#:NPC bios:
monkiinart · 1 month
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bios drabbles.. i miss him so much
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robo-dino-puppy · 1 year
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horizon forbidden west | marshal ivvira 1/?
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songoftrillium · 1 year
NPC Spotlight: Burned Hide
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art credit @morggo licensed to use with permission
CW: Animal death, fire, scars, generational trauma beneath the read-more link.
Wolf-Born, Galliard, Athro Older Brother, Master of the Rite
One day, Ape was sitting on the back of a horse, and stopped at the foot of Dume’fa. Ape doesn't know whether to go around her or try to go over her. One asks a nearby wolf,  "Wolf. Does she have a rocky face?" And Wolf says that she does. Ape orders the horse onto her face and gets stuck in her logfall and underbrush. Ape shouts to Wolf, "One said she has a rocky face!" And Wolf says,  "One did, Ape, all mountains have rocks for faces. Keep sinking and one will find it, this one is certain," And Wolf howls for one’s packmates to gather. — Burned Hide
Despite having had no visible likeness to her kin, she was the direct descendant of Rala Blood-Claw, and the last living descendant of any member of Tawatuy. Born the pup of a lone wolf and her two yearling packmates, her siblings and she had spent their early years catching trout and hunting for grouse, deer, rabbits, and elk in the fall, moving farther into the cascades over winter when the canyons and high desert turned bitter and cold. This had traditionally been the time when Younger Brother roamed into the region along with the Northern Paiute and Yahuskin, though times had changed since then. Her story began with the fall of Gulaka’i. Her grandmother, Aleshanee In-The-Sun, had witnessed numerous other garou begin succumbing to the Bitter Rage. Heeding the warnings of Muskrat, she had worked tirelessly to save as many wolves around Gulaka’i during the Snake War and the war of Rogue River as she could. She had eventually been taken by a Bitter Rage in her attempts to save more tribe members. Her once sweet, playful nature had been reduced to a frothing spittle in 1867. She was survived by her kin-pack, which had lived in the canyons just south of what is now Valley Falls, many miles away from Dead Mountain. When those wolves roamed too close to the cattle ranchers near Paisley, many ate poisoned meat and died painful deaths. A pack of yearlings had dined on grouse earlier that morning and had not gone on the hunt, sparing their lives. Those surviving wolves formed a pack with a number of coyotes; and in the spring of 1899, Burned-Hide was born. 
In 1900, Burned Hide's first change, and the first time she'd channel Rala Blood-Claw, occurred simultaneously. A fire had broken out that raged out of control through the canyon and reached the top of the plateau, destroying 75 homes in Lakeview. When the ash began raining down, she tried to locate her pack. Overcoming her own fear, she let her human mind take over, and ran into the fire. The only thing on her mind had been her family and their safety. She ran across hot coals, and through flame, scalding her paws and igniting her fur. Charred, and choking on smoke, she located them sheltering beneath an overturned boulder. 
The smoke was too much and she collapsed. That’s when Rala and she had a whispered communion in a language she was surprised to understand. In their first communion, Rala egged her to her feet, and whispered to her what happened to her Grandmother. To their family’s family, and their families. Rala held out the words and lives of the wolves that came before them, and the wolf, breathless and forgetting her pain, reached out with her heart and caught it in her teeth. 
The wolf transformed into her hispo form, and feeling her breath returning to her, led her family to safety. Even with her newer, stronger wolf form, she nearly succumbed to the heat and the smoke, had she not seen a family of muskrats fleeing northwards. She had followed them, fighting against all wolf instincts and fording the creek all the way to Thaervarmet. Despite wincing when she stretched her scars wrong, they had only served to add to the beauty of her heart, and year after year, she ran with the wolves. In her own words, the scars were marks of pride that showed her family just what they meant to her. Her life as a garou was one that saw her be one of few wolf-born to live to old age. Her springs were spent with her kin back home in the canyons where she was born. Among the creatures found there, they include 11 mexican gray wolves, 7 coywolves, and 10 coyotes all coalesced into an informal family of sorts, all hunting together with multiple kin leading.
