two-person-job · 3 months
assigning songs from my latest romance playlist to mine and my friends' selfships :}
@lexisism @milk-violet @floraldresvi
it got a lot longer than I thought. so. have fun! <3
best friend - laufey
kavexis or verali. definitely an alexis selfship. the parts that are more about how you're best friends reminds me of kavexis, but the parts that are lovingly insulting feels more reminiscent of verali
magnolia - laufey
this song is about yoimiya. or it's mizuha and it's kazuha thinking about mirei. a lot of this song feels more like poetry than lyrics?? which leads me to say that kazuha would hear it whenever he sees mirei.
death, thrice drawn - the scary jokes
baivi? verali? I can't really place this one. but. when I think selfships with lots of pining, baivi and verali come to mind!!
jeanine - the scary jokes
kavexis angst where both alexis and kaveh are feeling overwhelmed and end up kinda neglecting each other. with the line "love is just a name for you to call me by", this song talks about how though they are still acting in love, the feelings are starting to fade. it also goes into someone being emotionally absent, and not being vulnerable enough for the other. both people are stuck in a space between "I can't find time to talk to them" and "they can't find time to talk to them", and lots of conflicting "it's my fault/I shouldn't be to blame here" thoughts. one of the last lines is "just like the smote cedars in the yard, I have fallen so hard for you" which shows that yes, they are in love. yes, they adore their s/o. but. it's not a love that is gentle anymore, it's hard to live with and difficult to manage. very "I love you, but at what cost?"
starstruck - the scary jokes
this song has a permanent spot in my shroomsym playlist for a myriad of reasons!!!! firstly. sylvia is being depicted as a figure who shows enough to be admired, but never enough to be known. that's sym for a while!! and the entire song is just someone gushing and wondering about her.
no leverage / no pleasure - the scary jokes
scarayui because of the "I just can't have a normal heart" line and all that's added onto that. with all the scaramouche lore I know very little about, I believe this fits his character? loving, despite it being against his nature? but since yui isn't on tumblr anymore. this is actually really hard wait. this could lead off of the kavexis angst from "jeanine"?? i'll go with that dfjdjdfk
crushed out on soda beach - the scary jokes
shroomiya angst because. the first lines "I tried just burning the whole thing down today / but decisiveness is such a foreign tenant to my psyche" represents someone trying to break up with their partner, but being too indecisive to do so. later on in the song, it goes "you called my bluff / I love you too much / would you please stay with me? / cause after all is said and done / I want you here, stay with me!" this song is representative of wanting the end of the bad parts of a relationship, but not the good parts. it's about wanting the relationship you used to have, wanting to go back to when everything was normal and better than normal because it was beautiful. "I could hardly stand under the weight of my little crush on you" shows how much yearning can take a toll on someone.
bets against the void - the scary jokes
baivi angst this time. "these days your light beam penetrate / the sorrowed skin that i've been living in". baizhu's condition is getting worse, but vi and everyone else's love and care for him motivates him to try to be everything he could be. "but still I wait for piercing pain / i'll feel when your feelings fade / I feel so good today" he knows that all of the good he feels now is temporary. when vi's gone, or busy, or tired, or sick herself, he feels worse. but how is he supposed to push that onto her? when they both feel so good today, isn't that all that can really matter? "the sun is just a copper coin / I flip in bets against the void / imitating choice / 'til I feel good again / i'll keep them in a tin can / then i'll have copper coins to spend" baizhu's trying to find optimism in vi, in qiqi, in everyone who comes to bubu pharmacy, and he is, he really is, but it's getting difficult to find much more meaning in that optimism. he has all of the little memories from people he's known and loved and cared for, but he doesn't have much to do with them. "will you remember me / when our spirits scatter off?" will you remember him, when he can't remember you? when he isn't there? when he can't be everything you deserve? when he loses all he was? "I know I'm an artist / 'cause I just can't stand the thought / that a love as beautiful as ours / could be forgotten" he knows you'll never forget. and that's just why he wants you too. he wants you to be able to move on a live a life as amazing as it always was. but he also knows that you won't be able to do that. so he will make sure you remember your love as beautiful, and make sure to pass it on to everyone you continue to meet.
