#:// when i saw you liked my starter call i immediately panicked about making this good and you still got this
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berthindeath · 2 months ago
@relentlessgrief liked for a starter
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" Thought I might find you here. "
Her tone light as she deigns to enter his space with a familiarity that could only be possessed by those of the Mourn Watch. Ignorance breeds uncertainty, especially when it came to her home and her craft, people often looked about them in apprehension at best, at worst, well. At a certain point, she's stopped fussing over what others thought. Those who have no care for their dead have no business judging how they protect theirs. This is home.
However, she's not here to pay respects to the dead in the gardens or to perform her ritualistic duties, no.
She came to speak with him. Neve, Lace, Bellara—all with contacts to offer. But she never claimed that she had none of her own.
Lilac hues flit around his surroundings here in the Necropolis, a reverent hand drifting over the doorway's edge before looking to the being before her. " May I be granted entry? "
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comradegeorgemoved · 4 years ago
gnf cooking stream highlights
saw some people say they wouldn’t be able to watch george’s cooking stream because of school/work so i took note of some things that happened (with very rough timestamps. like really rough and it happened ~around~ that time) so they could relate to jokes/etc being made on the dashboard/timeline without having to watch the entire 4 hours of the stream immediately :) hope this is helpful in any way ? lol
quick stats: george beat his highest concurrent again this stream with 307k viewers by 133k and gained more than 10k subs :o
0:00 cooking stream start. cute thumbnail and music!
5:10 starts talking
8:00 shows self, fixes his camera/s (he has two different setups) and talks to chat for a bit
11:30 what is on the menu? a starter (mozarella sticks), main course (steak), dessert (a secret!)
18:40 the first step is to hands with…. dishwashing liquid
20:00 actually starts preparing steak. “it’s got good marbling ? idk how to speak chef they just say marbling”. attempts to rub seasoning into the steak...
28:00 starts preparing the mozarella sticks
34:40 “dont swing your knife around >:(” “I WILL SWING MY KNIFE IF I WANT TO SWING IT [swings knife]”
39:00 “these are probably going to turn out terrible… but as long as we’re having fun, then we’re fine! right? i guess? probably.”
45:00 he puts paprika into the egg mixture while trying to make mozarella sticks........... he throws out the eggs and has to reset
52:00 “that’s pretty bread-y! that’s pretty bread-y!”
53:00 calling chat donuts because they keep trying to backseat cook lmao
1:02:20 dream calls. “you’re the worst chef ive ever seen in my life what’s wrong with you? you suck!”
1:03:00 sapnap calls. "you look cute with that hat on :)" george hangs up on him to talk to dream lol. “i’m ditching you for dream.”
1:05:37 dream calls again
1:11:30 thinks the breadcrumbs are too thick, which is why they aren’t sticking to the cheese. he attempts to “squish” them.
1:11:45 “is there a hypetrain? choo choo!”
1:12:00 dream calls again
1:18:55 “gogy ramsay? yes that’s actually me!”
1:21:13 karl + chris calls “everyone comment if you think george should be in tales of the smp tonight!”
1:24:00 dream calls again to give advice about double dipping the mozarella sticks
1:30:30 starts preparing the fries. george is impressed by a potato peeler. he eats a raw potato later on ?
1:40:00 he makes funny gestures! introduces the ~air fryer~! (which he says he bought specifically for this stream!)
1:44:00 starts cooking steak
1:45:00 “what can we do for 5 minutes?” and then holds up a fucking knife?? i dont understand him
1:48:50 dream calls again. “be careful when you’re frying it’s very dangerous!” george: “he’s FARMING AWWS guys”
1:56:23 sapnap calls
2:00:00 people started gifting subs because dream tweeted about it :) sapnap talks about his new video, sapnap thanks george’s subs for him so george can focus on his cooking :) sapnap also helps him calm down when he’s visibly nervous about what’s happening and is overall just super supportive!
2:13:20 actually starts cooking steak
2:13:50 sapnap’s hot take about sugar cookies: people who hate sugar cookies can go to hell
2:15:28 “i kinda burnt it… it’s not bad.. it’s grilled..” he starts panicking a bit n is a bit dangerous with the hot oil it scared me a little lol
2:17:55 carries the fucking steak with tongs across the kitchen
2:18:00 shows his steak. it looks good!
2:21:45 george hyping up his french fries
2:24:30 karl joins the call
2:25:20 george talks to the camera to thank karl
2:25:50 george excitedly jumping around to announce something! karl (jokingly) announces george will be on the tales of the smp
2:26:40 fit check! george puts his feet on the table to lift up his entire body? also they are talking about boogers ? idk i can’t hear
2:28:40 george talking to the camera to twitch prime
2:28:58 dream calls him to cut the steak
2:34:25 taste test “not gonna lie, best steak i’ve ever had, ever! ok it’s not the best, but it’s actually really good”
2:38-39:00 ish bad joins
2:40:00 bad built chef gnf in minecraft! cute!
2:43:50 karl: “george i love you” george: “thank you ^-^”
2:44:47 apparently dream messaged their discord chat for karl and sapnap to stop making fun of george’s mozarella sticks “his cheese sticks are fine.”
2:45:30 dream joins to tell him to put the mozarella sticks back in the freezer
2:47:10 starts frying mozarella sticks. he isn’t being too cautious with this too so everyone in the call is worried he’ll get burnt skdhsk. burns a mozarella stick
2:53:00 dream and sapnap heat transfer discourse. sapnap thinks he can dip a fork into molten lava and it won’t be hot (immediately). he is wrong.
2:57:00 quackity joins
3:08:20 george lore: apparently doesn’t care if his food is hot or cold
3:09:15 looks into camera again
3:11:00 apparently dream was the first sub on george’s channel! so he has the founders badge!
3:13:00 karl teases dream for saying he’d kiss george if puffy hit 11k subs yesterday lol. they were also teasing bad about being weird about the maid dress throughout this.
3:14:00 the secret dessert is pancakes!
3:18:00 “will be... like wilbur (wilby)”
3:30:00 flipped a pancake! worked. around this time they’re making fun of george allegedly calling a “crepe” a “pancake”, when this is what they call pancakes in the uk.
3:38:30 george wants to stream with gordon ramsay lol
3:44:10 everyone leaves the call except for george and dream. “it’s just us.. alone together.. with 200 thousand people”
3:45:00 sub count is at 18550 and dream wants it to reach 20k! george is just sitting there getting subs
3:47:20 george trying to take a picture!
3:49:27 dream tells chat to keep subbing
3:52:00 dream gifts 50 subs to help reach the sub goal. again george is just standing there getting gifted subs lmao
3:53:00 ish they hit 20k! george gained more than 10,000 subs this stream!
3:57:45 fridge reveal lol
3:58:45 fit check again
3:59:11 making a tiktok
4:02:50 dream REALLY wants to see george with messy/fluffy hair for some reason???? he farms messy hair pics. “wait WHAT oh my gosh holy cow WHAT i’ve never seen your hair like that. now that’s a good instagram photo.” apparently “it’s a look”... from the end of the extras shirt video ? someone help him
(george looks really good though. this is something best experienced yourself...)
around this time i think they say how can they get to 500k views and they say what if they streamed the meetup! and they say that they will!
4:14:00 ish "thank you dream" is trending. it’s obviously for the pictures but neither of them seem to realize that.
4:14:30 dream tells george to get hair gel so he can look like this all the time. my god
4:17:00 stream over !
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mar-iiposa · 4 years ago
"You're What?"
prompt: How would the Bayverse boys react to their s/o finding out that she is pregnant, and she is afraid/scared to tell them? The pregnancy was not planned. Hope you're having a great day/night <3
a/n: this was requested by an anonymous user as a bit of a long story, meant for all four turtles, but I'm deciding on separating it so it looks better on my masterlist later on. hope that enjoy, and make sure to read the tags I have included down below, just in case !
warnings: slight mention of abortion but that's it, mention of needles drawing blood (not too graphic of course), unplanned pregnancy, mentions of unprotected sex.
word count: 2.6k
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"Y/N, are you okay?"
Your roommate, April's, voice rang out when she saw you hurry towards the bathroom in such a rush, for the third time today, and it was just barely 2 pm. She was concerned that you weren't doing so good, never having seen you in a peculiar state like this before. As late of this past week, you've started to show signs of illness and restlessness, constantly moody, which we knew was odd for you at times. "Do you need anything?" She gently knocked on the bathroom door, hearing the faucet run on the other side before it was turned off. "I'm good, thanks," You murmur, loud enough for her to at least comprehend what you're saying. Outside of the restroom, April looked down for a moment, hesitant on whether to truly believe you or not. However, she didn't bother to really question it. "I'll be out, text if you need me."
After getting up a little too fast, you feel a small, sharp pain in your breasts, causing you to wince and cup them lightly out of instinct. Over the last few days, you've been noticing some changes. Weird ones too. For starters, you missed your period, it was supposed to roll around about, what, three/four days ago. You kept it tracked monthly on your phone, and by now, it would seem to probably come later than usually expected. Never did you have an irregular menstrual cycle, sometimes periods tend to come a little bit late but this was still odd enough. Not to forget, you had been vomiting like crazy at times, especially in the mornings and early afternoons of the day, sometimes at night if you're "lucky" enough. Topping those off, you felt fatigued, you were bloated, strangely moody, and you really needed to pee way more. A lot more, actually.
You had turned off the faucet in the bathroom, hunching over the sink, still with little droplets of water sliding down and into the drain. You look into the mirror, bags under your eyes have started to form from lack of sleep after literally vomiting your guts out in the middle of the night, having to hold your own hair back yourself if April would be completely knocked out from work. It wasn't a rare occurrence for her to be passed out on her bed or the couch, after a long day of working. You were employed, too, it was just that you took a day off to find out what the hell these symptoms were. Who knows, maybe you were falling sick?
You do your hair and style it just a little, unbothered by if you looked like crap or not, you could care less. You were throwing up and felt almost sick, why wouldn't you look unappealing at the very least? Grabbing your keys and things, you make your way towards the subway almost downtown, avoiding eye contact with almost anyone and everyone, not feeling at your best. It felt like your self-esteem had taken a downwards decline in the last couple of days prior. Not that you never got irritated or anything, but it was peculiar to you that all of a sudden, you had mood swings that changed from one mood to another like a bolt of lightning. Hell, even your boyfriend, Leo, noticed fairly quickly, but he decided not to press on you too much about it.
Getting off of the subway train, you head to your physician's office, opening the door of the building, the cooled atmosphere of the room hitting you within seconds of your entrance of the room.
"Hello, Ms. L/N, are you here for your appointment today?" The female receptionist gazed up at you from her glasses, frames pink, wearing a light shawl over her arms and shoulders. "I am," You give her a nod, her gaze traveling back to the computer screen as she typed away, the sound of her dark red acrylics hitting the smooth black keys. "Sure does get cold in here," She chuckled, a small short in the middle of her laugh, "take a seat, miss."
Doing so, you sit near the TV of the waiting room, the magazines on the table ahead stared back at you, the words 'VOGUE' written on the modernistic cover. The television was of bland taste, just going over the weather expected for today and the rest of the week and into the weekend. You cradle yourself slightly, your e/c eyes flickering down to your fingers and nails. About fifteen minutes or so later, the door to the back of the office opened, a nurse appearing in her scrub, "Y/N L/N?" Perking up at the mention of your name, you both make eye contact and she steps aside for you to walk in, giving a nod before directing you to a nearby room. Taking a seat, you wait until the doctor comes into view, greeting you with a friendly smile. "Ms. L/N, hi," She shook your hand, holding a clipboard under her left arm as she entered, "how are you? Is there a reason as to why you made an appointment for today?" Seconds after listing off your symptoms, she eyed you a bit suspiciously, writing down with her pen. "I'll send one of the nurses in for a blood test, I'm sure you'll be free to go then," The doctor pursed her lips in a tight smile, looking as though she had something on her mind as to what you could've had.
You sit there, for what feels like hours upon hours of silence, and you don't even notice the nurse coming in through the door at some point. "Alright, just relax for me." A pinching at your skin came from the needle, and the nurse draws some blood from your arm. Closing your eyes and glancing away from the view, the needle is drawn away from your arm after a while, patching the spot up with a band-aid. "You should get your answers shortly," 'Angela Bardot' (the nurse) states with a small, friendly smile as you give her a nod for a reply in return.
The receptionist sends you a wave goodbye as you approach the door on the way out, nodding your head and giving a wave back. Traveling home among the streets of New York, your mind is constantly filling up to the absolute brim of what the results would be. What if you were terrible sick? Had an illness that was incurable or deadly? How would you tell the ones you loved? Always tending to think of negative outcomes was a habit of yours, for as long as you can remember. You're so deep into your thoughts as you don't realize your boyfriend had called you a couple of times already. You unlock your phone after typing in the digits of your password, tapping onto his contact. "Hey," His voice rings from the other side, "I was trying to call you, is everything alright?" You can hear the worried tone through his end.
You run a hand through your hair as you neared the corner, coming closer to your New York apartment. "Yeah," you breathe out into the air of the apartment building, taking the provided elevator, "yeah, I'm okay." You could almost see the look of relief in those blue sapphire eyes of his, he responds, "Sorry, I almost panicked when you didn't pick up." You chuckle a little at that, knowing you almost always picked up on phone calls, holding onto your keys as you pushed your front entrance door open, "Nah, you know I can handle myself, Leo." You grin hearing his voice, chuckling at that. "I know, I know." 
"I'll see you tonight?" He asks on his end, you immediately smile. "I give you my word." You can feel him smiling from 'ear to-ear' at your response, "Okay, I'll see you later then. Love you, princess." Your smile growing warm, heart fluttering at the words coming from your boyfriend, you speak back into the phone, "Love you too."
He was the first to hang up on the cell phone call, before you fall back onto your grey couch with a heavy sigh, soon leaning forward with your head in your hands, elbows firmly sitting on top of your knees. The TV is turned on from the remote in your hand, head leaning back into the couch, but only enough to still keep your eyes on the screen. Your phone rings again, and you assume it might be Leo again, calling to tell you something he might have forgotten or who knows what. Turning the phone over from it's front facing the cushions, and you recognize the contact number. "Hello?" You pick up, a recognizable voice rang through. "Hi, this is Dr. Rullston, I'm calling you to discuss your blood test results, yes?" Sitting straight up quickly, you feel yourself nod almost frantically, "Yes, it's not anything, right?" A long pause resonates between the two of you, and you can slightly hear the intake of a breath from her.
"Ms. L/N, you're pregnant."
Your heart completely drops as soon as you heard that, standing up from your seat within milliseconds. "What? I- I can't belie- !" She continues, "About almost two weeks pregnant is what I'm seeing. Congratulations miss." No, no, I didn't want a baby! I didn't know this would happen! 
You look down at the floor as your breathing is nearly stressed, "Tha- Thank you, Dr. Rullston." Quick to hang up first, you almost drop your phone onto the apartment's hard wooden floor. How was this possible? Well, you knew how pregnancy and sex worked, but this was something completely shocking, at least to you! You think you at least had intercourse with a condom on! You and Leonar- Oh God, Leo! How would he react to this? He would be disappointed, he could leave you! Who would want to raise a child with you? Who would even want a knocked up lady if he did leave the relationship you had been building for practically a year?! You could get an abortion, that's it! No, no, no, you couldn't see yourself going through with that. Seeing others get abortions was something you were supportive of, but you had no absolute idea what in the hell to do! Do you want to keep it? That was something you didn't know the answer to. 
Two hours roll by until you're dressed a little more properly now, on your path to the turtles' lair in the sewers. As of now, you're (somewhat) rocking some jeans, with an old t-shirt, your commonly-worn shoes, and your hair combed through. Sticking your head through the lair, Mikey spots you straightaway, quickly riding on his skateboard towards you, guarding your own stomach, afraid for impact. Luckily for you (and maybe your fetus), there is no impact. "Yo, Y/N!" He gave you his regular fist pump, "how's it hangin'?" He notices you guarding your stomach, emitting a laugh as he points at you, "What's with the stomach guarding?" You realize your arms protecting your stomach, pulling them away fairly quickly. "Just, uh- Just hungry is all!" Michelangelo eyed you for a second or two before shrugging, picking up his board with a swift kick at its tail, "M'kay! Leo's in his room by the way. Catch you later!" He rode off again, presumably to bother either Raph or Donnie with his "dazzling personality."
Nearing Leonardo's room, you were undecided on the option of telling him about the growing baby inside of you or not. You didn't know. You didn't know what he'd think, what he'd say, how he would react, or if his perspective of you would shift entirely. Every fiber of your being grew anxious, scared to share the news with him. Or not. Leaning against the doorway of his room, he looked up from his katana, a smile gracing his features. "Hey," He stood up from his spot on the bed as you approach him, "Hi." Leonardo glanced down at your shorter human self, grabbing your hands to hold into his abnormally larger ones. "Took you a while to get here." Yeah, it did because you couldn't stop vomiting into the toilet until you got the strength to eventually walk all the way down here. "Sorry, busy," You threw an excuse at him, the leader of the clan nods. "Uh-huh," He takes your hand and leads you to his bed, "you're not overwhelming yourself, are you?" Knowing how concerned he can tend to be, you shakily exhale a little, giving a closed-mouth smile. "No, not really."
"You know ho-" You bit your lower lip, feeling the need to interrupt, "Leo, there's-- there's something I need to tell you." He paused for a little, knowing there was something up, a feeling in his gut. "Well what is it?" You can feel that pit of anxiety start to blossom within you once again, your palms nearly growing sweaty as you try to gather your words. Carefully wanting to break it to him was something you wanted to do, and correctly too. "Y/N?" He sends you a fervent glance, "is something wro-?" 
"I'm pregnant."
He's taken aback by the sentence you had just formed, staring at you, with almost little to no emotion being expressed. He's speechless. Out of words, completely. "You're what?! With- With my ba-?" Giving the leader a small, slow nod, it finally makes sense to him. "That's why you missed my call? Y/N, you sh-" You feel tears swell up in your e/c eyes, a hot droplet starting to slide down your left cheek, "I know it's all my fault. I should have asked for an abortion before I left that doctor's office. And you don't want a kid, I can see perfectly see that, and just know that I'm sor-" A warm green hand cups the side of your face, endearing blue eyes look at you and hold your stare as a thumb comes to wipe your new, built-up tears. Tender lips come to kiss your forehead. "I want this. Y/N, please listen to me when I say it'll be alright. I won't let you and the baby down, okay?" Leo's words are kind, softly spoken as he offers you a pursed smile while holding your face in his hand, "You'll be fine."
Your breathing is starting to calm down as you meet his eyes, your hand coming touch his on your cheek. "How far? How far are you, I mean?" Feeling at ease, your eyes are still watery with tears, a smile growing on your lips, "Two weeks." He grows soft at your reply, eyes flickering down towards your stomach. The stomach that held his kid inside of it. "How big are they?" You hold your hand up and leave a little gap between your index finger and your thumb, "Like a little seed." A smile of joy lights up his face before he carefully runs the bottom of your t-shirt up to expose your stomach to him. He pursed his lips together once more, fighting off tears as he gives a breathy laugh. "I love them already." You grin to your significant other, kissing his cheek.
"And we love you too."
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blackhakumen · 4 years ago
Mini Fanfic #815: Last Straw (Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Persona 5)
2:12 p.m. at the Isle Defino's Restaurant.........
Pink Female Pianta: (Smiles Brightly at Mario, Peach, Ren, and Makoto After She Place Their Meals Down on the Table) I hope you all enjoy our meals for today!~ (Turns to Mario with a Dark Expression on her Eyes) Especially you, you no good criminal of a plumber....(Went Back to Smiling Brightly Again Before Walking Away) Goodbyeeee!~
Mario: (Chuckles Awkwardly) I see that.... we're....(Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Still on that phase, aren't we?
Peach: (Groans Which Pinching her Nose a Little)
Mario: (Turns to Peach While Placing his Hand on Top of Her Other One) Are you okay, Peach?
Peach: (Turns to Mario With a Reassuring Smile on her Face) I'll be fine, honey. ('Sigh') I'm just trying not let those Piantas get the better of me. I'd never realized it would be so challenging.....
Makoto: I'd say. I could never imagine getting over it that easily if I were in that position.....
Ren: ('Sigh') Tell me about it. (Turns to Mario) I'm surprised none of this is bothering you in the slightest.
Mario: (Smiles Sheepishly at Ren While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) I wouldn't say it doesn't bother me completely. I just try and look at the brighter side of all of this, you know? I even tried not to think too hard on the messier part of the past.
Makoto: (Raised an Eyebrow) How "messier" are we talking about exactly?
Mario: Welllllllll.....For starters, back when Shadow Mario kidnapped the princess and took her to Pinna Park, there were a few eye witnesses that saw the whole incident going. It was practically a golden opportunity to prove the fact that there were two of me and all of this was misunderstanding to begin with. Yet.....They still think I was a criminal.
Makoto: (Couldn't Believe What She's Hearing) My God.... That's terrible.....
