#::Log: Mun Postings
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hxkerwxlf · 2 months ago
Wanna start of this post by saying Happy New year!
While still got a few hours left of 2024, but this year has truly been great in so many ways, and while there were hiccups, lets hope 2025 is an outstanding one!
Love you guys, watching, and interacting with you all has truly been a blast, and I can't wait to see what 2025 brings.
Keep being rad.
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hxkerwxlf · 1 month ago
Oh hey guys new codes ; )
50 Jades
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nan0-sp1der · 4 months ago
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As of me writing this, it has been 288 hours, or 12 days since the creation of this blog. In this short span of time, I have gained 14 total followers, and from that small conglomerate I have received a priceless amount of data, from unique social interactions from each of you. I extend to all of you a warm thank-you. For your reception, for your presence, and for your time. Many more moments await us, in the near and distant future. Cheers.  ваше здоровье. 乾杯. Salud. - NAN0-SPIDER
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rcseteaparty · 3 months ago
Welcome to rcseteaparty where the, came back wrong trope comes in two flavors.
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didn't actually die but still came back fucked up-.
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antecrist · 4 months ago
brain is tired so i'm heading off, but i love all of you sm.
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takahashi-labs · 2 years ago
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((Happy Sunday! have some sketchy Jazzies <3))
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collidingxworlds · 2 years ago
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End Hiatus & Blog Updates !
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So, I'm officially back from my hiatus! I have accumulated quite a few drafts and I still have to write them all, so I'll keep the queue slow (one reply every two days) until I'm caught up with them!
Also, there will be a few changes regarding the blog:
I'm turning this blog from selective to private (which means that I'll be pickier when it comes to following [back] people). This is because I'll be keeping it low activity (as it was before the hiatus), since at the moment my muse is still mostly for my other main blog. In that regard, I've also purged my followers and following list from the people I didn't follow back / never interacted with
Rules and Muses pages have been moved to Google Docs for easier access (links can be found on my pinned post)
I'm removing Dean Winchester as a muse. The chapter "Supernatural" is officially closed for me. I'll still be open to write with Spn RPs, of course, but I won't write muses from the show anymore (see next bullet for info on Gabriel). Tagging the people with whom I currently have threads with him, so you guys can be properly warned: @skallagrimulfhedinn, @waywardfeathered and @dayatarik.
For what concerns Gabriel, I'll be keeping him in my roaster in his current status as a request muse. However, I'll be favouring using him for AUs (even if his canon verses are still available of course!)
In general, I've changed the activity status of a few muses: Abigail, Five and Sam Adams are my primary muses; Will Graham and Crowley are my secondary muses; Will Byers and Moriarty are my tertiary muses.
Last but not least, I remade my Interest Checker to fit the changes! Please, make sure to fill it (this goes also for the people who had already filled it, I deleted the old replies)!
Thanks a lot for all your patience! I'll get back to my normal posting schedule asap!
-Scotty out !
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fiercelywinged · 2 years ago
So today I couldn't help but think...What if Keigo had little fangs as part of his quirk to go off of the whole raptor thing...
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hxkerwxlf · 1 month ago
Finally playing Lantern Rite and...
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godzexperiment · 2 years ago
me writing about nix & his relationship with his names and being like
-wipes the days without some pretty sad nix lore board and puts up an giant 0-
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heatherxmp · 2 years ago
Thread Log || Heather
A collective of threads on this muse. New muse/posting rules are forthcoming. Please utilize these thread logs so there is no confusion later!
From Hell with Love (My Turn): * Gruesome - Hecate * Seas of Different Colors - Keonhee * Tiny Dancer - Kaz * How ‘Bout Them Apples? - Khonshu
Awaiting (Your Turn): * Cinder-hella - Eden (gala) @edenxmp * Crave Me - KhonshuxHecatexHeather (Khonshu’s Turn) @khonshu-mp * Wait… Huh? - Kaz * Oopsie Daisy - Kaz (bbiiiiiiiiiiitch are you tryin’ to me crrrryyyy????)
