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If racism and sexism don’t exist then why did it take so long to confirm a black female Supreme Court Justice?
The country is 246 years old. If they aren’t real then what stopped this from happening sooner?
Sometimes a question contains its answer. Ask that and there is no rational argument to be had. Anyone who argues will inevitably hold the two isms into their reply.
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"Doğu Türkistan" yalanları ve gerçekler-5
Sinciang Uygur Özerk Bölgesi'nde bir etnik sorun yok. Bölgede şeriatçı gruplar tarafından yayılan bir terör sorunu var. Çin, uzun yıllardır terörle mücadele ediyor. 90’lı yıllardan bu yana ABD güdümündeki ayrılıkçı ve aşırı dinci Uygur örgütleri bölgede faaliyet yürütüyor. Uygur yalanlarını yayan örgütler de bunlar. Türkiye'de de etkin bir şekilde faaliyet yürütüyorlar. Gelin şimdi bunlara bakalım.
IŞİD safında savaşıyorlar
Uygur yalanları, Doğu Türkistan İslam Partisi tarafından yayılıyor. Gelin örgütün siciline bakalım. Örgüt, El Kaide’ye bağlı olarak “Doğu Türkistan İslamî Hareketi” adıyla 1997 yılında kuruldu. Daha sonra partileşerek “Doğu Türkistan İslam Partisi” oldu. Örgüt, bir kısım Özbek kökenli İslamî örgüt mensubuyla da birleşerek, “Türkistan İslam Partisi” adını aldı. Bugün bütünüyle “Türkistan”ı temsil iddiasıyla faaliyet yürütüyor. Örgüt Suriye’de, Türkiye’de, Irak’ta, Afganistan’da ve Çin’de terör faaliyeti yürütüyor ve Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’nden ayrılma amacı güttüğünü belirtiyor.
Doğu Türkistan İslamî Hareketi’nin cihatçıları CIA’nın Suriye’de örgütlediği IŞİD içinde faaliyette bulundular. IŞİD'in safında yaklaşık 10-15 bin kadar “Türkistan İslam Partisi”nin mensubu savaşıyor. Bu militanlar İdlib kırsalında Cisr Şuğur bölgesinde yoğun olarak faaliyet gösteriyor.
Mehmetçiğe karşı savaştılar
Doğu Türkistan İslamî Hareketi, 2002 yılında Birleşmiş Milletler tarafından terör örgütleri listesine alındı. Örgütün Suriye'de 10-15 bin militanının bulunduğu ve IŞİD safında savaştığını söyledik. Türk Ordusu, 24 Ağustos 2016 günü Fırat Kalkanı Harekâtı başlattı. IŞİD'i El Bab'a karşı kovaladı. Bu harekatta 3 binin üzerinde IŞİD'li öldürüldü. Öldürülen IŞİD'liler içinde yoğun olarak Doğu Türkistan İslam Partisi militanları vardı. İşte sizin savunduklarınızın elinde Mehmetçiğin kanı var. Türk Ordusuna karşı savaşıyorlar.
Reina'yı bastılar
1 Ocak 2017 günü Reina baskınını yapan terörist Doğu Türkistan İslam Partisi'ne üyeydi. Yani sizin savunduklarınız hem Mehmetçiğimizi hem de Reina'da 39 vatandaşımızı öldürenlerdir. MİT’in Orta Asya Dairesi Sorumlusu Binbaşı Kaşif Kozinoğlu, Silivri Cezaevi’nde şehit edilmeden önce yazdığı mektuplarda sözde “Doğu Türkistan Terör Örgütü” mensuplarını CIA ile birlikte nasıl örgütlediklerini ve Çin’e karşı nasıl silahlı eylemlere kışkırttıklarını anlatmıştı.
Peki, bu teröristlerin başında kim var? Türkiye'de hangi faaliyeti yürütüyorlar. Ve bunları kim fonluyor.
İşte aldıkları paralar:
Ayrılıkçı Uygur iddialarını ve o internette gördüğünüz görüntüleri yayan, National Endowment For Democracy (NED)'dir. Yani, Amerikan Demokrasi Derneği. Dünya Uygur Kongresi (DUK) Onursal Genel Başkanı Rabia Kadir ve Seyit Tümtürk (Bu adamın kim olduğunu birazdan açacağız) de bunu itiraf ediyor. Birçok röportajında para aldıklarını ama bunun az olduğunu söylüyorlar. Peki az mı? Size kalem kalem yazıyorum:
1-Proje Başlığı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Savunuculuğu ve Eğitimi.
Kuruluş Adı: Dünya Uygur Kongresi.
Miktar: 275 bin dolar.
2-Proje Başlığı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Dokümantasyonu ve Savunuculuğu.
Kuruluş Adı: Uygur Amerikan Derneği.
Miktar: 295 bin dolar.
1-Proje Başlığı: Uygur İnsan Hakları ve Mülteci Savunuculuğu.
Kuruluş Adı: Dünya Uygur Kongresi.
Miktar: 260 bin dolar.
2-Proje Başlığı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Dokümantasyonu ve Savunuculuğu.
Kuruluş Adı: Uygur Amerikan Derneği.
Miktar: 295 bin dolar.
1-Proje Başlığı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Savunuculuğu.
Kuruluş Adı: Dünya Uygur Kongresi.
Miktar: 295 bin dolar.
2-Proje Başlığı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Dokümantasyonu ve Savunuculuğu.
Kuruluş Adı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Projesi.
Miktar: 315 bin dolar.
1- Proje Başlığı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Savunuculuğu.
Kuruluş Adı: Dünya Uygur Kongresi.
Miktar: 246 bin dolar.
2- Proje Başlığı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Savunuculuğu ve Sosyal Yardım.
Kuruluş Adı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Projesi.
Miktar: 294.698 dolar.
1-Proje Başlığı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Savunuculuğu.
Kuruluş Adı: Dünya Uygur Kongresi.
Miktar: 9 bin dolar.
2-Proje Başlığı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Savunuculuğu.
Kuruluş Adı: Dünya Uygur Kongresi.
Miktar: 354 bin dolar.
3-Proje Başlığı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Savunuculuğu ve Sosyal Yardım.
Kuruluş Adı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Projesi.
Miktar: 5 bin dolar.
4-Proje Başlığı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Savunuculuğu ve Sosyal Yardım.
Kuruluş Adı: Uygur İnsan Hakları Projesi.
Miktar: 315 bin dolar.
Kim bu ayrılıkçılar?
(Seyit Tümtürk)
ABD'den aldıkları ve az dedikleri fon gördüğünüz gibi milyonlarca doları buluyor. Şimdi bu fonu alanların ve Türkiye'deki Uygur ayrılıkçılığının başını çekenleri inceleyelim:
Bu kışkırtıcılardan en gözde figür Seyit Tümtürk.
Doğu Türkistan İslami Hareketi başta olmak üzere benzer örgütler ve çevreler, 1 Ekim 2018 günü Paris’te toplandı, bir ‘Doğu Türkistan Millî Meclisi’ kurduklarını ilan etti. Sözde meclisin başkanlığına Seyit Tümtürk getirildi. Tümtürk valileri ziyaret ediyor. CHP ve İyi Parti yetkilileriyle buluşuyor. Tümtürk, terör örgütü kurma suçundan Türkiye'de yargılanan Abdülkadir Yapçan'ın (bu isme de mercek tutacağız) davasında dinlendi. Tümtürk, “Yapçan’ın yaptığı her şeyi ben de yaptım, söylediği her şeyi ben de söyledim. Birlikte Türkiye’de birçok eyleme katıldık” dedi. Tümtürk’ün “Doğu Türkistan’ı hiç görmedim, hiç yaşamadım, zulme doğrudan tanık olmadım. Annemden, babamdan, dedelerimden duydum” demesi dikkat çekti.
Tümtürk Türkiye'de silahlı gruplarla da etkinlik düzenliyor. Bir yıl önce Afrin'de bir görüntü çekilmişti. Önce o fotoyu koyalım.
