#:: Fiona; Ol' Faithful ::
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galaxofmuses · 5 months ago
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Yeah! I get to talk about the good girl!
So there was a concept about Leon supposed or have a Bloodhound, but it never came to light or forgot about it. So I'm like fine! I'll do it myself!
The old bloodhound has been a family dog for years and her name is Fiona. She's always been a great companion for him since he was a child. But Once Leon's parents notice that she hasn't been active since he left to become an agent. The two really had to convince their son to take her in and it was the best decision Leon has ever made.
Fiona is jokingly named as the roommate for Leon and also a mom for him since she seems to approach to him gently for attention or check him in if he's in distressed from a traumatic nightmare. He never calls her an as emotional support dog. Fiona is family to him and that's all it matters.
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nonokoko13 · 2 years ago
Woah, long time I didn't make a review. Hope you're all doing fine while I half disappeared.
Making a brief summary of this chapter. We got:
Yor and the dangers of being drunk while managing a fake marriage because drama is needed.
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Worst/Best timing yet to this day, depends on your view. I have faith in Yuri that he'll surpass himself in another occasion and break some best/worst timing record, including breaking in someone's property ofc.
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Yuri worrying about Yor doesn't have hobbies. This is, in fact, not a secret to anyone. It's public domain. No need to be a secret agent to get your hands over this information.
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Also, it was a matter of time the idea of cheating was brought up by someone, my bet was in Yuri or Fiona so yay. Plus fake rumors of cheating? That's some good ol' juicy reason to indulge one fave characters in angst, hurt/comfort. Any damaging gossip is, really. Fanfic material right there. 10/10
And finally.
Shit got real. Humorous situation escalated for real this time 100% real no bait more news on our web www-
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It's serious, but to me it was all giggles and happy noises because I've been waiting for Twilight VS Lieutenant Briar since Yuri's introduction and Endo is finally letting me have some crumbs.
These are some predictions for the future:
Fiona and Yuri finally meet. However, Yuri thinks Fiona is Loid's mistress from work and Fiona might be tempted to play along his suspicions, ultimately refraining herself because it would endanger Twilight/the Operation Stryx and she knows better than jeopardizing her efforts and others lives for some brief petty entertainment. I mean I hope she is above that God please girl I'm not telling you to raise our expectations just don't dig another basement in your obsession-
New short chapter of Becky and Anya on the zoo. Probably short but sweet and wholesome. Maybe on the middle of this arc or right after it and Lord know we'll thank that
The mole is a new character. Frankie can't be because it's stated the mole worked for WISE while Frankie is a third party who cooperates with Twilight and only with Nightfall due their connection.
Speaking of new characters, the girl behind Yuri seems too detailed despite being a background character.
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Perhaps it's my love for women or my need of more badass ladies and I'm overthinking here but she may be relevant later on and honestly it would be cool to get another SSS frequent character. Love the detail in her earrings btw.
Will she be Yuri's friend? Will she meet a tragic fate as yet another cool design forever forgotten? Another Fiona situation is in our hands? God let that last prediction live down, one is enough.
At some point Endo will reconnect this chapter plot to the story and Loid, with Yor's words still haunting him, will try to spend more time with Yor. Bonus point if it's right the day Yor has a mission and this backfires on her majestically
Following the previous premise, Yor tries to dissuade Loid on following her by saying something along the lines "I don't want to spend time together right now (or else you'll find I'm an assassin!)"
And Loid understands it as "I don't want to spend time together right now (because I'm still mad at you and the damage is already done. Nothing can be fixed at this point. I'm holding this gripe forever.)", furthering causing Loid brain damage by all the gymnastics this man does
Leading to a situation where Loid either backs up for now and lets Yor alone but compensates her later OR Loid keeps trying to please Yor in some way, decreasing her chances of sneaking and finishing the job, which makes Loid think his attempts are deepening more the problem that never really existed. A loop where both suffer by the other suffering until a miracle happens [read: Anya or convenient excuse] and she's free to go slay
Anyway that's all for today. Sorry for not taking the summary seriously I'm in Goofy mood®. What do you think about this arc?
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years ago
A. What was that last work of art you created? I finished a coloring page recently. Have you ever had avocado toast, and if yes, do you like it? No actually, but I’m sure I’d like it. Do you read anime? Nah. What age will you turn on your next birthday? I’ll be 33 D: List five names you like that start with A. Alexander, Autumn.... that’s about it.
B. What is your favorite book series? I have several. For the past 2-3 years now I’ve been reading a ton of books by AJ Rivers, Willow Rose, Mary Stone, and Elle Gray who have multiple books and series. Do you look better in brown or black? I like to wear black. What's the last thing you bought at Best Buy? I don’t recall, it’s been awhile. Are you a bookworm? Yes. List five commonly used items that are brown. Coffee, chocolate, soil, cinnamon, brown sugar. C. Do you like to create ? I like to color. That’s about as creative and artsy as I get. Do you like cranberry sauce? Ew, no. Who's your favorite cousin? I don’t have one. How many cruises have you been on? Zero. Favorite cake topping? Good ol’ buttercream frosting. D. What is your dream? For my health to improve and to be able to travel more. Which girl's name do you like best: Delaney, Dana, Desiree, Daytona, or Devon? Devon. Which boy's name do you like best: Dennis, Darin, David, Deklan, or Dylan? Deklan. At what time does it currently start getting dark where you live? Pretty early, like 6ish. Do you like Dakota better as a boy's name or girl's name? A girl did come to mind first, but I don’t care either way. E. Which name do you like better: Emma or Emily? Emma. Do you know anyone named Ezra? No. I’ve only heard that name from the band, Better Than Ezra. Have you ever seen an eclipse? Yes. Is evening your favorite time of day? No. That’s probably my least favorite, actually. Do you remember the everGirl website? Hmm. Doesn’t ring a bell. F. Have you ever met anyone named Fiona? No. Does your faith mean a lot to you? It does. Say something in French. Bonjour. Have you ever been to France? No. Which type of fries do you like better: McDonald's French fries or Arby's curly fries? McDonald’s fries. G. Have you ever seen a ghost? No. What is your favorite shade of green? I like various shades. Do you know anyone who's colorblind and can't see the color green? Not that I know of, but maybe? Have you ever met anyone named Genevieve? No. Are you allergic to grass? It does make me itchy. H. Which of these names do you like best: Harmony, Hope, Harlow, Harper, or Harvest? Harvest. Do you know anyone who's traveled to Haiti? I don’t think so. List ten things that make you happy. Nah. Name someone you know who celebrates Hannakuh. This girl I went to elementary school with. Do you believe in Heaven and Hell? Yes. I. Have you ever slipped and fallen on the ice? No. Do you like ice skating? I can’t ice skate. Do you ever use the slang term "ily"? I did when I was a teenager. Do you know anyone named Ivy? No. What was the name of one of your childhood imaginary friends? I didn’t have any. J. Favorite boy's name out of these: Jasper, Jaxon, Jason, Jedidiah, or Jamison? Jaxon. List five adjectives to describe five different Jessicas that you know. I don’t know any Jessica’s. And what an odd question. Like why 5 Jessica’s?  Do you know anyone named Josiah? Yes. Have you ever taken a jazz dance class? No. How do you feel about Jesus? I love Jesus. K. Do you find kite-flying entertaining or boring? Eh, seems like it’d be kinda annoying and get boring pretty fast. Do you believe in karma? No. Is there a Kmart in your town? Has there ever been a Kmart in your town? Not anymore, but yeah many years ago we had one. Do you have kids? If so, how many? No. How many kids do you want? Zero. L. List three things you love. God, my family, the beach. What is your favorite lotion scent? I like coconut-y ones, autumnal ones, and ones with patchouli. Would you like to move to London? No, but I’d love to visit. Which name do you like better: Lois or Louise? Louise. Do you own anything that says "Live Laugh Love" on it? No. M. What is your favorite month? October-December. Can you currently see the moon? No. Do you prefer books or movies? I enjoy both. Do you prefer M&M's or Skittles? M&Ms. Favorite milkshake flavor? Banana, strawberry, mint chocolate chip, cookies and cream, and this peppermint hot chocolate marshmallow flavor ice cream I came across recently at the store that I have as a milkshake.  N. Have you ever worked as a nanny? No. Favorite type of noodles? Ramen. Do you call your grandma Nana or something else? What do you call her? My paternal grandma I call Nana and my maternal grandma I called grandma. How many of your current neighbors have you met? I don’t know my neighbors. Would you say you are more naughty or nice ? Naughty. I’m not the most pleasant, nice person nowadays. O. What oceans have you been to? The Pacific. Have you ever swam in the ocean? Nooo. List three things you like about October. Autumn, ~spooky season~, just the coziness of it. List as many people as you can think of whose names start with O. Nah. Are you open-minded? I think so. P. What's your favorite shade of pink? I like various shades. Do you pray daily? No, but I would like to try and work on praying more. Do you use the word "porridge" or "oatmeal"? I say oatmeal. What was the name of the first pet that you loved? Scruffy. Do you like to write poetry? I don’t write poetry. Q. Are you more quiet or outspoken? I’m definitely a quiet person. Do you own a homemade quilt? I do, actually. Do you know which cartoon Quailman is from? Yes. Do you like being quarantined? Not when it’s forced, no. I mean yeah I’m a hermit crab and stay at home most of the time, but having to do so because of a pandemic is a different story. Ask a silly question. Nah. R. Have you ever had a rainbow rose? No. Do you like rainbows? Sure. Have you ever seen a double rainbow? I have. Do you like to dance in the rain? No. Do you like to read? I love to read. S. Do you sew clothes ever? I don’t know how to sew. Are you a good singer? Nope. Do you like to swim? I can’t swim. Favorite slushee flavor? Coke and cherry mixed together. Do you like the name Skylar? I do. T. How many people do you know of named Tessa? I don’t know anyone named Tessa. What is your current favorite flavor of tea? I’m not a big tea drinker, but I like peppermint and chamomile. Have you ever had a treehouse? No. Have you ever gone trick-or-treating? Yeah, as a kid and my early teenage years. What are five things you don't like the taste of? Seafood, bacon, most veggies, wasabi, alcohol. U. Do you like in the United States? Do I *live in the United States? Yes. What does your umbrella look like? I don’t have one. How many uncles do you have? 8. Have you ever met anyone who's name started with a U? Yes. Have you ever taken Uber? I have a few times. V. What are three things you like about Valentine's Day? It’s just another day. Have you ever voted in a presidential election? Yeah, a few now since 2008. Do you play volleyball? No. List three words associated with the word "venom." The villain, snakes, poison. Do you like the name Veronica? Sure. W. List three wishes you have for the future. Good health, be able to move somewhere new, travel more. List five words to describe your dream wedding. I don’t see myself ever getting married. Do you like to write? I used to. Do you have neat handwriting? No, my handwriting is awful. Do you drink water or pop more? Water. X. Do you own a xylophone? No. I remember playing all the time in music class in elementary school, though. What x-rays have you had? I’ve had numerous x-rays of various kinds throughout my life. Do you own an Xacto knife? No. Do you have a crazy ex? No. Do you write "xoxo" a lot? I like never write that. Y. Were you ever into yo-yos as a kid? Somewhat. I never could do anything cool with one, though. I struggled getting it just to go up and down haha. Do you feel young? Yes and no. What are three things you did yesterday? I stayed in bed all day, slept, binged YouTube videos, watched a movie, ate, read, did some surveys, and scrolled through Tumblr. Do you have a Yahoo account? Yes. Do you say "y'all"? Sometimes. Z. What is your favorite zoo animal? Giraffes. What is your Chinese zodiac sign? *shrug* Zombies or vampires? Vampires. Have you ever watched the TV show Zoom? No. Have you ever taken a Zoology class? Nope.