Peach: It was.....(Turns to Mario) I'm so sorry I wasn't much help to you during that time around, Mario. I was going scream out for help, but Shadow Mario, who was Bowser Jr at the time.
Makoto: (Nodded While Understanding What Ren is Telling Her) Okay.....
Ren: Yeah......
Peach: ...Taped my mouth shut at last second.
Makoto: But some of the citizens still saw you getting kidnapped during that time, right?
Peach: Yes, but....('Sigh') They were panicking for the most part.
Makoto: And there were no policemen involved?
Mario: (Shook his Head) Not a single one I'm afraid. Didn't make any better when tried telling them everything that happened during that time and even when Junior first tired to kidnap the princess, they kept telling me that I was slacking off and that I should get back to work on cleaning the Island.
Makoto: (Starts Facepalming Herself in Disbelief) I don't believe this......
Ren: I know, right? Their police system are million times worst than the one in our universe......
Mario: That..... wasn't worse of it......
Makoto/Peach: It wasn't?
Mario: Nope. (Turns to Peach) Do you remember those Star Sprites they wanted me to gather to restore the brightness of their island?
Peach: Yeah. You had to go through other worlds to obtain them, right?
Mario: .....For the most part.....There were a few citizens here that had them already. They only gave them to me after I do their chores for them.
Peach: ('Gasps')
Makoto: (Turns to Ren) Ren, is all of this is true?
Ren: Yep. And it's not even the worst of it.
Makoto: Oh sweet, merciful Johanna....What now?
Ren: (Points at a White House Standing on the End of the Dock) You see that house over there?
Makoto: (Turns to the House Ren is Showing Her) Yeah? What about it?
Ren: There these two raccoons who lives over there and they have a crap ton of Star Sprites inside. But the only way to get any of them is to trade them-
Mario: Blue Coins. ('Groans a Little') I remember how exhausting it was to get them all........(Chuckles Lightly) Good thing I got it all over it and made it back in one piece.
Peach: ............................
Mario: Uh.....Peach? D-Darling?
Peach: (Starts Taking a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Let me see if I get this right....You mean to tell that there are raccoons who are living in that house, trading Star Sprites for Blue Coins as a currency....The SAME Star Sprites that were SUPPOSED TO BE USED to restore the brightness of the entire Island.....AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT NO ONE, NOT EVEN THE AUTHORITIES, EVEN BOTHER TO QUESTION THEM AT ALL!?
Mario: .........Pretty much. Yeah.
Peach: .......... That's it. (Immediately Gets Up From her Table) I'mma sue 'em.
Mario: ('Sigh') Peach....
Peach: (Turns to Mario With a Form Frown on her Face) No, Mario! Ever since the day we arrived here, I have tried SO hard not let all of this get me. But after everything they've put you through, even AFTER you risk your life to save them, I cannot sit here and let this slide anymore! Enough is enough!!
Mario: But how are we going to find ourselves a lawyer here? We've never got one the last time we went to court.
Ren: (Already Has a Smirk on Face) No worry, you guys. Makoto and I know someone who can help plead your case no problem.
Makoto: Wait. We do? (Eyes Widened For a Brief Second Before Sighing at the Fact That She Figured Who Ren is Talking About) Ren, we're not asking my sister to come over here to court.
Ren: Ah c'mon, 'hon. She's the only person we know who has any experience being in a courtroom.
Makoto: But what if she already working this remaining week!? We can't just back to Shiyuba and ask her to come with us! She'll decline the offer quicker than you can say-
???: Why, hello my dear little sister.
Makoto yelps while quickly jumping into Ren's arms before turning around to see that it's none other than her older sister, Sae Niijima.
Makoto: Sis? W-What are you doing here!?
Sae: My boss gave me a few days off yesterday. So I decided to come here to spend the rest it with you. And before you ask, I used one of your Dimensional Rings to get here.
Makoto: Oh sis...(Hugs Sae Lovingly) You have no idea how happy this made me~
Sae: (Giggles Softly) Likewise. I'm really happy to see you again, Makoto. (Kiss the Top of Makoto's Head Before Turning to Ren) You too, Ren. I hope you're treating my little sister well as usual.
Ren: (Happily Nodded) Yep.
Peach: Ms. Niijima, I know you've just arrived here and everything, but could you please help us with our case in court?
Sae: (Simply Nodded) Of course I can, your highness. I may be prosecutor for most, but I have learned a thing or two about being lawyer in the paat. So you and Mario-san are in good hands.
Peach: (Gasps Happily Before Grabbing Both of Sae's Hands) Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!~ Is there anything we can do to return a favor!?
Sae: Only if you don't mind having me be a part of your family vacation....(Turns to Ren and Makoto with a Smirk on her Face) And that I get to share a room with Ren and Makoto in the process.
Ren/Makoto: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) WHAT!?
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly) You're here already, aren't you? Of course you can be a part of our family vacation! (Turns to Ren and Makoto) You two don't mind having Sae in your room for the time being, do you?
Ren/Makoto: ('Sighs in Utter Defeat') No.......
Makoto: (Turns to Ren) I knew this was a mistake.......
Sae: (Place her Arms Around Ren and Makoto's Shoulder) Oh don't be like that, you two. We should focus on something more important at hand: Winning this case!
One Court Session Later......
'Jail Cell Closing'
Sae: (Standing Behind the Cell Bars With Genuine Surprise Look on her Face) I was not expecting the courtroom to be that stubborn.......
Mario: (Sitting Next to Peach on One Side of the Cell) I can't believe they locked us up in a matter of minutes!!....And call me crazy, but I think this might be my second time coming back to this prison cell again.
Sae: (Turns to Mario) How can you tell this one is yours?
Mario: (Points at the Craved, Written Words at the Top of the Wall) It has my name up there.
Sae: (Looks Up and See the Name Mario on That Said Wall) Ah. What a...... Strange discovery....
Ren: (Sitting Next to Makoto on the Other Side of the Cell) Being in jail isn't too bad. (Crosses his Arms) Got locked up twice in row and I was still fine enough as it is.......(Suddenly Starts Shaking his Arms in a Bit of Fear)
Makoto: (Starts Worrying For her Boyfriend Before Hugging Him Lovingly and Reassuringly)
Peach: (Looking Down at the Floor With Regret on her Face) I'm sorry I put you all into this.... If I didn't thought of suing them in the first place, then none of this would've happened.
Mario: (Places his Hand on Peach's Shoulder) Your heart was in the right place through all of this, dear. It's okay. And besides.....(Starts Blushing While Smiling a Little) I thought it was really sweet of you to go out of your way to do this for me to begin. Even though you...really didn't have to.....
Peach: (Immediately Turns to Mario) But I wanted to do it for you, Mario! You've done so much for me since the day we first place. Whether it's saving me from getting kidnapped, giving me all the support and care I needed, helping me go through my common and personal problems, or everything else in between. All I ever wanted to do is to be there for you too. Because you mean so much more to me than just being my hero o-or my Knight in Shining Armor....(Tears Starts Falling Down From Her Eyes) You're the man I wanna love and be with for the rest of my life.....
Mario: (Heart Begins to Melt by Peach's Words) Oh Peach.......(Gives Peach a Loving Hug) You know just as well as I do that you've done so much for me than anyone thinks you do. Besides my own brother, I wouldn't even be half the man I am today if weren't for all the love, care, and support you've given me throughout the years. Heck, you being here with me at all as already made my day and many others before and after that, all the more special to me and I can't even begin to tell you how much you mean to me too. (Smiles Brightly) But all I know is that no matter what happens, I'll always love you from the bottom of my heart, Princess Peach.
Peach: (Heart Begins to Melt as Well) Mario.......('Sniff') (Immediately Hugs Mario Back Lovingly) I love you too!~ Never ever ever ever ever ever EVER forget that, okay!?~
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly) Of course, dear~
'Jail Cell Opens'
Blue Police Pianta: Alright, troublemakers. You're free to go now.
Daisy: (Pops Out From the Back of the Policeman on One Side) Heeeey, Cuz!~
Luigi: (Pops Out From the Other Side of the Policeman While Happily Waving at Mario) Hey, Bro!
Peach: (Eyes Widened at What is Happening Right Now Along With the Others) Daisy!? Luigi!?
Mario: You two bailed us out!?
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly While Resting her Arm Onto Luigi's Shoulder) Yep! We used the money from the safe whenever one of us get arrested.
Luigi: (Smiles Brightly as Well) We even brought the safe from the home with us the entire just in case. Are you okay?
Peach: (Smiles Reliefly and Brightly) Oh you two have no idea how-
Orange Police Pianta: Yeah, yeah. Tell 'em all about it when you get outside. Now, come on! Out of the cell! All of you!
Few Minutes Later Outside..........
Police Pianta: Now, I hope you five learned a valuable lesson about causing trouble to this town.
Daisy: But.... all they did was trying to sue you-
Orange Police Pianta: QUIET!
Blue Police Pianta: Now, as what I was saying, we'll be watching you, pals. We'll know right away if you start causing more trouble.
Luigi: Uhhh...
Mario: (Whispers to Luigi) They won't do anything, bro. Trust me on this one.
Luigi: (Shrugs) Okie Dokie. (Starts Walking Away Along With The Others)
Makoto: ('Sigh') Well.....That was a lot more eventful than I could ever imagine.
Sae: Agreed. I never thought I would start my vacation here in a prison cell....(Turns to Luigi and Daisy) Has anyone else in the Smash Family actually got arrested before all of this?
Luigi: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly) Well, Dedede was arrested two years ago for raiding across the Area 51 by Naruto running.
Sae: ........ You're Kidding.....
Daisy: (Giggles Softly While Hugging Onto Luigi's Arm) Nope!~ It was all around the news when it happened. He even got his chewed out by Peach afterwards. It was priceless!~
Luigi: And effective.
Sae: ('Sigh') You know, I'm starting to think our arrest is more meaningless than before.........
Peach: (Sighs While Resting her Head Onto Mario's Shoulder) Well, I'm just glad all of this is over now.
Ren: Tell me about it. Don't know about you guys, but I can really go for a nice, relaxing back massage right now-
?????: RENNNNNN!!!!
And with that, Palutena and Bayonetta, along with all the members of the Phantom Thieves rushes over and hug tackle Ren into the ground one by one. All was right in the world yet again.
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serowotonin · 4 years ago
blushes and bunnies.
01. | 02.
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#PAIRING [ shimizu kiyoko x gn!reader ] #WORD COUNT [ 0.7k ] #GENRE [ fluff, crack? crack. ] #WARNINGS [ shimizu smiles at you, fangirling, some swear words.. ]
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➽︎ In which Shimizu Kiyoko is looking for someone to take care of her bunnies and you just happened to walk by...
➽︎ In which you bumped into your crush and found yourself saying yes to a question your brain didn’t quite process...
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NOTE. do i have a crush on shimizu? yes, i do, but so do you U.U btw,, i’m planning on making this a two part thing so hopefully a pt2 will come out soon;)
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The bell rang signaling the end of yet another uneventful school day. You packed your things and walked out of the classroom, shuffling your feet lazily through the hallway.
Letting your mind wander, it ended up thinking of the same thing it usually does... Shimizu Kiyoko. 
Shimizu Kiyoko was nothing short of an angel. She was not only beautiful but she was also kind and all the other good things. Words really did no justice to how you saw her.
One could say you have a crush on her. Did you? Yes, of course. You had a huge, fat crush on Shimizu Kiyoko.
You were so lost in your own thoughts that you almost didn’t notice accidentally bumping into someone. Focusing once more on the real world, you saw Shimizu Kiyoko right in front of you. You blinked once, twice.
It was Shimizu, Shimizu Kiyoko. And you had bumped into her. Immediately you turned red and apologized.
“It’s fine Y/n-san,” she said in that sweet, melodic voice of hers.
You thought you’d melt right there and then when she called your name. 
“Oh right, actually, I have a question for you.”
‘A question?? For me???’ Internally, you started panicking but externally, you managed to say, “Yes?”
“Would you be interested in adopting a bunny?”
“A bunny? Sure.” You weren’t really thinking when you said that. The only thing in your head at the moment was the fact that the Shimizu Kiyoko was talking to you. That alone was enough to render your cognitive capabilities inept. 
“Really? That’s great! I’ll meet you by the gym tomorrow after school to give them to you okay?”
You only heard “I’ll meet you by the gym tomorrow after school” and wondered how on earth you managed to score a date with her (if you could even count this as one).
You smiled widely and nodded enthusiastically. She let out a small laugh and smiled back. You were ready to die on the spot. 
Shimizu. Smiled. At. Me. SHE. SMILED. AND. LAUGHED. 
“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then Y/n. Thank you,” she said with a wave. And just like that, she was gone.
Your chest was buzzing and your entire body felt light. You were going to meet Shimizu tomorrow. She was the one who asked. Was this going to the start of high school romance for you? No no, that would be hoping for a bit too much. But you knew some things were going to change for sure...
...and things did change.
For starters, you now had Shimizu’s number, and an excuse to text her. Things couldn’t be better really. Except for that.. you now also had two bunnies in your room.
It turns out when Shimizu asked you to meet her at the gym, she was going to show you the bunnies she had put up for adoption.
“My rabbit gave birth and honestly, I don’t have enough time or energy to take care of these bunnies...” was what she said.
And when she asked if you were sure you wanted to adopt one, you said you were sure.
So sure you’d be willing to take two off her hands. And you said that out loud too. You weren’t exactly sure why you said it but you did.
The words have been said though and so, after sorting out all the details, you were given the bunnies.
“Feel free to text me whenever,” she told you.
You took this invitation to heart, just as you were taking the bunnies to home. 
Shimizu had given you the basic instructions on how to care for them and, honestly, the two puffers did look really cute. In any case, they were your responsibility now and you were damn well going to take care of them.
A day after the adoption, you sat by the bunnies’ cage, phone in hand, pondering how you should strike up a conversation with her. Pondering if you should..
Yes, you should! You had this opportunity in your hands and you weren’t about to let it slip by.
Moving quickly so those pesky second thoughts won’t come to mind, you snapped a picture of the currently sleeping bunnies and sent it to Shimizu.
And just like that, it was sent.
Now, you wait.
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NOTE. pt2 has been posted<3
TAGLIST. @lilikags​ @luna-in-luv​
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bitchiha · 5 years ago
hey!!! can you maybe do any of the boys that your heart would like and the request is; “them seeing/meeting your ex boyfriend for the first time” | so like the shisuirequest??
A/N: Yes I can write this for you!! I chose to write it for Kiba, Naruto and Sai! Bc Sai doesn’t get enough love =(^.^)=
✎ Meeting their s/o’s ex boyfriend!
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So allow me to paint the scene: it all starts when Kiba is walking you home from one of your routine walks together. He’s got his arm around your waist and he’s telling you about how Hianata almost passed out this morning when Naruto said hi to her. You both laugh as he finishes the memory and Akamaru trails behind you two panting happily.
You live on a pretty busy village street. So you normally see people you know all the time around your house. They’re always passing by to get groceries or go to one of the food stands nearby. So when someone calls out your name you turn around casually — expecting to see Shino or something.
But who you did not expect to see was your ex boyfriend running up to you, pushing passed people on the crowded street without batting an eye. He was kind of a douchebag.
Kiba immediately stops laughing as he feels your back tensing up around his arm. Akamaru starts growling lowly as a response to sensing both yours and Kibas alert.
Tbh tho.. The reason you’re probably the most panicked is because this is Kiba Inuzuka, you’re hotheaded boyfriend who’s just a smidge bit possessive... and he’s meeting your ex boyfriend who’s overconfident and well, for lack of better words - a douchebag.
Your ex walks up to you two and sizes up Kiba and omfg that pisses your boyfriend off. “Y/n, who’s this guy.” Definitely shows his canines (is it an accident? or did he do it to intimidate this dude? You’ll never know.)
Anyways, your ex is cocky as shit — let’s call him Makki. So he interrupts you before you even get the chance to explain to Kiba who he is, “-Oh y/n, you’ve never mentioned me? I’m Makki, her ex boyfriend.”
Dude probably eats up the pissed off look on Kibas face. Like he’s yikes lmfao he’s really pissed off.
Like who does this cocky shit think he is?? Kiba is ready to fight lol “Oh yeah buddy, that’s real good for yo-“
Your ex just cuts him off... like blatantly ignores Kiba and turns to you, “It’s been a while y/n, you still look as gorgeous as ever...” he winks at you and Kiba growls LMFAOO, but Makki just ignores him. “We’d been together for so long y/n, so how come I never knew you liked... dogs so much.” He stares at Kiba right when he says dogs and he gives him this appalled expression on his face
Kibas confused for a second bc dogs are cute....“But there’s nothing wrong with dogs- oh wait! Hey were you trying to insult me you knucklehead!”
So you’ve got your boyfriend held back, but you forgot about Akamaru.. rookie mistake. Now that giant dog is running towards Makki and the boy starts sprinting for dear life.
Kiba has a good laughing fit at the sight, “that’ll show him.” But you’re concerned because yes your ex is a douchebag and you did enjoy watching him run away scared, but you don’t want Akamaru to get in trouble for this. So you tell Kiba to go find Akamaru this instant.
“All right all right I’ll get em now... See you tomorrow, same time as today?” You nod hurriedly, wanting him to go Asap. You watch him run off before opening the door to your house and going inside.
Which was another rookie mistake.
Once you were inside he stopped running. He placed his hands behind his neck in a relaxed way as he strolled down the street, whistling like he didn’t have a dog to chase down.
“Have at em’ Akamaru”
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Yup.. you guessed it, this takes place at Ichirakus. It’s a Friday night and you two had no missions or other commitments to take care of, so he swung by your place and insisted you two go out for ramen.
So there you two sat, chatting away between mouthfuls of ramen when your ex boyfriend slides into the seat next to you.
Narutos oblivious tbh.
Like your ex just sits an elbow on the table and looks at you with a smirk, “hey, y/n, long time no see.” And you’re like.. ew wtf are you doing here.
Unlike Kiba, Naruto can’t pick up on your distaste, he just thinks it’s an old friend of yours. “Hey babe, who’s this guy?”
Your ex just introduces himself by his name and you decide to leave it at that, if you tell Naruto he’s your ex he will just get difficult to handle. So, you introduce Naruto as Naruto to avoid your ex getting all competitive too.
So you kinda avoid all relationship talk altogether and just completely skip over that fact. Honestly you’re half glad you did because Naruto actually gets along with him. Like for starters they both like ramen, are knuckleheaded and very loud. You definitely have a type. And they’re super funny too, so the whole time they’re just kinda laughing with eachother.
Had a good 15 minute long conversation about their favourite instant noodle brand and roasted you for the brand you liked. “Really y/n, that’s shameful.” They both say it in unison.
Also, your ex didnt have the intention to come into Ichirakus and crash your date, it was just a coincidence. So there was no ulterior motives to his presence and he’s not the type of guy to do it tbh. To top it all off he ends up paying for the ramen. Your ex literally pays for both you and Narutos ramen.
Such a weird experience for you tbh, but it’s also kinda funny to watch them both oblivious to your relationship with them.
At the end of the night when your ex heads home, you tell Naruto. Like you’re strolling through the busy Friday night rush and you finally spring it on him because he won’t shut up about your ex.
“Wow that guy was so cool y/n, never knew you had friends like that!” “Well actually Naruto, hes sorta my ex boyfriend.”
His eyes pop out of his head. “WHAT and you’re just telling me this now??” He’s in his head like: damn I should have showed off more or I should have made more jokes to prove that I’m the better one. He’s also like: shit he’s so cool how can he compete???!!1!1!1
Tries to hate your ex from then on, but they’re just so alike he literally cannot.
Luckily you don’t ever run into him like that again.
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So.. let’s just be real here.. if you’re dating Sai you clearly have a type. You go for those emo little artsy boys. The only problem is that your ex boyfriend was an emo preppy rich art boy. You couldn’t stand his attitude anymore so you two broke up.
The only problem is that you live in the Leaf village and there’s very limited art events, so you would always bump into him. Luckily you hadn’t run into him with Sai around.. until now lol
You’re with Sai at an art exhibit that you managed to get him to submit work for. He was hesitant at first, but he gave in because you kept asking, and if he was being honest he wouldn’t mind showing some of his pieces.
So there you two are, standing together like that emo art couple that you are when your ex boyfriend walks in. He literally looks like the definition of avant garde. When he sees you he’s prepared to make some condescending comment, but then he sees Sai and he’s like: oh shit
Let’s be real here if anyone saw you and Sai together it would be an “oh shit” moment. You’re just an art power couple. That doesn’t mean your exes snobbiness would let him back down though.
So, this dude wants to prove he’s superior. When he walks up to the two of you he flat out interrupts the conversation and is like, “y/n, nice to see you,” then he turns to Sai and jusy gets down to business “so? You like art, then?”