Silahlı Uygur militanları Çin Devlet Başkanı Xi Jinping'e küfürler ediyor, Suriye'den sonra Çin'de cihat yapacaklarını iddia ediyordu. IŞİD'in yayınladığı videolarda, Doğu Türkistan İslamî Hareketi, “Suriye’de savaş bittiğinde Uygurların haklarını almak için ateist Çin’e karşı savaşa gideceğiz” diyordu. Söz konusu videoları, ABD’de yaşayan, kendisini “Uygur Mili Uyanış Hareketi”nin “Siyasi ve Uluslararası Görevlisi” olarak tanıtan Salih Hudayar paylaştı.
Tümtürk ve Uygurlar, 10 Mart 2018’de Hatay’a gitti. Gruptakilerin üzerindeki, Uygur bayrağı işlemeli TSK üniformaları dikkat çekti. Ziyaretlerde Tümtürk’ün yanında bulunan kişilerin, ellerinde silahla çekilen videoları olduğu ortaya çıktı.
'ABD silah versin Çin'e karşı cihat yapalım'
Merkezi ABD’de olan Dünya Uygur Kurultayı Onursal Başkanı Rabia Kadir’in yardımcılığını yapan Tümtürk, ABD ile ilişkileri gizlemiyor. Şubat ayında , İstanbul Korganlılar Derneği’nin düzenlediği etkinlikte konuşan Tümtürk, , Çin’e karşı savaşan gücün ABD olduğunu belirterek kendilerine uzanacak elin ya da Çin’i parçalayacak gücün kim olduğuna bakmayacaklarını vurguladı. Tümtürk şunları söyledi: "Niçin Doğu Türkistanlılar cihat yapmıyor diye soruyorlar? Neyle yapacaklar? Silah yok, dışarıyla irtibatı yok, elinde bıçak dahi yok. Allah da körü körüne eline sopayı al, bütün o otomatik silahlara karşı cihat et demiyor. Ama ben şuna inanıyorum ki Doğu Türkistanlılar, inşallah Allah o imkanı verirse, ölümüne cenk edecektir. Ekonomik, askeri, siyasi her alanda bütün Doğu Türkistanlılar gücümüzü birleştirerek, Çin’in parçalanacağı günü dört gözle bekleyerek hazır olmamız lazım. “Dünya Çin’in bu yükselişini mutlaka parçalayacak. Biz hiçbir emperyalist gücün Çin’i parçalama aracı olmak istemiyoruz. Oyuncak olmak istemiyoruz, ama burada bu tercih bizim değil. Çin insanlığın kabul edemeyeceği bu soykırımla bizi imtihan ederse bize uzanacak elin ya da Çin’i parçalayacak gücün kim olduğuna bakmadan, denize düşen yılana sarılır hesabı, hayatta kalmak için her yol bize mubah olur. Çin’in de ağır bedel ödeyeceği her alternatife biz varız.”
FETÖ kanalına konuştular
Tümtürk, FETÖ kanallarına konuşmaktan da çekinmiyor. 15 Temmuz darbe girişimi sonrası Yunanistan'a kaçan isimlerden gazeteci Deniz Zengin'e konuşan Tümtürk, ayrılıkçı Uygur iddialarını yineledi. Liderleri FETÖ'cülükten tutuklanan Türk Solu'nu da savundu. 2017 yılbaşında Reina’da düzenlenen katliamdan bu yana Türkiye’nin, Orta Asya’dan gelen kişilerin işlemlerinde daha dikkatli ve ağır hareket ettiğini söyleyen Tümtürk, Uygurların cihatçı olarak Suriye’ye gittiğini, Esad’a karşı savaştığını da açıkladı. Uygur ayrılıkçılara zaten en büyük destek Emre Uslu gibi FETÖ'cülerden geliyor.
Yapçan'ın suçları
(Abdülkadir Yapçan)
Gelin şimdi de Abdülkadir Yapçan'a bakalım. Tümtürk'ün kefil olduğu Yapçan kim? Terör örgütü kurmak suçundan yargılanan ve Çin'e iadesi istenen Yapçan'ın dosyasını incelediğimizde bir terörist karşımıza çıkıyor.
Abdulkadir Yapçan, yukarıda bahsettiğimiz Doğu Türkistan İslam Hareketi'nin kurucusu. Yapçan ‘Ulusal güvenliği tehlikeye düşürmek, adam öldürmek, terörist organizasyon oluşturmak, organizasyona liderlik etmek ve organizasyonda aktif rol almak’ suçlarından kırmızı bültenle uluslararası seviyede aranıyordu. Çin’den sahte pasaportla kaçan Yapçan, 2016 yılında Türkiye’de yakalandı.
1958 Sincian doğumlu Yapçan iddiaya göre 1997 yılında sahte pasaportla Suudi Arabistan’a çıkış yaptı. 1997’nin Nisan ayında “Doğu Türkistan Partisi”ni (daha sonra Doğu Türkistan İslam Hareketi adını aldı) kurdu ve başkan yardımcılığını yaptı. 1999 yılına kadar Orta ve Güney Asya’da bulunan Sinciang uyruklu kişileri Afganistan’a terör eğitimine gönderdi. Örgüt faaliyeti çerçevesinde patlayıcı maddeler imal edildi. Yapçan, son yıllarda da internet üzerinden videolar yayınlayarak terör propagandası yaptı.
Yapçan’ın eylemleri şöyle:
■ 1997 yılında sahte pasaport düzenleyerek Doğu Türkistan’dan Suudi Arabistan’a gitti.
■ Terörist İsmail Abdulsemet, Yapçan’ın 1997 yılında Suudi Arabistan’a gittiğine ilişkin beyan verdi.
■ Terörist Abdulmecit Mutalif Hasmu, Yapçan’ın Doğu Türkistan İslam Partisi Emiri olduğunu söyledi.
■ Terörist Abdulmecit Mehmetkırım, Yapçan’ın Çin’de cihat çağrısında bulunduğunu ve İslam Devleti kurmayı planladığını beyan etti.
■ Terörist Osman Ümit, 1998 yılında Yapçan ve bazı şüpheli kişilerin Afganistan’dan Doğu Türkistan’a 20 bin Amerikan Doları gönderdiğini, bu para ile Sincian’daki teröristlerin patlayıcı madde aldıklarını itiraf etti.
■ Terörist Nurmehmet Abdulkeyim, şüphelinin kendisine cihat yapması talimatı verdiğini söyledi.
■ Yapçan internet üzerinden yayın yapan İstiklal TV’de Çin ‘işgaline’ karşı cihat çağrısı yaptı, Sincian’daki teröristlere yönelik olarak da ‘IŞİD’e katılmak yerine ‘Doğu Türkistan’da Doğu Türkistan için savaşın’ şeklinde açıklamalarda bulundu.
Çin terörle mücadele ediyor
Bu kısım biraz uzun oldu. Ama görüldüğü gibi Çin'de bir terör sorunu var. O terör sorunu ülkemize taşınmış durumda. ABD, FETÖ ve diğer bağlantıları ortada. 90’lı yıllardan bu yana ABD güdümündeki ayrılıkçı ve aşırı dinci Uygur örgütleri bölgede faaliyet yürütüyorlar. 5 Temmuz 2009 tarihindeki Urumçi olayları ile bölücü terör zirveye ulaşmış. Bu tarihten sonra da Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti Hükümeti, aşırı dinci ayrılıkçılara karşı kararlı ve çok boyutlu bir mücadele yürütüyor. Resmi rakamlara göre; 2014 yılından bu yana bin 588 terörist hücre yok edilmiş, 12 bin 995 terörist tutuklanmış, 2 bin 52 patlayıcı ele geçirilmiş, terör faaliyetleri nedeniyle 30 bin 645 kişi cezalandırılmış.