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thebrochtuarachs · 5 years ago
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To Begin Again: Chapter 10, Lallybroch
Jamie passes through the stones on Beltane to 1968.
CHAPTER 10: LALLYBROCH / Claire and Jamie make their way up Lallybroch a week after he passes through the stones. 
A/N: Happy 101st Birthday, CEBF! 💛 [October 20, 2019]
This is my contribution for “One Quote, One Shot” 2 and I knew the moment @notevenjokingfic​ sent me my quote that it was meant to be written here in chapter and that it was time for an update! [My given quote is below in bold so you’ll have to read to find out what it is 😅] Many thanks to NEJF and @balfeheughlywed​ for organising this as it just brings joy to the fandom.
Apologies for the long update but this chapter has been up in my mind many times but I didn’t feel I had it in my to write until this project came. I couldn’t feel more thankful for the time spent writing this. The creative process has been a balm in my heart and mind as I struggled these past 3 months and I am just grateful. 
My first time writing a little NSFW chapter so errr… be gentle and kind, haha! I combined moments from the book, episode, and from my own “fill-in-the-gaps” moments and I love how it turned out. I knew this chapter has to happen and was going to come out eventually and I’m happy that it is today! Let me know down in the comments how it was! 😊🙏🏻
CH: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 AO3
They started to make their way up Lallybroch before dawn with Jamie sleeping most of the ride, still unable to overcome his motion sickness. Claire didn’t mind though for it meant that from the time to time she get to observe Jamie and his snoozing form – a loving act more often done by Jamie, an early riser, for the most part of their marriage.
After an almost two-hour drive, they entered the stony arch just in time for breakfast. Claire put the car to a stop and roused Jamie from his slumber.
“Hey sleepyhead, we’re here” Claire said as she leaned to give him a kiss on a cheek. He reluctantly rose from his seat, cracking a few bones as he stretched out of the car.
As Jamie slowly reacquainted himself with his surroundings, he couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed once again at the sight before him. Everything was just as if they were still in the 18thcentury - the smell, the land, the house, the sense of his heritage built and thriving after all these centuries. But then again, he also felt a modernity that he is still quite unaccustomed with and remembered as well that he was no longer in his time.
Claire slid beside him, wrapping an arm against his waist, offering herself as comfort when she saw his eyes started to water with overwhelming emotions.
“Thank ye, Claire. Thank ye for keeping it.” she heard him say, pulling her closer to him.
“Of course. Remember when you gave me my ring back in Leoch?”
“You said that this place is just as mine as is it yours and I couldn’t let anyone else have it.“ She paused remembering the joy she felt having it in her possession. “This was – is– our home. And at the time, besides Brianna, this is the only connection to you I have left and ever since then, this place has been my refuge and safe haven.”
Just as Claire was to explain more, Fiona opened the door to greet them. “Oh, ye’ve arrived!” She said, walking down the steps to meet them. “My grandmother sends her apologies. She asked me to come this morning as she was feeling a bit under the weather. But not to worry, she says, nothing a good ol’ rest canna fix” she quickly remarked, chuckling to herself even in that last bit.
“Is everything settled?” Claire asked, unmoving from Jamie’s side.
“Yes. The house is yours indefinitely. All of the guests have been informed of the sudden change in schedule and the financials have been handled accordingly. Also, I’ve prepared breakfast for ye both, some bannocks and soup at the kitchen.”
“Thank ye, Fiona.” Jamie said just in time as his stomach quietly rumbled.
“Tis’ no matter. I’ll leave ye two then” With a nod and the handing over of the keys, Fiona drove away from the property and left Jamie and Claire completely alone for the first time in a week.
“Shall we?” Claire asked Jamie simply.
“Lead the way, milady”
Stepping inside brought Jamie to more sentiments. Besides the plumbing and some modern technology, the house – almost all of it– remained the same.
“I wanted to keep it the same, as much as it used to be and as much as I can remember.” Claire took Jamie by the hand and gave him a tour of the house. She guided him around, mentioned how long it took to track down some of the items, how she worked with a carpenter to build the furniture, how she had to change and make way for some rooms to accommodate services for the bed and breakfast, and how restoring the house has been her favorite thing to do besides being in a surgical room.
As they ate, Claire continued to share how everything in the house came together. “It took me close to 3 years until everything was finished to how I wanted it to be. It has been a complete labor of love”
“Ye didn’t think it was hard being here with all the memories while rebuilding it?”
“At first, yes. I cried a lot. But then as the house was brought back to life, I saw you more and better and felt the history we had.” She paused, remembering. “I can be myself in this place and nothing compared to the relief I felt in that feeling. That I can still be me, be freely me in a place - not to pretend and not to hide.” Jamie gave a grunt at Claire’s remark. He can see in her eyes that this place has brought her more happiness than sadness in the course of their separation. “When I’m here I can talk to you, dream of you, think of you, and almost always, I feel you speaking back to me. And then I’d be fine and I’d lived another day.”
“I ken how ye feel.” He sighed and reached for her hand. “If ye must know, I havna thrown away any of yer clothes and baubles back in Lallybroch. I can’t and Jenny didn’t dare ask me about it.”
“What things, like you mean our clothes from Paris? You kept them?”
“Why didn’t you sell them or…”
“Sell them?” He paused, visibly surprised by the notion. “Memories of you? Never. Tis’ the only things I have of ye and a remembrance that we were truly real. I couldna let it go.”
She squeezed his hand and they continued on with their breakfast.
They ate slowly, savoring each other as much as the meal before them. They began reminiscing about their life together those many years ago, then carefully filling in details of their time apart. They began to know each other again and discover if they were, in fact, the same two who had once existed as one and if they could be one again.
After they finished, the same thought was uppermost in their minds. It could scarcely be otherwise.
As Claire reached for Jamie’s empty plate, he took her hand again and this time, began rubbing his fingers slowly against her knuckles.
“Would you like to explore the outside of the property? I’ve built a few new things around and it seems like the perfect time for a ride” Claire teasingly asked.
“Sassenach, if ye dinna mind, I think I’d like to see what ye’d done in the other rooms of the house, particularly upstairs, don’t ye think?”
“Upstairs, huh?” she rose and went close to him as she whispered. “Lead the way, milord”
Jamie didn’t waste time dragging Claire up the stairs and towards the Laird’s bedroom.
Just as the door closed behind them, Jamie pulled Claire back to him and kissed her fiercely just as they did on their wedding night.
They hummed and pulled at each other, moaning in pleasure in their togetherness. Claire broke their kiss and started pulling Jamie’s shirt out of his pants. Taking the hint, Jamie started unbuttoning Claire’s blouse as well. Slowly, they took off each others clothes until there were none between them.
The boldness they felt earlier seemed to disappear as they stood completely still towards one another, a shyness suddenly overwhelming them both with the sight of their naked bodies taking their breath away.
Twenty years can change a body’s anatomy a lot but for Claire and Jamie, it seemed to only have taken effect in subtle appearances neither have yet to notice. As far as they were concerned, both were still as desirable to one another then as now.
Jamie was still tall and beautifully made, the long bones of his body sleek with muscle, elegant with strength. Claire, despite having given birth, maintained her fairly slender curvature with a skin that didn’t seem to age.
“You bloody well say something.” Claire softly commanded as she tried to cover herself with her hands but Jamie beat her to it and held her hands in his instead.
‘Christ, Claire.” He said, pulling her close to him. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen”
“You must really be losing your eyesight.” Claire joked back. She took a deep breath and bravely looked up to stare in his deep blue eyes. “Are you as scared as I am?”
“I suppose I must be afraid, aye?” he said as they stood flush against each, moving in a slow sway that seem to put them a little bit more at ease. “I havena done this in a very long time.” Jamie admitted in both expectation and fact. She already knew his few connections in their parting but for the most part, in his mind, he remained faithful to her and did not live a cavalier life. To that effect, he’d had little practice and exercise in this matter.
“Neither have I”. She confessed back. Sure, she has been intimate with Frank a few times when she came back, but in all those times, her mind always reeled t o Jamie. There have been a few others in between but never significant nor memorable. To her, Jamie was – is– it. Nothing will compare to their connection physically and emotionally and that thought was enough for her decision to live a fairly celibate life in the last two decades.
Breaking her thoughts, she wrapped her arms around his neck and focused on the present. “Do you remember on our wedding night. We were both scared. You held my hands and told me it would be easier if we touched” Claire regaled, moving them slowly towards the bed.
“Aye, when we wed, I saw ye standing there, so bonny in your white shift. I couldna think of anything but when I could have you alone, naked, next to me”
“Do you want me now?” She asked as her calves hit the edge of the bed.
“Oh god, yes!” Jamie almost said, growling as Claire pulled them both down to lie in the bed.
It took a few adjustments before they found proper purchase in the bed. At one point, Jamie hit Claire awkwardly on the nose and thought she’d broken it but all ended well in a hilarious heap.
Jamie claimed Claire’s lips once again, chastely at first but then, as always, passion and heat quickly surged between them. They began clawing at each other, a frenzy overtaking them.
Claire touched where she could but in essence, surrendered herself to Jamie’s fervor exploration of her body. His lips went from her mouth to her neck while his hands were busy stroking her breasts and body. Claire was trembling with all the sensations she felt dormant all these years and she can feel Jamie feeling the same. She wanted him, all right, and was ready to open herself up to him as she felt an unaccustomed rush of arousal slippery between her legs. As he moved all around her, she felt the hardness of him, stiff against her belly. Jamie did promise her honesty and she felt no short of joy in the fact he still found her sexy and wanted.
But as strong as lust, was the desire to simply be taken, to have them master each other and quell their doubts in a moment of rough usage, to take each other hard and swiftly enough to forget their 20-year separation ever happened. They were both breathless when Claire pulled Jamie back up and held his face in both her hands. With a simple request, everything they’ve wanted will be delivered.