anata no koibito ni naritai - choo kyuu mei
MIZUHA!!!!! "koi ni ochite iru" THAT DAY I FELL IN LOVE! "kocchi wo mite yo!" LOOK THIS WAY! "choco yori amai! ondo de tokeru!" SWEETER THAN CHOCOLATE, YOUR WARMTH MAKES ME MELT! ik the translation is rough but!!!! KOI NI OCHITE IRU!!!! THAT DAY I FELL IN LOVE!!! KOIBITO NI NARITAI! I WANT TO BE YOUR PARTNER! I want to make a mizuha animatic of you two falling in love.. and being in love.. and that day you fell in love!
also dreszhu. though I know little about it, I like the idea of baizhu seeing dresvi and going "OMG SHES SO BEAUTIFUL" before regaining his composure lol
what will you leave behind (end titles) - max LL and maude plante-husaruk
spiritfarer is everything to me. BUT this song feels like shroomsym and baivi!! for shroomsym, sym is immortal. there is a way to become immortal with him! this song is about loss, about moving on, about grief, and about getting over it and learning how to lovingly remember instead of feeling constant grief. immortality comes with watching the death of all your favorite people, but the last line "but it's ok, we'll be together my friend" would be how sym would be there through it all.
with baivi though!!! baivi is the sort of couple that goes through and sees everything. they grow old together, watch friends come and go, watch relationships blossom and deteriorate, see the landscape around them shift and change, and learn every little thing they can, and more. they guide each other through every difficulty, every problem they may ever have. and they make their own world, out of love and beauty and patches of everyone and everything in their lives. baivi is a couple that grows old together.
hikouki gumo - yumi arai
kavexis. alexis gets to see all of kaveh's dreams up close, everything he wants and everything he does to reach those wants. hikouki gumo is the ending song of "the wind rises", about an aeronautical engineer (I think?) who falls in love with a woman with tuberculosis. though he stays with her as much as possible, she doesn't survive. however, they get to love in the most beautiful ways possible. they love in paper airplanes, they love in carefully-chosen gifts, they love in dropping everything to see each other, they love in spite of everything that encourages them not to. they love no matter what may happen. that's kavexis to me, passion and dreams and unconditional love. kaveh would do anything for alexis, and all she wants is for him to love her. "i've loved you since the wind brought you to me" is my favorite quote from that movie, and I think it suits kavexis :}
itsudemo dare ka ga - shang shang typhoon
sunvi? this is the ending song of "pom poko", and is playing during a lot of friends reuniting. I feel like sunvi is about never truly being apart, only in different places. this song talks about never forgetting the name of the people who loved you. sunvi is about remembering. remembering favorites and dislikes, anniversaries and birthdays, names and relations. everything that matters, and everything that doesn't. because if it's connected to someone you love, is anything really insignificant?
le temps des cerises - cora vaucaire
this is a song that plays in "porco rosso"! the woman that sings it in in love with the main character, though he feels as if he will never be good enough for anything. he has too much guilt about his past mistakes, and doesn't want anything bad to befall someone he cares about, so he stops caring. but she persists, and I think that's very reminiscent of a possible mizuha or pantalovi au. for mizuha, kazuha feels as if he isn't stable enough for relationships. also everything that happened with tomo, he doesn't want that to happen to mirei. but she doesn't care. all she cares for is kazuha, and that's what matters to her. slowly, she teaches kazuha that she loves him with all the risks he may see in being close to someone. as long as they get to be together, she'll be happy, and so will he. pantalovi has something similar, with how pantalone is in the fatui and all. how could that end up in safety for vi? how could he make sure she'd be ok? by not involving himself with her, is his first thought. but similar to mirei, vi is persistent! she will love freely! and he will have to learn to accept that. and he does, because he loves her. pantalone will make sure NOTHING bad ever happens to vi, who appreciates the sentiment, but once again similar to mirei, won't mind what happens as long as she is with him.
socks - out of luck
MY FAVORITE SONG FOR SHROOMIYA!!!! "what's up? how you been? / I wanna be so much more than friends!" lots of realizing you're in love and wanting to confess and not being good at telling someone you love them but trying anyways!! wanting to be with someone forever and never being forgotten and sharing things that only you and them know! yoimiya reminds me of giggling into pillows at a sleepover, and that's what this song also feels like!! failed confessions and flustered glances!!
