#/i hold. one solly.
cheemscakecat · 7 months
Fun/Interesting details in Expiration Date
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Heavy knows that Pauling is calling them, and lets Scout be the one to answer. Also, road safety because he’s not distracted driving.
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Medic is so hyped about tumor bread.
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Hoovy smelling the sandwich and deciding it’s safe to eat [or that it doesn’t matter at this point].
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Pyro standing like that. He don’t know what’s going on, but he’ll still be polite. Also, Sniper just chillin in the back with a poker face the whole time.
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Medic smiles at Soldier as they walk past. Engineer’s got that Conhager death-cheating focus at the moment.
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Spy’s eyes widen angrily when he realizes it’s Scout at the door and then he smirks like; “Oh hi! Twelve hours was enough time for you to get bored of my absence, then?”, not expecting a sincere apology [maybe one orchestrated by the other teammates, but not Scout].
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There was some vitriol behind that “***”, look at his nose. He does not want Scout to gloat, try to prank him again, or give a fake apology. And that’s valid, since the team dying is something Scout should have taken seriously, and the last wishes handled with respect. He crossed a line that Spy doesn’t take lightly.
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Dad, I threwed up. But in all seriousness, that’s the “My family is dysfunctional, and I don’t know how to be emotionally honest with people” posture.
See my bucket scene analysis for more on these two.
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He didn’t say “You’re terrible with girls” in a snide or smug tone, he said it with like actual parental concern. “Scout, no you have three days! Do you want to die rejected or die before you can enjoy being together? No. Don’t do this to yourself.”
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Look at that cup, he did not need a refill. This fake smirk and disinterest is Spy’s way of checking how serious Scout is about this last wish and taking his advice. And when he goes “This never leaves this room” Spy perks up.
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Medic was taking a sample of bread tumor puss [or injecting it with something].
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They have a whole entire wrestling ring, how did I never notice that?
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This is one of those multiple choice questions where you can choose more than one answer and have it be right. But the chicken in combination with the other options looses you points, and just taking the chicken is like the token wrong answer.
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Spy sighs when he realizes Scout chose just the chicken. Like chile, I gave you multiple options and you still went with your go-to that doesn’t work!
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This room has a gym floor, which implies Spy took a bunch of fancy stuff from one of his rooms just for this date training. Also shoutout to the other teammates for helping with this.
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Okay, so most of these decorations came from Pyro, who Scout is terrified of. Archimedes came from Medic, who Scout also doesn’t want to make angry, and the grass cutouts are potentially part of the base camouflage. But that disco ball? That belongs to Scout, he just doesn't want anyone to know he’s real into that. [The team would not judge, but his brothers would, so.]
Man when he gets his heart broken, I hope he finds the right girl for him. He deserves better than Pauling always making excuses to turn him down instead of telling him like it is.
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Foreshadowing Solly being romantical towards Zhanna. Look at this content man.
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Spy holding his knife like this. There’s no reason for it to be a threat, so he’s just genuinely in the habit of doing this while listening. Or while nervous, which also makes sense.
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help-the-horse · 1 year
TF2 Backstab Models and What They Mean for the Mercs
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In my travels in the TF2 meta, I've noticed that when using an Australium or ice themed weapon, such as the Spy-cicle, each Merc has a few different models for their "frozen backstab" pose. I thought this was interesting and decided to take it upon myself to document the different models and extrapolate what that might mean for each merc as a character. Keep in mind the "canon" of TF2 and the characterization of the mercs is very much up to interpretation but I think this can give us some insight at least into what Valve thinks of each character and how they react to injury, particularly the backstab.
Let's get into it.
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Scout with his quicker speed assumedly has a faster reaction time compared to a lot of the other mercs, so it tracks that in many of his poses he is almost completely turned around/facing back. I don't think he necessarily expects to be back stabbed but his fast reflexes makes it so that he is one of the mercs who is closer to actually catching the Spy before the stab. Clearly he isn't always fast enough if he gets stabbed though. On a side note I personally find his poses to be some of the most unnerving ones.
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Clearly Soldier's slow speed catches up with him when it comes to backstabs. Being one of the slower classes in the game, and one of the more burly/stocky characters, it makes sense that he would have trouble catching a Spy before a stab. In a few poses you can see that he reaches behind himself, but you never see him trying to turn his torso or head around to catch his attacker. It's also interesting to note how he reaches to his lower back, either because of how he holds his rocket launcher on his shoulder, or because of his lack of physical flexibility,
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Pyro's poses are all rather similar, so I don't find that I have much to say about them. Given what little we do know of Pyro, it's reasonable to assume that they probably don't notice Spy's through their pyro-vision very well, so it would make sense that they wouldn't be prepared for a backstab. They also don't need a particularly fast reaction time for their weapon/attack style so they don't show the same reflexes as Scout or Demo. Pyro just be silly with their pose.
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Demo is very dramatic to say the least. I find it very interesting how he seems to be very close to actually grabbing the knife/Spy relative to some of the other mercs like Solly, Medic, or Pyro. This supports my personal theory that Demo plays up his drunkenness on the battle field/in general. He clearly has a good degree of flexibility as well looking at the curve of his spine, and a reasonable amount of balance shown by his repeated "one toe on the ground" style stance.
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Unfortunately I wasn't able to get many screencaps of Heavy, but all his poses are essentially this with little variance. He is probably one of the least flexible out of all the mercs, which makes sense given his body type and how built up his shoulder/back muscles must be from carrying a 300 lbs gun around all the time every day. You can see that he probably doesn't expect a backstab and has a slower reaction time than others, which is in line with his in game movement speed.
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This man really just always be on his knees. I would assume that this is due to the fact that most of the time you would see an Engie crouching behind a sentry or dispenser, in game and in the character sense. It also reinforces Valve's mocking of his VERY NORMAL AND AVERAGE height. I also like to think Spy kicks his knees out from behind as he stabs. The models also tend to have effed up hands for Engie for some reason which I find very funny. Arguably his right hand tends to be the more messed up one, which is also his mechanical hand/Gunslinger. Food for thought, perhaps a mechanical malfunction/short when he dies?
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Medic's poses are all very similar as well unfortunately. What stands out to me the most is how INCREDIBLY TALL Medic is compared to all the other mercs. You can see that he also doesn't work to turn around or even reach behind him to any large degree, which I think shows how unexpected a backstab is for Medic. He's usually busy chasing some screaming Scout or hiding behind a corner to pocket a Heavy so it would make sense he wouldn't expect a backstab as he usually has some power class with him to protect him. We stand with our Medic's though, no hate only love. Stay strong Medic army.
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Sniper is the most interesting to examine for me, as he and Spy tend to have a rivalry in every sense, from the Spy v. Sniper update/event released by Valve way back when, to in game play, to in the comics/canon media we have of the mercs. It's clear he is the most prepared for a back stab most of the time, and arguably the closest to actually stopping Spy. I think he generally has an average reaction time if the in game movement speed is anything to go off of, but the fact he is so close to stopping the attack just shows how used to the backstab he is. He also has a higher degree of flexibility on par with Scout and Demo.
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And finally, we come to the man of the hour. The tl;dr is he's a drama queen who's holier than thou attitude and cockiness causes him to not expect or prepare for another Spy's backstab, which ends up being his ultimate downfall. The long version of it is that he is a drama queen who's holier than thou attitude and cockiness causes him to not expect or prepare for another Spy's backstab, which makes him a little bitch boy who's pride gets hurt more than the actual pain of the stab. All of his poses are pretty similar, showing he has a good amount of flexibility but a piss poor reaction speed if he's able to get beat at his own game.
ANYWAY, if you've made it this far in the post thank you very much for reading it all and indulging my TF2 brain rot. I have no idea if any of this deeper reading was intended by the devs or Valve, but I think it's interesting to explore what little we get in regards to any hints about the mercs as characters and what they might be like on and off the battle field in a story sense. Would love to have more discussion in the comments and if anyone has any other niche requests for me to overanalyze TF2 game play/lore please let me know and I'm sure I will find more than expected to talk about.
Stay strong TF2 fans.
