#:3 -jan telo
jokeroutsubs · 4 months
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Joker Out Masterpost for new fans
New fan of Joker Out? Say no more! 
Getting to know a new artist you’ve found can be intimidating if it’s all in another language, so we’ve compiled some of our favourite interviews, articles and lore here! You’ve arrived in a wonderful fanbase, welcome from all of us here at JokerOutSubs! 
If you’d just like a short overview of the band and their history, you can watch this excellent Finnish summary of them that we’ve translated (14m 53s).
But if you want to dive into the details, then check out our timeline, full of videos and articles translated by JokerOutSubs! 
Timeline graphic:
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Timeline in details below the cut 👇
Timeline in details: 
How did the band form? 
Joker Out was formed from two bands, Apokalipsa and Buržuazija. 
Apokalipsa included Bojan Cvjetićanin (vocals), Martin Jurkovič (bass) and Matic Kovačič (drums) 
They gained some traction with young people around Slovenia, particularly with their song 'Mogoče' ('Maybe'), which you can watch on YouTube here.
They came to the attention of Kris Guštin, who was inspired to start learning guitar! He discusses the details in this video (at 9:40). 
Kris then met Jan Peteh, another student of his guitar teacher, and at their teachers advice, they formed the band Buržuazija. 
Bojan attended their second ever gig in 2016, and decided these two excellent guitarists were exactly what had been missing from Apokalipsa, as he wasn’t happy with their current guitarists. He asked them to join, and they accepted
The new lineup (Bojan, Jan, Kris, Martin and Matic) decided to rename themselves Joker Out. The name means nothing, but they thought it sounded good and was the ‘least horrible’ of all the ideas they could think of. 
So, in 2016, Joker Out was officially formed! 
November 2016, Kot srce ki kri poganja: 
Joker Out’s first music video was for their song ‘Kot srce ki kri poganja’ ('Like a heart that pumps blood'), filmed in Jan’s hometown of Vrhnika! We eventually got this song on Spotify on their 2023 album Live from Arena Stožice!
Music video: Kot srce ki kri poganja
English Interview (from 3:37 to 6:05): Joker Out discusses filming the music video
June 2017, Špil Liga:
One of the earliest performances for Joker Out was at Špil Liga, a competition for young bands in Slovenia. They won, and recorded their winning song, Omamljeno telo (intoxicated body) in November as part of the prize. 
Live (33m): Joker Out at Špil liga
Interview (5m): Reflections on Špil Liga in 2023 
c.2017/18, Bojan’s attempt at going solo:
The band took a hiatus c.2017/18, and Bojan considered going solo at that time, even working with a few producers. He eventually realised that he belonged with the band! Hear him tell the story:
Reel (1m 23s): A1 Vajb - Bojan’s fail
2019, A change up for the band:
The band began working with their current producer, Žare Pak, and their videographer Mark Pirc, in 2019 - both of whom have been referred to as the sixth member of the band. This led to a change in their sound and production quality, which culminated in ‘Gola’ ('Naked'), the first of their songs to be a big hit!
Music video: Gola
Zlata piščal ('Golden Flute') - Best New Artist 2019:
Joker Out won their first Zlata piščal award in 2019, for best new artist (one of many they’d go on to win!) This is a kind of Slovenian Grammy! Covid interrupted the proceedings, but you can see their interview for it here (3m 59s)- 
Interview: Joker Out wins a Zlata piščal ('Golden Flute') for Best New Artist 2019
Umazane misli, and a new member: 
During the Covid times, the band began recording their first studio album, 'Umazane misli' ('Dirty thoughts'), which was originally going to be released in March 2020 but was repeatedly delayed until October 2021. The first half was recorded with drummer Matic Kovačič, but the band felt they needed something extra and brought in Jure Maček to help write the arrangements. They loved him so much, he never left! 
Interview (from 10:40 to 11:36): Bojan talks briefly about Jure joining the band
COVID times, and Cvetličarna: 
The band had arranged to do two concerts at Cvetličarna, a very important venue in Slovenia and a big break for them. This was delayed several times due to Covid, but eventually managed to go ahead in October 2021 for the release of their first album. 
Video (1m 14s): Cvetličarna promotional video
Live (1h 28m): Joker Out at Cvetličarna
Interview (34m 55s): Bojan discusses Cvetličarna, its importance, and Covid
Umazane misli album launch: 
'Umazane misli' was extremely well received! The band would go on to win two more Zlata piščal awards, Newcomers of the Year in 2020 and Artist of the Year in 2021.
Interview (37m 08s): Umazane misli album presentation
An acting career for Bojan? 
Around the same time as 'Umazane misli' was released, Bojan began considering an acting career. He acted in two episodes of the series ‘Gospod Professor’ and in another series, which was eventually reworked as a film called ‘Kaj pa Ester’ and released in December 2023. He decided music was his passion though, and he wanted to fully focus on that. 
Interview (from 10:04 to 11:30): Bojan discusses his acting career
Interview (2m 11s): Kaj pa Ester interview
Interview (2m 30s): Kaj pa Ester première
Article: Bojan on Kaj pa Ester
September 2022, Križanke:
The band got straight to work writing their second album, 'Demoni' ('Demons'), and decided to present it in September 2022 at Križanke, another hugely important venue in Slovenia. This whole concert wasn’t recorded, but we have an interesting advertisement they did for it, an interview and a clip of one song live from Križanke! 
Video (5m 4s): Full Joker Out Hotline trailers
Interview (2m 16s): Joker Out with parachutes to Križanke?
Live (4m 7s): 'Novi val' ('New wave') live at Križanke
Interview (44m 35s): Demoni album presentation
Another new member! 
After Križanke at the end of 2022, Martin Jurkovič, one of the founding members of the band, made the decision to leave to focus on his studies.
Video (2m 20s): Martin's departure
Thankfully, he was replaced by the wonderful Nace Jordan, who remains the bassist in the current lineup.
Article: Nace Jordan discusses joining the band
2023, Eurovision:
Joker Out were then internally selected to go to Eurovision 2023, and began recording their Eurovision song, 'Carpe Diem', in Hamburg in December 2022. To learn more, you can watch the Carpe Diem series, a documentary series which followed their entire journey. 
The first episode, recording Carpe Diem, can be found with subtitles in multiple languages by JokerOutSubs!
Video (16m 41s): Carpe Diem Ep. 1 - Hamburg
The band performed their song for the first time live on Misija Liverpool, a televised debut, on the 4th February 2023.
Video (27m): Joker Out performing at Misija Liverpool
There are quite literally hundreds of interviews with Joker Out during the Eurovision era. Here's one from just before the final, that we have translated.
Interview: Joker Out before the final on the 13th May
And a few English interviews that became famous in the fanbase! 