YARIN: Sinciang'daki terör eylemleri
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18th year - Salvation - Day 246 - Week 35 - Day 6 - (Month 9 - Week 0 - Day 4).
Today is 3 days after the ninth month during the first year of Salvation and Spectralon Remedy. I am three-quarters of the way there to completing it.
Two days ago, I coined a new alias that specifically focuses on ISM, named ‘Phantom Vibrations’.
However, there are four other notable aliases planned, one of which is positive, the next one is negative and the other two are neutral.
There is also yet another negative event that has occurred, in which the password to Hades Vortexium’s soundcloud account has been changed unbeknownst to myself, so since then, I have felt internally bitter, as well as the fact that I am starving creatively, having not made a single song at home since August last year. So the frustration, anger and despair have returned, but in the grand scheme of things these issues haven’t changed my overall outlook on this decade and life.
- 18th year - Salvation - Day 246 - Week 35 - Day 6 - (Month 9 - Week 0 - Day 4).
Following post: TBR.
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I posted 246 times in 2021
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179 posts reblogged (73%)
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I added 196 tags in 2021
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#ponetium draws - 33 posts
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My Top Posts in 2021
A meme featuring 2 cartoon characters from the show Biker Mice from Mars who look like shirtless muscular mice dudes with handcuffs, with text above: "They are aliens!", and in bigger font :"I am NOT A FURRY!!!1"
22 notes • Posted 2021-04-20 10:29:39 GMT
The Fox that makes the Ravens fly / 05.10.2021
Raven? Mat Cauthon it is! Pens, copic markers and bit of computer editing. I guess that was high time for some Wheel of Time fanart!
27 notes • Posted 2021-10-05 20:18:00 GMT
A Rat Born With The Spark / 27.10.2021
Have some rat magic! Sparks are going to fly!
Pen and watercolors on paper.
29 notes • Posted 2021-10-27 19:22:26 GMT
Agent P (Or: Pearl Bond)
Pens, copic markers, some computer editing. The theme of "Suit" made me think about Pearl in a suit, and also about James Bond. And so, this mashup was born.
49 notes • Posted 2021-10-03 03:32:53 GMT
Turned Sour / 11.10.2021
Pens, copic markers, bit of computer editing for the sky.
75 notes • Posted 2021-10-11 20:01:49 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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3-19-17 News at Home tags: Mussolini, fascism, Trump by Mark Bickhard
Mark Bickhard is Henry R. Luce Professor in Cognitive Robotics and the Philosophy of Knowledge in the Department of Psychology at Lehigh University (Bethlehem, PA).
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Comparisons between Trump(ism) and Fascism have become frequent, and with good reason. These comparisons are strongest between Trump and Mussolini — stronger than with Hitler and Nazi-ism. Detailed comparisons are difficult for at least two reasons: 1) the historical circumstances are quite different between the 20s and 30s and today, and 2) Fascism was never a coherent political theory or philosophy, but, instead, was a populist and nationalist development in Italy that Mussolini did not create, but did take over.
A comparison between Trump and Mussolini in terms of character and style, however, is frighteningly strong — and does give some guidance concerning future concerns. This comparison is based primarily on quotes from a book about Mussolini by R.J.B. Bosworth (2010). In general, the quotes speak for the themselves, though I will add some commentary along the way. It should be noted that this book was published years before similarities between Trump and Mussolini became politically relevant, and, thus, were not written with Trump in mind.
I begin with Trump’s arrogant ignorance and incoherence:
“Other more critical contemporaries noticed instead the fluctuations in Mussolini’s ideas and the way he preferred to avoid in-depth conversations, sometimes excusing himself by saying that the details should be left to the experts. Here, they discerned, was a leader more interested in imposing his will than in harmonising his attitudes or policies. Here was a politician more interested in seeming to know than in knowing.” pg 142
“He understood that a totalitarian dictator had to be, or to seem to be, expert in everything.” pg 177
“Cowing the press was only one part of building a totalitarian dictatorship.” pg 177
Bosworth points to a later developing ambition for Mussolini that is not yet overt with Trump — but it has already been hinted at by some in his inner circle:
“The real novelty of his ambition lay in his pretensions to enter the hearts and minds of his subjects, and so install Fascism as a political religion.” pg 177
Again, Trump’s ambition combined with a lack of coherence:
“and so readjusting his own history with his usual aplomb” pg 277
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“ ‘Reactionary dictators are men of no philosophy, no burning humanitarian ideal, nor even an economic program of any value to their nation or the world. (George Seldes)’ They were ‘gangsters’ more than anything else.” pg 246
One striking detailed similarity:
Mussolini appointed his son-in-law as foreign minister. e.g., pg 254
Trump, of course, is infamous for his ultra-thin skin:
“… he would flick through the French press and grow enraged at any criticism of Italy and himself.” pg 272
“… there were few things which annoyed Mussolini more than overt criticism.” pg 276
“This emotion (anger) had always been a prominent part of the Duce’s reaction to life .…” pg 280
Trump and Mussolini share thin-skinned ignorance combined with arrogant contempt:
“The Duce’s version of permanent revolution, it was increasingly plain, was more a story of his own permanent sense that the rest of human kind was not made in this own image (an arrogance which only partially cloaked his own sense of inadequacy …).” pg 282
“… it was plain that he (Augusto Rosso) was another who feared that Ciano (son-in-law) was very young, and very inexperienced in the real world, and who knew that Mussolini did not take his professional diplomats seriously.” pg 292
“In his diary, Bottai depicted a war leader whose administration grew steadily more ‘approximate’, with the Duce, a ‘man of the banner headline’ at heart, now bored by detail or discussion and preferring to ‘let things run of their own accord’.” pg 302
“… the Duce’s reaction, Bottai complained, was, ‘if things go well, take the credit; and, if they go badly, to blame others’. This, Bottai concluded, had become the real meaning of the formula: ‘Mussolini is always right.’ ” pg 303
The following speaks for itself, and speaks volumes:
From A.J.P. Taylor, quoted in Bosworth: “Fascism never possessed the ruthless drive, let alone the material strength, of National Socialism. Morally it was just as corrupting — or perhaps more so from its very dishonesty. Everything about Fascism was a fraud. The social peril from which it saved Italy was a fraud; the revolution by which it seized power was a fraud; the ability and policy of Mussolini were fraudulent. Fascist rule was corrupt, incompetent, empty; Mussolini himself a vain, blundering boaster without either ideas or aims.” pg 344
Here from a different book, Mussolini and Italian Fascism (2008), by Giuseppe Finaldi:
“Thus Fascism, as it developed in 1920-2, was not a political party, with a programme and an internal structure headed by Mussolini who sent proselytizing disciples into the provinces, but a catch-all movement that, loosely speaking, would have met with the approval of many who saw themselves as belonging to the very widespread political and social environment of the Vitterio Veneters (a nationalist movement). The ingredient that was (almost) unique to Fascism and which gave it an edge over traditional patriotic parties was its willingness to employ violence for political ends. Its ability to give a semblance of political coherence and a plausible set of symbolic reference points to what was essentially reactionary vigilantism allowed the process of law and the functioning of democracy … to be sidestepped with panache.” (pg 37)
Just as Mussolini took over the Fascist movement, Trump is exploiting and taking over the ultra-nationalism/alt-right movements. These are the power bases for two dictatorial personalities.
Two additional comparisons —one with with Hitler and one with Putin — are also relevant here. Hitler and Nazi-ism have both similarities and differences with Trump and Trumpism, but both include the style of creating multiple competing power centers, to be adjudicated by the ultimate authority. This not only creates chaos, it also encourages striving to produce the positions, actions, and proposals that will most powerfully capture what the Leader will bestow favor upon. It nurtures what came to be called “Working toward the Fuhrer.” It is a formula for extremism.
Violence is central to the history of all of these movements, and both Hitler and Mussolini came to their dictatorial powers via a relatively singular act of violence: the Reichstag fire for Hitler and the Fascist march on Rome for Mussolini.