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prettyboypistol · 2 months
Yo, cis guy here, I've always felt a lot of shame about being super gay for the tf2 men, because it made me feel like less of a man. You reckon I could possibly get a scout or engie x reader when theyre calling the reader handsome, pretty boy, big man, and lots of masculine petnames? Smut or fluff or ignoring this is fine
I really like your work dude 😁
fellow cis guy here- I totally get it man. i'm glad that other guys like me enjoy my work. I also struggled with my attraction to men and fictional men were (and still are) my escape from homophobia and biphobia. Stay safe, you're valid.
TF2 Mercs With a Masculine!Male Reader
He loves squeezing your muscles and feeling your abs, totally not thinking of you as a goal for himself!
Nicknames include: Big man, big boy, sweet cheeks, hot shot/stuff, bossman, stud, etc.
likes the feeling of your facial hair when you kiss him- it tickle/scratches him in the best way!
Thinks of you as the best man in the unit of RED! You're an exemplary man with gusto and power to spare! Solly fell for you when he caught you on a morning run "to keep yourself fit". That dedication got his heart skipping!
Nicknames include: Soldier, pride, the unit's pride and joy, big man
arm. wrestling. as. flirting., sparring. as. flirting. honestly anything that gets him up close and personal to you
Hold onto you like a damsel in distress and loves how protective you are over them. As much as Pyro would and has protected you from enemy Spies, they like depending on someone who can hold their own.
nicknames include: My fire, firefly, my fireman, big boy, handsome
They love how you treat them like "just another one of the boys" rather than "the creature"- it really hurts their feelings when they're excluded due to how they cope with life.
God he couldn't have asked for a better assistant. You grab heaps of metal for him, toolboxes, and sentries you can pick up with both hands and carry over to him!
Nicknames include: Hoss, handsome, big man, sir, boss
loves watching you work out while he works on his bench (sometimes even being your bench weight)
He treats you like how he'd treat any partner of his, no changes. Demo's kind, loving, tender, but would let you fend for yourself to not baby you.
Nicknames include: dear, darlin', lovely, loverboy, handsome, best-shag-of-my-life
loves cuddling up to you and just burying his face in your muscles- but when he's not sleepy he is constantly hooting and hollering about how awesome his boyfriend is.
a lot more friendly about his romance, treating you more like a best friend than a romantic partner in public mainly due to his anxiety about "being caught"
nicknames include(mostly in russian): lover, love, handsome man, hero, heart
he loves kissing your strong hands and sliding his hands over your muscles, it assures him that you're strong enough to take care of yourself, and that eases his worries.
god this is a useless gay man. he sees you crush a bonk can and his heart skips a beat. you take off your shirt and he's speechless. you make him unprofessional and it ruins him internally.
nicknames include: Hotstuff, love, mate, darling, chickadee, big bugger, bear
he likes asking you to carry his stuff, complaining about his aching arms (totally not to watch you carry his things!!!)
ooooh god this man is a HOMOSEXUAL for you. on GOD.
nicknames include: honeybear, my love, my heart, my magnum opus, big man, beast
can, has, and will continue to flirt with you on the battlefield, no matter who sees him do it. If anyone gives you shit for being gay, he's instantly at your side and ready to beat them down with you
i mean... if you have a degradation kink go ahead i guess? he treats you like a bodyguard in public and is cold and callous in other's eyes. they think he hates you. In private however he is all over you. kissing, holding, embracing, etc., whispering sweet nothings in your ears.
nicknames include: my sweet love, my man, my handsome, big beauty, sweetness
although he seems uncaring in public, anyone who disrespects you gets backstabbed as "target practice" later when they least expect it.
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slobber-teeth · 5 months
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[trudges back into the sniper tag] hey guys. have you met my wife
this is lawry (she/he pronouns) i have been cooking up a lot of lore about him lately, mostly just trying to find a balance between canon and fanon sniper + my brain worms. trying to experiment with how i want her to look... (partial to change!)
rambling notes on his design, from top to bottom, left to right:
i think lawry hated getting her hair cut as a kid, to the point that her parents stopped worrying about it looking good and instead just getting it over with as painlessly as possible. as a kid she didn't like being looked at all that much, especially under scrutiny. this is the post-haircut regret of the first time lawry cut his own hair-- he never cut it this short again. lesson learned!
this is probably how she wears her hair during her time with the RED team. he just trims it every once in a while when it starts to annoy him or get in the way of his vision (when he doesn't have it slicked back, that is.) no hair product necessary, her hair is so sweaty and greasy it holds it's shape pretty well when lawry combs it back.
post-canon he lets his hair grow out longer (probably because solly is no longer around to threaten to shave it off, dirty hippie.) her acne gets worse as a result because she's not really used to dealing with so much hair, and isn't about to start caring about washing it daily.
just an extra of lawry's collar. i think he's got more than just this one, and maybe i'll draw them in the future and talk about when and why he wears them.
anyways please feel free to send me asks about her!! some of my answers might come with art!
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lovelybunn · 3 months
conditioning .ㅤ- feat. soldier
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warning(s): smut (under the cut), reader is afab, rough/hardcore, slight(?) degrading
author's note: happy fourth of july to my fellow americans! 🇺🇸🦅
The soldier's words pierce through the silence, echoing throughout the room. “Get your ass up, maggot! I know you can try harder than this!” You can feel his breath on the back of your neck as the timer in his hand continues to tick. You fucked up getting the intel, so now he's punishing you for causing “the whole teams’ loss.” (Everyone was doing poorly that day, you specifically weren't the only one to blame.) Right now the man has got you down in a plank position, making you sit there for 2 minutes straight. Your abs and knees have failed you, so inevitably, you collapsed, which is why the soldier is currently screaming at you at the moment.
"Don't you think this is a bit excessive?" you mutter weakly, your voice strained from the exertion. Every time you give out, he stops his timer. The soldier's response was immediate and unwavering. "Don't you dare question my discipline technique, private! This is nothing compared to what I could make you do.” This was enough to get you back on track since you had no interest in finding out whatever was worse than this in the soldier's book. You grit your teeth, your body trembling with fatigue as you get up to continue to hold the plank.
The soldier doesn't seem to care about your torment, however, and continues to yell at you and humiliate you in front of the rest of the team. “This isn't yoga class, cupcake! Get your ass out the air!” You wonder if this is some sort of power trip or if he just wants you to break down and beg for mercy. Either way, even from the corner of your eye, you can see that shit-eating sadistic smirk on the man's face.
The demoman lets out a loud, audible burp. His words are slurred as he speaks, “Ach, don't be so hard on the lad, they're fresh, Solly!” A loud crash is heard next as he stumbles off the bench, the medic and heavy swiftly catching him and carrying him off to his room. “Heavy thinks you shouldn't be so hard on alcohol, but we all know that won't happen.” All three men let out a hearty laugh as they exit the room, their shoulders slumped from the weight of their drunkard friend.
The scout saunters over next to the soldier in front of you, his sneering face looking down at you as he bends over to tilt your head up with his bat. The scout can't contain his laughter at your suffering, having been dominated at least three times less than you during the game, making it where he doesn't have to go through this. You scowl up at him, your body aching from the intense workout. The scout laughs, "Sucks to be a loser, huh? Wonder why Pauling even got you on this team—" His snarky remark is interrupted by the engineer, who yanks him by the ear and grumbles an agitated warning. "Get your ass on and mind your own business, boy. Come on," The engineer drags the scout out of the room, the younger man whining and yelling out retorts as they leave. The others have already left, leaving you and the soldier alone in the locker room.
Your head falls down to focus on the ground, silently hoping that you're at least halfway done. The soldier's piercing, silver-blue eyes look down at you, silently observing as he slowly circles around you. You can hear the rhythmic echo of his feet against the cool tile floor of the locker room. After a few moments, he finally speaks up, grunting out, "Twenty-five seconds." He comes to a stop and stands right in front of you, his eyes still fixed on your trembling, sweaty body.
You grunt out in relief, "Thank goodness!" You close your eyes and count down the remaining seconds in your head, feeling the burn in your muscles becoming more intense by the second. You force your spine to stay straight, your body begging for the torture to end. The soldier's voice thunders loudly in your ears:
You grunt out in triumph as you fall flat on the cold tile, its surface a stark contrast to the burning heat of your skin. Yet, the feeling of relief is quickly replaced by shock and discomfort when the soldier kicks you and forces you to get back up.