Interview (24m 29s): Eurovanja
Interview (8m 10s): Seize the Day situations
Interview (17m 18s): Tiktok Live
Interview (6m 30s): ‘Never have I ever’
Interview (14m 12s): Madrid Eurovision
Joker Out came 21st at Eurovision, which they were satisfied with.
Interview (1m 36s): Bojan talks about their results
European tour and Sunny Side of London (22nd September)
Luckily, the best was still to come for Joker Out! The rest of 2023 was spent on an extremely successful European tour, and they also released their first English single, 'Sunny Side of London', in September. 
We at JokerOutSubs were also thrilled to interview the band twice on their tour!
Original Interview (15m 25s): JokerOutSubs interview in Tampere
Original Interview (14m 37s): JokerOutSubs interview in Poznań
6th of October 2023, Stožice:
All of this, however, was building up to Stožice. This is the biggest closed venue in Slovenia and Joker Out managed to sell out their October show there - an extremely important milestone for Slovenian artists. 
Interview (15m 4s): Stožice and their whirlwind post Eurovision career
Live: Full concert live-streamed part 1 and part 2
A lovely moment at Stožice was when former members Martin Jurkovič and Matic Kovačič joined the band onstage to perform 'Kot srce ki kri poganja'!
Interview (2m 4s): Martin and Matic discuss the experience
Interview (5m 9s): Joker Out post Stožice impressions
London era and Everybody’s Waiting: 
Joker Out spent the beginning of 2024 in London, where they wrote new music, did live cooking shows on Instagram and met the incredibly talented photographer, Damon Baker, who did a beautiful series of photoshoots with them. They also released their next English single, 'Everybody’s Waiting', in February. 
They sat down with us at JokerOutSubs to discuss all this on the 20th February!
Original Interview (59m 13s): JokerOutSubs interview in London
March and April 2024, ‘See you soon’ tour:
The boys then embarked on the ‘See you Soon’ tour, another very successful European tour. They played three new songs live during the tour, two of which we translated from the concert videos of our members!
Live:  First performance of 'Bluza' ('Blouse')
Live: First performance of the hugely popular 'Šta bih ja' ('What would I')
We at JokerOutSubs also interviewed the band a fourth time in Padova!
Original Interview (22m 7s): JokerOutSubs interview in Padova
Now you know a little bit about Joker Out’s history, let’s look a little bit at the members of the band as individuals! 
Who are the members?
Bojan Cvjetićanin - singer
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Charming, charismatic and an all round green flag, deep down we’re all Bojan girlies! See him here on Cosmopolitan's Blind date, Portrait with Coffee and a lovely interview he did for Delo! 
Interview (8m 49s): Cosmopolitan's Blind date
Interview (18m 3s): Portrait with Coffee
Article: “If we believed that we were “kings”, that wouldn’t be us”
Jan Peteh - guitarist
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The mysterious mathematician of the band, Jan and his cat Igor have stolen the hearts of the fanbase. Here he is on Undercover Mathematician and on Metropolitan podcast with ex bassist Martin! 
Interview (3m 26s): Undercover mathematician
Interview (43m 57s): Jan and Martin on Metropolitan podcast
Kris Guštin - guitarist
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Known for his organisational expertise, 'slay pose' and 'cake baking skills,' Kris stays fabulous on and off stage!
Video (1m 5s): NGVOT backstory (Kris’ breakup) at Cvetličarna
Article: Interview with the entire Guštin family
Jure Maček - drummer
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Described consistently by his band mates as ‘čaga’ (party), Jure brings a chaotic energy to Joker Out that we love to see!
Video (41s): Jure’s cheating (in school!) story
Interview (18m 3s): Sunday Chat on Radio 94
Nace Jordan - bassist
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The oldest member of Joker Out, Nace is a genuine sweetheart who fit like a glove into Joker Out despite joining much later! 
Article: "Enriched by a special [Eurovision] experience"
Interview (18m 24s): Interview with JokerOutSubs in Umag
Get to know the whole band! 
They mostly do interviews together, so here are some of our favourites!
Interview (16m 52s): Vičstock Unplugged
Video (7m 3s): Joker Out pre-Križanke Instagram Q&A compilation
Interview (54m 42s): Multisciplinary panel at Bežigrad High School
Article: Joker Out for DELO
Article: Joker Out for Mladina magazine
Interview (6m 42s): Joker Out for RTV SLO
Interview (1h 1m): Joker Out for N1 podkast
We hope you’ve enjoyed learning a bit more about our favourite band! 
If you’d like even MORE translated interviews, articles and Instagram stories, you can find us on Tumblr, X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and Spotify under the name JokerOutSubs!
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P.S: If you wish to share this post with new fans, we also provided QR codes!
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179 notes · View notes
umazane-muesli · 9 months
Well I ended up watching the concert movie in the middle of the night like some kind of lunatic (I haven't had a real sleep schedule since i was like 14) and wrote down a few of my favourite moments. They're not that interesting or original so i'll put them under a cut, but I wanted to keep a few of my thoughts on this blog <3 And you can also read this if you're debating whether you want to rent the video or not, maybe it'll help you make your choice. (it does contain "spoilers" though, if you can even call it that)
- JURE MAČEK!!!!!!!!! Holy shit I hadn't realised how starved I was for Jure content, having so many shots on him was the highlight of the show for me I love this funky little drummer!! Back shot and side shot and seeing his little face!!!! 🩵🩵🩵🩵
- I love the trumpet player! The trombone and saxophone players as well of course but trumpet man you are the star to me. The 3 guest musicians were such a cool addition to the show, it was a good way to make this concert special, and it was so cool to incorporate them not only in SSOL but also in ASTP and Ona. (Also, tangent sorry, but I keep saying "brass ona" because it's fun to say and I'll probably keep saying it but. I have a confession to make. Saxophone is not a brass instrument lol it's a woodwind. Anyway)
- Kris' transition from Bele sanje to Plastika. I know we've already talked about this but it's so good. And Jan vibing to it!!! Love it
- The melodrama of Bojan's performance of Plastika. This man needs to do The Most at all times or he'll explode. 10/10 please keep doing this mr Cvjetićanin
- One of my favourite things is when Kris stretches his arms out and he looks 4 meters tall. I love you giraffe man
- Sweatyyyy (look, i didn't say my thoughts were going to be profound)
- Every time Jan MARCHES down that catwalk I swoon a little bit, ngl
- The bts sections are interesting and pretty well incorporated, I enjoyed them a lot. If I had to say one negative thing about the movie it's that the subtitles are pretty inconsistent, the same way they were sometimes in the carpe diem and wwttb vlogs. Sometimes there are lines missing and the quality of the translation seems a bit uneven. (and apparently they were not added immediately when the video became available, but I rented it only later, so I didn't see that). Still, I was glad they added these bts sections, we got to see the prep, the crew and their roles (I'm always very interested in that), fan interviews and even a tiny bit about Jan's green guitar.