i do adore - mindy gledhill
baivi. vi is so deeply in love with baizhu that him just asking her about her day makes her a blushing mess!!! they're different in so many ways, but not in a way that sparks argument, in a way of someone who's always cold has someone who's always warm!! they compliment each other in such a personal way, it feels as if they were made for each other!! no matter how many times vi fails at telling baizhu how she feels, or how much he means to her, he understands. he is able to tell by the absolute adoration radiating off of her, that all her words are laced with love.
sakura kiss - chieko kawabe
i put the ohshc intro on here because of who this playlist is about jhsdjh. but also mizuha kavexis and shroomiya are all couples who would shout these lyrics at a sleepover turned karaoke night. KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE!
pretty girl - clairo
high school au baivi, kavexis, and shroomiya. helpless girls + kaveh who'd do anything for their favorite person.
for baivi, vi would see him in the halls, and it'd start off as just a little hallway crush. but she'd find herself constantly looking for him, trying to find out what he likes, what he doesn't, who he's close with, who he isn't. she's writing him little love notes to stick in his locker, and though she's been found doing this by a multitude of people, none have told baizhu!! she thinks. one day, one day, she'll find the courage to tell him how she feels. (and one day, one day, baizhu will find the courage to strike up a conversation with you) this could also work with sunvi + pantalovi but I think it's cuter with baivi <3
for kavexis this song fills my brain with the image of kaveh in fluffy pajamas and looking at his phone, which has a message from alexis that says something like "thank you!!" and he's blushing because SHE saw worth in HIM and thinks that HE was worth not one, but TWO. WHOLE. EXCLAMATION POINTS!!! they might as well have gotten married already!!! kaveh is so hopeless and in love with Alexis, and thinks that she's so out of his league!! but she thinks the same about him. so they're both stuck in the pining stage with a VERY annoyed alhaitham.
for shroomiya. I would do anything for her!! I'll make her snacks!! this is affection in the form of simple acts of love that are filled with adoration, mistakes made to make someone laugh, and endearing habits belonging to someone you love. I could be her pretty girl!!!
kool - meet me @ the altar
honestly? kavexis. both of them think that the other is so cool! that the other should look in the mirror and think about how beautiful they are! both are such daydreamers, and could spend the entire day just thinking about the other. but they'd much prefer being with them, thinking about them is a good temporary substitute. pining and doesn't know the other feels just like them!!
cat serenade - beetlebug
MIZUHA MIZUHA MIZUHA MIZUHA!!!!! "I've never been the kind to fall in love / it's just me and a couple of fleas and that's all I want" HE NEVER WANTED TO STAY IN JUST ONE PLACE BUT IF IT MEANS ANOTHER DAY WITH YOU HED STAY A CENTURY! kazuha slowly realizes again what it's like to find a home not in a place but in a person, and finds himself imagining all the places he'll go with mirei. he'd go fishing with mirei. go to liyue with beidou and mirei. search for flowers for mirei. everything has mirei added on, and honestly? he doesn't mind. he could use a couple more years of his life, if it means those years will be with you.
honey jet coaster - nasuo and route BLUE - yuki nakashima and kawaii dake ja nai - nasuo
shikimori intro and outro. and the shikimori-themed song. that means baivi. highschool au baivi again where everything with vi or baizhu apart of it is beautiful! everything has to be about the other, and if it's not, then they'll find a way to make it!! every single thing baizhu does is endearing. every bite of food vi takes baizhu finds himself smiling at. ik I compare you to shikimori a lot vi but I think it would be reversed? like. yes ur like shikimori. but for the Cool Person/sweetie who's madly in love with the Cool Person dynamic of shikimori and izumi, baizhu would be the shikimori. while baizhu is always making sure that vi is ok, that she doesn't accidentally hurt herself, that she isn't overworking herself, she's making sure that he doesn't have to worry!! vi's doing everything she can to take care of herself so baizhu doesn't have to constantly worry himself over her, but he still does. and whenever vi tries to bring up possibly being a nuisance to him, he shuts it down before she can get the full sentence out. he worries because he loves her. he worries because she matters to him. he couldn't imagine a world without her, and doesn't want to.