Sai doesn’t comprehend the hostility in your ex’s tone so he answers it with a smile, prepared to tell him that this is actually his exhibit before he’s Interrupted again. “-Oh so you like art then? Okay, describe what mediums are used here.” your ex points at one of Sai’s paintings, not aware that he literally fucking painted it because he didn’t let Sai finish speaking.
So of course Sai answers and goes into a whole ramble about what mediums and why and how they bring out the details. Your ex kinda stands there like: “oh shit” again bc damn, he knows his shit.
He just points at another painting and is like, “what about this one.” And as your ex turns to study it better himself he realizes it’s literally you. It’s a painting that Sai did of you when you two first met eachother, you’re laying on the grass laughing and there’s orange hues dancing across your face indicating that the sun is setting. It’s one of Sais absolute favourites.
It’s such a bomb ass fucking painting and your ex just kinda stares at it confused and shook and you have to explain, “my boyfriends work is in this exhibit, he painted that one of me.”
But as I said, your ex is a douchebag and he’s not going to let your boyfriend get a compliment from him so he just goes, “hmph, it’s nothing special.”
And that kinda bothers Sai because that’s his girlfriend in that painting therefore it is very special.
You know where this is going. Naruto said the same line to him before LOL
So Sai hits him with this signature line, “just like your dick.” AND HE SAYS IT W THE FAKE SMILE LMFAO
Now your ex is literally dead. Like he’s flamed. On the floor straight up incinerated. And your trying to hide your laughter.
Security has to escort the guy out.
Very memorable moment for the two of you.
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The Arcana Main 6 taking care of Sick!MC
The minute he hears you starting to sneeze and sniffle, Asra’s head shoots up
He stares at you for a solid minute, anxiously scanning your body and noting how flushed your face is
“(Name) - what’s wrong? Here, lay down and let me take your temperature.”
He already lost ya once, his heart’s been broke too many times to ever risk losing you to sickness again
Consequently, Asra hovers around you the entire time
He will force you to stay in bed if he has to, and he tries to stop you from helping around the shop too
Asra tries to ease your discomfort as much as he can using magic and his knowledge of herbs
He’ll stick by your bedside, stroking your hand gently
It’s to soothe both you and him
“Get better soon, angel. I’ll take care of you until then.”
You repeatedly remind him that it’s just a cold, but he will refuse to stop doting on you
“Don’t worry, babe, I’m here to help!!”
He is a doctor, and he’ll remind you of that 24/7
Julian knows how to treat you, so he’ll make sure you get plenty of sleep, water, and he’ll make sure you take your medicine too
Your stuffed nose might make you feel gloomy, but Julian acts goofy and does the stupidest crap just to get your spirits up
Also suddenly becomes a master of dad jokes (bonus: he def discovered the world of dad jokes as he was looking for ways to cheer you up)
“(Name), what do you call a sick pony?? A little hoarse!” cue plague doc laughter that’s way too real for that kind of joke lmao
But at least you’ll never be bored
He’d do anything to make you feel better; seeing you weak and bed-ridden genuinely pains him
Even if you’re sleeping most of the day, he stays by your bedside to make sure your cold doesn’t suddenly get worse
It’s almost a given that Julian will catch your sickness after
Being a doctor should teach him to avoid contagions, but he can’t help it! He always gives you a kiss before leaving for the day!
Julian just loves taking care of you and feeling needed, especially since you can be pretty independent
“Don’t be afraid to lean on me. I’m at your beck and call, princess~”
She goes all out to make sure you’re taken care of
Nadia makes you stay in bed, forcing you to let her attend to you
And she takes care of you very enthusiastically, which can be excessive sometimes
But you really appreciate her, and Nadia makes sure you have the best quality everything, from medicines to even the blankets and pillowcases
Want a snack? She’s already got a chef preparing a few of your favorites. Need a tissue? She brings you an entire box. Thirsty? Nadia has multiple bottles of the purest water she can find brought to you on a tray. TL;DR: Nadia’s got you covered.
“It’s my pleasure. Trust that you won’t want for anything under my watch, darling.”
After she’s done with work for the day, she unwinds by sitting at your bedside for a moment to watch your peaceful sleeping face
If you’re awake, you two can talk until early morning, conversing about literally anything
Nadia’s super easy to talk to, especially since she meets so many unique people throughout her day that make great conversation starters
She’ll sometimes give you a nice massage to loosen your stiff muscles that’re used to lying in bed all day
When you recover, she places a kiss on your forehead and affectionately tells you that she’s proud you pulled through
“I’m so glad you’re feeling better - although, I admit that I’ll miss taking care of you.”
She immediately noticed when you started getting sick
You were cuddling when she felt your forehead and exclaimed that you felt feverish
“Don’t you worry! With me helpin’ ya, you’ll be healed before you can blink!”
Even though Portia’s super busy with her palace duties, she still makes time to check on you and make sure you’re doing ok
So whenever she has a break, she’ll just pop her head into your room
“Hellooo? Hey hon, you still good? Not too bored, are ya?”
She’ll make sure you don’t feel too trapped in bed
Before you can feel even an ounce of boredom, Portia’s already got some board games and a few movies ready
Portia activates all her mother hen instincts around you while you’re sick
“Babe, I made some chicken noodle soup for you! Here, say aah~”
“D-did you just throw up? Wait, let me get a doctor! You’d better not die on me or I’ll be super mad!”
So dramatic, he’ll act like you’ve contracted the plague (hm sounds like a certain someone and it’s not you)
He’s freaking out with worry, but he’s also terrified of getting sick
Immediately hires the best doctor in Vesuvia, sparing absolutely no expense
Lucio also oversees all your appointments with a laser eye, and he’ll question the doctors on every little thing
“Are you SURE that’s the best you can do? Listen here, doctor, my darling had better heal soon, or else you will face consequences!”
Extra AF with everything
The dude brings out a notepad during appointments; he’s putting in all the effort he can so you’ll get better ASAP
His main motivation is to cuddle with you again
Misses taking you into his arms and actually kissing you
He buys a meter stick to keep you distanced, but he’ll also blow kisses at you every other second
So yup, even though you hoped to get some peace and quiet with the extra distance, Lucio still finds a way to *lovingly* pester you
He didn’t realize how sick you were at first
Like he heard you sniffling and thought nothing of it
Until, later that day, he saw you sweating profusely with a flushed face as you tried to start cooking dinner
“Why didn’t you tell me you were this sick? You should take care of yourself... I guess I have to help you now.”
He acts embarrassed to be taking care of you, but he’s immediately by your side when you even remotely struggle to do something
Like the moment you try to get out of bed, Muriel is already rushing to push you back down
He has the most stricken look on his face, too, like he can’t believe you’re risking yourself so much by getting out of bed
Muriel prepares multiple poultices and herbal teas to help you feel better, and he even cooks your favorite comfort foods for you
With how whipped and eager-to-please this man is, you could probably convince him to hand-feed you
You can get maybe a couple bites before he self-combusts with a completely red face
Innana lets you cuddle her, so that makes you feel a lot better, even as you cough and hack up phlegm
Meanwhile, Muriel is panicking and rushing to bring you tissues and more herbal remedies
So relieved when you recover; his hut is really small, though, so you may or may not have to care for a sick Muriel after
“(Name), I was... worried. I’m glad you’re feeling better.”
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bowl-of-shortness · 4 years ago
Ozqrow week, day 3
Sick day/Playing hooky
“Fucking finally.” Qrow grumbled as he threw open the door to his house. Work had been miserable today, nothing of the fun variety like usual, just stupid meetings and talking with people. “I took this job because I didn’t want to talk to people. Not the other way around.” Although being a bounty hunter was as unpredictable in relations with people as it was handling grimm. He had gotten off work way earlier than he anticipated, normally he would’ve stayed out the entire day, but today it wasn’t even close to noon yet.
He stayed in a 2 hour meeting and then was allowed to leave, probably the only good thing about going to work today. As he flopped down onto the couch he started to contemplate what to do today, as much as he wanted to visit Oz he was probably busy, same with Glynda. Qrow sat up and looked around his small house, it was dimly lit, and there were clothes and trash laying around.
Heh, Ozzy would have a fit if he ever saw this. Maybe that’s what he could do, clean the house for once.
Qrow’s scroll rang, snapping him out of his thoughts. Picking up the small blue brick, he looked to see who was calling. Qrow arched an eyebrow, “Speaking of Ozzy...”. The noirett shrugged and answered “Hey Ozzy.” The voice he was expecting didn’t answer, rather a different familiar voice. Glynda sighed “Hello Qrow, it’s not Oz but it involves him.” Qrow’s original expression of confusion morphed into one of concern. “What happened?” He questioned, “Seems Oz pushed himself too hard again and got himself sick. Unfortunately I can’t take today off to take care of him, hence why I’m calling you.” Qrow could practically hear her frustrated expression, “No problem, what’s he sick with?” “Some respiratory illness, I’m not quite sure but he’s coughing violently.”
Almost on queue, Qrow heard violent coughing in the background. Seems cleaning the house is gonna have to wait. “Aight, give me a little bit and I’ll be there.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, “Thank you.”
Qrow opened the wooden door to the decently sized house and stepped inside, instantly he heard the coughing he heard over the phone and the familiar scoldings of Glynda. Turning the corner he found Ozpin laying on the couch, ouch, he looks worse than he normally does.
Ozpin looked over at him with exhausted eyes, Glynda turning around at the action, “Oh good, you’re here. I wrote a list of things he needs, just to make your life a little easier.” Qrow skimmed the list before turning back to her “Thanks. Now go to work before you get in trouble with anyone.”. Glynda thanked him again before exiting the house, leaving the two men alone.
Ozpin coughed again, huffing in irritation before collapsing back down on the couch. Qrow cocked an eyebrow and smirked, “And this,” he walked over and crouched down to Oz’s couch bound level “Is why I keep telling you to take breaks. You look like hell.”
Ozpin rolled his eyes, “Thanks.” Oz always was a bit sassier and grumpy when he was sick, ever since he was a kid. Qrow shook his head before standing up and picking Ozpin up. “H-huh?” Ozpin questioned, confused at the action, Qrow explained nonchalantly “I’m moving you to bed, it’s more comfortable that way.”
Once Ozpin had been secured in bed he almost instantly fell asleep, almost. He shook himself awake at the last minute, an action Qrow took notice to. “Y’know, it’s ok to sleep.” “No, it really isn’t. Not for me.” Ozpin choked out, in the process of losing his voice from all the violent coughing, The noirett was on the opposite side of the room getting some cough syrup for him. “For starters, you’re trying to give me medicine. It is quite difficult to do that if I were sleeping. Secondly, the nightmares get worse.” Fucking hell. This conversation again.
Qrow turned and looked to him, “Oz—“ “I don’t want to hear it.” He snapped. Seems this was a discussion he wasn’t in the mood to have, fine. “We’re talking about this later whether you like it or not.” The shorter man internally grumbled. After giving Ozpin his cough syrup, and him promptly chugging it down, Qrow joined Ozpin on the opposite side of the bed.
The silverett immediately latched onto Qrow in a hug, “Clingy, that’s new.” He thought curiously. Of course, he didn’t mind, why would anyone turn down a hug from this man? The shorter Necromancer started rubbing circles into the taller ones back, and soon, he heard gently snoring. Qrow internally breathed a sigh of relief, “Fucking finally, I wish he wouldn’t argue with me about this stuff.”
The noirett decided that it was best to make his partner something to eat for when he woke up. There’s just one problem with that, “Holy shit he’s got an iron grip on me.” Qrow couldn’t move. So there’s a few decisions the noirett contemplated, get up and risk waking Oz out of well deserved sleep, stay there and fall asleep with, or try to maneuver his way out of Ozpin’s iron grip. “Eh, it’s a nice thought to do it before he wakes up but it’s not necessary. Plus I’m comfortable so I guess I’m succumbing to my fate.” Qrow internally chuckled.
The noirett was woken up by Ozpin moving some time later, looking up at the taller mans expression Qrow noticed how he seemed to still be asleep. Something was off though, Ozpin looked, panicked, despite being asleep. It dawned on the shorter man “Nightmares.” He gently shook the silver haired man awake, Ozpin jolting upright once he was awake, breathing hard. His heavy breathing was interrupted by a harsh coughing fit as Ozpin attempted to stumble over to the bathroom.
Qrow watched him cautiously, it seemed like Ozpin had forgotten that Qrow was even there. He stayed silent for a while until Ozpin looked up at the mirror and stumbled back, nearly hitting his head. The noirett was quick to jump out of bed, “Oz!” Ozpin’s head snapped in the direction to the sound. “Q-Qrow, I—“ “Are you alright?! What was that?” The shorter necromancer hugged Ozpin tightly.
“I—, I thought I saw something. Heh, seems I was wrong.” Ozpin made a sound at the second part of that sentence that sounded similar to a chuckle while also a wheeze. Qrow, thoroughly concerned, helped Ozpin back into bed. Where Ozpin proceeded to latch right back onto him.
They laid there for a while, Qrow whispering reassurance to Ozpin and Ozpin staying silent. The silverett didn’t want to move, if he could, he’d stay here forever. Holding Qrow, feeling safe from all those nightmares, but life is cruel and they both have lives to live. But for now, even just for a day, he’d like to stay here. Ozpin snuggled in further, Qrow laughing at the reaction.
“If you get me sick with all this cuddling I’m gonna be so pissed at you.” “Mmm” Ozpin replied, not truly caring. Mumbling into Qrow’s charcoal colored hair, Ozpin spoke “Maybe then you would finally take a day off from work like I’ve been asking you to.” “Yeah yeah yeah. Whatever Ozzy, keep dreaming.”
The rest of the day was spent in bed, one occasionally getting up to grab something, then falling back to sleep, repeat cycle until the next morning.
Ozpin woke up, feeling much better than the day before, before he could turn to look at Qrow, the sound of violent coughing came from right next to him. Qrow collapsed back down on the bed from his coughing fit.
“Seems Someone is sick.” Ozpin smirked
“No thanks to you.” The shorter man glared up at Ozpin.
Ozpin feigned confusion while tapping a finger to his chin, “Hmmm, What was that you said? “Keep dreaming” about having you take a day off?”
Qrow rolled his eyes and turned over, facing away from Ozpin “Shut up.”
“I am not sure why you’re complaining~” the silverett replied in a singsong voice.
Qrow looked over his shoulder and glared, Ozpin smiled “You’ll be taken care of by me all day, so I truly am not sure why you’re complaining. I thought you liked me taking care of you and spoiling you~”
The noirett’s face flushed. Ok, he had a point.
Maybe being sick wasn’t going to suck as much as he originally thought.
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expectingtofly · 4 years ago
dean/cas fic
inspired by this adorable artwork
also posted on ao3
The Ranger and The Tourist
Dean loved his job. One of the obvious perks was getting to be outside all day. He’d loved the outdoors since he was young and being a park ranger meant he got his fill of it. Aside from that factor, though, was the benefit of working at a large national park where tourists came from all over and sought him out with questions. 
Like these two women from… somewhere. He didn’t remember where, actually. The point was, they were both very attractive and very receptive to his (slightly exaggerated) park ranger stories, which he’d been regaling them with for the past ten minutes.
He was in the middle of one such story when he heard someone clear his voice and say, “excuse me,” behind him. Rolling his eyes good-naturedly at the women, Dean turned to see who’d interrupted him from shamelessly flirting on the job.
Bright, blue eyes looked back at him. They belonged to a young man wearing a backpack, a camera slung across his neck, a crinkled map in his hands. His boots were caked with dirt and his dark hair was disheveled, but he was easily more attractive than both the women combined. Suddenly, Dean became much more invested in helping this poor tourist.
“Sorry, ladies, duty calls,” he said to the women, prompting frowns. As they walked away, Dean turned back to the attractive tourist. “What can I help you with?”
“I, um, I think I’m lost.” The man squinted at the map he was holding, then up at Dean. Those really were some gorgeous blue eyes and a ridiculously deep voice that was doing things to Dean’s stomach.
Keep it professional, Dean thought, though he toed that line often enough. “Where're you trying to go?” he asked.
“My brother and I were trying to follow this trail.” Blue Eyes pointed to a spot on the map and Dean moved to his side to see.
"Looks like you've been here before," he commented. The map was deeply creased, some trails highlighted and marked with a pen.
"Oh, no," Blue Eyes answered quickly, looking flustered, "I was just trying to plan our hike, I don't actually know what I'm doing."
“Well, for starters, it’ll probably help if you hold the map this way.” Dean took the map and turned it around, trying to hide his amusement at how comically confused the man was. He pointed at a spot on the map. “You’re here. And you’ll wanna go this direction.” He traced a line upwards on the map and glanced at the man to see if he was paying attention. 
His eyes serious, Blue Eyes nodded. Though Dean was used to tourists who couldn’t tell up from down, he’d never met one who made it so damn attractive as this one. In such close proximity, Dean could see the five o’clock shadow across his jaw, as well as dirt streaked across his arm. “Did you fall off the trail or something?” he asked.
Blue Eyes frowned, then looked down at the dirt stains on his pants and reddened. “My brother thought it would be funny to trip me.”
Dean laughed and Blue Eyes smiled a little. God, what a smile. Realizing he was staring, Dean pulled his eyes from Blue Eyes and pointed across the clearing where they were standing. “If you go through there, you’ll see another marker for the trail. Can’t miss it.”
He handed back the map, about to ask if he could help with anything else (please, please, please) when Blue Eyes asked, “Is this a trail you would recommend, Ranger Winchester?”
Dean startled a little before remembering he wore a nametag on his uniform. “Oh, um, yeah, sure.” Blue Eyes stared at him steadily, waiting, and Dean composed himself. “Yeah, it’s a good trail, pretty flat. If you want something more challenging, you can take this one.” He pointed to the map again, found the yellow line and traced it up. “There’s an overlook where you can get some great photos.” He gestured to Blue Eye’s camera and the man nodded. Dean hoped he wasn’t sending him out to get lost again. Though, he wouldn’t mind getting asked to help again. “You can call me Dean,” he added as an afterthought.
“I’m Castiel,” Blue Eyes said, smiling at him. “Cas for short.”
“Cas,” Dean repeated, that smile making it difficult for his brain to form words.
Cas studied his map. “So, the Flint Ridge trail, the one that crosses through the alders?”
“Right. Wait.” Dean frowned. “How do you know that?” That wasn’t a detail on the map. Most tourists had no idea what trees surrounded them on the trails.
Cas’ eyes widened, the flustered look returning his face. “Oh, uh…” Dean looked him over again. He’d thought the muddy boots and crinkled map marked this guy as a clueless tourist who’d gotten in over his head. On second thought, though, maybe the boots were just worn in and Cas was a more seasoned hiker than he was letting on. 
“You’re not lost, are you?” Dean asked, putting it together. 
“I, um,” Cas stammered. “Well, no." He looked back down at the map. "I may have lied, a bit. This isn’t exactly my first time here.” 
Dean bit back a smile at how embarrassed Cas looked. “Why are you asking for my help then?” He crossed his arms. “I do have actual work, you know. You’re distracting me from my very important job.”
“I’m so sorry—” Cas looked actually panicked now and Dean laughed. 
“I’m just fucking with you.” He patted Cas on the shoulder. “I don’t have anything better to be doing.” He wasn't sure his boss would agree, but it was true on his end anyway.
Cas let out a sigh of relief. “Oh, alright.”
“But seriously, why’re you asking me for help if you already know this park?”
Cas seemed to weigh his response, “It was a dare? My brother Gabe bet me $10 I couldn’t get your number.”
Now it was Dean’s turn to be flustered. Looking to the right, he saw another hiker standing a few feet away watching Dean and Cas with a wide grin. He waved and Dean looked back at Cas in time to catch him rolling his eyes.
“So,” Cas said, turning his blue eyes back to Dean. Dean realized he still hadn’t said a word. “Is there a number you can give me? I mean, to call in case I get lost again?”
Dean swallowed. “Well, um, I could give you the number for the park service, but they get so busy... maybe it’s better if I give you my personal number—you know, in case of emergencies.” Handing out his number was extremely unprofessional, but seeing Cas smile again was worth it. 
“I would appreciate that,” Cas said, and Dean pulled out a pen and wrote his number on the edge of the map. “Thank you for your help, Dean Winchester.” 
“No problem. Feel free to call anytime.” Anytime, immediately, please.
“But only for emergencies, right?” Cas asked, folding up his map, his mouth twitching with a smile.
Dean nodded. “Right, official park stuff only. Like if you want to know where to get the best burgers in town. That sorta stuff.”
Cas’ smile widened. “You should probably come with me and show me in person. I wouldn’t want to go off alone.”
Dean grinned. “I can do that.”
“Well, thanks again.” Cas gestured to the map. “For everything.”
Dean nodded and with a wave, Cas walked off to join his brother. Dean watched him before turning back to see other tourists milling around the clearing. He’d almost forgotten they were there, that he was supposed to be working. He glanced back at Cas and Gabe heading towards the Flint Ridge trail. Cas looked back at him over his shoulder and Dean felt his phone vibrate. He pulled it out to see a new text:
Will tonight at 6 work?