Dropped: -NONE! HA!-
If you have questions or need clarification on any above threads please message me!
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inseparableduo · 2 years ago
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Shout out to all the muns who are currently in school right now! I know a lot of you are finishing up school or going back to school. Don't feel bad about putting your blogs on hiatus and focusing more on yourself. At the end of the day, this is all just a hobby. No one is going anywhere, and anyone who leaves just because you can't reply fast enough sounds kinda lame ngl. Anyway, I'm wishing all of you luck!
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mjm5655 · 2 years ago
i love the noise majima makes when he's drunk.
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fastfists · 2 years ago
Why is it every time I log back on here, I see some weird new feature that isn’t on any of my other blogs? Why dumblr?
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reevezs · 3 months ago
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//lots of end-of-the-year shouting in this post, sorry if it gets too loud, I'm screaming into a read-more pillow... mostly.
there would be no Zach, Eric, and Ria (and Ver lol) without ByeNYC so:
thanks @byenycfm , its lovely admins, and every single member of the group, I obv won't tag all of you on an indie blog but I LOVE YOU. you're all amazing and amazingly talented, I love your characters. I'm grateful for Ria and her beautiful skeleton bio, thanks for letting me take care of this bby. thank you for *the* brotp I'll never get over, thanks for two heartbreaking ships and three heartwarming ones, for all the crazy headcanons we've got there, whether it's chasing zombies with an RC car or pushing one out of the window or down the stairs... most importantly - thank you for promising you'd come back after the group's hiatus and for actually coming back. we've created a community we wanna return to and we all deserve the biggest hug for that. 💙
thanks for coming back @renegadetulisrp , Old Ass RPers know what's up lol. we've known each other for more than a decade, holy shit. I love you and your babies - don't ever change, add more muses, write more crazy plots, you're one of my favorite reasons I'll always log back here 💙
@pleinsdemuses my bb! I love you and our 1000 verses where we hurt our babies for the plot and hand them some Happy Verse cookies so they don't kill us. my angst, smut, drama partner in crime, I don't think we'll ever run out of ideas. thank you for everything 💙
I don't know if I love us or hate us, @parvumchao , probably a bit of both lmao. it sounds like a threat, but I'll follow you everywhere, the dash without you is shitty. I love your muses - we don't have a single happy thread *shrugs*, but I really do 💙
@nikkiitalks , let's ruin our muses and cry over them like we're not responsible for their misery! thank you for finding me years ago and for keeping me. or for letting me keep you. I don't know, we're just holding hands and follow each other everywhere and that's how it should be 💙
another partner in chomper crime! I'm so happy you and your ocs joined BNYC, @myriadxofxmuses , so now our lovely nerd ship can sail in two verses, giving us diabetes! it wouldn't be the same without you, my dash here wouldn't be the same without you, I'm so happy I've met you! 💙
@ayakoito first-time husbands muns, I'm so happy for these two! we can have 100 threads and they find a new way to make me AWWW in every single one. we can ramble about everything and anything and I'm so happy to have you, but I'm sure you will understand when I say thank you for teaching me the most important word ever: verschlimmbesserung. 😂💙
thinking "oh god, so much cringe" already? it gets worse. more hugs and thank yous:
@plotsjotsandespressoshot and your girls - I apologize for being a shit partner and I miss writing with you, so we need a new thread or ten now lol 💙
@kierankyleculkin you hurt a bot but I think you're lovely 💙
@impcrsonatcr my fellow h.alsey human, big hugs! 💙
@thefvrious & @ghostsxagain and your chef's kiss muses - I'm a fan 💙
@dontcxckitup , @richardxoliverxmayhew , @kit-just-kit - I don't think you'll mind if I put your trio like this? that's how I see you, guys lol. your muses are among my all-time favorites. 💙
speaking of favorites - @notsoinnocentlittleangel I want you to know that Joanna is one of my favorite female ocs ever 💙
@brokenblondeprincess and pierogi is a full sentence 💙
@rcbf4 it's "Adam", not "Jake" 😂💙
@sugarandwhiskey and your lovely bby - thanks for popping on my dash 💙
@emeryfleming @corxunum @ghostsandmirrors @formaechao @heartxshaped-bruises @crew-from-capulet @bewitchingbaker @thxnymph @poisonedfire @brooklynislandgirl @thatslayer @facepeeled @alwaysanangcl - seeing you on the dash makes me happy 💙
people I've followed since my indie debut, @cheapxseats @heartonanoose - idk if you're still around, we haven't had a thread together in ages but thank you for the ones we had in the past 💙
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nan0-sp1der · 5 months ago
Greetings. It seems you have found my internet blog, or 'Tumblr', as one would call it. Here you will find some basic information about myself, as seen below. Do read through it at your leisure or at your convenience.