every little thing - cybergirlfriend
shroomiya and mizuha. mirei would GUSH about everything kazuha does!! his handwriting, the way his voice gets softer when he talks directly to her, the way he looks at her with a warm smile after grabbing her hand.. anything and everything she can think of!! and I'm never going to have an empty mind when yoimiya's around. it's always full of thoughts of her!!! <33
biri-biri - yoasobi
i can't say yoasobi without also saying mirei. which is why this is another mizuha song. she's waiting!! she's hoping!! she's anticipating what kazuha will say, do, and everything else about him!!! when will she see him again? what will he say next? where is he right now? when will he hold her hand again? she's always wondering!! and he always has the answer, and it's always "whenever and whatever you want".
shake & shake - sumia
this is the intro to a really weird anime that me and someone else are watching together so I put it on the playlist. anyways this is shroomiya. we'd watch the anime together and laugh at how weird and i'd teach her the choreography in the intro <3
chicken noodle - small crush
kavexis? verali? for kavexis, kaveh is the mess. nothing goes right for him, except for alexis. she's the right in his world of wrongs. when he falls in the mud, she picks him back up and cleans him up. when he loses something, she spends hours helping him find it. he's a mess, but you're the best.
for verali it's swapped. I love you alexis but from what I know of verali you'd be the mess <3 she struggles with falling asleep on time, and he texts her at exactly 10:30pm to go to bed without being prompted to do so. he brushes her hair when she forgets to. he always makes sure that her working space is clean. whenever alexis asks him why, he tells her that he's just doing the bare minimum.
signal dreams - small crush
shroomsym!! "i would rather be living in a dream / if that's the only way I could get close to you" anything for you! everything for you! dedicating your days to someone who doesn't know that you think of them the amount that you do! doing things for someone that they'll never know of! picturing yourself with someone you think will never look your way again!!! he's a dream, and i'm doing fine asleep.
freshman year - small crush
sunvi. vi getting her view on everything skewed. she's having to get used to a new life, a new place, new people and nothing she can do to make the scenario more comfortable. but sunday can do something. so he does, and makes her feel as welcome as he can. he makes sure that she is loved properly, and cared for in the way she needs to be. "but I wish I knew then what I know now" if only she always knew how much sunday would do for her. (he'd do anything)
rumblin tummy - small crush
i swear I didn't plan for it to end like this but. tbh. this fits with everyone.
shroomiya: similar feelings to socks!! i'd never waste a day if it's spent with you! <3 no emotions are useless, no words are meaningless, because they're for her. everything is about her. everything is for her.
baivi: days upon days upon weeks months years and lifetimes spent with each other. spent sighing and dreaming and falling in love too many times to count, and then falling in love again!!! finding new ways to say I love you every day, and new ways to reciprocate.
kavexis: kavexis actually really feels like a couple who has a lot of accidental synchronization!! complimenting outfits, texting each other at the same time, confessions piling over each other because you were both so adamant that the other spoke first.
mizuha: making sure that the other is always cared for. during any absence, any reason for not being together, they are both always secure and excited to see each other again. and they always do, they always, always reunite.
shroomsym: I'm never ever going to be free from him, and honestly, I don't mind. I'd waste all my time finding him, talking to him, and thinking about him while I'm not with him.
sunvi: making space for each other, making time for each other, anything to accommodate to your beloved. because that's what you are to each other. everything you do, is in honor of them. sunvi feels like the type of couple to always be intertwined with each other, when you see sunday, vi is not too far behind. when you see vi, sunday was just making his way over with a bag of food and a kiss for the crown of vi's head.
verali: though he may deny it at times, veritas lives for all of alexis' mannerisms. everything she does fills him with love. everything she says makes him so, so happy. he'd really love it if he were able to just be with her for the rest of his life.
pantalovi: he always makes sure that vi is taken care of, because that is always the top priority. vi is everything to him, and he's everything to her. how could either of them be any less? when all of their spare time is spent on the other, how could there ever be any doubts that their love is less than unconditional and absolute?
