#/nm lol im not like FOLLOW ME
unluckyamulet · 2 years
the last 28 followers ive had are all s*x bots and that hurts my feelings a lil
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regnniar · 1 year
guys guys im fucking back to ao3 since ragbros and god, i never known that just filtering some tags out and strictly include “Gen” for searching genshin fics would give me so much happiness. like at this point i can just sit in my own world for a while and pull these fanfics out and enjoy it 😭🙏❤️‍🔥
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lynxiepancakes · 4 months
unpopular opinion on rick grimes
i recently discovered about andrew lincoln size (spoiler: it's not huge /lh, nm) and I think that a scene in twd or towl that fully showed him off would have had a great impact on the perceived masculinity of rick (which is strangely toxic across the fandom??) and his _actual_ masculinity.
Like. Especially between cis men/boys, rick is loved because of his "corruption arc", where he showed the least emotions to get shit done - people still forget that it was always to keep his children safe but ok, because they WANT to perceive his as charismatic ( he is) latin lover (he so isn't) man that could follow other examples of toxic male leads representing mainstream masculinity.
Now, especially after TOWL, we know it's not like this at all: he was completely faithful to michonne during the entire eight years of not seeing her - even though he had no confirmation he would have ever seen her again, he's a WHIPPED man like literally the definition of simp (/pos) who worships the ground michonne walks on, respects her and effectively communicates with her, one way or the other.
We have seen thanks to the sex scenes too that he aint no beast in bed: he's the type to literally have a panic attack through it, slowly go at it, even let her lead the first time.
I think that showing off andrew lincoln's size (+ bonus him eating her 0ut would have been nice to see ngl) would have helped destigmatized one of the biggest stereotypes men - and women are guilty of this too! especially those who write fanfictions/books - continue to reinforce: that you can only be a true Man if you have a big c0ck and ram it inside someone without a care in the world that isn't related to your own pleasure.
Rick Grimes is a good role model as a character, someone guys should and do aspire to be, but they willingly continue to choose his few flaws to follow rather than his entire character built meticolously because fuck media interpretation and literacy right? /s
anyways just my two cents im sure someone did a way better job than me at explaining this lol
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sheinsidemymindvro · 1 month
Are you a system orr??/nm—A/R
hey hi, I don't have a mental disorder such as those, I am in fact a victim of a psychic attack. Psychics and people with esp are real. its not some conspiracy theory. I wasn't aware this shit existed until I followed elusin on ig. She has been abusing me for a year now with her friends, and well I cant make this shit up, she wants to steal and copy my music cause she thinks I'm swag, and turns out she's a total loser lol. here to spread the news I learnt and expose her. they let me know information because they thought I wouldn't talk about it but I don't care - such as their identities, this shit fucked me up I wouldn't believe it either. I thought I had witches fucking with me or something but no its just a group of retarded psychics. they are born this way and I guess psychics have always been around. They can go into your mind by simply imagining your face, that's it. its intuitive to them. they told me they have been doing psychic attacks since they were in elementary. this has made them into narcissistic psychos who think they are gods, but actually just idiots. they telepathically communicate. sounds like your own voice in your head if they wanna mimic you, or it could be any voice that you have memorised such as a recent person you just heard speak. from my understanding they can mildly control electric currents hence being able to make my muscles twitch and contract. Elusin out of all people is obsessed with making me constipated because after a full year of fucking with me, she has nothing else she can do to me. She can contract my inner muscles to block my intestines. Im ok tho just gotta wait a little longer. she legit lives to watch me shit, she's actually a weird bitch.
she is pathetic and just focuses on watching me, I'm a producer and new artist yet to make my first song (in the process) and she has to stay awake at every moment I am because she needs to witness how I make music, idk why my music is so special to her but she wants to steal it, its funny the idiot let me know she wants to steal my art and I'm like ok so what if I post demo's of my song, now what? its out there with dates and prof that its mine. I have stayed up for 36 hours and she stayed up too because she is that obsessed with watching my creative process. its weird.