“Rise and shine, soldier! Stand tall and proud like the true powerful American you are!” he cries out, his voice filled with pride and patriotism. You groan and struggle to your feet, feeling exhausted and mildly irritated. You try to protest when he suddenly grabs you by the waist with a sudden burst of force, his hot lips pressing against yours in a passionate kiss. You gasp and freeze in place, struggling to understand what's happening. With your lips parted, he dominates your mouth with his tongue, tasting you with intense demand. After a few moments, he pulls away from you, grinning at your confused expression. “I like you. You're my favorite out of all these other maggots.” His smile widens into a smirk, sending a chill down your spine. “You've got a great body and strong grit. I like that.” Before you can even muster up a response, he turns you over to where your back is to him. He feels your skin flush pink, and he chuckles, the sound rough and rugged. “I wanna show you how much I like you, in one of the best ways I know how.”
Your body quivered as the soldier's rough hands knead and grope your form, moving and sliding lower with each passing moment until he reaches your aching core. His laugh is dark and seductive as his fingers slide underneath the hem of your underwear. Without warning, the soldier shoves two thick digits into your hot, tight little hole. “You're so fucking wet for me, private. You've always wanted to be my little slut, haven't you?” He growls against your ear. His other hand grabs a fistful of your breast, teasing your hardened nipple between his index finger and thumb.
You let out a startled yelp as the soldier's digits dig deeper inside you. Your walls can't help but to squeeze around him, his fingers curling inside you to pump in and halfway out as his thumb kneads at your clit roughly. You let out little squeaks and sighs of pleasure, unable to really form coherent words. The soldier growls low against your ear, “You're gonna cum already, huh?” His fingers pump harder, his thumb pressing firm against your clit. “Ya gotta toughen up, buttercup.” Your moans grow needier as your hips buck into his hand, begging for release. But, alas, just as quick as he came in, he pulls out, shoving his fingers into your mouth to force you to taste yourself. You whine in annoyance, but complying and reluctantly lapping up your own slick from his fingers. “Ah, just look at you,” He remarks, slowly pulling out his fingers from your mouth, saliva stretchy on them. “You're less of a fuck up when you do what I say.” The soldier smacks your ass, the hard sensation startling you.
“But I'm willing to bet I've already told you that.” You hear the shuffling of his belt coming undone and his pants falling to the floor from behind. The soldier's dick rests erect on your back, and you can tell that he's quite big. You swallow nervously. “You feel that, cupcake? That's what a true patriot feels like.” He coos, positioning himself between your legs.
The soldier bends you over against the lockers, watching as your slick streams down your trembling thighs. He laughs, slapping his hard cock against your backside. The soldier teases you, rubbing circles across your silt with the tip of his cock. “You fucking ready for this great American cock, princess?” He growls, his voice drenched with burning desire. You peer behind him, your eyes clouded with lust. “Yes,” you mew. With that, the soldier yanks a chunk of your hair back, not acknowledging your pained squeal as his cock hammers into your tight little cunt, “Fuck!” He roars.
The sound of your desperate cries mixed with the slap of skin against skin reverberates throughout the room, his hard thrusts leaving your ass red from his balls hitting at it. He abuses your cervix, pounding against your g-spot with ease and precision while his own grunts and curses flow out like a vulgar sea of pleasure.
He grips your torso with his arm, the joint flexing to keep you close to him as his hips snap rhythmically into your aching hole with vigor. You felt like you were on fire, dizzy from the rapture taking over your every sense. All you can do is cry out for more, your release nearing very close.
The soldier prys your jaw open with his free hand, forcing you to let out your shrill cry of pleasure, “Cum for your general, maggot!” Due to his order, shock waves wash over you as you squirt all over his length, your entire body twitching in ecstacy. He lets out one last battle cry as he hauls out his cock with an audible pop, “For The United States of America!” He hollers with all his might, his cum spewing all over your back and asscheeks in heavy loads.
With a bark of laughter, he quickly removes his white tank top, using it to wipe away the cum that drips down your heated skin. The cool fabric brushes against your lower half, and you shutter. Your knees buckle, and your hands scramble to hold onto the lockers for stability. Your entire body quivers with exhaustion, as he lifts you up off the ground, effortlessly carrying you bridal style in his arms. Through his bucket hat, you can see the glint in his eyes, filled with happiness, as his huge, toothy grin stretches across his face.
“You did good, kid. Real good.”
“You need to work on your stamina, though. Let's hit the shower, so we can do another rep of good ol’ fuckin’!” he says as he leads you out of the locker room, both of you almost fully undressed, your bodies red-hot from the ‘exercise.’ He walks with confidence, his head held high, towards his own shower, the smell of sex wafting off both of you.
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scrunckled-idiot · 2 months
gkjhmmmm i know this is a really overused trope in g/t but i think itd be sorta funny if Dell is trying to shove a pissed off Solly into his pocket in one of their first few interactions cause "It's snowing get in the gatdamn pocket-" "NO-"
ik this isn't EXACTLY the situation you described, but i already had somethin' in my head. +it take place durin' springtimes :)
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"i know that. i just don't want you scurryin' off and gettin' killed out there"
"I- YOU-... tch..."
hold tiny bastardo genty limk berd
also im sorry but at first i read "gatdamn" as "gyattdamn" and didn't know what to do 😭
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spoouuppieee · 8 days
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marmar: anne.
annabanana: wuz up?
annabanana: sorry practice!
marmar: nothing:3
annabanana: ok!
marcy meant, by ‘1:43 anne’ she meant, I love you, anne. UGHSHDHSHXHSHSJS AHHH and 3:27 means to have courage to your love ones. UGH
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middlingmay · 23 days
Soldier Bucky AU Part 5 (Finale!)
Read Part 1 here.
Read Part 2 here.
Read Part 3 here.
Read Part 4 here.
The afterlife, John decides, is a bum rap. He's not supposed to feel uncomfortable. He's not supposed to be in pain. He's not supposed to feel nauseous like he's going to throw up everything he's ever eaten in his entire like and then some. Maybe a lung.
But the thumb stroking along his jaw is nice. It's calloused and textured and he can focus enough on it to swallow back a mouthful of acidic bile.
He opens his eyes enough to determine he's not dead. Maybe. But his head is in Major Gale Cleven's lap, so the jury is kind of out, he thinks. But he lets himself look up at the man even as his eyes are threatening to close again. His jaw is set tight like his teeth will crack, and his other arm holds John steady to reduce jostling his body in the jeep bouncing along with Curt at the wheel going as fast as he dares.
He goes under again.
When he comes back, he's in a ramshackle, hastily assembled field station, in a bombed out city. Turns out the RAMC heard his call for aid, too, and sent a contingent running.
Curt and Gale are at his bed side, except it's a stretcher (stretcher-side?). The second Curt sees the flash of his eyes under heavy lids, he immediately starts cussing him out, insulting his entire lineage and every quality Bucky had ever dared to possess. He's furious and kicks the ground as he paces and lays out all of Bucky's flaws in excruciating detail.
How Gale sleeps through it is a mystery. He must be exhausted.
Curt tells him that Gale didn't leave his side at first unless it was to check on his men. The RAMC docs tried to get him to go to a hygiene station at the least for a shower and decontamination and a medical check after being a POW for well over a year. But he'd outright refused, and in the end the 100th had to drag him out.
Since then that scraggly group of pilots and bombardiers and navigators have been on Bucky Watch so Gale can sleep and shower and eat.
Curt likes them, the 100th.
He leaves to give Gale and Bucky some privacy. Bucky can't stop himself from reaching out and stroking Gale's hair. He wakes up in a second, and Bucky gets yelled at for the second time, but Gale gives him water and fluffs his pillows whilst he does it.
But, hearing only a commotion, suddenly the 100th are barging over in case there's trouble and they need to defend their Major, and Bucky finally gets to meet them. Except a guy called Solly, apparently, who's guarding the Nazi prisoners they've secured with relish. The CO got a kick out of asking any Jewish soldiers and the Tuskegees to do it, and they happily agreed.
The 100th scope and suss him out. They give a very blunt and sincere thank you, but it's clear most of their gratitude goes to their Major for leading Bucky and his men here. When a younger fella called Brady - one of the ones who tackled him - grabs his leg, John can't help it. He flinches and yelps and Brady let's go of him like he's been burned.
"Careful!" John pretends to scold him. "Doc says I got hit by something real good in my legs. Gave me a hairline fracture."