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Putin, however, demonstrates a different path. Violence, even Putin-directed lethal violence, has been a central part of Putin’s creation of his dictatorship, but there has not been any single violent event that generated his power. Instead, Putin’s history has been one of constant undermining and destruction of competing institutions and individuals, to the point that there are no longer any checks on his power. We have already seen major attacks by Trump on the judiciary, the press, and moves to undermine and take over the institutions of public safety. The seditious partisanship of the Republicans in Congress ensures that the legislative branch will not be a check — unless that blind support is somehow itself changed.
The attacks on central institutions of American democracy as “enemies of the people” has a horrible and horribly dangerous historical background. Trump may (or may not) be too ignorant to know of that background, but his inner circle most certainly knows of it, and intends it in full.
And, of course, all of this is in addition to the subversion of American democracy and of the Trump administration by Putin’s Russia.
We live in dangerous times.
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Network Level Authentication (NLA)
This blog post is divided into two sections: the first section relates to the machines Without RD Session Host Role, while the second part refers to the machines With RD Session Host Role. https://loadoutlet812.tumblr.com/post/656124266792779776/download-pbnec-laptops-desktops-driver.
These two sections are further divided into different Operating Systems to choose from.
This post shows how to disable network-level authentication to allow for RDP connections on a target device.
Quick Links
Disabling Network Level Authentication without RD Session Host Role
Windows 7 & Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2008 R2
Open the Control Panel. Ensure that the control panel is showing items by Category (i.e., not in Classic View). Click on System and Security and under System click on Allow remote access.
Under the Remote Desktop group, select Allow connections from computers running any version of Remote Desktop (less secure).
Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012/Windows Server 2012 R2
Open the Control Panel. Ensure that the control panel is showing items by Category. Click on System and Security and under System click on Allow remote access.
Under the Remote Desktop group deselect the option Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication (recommended)
Windows 10 & Windows Server 2016
Open the Control Panel. Ensure that the control panel is showing items by Category (i.e., not in Classic View). Click on System and Security and under System click on Allow remote access.
Under the Remote group choose Allow remote connections to this computer.
Disabling Network Level Authentication with the RD Session Host Role
In Windows 2008 and Windows 2008 R2
On the RD Session Host server, open Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration. To do this, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, point to Remote Desktop Services, and then click Remote Desktop Session Host Configuration.
Under Connections, right-click the name of the connection, and then click Properties.
On the General tab, un-tick the Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication check box. (For maximum compatibility ensure that Security Layer is set to Negotiate)
If the Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication check box is selected and is not enabled, the Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication Group Policy setting has been enabled and applied to the RD Session Host server.
Click OK.
Windows 2012/Windows Server 2012 R2 & Windows Server 2016/2019
On the RD Session Host server, open the Server Manager.
Click on Remote Desktop Services, then under Collections click on the name of the session collection name that you want to modify. Click on Tasks and select Edit properties.
Under the Security tab un-tick the option Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication. (For maximum compatibility ensure that Security Layer is set to Negotiate) If the Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication check box is selected and is not enabled, the Require user authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication Group Policy setting has been enabled and applied to the RD Session Host server.
Click OK.
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Microsoft | https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/c07323c2-77fa-4eb4-91ed-7ba6fa23bd00/how-to-disable-nla?forum=winserversecurity
ITSystemLab | https://kb.itsystemlab.com/knowledge-base/how-to-disable-enable-network-level-authentication-nla-for-rdp/
Parallels Network Settings
thegeekpage | https://thegeekpage.com/solved-the-remote-computer-requires-network-level-authentication/
GitHub | https://gist.github.com/pingec/7b391a04412a7034bfb6
Parallels Network Adapters
Parallels RAS Security Features | https://www.parallels.com/products/ras/capabilities/security-monitoring/
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USD/CAD Forecast September 9-13 – BoC, Job Growth Propel Canadian Dollar Higher
The Bank of Canada held the course on monetary policy, as policymakers maintained the benchmark rate at 1.75% for a seventh successive month. The rate statement was generally positive, which pushed the Canadian currency higher. Policymakers said that the U.S-China trade war was weighing on global growth, but at the same time, domestic economic conditions were strong. The BoC has not given any indication that it will follow the Fed and ease monetary policy. Still, if the economy weakens in the third quarter, the BoC could respond with lower rates in order to stimulate the economy. The week wrapped up on a very positive note, as the economy created a whopping 81.1 thousand jobs in August, crushing the estimate of 18.9 thousand. This reading came after two straight declines and boosted the Canadian dollar on Friday.
Over in the U.S., the ISM manufacturing PMI slipped to 41.9 in August, down from 51.2 in July. It marked the first reading in contraction territory (below the 50-level) since August 2016. Unemployment data was a mix. Nonfarm payrolls slowed to 130 thousand in August, down from 164 thousand a month earlier. However, wage growth rose to 0.4% in August, its strongest gain of the year.
USD/CAD daily chart with support and resistance lines on it. Click to enlarge:
Housing Starts: Tuesday, 12:15. Housing starts sparkled in June, climbing to 246 thousand. However, the indicator softened in July, dropping to 222 thousand. The downward trend is expected to continue in August, with a forecast of 213 thousand.
Building Permits: Tuesday, 12:30. This construction indicator tends to show large swings, which often results in forecasts which are wide of the mark. In June, building permits fell by 3.7%, marking a second straight decline. Investors are expecting a turnaround in July, with an estimate of a 2.1% gain.
NHPI: Thursday, 12:30. This inflation index is a useful indicator of the health of the housing sector. The index has been lethargic in recent months, hovering around zero. The indicator has posted two straight readings of -0.1%. The estimate for July stands at 0.0%.
USD/CAD Technical Analysis
Technical lines from top to bottom:
We start with resistance at 1.3565.
1.3445 has held in resistance since the first week of June. This is followed by 1.3385.
1.3350 has held steady since mid-June and strengthened in resistance this week.
1.3265 switched to resistance role in mid-week, with USD/CAD recording sharp losses and breaking through several lines of support.
1.3175 is an immediate support line.
1.3125 (mentioned last week[1]) has provided support since the end of July.
1.3048 is protecting the round number of 1.3000, which has psychological significance.
1.2916 has held firm since October.
1.2830 is the final support line for now.
I remain bullish on USD/CAD
The Canadian dollar finally enjoyed a winning week, after a long streak of weekly losses. Still, weak global conditions and the ongoing trade war between the U.S. and China could weigh on risk currencies like the Canadian dollar.
Further reading:
Safe trading!
Get the 5 most predictable currency pairs[2]
^ last week (www.forexcrunch.com)
^ Get the 5 most predictable currency pairs (www.forexcrunch.com)
from Forex Crunch http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/ForexCrunch/~3/C1I6YyyTIeU/
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I am SO EXCITED for my classes! I'm finally coming down from the stress I was under now that I'm moved in and caught up on paperwork and ect.. now I can focus on my classes n stuff! I'm in the Adventure Recreation Leadership Learning Community which means I'm with the same group of people for 3 classes all this semester! PED 101, UNI 101, and ENG 290. We will be going hiking, biking, kayaking, rock wall climbing, and everything else! As well as discussing adventurous and leadership themes in literature and in real life from what I gather! I'm also taking PSY 246 (Psychology of Personality), which, psychology is my passion so I am beyond excited! Finally, I'll be taking Asian Religions online so I will be reading and analyzing Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and any other "-isms" that apply. It's supposed to be a somewhat easy class and I'm interested in the topic so I am READY for this semester! I'm going to have so much fun!
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Schedule for Week of Apr 30, 2017
The key report this week is the April employment report on Friday. Other key indicators include the April ISM manufacturing and non-manufacturing indexes, April auto sales, and the March Trade Deficit.