“Do it now, and don’t be gentle!”
As if possible, Jamie’s blue eyes grew a shade darker as he possessed Claire in a deep stare as he reached down and came into her hard. Claire let out a shriek as he buried himself to the hilt, managing to keep their eyes open in a loving stare in the process.
‘Don’t stop! For God’s sake, don’t stop!” Claire demanded with Jamie more than willing to comply as each stroke seemed to reach her womb. They moaned and grunted as they jerked and whimpered against each other, urging violence in their union. With his hands on either side of Claire’s head, he continued on his pace as she clung to him for dear life.
“Give me your mouth, Sassenach” she heard Jamie say and before she could even process it, he dove down to claim her lips and breath in the process.
Their sounds continued to echo all over the room until they were both nearing their release. They were both chasing it but wanted nothing more than to feel it together. With their minds, bodies and hearts knowing them better, they seem to have come in the same unspoken path that led to this bliss.
“Oh, god! Oh, god, Claire!” Jamie called close to her face and heart and that was enough for her as she convulsed in answer and her release came in waves all over her body. Close behind her, she felt Jamie’s release begin deep into her and he stilled, his body shivering as he spilled himself inside her, feeling each pulse of his flesh between her legs rousing an echo in her own.
When it was over, Jamie reared up on both hands, back arched and then, slowly, he bent his head forward and looked at Claire with unutterable tenderness that made her heart flutter even more. Heheld himself over Claire, still as a stone for a long moment. Still joined, he gently lowered himself, bringing them both to their sides, body pressed together as their breathing normalized and they let sleep lull them in a joyful slumber.  
When hunger woke Jamie around noon, he reluctantly left Claire’s side and went about naked to the small table where Fiona had graciously left them some food to eat. A few minutes later, Claire stirred and opened her eyes when her palm touched the empty side of the bed.
“I’m here, Claire, just got hungry. Thankfully, Fiona left us a plate here of some wee bannocks.”
“Oh, that was thoughtful of her.” Claire said, smirking, remembering what they’d just been doing all morning. ‘What time is it anyway?”
“Just past noon. Ye hungry?”
He was about to toss her some bread when Claire rose from the bed, not bothering to cover up as well and knelt down to where Jamie was sitting.
“Not for food”
Before Jamie could register what was happening, Claire took his length swiftly by the hand and covered his heat with her mouth.
“Christ, Claire!” he exclaimed, trying to hold on to the sides of the chair to steady himself but to no avail as the it was too small. Jamie had to hold on to Claire’s hair instead, steadying her rhythm as to much as hold himself and enjoy the feel of Claire once again.
Claire gave in and held up being rough to tenderness, exploring Jamie this way as she wished and dreamed these last twenty years. She stoked and tasted him sweetly, hearing and learning his moans once again. She can feel his hips urging to flex but knew he was holding back to let her have her fun as well, so she doubled her efforts in thoughtful appreciation, sucking deeply, hand and mouth working in tandem, until she felt him quiver and spill himself inside her mouth. Pulling back, she ran a hand twice along his shaft, pleased with herself and gave it his head a kiss as she swallowed and gave Jamie a seductive look that was hotter than the midday afternoon.
“Come here, you” Jamie all but pulled Claire as he settled her in his lap, his hands cupping her bottom as she straddled him. “I canna tell ye what it felt like when I touched ye and knew ye to be real.” He leaned for a quick kiss and pulled back again. His eyes traveled all over her and felt his heat yearning as hers called and melted to his. “Don’t ye see? Since ye left, I’ve been living in the shadows and then I wake up in Craigh na Dun, saw yer face and it was as if the sun returned and cast out the darkness.”
“Don’t you think it’s not the same for me?” Claire replied, wrapping her arm around his neck. “You came thousands of miles and 200 years to find me.”
“I did promise ye.”
“Yes. And I’m grateful that you are here, no matter the cost.” She paused, gathering her thoughts. “If I’d known you lived, I would give up everything I have for us to be together again.”
“And leave Brianna?” Jamie gave a smile at her sentiment but knew he had to say something about it. Tears sprang Claire’s eyes and Jamie swiftly brushed them away. For once, Claire said nothing in retort and took the correction. Their separation and reunion is not to be taken lightly, but they had to be on the same page that everything they did was for another person they absolutely loved the most besides each other.
“Ye were right to leave, Claire.” Jamie whispered as quiet tears continued to fall from Claire’s eyes. “Ye – we – did it for Brianna. I see her now and I ken ye were a wonderful mother, Claire. I know it. Ye gave me a child.” One of his hands made its way from her back to her belly, caressing the soft lines left by the birth. “She is alive, safe. Because of her, we will live forever. You and I”
“You’re right, damn you.” She said softly, giving a sad chuckle. “But I promise you, Jamie. I will never leave you again.”
“Nor will I you, Sassenach.” Jamie said, sealing their pledge with a kiss.
They both proceeded to compose themselves back, wiping each other’s face, feeling the closeness again to one another. “I can’t believe we went through that conversation naked.” Claire remarked as she rolled her eyes in its humor. “It seems, well, not the best way and place to do it.”
“Well, I believe we were…” Jamie latched his mouth in her neck greedily and she clutched his head keeping him there a while longer.
“I thought we were eating?” she said jokingly and yelped as Jamie lifted them up and laid them back down in the bed.
“Well, ye had yer fix. Now, I will have mine.” Jamie attacked her lips and neck again with Claire’s laugh filling the room and Jamie’s eagerness rousing them both. He reached her core, not wasting any time tasting her for himself as she did him minutes earlier.
“Christ, Jamie. More”
He pulled back and looked at her, “I aim to please ye, Sassenach.”
She heard his Scottish grunt and knew in a while she’ll be seeing the stars behind her eyes and knowing who will have brought her to completion just made her all tender once again. His tongue expertly licked and swirled her most intimate area bringing her to the edge she knew only Jamie can bring her to.
They came together again and again until the sun set and darkness filled the room. Claire and Jamie are cuddled together, kissing and touching here and there from time to time, wrapped in their own little romantic world of togetherness.
“It’s like riding a bicycle, I suppose.” She remarked, caressing the hair in his chest.
“What is a bicycle?”
Claire chuckled and decided that it was not the time to explain what a bicycle is. “I just mean, well, we seem to remember what we do all right.
“Did you think we could forget, Sassenach? I may be lacking in practice but I have lost all my faculties yet.”
“No, you haven’t.”
Jamie turned to Claire and pulled down the blanket covering her, reached out a hand and touched her. “Yer breast is like ivory” His hand cupped one breast, his fingers slowly exploring the its space. “Only to see them, sae full and sae round, Christ! – I could lay my head here forever.” he said softly, his Scottish accent prominent that I knew he only reserved in moments when he truly moved. “To touch ye, Sassenach. You, wi’ yer skin like white velvet and the sweet long lines of yer body, God!” He paused as his hands moving down her waist, hips, to her thigh and eventually, to her bottom. “I couldna look at ye and keep my hands from ye nor be near ye and not want ye.”
“Is that how you felt the first time we lay together?”
“It’s always been forever for me, Sassenach.” Jamie pulled Claire and turned her to him. He raised her leg to wrap around him and aligned their bodies once again, making his intentions known in the stillness of a dark, full moon, night.
“Surely not?” Claire said, amused despite her tiredness. “Jamie, you must be half-dead.”
This trip to Lallybroch was their first time to really relax in a week since they all found each other in the stones. From Jamie’s miraculous journey, to meeting his daughter, to celebrating his birthday, to acclimating him in this century, to Roger, Fiona and Mrs. Graham’s generosity, and their activities since they arrived this morning at Lallybroch, they barely had time to just stay put.
“A lot more than half, Sassenach. I’m knackered and my cock’s the only thing too stupid to know it. I canna lie wi’ ye without wanting you, but wanting’s all I’m like to do”
“Ravenous man” she eyed him but gave him his way – and as if she was going to say no.
Looking at the face they loved most and and breathing each other’s presence brought a joy neither thought they would feel again. They made love in a slow, unspeaking tenderness, savoring each movement and caress until pleasure slowly overtook and left them lying still at last, in possession of each other’s secrets.
Sometime later, they fell asleep entwined, with the mingling sounds of their hearts beating at the same time, the crack of fire by the hearth, and the stillness of the quiet, deserted forest night that surrounded Lallybroch envelope them in their own piece of heaven.
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whiskynottea · 7 years ago
Whisky’s Fanfiction Masterlist
Hi guys!! Some of you asked me a while ago for a masterlist that would be accessible via the app... so here it is!! (Including some wonderful artwork from the amazing people of this fandom!)
Thank you so much for reading! I’ll keep this masterlist updated as well! (You can still find the masterlist on my blog under the “My Writing” tab here and my works on AO3!) xxx
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Multi-Chapter Stories
We’ll rise up (French Revolution AU)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13  Chapter 14
Drawing: for Chapter 12 by @cantrixgrisea
An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics (High School AU)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43,  Chapter 44, Chapter 45, Chapter 46,  Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49
Ficlets in Thermodynamics AU: 
The End of the World (Jenny’s and Ian’s first kiss)
The Halloween Costume (Jenny would never imagine what costume Ian had chosen for her)
Call me (smutlet, set after Chapter 47, Jamie and Claire have phone sex)
I (@katnoenau), II (@jules-fraser) III (@jamesandclairefraser) 
for Chapter 3 by @cantrixgrisea, for Chapter 14 by @cantrixgrisea, for Chapter 17 by @cantrixgrisea,  for Chapter 33 by @cantrixgrisea
The Ripple Effect (Modern AU)
Claire had to leave Jamie without a word. Now she goes back to Glasgow with the hope to fix what she has broken.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19,  Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Epilogue
Christmas Ficlet
The Songs of Our Life (song-inspired fics)
A fairy in a bookshop  (Jamie and Claire meet at his bookstore, modern AU)
Claire has insulated herself from the world and lives a quiet life, until a Friday evening, she enters Jamie’s bookstore. He offers her the opportunity to change her life. But some decisions are harder than others. 