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lexisism · 2 months
alnst au with verali where Alexios stabs themself so Veritas gets the automatic win
(Canon death w/ alnst)
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martyrette · 9 months
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Non-binary elfin folk are back on the menu. Today’s dish: Veralie! No last name yet. No backstory (other than Dark Urge playthru) only a hot bitch trying to do the right thing. Ft. @dukecryptgore ‘s Kobra Kai Half-Orc, Swogh.
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mauvefaeries · 2 years
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lavenderarts · 1 year
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Decided nothing matters and cringe isn't real so I might as well fill out a rainbow of fantrolls (who all so happen to be women/fem bc I'm gay) for funsies
In color order they're called Verali, Aerlie, Marava, Aveste, Tarahi, Talaya, Adhara, Atypae, Kirinn, Bisque, Nautia, and Chroma I designed the goldblood, limeblood, oliveblood, and violetblood; the rest are various adopts I've acquired :^)
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alekav · 2 months
Any Kavexis or Verali crumbs? 🥺❤️💕
i’m sososososososososoososososo happy to see you alive :3 <3 i missed you vivi sorry i havent been chatting :( moods been down pretty low lately :( super happy to see you though ^^ you make my day!!!
kavexis — we often communicate in physical affection whenever we don’t have the energy to talk <3 like going up to eachother and planting a kiss somewhere on the other, or giving eachother hugs / sitting down and laying next to the other..! another thing is bringing food or water to eachother when we think they need it!
verali — aléxios watches veritas’ online teaching sessions sometimes, barely even listens to the material, they just like seeing veritas calm, composed and talking about something he knows! its very hot and attractive seeing someone in their element. (pining)
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house-of-steel · 1 month
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Current Family Tree for Seltik. For further detail, Syreliks is the oldest sibling, Seltik’s the middle child, and Brikos is their baby brother.
Veralys becomes Kell of Steel shortly after the events of Final Shape, proving herself to be a more than capable leader after a grievous injury her father sustained near the beginning of the DLC and had assigned her as his Regent.
I’ll provide more details as I continue to figure things out but this is what I have for now.
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nordicbananas · 3 months
i think its so funny how you got a part of the verali dynamic correct that i haven’t even revealed yet
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torpidtornadoxd · 3 months
i've been bored and i have been also wanting to do this, my name is andromeda and these r my homestuck ocs
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Name: Kairon Camiax
Caste: Indigoblood (Sagimini)
Classpect: Knight of Doom and derse
Strife specibus: scythekind
Lusus: Pallas's cat
Sylladex type: Pictionary
Age: 6 sweeps old (13 human years)
Typing quirk: just span-glish, often switching between spanish and english depending on the situation
Quadrants: <3: Limina Seasee
Sexuality and gender: aroace lesbian, any/all pronouns
Trollian handle: torpidTornado [TT]
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Name: Fearos Cathel
Caste: Jadeblood (Virra) (Seadweller)
Classpect: Mage of Doom and derse
Strife specibus: staffkind
Lusus: ???
Sylladex type: Memory
Age: 9 sweeps old (20 human years)
Typing quirk: none, just perfect grammar
Quadrants: <3: Nemele Adamid
Sexuality and gender: non-binary and gay (they/them)
Trollian handle: cataclysmicCatastrophe [CC]
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Name: Verali Royeli
Caste: Oliveblood (Lesci)
Classpect: Page of Mind and prospit
Strife specibus: gunkind
Lusus: Crow
Sylladex type: Tree
Age: 9 sweeps old (20 human years)
Typing quirk: changing K for |<, changing O for 0 and I for 1
Quadrants: <3: Nereda Adamad <3<: Furore Adamid
Sexuality and gender: transfem and lesbian (she/they)
Trollian handle: tactileThrilled [TT]
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Name: Nemele Adamid (he's dead)
Caste: Goldblood (Gemus)
Classpect: Page of Space and prospit
Strife specibus: bazookakind
Lusus: Red slider turtle
Sylladex type: ???
Age: 18 human years
Typing quirk: at the start of every sentence he adds "#", uses XD, LOL, YOLO, LMAO and abbreviations and emoticons also types very fast, tends to misspell
Quadrants: <3: Fearos Cathel <>: Zedahi Routes
Sexuality and gender: Transmasc and bisexual (he/they)
Trollian handle: criticallyAbstract [CA]
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(this one needs a re-design)
Name: Nereda Adamad
Caste: Cobaltblood (Scorus)
Classpect: Witch of Blood and derse
Strife specibus: swordkind
Lusus: ???