- Bojan melodrama part 2: floor edition
- the Padam montage was pretty cool, but I found it a little bit funny that they mixed footage of actual difficult moments (like them getting sick, etc.) with "joke" difficult moments? (Like "fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, I'm leaving this band"). But anyway, the way they used the screen during the show was pretty smart throughout, I thought.
- Mark Pirc' passion for black and white video needs to be studied
- Omamljeno telo made me want to be there SO BAD, it looked like so much fun. When they all (well, except for Jure) come on the catwalk together!!! <3
- Bojan's little bow to let Nace, Kris and Jan pass on the catwalk. silly and cute
- Martin hug. Need I say more
- So many moments where Jan and Kris' guitars compliment each other so well. I love when you can really hear their two melodies intertwine together. And actually properly seeing that is so cool.
- Nace's energy in Tokio. I mean his energy is great the whole time but during Tokio he gets Silly and it's very fun to watch
- Novi Val was so emotional <3
- it was a lovely idea to include a bit of footage from their vacation during the credits. Very cute. And saying that they missed Bojan and Bojan missed them 😭
I'm sure I would have had more to say but this is already unnecessarily long and I sort of forgot to write things down towards the end, so I'll stop there. But I really enjoyed the concert movie, I'm very glad to have watched it (would love to rewatch it at a normal human hour). I'm still holding out a tiny sliver of hope that it will be available to buy and permanently own someday, but in the meantime it was a very well-spent 8€ (well, 7.45 chf).
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jan-lape · 3 months
tenpo ale anu weka anu seme la sina kepeken lipu Linku? tenpo ale la mi kepeken ona.
(how often do you use lipu Linku? i use it all the time.)
lon la ala la mi kepeken. mi sona e lon ona. mi kama sona e toki pona la mi kepeken ilo Glosbe, taso nasin pi ilo ni li ike tawa jan ante. ilo li poki e kon pi nimi ale, taso ni li lon ala nasin pi toki pona. sama ni: nimi "tomo tawa" li ken ijo mute lon toki Inli: tomo tawa telo anu tomo tawa linja anu sama. taso la ilo Glosbe li toki taso e tomo tawa pi sike tu tu lon nasin. ni li pona tawa lawa mi. lawa mi o poki sona e kon wan la pona mute. sina jo e nasin lawa pi tomo tawa linja la sina ken sona pona e tan. lawa jan mi li lukin poki e kon pi ijo ale.
mi awen toki tan seme la msa xD. o nasin sina. ilo Linku li pona la o kepeken.
(sina sona pakala e ijo lili la o mu tawa mi. pona o tawa sina :3)
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Review: Live From Arena Stožice
can you tell i’m on winter break and have nothing better to do?
1) Sunny Side of London
• What can I sayyyyy! we’ve had this live version out for a while now and it’s probably the only JO song that I 100% prefer live. It’s MADE for a live performance, for an audience that will have fun with it and participate. Great opening choice too! 9/10
2) Gola
• Felt much more energetic than the studio version! Gola isn’t my fave but I definitely like it more now that we have this live version! 8/10
3) Bele Sanje
• I think the best part about Bele Sanje are the little nuanced things like the “lalalala” and some of the electronics which I can’t really hear in the live version BUT I can’t complain….I loved it, especially the extended guitar part at the end (which im assuming is Jan lol) and the boys going absolutely CRAZY on backing vocals!
4) Plastika
• THE TRANSITION FROM BELE SANJE TO THIS?!?! HELLO?!?? MY SOUL ASCENDED!!! I can hear all of the electronics and all of the energy! I love that you can obviously tell that Plastika is a fan favorite! Bojan’s emotion in this live version (especially on “ne morem se odločit al se jočem al smejim) just took it to the next level imo. 10/10
5) Proti Toku
•Not much to say about it, I think it’s definitely more fun than the studio version but it just seems quiet to me??? idk?? 8/10 tho, it’s still a banger
6) Dopamin
• THIS!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOOVE THIS!!! I see clips of Dopamine on tiktok or something and it sounds more aggressive than in the studio, and im SOOOOO glad it sounds that way here! It’s such a cute, happy song but it’s so…HARD! Guitars were going CRAAAAAAAAZY, but we could still hear some of the little electronic bits. Byfar some of the best sounds of the album. 20/10
7) Padam
• I cry, I cry every time. Love the audience in this one and Bojan’s voice?!?? angelic. 9/10
8) Demoni
• WE FINALLY HAVE THE DEMONI SCREAM ON STREAMING PLATFORMS! The ONLY thing I think you have been better was just volume, i don’t feel the impact as much in this song as i do in some of the others (which is not the case for the studio albums). Loved how they kind of slightly played around instrumentally with the beginning and the end. All my homies love Demoni. 10/10
9) Katrina
• Ok so…..Katrina is by far my favorite Joker Out song so by default, I think this version is great. There was a lot more tension this go around which, in my mind, fits nicely with the lyrics. HOWEVER…… I think I hyped this up too much in my mind. It was still very very VERY good (and the sheer quality of Jan’s solo was just impeccable, which is what I was hoping for), just missing something that I can’t really put my finger on. 10/10 tho, stream Katrina for clear skin.