 1. I want you - Elvis Costello, 2. Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd, 3. Creep - Radiohead, 4. My Backwards Walk - Frightened Rabbit
Here comes the sun (Bree, set in the Fiery Cross)
Amnesia (Canon Divergence AU set in Outlander/Season1, for the OL Prompt Exchange)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
Death Dreams (Jamie and Claire, Modern AU, depression)
1. Help me, 2. Wide Awake, 3. Not Yet, 4. Five Years, 5. Angel-Forest-Train, 6. You want to hear more, 7. Six Months, 8. Guilt,  9. Distorted thoughts
One shots
When Life Plays Fair (Modern AU, secret Santa 2017)
A date  (Jenny x Ian, First date)
Birds out of a cage (Jamie x Claire)
Canon Compliant:
Which Door? (Claire in Wenthworth prison, set in Outlander)
So much work remains (Jenny Fraser Murray at Lallybroch before Jamie returns home, set in Outlander)
Fugitives from the law of averages (Geillis Duncan, set in Outlander)
It was there with every breath (Claire loses Faith, set in Dragonfly in Amber)
Exulansis (Claire back to her own time, after Culloden, set in Dragonfly in Amber)
You can’t dwell on it (crack fic on a certain dysfunction Frank dwells on *ahem*, set in Dragonfly in Amber)
I can’t go on. I’ll go on. (Jamie arrives at Lallybroch after Culloden, set in Voyager)
The promise of a man. (Ian Fraser Murray, set in Voyager)
Why Bother? (Jamie, set in Voyager after the pirate attack)
So what? (Claire, set in Voyager when Jamie tells her about William)
I had to face the who am I, who is she, what did I do. (Roger goes through the stones, set in Drums of Autumn)
We didn’t talk about such things (Ian Fraser Murray on Isaibail, set in A Breath of Snow and Ashes)
You can’t dwell on it (1)  (Ian Fraser Murray, set in An Echo in the Bone)
Woe is all I possess (Arch Bug, set in An Echo in the Bone)
Faith lives 
Hide and seek
A Real Part of the Family
The collision (I) (II)  (III)
Written for @otheroutlandertales
A Proper Name (Brian and Ellen Fraser decide the name of their second son.)
Arses and Bannocks (Young Rupert and Angus in castle Leoch.)
Fine Tuning (collaboration with @muykonos, Fergus x Roger, M/M, NSFW)
For all that he was (The day when Claire Beauchamp and Frank Randall got married)
His petite etoile (With Milady gone and Milord hiding in a cave Fergus takes it upon himself to take care of Faith.)
Hope (Roger’s thoughts when he learns that Brianna never wanted Jamie to beat him up)
Knuckles Loved (That one time Mrs. Fitz fell in love.)
Phantom Hand (Fergus contemplates his lost hand.)
Stitches (Mary Hawkins Randall holds her and Alex’s baby for the first time.)
The Chosen Ones (Fiona leaves the stone circle after Roger has traveled to the past to find Bree.)
The Knife (Murtagh finds love in the new world.)
The River Runs Again (Murtagh and Jocasta meet for the first time in the new world.) 
The Trunk (Jenny and Ian receive Jamie’s belongings from Leoch.)
Witches, (Jenny and Claire have magical powers) 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Wine and Whisky (Rachel x Ian, Modern AU) 
Chapter 1,  Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4,  Chapter 5
354 notes · View notes
nehswritesstuffs · 7 years ago
The Thick of UNIT - Part XVII
So I was going to have Christmas 2012 and the Case of the Remaining Dream Crab conclude before the New Year, but oops it’s almost Valentine’s Day sorry folks.
Chapter Index - FFN - AO3
When Malcolm’s brother is being at his worst, a surprise visitor arrives on the doorstep and paradigms get shifted. Terribly. [Malcolm/Kate]
“How long do you think it’ll take?” Kate wondered. She was sitting on a chair now, staring at Malcolm and the Doctor as one laid and the other sat on the floor of the laboratory, both a few meters away. Clara was sitting next to her, a mug of tea in her hands.
“It depends on how much is going on in there,” the younger woman replied. “At least we know it could be worse.”
“It could…” Kate frowned at Malcolm’s still form, his head supported by a pillow, and an uneasy thought came over her. “What if this Dream Crab… achieves its goal?” She did not want to say “kill”… not yet.
“Chances are it won’t with the Doctor around,” Clara said. She took a sip of tea and shrugged. “The man this one killed wasn’t exactly the highest quality mind, if you get what I mean. If Malcolm is anything like you, Osgood, and Glenn say he is, then I wouldn’t be too worried. It’s only been half an hour.”
“I still cannot help but worry…”
“…because you have a duty to do so. I have one too, a duty of care, because rare is the idiot that doesn’t need caring for, and these two are a couple of right idiots.”
“I don’t know if that’s the exact word I’d use,” Kate said.
“It’s definitely the word we should use, if only because they are ours and no one else’s.” Clara smiled as she saw Glenn and Osgood return, brandishing the kettle and a tin of biscuits, as well as a bunch of scientific-looking equipment. “What would you say, Glenn? Are the Doctor and Malcolm our idiots?”
“They are whatever you want them to be,” he replied, setting the tin down next to them. “Just remember that we’re not dealing with ordinary men here.”
“My chance at having ordinary in my life is dead,” she told him. “There are only two people, two men, whom I could have ever spent the rest of my life with, and now it seems I’m down to only one option.” She accepted Glenn’s offer of more tea and stared down into her mug, watching the lighter tea from before mix with the fresher, darker stuff, and exhaled heavily. “The Doctor knows that… Danny knew that… and I’m glad that I had both, even for a little while. Malcolm will get out of this, Kate. The Doctor is planning on it.”
“He better, or I’m not entirely sure what I’ll do,” Kate frowned. “I’ll threaten to defund him.”
“You know that’ll never work,” Osgood snickered. Going through her collection of stuff, she went and scraped some of the slime oozing from the Dream Crab into a series of petri dishes. “He doesn’t work here anymore… hasn’t for quite some time.”
“He doesn’t know that,” Kate replied. She held up her cuppa in a silent toast before drinking some more, eyes fixed on Malcolm and the Doctor.
It still didn’t feel like they were going to make it, yet she had to keep her hopes up.
As the end of the year approached, the Stewart-Tuckers were doing their best to enjoy themselves. It was difficult, given that the Tucker Brothers kept on having petty rows, but they soldiered on as they normally did; just because Malcolm and Johnny kept on arguing did not mean that the holidays were going to be ruined. They had been in an argumentative state before and they would likely be in one again before they were too old and senile to remember past five minutes. Life went on as usual, with the family behaving exactly as such—a family.
It wasn’t until it was just before New Year’s Eve when the balance began to tip. Florence had taken Lex and Gordon to the store to procure supplies for their miniature Hogmanay celebration, while Fiona was out with Sean learning how to drive in faithful, ol’ Bessie thanks to some ill-patrolled country roads. That left Malcolm and Kate alone with Flossie and Johnny, the latter of whom had barely come out of his room for nearly two days.
“Da…? Has Uncle Johnny always been a tit?”
“Not always, pet,” Malcolm said. He and Flossie were curled up on the couch, watching the news as they did the year’s retrospective. Kate was in the kitchen, out of earshot concerning their conversation. “You know, you shouldn’t use language like that when talking about your uncle—you only got one o’ them.”
“Yeah, but Mum’s not in the room to be cross at me for cussing.”
“That’s true, but you still shouldn’t be too harsh on Uncle Johnny,” he replied. “His job is a rough one, and it doesn’t surprise me that he has the tendency to act odd.”
“Teaching…?” Flossie scrunched her nose and shifted so that she could look her father in the face. “It doesn’t look that hard. You just have to know stuff.”
“Trust me: it extremely difficult at times,” he assured her. “Uncle Johnny has to attempt to teach dozens of people with brains like pudding stuff that a pudding has no reason to learn. If he even reaches one person, he did his job above and beyond the call of duty. Some people are really good at it, but others aren’t, and one day you’ll find that out yourself.”
“You’ll be smarter than a teacher, eventually. If you’ve got any of your mam’s smarts, which you do, then you will find yourself dealing with a teacher with whom you can wipe the fucking floor with before you reach sixth form. Shit, even I was smarter than most of my teachers before uni. The trick is to make them think you respect ‘em, or else it’s all for naught and suddenly you find yourself in detention constantly, nearly failing because you’re on the staff’s bad side, and Granny’s shouting and arguing with you every day about the stupidest shit.”
“She yelled at you and not Uncle Johnny?”
“Auntie Marcia and me, yeah, but your uncle…” Malcolm trailed off as he thought—no, he couldn’t remember his mother and brother ever having a row. In fact, he couldn’t even recall their father having a shout at them.
“Time for some nice cuppas,” Kate announced. She walked into the room carrying the tea tray, laden with mugs and a plate of biscuits. Flossie spent little time reaching for her mug and some Jammie Dodgers, slipping off the couch to kneel on the floor between the couch and low table. Her mother and father used the opportunity to sit close together, nearly atop one another, settling in with their tea.
“Da? What do you think it would be like had you stayed in politics with Uncle Jamie and Uncle Cal?” Flossie asked, mouth full of biscuit. She cocked her head at the television, watching the stuttering buffoon that was being replayed from an epic disaster of a PR scandal that May.
“I try not to think about it, pet,” he said. He slid his free arm around Kate’s waist and held her a bit tighter than normal. “I’ve got me my wife, my wee bairn, a few other not-so-wee bairns of varying origins running about… it’s all I need.”
“Well, I think you would’ve been brilliant,” the young girl said.
“You’re saying that because I’m your da.”
“No, I mean it.” Flossie shuffled around and glared at her father. “You could have made it so that man would have been a hero. You could even be helping Mum now.”
“Don’t get too carried away, pet,” Malcolm chuckled. “I’m just your old, worn-out da—there’s nothing heroic about me.”
“You’re dying.”
“Flossie, dear, don’t tease your father,” Kate chuckled. She kissed Malcolm on the cheek and the small child gagged, returning her attention to the television. “Only I’m allowed to do that.”
“Uh… yeah…” Malcolm warily agreed. He felt uncomfortable as they went back to watching the television, wondering if he genuinely did need his hearing checked.
It was then that the doorbell rang, pulling the three’s attention from their cuppas and telly. Malcolm cocked his head and stared in the direction of the front door, knowing that they weren’t expecting anyone that wouldn’t have just walked right in.
“Stay here while I see who it is, yeah?” he said as he stood. He handed his mug to Kate and patted Flossie on the head before walking away. After making his way through the house, he opened the front door to see his brother’s girlfriend standing there, an awkward grin on her face.
“Hi, Malcolm; sorry I’m just dropping in like this…”
“No, no, you were invited, now get the fuck inside, it’s fucking cold out there,” he insisted. He took her bags from her and helped her out of her coat, which he put in the cupboard. “Johnny know you were on your way, Clara?”
“No, I wanted it to be a surprise,” she replied. Before either could continue, Flossie came dashing into the foyer to interrupt them.
“Miss Clara!” the girl gasped. She ran up to the woman and hugged her around the waist. “I thought you were in Blackpool!”
“You’re right, I was, but I’m here now,” Clara chuckled. “Have you been good since I last saw you?”
“Yes! I grew too!”
“Well, that was a given.”
“Flossie,” Kate said as she entered the fold, “please go use the electric kettle and put on some of our new chamomile tea for Miss Clara. I’m sure she needs it after coming here all the way from Blackpool.”