Brady and Crank pale remembering how they took him out when they thought he was a Nazi chasing after Gale, but then Gale kicks his other leg and Bucky breaks into a fit of giggles.
Then a nurse throws them all out because "you're not allowed to hit patients with pillows, Captain Brady!"
When they're left alone, Bucky turns to Gale and says, "Got your boys back."
Gale eyes him pointedly. "Mhm. All of 'em. I plan on keeping it that way."
But there's still a war on and they work for different divisions of the US Army so it doesn't work that way. The 100th are shipped back to Thorpe Abbotts in England, and Bucky is sent to recover properly in a field hospital in France. He's released pretty quickly, but the Army keep him in France to help coordinate the advance through enemy territory.
Then the war is all but over.
At Thorpe Abbotts, Churchill's announcement is met by a party the likes of which the base has never seen. His boys are gay and merry, dancing and drinking and eager to go home.
But then someone comes to find Gale and tells him he has a visitor. Gale follows the young fella, and stops right in his boots when he sees the grinning, upright form of John Egan standing on the tarmac of the airstrip. He's got his hands on his hips and he's looking up, very impressed, at a B-17, and Gale can't help but think how right he looks there.
The messenger scarpers to re-join the festivities and Gale's body doesn't quite know what to do. He wants to pull John into a hug and check for himself that he's fine, but his head won't shut up that they're not in those desperate circumstances in Germany anymore.
So thank God for John. He has no such compunctions or inner turmoil and already has his arms open before he even gets to Gale. He hugs him so hard he lifts Gale off the ground. Gale just manages to hug back when the hollering of the 100th reaches them as they spot Bucky Egan.
There's no escape for them after that. Bucky is given drinks and roped into games and competitions. They all swap stories and Bucky, to Gale's horror, regales them all about how their own Major Gale Cleven stumbled into a group full of soldiers and convinced them to take on an entire marching squad of Nazi's just to get his boys back.
The 100th look at Gale. They've never heard this story before because Gale wouldn't tell it. Some are beaming. Others have to look away and cover their eyes. All of them love and respect him.
Colonel Harding even comes to introduce himself properly. With a nod in Gale's direction he asks John, grinning, "Did you tell him yet?"
John looks mischievous. "Well, since I got shot for ya and all that-" Gale goes to kick him again - "The brass decided I was a good boy and deserve a treat. When they asked, I told them I've never flown before. So," John gestures to Harding, "turns out your Colonel and mine fixed it for me to hitch a ride back to the US with you. If you don't mind a passenger."
Gale doesn't mind at all, and none of the rest of the 100th are foolish enough to offer to be Bucky's pilot.
Gale grins at him, a rare wide and true smile, and says, "Don't count on it."
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2frosty4you · 1 year
Fem reader accidentally flustering the mercs by something she did or said and not understanding why (merc) is so flushed and stumbling over his words? :3
Flustering the mercs [Drabbles]
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Fem Reader flustering the mercs :3
| Masterlist | ask/request box | Words: 1090 |
i had to stop myself from just continuing some of these 😭😭😭
Also using tumblr on mobile 😭😭😭
You grab his arm and pull him back to cover as a bullet remains where his head was.
“Jesus christ scout at least be careful”
“i - “
He’s speechless, your hand still gripped around his wrist. You look angry with him, but the feeling of your touch on his wrist makes him red, you drop his hand.
“You aight there?”
“Yes! yeah i- i could’ve totally avoided that without ya y’know aha”
He would quickly spit out, messing up words as you raise an eyebrow as he stumbles and runs around the corner. Heart beating fast and his face red.
Im sorry but soldier does NOT get flustered, but you make his heart beat widely when you talk with his racoons in a baby voice,
“Awww aint ya cuties, whats your names huh”
“Sergeant Smith, the one with the medal is lieutenant bites
“what cuties they all are”
He says with speed as you nuzzle the raccoon and baby talk it while laughing, he’s staring for a while before you look up to him.
“You okay solly?”
His heart is widely beating as you treat his pets like your own, giving them food while you think he isn’t looking and always happy to see them when he takes them into base. (even if medic hates them)
They laugh and clap as you flick open a lighter to show them the hello kitty lighter you had bought.
“See! its a pink flame, isn’t that cool!?”
“Anyway this is for you anyway, gotta go see medic; dont burn the place down!”
You toss them the lighter, and wave.
Pyro sits there, holding the lighter in their hands as their face is a bright red under their mask. Laughing as their body buzzed and felt her hands move to flicker the lighter
Happy knowing it came from you.
“Yeah, an she carried your drunk ass to bed; what a sight HA”
Scout teased, demoman’s face flushed red as you walk in. Waving.
“Hey you three, what's up?”
“Tellin ol’ demo here how he ended up back in his bed”
“Yeah! an look at the drunkard”
His face was a dark red, a. hot feeling radiating as he grummbled and burried his head in his arms.
“Hm? oh yeah did you drink the water i left you?”
He mutters, you raise an eyebrow but the other two men laugh to themselves as demo grumbles into his arms.
A bowl of hot soup laid before heavy, you standing with a white apron tied around you with a smile.
“What are you waiting for? taste it”
He takes the spoon, blows on the soup and takes a sip. His eyes widen as he feels the taste of his mothers soup on his tongue.
“Does it taste right? not sure if i got it all correct, russian is hard for me to read”
You smile, he coughs softy. Nodding, face a soft pink as you stand like a sun in the kitchen.
“Da, its like how my mother used to cook”
He stumbles over a few words, yet you look at him with a tiled head and a bowl of your own.
Engi had been tinkering on his sentry all night, large bags under his eyes as you place down a place of cut red apples with a bottle of juice.
“Engi, eat something”
“I- oh thanks darlin”
He would say with a smile, face red as he ate. You standing there with crossed arms.
“Take a break soon, we need you tomorrow”
Your small act of affection causes him to stutter and laugh softly, scratching the back of his neck slowly sipping the juice you gave him. Looking over his blueprints, just waiting there for him to finish and take a break.
It was a hectic battle so far, medic was tired healing the scout and not noticing the enemy demoman behind him he dropped his gun and readied for the impact of sword against his neck, when it didn’t come and the sound of a body dropping make him look up.
You turn back to him with blood dripping from your face and body.
“You okay doc? He didn’t hurt ya did he?”
“i- nien- nien he didnt”
He’s red, standing there staring at you as you look feral with the demoman’s blood soaking into your clothes and skin,
“Doc? ya there?”
He stumbles over his words as he holds his medigun close, waving to you as he speeds away to go heal heavy who was yelling for him. Almost tripping over his feet as he couldn't remove the image of you from his mind.
Sniper grunts, holding the wound on his arm. The blood bleeding through his fingers as you come around the corner, head perking as you walk back.
“Snipes?? what happened jesus,”
“nothin nothin”
He bites back a groan of pain as he went to grab the med back, you kneel before him.
“Snipes move your hand, jesus what even happened”
“its foin, its nothIN-“
He takes a sharp breath in, and with a delicate touch you move it, which feels like electricity through his body you take the hand holding the wound and place it down.
His face was growing a thick red, heat radiating from his cheeks as he looks away from you, treating his wound like glass even if both of you were war criminals.
Making quick work of the bullet wound, you wipe your hands on your pants and look at his red face.
“Aight, should be good. I’ll get medic to heal ya if we come through”
“tha, thanks mate”
“Try not to get hit again”
It takes a lot to fluster the spy, but with you?
You grabbed the spy's arm, pulling him down as a soldier walked past you two. The two of you cramped against each other behind the crate, him in for lap with his two lanky legs just strewn around you two.
His face is red under his mask, breath quicking as he faces away from you.
You look up, and then push him up.
“Be careful, next time i ain't saving you”
“oui, merci,”
His words slip into french as his feet stumble and you catch him before falling.
“What, are you sick? Is that why your head is out of the game?”
“no, non, its nothing ami, merci for hiding me”
He cloaks and quickly leaves as his face was red and his head was clouded with you. As you stood there, a confused look on your face as you kill the other spy.
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mercurygray · 6 months
is it too on the nose to suggest john egan + eileen hammond with "film"? if so may i also suggest "rest" or "risk"? i get nervous sending requests aljdfghkj
This request was perfect, Kind Anonymous Friend!
They were nearly at the end of the pile of mail when a surprise appeared.