Sylladex type: hash
Age: 9 sweeps old (20 human years)
Typing quirk: speaks very formal but exchanges the letter S for $ and B for &
Quadrants: <3: Verali Royeli
Sexuality and gender: sapphic (she/her cis ig)
Trollian handle: gracefulAbsence [GA]
also!! i have like 21+ ocs but i guess you could call these the main cast or smth XP
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desolatediver · 1 year
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Art Fight [Werewolf] Revenge!
Verali by gampyre
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tamedgod · 2 years
i used to write a lot of other muses from my story here, including but not limited to:
xiao’s older brother, junlong; the cold and serious golden child of the long dynasty, and to-be king of the pavisian empire
haru’s travel companions, consisting of the knight turned healer (elias cadoc), a deer-beast hunter with a chip on his shoulder (ruhn’dir), and a lesbian bonnie and clyde-esque couple of mages (astrid of veralis and saskia)
ya’sem, the leader of one of the last wolf-kin packs, who uses power stolen from a god to save her brethren and hunt the long family.
and a few others. i sometimes consider bringing them back, but i worry about overwhelming other people. my blog is so lore heavy and while that can be great, i also know that it has deterred a lot of people in the past. they may make cameos here and there just because i try to fit them all into every universe, but please tell me if that ever makes you uncomfortable. i just try to connect as much as i can in writing, and sometimes npcs help it along. anyway, back to drafts...
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two-person-job · 3 months
selfship tags!!!
:shroomsym: - me + sym (I was a teenage exocolonist)
:shroomiya: - me + yoimiya (genshin impact)
:baivi: - vi + baizhu (genshin impact)
:sunvi: - vi + sunday (honkai star rail)
:pantalovi: - vi + pantalone (genshin impact)
:dreszhu: - baizhu + dresvi (reverse au baivi)
:kavexis..alekav: - alexis + kaveh (genshin impact)
:verali: - alexis + veritas (honkai star rail)
:zagreis: - alexis + zagreus (hades game)
:mizuha: - mirei + kazuha (genshin impact)
:olijax: - oliver + ajax (genshin impact)
:scarayui: - yui + scaramouche (genshin impact)
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lexisism · 3 months
With any of your selfships or even with all of em!! <33
masquerade AU: who is the generous host of the ball? who is the mysterious guest? give one headcanon about you and your f/o’s relationship in this AU!
bartender AU: who’s the hard working bartender? who’s the regular who’s had a string of bad luck? give one headcanon about you and your f/o’s relationship in this AU!
angel and demon AU: who is an angel? who is a demon? give one headcanon about you and your f/o’s relationship in this AU!
masquerade au
🦢🏛️ — kaveh as the guest, alexis is the host! kaveh i don’t think has enough money to host one hshshsh… (he also barely had enough to even afford an outfit to go) love you baby…
one headcanon — despite alexis being the one to take notice and interest to this mysterious guest who lights up everything he touches, kaveh is the one who gets flustered by it. interrogator x flustered by it is real, the dance goes crazy…!!!
🦢💭 — aléxios is the guest, veritas is the host! veritas didn’t even invite aléxios, they just showed up.
one headcanon — while familiar, they don’t recognize eachother. classic trope of enemies who kiss not knowing who the other is, complimenting eachother not knowing who it is they are complimenting. aléxios is actually the one to find out its veritas, and after they leave without a goodbye, not able to stay knowing they just kissed him… cue cinderella esc plot where veritas wants to find the person they didn’t get the name of before they left.
bartender au
🦢🏛️ — kaveh as the regular, alexis as the bartender, though is that really a surprise? <3
one headcanon — after his first couple visits, kaveh had started coming by more often just to talk. and when he drinks a bit too much is quite clingy and starved for affection. at one point he almost started an argument with another client cause’ he assumed they were flirting with her haha 😭.