----- Monday, May 1st ----- 8:30 AM: Personal Income and Outlays for March. The consensus is for a 0.3% increase in personal income, and for a 0.1% increase in personal spending. And for the Core PCE price index to be unchanged. 10:00 AM: ISM Manufacturing Index for April. The consensus is for the ISM to be at 56.5, down from 57.2 in March. Here is a long term graph of the ISM manufacturing index. The ISM manufacturing index indicated expansion at 57.2% in March. The employment index was at 58.9%, and the new orders index was at 64.5%. 10:00 AM: Construction Spending for March. The consensus is for a 0.5% increase in construction spending. ----- Tuesday, May 2nd ----- All day: Light vehicle sales for April. The consensus is for light vehicle sales to increase to 17.2 million SAAR in April, from 16.6 million in March (Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate). This graph shows light vehicle sales since the BEA started keeping data in 1967. The dashed line is the March sales rate. ----- Wednesday, May 3rd ----- 7:00 AM ET: The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index. 8:15 AM: The ADP Employment Report for April. This report is for private payrolls only (no government). The consensus is for 170,000 payroll jobs added in April, down from 263,000 added in March. 10:00 AM: the ISM non-Manufacturing Index for April. The consensus is for index to increase to 55.8 from 55.2 in March. 2:00 PM: FOMC Meeting Announcement. No change to policy is expected at this meeting. ----- Thursday, May 4th ----- 8:30 AM ET: The initial weekly unemployment claims report will be released. The consensus is for 246 thousand initial claims, down from 257 thousand the previous week. 8:30 AM: Trade Balance report for March from the Census Bureau. This graph shows the U.S. trade deficit, with and without petroleum, through January. The blue line is the total deficit, and the black line is the petroleum deficit, and the red line is the trade deficit ex-petroleum products. The consensus is for the U.S. trade deficit to be at $44.5 billion in March from $43.6 billion in February. 10:00 AM: Manufacturers' Shipments, Inventories and Orders (Factory Orders) for March. The consensus is a 0.4% increase in orders. ----- Friday, May 5th ----- 8:30 AM: Employment Report for April. The consensus is for an increase of 185,000 non-farm payroll jobs added in April, up from the 98,000 non-farm payroll jobs added in March. The consensus is for the unemployment rate to increase to 4.6%. This graph shows the year-over-year change in total non-farm employment since 1968. In March, the year-over-year change was 2.13 million jobs. A key will be the change in wages. 3:00 PM: Consumer credit from the Federal Reserve. The consensus is for a $15.6 billion increase in credit. http://ift.tt/2pvfHUr
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Winners of [Happy Valentines Day : Home Theme vote]
Feb 07, 2018
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77 boy*****[email protected] 177 don*****[email protected] 277 jfg*****[email protected] 377 mae*****[email protected] 477 ric*****[email protected] 577 tsl*****@gmail.com
78 bra*****[email protected] 178 doy*****[email protected] 278 jgh*****[email protected] 378 mak*****[email protected] 478 ric*****[email protected] 578 tsm*****[email protected]
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80 bra*****[email protected] 180 dsm*****@gmail.com 280 jim*****@gmail.com 380 mar*****[email protected] 480 ric*****[email protected] 580 twe*****[email protected]
81 bra*****[email protected] 181 dut*****[email protected] 281 jim*****[email protected] 381 mar*****[email protected] 481 rjm*****[email protected] 581 unn*****[email protected]
82 bre*****[email protected] 182 dys*****[email protected] 282 jlt*****@gmail.com 382 mar*****[email protected] 482 rma*****gmail.com 582 utw*****@gmail.com
83 bre*****[email protected] 183 dzf*****gmail.com 283 job*****[email protected] 383 mar*****[email protected] 483 rob*****[email protected] 583 uzi*****[email protected]
84 bre*****[email protected] 184 eag*****[email protected] 284 jod*****[email protected] 384 mar*****[email protected] 484 rod*****[email protected] 584 va.*****[email protected]
85 bri*****[email protected] 185 eas*****[email protected] 285 joe*****gmail.com 385 mas*****[email protected] 485 ron*****[email protected] 585 vic*****[email protected]
86 bri*****[email protected] 186 eda*****@gmail.com 286 joe*****[email protected] 386 mat*****[email protected] 486 ros*****[email protected] 586 vor*****[email protected]
87 bri*****[email protected] 187 eib*****[email protected] 287 joe*****[email protected] 387 max*****[email protected] 487 ruf*****[email protected] 587 wai*****[email protected]
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89 bri*****[email protected] 189 eli*****[email protected] 289 jos*****[email protected] 389 mck*****@gmail.com 489 run*****[email protected] 589 wed*****@aol.com
90 bri*****[email protected] 190 eli*****[email protected] 290 jos*****[email protected] 390 mck*****[email protected] 490 rus*****[email protected] 590 wic*****[email protected]
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Recipe 1 on ESPN sees monstrous change; IndyCar excited in Phoenix An awesome few days of open-wheel dashing with two night races in the forsake, universes apart.
A couple weeks prior, I laid into ESPN for the way it took care of its first Formula 1 race communicate. I know I hit home with some of you since that article keeps on producing messages from the readership. So it is quite reasonable that I again put fingers to console early today on the grounds that the system completed a stunning piece of work demonstrating to us the Bahrain Grand Prix this end of the week.
The enormous change? Continuous scope from the warm-up lap directly through to the post-race meet on the platform. Those of you who recommended that the arrangement was finding a solitary patron for the whole communicated? Great reasoning—it appears that is precisely what happened. Moms' Polish ventured up and purchased the publicizing for the whole race, saving us the shaking background of business softens that cut up and out with no notice or recap. Also, what a distinction it made! Well done ESPN, and keep it up.
A key race, yet a decent one
Not at all like numerous different arrangement, F1 races are frequently an intricate round of technique that set aside opportunity to play out. What's more, this end of the week in Bahrain, we really got a holding fight. The Ferraris of Sebastian Vettel and Kimi Raikkonen had the crude speed to stake out the front column of the framework in qualifying, with the additional solace of realizing that Lewis Hamilton's Mercedes-AMG would begin with a five-put punishment because of a gearbox change on Friday.
Going into the race, everybody anticipated that would see the Ferraris split the 57-lap race up into three sections, halting for crisp tires twice. Vettel and Raikkonen began on the supersoft elastic, alongside Mercedes' Valteri Bottas. We accepted they would finish a short spell on these tires previously swapping to the delicate alternative, at that point come back to the supersofts for a short last stretch of extremely quick laps. The autos now would have consumed off the greater part of their fuel and consequently been at their lightest.
With Hamilton beginning further back in the pack, Mercedes selected to play the continuance amusement. He began the race on the delicate tire and looked set to finish the greater part of the race on the hardest compound Pirelli conveyed to Bahrain, the white-sidewalled medium compound. Vettel ceased first of the leaders, changing to the delicate tires on lap 18. Raikkonen did likewise a lap later, yet on lap 20 Mercedes played its cards, putting Bottas on the medium tires. Hamilton set on lap 26 (for a similar medium tires), and by the midpoint of the race, it was clear he most likely couldn't get Vettel.
Be that as it may, Bottas could. Vettel was going quick, however not sufficiently quick to give him the edge he expected to influence a moment pit to stop without being surpassed. So Ferrari settled on design B: Vettel would make his delicate tires last whatever remains of the race—an aggregate of 39 laps. What's more, he'd need to do it with no assistance from Raikkonen; on lap 35, the Finn came in for his second pit stop while everything turned out badly. Three delicate tires fell off and were supplanted by three crisp supersofts. Be that as it may, the left back wouldn't move. F1 pit stops are lighting quick—some place around the three-second range nowadays—and groups like Ferrari utilize a computerized framework to advise their drivers when it's a great opportunity to go ahead.
In any case, its framework works by checking when every one of the four wheels are safely affixed, and it couldn't tell that one of them was as yet the old tire—four secure wheel nuts equivalents "Go!" Raikkonen left his pit slow down on jumbled wheels—a major no-no—and to exacerbate the situation, the stubborn left back cut one of his mechanics, Francesco Cigarini, all the while. Raikkonen finished his race a couple of hundred feet up the pit path, Cigarini went to doctor's facility with a cracked shinbone and fibula, and Ferrari earned a $61,576 (€50,000) fine for a hazardous discharge.