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3, Charisma 5, Manipulation 3, Composure 2, Intelligence: 3, Wits: 4, Resolve 4 Abilities: Alertness 3, Assbeating 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Empathy 4, Expression 5, Intimidation 2, Primal-Urge 3, Subterfuge 2, Animal Ken 4, Leadership 4, Melee 2, Performance 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3, Enigmas 2, Forestry 3, Investigation 2, Linguistics 3, Medicine 1, Nation Lore 5, Occult 4, Politics 3, Rituals 4 Gifts: Prey Mind, Beast Speech, Master of Fire, Uncloak the Hidden, Coyote Howl, Scent of Sight, Oaksong, Lore of the Land, Hand of the Earth Lords, Spirit’s Horse, Whisper in the Dark, Catfeet, Distractions, Song of Heroes Rage: 4 Gnosis: 9(3) Willpower: 6 Fluster: 2
Backgrounds: Animism 5 (Champion), Patron 12 (Muskrat 7, Dume’fa 5), Kinfolk 3, Allies 3
Rites: Any Needed Maneuvers: Evasion
Equipment: Medicine bag, Awakened Tarweed Seeds, Awakened Juniper Berries, Awakened Trillium Seeds
Appearance: True to her name, Burned Hide is heavily disfigured, with the majority of her body a lattice patchwork of only partially-healed burn scars covering over 75% of her body. This include some of her eyes, which appears to be blind,doesn’t focus and is constantly weeping tears. Despite this, the shaggy cheek tufts and leaner build present her as a Mexican Gray Wolf, bearing no resemblance to her historic relation. Her expressive eyes are the color of dark juniper bark. Despite her scars, the way she carries herself gives her a sort of Wyld quality that is strangely beautiful, and all conducted beneath a veneer of self-control that belies her passion for expression.
Roleplay Tips: You are bold and unapologetically passionate. You carry the weight of Tawatuy on your shoulders and love in your heart, and become irritable when you’re not feeling heard. Your frequent communion with Rala has instilled in you a deeply-critical view of leadership, and there have been numerous times where you have handed the wheel over to Rala Blood-Claw herself, in a manner of speaking, unleashing a rancorous warrior when you do. You believe she was the true voice of reason in the face of Voruk’ny’ket, and you being the sole descendant of Tawatuy are living proof of that. Your duties to Gulaka’i that pull you away from here are also one of your biggest fears; that you won't be able to keep this family safe. You would give your life to save Gulaka’i, but only if you know your family will be saved. When near the hearts of septs, or in late spring, you are always shaking your head, for all the butterflies that land on your face drink your tears away. Your hidden strength is your Animism. The ability to channel and use up to 5 dice will grant you a base dice pool of 11 in homid form. This could have you, true to Rala Blood-Claw’s form, go toe to toe with Legends and hold her own. That hidden power gives you confidence, despite being small and 76 years old. You’d be a legend in your own right, did you not have Rala’s habit of mouthing off to whoever is in charge.
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thsc-rockau · 8 months
Background character from Rock au chapter 1 part 2
Bios Description :
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Lucinda Camole (Lucy): A carefree student who enjoys her day by playing the violin, though she missed some classes
Ellie Treventhan: An extrovert girl like to make a friend with a stranger?
?: a weird ghost...maybe it hungry?
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drowmoment · 3 months
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Finally made a Tav meetup image to match my Durge one, also after finally resolving my lag issues i could play a little farther into my Misfortune save (one day i will finish Act 3. It's just so much) which led to us finally being able to break Wyll's pact (yay!) but it also illustrated just how much Mizora gets bullied on her save. I imagine she absolutely loathes appearing in camp because of it.
I also finally get to introduce you to Baphomet! My third Dark Urge whom you might have seen before as a cameo in my Durge meetup art. For the longest time i barely had any art of her, but i've caught the bug i'm afraid so even if it's not a lot it's still enough for an introduction! (And more is certainly on the way)
(Can you tell i have a lot of difficulty drawing her? Because i do.)
