ravenwitch45 · 3 years
Headcanon A:Realistic
Amity likes to see herself in the mirror or a recent picture to see her hair to make herself feel better, It's there, It's different, It's her's and it's not Odalia's green.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hillarious
Amity likes to draw her friends, family (I mean Ed and Em, and maybe Alador but not Odalia cause NO) and Luz but she sucks at drawing from memory so she makes an abomination that looks like the person as a reference, que that specific person walking into her room and finding her with their abomination clone and being like "...What?" and Amity just being a flustered and panicking mess trying to explain.
Headcanon C: heart crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends.
Odalia didn't just dye Amity's hair one day out of the blue, she had been nagging her since Amity could pretty much understand words and Amity always had Willow to support her stance that she liked her hair the way it was, but after Odalia and Alador essentially black mailed her to break off thing with Willow, Amity was distraught for weeks and had no support systems so when Odalia asked she just gave in and let it be dyed.
Headcannon D: Unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Amity's original hairstyle was also something Odalia nagged her about, Amity likes having her hair down but Odalia said it was "Too Messy" (Also note how Emira has her's in a tight braid), and having some down with a high pony tail was a compromise between the two.
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kamuishiro · 6 years
Send a character’s name meme - If it hasn’t already been done, Kamui of X/1999 please.
Send a character’s name to receive four different headcanons
Headcanon A:realistic
while he isn't the biggest bookworm in the world, kamui does enjoy reading from time to time. being constantly on the move with almost no chance to make friends when he was younger forced him to find ways he could pass the time in the backseat of a car or on his own. bl manga is his guilty pleasure. yuzuriha finds out on accident and after kamui gets over the mortification of being caught (it takes him about a week), they begin to rec and trade books with each other in secret.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
kamui knows he's short. he (grudgingly) accepts this. he hopes one day soon he'll have a growth spurt to push him past his so-tiny-it-has-to-be-illegal height of 5'3". but that doesn't mean he has to like it. nor does he like others to see him struggle with basic stuff like reaching the cookies someone so inconsiderately left on the highest shelf in the cupboard, and if he has to sit on the counter and glare at said cupboard as though it personally offended him while he waits for the kitchen to empty out so some of his dignity remains intact when he drags a chair over to climb, so be it.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
kamui is lost after the final battle. he's accomplished what he was put on earth to do and now??? he has nothing. what purpose does he have when there are no more battles to be fought? no one to protect. fuuma said new powers would awaken in him after his death but kamui feels no different until one day he begins to hear whispers... voices in the wind... and he realizes that the living aren't the only ones with wishes.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
the vampire twins end up in his world post-series. after the initial shock wears off and they become friends, kamui spends about half his time pouting at his vampire self for not only being cooler, stronger, prettier, and more collected than he is but also for having the nerve to be taller (despite being older), and the other half trying to convince himself that he's not crushing on subaru because that would be weird... right????? (spoilers: he fails)
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electorofhell · 2 years
“Oi. Don’t give me that look, it’s rude to eavesdrop anyway, didn’t you know? You would look great in a skirt too, by the way.”
//sorry, I had to xD
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"Why in the world would you even suggest such a thing?!?! I don’t want to, no. I refuse. Nope. No thank you."
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electorofhell · 5 years
Second place.
Tell me what you think my muse is afraid of and they’ll rate it 1-10 based on how uncomfortable it makes them.
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“Shi-okay! Fine, that would be an 8.”
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electorofhell · 5 years
Being thrown off clock towers -cough-
Tell me what you think my muse is afraid of and they’ll rate it 1-10 based on how uncomfortable it makes them.
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“Three I guess? I can fly now so the fear is nearly gone but that feeling of possibly falling, its still there. This is Mathers fault okay.”
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electorofhell · 5 years
Courting someone romantically
Tell me what you think my muse is afraid of and they’ll rate it 1-10 based on how uncomfortable it makes them.
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“Umm, I’m not sure where this lands actually. I-I guess a 4 or 5?” He’s not really sure on this one, he’s not the romantic type or anything.