10) A sem ti povedal
Ok ok ok hear me out . I am an A sem ti povedal binge streamer, the studio version is what I think musical perfection is. Every time i see a live performance of it, it’s always tweaked in some way, which hurts my little studio-loving heart. I’m not gonna lie and say the trumpet solo was bad or anything, in fact I thought it was quite beautiful, but I don’t think it should have taken the place of the heart-melting intro in the studio version. HOWEVER, I got over that pretty quickly, with the acapella introduction and the buildup into the A-MA-ZING bridge. Personally I think Bojan’s little changes to how sings this one really made a difference, especially since they went ahead and changed like….most of the song anyways. Still, i was transported to another dimension with this one even though I am still a pretty strict A sem ti povedal purist. 9/10
11) Omamljeno telo
Fun, Fun, Fun! One of my favorite JO songs! It almost felt too short! 9/10
12) Kot Srce, Ki Kri Poganja
Martin girlies WYA?!?! EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS WAS PERFECT! from ACTUALLY performing Kot Scre, to releasing it in the album, to the evergy, and ESPECIALLY to having Matic and Martin, who absolutely ATE THIS UP!!! Did anyone else become a Kot Srce, Ki Kri Poganja girlie after this? because I certainly did! 15/10
13) Metulji
• Upon seeing a 6 minute version of Metulji i was very excited. Figuring out that most of it was straight up guitar was definitely something that grew on me after a few listens. One of my favorite things about the studio version of this song is just HOW Bojan sings (it just scratches my brain) and it still does that in this album, and it’s even MORE emotional! Instrumentally, I LOOOOOVED the little tiny changes they made, it really was so beautiful, and also tense, and a little scary! it’s crazy what you can do with sounds. 10/10
14) Vse Kar Vem
•ALSKDSKDKFJ I LOVE THIS SONG!!!! I dont speak Slovene but I FELT EVERY SINGLE WORD!!! Ofc knowing the lyrics helps, and all of that just made me …FEEL! I WAS FEELING FEELINGS! I could feel the audience feeling feelings!!!! What I don’t see talked about enough is how Jure SLAYED that drum break like LORD HAVE MERCYYYYY. 10/10
15) Barve Oceana
• BRAVE Oceana absolutely killed me…but speaking of Jure absolutely eating the girlies up, the drum break in this was just PERFECT. Also I loooooved being able to hear Nace during the first few verses, I never realized the bass part was so fun! AND THE BACKING VOCALS? THE AAAAAAAA’s? PERFECTION! 10/10
mr. maček i love you
16) Ngvot
• KRIS GUŠTIN YOU WILL ALWAYS BE FAMOUS! ALWAYS! We all knew he could throw down with the songwriting, and it’s just so nice to be able to hear him sing it too! Ngvot is a classic, nothing much to say about this live version! 8.5/10
17) Vem Da Greš
• also another OP fave here and another beautiful transition into this from Ngvot! Also not too much to say about this one other than I felt it wasn’t as impactful as the studio version, like the buildups were just for nothing because the actual hits were lacking power. Also the faint children’s choir-esque sound was throwing me off? I heard it it Metulji too and idk what it is! 8/10
18) Ne Bi Smel
• part 3 of Jure absolutely killing it. Now THIS was powerful! So much energy, especially compared to the already super-fast studio version. Bojan’s voice was definitely one of the highlights (it is in every song, but especially here!)!
19) Ona
• to be honest, i’m not rocking with this jazz band version of it. The sultry sax intro was a great addition, setting up the plot of the song and everything, but this big brass thing throughout the song was not it for me. I think what I love about the studio version is the angry electronic things we hear, and we do hear it here, but it’s almost cancelled out by the brass? idk man, it’s a song about crying your eyes out every night because of a girl and it just wasn’t feeling like that! 7/10, I still love Ona
20) Tokio
• The audience did their part in this one! Another great one, I have no complaints. 10/19
21) Umazane Misli
• God i love this one! I think this had the perfect amount of experimentation in it for the song to sound like itself while also feeling fresh. Personally i would have preferred if there were no mics or instruments on during the part with the girl’s voice and just had the whole audience sing the whole thing, but that’s just a stylistic, nitpicky thing lmao. 9.5/10
22) Novi Val
• I cried, i’m still crying. 15/10
23) Carpe Diem
• Carpe Diem NEVER fails! This was the absolute best song to close out with in EVERY way! It’s fun with a sappy ending that wraps up the album and the show perfectly. I would have sold all of my limbs to be there during that. 20/10
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sparkles-oflight · 9 months
Sorry for this review coming out this late. I know the album has been out for me for the past 14 hours, but 1. Fandom is not my life priority and 2. Yesterday I was close to collapsing due to dehydration, hunger, and lack of sleep so I hope you understand why I'm putting this out now (I'm okay)
Sunny Side Of London
I don't have a lot to comment on because we already had this song, but I'll never not say that SSOL live is so much better than the studio version ESPECIALLY because of the ending. We don't get 30 seconds of emptiness but we get a wholeass show!
The perfect transition???? I didn't notice the song changed.
I love how you can hear the people singing along
I got ads between songs -_- (3, I hate you Spotify)
Bele Sanje
Uuu u uu
Bele Sanje my beloved
no lala :(
guitars :)
Bojan's interpretation is so good.
He didn't get too invested - which could be bad because he could lose the vocal aspect - but instead he did just enough for us to get the message and keep the quality, which I love(I hope this makes sense)
Proti Toku
See, I think on this one he was close to cross the line of "too much interpretation".
Kris' voice???? Audible??? 👀
My baby <3
Inject Kris' back vocals in my veins
I had to take a break to go groccery shopping and have lunch
it's so good live...it has no right
It was the best song in the Madrid gig and I can say it sounds just as good here
You can hear the guitars so clearly
Idk if it's just me, but I would think people would be quiet during this song because it's so depressing, but it sounds nice either way.
They still need to make the break between Padam and Demoni longer, imo. We need time to process our feelings.
Don't mind me, I'm just doing a quick google search on how to have JO's discography in my veins
A sem ti povedal
My mom called me to help with shores halfway through it -_-
The isolation of Bojan's voice IS SUCH A GOOD CHOICE
Bojan stop trying to make me cry
The solo owns my life
I need Kris' voice to be louder for a true duet
Omamljeno Telo
I love you so much
Kot Scre, Ki Kri Poganja
Martin in the credits 🥹
It's such an important song to me, so I don't mind
This song is like a massage in my head. Does it make sense?
Vse Kar Vem
Live is the only proper way to listen to this song
I really wish Kris mic's volume was just a bit higher
"Brave Oceana"
Ah yes, my favourite Batman In song
I love that a SEA of people sang a part on their own.
Get it? Get i-*gunshots*
I refuse to spell the whole name and I hate that each word starts in caps
"what brings you to Ljubljana?" IT'S YOU
the fact that yesterday I was even talking about how last year I wanted to do Erasmus this year in Ljubljana and I say "nO, because nobody speaks or knows slovenian"...oh boy (sometimes I'm dumb)
"Ya ya"?
Vem Da Greš
Tbf, it's still the song I probably care for the least. I only listen to it from time to time.
Ne Bi Smel
Jure's soooooolo
so good
oh, okay, kris? wanna make this a duet?
Petition for Kris' to sing the female Ona voice
omg...what's this? AN AD!?
Tokio will never not have a special place on my heart
I want whatever universe Tokio is in my life
Umazane Misli
In my veins, nowx2
Oh, someone actually go to sing it?
Also, I love how they still let everyone sing the chorus multiple times
Novi Val
Novi Val.
That's it.
I can't describe it.
Carpe Diem
<3 hvala lepa fantje for my making my year better
The bass??? hello???