Baphomet is a Way of the Four Elements (Fire spells only) Monk good Durge who is, on the surface, the most normal one out of the three. She was raised in a Lathandarian monastery as a star novice, the balance she was taught was what kept the Urges at bay for an unusually long time. This, however, was a double edged sword as when she finally snapped as a full-fledged Monk she was ten times more dangerous. Her killing of a Dawnmaster and several other novices led to her being banished from the monastery, and that's when she set off for the Temple of Bhaal. Yadda yadda main story stuff happens.
As a person Baphy is very stoic, being even less expressive than Tav; she's quiet and generally regarded as almost unreadable by her companions and instead lets her good actions speak for her. Internally there are a lot of things going on in her head though, most of them being her trying to grapple with The Urge. She's a very considerate person and tries to pass fair judgement to everyone, though can be lenient on those that show her kindness. She may not be good with words but she will do all in her power to support you.
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candycryptids · 4 months
Hiya! I hope you're doing well today! I love your characters and how you've structered their bios! Since Chuusday is listed first, is she technically your official WOL or is it someone else? Do you canonically have a WOL in the first place?
Also, I find it SO sweet that you and one of your partners both play FFXIV and have characters paired together ;w; Did you meet ingame or long before either of you started playing? Either way I wish you both the best!!! <3 - gardenofballads 🌻
Awaaaah! Im doing pretty ok!!! Taking time to answer this as a wind down from Emerald Weapon Ex Brain Soupage. And I’m so glad! ;W; I think I butchered one of those “Get To Know An OC” thingies- uhh… oh [this one] actually! I chopped a lot out and I think added a couple different thingums instead because there was so much to that that it felt overwhelming to try to look at let alone fill out LOL but it was a really good jumping off point uvu;
And!!! Hilariously Chuu was my First XIV Character, so she’s dear to my heart for being the first one- but she very quickly made it known being the WOL even as an AU was something of a Joke (Her character showed great reluctance and even frustration at having to do So Much World Saving, maybe a side-effect of me rushing through MSQ to catch up with my other spouse [Who plays Talia, though they’ve got less time for XIV these days ;0;] and the rest of my friends who were all EndGame already at the time in Shadowbringers fhdjfjsjfs.) So I made…… many alts. Throwing spaghetti at the wall but I have SEVERE side-character/NPC brain and kept making “supporting cast” types =w=; it actually took me like. 3? Alts before making an ACTUAL WoL with my husband (Ishi’li and Kizuna) (as of Right Meow, they’re in post ARR, but we’ve been working on Keathan and Tuesday together because Keathan was… Keathan’s first character in xiv XD so we’ve been jaunting through the story together and experiencing every inch of it so we can pick and choose what The Boys™ get up to when we wanna focus on them x3)
🥰 I knew both speece during at least high school- but I actually knew Keathan as early as Elementary school hehe 😌 tho the speece didn’t proper marry until… i’unno, 2017? (For frustrating legal reasons, I’m not legally married, but. As it goes. Someday we’ll have money to visit the one state that has legal poly marriages. Also I struggle to remember our wedding year 🫢)
Since managing to make a Co-WoL with my husband I’ve managed to make one other Alt meant to be a Solo-WoL (Mochiie) but I have to really wrinkle my brain to sink time into playing him, since I’m trying to take screenshots throughout the story at what I find to be inspiring beats xD And even still he has an alt-universe where he’s just a side-character for the ‘Main Timeline’ (where there’s a bunch of spaghetti and like 8+ confirmed WoL’s and the Msq entourage looks HILARIOUS in canon, someday I’ll get all the data together and take pictures, but I think it’ll cook what’s left of my brain x’3) [it’s less concrete than anything I’ve posted about before or I’d try to explain it ;v;’ it’s just interesting mostly to see how the story gets stretched to fit around a larger community of heroes than a solo guy shouldering the whole burden lmfao.]