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kerplankk · 6 months
Genuine question is there a reason behind the noco shippers dni like is noco problematic or is it just a personal comfort thing? I like ur gwody stuff a lot but I do also like noco so I gotta unfollow now sorru for interacting but I just wanna know im not shipping something harmful
I have so much hate in my heart for noco fans... To answer honestly though, it's a half-joke. In a vacuum, the ship itself isn't problematic. I do, however, have some beef with most noco fans. In my opinion, a lot of noco content comes of as very fetlshy and has a strange fujoshi feel to it. (Obviously not saying all noco fans are fujos.) Along with that, I find a lot of noco fanart & noco fan's interpretations of Noah and Cody (mainly Cody tbh) to be completely out of character, often dismissing Cody's pervy, loud-mouthed, and loyal personality in favor of a shy and angsty one.
In my experience, many noco fans often go out of their way to bash other ships for their own. I actually had a real-life interaction last summer with this. I was selling my art at an event and someone came up to me, saw my gwody art, and began talking about how they didn't like gwody and that noco was so much better... when I didn't ask. Some of them also spread misinformation to try to validate their ship, like the "cody and noah were supposed to be together but cartoon network censored them" myth is still going around despite it being debunked by a tdi crew member.
I genuinely don't care if noco fans follow my account. It's really just there as a deterrent, and I have no personal beef against noco fans or the ship itself, it's just that sometimes noco shippers give me very strange vibes. I draw mainly for myself so I don't really care if my potential following suffers because someone might think my bio is genuine. If you're a noco fan and want to follow me please feel free, just be aware that I don't really enjoy the ship and won't ever draw art for it. /nm
Thank you for the ask! I figured it was only a matter of time before somebody pointed it out lol.
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novelcain · 1 year
Thank you!!
Hmm, let me think of a nickname for you...
Skittle.. skit? Kit?
No oh my god im so sorry I would never, I apologize Great Overlord Skittles😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 forgive me😭😭
.... Skedaddle.
jk jk that's just the first thing that came to mind 😂
lmao dw Cami dear for I am a merciful leader therefore you are forgiven~ 😌
But honestly i feel like Skittle is already a nickname for me since that's not my real name (clearly 🤣) tho if you guys wanna give me nicknames I'm fine with that. :) Tho maybe not Kitty since I have an ex named Kat that REALLY fucked me up lol 😅 /nm
Also I've noticed this for a little while but a lot of my followers tend to call me Skittles and I can totally see where you guys might think that but it's actually just Skittle since my user is skittlescripts (like skittle makes scripts) :) /nm sorry I would have said smn before but i hate correcting people online cause i feel like i'm being mean or condescending even though i'm not trying to be 😭😭
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plasteredcastiel · 10 months
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Hello! Welcome to my blog!
( minors are welcome but since I'm an adult I ask that you do not try to DM me, i will not follow you back /nm )
Oh also I block blogs with no pfp and bio, I always at least add something in the bio if I don't have my blog completed yet and don't have the energy :)
My username is a WIP, I'm very much not happy with it lol
The name I'm going by on here is Gabriel, I'm also going by his face. If we get close I’ll probably share this information but I have a bunch of accounts and don't like any of my audiences overlapping.
Im 20, Agender, Queer, Disabled, and Mentally ill.
If you arent comfortable using my pronouns, just call me by name. I will block if other pronouns are used, I'm here to enjoy myself authentically.
My main ships are Sabriel, Destiel, Crowstiel, Denny, and Drowly I think. There is one with Charlie but I can't remember who right now :)
My favorite characters are Jack, Crowley, Gabriel, Castiel, Sam, Dean, Bobby, Charlie and Rowena. I like pretty much all of them equally honestly
Might write fanfics, make edits, and just generally shit post as I hop around the series to rewatch. I am so excited to start this account hehe
If this post comes off with a weird tone, please know I'm autistic, the tone is positive but Grammarly is telling me I'm being mean lol
Enjoy my account!! Feel free to message and send asks :))
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
tagged by @trensu! this is literally zero fandom content so I'm putting it under a cut
Nickname: I picked this username because my laundry basket and a packet of biscuits were in my eyeline when I created the account. I am a Professional Creative.
Height: short lmao
Last thing I googled: vegetarian mentaiko
Song stuck in head: look…I wish it were some cool indie thing but if I am being one hundred percent honest, it is the theme song from a Japanese supermarket I went to last week. since then, I have woken up every morning thinking maybe today I will be free, and every morning I am wrong.