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some-eldritch-bats · 4 months
toki pona is a secret code that lets you exclusively talk to cool autistic queer people its so great.
jan pona sin la mi pilin pona tawa @wholesome-supervillain! ona li pona la ona li toki telo kepeken toki pona. ni li pona mute a a a! mi pilin pona tawa kulupu pona <3 ^.^ suwi a
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jaysunakestor · 2 years
English to Furbish to toki pona ““dictionary””
today, i learned that Furbish is actually kinda a language?? after reading this post by @favoriteanimal and skimming this wiki page, i naturally decided to try to translate all the Furbish words and phrases into my beloved toki pona. oh boy was it a journey!
overall, i feel like toki pona is a much more flexible + efficient little language in comparison to Furbish. the main issue that irked me was the amount of unnecessary variations of the same concept, but made into 3 or more words! (i think this may just be the toki ponist in me.) i’m also not certain, but it seems like Furbish may be a relex?? someone please let me know, if ya know!
however, Furbish still succeeds in what (i believe) it sets out to do: to be a very cute, baby-sounding language that can be used to express many interactions between pet + owner / baby + guardian.
please note:
i was quite tired + made this in the span of about 3 hours!
i am not a toki pona expert and have little experience with Furbies
toki pona is best expressed in context and sometimes requires multiple sentences to convey an idea, so many of these don’t work well to be translated as abstract concepts.
i used some non-standard words (both non-pu and non-ku suli)
if i’ve made any mistakes, please kindly correct me! if you think a phrase could be better expressed a different way, feel free to share!
(above/up/high) oo = sewi / lon sewi
(affirmative) ee = lon
(again/another/more) koh-koh = kin
(and) koh = en
(ask) oh-too-mah = [toki pi wile] seme
(baby) bay-bee = kili mama / jan lili mama
(bad) boo-dah = ike
(be/to be) boh = lon / li (kind of, it’s complicated lol)
(beautiful/pretty) ee-kah = suwi lukin / pona lukin
(best) dee-mak = nanpa wan
(best fun/radical) dee-doo-ay = epiku
(big) dah = suli
(no!/big no) dah-boo = ala a
(big yes) dah-ee-tah = pona a / lon a
(birth/birthday) tee-toh = tenpo pi kama lon
(birthday) toh-toh = sike suno
(boring) koo-dah-way-loh = musi ala
(bottle) bah-bah = poki telo
(change) boo-tay = ante
(cloud) ay-loh-may-lah = ijo kon sewi
(come/coming) bye-bye-oo-bah = kama
(complete) toh = pini
(cute) doh-dee = suwi [lukin]
(dance) noh-lah = tawa musi
(delicious/tastes good) yumm-wah = pilin pi moku pona / moku li pona
(diamond) ay-koo = kiwen mani
(dizzy) ay-way = pilin nasa
(do) doo-dah = pali (i’m not sure of the context of this one, so it’s tricky)
(dog) bar-bar = soweli pona? / soweli jan pi nanpa wan? (i’ve always been bad at translating animal names)
(done) toh-dye = pini
(down) nah-bye = anpa
(dream) way-loo = sitelen lape
(dude) dee-doh = mije / jan o (not sure if this is referring to just “a guy” / or is meant to be like “bro”)
(face) kay-tay = sinpin
(feed/food) ah-tah = moku
(finally) oo-tah-toh-toh = tenpo li lon ni a (this one is tricky)
(friend/buddy) noo-lah = jan pona
(full) oo-loo = pilin pi moku mute
(fun) doo-ay = musi
(funny) doo-loo = musi
(game) doo-ay-loo-lah = musi
(game over) kah boo koo-dah = pini musi / musi li pini
(genius) dah-way = wawa lawa
(give) tah = pana
(go/bye/get out) bye-bye = o tawa pona / o tawa a (not sure if this is supposed to be aggressive or what 😅)
(good/okay) ee-day = pona
(good morning) dah-ay-loh-oo-tye = suno pona
(good night) dah-ay-loh-nah-bah = [o] lape pona
(happy) noo-loo = pilin pona
(have) ah-mah = jo
(health/healthy) koo-doh = sijelo pona / lawa pona (physical health / mental health)
(help) ah-noo = o pona! / o pona e mi! / pana e pona
(hey) hey = toki
(hide) woo-bye = weka lili
(high) oo-tah = sewi
(hmm?/huh?/when?/where?/yeah?/what?) doo? = seme
(home) lay-lah = tomo / tomo mi
(hug) may-lah = pilin pona suli kepeken luka (not sure on this one)
(humor/play/joke) loo = musi
(hungry/eat) ay-tay = pilin moku / moku
(interrogative) doo = seme / anu seme
(island) koo-wah = ma lili / ma lili lon telo suli
(joke) loo-loo = musi
(just kidding/not) kah-loo-loo = mi toki lon ala! / mi toki musi taso / lon ala!
(kiss) may-tah = pilin suwi kepeken uta
(life/nature/living things) tee = lon / ijo lon
(light) ay-loh/a-loh = suli ala (i believe this is supposed to refer to weight? if it’s referring to like a lightbulb, then “suno”)
(lightness) ay = suli ala
(like) toh-loo = ni li pona tawa mi / sina pona tawa mi / mi pona tawa sina anu seme? (this one really only works in a sentence)
(like/similar to/comparative) tay = sama
(listen) ay-ay-lee-koo = kute / o kute
(little/smallness) dee = lili
(live) boh-dah = lon
(log) tee-loh = palisa kasi
(look) ay-ay = lukin / o lukin
(love) may-may = olin
(love it) dah-may-may = ni li pona a tawa mi / ona li pona a tawa mi / ona li pona a tawa sina anu seme? (again only really works in a sentence)
(maybe) may-bee = ken la
(me/mine/myself/I) kah = mi
(money) moo-lah = mani
(monster) moh-moh = monsuta
(mountain) koh-dah = nena
(move) noh-bah = tawa
(music) ee-kah-lee-koo = kalama musi
(negative/no/stop) boo = ala / o pini
(no way/big no) dah-boo = ala a!
(noise) bah-boo = kalama
(now) nee-way = tenpo ni
(oh) oh = a
(oh my gosh/OMG) oh-kah-tee = wawa a! / a! / seme a?!
(ok) oh-kay = oke
(over) oo-bah = lon sewi
(party/party time) dah-no-lah = ma musi / tenpo musi
(path) bye-way = nasin
(pet) ah-may = luka suwi / mi luka suwi e sina
(play) loo-lay = musi
(please) doo-mah = sina pona e mi la mi pilin pona (idk if there’s really a good way to say “please” in tok, but here’s a sentence “if you help me, i’ll feel good”)
(pull) ah-loo = luka / pakala lili (depends on context)
(rain) wah-wee-tee = telo sewi
(receive) tah-tah = kama jo
(really?/seriously?) loo-loo-doo? = seme? / ni li lon anu seme?!