“Oh, yes!” With that, the girl dashed away, leaving the adults to themselves.
“That’s a relief,” Kate smirked. She gave Clara a hug and attempted to lead her into the house. “You have to tell me what’s going on with your father. He must have had a worse fall than expected…”
“I’ll get to that in a bit,” Clara said. She looked at both her guests and bit her lower lip in slight hesitation before continuing. “Can I talk to you both first? With John?”
“Of course,” Malcolm said. He picked her bags back up and the three went up the stairs and over towards Johnny’s room. Arriving at the door, Malcolm knocked before raising his voice slightly.
“Hey, can I come in, or are you still being a raggedy cunt that can’t behave properly at family gatherings?”
“I’m busy,” Johnny replied sourly. Malcolm attempted to open the door anyhow only to find it locked.
“Hold on,” Clara whispered. She then stepped between Malcolm and the door, a knowing smirk on her face. “What if it was me who wanted to come in?”
The door swung open almost instantly, revealing a shocked Johnny. Clara clung to him tightly as Malcolm walked by, placing her bags next to his, the entire scene apparently confusing him. Once Kate had entered the room and the invasion complete, Clara closed the door quietly and locked it.
“What’s with all this secrecy?” Kate wondered. “You’re not normally like this.”
“Well, I have something I want to discuss with all three of you, and I need to get it all out at once or else I am going to become a nervous wreck that won’t be of any use in the slightest.”
“That’s more our Clara,” Malcolm deadpanned.
“Hush,” Johnny said, holding out his hand towards his brother, “this shouldn’t be. Clara, why are you here?”
“Don’t you hush me, you fucking—!”
“Boys, stop it,” Kate snapped. “You’re only making things worse.” She then turned to Clara and placed a supportive hand on her shoulder. “Now what did you want to talk to us about? Is it something back home?”
“It’s not that,” the younger woman said. “First, I have to apologize to you all: I wasn’t in Blackpool the entire time I should have been here. It is true that Dad hurt himself because of that cat, and I did stay with him and Linda through Christmas, but the rest of the time I was back in Glasgow in order to make some appointments.”
“Clara…? What are you saying…? Why are you here…?” Johnny wondered. He was staring at her intently—brow furrowed and eyes intense—as though he had never expected her to show up, let alone so suddenly.
“Just shut up and let me do the talking, yeah?” she said. Clara took hold of one of his hands and took a deep breath, steadying herself. “Kate, Malcolm, you are going to be the only ones who know this for a while, but only because if I don’t tell you both immediately I will burst: Will you both be the godparents for our child?”
The brothers’ eyes nearly bugged at the question. Different versions of shock settled over them, which made Clara more than slightly nervous, which meant Kate stepped in and took over.
“Why of course,” she beamed. “It will be an honor. You know how Malcolm is when it comes to that stuff, but if he can back off making remarks around my children then he certainly can behave himself around yours.”
“I only imagined he’d be one in a secular manner to begin with,” Clara nervously laughed. She glanced up at Johnny, who was still attempting to process the situation. “Are you alright, John? You did say you were ready to start trying, and we did agree that your brother and sister-in-law would be the godparents…”
“You’re pregnant,” he stated. “You’re going to have a baby.”
“Yes, your baby—I’m eight weeks along—that’s what the appointments were for,” she explained. “I know it’s still not a sure thing at this point in the game, but I know it’s what we really wanted and…”
At that, Johnny let go of Clara’s hand and briskly walked out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Clara’s eyes grew wide and watery, her face twisting in silent, barely contained rage.
“Clara, sit down,” Kate offered, softly pushing her towards the mattress. “Malcolm, give him Hell.”
“I plan on it,” he scowled. Malcolm left the room and carefully closed the door behind him, not wanting to make too much more noise. He went down to the bottom of the stairs and saw Flossie standing there in confusion.
“What’s wrong with Uncle Johnny?” she asked in confusion.
“He’s being a tit again, pet,” Malcolm grunted. “Which way did he go? The lad needs a bollocking.”
“The back garden,” Flossie said. She pointed towards the rear of the house and stared up at her father. “Is everything okay?”
“It will be; I promise,” he assured her.
After patting her on the head, he went outside to find his brother skulking about by the gazebo. Gone were the days when it was a freshly-built project for him, Alastair, and Gordon; the wood was now weathered and in desperate need of some sanding and a coat of paint come springtime, though that was neither here nor there. Malcolm stormed up to Johnny and landed a fist right on his nose, causing the other man to hold his face and cuss under his breath.
“What the fuck was that?!” Malcolm snarled. “You stuff the lass and then you act like you want nothing to fucking do with her?! I expected better from you!”
“That’s not Clara!” Johnny sniped back.
“She’s more than just Clara now—she’s the mother of your child, you fucking waste of space! What the fuck are Mam and Da going to say when they come back and see you acting like this?!”
“Those are not our parents!”
“What the everliving fuck are you talking about?!” Malcolm said, abso-fucking-lutely stunned. “Florence and Sean, our parents, are going to come home from their respective grandnip outings and find that not only there is another on the way, but that you are being a disgrace to the Tucker name. Last time you phoned, you couldn’t’ve been more in love with her—ready to marry and settle down and dash the hopes of all your student admirers—and now look at you. It’s a good thing Marcia ain’t here, or she’d smack you for acting too much like her fucking low-life ex for comfort.”
“Malcolm,” Johnny frowned. He wiped the blood from his nose on his sweatshirt sleeve and stared him down. “Who am I?”
“What the fuck…? What’s this about?”
“Who? Am? I?”
“You’re me brother, who is being a massive tit right now, and…”
Before Malcolm knew it, Johnny had him by the front of his jumper and slammed up against a beam. His pale eyes, the same as his, were nearly wild in anger.
“What is my name?!” he bellowed. Malcolm shoved him off, watching his brother stagger a couple feet away due to the force.
“Madison John Basil Tucker,” he said. “We call you John and Johnny because you never liked Madison, ‘specially after that fucking mermaid movie made all the girls laugh at you. You know, the one that came out right after uni?” Johnny narrowed his eyes at him, setting him off even worse. “What the fuck is this about?! You’re scaring Clara—who I would have expected you to sweep off her feet and carry down to the courthouse before it closes for the holiday—you scared Flossie… you’re scaring me! What is going on?!”
“You are dying.”
“I thought we went over this…”
“No, Malcolm, it’s the truth,” Johnny said gravely. “We are not here, not really. You and I are in the bowels of UNIT at this very moment; this right here? It’s why you’ve got that headache. An alien is boring into your skull, killing you with pleasantries and an ideal world for you to believe in.”
“…an alien…?” Malcolm scoffed. “Kate’s the one that handles those bent gits, not me. What are you on about?”
“We are in UNIT right now because I brought in the alien for Osgood to examine and it escaped from its container. I am in your brain to help you fight this, not to be a nuisance.”
Malcolm raised an eyebrow at his brother, not believing him. “If you’re in my brain, then how the fuck are you managing that? You’re only human.”
“That’s where everyone in this dreamscape is wrong, including you,” Johnny said. “I am the Doctor, a Time Lord of the planet Gallifrey in the constellation Kasterborous. I travel in a space-time ship and am basically an idiot who tries to help out, but the thing is that I have established a telepathic connection in order to save you, because if I don’t Kate is going to have my hide.”
“There’s only one part of that I believe, and it’s that my Kate will likely be the one to murder you and make it look like an accident.” Malcolm went and began walking back towards the house—his brother’s mind was truly shot. Something had happened within the past three weeks to make him like this and he needed to figure out the whens and whys of the matter. It would involve calling up some old mates, especially some of the old crowd from his days clawing for devolution, but he would definitely get to the bottom of this.
“Malcolm, you have to listen to me!”
Fuck… he and Kate would have to make sure that Clara didn’t leave their sights. She couldn’t go back to Scotland, nor could she go to Blackpool, not with the way things were. She might even need to have the baby before everything’s settled and that wouldn’t be until the damned summer…
“We don’t have much time, Malcolm! The clock is ticking!”
…at least Flossie would be thrilled, until she learned to change a nappy…
“Don’t you try to fucking talk to me, you fucking mental waste of cum and skin!” he screamed, spinning around to meet his brother face-to-face. “Your girlfriend is up the fucking duff and you’re raving on about being an alien and other shit I don’t even want to try to fucking pronounce! Can’t you see you’ve basically told us all that you’re dumping her?! Kate and I are going to have to clean up your mess, so don’t you think you’ve got an iota of claim to anything now.”
“That is not Clara, nor is it Kate, nor is this our lives!” Johnny insisted. “The only reason I am here is because coming into your consciousness via the telepathic connection made it so that my past and current desires blended with yours during the creation of the false environment we’re in!”
“Then what the fuck is yours, huh?” Malcolm spat lowly. “Fucking a woman half your age until she’s pregnant and then walking away?”
“Having a family again,” Johnny replied. His voice was level and grave, with a tone that sent a shiver down Malcolm’s spine. “Back on Gallifrey, I was married. It was a beautiful union, one where our family could only grow in size, to the point where when I ran away, I did so with my granddaughter in tow. I did so many things wrong back then—from the way I thought to how I acted—and starting over anew with Clara—my Clara—would be a way to salvage myself and do things right.”
“You have a granddaughter?”
“She was by my side until she fell in love and I had to let her go on her own. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t miss her, and she would want me to try to do better by Clara and any children I have with her… if we even can have children.”
“So let me get this straight,” Malcolm grunted, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You are an extraterrestrial alien from outer fucking space old enough to have a granddaughter and your being here means that another alien is picking up on the fact you want to shag a lass until she pops out a kid?”
“Not in such terms, but yes,” Johnny said. He averted his eyes from Malcolm, his neck and cheeks beginning to blush red at the thought. “That’s not all though.”
“Whoop-dee-fucking-do; what a surprise. What else is there?”
“You had wanted not only a father, but a family of your own,” he said. “Sean is an invention of the dreamscape, as is your marriage.”
“You take that back,” Malcolm snarled. “Kate is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I’ll be damned if she’s just a wet dream!”
“She is not the dream, but the marriage is,” Johnny clarified. “The dreamscape had you two meeting earlier than you actually did, facilitating you not only becoming a father figure to her children while they were young, but the creation of a third child who doesn’t actually exist…”
“…and how do you know all this? Tell me quick, before I bust yer balls and the bairn Clara’s carrying is the only one you’ll ever have.”
Just then, cutting them off, a familiar honking noise came from around the house and Bessie drove around the bend with Fiona at the wheel. Sean was grinning giddily as the teen came to a stop and put the vehicle into park a few meters away on the lawn.