"What's this?" Solly gave a second look. "A package for John Egan?"
Everyone in the room stared. Small lives called for small joys, and the distribution of mail was the highlight of everyone's week - if you were allowed to enjoy it, that was. Everyone in the 100th's officer's quarters had quietly resigned themselves to the tempest in a teacup that was John Egan during the mail - arms folded, scuffling his shoes, and complaining, in case anyone dared to appreciate too loudly, about wives and girlfriends and friends back home.
"I thought you said no one was writing to you," Frank said, looking up from yet another letter from his mother.
"No one was," Bucky said, swinging out of his bunk and jumping down to take the package, just as surprised as anyone else that the thing had his name on it.
"Does that address say London?" Crank asked, reading over Bucky's shoulder as he turned the package over and ripped through the already-opened paper to get to what was inside - a letter and a single phonograph record in a paper sleeve.
For once in his life, Egan was speechless.
"Who's sending you records?" Frank wanted to know.
"Eileen Hammond," Bucky managed, his voice almost a croak.
"Eileen Hammond!" Crank scoffed. "When I said you should write her that was a joke."
They could all remember that first month, Bucky moping around that once more there had been a mail call and once more he was without mail, and Crank, just as fed up as anyone else that he was being made to feel bad about a letter from home, had exploded. "I don't know, Bucky. Write - Write an actress! One of those USO broads! They got people who answer those - maybe she'll write you back."
"Maybe she won't," Brady had added, practical as ever, himself lording over a letter from his girlfriend. "Those girls get hundreds of letters. Lovesick soldiers are a dime a dozen."
"I," said Bucky, reaching into the cup on the table and pulling out a pencil so he could begin addressing his message blank, "Will take that bet, Crank. I'm a gambler. This is a gamble. Feels worth the risk, wouldn't you say?"
And here, it seemed, the risk had paid off. She'd actually written back.
"He's pulling your leg, Crank," Benny said sagely, hardly looking up from his book. "It's probably from his ma."
Bucky's face was long and dark, and without any warning, he'd stormed off down the hall, probably in pursuit of the rec room and its much abused phonograph, and the rest of the room, curious as anything, followed, wondering just what it was they were going to hear when he turned the record on.
There was a scratch as Harry James was unceremoniously yanked down, and several angry yelps as the rec room's occupants groused about being interrupted. "Put it - put it on!"
Brady and Crank both tried hard to read the label as Egan started up the record player, carefully setting the needle as the whole room listened, expectantly, for the crackle as the machine picked up the sound and a woman's voice bloomed into the air.
"Is this - is it recording? Okay, it's recording, good." A pause - the performer collecting herself before she officially stepped up to the microphone. "This message goes out to Major John Egan, and all the fine fellows of the United States Army and Army Air Forces currently overseas as guests of the German Army. This is Eileen Hammond with a special Command Performance for you all." Crank's eyebrows were in his hair, and even Benny was staring in disbelief that Eileen Hammond - the Eileen Hammond, stuff of painted plane pin-ups and kriegie wet dreams - was just as good as right there in the room with them, taking low and smelling of perfume.
Egan sat down heavily in a nearby chair, still holding the letter and the paper sleeve, and Hammond's voice went on. "Please know that all of you are in our thoughts, and our prayers, and that all the people at home who are waiting for you love you more than words can say. If they'd let me I'd come and sing this to you all in person, as I've done for so many of your fellow soldiers at home and abroad, but for now this recording will have to do. Please hear it and think of better days. We ready, Bob?"
Crank turned up the volume, and everyone in the room could hear a single guitar and a woman's low, sultry voice, all velvet and moonlight, singing the slower, sedater version of a song that everyone from Thorpe Abbotts knew all too well, whether he liked it or not.
Blue skies smiling at me Nothing but blue skies do I see Bluebirds singing a song Nothing but bluebirds all day long.
But the most surprising thing was that Bucky, for once, wasn't singing along. He was too busy reading, holding his letter as if it were made of gold, a small, pleased smile on his broad, sunny face.
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lorkai · 1 year
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・゜゚ A/N: The ending was kind of rushed but that idea hadn't left my head since Nightbringer came out so I had to write it. All the turmoil, all the fear Mc felt being sent back in time, waking up and knowing that no one remembers them but they remember everyone??? Lots of potential for angst 🥹☕
*・゜゚ Warning: Gn!reader, angst, hurt/comfort, this can be read as platonic or romantic
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You are no longer their friend, you are no longer their lover. And worst of all, you are no longer a family member to them, everything you went through with them, all the shared stories that were the reasons for your tears and smiles, none of that has a meaning now. Because to them you are just a stranger, just the attendant who is there to help them.
Nothing more and nothing less.
And it hurts. It hurts when Lucifer kicks you out of his office because you aren't close enough for him to hear you or when you're not greeted by an enthusiastic Mammon who's about to drag you off on some silly adventure, it hurts when Levi doesn't chatter about anime he's seen and how he craves your company. It hurts when Satan doesn't look at you like he used to, with love and care, soft. It hurts even more when Asmo kicks you out of his room instead of inviting you in and telling stories from the Celestial Realm time while the two of you skin care each other, or the way Beel doesn't hug you the way he used to, and even the naps with Belphie and the constellation talk aren't what they used to be.
Tears flow freely down your eyes without you noticing. Nothing is like before and you are mourning people who are still alive, people who are by your side almost every day. Small sobs leave your throat, but you control yourself well enough for the sound not to echo through the kitchen.
You have to endure this, you have to be strong. But you can't, not now.
The pact marks on your body were transparent, still and cold, so different from the warmth and good feeling they had on your skin. And the thought that you and the brothers were once really a family seems so far away now, almost like a dream.
"Mc..." A soft voice sounds from behind you, as wistful as you feel.
He knows, of course he knows the pain that consumes you every day and you don't expect him to come to you to comfort you, you turn and throw yourself into his arms, hugging him as tight as you can. You need to know that this is real, that he is real.
And Solomon holds you gently, holds you when you scream and cry against his chest, he holds you as you spill the words that were stuck in your throat. No words he could utter would be good enough to assuage the pain that resides in your heart, nor could he understand the pain of losing such important people. He himself said that he was alone for a long time.
But you forget one thing.
"I'm here for you, Mc." Solomon reminds you, voice soft as he rubs circles on your back with one hand and wipes your tear with the other hand. There's a kind of urgency in his eyes as if he doesn't know if this will offer the comfort you need, but it does.
The warmth and soft scent of him are reminders that all of this is happening, but at least someone is there for you. He is there for you, Solomon is there by your side every morning, to protect you, to stand by you and to help you, especially help you to bear this giant weight that the world has thrown on your shoulders again.
"I am here." He whispered between the conjecture of your neck and shoulder, blowing raspberries against your skin to hear you chuckle softly. "Share your burdens with me more often, Mc. We can take this together, two pairs of hands are stronger than one."
You nodded, tired. All this turmoil of feelings made you want to lie down on the kitchen floor and sleep there in the fetal position, just like you and Belphie once did. And the memory made you laugh, especially when Lucifer failed to wake you up and decided it was best to just cover for you.
"Thanks, Solly." You hugged him again and buried your face in his chest, a mere contact was enough to relieve the pressure you had carried with you for an entire week and you looked at him with sparkling eyes as if he was the most precious thing to you. "Thank you for coming after me and for being by my side."
He flicked your forehead, barely suppressing the laughter in his expression. "All for my dearest apprentice. Now come on, Simeon has made some delicious cakes and I want to eat them with you."
Solomon dragged you out of your room and into the living room and there, he didn't give you a second to worry or overthink things. And you thanked him for it, for a moment you were almost back home and any moment everyone else would walk through that door. Except they wouldn't, but that was okay because you would find a way to get back home on your own.
And it was with that in mind that you went to sleep with a new determination rising in you.
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prettyboypistol · 11 months
TF2 x M!Reader|| How The Mercs Get Jealous!
You and the merc have just started dating, and have kinda kept it on the down low for the time being. While at a neutral zone bar, the Scout from the opposite tram decides to try and shoot his shot with you.
No dadspy.
He already doesn't like the fact that he is at a bar where BLU is drinking at, even if it was a neutral day! But what really got to him was how blatantly his (obviously inferior, duh!)counterpart started hitting on you! First it was a shot that he covered, then it was a joke that made you laugh a little too loudly. Jeremy bit the inside of his cheek and got between you two rather quickly.