(rock - music) boo-koo = kalama musi kiwen (not meant to be literally— i’m describing rock music as kiwen/“hard”)
(rock - nature) koo = kiwen
(sad) boo-noo-loo = pilin ike / pilin laso
(scared) dah-boh-boh = pilin monsuta / monsuta
(sea) ee-wah = telo suli
(shake) koo-bah = tawa suli
(sing) wee-tee = kalama musi uta
(sleep) way-loh = lape
(so) doh = tan
(song) wah-tee = kalama musi
(sound) lee-koo = kalama
(stand) oo-boh = awen noka
(story) wee-loo = lipu musi
(sun) dah-ay-loh = suno
(sweet) nee-may = suwi
(tail) dee-tee-tah = linja monsi sijelo
(talk) noo-noo = toki
(tell) wee-tah = toki
(thank) dah-kah = toki lon te sina pona to
(thank you) dah-kah-oo-nye = sina pona / pona tawa sina
(that’s right) boh-ee-tay = ni li lon / lon
(thinking/mind) way = pilin / isipin / lawa
(tickle) nee-tye = pana e pilin musi
(time) toh-toh = tenpo
(touching/holding) ah = pilin / luka
(touch) tay-boo-koo = pilin / luka
(tree) tee-tah = kasi suli
(twinkle) tee-wee-lah = suno
(uh-huh) uh-huh = lon
(uh-oh) uh-oh = a ike
(uh-uh) uh-uh = ala
(uncle) oo-kah = jan sama mama / jan sama pi mama mi (not sure on this one)
(very) mee-mee = mute
(wassup?) doo-oo-tye? = sina pali seme? / seme li lon ni?
(water/rain) wah = telo
(where are you?) oo-nye-doo? = sina lon seme?
(whoa) whoa = a!
(wise/wisely) wah-lah = sona suli / kepeken sona suli
(wonder) way-nah = isipin / pilin
(worried) boh-bay = pilin monsuta lili
(yay) yay = pona a!
(yea!) wah! = lon a!
(yes) ee-tay = lon
(yippee) yippee = a! / musi a! / pona a!
(you) oo-nye / u-nye = sina
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kon-lin · 1 year
sona suli tawa jan tonsi:
jan lawa ike li wile weka e ken pi jan tonsi lon ma mute. sina ken ala kama jo e misikeke tan jan misikeke la, sina awen ken kama jo e ona lon linluwi. kin la, esun linluwi li ken lukin e telo loje sina.
sina ken ala kama jo e misikeke tonsi, anu sina sona e jan sama ni, o lukin e lipu ni:
lon ni la, sina ken kama sona e mute, li ken alasa e esun linluwi pi misikeke tonsi.
o pona <3
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phrootsnacks · 2 years
Language Self Studying 12/31/22
🌟 reflection time baby 🌟
So this past month I’ve been studying Spanish, Toki Pona, Arabic, and ASL... How did it go? What worked? What didn’t?
In summary: it could’ve been better, but it could’ve been worse! I could beat myself up for not doing more, or make excuses for why I didn’t do more, but I’m simply Not Going To. The progress I made is the progress I made, and the progress I didn’t make is the progress I didn’t make, and that’s that. My Worth Is Independent From My Productivity.
...anyway I’m glad I decided to share a bit about it on tumblr! it’s nice to have some sort of record of my studying, and all you all fellow language studiers are cool B)
Also! Long post! So requests for info are here too!
Corrections are welcome! Like don’t be rude about it but for all of the languages I’m studying, if I’m messing something up let me know!
Also, practicing speaking and conversation is good and something I’d like to do more! If you wanna chat, let me know! I’m also available to answer questions / give advice for English :]
Lastly, if you know of a good Arabic dictionary, let me know! Preferably one that is online, has audio, and has the Egyptian dialect. Is ReversoDictionary or DictionaryReverso or however it’s called reliable? I like that they have audio and example sentences, but I don’t know much about it.
specifics on each language below! 
Mis exámenes de español fueron bien (de verdad recibí un A en todas mis clases !!), y creo que mejoró mi habilidad de leer. 
¡Me encanta el libro Short Stories in Spanish de Olly Richards! No soy muy cómodo con las formas de vosotros, pero todo está bien. El nivel es un poco fácil para mí, pero aún así es bueno para reforzar los básicos. Sin embargo, ¡hay algunas palabras y algunas formas que son nuevas para mí! También puedo leer con fluidez más o menos, entonces leerlo es relajante.
A veces encuentro una palabra nueva, y la aprendo en el contexto. Pero, encuentro la misma palabra de nuevo, ¡y me olvido el significado! Quizás comience a escribir las palabras nuevas y crear tarjetas para recordar mejor.
Desafortunadamente no hablé con mis amigas de El Salvador :( ¡Somos tan ocupados durante este tiempo del año!
El semestre que viene tengo dos clases de español, una clase de conversación y una clase de lectura! Estoy animado para ellas, y me siento que estoy listo para ellas también :3
Además, hay hispanohablantes en tumblr! Hola! Las correcciones son bienvenidas, y me gustaría mucho charlar con ustedes :]
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------toki pona
toki pona li pona, taso li wile tenpo tawa kama sona e toki pona. mi kama sona e toki pona la mi kama toki telo... (sona mi a a a). 
sitelen tawa tan jan Kekan San li pona mute a! ona li jan sona pona a. sitelen tawa ni la mi kama sona mute. mi kama sona e nasin toki pi toki pona. tenpo pini la, nasin toki mute en nimi lili li pona ala tawa mi. sitelen tawa ni li pona e ike ni tawa mi!
kin la, mi lon ilo Siko: li lon ma pona pi toki pona, li lon kama sona, li lon ma toki pona VR. ilo Siko la mi jan Kilili. tenpo mute la jan sin li pana e monsuta tawa mi a a a. taso mi wile toki mute e toki pona, la mi kama lukin! o toki tawa mi a. wile mi la mi jo e jan pona pi toki pona :)
I feel decently comfortable with the alphabet-- recognizing letters, sounding out words, and writing a bit as well. Obviously it’s not perfect and these skills could be faster and smoother, but I know that will come with time with the language. 
The Egyptian Arabic for beginners course is decent enough, however I haven’t been using it as much because it doesn’t include words / phrases in the Arabic alphabet, just the romanization. It means I have to do a bit more work when taking notes on these videos, trying to figure out how something is spelled and looking it up in a dictionary. But it’s ok! Because in my investigations I happened across some other nice resources, like Arabic Khatawaat:
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I've been using these videos to learn / practice writing the script, and there's a lot more content on this channel that looks promising!