# of followers: a little over 700 but I'm pretty bad at cleaning out bots so who knows, I may mostly be talking to myself out here.
Amount of sleep: I am so so protective of my 8 hours. I can get by on less, but my willingness to do so wanes with every passing year.
Dream job: I don't believe in dream jobs as a concept! IME in the arts/culture sector, ostensibly desirable industries tend to attract wild egos and self-perpetuating systemic access inequities. I've also worked extensively in/with academia, and suffice to say that academia as an aesthetic is freaking hilarious to me. try making a moodboard about a perpetually broken in-house CMS and a byzantine procurement system.
Wearing: the most comfortable clothes I own i.e. an oversized t-shirt from a live orchestral performance of Undertale music I went to in Chicago a few years back, and dhoti salwar I picked up in Hyderabad for a friend's wedding.
Movie/book that summarizes me: I dunno about 'summarizes' but when I watched EEAAO I was like…jfc I knew this would be my shit but I did not know it would be, like, My Shit.
Fave song: I like a lot of music and my faves shift around depending on my mood! but if I absolutely had to pick an all-timer...Frank Ocean's Sweet Life, maybe? channel ORANGE was a game-changer for me.
Aesthetic: generally I dress like a bizarre mix of "beleaguered sea witch" and "teenage DM in 1996." (I was not a teenager in 1996, I've just never dressed in an appropriately contemporary way)
Fave authors: Pterry has been my go-to comfort read for 20 years; I'll also read literally anything by Ocean Vuong, Carmen Maria Machado, Anthony Oliveira, and Zen Cho. Some slightly less contemporary authors whose prose was very formative for me: James Baldwin, Octavia Butler, Witi Ihimaera, Vladimir Nabokov. I could keep going tbh, I read a lot and my last two apartments were less than a block away from their respective local libraries. (not my current apartment tho, which I am being a giant spoiled baby about.)
Random fact: it's actually really tough to pick something fun that doesn't immediately doxx me lol. how about this—I once spent 6 weeks on an archaeological dig in Roswell, NM.
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i23kazu · 1 year
i’m so sorry but you talking about your follower count kinda off putting? it just kinda feels a lot like you’re bragging about having a big following and ik if i don’t like i should just unfollow but i like your writings but this just kinda irks me… sorry
/nm /gen
hmm im js excited to reach 2k lol its a big milestone and im hella excited to reach it :-) i’ll stop soon haha but if you want i’ll put a tag for this and you can block the tag if you dont wish to see it
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Alrighty Brick hit me.
Especially School floor board au and Crashed au. Size shifter Ranboo has me intrigued and I want to know everything!!!!!!!! Gimme world building and shenanigans!!!!
ranboo's home is under a floorboard in one of the corners of the school library. it's usually pretty hidden, especially when the lights are off. any decoration inside is either things he's shrunk to fit, or stuff he's found around the school that he deemed useful (like pins & other usual borrower shit)
clingy are having a sleepover at the school cause tbf everyone wants to do that and they're brave enough to actually follow through with it,,,, luckily for them, the library does not have security cameras (idk why stfu /lh /j) so they get in through one of the windows in the school. once they do discover ranboo and his abilities, and become friends oddly quickly, they use him to their advantage and make him travel to the security panel (or whatever it's called, i don't know school stuff,, i've been online for like 3 years :'D) to shut all the cams off so they can leave the library
ranboo has the ability to sizeshift other things such as people or objects, but it takes significantly more energy to do as opposed to when he does it to himself. it took like 3 days to convert all the things in his home lol
ranboo has befriended every animal known to man. he's found and adopted a stray dog, a stray cat, and the school mice sdsjfjdnf
he's pretty good at hiding the fact that he literally lives at the school.
behold, ranboo's strategy:
teacher: how did you come from the library? the front door is the other way, and school's been in for only a few minutes,"
ranboo, sweating profusely: look over there! *shifts to avoid this conversation for the millionth time
okay i know i gave this headcannon to borrowing your heart au but this is where it originally came from,,,, the next morning, instead of waking up where he usually does, in his bed, he awakes to find a hand securely wrapped around him while he seems to be surrounded by cloth. it is tubbo who's keeping him trapped :) he then is forced to 'take a day off' dssdhdnf
mmm imagine them going out to a forest or smth to test how big ranboo can get so that the duo can get a feel for what it's like to be tiny,,,,, idk that's a stupid thought but WAJGHSDNF maybe it should happen 👉👈
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absolsminispace · 2 years
HALLO !!!!