"Hey. Back off freak! Like he'd ever want some knockoff, halfwit, loser lookin' Scout like you!"
You couldn't help but choke back a laugh as the BLU Scout gave Jeremy a once over, then backed away with a sneering of something under his breath.
"Hey, whaddya say!? Say it to my face, punk!" Jeremy shouted. Before he got up from his spot next to you to beat the BLU's face in, you put a hand on his shoulder.
"Jer, please. Like you said, why would I want a knockoff over the #1?"
Jeremy turned to you with a look of confidence- but you knew him well enough to know that he was clearly hiding a but of insecurity.
"You're my Scout." You assured sweetly, "accidentally" brushing your hand against his. That seemed to put his spirits back up.
Scout gave you both a weird look and backed off, hands up in a sign of defensiveness. You nudged Soldier's shoulder before quickly whispering in his ear.
"Solly! You're gonna get us to lose bar privileges this week!" You remind him, rather sternly. It had been a while since you had socialized in a neutral zone, after all!
"Why? That Scout was clearly looking to upset the neutral agreement!"
"He asked me about weather probabilities to see if he was going to have to fight in the rain tomorrow! We broke BLUS weather detection, remember?"
"Hmph! Sounds like worming his way into our intelligence! You're lucky I was here to stop him, private!"
You rolled your eyes with a tired smile as you went back to your drink, but felt the hot breath of Soldier in your ear as he bent over you to whisper.
"I caught him making eyes at you and I didn't like it. I don't trust him."
Aww, you couldn't help but find that sweet.
You know that one scene from the comics where Pyro cuts a goddam bear in half? Yeah, same thing here. They see you and Scout at the bar, just casually chatting, then when you turn away, the Scout bites his lip and looks at your ass blatantly. To Pyro, Scout morphed into a big, bad wolf. You? You sprouted cute little sheep ears! Pyro wasn't about to let the cute little sheep get eaten, so they lunged at the Scout out of nowhere, the only thing that stopped them from decapitating the poor guy was you swiping the axe from Pyro's hands at the last second.
You profusely apologize to the Scout as you pull Pyro off of him and whisk yourself and your partner away to one of the more quiet corners. You hold Pyro by the hands and direct them to breathe. Once, twice, and a third time, before you let them start to explain themselves.
Once the situation was explained, you kissed their forehead and nodded in sympathy. You knew your partner thought you were in danger, and hell- you would do the same if you saw Pyro in danger they didn't notice! Nonetheless, you thanked Pyro for the protection and talked them down from their worries. You asked your Engineer to explain the situation to the enemy Scout, who refuses to even look at you again.
"Thank you for protecting me, that means a lot that your first instinct was to look out for my safety."
Pyro nodded and pulled you into a hug. They were just worried for you! They knew that there wasn't a good chance that the danger was real- but Pyro was not about to take that chance. Not after they had lost that gamble before.
He slammed his hand down between the both of you as Scout leaned in for a whispering in your ear and announced a drinking contest. Whoever lost had to pay the tab! Yeah, the RED Scout was annoyed, but noreso at your blatant advantage! Demoman probably had your insane Medic sew him an auto-recovery from alcohol! That wasn't fair!
So, you and Scout decided to pace yourselves against each other, with Demoman as the judge. As the flirtatious tension morphed into that of competition, Demoman seemed to smile proudly at his work. He didn't mind if people lusted after you- that was a compliment to the fact that he snagged you first! It was only an issue when you didn't notice. That's when he felt he had to intervene.
You had scraped the win by a hair. While you clearly had a lower tolerance than the Scout, you had remembered a few tips and tricks to keep your wits about you longer that the judge himself had taught you! Although, there was no satisfaction of RED paying your tab, as you both had forgotten that the night out was a Mann Co. Sponsored event.
The next morning, Demoman tended to you extra sweet with little possessive nicknames such as "My boy", "my champ", and "Blu's finest". He never mentioned why, though, so you assumed that it was to apologize for the wicked hangover you had.
He sits back and watches, but not without ill intent. No, this man plotted that little twig's demise at least 10 times in his head as you two sat a little too close together, as you two got so lost in conversation that you switched beers by accident, how you two seemed to get on a little too well. In fact, Dell had only realized that he was stewing when his mechanical arm cracked off a bit of the table that he had been grasping for dear life.
The noise certainly got both of your attentions, and if it didn't, then the loud curse in a familiar southern accent did. Engue usually kept an air of politeness about him, so you automatically knew something was up as he walked- or rather stormed up to the two of you.
He greeted the Scout with a forced and sickly sweet smile, and he introduced himself quickly before he asked to steal you away for all but a moment. You excused yourself quickly and followed Engie to the bathrooms, where your boyfriend started rambling things you couldn't quite hear. All youu knew was that whatever it was, it wasn't pleasant and it was all directed at that Scout.
"Dell, what's going on? Did that Scout fuck with one of your sentries?"
"No, no. I-" Dell took a moment to compose himself before he spoke again. "No doll, he was making googoo eyes at you, and I don't think I appreciated that kinda disrespect."
You nod, with a hum of acknowledgement. Now that you thought about it, he was acting rather familiar...
"Sorry, I guess I didn't realize how close we were while it was happening. Do you want me to steer clear of him for the night?"
"Well-" Dell said, clearly wanting to say yes. "You're your own man, I don't wanna step on your toes or nothin, it's just that- he uh, he's got some bad intentions with you. I can tell."
You smile sweetly as you give your boyfriend a gentle kiss. "I'd much rather spend the night with you, anyways."
Scout barely had the time to get a word out to you as your Heavy scooped you up in a seemingly sudden victory cheer. In one of his hands was a drink, so you assumed that your boyfriend had wanted to congratulate you on something that you had done recently to impress him.
"Tiny man! Come here, I have gift for you for being best teammate!" Heavy announced as he brought you over to a booth and started speaking to you in Russian. Yeah, you could swing your way around Russian well enough to understand certain words. You could make out "no", "bad", and "dangerous" vaguely, but the body language made more sense to you. Heavy didn't trust that Scout too well. He seemed fine with you talking to the RED Engineer, but not the Scout?
"What's wrong?"
Heavy kept his voice low and quiet, for your ears only.
"Scout wanted to make sex with you. Look at his eyes." He muttered with a quick glance to the lithe man. He was more built than your scout, speckled with more freckles and dark blue eyes instead of your Scout's light blue eyes.
"I'd smash his head in if he made a move on me, I promise." You assured your boyfriend sweetly, a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"No no, I will bash his little brains in." Heavy assured.
Stalks both of you like a shadow. He allowed Scout to buy you a drink, he allowed him to entertain his boyfriend, hell- he even allowed Scout to put his hand on his boyfriend's shoulder! With a downing of beer, a fast and powerful dart knocked Scout's hat off his head and pinned it to the wall. The look Sniper gave nearly made the Scout drop dead from the venom.
Scout knew damn well that he missed his head, not the dart board. Scout nodded you a quick good evening and scampered back to his team as Sniper looked to the outside. He just wanted to talk, in private.
As soon as you followed Sniper out of the bar, he grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into the alleyway, pressing you up against the cold brick wall as Sniper kissed you deeply.
You were only given a small moment to breathe as Sniper leaned close to your ear. "Don't you ever let someone touch my boyfriend again, got it?"
"God, you're hot when you're jealous."
"I'll drag you back to my camper if you keep misbehaving." Sniper 'threatened', smiling far too excitedly to be angry at the idea. You took your opportunity to grab him by the wrist and drag him to his van.
He found it funny and cute in a way, how the RED Scout tried to hit on you. A young man with laughable experience tried to charm a man who had the best of the best that gave him attention? Spy had nothing to worry about. Although, the accepting of the invitation to dance drunkenly made his stomach turn sour. You and Scout laughed and stumbled around each other haphazardly, moreso slapstick joking rather than dancing. At least Scout kept his hands to himself.
Scout started to ask you genuine questions over a calming drink, and that is where Spy snapped. He sauntered over to you with a look of importance as he tapped you on the shoulder.
"Ah, I must steal you away. Miss Pauling had an important message for you." Spy whispered into your ear, his eyes glared with a gloating essence at Scout.