Inside his auto, Vettel was beginning to sweat. As he related in the repercussions of the race, he understood it would have been close:
I went ahead the radio with around 10 laps to go and stated, "I have everything under control." I don't know whether they communicate that. Be that as it may, it was a lie; there was nothing under control! When they revealed to me the pace of Vatteri around then, there was no chance I could do that. I was making the maths inside the auto with 10 laps to go—at that pace, he will get me! I attempted to keep it as spotless as could reasonably be expected. Both Mercedes toward the finish of their stretches were extremely solid, as of now in the first. When they went onto the medium I imagined that is checkmate, since we needed to come in once more. That was the first arrangement, yet then we occupied clearly, and the tires, I attempted to make them last, breast fed them as much as I can, and it worked. Be that as it may, just!
The win is Vettel's 49th of his profession, and it occurred amid his 200th Formula 1 race. (Michael Schumacher, Jenson Button, Nico Rosberg, and Lewis Hamilton likewise each won their 200th F1 races.)
IndyCar excited in Phoenix
From a race held in a leave around evening time to another. Curiously, I really got an email from a peruser this end of the week about IndyCar. He wasn't content with NBC Sports' introduction of the race, especially concerning the issues the system was having with its sound blend—you could hear the autos a considerable measure superior to the pundits. Be that as it may, I'll admit, I truly delighted in the oval race in Phoenix. Sebastian Bourdais was straight from his win at the season opener in St. Petersburg, Florida, and he qualified his auto on the post. He and kindred Frenchman Simon Pagenaud ruled the initial 60 laps, at that point both had the mishap to reach mechanics when leaving their pits—fortunately neither brought about wounds like the Ferrari occurrence.
The mile-long ISM Raceway in Phoenix is the main oval race on the IndyCar plan, and by the later stages in the race, the marbles (the bits of elastic that take off the tires as they corrupt amid the race) had developed to the degree that surpassing was turning into a hazardous business. Ed Jones discovered this out the most difficult way possible on lap 229, attempting to move beyond a back marker. He finished his night in the divider, a miserable end to a solid race. That caused a late-race alert and set us up for a dash to the wrap up.
The dash came down to a two-route fight between protecting champion Josef Newgarden, driving for Penske, and arrangement new kid on the block Robert Wickens, some portion of a resurgent Schmidt Peterson Motorsports exertion. It's Wickens' first year in IndyCar, yet the skilled Canadian put over the most recent couple of years in the wildly focused DTM arrangement in Germany (think German NASCAR) where he won a few races. He additionally relatively won his presentation IndyCar in St Pete yet was taken out by an excessively driven move by Alexander Rossi in the end phases of that one.
Wickens drove the restart, trailed by his partners James Hinchcliffe and Rossi, every one of the three on worn tires. Each of the three shunned halting amid the last alert, picking rather to keep track position. Newgarden opted for new elastic and made brisk work of Rossi and Hinchcliffe. Yet, Wickens—driving in his first oval race, recollect—completed an amazing activity of holding the youthful American champion under control for three laps. In the long run the unavoidable happened, and Newgarden overcame the high line thus 2 to get the lead on lap 246, completing the race four laps later with a three-second lead. Wickens clutched second, with Rossi third.
The differentiations between this present end of the week's F1 and IndyCar completes were a decent delineation of the contrasts between the arrangement. I frequently discuss the way each dashing arrangement needs to adjust three contending requests: being a game, being a building exercise, and being great diversion. I don't believe there's one right recipe, and each game needs to choose for itself what the blend ought to be. At the present time, on the off chance that you need edge-of-your-situate, yell at-the-screen energy, IndyCar has you secured (the autos likewise look tremendous this year). Furthermore, if Bahrain would anything say anything was to pass by, might F1 give us a cerebral clash of procedure to last the 2018 season? I positively trust so.
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Weekly Market Recap Dec 10, 2017
Before we talk about the stodgy ole stock market, anyone see that Bitcoin? $11K last week – $16K this week…. and as I write this bitcoin futures are up over $18K. Just another week in the life…. (here is what you need to know about bitcoin futures)
Back to your regularly scheduled program… the S&P 500 rested a bit while a small correction rolled through the massive winners of 2017 in mega cap tech land, but in the end all was well again by Friday.
“The Nasdaq Composite Index was getting a little frothy, so it’s not surprising to see that some details in the proposed tax bill that would impact tech companies turned out to be a catalyst for a selloff in these stocks over the past few sessions,” said Quincy Krosby, chief market strategist at Prudential Financial.
The retention of the corporate alternative minimum tax in the Senate version of the Republicans’ tax bill has been seen as a factor in tech-stock selling. The House’s bill repealed the corporate AMT, but in a last-minute switch before passing its bill early Saturday morning, the Senate decided to keep the provision.
Still good sailing otherwise… for the week the S&P 500 gained 0.35% while the NASDAQ fell 0.1%.
“Getting the tax plan done will still be a challenge, but it doesn’t seem as impossible as it once did, and now there’s optimism that it could happen before the end of the year, which means it could be made retroactive and change the liability for companies and individuals for this year as well as next, which would be a positive,” said Randy Frederick, vice president of trading and derivatives for Charles Schwab.
In economic news, ISM Services fell to 57.4 in November from a 12 year high of 60.1 in October. The U.S. created 228,000 jobs in November, surpassing the 200,000 that had been expected, according to the nonfarm payroll report. The unemployment rate held at 4.1% while wages rose 0.2%.
“The report all around is pretty hard to argue with,” said Dan North, chief economist at Euler Hermes North America. “But there is one important thing that’s missing: wage growth.” Construction firms and manufacturers, for instance, both boosted hiring last month after home building and production recovered from storm-related disruptions. Builders added 23,000 new jobs and manufacturers created 31,000 new positions. Professional-related work and health-care jobs also saw strong gains again. Most other industries saw little change.
“The jobs reports highlights the Goldilocks environment: continued growth but no profit pressure of rising labor costs,” said Tina Byles Williams, chief investment officer at FIS Group.
Note the move in the financial stocks (and volume) spike once it became clear the financial lobbyists had inserted all their goodies into the competing tax plans… err, I mean tax cuts for the middle class were assured.
Here is the 5 day weekly “intraday” chart of the S&P 500 … not via Jill Mislinski.
This is fascinating:
$10,000 invested in the S&P 500 at the start of 1996 would’ve grown to $43,930 by the end of 2016, assuming the investor took a buy-and-hold strategy. That’s an annualized return of about 8.19%. Miss the five best days of that period, however, and the amount you’re left with shrinks by more than a third, to $29,145, which represents annualized gains of 5.99% from the initial $10,000. The more “best days” you’re not invested for, the worse off the end result looks. If you missed the top 30 sessions of that 20-year period, in fact, you would’ve lost money, with your initial $10,000 investment shrinking to a little over $9,000. Of course the same holds for missing the worst days in the market.
The week ahead…
The Federal Reserve is widely expected to deliver its third and final rate increase of 2017 in the coming week:
The Fed’s two day policy meeting will end on Wednesday, with the announcement of its policy decision at 2 p.m. Eastern. The announcement will be followed by Yellen’s last news conference as Fed chief. at 2:30 p.m.
The only major economic report is retail sales on Wednesday. Tax reform negotiations will continue to capture the markets attention — as will Bitcoin!
Index charts:
Short term: The S&P 500 continued onward as the NASDAQ is a bit weaker.
The Russell 2000 consolidated some big gains.
The NYSE McClellan Oscillator flipped to negative mid week – keep an eye on it.
Long term: Unicorns and rainbows continue.