Dean smiled. God, he really loved his job.
Tag List:
@becky-srs @good-things-do-happen-dean @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @xojo @marvelnaturalock @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you @aelysianmuse @gmotheemo @prayedtoyou @spnwaywardone @letsjustdieeveryone 
Let me know (message, ask, comment) if you’d like to be tagged in my other random destiel fics :)
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mamabearcatfanfics · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
Second chapter up now on AO3, or read on below!
“Pizza delivery for one Kagome Higurashi!” The bright grin on the wolf demon’s face immediately fell when he saw who opened the door. “Oh, it’s you mutt. Ain’t you got a home of your own to go to? Or is the salary Myouga the flea’s paying you so miniscule that you’ve been reduced to couch surfing?” He chuckled at his own joke. Inuyasha did not join in.
“Hand over the pizza and fuck off”, he said pleasantly, holding out one clawed hand expectantly.
“I didn’t see your name on the delivery order”, said Kouga, making a show of checking the receipt then trying to peer into the apartment behind Inuyasha’s broad shoulders. “Nope, no mention of a mutt named Inuyasha. Only Kagome. For all I know, you’re a freeloader trying to steal Kagome’s hard earned dinner.”
“Yeah, she’s eatin’ three pizzas and a serve of garlic knots all by herself. Even though she’s the size of a wet kitten. Hand it over wolf.”
The stalemate continued, Inuyasha continuing to block Kouga’s view, and Kouga refusing to hand over the pizzas. Finally Inuyasha rolled his eyes and hollered for Kagome, who appeared in a pair of soft blue flannelette pyjamas and fluffy slippers, drying her damp hair with a towel.
“Oh wow Kouga, that was really fast! I didn’t expect you to deliver it in person!” she said, her blue eyes lighting up at the stack of cardboard pizza boxes he was carrying.
“You’re my favourite customer Kagome – I’m always going to deliver your pizza in person.” Kagome laughed a little uncomfortably.
“Aw, that’s sweet. Um, let me just get my wallet so I can give you a tip.”
“I’ll give him a tip”, Inuyasha grumbled, stepping aside so Kagome could pay Kouga. “You should wash behind your ears more often wolf, you stink.”
Kagome’s elbow caught him in the ribs, making him grunt. She pulled out a crisp ten dollar note to pass to Kouga and squeaked in surprise when his much larger hand wrapped around hers.
“Forget the tip. I’m finishing up work in an hour or so. How about I come back and take you out for a drink?”
Kagome smiled kindly at him, valiantly trying to tug her hand free, and failing dismally.
“Ah, um, Kouga, that’s very kind and thanks for the offer, but as you can see” she said, glancing down at her pyjamas and slippers, “I’m not going anywhere else tonight. I know it’s Friday, but it’s been a tough week at work. All I want to do is sit on the sofa, eat my pizza and just relax.”
“So, tomorrow then?” Kagome’s smile slipped a little, and she did her best to ignore the rumbling growl beginning from her inuhanyou friend looming protectively behind her.
“Um, I have plans. For the entire weekend”, she added quickly when it looked like Kouga was going to inquire about Sunday. Kouga sighed in obvious disappointment and then placed a lingering kiss on Kagome’s knuckles, before taking the money out of her hand and handing over the pizzas.
“Another time then mon chéri. Enjoy your meal!” Inuyasha slammed the door on him.
“What did I say to you about encouraging him?!” grumbled Inuyasha, taking the pizzas out of her hands and carrying them over to the coffee table. He dropped himself onto the sofa and flipped back the lid of the first one, making a disgusted face. “Yuck. Mushrooms. This one’s yours.”
“It wouldn’t kill you to eat a vegetable occasionally you know”, said Kagome, sitting down next to him, continuing to dry her hair. “And in what way was I encouraging Kouga? I told him no. I tell him no every time he asks.”
“That was a no?” he snorted. “You called him sweet and batted your eyelashes at ‘im. He’s gonna take that as a yes.” He flipped open another pizza box and breathed in the fragrant smell of pepperoni and cheese. “Kouga’s a wolf youkai Kagome. You need to be firm with him, or he’s gonna walk all over you. Say somethin’ more like ‘stop asking me out, because I wouldn’t date you if you were the last demon on Earth’. That should do for starters. And if that doesn’t work, lemme punch him a coupla times. Or at least start orderin’ pizza from somewhere else.”
“But that’s so mean!” said Kagome in an aghast voice. “Kouga is actually a nice guy! When I first moved in here, he told me where all the good coffee places were. Besides, his pizza shop is in the bottom of the building, I’m not going to order from anywhere else!” She hung her towel over the back of the sofa, now her hair was as dry as it was going to get. “He means well, he just comes on a little strong sometimes. And I’m not going to let you punch anyone!” Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
“Whoops Kittycat, your small town roots are showin’ again.”
“Hey! I don’t want to hurt his feelings, and that’s because I’m a nice person, not because of where I grew up!” she said, punching him as hard as she could on his bicep. Inuyasha barely moved, but looked at her pointedly.
“Nice, huh?” She crossed her arms and huffed at him and he sniggered. “What’s the current population of Wrightwood Kagome? I bet it ain’t even 5000, am I right?” He grinned at her when she rolled her eyes. “That’s what I thought.”
“I did live in San Diego for six months before I moved here”, she pointed out primly, reaching for a garlic knot. Inuyasha snorted, then folded his slice of pepperoni pizza in half and took a huge bite.
“Ah, that hits the spot”, he said indistinctly around his mouthful. “He may be a stinky wolf bastard, but he knows how to make a good pizza.” He wound a piece of stretched out mozzarella around his finger and slurped it into his mouth.
“Hey, I’m all charm.” Kagome rolled her eyes, reaching for her own slice, then let her hand drop with a sigh.
Inuyasha glanced up, trying to read her scent. She was a lot calmer now, after her shower. A good thing too. For some reason, Kagome feeling upset made him twitchy, like he needed to do something to fix whatever had caused it. He supposed it was her size and personality. She was so little and so nice – it was no wonder he felt protective of her.
The four of them had settled into a regular routine in the three months she’d been living with Sango. Beer and chili dogs on Friday nights. Occasional trivia nights, with a stroll to the best pretzel cart in Queens on the way home. Regular card games at Miroku’s. She’d fit into their little friendship group like she’d always been there. And with Sango and Miroku’s current ‘friends with benefits’ arrangement, he and Kagome were left to hang out together more often than not, which was fine by him. At least he wasn’t playing third wheel anymore.
She was cute and funny, easy on the eye. Kind, with an infectious smile and bright blue eyes. But surprisingly, also kinda sarcastic, which made him laugh. And she’d stood up for him when someone had said something with a racist undertone while they were out at the pub. He’d grown a thick skin over the years, and was so used to tuning it out, he’d hardly even noticed it. But Kagome had, and she was a sight to behold. A tiny spitting ball of fury. He’d had to carry her bodily out of the bar, needing to remove her from the situation before her comments started an all out brawl.
“Inuyasha? Um, thanks again for walking home with me tonight”, she said softly. “You really didn’t have to.”
“Sure I did”, he answered, bumping against her shoulder. “If some creepy bastard’s following you, calling me is the first thing you should do.”
“So I should always call you? Not Miroku?” she teased.
“What’s he gonna do? Put the moves on them by flooring them with his boyish charm? Flirt them into submission?”. Kagome giggled, then sighed.
“I don’t know that he was following me, really. But he kept up with me, even when I walked faster, and I just got that feeling, y’know? That something bad was going to happen.”
Inuyasha nodded. Her voice on the other end of the phone as he’d answered had been a dead give away.
He hadn’t been expecting to hear from her tonight  – Sango was visiting her brother and was away for the weekend, and Kagome had been working late nights all week, so she’d texted him and Miroku and cancelled their usual Friday night drinks. Miroku had opted out also, and he’d been sitting on his sofa with a beer, watching Netflix, and scrolling through his Facebook feed, phone in his hand. And then she’d called.
 “Hey Inuyasha?” There was an edge to her voice he didn’t like. She sounded panicked.
 “Kagome? What’s up?”
 She was panting a little now, and he could hear her hurried footsteps on the pavement, and the jingling of keys, which meant she was probably carrying them in her hand. Kagome never did that, because she had them on a long lanyard secured to the buckle on her bag strap so she could always find them easily. He knew from Sango that was something girls were taught to do if they were feeling threatened.
 “Sorry, I’m going to be a little late!” He sat up straight on the sofa, ears alert as he looked around for his wallet and keys, then shoved them in his pockets. Something was definitely up.
 “Is everything okay? You said you were goin’ straight home tonight after work.”
 “Yeah, I got held up at the office, and then missed my train. But I’m almost at Veteran’s Park, the one near Jackson Mill Road, so I should be there pretty soon.”
 “Kagome… is someone followin’ you?”
 “Uh huh!” He could tell she was aiming for a bright happy tone, but was failing miserably. Shit. The thought of anyone mugging her or worse made his gut twist.
 “Keep talkin’ to me”, he said firmly, shrugging on his jacket and shoving his feet into his work boots. “I’ll be right there. Keep walkin’ and stay under the streetlights okay? Try and move towards people if you can. I’ll find you.”
 “Sure thing! I’m really looking forward to seeing you!”
 “I’m headin’ out the door, I should be there five minutes, tops.”
 He’d sprinted, keeping his mobile on speaker so he could hear her talking aimlessly about random stuff, the tone of her voice getting more and more nervous. He caused a few angry yells as he dashed past people, but he didn’t care. Kagome was his friend, and she needed him. He slowed his pace to a slow jog as he rounded the corner to the park, easily locating her by scent. She was terrified. He’d walked straight up to her and embraced her in a tight hug. He could hear her heart hammering in her chest, her hands shaking as she wrapped them around his waist.
 Inuyasha could smell the bastard, loitering in the background, the stink of the other man’s lust making him want to hurl. He glared in the direction the scent was coming from, pushing back a snarl. He could go after him, confront him, but he didn’t want to scare Kagome any more than she already was, so he put his arm around her shoulders, leading her away. But he knew that guy's scent now. And if they should happen to cross paths again, it wouldn’t be his fault if the fucker tripped and fell directly into his fist.
 “Nice to see you Kittycat. Thanks for callin’ me to tell me you were going to be late. I appreciate it.”
 She’d pressed herself into his side, still shaking, and he’d done everything he could to soothe her during the ten minute walk back to her apartment. Making jokes, asking about her work, inviting himself to dinner, because he could tell she was still feeling nervous. He was so glad that she’d called him, and more than a little flattered.
“I’ll always come when you call. What are friends for right? Besides, you bought me pizza. That’s more than enough payment for jogging a coupla blocks and walking back to your place.”
“You probably think I’m ridiculous”, she sighed. “He probably wasn’t following me at all. I think it’s just because it was so much later than I usually walk back from the station, and it’s the first night I’ve been here alone, with Sango visiting her family.”
Inuyasha thought for a moment about confirming her suspicion that she was being followed. But he didn’t want to frighten her even more. Part of Kagome’s charm was her openness, her excitement about finally living her dream here in NYC. He didn’t want to spoil that for her. But unfortunately, part of living in a city was learning to move about it safely, and being more aware of your surroundings. Because there were always random assholes who wanted to take what you had. He could help her with that.
“If you’re ever late again like that, call me. I’ll be happy to walk with you from the station, even if I’m workin’. Myouga wouldn’t care if I had to leave the shop for a while to walk with you – he thinks the sun shines out of your cute little ass. And ya know, if you’re still feeling worried, I can sleep here on the couch.”
“Inuyasha, I can’t ask you to do that!” Kagome said, glancing down at his long legs and then the length of the sofa, one Sango had purchased from Ikea. “You’re way too tall, your back would be wrecked by morning. I will be fine, I promise!”
He studied her closely. Her words said she was fine, but her scent, and her expression, said she wanted him to stay. He could do that for her. It wasn’t like he had any other plans on a Friday night. Besides, if he left now, he’d just be worried about her, wondering if she was sleeping or not.
He made a show of stretching himself out, twisting around to throw his legs up on the sofa and crossing his ankles in her lap, then reached for another piece of pizza.
“Ooh, yeah, this sofa is pretty comfy. I don’t think I could be bothered to go home now. Besides, you can make me breakfast. I happen to know you’ve got bacon in the freezer.”
Kagome sighed. “You’re still eating dinner and you’re already thinking about breakfast?”
“Bacon is a serious business Kagome.”
Kagome leaned forward over his legs to grab herself a slice of pizza, which flopped downwards, losing a good portion of the topping as it slid off onto the cardboard box below it. He laughed at the pout on her face.
“Okay, you should know this if you’re gonna be a full time resident of NYC. You gotta fold your pizza. Like this, see?” he said, reaching for another slice for himself and folding it in half lengthwise. He took a big bite. “You get twice as much in a mouthful, and the topping don’t slide off.”
“You should open your mouth a little more when you chew dog boy, I didn’t get to see everything in there that time.”
“You think you’re funny don’tcha?” he smiled. The nervousness in her had settled, and she was back to her normal self. Everything was okay now.
“Yeah, I do actually.” She patted him on his ankle absentmindedly as she reached for another garlic knot. “You’re a good friend Inu.”
“Right back atcha, Kittycat.”
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schrijverr · 4 years ago
To be or not to be
Brian has an existential crisis about whether he is real, The Toy Soldier helps him. Later The Toy Soldier is questioning itself and goes to Brian, they find solance in the other.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: idk, this might not be for you if you are prone to existential crisis. Tell me if I missed anything or if you want me to tag something!
Brian was panicking, he didn’t even know why he was panicking, but he was. Well that was a lie, he knew damn well why he was panicking, but the reason only made him panic more.
He had woken up to no sound.
It was very unusual for life on Aurora to be silent, so Brian had immediately become worried. He had hurried out of bed and to the common area, only to find multiple members up and running, shouting and shooting at each other. But he couldn't hear a thing.
The others had noticed him standing there, confused and panicked. They had asked him what was wrong. He had tried to explain, seeing them cringe and lean in as his volume switched between too hard and too soft according to their reactions.
They quickly figured out that a wire had disconnected in his sleep, something that was easily mended, but it left Brian with a sour taste in his mouth. Well, it would have if he’d had any taste buds, which he didn’t, because he was a robot.
He wasn’t real.
And there it was, the real issue that was making him walk through the halls disorientated as he tried to calm down and not spiral. It wasn’t working out for him so far, though.
Brain was about to just sit down and curl into a ball when he ran into The Toy Soldier. It was whistling a tune as it marched, but it fell still when it saw Brian. It cocked its head to the side and asked: “Are You Quite Alright, Old Sport?”
“Yeah.” Brian tried weakly, unsure why he was even lying.
“I Am Not Sure That Is Correct, But I Do Not Think I Can Tell You Your Feelings Are Not Real.” TS replied.
“Maybe you just can, TS. After all why would I be real?” Brian sighed sadly.
The Toy Solider frowned, then carefully said: “I Might Be Understanding Your Tone Wrong, But You Seem Upset About That Fact.”
Brain scuffed his foot on the floor and looked down, before he shrugged: “I don’t know, you know? I feel I should be real, but then my body reminds me how not human I am and it freaks me out and then I wonder why I’m even trying to be real when I’m so obviously not. I mean, my morality is controlled by a little switch, who am I even fooling?”
“Not Being Real Isn’t The End Of The World.” The Toy Soldier said in an attempt to cheer him up.
He smiled and said: “I know that, TS. Sorry, if I made you feel like you not being real is dumb or something, I just want to be real, but I don’t feel like I am, you know?”
“I Do Not Feel, So You Didn’t, Do Not Worry.” The Toy Soldier assured him, “And You Are Quite Real.”
“Really? How do you know?” Brian asked, glad to have someone there to tell him that he wasn’t fake and he existed.
“Well, When I Feel Particularly Real, I Will List Things That Real People Do That I Don’t. You Do A Lot Of Real People Stuff.” The Toy Soldier explained.
“Can you tell me some of them, I kind of need that right now.” Brian told it.
“Of Course.” it replied cheerily, “Here Lets Sit.”
It sat down on the ground in the middle of the hallway, motioning Brian to follow its example. Brian shrugged and sat down next to it as he waited for it to start. It pretended the think for a moment, then began: “Well, For Starters You Sleep.”
“You don’t?” Brian couldn't help but asked confused.
“No, I Tried To Pretend A Few Times, But It Is Dreadfully Boring And I Can Use That Time For Much More Productive Things.” The Toy Soldier said.
“Oh, I didn’t know that.”
“That Is Because You Sleep Like A Real Person.” The Toy Soldier smiled, earning a small smile back, “Another Thing Is Your Eating.”
“I would hardly call drinking oil eating, TS.” Brian protested.
“It Is Something You Consume For Fuel To Keep Your Body Going, Correct?” TS asked.
“Well, yes, but-”
“Then I Do Not See How It Is Anything Different From Eating.” The Toy Soldier said firmly, “You Also Feel Pain, I Have Been Told That Is A Very Human And Real Experience.”
“You feel pain too, don’t you?” Brian asked.
“No, I Am Made Of Wood, There Is No Nervous System Running Through These Limbs, Old Sport.” The Toy Soldier smiled.
“But I heard you complain when Jonny stole your arm the other day.” Brian was still a bit confused about this new revelation.
“Just Because I Cannot Experience Pain, Does Not Mean It Is Not Uncomfortable To Function With A Limb Less.” TS explained.
Brian shrugged and made a ‘that’s-fair’-face. He had calmed considerably in comparison to earlier, his shoulders had relaxed and the fans in his chest weren’t working on overdrive to keep him cool and functioning anymore.
“Thank you, TS. I really needed that.” he smiled to the wooden soldier.
“No Problem, Old Sport. Here To Help.” The Toy Soldier saluted, standing up, helping Brian up as well, before it went on its merry way.
After that life had continued with only to normal, minimal amount of existential crises from Brian and he was quite happy for it. He would replay parts of the conversation he’d had with The Toy Soldier to make him feel better about himself, which usually worked.
Then, about a week or so later, he got woken up in the middle of the night by a frowning TS. He knew it had stayed behind with Jonny and Ashes, who were playing cards and being mean to their own health, which was something for another day, but he had no clue why it would be here.
“What happened?” he therefore asked, groggily and confused.
“I Am Questioning My Fakeness And I Would Appreciate Input Of Someone Who Has More Understanding Of The Topic Than Ashes Or Jonny.” The Toy Soldier explained.
Immediately Brian was more awake, he sat upright and blinked the sleep away, before he asked: “What caused this?”
“Jonny Insulted Me And I Pretended To Be Upset, Before I Had Realized, I’d Done So. Now I Am Questioning If I Am Even Fake Or If I Am Faking My Fakeness.” it told him.
Brian thought about that for a moment. The Toy Soldier had been there for him during his identity crisis, so he would be there for it. Then he said: “That just means you’ve gotten good at acting, TS.”
“But It Was So Quick, Almost Like It Was A Response.” The Toy Soldier replied.
“Well, some actors start to become so used to playing their role, if they have for a while, that they start thinking and acting like that character, since they absorbed them so much. It is probably the same for you.” Brian reasoned.
“Isn’t That Different? They Already Have Emotions, Those Can Change.” TS tried to debunk Brians argument.
“No, no. You’ve been playing real for centuries now, some reactions were bound to become instinctive after so much time. It’s just a well trained reflex.” Brian was becoming more sure in his thoughts as he went on, “You aren’t about to fall over and sleep or eat or do other real stuff, right? It was just a reflex, like starting to walk when someone does, that doesn’t make you real.”
That seemed to cheer The Toy Soldier up as it chirped: “Thank You, Old Sport. You Are Quite Right, I Have Merely Mastered My Craft.”
“Yeah, you did.” Brian smiled, suppressing a yawn.
“Oh, Right. You Need Sleep. I Should Be Going.” TS said apologetically.
“It’s alright, TS. I don’t mind.” Brian said, but The Toy Soldier was already backing away, saying a quick thanks as it saluted before it disappeared out of the room.
And after that it had become a ritual for one or the other to appear whenever they were sad or not feeling like their reality fit.
Brian learned all the reason The Toy Soldier was fake because every difference made him real, while The Toy Soldier did it for the opposite reasons. And Brian was not going to lie, having TS use him as a case study of what real people did, was pretty fucking validating.
He didn’t know if the other had caught on to the new camaraderie between the two of them and frankly he didn’t care. The tea parties with inedible cookies and the late night talks about philosophy TS would back out of when it got too much by claiming it was something for real people and it was done pretending for the day, made life bearable.
It made life good.
TS could be fake and Brian could be real and both could exist together, because even though they were opposites, no one got it better than the other.
On the days when TS didn’t feel like pretending, it could be fake in Brians presence and he would make sure none of the others messed with it, while on days when reality felt beyond Brians grasp he could rant to it about being real or fake and it would listen and not complain about him making its head hurt.
It was nice, Brian decided, it was nice to be understood.