"Well, I'll catch you later, okay?" You smile sweetly to Scout, who waved you goodbye as Spy whisked you away to the other side of the bar before he cloaked himself as he pressed you against the wall. His body was flush against yours, with his hot breath on your neck.
"So, younger men catch your eye? I can be him for a night, if you're curious?" Spy hummed, as you practically heard the Cheshire grin of teasing in his whispered tone as you blushed red. At least you could blame it on the booze.
"No Spy, he's just an old friend. Coincidence that we both work at Mann Co." You whisper back as Spy worked his hands over your body, brazenly groping your chest, legs, and ass while he remained unseen.
Medic watched as the RED Scout performed a silly little knife trick to impress you, and Medic knew exactly what he was doing. Scout was a puffed up bird, trying to gain your interest. Really, even Archemedes had more of a pretty routine than Scout did! In fact, Medic approached you, with Archmedes on his finger to lure you away from the failed suitor.
As you cooed and doted on the dove, Medic shot Scout a scarily smug look as you were completely distracted with the bird that absolutely loved your affections.
"You know, you're the only one Archemedes ever loved for affection from! Well, aside from me of course! I think he's got a little crush on you!"
You giggle, scratching behind the dove's head with little kisses to his soft feathers. "Ah yes, the bird love of my life. He's so caring. I'd be a housewife for him!" You teased to Medic with a little wink. "He's almost as jealous as you, with how he puffs up when I kiss you."
"You have two jealous men vying for your affection, whoever will you choose?" Medic hummed dramatically.
"Well, Archemedes would never take blood samples to see if we are biologically compatible."
"That was only once!"
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ask-the-tf2-mercs · 5 months
Engie, Demo and Solly! Who's the most jealous one?? -🦘
Engineer: I assume you mean in general.. 'cause we ain't the type to get jealous of each other. Us three are in a relationship together.
Engineer: But if you mean in general-
Demoman: [points at Engineer]
Soldier: [points at Engineer]
Engineer: I- you- now hold on- [sighs, and then points at himself after a moment]
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simp999 · 1 year
Can I request something sorta angsty, yet fluffy towards the end for soldier (blu specifically)?
Specifically something to do with a losing streak, and the reader feels like a disgrace to the team. So he's sat there to comfort them. Maybe in like a friends to lovers context too (so like that's when a first kiss happens)
Sorry if this is too much, I'm not really good at writing and I enjoy the way you write the mercs in general
Aaaa I'm so sorry for taking so long- I hope this reaches your expectations!! And I'm so glad that you enjoy how I write the mercs- it's really reassuring to hear that since I'm still quite new to it www
BLU! Soldier x Reader Oneshot - You have me.
Wc: 1.8k
Themes: hurt/comfort, Angst, Fluff, Romantic
A/N: ..Does BLU Solly have a different name?
Taglist: @skeleton-stomper-xoxo @moopy-milk
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You hear a loud knock at the door, making you jump. It doesn't take much effort to know who could possibly be knocking that loud- and who would be busting the door down, had you not locked it.
You can't let him see you like this.
He'll think you're weak, right? You can't let him know how easily stuff gets to you. How easily a mere few words can plague your mind- and destroy it from the inside out. Not to mention the terrible job you've been doing on the battlefield, all of your recent losses feel like they were your fault. You could have done something better every time, and it feels like you never learn from your mistakes despite trying so hard to do so. The last battle was what tipped you off the edge completely- you could have won. But you hesitated. The RED Soldier ran off with the intelligence, and you were a second too late to attack. Most of the BLU team saw it, and decided to keep quiet and distance themselves. Spy was the only one to speak up later once you two had ended up alone in the hallway of the base.
You nod to yourself- you know for a fact that you risk a great chance at your voice cracking if you spoke. Despite that nod, you know you don't have the guts to show your face to anyone any time soon- it's going to take a while for your face to get less red and puffy.
Oh. Oh no. You know that the guy has no restraint- but does he really have to do that far again? This'll be the third time you've seen him punch a hole through your door since you've been here- and you've been lucky compared to the others.
You let out a quick sigh, going up to gently lean on your door. Without opening it, you talk to him through it;
"I'll- I'll go eat later. I'm not hungry right now."
That came out a lot softer than you had hoped, and a lot more hesitant.
And with that, he begins to fumble with the doorknob. You try to hold it in place- but it's no use.
You...don't really have a choice here, do you? You'd rather not have to ask Engie to replace your door handle again, so you reluctantly unlock it, still doing your best to hold it in place. You're still not ready to face him.
It doesn't take much for him to push the door open- nearly shoving you aside until he feels the extra weight against the door.
"THERE! NOW COME-" He cuts himself off mid-sentence when he sees your fragile form, holding your hands to your chest and making yourself appear as small as possible.
He stutters a few words, a mix between you's, what's and how's. He's never been too good with words, and he's really regretting that right now.
"WHO-" he notices the way you flinch a bit at the loudness, and immediately adjusts himself.
He takes a moment to take his helmet off and holds it close to show respect, and to show that he's listening.
"Who.. did this to you?"
You lazily shake your head, a nervous smile beginning to form. Always assuming people are the problem, that guy.
"It's nothing- I'm just overreacting and need a bit of time to mys-"
"If someone dares hurt you this much then it isn't nothing. Now tell me who did what so I can beat those commies' asses into the dirt. Was it those damned REDs?"
Your body still feels weak, so you gently go to sit on your bed, grabbing a plushie that Pyro had given you one day to pet and calm yourself. He comes to sit a few feet away from you, unsure if he should pat your back or leave you be, so he ends up sitting with his back straight and the farthest things from casually, with all of his attention on you.
"It's- still, it's just me overreacting-"
"NO- no, it is not. Let me hear what happened first."
You try to figure out how to phrase it all properly, but it's hard to do so with your thoughts racing.
"It's just- y'know, the losses n'.. Stuff."
Jane's brows furrow in confusion. But you always seemd to give it your best. You always fought as hard as you could, making sure that your team could stay in the match. He'd seen the way you'd casually warn your teammates of any nearing opponents, or how you'd skillfully avoid attacks and take down REDs. You often prioritized your team's safety over your own. He'd often hear you shout "6 o'clock!" or if there were enemies near, you suggested the team learn some basic sign language. He has to admit, it has saved him many times.
Another thing he noticed was that you tended to stick near him. Scout would often make fun of you for being Soldier's 'pocket buddy'- but you two simply managed to work well together. You were his common sense when he didn't have any. Which is why he immediately noticed that you began to keep your distance- ever since the second battle of your loosing streak, you've been straying farther and farther from him on the battlefield. He simply couldn't put two and two together. He didn't know how to help- he was never good with comfort.
So, he leaned in for a hug.
You flinched and shied away.
He could feel his heart break in his chest.
You always liked the pats on the head after battles, or when he'd pick you up and carry you to show you off after some exceptional battles. None of it added up- unless..
"Is it that damned RED soldier? Did he do something?"
You froze at the mention of him. There was no getting out of this. You took a long breath in and curled into yourself even more.
"It's- it's stupid. I'm just overrea-"
"-No. Tell me what the hell the bastard did." He was barely able to keep his fury contained. How dare that RED son of a bitch hurt you?!
You mumbled under your breath. Jane couldn't make sense of it, so he asked you once more.
"Never send a coward to fight a man's war, Biscuit." You held your breath, not wnting to reveal any more. Jane knew better, though. He knew that you simply getting called a coward wouldn't be enough to ruin your mood as much as this- you were so brave! Why would and insult that has nothing to do with you hurt so much?
So, he questioned you on it.
"...He calls be Biscuit because I crumble in the face of danger." You glance away. "That's what he said, anyways."
"But you don't. You often sacrifice yourself for the team. It's not always taking a bullet for us, but risking yourself to tell us that there's a teleporter hidden somewhere, or revealing your location to tell me to watch out behind me."
"But I am a coward! Even the BLUs think so-" You began to ramble, trying to validate your feelings- accidentally revealing too much.
He wants to comfort you. He wants to squeeze you so tight, and not let anyone take you away. To promise you you'll be safe with him. But first, a much more important question needs to be answered;
"What makes you think that?"
You panic, realising that you're going to have to reveal your secret. You hope that he's stupid enough that he doesn't get it.