> WEIGHT: 95 LBS / 43.09 KG
> HEIGHT: 5 FT 8 IN / 172.72 CM
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> Boss - @spiderman2-99
> Allies - @lyrate-lifeform-approximation , @glowing-arachnid , @kari-araneaai , @noir-spider-noir , @peterbsideparker , @spiderbite-from-0202 , @ghostly-sunflower , @itsmiguel2099 , @peacockjumpingspider , @criskape , @spideroracleofficial , @whodo-yourvoodoo , @dumbgreenmutt42, @spiritarachnid , @i-love-vines , @whosmoraless , @thespider-witch , [INCOMPLETE DATA SET]
> Enemies - Deimos
> VERSES / 'AU's'
// post tags
> .IMG - reposted images
> .TXT - reposted textposts
> .LOG - IC blog posts
> Active Processes - physical interaction posts
> ABOUT_H.A.S.S. - headcannons about the muse
> { mun's art } - you get it
> { mun's writing } - self-explanatory
> { ask the mun/muse } - the ask game tag
> { OOC } - mun posting
> { Patch Notes } - small but relevant updates to the blog and other yammering from mun about the blog that is supposedly relevant like seriously who cares?
> { a blip on your dash } - queued posts
Mun/Admin: misnomer/misno/'mis', she/they/them--nonbinary preferred
lives in the EST timezone
Other Blogs: @asciiid, @whodo-yourvoodoo
{ OOC looks like this by the way. This is mun, hi. A lot of Bridge's blog posts might have this weird formatting, but more often than not it'll just look like a normal post without the additional formatting and whatnot. If this lowers readability for anyone, do let me know asap so I can use a more readable method. }
{ here's some basic guidelines for interacting with the muse or myself }
18+ content is permitted, but smut is a no-go. Gore and violence are ok (I'll include a CW out of courtesy ofc).
Haven't really (openly) dived into shipping the muse yet, but if you're considering, hit me up with a DM and we'll discuss things further for the sake of cohesion. Please, please ask me first.
My activity is a bit scattered. if im slow on the pick-up, im either: burnt-out, busy, still trying to figure out how to reply, or with my head deep in a project of some sort. it's never going to be personal.
If I ever forget about a thread, hit me up! I have the memory of a goldfish (/j) and tend to forget most things with ease. Just remind me.
Asks directed at mun are ok! just be mindful and specify who the ask is for. :)
It's self-explanatory that if you come to cause (genuine) trouble, you're not going to receive a warm welcome. think before you speak.
Kind-of a personal rq but if you're ever curious about oc lore or wanna interact to explore it a bit more, I'll happily oblige! This character has been a passion project for about three years now, so I have plenty to share--both tangible and in the form of thoughts that have yet to see paper... oops.
Random starters to my ask box or tagged are ok! Mind the brief period of inactivity as I formulate a reply.
Wanna do an art or writing collab of some sort? Hit me up at @asciiid! Alternatively, DM me here and we'll discuss there.
Thanks for reading, and see you somewhere out there in the rpc. (^^)
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