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zayray030 · 4 years ago
Summary: The Karasuno team are getting tired that Kageyama keeps on coming late to practice or leaving practice to early. They finally figure it out when Miwa calls and tells Tobio that Akito is lost because of them. And now they're on a manhunt for Kageyamas son. When they finally find him they witness something beautiful.
Karasuno was starting to get concerned, for lack of better words, about their setter.
Kageyama had started acting extremely strangely recently.
For starters, he seemed much more tired than usual. However, that didn't seem to affect his grades. If anything, his grades started to slowly progress. Whilst, not academy worthy, it was an improvement from how it was before.
Second of all, he seems to be getting less, what's the word, explosive and angry. Every time something that would have triggered him before into a full-on demon, he simply just took a deep breath and went back to practising.
Even if Hinata horribly messed up on receives he simply just gave a thumbs up and told him he'd get better. Even when Tsukishima was being more of an asshole than usual he just fixed him with his disappointed, motherly gaze and told him to stop being childish and to actually start acting more mature, after all, once they were second years he would have to be more mature.
Needless to say, practice had continued on very quietly, everyone questioning if the effects from Hinata serving at the back of his head were finally catching up.
The third instance is where he didn't stay behind for extra practice. If anything the moment that mandatory practice was over he would race to get all his things before leaving, yelling out a small later. He was still as flawless as ever but it had left many of them questioning what was going on.
The fourth instance in which they all, yes even Ukai, Kiyoko and Daichi, seemed to think that he had been kidnapped by aliens and replaced is when he let out a little giggle at Nishinoya, Tanka and Hinata’s childish antics.
Needless to say, practice had to finish off earlier than usual because nobody could look at Kageyama without blushing and stumbling all over themselves which wasn't particularly useful as they were practising setter and spiker teamwork.
So yes, they were all worried about what was going on. Well except for Takeda.
If anything the man seemed to be sympathetic towards Kageyama, allowing him to come late to practice and letting him leave early. It had made Tsukishima let out a snarky remark about ‘How the King is so privileged’ but he was instantly shut up when Takeda sent him a serene smile with a demon aura surrounding him. He immediately gulped and looked away. Nothing was said about Kageyama's timing ever since.
However, now everyone was starting to get tired of it. It had been okay at the beginning, but slowly the lack of explanation was starting to get one everyone's nerves.
Eventually, they had managed to corner the setter and demand he stayed there or else there would be concerns. There had been a conflicted look on Kageyama's face before he finally nodded in agreement. Nobody noticed the slight shakiness in his form and if they had they would have noticed why keeping the raven back would be a very bad idea.
At practice Kageyama seems to be more on edge, constantly checking the clock, movements more jumpy than usual. It hadn't affected his setting but it had affected his mood. Seriously.
“Why don't you say that again, asshole!?” yelled Kageyama, and to nobody's surprise and utter exasperation, at Tsukishima.
The blonde had taken full advantage of the fact that Kageyama was here and had used every little moment to taunt him further. He was ready to fight a bitch now.
“Okay I will.” and he crouched down condescendingly, face mocking and cold. It made Kageyama shiver inwardly but his anger was too strong to care. “You're a little, bratty King who's had everything handed to him and throws a tantrum if he doesn't get what he wants.” he cooed at the again, just to add extra humiliation to the entire thing.
Kageyama blinked back tears, refusing to allow repressed and depressing memories to come back out again.
“Come on now, Tsukishima. That was just immature.” defended Hinata but the tiny dumbass turned around to face Kageyama nodding slightly. “Though it is true that you do throw a fit at every little thing, Yamayama-kun.” Hinata agreed with the blonde and said asshole had the nerve to smirk at Kageyama.
“You little-” he was interrupted by a familiar melody that his grandfather had used to sing to him and Miwa when they were children.
Immediately, Kageyama's attention diverted, practically mentally silencing everyone. From Tsukishima’s indignant taunts to the coach and Daichi telling him to get off his phone. He pressed answer, not even bothering to check if it was Miwa. In his haste to answer he had accidentally pressed the speaker but it was too late to change it when Miwa’s panicked voice came from the phone. His team became forgotten in his mind as he focused on his phone.
“Oh my god Tobio, thank god you answered.” and her voice sounded relieved sure, but there was too much panic for him to not be concerned. Ignoring the sarcastic ‘Is that your girlfriend, King?’ from Tsukishima and answered her.
“Yeah I am Miwa-niisan. Now what's going on.” and he heard choking noises from behind him.
‘He has a sister?” asked Nishinoya.
“It's Akito. I think I might have lost him!” came Miwa’s panicked voice, guilt so thick that Tobio could feel it from the phone.
However, he didn't care. The only thing he could focus on was that she had lost Akito, and that was the worst thing that could happen.
“I'm sorry? You lost me my son!?” he screeched and he heard more whispering from behind him but he wasn't focusing on that. He quickly grabbed his bag and stuffed it with his stuff before speed walking out of the gym. Distantly he could hear footsteps but he was focused on Miwa.
“How the fuck did you lose him?” he demanded, heart in his throat.
No, no, no! This couldn't happen!
“Meaning one second I was telling him that you're going to be spending more time at practice and the next after I turn around the kid is gone.” she answered, having enough sense to not use too much sarcasm at her currently distressed and explosive brother who had just found out that his son had been lost in her care.
“Miwa I swear if he isn't found…”
“Chill, bro. You know him best so look for him. When you find him, tell the brat that he's in trouble with me. Bye.” and before he could protest she hung up on him. Kageyama cursed his sister to hell and back.
Meanwhile, in a train station towards Tokyo a young woman choked back a sob, wondering just why she couldn't be a better sister
However, over at Miyagi Tobio was half way through a paix attack, despite him constantly telling himself to calm down and that panicking wasn't going to get him to find his son.
“Kageyama-kun?” came Yachi’s timid voice, and Kageyama turned to look at her, ignoring the shocked gasps from everyone. Belatedly he realised that the stuff running down his face where his tears and it must have said something about how stressed he was if didn't really care. “What's going on?” she asked, voice timid, as if her asking Kageyama would set him off again.
And it did. Just not in anger. When he tried to answer her question the only thing that came from him was a choked sob and immediately he was embraced by a warm figure. Looking down he could see Sugawara’s grey hair.
“Shhhh. What's wrong?” he asked, voice soft as he rubbed his back.
“My sister lost my son after she told him I was staying behind at practice to make sure I didn't get kicked off the team.” answered Kageyama, unwavering and blunt, but with tears still running down his face.
Everybody winced at the blunt words but didn't back down.
“Since when did you have a son, King?” asked Tsukishima, sneering at Kageyama.
“Since a while. Not my fault that none of you bothered to ask. And now, excuse me but if you don't mind I would actually like to go find Akito. Good day. I'll see you all in practice.” he spat out the last work like it was poison before getting up and trying to walk away. He would have succeeded if not for Hinata.
“We'll help!”
“Huh?” and it wasn't just Kageyama who said that, everyone turned around to stare at Hinata as if he grew a second head.
“Well it's kinda our fault that you're here, right? So we'll help!” and the moron's optimism must be infectious because Tobio was actually considering the moron's advice.
“Since when did I sign up to find the King's lost son?” Tsukishima asked, voice still as snarky as ever before.
“Since you were the one complained about Kageyama-kuns special treatment.” Takeda said sweetly and Tsukishima immediately gulped.
“Tch.” was all he said, crossing his arms and turning his head away. “How does the Prince look?” Tsukishima asked, voice irritated and annoyed.
On any normal day where he wasn't worrying about his son getting kidnapped he would have replied with the same amount of snark, but due to dealing with a snarky seven year old and the possibility of going into cardiac arrest, he answered without batting an eye.
“Here's a pic.” he answered, showing them his phone. Their breaths caught as they saw the picture of a small brunette child, in Kageyama’s arms, both smiling freely at the camera, mouths open like they were laughing at something said before. “There are two places he could possibly be. The place where I found him or the adoption centre. Daichi, Asahi, Noya, Tanaka and Kiyoko go to St Andrews adoption Centre. The rest of you are coming with me.” he ordered and for once nobody commented on his tone.
He then turned to Ukai and Takeda “I am so, so sorry for this mess.” he apologised, bowing down.
“It's fine, Kageyama-kun.” Takeda reassured him. Ukai nodded in agreement. And then Takeda turned to the rest of Karasuno. “The rest of you are going to be doing laps till you drop.” he said sweetly and everybody shivered. Even Suga, the resident wine mom.
“Call if you find him.” was all Kageyama said before taking off to the place where he hoped to the Lord that Akito would be. Distantly he could hear voices telling him to slow down but adrenaline was rushing through his blood and the need to find his son was more powerful than waiting for his team.
Eventually, the rest caught up to him all having the sense not to bother and try to scold him about running off.
They had never seen their Setter look this panicked or scared about something, boy even when they're against Seijoh. This Akito must be seriously important to him.
Eventually, they arrived at a pretty looking park that they had never seen before. Despite how pretty it looked it had a feeling of abandonment. They all shivered, sans Kageyama who was looking around like a madman.
“Akto!” he yelled, voice panicked and desperate and they all flinched when they heard how raw it was. Shit.
“Akito!! Sweetheart!! Come on!!” he yelled, running across the park. The others suddenly caught on and began yelling out ‘Akito’.
Finally, Kageyama found him, small body sat on a swing, face down, shoulders shaking.
Immediately, he took after him, uncaring if the others followed him it not, he just needed to get to his son.
“Akito!” he yelled and finally the brunette looked up in confusion. His eyes widened when he saw his mother run at him in full speed and they widened even more when said man picked him up and gelled him to his chest protective, muttering prayers and saying how glad he was okay.
“Mama?” and his voice was small again and both mother and son hated it.
“Oh, Aki-chan. Sweetheart.” Tobio said softly, pulling back briefly to give him a deep kiss on the forehead before picking him up, wrapping his legs around his waist. Sometimes being small had its advantages.
In Kageyama's peripheral vision he could see the others running at him, Suga on the phone.
“...yeah we found him. And he looks absolutely adorable…” Suga was saying but Kageyama turned his attention back to his personal sunshine in his arms, worry etched on his face.
“Sweetheart, why did you run off when your aunt came to pick you up?” asked Kageyama, hands running through Akito’s hair.
Akito mumbled something in his gym jacket but he couldn't make out what it was.
“What was that sweetheart?” and he pretended not to hear how everyone was staring at him as if he was replaced by an alien. It was kinda insulting actually.
“Auntie said that you had to stay at practice because your team was getting annoyed at you for missing practices and I realised it was my fault.” and he sounded so dejected and disappointed in himself that the Karasuno players flinched, even before Kageyama could pin them with his most vicious glare.
“Oh, sweetheart, that's not it. You will never be a burden to me, okay” and his voice was firm enough that Akito knew that there was no arguing with his mama.
“Can we go home please, mama?” he whimpered. He felt too raw with his mother's teammates looking at him as if he was this supernatural being. It was kinda annoying now.
“Mama?” Tsukishima asked, voice jeering, before Kageyama could answer. Immediately, everyone sent him a glare vicious enough to cut through even diamond.
“Problem?” Kageyama asked and he should not have looked so threatening, especially considering he was holding a child and his eyes looked slightly bloodshot but it was and Tsukishima would never admit it but he couldn't help but think that Kageyama suited the motherly role. Very well.
“Nope.” he answered.
“Good. Now come on let's go. I'll make you your fave.” said Kageyama and Akito yelled happily wiggling out of his mother's arms and jogging away slightly.
“You're the best mother ever!” yelled Akito and something that Karasuno never expected to happen was for Kageyama to throw his head back and let out a laugh so beautifully that everyone just stared at him and stared, as if he was a miracle.
Akito would definitely be joining their practices if it meant they could hear that wonderful noise again.
“Thanks sweetheart. Now come on, let's go!” he yelled before looking like he remembered something and turning to the others and doing something they never expected. He bowed in thanks. “Thank you for helping me fund Akito. It means a lot.” and when he got out of his bowing position he had a small smile on his face and they felt their hearts beat faster.
“No need to thank us, Kageyama-kun!” said Yachi, looking extremely flustered.
Kageyama merely smiled before turning back to his son and picking him up, mindless chartering being shared between them, laughter being heard along the way.
Yeah. Akito was most definitely going to be joining them in their practices.
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lavishedinjimin · 6 years ago
a little bit of sugar, daddy [4]
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↳ Pairing: taehyung x reader
↳ genre: sugardaddy!au, ceo!au
↳ rating: 18+
↳ word count: 5.5k
↳ warnings: detailed smut, dirty talk, unprotected sex (stay safe everyone!), cunnilingus, dom! tae, sir kink, sugardaddy!tae, ceo!tae 
— synopsis:  Taehyung - a sugardaddy and a businessman, a man who derives his life from sex, pleasure, and money. Y/n - a girl working at a small cafe, whose sex life is as dry as the weekly delivered coffee beans. Will Y/n adjust to the new lifestyle she agreed to, and keep up with all of the dirty antics with Taehyung?
Since links aren’t working here, previous and subsequent parts of the story are located at my masterlist!
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You couldn’t say that it was a regular day at the café.
It wasn’t as close to regular at all.
The café was packed with students and people in business clothing. The place has never been this crowded in your entire stay of working there, and you were three inches close from getting exhausted. “What is up with all these people today?” you turned your head to Yuqi when the café had died down a bit. She sighs, starting to prepare another customer’s drink. “I don’t have a clue, Y/n. Just get to work.” Her sudden bitterness in her tone made you scoff in surprise. “Jeez, okay, okay,” you muttered.
“Sorry. I just got my period, that’s all.”
Still, you couldn’t get the events of yesterday out of your mind. Taehyung just asked you to send him the details of your bank account for him to deposit some money. In the back of your mind, you were nervous to do that. You were a little bit skeptical, what if he was just playing games with you and he robs you? But you’ve quickly thrown that thought away because man – he makes millions every year, he doesn’t need money from a lonely and pathetic college girl.
He has sent you 8k once he got ahold of your account, sending you an email saying that it was for ‘starters’. You were very overwhelmed at that moment, and you still are. The amount was too big for what you were comfortable with, but of course – he insisted. You didn’t plan on spending anything yet, though. There was no time for that.
You snapped out of your rumination, removing yourself from your deep staring contest with the countertop when you heard Yuqi’s voice as she whisper-shouted from the back. “Y/n! Stop drowning in your thoughts again! There’s a man in front of you!” You panicked immediately.
“G-good afternoon sir, what can I—”
“You really should stop calling me that in public.”
Your eyes went wide and you felt your face going pale as your eyes fixated on him. The man who was just invading your thoughts a few seconds ago. “I-I…um, w-what are you, no, w-wait…”
You wanted to slap yourself so bad when your voice stuttered like that in front of him. Your eyes were just as confused as you are, trying to look somewhere instead of his intimidating eyes without looking rude.
Taehyung chuckles as he shakes his head, “Look at me, Y/n.”
His strict and authoritarian tone was familiar, instantly making you do as you were told. As if it was in your blood to submit to him. His eyes were dark but with a hint of playfulness when his mouth curves into a smirk, creating a tingly feeling in your stomach.
You forgot that the two of you were not alone in this area as you saw Yuqi’s presence at the corner of your eye. “Y/n? Do you know him?” she asks as she turns her head towards Taehyung, examining him with her eyebrows furrowed. “Well…”
“Yes, she does,” Taehyung immediately says before you could even speak, “Taehyung.” He introduced himself as he gave her a charming smile. Yuqi, on the other hand, nodded her head towards him and smiled back just a tiny bit.
“Let me wait for you outside inside my car. You only have…” he pauses as he checks his watch, “eight minutes left until you finish your shift anyway. Okay?”
You didn’t trust your voice as you only nod, forcing a slight smile towards his direction. He turns his back to you as he readjusts his suit blazer, finally stepping out of the café into his car.
You didn’t realize that you were holding a breath when you suddenly exhaled out loud. “Okay, who was that handsome-looking man and why does he know you?”
You suddenly felt a blush crawling into your cheeks, trying to hide it by lowering your head but Yuqi was fast enough to notice it. “Oh god, don’t tell me—”
“I-I don’t want to spill the tea yet, Yuqi. It’s kind of complicated.”
She narrows her eyes towards you, obviously doubting your words. “Okay then,” she heads back to her station, cleaning up a spill of water on the counter, “whatever you say.”
You said your farewells to Yuqi, allowing Matt to take over your station. “I think that the black car outside is waiting for you.”
You smile kindly at him, nodding your head, “Mhmm.”
“Okay, go home safely…or wherever that car is taking you.” You chuckle at his statement, saying goodbye to him as you step outside of the shop and towards the car that you were oh-so-familiar with already. Taehyung immediately steps out of the car to open the passenger’s door for you. You shake your head at him, “You don’t have to open my door all the time, you know. I have my own hands.”
Taehyung raises an eyebrow up, smirking, “I do what I want for my princess,” he suddenly steps closer to you until you were pressed against his car, his bottom half touching yours. Your breath hitched as you looked up at his smirking state. “W-we shouldn’t do this in public, y-you know that?”
The way how your voice wavered a bit and how airy it sounded turned him on. He chuckled, looking around him as he saw numerous people walking straight by them, and some were even completely obvious of what the two of you were doing. “Taehyung, p-please.”
“Why? Are you afraid of someone might see us?” He pressed himself even further on your body, which resulted in a whine coming from your lips. “Yes.”
“Yeah?” he teased, biting his lip in amusement. Taehyung noticed how nervous you were seriously getting so he pulled himself back, leaving you some space. Taehyung, in the back of his mind, loved how flushed you got because of it. He adored how your body was completely complying with his actions when your mind told you different things.
Suddenly, Taehyung stepped forward once again and without further warning, he pressed a kiss on your lips. You can feel your cheeks burn a shade of red immediately, your eyes expanding in shock. Taehyung mentally cursed at himself for kissing you public because he immediately became addicted to the feeling of your lips, and he wanted to do it again, longer. Your lips felt so soft against his, making him crave for more, but he knew you wouldn’t allow that. He pulled away first, his eyes becoming a shade darker as he ran his tongue on his bottom lip.
He gives you a handsome grin, nodding his head once, “Let’s go, darling?” You forced a quiet ‘okay’ as you both entered his car. You were still so speechless, not believing what just happened. You loved the kiss, even if it was just a simple act. It was your first kiss with Taehyung, and you longed for more. You could still feel the touch of his lips as it lingered on your own.
“Is there something on your mind, babygirl?” Taehyung peers at you for a second, noticing how his mouth curved up in a smirk as he directed his attention back on the road. “I-uh, well…” You struggled to find the right words, looking down on your lap. You were too shy to say what you really feel, and you were just hoping that he already got the idea.
“It’s the first time we kissed, right?”
You nodded, eyes still fixated on your thighs as you start to play with your fingers in an attempt to calm down. “I wanted to do that ever since, Y/n. You don’t know how many times I got tempted to kiss those sweet lips of yours. Your lips feel so addicting, baby.”
You emit a quiet laugh, tilting your head once to the side, “I didn’t even kiss you properly.”
Taehyung chuckles at your statement, bringing up a hand to play with his bottom lip as he rests his elbow on the door. He found it quite cute of you to say that. “Oh, really?”
“Well, yeah. You suddenly kissed me and I wasn’t prepared at all.”
“If you were prepared, would you kiss me better?” he teased, anticipating your reply. Even without looking at you, he knew that you would be blushing. Taehyung liked your innocence, it was like a breath of fresh air into his world. His world would be either filled with women with many experiences, or women who’d try to control him. If he had to choose, he’d go for the first option. Taehyung couldn’t wait for the time where he would have you all alone, all for himself and to make his fantasies into a reality – with your consent, of course.
“I think so,” you replied quietly, trying to hide a smile that was ought to form your lips. You liked teasing him like this, suddenly finding some courage. “I think I can kiss you better.”
Taehyung raised a single brow, pressing his tongue against his cheek. ‘Stop playing with fire, Y/n’.
“Don’t make me pull over, angel.” His voice dropped a few tones lower, almost inaudible that made your stomach turn, instantly biting your lip. You knew better than to make any more noise as you let him drive you wherever he’s taking you…in fact—
“Where are we going anyway?”
He chuckles, “My house, of course.”
“For what?”
“I need to ask you a few questions regarding the contract.”
“Oh,” you mumbled quietly. You gulped, afraid of what he will ask you. You solely remembered being so flushed as you read through the contract yesterday, reading all kinds of terms that you never heard of before. “I thought we were already done with it?”
“Don’t worry, Y/n. You’ll see when we get there.”
You sat across from him, watching him place the contract on the table in front of you. He brought out a pencil as he started to flip through the pages. You watch him in silence, not knowing what he was about to do or what he will ask you.
“Y/n, you’ve read the things that I’m compatible with doing, haven’t you?” He looked deep into your eyes, a penetrating gaze that almost made you unable to speak. You nod, not trusting your voice.
“Good, do you want me to explain and evaluate some of them to you?”
You thought for a moment, thinking that he should explain them for your own good. You want to have a clear knowledge of the things he would do to you. “Okay,” Taehyung nodded and smiled, “Good.”