Charts of interest / Big Movers:
Monday, Digital Power Corp (DPW) jumped 91% after the company said its Coolisys Technologies unit launched a line of power systems for cryptocurrency mining. I am sure most of the “investors” in the stock that day had no idea what that meant, but what does it matter when we are in a mania? We’re at the stage where any press release with text cryptocurrency is going to send algorithms and humanoids hitting BUY BUY BUY instantly. Boo yah!
General Cable Corp (BGC) soared 35% Monday after Italy’s cable maker Prysmian said it would buy the cable manufacturer in a deal that values it at around $3 billion.
Thursday, Lending Club (LC) tumbled 15% after the company lowered its outlook for the fourth quarter and delivered a lower-than-expected forecast for next year.
Sage Therapeutics (SAGE) rallied a cool 73% Thursday.
Sage Therapeutics Inc. stock soared more than 73% Thursday to mark its biggest-ever one-day price and percentage gain, after the company reported positive results in a midstage trial of a treatment for severe depression that could offer doctors a new mechanism to treat the disease.
The company said the Phase 2 trial of its Sage-217 drug involving 89 adult patients with moderate to severe major depressive disorder (MDD) met its primary and secondary endpoints. Patients showed a statistically significant mean reduction in the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression after just 14 days of treatment compared with the placebo. The drug was well-tolerated with no serious or adverse events, said Sage.
“With the caveat of cross-trial comparisons, this difference is both larger — and attained faster — than what’s observed for other antidepressants today,” Leerink analysts wrote in a note, as they raised their stock price target to $246 from $123, equal to 53% above its current trading level.
RBC analysts went a step further, raising their stock price target to $280 and forecasting further gains, “and good likelihood of takeout at premium to current levels.”
Friday, American Outdoor Brands (AOBC) tumbled 9.5% after the gun maker late Thursday reported a drop in profit and forecast continued struggles amid “challenging market conditions.”
Have a great week and we’ll see you back here Sunday!
Original article: Weekly Market Recap Dec 10, 2017.
from Blog – StockTrader.com http://ift.tt/2jOroC3 via IFTTT
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أهم حدثين اليوم في سوق الفوركس… تقرير التوظيف والقمة الامريكية الصينية
أهم حدثين اليوم في سوق الفوركس… تقرير التوظيف والقمة الامريكية الصينية
خلال الساعات القادمة سيكون هناك حدثين هامين قد يكون لهما تأثير كبير على حركة الاسعار في سوق العملات الاجنبية وعلى زوج العملة الدولار الأمريكي/ الين الياباني USD/JPY على وجه التحديد. فخلال الأسبوعين ونصف الأسبوع الماضي، كان تداول الدولار الأمريكي/ الين الياباني USD/JPY في نطاق تداول سعته 200 بيب. وبطبيعة الحال، لا يعتبر هذا هو زوج العملة الوحيد الذي يستعد لاتخاذ خطوة كبيرة وغنما يوجد أيضًا زوج اليورو مقابل الدولار الأمريكي (اليورو/ دولار أمريكي EUR/USD) و الدولار الامريكي/ الفرنك السويسري USD/CHF واللذان يتداولان في نطاقات أضيق. ويمكن أن يؤدي تقرير التوظيف الامريكي بغير القطاع الزراعي اليوم، واليوم الثاني للقمة بين الرئيس ترامب و الرئيس الصيني شي إلى حدوث حركات سعرية هامة في السوق. وتوضح لنا حركة السعر المتماسكة في الدولار أن المستثمرين لا يعرفون ما يجب عليهم تصديقه – تقرير التوظيف الأمريكي بالقطاع الخاص ADP أم مؤشر مؤسسة إدارة الدعم الامريكية (ISM). وارتفعت كشوف المرتبات للشركات في شهر مارس وفقا إلى تقرير التوظيف الأمريكي بالقطاع الخاص ADP ولكن كان نمو الوظائف أبطأ منذ أغسطس وفقا لما جاء ي مؤشر مؤسسة إدارة الدعم الامريكية (ISM) . ونحن نعلم أن تقرير مؤسسة إدارة الدعم الامريكية (ISM) له علاقة أقوى مع تقرير التوظيف الأمريكي بغير القطاع الزراعي، ولكن القائمة التالية تبين أن الأدلة المؤيدة لقوة تقرير التوظيف الأمريكي بغير القطاع الزراعي تتجاوز بكثير الأدلة المؤيدة لضعف تقرير التوظيف الأمريكي بغير القطاع الزراعي. في الواقع، لا يوجد سوى سببان لعدم قدرة تقرير التوظيف الامريكي على تسجيل قراءة متوافقة مع التوقعات – الأول أن نمو الوظائف كان قويا جدا خلال الشهرين الماضيين والثاني هو انخفاض مؤشر مؤسسة إدارة الدعم الامريكية (ISM) بغير قطاع الصناعات التحويلية. ارتفع المتوسط المتحرك لأربعة أسابيع لمعدلات الشكاوى من البطالة بشكل طفيف ولكن كما تظهر بيانات اليوم، فإن الشكاوى من البطالة سجلت أدنى مستوى لها خلال 5 أسابيع.
يعتبر التداول بالاعتماد على تقرير التوظيف الأمريكي بغير القطاع الزراعي صعبًا بسبب كل المكونات الأساسية. وفي الأشهر الأخيرة، ركز المستثمرون أساسا على متوسط الاجور في الساعة. وكان نمو الأجور أقل من التوقعات الشهر الماضي، وإذا تسارعت في مارس، فسوف يرتفع الدولار إذا سجل تقرير التوظيف الامريكي بغير القطاع الزراعي قراءة متوافقة مع التوقعات أو اعلى منها. حتى لو تباطأ نمو الوظائف إلى 160 ألف وارتفعت الأجور ، فسوف ترتفع مستويات الطلب على الدولار . ومع ذلك، إذا تباطأ نمو الأجور، حتى وإن سجل تقرير التوظيف الأمريكي بغير القطاع الزراعي قراءة 225 ألف، فقد لا يكون هذا كافيًا لإنقاذ الدولار. فقط إن فاق الارتفاع زيادة الشهر الماضي يمكن أن يكون هذا كافيا لتعويض التباطؤ بنسبة 0.1٪. إذا سجلت الأجور نمو بنفس الوتيرة التي كانت في فبراير، فقد تصبح القراءة الأساسية أكثر أهمية. ومن الصعب التنبؤ بالجزء الاكثر أهمية من تقرير اليوم . وفيما يلي نظرة على أداء المؤشرات القيادية لتقرير التوظيف الأمريكي بغير القطاع الزراعي:
نظرة عامة على تقرير التوظيف الامريكي بغير القطاع الزراعي:
الأدلة التي تعتبر لصالح احتمالية قوة تقرير التوظيف الأمريكي
1. سجلت تقارير تشالنجر ارتفاع أقل في تسريح العمالة
2. انخفضت معدلات الشكاوى المستمرة من البطالة قليلا بالمقارنة مع فبراير
3. سجل تقرير التوظيف الأمريكي بالقطاع الخاص ADP قراءة 263 ألف مقابل التوقعات بقراءة 246 ألف
4. ارتفع مؤشر ثقة المستهلك الأمريكي من جامعة ميتشجان
5. سجل مؤشر ثقة المستهلك من كونفرنس بورد أعلى مستوياته خلال 17 عام .