🌸🌸🌸…. I also hope you’re having a lovely week @gardenofballads !!!! I am tossing flower petals into the air around you !!! Thank you for the ask and well wishes n kind words 🥺💖 🌸🌸🌸
#ask game#day-2-day#I have serious Alt Disease as well which doesn’t help much XD#tho I try to justify it by making them a variety of races/genders/classes so I’m not just making 15 similar guys in different color palettes#like some kinda smash game…. LMFAO.#it helps some tho cos they get to flesh out and add meat color and history to The Boys+Co’s adventures/histories/stories uvu like Lev….)#Solkmyna and Swydghem who are true NPC alts of mine are even slotted into post ShB…#🫢 but they’re mostly just fun for me to occasionally chew on like a squeaky toy#tangy is schroedingers WoL. both is and Isn’t. could be The WoL if the au called for it but also works perfectly as just a Scion instead#…. wordy tags… my bad… ANYWAYS FR HOPE YOUR DAY/NIGHT IS NICE AND PLEASANT#I gotta stare blankly at the ceiling now while trying to retain mechanics but not pressed against the display glass of my brain#🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💖‼️#spawn speece#also yes there is something deeply strange wired in my brain where I link to sources but not super consistently like some kinda bad wiki pag#if I had stuff for Keathan + Kizuna to link to tbh I’d link to it here too LOL.#when I get ahold of Talia and Setsuna I’ll probably make little reference posts- not really Bio’s cos they’re not my blorbs#they’re my partners blorbs; but it might be handy to have a frame of reference to point at beyond vague name dropping#actually I love linking to names because my memory is just so piss poor. why not just make it easier for everyone else also#I know I have 185756328 OC’s xbdnfjdnfsnfjs so.#I have to do this for one of my friends uvu; bad memory havers rise up
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chaserainbows · 4 months
oh yeah i talked about him a little yesterday so here he is
the mindy dad
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behold j a s o n d i m a s finally some representation for the amano muse older than 30 club
-> you know what must be done <-
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visenyaism · 1 year
IS there any difference between lolth-sworn and sedraline drow or are sedraline drow just like. kind of vegan about it
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sealrock · 1 year
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hey allagan node... play darude's sandstorm
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alwaysaqueene · 3 months
Verse Info — The Phoenix Queen — Family Update
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”He is the only threat to my throne, if only he had a head on his shoulders.”
CW: Illegitimacy, Infidelity, Medieval Typical Misogyny,
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Meet Prince Lord Alastair of Lunaruz aka Alastair Fitzregina, bastard son of Queen Macha and Lord Heron — twin brother to Princess Aislin. He is ten years Relta’s junior, also being Aislin’s younger twin.
He has no aspirations for the throne, understanding he is illegitimate and would do better to acquire a diplomatic position in his elder half-sister’s court once she ascends to the throne.
Despite him not being a true threat to her rule, Relta is suspicious of Alastair once he comes of age as he is much like her father — warmongering, bloodthirsty, and lustful.
She, however, helped raise him like she helped raise Aislin and Madeline. Relta more fears what ideas Lord Heron has put into his mind regarding potentially ruling after King Ares abdicates his throne.
Alastair idolizes his elder sister and is incredibly protective of his twin sister, as she embodies all good things to him. He resembles his two sisters, sharing their fiery red hair and dedication to doing right by their people.
When Aislin was sent to France to marry the crown prince there, ( @ofheroesandscholars’ Ben), Alastair escorted her. Getting sick on the way back, Alastair nearly died on the ship back to Lunaruz. He arrived in Lunaruz and was quarantined, given the best of aid by Relta’s instruction, and recovered swiftly.
Upon Relta’s ascension to the throne, she made all three of her half-siblings legitimate heirs, including their children being her heirs if she failed to have a child herself. Alastair was shocked by this, but it solidified his loyalties to his sister over his exiled parents.