He scanned the page, cringing as he remembered how it was not updated at all. The kinks that were written were less than the kinks he has today. He should’ve made a new one. “Impact play. Do you think you can handle spanking, angel?”
You blinked a few times before speaking, “Y-yes, I think I would.”
Taehyung smiled at your reply as he licked his bottom lip. “Can you handle if I used whips on you? Floggers, perhaps?” Even if he asked, he knew what your answer would be. He wanted you to be honest.
On the other hand, you didn’t even know what those things were. You lowered your head in embarrassment, avoiding his sharp gaze. “Hey, hey, baby. Look at me.” He leaned forward and held your chin with his hand, noticing how your eyes wavered when it made contact with his. Taehyung smiled, trying to calm you down. “You don’t have to be shy. We’re doing this for you to be comfortable, okay? We wouldn’t do things that you do not want, I promise.”
You forced a smile and nodded, his deep and sincere voice calming your nerves down.
“What do you think if I were to tie you up, put a blindfold on you, hmm? Would you trust all your senses to me?” Everything seemed so natural for him, the words being so sane for him to say out loud. You were bouncing your leg up and down under the desk involuntarily as you tried to remain composed.
“It’s okay, I wanna try it.”
His eyes lit up, “You do? That’s great, angel.” He looked back down to the paper, “Are you familiar with sex toys?”
You blushed, suddenly remembering the time where Olivia forced you to buy a vibrator just like she did. It was your 20th birthday at the time, but you scratched her offer right away. You were already quite embarrassed to touch yourself, let alone with a toy that vibrates. And besides, you don’t have the time.
“My friend, Olivia. She tried to push me to buy a toy on my twentieth birthday but I declined.”
Taehyung’s mouth curved up into a grin, resting his head on his left palm as he kept his gaze on you, examining you. “Really? What kind?”
“Umm, a vibrator. I figured I won’t have the time to use it anyway. But I wanna try one soon, with you.”
He felt his dick twitch underneath his slacks, trying to prevent a groan to escape his lips. Taehyung attempted to calm himself down, getting too excited about the thought of using a vibrator on you, making you go over the edge. 
“Do you think you’d like it when I use the toy to my advantage, baby girl?” he leans even closer, his plump lips almost touching yours. You gulp as you felt his hot breath, goosebumps erupting your skin. “What if I use it to tease you for hours, and stop whenever I see that you’re close to your orgasm? Would you like if I do that, hmm?” You whined quietly, getting turned on from his words. “I know you’d like that. You’d get so frustrated when I control those orgasms, but I promise you, baby, that it’ll feel even better when I let you cum.”
When he saw you blushing, Taehyung pulled away slightly to let you breathe. He smirked, knowing the effect he has on you.
“Do you know what voyeurism means?”
Absolutely not. You shake your head, “N-no, I don’t.”
He smiled, “It’s when someone gains pleasure from watching others get off, or doing any sexual activity.” Your eyes widen from his statement, not really expecting that answer. Why would he gain pleasure from that?
Taehyung bites his lip, eyeing you up and down. He noticed that you were seated at the edge of your chair and the way how your legs keep bouncing up and down. He suddenly grabs your hand, gently rubbing the top of your hand with his thumb as he tries to calm you down. “For example, I watch you touch yourself for me as I sit there in front of you. Or it could be the other way around.”
The thought of him watching you as you possibly touched yourself made your heart race. You’re already imagining it; the way he’d look at you like you were his prey, deep and lust-filled eyes, always devouring you, and how his hard member would be strained against his pants. You wanted to make those fantasies into a reality, too. “I think I’d love that.”
“Fuck,” he groaned, lowering his head down as he tried to regain his composure for how many times today. All he wanted to do was to push you down on his desk and eat you out for being so good to him. He wanted to do everything that this contract held, but he knew better. He leaned back on his chair, reaching a hand up to his tie as he loosened it, feeling the atmosphere getting hot. He removed his blazer and placed it at the back of his chair. You observed how he rolled his shirt sleeves up to his forearms as it exposed his protruding veins that you secretly loved. You bite your lip at the sight of him.
“Moving on,” he breathed out, being as sexually frustrated as you were. He had to keep this discourse with you going, “Now I’ve cleared the things I like, do you have any problems with any of them? Do you want to add anything to the list? Please be honest with me, baby.”
You smiled up at him, shaking your head, “I’m fine with everything, Taehyung. I can’t wait to try them out with you.”
“Me too, Y/n. Fuck, you don’t know how much I wanna spend the day with you and just make you cum over and over again,” Taehyung stops himself further, seeing how you shifted in your sheets. “I’m sorry, I should—”
“Can I kiss you, Tae?”
The two of you were shocked at your sudden confidence, but you were sick of holding back. Taehyung was just really irresistible, and his plump lips tempting – begging to be kissed. Taehyung smirks at you as he stands up, walking over to you so now he was standing right in front of you, grabbing your chin with his hand as he made you look up at him. “You’re gonna show me how good you kiss, angel?”
You smile cheekily, “Well, it depends what ‘good’ is for you.”
And with that, he leans down and presses his lips on yours as he pulls you to stand up. His hands were busy roaming your body as you felt his tongue swipe on your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You decided to tease him by not complying, giggling in between the kiss. 
Taehyung groaned when you disobeyed, suddenly smacking your right butt cheek – hard. The action made you gasp in shock, not foreseeing the pleasure it brought you. He took the chance to slip his tongue inside your mouth, eventually meeting your own. You moaned at the feeling of his tongue moving against yours as it both fought for dominance in which of course, he won. He gripped your waist and lifted you up on his desk. He grabs a hold of your legs and wraps it around his hips, pressing your body tightly on his. Taehyung involuntarily grinds into you slightly, making the both of you moan from the feeling. You were immediately getting wet from his actions.
“T-Taehyung, please,” you whined as you pulled away from the kiss, trying to catch your breath. “Do something.”
You noticed how his eyes turned a shade darker like a different person has now invaded his body. His more dominant side is showing. “Are you sure about this, baby? Do you want me to touch you?”
You trusted him. A lot. And you wanted this too as much as he does, so you nodded, “Yes, I promise. I want this.”
“Good girl,” he growled, suddenly lifting you up. You squeaked, his hands on your bottom for assistance as he led you out of his office until he got closer to the staircase. You sling your arms around his neck for support, “I-I can walk, you know.”
He started to walk up the stairs, “I can do it, angel.” He smiled at you and gave your lips a tender kiss.
He brought you to – in what you thought was his bedroom as you saw a large king-sized bed. His room wasn’t decorated at all instead of two large paintings above the headboard and one above a little desk on a plain wall. His room wall already air-conditioned, the slight coldness hitting your skin and making you shiver.
He threw you on the bed and your back hits the soft mattress. Taehyung smirks down at you, removing his tie and unbuttoning his white dress shirt. You gulp, closing your legs at the hot sight of him. He clearly was giving you a mini strip show. You were tempted to just jump up at him and remove his clothes, but you held yourself back.
He removed his shirt completely, making you release a moan from the sight. The eventide lights shining against his beautiful skin, your hands itching to touch every single part of him. He was attractively toned, each and every part of him perfect. “You’re drooling, babygirl.” He smirked as he slowly hovered above your figure.
His big right hand runs down your stomach until it reaches your denim-covered heat, gently cupping it against his palm. You moan, the slight touch already a big deal for you. “Hmm, already responding, baby. I like that.”
His hand plays with the hem of your shirt, “Can I remove this, Y/n? Will you let me see you?” You nod vigorously, already growing impatient, “Please.”
He lifts up your shirt, putting your arms up as he removes the clothing completely, throwing it somewhere inside the room. He growls at the sight, loving how you wore a white lace bra. You didn’t purposely wear those undergarments for today, your normal pairs were just not finished drying so you wore this set today.
What made Taehyung even more hard was how there was a little white bow in the middle of your bra. The contrast of how lewd the garment was plus the innocent design made him groan. He abruptly attacks your neck, sucking on your sweet spots to create hickeys, marking you as his.
He removes your shorts in the process, his hand immediately flies to cup your cunt. Your hips instinctively grind on his hand. “Hmm, what a desperate little girl you are. Do you want me to touch your pussy, huh?”
You nod, closing your eyes as he pressed his hand even further on your crotch. “I want words, angel.”
“Yes, sir.” You moaned from the sensation.
Taehyung stopped his tracks, eyes wide in shock. It was the first time you called him that nickname from pure pleasure. It was music to his ears.
“Say that again,” he grunts, almost like a growl as he unbuttoned his slacks. He felt his cock growing harder and harder each second, and his mind was going crazy.
“Sir,” you whined this time, purposely biting your lip right after. He felt his cock twitch in need and he discarded his pants. “Oh baby girl, you don’t know what you’re doing to me.”
He brings his hand up to your chest as he massages your breast, earning a loud moan from your lips. You felt his hands move behind your back, wanting to remove your bra but you stop him. He noticed your nervousness, giving you a smile and a kiss to your lips.
“You’re beautiful, Y/n, I promise. You’re a literal angel, darling. Don’t be shy around me, okay?” You look up at him, your pure eyes staring at his completely dark ones. He adored how you looked below him, he couldn’t think of how many times he had imagined you in this position. Taehyung wanted this so bad, just as much as you did at this moment. He removed your bra slowly, a growl emitting his lips as he finally saw you.
He peppers kisses all over your boobs, giving little kitten licks to your sensitive buds, teasing you as you arched your back in pleasure. 
“Little one’s sensitive, aren’t you?” he chuckles. His head moves down to your pussy, admiring how wet you are through the garment. The way he looked at your core, devouring you made you whimper. He looks up at you, “Can I remove these?” He bites down on his lip, tugging at the center part of the clothing and letting it snap back to your wet heat. “Yes, sir, please.”
Taehyung chuckles as he did as he was told, exposing yourself completely to him. He sighs, inhaling your scent. “You look gorgeous, baby. All for me…”
Taehyung suddenly wastes no time to stick his tongue out right to your entrance, flatting it against you as he tastes you. You moaned, gripping his hair tightly. “Please…” 
Taehyung brings his tongue up to your clit, collecting your juices on his tongue, making him groan. “You’re so goddamn sweet. So fucking addicting,” he did the same thing all over again, making you tremble below him. He had to hold your hips down on the mattress to prevent you from constantly bucking up. 
“Is this your first time getting tongue on your pussy, baby?” he said with a husky voice, proceeding to suck on your clit. You struggled to find the right words, your mind only clouded with pleasure. 
“Y-yes sir,” Taehyung smirked, feeling that he needs the bars high. He needs to do well so that in the end, you’ll always look for him and that no other man can pleasure you like he does.
You felt a knot forming in your stomach, your high coming close but before you could even come, he moves his head away. You whined from the loss of contact, “If you’re gonna cum for the first time in a year then I want it to be when I’m inside you.”
He moves up, his knees supporting his weight and you can see the large tent in front of his grey Calvin Klein’s. You moan from the sight, watching as he smirked down at you. You blush when you saw him palm himself, throwing his head back slightly as he still kept his eyes on yours. “How about you remove them for me?”
You nodded in excitement, sitting up straight as your fingers were nimble to grip his waistbands. Taehyung couldn’t help but to unintentionally buck his hips forward slightly, making you gasp at his sudden action. His view below him was arousing, more than any other than the past women that he’d been with. Just looking at your chaste and little figure, right in front of his bulging crotch made him hornier. He runs a hand through your hair, “Come on, angel.”
You bite your lip, finally giving in as you lowered his boxers down. His cock springing up immediately, precum leaking from the tip. You let out a gasp, you weren’t expecting him to be that big. You felt pity for your past boyfriend; he could never compare his size to Taehyung. He chuckles above you, fighting the urge to just force your pretty little mouth down his dick. “Like what you see?”
You nod in reply, moaning when his other hand stroked his member a couple of times. “Lay back down for me,” You did as you were told, watching him hover above you. You waited in anticipation as he positions himself right at your entrance, his tip slightly pressing against you. 
“I’m gonna go slow at first baby, let you get used to my size, yeah? Tell me immediately if it hurts.” You nodded your head. He slowly pushed inside of you, stretching you out slowly. You thanked him inside your mind that he prepped you enough as he slid without that much troubles. You moan from the feeling as he reached places you’ve never felt before. Taehyung groans, the pleasure being all too much to handle, and he’s still just easing himself in. “God, you’re so tight. So fucking tight.”
He started to gradually move inside of you, feeling your wet walls clench around him. “F-faster, sir, harder.” you whimpered, making him chuckle above you. “Oh, is my angel begging for more? You want to go rough, hmm?”
You moaned from his dirty talk, nodding your head, “Yes, yes, please. Please fuck me rough, sir.” Taehyung growls and started to pound into you harder and faster. His cock hits all the right places as he feels so full inside of you. He immediately finds your g-spot, always an easy target for him. His thrusts reach deeper inside of you, your hands clawing his back from the immense pleasure. 
“You like that angel? You liked the feeling of my dick pounding into you so good, huh?” he says breathily as he smirks, liking your reaction. Your face was flushed, eyes closed as your lips form in an ‘o’ shape.
“Yes sir, I love it so much.”
His groans are getting louder and louder as each seconds pass, and you learned that he wasn’t afraid of being vocal. You were getting close to your high and he could feel it. He could feel how tight you were getting and how your moans were getting louder. 
“You gonna come, angel?” He lowers his left hand to rub your clit continuously. “Come on, cum for me.” His thrusts were getting sloppy, signaling that he was close as well. One final thrust, in particular, made you release around him, spasming uncontrollably around his dick. “O-oh, s-sir~” you whimpered, cumming so hard. 
Taehyung smirks as he went faster, catching up on his high until he pulls out, stroking his cock a couple of times until his seed was all over your heaving stomach. He pushes his hair back, catching his breath while you did the same. He leaned back down and kissed your lips passionately. 
 “You were so good, Y/n.” He smiles as he collects his semen with his fingers then bringing it up close to your mouth. “Open,” you obeyed, tasting his cum. The action felt filthy, but you loved it.
“Thank you, sir.” You smiled up at him, giggling right after. He kissed your forehead, “Anything for my angel. Tonight was just the first time, there’s more to come.” His mouth curved up in a smirk that you always loved, his eyes shone as he talked. You chuckled, “Can’t wait.”
He lifts you up and he started to carry you towards his bathroom, placing you down to sit on the marble counter. He grabs a towel, turning on the sink to wet the cloth as he cleaned the both of you up. “It’s already seven, you’re staying here with me tonight.”
Your eyes widen slightly as a smile from your lips, “You’re gonna do that?”
He laughs at your words quietly, “I wouldn’t let you sleep alone right after I fucked you, angel.”
You lower your head in embarrassment, laughing at yourself right after. He gives the towel to you and goes outside for a moment. He returns right after, being fully dressed in a white shirt and black pajamas, a shirt on his hand as he gives it to you. “You can wear this.” You thanked him, slipping the shirt on. You saw how the hem reaches down to your mid thighs, thankfully covering your ass. When you tried to come down from the counter, your knees almost failed you and you wobbled for a moment, losing a little bit of balance. Taehyung immediately grabs you until you obtained your stability back, a chuckle leaving his lips. “Hmm, someone had too much fun.” You smacked his shoulders, “Shut up.”
“Do you want pizza? I’ll order us some if you want,” he requests. Your eyes widen, suddenly feeling super hungry, “Yes please.”
Taehyung smiles, kissing your lips for a second. “Great. Meet me downstairs to the living room once you’re ready.” You nodded before he leaves out of the bathroom.
You looked at your face on the mirror, sighing as you saw your fucked out reflection. Starting today, your life will be completely different. You will be attending to all of his needs, and (hopefully) attending to yours as well. You can still feel him inside of you, though. He was big, and he went completely hard on you. You couldn’t help but ponder for what he’s gonna bring to the table next.
You saw a comb lying around the counter and fixed your tangled hair. After that, you finally exit the bathroom and go downstairs to the living room where he told you to wait.
As you were heading down, you heard a couple of muffled voices echoing around the room. Walking carefully, you tried to catch a glimpse to see what was going on. You spotted Taehyung on the doorway, his broad back faced towards you as he was talking to someone. Your eyebrows crease as he runs his hand through his hair. Who was he talking to this time at night? Could it be Marie? No, you just saw her enter one of the rooms in this building.
You tilted your head to the side in an attempt to see who he was speaking to. You spot long, platinum blonde hair and you immediately gasp quietly. You witnessed how she placed a hand on his chest, but Taehyung instantly chucks it away.
You didn’t realize that you now only stood a few meters in front of them. Crissy saw your figure behind Taehyung and she smirked, eyes on you. As if she’s doing it on purpose, she steps forward and presses her body on Taehyung, gripping his shoulders. Your eyes went wide in shock, wanting to speak but your mouth didn’t let you. Taehyung pushes her away, but not too hard that she would stumble backward. “Oh, and here she is,” Crissy smirks right at you as Taehyung follows where he eyes lead, turning back to see you just standing at the verge of the staircase, playing with your fingers in nervousness from the uneasy atmosphere.
What the hell was going on?
Please leave a note if you enjoyed this chapter, it will really inspire me to continue. xoxo
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langdxn · 5 years ago
devotion | fire and reign!michael x fem!reader
SUMMARY: It’s the first Cooperative meeting and Michael gets familiar with one delegate.
WARNINGS: Domesticated fluff, anxiety, a bit of comedy, severely shameless smut, vaginal sex, vaginal stimulation, Barry Manilow.
WORD COUNT: 2.9k (sorry I got really carried away with this one. I haven’t proofread it yet so apologies in advance!)
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Striding into the Cooperative meeting hall with all the arrogance he could muster, Michael wrung his red leather-clad hands together, his gaze lingering on the streams of expressionless masks lining the conference table. Every face was obscured, a last-ditch attempt at anonymity for the first time in their charmed, infamous lives.
Their grasp at obscurity was futile. He’d seen the seating plan ahead of schedule. He knew he was to speak two feet away from Bill Clinton, that some kid called PewDiePie was perched halfway down the table, that Jeff Bezos sent his apologies for his absence mere minutes ago, that Julie Andrews requested a seat at the last minute and paid in cash.
The Antichrist shouldn’t suffer stage fright, but Michael hadn’t often addressed a number of people at once, least of all the most financially powerful mortal figureheads in the world. He meticulously prepared his speech the night before, scrawling the highlights on a scrap of paper he stuffed down his left glove, small enough to look inconspicuous when he retrieved it yet large enough to not lose it on the journey to the conference hall.
As his expensive leather boots clacked to the head of the table, Michael swallowed hard and forced his focus on Ms Mead’s advice - find a spot at the far end of the room to concentrate on and talk to it. He chose the far right corner of the seemingly endless table, an anonymous pair of black gloved hands that rested studiously on the glass table.
“Esteemed members of the Cooperative,” he announced, swinging his hands behind his back to clasp them together. The less they saw how they were shaking in their crimson incarcerations, the better.
“World leaders, tech giants, media moguls, cultural influencers,” he proclaimed, catching his breath, “and Mrs Langdon.”
His gaze hardened on the gloved hands in the far corner. The black-clothed figure leaned forward in its seat, revealing a golden face creating a stark contrast with the sea of masks. Cascading y/h/c curls framed the feminine face, mysteriously sparkling black lipstick and deep eyeliner outlining fierce y/e/c eyes. A revealing black dress draped over her figure, her chest pouring out of its low neckline.
A knowing smirk caught the corner of Michael’s lips as he nodded in recognition. He balled his leathered hands into fists and landed them authoritatively on the table’s edge.
“The rumours you’ve heard are true: my name is Michael Langdon and I am the Antichrist.”
“You know you don’t have to wear a mask, honey,” Michael comforted you as he leaned his elbows on the kitchen island, planting his chin on one balled fist. You glanced over your shoulder at him as you carefully flipped an omelette in the pan.
“I know baby, but it’s the first one and I want to make a good impression,” you giggled. “After all, they’re the ones who sold their souls already. Mine’s still up for sale.”
Michael snickered under his breath, standing straight and gliding his way over to you, snaking his arms around your waist and squeezing gently, relishing the embrace.
“Is that so?” He breathed into the nape of your neck, dropping a loving kiss where his words ghosted so sensitively that goosebumps haunted your skin. You jerked the pan over to a nearby plate, tipping the omelette out and returning the pan to a cool hob ring.
“But should I wear makeup underneath? What’s the dress code for this sort of thing?” You tugged at the collar of the baggy black shirt draped over your frame — Michael’s from last night, how he adored seeing you shuffling around the kitchen the next morning wearing his discarded shirt after your night between the sheets.
“Darling, you could wear a garbage bag and I’d still be the happiest man alive to introduce you as my new wife,” butterflies flitted between both your stomachs as he called you that word you’d waited so impatiently to hear  drip from his tongue.
“I also take it I’m not sitting next to you?” You enquired half-heartedly, knowing any distance between you pained you both no matter how formal the situation. Recalling the times you sat beside each other for dinner at Madelyn’s house, how Michael’s hands charted their course towards your inner thighs before starters even hit the plate.