“That’s me,” Johnny said. “I have different faces, and that was one of them. The dreamscape used it because it made us being brothers more plausible.” The two watched as Sean and Fiona got out of the car and came over to them, their excitement bursting at the seams.
“Did you see me Uncle Johnny?! Dad?! I should be able to pass my driver’s exam easy when I turn eighteen!” Fiona’s voice kept going higher and higher as she talked. “Grandfather says I’ll be more than ready at this rate!”
“I am not your grandfather,” Johnny said, his own voice level and calm. In an instant, Sean melted into a puddle and sank into the ground, not fazing Fiona one bit.
“I know you didn’t want me to take the car out, but see? I can drive it by myself with no scratches or dents or anything!”
“Yeah Uncle Johnny?”
“Who was driving with you?”
“No one,” the teen said guiltily. “I know I really should have brought someone along if I was going to go out… but I really wanted to, and…!”
“Fiona!” Flossie shouted, running out of the house. “Where were you?! Mum and Da were worried!”
“Took Bessie out for a joyride,” the elder sister grinned. She was pulled along by Flossie into the house, which left Malcolm stunned.
“See? Now do you believe me?” Johnny asked. Malcolm looked at his brother—no, the Doctor—and swallowed hard.
“What do we need to do?”
“Something’s happening!” Osgood gasped, stepping back from the Dream Crab. She pointed at the Doctor’s face, where his nose was beginning to drip blood. “Clara?! Is this normal…?”
“I don’t know,” Clara said. She and Kate both put their tea down and went over to where the Doctor and Malcolm were on the floor, both looking at the Time Lord’s face. Clara accepted a handkerchief from Glenn and dabbed at the blood, noting that it had stopped just as suddenly as it came.
“Is the strain too much?” Glenn wondered.
“No, it can’t be—the Doctor’s mental capacity is much higher than ours,” Kate frowned. “Do you think something happened in the dreamscape?”
“Possibly,” Clara said. She stared at the Doctor’s face, attempting to decipher his lack of expression. “Come on, Doctor. I know you can do it, you clever boy, you.
“All you need to do is run.”
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marshmallow0810 · 7 years ago
10 Questions
I was tagged by @outlanderedandoverhere to answer 10 questions so here we go:-
1. If you could change any adaptation choice from the first two series of OL what would you change? (If you haven’t read the books just what would you have liked to seen omitted or done differently)  Season 1, definitely the hot springs. I feel if they’d made the finale of season 1 90 minutes like they did with season 2, if not the hot springs, we could at least have gotten a bit longer of the Jamie healing scenes.  In season 2, the deleted scenes from the end of ep 7, Faith… SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN DELETED!!!!!
2. Colum or Dougal? Colum. I like Dougal in a, dang he’s a big bit of a man way, but I feel his lift doesn’t always go all the way to the top, whereas Colum’s lift is like the one in Charlie and the Chocolate factory.
3. Who is your favourite secondary character from S1&2 and why? Hmm, now what constitutes a secondary character?  I love Murtagh, his character from the books wasn’t all that, but Duncan’s portrayal and the way he’s been written is one of the BEST changes. I love wee Fergus, but again is he secondary? If not, ok, Mrs Graham and Master Raymond.
4. Do you belong to any other fandoms and if so, which ones? Nope.
5. Which new character are you most looking forward to seeing in season 3 and why? Oh gosh, almost all of them!  Shorter list would be who I’m not looking forward to, and that’s mainly Geneva.
6. If you could see any Outlander AU fanfic (inc canon divergences) made into a TV show which would you chose?  Yikes. Well I adore Flood My Mornings, This Is Us, Red Jamie and the White Lady, A Wild Night in Vegas, Shifted, A Child of the Stones, Outlander Forever………. OK this could go on for a while, let’s just say all of them and if it wasn’t for the incredibly talented fanfic writers and their amazing stories, I’d have ripped my hair out during this droughtlander. So, thank you so much to all of them.
7. Can you recommend a fan artist that you love?  Well @picturethefrasers certainly but a major shout out to the lovely Fiona @outlanderedandoverhere not just for her amazing drawings but the DollFrasers too, who really captured my heart and imagination.
8. What did you have for breakfast? Having a cup of green tea just now.
9. Mary Poppins or Annie?  Mary Poppins 
10. Tea or coffee.  Trying to wean myself off coffee a bit,  with green tea and lemon, but for years I didn’t have either and just drank boiled water instead, sometimes still do.
Apparently, I’m meant to come up with 10 different questions, but stuff that for a game of sodgies.  I have an extreme lack of imagination, so feel free to answer the ones above. I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you follow me and you haven’t already done it and want to give it a go, have at it. Thank you very much. 
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amtopmthoughts · 5 years ago
cruelty free brands
anastasia beverly hills
bare minerals*
beauty blender
charlotte tilbury
jouer (certified by leaping bunny)
kat von d*
kylie cosmetics
marc jacobs beauty
the body shop
too faced*
urban decay*
dr barbara sturm
drunk elephant
kate sommerville*
negrito: certified by PETA
itálico: not certified by PETA but 100% VEGAN
sublinhado: BOTH
*owned by a parent company that tests on animals
other cruelty free brands I don’t know
100% pure
3rd rock essentials
a perfume organic
adorn cosmetics
aether beauty
afterglow cosmetics
ag hair
aila cosmetics
alba botanica
aima pure
andalou naturals
arctic fox
ardency inn
as i am
au naturale
aubrey organics
avalon organics
babo botanicals
barry m
beauty without cruelty
beauty counter
ben nye
bh cosmetics
bite beauty
black radiance
booda organics
bumble and bumble
butter london
bybi beauty
co bigelow
cailyn cosmetics
captain blankenship
carol’s daughter
cate mcnabb
celeb luxury
chi chi cosmetics
china glaze
christophe robin
clove + hollow
coloured raine
concrete minerals
copycat beauty
cover fx
crazy rumours
cyo cosmetics
d s & durga
das boom
de mamei
deborah lippmann
deck of scarlet
deep steep
derma e
desert essence
doll 10
dose of colours
dr alfaieis
dr bronner’s
dr dennis gross
dr hauschka
dr loretta
earth friendly products/ecos
earth tu face
earth’s beauty
ecco bella
edible beauty
edward bess
eleven australia
ella + mia
ellis faas
eo products
epic blend
ere perez
eva nys
everyday minerals
face atelier
fairy girl
faith in nature
farmacy beauty
fiona stiles
fior minerals
first aid beauty
flora + bast
forager botanicals
formulary 55
fortune cookie soap
frank body
french girl
function of beauty
gabriel cosmetics
goo skin beauty
gloss moderne
good dye young
grand cosmetics
h2o plus
hana organic skincare
hard candy
harvey prince organics
hello products
herbivore botanicals
honore des près
house of lashes
hugo naturals
hush + dotti
hint beauty
i am selfcare
iles formula
indie lee
isle of paradise
it cosmetics
its a 10
jr watkins
jack black
jane Airedale
jeffree star
john masters organics
josh rose brook
josie maran
juice beauty
juvia’s place
kahina giving beauty
kaia naturals
kari gran
kester black
kevin murphy
kirkland signature
kiss my face
kjaer weis
koh gen do
kopari beauty
kora organics
la girl
laura geller
lauren b beauty
le couvent des minimes
le labo
le petit olivier
level naturals
lilah b
lily lolo
lina hanson
linda hallberg
lit cosmetics
live clean
living proof
liz earle
lotus wei
lulu organics
lunar beauty
mad hippie
madara cosmetics
madison reed
maelys cosmetics
maison louis marie
makeup geek
manic panic
maria nila
marks and spencer
may lindstrom
melt cosmetics
meow meow tweet
merle norman
milk makeup
mineral fusion
molly’s suds
molto brown
mv organic skincare
my daughter fragrances
my konjac sponge
nabla cosmetics
natasha denona
nature clean
nature’s gate
nest fragrances
nip + fab
no bs
nourish organic
nubian heritage
nude by nature
nude skincare
obsessive compulsive cosmetics
ofra cosmetics
ole henriken
one love organics
osea malibu
out of africa
oz naturals
painted earth
pangea organics
paul mitchell
paula’s choice
peace out
perricone md
physicians formula
pour le monde
primal pit taste
priti nyc
province apothecary
pupa milano
pur cosmetics
pure Canada
queen helene
qv skincare
radical skincare
rare elements
raw sugar
real simple clean
real techniques
red apple lipstick
renee rouleau
rita hazan
rituel de fille
root science
rouge bunny rouge
sw basics
saavy naturals
samantha naturals
sand and sky
schmidt’s naturals
scotch naturals
seventh generation
shea moisture
silk naturals
skin laundry
skinny & co
skin iceland
smith & cult
sol de janeiro
sonia kashuk
stellar beauty
strange invisible
studio makeup
sugar venom
summer fridays
sunday riley
suva beauty
tata harper
terra nova
the 7 virtues
the beauty chef
the gnarly whale
the green beaver company
the ordinary
the seaweed bath co.
the balm
thrive causemetics
tom’s of maine
trader joe’s
tree hut
triz mcevoy
trust fund beauty
tsi la
umberto giannini
ursa major
vapour organic beauty
velvet report
vexed organic botanicals
vernon francois
vintner’s daughter
w3ll people 
wander beauty
wen by chaz dean
whole foods
tes to
youth to the people
yuni beauty
zuii organic
zuzu luxe
better than sex
lights camera lashes, tarte
perversion, urban decay
kush, milk
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rickrosset · 7 years ago
365 Days of 90's Songs
Every day of 2017 (or at least close to it), I posted a different song from the 1990′s on my Facebook page. When I started it, I had no rules and no plan. I just started posting songs that came to me that I enjoyed from that era. To be honest, I had always done a lot of research on 90′s music because in film school (2010-ish), I outlined a screenplay set in 1996 and deep dove into the music then. As 2017 went on, and I continued to work 70-80 hours a week in film production, updating the list became cumbersome, but I still refused to post weak 90′s songs like “U Can’t Touch This”, “Barbie Girl” or “Blue (Da Ba De)” etc. If you like songs like that then please go listen to them, but I’m not going to pretend that I enjoyed them at all in the 90′s or now. 
Looking back on this list, I wish I had put a little more thought into creating a cohesive mix or including my favorite songs, many of which were left off because I ran out of time, but most of the fun of doing this list was just winging it and seeing if anyone liked any of the random songs I did when I was 7-17 years old. I’m going to make an Apple Music and Spotify playlist out of all of these songs but compiling this full list in the proper order already took enough time for this weekend. 