dis is the intro and BYF btw
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hallo! call me absol or debian! i use she/they/it/neos! i have autism and i'm also near-sighted lol. im an age, pet, and poké regressor (i mean, did you even read my other posts lol /nm). this acc will be abt my regression n stuff like that. my old regression acc was buizelfur. i also call sfw little space 'mini space' to not associate with N$FW ppl. also most of my posts will be me reblogging stuff i like. ok now onto the byf
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before you follow just know i don't support the following.
N$FW little space
ppl who are against piracy
just know, before you interact, i have a block button and i WILL use it.
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byeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!
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doodlebloo · 3 years
Am I spouting bullshit or is the constant and relentless joking about killing Michael_B and how funny that would be from other ccs not just another way to make fun of fans who actually like lore and would like to see the characters' stories get completed, whether intentional or not?
Because the main argument I see is always like "he is a MINECRAFT MOB" so it feels like. Weird and ESPECIALLY weird from people who have their OWN lore because it's like. Ok so YOUR lore is cool and people should watch it but if people care about RANBOO or TUBBO'S storylines not getting unexpectedly ruined/derailed just so you can have Funny and Unexpected content on your stream it's "just Minecraft" and they "care too much" ? Do you want us to care about lore or should we start ignoring everyone's lore including yours like 💀
#/neg#discourse#this is abt a ton of people take ur pick who u think im vaguing#im so sick of this joke. i dont five a shit anymore tell me im a stupid little whiny sensitive baby for like#following Tubbos roleplay character for literal years and knowing ill get to see him roleplay again because of this mob and. not wanting#that lore stream to get fucked up bc someone thought itd be funny to mess it up . ?#in any other context that would be SO fucking BM like they set something up for lore then left can you imagine if the DSMP#was like a real show and they set up the stage or lore then left and other members broke into the set just to fuck with and almost destroy#props??? because again call me dramatic but thats kind of whats happening here. like they need Michael_B to tell their story.#its just so WEIRD to me like why is it SO funny to them to pretend to derail other members' plotlines. Why is that funny? its just mean#because they put like time and effort into making their character.#and also the entire punchline of the joke is either ''haha we ruined the lore'' or ''haha we made lots of people upset arent they lame for#being upset over this'' or both of those but ''haha you THOUGHT we were going to ruin our friend's lore! lol''#like o.....kay ? ive heard every single one of them be 3x funnier than this so idk why they fall back on it#anyway hi new followers i think the Killing Michael_B bit is the most painfully unfunny thing to happen in over a year#so if you disagree feel free to unfollow and curate your experience /nm! <3#doodle.txt#* meant to say literal months earlier not literal years im sorry its 3 am as i type this
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yellowhearther0 · 3 years
i miss my little ranboo voltz wars rp blog
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sodrippy · 5 years
everyone who's being wack about michael and maria just say ur max kin and go
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sy-on-boy · 2 years
Hiii my DamiAnya Twitch Streamer AU is here :DD
Anya is nineteen and a Twitch streamer. Damian “Not a Simp” Desmond is her top donor who never speaks in chat. (Modern / College / Twitch streamer AU, Crack, Fluff)
Some snippets below! >0<
Anya wasn’t even looking at chat because she was too stunned by Griffin actually sending her a message. “Oh hey, you spoke!” She sounded genuinely delighted. “I’m surprised but I’m really happy.”
“To new followers: griffin basically got anya most of her gear. p sure he sponsored her first professional mic and facecam”
“griffin is a LEGEND in the starlight community” 
“is griffin anya’s little pogchamp”
“Moderator here: I can confirm Griffin has never spoken but is a loyal supporter on Twitch and Patreon. Anya speaks highly of Griffin in discord” 
“wasn’t griffin the guy who sent her a jumbo pack of peanuts for xmas? she was super pumped abt that” 
“this is what rich people do on twitch. send money to our meme queen.”
