thehunyhuny · 4 years
Buy Baby Socks Online  in India at India's Best Online Shopping Store hunyhuny.com. Check Maternity Clothes, Baby Wear , Baby Socks and Shoes Price in India and Buy Online. Order Now!  
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shira1995 · 4 years
Nothing is better than the comforts of your baby. HunyHuny takes care of your baby safety and comfort. Shop for baby stroller online and give your baby an easy and safe ride. To avail our deals and offers, visit our website now!
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hunyhunymom-blog · 4 years
8 Ways To Boost Your Baby’s Immunity
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Colds and flu are like parts of a child’s life. According to pediatricians, it’s normal for babies to suffer from them a few times in the time of the whole year. They play a vital role in building their immunity. We all are born with an inexperienced immune system. A child generally primes their immunity by battling an ongoing series of germs, viruses, and other organisms.
As germs and illnesses are inescapable, you can adopt some action to boost the immunity of your baby to handle any incoming threats.
If your baby is still an infant and doesn’t start taking solid foods, it’s advisable for you to breastfeed as often as possible. During that time, keep yourself healthy and strong so, your baby can get all the right nutrition to stay healthy and strong too. You can make your infant take powered probiotics and vitamin D3 drops to strengthen his immunity more. But remember to consult your pediatrician beforehand about its dosage and frequency.
Your infant’s immune system is directly dependent upon yours via breastfeeding. So, you should have a combination of Vitamins A and C, Omega 3 Fatty Acid, and Probiotics with a full balanced diet daily if you can manage. If possible, try to keep exercising too. Consult your doctor before taking any supplements too.
If your baby starts to crawling around and eating food, continue with breastfeeding as often as possible, but feel free to also boost their immune system with these 8 tips.
If your child is around 2 + that means breastfeeding years are gone, unquestionably start working on his immune system!
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Never ever forget about vaccination for your baby. It’s a very crucial step for improving your baby’s immunity. It is the safest and most effective protection against serious diseases. It causes an immune response the same as that a virus or bacteria would. It helps their immune system to recognize the germs in the future when that comes in contact, to respond fast enough to fight off the disease and prevent serious complications.  
In the third trimester, pregnant women are vaccinated for whooping cough so they will pass on immunity to their babies.
The first vaccination of your baby will have at birth, then some more at 6 weeks, 4 months and 6 months and for the first few years of life.
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There are different types of supplements. Like Vitamin D3, Elderberry, Echinacea, Vitamin C, Fruits and Vegetable Supplement, Zinc, and Probiotics. They provide nutrients either extracted from food sources or synthetically made. They can be taken individually or in combination, in order to increase the quantity of their consumption.  You can easily find them in the market. It can be taken as both as to boost the immune system or as treatment if you are sick. But do consult your doctor before taking any kind of supplements.
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Here is the list of some power food which can supercharge your baby’s immune system.
•        Turmeric:  powerful anti-inflammatory and lowers fever
•        Citrus: contains Vitamin C
•        Garlic: antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal (infection-fighting natural drug).
•        Ginger: anti-cold
•        Bone Broth: better to be homemade. Traditional remedy uses for sick nourishment. It builds strong bones and soothes sore throats
•        Almonds: Vitamin E (fat-soluble vitamin.
•        Mushrooms: contains beta-glucans. It helps in strengthen the immune system and prevent infections.
•        Red Bell Peppers: contains twice as much vitamin C as citrus and a rich source of beta-carotene.
•        Broccoli: one of the healthiest vegetables, contains an abundant amount of vitamins and minerals. Like vitamins A, C, and E, as well as numerous antioxidants.
•        Spinach: full of antioxidants.
•        Yogurt, kefir: Probiotic foods.
Be it a wound or ear infection or any time of illness, antibiotics are prescribed for that. In recent studies, it shows that antibiotics are prescribed more than 154 million times a year. Antibiotic's main purpose is to kill off bacteria causing infections, and for sure it’s live-saving but only when they are truly needed. However, it is estimated that at least 30 percent of antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary. This is a totally important matter because antibiotics not only wipe out pathogenic bacteria but also kills the good bacteria in the gut microbiome where our 70% of immunity. Why should we kill good bacteria when it is not necessary?
So, never pressure your pediatricians for antibiotics when they don’t prescribe it and do ask a few questions when they prescribed it, like whether it is necessary or not? Can your child’s natural immunity will take care of the disease without medicine?
If you want to do only one thing to boost your immune system, elimination of sugar should be that. It performs a major role in decreases the immune system function, as it is the most loved energy source for pathogenic bacteria. But the child and sweet can never stay apart so, replace sugar with fruits or sweet made with a natural sweetener like stevia.