6. سجل التوظيف في مؤشر مؤسسة إدارة الدعم الامريكية (ISM) بقطاع الصناعات التحويلية أقوى مستوى له منذ سبتمبر 2013
الأدلة التي تعتبر لصالح احتمالية ضعف تقرير التوظيف الأمريكي
1. ارتفعت المتوسط المتحرك للشكاوى من البطالة الأسبوعية لأربعة أسابيع منذ فبراير
2. انخفض بند التوظيف في مؤشر مؤسسة إدارة الدعم الامريكية (ISM) بغير قطاع الصناعات التحويلية إلى أدنى مستوياته منذ أغسطس
وبالاضافة الى تقرير الوظائف الامريكية، سيعقد الرئيس ترامب والرئيس الصيني شي مؤتمرا صحفيا اليوم (لم يتم تحديد الوقت) ويمكن أن يكون لنتائج هذا الاجتماع تأثير كبير على الاسواق المالية. وأفضل سيناريو في هذه حالة هو أن يتصافح كلاهم ويتبادلان الابتسامة ويتحدثان عن علاقة أقوى. و إذا انتهى الاجتماع بالمؤتمر الصحفي المحرج نفسه الذي حدث مع المستشارة الألماني ميركل، فلن تكون الأسواق سعيدة ويمكن أن تتعرض معدلات الرغبة في المخاطرة إلى الضغط السلبي مما يعني المزيد من الخسائر لزوج العملة الدولار الأمريكي / الين الياباني وغيرها من العملات الي ينطوي على تداولها مخاطر عالية.
كما سيلعب الدولار الأمريكي / الدولار الكندي في حركة الأسعار في سوق الفوركس أيضا دورًا اليوم حيث سيتم الاعلان عن تقرير التوظيف الكندي . كان أداء الدولار الكندي جيد اليوم على خلفية ارتفاع أسعار النفط ولكن إذا تباطأ نمو الوظائف، فيمكن أن يحقق الدولار الأمريكي/ الدولار الكندي USD/CAD تداولات أخرى عند 1.35. في الشهر الماضي، ارتفع العمل بدوام كامل بمقدار 105 ألف، والتي كانت أقوى زيادة خلال 20 عاما على الأقل. ودفعت هذه القفزة معدل البطالة إلى أدنى مستوى له خلال عامين. بعد مثل هذا التحسن الكبير، من المرجح أن يكون هناك تصحيح . وفي أعقاب صدور تقرير الميزان التجاري الذي جاء بضعف مفاجئ، يمكن أن يرتفع الدولار الأمريكي/ الدولار الكندي USD/CAD بسبب الانخفاض الكبير في التوظيف والوظائف بدوام كامل على وجه الخصوص. وانخفض الدولار الاسترالي على خلفية البيانات الصينية التي جاءت أضعف من التوقعات فضلا عن انخفاض أسعار السلع . وفقا لمجلة ، تباطأ النشاط الاقتصادي في الصين في شهر مارس حيث تراجع مؤشر مديري المشتريات المركب إلى 52.2 من 52.6. وانخفضت أسعار الذهب والنحاس والحديد الخام أيضا. و من ناحية أخرى قضى الدولار النيوزيلندي التداول يوم أمس في نطاق ضيق وانتهت جلسة التداول الأمريكية دون تغيير مقابل الدولار الأمريكي.
انخفض اليورو إلى الحد السفلي من نطاق تداوله الأخير بعد البيانات الأضعف من التوقعات والتعليقات الحذرة من البنك المركزي الأوروبي. ولا يزال رئيس البنك المركزي الأوروبي دراجي قلقا بشأن التضخم – وقال إنه من الواضح أنه من السابق لأوانه الإعلان عن النجاح في التضخم، وأن البنك بحاجة إلى مزيد من الثقة في التضخم لتغيير موقفه. وعلى هذا النحو، فإنه لا يرى حاجة إلى الانحراف عن صياغة الإرشاد المستقبلي على الرغم من أن ميزان مخاطر النمو يبدو أنه يتحول الى الصعود. ويوافق عضو البنك المركزي الأوروبي كونستانسيو على أنه من السابق لأوانه الإعلان عن النجاح في التضخم، ويعتقد برايت أن أسعار الفائدة يجب أن تبقى عند المستوى الحالي أو أقل بعد التسهيل الكمي. وأصدر البنك المركزي الأوروبي محضر اجتماع السياسة النقدية في 8 و 9 مارس، ووفقا للتقرير، رأى مشرعو السياسة النقدية أن إلغاء تحيزهم الهبوطي في مارس أمر سابق لأوانه حيث يرى البعض أن التوقعات الأساسية مفرطة في التفاؤل. ومع أخذ ذلك في الاعتبار، فقد اتفقوا على ضرورة إجراء مناقشة بشأن التطبيع في المستقبل. والاستنتاج الاساسي من كل هذا هو استمرار البنك المركزي الأوروبي في الميل الى السياسة النقدية الميسرة. وكانت البيانات الاقتصادية جيدة ولكن ليست كبيرة وهذا ما أكده الارتداد الأقل من التوقعات في أوامر المصانع الألمانية.
دفع تجار الاسترليني زوج العملة الباوند البريطاني/ الدولار الأمريكي GBP/USD في نهاية المطاف إلى 1.25 ولكنه تراجع سريعًا عن هذا المستوى الرئيسي. ولم تصدر تقارير اقتصادية عن المملكة المتحدة ولكنه تغير هذا اليوم مع الاعلان عن الإنتاج الصناعي وأسعار المنازل والميزان التجاري . وعلى الرغم من اهمية هذه البيانات، إلا أن الخطوة الحقيقية في الباوند البريطاني/ الدولار الأمريكي GBP/USD سيتم تحديدها من قِبَل تقرير التوظيف الأمريكي بغير القطاع الزراعي اليوم.
from مدونة فوركس | ادارة حسابات | اخبار فوركس | جدول اقتصادي | توصيات فوركس http://ift.tt/2p9131L via توصيات فوركس
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Dólar fecha em queda, vendido a R$ 3,14
O dólar fechou em leve queda nesta quarta-feira (1º), acompanhando a movimentação no exterior. No início da tarde, houve um repique de alta ante o real decorrente de sinais de fortalecimento da economia norte-americana, com base em indicadores do mercado de trabalho e do setor industrial dos Estados Unidos. Esse movimento perdeu força enquanto os investidores aguardavam a decisão de política monetária do Federal Reserve em meio à expectativa, confirmada em seguida, de que o comunicado traria poucos argumentos para um ciclo de aperto mais duro.
No mercado à vista, o dólar terminou em baixa de 0,22%, aos R$ 3,1433, destoando da máxima de R$ 3,1630 (+0,40%). A divisa encerrou a sessão também com alguma distância da mínima, de R$ 3,1334 (-0,53%), registrada no começo do dia. De acordo com dados registrados na clearing da BM&FBovespa, o volume de negócios somou US$ 1,486 bilhão.
Em seu comunicado, o Fed repetiu que espera apenas alta gradual na taxa de juros do país. Hoje, os juros foram mantidos num intervalo entre 0,50% e 0,75%, por decisão unânime. A autoridade monetária norte-americana informou que continua monitorando os indicadores de inflação e que os preços ao consumidor subiram nos recentes trimestres, mas continuam abaixo da meta de 2%. O documento não citou o nome do novo presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, nem o novo governo do país.
O contrato futuro de dólar mais líquido, com vencimento em março, teve mais tempo para reagir ao comunicado e renovou as mínimas da sessão. Nos menores valores do dia, chegou a R$ 3,1480, em queda de 0,69%, antes de fechar em baixa de 0,63%, aos R$ 3,1500. O ativo movimentou US$ 13,012 bilhões e, na máxima, registrou R$ 3,1840 (+0,44%).
O recuo do dólar e a cautela mostrada pelo Fed contrastam com o cenário sugerido no começo da tarde de fortalecimento da economia dos Estados Unidos. Entre os destaques, o setor privado norte-americano criou 82 mil vagas a mais que o esperado em janeiro. No total, foram abertos 246 mil postos de trabalho, ante projeção de analistas de abertura de 164 mil vagas.
Os números do setor industrial nos EUA também surpreenderam positivamente. O Instituto para a Gestão da Oferta (ISM, na sigla em inglês) informou que a atividade na indústria norte-americana avançou para o maior patamar em dois anos, superando as expectativas dos analistas. O indicador avançou de 54,5 em dezembro para 56,0 em janeiro, frente a projeção de 55,0.
http://ift.tt/2kX2JZT http://ift.tt/2kxNSIv http://ift.tt/2jK92PF
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