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electorofhell · 5 years
"So I was in hiding right? Thought I'd disappear after the war ended. Well, unfortunately, I've made some enemies and got kicked out of my own organization. Westcott's under investigation, Crowley's an arse, and I have fifteen faeries and a cat to house. Can I perhaps stay with you? For old time's sake?"
Okay that was a little too much at once but William was too happy to see his mentor. There was no way he was going to turn him away, the other had been someone that William came to grow fond of throughout their time together and although it wasn’t long he still trusted him. He gives a shy smile though turns away in order to hide it.
“You always bring trouble where ever you go but since you have asked so nicely I can’t turn you away.” William will always have a soft spot for the people he cherishes. It’s a small circle but one he cares about deeply. 
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“Just make sure the others don’ make a big mess, and the others stay out of the library. That’s my favorite place. You’re also paying me for this, I want to learn new magic so you better have a secret spell or two to teach me, deal?”
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electorofhell · 6 years
Still denying Solomon?
Let’s play “yes” or “no.” You ask me questions on anonymous or not, and I can only answer YES or NO.
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electorofhell · 2 years
dantalion is excited for halloween. ~
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“What are you planning? I don’t like that smug look on your face you know.”
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electorofhell · 6 years
‘ do you miss anyone? ’
* interview the muse
“Of course I do, what kind of question is that?”
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“I know I don’t show it, but that’s more of my fault for keeping things to myself instead of talking about it with others, but yes there are many I miss. When you’re surrounded by others for such a long time you get used to it. You are accustomed to their bickering, their laughs, the joys and even the small things that don’t really mean much but they’re important in their own right. To have that be gone for a while, it a big impact. Some of them I know will and can come back, so my mind is at ease. Others will never return, no matter how much I wish it, but in the end I do miss them when they’re not besides me.”
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electorofhell · 6 years
"William! Be Sherlock Holmes! And I I'll be your Watson!" [Isaac]
Tell my muse what they should dress up as for Halloween!
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“R-really you will?? OKay, done, no more discussions about this. Just don’t back out okay!?”
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electorofhell · 6 years
Send 💔 to accidentally tell my Muse you hate them during an argument| @datenshiis |
That, he wasn’t expecting that to be said to him, yet again it’s also not something new to William now is it. Still, why does it hurt this much? This, this is why he doesn’t like to get close to others, in the end they just hurt him after all. His own blood relatives did, who’s to stop others who have no relation to him?
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“Well you’re not the first to say it and certainly you won’t be the last person or being to hate me. It’s nothing new, so think of something better to say next time will you.” I’m stupid, so stupid.
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electorofhell · 6 years
Dantalion has a crush on you! (obviously)
“____ has a crush on you.” - finish in my ask!
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“Are you all teaming up against me or something??”
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electorofhell · 6 years
"Dantalion has a crush on you~"
“____ has a crush on you.” - finish in my ask!
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“How come you know this type of information? It can’t be true, right?”
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electorofhell · 6 years
👏 - Ruffle my muse’s hair
Touch Starved Meme  || @red-head-courage ||
William likes it when others play with his hair, not the crazy ‘let me mess up your hair entirely and drive you insane’ play, but the ‘calm and relax’ one. It helps the blond calm down and relax, he really needed that nowadays but he was okay with the occasional kind gestures. Though he wouldn’t admit it right away.
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“Thanks.” was all he could muffle as he continued to enjoy the small gesture.
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electorofhell · 6 years
"If it had fallen on the ground, then there it would have remained. Nobody's going broke over something that tiny. Now, say AAAAAH...." Totally holding up a piece of fry in front of the other's mouth. As per the request, which may or may not have exactly been this, but there's no point getting caught up in details, right?
William wanted to say a thing or two about the food that would’ve fallen, because even though they really wouldn’t care about it if it fell, he couldn’t ignore the fact that they would be guilty of starting to trash mother Earth. That would just stir up another totally different conversation. So instead William gave the other a judgmental look before leaning in and taking a bite off the offered fry and continued with his own food. Food was food and he was not going to waste it if he could help it, though he wouldn’t over eat either. 
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“Not what I meant but its at least better than throwing food in the air. See, was that too hard to do??”
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