I also found some ~free~ online textbooks! Here’s a link to Msulib’s textbook catalog, which includes Basic Hindi, Basic Khmer, Basic Urdu, Elementary Arabic I and II, and Elementary Chinese I and II. Of course, I’ve been looking into the Arabic textbooks:
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I really like that it includes audio, and transcription, and how it’s written in the Arabic script! I’ve been using this textbook to make flashcards in Anki, and I like being able to include audio with my flashcards so I can get better at pronunciation / hearing :3
I definitely want to continue studying Arabic, which is good because I already have the resources for it! I want to start using the textbooks I have (both physical and digital) and continue making flashcards for vocab. However as I mentioned I like making them with audio, so if you know of a good Arabic dictionary, specifically with audio and with the Egyptian dialect, please let me know! I usually use wordref but they don’t have audio for the Arabic dictionary.
I’m happy with the progress I’ve made so far, and I’m excited to continue with this language and see where I go with it in the new year!
Ooh boy ASL is very fun and rewarding! I mean, maybe this is true for any language that is new to me, but I’m really enjoying learning ASL. I feel like if I put in the effort, I can progress in this language pretty quickly.
Also thank you to all the recommendations for resources! I had already saved some of Bill Vicars’ YouTube videos to my watch later playlist, but I wasn’t sure if it would be good because there’s a lot of not great ASL content on YT.
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And you know what? Bill Vicars’ videos are really good! He's an engaging and funny teacher, and I feel like I understand a lot more compared to all those YT videos that are like ~learn 50 essential signs in 10 minutes!!!~ ...
However, it is kinda difficult to take notes. I’ve just been writing in a notebook how to sign something but it’s kinda difficult balancing the amount of detail to describe the sign. I want to make flashcards, but that seems kinda difficult for ASL. However, ...
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The ASL app is kinda good as a way to do flashcards!! I wasn’t exactly enthused about learning on my phone, but it’s actually pretty convenient to cover up half the screen, then go thru the signs.
I might also make flashcards for ASL using photos from Bill Vicars’ website. I worry about using photos for flashcards tho, (like will I associate what is in the photo with the concept instead of the sign with the concept?) but maybe I’m overthinking it. I think generally I waste time worrying about the best way of doing something instead of actually doing it... so... it’s probably fine...
It’s interesting to see the subtle differences too! Like for questions, Bill Vicars teaches that the question sign goes at the end, where in the ASL app they put the question sign at the front. It makes more sense to me to put it at the end, but I don’t know why there are these differences. I wonder, like how American English isn’t the same all over the country, is American Sign Language the same way? Are there, like ASL regional dialects? I have much to learn. 
I’m definitely going to keep studying ASL. It’s very interesting to me and scratches a different part of my brain. I think I will join my university’s ASL club, too. I’m a little unsure, because I’m hearing and don’t personally know any Deaf people (but also,,,,, I believe my university’s ASL professor is also hearing? so...) But! I didn’t know any Spanish speakers before I learned Spanish! I don’t want to invade in people’s space, I just hope to meet some Deaf people, learn and practice ASL, and learn more about Deaf culture :3
Speaking of which, I put in a request at my library for Introduction to American Deaf Culture by Thomas K Holcomb. I’m excited to learn more!
... and that’s all they wrote! Congrats on making it to the end, I hope you have a happy and healthy new year :]
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musipipilili · 1 year
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ni li moku Taco ante. mi jo ala e sitelen pi moku Taki sama.
nasin moku: moku Tako pi jan Leki
ijo seli
kipisi pi leko kasi walo
ko kili seli pi soweli ala
ko pi kili loje
kipisi pi kili jaki jelo (anu kili jaki ante)
nameko Kumin
nameko Kowijanda
nameko Papika
ko soko jelo
telo kasi
ijo lete
pan lipu
kili loje lili
telo pi kili laso pi suwi ala
kili jaki lon telo wawa
telo pi uta seli
nanpa wan: o len e leko kasi walo kepeken nameko Kumin kepeken nameko Kowijanda. o seli e leko lon telo kasi kepeken supa seli. selo leko li kama kule ma lili la o pini.
nanpa tu: lon tenpo sama la, o seli e kipisi pi kili jaki jelo kepeken supa seli ante anu poki seli. kili li kama kule ala la, ona li pona.
nanapa wan tu: o pana e nameko Kumin e nameko Kowijanda e nameko Papika e ko soko e ko lili pi kili loje tawa ona. o seli kepeken tenpo lili.
nanpa tu tu: o pana e ko kili seli tawa kili jaki. o seli kepeken tenpo lili.
nanpa luka: o pali e moku Tako kepeken ko kili kepeken leko kasi walo kepeken ijo lete.
o moku pona!
Recipe: Blake’s tacos
1/2 brick diced tofu
1 can vegetarian refried beans
1/3 small can (2 tablespoons?) tomato paste
1/2 diced yellow onion (red onions or shallots are also good)
Nutritional yeast
Vegetable oil
Grape tomatoes
Lime juice
Pickled onions
Your favorite hot sauce
Toss the tofu in cumin and coriander. In an oiled pan on medium heat, cook until crispy (8 minutes).
Meanwhile, in another oiled pan or pot on medium heat, cook the onions until translucent.
Mix in cumin, coriander, paprika, nutritional yeast and tomato paste, cook briefly (2-3 minutes).
Mix in the refried beans, cook briefly again (2-3 minutes).
Construct the tacos from the tortillas, tofu, refried beans and toppings.
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kasilitawa · 2 years
kalama musi "mun" (kalama musi pi kulupu (G)I-DLE)
tenpo pimeja la mi toki ante e kalama musi "Moon". (sina ken kalama uta e ni) mi kepeken e nimi pi toki inli tan lipu ni. kalama musi ni li pona a tawa kute mi <3
nimi li lon noka tu
tenpo pimeja lon mun. mi ken ala weka a suno mun loje la mi telo lukin pilin sinpin ike mi mu-un o suno ala e mi mi-i wile e ma pimeja ni mu-un o weka a tan mi mi pilin pona ala o weka e suno-o-o mun mi wile e pime-e-e-ja, a tenpo pimeja la jan ale ken ala lukin e mi o lukin a-ala e mi tenpo pimeja lon mun. ale la mi sona a sewi laso suli la sinpin ni en pilin pona ni li lon mu-un o suno ala e mi mi-i wile e jan ala lon ni mu-un o weka a tan mi mi pilin ike lili o weka e suno-o-o mun mi wile e pime-e-e-ja, a tenpo pimeja la jan ale ken ala lukin e mi o lukin a-ala e mi tun tun tun talitali tun tun talun tun tun tun talitali tun tun ta ta tun tun tun talitali tun tun talun tun tun tun talitali tun tun ta mun loje suli-i-i-i mi tawa sewi-i-i-i-i ale suli pimeja la mi tawa e mun lili ni o lukin a-ala e mi tenpo pimeja lon mun. lukin pi telo ala
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n3bismel · 6 months
what are your favourite JO songs but specifically for these criteria?