Physical activity helps your baby to stay fit, fresh and healthy. It helps bacteria to flush out of the lungs and airways and playing outside can help with getting a dose of healthy bacteria.
Always make sure your baby washes hands after using the bathroom, before and after every meal, even when they are sick.
As adults get susceptible to illness by reducing natural killer cells, immune-system weapons that attack microbes and cancer cells because of sleep deprivation, the same goes for children.
Sleep is very essential for infants for their healthy growth (baby grows while sleeping). They should get sleep around 16 hours a day. For toddlers, it requires 11-14 hours and preschoolers need 10 to 13 hours.
If you or your partner or anyone in your home smokes quit it immediately. Cigarette smoke contains harmful chemicals, which greatly have an adverse effect on health. As kids don’t have a fully developed immune system, the natural detoxification system is also less developed so, they are more susceptible than adults to the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke greatly increases a child's risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), bronchitis, ear infections, and asthma. It also affects the intelligence and neurological development of your baby. If you absolutely can't quit smoking, then smoke outside of the house only. This will considerably reduce your child’s health risk.
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Stay Home.... Stay Safe
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thehunyhuny · 4 years
The challenges associated with pregnancy don't really end once the child is born, after all, how can bring a new life to the world be so easy! A new mom can take a few weeks (or a few months) to recover from changes and challenges she faces throughout the course of pregnancy and beyond. When we talk about the post-birth challenges, baby blues and postpartum depression is something that affects around 80% of mothers. Well, it is a normal health condition and usually fades in a week or two. But, moms need to realize when such symptoms occur so that it can be treated timely and effectively before it reaches to severity!
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Knowing the symptoms!
What signs do you need to catch? Here are some!
What can you call baby blues?
·         Mood swings
·         Irritation and Anxiety
·         Sadness
·         Feeling overwhelmed
·         Crying
·         Low concentration
·         Appetite problems Read More
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thehunyhuny · 4 years
Things a man must do for his pregnant wife
Your job is not done yet, check out these things to do.
Go for a walk
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Soon you'll be going for a walk with your wife and baby when your baby will be enjoying the ride in a
baby stroller
. But, before that, your wife needs some walking. Go for a walk with her, hold her hand every second (Yes, you know how she wants you to), and make sure she's safe on every step she takes.
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thehunyhuny · 4 years
We are all aware of the stress, concerns, and unavoidable fear associated with coronavirus, especially for pregnant women, the fear of coronavirus is surely an anxious feeling. The current condition can make any would-be-mom feel nervous, after all, there's a life inside!
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First, let's give you a sense of relief:
A large study conducted in the UK found that pregnant women are no more likely to become severely ill with COVID-19 as compared to other women.
Is it risky if you are pregnant?
Aged people, those who have secondary health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, respiratory illness, or heart-related issues are more likely to develop serious complications. For now, no study or research indicates that pregnant women are at a higher risk of contracting COVID-19.
It is a mere fact that pregnant women during pregnancy experience increased heart rate, oxygen consumption, and there can be a decrease in lung capacity. pregnant women can be considered at risk (if not high risk). Hence, the focus needs to be on prevention and management.
Should you stay at home if you are pregnant?
As we all know that the situation is not easy, every individual is supposed to stay at home until going out is highly important. It is advisable for pregnant women to continue visiting their routine prenatal care appointments. Apart from this, it is sensible to avoid large crowds and follow social distancing, increase handwashing, and strictly follow the prevention protocols that are known to everyone, Read More
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thehunyhuny · 4 years
If you are would-be-parents and looking for the baby stroller online India, then here are a few things that you need to keep in mind. Check out the list and share it with other parents.
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Parenting is such a beautiful journey, every moment is priceless! Especially when parents go out shopping for their little one, even the smallest of things that parents buy for their babies has values and emotions attached to it. The joy, excitement, and emotions get heighten when it's finally the time to show your baby the world, yes buying a baby stroller and taking your baby on a ride! Well, there is a wide variety of baby strollers available out there and choosing the right one for your baby can prove to be a daunting task.
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thehunyhuny · 4 years
Buy Baby Stroller Online in India | Hunyhuny
Buy Maternity Wear Online India at India's Best Online Shopping Store hunyhuny.com. Check Maternity Clothes Price in India and Buy Online. Order Now!
Parenting is such a beautiful journey, every moment is priceless! Especially when parents go out shopping for their little one, even the smallest of things that parents buy for their babies has values and emotions attached to it.
