a fan of the logic. 
Didn’t mean Jaskier was really ready to give up. Especially when Sunny meowed at him - Jaskier gasped, and cooed at him again, letting the sweet ginger boy chase his fingers. 
“He has such a tiny voice for such a big, big man. Isn’t he so sweet though?”
Geralt was quiet standing next to him, and Jaskier studiously ignored his judgment, complimenting the newest love of his life like he’d never get the chance to ever again. 
In the midst of their bonding, Geralt leaned down to read Sunny’s bio, dryly saying “been here so long” when he saw Sunny had only been there for three days. He was still reading it when a worker came by at a brisk walk, holding a dripping mop and pushing their frazzled bangs out of their face.
“He’s up for greetings if you want,” they said quickly, stopping just long enough to point at another worker who was fishing out some cherry shrimp for a mother and her small child. “She’s got the keys.”
“We can meet him?” Jaskier was certain the worker was an angel, albeit an angel barely hanging on to their sanity, and he quickly turned his big, wet eyes to Geralt again before he could try to talk him out of it. “Just a quick meet and greet. A cuddle or two. A hug? It couldn’t hurt anything, and he’s probably lonely.”
Geralt gave up in record time, sighing with a shake of his head as he went to fetch the worker with the keys. And Jaskier did his best to not be a sore winner and hid his fist pump. 
In a matter of minutes, they were let into the back, in a small room where the kitties could meet their prospective adopters. Sunny was plopped down with little fanfare, and he stretched himself out again, reaching up a nice scratching post on the white cat tree that took up a good portion of the room. 
Determined to make the most of their short time together, Jaskier picked through a toy box until he found a nice feather wand, and he did his best to get Sunny’s attention. But Sunny only watched the feather for a few seconds, batted at it once, and decided the tall man that was ignoring him was far more interesting. 
Geralt didn’t even flinch when Sunny launched himself at him, climbing up his leg like he was the cat tree. Up he went until he was standing on Geralt’s shoulders, and he let out a soft mew, bonking his head against Geralt’s hard enough that Jaskier heard it.
“Must have a hollow head,” Jaskier said solemnly, coming up next to them to pat Sunny’s side gently. “Orange cats share a brain cell, I’ve heard.”
For a split second, Geralt frowned. His hand went up to steady the large cat that had decided to sit on his shoulder, Sunny’s weight shifting as he licked a paw and started to clean his face.
“He’s not dumb,” Geralt said decisively, and if Jaskier hadn’t known any better he would have said fondly.
Or, maybe he didn’t know better. He squinted at Geralt, who was not looking at him - rather pointedly not looking at him.
“No, no. Of course he’s not dumb.” Jaskier stroked Sunny’s soft fur, letting his tail flop with a thud against Geralt’s back. “I’d hate for anyone to think he was.”
When Sunny started to purr, Geralt’s expression softened, and Jaskier had to bite back a devious grin. 
“Can you imagine misunderstanding such a sweet boy?” He sighed dramatically, scritching Sunny’s chin - and Geralt had to hold onto him to make sure the poor thing didn’t fall right off his shoulder. “I hope he gets picked by someone who would love him, and who wouldn’t ever dream of insulting him.”
“I know what you’re doing.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Jaskier lied, but one look at Geralt’s face and he gave up with a full body slump. “Fine. But I’m not wrong, we could give him the best home.”
“We don’t have anything for cats at home.” 
Jaskier opened his mouth to respond, but snapped it shut, narrowing his eyes at Geralt - because that had not been his ‘we’re absolutely not doing this’ tone. And Jaskier was ever an optimist when it came to getting what he wanted.
So he leaned into his boyfriend, arm wrapped around his waist, and pet the sweet kitty who was hard at work making biscuits out of Geralt’s shoulder. 
“Pet store,” he said, catching Geralt’s gaze and flicking his eyes towards the door. “And if we’re confused, we could always ask for help picking out what he’d need. Look, Geralt, he loves you - could you really say no to that face?”
Sunny took that moment to bonk Geralt on the head rather hard, and Jaskier saw the moment Geralt gave in. 
“Fine,” he grumbled, but Jaskier was already pumping the air before he got the word out. “You’re cleaning the cat box.”
“A fair trade for taking such a sweet, good boy home.” Jaskier reached up to scratch both of Sunny’s cheeks, and teared up when the kitty started to lick his hand. He’d never fallen in love so fast in his life and couldn’t wait to set their place up for Sunny - it was going to take a chunk out of his savings but it was absolutely worth it.
Especially when he caught a glimpse of the soft smile Geralt was trying to hide. He wasn’t the only one who’d fallen in love, after all.
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mcelebrper · 9 months
Open to anyone playing top!Geralt. Can include A/B/O if you’d like, just let me know! Free use, (semi) public play, open to more!
Scenario: Jaskier and Geralt had been traveling together for quite some time, although Geralt never allowed Jaskier to ride with him. Jaskier made a point to ask often and once he was told he only ever could if he was “seated in Geralt’s lap and riding the entire time”, although there had been strong implication Geralt meant that in a less than innocent way. Jaskier still couldn’t tell if Geralt was genuinely offering it, or was just trying to get him flustered. That was months ago, and it hasn’t been brought up since.
Message me to continue over private message or discord only.
Jaskier watched as Roach turned around a bend ahead and he picked up the pace to a light jog for a minute to catch up. “Geralt?” He called out as he came up beside the man traveling horseback.
“When you said this trip would be short, I thought you meant a day or two. It’s been three so far. Are you sure we can’t set up to rest soon, or just let me maybe… have a turn for once? I’m getting quite tired.” Jaskier commented as he looked up at the Witcher, seeking even just a short break after walking this far.
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Note : I don't promote my fics again in here. But Bleobheris is one fic that I started a long time ago and had some readers here. I give a conclusion there. A satisfying one, I am not sure, but at least the page can be turned properly.
Warning : Violence. Whump. Post traumatic state, depression, suicidal thoughts, alcoholism. The starter pack as always lol
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This is the story of how the raid of Bleobheris turned Jaskier into the Sandpiper.
[Muse Saga]
Chapter 7 : The Sandpiper
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mischiefxmuses · 4 months
closed starter for @coreofgold (Jaskier x Yennefer)
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"Jaskier, good to see you in one piece after everything." Yennefer smiled at her friend. "I am glad." She really was. She did consider Jaskier a dear friend, he had been willing to help her when Geralt hadn't and when she was without magic he was there.
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