Alastair now serves as a spy and diplomat for his sister, like she did prior to her ascension to the throne. He also protected his twin whenever in France’s courts. When Lord Heron tried returning to the Lunaruzian courts, Alastair preventing his arrival in order to protect Queen Relta as well, cutting all ties with his father.
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stuckstucktrolls · 5 months
NPC: Fathon Jyothi
Connections: Teagan and Akhena
Status: Dead
Age at death: 7 sweeps
Role: Teagan's first serious pitch crush, and a rival in professional FLARP circles
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cupcaketrickster · 6 months
slowly but surely working on getting my multi started up again starting with my cr / d20 / ttrpg oc's and some bg3 characters as well as finishing but tonight i am going to be quietly hitting away at drafts. i hope all are having the best ever day / whatever time it is!
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How old is Asahi? Like does he have a confirmed age? A lot of npcs do, like Arata, Ken, Sakurako, the Otori brothers, but I haven’t seen anything canon for him.
he doesn't have a confirmed age yet but it's implied that he's around the same age as tsukasa and rui (so 17-ish)
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undefeatablesin · 1 year
Taking the time to finally start drafting up Ruza's new bio more like this thing is slowly turning into my very own cosmic horror mystery soap opera.
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thsc-rockau · 11 months
Background character from Rock au chapter 1 part 1
Bios Description :
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Eline Sacremnt: she accidentally entered illegal job, at least she got enough money to live on, especially to buy cigarettes
Liane Collaine: she was very good at shooting because she often took part in airsoft gun tournaments so she quickly got a job
Kevin Jambeol: He has amazing hair but because he got punished by his seniors for cutting his hair, he doesn't like his new haircut
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Nat ???: some people say he has supernatural powers because of his eyes but others say he is a chill guy who serves good drinks
Chissa Inggi: She just won a doll from an arcade game thanks to her mother help
Anita Inggi: accompanying her daughter in an arcade game after leaving the hospital for check-up
Oldero Mephisto: he is a former landlord, now he likes to go to the park every Sunday
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babyitsmagic · 5 months
The Goddaughter
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Serena (she/her)
Age: appears early 20s, born in the 1960s
Height: 5'1
Orientation: demi/panromantic demi/pansexual
fc: jenna ort.ega
Serena's birth mother was a siren named Cressida that Neva had befriended long before she ever became ruler of The Twilight Court. She was the first friend Neva made in the court and, centuries later, when she learned she was pregnant, she designated Neva as the godmother. Neva asked Cressida not to, knowing that any child close to her would be in grave danger from anyone wanting Neva's throne. Cressida ignored her. So Neva reluctantly accepted the title and told her friend not to die.
But she did, killed by someone looking to avenge someone she'd drowned at some point or another. And Serena was still a child, with a father long-since drowned by her mother, and nowhere to go but to Neva.
But Neva knew she couldn't raise the girl, not in this court. So she went to her advisors, to Tae, Ale, Rafi, and Ryu. She refused to explain where the child came from, in case any of them every needed to lie about it, and she told the four of them to raise the girl.
When they learned she was half siren, Rafi was immediately put in charge of the task, and he instantly dragged Ryu into it with him, knowing he couldn't do it alone. Years later, they realized she was half changeling, which made Ryu's insights as a fellow trickster-species even more helpful.
While Ryu and Rafi are her dads, Ale and Tae have also helped raise her, and Neva hasn't entirely kept her at arm's length. She knows Neva is her godmother, and she understands why no one else knows that, not even her dads. Ryu could lie about it. He's not fae. But she doesn't know if he'd tell Rafi. Secrecy seemed the best choice.
She's been raised by some of the most intimidating people the court has to offer. She knows how to fight and how to use her magic and all the ways to manipulate other people or intimidate them or anything she could possibly need. But she's still softer than any of them expected. A little quite, and sometimes on the judgmental side of things. But she opts for kindness more than anyone else in her court. And her family is okay with that, because they know if she needs to choose violence instead, she can and will.
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