“hey starlighttwt moots is it just me or is griffin not here :/”
“umm that’s a real ass person, he can choose not to watch or he has some stuff to do /nm /gen”
“yeah but ive watched starlightanya for two years and he’s always there lol”
“rich guy doesnt know what to do with his time and money so he dedicates it all to our meme queen anya. lowkey simp behaviour lmao”
“OMG dont get me started on this bestie. like ik becks will kill me in the discord but my friends and i are lowkey shipping stargriffin HELP”
“PLEAAASE the way he shoves her money whenever she asks and how much she smiles when she recognizes his name… im going to hell for this naurrr”
Damian tossed his phone on his bed and it landed with a soft “thump”. His face resembled a roasted tomato and he almost started screaming in real life. WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY FEEDING THOSE TWITTER USERS?? He screeched in his brain. Shipping me with StarlightAnya… this is just crazy…
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hay, this is more me looking for advice, but how do i stop lying to my followers about being proship? there was one point where i drew fontcest (undretale), and i got an anti who harassed me in ask, and sent me a graphic description of their brother killing their hamster. ever since i've been very weary of saying anything, or confirming i ship something cuz i don't want to read something like that again. that, and in general, i don't ship things too hard/go all in with it, at least 1/?
2/? i don't think i do. granted, i draw a bunch of art and post it, but for me that's just general hyperfixation. i'm also ace, and while yes, most ships are romantic or sexual, mine tend to be platonic, or suggestive. and are not as clear cut as to if i ship the characters or not, because even for me, it's up in the air, and i don't know, i'm not good with knowing how i feel about things, i just express myself through art and hope it says all it needs to. i've come up with a sorta tagging
3/4 tagging system, with tags for platonic ships, joke ships, etc, but even then sometimes how i view the relationship changes. like right now, i'm drawing a child and adult character together, most of the time the dynamic i portray is paternal, but other times i want to make it romantic, either as a cope for my own truama, or just because it's been my brain rot for weeks and i want it out of my head to get back to the "clean stuff" and just not post for a while. idk, maybe this is
4/? is all overly complicated, and i've made a mess for myself, but i feel like at this point i've tricked ppl into following or liking my work. because ppl do like my work, and then they send ask like "your art's now tainted for me", but i've been this way since 2016, i've just been scared of getting disturbing irl hamster gore stories again. or i've been told "fuck you for normalizing this", "don't hc this character as a murder pedo", "this feels like grooming", "you know your audience"
5/5 like i don't, idk how old anyone is who follows me, idk if there's children looking at my content. and i can't just make a poll, or check the thousands of followers i have to see if they have their age in their bio, i can't fucking ask for an id before following, i just. idk, this was very long and ranty, i'm sorry, i just don't want to remake my blog again, maybe i'm just dumb and anxious, i don't know. srry this was long, hope you're doin ok (^.^)v
Hello, I delayed answering this for a while since, well, i'm definitely not usually the person people go to for advice so im not used to it lol ❤ /nm
Buuut i mean... I can see why youre upset. I dont think you should have to come out and say you're proship. Being an anti shouldn't be seen as the default. You should also be able to make whatever kind of content you want as long as you tag it properly. If your fanbase is making you feel like you can't, then that fanbase isn't your demographic.
There are actually a lot of decent people out here who are pro ship, and if you choose to be openly pro ship, yes you will get some hate mail, death threats, suibait etc and lose followers, but you will also gain a lot of fans who want to see your interesting takes on different interpersonal dynamics. (Also, the former group weren't really your fans in the first place if they'll be so godawful to you over some pixels on a screen)
And yes it is impossible to police thousands of followers and that quite literally is not supposed to be up to you. Minors on the internet are supposed to be monitored by their guardians. If you put a disclaimer/tag for your content and some dumbass clicks it anyway and doesn't like what they see, that's their fault not yours.
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I've also noticed that the majority of people who are pro ship are prone to actually filtering content they don't like, while antis seem entitled and want the creator to do it for them. Its just a better fanbase experience all around in my experience.
As someone who helps run multiple pro ship accs, i understand the visibility can be scary. But I promise at the end of the day you'll feel a lot better for it. Hope this is at least semi-helpful/reassuring idk ❤
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