🦢💭 — veritas as the regular, aléxios as the bartender. i know this may be surprising, but i think its specific uni veritas with all the academic stress.
one headcanon — veritas argues with them when sober, but still always shows up to see them after a stressful day. when he passes out from exhaustion or having a bit too much to drink, aléxios brings them back behind the bar; keeps him comfortable. Keeping an eye on him while they close up.
angel / demon au
🦢🏛️ — alexis as an angel, kaveh as a fallen angel. I can’t see either of us as demons… but I can see kaveh falling from heaven cause alcoholism is traditionally seen as “sinful.”
one headcanon — extremely close when in heaven, and after kaveh had fallen and became “ mortal “ alexis would become his guardian angel of sorts and watch over him keeping him safe …
🦢💭 — veritas as the angel, aléxios as a demon. Veritas with his rule-abiding, respectful demeanour works well for a high rank angel position, while aléxios’ more mischievous and free attitude is more of demonic nature.
one headcanon — aléxios takes great pleasure in ruining veritas work, and making it more difficult for him by possessing mortals or creating chaos. Veritas the first couple times tried to exterminate them, but later on had begun to miss and worry whenever aléxios did not show up to bother him.
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natschypan · 2 years
Meine Schreibprojekte
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Leon Graham - The return
"Leon Graham lebt! Nach nun mehr als 15 Jahren ist der Milliadärssohn wieder aufgetaucht."
Leon Graham kehrt zurück in sein altes Leben, wenn auch nur widerwillig. Um seine Mission zu beenden und endlich seine Ruhe zu bekommen, muss er sich seiner Familie stellen. Doch er hat sich verändert. Er ist nicht mehr der unschuldige Junge von damals. Blut klebt nun an seinen Händen.
Wird er seiner Vergangenheit entkommen, oder wird sie ihn erneut einholen und qualvoll in den Abgrund stoßen?
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Das "How to be- " Universum
"How to be a Villain" [HTBAV] und "How to be a Hero" [HTBAH] sind die gleiche Geschichte, aus unterschiedlichen Sichtweisen.
[HTBAV] folgt Blaise Nagarr, Helix Vera und Jamiro Akintola Den sogenannten Bösen der Stadt New Veralis.
How to be a Villain
Blaise Leben war trostlos. Langweilig. Einfach. Aber das schätze er auch irgendwo. Als Tatortreiniger, verdiente er sich sein Geld und sah dabei jeden Tag aufs neue, die Zerstörung, die die Helden von New Veralis mit sich brachten. Er sah das Leid und den Schmerz der Menschen und dieser stellte die noblen Taten der Helden gewaltig in den Schatten. Seinen Frust darüber ließ er auf seinem Blog aus.
Doch dann ging etwas gewaltig schief. Plötzlich stand Blaise den Helden gegenüber.
In [HTBAH] folgen wir dem täglichen Leben von Ryder und Knox Sumner und ihrer Freundin Blythe Heathers. Durch "unbekannte" Umstände haben die drei Superkräfte entwickelt und spielen nun Helden.
How to be Hero
Ryder und Knox hätten nie gedacht, sie würden etwas besonderes sein. Blythe hat sich nie als jemand wichtiges gesehen. Und jetzt sind sie die bekanntesten Menschen in New Veralis, wenn nicht sogar im ganzen Staat oder Land.
Gesegnet mit starken Superkräften bilden die drei ein Heldentrio, gesponsort und geleitete von einer Firma namens Contrailnetics. Sie haben sogar ihr eigenes Merchendise und ihr eigene TV Serie.
Aber etwas, oder besser gesagt, jemand bedroht ihren Erfolg: Und sie würden alles tun um ihren Status zu beschützen.
Sprache: Deutsch Kapitel: 28/28 Wordanzahl:32.534 Veröffentlicht: ao3
Sprache: Deutsch Kapitel: 0/? Wordanzahl: 0 Veröffentlicht: nein
What if we try to end the world
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Seth, Bram, Kane und Eden haben genug von der Welt. Sie sind ihr überdrüssig und müde. Und so beschließen sie, sie zu zerstören.
Aber, wenn wir ehrlich sind, wie vernichtet jemand eigentlich die ganze Erde?
Sprache: Deutsch Kapitel: 6/? Wortanzahl: 9697 Veröffentlicht: nein
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mauvefaeries · 2 years
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gampiyah · 2 years
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redesigned my old oc verali :DD
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