1/1/17 - Guns 'N' Roses "You Could be Mine" 1/2/17 - Ice Cube "It Was a Good Day" 1/3/17 - System of a Down "Spiders" 1/4/17 - The Fugees "Fu-Gee-La" 1/5/17 - Backstreet Boys "Everybody" 1/6/17 - Nirvana "On a Plain" 1/7/17 - Smashing Pumpkins "Disarm" 1/8/17 - 2pac "Brenda's Got a Baby" 1/9/17 - Oasis "Wonderwall" 1/10/17 - Billy Joel "River of Dreams" 1/11/17 - Metallica "Sad But True" 1/12/17 - Blind Melon "No Rain" 1/13/17 - Blackstreet "No Diggity” 1/14/17 - Garth Brooks "Much Too Young to Feel this Damn Old" 1/15/17 - Aaliyah "Are You That Somebody?" 1/16/17 - Santana F/Rob Thomas "Smooth" 1/17/17 - Sublime "STP" 1/18/17 - Go West "King of Wishful Thinking" 1/19/17 - Goldfinger "Here in Your Bedroom" 1/20/17 - Lisa Loeb "Do You Sleep?" 1/21/17 - Bobby Brown "Humpin' Around" 1/22/17 - Bad Religion "21st Century Digital Boy" 1/23/17 - SWV "Weak" 1/24/17 - Jesus Jones "Right Here, Right Now" 1/25/17 - Ghostface Killah "All That I Got Is You" 1/26/17 - The Chemical Brothers "Setting Sun" 1/27/17 - Mr. Big "To Be With You" 1/28/17 - Busta Rhymes "Gimme Some More" 1/29/17 - Elastica "Connection"   1/30/17 - Ace of Base "The Sign" 1/31/17 - LL Cool J F/Boyz II Men "Hey Lover" 2/1/17 - Mazzy Star "Fade Into You" 2/2/17 - Deftones "My Own Summer (Shove It)" 2/3/17 - Beastie Boys "Sabotage" 2/4/17 - Pearl Jam "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town" 2/5/17 - Travis "Why Does It Always Rain One Me?" 2/6/17 - LL Cool J "Momma Said Knock You Out" 2/7/17 - Len "Steal My Sunshine" 2/8/17 - Bell Biv Devoe "Poison" 2/9/17 - Red Hot Chili Peppers "Under the Bridge" 2/10/17 - R. Kelly "I Believe I Can Fly" 2/11/17 - Beck "Loser" 2/12/17 - A Tribe Called Quest "Scenario" 2/13/17 - R.E.M. "Strange Currencies" 2/14/17 - Garbage "#1 Crush" 2/15/17- Spacehog "In the Meantime" 2/16/17 - DMX "Ruff Ryders' Anthem" 2/17/17 - Enya "Orinoco Flow" 2/18/17 - Foo Fighters "Everlong" 2/19/17 - Orgy "Blue Monday" 2/20/17 - 10,000 Maniacs "Because the Night (Unplugged)" 2/21/17 - Dr. Dre F/Snoop Dogg "Nothin' But a G Thang" 2/22/17 - U2 "One" 2/23/17 - Sneaker Pimps "6 Underground" 2/24/17 - 311 "Homebrew" 2/25/17 - Tom Petty "You Don't Know How It Feels" 2/26/17 - Notorious B.I.G. "Juicy" 2/27/17 - Soul Coughing "Super Bon Bon" 2/28/17 - Janet Jackson F/Q-Tip and Joni Mitchell "Got Til It's Gone" 3/1/17 - Faith No More "A Small Victory" 3/2/17 - Korn "Got the Life" 3/3/17 - The Afghan Whigs "Going to Town" 3/4/17 - Goodie Mob "Cell Therapy" 3/5/17 - Charles & Eddie "Would I Lie To You?" 3/6/17 - En Vogue "Free Your Mind" 3/7/17 - Ini Kamoze "Here Comes the Hotstepper (Remix)" 3/8/17 - Soundgarden "Black Hole Sun" 3/9/17 - Seal "Kiss From A Rose" 3/10/17 - Black Star "Definition" 3/11/17 - Harvey Danger "Flagpole Sitta" 3/12/17 - Chris Isaak "Wicked Game" 3/13/17 - The Verve "Bitter Sweet Symphony" 3/14/17 - Shai "If I Ever Fall In Love" 3/15/17 - Jay-Z "Hard Knock Life (Ghetto Anthem)" 3/16/17 - Jeff Buckley "Last Goodbye" 3/17/17 - Eric B. & Rakim "Juice (Know the Ledge)" 3/18/17 - The Mighty Mighty Bosstones "Where'd You Go?" 3/19/17 - Cypress Hill "Hits From The Bong" 3/20/17 - The Offspring "Self Esteem" 3/21//17 - Nate Dogg & Warren G "Regulate" 3/22/17 - Jane's Addiction "Been Caught Stealing" 3/23/17 - Eazy-E "Gimme That Nutt" 3/24/17 - Green Day "Longview" 3/25/17 - Sinead O'Connor "Nothing Compares 2 U" 3/26/17 - Matthew Sweet "Girlfriend" 3/27/27 - Daft Punk "Da Funk" 3/28/17 - Bush "Comedown" 3/29/17 - Missy Elliot "The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)" 3/30/17 - Tool "Sober" 3/31/17 - Third Eye Blind "Jumper" 4/1/17 - Mariah Carey "Vision of Love" 4/2/17 - Weezer "Undone (The Sweater Song)" 4/3/17 - Alanis Morissette "You Outta Know" 4/4/17 - Alice In Chains "Would?" 4/5/17 - Limp Bizkit "Stuck" 4/6/17 - Paula Cole "Where Have All The Cowboys Gone?" 4/7/17 - Placebo "Pure Morning" 4/8/17 - Juvenile "Ha" 4/9/17 - Nine Inch Nails "Wish" 4/10/17 - Mary J. Blige "Real Love" 4/11/17 - Counting Crows "Mr. Jones" 4/12/17 - Radiohead "Just" 4/13/17 - Veruca Salt "Seether" 4/14/17 - Outkast "2 Dope Boyz (In a Cadillac)" 4/15/17 - Coolio F/L.V. "Gangsta's Paradise" 4/16/17 - Depeche Mode "Personal Jesus" 4/17/17 - Goo Goo Dolls "Iris" 4/18/17 -2pac "Ambitionz az a Ridah" 4/19/17 - Silverchair "Tomorrow" 4/20/17 - George Michael "Freedom '90" 4/21/17 - Marilyn Manson "Beautiful People" 4/22/17 - Toadies "Tyler" 4/23/17 - Fiona Apple "Criminal" 4/24/17 - Edwyn Collins "A Girl Like You" 4/25/17 - D'Angelo "Devil's Pie" 4/26/17 - Bruce Springsteen "Streets of Philadelphia" 4/27/17 - Green Day "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" 4/28/17 - Live "Lightning Crashes" 4/29/17 - The Cranberries "Dreams (live at Woodstock 94)" 4/30/17 - TLC "Creep" 5/1/17 - Garbage "Stupid Girl" 5/2/17 - Blur "Song 2" 5/3/17 - Montell Jordan "This Is How We Do It" 5/4/17 - Smashing Pumpkins "Zero" 5/5/17 - Silk "Freak Me" 5/6/17 - Incubus "Redefine" 5/7/17 - Everclear "Santa Monica" 5/8/17 - Wilco "Outtasite (Outta Mind)" 5/9/17 - Ma$e F/The Lox, Black Rob, DMX "24 Hours To Live" 5/10/17 - No Doubt "Just A Girl" 5/11/17 - Destiny's Child "Bills, Bills, Bills" 5/12/17 - Kid Rock "Only God Knows Why" 5/13/17 - Prodigy "Smack My Bitch Up" 5/14/17 - Wu-Tang Clan "Protect Ya Neck" 5/15/17 - Nirvana "In Bloom" 5/16/17 - Cake "The Distance" 5/17/17 - Jermaine Dupri F/Jay-Z "Money Ain't A Thing" 5/18/17 - Soundgarden "Rusty Cage" 5/19/17 - Johnny Cash "Rusty Cage" 5/20/17 - Temple of the Dog "Hunger Strike" 5/21/17 - The Proclaimers "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" 5/22/17 - Nice & Smooth "Sometimes I Rhyme Slow" 5/23/17 - Lenny Kravitz "Are You Gonna Go My Way" 5/24/17 - The Breeders "Cannonball" 5/25/17 - Chumbawumba "Tubthumping" 5/26/17 - White Zombie "More Human Than Human" 5/27/17 - Rage Against the Machine "Killing In the Name" 5/28/17 - P.M. Dawn "Set Adrift on Memory Bliss" 5/29/17 - Guns 'N' Roses "Civil War" 5/30/17 - John Spencer Blues Explosion "Wail" 5/31/17 - The Geto Boys "Minds Playin Tricks On Me" 6/1/17 - Flaming Lips "Turn It On" 6/2/17 - UGK "One Day" 6/3/17 - Fatboy Slim "Praise You" 6/4/17 - Mariah Carey F/ODB "Fantasy" 6/5/17 - Mobb Deep "Shook Ones, Pt. II" 6/6/17 - DJ Clue F/ Cam'ron, Big Pun, Noreaga, Canibus "Fantastic 4" 6/7/17 - Eve 6 "Inside Out" 6/8/17 - Nada Surf "Popular" 6/9/17 - The Presidents of the United States of America "Naked and Famous" 6/10/17 - The Beatnuts "Watch Out Now" 6/11/17 - Meat Loaf "I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)" 6/12/17 - Meat Puppets "Backwater" 6/13/17 - Rancid "Time Bomb" 6/14/17 - Lord Tariq, Peter Gunz "Deja Vu (Uptown Baby)" 6/15/17 - Folk Implosion "Natural One" 6/16/17 - The Black Crowes "Remedy" 6/17/17 - En Vogue "Don't Let Go" 6/18/17 - Letters to Cleo "Here and Now" 6/19/17 - Beenie Man "Who Am I? 6/20/17 - Salt-N'-Pepa "Shoop" 6/21/17 - Mobb Deep F/Lil Kim "Quiet Storm (Remix)" 6/22/17 - Tim McGraw "I Like It, I Love It" 6/23/17 - Alan Jackson "Chattahoochee" 6/24/17 - Metallica "King Nothing" 6/25/17 - Stone Temple Pilots "Big Empty" 6/26/17 - Notorious B.I.G. "Hypnotize" 6/27/17 - 112 F/Notorious B.I.G and Ma$e “Only You (Bad Boy Remix)” 6/28/17 - Soul Asylum “Somebody to Shove” 6/29/17 - KRS-One "Step Into Our World (Rapture's Delight)" 6/30/17 - Spice Girls "Wannabe" 7/1/17 - Seal "Crazy" 7/2/17 - Marc Cohn "Walking in Memphis" 7/3/17 - Pearl Jam "Alive" 7/4/17 - Pearl "Better Man" 7/5/17 - Outkast "Rosa Parks" 7/6/17 - Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth "T.R.O.Y. (They