“So who am I going to be rubbing shoulders with tonight, Boy Wonder?” You ducked into his embrace as his breaths laced your neck with shivers.
“Let me see,” he pondered, as if conjuring the seating plan in his mind. He settled for retrieving a document from the pocket of his velour jacket and pulling it in front of you. Scanning the plan from over your shoulder with a hum under his breath, he nodded towards the red marker pointing to your seat in the farthest corner.
“That’ll be Zach Braff on your left, so no getting any ideas,” he squeezed your hips in jest, “and David Hasselhoff at the head of the table in front of you.”
“Really? You’re trusting me to sit facing The Hoff? Oh honey, your trust is severely misplaced,” you cracked, gripping onto his remaining hand that rested on your hip.
“Oh I’m sorry my darling, would you prefer Barry Manilow on the left?” He tickled you gently, tossing the sheet of paper into the air and watching it cascade to the tiled floor beneath you. “How on earth do you know all these people anyway? They’re all just names to me.”
“That may be because I didn’t age a decade overnight, Mr Langdon,” you joked, “I grew up on pop culture, that’s all. You were born after all these people became popular.”
“I also didn’t run a globally successful Tumblr which single-handedly forced the entire internet to stop talking in peaches and cucumbers—“
“Eggplants, Michael, they’re eggplants,” you giggled heartily into your hand to stifle a full-scale laughing fit. “Did the Antichrist just admit he married me for my influence?”
Michael scoffed, landing a sweet peck of agreement into your neck.
“Speaking of influencers, exactly how much power do you have in choosing new Cooperative delegates?”
“Providing they’ve sold their souls to my father already, it’s an open court. Who do you have in mind, baby?” He cooed into your ear.
“I think it would serve us well to save Benedict Cumberbatch. Hell hath no fury like Cumberbitches when they find out Sherlock was exterminated by the Apocalypse.” You turned to face Michael with eyebrows raised, proffering the omelette plate before him.
“I’ll take your word for it, Mrs Langdon. Anybody else?”
Michael had barely got to the crux of his introduction to the Cooperative before disembodied voices grew concerned. Each member wore a voice manipulator built into their identity masks, a second, painfully virtual line of defence that reminded you of Robocop having a domestic. It wasn’t until you could hear their discordant mechanical voices over your husband’s that you focused back into the room.
“What about my wife?”
                     “What happens if the Outposts are overrun?”
“Will I get to see my kids again?”
                 “What if the missiles don’t kill everybody?”
“When will it be safe to walk around on the surface again?”
        “Will we die down there?”
                   “What’s your backup plan?”
Michael was nervous, almost obsessively wringing his palms in an effort to disguise the shaking that had consumed him. He was drowning in a blur of desperate, panicked queries firing from all angles — for the first time in your relationship, he looked lost. Powerless. Terrified. Aimless syllables tumbled off his tongue as he tried to regain composure.
He couldn’t lose them. Not yet.
The sudden, ominous clink of your stilettos across the polished floor immediately silenced the cacophony. You strode elegantly and purposefully toward the head of the table, relishing every second of precious silence from the present number as you made your way to your husband’s side.
“What my beloved husband is attempting to articulate is that our repopulation plan is foolproof,” you ran your hand across the top of Michael’s leather coat, resting on his left side and gently leaning on him as if the angel arriving on his shoulder to save the day.
“We’ve eliminated all possibilities of unsatisfactory reproduction for the new world. We’ve limited the number of British survivors in order to reduce the risk of poor dental health — no offence Mr Cumberbatch, wherever you may be seated,” you searched in vain across the faceless entities lining the table in the hope any glimpse of body language could give your chosen one away.
“Your families will be as safe as we can possibly keep them, with the help of your investments and the security you use on a daily basis above the surface.”
Your vision darted pointedly to the far left corner of the table.
"Mr Smith, you and your wife will be situated in Outpost 4 while Jayden and Willow will reside in Outposts 1 and 2 respectively. That way, if any Outposts are compromised, we won’t have an overpopulation of Fresh Princes of Bel Air.”
A collective yet nonetheless strained chuckle filled the air.
“As for your safety against the rabid cannibals that the rest of the human race will no doubt be reduced to, that all depends on how much you’re willing to contribute to the cause. I’ll hand you back into the capable hands of Mr Langdon.”
Michael turned to you with a smile of relief and appreciation, you let loose a casual wink of reassurance before stepping back to return the floor to him.
Michael breathed in sharply and assumed his power stance, crimson leather palms pressed flat on the gleaming table, focus now fixed on the masked figure at the opposite end of the room.
“Turn to page six, section one - Outpost Construction."
“I don’t know what I would’ve done without you back there,” Michael sighed through both his hands, wearily wiping down his face in an attempt to erase the last few hours from his memory.
You pushed aside Michael’s hastily discarded red gloves and draping leather jacket, some desk lamps and leftover instruction manuals on the table to perch on the edge, drawing Michael between your legs by the waistband of his coat.
“You did just fine without me, my love,” you cupped his face in your hands, his angelic curls tumbling around his countenance as you planted a loving kiss on his full, if slightly bitten lips. He drew you in even closer, his kiss deeper than the azure blue of his eyes he had now clenched firmly shut.
If there was one thing you knew Michael loved more than anything, it was kissing you. When you handed each other washed dishes after dinner, when you waited impatiently in the queue at the grocery store, when you finally found something decent to watch on TV. He adored locking his lips against yours at any possible opportunity, crashing teeth and dancing tongues. He worshipped the power he had over you when you were compelled to close your eyes to kiss him, the freedom he could use to surprise you while you so innocently shut out the rest of the universe.
“How can I ever repay you, Mrs Langdon?” He breathed into your mouth as he towered over you, one hand roaming your hair and the other ghosting on top of your knee.
“I’m sure you’ll find a way, Mr Langdon,” you charmed, kissing him again as deeply as possible. This time Michael refused to separate from you, maintaining the searing connection between your lips.
Hitching your black silk dress up your thighs agonisingly slowly, Michael opened one eye to savour every centimetre of your legs revealing before him with subtle gasps catching on the tip of his tongue against yours. As the hem reached your hips and exposed your core, Michael moaned greedily in your mouth.
“No panties?” he hummed as your teeth clashed, “no wonder you were so fucking sassy earlier.”
Meeting no obstruction, his soft fingertips wasted no time in trailing between your thighs and finding their home pressed gently onto your clit. As soon as his skin made contact, your hips bucked and you felt a stream of your arousal escape your folds.
Michael could smell it before he felt it. His fingers coursed down to collect the precious droplets, raising his digits to your conjoined mouths so you could both taste you.
“You’re so fucking wet for me baby,” he cooed down your throat, his lust-blown voice reduced to a husky croon. You opened your eyes to meet his for a brief moment but your gaze was met not by his cerulean tones, instead his irises were pitch black, seductively demonic and terrifyingly sinister at the same time. Avoiding their scorching stare, you closed your eyes to kiss him again.
Michael’s hand returned between your thighs and deftly slipped a soft finger through your folds, eliciting a gentle moan from the back of your throat. Returning his fingertip to your entrance, another digit joined it and coursed inside you, curling against your walls to make your hips follow their lead.
Michael grunted into your mouth as he retrieved his fingers, jealous of the warm arousal his fingers witnessed. Tracing his tongue across your teeth, you whimpered at the loss of his touch but replaced by the rustle of Michael setting himself free from his dress pants. You trailed a hand down his chest, making light work of his shirt buttons. Before you could reach his waistband, you felt the head of his cock tracing the outline of your folds, begging for permission to enter.
“Is this okay?” He asked politely as your teeth crashed together. His reconnection with the new Ms Mead skilfully reminded him of the basic courtesies he lost sight of on his sojourn, a time he never seemed comfortable to talk about with you. A time he would rather forget.
You hummed in agreement against his lips and hooked your legs around his waist, gently nudging him closer as his cock stretched your entrance. Slowly, carefully, respectfully.
Your moans drew out longer as he took his time pouring every inch of him inside you. He craved your response when he entered you, he thrived on the ecstasy your husband gave you.
Bottoming out in one smooth thrust, his hands shot up to the back of your neck to prize you from his lips. As you opened your eyes, you met his black pupils as they shot you a determined, ecstatic glare.
“Sell your soul to my father, please. We can live forever, together,” his syllables dragged as he thrust slowly into you.
You needed no persuasion, your mind was made up on the day you married the Antichrist, the only delay was the plans for the apocalypse had taken over. However, you weren’t prepared to let him think he won you over that easily, especially while his cock was urging at the entrance of your cervix.
“What is it with you and deep conversations while you’re balls deep inside me?” You quirked an eyebrow and he forced an aggressive thrust in response. Your back arched suddenly and your eyes retreated into the back of your head, the fast motion driving you closer to your orgasm than you expected so soon.
Protectively wrapping your arms around him and lightly digging your nails into his back, you pretended to need more time to think on his proposition but another sharp snap of his hips broke your facade.
“You realise I won’t let you cum until you agree, don’t you, my darling?” He raised his hand to your throat with a gentle yet purposeful squeeze on your airways while slowly pulling his cock back out of you until just the tip rested in your entrance. He knew from extensive experience that you couldn’t say no when he teased you like this.
“Fuck—ugh fuck, okay I will, now please Michael,” you pleaded weakly, trying to pull him back inside you but he placed a forceful palm on your chest in resistance.
“Say the words honey, say the words.” His black hole stare burned through your eyes into your soul as you rolled your eyes.
“Fine. Michael Langdon, I will sell my soul to Satan,” you breathed emphatically, digging your nails into his back harder.
Your eyes trailed down between your legs to make sure he kept his end of the deal. Sure enough, he poured every inch back inside your folds, meeting your wetness inside with a greedy moan escaping his lips. Gone was his sensual tempo, overtaken by a furious thrust that made his cock twitch as it explored inside you.
“Good girl,” he cooed into your open mouth while you caved into the burning inside you as he pounded you, the familiar dynamite that only Michael knew how to ignite.
“Cum for me, baby.”
Your back gave way and dropped you flat on your spine against the polished table, writhing and squirming as your release took hold of you. All your involuntary friction led Michael to pursue his own orgasm as his frenetic thrusts plowed into you, his tip crashing against your cervix with every motion.
Between both of your frantic moans and laboured breaths, a throat cleared uncomfortably behind you. 
Michael froze to the spot while you jerked back and strained to see through the stars dancing across your vision.
“Mr Manilow? You’re still in here?”
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mor-beck-more-problems · 5 years ago
Are You Lepre-Kidding Me || Morgan & Mina
Making friends is hard. #cursed
Morgan was relieved to have another shot at a normal work friend with a normal work lunch. The whole dishonesty about magic and beautiful weirdness thing wasn’t a fun time, but it was a bargain she was familiar with. Familiar could be comforting. And Mina seemed so nice. Morgan was happy to venture to the maths and engineering quad where a thai fusion truck liked to park and catch the hungry students coming out of their four hour labs. Morgan rocked on her heels as she stood in line, trying to figure out if Mina was already there. She fidgeted with a new pendant she’d crafted for herself, amethyst wrapped in gold, and checked her phone again, sending Mina a quick message: In line! Trying to will the sun back with floral prints.
Mina had been in the quad for about five minutes (five and a half, but who was counting?) and had already ordered a bowl of shrimp and fried rice when she got Morgan’s message. She sent back quickly that she’d snagged a table in the back right corner of the quad and settled in to wait for a few more minutes. She was excited; Mina’d always had a bit of trouble making friends. She and her dad never really settled anywhere for too long, and, if they did, never for longer than a year and a half. She’d thought she’d make more friends as she settled in to White Crest, but she was always feeling that niggling in the back of her head about her promise to her father, and, yeah, there was a small (very small, so small) piece of her that didn’t want to have to fulfill it anytime soon. It made her wary and awkward around people, never knowing what to expect from them. It was time for a change, though. It was time to connect with people.
Morgan stiffened with nervousness. Mina was already here. Morgan searched the tables as the line shifted up and ordered the noodle special. She paid for her food and wandered around until she saw her. Something about the way she almost vibrated in her seat reminded Morgan of her messages. She stopped, smiling hopefully. “Are you Mina…?” She asked. “It’s Morgan. Me. I’m Morgan, hi!” She gave another cursory look around the tables, just in case she had it wrong. There was a weird sound in the bushes, she thought, but perhaps it was her own anxiety manifesting its own soundtrack. It wouldn’t be the weirdest thing to happen to her lately.
Jiggling her foot, Mina’s head whipped up as the other woman walked up to her. She smiled brightly. “Hey! Hi! Hey, Morgan! Yes, I’m Mina. It’s really nice to meet you. In person. Nice to meet you in person.” Okay, stop talking, she told herself. Something rustling in the bushes caused her to pause, just for a second, before she turned her attention back to Morgan. Birds, probably, she thought, though she felt a bit… off. The off feeling wasn’t coming from Morgan, though, and Mina really couldn’t be more grateful. She’d have cried if Morgan had been Fae. She really would have. “Have you had food from the thai truck, yet? I know you’re probably usually on the other side of campus, but they’re actually really good!”
Morgan beamed with relief and took a seat across from Mina. “Oh, good! It would’ve been really awkward if I’d put all that energy out at a random person. Not that I haven’t done it a few times before, but, you know.” She smiled brightly and looked the girl over, trying to get a better sense of her. She seemed even more anxious than Morgan, even more eager. Morgan wondered what she had to be nervous about, if it was her brain working overtime or if something had happened to make her expect something to go wrong. She knew both impulses well, and it made her feel a little endeared to her. “I haven’t, actually. I’m usually at the soup place on the arts quad, but this looks so yummy! Highly recommended by my freshmen, but they eat just about anything, I think, so I’m not sure how much that’s worth.” She sniggered into her noodles and took a bite. “It’s a shame we haven’t run into each other before now. It’s so stuffy in the office space, and it’s just medievalist and modernist bros making themselves feel superior. Well, less so, now that some of them are uh, missing with this eternal night thing.” And less so since she’d threatened one with murder. Morgan hadn’t thought she’d been very convincing, but the novelty factor must have worked in her favor. This, however, didn’t seem like making-friends material. “But what about you! I don’t picture it being very different in the math department, but, you know, it’d be nice if it was.”
“I understand the feeling,” Mina said with a smile. She was constantly putting out too much energy and hoping it went out the right way, and she often ended up screwing up. One time, she’d brought her father someone that she thought was a vampire but clearly wasn’t a vampire, and he’d only barely managed to catch her mistake in time. After that, they’d stuck to having her identify Fae. Speaking off, she was feeling something strange, but… no. She was imagining things. “Oh, I know all about freshmen appetites.” She wrinkled up her nose a bit. “One of the frat boys I tutor said the other day that a friend dared him to eat spray cheese on a marshmallow, which he did, of course, and he liked it. However, the Thai truck is no joke really good! I almost always grab a bite from here unless I pack lunch.” She frowned as Morgan talked about some of her coworkers. “Yeah, the, uh, the math masters program is, I’m sure you can guess, quite small. Quite. Most of my colleagues are… very nice gentlemen at times.” Most of them really weren’t bad, but there were two or three that she really wouldn’t mind just taking home to Dark Score and not drowning them. Not completely, at least. Mina gave Morgan a big smile. “But it’s certainly nice to meet someone outside of the department and outside of tutoring! I’m all about differential equations, but… it’s nice to not think about numbers!” 
Morgan had no problem believing Mina had problems with awkward first impressions. But whatever the cause, there was something kind under it all. Morgan smirked about the frat boy, and her colleagues. It seemed pretty clear there was a whole other word besides ‘gentlemen’ that she wanted to use. She smiled warmly at her as she gathered another scoop of noodles. “That’s fair. Although I do know something about those too. And, much as I can and will talk about books all day, it’s good to just, you know, be normal sometimes.” Or normal-ish. Normal-ish for humans, anyway. “I don’t really have any gal-pals up here. And I’m not really sure the TA bros would even get some of of--” Morgan never finished her thought. With a strangled yelp, her head snapped back, and just before she hit the ground, she saw a strange, wormy-gray looking critter leap on top of her forehead and reach for her neck.
This was nice, Mina thought as she ate a bite of shrimp. Nice company, nice food, a nice day (well, night). She could do this. Really, she could. “Right, you also teach some chemistry classes, yes? That’s really cool! But, I agree, it’s very nice to be normal.” Mina felt something kindred with Morgan, especially when she mentioned not having any gal-pals around. Mina didn’t have any pals at all, really. She agreed, and she would have told Morgan as much as soon as the other woman stopped speaking, except for one (or, rather, several) small problem: leprechauns. Brave ones, too, as one immediately took to Morgan, leaping on her. “No, no, no!” Mina yelped. She looked around the courtyard and, wow, just them and the leprechauns. Lunch must be over for most. There were too far in the back for the food truck guy cleaning up to see them, not in the dark, and-- Leprechauns. Mina needed to focus on the leprechauns. “Hey! Back off!” They wouldn’t bother her, not with her Fae blood, but Morgan was another story. Mina attempted to grab the one that was on Morgan as she told the other woman, “Iron! Need iron!”
Many, many strange things were happening at once. For starters, Morgan was on the ground, staring at a new upside-down world peopled with more strange gray faces, like something out of a scary children’s movie. They were toddling towards her, making strange noises that set her teeth on edge. Then Mina was there, throwing one off her and calling for...iron? Wasn’t that just a supernatural know-how thing? But Morgan didn’t have time to think. She was too busy scrambling onto her knees and looking for something, anything, to transmute. Her catch-all bag was too far and now there was one pulling on her ankle. Morgan screamed and tore out her hair clip and slammed it on her cuff, making--one tiny rod with a pointy end, not even the full length of her hand. Morgan held onto it tight as she was dragged back by too many tiny hands. She hooked one arm around the leg of the picnic table and thrust the other out to Mina. She seemed to know what she was doing. The why part could come later. 
Mina’d already tore a section of the bottom of her sweater off and wrapped it around her hand as she watched the leprechauns bearing down on them Of course, of course, the one time she actually begins to enjoy lunch on campus, and leprechauns decided to come along and ruin it. The one that she threw off of Morgan was looking at her in complete confusion, unable to comprehend that she’d chosen the other woman over a fellow Fae. Mina snatched the rod of iron from Morgan, grateful that the other woman was a magic user as she watched the hair clip transmutate, and it felt hot even through the cloth around her hand, but it was a familiar burn, and she should be somewhat protected. And, then, she went for one of the leprechauns around Morgan’s feet, lashing out with the rod. Many of them panicked at the approaching metal but seemed resolute in hounding their quarry. In their focus, they weren’t quite as fast as normal, and Mina took her chance, grabbing one and shoving the iron rod under its jaw and through its skull. Then she went at another one. To Morgan, she said, “I don’t suppose you can find a way to do that again?”
Morgan scrambled up and onto the table as soon as she was free, pulling her bag up with her. She wasn’t sure what the plan was besides ‘don’t get maimed,’ But seeing the pointy end of her rod go through one of the little gray head made her yelp and spill everything from her catch-all bag. Less rummaging. More doing. “Uhh, sort of?” She found the rod she’d been gifted and held it up like a bat. Only-- right. They were all at her ankles, and the second Morgan jumped down from the table, they were at it again. She swung down hard, batting one away. The sound the iron made sent cringe down her arms. Cold iron really was no joke. “What are these things?” She asked, swatting away another. “What do they want?”
“They’re leprechauns,” Mina said. “And not the kind of the cereal box, unfortunately.” She grabbed one by its abnormally large head and twisted. If Morgan wasn’t around, she’d decapitate the thing with her claws. However, she just snapped its neck, knowing it probably wasn’t dead. “They like stealing things, rare things, expensive things. They’ll kill to get it, too. And they travel in packs. Iron and decapitation are the two ways to dispose of them.” She recited what she’d been taught years ago, and she’d actually put this knowledge into practice. Leprechauns were not what her father considered humanoid Fae, the kind that she should be targeting in White Crest, but they were definitely the kind that she’d gone after with him when she was younger. “They’re also quite heavy so-- oof!” Apparently, Mina was no longer Fae enough to protect as one of the leprechauns threw itself at her. She grunted under the weight and kicked it off. “So watch out!”
“Rare things?” Morgan asked, taking another swing. “But I don’t--” Shit. Morgan hopped back on the table and pulled on Mina to come with her. She took off her necklace (oh earth, and it was some of her best work, too) and dangled it on the end of her rod. “Is this what you want? Seriously?” She tossed it down to the ground and braced herself while the leprechauns inspected the newfound ‘treasure.’ Morgan waited, tense, and reached for Mina’s arm so they could make a break for together if they had to. “Will that make them go away?” She asked in a whisper.