1. favourite lyrics
2. favourite to sing along to
3. favourite guitar parts
1- favourite lyrics: for a song as a whole: Barve Oceana (i just see myself a lot in it) - I also have a weird fixation for the line "Klasika ne zadostuje" in vem da greš not sure why tho'
2- favourite to sing along: katrina - NGVOT( especially the first verse) - Ne bi smel - (noteworthy mention to mogoče)
3- favourite guitar parts: in no particular order katrina choruses (idk if it's correct English) (especially jan's parts) and bridge - Kris' in the last 40 seconds in ssol - vdg vkv and omamljeno telo diring the instrumental breakdown (or whatever it's called)
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soweli-ale-li-suwi · 1 year
tenpo pini lili la mi sitelen ala lon ni! mi jo ala e ijo suli. n. mi pilin pona tan ni: tenpo suno monsuta li kama. mi olin e ni. taso mi sona ala e ni: mi pali seme? mi jo ala e jan pona. mi ken ala ken tawa... monsuta... suwi...? mi alasa toki e "trick-or-treat" a a a. taso. ken la mi ken ala tan ni: mi jo e tenpo sike luka luka luka tu. pakalaaaaa. taso mi awen musi :3 (mi pana ala e telo oko)
toki Inli li anpa e linja / english under the cut
i haven't been writing here lately! i don't have anything interesting. um. i'm happy because halloween [scary day] is coming. i love that. but i don't know what i'm going to do. i dont have friends. can i go... scary... candy...? i'm trying to say "trick-or-treat" lol. but. maybe i can't because i'm seventeen years old. fuckkkkk. but we stay silly :3 (i'm not crying)
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retrocatastrophy · 1 year
Ranking Corum from the comics from my fav to least fav versions/interpretations
#1: The vanishing tower (Jan Duursema)
I love the colors, and the armor looks beautiful and it doesn't clash. Maybe a little busy appearance vise, but it doesn't bother me. I love his face as well. Not the typical male protag face, but still so handsome in his own way. Not a lot of guys can pull the full lips off so well
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#2 The balance lost (Francesco Biaginni)
It has the vibrant colors I like, and mutes down his armor to put the scarlet in focus, and it works. His hair 👌 The minus is his face, but it's still not too bad.
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#3 Sailor on the seas of fate (Michael T. Gilbert)
I love his silver hand and helm. Not sure about putting so much reddish colors in, but still very appealing. I don't like his eyepatch tho.
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#4 Chronicles of Corum (Mike Mignola)
I do like it, but it's too simplistic on occasion. I didn't like his look in the king of the swords, which is the same segment as the vanishing tower. The colors are somehow too muted. But I still love how they aren't afraid to give him a big nose and lips. Took me a while to get used to his look, but I still like it a lot
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#5 French Elric comics (Julien Telo)
It's a cameo appearance only, so I don't know much about this Corum, which I hate, as the first part of sailor on the seas of fate is my fav Elric segment.
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rye-in-a-coat · 2 years
toki! mi jan Ati Nokuten
This is my first Tumblr post of my Toki Pona learning journey. I will now write in Toki Pona using the little knowledge I have got (3 videos so far of jan Misali Toki Pona lessons video series). After that I will write in English what I hope I wrote correctly. After the cut I share my thoughts.
nini mi li jan Ati. mi olin e toki. lipu sitelen mi li pona mute. ma pona suli mi o! ona li jan pona pona lukin mi. mama mi li seli e moku mute pona. o olin e jan pona sina. telo mi li lete. mi seli tomo mi. suno li pona lukin.
My name is Ari. I love language. My photograph album is very good. Oh, My big good country! They are my pretty friend. My dad cooked lots of good food. Love your friend. My drink is cold. I heat up my house. The Sun is handsome.
My collection of thoughts:
As someone who likes proper punctuaction even online, I find it somewhat... ehh... to now write in all lowercase. Personally I'm not a big fan of when people write everything in lowercase but with normal punctuation. But I understand that Toki Pona is all about minimalism so miniscule letters it is. I guess this is gonna be like German where you can easily identify the nouns because they are capitalized. Now the proper names are only capitalized.
I like the etymologies the words have. Quite a miscellaneous selection that take us around the world, from Papua New Guinea to Finland to Acadia. I would like to know the why on these elections by Sonja Lang.
As jan Misali's series of videos on lessons of Toki Pona is an on going series, I'm now wondering where to head now. I joined two Toki Pona Discord servers, one of them for Spanish speakers. I found a PDF of around 60 pages with basic explanations, maybe I follow that.
Sitelen Pona looks cool, but when to learn it? Should I be learning it along my vocabulary learning? Should I learn it at the end after knowing the words?
Sitelen Sitelen reminds me of the Maya script.
I'm very serious with Toki Pona becoming my third language. And when that happens I will be very proud to be a trilingual with Spanish, English and Toki Pona.
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gwendolynlerman · 4 years
Linguistics problems contest
The solution to yesterday’s problem is:
1. kiwen suno - jelo gold; tomo tawa telo - boat; jan Powi - Boris; ilo suno - lantern; telo jelo - piss; jan ilo - robot; jan toki - prophet; supa lape - bed; supa moku - dinner table; ma tomo - city; wile moku - hungry; tawa - movement; nasin linja - orthodoxy; wile pona - well-intentioned; telo kiwen - ice; lipu toki - book; wile lawa - dominant, linja lawa - hair, tomo moku - restaurant, linja kiwen - thorn
2. kiwen - rocky, solid object; jan - person; lipu - flexible surface; suno - light, bright, sun; ilo - thing, tool; wile - will, desire; jelo - yellow; toki - word, to speak; ma - land, soil, earth; tomo - shelter, house, vehicle; supa - horizontal surface; nasin - path; tawa - movement; lape - to sleep; linja - (straight) line; telo - water; moku -to eat
3. good language.
If anyone wants the detailed explanation, send me a direct message and I will give it to you.
Thank you so much to everyone for participating! I hope you found the problems interesting. I wanted to thank personally every one who took part and submitted their answers. Thank you, @bringonthehayl, @busyfollowingbees, @captaincanute, @doughygraduatestudent, @holyfunnyhistoryherring, @kattitude130, @kiragecko, @lang0weilig, @languagekat5288, @missowieoop, @nakimushi16, @oh-bitch-you-wary, @randomaj-aferoj, @reyneclaw, @rurubot, and @zoueriemandzijnopmars.
And special thanks to @lang0weilig for participating every single day.
The source where I got these problems is the International Linguistics Olympiad, where you can find not only these sample problems and their solutions, but also the puzzles of every year it has been hosted with their solutions, so you can try to solve them if you are bored during quarantine/self-isolation.
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