"You remember earlier, when the RED Soldier took our intelligence, and was the closest to him?"
"Yes. You shot at him and missed."
"I hesitated."
He stayed quiet for a moment.
"It cost us the battle. I cost us the battle."
Still, nothing was adding up. You're always making hundreds of split-second decisions, evaluating every variable and trying to decide the best course of action in milliseconds. Why was a second of hesitation tearing you apart so much?
"Spy came up to me after the battle."
Jane's brows furrowed even farther.
"Sparing the RED soldier isn't going to make the BLU one like you any more."
"And he's right. You hate me. You all hate me. I can't do anything right, and you're all paying the price for my mistakes. I'm a liability, and- and I shouldn't even be on the battlefield!" Tears began to build up and overflow, your words getting louder and smushed together the longer you went on.
"I- I don't have anyone anymore!"
"You have me, Cupcake." His expression softens as he puts all of your words together.
"You.. you just want me to be proud of you? Buttercup, you have no idea how proud I am." He had an expression of disbelief written across his face, you really meant the world to him.
"You mean it?"
"I do.-"
"-I love you so damn much, you have no idea."
He's quick to hold you in a firm embrace when you tackle him in a hug. He only loosens up to pat you on the head and eventually moves any stray hairs before giving you a kiss on the forehead.
He breaks loose from your hug to give you a long speech about how strong you are, and how he'd be completely lost without you beside him. You sit on his lap as he reminds you of some of his favorite moments in battle- there's a fondness in his eyes when he recounts the first time he rocket-jumped with you.
He carefully wipes away any remaining tears, only to stare at you with so much love and adoration in his eyes. You really did mean a lot to him, and he'd do anything to show you his appreciation for you. He realizes that he's staring and quickly pulls you close to hide his face in the cook of your neck. This is when you realize that you forgot to tell him that you felt the same way- but before you could tell him, he just barely broke the hug enough to ask you;
"Can.. May I kiss you?"
You closed the distance without a second thought. Jane absentmindedly held you tight, and you could feel his smile grow into the kiss.
The next time you were out on the battlefield, both teams could only marvel at(-or be frustrated with) your newfound strength.
The two of you are one unstoppable force to be reckoned with.
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Greetings again author,
You may be my favorite tf2 writing blog. take care if yourself 👀.
May I have headcannons of Tf2 mercs with a sick S/O. (I need some comfort as I am sick myself) How would they help, or comfort them.
(You can choose which characters, as I don't know if there is a character limit.)
Take you time.
Your sincerely,
-Ghost anon 💀
also I typically do 3 for a character limit unless it’s like- goosebumps where I just write one point for each character instead of 4 for one character, so that rule will apply here!
warnings: emetophobia
Mercs with a sick s/o
Scout is, so stupid yet so full of concern- he will try to apply the things his mom did for him whenever he got sick as a kid and just do the same for you! getting you soup, ginger ale and crackers, and getting you a mini trashcan for you to throw up in lmfao
Sniper does not know a single thing about taking care of a sick person but he tries, he’ll rub your back when you need to throw up, holding your hair back if it’s particularly long- But he also gets you water, tea, solid foods that’ll hopefully stay down, and of course tons of snuggles.. even if that results in HIM getting sick.
Engineer will bury you in all sorts of warm and cozy quilts, having you lay in bed while he gets you hot/cold towels for your head, constantly checks your temperature, feeds you soup, makes sure you’re extra hydrated, and when gives you little back/shoulder rubs for your sore, bed bound body!
Medic could simply just use the medigun on you and have you instantly back to your peak health.. but, that wouldn’t be as cute, now would it? He takes a lot of pride in caring for you and your health, so you’ll be treated like royalty the whole time! being carried every where, being waited on hand-and-foot.. everything you could ever ask! the only downside is that you’ll have to take some pretty gross medicine.
Heavy has repeatedly had to help take care of his younger sisters whenever they were sick, so with all that practice and knowledge- you’re in great hands! he’s no doctor, but he has a few tips and tricks that help you get better in no time.
Demo is so doting.. like you will always have his full attention, he just gets worried sick about you- constantly by your side checking in on you, seeing if there’s any progress on your health, annoying medic into making sure there isn’t something seriously wrong, shoot- there’s been a few nights where he won’t sleep because he’s so worried over you!
Soldier can hardly take care of HIMSELF but he certainly gives you his all, and he refuses to let you lift a finger! he insists he can take care of it, but medic might have to offer his help/services so there’s no risk of your health getting worse just because soldier is a tad bit misguided.. but hey! you’ll get plenty of solly snuggles!
Spy will make you his special blend of tea: with whatever flavor of tea you want, a tiny slice of lemon and a few spices that help clear your airways and get rid of any nausea, it really does work like a charm!
Pyro is.. very sweet, but not very good at taking care of sick people.
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hvcmixtape · 1 year
vernon, fight for your life!
"You wouldn't feel that way if you didn't care."
"I'm telling you, I don't care that she has a crush on Dokyeom, but all I'm saying is that he's not as nice as he lets up to be," Vernon can feel the frustration bubbling in his body as he speaks.
How did they even get to this conversation anyway? Why did Seungkwan have to pull stuff out of his ass once again?
The fire blazes bright alongside them, but with Vernon giving his best friend a bit of a cold shoulder, Seungkwan huddles into the blanket he draped over himself. It's their final day to hang out with one another before they head back to their respective universities for the next term, but Vernon wouldn't have guessed a conversation would light a match on their friendship.
It hurts inside to be having this kind of conflict. Respectfully, Vernon wishes he could do without interactions. He's used to watching from afar and if things happen, they happen. They shouldn't be ripping their friendship over stupid things like this.
"You literally like (Y/N)! You always have!" Seungkwan uses a hand to push Vernon's shoulder before sinking back into his corner of the couch, knowing Vernon would come after him. "I've known (Y/N) longer than I've known you, but I'm closer with you so I know basically everything. I just don't want you to agonize over not saying anything."
"I'm not agonizing," Vernon groans. He runs his hands through his hair, the only way he knows how to cope right now. "I," his voice gets softer. "I know I like (Y/N), but she likes Dokyeom. What do you want me to do about that?"
Seungkwan says one thing: "Fight for your life."
Vernon has no idea how to react to that sentence, so he shakes his head and asks him to repeat it.
"Fight for your life! Nothing is ever set in stone. We're only twenty; who knows what will happen in our lives but what matters is the things you can control," Seungkwan balls his hands into fists for further emphasis. He sighs, a slow smile stretching his face as he shakes his head. "What are we going to do with you, Sollie?"
After a pause, Vernon says, "I'm pretty sure Dokyeom already asked her out." His voice is actually quieter than the fire crackling in front of him.
Vernon always lets this happen to him. The ghost of imposter's past haunts him daily, from college decisions to meeting new people. That push he gives himself isn't a push he feels he deserves when dealing with others. He's always ready to surrender to the wayside, even if he has the right of way.
Seungkwan's head hangs low. "I'm just worried about you, Sollie," he mutters, continuing to use Vernon's nickname, the same one they used when they were younger and naïve to the world. "Be for real, why would you let people dictate how your life is supposed to go? Actually be selfish for once."
"I am." His voice is muffled as he buries his face into his shoulder, speaking into the fabric of his own hoodie.
"You're selfish with yourself and what you do, but you're never selfish when it comes to other people." Seungkwan's gritting his teeth at this point. What are you supposed to do with someone who has all the resources but does nothing with them?
"How do I tell her I want her more than Dokyeom could ever want her?" The strings in Vernon's heart are tugging past the point of healthy exertion; he can literally feel his heart breaking underneath the skin of his chest.
"Say it before it's too late. Ask her out and confess your feelings!"
Vernon pauses and waits.
"I think the fanciest place I've taken her to is Olive Garden."
"You're fucking kidding—" Seungkwan treads lightly, holding his annoyance back. "Anyway, just be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not. Only you can be you."
"What kind of positivity BS is that?" Vernon scrunches his nose at his words. "I'll try though. I promise I won't take her to Taco Bell if she says yes to this date," Vernon places his left hand on his chest and his right in the air as if he were taking an oath.
"You're helpless."
(And when Seungkwan sees you and Vernon holding hands the next time he sees you, he exclaims, "He wouldn't have asked you out if it weren't for me, so you both should buy me a meal as a thanks!")
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