Mina tensed as Morgan grabbed her arm, but she kept her gaze steadily on the leprechauns. Four. Eight. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fourteen of the foul creatures, all surrounding Morgan’s necklace. “I don’t know,” she said lowly. “They usually kill when they get caught.” The clicking sounds they made caused a shiver to run up Mina’s spine. Though they couldn’t speak any sort of human language, she knew that leprechauns weren’t to be underestimated. They were smart, quick, and nimble, and they had a nasty habit of making and using their own tools. Plus, there were so many of them, and though she was impressed with how Morgan had handled herself so far, Mina didn’t know how the other woman would be able to take on fourteen of the bloody creatures. 
The leprechaun critters were plotting, negotiating, maybe even laying claims on who got to eat which toe for their lunch break. Carefully, Morgan stuffed only her essentials into her bag and slipped it over her shoulder. “We should run?” She mouthed to Mina, clumsily pantomiming their great escape with one hand. She eased onto her knees and inched back, balancing the cold iron in her grip all the while. It might have even worked if it hadn’t scraped on the edge of the table. The leprechauns turned their heads her way, their grim, tiny faces unreadable. Well, so much for being sneaky about it. “Yep! We’re running!” She leapt off her perch and sprinted away, leg throbbing with each step.
Though she would have loved to stick around and tear into the rest of the leprechauns, Mina followed jerkily after Morgan. She turned around and bared sharp teeth at the wretched little creatures, hoping that would deter them. If they figured out that Morgan was under her, another Fae’s protection, they might leave her alone. Whatever the case, Mina planned to come back at a later date with one of her father’s swords and slaughter the remaining leprechauns to ensure they didn’t do this to anyone else. She followed after Morgan, and, when she felt they were far enough away, she stopped the other woman. “We’re-- I think we’re good. Are you alright? Did they hurt you at all?”
Morgan slowed, staggering, to a stop. “Uhh...not too badly, I think?” She patted herself down carefully. There were some tender spots on her back from where she’d fallen, and a nasty scrape where she’d been dragged along the ground, but given what else had happened to her lately, Morgan felt like she couldn’t really complain. “At least I don’t need another hospital visit. I can’t stand Nurse Denise judging me again. What about you? Are you--” For the first time since they’d been disrupted, Morgan actually took a good look at Mina. There was something else in her, something firm and stringently capable, something like the iron, which she held with a hand wrapped in fabric. Morgan stared, trying to make sense of the last few minutes. “Mina, are you okay after all that?”
Mina ran a hand through her hair, taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh. “I’m glad you’re alright. They really tried to--” She stopped herself. What they tried to do was kill Morgan. All for a necklace. She really hated leprechauns. “I’m glad you’re alright.” She was concerned about the need for a hospital trip, though she didn’t say anything, it probably showed. Another implied that there had at least been one, in not multiple. “I’m fine,” she said. The leprechauns had barely touched her due to what she was, and the few scrapes and bruises she had would easily be taken care of when she got home. She looked at the iron rod, covered in bits of leprechaun and still in her wrapped hand. She wiped it off on her shirt. “I’m quite used to things like this. I grew up taking care of monsters like them.”
“T-tried to--?” Morgan prompted, eyes wide. She already had a decent idea from all the other times she’d almost-died recently, but there was something so strange about the prospect of getting her head dashed on the pavement over a bit of gold and amethyst. She’d heard by now of a few kinds of fae critters that subsisted on humans or thought nothing of hurting them, but it was different, feeling the ghosts of tiny leprechaun hands on her. Morgan shivered and tucked her rod back into her catch-all bag and took the one she’d transmuted from Mina. She touched it to her wrist to bring back her hair clip and distracted herself by fussing with her hair, wincing only a little in pain at the way it irritated the scrapes on her back. “Right. So, I don’t think there’s any point in pretending we’re normal by human standards,” she said, a little unsteadily. “Me, alchemist. You--? I mean how do you grow up uh…’taking care’ of leprechauns?”
“They don’t usually let people live when they get found out,” Mina said quietly. She felt uncomfortable saying the words out loud, making them real. As long as she had her way, though, those leprechauns wouldn’t be touching another person. She unwrapped her hand and flexed it. Thankfully, the iron handed touched her flesh at all, so while she’d felt a bit of discomfort, she was still fine and human, if in appearance only. She did laugh a bit as Morgan stated that they weren’t normal. “And here I thought all adjuncts had the chemical know-how to transmute a hair clip into an iron rod.” Mina played with the strip of cloth in her hand. “My father, he hunts creatures, creatures that hurt human beings. He raised me to do the same. I try to protect humans from the evils in this world, like those wretched things.” She jutted her chin in the direction that they came. “They would have killed you, Morgan. Without a thought and without a care.”
Morgan nodded. This was all kinds of not good. First leprechauns, and now--a Warden? Morgan lost her grip on her hair and had to start over. The last thing she needed was another complicated not-friendship with a kind of hunter. And yet here Mina was, young and nice and sweet in her own peculiar way. Everything had been fine until a short while ago. But who knew what she would do in front of a fae that was less critter, more person. “I um, I get that,” Morgan said at last. “And I’m grateful that we both made it out okay. Thank you, Mina,” she said. “Really.”
Mina ran a hand through her hair and sighed. From Morgan’s reaction, she had an awful feeling that she’d done or said something wrong. She couldn’t really understand it, couldn’t figure out what she’d said wrong. “Of course. There’s no need to thank me, really,” she murmured. “Just, ah, doing my job.” She gave a soft smile. “Lunch was nice, you know, before the leprechauns showed up. If you’d-- I mean, you don’t have to, obviously. But, if you’d like, we could do it again sometime?” Whether Morgan said no or not, Mina made a vow to herself that she’d watch out for the other woman, especially around campus. If she’d ended up in the hospital multiple times, she was either accident prone or a target for supernatural shenanigans, and Mina wanted to make sure she was okay. She was so kind, after all.
Morgan smiled back at Mina, if only because she didn’t know what to do. She had turned sheepish and anxious again. She knew something was wrong, maybe she knew that Morgan understood exactly what and who she was looking at. Maybe she was starting to guess Morgan knew fae, maybe other supernaturals who could end up on her menu. And she was being so earnest about it, so gentle. Morgan felt for her even as she felt the impulse to bolt cord through her body and she inched away. “Um, maybe sometime, yeah,” she said with a noncommittal shrug. She couldn’t find it in her to be harsh about leaving, no matter how rattled she was inside. “After I have a chance to uh, live all this down. A little. And somewhere probably inside. Maybe without shiny things.”
“Right, of course,” Mina said quietly. It wasn’t a no, but it was close enough. She was resigned to making sure Morgan stayed safe from afar. Whatever she’d done wrong, it was enough that the other woman likely wouldn’t want to see her again. Perhaps it was stabbing the leprechaun the way she had. She should have been less violent with it. Or maybe… Was it possible that Morgan figured out she was Fae from the way she’d had to hold the iron rod? Mina truly hoped not. She just wanted someone, anyone, to see her as human. “Do be safe, please? I think you’re right. Ah, stay inside, stay safe, avoid the maths and engineering quad. I would… it wouldn’t do, like you said, for you to end up in the hospital again.” She pretended to check her phone. “Goodness! I need-- I’ve got to-- Class! Tutoring! I should just-- It was very nice to meet you, Morgan, truly. I really do hope I see you around!” Before the other woman could say another word, Mina darted off. She could study a bit, or, she could go home and prep for the night. She was going hunting.
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peach-mangos · 5 years ago
New Year’s Eve
☾ yoo kihyun/im changkyun ☾ holiday fluff/fluff/humor/meet cute/neighbors au...aka the changki new year’s eve au no one asked for lmao ☾ 2.6k ☾ can also read here
“What do you want?”
“Well good morning sunshine—at least you’re up, kind of surprised I must say” Jooheon chuckles on the other side of the line.
“Yeah well—pretty hard to get any sleep when the whole population on this damn apartment hall is up and about causing a ruckus” Changkyun grumbles, and just as he throws open his apartment door, a group of teenage kids zoom past him blowing party horns and leaving in their wake a trail of party tinsel.
“Kyunnie, it’s New Year’s Eve, lighten up. Of course people are excited and happy, they’re celebrating the end of a long ass exhausting year, new beginnings are always welcomed” Jooheon tells him, and Changkyun can’t help but roll his eyes.
He heads back into his apartment to retrieve a trash bag from his kitchen drawer and makes his way out once again.
“You know, in my opinion—every day is an opportunity for a new beginning—don’t understand why everyone and their damn mother lose their shit over this New Year bullshit”
“You know, you used to love celebrating New Year’s Eve until—”
“Whatever, I’m taking down all these damn decorations” Changkyun says cutting off his friend, “the regulations of our apartment complex doesn’t allow them for safety purposes”
“Dude” Jooheon laughs, “isn’t that a little too much?”
“I’m sorry, was there a reason for this call?” Changkyun asks shoving his cellphone between his ear and shoulder while trying to hold open a trash bag in one hand and ripping off “Happy New Year” decorations off the hallway walls with the other.
“Right, get showered, get dressed—we are going out tonight”
“Like hell we are” Changkyun chuckles bitterly and continues making his way down the hall ripping off decorations with a fiery purpose.
“Listen man, I know it’s been hard for you to celebrate New Year’s ever since Soobin—but damn it, we are doing something this year. We all let it slide last year because it was still pretty fresh, but not this year. You are not gonna sit in that apartment in your old man flannel pajamas and greet the year alone and bitter”
“Are you done?” Changkyun asks making his way towards the elevator.
“Yes” Jooheon concedes harrumphing at his friend.
With that, Chankgyun hangs up on his best friend and tries to close off the gate to the elevator.
“HOLD THE ELEVATOR PLEASE!” someone yells, and usually—well, usually Changkyun isn’t one to be an asshole— but he really isn’t in the mood to share an awkward elevator ride with some random stranger at the moment. So instead of holding the gate open as the unsuspecting stranger had asked, Changkyun rushes to close it.
As his crummy luck would have it though, the trash bag full of holiday decorations he was on his way to get rid of gets stuck between the gate, giving the stranger just enough time to reach the elevator.
“I know you heard me” the guy accuses, narrowing his eyes at Changkyun.
“Oh, sorry , I’m a little hard of hearing” Changkyun lies adjusting his hoodie and begrudgingly making space for the man to get in. He hates the fact that he has to do a double take because —upon closer inspection—his new elevator companion is quite the looker. Dressed to the nines beneath his cream colored winter coat in a silky red button up dress shirt buttoned down all the way to the center of his chest, nice black crispy ironed dress pants accompanied by shiny polished black dress shoes and hair slicked back.
“Are you a little blind as well, you literally saw me rushing towards you”
I wish, Changkyun thinks, a light chuckle escaping his lips. “You know, you’re kind of loud for such a small person” he muses, making the tiny handsome man blush.
“And you’re a little bit of a dick, but that’s none of my business, is it? Could you press the floor button now, please?”
Laughing at how easy it had been to ruffle the guys’ feathers, Changkyun obediently moves over and carries on with pressing the button to the apartment complex’s lobby.
Not even a minute into the elevator ride and the damn metal contraption begins to make a startling noise followed by staggering movements that cause both men to topple forwards in loss of balance.
“The hell was that?” the stranger asks, eyes wide and panicked.
“Think the elevator broke, genius” Changkyun sighs leaning against the metal wall.
“Broke? BROKE?!” Mr. Slicked Back hair wails, “it can’t be broke, I’m going to be late for work? Isn’t there an emergency button or something ?” he asks looking around franticly for the emergency button. He finds it behind a small door next to the button selection also containing a red emergency phone. “Hello, this is Yoo Kihyun from apartment 3B, can someone help us?”
Changkyun chuckles because of course, he’s the new guy that moved into 3B.
“Hey, 3B—phone doesn’t work, genius. Can’t you see it’s not even connected?” Changkyun tells him rolling his eyes.
“Well, do something, don’t just stand there!” 3B wails slamming back the phone into place.
“This happens every other week dude, they’ll get us out eventually” Changkyun shrugs, and the guy, Kihyun visibly deflates.
“How long do you think it’ll take?” he asks defeatedly.
“Could be a couple of hours, to be honest”
Kihyun staggers back into the opposite metal wall and groans, “couple of hours?” he whispers in disbelief. He runs a hand through his hair and gasps, as he looks up he notices an opening and walks over to slap Changkyun on the chest.
“Look, up there, there’s an escape door—you seem stronger I’m not even going to lie, and my shoulders are much narrower than yours—think you could maybe lift me up?” Kihyun asks.
“First of all, ow—your rings, asshole” Changkyun whines rubbing at his chest, “Second, I mean I guess I could, but that thing looks like it’s bolted shut man”
“Doesn’t hurt to try” Kihyun tells him already shrugging off his coat, and Changkyun can’t help but roll his eyes.
“This job so damn important you’re willing to squeeze out of an escape door in an old and faulty elevator?” Changkyun asks groaning as he awkwardly tries to lift Kihyun up. He isn’t that much taller than the guy, he doubts he’ll be able to reach the trap door even with Changkyun lifting him.
As Kihyun struggles to make his hands reach the ceiling, something slips out from around his neck and out of his shirt slapping Changkyun in the face.
“You’re a groupie ?” Changkyun asks, narrowing his eyes at the shiny VIP pass, voice full of judgement.  
Kihyun freezes in his arms.
“Put. Me. Down” he bites out.
Changkyun is quick to do as he’s told and let’s Kihyun slide down and out of his arms.
Once his feet are back on the floor, Kihyun immediately walks away as far away as possible from Changkyun, hiding his VIP pass and crossing his arms across his chest.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to say it like that, I just wondered” Changkyun tells him truthfully.
“Why the hell do you have a trash bag full of  party decorations?” Kihyun asks instead.
“Took them down from our hallway, we aren’t allowed to hang decorations like that. It’s against the regulations of the complex” Changkyun tells him as a matter of fact.
“Why is that any of your concern? Why is it up to you to police the way people enjoy their holiday? God, of course I get stuck in an elevator with the goddamn grinch of the apartment complex. Who hurt you dude?”
“Ex fiancé” Changkyun tells him, a sad smile on his lips, “two years ago, to the day, actually. Cheated on me the night of our engagement party with who I thought was one of my best friends”
“Well fuck” Kihyun groans blowing out an awkward breath and sits down on the little wooden bench lining one of the walls of the elevator. “Fuck, I’m sorry man—“
“It’s alright, it’s whatever now, you know? But yeah, you’re right. Did turn me into a bit of a grinch, which kinda sucks because I used to love celebrating New Year’s with my best friends” Changkyun confesses.
“I never understood the concept of cheating” Kihyun sighs, “if you feel like you no longer have strong feelings for the person you’re with, just tell them and set them free. Don’t hurt them and waste their time. It’s selfish and plain old mean” he tells him.
“Sounds like you have strong opinions on the subject as well then” Changkyun muses.
Kihyun smiles and stands up.
“You said it’d be a couple of hours right? Well then, I guess we’ll just have to have a party of our own. Rediscover your love for the New Year’s celebration. Come on, we’ve got decorations “ Kihyun says coming over to pull out the holiday decorations trash bag from his fingers.
“But the—” and the withering look Kihyun levels him with has Changkyun shutting up immediately and pliantly handing over the bag and it’s contents.
“Come on grumpy, start putting these banners up” Kihyun demands shoving an array of banners onto his arms. He then rummages through the bag and manages to find a pair of party hats. Making a small noise of triumph, he walks over to strap the red one on Changkyun, smiling when it earns him an eye roll.
“You are something else, 3B”
In comfortable companionship, both men decorate the elevator to their best ability with the few decorations they have, Kihyun occasionally humming random tunes.
“So what do you do for a living?” Kihyun asks as he strings tinsel around.
“I’m a comic book illustrator”
“Oh, is that so? Draw something for me then” Kihyun demands, pulling out a pen and paper pad from his bag, and Changkyun has begun to realize Yoo Kihyun from apartment 3B is quite the demanding fella.
“You’re so bossy” Changkyun says with a chuckle, he takes the man’s pen and pad nonetheless and begins to draw. “What about you? What do you do?”
“Well for starters, I’m not a groupie” Kihyun says pointedly. “I’m a singer, well back up singer right now. It’s why I have this pass, I’m supposed to be performing at the ball drop on New Year’s Eve in Times Square” he sighs sadly.
“Sing something for me then, so I can concentrate on your drawing” Changkyun laughs and Kihyun shakes his head furiously.
“No way man, maybe if we get out of this damn elevator you can come watch me perform instead”
Changkyun shoots Kihyun a look and both burst out in laughter.
They carry on talking for hours about the randomest things. From their earliest childhood memories to likes and dislikes to the reasons why they’re both in New York.
“Are we ever gonna get out of here?” Kihyun sighs defeatedly, “not that you aren’t wonderful company, but I’ve already missed the rehearsal. I’m sure it’s nearing ten p. m, god, I’m really going to miss my chance to perform at Times Square” he laments.
“I’m sorry dude—but hey, look we still have time before you have to go on, you said your performance is at 11:30, right? Perhaps by then” Kihyun gives Changkyun a, ‘thanks for trying’ look and smiles.
“You done with that drawing then?” Kihyun asks and Changkyun laughs nodding his head.
“Here, happy New Year’s” Changkyun laughs handing Kihyun his illustration of him frantically yelling for help earlier in the elevator clutching onto the emergency phone for dear life.
“You are insufferable, I hope you know” Kihyun laughs taking the drawing from his hands. “But you’re actually pretty good, this is so intricate, how do you do that?” he says voice full of awe.
Changkyun just shrugs rubbing the back of his neck bashfully.
“We’re supposed to be having a party” Kihyun comments, then stands up and begins to narrate his movements.
“The handsome young singer scanned the room, when suddenly, his eyes made contact with another handsome young man”
Changkyun tolled his eyes but stood up.
“They stared at each other for a moment, tentatively smiling at one another” at this point Kihyun shoots Changkyun a shu smile and he can’t help but birst out into a fit of laughter.
“Tentatively!” Kihyun exclaims laughing as well.
“Okay, okay—how about now?” Changkyun asks trying his best at a tentative smile.
“Eh, guess it’ll do” Kihyun teases. “We finally cross the room, just as everyone starts to count down…” Kihyun comes closer to Changkyun, smiling and begins to count. “Ten, nine, eight, seven” Kihyun’s words are barely above a whisper now, and Changkyun feels likes his face is on fire. He doesn’t know what to do with himself or where to look, so he settles for Kihyun’s eyes, which—kind of a mistake. A feeling of being able to lose himself in that pair of warm brown eyes settles over him and he really thinks, fuck it, it’s the New Year. If he were to kiss this man right here, it would be a perfect end to the year. “Six, five, four, three, two—”
Just as Kihyun is about to close the distance between them, the elevator shakes once again throwing both men backwards as it descends properly once again.
Both men clear their throats once the doors to the elevator open, and a group of tenants cheer.
“See, told you I’d get it fixed—and it only took what, leight hours” their landlord cheers, and several tenants erupt in a chorus of annoyed ‘shut ups’ and ‘took you long enoughs’.
“Oh my god, I can still make it, if I hurry”
“Then you should probably head out” Changkyun tells Kihyun clearing his throat.
“I uh—yeah, I’ll see you around. Happy New Year” Kihyun tells him as he rushes out the hallway.
“Yeah. See you around” Changkyun sighs making his way back to the elevator. “Hold that for me will you Mrs. Jensen”
And as Changkyun makes his way back into that damned elevator he notices a rubber pink balance bracelet on the ground.
He picks it up and rushes out of the elevator once more irritating a few dozen of his neighbors in the process and runs out hoping he can make it to Kihyun in time.
Turns out, he does make it to Times Square in time, he barely catches Kihyun on his way up the stage.
“HEY! 3B!” he exclaims.
Startled, Kihyun turns around, eyes wide and mouth hanging open in a silent gasp.
“You’re—what? What are you doing here?” Kihyun asks.
“I uh—well I found this, figured it might be yours. I don’t know” Changkyun laughs.
“How did you even get back here?”
“Security is actually so bad? They think I’m the band’s drummer” Changkyun laughs.
“You came all the way out here—in your pajamas, I might add—to hand me my bracelet?”
“It says it’s for balance, didn’t want you out there performing without it. And who knows, maybe it’s good luck. What do I know?” Changkyun mumbles, now blushing slightly.
“Thank you, that’s really sweet of you” Kihyun laughs taking the bracelet from Changkyun’s hands.
And he’s not sure what gives him the courage to do what he does next, but “ you also forgot this in the elevator,” he says. In one swift movement, he leans up to press a kiss to Kihyun’s lips, pulling him in by his dress pants belt loops. It takes Kihyun about 0.01 seconds to respond, clutching fiercely only the fabric of Changkyun’s hoodie.
“I’m—yeah okay, thanks for that” Kihyun says in a bit of a daze once he’s pulled away, “I’m glad you remembered that” he says clearing his throat.
Changkyun shoots him a million wat smile and presses a light peck to his lips once more.
“Go knock them dead, tonight, I’m your groupie” Changkyun jokes.
“Go!” Kihyun says laughing heartily and Changkyun supposes that maybe new beginnings really are welcomed.
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