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The joy, excitement, and emotions get heighten when it's finally the time to show your baby the world, yes buying a baby stroller and taking your baby on a ride! Well, there is a wide variety of baby strollers available out there and choosing the right one for your baby can prove to be a daunting task. Some baby stroller models you will find newborn friendly whereas others can be more suitable for infants. You need to see if there is any add-ons needed as per your specific requirements. you may need to get a car seat or optional bassinet attached to make the stroller infant-friendly.
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thehunyhuny · 4 years
Buy Maternity Wear Online India at India's Best Online Shopping Store hunyhuny.com. Check Maternity Clothes Price in India and Buy Online. Order Now!
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thehunyhuny · 4 years
Some important things a man must do when her wife is expecting!
Read this carefully, and make sure that you don't miss any.
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Care and affection!
She needs this, and she needs this throughout pregnancy and beyond. Don't leave any stones unturned when it comes to taking care of her and showing your affection. When you look into her eyes, you must know when she needs a forehead kiss, when she wants you to hold her hand a little brighter, and when she wants you to hug a little tighter. A husband's touch plays a pivotal role in a woman's life, and it becomes more and more important when your wife is pregnant.Read More
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thehunyhuny · 4 years
If you are looking to find the best and safest baby cot in India for your little one, so  your search will end on our store. Explore the wide range of baby cot set, cribs and more. Explore here!!
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Contact Us: Hunyhuny.com Phone Number :  926 300 6000
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thehunyhuny · 4 years
Buy Baby Walker Online  in India at India's Best Online Shopping Store hunyhuny.com. Check Maternity Clothes Price in India and Buy Online. Order Now!                                                                                                                      Parenting is such a beautiful journey, every moment is priceless! Especially when parents go out shopping for their little one, even the smallest of things that parents buy for their babies has values and emotions attached to it. The joy, excitement, and emotions get heighten when it's finally the time to show your baby the world, yes buying a baby stroller and taking your baby on a ride! Well, there is a wide variety of baby strollers available out there and choosing the right one for your baby can prove to be a daunting task.                                                                                                                                                                                Some baby stroller models you will find newborn friendly whereas others can be more suitable for infants. You need to see if there is any add-ons needed as per your specific requirements. you may need to get a car seat or optional bassinet attached to make the stroller infant-friendly.
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thehunyhuny · 4 years
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Things that affect sperm health
Check out this list and make sure to take it seriously!
Stress levels
This is where most of your health problems begin- stress is one of the most common causes of low sperm count and health. Stress is more than just mental torture, it can interfere with some hormones that play an important role in sperm production. This can affect your sperm count and also lead to problems with fertility.  Read More
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thehunyhuny · 4 years
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Confirmation of pregnancy takes every mom on an emotional roller coaster, it's a mix of excitement and nervousness that can't be explained in words. It is a mere fact that emotional response to this big news can vary from one would-be-mom to the other and for some, it can be, understandably, a little stressful as new moms can find themselves surrounded by numerous questions and worries. Well, no worries, moms! Let's make this journey full of fun and enjoyment with these exciting at-home activities for would-be-moms, check it out, and enjoy safely!
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thehunyhuny · 4 years
Buy Baby Clothes Online in India at India's Best Online Shopping Store hunyhuny.com. Check Baby Clothes Price in India and Buy Online. Order Now! Parenting is such a beautiful journey, every moment is priceless! Especially when parents go out shopping for their little one, even the smallest of things that parents buy for their babies has values and emotions attached to it. 
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The joy, excitement, and emotions get heighten when it's finally the time to show your baby the world, yes buying a baby stroller and taking your baby on a ride! Well, there is a wide variety of Baby Clothes available out there, and choosing the right one for your baby can prove to be a daunting task. Some baby Clothes models you will find newborn friendly whereas others can be more suitable for infants. You need to see if there is any add-ons needed as per your specific requirements. you may need to get a car seat or optional bassinet attached to make the baby Clothes infant-friendly.
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thehunyhuny · 4 years
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It is important to note that nicotine does the job of narrowing your blood vessels, which can lead to decreased blood flow in the placenta. Less blood means less oxygen and this, in turn, adversely affects the actual growth of the baby.
Also read- What should you know about the newborn's skin?
A couple of facts you need to know!
·         Babies born to smoking moms tend to weigh less at birth than babies born to a non-smoker mom
·         Smoking during pregnancy leads up to 5,000 miscarriages and around 2,200 premature births each year in the UK
Some harmful effects of smoking in pregnancy, on you and your baby
·         Higher risk of miscarriage
·         Higher risk of premature birth
·         Higher risk of having a low birth-weight baby
·         Higher risk of stillbirth
·         The overall development of the baby
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