Reminisce Over You) 7/7/17 - Beastie Boys "Intergalactic" 7/8/17 - Monster Magnet "Space Lord" 7/9/17 - Creed "My Own Prison" 7/10/17 - Bone Thugs-N-Harmony "Tha Crossroads" 7/11/17 - Westside Connection "Bow Down" 7/12/17 - Snoop Doggy Dogg "Tha Shiznit 7/13/17 - N.W.A. "Niggaz 4 Life" 7/14/17 - 2pac F/Dr. Dre and Roger Troutman "California Love" 7/15/17 - Too Short "Gettin' It" 7/16/17 - Dr. Dre F/Snoop Dogg, Kurupt and Nate Dogg "Next Episode" 7/17/17 - Makaveli "Hail Mary" 7/18/17 - Liz Phair "Supernova" 7/19/17 - The Wallflowers "One Headlight" 7/20/17 - Sublime “Doin’ Time” 7/21/17 - Cornershop "Brimful of Asha" 7/22/17 - Enigma "Return of Innocence" 7/23/17 - DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince "Summertime" 7/24/17 - Hanson " Mmmm Bop" 7/25/17 - Black Sheep "The Choice is Yours" 7/26/17 - Jay-Z F/UGK "Big Pimpin'" 7/27/17 - Alice In Chains "Man in the Box" 7/28/17 - Dave Matthews Band "Crash Into Me" 7/29/17 - A Tribe Called Quest "Can I Kick It?" 7/30/17 - Ghost Town DJ's "My Boo" 7/31/17 - Red Hot Chili Peppers "Soul to Squeeze" 8/1/17 - Blur "Girls and Boys" 8/2/17 - Sophie B. Hawkins "Damn, I wish I was Your Lover" 8/3/17 - Radiohead "Creep" 8/4/17 - Ol' Dirty Bastard "Shimmy Shimmy Ya" 8/5/17 - Real McCoy "Another Night" 8/6/17 - The Dropkick Murphy's "Amazing Grace (Live)" 8/7/17 - The Lemonheads "Mrs. Robinson" 8/8/17 - Marilyn Manson "Sweet Dreams" 8/9/17 - Limp Bizkit "Faith" 8/10/17 - Fugees "Killing Me Softly" 8/11/17 - UB40 "Can't Help Falling in Love" 8/12/17 - Nirvana "Man Who Sold The World" 8/13/17 - Metallica "Turn the Page" 8/14/17 - Deadeye Dick "New Age Girl" 8/15/17 - Onyx "Slam" 8/16/17 - Erykah Badu "Next Lifetime" 8/17/17 - Orgy "Stitches" 8/18/17 - Chris Isaak "Baby Did a Bad Bad Thing" 8/19/17 - R.E.M. “Losing My Religion” 8/20/17 - Backstreet Boy "I Want it That Way" 8/21/17 - Robyn "Show Me Love" 8/22/17 - Weezer "El Scorcho" 8/23/17 - Marc Anthony "I Need to Know" 8/24/17 - Wyclef Jean F/John Forte and Pras "We Trying to Stay Alive" 8/25/17 - Bush "Straight No Chaser" 8/26/17 - Queens of the Stone Age "Regular John" 8/27/17 - The Refreshments "Banditos" 8/28/17 - Jars of Clay "Flood" 8/29/17 - H-Town "Knockin' Da Boots" 8/30/17 - Jodeci "Feenin'" 8/31/17 - Smashing Pumpkins "The Beginning is the End is the Beginning" 9/1/17 - Digable Planets "Rebirth of Slick (Cool Like Dat)" 9/2/17 - Melissa Etheridge "Come to My Window" 9/3/17 - Aerosmith "Cryin'" 9/4/17 - Neil Young "Downtown" 9/5/17 - JT Money "Who Dat?" 9/6/17 - Outkast "SpottieOttieDopaliscious" 9/7/17 - Wu-Tang "Reunited" 9/8/17 - Sex Pistols "Pretty Vancant (live)" 9/9/17 - Marcy Playground "Sex and Candy" 9/10/17 - Sheryl Crow "If It Makes You Happy" 9/11/17 - The Flys "Got You (Where I Want You)" 9/12/17 - Nas "New York State of Mind" 9/13/17 - The Foo Fighters "I'll Stick Around" 9/14/17 - Beastie Boys "So What Cha Want" 9/15/17 - Gang Starr "Next Time" 9/16/17 - Lauryn Hill "Doo Wop (That Thing)" 9/17/17 - Arrested Development "Tennessee" 9/18/17 - Sponge "Molly (16 Candles)" 9/19/17 - Deftones "Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away)" 9/20/17 - No Doubt "Don't Speak" 9/21/17 - The Lemonheads "My Drug Buddy" 9/22/17 - U2 "Mysterious Ways" 9/23/17 - DMX "Stop Being Greedy" 9/24/17 - INXS "Not Enough Time" 9/25/17 - Destiny's Child "Say My Name" 9/26/17 - Eagle-Eye Cherry "Save Tonight” 9/27/17 - Radiohead "Paranoid Android 9/28/17 - Big Punisher “The Dream Shatterer” 9/29/17 - Dawn Penn “You Don’t Love Me (No, No, No)” 9/30/17 - *NSYNC “Tearin’ Up My Heart” 10/1/17 - Pixies “Dig for Fire” 10/2/17 - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers “Walls (Circus)” 10/3/17 - The Roots F/Erykah Badu "You Got Me" 10/4/17 - Bruce Springsteen “Human Touch” 10/5/17 - Pennywise “Bro Hymn” 10/6/17 - Weezer “Say It Ain’t So” 10/7/17 - Foxy Brown F/Jay-Z “I’ll Be...” 10/8/17 - EMF “Unbelievable” 10/9/17 - Peter Gabriel “Steam” 10/10/17 - Raekwon & Ghostface Killah F/GZA “Glaciers of Ice” 10/11/17 - Blink-182 “Adam’s Song” 10/12/17 - Eminem “Just Don’t Give A Fuck” 10/13/17 - Kenny Wayne Sheperd “Blue on Black” 10/14/17 - Violent Femmes “American Music” 10/15/17 - Faith Evans "Love Like This" 10/16/17 - Pearl Jam "Black" 10/17/17 - B.G. F/Big Tymers & Hot Boyz “Bling, Bling” 10/18/17 - Rage Against the Machine “Bulls on Parade” 10/19/17 - DJ Muggs F/Goodie Mob “Decisions, Decisions” 10/20/17 - Beck “Debra 10/21/17 - Public Enemy “Welcome to the Terrordome” 10/22/17 - Dishwalla “Counting Blue Cars” 10/23/17 - James "Laid" 10/24/17 - R.E.M. "What's the Frequency, Kenneth?" 10/25/17 - Keith Sweat “Twisted” 10/26/17 - Nas F/AZ, Nature, Cormega and Foxy Brown “Affirmative Action” 10/27/17 - L7 “Shit List” 10/28/17 - Faith No More "Epic" 10/29/17 - Godsmack “Voodoo” 10/30/17 - Rob Zombie “Dragula” 10/31/17 - Screaming Trees "Nearly Lost You” 11/1/17 - Guns N’Roses “November Rain” 11/2/17 - Wu-Tang Clan “Da Mystery of Chessboxin’” 11/3/17 - Craig Mack F/Notorious B.I.G., L.L. Cool J, Busta Rymes & Rampage “Flava in Ya Ear (Remix)” 11/4/17 - Nas “N.Y. State of Mind II” 11/5/17 - Collective Soul "Shine" 11/6/17 - Aerosmith “I Don’t Want Miss A Thing” 11/7/17 - Pras Michel F/ODB and Mya “Ghetto Supastar (That Is What You Are) 11/8/17 - U2 Hold Me “Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me” 11/9/17 - Elliot Smith “Miss Misery” 11/10/17 - Underworld “Drive Slippy (NUXX)” 11/11/17 - Smashing Pumpkins “Eye” 11/12/17 - The Cardigans "Love Fool" 11/13/17 - Marilyn Manson “Long Hard Road Out of Hell” 11/14/17 - Supergrass “Alright” 11/15/17 - Boyz II Men “End of the Road” 11/16/17 - Butthole Surfers “Pepper” 11/17/17 - Tori Amos “Cornflake Girl” 11/18/17 - Ginuwine “Pony” 11/19/17 - Big Pun F/Joe “Still Not A Player” 11/20/17 - Tom Cochrane "Life is a Highway" 11/21/17 - Prodigy “Out of Space” 11/22/17 - Duran Duran “Ordinary World” 11/23/17 - Failure “Stuck on You” 11/24/17 - 4 Non Blondes "What's Going On?" 11/25/17 - 311 “All Mixed Up” 11/26/17 - Primitive Radio Gods "Standing Outside a Broken 11/27/17 - Phone Booth With Money In My Hand“ 11/28/17 - Noreaga “Super Thug (What What)” 11/29/17 - Duncan Sheik "Barely Breathing" 11/30/17 - A Tribe Called Quest “Electric Relaxation” 12/1/17 - Notorious B.I.G. F/ Ma$e and Puff Daddy “Mo’ Money, Mo Problems” 12/2/17 - The Crystal Method “Keep Hope Alive” 12/3/17 - Natalie Imbruglia "Torn" 12/4/17 - Jeff Buckley "Hallelujah 12/5/17 - Usher "You Make Me Wanna…” 12/6/17 - Björk “Army of Me” 12/7/17 - Teenage Fanclub “Mad Dog 20/20” 12/8/17 - Akinyele “Put I️t In Your Mouth” 12/9/17 - Cranberries "Zombie" 12/10/17 - Lenny Kravitz "Fly Away" 12/11/17 - The Dandy Warhols “Not If Your The Last Junkie on Earth” 12/12/17 - EMPD “The Crossover” 12/13/17 - TLC “No Scrubs” 12/14/17 - Counting Crows “A Long December” 12/15/17 - Limp Bizkit “Nookie” 12/16/17 - Nine Inch Nails “Closer” 12/17/17 - Camp Lo “Luchini (aka This Is It)” 12/18/17 - Oasis “Champagne Supernova” 12/19/17 - Ma$e "Feel So Good" 12/20/17 - Red Hot Chili Peppers "Scar Tissue" 12/21/17 - Better Than Ezra “Good” 12/22/17 - Semisonic “Closing Time” 12/23/17 - Madonna “Ray of Light” 12/24/17 - Juvenile “Back That Azz Up” 12/25/17 - The Offspring “Gone Away” 12/26/17 - Tool “Opiate” 12/27/17 - Cracker “Low” 12/28/17 - Method Man & Redman “Da Rockwilder” 12/29/17 - Britney Spears “... Baby One More Time” 12/30/17 - Smashing Pumpkins "Bullet with Butterfly Wings" 12/31/27 - Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit”
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